barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-03 16:26:20


家庭清洁类:mop,do washing, ……

运动类:track and fields ,high jumping, ……







soccer;linesman;red card; penalty spot; corner


















primary education 初等教育

secondary education 中等教育

higher education 高等教育

the three R"s 读、写、算

school year 学年

term, trimester 学季

semester 学期

school day 教学日

school holidays 假期

curriculum 课程

subject 学科

discipline 纪律

timetable 课程表

class, lesson 课

homework 家庭作业

exercise 练习

dictation 听写

spelling mistake 拼写错误

(short) course 短训班

seminar 研讨班

playtime, break 课间,休息

to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课

course (of study) 学业

student body 学生(总称)

classmate, schoolmate 同学

pupil 小学生

student 大学生

schoolboy 男生

schoolgirl 女生

auditor 旁听生

swot, grind 用功的学生

old boy 老生

grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金

holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者

school uniform 校服

teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)

teachers 教师(总称)

primary school teacher 小学老师

teacher lecturer 大学老师

professor 教授

schooling 教授,授课

assistant 助教

headmaster 校长 (女性为:headmistress)

deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长

rector 校长

dean 教务长

laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员

beadle, porter 门房,学校工友

games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师

private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师

pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称)

of school age 教龄

beginning of term 开学

matriculation 注册

to enroll, to enroll 予以注册

to take lessons (学生)上课

to teach (老师)上课

to study 学习

to learn by heart 记住,掌握

to revise, to go over 复习

test 考试

to test 考试

to take an examination, to sit an examination, to do an examination 参加考试

convocation notice 考试通知

examiner 考试者

board of examiners 考试团

examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试

question 问题

question paper 试卷

crib 夹带 (美作:trot)

to pass an examination (或exam), 通过考试

pass, passing grade 升级

prizegiving 分配奖品

to fall an examination 未通过考试

failure 未考好

to repeat a year 留级

degree 学位

graduate 毕业生

to graduate 毕业

project, thesis 毕业论文

General Certificate of Education 中学毕业证书 (美作:high school diploma)

holder of the General Certificate of Education 中学毕业生 (美作:holder of a high school diploma)

doctorate 博士学位

doctor 博士

competitive examination /oral defense答辩考试


sweep the floor



do the dishes







soccer;linesman;red card; penalty spot; corner










2023-08-03 10:51:478


2023-08-03 10:52:131


2023-08-03 10:52:256


2023-08-03 10:52:491


2023-08-03 10:53:008


2023-08-03 10:53:294


2023-08-03 10:54:201


大型活动Large-scale activities例句:次外,辅警也参与节日及大型活动的人群管理工作。It also took part in crowd management at festivals and large-scale events.外,辅警也参与节日及大型活动的人群管理工作。大型活动安保指挥系统是为满足复杂、大型活动的整体安全防控和安保业务管理而设计的技术系统。This system is designed for the overall security control and security operationalmanagement of a complex and large-scale event.
2023-08-03 10:54:291

活动 英语单词怎么写

activity 活动
2023-08-03 10:54:392


football 足球。 ice skating 滑冰。rowing 划船。fly kites 放风筝。go fishing 钓鱼。go shopping 购物。go running 跑步。go hiking远足。go camping 野营 cycling自行车
2023-08-03 10:55:002

活动 用英文怎么简写

活动词典activity; campaign; exercise; flexible
2023-08-03 10:55:081


english activities
2023-08-03 10:55:164


2023-08-03 10:56:202


participate in activities 参加活动; 例句:Actively participate in activities that interest you. 积极主动地参与到你感兴趣的活动中来。 扩展资料   Participate in activities that may make you feel better.   参与使你感觉更好的活动。   Being able to participate in activities most people enjoy.   参加大部分人都喜欢的"活动。   Have you and your dog to participate in activities organized by those organizations?   你有没有与你的狗参加那些组织举办的活动?   Members of the public are welcome to participate in activities organised by Business China.   在举办各项活动时,广泛欢迎社会各界人士积极参与。
2023-08-03 10:56:371


2023-08-03 10:57:341


to give/have/throw a party搞聚会
2023-08-03 10:58:075


2023-08-03 10:58:363


你好!活动运动Activity movement
2023-08-03 10:58:461

活动 用英文怎么简写

2023-08-03 10:59:054


问题一:定期组织活动用英语怎么说 可以是 organize activities routinely 问题二:各个俱乐部正在组织活动,用英语怎么说? 英文原文: all clubs are busy preparing their activities. 英式音标: [??l] [kl?b] [?] [?b?z?] [pr?u02c8pe?r??] [ee?] [?k?t?v?t?] . 美式音标: [?l] [kl?b] [r] [?b?zi] [pr??pe?r??] [e?r] [?k?t?v?ti] . 问题三:开展各项活动的英语怎么说 To carry out various activities 例句 本指导手册旨在帮助活动组织者制定材料、计划和开展各项活动以庆祝世卫组织成立60周年。 This guidebook is intended to support event organizers in developing materials and in planning and conducting events to mark WHO"s60th anniversary. 问题四:老师组织了一个集体活动 用英语怎么翻译 The teacher organized a collective activity. 问题五:开展某某活动 英文怎么表达 英语中,开展一般可以用举办或发生来替代 hold +活动 【这里人做主语】 活动+take lace 【这里活动做主语】 望采纳,谢谢 问题六:组织文化艺术交流活动 英语怎么说 组织文化艺术交流活动翻译如下: Organizational culture and art exchange activities 组织策划国内外的文化、艺术、学术、教育、民间文化的会议和交流、组织民间文化艺术交流活动、策划组织大型国际会议活动、商务会议洽谈、艺术展览。翻译如下: Organization of domestic and foreign culture, art, academic, education, folk culture munication偿session and, folk culture and art exchange activities, plan and organization of large-scale international conferences, business meetings, activities of art exhibitions.
2023-08-03 10:59:141


2023-08-03 10:59:546

活动的英文单词!` #@……%¥%

活动 adj.形容词 unsteady,movable,moveable,mobile,flexible n.名词 activity,doing,doings,event v.动词 exercise,function,move about,move around,behave
2023-08-03 11:00:351


2023-08-03 11:00:452


问题一:活动翻译成英文怎么说? 大家说的都很全了 Activity多用于一般的集体活动,比如春游 Event多用于表示社交活动,比如酒会 Ex埂rcise是名动词,运动-活动通用 Promotion指的是商场搞的促销活动 问题二:活动 用英文怎么简写 活动 词典 activity; campaign; exercise; flexible 问题三:活动专区用英语怎么说 如果场是商家,活动专区是指促销专区,那就是promotion area 如果指学校活动区,那就是play ground 或者 activity area 问题四:营销活动的英文怎么说 Marketing campaign 英[] ?m:k?t?? k?m?pein 美[] ?mrk?t?? k?m?pen 词典释义 marketing campaign[经] 市场运动 marketing activity市场活动
2023-08-03 11:00:521


问题一:活动 用英文怎么简写 活动 词典 activity; campaign; exercise; flexible 问题二:活动专区用英语怎么说 如果场是商家,活动专区是指促销专区,那就是promotion area 如果指学校活动区,那就是play ground 或者 activity area 问题三:活动用英语怎么说 activity 问题四:活动翻译成英文怎么说? 大家说的都很全了 Activity多用于一般的集体活动,比如春游 Event多用于表示社交活动,比如酒会 Ex埂rcise是名动词,运动-活动通用 Promotion指的是商场搞的促销活动 问题五:活动价格用英语怎么说 活动价格的英文翻译_百度翻译 活动价格 Activity price price_百度翻译 price 英[pra?s] 美[pra?s] n. 代价; 价格,价钱; 价值; 赏金; vt. 定价; 标价; 问…的价格; 给…定价; [例句]They expected house prices to rise 他们盼望着房价上升。 [其他] 第三人称单数:prices 复数:prices 现在分词:pricing 过去式:priced过去分词:priced 问题六:“参加各种英语活动”用英语怎么说 to joiin all kinds of activities 问题七:活动内容的英文怎么说 the content of the activity(活动的内容) the content of the pr处ject(计划的内容)
2023-08-03 11:00:591


2023-08-03 11:01:061


We are going to hold a campaign.望采纳
2023-08-03 11:01:154


  校运会的时候,学校会组织很多活动,不妨试着去参加,给自己的校园生活增添一点乐趣。下面我为大家带来活动的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   活动的英语意思   activity   活动的英语例句   我们应该全体讨论班级活动。   We must discuss the class activities in a body.   孩子们喜欢户外活动。   Children like outdoor activities.   这位间谍从未把他的秘密活动告诉家里人。   The spy never told his family about his underground activities.   这个中心提供各种娱乐活动设施。   The center provides facilities for a whole range of leisure activities.   她因病而减少了体育活动。   Illness has curtailed her sporting activities.   学术研究活动更多的是一种说服的活动,而不是发现的活动。   Science is as much an act of persuasion as it is an act of discovery.   活动分割槽不是当前活动分割槽。   An active partition is not the current active partition.   体育活动成了我们空余时间的主要活动专案。   Sports take up the major part of our leisure item.   只产生了活动图中列出的测试活动。   Only the test actions specified in the activity diagram are generated.   活动的双语例句   1. Try these toning exercises before you start the day.   在开始一天的活动之前,试着做做这些强身健体的体操。   2. A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.   手术后她的膝盖活动不便,走路时被迫跛行。   3. I stopped at the square and got out to stretch my legs.   我在广场处停下来,下车活动活动腿脚。   4. The President could continue to bash Democrats as being soft on crime.   总统可能会继续抨击民主党人对待犯罪活动心慈手软。   5. The terror ended when armed police swooped on the car.   武警突袭了这辆车从而制止了这起恐怖活动。   6. It condemned in extremely strong language what it called Britain"s iniquitous campaign.   它言辞激烈地谴责了这场它所谓的英国极不公正的竞选活动。   7. Now he plans to rev up publicity with a regional media campaign.   现在他准备通过开展地区性的媒体活动加大宣传力度。   8. The campaign has abounded in mutual accusations of uncivilised behaviour.   整个活动中双方频频指责对方粗野。   9. There are signs of paramilitary activity supported from abroad.   有迹象表明,非法军事组织的活动得到了国外势力的支援。   10. They"re roaming around the country shooting at anything that moves.   他们在乡下到处转悠,看到活动的东西就开枪。   11. Her lifestyle was out of kilter with her politics.   她的生活方式与她的政治活动格格不入。   12. Party members are disgruntled at the way the campaign is being handled.   党员们对竞选活动的运作方式很不满。   13. This argument is only too blatantly an alibi for domestic repression.   这一辩解完全是在为国内的镇压活动开脱。   14. The soldiers, for their part, agreed not to disrupt the election campaign.   就士兵们而言,他们答应不去干扰竞选活动。   15. Most unbelievably of all, it only has three moving parts!   最令人难以置信的是,它只有3个活动部件!
2023-08-03 11:01:481


2023-08-03 11:02:108


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 急需关于活动的英文单词!~` 例如:游泳 swim 给得越多越好~` 谢谢啦~!~解析: paly basketball(football,baseball,badminton,volleyball,Pingpong,),swing,running, walking, climbing,skip rope, long jump, high jump, surf, shotting, dunce, sing, play the guitar, acrabatics,chorus, step the balloon, blow out the candles,hiking,
2023-08-03 11:02:351


r打头的活动的英文race n.比赛;赛跑;赛马racing n. 竞赛,赛跑,竞走 racing n. 竞赛,赛跑,竞走 ride a bike 骑车recreationnn n.消遣,娱乐活动rehearsaln n.排练,排演;练习running n.跑步
2023-08-03 11:02:451


go on a trip 去旅行; go shopping 去购物; have a walk 去散步; have a picnic 去野餐; have a party开个派对 扩展资料   read books看书;   have breakfast吃早餐;   taste a pancake吃馅饼;   make a cake制作蛋糕;   cook food炒饭;   go swmming去游泳;   walk in the mountians在山上行走;   play table tennis大乒乓球
2023-08-03 11:03:141


  每年的生日,大家都准备了什么活动呢?下面就由我为大家带来 英语 短语 集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于活动的相关短语   活动体 commonwealth activities   体育活动 physical activity   物流活动 logistics activities   活动策划Planning activities   活动目录 Active Directory   活动exercise one"s activity   活动goings and comings   关于活动的相关例句   1. Try these toning exercises before you start the day.   在开始一天的活动之前,试着做做这些强身健体的 体操 。   2. A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.   手术后她的膝盖活动不便,走路时被迫跛行。   3. I stopped at the square and got out to stretch my legs.   我在广场处停下来,下车活动活动腿脚。   4. The President could continue to bash Democrats as being soft on crime.   总统可能会继续抨击民主党人对待犯罪活动心慈手软。   5. The terror ended when armed police swooped on the car.   武警突袭了这辆车从而制止了这起恐怖活动。   6. It condemned in extremely strong language what it called Britain"s iniquitous campaign.   它言辞激烈地谴责了这场它所谓的英国极不公正的竞选活动。   7. Now he plans to rev up publicity with a regional media campaign.   现在他准备通过开展地区性的媒体活动加大宣传力度。   8. The campaign has abounded in mutual accusations of uncivilised behaviour.   整个活动中双方频频指责对方粗野。   9. There are signs of paramilitary activity supported from abroad.   有迹象表明,非法军事组织的活动得到了国外势力的支持。   10. They"re roaming around the country shooting at anything that moves.   他们在乡下到处转悠,看到活动的东西就开枪。   11. Her lifestyle was out of kilter with her politics.   她的生活方式与她的政治活动格格不入。   12. Party members are disgruntled at the way the campaign is being handled.   党员们对竞选活动的运作方式很不满。   13. This argument is only too blatantly an alibi for domestic repression.   这一辩解完全是在为国内的镇压活动开脱。   14. The soldiers, for their part, agreed not to disrupt the election campaign.   就士兵们而言,他们答应不去干扰竞选活动。   15. Most unbelievably of all, it only has three moving parts!   最令人难以置信的是,它只有3个活动部件!   关于活动的双语例句   我们应该全体讨论班级活动。   We must discuss the class activities in a body.   孩子们喜欢户外活动。   Children like outdoor activities.   这位间谍从未把他的秘密活动告诉家里人。   The spy never told his family about his underground activities.   这个中心提供各种娱乐活动设施。   The center provides facilities for a whole range of leisure activities.   她因病而减少了体育活动。   Illness has curtailed her sporting activities.   学术研究活动更多的是一种说服的活动,而不是发现的活动。   Science is as much an act of persuasion as it is an act of discovery.   活动分区不是当前活动分区。   An active partition is not the current active partition.   体育活动成了我们空余时间的主要活动项目。   Sports take up the major part of our leisure item.   只产生了活动图中列出的测试活动。   Only the test actions specified in the activity diagram are generated.
2023-08-03 11:03:281


reindeer驯鹿Christmas Eve圣诞节前夕candy糖果Christmas Day圣诞节chimney烟囱Christmas season圣诞节节日fireplace壁炉candle蜡烛candle stick烛台Christmas feast圣诞大餐evergreen bough常青树枝Christmas dance圣诞舞会wreath花环Christmas pudding圣诞布丁
2023-08-03 11:03:361


[相关词组]:takepartinactivitydoexercisejoininmorningexercise爱心活动bai  duloveoutreach  不法活动  anillegalpractice  不活动  inactive;inoperative;silent 舱外活动  [Aeronautics]extravehicularactivity(EVA) 达标活动  targethittingactivities 放松活动  [Sports]arelaxationexercise;alimbering-upexercise 非活动性  [Medicine]quiescence  高级神经活动  [Physiology]highernervousactivity  工业谍报活动  industrialespionage  活动靶  amaneuveringtarget
2023-08-03 11:03:462

活动的名词 要英文,像举办活动那样的

活动可以用activity和 event, 举办的话英文用hold,或者arrange.
2023-08-03 11:04:011

活动 英语的动词形式

activity,动词要用active action,动词要用act
2023-08-03 11:04:471


我们学校有很多活动的英语是:Our school has many activities.各种校园活动的英文表达1、篮球赛(basketball match)、足球赛(football match)、运动会(sports meet)、乒乓球赛(table tennis match)、歌咏比赛(singing contest)。2、法制宣传周(legal publicity week)、学生会(student union/association)、文艺节晚会(art festival party),学生联谊晚会(student union fellowship party)。3、书法大赛(calligraphy contest)、辩论赛(Debate Competition)、公益活动(public benefit activities)、敬老院(home of respect for the aged)、开学典礼(school-opening ceremony)、毕业典礼(graduation ceremony)。
2023-08-03 11:04:551


问题一:促销活动的英文怎么说 促销活动 sales [例句]许多商店提前一个月就开始了一月份的特价促销活动。 Many stores have started their January sales a month early. 问题二:“搞促销活动”英文怎么说 搞促销活动 Engage in promotional activities 英 [pr??m?u??nl] 美 [pr??mo???nl] adj. 促销的; 增进的; 问题三:促销用英语怎么说 促销 [词典] sales promotion; [例句]许多商店提前一个月就开始了一月份的特价促销活动。 Many stores have started their January sales a month early. 问题四:用英语说大型促销活动怎么说,谢谢 great sales promotion activity 问题五:用英文怎么说? 这个促销活动什么时间停止(截止)? when will this promotion expire?或what is the dead line of this功promotion? 问题六:促销活动怎么翻译成英语.? Series promotion activity.The promoted activity must manifest the product core value, the short distance contact goal customer, forms the information dissemination穿scale effect is the principle.Realizes the audiences and forms to the product good cognition the purchase impulse. 1. The brand travels by vehicle - buys some home use things, delivers the beer. 2. Using fashion culture promotion. For example promotes on party, free tries to drink 3. Advertisement 4. Present present plan 5. Promotion 问题七:“搞促销活动”英文怎么说? Promotion/sales promotion 问题八:促销活动的英文怎么说 促销活动 sales [例句]许多商店提前一个月就开始了一月份的特价促销活动。 Many stores have started their January sales a month early. 问题九:促销用英语怎么说 促销 [词典] sales promotion; [例句]许多商店提前一个月就开始了一月份的特价促销活动。 Many stores have started their January sales a month early. 问题十:“搞促销活动”英文怎么说 搞促销活动 Engage in promotional activities 英 [pr??m?u??nl] 美 [pr??mo???nl] adj. 促销的; 增进的;
2023-08-03 11:05:161


play basketball/football/volleyball/baseballtennis/badminton/hockey...go travelling/camping/swimming/fishing/shopping...go for a picnic, go on a trip,go to the cinema, take a walk, do morning exercise...
2023-08-03 11:05:242


sports activities 体育活动; 例句: Parents should actively urge their children to take advantage of the opportunity to join sports activities. 父母应该积极鼓励孩子抓住机会参加体育活动。 扩展资料   Women who win in sports activities are highly regarded .   妇女积极参加体育事业也被高度认可。   After-class sports activities is an important component of university sports.   课外体育活动是学校体育的一个重要组成部分。   If you"re in the mood, go out and socialize, or get involved in sports activities.   要是有心情的话,可以外出进行社交,或是参与体育运动。   More and more people are in the habit of taking part in various sports activities.   越来越多的"人已经养成了参加各种体育活动的习惯。
2023-08-03 11:05:321


问题一:英语翻译"社团"怎么说? 您好, 在国外,社团的归类其实很简单。您只要这N想:任何运动方面的,如篮球队,棒球队,冰球队,橄榄球队,滑雪社等等的全都叫Team。比如说: I am part of the hockey team. I am in the football team. I am a member of the snowboarding team. 这N一讲人家就知道你是那一个(运动)社团的了。 而如果是如果是音乐,有分乐团跟合唱团: 乐团(队)一般就会说 band少数会用到orchestra这N正式的字眼,除非代表地方跟国家了。 合唱团则是Choir。 所有跟乐器练习有关的,如小提琴,萨克司风,笛子等等,还有个人(创作)歌唱(与乐队一起演出)的都归类於 band 里。当然也是有 Music club 的,可能包含以上两者或纯粹只是学术性或娱乐性的讨论或评论,一般若是讨论团体就与以上说过的那些参加演出比赛的团体不同。 与话剧,文学,文化交流(多元文化社团),宗教讨论,或天文社这种类的就全归类成 Club 或所谓的 After school club: Literature club Drama club Multicultural club Religious club Astronomy club 等等都是学校很常见的一些社团。Club 也不全都是文化类的交流,也有如 Red Cross Club 或 First Aid Club 这种是专门学习跟实践急救方面知识的学校社团。 至於您提到的association 与 society 一般很少是学校团体,如有也会是类似有赞助商那种性质,所做的事都是自愿签订协议或自愿来完成目的的。如果您是参加义(志)工等类的地方或社区社团,那N就会使用上association,society,或甚至foundation 之类的用词。 最後回答您说如果使用 I take part in a society他们会怎N认为? 多数会以为您已经步入社会在工作了,不会以为您是参加了那个学校社团。如果要让他们知道您是参加社团又不是明确的指出名字可以这N说: I take part in a sport"s team 或反过来说 I take part in a team sports. 都可以明确让人知道您是参与了一个与运动有关的社团。 I take part in band and choir. 两者是可以一起参加或其一,那N人家也会知道您是参加了乐团。 I take part in a school club 或 I take part in after school club. 别人就会知道您是参加了(学校)社团。 如果是想问别人参加了什N社团也可以以上面所说的推算用那个词来问会比较准确,但一般可以这N问: Which club have you join after school? Which after school club have you join? Which team sports have you join? 希望以上有帮上您,祝一切顺利! 问题二:积极参加学校社团活动用英语怎么说 英文原文: Actively participate in school munity activities 英式音标: [??kt?vli] [p??t?s?pe?t] [?n] [sku?l] [k??mju?n?t?] [?k?t?v?t?] 美式音标: [??kt?vli] [pr?t?s??pet] [?n] [skul] [k??mj?n?ti] [?k?t?v?ti] 问题三:参加社团活动用英语怎么说? Take an active part in students societies~ 写ps 常用的 问题四:“社团、学生会”用英文怎么说? a an association; a corporation; a civic organization; a mass organization社团student association; (Br.) a student union学生会 问题五:参加社团用英语怎么说? join the Dance Club take part in the Dance Club I hope I can help you! 问题六:“参加各种英语活动”用英语怎么说 to joiin all kinds of activities 问题七:学生社团用英语怎么说 你好! 学生社团 Student associations
2023-08-03 11:05:421


问题一:英语“大型活动”怎么说我想知道的是英美 大型活动 Large-scale activities 例句:次外,辅警也参与节日及大型活动的人群管理工作。 It also took part in crowd management at festivals and large-scale events. 外,辅警也参与节日及大型活动的人群管理工作。 大型活动安保指挥系统是为满足复杂、大型活动的整体安全防控和安保业务管理而设计的技术系统。 This system is designed for the overall security control and security operationalmanagement of a plex and large-scale event. 问题二:英语“大型活动”怎么说 large-scale event 问题三:大型晚会的英文怎么说 international (或者用 Chinese and foreign) grand evening party of friendship 问题四:用英语说大型促销活动怎么说,谢谢 great sales promotion activity 问题五:保证大型活动顺利进行 英语怎么说 ensure the *** ooth progress of large-scale events
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2023-08-03 11:06:211


我们学校有很多活动的英语是:Our school has many activities.各种校园活动的英文表达1、篮球赛(basketball match)、足球赛(football match)、运动会(sports meet)、乒乓球赛(table tennis match)、歌咏比赛(singing contest)。2、法制宣传周(legal publicity week)、学生会(student union/association)、文艺节晚会(art festival party),学生联谊晚会(student union fellowship party)。3、书法大赛(calligraphy contest)、辩论赛(Debate Competition)、公益活动(public benefit activities)、敬老院(home of respect for the aged)、开学典礼(school-opening ceremony)、毕业典礼(graduation ceremony)。
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[相关词组]:take part in activity do exercisejoin in morning exercise爱心活动   love outreach   不法活动   an illegal practice   不活动   inactive; inoperative; silent  舱外活动   [Aeronautics] extravehicular activity (EVA)  达标活动   target hitting activities  放松活动   [Sports] a relaxation exercise; a limbering-up exercise  非活动性   [Medicine] quiescence   高级神经活动   [Physiology] higher nervous activity   工业谍报活动   industrial espionage   活动靶   a maneuvering target
2023-08-03 11:07:443


“活动方式”在英语中可以用“lifestyle”来表示。它是指一个人的生活习惯和日常活动方式,包括饮食、运动、休息、娱乐等方面的习惯和方式。以下是一些常见的用法和含义:健康生活方式:在健康方面,lifestyle通常用于指健康的生活方式,例如健康的饮食、适当的运动、良好的睡眠等等。例如,“A healthy lifestyle is important for preventing chronic diseases”(健康的生活方式对预防慢性疾病非常重要)。社交生活方式:在社交方面,lifestyle通常用于指一个人的社交生活方式,例如他们的交友圈子、社交活动等等。例如,“She has a busy social lifestyle, attending parties and events every weekend”(她的社交生活方式很忙碌,每个周末都参加聚会和活动)。
2023-08-03 11:07:521


activities schedule
2023-08-03 11:08:162

“娱乐活动”英语怎么说?越简单越好= =

娱乐是人追求快乐、缓解生存压力的一种天性。 文化、技术和现代社会都将我们推到同一方向——娱乐。那么,怎样为娱乐定义呢?回答这个问题的困难之处在于对娱乐的诸多误解,主要体现在两点上。第一,娱乐被认为是媒介提供的一个商品,根据这一观点,有些媒体的内容是娱乐,有些则不是。电视剧、电影、情景喜剧、体育等等是娱乐,而新闻、纪录片和教育片则不属娱乐。这种观点源于行为科学的简单认识: 娱乐节目使人娱乐,而非娱乐节目则不可能使人娱乐。现代心理学则认为,媒介受众也起着一定的作用,观众可以有目的、有计划地决定他们将会在何种节目、何种内容中得到乐趣。第二个误解是将娱乐和信息对立。这种观点认为,节目的信息量越大,娱乐性就越差,换言之,观众得到的乐趣越多,他们学到的知识就越少。很显然,这种观点也是站不住脚的,观赏奥林匹克比赛是一种娱乐,但观众也能从中学到他国的风土人情、竞赛知识和人类的生理、心理极限(Vorderer, 2001)。 由此看到,娱乐可被看作是一种通过表现喜怒哀乐,或自己和他人的技巧而与受者喜悦,并带有一定启发性的活动(Bryant & Miron, 2002)。很显然,这种定义是广泛的,它包含了悲喜剧、各种比赛和游戏、音乐舞蹈表演和欣赏等等。 娱乐是一个设计来给予观众乐趣的项目、表演、或活动。(虽然有些例子,就像玩电脑游戏的“观众”只有一个人)。观众参与的娱乐,可以是被动的如看歌剧,或者主动的如玩电脑游戏。而提供娱乐的行业称为娱乐行业。 消闲、游戏、阅读还有视觉艺术欣赏普遍地不被认为是娱乐。因为娱乐的一般定义是需要有观看者可见的表演提供者。 众多被群众用以作娱乐的形式、项目,似难找出一个共通点,但对参与、使用娱乐形式、项目的使用者来说,不同的娱乐带给用的共通点就是带他们暂时脱离现实一下。
2023-08-03 11:08:462