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2023-08-03 18:02:18
TAG: 足球





玛露塔.鲁阿尔提(Marta Lualdi)年龄:16岁身长:153cm体重:43kgCV :钉宫 理惠因此而把艾密尔当成王子一样看待的关系。对于艾米尔成为“拉达多斯克的骑士”这件事,玛露塔心里非常高兴,因为在她的额上隐藏著拉达多斯克的核心,也就是说隐藏著沉睡中的拉达多斯克,因此艾米尔成为“拉达多斯克的骑士”对她来说,等于是成为守护自己的骑士一样。
2023-08-03 11:21:181

so long,farewell的歌词

[Children:]There"s a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hallAnd the bells in the steeple tooAnd up in the nursery an absurd little birdIs popping out to say cuckoo[Marta, Gretl, Brigitta:]Cuckoo, cuckoo[Children: Marta, Gretl, Brigitta: ]Regretfully they tell us Cuckoo, cuckooBut firmly they compel us Cuckoo, cuckooTo say goodbye . . .[Marta, Gretl, Brigitta:]Cuckoo![Children:]. . . to you[Children:]So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night[Marta:]I hate to go and leave this pretty sight[Children:]So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu[Friedrich:]Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu[Children:]So long, farewell, au revoir, auf wiedersehen[Liesl:]I"d like to stay and taste my first champagne[Children:]So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye[Kurt:]I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye -- Goodbye![Brigitta:]I"m glad to go, I cannot tell a lie[Louisa:]I flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I fly[Gretl:]The sun has gone to bed and so must I[Children:]So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbyeGoodbye, goodbye, goodbye[Guests:]Goodbye! 大厅的钟表发出滴答悲伤声音钟声马上要响起了(钟表上)那个托儿所里的小笨鸟跳出来说cuckoo既然告诉我们要我们向大家道晚安别了 再见 珍重晚安我不愿离开这个美景别了 再见 珍重晚安我临去叹息 说声再见别了 再见 珍重晚安我能否留下喝第一口香槟可以吗(可以吗)(不行)别了 再见 珍重晚安我真的很难过 我必须道再见我真高兴可以离去我不能说谎我展翅 我飘浮 我在飞翔太阳已安眠 我也必须睡觉别了再见 珍重晚安 晚安 晚安 晚安 晚安
2023-08-03 11:21:301


世界上最美的女孩 世界上最美的女孩有哪些?有的人就像是被天使吻过的宠儿,从小就粉妆玉琢,长大后倾国倾城。在网络上,我们可以看到很多美丽的女孩,但是美丽的女孩都是各有各的特色。下面我就带你去看看世界上最美的女孩。 世界上最美的女孩1 1、mahdis 来自伊朗的mahdis现在虽然只有8岁,但是已经让全世界人民都感受到了她的美。她的妈妈说走在路上总有人给她送东西。她的爸爸甚至 因为太多人想抱她而辞职专门做她的保镖了。 小女孩的五官非常的精致,大大的眼睛,长长的睫毛,显得非常乖巧可爱,现在她在ins已经是一个小网红了,每天的日常照片都有几百万人赞,甚至出门活动还会有粉丝跟踪。 2、阿纳斯塔西娅 这是一名俄罗斯的7岁小模特,她有着一双大大的宝蓝色眼睛,非常的吸引人,看起来深邃干净,加上棕色的长发,让人觉得是一个洋娃娃。 她现在也是ins上的一个小网红了,粉丝都已经快过百万了,每张照片下面的评论都是赞美她可爱漂亮的。她现在已经是俄罗斯著名的时尚品牌代言人了,极其会找镜头,各种造型都能很好的驾驭。 3、Kristina Pimenova 来自俄罗斯的12岁名模Kristina Pimenova拥有精致的五官以及完美的镜头感,在模特界堪称“萝莉杀手”。 虽然她在俄罗斯出生,但是有好几年是生活在法国的。现在已经拍摄过多部杂志、广告了,天使的面容外加优秀的镜头感,让她的模特之路一帆风顺。 3岁的时候,她就已经学会了造型拍摄。5岁的时候,她开始走秀。现在12岁的她学会了跳舞、体操、瑜伽等等,她的`英语也非常不错。优秀的Kristina Pimenova未来很值得期待。 4、Marta Krylova Marta Krylova也是一名来自俄罗斯的小美女,不得不说俄罗斯真的是盛产美女。Marta的冷白肤色总会使人感到微微冰冷的感觉。她拥有着独特的细长眼睛,薄嘴唇,金发蓝眼使Marta身上随时散发着贵族气质。Marta的可塑性极强,她完成了很多具有挑战性的镜头,且每一张都冷艳奇美,令人回味无穷。 在她冰冷的外表下还有一颗炽热的心。9岁那年,她便懂得让自己的父母在她自己手上写:“Hello China,Happy New Year”。她的世界里永远都天真美好,平时喜欢弹钢琴练体操。现在还喜欢摄影和旅游。 5、麦肯吉·弗依 2000年出生于美国洛杉矶的她,凭着漂亮精致的小脸蛋,在8岁那年,就已经拿下了50多个知名品牌的广告合作。11岁时麦肯基·弗依出演了电影《暮光之城:破晓》,饰演男主角和女主角的女儿蕾妮斯梅。 2014年的电影《星际穿越》中,她又扮演了非常重要的角色小墨菲,参加了许多电影节的首映礼分分钟圈粉无数。 6、Laneya Grace 从被邀去给Ralph Lauren等大牌走秀后,就开启了一边学习琴棋书画,一边自由玩耍,然后顺便拍个照就把学费挣了的开挂模式。 如今已经为许多大牌走过秀的Laneya Grace,也从小女孩长成了大女人,随便在ins上发个图,都会有粉丝大赞女王。 7、Angelina Kurkina 出生于2007年3月7日,俏皮可爱的脸蛋,充满灵气,就像是误入凡间的精灵。2014年,因为一组写真走红。照片中的Angelina造型百变,引发一轮又一轮的热传。平时拍照Angelina也是什么造型都敢尝试,任何风格的衣服都能被她表现的恰到好处。 8、Milana Kurnikova 2007年7月6日出生的她有着一张精致标准的洋娃娃脸,天生令人仰慕。就连出名也是因为颜值太高,和父母出去游玩的时候被模特公司的经纪人发现。现在经纪人还一直夸Milana的眼睛漂亮呢。 9、Milana 身为小超模的Milana拍了不少精彩广告大片。重要的是这几年来,Milana越长越好看,虽然没有小时候那么可爱,却更加迷人。 10、Thlylane 2011年时,年仅10岁的她就已经出现在了法国《Vogue》杂志里。4岁的时候,她已经被法国著名设计师邀请走秀,对普通模特儿来说遥远得不可思议的大牌T台,她很小就在上面跑上跑下。 长大的她变得更加的性感漂亮。这位大女孩在社群网站上的人气很高,大家也算看着这个女孩长大,见证了她越来越美的蜕变。 世界上最美的女孩2 1、Mahdis Mahdis是一位来自伊朗的小女孩,因为她长得太美,看一眼就忘不掉的那种惊艳的美,又像天使般的治愈人心,年仅9岁依旧已经红遍了全球,被网友们称为“全球最美女童”。虽然年龄还很小,却已经出落得十分的水灵了,精致而立体的五官,乖巧可爱的样子。据说,父亲专门辞职,成为了Mahdis的专职保镖。 2、克里斯廷娜-鲁斯拉诺弗娜-碧曼诺娃(Kristina Ruslanovna Pimenova) Kristina Pimenova是一位来自俄罗斯的名模,五官非常的精致,是典型的气质美女,在她5岁的时候就已经开始走秀,目前已经拍摄了许多的广告和杂志。 3、Ella G Ella G是一个德国和韩国的混血模特,是一个特别有气质的小美女,长相很有特色,有一种贵族高冷的气息。 4、阿纳斯塔西娅(Anastasiya Knyazeva) Anastasiya Knyazeva是一个来自俄罗斯的小女孩,如今才8岁的她已经是一名全世界著名的小网红,在社交媒体上有着数百万的粉丝。她拥有一双又大又圆的蓝色眼睛,天蓝色的瞳孔看起来清澈透明晶莹欲滴,一头金色秀发平滑柔顺,也被一些网友称为“活着的芭比娃娃”。 5、安吉丽娜-库尔基娜(Angelina Kurkina) 安吉丽娜在7岁时因为一组写真而爆红网络,照片中小萌娃造型百变,仿佛精灵落凡间,还因此获得了有着“凡间精灵”的称号。 6、米兰-库尔尼科娃(Milana Kurnikova) 米兰-库尔尼科娃出生于2007年,是一个长着娃娃脸的小女孩,超高的颜值也让她受到了星探的关注,成为了一名小模特。 7、摩根-莉莉(Morgan Lily) 摩根-莉莉为美国小童星,凭借电影《怦然心动》被观众熟悉,可爱的娃娃脸也收获了不少粉丝的喜爱。 8、苏瑞-克鲁斯(Suri Cruise ) 苏瑞-克鲁斯是著名好莱坞电影演员汤姆-克鲁斯的女儿,出生至今,苏瑞就一直备受媒体的关注,可以说是完美继承了阿汤哥的优点,被誉为是“完美的小天使”。
2023-08-03 11:21:561


巴西女足国脚,身披10号战袍,司职前锋,打球速度快,有力量,盘带华丽,控球出色,敢打敢拼,能进球,是巴西队的第一攻击手。曾荣膺2006,2007,2008年FIFA世界足球小姐称号。 玛塔(marta )世界著名女足运动员 生日:1986年2月19日 籍贯:巴西 身高:1.62米 体重:56公斤 场上位置:前锋 球衣号码:10 项目:足球 所获荣誉 2004年世青赛最佳射手 2004年雅典奥运会女足银牌 2006年世青赛最有价值球员 2007年女足世界杯亚军 金球奖、金靴奖获得者 2008年 北京奥运会女足银牌 2006、2007.2008年世界女足小姐 2008年世界足球小姐
2023-08-03 11:22:381


玛塔,全名玛塔·维埃拉·达席尔瓦(Marta Vieira da Silva,1986年2月19日-) ,身高,1、62米。体重56公斤,生于阿拉戈斯州,巴西职业女子足球运动员,司职前锋,现效力于美国女子足球职业联赛大联盟western new york 法拉盛,是球队的中场核心,同时也是巴西国家女子足球队成员。在2004年夏季奥运会时曾获得赛事银牌,她也连续五年得到世界足球小姐的荣誉(2006年、2007年、2008年、2009年和2010年),成为历史上唯一位连续五年当选“世界足球小姐”的球员。
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玛塔·埃图娜 Marta Etura出生地:西班牙性别:女中文名:玛塔·埃图娜出生:1978-10-28星座:天蝎座
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2023-08-03 11:23:241


改编自荷兰电视剧《Penoza》,讲述一个犯罪集团头目被人杀死后,其遗孀为保护家人不得不挺身而出接替丈夫在集团中位置的故事。 来见识一下Marta Walraven,北加州一个普通的郊区主妇。她有一个爱她的丈夫,一栋可以俯瞰整个索萨里托(Sausalito)和金门大桥的漂亮房子,还有三个听话乖巧的孩子。在外人看来,这一家人的生活是如此美好……但在这幸福生活的背后,却隐藏着一个不为人知的黑帮世界。Marta的父亲Andrei Petrova(Rade Sherbedzija)、她的兄弟Irwin Petrova(Wil Traval)、她的丈夫Franklin及忠实的家族保镖Luther(Luke Goss)全都是黑帮成员,通过非法手段来谋取利益。尽管她和妹妹Kat(Jaime Ray Newman)都希望过平静的生活,不想整天打打杀杀,担惊受怕,但多年来她一直对家人的行为采取不闻不问的态度,任由他们自行其事--直到Franklin遭到谋杀。Marta了解到,丈夫生前和生意伙伴--阴险狡猾Irwin Petrova及Mike Tomlin(Lee Tergesen)--卷入了一起非法毒品交易案,很可能得罪了与之竞争的另一个黑帮,导致丈夫付出高昂的代价。FBI探员James Ramos(Mido Hamada)找到Marta,承诺帮她讨回公道。Marta从未想过自己会如此坚强,她决心不惜一切代价来为丈夫复仇,同时让三个孩子安全地活下去。这意味着她将走上和丈夫一样的犯罪道路,加入家族的犯罪集团。Marta在这个黑色的地下世界里越陷越深,她的力量、智慧、决心和与家人的情感纽带将接受前所未有的考验。
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2023-08-03 11:24:352


《凤舞九天》原版是意大利组合Lollipop唱的。组合成员:Marcella Ovani、Marta Falcone、Roberta Ruiu以及已退出的Dominique Fidanza和Veronica Rubino。网络上流传的《凤舞九天开场曲》为2003年“凤舞九天”舞曲串烧系列作品中被多次应用在串烧开场的一首意大利舞曲,该舞曲原版其实是来自意大利组合Lollipop的Batte Forte单曲CDM,混音版本为Subside Extended Rmx。其它版本冠名:凤舞九天第二场开场、凤舞九天第三场开场、金色年华、非主流已绝版……组合成员:Marcella Ovani(出生地 佩萨罗,生日1982年5月19日)Marta Falcone(出身地 未知, 生日1976年10月7日)Roberta Ruiu(出生地 罗马,生日1981年5月25日)以及已退出的Dominique Fidanza(出生地 比利时的布鲁塞尔,生日1979年8月7日)Veronica Rubino(出生地 卡塞塔,生日1981年1月26日)2002年,她们凭借歌曲batte forte参加 Sanremo音乐节,这是她们的第一首意大利语歌曲。因为在音乐节现场的表现欠佳,她们承受了不小的压力,但是batte forte却依然走红了。
2023-08-03 11:24:431


儿童插画是插画专业很细分的一个方向,成人具有人格上的复杂性,可以欣赏的作品非常广泛,但是孩子就不一样了,他们有特定年龄所具有的审美,无限的纯真和想象力,这些使得儿童插画有其特殊的风格和叙事特点。下面康石石为大家介绍一些有名的儿童插画师,既有年轻的新晋插画师,也有经过时间考验流传到现在作品还被翻印的著名插画师。总之,他们每个人都有自己独特的视觉语言。1.Lisbeth ZwergerLisbeth Zwerger是一位国际知名的插画家,奥地利人,其主要作品就是儿童插画绘本,她的画风很唯美细腻,以水彩和彩铅为主,主要是为经典的童话作品配图。获得过很多国际插画大奖,其中最有名的就是安徒生奖(这个奖项相当于“儿童文学界的诺贝尔奖”)。轻柔的笔触、剔透的色彩、深思熟虑经过巧妙设计的细节和氛围十足的光影变化与构图,简单而灵动,她用非常感性视角的刻画方式,把童话故事里那些很微妙的悲伤、黑暗、美好、戏剧性等表达的非常动人。有细节的表达又有氛围的描绘,写实和写意相结合,兼容了东方美学,赋有诗意。小孩子看到画面会沉浸在画面中,成年人看了也能被触动情绪,也许这就是她眼里的童话吧。一个个精致的梦里又带着一些现实世界的凄凉,抵得过时间的流逝和成长的心理变化,这应该就是艺术插画能给予我们的最大的善意吧。我喜欢她的另外一个原因就是她画的故事,虽然是儿童插画,但从来不是那些矫揉造作,甜的发腻的,而更倾向于那些经典的对世界有描述的童话,留给我们一些思考的空间。当然她也会画恐怖、暴力的题材,比如《格林童话》里的一些。她的插画可以陪着我们成长,我想这是一个插画师最大的成就了。2.岩崎千弘她是日本非常有名的儿童插画师,绘本《鸟儿来的那一天》曾获意大利博洛尼亚国际童书展插画奖。她的画给我最大的感觉就是水彩画法达到了一定境界,带有东方水墨的韵味和西方水彩的层次色彩,写形写意,非常有艺术性,介于叙事和艺术绘画之间。虽然画面简单,但在我尝试临摹的时候发现难度很大。岩崎的画面风格和很多日本插画师类似,非常唯美,阅读起来就是一种美的体验。由于是纯手绘,所以看的时候还能隐约看到画纸细腻的纹理,每一张画都可独立作为艺术作品来欣赏。她淡淡的水彩描绘出孩子敏感细腻而纯真的内心,我喜欢她处理人物边界线的方式,虚实得当,有种朦胧的、毛茸茸的孩童般的细幼美感。虽然有铅笔线条但是边界却有很多变化,背景色彩之间的融合与独立也处理的很巧妙。3.Lorna scobieLorna是London based的插画师,为hermes waitrose等客户做过不少创作。她擅长画各种小动物并且写关于它们的故事。Lorna说:“我喜欢讲故事,画故事以及玩具总动员。我的大多数工作都涉及动物,因为我认为它们比人看起来更有趣,尽管我也喜欢人。”Lorna笔下的动物笔触看着很自由,由很多看上去很随性的笔触构成,动物的表情丰富,色彩非常丰富明亮,商业性和艺术性兼并。Lorna认为明确自己的兴趣很重要,它们能告诉你你到底是谁,你的绘画语言是什么。她下意识地并乐于去探索丰富有质感的画面如何在多个不同形式的平台上转化,因为下一代的阅读习惯和科技手段都会有所不同,纸质书也不是唯一的选择。大家可以看下她的作品《Bradly》,这个故事中的故事线是双关,所以纸质书和电子书阅读起来有不同的效果。4.Marta KissiMarta 2012年从皇家艺术学院插画系毕业。在她的作品中,将自己对工艺品和模型制作的热爱与现在的数字技术相结合,产生了既有趣又充满情感的表达。最终的画面由模型、布景和素材图像共同完成,可以说Marta在她的作品中体现了自己超强的综合能力。她手下的model making形态动人,体现了扎实的人物设计功底。每个人物精确到手指的动态、裙角的摆动幅度都很有表现力,但却没有一丝与叙事无关的堆砌。其次,整体画面色调很微妙,体现了她对最终效果的整体把控能力。我们可以看到她的很多图像在做图完成后,还会用数字板绘来画龙点睛。受她的启发,我们在创作插画作品的时候也可以尝试结合不同的媒介手段。
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2023-08-03 11:25:253

so long,Farewell 的歌词谁知道?

so long, farewell 打印此页 歌手:julie andrews 专辑:the sound of music the ChildrenPortia Nelson, Irwin Kostal, Rodgers & Hammerstein, Julie Andrews, Marni NixonThere"s a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hallAnd the bells in the steeple tooAnd up in the nursery an absurd little birdIs popping out to say "cuckoo"[Marta, Gretl, Brigitta:]Cuckoo, cuckoo[Children: Marta, Gretl, Brigitta: ]Regretfully they tell us Cuckoo, cuckoo But firmly they compel us Cuckoo, cuckoo To say goodbye . . . [Marta, Gretl, Brigitta:]Cuckoo!. . . to youSo long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good nightI hate to go and leave this pretty sightSo long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieuAdieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieuSo long, farewell, au revoir, auf wiedersehenI"d like to stay and taste my first champagneSo long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbyeI leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye -- Goodbye!I"m glad to go, I cannot tell a lieI flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I flyThe sun has gone to bed and so must ISo long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbyeGoodbye, goodbye, goodbyeGoodbye!
2023-08-03 11:25:441

Marta Bevacqua 的作品 后期调色手法是怎样的?

  效果图: 三联推荐:photoshop7.0迷你版免费下载 | Photoshop CS5 中文免费下载 | photoshop免费下载   原图:   第一步:首先是用尼康NX2软件对图片进行基本的对比度稍作调整,尼康NX2打开NEF图片文件。   第二步:可以看出,这张图片稍显灰蒙,在NEF文件进行简单的调试,打开调整,亮度,色阶和曲线。
2023-08-03 11:25:511

英语报高一新课程的第32期的答案 急需 谢谢!

高一新课程第32期参考答案及部分解析 [参考答案]专项技能训练(6)1-5 CBAAC 6-10 BCACB11-15 BCAAC 16-20 BABCB21-25 DCABA 26-30 DCDAB31-35 ABCDB 36-40 CABDC阅读理解突破(6)1-4 ADAC 5-8 DDBA9-12 AACD 13-16 CBDA [部分解析]专项技能训练(6)完形填空:帮助别人我们不需要做什么惊天动地的大事,一条建议、一句问候或者一个微笑也许就能改变他人。21. D。有一次,教会的牧师(minister)跟她聊起了“要过有意义的一生”这个话题。第28空前的minister有提示。22. C。23. A。由本空前后的working和her kids可知,Marta觉得为养育(raise)孩子而工作和去教堂做礼拜是不够的(enough)。第28空后的enough有提示。24. B。一天,在乘坐公交车(bus)上班时,Marta列了一个做其它工作的单子。下句中的bus有提示。25. A。这张单子上有她能做的别的工作和一些义工(volunteer)。第30空后的volunteer work有提示。26. D。由第22空前的worried得出,Sylvia看到了Marta脸上的忧虑(worry)。27. C。由上句中的what was wrong可知,Sylvia问Marta怎么了。于是,Marta说出了自己的烦心事(problem)。28. D。由第21空前后内容可知,Sylvia问:“牧师是否真的(actually)说过你做的还不够?”29. A。由本空前的live a life that matters可知,Marta说她想在别人的生活中发挥自己的作用(difference)。下文中的make that significant有提示。30. B。Sylvia安慰(comforted)Marta说:“你不必换工作或者做更多的义工。”31. A。由第22空前后的内容可知,Sylvia说:“养好孩子,你已经是个称职的(good)妈妈了,这就够了。”32. B。本空前后动作同时进行,故选while。33. C。从本空后Marta的职业可知,她说:“你还没有理解(understand)我的意思,我只是一个卖汉堡包的,我怎么能让我的工作变得有意义?”34. D。由上文中的sell hamburgers可知,Sylvia问:“你一天要与多少个买汉堡包的人打交道(deal with)?”35. B。由第32空前的what you can do可知,Sylvia说:“你不妨开始(set out)去鼓励尽可能多的人。”36. C。与本空后列举的hello和smile构成并列。给别人的一条小建议(advice)、一句问候或者一个微笑都会有意义。37. A。由本空后的Christmas bulbs可知,这些简单的言行会让别人快乐起来(lights up)。38. B。从第35空和第36空后列举的内容可知,Marta问:“那只不过是让我对别人好一点(nice)罢了。”下文中的Niceness有提示。39. D。Sylvia说:“友善可以改变他人的生活(lives)。”上文中的lives有提示。40. C。由上文Sylvia主动询问Marta的内容可知,她现在每天坐公交和人们谈话(talking)。阅读理解突破(6)A篇Dennis因学习“偷懒”而受责,但最终明白真相的老师和同学们收获了人生中宝贵的一课。1. A。细节推断题。由第二段中的The teacher could hardly believe his ears可知,第一次听到Dennis的话时,老师感觉很惊讶。2. D。细节理解题。由第三段第一句可知,当时老师决定惩罚Dennis的主要原因是担心如果这次不惩罚Dennis,其他学生以后会效仿他。3. A。细节判断题。由最后一段最后一句可知,最终老师意识到自己错怪了Dennis。4. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的Don"t be ever angry以及之前Dennis没生气的事实可知,与其他声称学了很多课的学生相比,Dennis只学到了一句话并将自己所学的内容真正应用到了现实中。从Dennis的故事中可以推知,文章深层含义即为“质量胜过数量”。B篇美国斯坦福大学的研究人员发明了一种新型材料,它可让建筑物在炎炎夏日无需用电即可实现“被动制冷”的效果。5. D。细节推断题。由第一段第二句可知,斯坦福大学的研究人员所发明的新材料的最主要的特征是节能,结合最后一段中的such cooling technologies that don"t require power可知,这种材料最大的特点体现在无需用电。6. D。细节推断题。由第三段最后一句可知,斯坦福大学研发的新材料能把建筑物内部的红外光散射到太空。由第四段第二、三句可知,该材料同时也能反射太阳光,并且将红外光和太阳光都发送到100千米之外的太空。7. B。词义猜测题。由划线词所在的句子可知,将该新型材料置于建筑物侧面会导致热量辐射到地面上。由此可知“这不是一种切实可行的方法”,viable意为“可实施的”。8. A。推理判断题。由最后一段第一句可知,Raman认为日益变暖的世界需要这种不需耗电的制冷技术,由此推出Raman对斯坦福大学所研发的这种新型材料的未来充满了希望。C篇研究发现,长期睡眠不足可能对大脑造成永久性损害。9. A。主旨大意题。由第一段第二句可知,本文主要介绍了缺乏睡眠对人的大脑所造成的损害。10. A。细节理解题。由第三段最后一句可知,因缺乏睡眠而受损的脑细胞无法再生。11. C。细节推断题。由第五段第二句可知,更让人感觉可怕的是,长时间缺乏睡眠的人反而会感觉休息得很好。第五段第三句中研究对象的表现也证实了这一点。12. D。细节推断题。由第六段中的getting an average of less than 5 hours of sleep per night for several years resulted in a decrease in memory performance可知,长期睡眠不足会导致记忆力衰退。D篇研究发现,在欣赏景物时拍照会影响人们对景物的记忆。13. C。细节理解题。作者在第一段用自己旅游拍照的经历引出本文的主题。14. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的the act of taking photos may actually reduce what we remember about objects being photographed可知,Henkel的研究探究了拍照和记忆之间的关系。15. D。细节理解题。联系第三段且由第四段中的They hardly took a quick look at the wonderful scene in front of them可知,Henkel发现那些旅行者未能享受大峡谷的风景。16. A。细节判断题。由倒数第二段可知,参加实验的大学生们对那些观察过(而未拍照)的物品印象更深刻。
2023-08-03 11:26:101


2023-08-03 11:26:181


Marta Krylova9岁的她,上过Russia的VOGUE杂志,9岁的她,是美国著名摄影师Tomaas拍摄的第一个童模.9岁的她,拍摄了美国纽约No.3杂志,9岁的她,冰冷外表下有一颗炽热的心,9岁的她,懂让自己的父母在她自己手上写:"Hello China,Happy New Year"她的世界天真而美好,她只有9岁,却有着成年人该有的行为。她喜欢钢琴喜欢体操,她热爱摄影旅游。她是来自俄罗斯莫斯科的冷艳女孩玛尔塔·克里洛娃。
2023-08-03 11:26:251


2023-08-03 11:26:331


不是电影是一支广告童星 Marta Timofeeva广告:《绿松石项链》如图所示,有图有真相
2023-08-03 11:26:401


果汁 [词典] syrup; fruit juice; must; ade; [例句]玛尔塔喝了一杯果汁。Marta drank a glass of juice.冰激凌 [词典] (冰淇淋) ice cream; [例句]他们填了一肚子的冰激凌、巧克力和棒棒糖。They stuffed themselves with ice creams, chocolate and lollies.
2023-08-03 11:27:351

ty 凹造型mv的小姐姐叫什么呀

名字:Marta Krylova俄罗斯童 模请确认并及采纳
2023-08-03 11:27:421


2023-08-03 11:27:513


《当 你 熟 睡》是由豪梅·巴拿盖鲁执导,路伊斯·托沙、玛塔·埃图娜主演的惊悚、悬疑电影该片讲述了公寓大楼的守门人的故事。
2023-08-03 11:27:592


很不错哦,我 也很喜欢
2023-08-03 11:28:193


Edward Wellman bade good-bye to his family in the old country headed for a better life in America. Papa handed him the family"s savings hidden in a leather satchel. “Times are desperate here,” he said, hugging his son goodbye. “You are our hope.”Edward boarded the Atlantic freighter offering free transport to young men willing to shovel coal in return for the month-long journey. If Edward struck gold in the Colorado Rockies, the rest of the family could eventually join him.For months, Edward worked his claim tirelessly, and the small vein of gold provided a moderate but steady income. Leaving Ingrid behind before he could officially court her had been his only regret in accepting this American adventure. He had secretly hoped to make Ingrid his wife. Finally, he wrote to Papa, asking him to help make this dream come true.After nearly a year, a telegraph came with a plan to make his life complete. Mr. Henderson had agreed to send his daughter to Edward in America. Because she was a hardworking young woman with a good mind for business, she would work alongside Edward for a year to help the mining business grow. By then both families could afford to come to America for their wedding.Edward"s heart soared with joy as he spent the next month trying to make the cabin into a home. At last, the day he had been waiting for his whole life arrived. With a bouquet of fresh-picked daisies in hand, he left for the train depot. Steam billowed and wheels screeched as the train crawled to a stop.His heart beat with eager anticipation, then stopped with a sinking thud. Not Ingrid, but her older sister Marta, stepped down from the train.Edward only stared - dumbfounded. Then with shaking hands he offered Marta the bouquet. “Welcome,” he whispered, his eyes burning. A smile etched across her plain face.“I was pleased when Papa said you sent for me,” Marta said, looking into his eyes briefly, before dropping her head again.“I"ll get your bags, “Edward said with a fake smile. Together they headed for the buggy.Mr. Henderson and Papa were right. Marta did have a great grasp of business. Within 6 months, their assets doubled.Her delicious meals and quiet smile graced the cabin with a wonderful woman"s touch. But the wrong woman, Edward mourned as he collapsed onto his cot each night. Why did they send Marta? Would he ever see Ingrid again? Was his lifelong dream to have her as his wife forsaken?For a year, Marta and Edward worked and played and laughed, but never loved. Once, Marta had kissed Edward on the cheek before retiring to her room. He only smiled awkwardly. From then on, she seemed content with their exhilarating hikes in the mountains and long talks on the porch after suppers.One spring afternoon, torrential rains washed down the hillside, eroding the entrance to their mine. Furiously, Edward filled sand bags and stacked them in the water"s path. Suddenly there was Marta at his side holding the next burlap bag open. Edward shoveled sand inside, then with the strength of any man, Marta hurled it onto the pile and opened another bag… For hours they worked, knee-deep in mud, until the rains diminished.Hand in hand, they walked back to the cabin. Over warm soup Edward sighed, “I never could have saved the mine without you. Thank you, Marta.”“You"re welcome,” she answered with her usual smile, then went quietly to her room. A few days later, a telegraph came announcing the arrival of the Henderson and Wellman families next week. As much as he tried to stifle it, the thought of seeing Ingrid again started Edward"s heart beating in the old familiar way.Together, he and Marta went to the train station. They watched as their families exited the train at the far end of the platform. When Ingrid appeared, Marta turned to Edward. “Go to her,” she said.Astonished, Edward stammered, “What do you mean?”“Edward, I have always known I was not the Henderson girl you intended to send for. I had watched you flirt with Ingrid at the church picnics. I know it is she, not me, you desire for your wife.” “But ...”Marta placed her fingers over his lips. “Shhh,” she hushed him. “I do love you, Edward. I always have. And because of that, all I really want is your happiness. Go to her.” As she gazed up at him, he saw for the first time how very beautiful she was. He recalled their walks in the meadows, their quiet evenings before the fire, her working beside him with the sandbags. It was then he realized what he had known for months. “No, Marta. It is you I want.” Sweeping her into his arms, he kissed her with all the love bursting inside him. Their families gathered around them chorusing, “We are here for the wedding!”
2023-08-03 11:28:282


杠杆原理是指杠杆在动力和阻力作用下处于静止状态,杠杆可分为省力杠杆、费力杠杆和等臂杠杆。 公式:动力乘以动力臂等于阻力乘以阻力臂。 在使用杠杆时,为了省力,就应该用动力臂比阻力臂长的杠杆;如果想要省距离,就应该用动力臂比阻力臂短的杠杆。因此使用杠杆可以省力,也可以省距离。 杠杆三大公里: 1、在无重量的杆的两端离支点相等的距离处挂上相等的重量,它们将平衡; 2、在无重量的杆的两端离支点相等的距离处挂上不相等的重量,重的一端将下倾; 3、在无重量的杆的两端离支点不相等距离处挂上相等重量,距离远的一端将下倾。
2023-08-03 11:26:021


2023-08-03 11:26:045

Forgiveness (feat. Lecrae) 歌词

"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we all step across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we find, we findIt"s hanging over him like the clouds of SeattleAnd ranin" on his swag fallin" deeper in his saddleIts written on his faceHe don"t have to speak a soundSomebody call the five-o for we gotta man downYou can go and play it like you"re all rock and rollBut guilt does a job on each and every man"s soulAnd when your head hits the pillow at the nightfallYou can bet your life that its gonna be a fight ya"ll"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we"ve all stepped across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we findForgiveness, forgivenessAnd we all stumble and we fallBridges burn in the heat of it allBut nothing"s sweeter than the day, sweeter than the day we call out for forgivenessForgiveness, we all need, we all need, we all need forgivenessForgiveness, we all need, we all needMr. LecraeMy momma told me what I would be in forIf I kept all this anger inside of me pent upMy heart been broken, my wounds been openAnd I don"t know if I can hear I"m sorry being spokenBut those forgiven much , should be quicker to give itAnd God forgave me for it all, Jesus bled forgivenessSo when the stones fly and they aimed at youJust say forgive them, father, they know not that they doNow you can go and play it like you"re all rock and rollBut guilt does a job on each and every man"s soulAnd when your head hits the pillow at the nightfallYou can bet your life that its gonna be a fight ya"ll"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we"ve all stepped across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we findForgiveness, forgivenessAnd we all stumble and we fallBridges burn in the heat of it allBut nothing"s sweeter than the day, sweeter than the day we callout for forgivenessNo matter how lost you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter how hurt you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter how wrong you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter who you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farFrom forgivenessAsk for forgiveness"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we"ve all stepped across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we findForgiveness, forgivenessAnd we all stumble and we fallBridges burn in the heat of it allBut nothing"s sweeter than the day, sweeter than the day we call out for forgivenessForgivenessWe all need, we all need, all need forgivenessForgivenessWe all need, we all needNo matter how lost you are, we all need forgivenessNo matter how hurt you are, we all need forgivenessNo matter how wrong you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter who you are, you"re not too far, you"re not too farWe all need forgiveness, forgivenessWe all need forgiveness, forgivenessWe all need forgiveness, forgivenessWe all need forgiveness, forgiveness 上面是完整英文歌词,下面为翻译"Cause we all make mistakes sometimes因为我们都曾犯错And we all step across that line都曾经历过那些事But nothing"s sweeter than the day we find, we find没有比那天更甜蜜It"s hanging over him like the clouds of Seattle就像西雅图的云笼罩着他And ranin" on his swag fallin" deeper in his saddleIts written on his face写在他的脸上He don"t have to speak a sound他沉默着Somebody call the five-o for we gotta man down某人叫了执法者打倒了他You can go and play it like you"re all rock and roll你可以去欢呼But guilt does a job on each and every man"s soul但过失就像工作和灵魂一样伴随着And when your head hits the pillow at the nightfall黄昏时分,头撞击着枕头You can bet your life that its gonna be a fight ya"ll就像战斗一样赌一次你的生命吧"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we"ve all stepped across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we findForgiveness, forgivenessAnd we all stumble and we fall我们倒下了Bridges burn in the heat of it all桥燃烧着But nothing"s sweeter than the day,没有比那一天甜蜜的sweeter than the day we callout for forgiveness就是我们说出原谅的那天Forgiveness, we all need, we all need, we all need forgiveness我们都需要原谅Forgiveness, we all need, we all needMr. LecraeMy momma told me what I would be in for妈妈告诉我会怎样If I kept all this anger inside of me pent up带着这些愤怒会变得压抑My heart been broken, my wounds been open心碎了,伤痛释放了And I don"t know if I can hear I"m sorry being spoken不知道能否听见对不起But those forgiven much , should be quicker to give it应该尽快的去做And God forgave me for it all, Jesus bled forgiveness耶稣为获原谅而逝去So when the stones fly and they aimed at you当石头飞向你Just say forgive them, father, they know not that they do原谅吧,他们知道的Now you can go and play it like you"re all rock and roll你可以去欢呼But guilt does a job on each and every man"s soulAnd when your head hits the pillow at the nightfallYou can bet your life that its gonna be a fight ya"ll"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we"ve all stepped across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we findForgiveness, forgivenessAnd we all stumble and we fallBridges burn in the heat of it allBut nothing"s sweeter than the day, sweeter than the day we callout for forgivenessNo matter how lost you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too far不论多么的迷失都不曾遥远No matter how hurt you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter how wrong you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter who you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farFrom forgivenessAsk for forgiveness"Cause we all make mistakes sometimesAnd we"ve all stepped across that lineBut nothing"s sweeter than the day we findForgiveness, forgivenessAnd we all stumble and we fallBridges burn in the heat of it allBut nothing"s sweeter than the day, sweeter than the day we call out for forgivenessForgivenessWe all need, we all need, all need forgivenessForgivenessWe all need, we all needNo matter how lost you are, we all need forgivenessNo matter how hurt you are, we all need forgivenessNo matter how wrong you are, you"re not that far, you"re not too farNo matter who you are, you"re not too far, you"re not too farWe all need forgiveness, forgivenessWe all need forgiveness, forgivenessWe all need forgiveness, forgivenessWe all need forgiveness, forgiveness *有一些俚语,希望再能完善一些。*
2023-08-03 11:26:052


2023-08-03 11:26:061


Trouble is a friend (麻烦是个朋友)
2023-08-03 11:26:125

Forgiveness 歌词

歌曲名:Forgiveness歌手:Jonathan Mendelsohn And Wamdue Project专辑:Music With A Twist RevolutionsSkillet - ForgivenForgive me now cause IHave been unfaithfulDon"t ask me why cause I don"t knowSo many times I"ve triedBut was unableThis heart belongs to you aloneNow I"m in our secret placeAlone in your embraceWhere all my wrongs have been erasedYou have forgivenAll the promises and liesAll the times I compromiseAll the times you were deniedYou have forgivenForgive me I"m ashamedI"ve loved anotherI can"t explain cause I don"t knowNo one can take your placeAnd there is no otherForever yours and yours aloneNow I"m in our secret placeAlone in your embraceWhere all my wrongs have been erasedYou have forgivenAll the promises and liesAll the times I compromiseAll the times you were deniedYou have forgivenWhoa whoa whoa whoa yeahI get donw on my kneesFeel your love wash over meThere will never be anotherYou"re the only one foreverAnd you knowI"m yours aloneI"m in our secret placeAlone in your embraceWhere all my wrongs have been erasedYou have forgivenAll the promises and liesAll the times I compromiseAll the times you were deniedYou have forgivenWhoa whoa whoa whoaYou have forgiven (forgiven ... )
2023-08-03 11:26:121


2023-08-03 11:26:135


2023-08-03 11:26:161

Forgiveness 歌词

歌曲名:Forgiveness歌手:The Hoppers专辑:PowerForgiven----Relient KOh yes, I know this tension that you speak ofWe"re in the palm of a hand making a fistIt"d be best for one of us to speak upBut we prefer to pretend it does not existAnd you can"t see past the blood on my handsTo see that you"ve been aptly damnedTo fail and fail againCause we"re all guilty of the same thingsWe think the thoughts whether or not we see them throughAnd I know that I have been forgivenAnd I just hope you can forgive me tooSo don"t you dare blame me forPrying open the doorThat"s unleashed the bitternessThat"s here in the midst of thisSometimes we live for no one but ourselvesAnd what we"ve been striving forHas turned into nothing moreThan bodies limp on the floorVictims of falling shortWe kiss goodbye the cheek of our true loveAnd you can"t see past the blood on my handsTo see that you"ve been aptly damnedTo fail and fail againCause we"re all guilty of the same thingsWe think the thoughts whether or not we see them throughAnd I know that I have been forgivenAnd I just hope you can forgive me tooyou can forgive me tooAnd you can"t see past the blood on my handsTo see that you"ve been aptly damnedTo fail and fail againCause we"re all guilty of the same thingsWe think the thoughts whether or not we see them throughAnd I know that I have been forgivenAnd I just hope you can forgive me tooyou can forgive me too (8x)
2023-08-03 11:26:191


2023-08-03 11:26:224


深圳三丽鸥鞋子专柜地址如下:1. 万科城市广场三丽鸥专柜:福田区市民中心地铁站D出口。2. 深圳龙岗三丽鸥鞋女鞋店:布吉地铁站B出口。以上是深圳部分三丽鸥鞋子的专柜地址,如果需要更多信息,请通过官方网站查询。
2023-08-03 11:25:582

Forgiveness 歌词

歌曲名:Forgiveness歌手:Brian Kennedy专辑:The Rca YearsWithin Temptation-ForgivenAlbum:The Heart Of Everything弦音久未闻 整理Couldn"t save you from the start 自一开始便无法拯救你Love you so it hurts my soul 如此爱你,已伤到我的灵魂Can you forgive me for trying again? 你能原谅我让我再次尝试吗?Your silence makes me hold my breath 你的沉默令我屏住呼吸All the time has passed you by 时间不停地从你身边飞逝Ooo, for so long 哦,长久以来I"ve tried to shield you from the world 我都试图保护你免受这世界的伤害Ooo, you couldn"t 哦,你始终无法face the freedom on your own 面对自己的自由Here I am 我在这里Left in silence 被遗弃在缄默中You gave up the fight 你放弃了抵抗You left me behind 你留下了我All that"s done is forgiven 但那一切都已被原谅You"ll always be mine 你永远都是属于我的I know deep inside 我深深地知道All that"s done is forgiven 而那一切都已被原谅I watched the clouds drifting away 我看到乌云已经慢慢散去Still the sun can"t warm my face 但阳光仍无法温暖我的脸庞I know it was destined to go wrong 我知道那注定要走入歧途You were looking for the greatest escape 你只是在竭尽全力的逃脱To chase your demons away 来赶走你的心魔Ooo, for so long 哦,长久以来I"ve tried to shield you from the world 我都试图保护你免受这世界的伤害Ooo, you couldn"t 哦,你始终无法face the freedom on your own 面对自己的自由Here I am 我在这里Left in silence 被遗弃在缄默中You gave up the fight 你放弃了抵抗You left me behind 你留下了我All that"s done is forgiven 但那一切都已被原谅You"ll always be mine 你永远都是属于我的I know deep inside 我深深地知道All that"s done is forgiven 而那一切都已被原谅I"ve been so lost since you"ve gone 自你离去后我变得如此迷惘Why not me before you? 为何不是我在你之前?Why did fate deceive me? 为何命运如此欺骗我?Everything turned out so wrong 一切都发生得如此反常Why did you leave me in silence? 为何你默默地将我留下?You gave up the fight 你放弃了抵抗You left me behind 你留下了我All that"s done is forgiven 但那一切都已被原谅You"ll always be mine 你永远都是属于我的I know deep inside 我深深地知道All that"s done is forgiven而那一切都已被原谅Within Temptation-Forgiven
2023-08-03 11:25:571


2023-08-03 11:25:552


新旧视力表换算如下: 标准对数视力表 小数记录视力表5.2 ------------------- 1.55.1 -------------------- 1.25.0 -------------------- 1.04.9 -------------------- 0.84.8 -------------------- 0.64.7 -------------------- 0.54.6 -------------------- 0.44.5 -------------------- 0.34.4 -------------------- 0.254.3 -------------------- 0.24.2 -------------------- 0.154.1 -------------------- 0.124.0 -------------------- 0.1现在近视的人越来越多,近视的年龄也越来越小龄化,每个家庭都应该自备一张视力对照表,每个月定期给家里人测测视力,特别是孩子。现在孩子学习负担重,学习时间长,看电子产品的时间也长,是最容易近视的群体。自己在家里测视力,虽然不能测的十分准确,但是能很快了解孩子的视力情况,能更好的预防近视。一旦发现孩子近视或者视力下降,应该及时补充视力营养,增强眼睛的抗疲劳能力,改善视力。一般建议服用乐睛视力营养素,每天两包,坚持服用一段时间,即可保护视力,也可预防近视。
2023-08-03 11:25:543

杠杆原理是什么 杠杆原理是啥

2023-08-03 11:25:511

Forgiveness 歌词

Forgiveness演唱:郑秀文、吴建豪Forgive them for they don"t know what they do LordAnd give them the strength to stay trueCrying everyday,I know I"ll never see the day,When the world is caving in I wonder who"ll be savedI know that you love me and You know I love you tooEverybody"s letting go but lord I found youLove is patient, love is kind Your love just blows my mindI can"t begin to comprehend that you"re my lover my best friendEven though I"ve turned my back on you through time and againHow do you do it, God how You keep forgivin and giveUnfailing love you have, You Live to love and love to live,Carrying us, as You cry when we start to sin.How to articulate or calculate the pain of his fateI"ll do my best to do the same to reach the pearly white gates.I"ll just be thankful for the blessings that you gave to meLord I know I don"t deserve it, but you want me to see.That your heart keeps givin, when I"m faithless you believeIntimacy is what I want, into me you seeSo break me, kill me, fill me, humble me, Oh God oh please.On my knees until they bleed, if it meant that you"ve agreedTo let me go deeper with the keeper of my heartTo the depths of forever times it by infinity .I"ve seen it before I never knew the scoreI"m wide awake and watching as the world explodesForgive them for they don"t know what they do LordAnd give me the strength to stay true .Now I close my eyes to hear the voice of that the Holy SpiritCause the devil tries to laugh so loud for the world to hear himFirst John 4:18 God"s love is supreme,Stop the beat for a second, so you hear my heart sing~Love came down and rescued me~Love came down and set me free~Free at last, free at last, I"m finally free from the pastNever again will the devil take away all I haveDo not let the world steal your feelings from youLove faith live are my words of wisdom for you.Evangelize, prophesize with Holy tongues of mightAnd begin to stand and fight as a soldier of light.No more fears, no more tears unless it"s for His HolinessGod I wait for the day when every tongue will confessSave me lord I never meant to be this wayI"d given up on everything and all I had was painOh why why do we play these gamesI"d given up most everything to be with meI"ve seen it before I never knew this scoreI"m wide awake and watching as the world explodesForgive them for they don"t know what they do LordAnd give me the strength to stay trueI"ve seen it before I never knew this scoreI"m wide awake and watching as the world explodesForgive them for they don"t know what they do LordAnd give me the strength to stay true
2023-08-03 11:25:501


One day we were hurt by love and were torn apart 某天我们被爱伤害 无奈分开 Why is it I feel it"s just me who hurts so bad 可是为什么只有我伤得那么实在 Lots of memories of you come over and over again 许多你的片段排山倒海 But still no love remains 可惜爱已经点滴不在 We dreamed that love would hold our future 曾经梦想爱情照亮未来 But now I have to face and accept this failure 现在我唯有接受失败 Love is not always everything 爱不是一切 Love is not you and me or both of us 爱不是你 不是我 也不是彼此之和 Love is not happiness in sometimes 爱有时甚至算不上快乐 Love is not hope when we have to say goodbye 当我们必须放手 有爱也没有希望 Love doesn"t take us further from the start 你我只能困在原地 凑不成一双 Love once brought the time of my life 爱给过我一生最美的时光 I never stop making it better 我愿意尽努力珍藏 Just the fear of love never wait for any mistake 却担心爱短错长 Since the lonely nights of love gone 寂寞之夜谁人解思量 Desperately recalling but no return those happy times 心碎回忆 快乐难再尝 We dreamed that love would hold our future 曾经梦想爱情照亮未来 But now I have to face and accept this failure 现在我唯有接受失败 Love is not always everything 爱不是一切 Love is not you and me or both of us 爱不是你 不是我 也不是彼此之和 Love is not happiness in sometimes 爱有时甚至算不上快乐 Love is not hope when we have to say goodbye 当我们必须放手 有爱也没有希望 Love doesn"t take us further from the start 你我只能困在原地 凑不成一双 The sorrow still chained to my heart Oh Oh~ 悲伤终难忘 The dream of love builds our tomorrow 曾有的爱情梦想 Waken up by tears 醒来只剩泪两行 I know life is not driven by only love but how can I go on 爱情不是生活全部 可我明天会怎样? We dreamed that love would hold our future 曾经梦想爱情照亮未来 But now I have to face and accept this failure 现在我唯有接受失败 Love is not always everything 爱不是一切 Love is not you and me or both of us 爱不是你 不是我 也不是彼此之和 Love is not happiness in sometimes 爱有时甚至算不上快乐 Love is not hope when we have to say goodbye 当我们必须放手 有爱也没有希望 Love doesn"t take us further from the start 你我只能困在原地 凑不成一双 Love gave us a lot but finally take it away. 爱给了我们所有 又无情地统统带走 Love doesn"t take us further from the start 你我只能困在原地 凑不成一双 The sorrow still chained to my heart 悲伤终难忘
2023-08-03 11:25:471


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2023-08-03 11:25:433