barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-03 15:30:14






n.修改; 改[纠]正; 惩罚; 有待改正;






The correction of the report took her three hours.



The excessive optimism is unsustainable and leads to a correction.






修改; 改[纠]正; 惩罚; 有待改正;





and causing the pursuers to rock and toss in t
2023-08-03 08:10:243

make necessary corrections是什么意思

make necessary corrections进行必要的修正make necessary corrections[法]作必要的更正; 例句:1.Article 35 upon discovery of its own mistaken decision or review opinion on acomplaint reporting matter, an administrative authority shall make necessarycorrections. 第三十五条行政机关发现本机关对信访事项的处理、复查确有错误的,应当重新处理。2.Check all the information you provided, make any necessary corrections, andthen resubmit your request. 请检查您提供的所有信息,进行必需的改动,然后重新提交申请。
2023-08-03 08:10:351


订正 [词典] correct; revisal; revise; make corrections; emend; [例句]订正了第一版中的错误。 Corrections have been made to the first edition.
2023-08-03 08:10:493

“寻人启事”的英文是什么 这个词组时要做题目用的

以下是经过考证后的解答,为此我翻阅了纯外文报纸证实 1.寻人启事 一般都用 与LOST 相关的表达 ---- 寻人启事(Child Lost/Man Lost/Woman Lost),遗失启事(Lost),通缉令(Wanted),招领启事(Found),迁移启事(Removal),征稿启事(Contributions Wanted),鸣谢(Acknowledgements),招标启事(Invitation to Bid),更正启事(Corrections)
2023-08-03 08:11:031

chemdraw中的general corrections指的是什么

2023-08-03 08:11:251


TO READERS:Due to my limited knowledge, there might be some mistakes and flaws in this book, please don"t hesitate to correct me.向专业翻译进军
2023-08-03 08:11:362


You have money to the payee bank - the Bank of China. However, the payee bank said that because the information is wrong, and therefore require your company commissioned by the remitting bank issued a corrected letter to the Bank of China, corrections remittance information. Only in this way will it be possible for our banks recorded! Otherwise, the banks could be returned to remittances, re-Meeting! Hope that as soon as possible! Corrections include: name of the payee, remittance purposes!
2023-08-03 08:11:472


这是人们买狗时问的最多的问题,特别是买私人护卫犬。 A "SHARP DOG" is a dog that is very quick to bark at someone. An example of this is a dog that hits the fence and acts like he wants to kill you when you walk by his kennel. I don"t mean that every dog that barks at you when you walk by a kennel is sharp. The sharp ones are those that charge the fence, they probably get the hair up on their back and they probably are showing a lot of teeth in the form of a snarl. A sharp dog is not a tough dog. The fact is that sharp dogs have weak nerves and are usually not tough. In its worse form a fear biter would be called a sharp dog. 锐利的狗是看到陌生人马上就又叫又吼的那种,举个趔子就是锐利的狗看到你从它家走过,会穿到墙上就好像要咬死你的样子,我的意思是不是每条冲着你叫的狗就都是锐利的狗,锐利的狗是那些冲到墙边,可能背毛竖起,嘴唇翘起,露出很多牙齿,锐利的狗不是真正利害角色,事实上很多锐利的狗神经系统不是很强,一般地说它们胆子不是很大,尽常因为害怕而咬人。 On the other hand a "HARD DOG" does not necessarily mean that a dog is a tough dog. A hard dog has a temperament that can take a correction and not act like you just killed him or hurt his feelings. A hard dog is often a good choice for a person who is big and gruff and not the best of dog trainers. A hard dog is a forgiving dog in terms of a bad trainer because a hard dog is not going to hold a grudge against a trainer that makes a mistake and gives inappropriate corrections.硬狗也不是说它是利害的狗,硬狗是指它的性格,当它受到惩罚不会表现出你简直要杀了它,或伤害了它的感情,对那些孔武有力训狗水平一般的人来说硬狗适合他们,硬狗是一种宽容的狗,它不会因为受到不公正对待而念念不忘 On the same hand a hard dog can be a difficult dog to train because as adults these dogs need a level of correction that most people are not willing to give to make them mind.另外,硬狗可能比较难训,当它成年时它们需要超过一定量的纠正力度,很多人心理上还没准备好给于这样的力度去应付。 A "SOFT DOG" is a dog that is sensitive to a correction. If a soft dog is corrected too hard it acts like you hurt its feeling. In some cases after a hard correction a really soft dog will lay down on the ground and quit working all together. Its like they give up.软狗是指狗对纠正很敏感,如你出手太重,它们会表现出受到伤害,有时一条很软的狗会趴在地上,方弃一切,拒绝合作。 Soft dogs need to be trained with this in mind. These dogs require motivation and very controlled corrections. Just because a dog is soft does not mean that it can not become a good personal protection dog. Many, many soft temperament dogs are excellent protection dogs. A friend of mine is a K9 officer in a very large city. He had an East German police dog (many DDR dogs are soft) that had over 450 street bites when it died at 10 years of age. He was truly a great police service dog. It"s just that when my friend raised his voice to the dog he became very sensitive. Soft dogs are easy to control with voice commands at a distance.训软狗时你要记住充分调动它的兴奋度,控制出手力度。因为此狗是软狗千万别以为它不会是一条好的护卫犬,很多很多软狗是优秀的护卫犬,我有一个朋友在一个大城市从事警犬工作,他有一条东德狗(大多数东德狗是软狗),它死时是10岁,它有咬人450次的实战记录,它是一条真正的好警犬,每当我朋友喉咙响一点,它就很敏感,软狗容易控制用声音可长距离摇控它。 I often recommend a softer dog for a woman who is just getting involved with dogs. Many times a female is a little more sensitive and listens better. Don"t get confused here though - not all females are soft. I have some bitches that a lot of experienced handlers would be challenged to work with.我经常向女人推荐使用软狗,母狗一般比较听话,比较敏感,但不是所有母狗都是软狗,我有几条母狗对很有经验的训练师也构成挑战。 Many people confuse these terms and the term "FIGHT DRIVE" . In reality fight drive has very little to do with sharpness other than most sharp dogs have little or no fight drive. Certainly hardness and softness have nothing to do with fight drive. I would challenge someone to try and fight my friend"s old police dog (who had a soft temperament). This dog knew how to fight humans. When he approached a suspect he did so with a talented eye - you could see him size up the man before he hit him. He always looked for the opening as he approached the suspect. He would hit the man with an explosive amount of energy and make his first bite as hard as he could. He wanted to subdue the suspect as quickly as possible without getting hurt. Usually after a police dog is hurt in a fight a few times during an apprehension they get smart. My friends dog fought with maximum force and it always worked and remember that this was a soft dog who could play with my friends baby and small children.很多人把上面说的这些和战斗欲望(好斗)混消,战斗欲望和锐利关联非常小,非常锐利的狗可能只有一点点斗性,狗的软硬和好斗一点关系也没有。
2023-08-03 08:11:551

股票杀跌是什么意思 止损和杀跌有什么区别

2023-08-03 08:12:053


2023-08-03 08:12:174


概念  图像锐化(image sharpening)就是补偿图像的轮廓,增强图像的边缘及灰度跳变的部分,使图像变得清晰,亦分空域处理和频域处理两类。原理  图像平滑往往使图像中的边界、轮廓变得模糊,为了减少这图像锐化的相册(20张)类不利效果的影响,这就需要利用图像锐化技术,使图像的边缘变的清晰。图像锐化处理的目的是为了使图像的边缘、轮廓线以及图像的细节变的清晰,经过平滑的图像变得模糊的根本原因是因为图像受到了平均或积分运算,因此可以对其进行逆运算(如微分运算)就可以使图像变的清晰。从频率域来考虑,图像模糊的实质是因为其高频分量被衰减,因此可以用高通滤波器来使图像清晰。  在水下图像的增强处理中除了去噪,对比度扩展外,有时候还需要加强图像中景物的边缘和轮廓。而边缘和轮廓常常位于图像中灰度突变的地方,因而可以直观地想到用灰度的差分对边缘和轮廓进行提取。编辑本段PhotoShop图像锐化技巧  时我们看到很多文章介绍的都是把清晰的照片模糊处理化,那如果拍出了比较模糊的照片,想把它变得清晰而有光彩,就不是一件容易的事了。不过,世上无难事,只怕有心人,利用PhotoShop的锐化工具就能使照片变清晰。USM滤镜处理  操作步骤   我们首先来看一下图1,这张人物照片看起来很模糊,照片中人物的发丝、身体上的汗水等细节都看不清楚,这样的照片很难吸引大家的注意。我们要做的是,把这样平凡的照片用PhotoShop的USM锐化滤镜处理。  在PhotoShop中打开图像后,打开图层面板,选中图层面板中底层的背景图层点击右键,选择“复制副本”为照片复制一个副本图层,将图层的模式设定为“柔光”。选中副本图层,使用“滤镜”菜单下“锐化”中“USM锐化”滤镜,在滤镜设置窗口中,“数量”和“半径”参数影响图像的清晰度,数值越大清晰度越高。“阀值”参数可不用考虑,根据图像的具体情况设定好“数量”和“半径”的数值确定锐化。  下面选择“图像”菜单下“模式→LAB颜色”命令,在弹出的窗口中选择“拼合”图层确定,将两个图层合并为一层。又回到图层面板,为合并后的这个图层复制一个副本图层,将面板窗口切换到“通道”界面,看到图层通道上增加了“明度”通道,选定这个通道再使用“滤镜”菜单下“锐化”中“USM锐化”滤镜,这次锐化参数的数值可以小一些,将这个通道锐化处理。  最后把副本图层的模式修改为“柔光”,此时的图像不仅画面更清晰,色彩也更加绚丽,然后只要把两个图层合并为一层保存即可。不过,在修改的过程中要根据原图的质量,对各项参数的值进行仔细调整方能获得比较好的效果。  控制参数   锐化操作的本质是增加图像细节边缘的对比度,这有助于我们的眼睛看清楚图像细节,从而使图像显得棱角分明、画面清晰,这是所有质量好的印刷摄影作品的必需条件。而用扫描仪直接复制的图像如果没有经过修整,看起来会有些单调而模糊不清,所以我们往往需要在图像做完处理后对它作锐化处理。  最专业的锐化处理方法是Photoshop中的模糊掩盖锐化处理(unsharpmasking,USM),它提供了最完善的图像细节强调的控制方法。它提供了三种控制参数:  1.半径(Radius)  它用来决定作边沿强调的像素点的宽度,如果半径值为1,则从亮到暗的整个宽度是两个像素,如果半径值为2,则边沿两边各有两个像素点,那么从亮到暗的整个宽度是4个象素。半径越大,细节的差别也清晰,但同时会产生光晕。合理的半径应该设置为图像扫描分辨率除以200。例如对于200spi在扫描图就使用1:0,对于300spi图像就使用1:5的设置,这样可以在每一个边缘的附近产生1/50到1/100英寸的光晕,它大得足以提供理想的锐化效果。  2.数量(Amout)  该参数可以理解为锐化的强度或振幅,对于一般的印前处理,设置为200%是一个良好的开始,然后根据需要再作适当调节。数量值过大图像会变得虚假。  3.阀值(Threshold)  它决定多大反差的相邻像素边界可以被锐化处理,而低于此反差值就不作锐化。阀值的设置是避免因锐化处理而导致的斑点和麻点等问题的关键参数,正确设置后就可以使图像既保持平滑的自然色调(例如背景中纯蓝色的天空)的完美,又可以对变化细节的反差作出强调。在一般的印前处理中我们推荐的值为3到4,超过10是不可取的,它们会降低锐化处理效果并使图像显得很难看。  总之,锐化参数调节既要能够比较好的再现图像细节,又要不至于产生新的麻烦:比如斑点和麻点。如果你是一个有经验的处理人员,还可以根据图像内容进行适当的局部锐化以达到特殊的艺术效果。Smart Sharpen滤镜  Smart Sharpen滤镜是PhotoShop CS2的新功能,它的智能锐化性能能够帮助我们有效将图像清晰处理,它将原有USM锐化滤镜的阀值功能变成高级锐化选项,添加了图像高光、阴影的锐化。我们对照一下图4,这张相片效果虽然不错,但笔者仍想把花朵的纹理显得更清晰一些,并且还不想改动花朵边缘的叶子和背景的图案。  打开“滤镜”菜单下“锐化”中“Smart Sharpen”滤镜窗口,首先设置一下“Sharpen”的参数,选中Remove的模式为“镜头模糊(Lens Blur)”,同时选中“More Accurate(更准确)。然后一边调节Amount和半径的数值,一边预览画面的变化。  要想不改变叶子和背景的图案,又要突出花朵的纹理,这需要打开锐化工具的高级设置选项。叶子和背景在画面中颜色暗淡正好符合“Shadow”阴影的要求,在“Shadow”设置界面把Fade Amount和Tonal Width设置为“100%”,半径值降低为“1”。这样前面设置的“Sharpen”锐化效果对画面上阴影暗淡部位的作用就不明显了。  花朵在画面中是属于高光部分,因此把“Highlight”的参数值设置正好与“Shadow”的参数相反即可。 在以后的拍摄中,再碰到模糊的照片就不必非要将其拉进回收站,利用上面的技巧,一样能将其变的清晰和光亮^_^。编辑本段PS Lightroom技巧  Photoshop Lightroom提供一些简单的控制用于锐化照片和消除杂色。我说它简单,是因为它们并不复杂,但说实话它们完成这两项任务并不出色。我建议在Photoshop CS2或CS3内完成所有锐化,并在那里完成所有杂色消除(或使用Photoshop 插件),而不是使用Lightroom 内的基本控制。然而,如果没有Photoshop,则可以使用这些基本工具(但我会购买Photoshop CS3)。锐化处理步骤  第一步Photoshop Lightroom摄影师专业技法(9张)  在Develop模块的右侧面板区域内,向下滚动到Detail面板,就会看到SharpeningAmount(锐化的数量)滑块(图5-9 中圆圈所示)。它只有这一个滑块,用于控制应用到照片的锐化量。其默认设置是25%,但这样的锐化很细微,因此要看到变化,必须大大提升它。现在,在增加它之前,我建议执行以下两步操作:(1)为了能够看到锐化效果,请转到Navigator 面板(位于左侧面板区域的顶部),并单击1:1 缩放视图;(2)单击工具栏内的Before/After 视图按钮,以便可以看到锐化效果以及原始效果。  第二步  要增加图像锐化,只要把SharpeningAmount 滑块向右拖动即可(图5-10 中所示的这个例子中, 我把它一直拖放到100%,这样在图中所示的照片的After 版本中可以看到锐化效果)。重申一遍,我自己不在Photoshop Lightroom 内做任何锐化,而是在Photoshop CS2或CS3内做锐化,把锐化作为保存文件前的最后一步操作,因为(如我在本节介绍中所提到的)它提供更多控制,更好的锐化效果。  第三步  如果使用高ISO,或者在低照度下拍摄照片,照片中则可能出现杂色(可见颗粒或一些恼人的红、绿、蓝斑点,或二者都有)。在Sharpening 滑块下方(在Detail面板内),可以看到两个Noise Reduction(杂色消除)滑块。这些滑块的效果如何?我只能说:“它们并不好”,只能这样说。重申一遍,我尽量在Photoshop CS2 或CS3 内消除杂色,但是,如果您只是想在Lightroom 内试一试,则可以在这里试试。首先缩放到1:1视图,这样可以看到杂色是否真正减少(低于此放大倍率很难真正看清其效果)。图中所示的照片是我的好友Matt Kloskowski在东京教学时拍摄的,它带有两种杂色。  第四步  在开始降低杂色之前,我们先分屏显示Before/After视图,这是又一个值得使这种视图的地方。要减少颗粒, 请把Luminance滑块向右拖(如图5-12 所示),直到杂色减少,或者再看不到为止(理想情况)。如果发现红、绿、蓝斑点,则请试试向右拖动Color 滑块。在这个例子中,要把杂色减少到不可见的程度,我必须把这些滑块拖动多一点(如图5-12 所示)。用这些滑块降低杂色时,必须注意观察两点:(1)虽然在很多情况下它们确实能够减少杂色,但同时它们也会模糊照片内的细节,因此要密切注意这一点;(2)它们也会使色彩变得不够饱和,因此要引起注意。  Photoshop Lightroom 校正色差(也就是彩色镶边) 我们迟早会遇到这种情况,主体周围反差强烈的边缘出现红、绿或者更可能是紫色的色晕或杂边(这些被称作“色差”)。如果使用的是廉价的数码相机(或者是用廉价广角镜头的好相机),迟早会发现这种情况(可能就在今天),但即使是好相机(和好镜头)也会不时出现这种问题。幸运的是,这在Photoshop Lightroom 内很容易校正。校色处理步骤  第一步  图中的照片是用廉价傻瓜相机拍摄的。仔细观察就会发现白色建筑的屋顶周围有彩色镶边或色晕。这种情况有时出现在反差强烈的边缘周围,就像这个建筑物上的白色屋顶与其后的绿色树木和草地的交汇处一样。如果发现像这样的情况,请直接转到Develop模块右侧面板区域内的Lens Corrections(镜头校正)面板。  第二步  单击照片放大白色屋顶。放大(这里看到的是1:1 视图)后更容易确定边缘镶边的颜色,这是解决问题的第一步(下一步需要知道镶边的颜色)。屋顶已经放大,我们可以看到沿着屋顶边缘存在红色线,就像有人用细细的红色记号笔沿着屋顶绘制过一样,这条红线就是色差。  第三步  一旦确定了镶边的元素(这个例子中是红色),请转到Lens Corrections 面板的Chromatic Aberration(色差)部分,在这里会看到两个滑块:一个是Red/Cyan(红色/青色),另一个是Blue/Yellow(蓝色/ 黄色)。在这个例子中,因为我们的问题是红色,因此请向左朝红色方向拖动Red/Cyan 滑块(如图5-15 所示)。正如我们所看到的,这会大大减少屋顶轮廓线周围的红边。当然,如果照片中的镶边是蓝色或黄色,则要使用下一个滑块,把它朝存在问题的颜色的方向拖动。这样就可以降低色差。  第四步  这里我们回到缩小的Fit 视图,可以看到现在屋顶效果变好很多,因为我们大大降低了红色镶边。  提示:  这个提示实际上和校正色差没有任何关系,但是,因为这里有一些空的篇幅,所以给出这个提示。要更好控制Develop模块面板内的滑块,另一种方法是增加面板的宽度,之后这些滑块变得更长,拖动它们时,滑块控制就不会那么宽。要使面板变宽,请直接在面板区域的边缘内单击,把它向Preview 区域拖动。现在请试试拖动任意一个Develop 滑块,您就会明白我的意思。
2023-08-03 08:12:474


2023-08-03 08:13:082


2023-08-03 08:14:014


你好, 杀跌就是在股市下跌的时候,不管当初股票买入的价格是多少,都立刻卖出,以求避免更大的损失。这种行为叫杀跌。
2023-08-03 08:14:2713


revisal correct
2023-08-03 08:16:434


假设 a = {a-z, A-Z, ...} 是英语所有可能构成单词的字母集合, a* 为由这个字母表所构成的任意有限长度的字符串集合。 其中所有有效的单词构成的集合D是a*的一个子集。而noise channel 是指从目的词(即字典)与实际接收到的字符串x所构成的矩阵。 对于所捕获到的,存在拼写错误的字符串x, 目标是在字典中找到一个词w,使这一情况出现的概率最大。 即: 由于用户实际想拼写的单词是不确定的,因此需要生成一个修正候选列表(candidate corrections),这个列表基于两个规则: 因此, noisy channel 实际上可以理解为,用户所输入的一个错误的字符串,经过怎样的变换过程可以得到若干个正确的单词。变换的过程越多,相当于channel越长, 而找候选列表的过程也就是找channel最短的过程。 最我辑距离(minimum edit distance)是指从一个string到另一个string所需的最我辑步骤,包括:插入、删除、替换。而采用这三种编辑手段计算所得的距离又称为 Levenshtein distance 。这一距离将所有操作的cost都记为1. 但严格来说,替换这一操作等于先删除再插入。因此这一操作的cost可当成是2(更接近实际操作的cost)。 此外,对于 Damerau–Levenshtein distance ,这一距离还新增了transposition of two adjacent characters 这一操作。 统计概率的计算方法如下: 首先对错误统计的方式: 显然,用户想输入across的概率最大,这样候选词列表就有了排序和过滤的依据(大概率的排在前面,概率过低的可以不显示)。另一方面,P(word) 也可以使用bigram,这样就与上下文取得了联系,能更好的预测用户想要输入的单词。 有25%-40%的错误属于 real-word error 这一部分是language model与noisy channel model的结合。假设用户输入的所有单词都没有non-word error 举个例子,用户输入 "two of thew": 仅考虑 two off thew, two of the, too of thew 的概率,取最大值。 Peter Norvig"s list of errors Wikipedia"s list of common misspelllings GNU Aspell Hunspell How to Write a Spelling Corrector
2023-08-03 08:16:511

剑桥雅思7 问题

1。关于大小写问题 建议抄答案的时候所有字母全部大写 这个验证过都是没问题的 2。关于二个词分开写和 和起来写的的问题 Q2 你写Redflag 是不对的 Q3你写New Town同样不对3。写阿拉伯数字和英语都是可以的 Q4 你写的可以 但也要看清题目要求4.单复数问题 文章是复数,你写成单数 肯定是错的
2023-08-03 08:17:012

fluent中低雷诺数 选什么模型

具体雷诺数是多少?根据数值来选,如果在层流范围就选层流方程就行了,如果在过渡段就用K-omega方程,里面有个low-re corrections给他打钩
2023-08-03 08:17:111


thank you for your comments....
2023-08-03 08:17:225


2023-08-03 08:17:522

英语A级广东作文 内容是邀请对方来南京参加第三届电子展览会 具体来不及打了,求答案

邀请信(Invitation Letter)邀请信是邀请某人参加某种仪式、会议等的应用文,其写作要点如下:(1) 开头首先表明写作意图,向某人发出邀请,指明地点、日期、时间等要素。(2)表达你渴望见到对方。如果是商务性质的,注明时间、会议地点、发信主题、组织者、出席者等。留下联系人的姓名、地址和电话号码。(3) 表达你对被邀者能应邀的愉快心情,并希望尽快得到回复。Directions:Write a letter to your former roommate in your university and invite him/her to visit your city during the summer vacation. You should write about 100 words. You dont need to write your own address.Dear Xiaobing,How are you getting on recently? I am wondering if you have made a definite plan for the coming summer holidays. If not, I wish you could come here and visit my city. My family are also glad to receive you as a popular guest in my home.My hometown is a very beautiful seashore city. There are many places of interest worthy of sightseeing. Besides, the local style food here is also wellknown. Dont you tell me in the letter that you have been dreaming of the sea? The place where I live is located near the sea. Every day you can walk on the seashore, pick up seashells and even enjoy swimming in the sea.Hoping to see you in my hometown as soon as possible.Yours,Li Ming I am writing to invite you to...我写信是想邀请你……I wonder if you can come...我在想你是否能来参加……I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in...我想如果你能参加……将是一个非常好的主意。Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to...你可以打电话通知我你是否能来……Be sure to let me know if you can come. My whole family is very eager awaiting your arrival.请通知我你是否能来,我们全家都非常盼望你的到来。 We would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure.我们非常高兴地期待着你的到来。I am looking forward to seeing you.我非常期待见到你。My family and I would feel much honored if you would come.如果你能来,我们全家都将感到不胜荣幸。Please accept my invitation and let me know at your convenience as soon as possible. 请接受我的邀请并尽早通知我。申请信(Application Letter) 申请信是向机构、团体或个人申请帮助、资金等的信件。其写作要点如下: (1)开门见山指出自己要申请的职位、学位或其他特别的要求。 (2)指出自己要申请的理由,并简要介绍自己的学历和工作经历等。 (3)向对方表示感谢,说明自己盼望所申请之事能够得到允许的心情。Directions: Suppose you are a university student, write a letter to apply for a visa for the winter quarter, and want to get much more financial aid for your study. 1) Describe your reason for the application. 2) Explain why you are so eager to the financial funds. 3) Show your appreciation to the admittance. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Mei Yang” instead. Dear sir, Thank you for your email and kind offer! Definitely, I would like to try to apply for a visa for the winter quarter. I understand that both you and Professor Black have tried very hard to help me with my situation and I appreciate your efforts. As it is true that nobody really knows why the visa officers refuse certain applicants and allow others, I have been told by several successful visa reapplicants that reapplying with a new I20 with a slightly different offer from the US schools would help. For example, a slight increase in financial aid and so on. I dont know whether this is something possible for you to consider for my situation. But I would really appreciate if you could consider some possibilities. I know that I have given you enough trouble and please ignore my request if it is too difficult for you to do. I will simply try my best to get my visa and come to your school. Sincerely yours, Mei Yang I would like to try to apply for... 我想要申请…… I understand that both you and Professor Black have tried very hard to help me with my situation and I appreciate your efforts. 我知道你和布莱克教授已经竭尽全力地帮助我,对此我十分感激。 I know that I have given you enough trouble and please ignore my request if it is too difficult for you to do. 我知道我给你带来了很多麻烦,如果这件事情对于你来说太困难,请忽略我的申请。告示类应用文告示类应用文的写法各不相同,但大致上也有统一的格式和要求。比如,首先要写明告示的种类,如寻子启事(Child Lost),遗失启事(Lost),招领启事(Found),迁移启事(Removal),征稿启事(Contributions Wanted),鸣谢(Acknowledgements),招标启事(Invitation for Bids),更正启事(Corrections),开会通知(Notices),海报(Poster),公约(Pact),守则或规则(Rules),书刊介绍(Preface)等。然后注明日期,接着便是公告的内容,最后是公告单位或个人的署名。告示类应用文的标题非常重要,要求点名告示的主旨,一般为词组性短语,基本结构如:名词+过去分词,如:Contributions Wanted(征稿启事),Child Lost(寻子启事);现在分词+名词,如:Looking for a Spouse(征婚启事),Exchanging House(换房启事);介词结构,如:Conditions for Car Rental(租车注意事项),Notice of Dismissal(免职通知),Notice of a Decision(决定通知),Christmas Clearance Sales(圣诞清仓大甩卖)等。再则,告示类应用文的时态一般用现在时或将来时,也可以用现在进行时表示近期即将发生的事情。告示类应用文如通知、启事、便条等常用以下句型开头:So and so has/have the pleasure to announce/notice...So and so is/are requested to note that...So and so takes pleasure in announcing that...So and so has/have the honor to announce...Your attention, please...May I have your attention, please?...It is hereby proclaimed/announced/noted/made public that...This is to notify/notice/announce that...It has been decided that...Under the auspices of..., so and so will organize/hold a... match/competition/contest between...and...on...Under the auspices of..., a report/lecture/seminar on...will be given by...on...Due to/owing to/because of/in order to..., we beg to inform...that...So and so is/are authorized to invite/announce/declare that...EnglishSpeaking ContestIn order to improve students ability to speak English and enrich afterclass activities, the Students Union Department of English is organizing a schoolwide Englishspeaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (8th September) at the Students Recreational Center. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of the classes before Thursday this week. Six overseas teachers will be invited to be the judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.Students UnionDepartment of English NoticeCommuters are requested to note that the New Jiangxia Bridge will be under repair from June 18, 2005 to January 21, 2006. Bus No. 5, 3 and 12 will change routes accordingly during that time. Detailed changes are made public in the daily newspaper of the city. Please note that Bus No. 5 will go via the Main Street instead of the 12th Avenue. Bus No. 3 and 12 will temporarily cancel the two stops at each end of the bridge. We express our regret for the inconveniences brought about by these changes.Municipal Bureau of Public TransportationJune 10, 2005演讲实在是没有,考研小作文怎么可能考演讲?格子就那么点
2023-08-03 08:18:271


2023-08-03 08:18:362


试试吧译文:单据条款1.已签属的商业发票3份正本,2份副本并显示FOB SHANGHAI- CHINA 货物价值,首次付款的18000美金也要显示在发票上。2.全套(3份)清洁已装船海运提单3份正本和3份不可议付副本并背书为TURKIYE IS BANKASI A.S. Istanbul kambiyo operayon merkezi,通知贷主,非受益人不接受。3.受益人声明中要表明已装运的细节于装运后5日内传真给申请人,注明离岸货物的价值和国际公路运输卡车的登记国籍和我们的信用证参考号码。4.一式两份的原产地证证实货物发出或由当地商会合法化华裔{就是说货物是中国生产且合法的}5.兽医的证明一份。附加条件:1.所有单据都要显示信用证参考号并在通过特殊信件一次性发送到我方 B/M地址。Turkiye is bankast A.S.Istanbul kambiyo operasyon merkeziHerti plaza,inonu caddest,guven sokak no:1 kat:434742 kozyatagi-kadikoy istanbul turkiye这个应该就是地址吧。2.所有单据是英文单据。3.如果单据中出现了不符点我方将收取不符点的电费80美金。4.早于信用证开证日期的单据不被允许。5.除了从famagusto塞浦路斯港口和kyremnia港口出发,其他的港口转船是不允许的。6.所有增加/更正和修改的地方应有开立方的签名和盖章。7.在非信用证付款或不付款的情况下,你comm.and收费,UCP600第37 段落 2不适用。(最后一个翻译我也不太懂,你自己理解下吧)
2023-08-03 08:18:472

请问 CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3核磁氢谱是几个峰

2023-08-03 08:18:564


uncorrected proffzhiyongwang(站内联系TA)好像不可以了,我现在就碰到这样的情况,出版社不给修改了,就一个单位标示错了,算了,不改影响也不是太大,最多是让看论文的人说一通了jfeng811(站内联系TA)校样前,编辑部说的校样后不能修改了,但是现在又发现了一个问题,不知道编辑部会不会让改了,我要不要给出版商写E-mail呢?有没有类似经历的虫友改成功了的啊wl8904(站内联系TA)一般不能再做修改了jfeng811(站内联系TA)有改成功的虫友吗?jfeng811(站内联系TA)刚给校样的编辑发了邮件,不知会有什么样的结果yw__577(站内联系TA)邮件里肯定有一句话:No further corrections can be madejfeng811(站内联系TA)Originally posted by yw__577 at 2010-08-03 17:17:54:邮件里肯定有一句话:No further corrections can be made 我看到这句话了,但是我还是给编辑发了邮件说明了情况,我说如果有可能的话,请修改,会有用?visitor958(站内联系TA)真的错误,可以问问,特别是排版错误。来得及也许给你改。不过,小错,不要麻烦人(也许延迟发表);大错,发个更正;特大错(抄袭,一稿多投等),要撤稿。
2023-08-03 08:19:041


correction英 [ku0259u02c8reku0283n] 美 [ku0259u02c8ru025bku0283u0259n] n.修改; 改[纠]正; 惩罚; 有待改正adj.改正的,纠正的网络矫正; 纠正; 更正复数: corrections 双语例 An error detection and correction method in computing. 在计算技术中的一种错误检测和校正的方法。
2023-08-03 08:19:271

make corrections接什么介词

make corrections订正;矫正;斧正;更正后接of,表示“纠正......”Please make corrections of my English ( my sentences). 请纠正我的英语(我的句子)。后接in(某种墨水),表示“用(某种墨水)批改”Teachers usually make corrections in red ink. 教师通常用红墨水批改。
2023-08-03 08:19:361


问题一:"订正"用英语怎么说 订正 [词典] correct; revisal; revise; make corrections; emend; [例句]订正了第一版中的错误。 Corrections have been made to the first edition. 问题二:"订正"用英语怎么说??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? correct 老师批作业的时候简写成 CT 问题三:“订正”的英文拼写是什么 20分 订正 correct revisal rec常ify make corrections amendment 问题四:英语单词拼写!错的如何订正?谢谢了快! cheered volunteered sign notices lonely strong satisfaction joy 12.repaired 20.trained 22.contribution 24.interests 问题五:“订正”的英语是什么? correct, 或者make corrections.
2023-08-03 08:19:441


Correct the mistake (mean that it should corrected by mistake when being used that there are syntaxes in the article) 参考: me There is a grammatical error (of our statement). Correction is made as follows: 参考: self Please check your grammar. 这句说出来较有礼貌. G = grammatical error to make (grammatical) corrections 参考: YAHOO!字典 + 自己 There is a mistake in your grammar. Please correct it.
2023-08-03 08:19:511


what is your question?
2023-08-03 08:20:211


corrections 英[k?"rek?nz] 美[k?"rek?nz] n. 修改( correction的名词复数 ); 改[纠]正; 惩罚; 有待改正; 例:Please leave a space between the lines for the necessary corrections.在行与行之间要留出间隙,以便作必要的修改。
2023-08-03 08:20:381


接收后就是proof,即校稿,主要都是下面这些内容这表示你的文章已经录用后,在发给你proofs之前,要先填一些东西,第一个是order open access,这个的意思是如果你订了,你要付钱给出版社,而你的文章别人可以随便下载,不用付费,意思就是你帮他们付费了,所以不要订这个。另一个是order paper offprints ,就是你是不是要订纸质的论文,也要加钱,建议不要。第三是是否要把图片以彩色出版,这个也要加钱,所以也建议不要。第四个是转让版权,这个点同意就可以了。然后你会收到一个确认邮件,记住,上面的选项有些是订了就不能修改的。注意不要弄错了。在发给你proofs的时候,会有一个允许出版许可的文件,你可以打印下来 ,签好字,然后扫描一下,和corrections一起发给出版社就行了。
2023-08-03 08:20:481


2023-08-03 08:20:594

论文Springer的期刊接受了,校样的时候,cover sheet是指什么

2023-08-03 08:21:321


uncorrected proffzhiyongwang(站内联系TA)好像不可以了,我现在就碰到这样的情况,出版社不给修改了,就一个单位标示错了,算了,不改影响也不是太大,最多是让看论文的人说一通了jfeng811(站内联系TA)校样前,编辑部说的校样后不能修改了,但是现在又发现了一个问题,不知道编辑部会不会让改了,我要不要给出版商写E-mail呢?有没有类似经历的虫友改成功了的啊wl8904(站内联系TA)一般不能再做修改了jfeng811(站内联系TA)有改成功的虫友吗?jfeng811(站内联系TA)刚给校样的编辑发了邮件,不知会有什么样的结果yw__577(站内联系TA)邮件里肯定有一句话:No further corrections can be madejfeng811(站内联系TA)Originally posted by yw__577 at 2010-08-03 17:17:54:邮件里肯定有一句话:No further corrections can be made 我看到这句话了,但是我还是给编辑发了邮件说明了情况,我说如果有可能的话,请修改,会有用?visitor958(站内联系TA)真的错误,可以问问,特别是排版错误。来得及也许给你改。不过,小错,不要麻烦人(也许延迟发表);大错,发个更正;特大错(抄袭,一稿多投等),要撤稿。
2023-08-03 08:21:501


It is a good child who knows the mistake and makes corrections.
2023-08-03 08:22:011


Today I went to the oil pond with schoolmate to be the voluntary worker to move the goal was the visitation lives alone old person and lives at cleanly. I feel am anxious because I have not tried to talk with the stranger moreover this"s activity must help them to be clean therefore the mood feels both intense and is afraid. When I arrive at them the family teacher encourages me to attempt moreover the old person very much to wele us bravely we then immediately to feel that with ease gets down. After one hour clean all goods are very neat. The old person is also very grateful we. Then he puts out a biscuit to divide Henry with us although is not the good food but I also feel not in part of ones duty delicacy. In this"s voluntary worker activity I have known originally the old person very must want our concern the passion. I will participate later in many voluntary workers to move. Then you can participate together with me? 参考: 我自己 绝对冇错既 Today my clas *** ates and I go to Yau Tong because we join a programme.The programme is about visiting the aged and clean their home. I feel very nervous because I haven"t talked with strangers and I need to clean their house I felt very excited and scared. When we arrive his home my teacher tell us to try to talk with him. He like us very much so I feel relax. After cleaning their home for an hour it is neat and tidy.The aged gratitude us. He share a piece of biscuit with us.Although it is not a delicacy I think it is very tasty! After the programme I think aged need care so I"ll join more programme like this. Would you join the programme with me? (If it is a diary please change this article to past tense) 2008-12-19 20:14:54 补充: Corrections: Line 4:felt very excited but also very scared. Line 6:He likes us........ Line 8:gratitude us.He shares...... 英: Today I went to the oil pond with schoolmate to be the voluntary worker to move the goal was the visitation lives alone old person and lives at cleanly. I feel am anxious because I have not tried to talk with the stranger moreover this"s activity must help them to be clean therefore the mood feels both intense and is afraid. When I arrive at them the family teacher encourages me to attempt moreover the old person very much to wele us bravely we then immediately to feel that with ease gets down. After one hour clean all goods are very neat. The old person is also very grateful we. Then he puts out a biscuit to divide Henry with us although is not the good food but I also feel not in part of ones duty delicacy. In this"s voluntary worker activity I have known originally the old person very must want our concern the passion. I will participate later in many voluntary workers to move. Then you can participate together with me? 2008-12-19 14:17:52 补充: 楼上位网友d grammar文法就...好惊law Today I participanted a volunteer program for visit single-living elders and cleaning their flat in Yau Tong. I was very nervious as I"d never talk to stranger and today I have to help in cleaning works so I felt very nervious and afraid. (其实呢句有d语病 你可以用 I was very nervous as I"d never talk to stranger and help in cleaning works is a challendge to me.) When I arrived the elder"s home my teacher encourage me to try and the elder showed that he is wele about our works this made us relax immediately. After cleaning for 1 hour everything were tidy and the elder was appreciated about our works. He gave me a biscuit although it is not anything that valuable but I could taste its eltimate delicious. From this volunteer program I knew that the elders really need our care and love. I will participant more volunteer jobs in the future. So will you join me for the volunteer program? 2008-12-19 04:55:48 补充: 我唔敢讲绝对无错 不过楼下位网友d grammar文法就...好惊law 参考: 自己
2023-08-03 08:22:201


  据UKEC英国教育中心介绍:目前,虽然中国学生去英国留学,大多是攻读硕士学位,不过,现在越来越多的同学不满足于英国硕士一年的学习,而选择继续在英国大学攻读博士学位。  英国大学的博士周期相对短,全日制,一般在3-5年可以获得博士学位。另外,英国大学博士除了学制短,而且含金量高,毕业生就业率及起薪都非常高。  那么,去英国大学攻读博士学位,需要做些什么呢?据介绍,要申请英国大学博士,首先要了解英国大学博士学位分类,其次是了解申请流程。  英国大学博士学位分类:  英国的博士学位有很多种,比如Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Education (Ed.D),Medicine (M.D),Theology(Th.D),Divinity(D.D),Laws(L.D),Science(D.Sc),Dentistry(D.S)and Doctor of theUniversity(D.Univ)等。  一般来说,英国大学的博士的攻读分为三种形式:  (1)融合研究和一定授课的专业博士;  (2)以最终的博士大论文和答辩为评判标准的纯研究型博士;  (3)或者通过各种其他没有考试的方式,比如为了得到某个特定的职位(如:高等法院法官,神父),或者为了感谢某人。  最通常而且能够得到广泛公认的一般是以纯研究型博士学位(即以最终的学位论文和答辩结果为评判标准)。  这种学位的获取所要求的学位论文既可以是普通的大论文,也可以是该博士在攻读博士期间发表的论文或者著作的结合体。  这种纯研究型博士学位,全职(full-time)博士一般需要3-5年,兼职(part-time)博士一般需要5-7年。  虽然它不像英国本科学位分4等(Third Class Honours)、2:2等 (Second Class Honours, Lowerdivision)、2:1等 (Second Class Honours, Upper division) 和1等 (FirstClassHonours),也不像英国硕士学位分为及格(Pass)、良好(Merit)和优秀(Distinction)。  但根据最后的论文写作和答辩情况会相应给出四种结果:无需修改的通过(Passwith no corrections)、小范围修改后通过(Pass with minorcorrections)、大范围修改后通过(Pass with majorcorrections)和未通过(Fail)。  如果在答辩之后,研究被认为缺乏足够的原创性,可能只能获得Master ofPhilosophy(M.Phil.)。  当然,也有一部分同学不希望自己的研究过于学术而直接申请一些学校(比如牛津大学)的两年或者两年以上的M.Phil项目。在读博士期间,如果遇到意外情况或者感觉自己不适合读博士,可以在博士开始1-2年后转成M.Phil。  英国大学博士学位申请流程:  了解了英国大学博士学位的分类,接下来,小编为同学们详细介绍下英国大学博士申请流程(英国大学博士申请流程跟授课式硕士课程申请不一样)。  英国大学博士申请第一步应该是到官网上寻找你感兴趣的博士项目,看看这个项目的导师是谁。  有的导师会把自己的研究项目和课题的详细信息放在网上,供申请者了解。有的则需要申请人自己和导师联系,也就是所谓的套磁了。  申请人可以通过邮件,向老师索要该项目的信息,并大致地介绍自己的学历、专业背景、研究计划等,看看两者是否匹配。  当然,申请博士也少不了文书,和硕士相比,博士申请也需要个人陈述,推荐信,简历等。  但博士申请同时需要一份研究计划,即Proposal,一般长度在1000字左右,不同的学校要求也会不同。  博士申请还需要填写报名表,一般在学校的网站上可以下载,也就是一些个人信息的填写,项目的选择之类的。  一般申请人在Online系统上填写提交即可。有的学校需要申请人下载,填写完毕之后通过邮件发送给导师。  大部分的博士项目都会有面试环节,导师会邀请研究计划和他一致的申请人进行面对面的交流,以更好的考察学生的研究能力和学术水平。  英国大学博士申请条件及材料:  1、雅思6.5-7.0,根据专业不同要求也略有不同。  2、很多中国学生不是很了解这个情况,即使是硕士毕业,对方也很重视在本科时候的成绩。  个别方面的专业例如管理类的,可能可以要求没有硕士学位,但是,要有一定的工作经验。一般情况下本科毕业生直接申请博士的很少。  3、个人陈述(Personal Statement)言简意赅,你的背景、研究方向、申请理由、研究计划。  4、2-3封推荐信。推荐信的内容要包括对你的学习成绩、科研能力、合作精神和学术成就等方面的介绍。并且要求有盖章和专用信签纸。  5、一份研究提案(ResearchProposal),字数由学校自行规定,最多不超过1000字。成功的proposal衡量标准:要说明研究内容、目标、现状、研究方法、研究价值。UKEC英国教育中心希望能够帮到你!
2023-08-03 08:22:312

be correct in有这个搭配吗?

2023-08-03 08:22:391

Read the following, point out the mistakes and make necessary corrections.在线等

1 working改为that worked2 asleep改为sleeping3 pay改为paid4 quick改为fast5 删除to6 looked改为looking7 没看出来8 句子结构有问题,应该改为 The well-known American writer Mark Twain"s experience as a pilot in a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped him to become a famous writer
2023-08-03 08:22:515

proof correction 怎么弄

是elsevier的期刊吧,应该有详细的说明的(email附件或网址)。改好后reply email,将corrected PDF作为附件发回即可 1、对文章进行仔细和全面的检查,可以通过“注释”-“注释和标注工具”中的高亮、删除线和下划线标注工具或者其他工具对需要修改的地方进行标注,标注完毕后保存稿件的pdf文件。2、在query表中列出稿件中要修改的错误以及如何修改。可以将author queries的pdf文件识别为word文档填写,也可用专业版的acrobat在pdf文件中直接修改。最后在给编辑回信的时候把标注后的pdf稿件文件和author queries表一起作为附件返回。3、可参考以下校稿模板回复编辑:Dear Mr. ×××: Thanks very much for your kind letter about the proof of our paper titled “Paper Title” (ID: 文章稿号) for publication in “Journal Name”. We have finished the proof reading and checking carefully, and some corrections about the proof are provided in the author queries. We greatly appreciate the efficient, professional and rapid processing of our paper by your team. If there is anything else we should do, please do not hesitate to let us know.Thank you and best regards. Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××
2023-08-03 08:23:061

SCI写作中遇到的窘况 该如何解决

u200bu200b在SCI写作中,我们常常会因为科研探索的结果不同而有着不同的写作情况,也经常会遇到的一些让人纠结的窘况,我们应该怎么面对呢?今天,我们就来谈谈关于SCI常见3大问题的解决之道。一、选题选题是科研成败和成果大小的决定性环节。这一步的意义就在于它要确定整个研究的对象、内容和目的,以及主要解决什么问题,怎样解决问题等事项。这一步关系到整个研究过程和结果,甚至关系到科研工作的成败。在选题的时候,我们常常会因为一些因素而感到纠结,例如:选择热门的课题还是冷门的课题?选择较大的课题还是较小的课题?等等。究竟我们应该如何正确的处理这些问题呢?1、热门与冷门热门课题好处是材料比较多,但研究的人多了,你必须比别人高出一块才有价值;冷门课题即许多人不大注意的问题,可借鉴的东西很少,但容易出成果。不管热门还是冷门,首先要考虑选题的学术价值和实际应用价值。究竟选择热门还是冷门,这要根据自己的实力来定。实力强大,可以在热点领域当精神领袖,提高知名度;实力不很强,也可以选择冷门课题,占先机之利。今天的冷门,明天就可能成为热门,如果具有前瞻性眼光,选择即将成为热门的冷门率先研究,就会在该领域占有优势。2、大题与小题大题涉及面广,可写的东西多,但不容易写深,四面出击,也容易出现漏洞;小题虽然可集中精力,但要求研究得深一些。选题太小,没有足够的扩展空间,有可能达不到学论文的要求。提倡“小题大做”。3、方向与题目学位论文选题原则上应与研究方向一致,如果偏离太远,既难以得到导师的指导帮助,也不符合研究生的培养计划。不过,研究生也可以选择“边缘性”课题,不要把自己限制得太死。二、参考文献参考文献是不是越多越好呢?其实不然,它一个双刃剑,太多参考文献可以理解为相关研究比较热,同时也可理解为你的文章可有可无,是多一篇不多,少一篇不少。而太少的文献会认为研究做的不够多。那么到底要多少合适呢?正确的做法是:1.不需要参考文献就能表达清楚的近乎常识性的内容,尽量不要加。当然,另一方面,能为文章的主要内容提供重要佐证和支撑的文献必须引用。这样处理,同时也杜绝了那些非相关文献引用的喧宾夺主,这其实也是规范的科技论文写作所要求的。2.了解所要投稿期刊对参考文献数量的要求,达到要求后根据实际情况添加参考文献。三、投稿后的审稿意见要全盘接收吗?SCI 的审稿几乎都是免费的,这些专家静下心来评审我们的论文,本身就值得我们尊敬。因此,对待评审意见我们首先是应该充满感激的,也认真思考和领会他们所提出的每一条意见。对于审稿人提出的意见,切忌“硬碰硬”,回复技巧很重要。技巧1:先礼后兵,礼貌开头 例:Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers" comments concerning our manuscript entitled “文章题目”. These comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made corrections which we hope meet with approval. (你的提议太有用了,我论文的质量蹭蹭蹭就上去了!我们相当仔细研究了你的建议之类的话)The responds to the reviewer"s comments are as follows: .......技巧2:细节修改,不容小觑,一一作答,有礼有节 比如审稿人提出:图中需要补充比例尺 回复:As for the referee"s concern, we have added scale bars to the Figures. 比如审稿人提出:部分图片没有显著性差异 回复:As for the referee"s concern, we have indicated a significant difference with asterisk in figures. VX 18092502060 比如审稿人提出:通篇语言问题不过关 回复:We are very sorry for the mistakes in this manuscript and inconvenience they caused in your reading. The manuscript has been thoroughly revised and edited by a native speaker, so we hope it can meet the journ
2023-08-03 08:23:131

汉译英 五月天《如烟》的歌词

Like SmokeI sit before the bed looking out the window, spending the day in memories; life is a resplendent illusion, time is a thief, stealing everything awayWhen I was seven I captured a cicada, thinking I could capture summer; when I was seventeen I kissed her face thinking we would last foreverIs there really that kind of forever, forever unchanging, the beauty we"ve once embraced never shatteredMake rapidly passing time unable to run wild on my face, make the separation of life and death distant, so no one can hear themI sit before the bed turning my head to see who is asleep on the pillow, that ancient face appears to be me, tightly shut eyesThose who once loved me, and who I loved deeply, are all gathered by my side, I can"t take with me those regrets and sentiments, they all transform into that one last tearIs there really that kind of tear that can wash away remorse, transform into a rainstorm falling on a street I can"t return toGive me one more chance to rewrite the story, to offer the apology I"ve owed him all my lifeIs there really that kind of world, where the sky never goes dark, the stars and sun and everything listens to my commandsThe moon doesn"t wax and wane, spring isn"t far away, twigs hold tightly onto their leaves, can anyone hear meBeside my ears, before my eyes, this life is lived over again, I came from the darkness and return to the darkness, a lifetime, a flash, between heaven an earth, next time who will I beIs there really that kind of rose, that never fades away, forever proud and beautiful, forever uncompromisingWhy does life turn out to be like a scrap of paper, not like a flower petal that was once splendorousIs there really that kind of bookmark that can stop on that day, at that most innocent, smiling face and that most beautiful yearA backpack filled with cake and soda, eyes devoid of suspicion and wrong-doing, let us be outlawsIs there really that kind of poem that doesn"t end, youth forever halted in our own timeBoys and girls with guitars and dancing shoes, laughing and forgetting life"s suffering, just knowing its sweetnessIs there really that kind of tomorrow, that lets me live all over again, to once again experience the yesterday I squanderedWhether surviving or living, I won"t waste a moment, won"t let this story be so filled with regretsCan anyone hear me, I don"t want to say goodbyeI sit before the bed watching my fingertips already like smoke中文对照如烟我坐在床前 望著窗外 回忆满天 生命是华丽错觉 时间是贼 偷走一切七岁的那一年 抓住那只蝉 以为能抓住夏天 十七岁的那年 吻过他的脸 就以为能和他永远有没有那麼一种永远 永远不改变 拥抱过的美丽都 再也不破碎让险峻岁月不能在脸上撒野 让生离和死别都遥远 有谁能听见我坐在床前 转过头看 谁在沉睡 那一张苍老的脸 好像是我 紧闭双眼曾经是爱我的 和我深爱的 都围绕在我身边 带不走的那些 遗憾和眷恋 都化成最后一滴泪有没有那麼一滴眼泪 能洗掉后悔 化成大雨降落在 回不去的街再给我一次机会 将故事改写 还欠了他一生的 一句抱歉有没有那麼一个世界 永远不天黑 星星太阳万物都 听我的指挥月亮不忙著圆缺 春天不走远 树梢紧紧拥抱著树叶 有谁能听见耳际 眼前 此生重演 是我来自漆黑 而又回归漆黑 人间 瞬间 天地之间 下次我 又是谁有没有那麼一朵玫瑰 永远不凋谢 永远骄傲和完美 永远不妥协为何人生最后会像一张纸屑 还不如一片花瓣曾经鲜艳有没有那麼一张书签 停止那一天 最单纯的笑脸和 最美那一年书包里面装满了蛋糕和汽水 双眼只有无猜和无邪 让我们无法无天有没有那麼一首诗篇 找不到句点 青春永远定居在 我们的岁月男孩和女孩都有吉他和舞鞋 笑忘人间的苦痛 只有甜美有没有那麼一个明天 重头活一遍 让我再次感受曾 挥霍的昨天无论生存或生活 我都不浪费 不让故事这麼的后悔有谁能听见 我不要告别我坐在床前 看著指尖 已经如烟
2023-08-03 08:23:423


  随着社会发展的需要,近几年博士学位越来越成为就业市场的抢手资源,而英国的博士课程时间相对短,英国大学科研实力雄厚,为学生参与研究带来更多实践的机会。那么,去英国留学博士有哪些类型呢?下面和我一起来了解一下吧。    英国留学博士类型详细介绍    传统式英国博士课程   传统式英国博士课程是最常见而且被广泛公认的,通常以学术研究为主,要求博士生3-5年的时间里完成一个科研项目或课题的深入研究,非全日制 (part time) 博士一般需要 5-7 年。 通过考核的学生可以被授予博士学位,进入学术界继续从事研究活动。这种传统的博士制度注重博士生研究能力的培养,要求博士生独立完成专业的有理论深度的课题研究,并在其研究领域做出创造性学术贡献。一般以最终的大论文和答辩为评判标准(大论文可以是普通的大论文,也可以是该学生在攻读博士期间发表的论文或者著作的结合体)。在答辩之后会有:没有修改的通过 (Pass with no corrections)、小范围修改的通过 (Pass with minor corrections)、大范围修改的通过 (Pass with major corrections) 和没通过(Fail)这几种。如果在答辩之后,研究被认为没有足够的原创性,可能只能获得Master of Philosophy (.)。当然也有一部分同学不希望自己的研究过于学术而直接申请一些学校的两年或者两年以上的. 项目,比如牛津大学。在读博士期间,如果感觉自己不适合读博士,也可以在博士开始1-2年后转成. 。    联合培养式博士课程   联合培养式博士课程一般是由具有类似研究背景的两个不同实验室的导师支持并联合培养的项目,这两个实验室一般来自两个不同国家的两个学校。比如国内的学生会在博士期间选择到其他国家的实验室联合培养和交流一年(英国大学一些博士也会有这种机会,视项目要求而定)。    新制英国博士课程   新制英国博士课程 (New Route PhD 或者 Integrated PhD) 始于2001 年。它融合了研究、教学式课程和专业技能的高水准训练,是由英国政府和英国诸多研究型大学大力支持的一个综合的研究生项目,一般是四年全日制。第一年为课程教学的阶段,并需要进行考核;第二年是课程教学与研究实习,课程教学是第一年基础上的延续,专业研究的实习是由学校统一分配,目的是为了后续的研究打下良好的基础;第三年和第四年与传统博士类似,以科学研究为主,并提交博士论文。    专业博士课程   专业博士课程,比如专业企管博士学位(Professional Doctorate in Business Administration,DBA)和专业教育博士学位(Professional Doctorate in Education,EdD)。不同于传统的企管博士学位(PhD in Business Administration )和教育博士学位(PhD in Education),专业博士课程更着重于学科教学和研究,并希望发展学者的教学与研究潜力。该课程更适于那些具有一定经验和相关领域背景的专业人士。
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【SCI修改稿回答审稿人意见范文模板】 List of Responses 0.1 Dear Editors and Reviewers: 1.1 Thank you for your letter and for the reviewer"s comments concering our manuscript “Title”(ID: ). 1.2 Thank you very much for your careful review and constructive suggestions with regard to our manuscript "Title"(ID). 2.1 Thoses comments are very helpful for us to revise and imporve our paper. 2.2 Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the importance guiding significane to our researches. 3.1 We have studied these comments carefully and tried our best to revise and imporve the manuscript. 3.2 made great changes in the manuscript according to the reviewer"s comments. 3.3 We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. 4.1 Our main corrections in the manuscript and the responds to the reviewer"s comments are as follows and a PDF file "xxx.pdf" ( main corrections are marked in red and blue color ). 4.2 Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. 5.1 The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer"s comments are as following: 6.1 Responds to the reviewer"s comments: 6.1.1 Response to comment: [... COMMENT ...] 6.1.2 Response: ... 7.1 We are very sorry for our negligence of ... 7.2 We are very sorry for our incorrect writing ... 7.3 It is really true as Reviewer suggested that ... 7.4 we have made correction according to the Reviewer"s comments. 7.5 we have re-write this part to the Reviewer"s suggestion. 7.6 As Reviewer suggested that ... 7.7 Considering the Reviewer"s suggestion, we have ... 7.8 Thank you for pointing this out. 8.1 Line 22-33, the statements of "... ... " were corrected as "... ..." 8.2 Line 333, "... ..." was added/deleted. 8.3 ... was usde here as .. to ... 8.4 In addition, by studying that, we can directly compare our results with previous studies. 8.5 more details in the first paragraph of Section 3.3. 8.6 A and B"s research groups have done blablablabla. However, the focus of our work is on blablabla, which is very different from A and B"s work, and this is also the major contribution of our work. 8.7 We have added the following discussion on this issue in our revised manuscript, see ... 9.1 Special thanks to you for your good comments. 3.3 we tried our best to improve the manuscript and made some changes in the manuscript. 4.3 these changes will not influence the content and framework of the paper. 5.2 And here we did not list the changes but marked in red in revised paper. 9.2 we appreciate Editors/Reviewers" warm work earnestly, and hope the correction will meet with approval. 10.1 once again, thank you very much for your comments and suggestions. list of actions: LOA1: The revised manuscript is double spaced / marked in red / ... LOA2: a paragraph has been added in page 5 to further explain the algorithm ... LOA3: Explanations of the legned of Figure 3 have been added in page 7. LOA4: Fig. 2 has been enlarged / changed / ... LOA5: All typos have been removed.
2023-08-03 08:24:251


① 请问社科院金融学博士都包括哪些课程 【课程设置】抄 政治理论课: 马克袭思主义与当代社会思潮 社会主义经济理论 外 语 课(选开): 听说课、写作课 专业基础课: 经济学前沿 西方经济学(宏观经济学) 西方经济学(微观经济学) 财政学 专业课(选开): 金融理论与金融政策 金融市场理论与实践 资金流量分析 金融发展理论与政策 全球金融体系研究 货币理论与货币政策 金融工程学 保险市场研究 房地产金融学 金融风险管理理论 专业选修课: 私募股权投资 商业银行业务与金融产品创新 公司理财与财务管理 资产证券化、项目融资与企业融资创新 期货市场与金融衍生产品 固定收益证券 风险投资与企业上市 房地产营销与房地产投资策略 财务报表分析 公司重组与并购 ② 中国哪些神学院有博士课程 大陆只有南京金陵神学院设有博士课程。香港台湾的很多 ③ 英国留学博士学位的分类有哪些 选择去英国实现留学梦的人不在少数。 选择英国的教学式硕士课程最大的好处之一,就是大部分的学校提供1年,而非2年的课程(即整整12个月)。这并不表示其教学品质较低或比其他国家的硕士课程较为容易。英国的每一所大学之学位文凭是全世界皆认可的,只是英国的硕士课程比其他国家来的较密集而已。 目前,虽然中国学生去英国留学,大多是攻读硕士学位,不过,现在越来越多的同学不满足于英国硕士一年的学习,而选择继续在英国大学攻读博士学位。 英国大学的博士周期相对短,全日制,一般在3-5年可以获得博士学位。另外,英国大学博士除了学制短,而且含金量高,毕业生就业率及起薪都非常高。 那么,去英国大学攻读博士学位,需要做些什么呢?据介绍,要申请英国大学博士,首先要了解英国大学博士学位分类,其次是了解申请流程。 英国大学博士学位分类: 英国的博士学位有很多种,比如Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Ecation (Ed.D),Medicine (M.D),Theology(Th.D),Divinity (D.D),Laws(L.D),Science(D.Sc),Dentistry(D.S)and Doctor of theUniversity(D.Univ)等。 一般来说,英国大学的博士的攻读分为三种形式: (1)融合研究和一定授课的专业博士; (2)以最终的博士大论文和答辩为评判标准的纯研究型博士; (3)或者通过各种其他没有考试的方式,比如为了得到某个特定的职位(如:高等法院法官,神父),或者为了感谢某人。 最通常而且能够得到广泛公认的一般是以纯研究型博士学位(即以最终的学位论文和答辩结果为评判标准)。 这种学位的获取所要求的学位论文既可以是普通的大论文,也可以是该博士在攻读博士期间发表的论文或者著作的结合体。 这种纯研究型博士学位,全职(full-time)博士一般需要3-5年, *** (part-time)博士一般需要5-7年。 虽然它不像英国本科学位分4等(Third Class Honours)、2:2等 (Second Class Honours, Lowerdivision)、2:1等 (Second Class Honours, Upper division) 和1等 (FirstClassHonours),也不像英国硕士学位分为及格(Pass)、良好(Merit)和优秀(Distinction)。 但根据最后的论文写作和答辩情况会相应给出四种结果:无需修改的通过(Passwith no corrections)、小范围修改后通过(Pass with minorcorrections)、大范围修改后通过(Pass with majorcorrections)和未通过(Fail)。 如果在答辩之后,研究被认为缺乏足够的原创性,可能只能获得Master ofPhilosophy(M.Phil.)。 ④ 硕士和博士都有什么专业和课程啊 不管你本来专业是什么,其他专业的硕博都可以报考,只要你考试成绩够线,复试能通过就可以。 ⑤ 上博士课程班和考博有什么区别 博士课程班入学门槛较低,毕业并通过论文答辩后只有博士学位证书而没有博士学历证书 博士入学考试的,入学门槛较高,通过论文答辩毕业后有博士学历证书和学位证书。 ⑥ 硕士研究生和博士研究生各是几年的课程 硕士研究生和博士研究生各是3年的课程。 研究生学位可分硕士学位和博士学位两阶,标志着被授予者的受教育程度和学术水平达到了研究生规定标准的学术称号。学位制度起源于欧洲中世纪,表明被授予者具有何种学术水平和专业知识学习自理,具有一定得身份象征的意义。 社会对学位证的认可度 学历即毕业证书,是学生学习经历的证明,包括学习的时间和过程。学位代表着学习能力和学术水平,是对学生所学知识达到一定水平的认可。随着拥有高等学历的人越来越多,企业在用人的时候,往往更看重其实际能力。此外,硕士以上的教育和本科教育存在着很大区别,教育形式也更加注重实际,有能力完成硕士教育的人,说明他的学术能力和个人素质已经达到了一定程度。在国外,硕士都是只有学位而没有毕业证书的,从这个意义上说,学位的价值要高于学历。 研究生申请学位的同样需要通过学校考试与全国统考才能拿到学位。获得的硕士学位证书与在职硕士研究生获得的硕士学位证书是一模一样的,同样是具有国民教育序列。不论是想要继续考博、出国深造、参加国家公务员考试及单位中评职称等,根据国家有关政策,在职研究生所获得的硕士学位与统招研究生的硕士学位在价值和用途上是完全没有差别的。 ⑦ 在职博士课程班和全日制博士区别在哪 所谓在职博士是指学习方式相对脱产形式而言,既通过正常入学考试(统考或单考)取得入学资格,在培养单位教学或培养方案许可的情况下,一边工作一边学习的博士生。(所以在职博士生并不是某种录取类别。在职博士并不是另外一种博士,只是学习的形式不同,所有招博士的单位都可以,只不过因为是在职的,可能帮不了导师做项目,所以导师一般不愿意收! 全日制博士全日制是指全天候教学的体制,上课时间采用普通高校全日制上课,全日制博士招生条件严格按照国家教育标准进行。 ⑧ 复旦大学金融博士课程设置 推荐你看国内最好的金融学博士教育:上海交通大学上海高级金融学院,教材都是用英文原版教材,和国外大学完全一致的。并且还有老师的讲义。 教材请你去参考宾夕法尼亚大学,斯坦福,mit这些学校的金融学博士教材吧。因为交大高金的教授基本是来自这些大学的 // 可以看上边网页提供的介绍。 交大高金师资都是国外一流大学的老师,培养要求的课程设置都是国内一流大学的标准,不按照国内的陈旧标准。。 不像国内大金融博士都是国内培养的,毕业后没有国际竞争力,所用教材基本是中文教材,大多是中国人到处抄抄写成的,并且知识陈旧。错误不少。 学位教育 >> 金融学博士 >> 金融学博士 >> 课程设置 第一第二年课程设置 课程类别 课程中文名称 课程英文名称 学分 必修课 学术论文写作 Academic Thesis Writing 1 必修课 现代科学技术革命与马克思主义 Modern Science and Technology Revolution and Marxi *** 3 必修课 博士生英语 Doctoral English 3 必修课 高级微观经济学(一) Advanced microeconomics (Ⅰ) 3 必修课 高级微观经济学(二) Advanced microeconomics (Ⅱ) 3 必修课 高级计量经济学(一) Advanced Econometrics (Ⅰ) 3 必修课 高级计量经济学(二) Advanced Econometrics (Ⅱ) 3 必修课 高级计量经济学(三)(时间序列) Advanced Econometrics ( Ⅲ) (Time series ) 3 必修课 资产定价理论 Asset Pricing Theory 3 必修课 公司金融理论 Theory of Corporate Finance 3 必修课 资产定价实证 Empirical Asset Pricing 3 必修课 公司金融实证 Empirical Corporate Finance 3 选修课 高级宏观经济学 Advanced Macroeconomics 2 选修课 产业经济学 Instrial Economics 2 选修课 合同经济学 Contract Economics 2 必修课 SAIF学术报告会 SAIF Seminar 4 对于在入学前已经在其他对等院校学习过博士生程度的高级微观经济学或高级计量经济学并取得优秀成绩的学生,获得学院批准后,可以直接进入金融学课程的学习。//wenda.haosou/q/1366662840060282 ⑨ 什么叫“博士前期/后期课程” “博士前期课程”和“修士课程”是一回事,两种不同的叫法而已,都相当于国内的研究生课程。 “博士后期课程”相当于国内的博士课程。 ⑩ 考博士都有哪些科目 一般考博士需要考三门科目,一门外语课,两门专业课。 科目一般包括马克思列宁主义理论课、外国语和业务课。业务课的数量由各招生单位确定,除笔试、口试外,招生单位还可以举行其他必要的测试,考试日期由各级招生单位自行确定。 考试题都是各学校自行命题,一般面试占的分也比较高,所以要先和报考的导师联系,导师同意报考才能考,当导师不同意时只能再换导师进行报考。 (10)博士课程分类扩展阅读: 考博士需要进行的准备: 1. 确定院校和意向导师 目标院校选择三个左右,太多分散精力容易失败。选择的原则是考试时间不冲突、距离相近、参考书目相似的院校。 研究所的科研氛围浓厚、专一,但有些呆板;而高校则比较活跃,掺杂着教学和科研,科研氛围稍淡。 2. 初试的准备
2023-08-03 08:24:341

leaving margins请帮忙翻译一下~!

2023-08-03 08:24:562

___he had discovered his error ,he made the necessary corrections of his date.

选A,as soon as有一…就…的意思
2023-08-03 08:25:071


The parents how to educate their children Many people in the early formation of habits. The family is the original place of activities for individuals. Home of the various habits are the initial contact with the child to the code of conduct. For the formation of habits children have an important impact. Parents how to properly cultivate the habit of the child"s behavior ? First, parents should adjust its attitude to return to teach kids to speak, learning to walk can do so. Children living in the giant world, the heart very fragile. The specific operation in order to stimulate positive mainly to tell the child how to do it, indicating the child"s development direction; appropriate reminder as a supplement, both the children face, but also to give the child a certain degree of psychological experience. One of the principles: trust kids, kids full confidence in the eyes, gestures, language, and trust in force. The second principle: respect for the child, understand the needs of concerned about his heart and learn to listen to the child"s speech, concerned about the child"s mood, learning life, for him to solve problems. Principle 3: Understanding a child, that would like their children are thinking, worry about their children"s worry about. Institute of companionship. Principle 4: Incentives and discovered the child, indicating the direction of a child"s development and share the joy of a child"s success. Principle 5: To understand tolerance children, to create a relaxed and harmonious environment to meet the spiritual needs of their children. Principle 6: to remind the child, appropriate corrections, to share his difficulties and setbacks. This is the thrust of education, number of children, the children in the process of change may be repeated, but the parents insist on doing as long as the child will gradually form a good behavior.
2023-08-03 08:25:181


这问题要是分成三个好回答一些。先回答第三个吧:全套正本(至少三份)的清洁的已装船海运提单,收货人抬头做成或背书成to order of XXX 银行(开证行名称),注明“FREIGHT PAYABLE AT DESTINATION”(运费在目的地支付),被通知人栏填:XXXX公司
2023-08-03 08:25:432