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such as的用法区别是什么?

2023-08-03 18:03:36
TAG: ch as uc su such
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such as、so、so as、such有何区别/

2023-08-03 11:27:391

such as是连词还是介词

such (限定词或代词) as (介词):像;象…这样;诸如…之类
2023-08-03 11:28:081

such as的同义词有什么?

for examplefor instance
2023-08-03 11:28:199

such as还是for example

such as 表示列举,后面一般跟短语I like drinks such as tea and soda. for example 是举例说明往往用逗号隔开,如for example ,john has the same opinion .这句话我感觉有上下文的,这么看看不出错误来。
2023-08-03 11:29:072

such as的相关用法?

such as 的七个超级用法~~1. 表示举例,意为“例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的”,相当于like或for example。如:There are few poets such as Keats and Shelly. 像济慈和雪莱这样的诗人现在很少了。Adverbs are used to modify verbs, such as “quickly” in “she ran fast”. 副词用来修饰动词,例如“她跑得快”中的“快”。Animals such as rabbits and deer continue to be active all winter,finding food wherever they can . 像兔和鹿这样的动物整个冬天都是很活跃的,它们到处寻找食物。说明几点哦(算是啰嗦吧,不看及看下面的吧):(1) 这类结构既可表现为“名词+such as+例子”,也可表现为“such+名词+as+例子”。如:I enjoy songs such as this one.= I enjoy such songs as this one. 我喜欢像这首歌一样的歌。(2) 若后接动词,通常用动名词,有时也可用动词原形。如:Don"t do anything silly such as marry him. 不要做什么蠢事,比如说去嫁给他。Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. 魔术师常常变从帽子里抓出兔子的戏法。(3) 不要按汉语意思将such as用作such like。(4) 其后不可列出前面所提过的所有东西。如:正:I know four languages, such as Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如日语、英语。误:I know four languages, such as Chinese, French, Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如汉语、法语、日语和英语。(5) 在现代英语中,such as可与etc. 连用。如:They planted many flowers, such as roses, sunflowers,etc. 他们种了许多种花,如玫瑰花、向日葵等。They export a 1ot of fruits,such as oranges,lemons,etc. 他们出口许多水果,如桔子、柠檬等。2. 表示“像……这样的”,其中的 as 用作关系代词,引导定语从句,as 在定语从句中用作主语或宾语。此外,不要按汉语意思把该结构中的 as 换成like。如:He is not such a fool as he looks. 他并不像他看起来那么傻。Such men as he (is) are rare now. 现在像他这样的人很少了。3. 表示“凡是……的人(或事物)”、“所有……的人(事物)”,其意相当于 everything that, all those, those that (who)等。其中的 such 为先行词,as 为关系代词,例如:Take such (things) as you need. 你需要什么就拿什么。You may choose such as you prefer. 你可挑选自己想要的东西。Such (people) as have knowledge and skill will not want to work. 有知识和技能的人不愁没有工作。4. 有时 such as 整个儿用作关系代词,用以引导定语从句。如:We had hoped to give you a chance such as nobody else ever had. 我们本来希望给你一个别人从未有过的机会。Then I left it,feeling a weight at my heart such as I had never had before. 然后我离开那里,心头感到一种前所未有的沉重心情。5. 用于 such…as to do sth,表示结果,其中的such为限定语,as to do sth 表示结果。如:It was such a loud noise as to wake everybody in the house. 声音很大,屋里的所有人都被吵醒了。You shouldn"t put such high prices as to frighten your customers off. 你不应该要价这么高,以致把顾客都吓跑了。6. 用于such as to do sth,表示程度或结果。其中的such是代词,as to do sth引出的结构作程度状语或结果状语。如:Her illness was not such as to cause anxiety. 她的病不是很重,不必担心。The pain in her foot wasn"t such as to stop her walking. 她脚疼,但还不至于不能行走。 7. 用于such as it is构成习语,表示让步,意思是“尽管不怎么好”“尽管不一定正确”“尽管没什么价值或重要性”。如:The food, such as it is, is plentiful. 食物不是很好,但量很多。You may use my bike, such as it is. 尽管我的自行车不好,你可以将就着用吧。You"re welcome to join us for supper, such as it is—we"re only having soup and bread. 欢迎你和我们一起吃晚饭,只是没什么好吃的——只有汤和面包。
2023-08-03 11:29:281

Tiger sing Toy car demo歌词。Pchy

歌词= =这得要泰语达人了吧。。。
2023-08-03 11:29:223


称呼 女称呼为:拉拉 LES BIEN[其中又分T,P,H] 男称呼为: 同志 GAY [其中又分1,0,o.5等] LESBIEN
2023-08-03 11:29:232


杠杆原理基本有3种类型,第一类的杠杆例子是天平、剪刀、钳子等,第二类杠杆的例子是开瓶器、胡桃夹,第三类杠杆如锤子、镊子等. 杠杆分为3种杠杆.第一种是省力的杠杆,如:开瓶器等.第二种是费力的杠杆,如:镊子等.第三种是既不省力也不费力的杠杆,如:天平、钓鱼竿等. 以上回答你满意么?
2023-08-03 11:29:241


Forgiveness benefits both the one we gorgive and ourselves.If we can let go of the resentment,we will feel happier.Staying angry can only make us feel worse.In addition,forgiving others is goog for our health.It eliminates stress and relieves hurtful tension.When we forgive,we do somethinggood for both our body and mind.Finally,forgiving empowers us.It makes us stronger and more mature.It teaches us the power of compassion. Given all of the above benefits,we should do our best to forgive and forget.We should let painful memories go and atart fresh,for then we can feel better.Besides,we all make mistakes.It is more than likely that we will need someone else"s forgiveness someday.
2023-08-03 11:29:241


麻烦事的英文:trouble。trouble,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“麻烦;烦恼;故障;动乱”,作及物动词时意为“麻烦;使烦恼;折磨”,作不及物动词时意为“费心,烦恼”。基本用法:1.trouble用作名词的基本意思是“困难,忧虑,烦扰,麻烦事”,指在做某事的过程中所遇到的一些不顺利或使人烦恼的事情,也可指某人所处的环境困难或危险,即“困境,险境”。trouble还可指“惹出麻烦的处境”“麻烦,不方便,费事”“毛病,故障”等,也可作“给人添麻烦的人”解。2.trouble作“麻烦”“困难”解时是不可数名词,作“给人添麻烦的人”“麻烦事”解时既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,作“烦恼,困境”解时,多用复数形式。3.ask for trouble在现代英语口语中作“自找苦吃”解,多用于进行体。4.take (the) trouble的意思是“尽力设法,不怕费力”,当后接动词不定式时要带the。5.trouble用作动词的基本意思是“(使)烦恼”,即失去安宁或平静,可指任何对方便、舒适、身体健康、心绪平静或效率等的干扰,也可指“打扰”。引申指“折磨”。6.trouble既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时,常用于否定句或疑问句中。trouble接复合宾语时不用于被动结构。7.trouble的过去分词troubled可用作形容词,在句中作定语或表语。
2023-08-03 11:29:251


2023-08-03 11:29:303


2023-08-03 11:29:314

Nelson Riddle Orchestra&Rosemary Clooney的《Angry》 歌词

歌曲名:Angry歌手:Nelson Riddle Orchestra&Rosemary Clooney专辑:Rosie Solves The Swinging RiddleI walk around pretending you were never hereBut the smell of you is everywhereI ache so bad for you I want to shed my skinTry and keep my thoughts from turning into youI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angryI"m not angry anymoreThere is no wound as deep as a lovers betrayalNo touch as tender as your lover"s handYou were so generous with both I nearly diedTook all my dignity "til there was nothin" left insideI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angryI just want to forget youErase you, replace you withForgiveness, forgivenessYou were so generous with both I nearly diedTook all my dignity "til there was nothin" left insideI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angryI just want to forget youErase you, replace you withForgiveness, forgivenessI"m not angryI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angryI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angry
2023-08-03 11:29:311


财务杠杆是公司财务管理的重要分析工具,公司管理层可以利用财务管理中的几种杠杆,在投融资决策方面做好“度”的把握,并进行相应评估。大多数学者对杠杆在财务管理中的应用原理描述模糊,本文将从一个更加清楚和直观的视角阐述如何理解杠杆原理以及如何利用杠杆原理对公司的经营与财务状况进行评价。一、财务管理中的杠杆原理本质财务管理中的杠杆原理本质可以概括为企业在每个会计期间对所发生的固定成本或费用的利用程度。这里所讲的固定成本或费用分为两类:(1)经营活动所产生的固定成本或费用(以下简称为固定成本),如固定资产的折旧、职员工资、办公费等;(2)筹资活动所产生的固定成本或费用(以下简称为固定财务费用),这一部分费用主要是由企业从事筹资活动而产生的,主要体现为债务资本的利息或发行股票应支付的股息。在下面的分析中,笔者假设筹资活动中,债务资本的利息是唯一的固定财务费用。二、描述公司经营状况的重要尺度---经营杠杆经营杠杆指企业对经营活动所产生的固定成本的利用程度。当企业的主营业务收入发生变化时,这种变化会通过支点(固定成本)最终会引起企业经营活动成果(息税前利润EBIT)的变化。笔者拟从经营杠杆利益和风险的角度分析这种变化的程度及变化的原因。(一)经营杠杆利益的描述及评价经营杠杆利益指固定成本不变或者杠杆支点位置不变时,主营业务收入增加对息税前利润的贡献和放大程度。笔者拟以A公司为例进行说明,相关经营活动信息如表1所示:表1 单位:万元年度 主营业务收入 主营业务收入增长率 变动成本(主营业务收入的60%) 固定成本 EBIT EBIT增长率 2004 2400 1440 800 160 2005 2600 8% 1560 800 240 50% 2006 3000 15% 1800 800 400 67% 从表1可以看出,2005年主营业务收入比2004年增长8%时,相应的息税前利润EBIT增长了50%,EBIT增长幅度很大;2006年主营业务收入比2005年增长15%时,相应的息税前利润EBIT增长了67%,EBIT增长幅度也很大。也就是说,主营业务收入的小幅增长将会导致EBIT发生大幅增长,原因在于杠杆支点或者说固定成本的存在,从而产生了杠杆利益。以上分析可以用图1进行描述:(二)经营杠杆风险的描述及评价经营杠杆风险指主营业务收入下降时,EBIT下降得更快所带来的营业风险。假设A公司的相关经营活动信息如表2所示:表2 单位:万元年度 主营业务收入 主营业务收入增长率 变动成本(主营业务收入的60%) 固定成本 EBIT EBIT增长率 2004 3000 1800 800 400 2005 2600 -13% 1560 800 240 -40% 2006 2400 -8% 1440 800 160 -33% 从表2可以看出,2005年主营业务收入相对于2004年下降13%时,相应的息税前利润EBIT下降了40%,EBIT下降幅度较大;2006年主营业务收入相对于2005年下降8%时,相应的息税前利润EBIT下降了33%,EBIT下降幅度也教大。也就是说主营业务收入的小幅下降变化会导致EBIT的大幅下降,原因就在于杠杆支点的存在或者说固定成本的存在,从而产生了杠杆风险。以上分析可以用图2进三)经营杠杆效果的衡量从图1和图2可以非常直观地看出主营业务收入的微小变化会导致EBIT发生很大变化,即通过杠杆支点或者固定成本的传递,要么产生经营杠杆利益、要么导致经营杠杆风险。对于如何从定量角度准确反映经营杠杆效果,仍可用图1和图2进行分析。分析可知,经营杠杆效果可用息税前利润(EBIT)对主营业务收入变化的敏感程度来描述,这就从直观角度得出衡量经营杠杆效果的经营杠杆系数的基本公式:经营杠杆系数=息税前利润EBIT变化率/主营业务收入变化率三、描述公司财务状况的重要尺度——财务杠杆财务杠杆指企业对筹资活动(债务性筹资)所产生的固定财务费用的利用程度。当企业的息税前利润(EBIT)发生变化时,这种变化会通过支点即固定财务费用最终引起企业净利润的变化。笔者将从财务杠杆利益和风险的角度分析这种变化的程度及变化的原因。(一)财务杠杆利益的描述及评价财务杠杆利益指固定财务费用不变或者杠杆支点位置不变时,息税前利润增加对净利润的贡献和放大程度。假设A公司的相关经营活动信息如表3所示:
2023-08-03 11:29:352


2023-08-03 11:29:367


好像是 我记得他出柜了 演我的兄弟情人还是暹罗之恋的?
2023-08-03 11:29:394


同性恋有三个分别的意义:同性恋倾向、同性恋行为,同性恋权利运动(或称同志运动)。在人类以外的其他动物中,也普遍存在同性行为,但这与基于高级感情的人类同性恋爱不可同日而语。[1] 性取向是只有本人自己,通过自己的直觉,感觉性吸引和感情欲望,才能做出判断的,而他人是无法判断的。一般说来,性取向与性行为是没有固定的对应关系的。[2] 从恋爱的角度来说,爱情观的不同决定了人们更愿意与同性还是异性恋爱。例如,信奉柏拉图爱情理论的人坚信只有同性间存在真正的爱情,异性之间存在的无非是性和生育。[3] There are three separate meaning gay: homosexuality, homosexual acts, the gay rights movement (or gay movement). Other animal than in humans, is widespread in same-sex sexual behavior, but it and advanced the feelings of human homosexual love cannot be mentioned in the same breath based on.[1]Sexual orientation is only myself, through their intuition, feeling of attraction and feelings of desire, to make a judgment, while others are unable to judge.Generally speaking, sexual orientation and sexual behavior is not corresponding to the fixed. [2]Love from the point of view of love, different decisions people more willing to work with homosexual or heterosexual love. For example, believe the Platonlove theory insist that only same-sex the existence of true love, there is nothing more than heterosexual sex and reproduction. [3]
2023-08-03 11:29:391


男男同性恋的英文简称是gay,读作: [ɡeu026a]Gay算是口语中最通行的同性恋的讲法,而比较正式的讲法则是homosexual。由于gay它是一个形容词,所以你不能说"Heisagay."(这是常听到的错误用法。)正确的讲法应该是"Heisgay."意思就是他是同性恋。注意一下,gay和homosexual算是同性恋最普遍的说法,因为虽说在美国口语当中用来讲同性恋的用语有很多,但是只有gay和homosexual这两个字算是不带有污蔑的口气,所以比较能被社会大众所广泛接受。
2023-08-03 11:29:491


2023-08-03 11:29:505


不是他唱的 你搜索天天向上毛瑞 有视频
2023-08-03 11:29:585


too much trouble for you
2023-08-03 11:29:594


2023-08-03 11:30:115

暹罗之恋 与mew(pchy)练习急救的是谁

  non  电影中扮演的角色叫earth(ei)  august band 成员  吉他手:NON  姓 名:u0e0au0e32u0e19u0e19 u0e23u0e34u0e01u0e38u0e25u0e2au0e38u0e23u0e01u0e32u0e19 小 名:u0e19u0e19(Non)  生 日:1990年5月13日  学 校:易三仓大学传媒系(大三)  家庭 成员:爸爸(二分之一中国血统)、妈妈、弟弟。  喜欢的颜色:蓝色  擅长的运动:游泳  童年 梦想:当个好爸爸  昵称:小吉他,BOSS(乐队里的老大兼矛盾调合员)  广 告:MAMA方便面  M V:担任Instinct乐队“u0e43u0e08u0e44u0e21u0e48u0e16u0e36u0e07”歌曲MV男主角  萤幕处子秀:在电影“u0e23u0e31u0e01u0e41u0e2bu0e48u0e07u0e2au0e22u0e32u0e21”(爱在暹罗)中饰演“u0e40u0e2du0e47u0e01u0e0bu0e4c”(X),第一次出场——与Mew一起在教室里抄作业。  第二部电影:“u0e1du0e31u0e19-u0e2bu0e27u0e32u0e19-u0e2du0e32u0e22-u0e08u0e39u0e1a”(梦境—甜蜜—害羞—亲吻)中的“u0e1du0e31u0e19(梦境)”部分饰演Non,动漫变身浣熊。  第三部电影:《送死》中的《杀人siam卡》篇
2023-08-03 11:30:121


such 英[su028ctu0283] 美[su028ctu0283] adj. 这样的; 如此的; 这么大的; 非常的; pron. 这样的事物[人]; [例句]There have been previous attempts at coups. We regard such methods as entirely unacceptable以前也有人试图发动政变。我们绝对不能接受这种做法。
2023-08-03 11:30:131


关于宽容的英文名言大全   引导语:生活需要宽容,只有学会宽容别人,我们才能活得更轻松。下面是我为大家精心整理的关于宽容的英文名言大全,欢迎阅读!   1、多宽恕别人,少宽恕自己。   more than forgive, forgive yourself less。   2、最高贵的复仇之道是宽容。   the noblest vengeance is to forgive。   3、最高贵的复仇是宽容。   the noblest vengeance is to forgive。   4、上帝是宽容的,人类却并不宽容。   human is not, god is tolerant, tolerance。   5、意志坚如铁,度量大似海。   will such as iron, there is a measure as the sea。   6、有忍,其乃有济;有容,德乃大。   a bear, it is economy; somewhere, de is big。   7、没有宽宏大量的心肠,便算不上真正的英雄。   not generous heart, not real hero。   8、忍耐是痛苦的,但它的结果是甜蜜的。   patience is bitter, but its result is sweet。   9、遇方便时行方便,得饶人处且饶人。   meet a convenient single, is set in place and set。   10、宽恕一个敌人要比宽恕一个朋友容易。   forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend。   11、一忍可以支百勇,一静可以制百动。   one can endure the yong, a static could make the move。   12、人之心胸,多欲则窄,寡欲则宽。   man"s heart, desire is narrow, passionless, wide。   13、宽容是在荆棘丛中长出来的谷粒。   tolerance is the grain in the growing out of the brambles。   14、每个人都能缩小自己时,大家的空间就变大了。   everyone can shrink, everyone"s space is larger。   15、正义之神,宽容是我们最完美的所。   the god of justice, tolerance is we have the most perfect。   16、自出洞来无敌手,得饶人处且饶人。   since the hole to invincible hand, is set in place and set。   17、事不三思终有悔,人能百忍自无忧。   doesn"t think before have regrets, one can endure the easy。   18、智慧的艺术就是懂得该宽容什么的艺术。   the wisdom of the art is the art of knowing what to overlook。   19、毋以小嫌疏至戚,毋以新怨忘旧恩。   not small too scanty to qi, not to the new forgot about the old well。   20、只有原谅自己的过失,才能治愈过失带来的伤痕。   only forgive your faults, can cure fault bring scars。   21、有时宽容引起的道德震动比惩罚更强烈。   sometimes tolerance caused by the moral shock is stronger than punishment。   22、如果一个人宽恕了别人,那么他便觉得自已非常坚强。   if a person to forgive others, so he felt himself very strong。   23、和以处众,宽以待下,恕以待人,君子人也。   subject to and in the view that under to treat people, the gentleman also。   24、宽容产生的道德上的震动比责罚产生的要强烈得多。   vibrations in the tolerance of ethics than punishment have much stronger。   25、一个伟大的人有两颗心:一颗心流血;另一颗心宽容。   a great man has two hearts: one heart bleeding; another heart tolerance。   26、一旦能容纳自己的失败,就会变得比失败更强大。   once can accommodate your failure, it will become more powerful than failure。   27、人的心只有拳头那麽大,可是一个好人的心是容得下全世界的。   man"s heart only fist so big, but a good heart is hold all over the world。   28、幽默带来悟力和宽容,冷嘲则带来深刻而不友善的理解。   humor with intellect and tolerance, cold sneer brings understanding and unkind。   29、心胸豁达!足能涵万物,心胸狭隘!无能容一沙。   the breadth of mind open-minded! enough to contain everything, narrow mind! can let a sand。   30、宽恕而不忘却,就像把斧头埋在土里,而斧柄还露在外面。   forgive and don"t forget, like axe is buried in the soil, and its handle is exposed。   31、江海不与坎井争其清,雷霆不与蛙蚓斗其声。   jianghai not with kanjing for its clear, not fought the frog vermis its thunder sound。   32、一个人如果不能从内心去原谅别人,那他并不能真正心安理得。   if a person can"t from the heart to forgive others, that he didn"t really feel at ease。   33、心中装满着自己的看法与想法的人,就不会听到别人的心声。   heart full of his own opinions and ideas, won"t hear other people"s feelings。   34、谁若想在困厄时得到援助,就应在平日待人以宽。   if who want to get assistance when hardship, you should treat people with wide on weekdays。   35、宽容意味着尊重别人的无论哪种可能有的信念。   tolerance means respect yourself, respect others no matter what kind of possible beliefs。   36、只有勇敢的人才懂得如何宽容;懦夫绝不会宽容,这不是他的本性。   only the brave people know how to tolerance; coward never tolerant, it is not his nature。   37、宽恕和受宽恕是难以言喻的快乐,是连神明都会为之羡慕的极大乐事。   forgiveness and forgive is unspeakable joy, even the gods will be the envy of great joy。   38、宽容者让别人愉悦,自己也快乐;刻薄者让别人痛苦,自己也难受。   tolerance is let others happy, oneself also happy; mean let others pain, oneself also uncomfortable。   39、能宽恕别人是一件好事,但如果能将别人的错误忘得一干二净那就更好。   to forgive others is a good thing, but if the mistakes of others can be forgotten so much the better。   40、眼界要阔,遍历名山大川;度量要宏,熟读五经诸史。   horizon to broadly, traverse the famous mountains and great rivers; measure to macro, read all the history of the five classics。   41、人之谤我也,与其能辩,不如能容。人之侮我也,与其能防,不如能化。   people slander me, also can contend with, than to capacity。 people i have and its can prevent, can not change。   42、人本该是有良心的,就连最残酷的心也会有宽恕他人的短暂、美好的记忆。   people should be have a conscience, even the most cruel heart will have the short, memories of forgiveness。   43、世界上最宽阔的.是海洋,比海洋更宽阔的是天空,比天空更宽阔的是人的胸怀。   the world"s most broad is sea, wider than the ocean is the sky, more spacious than the sky, that is the human mind。   44、宽怀大度一些,机会便多了,世界也大了;偏狭小气,机会便少了,世界也小了。   some magnanimous gesture, chance is much, the world is big; intolerance stingy, opportunity is less, the world is small。   45、宽容与刻薄相比,我选择宽容。因为宽容失去的只是过去,刻薄失去的却是将来。   tolerance compared with the mean, i choose to forgive。 because tolerant lose but in the past, mean to lose in the future。 关于宽容的英文名言大全相关文章: 1. 宽容的名言警句大全 2. 宽容待人名言警句大全 3. 关于宽容的名言警句大全 4. 关于宽容的名言名句集锦 5. 有关于宽容的名言 6. 关于学会宽容的名言 7. 关于“宽容”的名言警句 8. 关于宽容的名言和事例 9. 关于宽容的名言警句 10. 关于宽容的名言事例 ;
2023-08-03 11:30:141

歌词 为何选择了我,选择了错过

2023-08-03 11:30:191


例如,诸如例句与用法: 1. I know many of them, such as John, Peter, and Tom. 我认识他们当中的很多人,例如约翰、彼得和汤姆。 2. A symbol produced by a process such as handwriting, drawing, or printing. 通过诸如手写、绘制或打印之类的处理过程而产生的符号。同graphicsymbol。 3. The Roman languages such as French, Italian, are all derived from Latin. 拉丁语系, 例如法语, 意大利语, 都起源于拉丁语。 4. An antibody found in the blood of individuals having a genetic predisposition to allergies such as asthma and hay fever. 反应素个体血液中的一种抗体,可以对诸如气喘病和光粉热这些变态反应产生预先的基因处理 5. We have different pies, such as apple, cherry, and strawberry pies. 我们有不同的派,例如苹果、樱桃和草莓派。 6. It"s more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German, than Latin. 学习英语和德语等现代语言比学习拉丁语更为有用。 7. In this paragraph there are many nouns, such as boy, girl, and book. 这一段里面有很多名词,例如男孩、女孩和书本。 8. Many letters in the alphabet such as b, c, d,etc are consonants. 字母表中的许多字母像b,c,d,等等都是辅音字母。
2023-08-03 11:30:233


来源| 喜马拉雅APP李银河的精品课《李银河说爱情》 编辑|云间 很多人对同性恋的认识,可能是通过电视、微博或其他媒体。但是对那些日常生活中作为普通人的同性恋,一般人常常缺少正确的概念和认识。 举个例子,一位同事跟我讲,有一次她出差,跟另外一个年轻漂亮的同事一起住。等到出差结束,她突然听说这个人是同性恋,然后就觉得后怕。其实,什么也没有发生,人家没碰她,也没摸她。但是,你从这就可以看出来,很多人对同性恋是不了解的,同性恋的形象是被妖魔化的。 同性恋的分类 LGBT是什么?有很多人并不知道,它是几个英文词的字首,L就是Lesbian,女同性恋的意思,G是Gay,就是男同性恋,B是Bisexual,就是双性恋,T就是Transgender,就是跨性别,所以简称是LGBT。 LGBT这个群体是在性倾向上的少数派,他们在人群中占多大的比例呢?根据1948年的金西调查,男同性恋占4%,女同性恋占3%。而在一个英国的全国抽样调查中,同性恋占人口4%,双性恋占4%,异性恋占91%,还有1%叫做未分化。 未分化就是个体还不太确定自己的性倾向到底是什么。所以在LGBT后面,有人会加上一个Q,这Q是Queer的首字母,它的意思就是那些性倾向或者性别身份不明的人,自己都不知道把自己归到哪里。 人类对同性恋态度转变的三阶段 对于同性恋,人类社会有一个演变的过程,应当说是有三个阶段。最早在西方,基督教的教义认为这是犯罪,其实至今西方很多反对同性恋的人,都是根据宗教教义认为它是犯罪。 在同性恋解放运动以后,同性恋有一个非罪化的过程。人们意识到它不是宗教定义上的罪人,同性恋的性行为也不是罪行,这是第一个变化。 第二个变化是非病理化的过程。在19世纪的时候,很多人认为同性恋不是一个罪行,但它是病,它是一种精神障碍、心理障碍,这就是病理化。 在性革命,同性恋解放运动的时候,上世纪的70年代经历了一个非病理化的过程。比如,美国在1973年,把同性恋从精神病手册里去掉了,而过去会把它诊断为一种心理病、精神病。中国也在2001年把同性恋从精神病手册里去掉了。 第三个就是非道德化,有的人觉得同性恋虽然不是罪,也不是病,但是道德问题。 后来在整个性革命和同性恋解放运动之后,又经历了一个非道德化的过程。认为同性恋只是少数人的性倾向。它原因不明,成因可能有先天因素,也可能有后天因素,但是跟道德没有什么关系。就像左撇子一样,左撇子跟道德有关系吗? 古代中国同性恋的处境 我国古代主流的性文化对同性恋是无所谓的态度。历史上有很多相关记录,像余桃、断袖,以及古代帝王传下来的脍炙人口的故事。而且,同性恋在古代民间也大量存在。 汉哀帝有一个男宠,叫董贤。有一天他们午睡的时候,汉哀帝醒了,他要起床,可是扭头一看,董贤还在睡着,而且压住了他的衣服。他要起床又怕把董贤惊醒,于是拿剑把袖子割断,这样汉哀帝就不影响董贤睡觉了。 另外还有一个故事,关于余桃。古代有一位男孩叫弥子瑕,生得非常漂亮,是卫灵公的男宠。有一次,弥子瑕得到一个特别好的桃子,特别甜。他吃了一半,想起卫灵公,就把这个桃子的另一半留下来,献给了卫灵公。 当时卫灵公非常高兴,因为弥子瑕连吃一个桃子都会想到他,要把特别美味的东西来献给他。可是后来,弥子瑕岁数大了,美貌不在,就失宠了。失宠后,卫灵公把他轰走了,还很气愤地说,你看这个弥子瑕自己吃剩的桃子给我。后来有人把同性恋叫做余桃,就是来自这个故事。 还有人把同性恋叫做龙阳之好,为什么?这个故事关于魏王和龙阳君,龙阳君是魏王的男宠。 有一天,魏王和龙阳君在一条船上钓鱼。龙阳君钓了十几条鱼之后突然哭起来了,魏王很惊讶。龙阳君告诉他:“我一开始钓鱼特别高兴,可是后来鱼钓的越来越大,就把前面的小鱼扔了。从这,我想到了自己。四海之内美人这么多,你将来如果宠爱了其他美人,不就要抛弃我了吗?所以我哭了。” 魏王听了以后,为了不让龙阳君伤心,下令举国禁论美人,违禁者满门抄斩。这展示了他对龙阳君的宠爱,所以后来就留下了对同性恋叫做“龙阳之好”的说法。 所以,在我国古人的性观念里,性欲是一团不可分割的冲动,是内心的一种欲望。就像一个瓶子里灌满了水,水一旦满了以后它就要流下来,就是所谓宣泄。而这种宣泄,无关道德和疾病。 关于主播: 李银河,中国社会科学院社会学所研究员、教授、博士生导师。中国第一位研究性的女社会学家,自由主义女性主义者。1999年被《亚洲周刊》评为中国50位最具影响的人物之一。 关于喜马拉雅: 有声图书馆,中国知名音频平台,5.3亿用户的共同选择。
2023-08-03 11:30:261


叫 大右
2023-08-03 11:29:143


马里奥·毛瑞尔(Mario Maurer),平面模特、演员。2007年,在电影《暹罗之恋》中担任男配角。2010年,其主演的电影《初恋这件小事》引领了一股小清新电影风潮,电影已于2012年6月5日在中国内地上映。2012年,其主演了纯爱电影《爱在那一天》。维特维斯特·海伦亚沃恩酷,泰国清迈人,毕业于泰国国立法政大学新闻与传播学院。是一个既能唱歌又会弹钢琴、吉他的歌手和作曲人,担任August Band和8 of Wands的主唱。2007年,随着其主演电影《爱在暹逻》的上映而名声大噪。逐渐在中国展开演艺事业,是拥有最多中国粉丝的泰国明星,2012年,演唱中国电影《爱在那一天》插曲《错过》。其最新主演的电影《拥抱幸福,拥抱爱》已在泰国、台湾等地上映。
2023-08-03 11:29:132

歌词是 错过了你还是 错过了我 歌是什么

“错过了你还是 错过了我”是pchy演唱的歌曲《错过》中的歌词。《错过》演唱:pchy(泰国)词曲:罗岩专辑:在线热搜(华语)系列15歌词:你知道什么永远无法过去你知道什么是想念的距离你知道什么渴望却找不到你知道什么才是辗转难熬因为我已经在另一个冬天飘着雪而你却看不见you know 我已经陷入一场爱情的漩涡汹涌在内心的话却无法诉说星座书上写什么我却看不清什么是我错过了你还是你错过我you know你知道什么挑动我的心跳你知道什么会被温暖围绕你知道为何我陷入你的牢你知道什么才是辗转难熬因为我已经在另一个冬天飘着雪而你却看不见you know 我已经陷入一场爱情的漩涡汹涌在内心的话却无法诉说星座书上写什么我却看不清什么是我错过了你还是你错过我you know因为我已经在另一个冬天飘着雪而你却看不见you know 我已经陷入一场爱情的漩涡汹涌在内心的话却无法诉说星座书上写什么我却看不清什么是我错过了你还是你错过我you know我已经陷入一场爱情的漩涡汹涌在内心的话却无法诉说星座书上写什么我却看不清什么是我错过了你还是你错过我you know you know
2023-08-03 11:29:051

麻烦事 英文单词 怎么谢写

2023-08-03 11:29:042

Billy Squier的《Angry》 歌词

歌曲名:Angry歌手:Billy Squier专辑:The Essential Billy SquierI walk around pretending you were never hereBut the smell of you is everywhereI ache so bad for you I want to shed my skinTry and keep my thoughts from turning into youI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angryI"m not angry anymoreThere is no wound as deep as a lovers betrayalNo touch as tender as your lover"s handYou were so generous with both I nearly diedTook all my dignity "til there was nothin" left insideI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angryI just want to forget youErase you, replace you withForgiveness, forgivenessYou were so generous with both I nearly diedTook all my dignity "til there was nothin" left insideI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angryI just want to forget youErase you, replace you withForgiveness, forgivenessI"m not angryI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angryI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angry
2023-08-03 11:29:031


理想杠杆不会耗散或储存能量,也就是说,支点与硬棒之间不会出现任何摩擦损耗,硬棒是一种刚体,不会被弯曲,发生形变。 注意到硬棒不一定是直棒。 弯曲的硬棒形成的杠杆称为「曲杠杆」。 对于理想杠杆案例,输入杠杆的功率等于杠杆输出的功率。 输出力与输入力之间的比率,等于这两个作用力分别与支点之间垂直距离的反比率,称这相等式为「杠杆原理」,以方程式表达:{displaystyle F_{2}:F_{1}=D_{1}:D_{2}} ,
2023-08-03 11:28:592

暹罗之恋同人mp,mt 什么意思

MP=mario和Pchy, 分别是电影里Tong和Mew的演员名字的首字母,一般是粉丝YY现实中的两人。MT=Mew和Tong,这样的同人文主角就是电影里的两人。
2023-08-03 11:28:572

Show Me Forgiveness 歌词

歌曲名:Show Me Forgiveness歌手:Bjork专辑:MedullaBjork - Show Me ForgivenessShow me forgivenessFor having lost faith in myselfAnd let my own interior upTo inferior forcesThe shame is endlessBut if soon stars forgivenessThe girl might live(Icelandic...Humming....)END
2023-08-03 11:28:561


2023-08-03 11:28:502

急求英语二人对话范文Making apology and giving forgivenessAsking for an

Making apology and giving forgiveness:A:Hello Mr.B,I"m so sorry that I didn"t tell you that I would miss the meeting.Because I had an emergency yesterday and my cell phone was dead later that day.B:Oh...
2023-08-03 11:28:481


2023-08-03 11:28:431

The Heart Of The Matter 歌词

歌曲名:The Heart Of The Matter歌手:India.Arie专辑:Sex and the City (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)『India.Arie - The Heart Of The Matter』 got the call today, I didn"t wanna hearBut I knew that it would comeAn old true friend of ours was talkin" on the phoneShe said you found someoneAnd I thought of all the bad luck,And all the struggles we went throughHow I lost me and you lost youWhat are these voices outside love"s open doorMake us throw off our contentmentAnd beg for something more?I"ve been learning to live without you nowBut I miss you sometimesThe more I know, the less I understandAll the things I thought I knew, I"m learning them againI"ve been tryin" to get down to the Heart of the MatterBut my will gets weakAnd my thoughts seem to scatterBut I think it"s about forgivenessForgivenessEven if, even if you don"t love me anymoreThese times are so uncertainThere"s a yearning undefinedAnd people filled with rageWe all need a little tendernessHow can love survive in such a graceless ageAnd the trust and self-assurance that lead to happinessThey"re the very things we kill, I guessPride and competition cannot fill these empty armsAnd the work they put between us,You know it doesn"t keep us warmI"ve been trying to live without you nowBut I miss you, babyThe more I know, the less I understandAnd all the things I thought I figured out, I have to learn againI"ve been tryin" to get down to the Heart of the MatterBut my will gets weakAnd my heart is so shatteredBut I think it"s about forgivenessForgivenessEven if, even if you don"t love me anymoreAll the people in your life who"ve come and goneThey let you down, you know they hurt your prideBetter put it all behind you; cause life goes onYou keep carrin" that anger, it"ll eat you up insideI wanna be happily everafterAnd my heart is so shatteredBut I know it"s about forgivenessForgivenessEven if, even if you don"t love meI"ve been tryin" to get down to the Heart of the MatterBecause the flesh will get weakAnd the ashes will scatterSo I"m thinkin" about forgivenessForgivenessEven if you don"t love me anymoreEven if you don"t love me anymore
2023-08-03 11:28:411


2023-08-03 11:28:394


Too much trouble.
2023-08-03 11:28:357


有的 6边形 里面一个F的标志
2023-08-03 11:28:341


三丽鸥键盘推荐有:罗技K380蓝牙键盘(LINE FRIENDS联名款),罗技k580无线蓝牙键盘(萌力星球萌二联名款),罗技POP KEYS无线机械键盘,双飞燕血手幽灵B885光轴机械键盘,雷柏V500PRO双拼色机械键盘等等。1、罗技K380蓝牙键盘(LINE FRIENDS联名款):纤薄轻巧的蓝牙键盘,是您的随身伙伴。在家中、办公室甚至您心仪的咖啡馆中使用它舒适地打字。友好支持大多数操作系统,并兼容蓝牙无线设备。在电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、手机甚至Apple TV上方便输入。2、罗技k580无线蓝牙键盘(萌力星球萌二联名款):技K580是一款超薄无线键盘,采用短键程设计敲击文字更加省力。具备蓝牙和2.4GHz(接收器)两种无线连接方式,可以适配Windows和Mac系统,还可以通过蓝牙连接手机。使用两节7号电池就可以带来接近2年的续航时间。3、罗技POP KEYS无线机械键盘:POP鼠标采用SilentTouch技术,如云般安静,并且其高精度追踪性能可支持几乎所有操作表面。将它放入手提包、电脑包或口袋中随身携带,可在几乎任何地方随时表达自我。4、双飞燕血手幽灵B885光轴机械键盘:全新的LK(Light Strike)光轴—光击技术,为游戏打造,利用红外光学瞬间避开,光学触发精准,按键响应高达0.2ms,光速夺金。红外光学感应导通,触发信号没有杂讯,按键动作没有延迟。5、雷柏V500PRO双拼色机械键盘:蓝牙5.0、蓝牙3.0、无线2.4G和有线四种连接模式,低功耗、低延迟、高效率,尽享游戏狂欢盛宴。电脑、手机、平板等5可同时连接笔记本、台设备,且多设备间可快速切换使用。简化繁琐操作,化身多面能手。
2023-08-03 11:28:291


Edward Wellman bade good-bye to his family in the old country headed for a better life in America. Papa handed him the family"s savings hidden in a leather satchel. “Times are desperate here,” he said, hugging his son goodbye. “You are our hope.”Edward boarded the Atlantic freighter offering free transport to young men willing to shovel coal in return for the month-long journey. If Edward struck gold in the Colorado Rockies, the rest of the family could eventually join him.For months, Edward worked his claim tirelessly, and the small vein of gold provided a moderate but steady income. Leaving Ingrid behind before he could officially court her had been his only regret in accepting this American adventure. He had secretly hoped to make Ingrid his wife. Finally, he wrote to Papa, asking him to help make this dream come true.After nearly a year, a telegraph came with a plan to make his life complete. Mr. Henderson had agreed to send his daughter to Edward in America. Because she was a hardworking young woman with a good mind for business, she would work alongside Edward for a year to help the mining business grow. By then both families could afford to come to America for their wedding.Edward"s heart soared with joy as he spent the next month trying to make the cabin into a home. At last, the day he had been waiting for his whole life arrived. With a bouquet of fresh-picked daisies in hand, he left for the train depot. Steam billowed and wheels screeched as the train crawled to a stop.His heart beat with eager anticipation, then stopped with a sinking thud. Not Ingrid, but her older sister Marta, stepped down from the train.Edward only stared - dumbfounded. Then with shaking hands he offered Marta the bouquet. “Welcome,” he whispered, his eyes burning. A smile etched across her plain face.“I was pleased when Papa said you sent for me,” Marta said, looking into his eyes briefly, before dropping her head again.“I"ll get your bags, “Edward said with a fake smile. Together they headed for the buggy.Mr. Henderson and Papa were right. Marta did have a great grasp of business. Within 6 months, their assets doubled.Her delicious meals and quiet smile graced the cabin with a wonderful woman"s touch. But the wrong woman, Edward mourned as he collapsed onto his cot each night. Why did they send Marta? Would he ever see Ingrid again? Was his lifelong dream to have her as his wife forsaken?For a year, Marta and Edward worked and played and laughed, but never loved. Once, Marta had kissed Edward on the cheek before retiring to her room. He only smiled awkwardly. From then on, she seemed content with their exhilarating hikes in the mountains and long talks on the porch after suppers.One spring afternoon, torrential rains washed down the hillside, eroding the entrance to their mine. Furiously, Edward filled sand bags and stacked them in the water"s path. Suddenly there was Marta at his side holding the next burlap bag open. Edward shoveled sand inside, then with the strength of any man, Marta hurled it onto the pile and opened another bag… For hours they worked, knee-deep in mud, until the rains diminished.Hand in hand, they walked back to the cabin. Over warm soup Edward sighed, “I never could have saved the mine without you. Thank you, Marta.”“You"re welcome,” she answered with her usual smile, then went quietly to her room. A few days later, a telegraph came announcing the arrival of the Henderson and Wellman families next week. As much as he tried to stifle it, the thought of seeing Ingrid again started Edward"s heart beating in the old familiar way.Together, he and Marta went to the train station. They watched as their families exited the train at the far end of the platform. When Ingrid appeared, Marta turned to Edward. “Go to her,” she said.Astonished, Edward stammered, “What do you mean?”“Edward, I have always known I was not the Henderson girl you intended to send for. I had watched you flirt with Ingrid at the church picnics. I know it is she, not me, you desire for your wife.” “But ...”Marta placed her fingers over his lips. “Shhh,” she hushed him. “I do love you, Edward. I always have. And because of that, all I really want is your happiness. Go to her.” As she gazed up at him, he saw for the first time how very beautiful she was. He recalled their walks in the meadows, their quiet evenings before the fire, her working beside him with the sandbags. It was then he realized what he had known for months. “No, Marta. It is you I want.” Sweeping her into his arms, he kissed her with all the love bursting inside him. Their families gathered around them chorusing, “We are here for the wedding!”
2023-08-03 11:28:282

The Heart Of The Matter 歌词

歌曲名:The Heart Of The Matter歌手:India.Arie专辑:Testimony: Vol. 1 Life & Relationship『India.Arie - The Heart Of The Matter』 got the call today, I didn"t wanna hearBut I knew that it would comeAn old true friend of ours was talkin" on the phoneShe said you found someoneAnd I thought of all the bad luck,And all the struggles we went throughHow I lost me and you lost youWhat are these voices outside love"s open doorMake us throw off our contentmentAnd beg for something more?I"ve been learning to live without you nowBut I miss you sometimesThe more I know, the less I understandAll the things I thought I knew, I"m learning them againI"ve been tryin" to get down to the Heart of the MatterBut my will gets weakAnd my thoughts seem to scatterBut I think it"s about forgivenessForgivenessEven if, even if you don"t love me anymoreThese times are so uncertainThere"s a yearning undefinedAnd people filled with rageWe all need a little tendernessHow can love survive in such a graceless ageAnd the trust and self-assurance that lead to happinessThey"re the very things we kill, I guessPride and competition cannot fill these empty armsAnd the work they put between us,You know it doesn"t keep us warmI"ve been trying to live without you nowBut I miss you, babyThe more I know, the less I understandAnd all the things I thought I figured out, I have to learn againI"ve been tryin" to get down to the Heart of the MatterBut my will gets weakAnd my heart is so shatteredBut I think it"s about forgivenessForgivenessEven if, even if you don"t love me anymoreAll the people in your life who"ve come and goneThey let you down, you know they hurt your prideBetter put it all behind you; cause life goes onYou keep carrin" that anger, it"ll eat you up insideI wanna be happily everafterAnd my heart is so shatteredBut I know it"s about forgivenessForgivenessEven if, even if you don"t love meI"ve been tryin" to get down to the Heart of the MatterBecause the flesh will get weakAnd the ashes will scatterSo I"m thinkin" about forgivenessForgivenessEven if you don"t love me anymoreEven if you don"t love me anymore
2023-08-03 11:28:251


2023-08-03 11:28:251


2023-08-03 11:28:2210


看到有人关心《暹罗》我好高兴。。相信亲应该也能在百度百科上了解了一些,我说一些我知道的吧。mew——pchy饰现泰国august band组合的灵魂人物。今年毕业于泰国法政大学。2007年拍摄《暹罗之恋》2008年拍摄《爱4狂潮》(4个片段,里面有暹罗原班人马)2009年:pchy与乐队一起上了芒果台的《天天向上》节目2011年拍摄《朋友不老》(泰国已经上映,目前国内还没有资源,不过相信等不了多久了)今年年底会在背景开演唱会。pchy的中文,英文都非常的好。目前的中文歌曲《爱情不是一切》(我很喜欢),其他还有一些翻唱的中文歌也很好听。(qq音乐或者酷狗上都能找得到)tong——Mario饰说实话,相比较我更喜欢pchy所以对于玛丽,我了解的没有pchy多。mario拍摄的影片就比较多了。我看过的有《暹罗》,《初恋这件小事》,《友谊我和你》,《爱4狂潮》。。还有一些鬼片我就没看了。今年拍摄有电视剧《骄傲的火焰》(pps上面已经有完结的了。)今年的新的电影也有《曼谷功夫》(目前也还看不到)然后mario是 中德混血儿,妈妈是中国人。。ps.亲可以去暹罗之恋吧逛逛,里面有很多东西,足够你了解《暹罗》了。可以回答关于暹罗的问题,我好高兴。。。
2023-08-03 11:28:221


2023-08-03 11:28:214