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2023-05-19 19:02:42



adj.过去的,以前的; 结束的; 前任的;

n.过去,过往; 往事; [语]过去时;

prep.超过,超出; 远于; 越过;





past介词‘越过",作名词‘过去,往时",作形容词‘过去的,结束的" pass动词‘经过,通过"作名词‘途径,护照" (这两者没有关系)
2023-01-08 13:14:141

simple past是什么意思

2023-01-08 13:14:234

line, miss, halp, past各是什么意思?

2023-01-08 13:14:364

go past是什么意思

go past释义:走过,过去,经过,超越...阶段。例句:The marching men had to close up to let the oncoming convoy go past.前进的士兵不得不收缩队伍礼让迎面而来的车队驶过。 go past和go pass区别 一、意思不同 1.go pass意思:通过;经过 2.go past意思:经过 二、用法不同 1.go pass用法:作“通过,经过,穿过”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时常和副词搭配使用; 用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 例句: And David said to Ittai, Go and pass over. 大卫对以太说,你前去过河吧。 2.go past用法:基本意思是“过”,如“走过”“通过”“经过”“度过”等,指逐渐地、平稳地转入另一种状况。 例句: You go past a village. 你经过了一个小村庄。 三、侧重点不同 1.go pass侧重点:多数指抽象的。 2.go past侧重点:多数指客观存在。
2023-01-08 13:14:531

past是什么意思? 与pass有关系吗?

2023-01-08 13:14:594

past participle是什么意思

past participle过去分词; 复数:past participles例句:1.Anglophones first encounter the words "past participle" not in an english class, but infrench. 很多英语母语者是在法语课,而不是英语课上最先遇到“过去分词”一词
2023-01-08 13:16:192


past;n. 过去;往事 adj. 过去的;结束的 prep. 越过;晚于 adv. 过;经过 pass;n. 及格;经过;护照;途径;[体]传球 vi. 经过;传递;变化;终止 vt. 通过;经过;传递 cross;n. 交叉,十字;十字架,十字形物 vi. 交叉;杂交;横过 vt. 杂交;渡过;使相交 adj. 交叉的,相反的;乖戾的 across;prep. 穿过;横穿 adv. 横过;在对面
2023-01-08 13:16:312

past participle是什么意思

在英式英语和美式英语中,过去分词的不规则形式作形容词用 (of verb tenses)composed of has/have or had+ past participlex0d(指动词时态)完成式的(由has/have或had+过去分词组成) Strew is most commonly used in ...
2023-01-08 13:16:391


2023-01-08 13:16:441

past 这个单词是什么意思

2023-01-08 13:16:503

past 的名词意思是什么呀?

n. 过去,过往;往事;[语]过去时 同学你好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦
2023-01-08 13:17:011

go past是什么意思?

go past 过去希望我的回答可以帮得上你
2023-01-08 13:17:0615


首先,二者的词性不同 past是介词而pass是动词 两者都不止一种词性 之前说的是比较常用的词性 past还有形容词、名词和副词的词性 而pass还有名词的词性 再说说意思 past做形容词时多意为以前的,过去的,曾经的 做介词时多意为越过,经过以及晚于,过 做名词时则多意为过去,昔日,以前 做副词是意为经过 pass的意思则很多了,主要的意思有:通过;移动等,可与很多介词搭配构成短语 具体的就不说太多了 内容实在是太多了…举个例子吧 如:We passed the movie theater.We drove past the movie theater.这样你应该可以明白了吧?
2023-01-08 13:18:211


past 是指时间上的过去,如in the past 而pass 是指空间上的过去,或是指抽象意义上的过去,如考试通过:pass the exam
2023-01-08 13:18:261


past的意思是过去的,昔日的,刚过去的,刚结束的。一、读法past这个英文单词的读法是英[pɑːst],美[pæst]。二、短语搭配1、brush past:擦身而过,擦肩而过,静水流深。2、memories of the past:对往事的记忆。3、gone by in time:过去的,以前的。4、in past years:在过去的年月。三、造句1、Her technique has improved a lot over the past season.在过去的一个赛季里,她的技术大有长进。2、They"ve held the championship for the past two years.他们在过去的两年里一直保持着冠军地位。3、He didn"t make it past first base.他未能跑过一垒。4、 She"s long past retirement age.她早已超过了退休年龄。
2023-01-08 13:18:371

simple past是什么意思

2023-01-08 13:18:542

pass past有什麽区别

pass是经过,通过的意思 past是过去的,过去式的意思
2023-01-08 13:19:026


pastadj. 过去的,以前的; 结束的; 前任的; n. 往事; 过去,过往; [语] 过去时; prep. 超过,超出; 远于; 越过;
2023-01-08 13:19:261

past是什么意思? 与pass有关系吗?

2023-01-08 13:19:371


adj 过去的 结束的prep 在...之后 超过 越过adv 超过n 过去 往事
2023-01-08 13:19:423


2023-01-08 13:19:541


名词:往事;过去,昔时( past的名词复数 );过去的生活[经历]
2023-01-08 13:20:001

What is past is past是什么意思

第一个past是形容词,过去的,过去了的第二个是名词,往事,昔日翻译成 过去了的事就是往事了。引申为,过去的就让它过去了吧希望有帮助
2023-01-08 13:20:126

Verb, past tense .past participle各是什么意思?

2023-01-08 13:20:334


2023-01-08 13:20:471


2023-01-08 13:20:521


2023-01-08 13:20:582


2023-01-08 13:21:062

simple past是什么意思

2023-01-08 13:21:241

simple past是什么意思

2023-01-08 13:21:301


2023-01-08 13:21:351


past是过去的意思,later译为较晚的,以后的。首先,past这个单词可以做形容词,介词,名词和副词。而later只能做形容词和副词。past的适用面很广,如past days译为过去的日子。这个单词一般情况下用在现在时。但是所指的时态则是过去时。而later这个单词可以用在现在时,将来时用的比较多一些。
2023-01-08 13:21:411


2023-01-08 13:21:461


pass的意思是“通过” 例如:You have passed the exam意思是你已经通过了考试. 而past的意思是“过去的” 例如The past time I went to school by bus.过去的日子我乘公共汽车上学.
2023-01-08 13:21:521

past名词 介词 形容词 副词 是什么

pastdot形容词 a.1. 过去的;刚过去的2. 过去了的;完了的The danger is past.危险已过。3. 以前的;前任的[B]John Smith is a past president of ourclub.约翰·史密斯是我们俱乐部的前任主席。4. 【语】过去(时)的[B]dot介词 prep.1. (指时间、数量等)过;通过,经过The boys walked past our house.孩子们走过我们的房子。2. (指范围、程度、能力等)超过Some of his poems are pastcomprehension.他的某些诗作无法理解。He walked past the movie theatre.他走过了电影院。dot名词 n.1. 过去,昔日[the S]In the past he had to read bycandlelight.过去他只得在烛光下攻读。2. 往事;经历;不光彩的往事[theS]3. 【语】过去时;(动词的)过去式[the S]dot副词 ad.1. 过;经过;越过I watched the people hurry past.我看着人们匆匆而过。dot以下结果来自互联网网络释义past1. 经过,越过2. 过去的,过去过去(时间),超过,晚于:3介词...past 过去(时间),超过,
2023-01-08 13:21:581

What is past is past是什么意思

2023-01-08 13:22:061


好像没有这个单词past [pɑːst] n. 过去;往事prep. 越过;晚于adj. 过去的;结束的adv. 过;经过paste [peɪst] n. 面团,膏;糊状物,[胶粘] 浆糊vt. 张贴,裱糊;用浆糊粘n. (Paste)人名;(法)帕斯泰满意请采纳
2023-01-08 13:22:121

past 是过去~~哪么the past是什么意思 ?

过去的事情。其实跟past差不多。比如说I can"t forget the past
2023-01-08 13:22:172

the past is past 分析两个past分别是什么词性?

The past is past.这个句子里面的第1个past是名词。意思是过去,往事。第2个past是过去分词作形容词,意思是过去了,过去的。
2023-01-08 13:22:311


past:做形容词可译为 过去的,名词:过去. 动词:常用于被动语态:过去. carefully副词:仔细地,小心地.
2023-01-08 13:22:371


过去in the past
2023-01-08 13:22:422

微信网名Past 什么意思?

2023-01-08 13:22:501

past掉 是什么意思?

2023-01-08 13:22:561


afd网址入口是一款非常优质的小说交流平台,用户可以在这里看到的更多的优质文章,通过阅读可以和其他的用户在线上一起分享交流,超舒适的阅读模式,在阅读的时候可以减少刺激,由多个列表推荐,以及由编辑推荐,为所有男女提供了丰富的书籍资源。 演示机型:Iphone 12&&华为P40&&小米11 系统版本:iOS14.4&&EMUI11&&MIUI12.0.7 APP版本:afd v1.0 afd网址入口是一款非常优质的小说交流平台,用户可以在这里看到的更多的优质文章,通过阅读可以和其他的用户在线上一起分享交流,超舒适的阅读模式,在阅读的时候可以减少刺激,由多个列表推荐,以及由编辑推荐,为所有男女提供了丰富的书籍资源。
2023-01-08 13:22:251


可以说这是我过的 什么样的春节 ,接着重点描写 春节中我最难忘的 时刻,运用各种修辞手法 ,让句子生动 ,形象,最后结尾 祝大家新年快乐 ,或者可以说我的感受 。
2023-01-08 13:22:282


一马当先 一身正气 万夫不当 无所畏惧 气冲牛斗 气冲霄汉 气壮山河 气宇轩昂 气吞山河 正气凛然 龙骧虎步 百战百胜 冲锋陷阵 英姿焕发 奋不顾身 奋勇当先 顶天立地 昂首挺胸 昂首阔步 赴汤蹈火 挺身而出 战无不胜 临危不惧 威震天下 面不改色 勇冠三军 骁勇善战 镇定自若 慷慨就义 大智大勇 仰不愧天 一视同仁 一清二白 大义灭亲 大公无私 义无反顾 正气凛然 正直无私 执法如山 刚正不阿 冰清玉洁 克己奉公 严于律己 两袖清风 忍辱负重 奉公守法 表里如一 斩钉截铁 忠心耿耿 忠贞不渝 贫贱不移 高风亮节 涓滴归公 虚怀若谷 堂堂正正 深明大义 童叟无欺 谦虚谨慎 廉洁奉公 毅然决然 豁达大度 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 襟怀坦白
2023-01-08 13:22:286


high的读音是:英[ha?]。high的读音是:英[ha?]。high的词语用法是adj.(形容词)high作形容词时,意思是“高的”“高度的”,形容高出地面或其他物体的东西,也可修饰任何比普通或一定标准高的事物,意思是“高级的”“重要的”(只用作定语)。引申还可作“极度的”“强烈的”“价值高的”“数量大的”“奢侈的”,指超过了一般的标准。high副词:highly;比较级:higher;最高级:highest。一、详尽释义点此查看high的详细内容adj.(形容词)高的,很高的,海拔很高的,有某高度的高尚的,崇高的高级的重要的昂贵的高音调的成熟的高速的正盛的,全盛的开始变质的价值高的被麻醉品麻醉了的超乎寻常的adv.(副词)高,向高处,在高处,高高地,在高的地位奢侈地强烈地高声地,音调高,高音调地显赫地大到处,各地(尤指情绪)高度地高价地剧痛快地n.(名词)高峰最高水平,高水准由麻醉品等引起的快感高处最大数量【气】高气压区,高压反气旋最高气温极大欢乐,极度高兴,乐不可支高层人员天空,天上v.(动词)提升,提高,(使)变高二、双解释义adj.(形容词)高的; 高度的 (of things) extending far upwards, having a relatively big distance from the base to the top[A]高级的,重要的 ranking above others in importance or quality极度的,强烈的; 价值高的,数量大的; 奢侈的 extravagant, luxurious; above the normal, extreme, intense; of great value[A]高尚的 (of aims, idea, etc.) morally good, noble[A]全盛的 (of time) the mid-point or most important point of高音调的,尖声的 (of a sound) at or near the top of the musical scale, not deep or low[P]开始变质 (of meat, etc.) beginning to go badadv.(副词)高,高高地; 音调高 at or to a high position or level; at or to a high pitch在〔向〕高的地位 at a high or important level in society, in an organization, etc.n.(名词)[S](最)高纪录,(最)高水平 high or highest level or number[S]兴奋,快感 feeling of extreme pleasure or excitement caused by a drug三、英英释义Noun:a lofty level or position or degree;"summer temperatures reached an all-time high"an air mass of higher than normal pressure;"the east coast benefits from a Bermuda high"a state of sustained elation;"I"m on a permanent high these days"a state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or narcotics;"they took drugs to get a high on"a high place;"they stood on high and observed the countryside""he doesn"t like heights"a public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12;"he goes to the neighborhood highschool"a forward gear with a gear ratio that gives the greatest vehicle velocity for a given engine speedAdjective:greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount;"a high temperature""a high price""the high point of his career""high risks""has high hopes""the river is high""he has a high opinion of himself"(literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high");"a high mountain""high ceilings""high buildings""a high forehead""a high incline""a foot high"standing above others in quality or position;"people in high places""the high priest""eminent members of the community"used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequencyhappy and excited and energetic(used of the smell of meat) smelling spoiled or taintedslightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana)Adverb:at a great altitude;"he climbed high on the ladder"in or to a high position, amount, or degree;"prices have gone up far too high"in a rich manner;"he lives high"far up toward the source;"he lives high up the river"四、例句He earned a high reputation for his learning.他在学识方面享有很高的声誉。It"s unsafe to sit the child in such a high chair.让小孩坐在这么高的椅子上不安全。My grandma was a woman of high principles.我祖母是一位道德高尚的人。He is a high official in the government.他是政府的高级官员。This doctor received high praise from everyone.这位医生受到所有人的高度赞扬。He likes swimming in high summer.他喜欢在盛夏游泳。The plane flew high above.飞机高高地在上空飞。He tested high in English, but low in Physics.他在英语测验中考了高分,但在物理测验中却考出低分。We lived high off the hog for two whole weeks while we were on holiday.我们在度假期间过了整整两周的奢侈生活。The bird sang high and clearly in the tree.鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。Grain output reached a new high in the three years.谷物产量达到三年中最高水平。A high over southern Europe is bringing fine sunny weather to all parts.欧洲南部上空的反气旋给各地区带来了晴朗的好天气。The high lasted all night.那种快感持续了一整夜。五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.There is a high mountain at the back of the house.房子的后面有座高山。High hills surround the valley.高山环绕峡谷。That"s a very high pagoda.那是一个很高的宝塔。The high building over there is a guesthouse.那边的高楼是一家宾馆。Students who get very high marks are exempt from the final examination.得到高分的学生期终考试可以免试。The train was going at a high speed.火车正以高速行驶。The teacher has a high opinion of Daff.老师极为赞许达夫。He talked in high language.他讲话的口气很大。The students are all in high spirits.学生们情绪都很高。I have high hopes of passing the exam.我考试极有希望及格。A high degree of accuracy is needed.需要有高度的准确性。He has a high office in the government.他在政府部门中担任高级职务。He has received higher education.他受过高等教育。The muddy tide flat smelled to high heavens.多泥的潮汐洼地散发出极为难闻的气味。She enjoyed the high life.她过着奢侈的生活。The hotel charges high prices.这家旅社价格太贵。These are leather goods of high quality.这些是高质量的皮革制品。The products of that country"s mechanical industry are renowned for their high quality.那个国家的机械工业产品以高质量闻名。Everybody has a high mind.人人有一个崇高的理想。He is a man of high character.他是一个品格高尚的人。He is a person of high principles.他是个具有高尚原则的人。She has a very high voice.她的声音很尖。She sang a high note.她唱的是高音。I came to that city in high summer.我去那个城市时,正值盛夏。n. +~This is a building 108 meters high.这是一幢108米高的大楼。On the top of the hill there is a pagoda about five stories high.山顶上有一座约五层楼高的宝塔。用作表语S+be+~He is five feet high.他五英尺高。The wall is six feet high.这墙高6英尺。The mountain is 2000 meters high.那座山有两千米高。How high is it?它有多高?We have climbed a thousand feet higher.我们已爬了1000英尺高。The temperature is four degrees higher today.今天的气温上升了4度。It was ten feet higher than it had been before.比以前高了10英尺。The prices are high.价格高。The cost in terms of human life was high.人的生命是昂贵的。Some game birds are kept until they are high before cooking.有些猎获的飞禽一直保存到开始变质才烹制。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe is high on marijuana.他沉醉于大麻烟中。The shelf is too high for me to reach.架子太高了,我够不着。The note was too high for him.这个音太高,他唱不了。用作副词(adv.)用作状语The jet flies higher than the helicopter.喷气式飞机比直升机飞得高。The plane flied high in the sky.飞机在高空飞行。The eagle soared high into the sky.那只鹰翱翔在高空。My heart beats high.我的心扑通扑通跳得厉害。The sea waves ran high.大海波涛高涨。The kite flew high in the sky.风筝高高地飞在天上。We paid high for these commodities.我们付出高价买来了这些商品。I can"t sing that high.我唱不了那么高的调儿。Food is high short at present.目前食品极缺。Popular feelings ran high.群情激昂。Let"s aim high and double the output.让我们力争上游,把产量翻一番。He always wants to rise high in his profession.他一直想高升。By middle age he had risen high in his profession.中年时他就已经高升了。To live high does not mean being high in one"s qualities.一个人的生活水平高并不等于品格也高。You"ve got to aim high if you want to succeed.你如果想取得成功,就必须有雄心壮志。He never got very high in the company.他在公司里所担任的职务,从来就不是很高的。用作名词(n.)The car cannot climb the hills in high.这辆汽车不能高速上坡。Grain output reached to a new high in the three years.粮食产量达到三年中最高水平。The temperature reached a new high.气温达到了新高。Hot and sunny weather is forecast for London over the weekend with about high of 32℃ and low of 22℃.气象预报伦敦周末天气晴热,最高温度为摄氏32度,最低温度为摄氏22度。People feel the music when they"re dancing, and this becomes a high for them.人们在跳舞时和音乐融为一体,从而使他们飘飘然而感到陶醉。She"s on a high today.她今天高度兴奋。六、情景对话生意场上A:Did the material work out well for you ?那些材料进行的顺利吗?B:Not really .不怎么好。A:What was wrong?怎么啦?high的近义词B:We felt that the price was toohigh for the quality .我们觉得以这样的品质价钱太高了。订货A:Is this your standard price ?这是你们的基本准价吗?B:Yes ,it is .是的A:It seems toohigh to me.好像贵了一点。B:We can negotiate the unit price for large orders .如果大量订购,单价可以再谈。订货A:Your prices seem a littlehigh .你们的价钱高了一些。B:We could make them lower for you .我们可以算你便宜一点。A:How ?怎么做呢?B:If you order in large lots , we‘ll reduce the price .如果你大量订购,我们可以降价七、词义辨析adj.(形容词)high, tall, lofty这三个词都可表示“高的”,指高度上超过一般。其区别是:1.high既可修饰具体的东西,也可修饰抽象的事物; tall既可修饰人,也可修饰无生命的物; 而lofty是文语,可引申指态度、样子、神情等“高傲”“傲慢”。例如:The cost of living is high.生活费用很高。There are some very tall buildings in Hong Kong.香港有些很高的建筑物。I didn"t like her lofty treatment of her visitors.我不喜欢她那样傲慢地对待来访者。2.high多指离开地面的高度或距离; tall多指由顶到底的长度,常用于比较狭窄的东西,如人、树等; lofty有时也指思想、感情、情操等是“高尚的”“崇高的”。例如:It is a very high building.这是一座很高的楼房。The ship is too tall to go under the bridge.这艘船太高,桥下驶不过去。Those sentiments are lofty but not very practical.那种思想感情是高尚的,但是不太现实。3.high可以表示程度或强度“高”,而tall不可。例如:I can"t sing at so high a pitch.我无法把音调唱得这么高。4.指“山高”只能用high,不能用tall。例如:Mount Jolmo Lungma is the highest in the world.珠穆朗玛峰是世界最高峰。adv.(副词)high, highly这两个词都有“高”的意思。其区别是:1.high除了用作副词之外,还可用作形容词或名词; 而highly只用作副词。例如:I dare you to jump off the high wall.我量你也不敢跳过这堵高墙。He spoke highly of the hero.他高度称赞英雄。2.high多用于空间高度或位置等具体的事物或目标; 而highly只用于表示“很高程度地”或用于比喻意义,意为“非常地”“高度地”。例如:How high did you climb?你攀登了多高?It"s highly desirable that we should fulfil our task a few days ahead of schedule.我们如能提前几天完成任务,那就非常好。3.修饰形容词或分词时也大都使用highly; 而在复合词中则多用high。例如:highly qualified高水平地; high-heeled shoes高跟鞋high的相关近义词capital、cheerful、chief、grand、great、lordly、luxurious、merry、powerful、rich、superior、tallhigh的相关反义词deep、low、lowly、shorthigh的相关临近词highbrow、hierarchy、highs、high g、Higham、Highet、high Q、Highby、highday、high on、high SN、high up点此查看更多关于high的详细信息
2023-01-08 13:22:291

从字的来历简介 关于从字的来历简介

1、“从”,常用汉字,在“六书”中属于会意字。 2、甲骨文和金文“从”与“比”同字,后分化为二。甲骨文的“从”字,由两个面朝左侧立的“人”构成,是“从(繁体)”的初文。一个“人”在前,一个“人”紧随其后,像两人前后相从之形。金文左边加“彳”,下部加“止”表示行动;或从“辵(chuò)”,二“人”大多数向左,向右只有一例,古文字左右无别。小篆统一向左,“彳”和“止”合成“辵”放“从”字左边,仍表示行走。隶书、楷书笔画化。现代汉语中的简体字“从”,其实是借用了古文字。“从(繁体)”就是“从”加“辵”部(彳+止)而成。 3、“从”字的本义是“随行”“相随”“跟随”,而“从(繁体)”则强调相随于路途之上,故从“辵”。由本义“随行”“相随”“跟随”引申为“顺从”“听从”,又可以引申为“追赶”。可以作介词用,表示“起于”“经过”“根据”等意思;可以用作副词,加在否定前,表示“从来”的意思。
2023-01-08 13:22:251

根据意思写词语: 表示形式紧急的成语 表示声音极响的成语 表示钻研精神的四字词 表示思想集中的词

2023-01-08 13:22:254


2023-01-08 13:22:241