barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-03 15:41:43
TAG: 英语


(1)born salesman 天生的推销员

(2)factory salesman [贸易]工业公司商务代表

(3)star salesman 明星推销员

(4)entrance salesman 推销员

(5)Insurance salesman 保险营销员

(6)salesman problem [数]推销员问题

(7)salesman itinerary 销售员旅行路线

(8)routing salesman 推销员巡回路线的制定

(9)dry salesman 干货推销员


(1)Salesman: What about this one?


(2)Salesman: How about this one?


Salesman: What can I do for you, sir?




销售员 英文是什么

2023-08-03 08:39:234


2023-08-03 08:39:351


2023-08-03 08:40:274

“销售员” 英文怎么翻译

2023-08-03 08:40:538


2023-08-03 08:41:145


sales men
2023-08-03 08:41:496


销售人员的英文简称“AE”,Account Executive.岗位职责:1、根据公司和部门销售目标制定相应的销售计划,开拓、维护目标市场和完成销售指标;2、维护已有的渠道,帮助渠道协调各种关系,包括采销中心主管,门店经理、组长的联系;3、同行企业信息的收集与分析,包括新品上市推进、价格、销量、促销活动、市场占有率分析等信息,根据变化的市场状况和公司的业务方向快速做出积极反应;4、促销员的管理,包括日常管理、招聘、培训等,并对负责所辖区域的人员管理工作,对下属工作进行评估指导,向公司提交人员任免和奖惩的建议;5、现场业务处理,包括样机展示、促销活动落实、pop管理、价格管理等;6、每周对市场上的销售状况进行总结分析,根据市场需求及时开展活动;并对活动进行监控;7、了解渠道管理和运作,清楚终端情况。扩展资料:根据销售职责把销售人员可以划分为五类:1、简单送货型销售人员:主要负责把客户已购买的产品发送给客户;2、简单接单型销售人员:主要负责把客户的订单转交给企业的生产部门;3、客户关系型销售人员:主要负责在客户中间建立起良好的声誉,使客户满意;4、技术型销售人员:主要负责向客户提供技术方面的服务,提高客户的忠诚度;5、创造型销售人员:主要负责寻找产品的潜在客户,并把他们转变为企业的实际客户。参考资料:百度百科-业务经理
2023-08-03 08:42:051


问题一:推销员 英语 推销员的英语怎么说 你好! 推销员 sale *** an 英 [?se?lzm?n] 美 [?selzm?n] n. 推销员; 售货员,店员; [例句]The sale *** an had been acpanied to the meeting by an assistant.营销人员在助手的陪同下参加了会议。问题二:“销售员” 英文怎么翻译 销售员 激alesperson Sale *** an 市场销售员 market sale *** an 电话销售员 Telemarketer问题三:销售员 用英语怎么说 男销售员可以用sale *** an或salesperson,女销售员可以用saleswoman或salesperson 问题四:推销员用英语怎样拼 Sale *** an~ 问题五:推销员用英语怎么说 你知道名词修饰名词吗? 前面的名词单复数无所谓。 你知道rep 是representative 吗,后面单复数根据句子看,如果你还是不知道 建议你查查语法书吧
2023-08-03 08:42:181


你好。女销售员翻译成英语是:Female sales staff。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。
2023-08-03 08:42:391


问题一:销售和销售员的英文 销售 sale 销售员 saler 问题二:销售人员和销售代表,分别用英语怎么说 销售人员;salesperson 销售代表:sales representative 问题三:市场营销怎么翻译成英语 市场营销学 标准翻译是:ma处keting --- 市场营销学译自英文“Marketing”一词,原意是指市场上的买卖交易活动,它作为一门学科,在我国被译为市场营销学、市场学和销售学等,是适应现代市场经济高度发展而产生和发展的起来的一门关于企业经营管理决策的科学。 --------------- 市场化 marketization 市场疲软 sluggish market 市场营销学 marketing 市场占有率 market share 市场准入 market access 市话 local calls 市盈率 p/e (price/earning) ratio 市政工程 municipal works; municipal engineering 市值 market capitalization 事业单位 public institution 视频点播 video on demand (VOD) 试点工程 pilot project 试点项目 pilot project 问题四:销售员 用英语怎么说 男销售员可以用sale *** an或salesperson,女销售员可以用saleswoman或salesperson 问题五:销售情况 用英语怎么说?sales condition sales status 销售情形,销售状况 双语例句: Periodically report the sales status to the management and *** yze the realized ex-market sales and prepare the report; 定期向管理层汇报销售进展情况,每月对分销商达成的销售做分析与比较 问题六:营销策划用英语怎么说? marketing scheme 问题七:网络营销用英文怎么翻译 Network Marketing 问题八:市场营销专业用英语怎么说 市场营销专业 marketing specialty 解释: marketing 市场营销 specialty 英 ["spe?(?)lt?]美 ["sp???lti] n. 专业,专长 Johnson"s specialty is medieval European history. 约翰逊的专业是中世纪欧洲史。 问题九:销售部或营销部用英语怎么说? Sales Department Marketing departmen储 Sales & Maketing Department 问题十:"市场营销“用英语怎么说? marketing management市场营销
2023-08-03 08:43:211


2023-08-03 08:43:345


女销售员的英文是female sales staff。female sales staff表示女销售员、sales woman女推销员、女店员、sales girl女售货员、女店员。相关例句:这对四十一岁的女销售员菲亚·威尔逊来说是一个好消息,因为她无法生育。It is good news for Faye Wilson, a 41 years old saleswoman who cannot have a baby。女销售员 也不完全是。我比较喜欢爵士乐。SALESLADY No, not really。 I"m more into jazz。
2023-08-03 08:43:491


电话销售员 [网络] telesales; Tele Sales; Telemarketers; Telemarketer; [例句]许多行业的众多推销员转而被更为廉价的电话销售员取代。Many "field" or travelling salesmen have been replaced by cheaper telephone salespeople.
2023-08-03 08:44:001


2023-08-03 08:44:105


销售员的英文是salesman和saleswomen。 销售员即推销员,是推销商品或服务的职业人士,在社会商业化活动中,起着重要的作用。以实际的载体传递信息,同时加以渲染达成商品的成交。销售员即推销员是推销商品或服务的职业人士,第一线前线职员,有如战场上的兵,功能是速销产品及服务等。
2023-08-03 08:45:311


问题一:销售和销售员的英文 销售 sale 销售员 saler 问题二:销售员 用英语怎么说 男销售员可以用sale *** an或salesperson,女销售员可以用saleswoman或salesperson 问题三:销售人员和销售代表,分别用英语怎么说 销售人员;salesperson 销售代表:sales representative 问题四:销售员用英语怎么说 销售员 Salesperson 偿ale *** an 市场销售员 market sale *** an 电话销售员 Telemarketer 问题五:销售的英文单词是什么 楼上直接来了个过去式,sell的原型――sale,对market也可以,而其名词marketing也同样是销售。 问题六:“销售员” 英文怎么翻译 销售员 激alesperson Sale *** an 市场销售员 market sale *** an 电话销售员 Telemarketer
2023-08-03 08:45:381


问题一:销售和销售员的英文 销售 sale 销售员 saler 问题二:销售人员和销售代表,分别用英语怎么说 销售人员;salesperson 销售代表:sales representative 问题三:销售员 用英语怎么说 男销售员可以用sale *** an或salesperson,女销售员可以用saleswoman或salesperson 问题四:销售员英文怎么写 写一个详细的技能 谢谢 不要为积分乱写乱答! 谢谢 就跟平时找工作写简历差不多吧`~ 问题五:销售人员 用英语怎么翻译? 百度 问题六:“销售员” 英文怎么翻译 销售员 激alesperson Sale *** an 市场销售员 market sale *** an 电话销售员 Telemarketer 问题七:我是一名销售人员,翻译成中文是 I am a sales person.我是一名销售人员 问题八:销售部经理的英语怎么翻译?要区分开Sales Manager 通常采用的称呼是:Sales Department Manager; 或者 Manager,Sales and Marketing Department 问题九:顶级销售人员用英语怎么说 Super sale *** an 问题十:销售经理的英文翻译是什么 1【问题】销售经理的英文翻译是什么 2【回答】销售经理-----sales manager; marketing manager;account manager(这三个都可以,如果做头衔的,单词的首字母都要大写) 【例句】 He began his career at the pany as area sales manager for Russia, Chinaand Asia-Pacific regions. 他的职业生涯始于在该公司的地区销售经理,俄罗斯,中国和亚太地区。 I heard he"s been transfered to another pany as a marketing manager. 我听说他被转到别的公司做销售经理。 Report to Regional Account Manager; 向区域销售经理汇报
2023-08-03 08:45:451


2023-08-03 08:45:547


销售人员;sales销售代表:sales representative
2023-08-03 08:46:244


salesperson英文发音:[u02c8seu026alzpu025cu02d0sn]中文释义:n.销售员例句:This salesperson is no longer working for this organization.这名销售人员现在已经不再在这家公司工作了。短语:1、insurance salesperson 保险营销员2、jewellery salesperson 珠宝首饰营业员3、pharmaceutical salesperson 药品销售人员4、driver salesperson 司机营业员5、property salesperson 销售人员扩展资料salesperson的同根词:1、saleslady英文发音:["seu026alzleu026adu026a]中文释义:n. 女售货员例句:When the saleslady asked me if they were for my wife I simply said "no".当售货员问我,如果他们对我的妻子,我只是说“不”。2、sale英文发音:[seu026al]中文释义:n. 销售;出售;拍卖;销售额;廉价出售例句:Efforts were made to limit the sale of alcohol.做出努力来限制酒的销售。
2023-08-03 08:46:571


销售人员和销售代表,分别用英语怎么说 销售人员;salesperson 销售代表:sales representative 销售和销售员的英文 销售 sale 销售员 saler 销售员英文怎么写 写一个详细的技能 谢谢 不要为积分乱写乱答! 谢谢 就跟平时找工作写简历差不多吧`~销售员 用英语怎么说 男销售员可以用sale *** an或salesperson,女销售员可以用saleswoman或salesperson 销售对象用英语怎么说啊??? Target marketing 金牌销售员用英文怎么说 Gold medal sales performers 销售人员 用英语怎么翻译? 百度 顶级销售人员用英语怎么说 Super sale *** an
2023-08-03 08:47:121


销售员 用英语怎么说 男销售员可以用sale *** an或salesperson,女销售员可以用saleswoman或salesperson 销售员用英语怎么说 销售员 Salesperson 偿ale *** an市场销售员 market sale *** an 电话销售员 Telemarketer 销售和销售员的英文 销售 sale 销售员 saler 销售人员和销售代表,分别用英语怎么说 销售人员;salesperson 销售代表:sales representative 销售员英文怎么写 写一个详细的技能 谢谢 不要为积分乱写乱答! 谢谢 就跟平时找工作写简历差不多吧`~ 销售人员 用英语怎么翻译? 百度 推销员 英语 推销员的英语怎么说 你好! 推销员 sale *** an 英 [u02c8seu026alzmu0259n] 美 [u02c8selzmu0259n] n. 推销员; 售货员,店员; [例句]The sale *** an had been acpanied to the meeting by an assistant. 营销人员在助手的陪同下参加了会议。
2023-08-03 08:47:341


问题一:销售员英文怎么写 写一个详细的技能 谢谢 不要为积分乱写乱答! 谢谢 就跟平时找工作写简历差不多吧`~ 问题二:销售员 用英语怎么说 男销售员可以用sale *** an或salesperson,女销售员可以用saleswoman或salesperson 问题三:销售的英文怎么写 1. sale 名词---卖出;出售,销售 如:The sale of his dog made him sad 2.sales 形容词. 销售的, 推销的 名词. 销售(额) 3.sell 动词: 卖; 售; 销 川 动词: 经销; 推销,出让,转让;促销,推销;推荐,推销 问题四:销售员用英语怎么说 销售员 Salesperson 偿ale *** an 市场销售员 market sale *** an 电话销售员 Telemarketer 问题五:营业员的英文名字怎么说? 营业员的中文的意思是指在各种经营窗口提供服务的工作人员。那么不同的行业有不同的称呼 酒店前台,商店,影院售票,问讯处等:clerk 银行柜台服务矗:teller 饭店,餐厅跑堂:waiter 或waitress 。。。 学习是一件愉快的事!
2023-08-03 08:47:411

售货员 英文怎么写?

2023-08-03 08:47:511


销售和销售员的英文 销售 sale 销售员 saler 销售人员和销售代表,分别用英语怎么说 销售人员;salesperson 销售代表:sales representative 销售员 用英语怎么说 男销售员可以用sale *** an或salesperson,女销售员可以用saleswoman或salesperson销售模式的英文怎么说 销售模式Sales model 销售模式 Sales model 销售情况 用英语怎么说?sales condition sales status 销售情形,销售状况 双语例句: Periodically report the sales status to the management and *** yze the realized ex-market sales and prepare the report; 定期向管理层汇报销售进展情况,每月对分销商达成的销售做分析与比较 销售客服用英语怎么说 sales Customer service “销售顾问”用英语怎么翻译呢? 通俗点的:selling adviser 高级点的:福endition counsellor 销售人员 用英语怎么翻译? 百度 销售渠道用英语怎么说 销售渠道 Distribution channel 销售渠道 Distribution channel
2023-08-03 08:48:061


marketer, 营销人员。sales , 销售人员。
2023-08-03 08:48:481


Gold medal Selesperson
2023-08-03 08:48:583


问题一:导购员用英语怎么说? saleman 问题二:商场的导购员英文怎么说如题 导购员 [名] Sales; [例句]导购员只是在做她的本职工作她不会把你的拒绝当做针对她个人的,并且你也不应该这么觉得。 The sales assistant is just doing her job she doesn"t take a no personally and you shouldn"t either. 问题三:导购员 用英语怎么说 如果你只说导购员的话,就是Shopping guide 如果你是英语导购的话,就是English Shopping guide 我可以肯定我的说法,因为我就是一名英语导购员 问题四:营业员用英语怎么说 1.a shop employee; a shop assistant 问题五:营业员的英文名字怎么说? 营业员的中文的意思是指在各种经营窗口提供服务的工作人员。那么不同的行业有不同的称呼 酒店前台,商店,影院售票,问讯处等:clerk 银行柜台服务矗:teller 饭店,餐厅跑堂:waiter 或waitress 。。。 学习是一件愉快的事! 问题六:导购用英文怎么说? shopping guide 问题七:销售员 用英语怎么说 男销售员可以用sale *** an或salesperson,女销售员可以用saleswoman或salesperson 问题八:售货员英文怎么说 shop assistant 不分性别 sale *** an 男 salesgirl 女 问题九:导购员用英语怎么说? saleman 问题十:导购员 用英语怎么说 如果你只说导购员的话,就是Shopping guide 如果你是英语导购的话,就是English Shopping guide 我可以肯定我的说法,因为我就是一名英语导购员
2023-08-03 08:49:271


帮忙翻译酒店职务英语,急需要的。要全。高分 部门Department 职务(你要翻译的内容应该是职位) Positions 人事部 HR department 人事经理 HR manager 行政专员Administrative executive 文员 Clerk 培训师 Training Specialist 美工 Art designer 行政PA PA(Public Area) executive 行政部Administrative department 人事主任HR administrator 厨师 Chef 财务部Financial department 主管Supervisor 会计 Aountant 出纳Cashier 稽核Auditor 仓管Store administrator 工程部Engineering departmemt 水电工Plumber 经理Manager 施工员Construction crew 综合维修 Comprehensive maintenance 预算员 Budgeter 维修工 Maintenance worker 预算员 Budgeter 网管 Neork administrator 施工员 Construction crew 保安部 Security department 保安领班 Security captain 保安主管 Security Supervisor 保安 Security 前厅部Front desk department 前厅经理 Front desk manager 行李员 Bellman 前台接待 Receptionist 前厅主管 Front desk supervisor 前厅收银 Front desk cashier 大堂副理 Assistant Manager 前台主管 Front desk supervisor 吧台主管 Bar supervisor 大堂吧服务员 Bar Server 吧台员 Bartender 综合维修 Comprehensive maintenance 网管Neork administrator 客房部Room/Housekeeping department 客房经理 Housekeeping manager 客房领班 Housekeeping captain 保洁领班 PA captain 房务文员 Housekeeping clerk 客房服务员Housekeeping attendant PA员 Public area attendant 销售部Sales department 销售经理Sales manager 销售员 Sale *** an 销售文员 Sales clerk #有很多有重复。真正在酒店中不会这么细,比如文员都是clerk,没有部门字首。希望可以帮到你! 帮我翻译一份英文介绍信!急需要的谢谢 I"m glad to be here do simple to introduce myself, my name is XXX. 20 years old this year. From guangzhou, is a 29.13%, my interest is in this aspect of the puter, considering the future interest to work, so I choose professional is also concerned with the puter of the e-merce subject. Due to the needs of work and puter knowledge serious shortage, school of learning is simple, the office sofare EZXCEL WORD to me is not what I want. I have a lot to learn the basic system sofare, for example, there are too many not understand, many procedures. All need to spend lots of time to understand. Especially after graduation to work in that place to use puter knowledge is insufficient, how these three years after the work out at school after the discovery of their knowledge is how, how they found themselves to knowledge. Now in the work place is based on the need of basic English office sofare, because without sake, so here!!!! At work, the boss didn"t get reused now finally realized. Also want to have their own business, no cultural knowledge nothing, now I need to arm themselves with knowledge, need appreciation for the future development, get help. If you can go through this little chance to foreign advanced yourself, improve yourself, for the future road play well. Hoping to get a chance. 翻译 谢谢 急需要的 非常感谢 在商品化的威胁,带来了服务供应商的真正挑战。虽然最终端到端原则常常解释为“哑巴网路,智慧终端系统”,原来的档案做了对端点之间的中间系统的功能和适当的分配更加微妙的论点。职能可以实现在网路效能的原因,当他们提供的价值一无抑制应用程式不需要这些功能的正常执行广泛的应用。在这方面,我们描述了一个新颖的实验原型平台,有用的功能“内部”网路。这种可程式设计平台使服务提供商能够迅速和创新内部署新的网路功能,当它是有意义的。通过实施一个覆盖平台,服务提供商可以帮助那些应用程式受益于增加功能,如快取记忆体和流的支援,不正确的和有效的operationof其他应用程式,不需要他们的干扰。服务提供商也可以利用它们的详细拓扑知识和能力,控制网路资源的功能,将传统难以覆盖。该平台的可程式设计功能,可扩大或与其它软体组成,不论是由服务供应商或第三方。 急需要的 设有X个学生,Y棵树苗 7X+5=Y(每个人种树五棵,还有五棵每种 8X-1=Y(每个人种树8棵,其中有个人少种一棵) 7X+5=8X-1 X=6人,Y=47棵 第一题,5 第二题,17,11 好心人帮忙啦,急需要的,必采纳 what are 急需酒店英语自我介绍 请帮忙翻译下 hello, I"m a 20 year-old young man(woman) named XXX. I"m so glad to have the interview.I was born in Xi"an .My hobbies are singing and drawing.I majored in Food and Beverage Management in Xi" an International University.I just graduated from the university.In the past 2 years of my university life I learned a lot of things about my major. I"m a hard-working person and I hope you can let me work with you . Thanks for listening. 快点,急需要的! 字都看不清,做个毛线啊 外贸英语 急需要高手帮忙翻译下啊! 1. Commercial Negotiation - proceed with L/C if things are ok 2. The buyer to apply for L/C 3. The banker to issue L/C notification 4. The seller to ship cargo with documents submitted against payment 5. Documents review and payment settlement 英语学霸写一下下面的翻译全部都写现在就紧急需要的。。。。。。 让我降低一下自己的采纳率来写一下:我已经见到好多次类似的提问了,我猜都是同一个人问的。这种简单的东西自己查字典就行了。英语学霸是不会来回答这种问题的,such as myself.你就好像在问南大数学系的学生1+1等于几一样。
2023-08-03 08:49:341


super sales-person
2023-08-03 08:49:445


2023-08-03 08:50:032


请教“外贸业务员”的英文翻译。 Global Trading Specialist 或是 Global Trading Sales 这才是正解PS: Clerk是一般店里面的销售人员,商用英语不太会用这个字。 International这个字可以在这里使用,但商业领域会更喜欢用Global。 Representative这个字是代表,例如商会代表,企业代表,一般带有一点公开发言性质的人才会用这个字,业务或是销售,是不适合用这个字的,我们常听到销售代表,那是中文的用语习惯,但商业领域是不太会这样用的,出非这个人是公司销售或是业务的官方公开发言人。单只业务或是销售要用Sales, 或是Specialist(专家)。 Representative很明显是中文用语习惯得出来的结果。 外贸业务员怎么翻译成英文? Foreign trade agent “外贸业务员”,“外贸跟单员”英语怎么说 外贸业务员 foreign trader 或者直接翻译成 sales 跟单一般是用 merchandiser; 我是某某公司的外贸业务员英语怎么说 This is the export trader/sale *** an from ***pany. “外贸业务员”用英语怎么讲? 外贸业务员: 1. International Trade Sales 招聘 外贸业务员(International Trade Sales) 工作职位列表 2. Export Business Rep. Marketing Representative 销售代表 Export Business Rep. 外贸业务员 3. car camera 外贸业务员(car camera)深圳邦之宝科技有限公司 4. foreign trade sales 外贸业务员这一职务用英文怎么说 一般说overseas sales就可以,不分性别 外贸专员,用英语怎么说 Trading Specialist / International Trade 外贸专员 贸易专员 外贸业务员的英文怎么说 外贸业务员 [词典] foreign trade sale *** an; 英 [u02c8seilzmu0259n] 美 [u02c8selzmu0259n] n. 推销员; 售货员,店员;
2023-08-03 08:50:231


social worker, 能仔细点么?!
2023-08-03 08:50:466


merchandiser/biz man
2023-08-03 08:51:036


Sales staff.或者Personnel~~
2023-08-03 08:51:193


销售人员英文自我介绍(通用5篇)   当我们在一个陌生场合中,常常需要我们进行自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以得到他人的"欣赏。那么自我介绍要注意有什么内容呢?以下是我帮大家整理的销售人员英文自我介绍(通用5篇),仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。   销售人员英文自我介绍1   I am a graduate from Industrial and Commercial University Of Chongqing, in the study, has a solid professional foundation, studious, correct attitude, through the National English 4 and computer 2 level. In the work, serious and responsible, have strong organizational ability, often participate in various student work to develop their ability to work. Practical work, hard working, strong sense of responsibility, actively cooperate with the tasks. In life, to develop good habits. Focus on expanding their interest and hobbies, exercise their own communication and organizational skills. I hope to do my best to create the best interests for the company.   Self-study ability is very strong, in school self-study a lot of computer knowledge, can skillfully assemble the computer, understand the computer maintenance, skilled operation of windows, office office software, familiar with Interne resources. Auto, CAD, Photoshop and other software; will use C language to write general procedures.   Professional knowledge, solid, positive work attitude, able to work independently, and team spirit, and good cultural quality; with enterprising spirit, good staff management and communication skills.   销售人员英文自我介绍2   My name is XXX, from the XXX, XX years old, aged. Graduated in June this year, the University of Press and Publication XXXX College, majoring in marketing. I work hard at learning, open-minded, studious, interested in the professional knowledge, good at thinking and analysis, have a certain ability to apply professional knowledge, access to school in college scholarships and third-class second-class scholarship. My English is a good foundation has been a college English 46 certificate, foreign trade companies are also internship. In the work the university has served as deputy team leader and members of other advocacy positions, job seriously. In addition, as a class party during the party in time to the successful completion of the tasks to be trained in the ability to work while making their party spirit has been enhanced to form a pragmatic style of work. I am cheerful, good at communication, teacher and classmates have formed a good and harmonious relationships.   Experience in social work, I have done before and forwarding sales insurance sales, so sales have some experience. In addition, I worked at the Xinhua Bookstore outlets, good customer service have some experience. Attitude is everything I have followed the principle, I believe that as long as a down the well every detail, good customer service through their unremitting efforts, we will have good job performance.   Hope to apply their knowledge, but I also very much willing to try other types of work, receive training themselves, and accumulated more and rich social experience, and I believe that cheerful and humorous personality will allow me to adapt to the diversity of work. No matter what kind of work in the future, I will bring new job as a new starting point, constantly learning and enhance professional skills, my tireless responsible attitude and pragmatic style of work to do each one.   销售人员英文自我介绍3   My name is xxx, masters graduate. Worked for three years before the marketing and management, two-year teacher; I always believe that "gold, no matter where will sparkle." In the three years of marketing, I market planning and development, marketing, administration, personnel training and so forth have been a profound exercise, accumulated a lot of valuable experience in a lifetime.   I always believe that "gold, no matter where will sparkle." I could on its own intelligence and hard work in the field of non-professional to obtain gratifying results, in their own areas of expertise naturally not far behind, "perfect" the goal of my life chasing. Six months and two years of teaching assistant experience in training me confident calm, graceful temperament; as undergraduate research design experiment of the counselors, participation in aquatic Key Laboratory of pilot projects, such as tutoring not only the exercise of my independent research and development capabilities, and further reinforces my knowledge, experimental skills. As always uphold the "Learning" criteria, so I pay attention to social development and security grip pulse, based on reality, and strive to cultivate themselves into the market economic system needs both education and scientific research, market development and management generalists.   销售人员英文自我介绍4   Hello,My name is CNrencai. I graduate from xxx colleage. My major is E-commerce. One part of my courses are Java, JSP, SQL and other about operation for computer software. The other part is cyber marketing, logistic management and so on which is related to international trade. I am very lively and cheerfuly, and I like web trade very much. So I think i will beequal to the international trade easily as Im not only master computer but also internet trade. I will try my best to looking for customers for our company as long as you can give me an chance. Thanks very much!   You also can talking something about your career plan, your ambition, and so on.   销售人员英文自我介绍5   It is my plesure to meet you .today i am here to apply for the position of foreign trade clerk(or assistant)。now let me tell you a little bit about myself.i am from jiangxi province . there are four members in my family,my parents,my elder sister and i. i am always a energertic and enthusiastic person that have many hobbies .   Well ,i am fond of all kinds of outdoor activities such as playing tennis , doing some physicalsports and so on. (you can also say i am interested in…or doing sth is also my favourite activity)this year i will gratuade from tian jinforeign studyings university, with major in foreign trade(or international trade)。 i really like this industy very much.   If i am so lucky enough to be employed by your company,i will put what i have learnt together with my energy into my job and make some contribution to your company.thank you very much! ;
2023-08-03 08:51:291


问题一:销售助理英文怎么写 销售助理 Sales Assistant 问题二:业务员用英语怎么说? contract representative谈业务时的业务员 consumer service representative处理客户意见时的业务员 marketing agent搞销售的业务员 delivery boy送货员 问题三:事务助理的英文怎么写? Affairs assistant 问题四:销售员英文怎么写 写一个详细的技能 谢谢 不要为积分乱写乱答! 谢谢 就跟平时找工作写简历差不多吧`~ 问题五:CEO助理 英文名片怎么写 CEO助理 英文名片怎么写 CEO助理是Assistant to CEO 例句: 为了配合公司业务拓展,现上海代表处诚聘CEO私人助理,助理市场传讯经理各一名。 Now the Shanghai Representative Office is looking for Candidates to sit for thepositions of Personal Assistant to CEO and Assistant Mar Manager. 问题六:办签证,英文在职证明,从事销售员或者业务员,英文怎么写? Sales staff.或者Personnel~~
2023-08-03 08:51:421


2023-08-03 08:51:522


2023-08-03 08:48:281


春节的习俗有吃团圆饭包饺子看春晚拿红包走亲访友The custom of Spring Festival is to eat reunion dinner, make dumplings, watch the Spring Festival Gala and visit relatives and friends with red envelopes
2023-08-03 08:48:302


关于春节的英文单词:1、春节 The Spring Festiva2、农历 lunar calendar3、正月 lunar January;4、除夕 New Year"s Eve;5、初一 the beginning of New Year6、元宵节 The Lantern Festival7、烟花 fireworks8、爆竹 firecrackers9、红包 red packets10、舞狮 lion dance11、舞龙 dragon dance12、过年 have the Spring Festival13、春联 Spring Festival couplets14、剪纸 paper-cuts15、年画 New Year paintings16、买年货 do Spring Festival shopping17、敬酒 propose a toast18、灯笼 lantern19、戏曲 traditional opera20、杂耍 variety show21、灯谜 riddles written on lanterns22、灯会 exhibit of lanterns23、守岁 staying-up24、拜年 pay New Year"s call25、农历 lunar calendar26、禁忌 taboo27、去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune28、压岁钱 gift money30辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year31、扫房 spring cleaning32、年糕 Nian-gao33、团圆饭 family reunion dinner34、年夜饭 the dinner on New Year"s Eve35、饺子 dumpling36、汤圆 Tang-yuan37、八宝饭 eight treasures rice pudding
2023-08-03 08:48:381


2023-08-03 08:48:384


在不少的旅游杂志上,经常会出现Sunny个英文单词,究竟Sunny这个英文单词所表达的是什么意思呢?下面让我们一起去了解Sunny这个英文单词吧。 简要回答 SUNNY是个英文单词,作形容词使用的时候意思是阳光充足的、和煦的、快活的、性情开朗的。 详细内容 Sunny Seacoast 阳光海岸; Sunny Coffe 新天地 。 SUNNY BAY 日光海岸 ; 欣澳 ; 欣澳站 ; 晴空万里; Sunny Lane 妖兽入侵 ; 阳光里 ; 提供关于。 Sunny Hotel 香溢大酒店 ; 阳光酒店 ; 阳光旅馆 ; 台州香溢大酒店。 He was a nice lad — bright and with a sunny disposition. 他是个不错的小伙子——聪明伶俐而且性格开朗。 The staff wear big sunny smiles. 员工的脸上都带着灿烂的笑容。 The day of the christening was sunny and bright. 洗礼仪式的天是阳光充足的和明亮的。 I like sunny weather because I can play on the beach. 我喜欢晴朗的天气因为我可以在海滩上玩耍。 It is beyond your power to do that on the sunny side of thirty. 它是超越你的力量去做这些事情的光明面三十岁。
2023-08-03 08:48:421


adj.形容词loudy 阴天的;rainy 下雨的;sunny晴朗的;windy 有风的;snowy 下雪的;v.动词:rain 下雨;snow 下雪;shine 照耀;blow 刮风;thunder 打雷 ;n.名词:rain 雨;snow 雪;sun/sunshine 阳光;wind 风;cloud 云;storm 暴雨 ;thunderstorm 雷雨 ;thundershower 雷阵雨 ;lightning 闪电;snowstorm 暴风雪;rainstorm 暴风雨;扩展资料sunny:[英][u02c8su028cni] [美][u02c8su028cni]adj.和煦的:照到阳光的; 快活的,性情开朗亲切的;【例句】1.Harry heard from hogwarts one sunny morning about a week after he had arrived at the burrow.到陋居大约一星期后,在一个晴朗的早晨,哈利收到了霍格沃茨的来信。2.We talked for a few minutes on the sunny porch.门前阳光充足,我们聊了几分钟。3.Dry, sunny days are perfect for walking.干爽、阳光充足的日子是非常适合散步的。
2023-08-03 08:48:491


西南交通大学校区总面积5000多亩。学校介绍:西南交通大学是教育部直属全国重点大学,国家首批“双一流”“211工程”“特色985工程”“2011协同创新计划”重点建设并设有研究生院的研究型大学,坐落于中国历史文化名城、国家中心城市、“成渝地区双城经济圈”核心城市——成都。学校1896年创建于山海关,时称“北洋铁路官学堂”(Imperial Chinese Railway College),是中国第一所工程教育高等学府,是中国土木工程、矿冶工程、交通工程高等教育的发祥地,同时也是“交通大学”最早两大源头之一。学校以“唐山交大”“唐院”之名享誉中外,素有“东方康奈尔”之美誉,毛泽东为学校题写校名。建校以来,学校先后命名交通大学、唐山交通大学、中国交通大学、北方交通大学、唐山铁道学院等。学校先后经历了两次全国院系调整,一大批在全国卓有声誉的系组调整支援清华大学、天津大学等兄弟院校。1964年学校积极响应党中央建设“大三线”号召内迁四川,1972年更名西南交通大学,1989年学校办学主体迁至成都,2002年在成都犀浦扩建新校区。以上数据出自西南交通大学官网。学校学科建设:截至2018年10月,学校拥有2个一级学科国家重点学科、10个二级学科国家重点学科,有19个一级学科博士学位授权点、专业学位博士点1个、39个一级学科硕士学位授权点。无一级学科覆盖的二级学科博士点2个、硕士点7个,拥有11个博士后科研流动站,入选1个世界一流学科建设学科;交通运输工程学科位居全国第一(A+)、土木工程学科位居全国第七(A-),材料科学、工程学、计算机科学进入ESI世界排名前1%。博士后科研流动站:力学、土木工程、机械工程、交通运输工程、管理科学与工程、电气工程、信息与通信工程、测绘科学与技术、地质资源与地质工程、计算机科学与技术、工商管理。
2023-08-03 08:48:241


We also had a big family reunion dinner.
2023-08-03 08:48:233


元宇宙(Metaverse)是一个虚拟时空间的集合,由一系列的增强现实(AR)、虚拟现实(VR)和互联网(Internet)所组成。表示“超越宇宙”的概念:一个平行于现实世界运行的虚拟空间。从元宇宙的起源来理解,有迹可考的元宇宙的起源,大家比较公认的是1992年,科幻作家尼尔·斯蒂芬森在其小说《雪崩》里,最早使用了这个词,当时被翻译成“超元域”。小说将元宇宙描写成一个与真实世界平行的虚拟空间,在这个虚拟空间中,每个人都可以拥有自己的另一个分身,一些传统的互联网巨头现实中遇到了发展的瓶颈,他们也需要探索出一个新的发展方向。技术的进步为元宇宙的火热提供了支持。元宇宙的发展离不开科技的进步,例如, VR、边缘计算和区块链技术,是元宇宙必备的三大技术支撑。当前,这三项技术,虽然还谈不上非常成熟,但已经在现实社会中各个领域进行了广泛的应用,为元宇宙的发展提供了技术支撑。元宇宙产品:「FateU」是坤元理想于 2020 年 8 月推出的一款面向国内用户的元宇宙概念产品,「FateU」官方将产品定义为社交元宇宙。与普通社交产品相比,「FateU」确实具备虚拟形象、沉浸体验等元宇宙产品应该具备的基础特点,但似乎又无法从传统社交模式中完全剥离出来。目前「FateU」有首页、消息、发现以及个人主页等4个一级 Tab,创建 Avatar、虚拟社交等几乎所有的虚拟使用场景都集中在首页。「FateU」的虚拟形象风格与啫喱等产品类似,走 Q 萌风格。「FateU」的虚拟形象创建基本可以分成面部和服装两个类别。
2023-08-03 08:48:231


2023-08-03 08:48:201


2023-08-03 08:48:193


 春节 The Spring Festival  农历 lunar calendar  正月 lunar January;  除夕 New Year"s Eve;  初一 the beginning of New Year  元宵节 The Lantern Festival  烟花 fireworks  爆竹 firecrackers  红包 red packets  舞狮 lion dance  舞龙 dragon dance  过年 have the Spring Festival  春联 Spring Festival couplets  剪纸 paper-cuts  年画 New Year paintings  买年货 do Spring Festival shopping  敬酒 propose a toast  灯笼 lantern  戏曲 traditional opera  杂耍 variety show  灯谜 riddles written on lanterns  灯会 exhibit of lanterns  守岁 staying-up  拜年 pay New Year"s call  农历 lunar calendar  禁忌 taboo  去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune  祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one"s ancestors  压岁钱 gift money  辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year  扫房 spring cleaning  年糕 Nian-gao  团圆饭 family reunion dinner  年夜饭 the dinner on New Year"s Eve  饺子 dumpling  汤圆 Tang-yuan  八宝饭 eight treasures rice pudding  糖果盘 candy tray  什锦糖 assorted candies  蜜冬瓜 candied winter melon  西瓜子 red melon seed  金桔 cumquat  糖莲子 candied lotus seed  糖藕 candied lotus root  红枣 red dates  花生糖 peanut candy  春节 The Spring Festival  农历 lunar calendar  正月 lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar  除夕 New Year"s Eve; eve of lunar New Year  初一 the beginning of New Year  元宵节 The Lantern Festival  Customs:  过年 Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival  对联 poetic couplet: two successive rhyming lines in poetry  春联 Spring Festival couplets  剪纸 paper-cuts  年画 New Year paintings  买年货 special purchases for the Spring Festival ; do Spring Festival  shopping  敬酒 propose a toast  灯笼 lantern: a portable light  烟花 fireworks  爆竹 firecrackers (People scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud  pop.)  红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and  wealth in the coming year.)  舞狮 lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring  good luck.)  舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests)  戏曲 traditional opera  杂耍 variety show; vaudeville  灯谜 riddles written on lanterns  灯会 exhibit of lanterns  守岁 staying-up  拜年 pay New Year"s call; give New Year"s greetings; New Year"s visit  春节 The Spring Festival  农历 lunar calendar  正月 lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar  除夕 New Year"s Eve; eve of lunar New Year  初一 the beginning of New Year  元宵节 The Lantern Festival  Customs:  过年 Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival  对联 poetic couplet: two successive rhyming lines in poetry  春联 Spring Festival couplets  剪纸 paper-cuts  年画 New Year paintings  买年货 special purchases for the Spring Festival do Spring Festival shopping  敬酒 propose a toast  灯笼 lantern: a portable light  烟花 fireworks  爆竹 firecrackers (People scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.)  红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.)  舞狮 lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.)  舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests)  戏曲 traditional opera  杂耍 variety show; vaudeville  灯谜 riddles written on lanterns  灯会 exhibit of lanterns  守岁 staying-up  拜年 pay New Year"s call; give New Year"s greetings; New Year"s visit  禁忌 taboo  去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune  祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one"s ancestors  压岁钱 gift money; money given to children as a lunar New Year gift 年糕 Nian-gao; rise cake; New Year cake  团圆饭 family reunion dinner  年夜饭 the dinner on New Year"s Eve  饺子 Jiao-zi; Chinese meat ravioli;dumpling  汤圆 Tang-yuan; dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet or spicy fillings  八宝饭 eight treasures rice pudding  糖果盘 candy tray:  什锦糖 assorted candies - sweet and fortune  蜜冬瓜 candied winter melon - growth and good health  西瓜子 red melon seed - joy, happiness, truth and sincerity  金桔 cumquat - prosperity  糖莲子 candied lotus seed - many descendents to come  糖藕 candied lotus root - fulfilling love relationship  红枣 red dates - prosperity  花生糖 peanut candy - sweet希望能帮带你,满意望采纳哦
2023-08-03 08:48:151