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2023-08-03 15:19:54



Before Einstein became famous, he lived a hard life and dressed

casually. Some people reminded him that he should have a decent dress in

order to enter the society, but he thought that people would not know

him because of his beautiful clothes. After he became famous, he still

dressed casually. When he was once again advised to buy decent clothes,

he thought he no longer needed them.


Everyone loves beauty. Can you say that Einstein doesn"t love beauty?

No. It"s just that Einstein only pays attention to appearance, clothes

and decoration. What he pursues is the beauty and sublimity of life,

soul and thought.


Einstein is so because he has a heart of pursuing lofty ideals, a faith

of not loving the secular world and winning success through his own

efforts, and a noble soul. What he examined and discovered was the

essence of beauty and the eternal inner beauty.


Beauty and ugliness are opposite. If there is beauty, there will be

ugliness and evil. Su Daji, the concubine of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty,

is a very beautiful person with beautiful appearance and shape. She can

be said to have fallen in love with the country and the city, but in

people"s hearts, she is an ugly image. Not only does she not have the

essence of beauty, but her heart is as cold as ice.


The essential beauty is the eternal beauty. Don"t use money or whitewash

to dress yourself up, but use our noble morality and civilized behavior

to infect others. This is the real beauty.



It is believed that the one who is with beautiful outlook will have more chances to be successful, everyone wants to have perfect outlook. Recently, the topic of only the good looking one has youth becomes popular, people satire this phenomenon. Actually, no one will deny the importance of outlook, the one who denies it may be he is jealous. Though outlook is important, it can"t decide everything, our effort is also important. If the one who is just caring about his face, ignoring other factors, he does not pay attention to the inside, the beautiful face will not help him go further. On the contrary, the outlook is a gift from the god, but only we work hard to improve ourselves, can we make this gift more precious. We must learn that beautiful outlook provides us an easy way to be successful, but if we don"t improve ourselves, we will be kicked out any time.




“外貌”英语:appearance名词,意思为:外貌、出现英 [u0259u02c8pu026au0259ru0259ns]美 [u0259u02c8pu026aru0259ns] 词汇搭配:1、agedappearance年老的样子2、artisticappearance艺术外观3、externalappearance外表,外观4、fascinatingappearance迷人的外貌相关例句:1、We should not judge a person by his appearance.我们不应该以貌取人。2、She is most pleasing in manner and appearance.她的外貌和举止都非常讨人喜欢。3、Something in his appearance riveted our attention.他外表的某些特徵吸引了我们的注意力。4、You should not be misled by a person"s appearance.你不应该被人的外表所欺骗。扩展资料:词义辨析appearance,look,face,aspect这些名词均含事物或人的“外表,容貌”之意。1、appearance普通用词,着重由总体产生的印象。2、look普通用词,多用复数,可与appearance换用,但较口语化。3、face侧重指容貌。4、aspect书面用词,突出人或事物在某特定时间或地点时的外貌。
2023-08-03 07:32:323


“外貌”英语:appearance名词,意思为:外貌、出现英 [u0259u02c8pu026au0259ru0259ns]美 [u0259u02c8pu026aru0259ns] 词汇搭配:1、agedappearance年老的样子2、artisticappearance艺术外观3、externalappearance外表,外观4、fascinatingappearance迷人的外貌相关例句:1、We should not judge a person by his appearance.我们不应该以貌取人。2、She is most pleasing in manner and appearance.她的外貌和举止都非常讨人喜欢。3、Something in his appearance riveted our attention.他外表的某些特徵吸引了我们的注意力。4、You should not be misled by a person"s appearance.你不应该被人的外表所欺骗。扩展资料:词义辨析appearance,look,face,aspect这些名词均含事物或人的“外表,容貌”之意。1、appearance普通用词,着重由总体产生的印象。2、look普通用词,多用复数,可与appearance换用,但较口语化。3、face侧重指容貌。4、aspect书面用词,突出人或事物在某特定时间或地点时的外貌。
2023-08-03 07:32:435


well-looked,good looked都可
2023-08-03 07:33:021


2023-08-03 07:33:091


问外貌的三种英语句型:What is sb. like?某人怎么样,这句话主要是询问这个人的`人品等内在品质;What does sb. look like?某人看起来怎么样,主要询问外表情况;How does sb like/find sth?某人对某物的评价、看法。例句:1、Daphne Farlow,at forty-five, still looked and spoke like an overgrown schoolgirl.45岁的达芙妮·法洛外貌言谈都还像个稚气未脱的小女生。2、My sister and I do not look alike.我和我妹妹外貌不相像。
2023-08-03 07:33:181


外貌:  short矮  tall高  overweight胖  plump丰满  thin瘦  skinny太瘦了  slim苗条  mediumheight不胖不瘦  tubby矮胖  muscular强壮  elegantly优雅  good-looking长的好看  plain长的一般  smartlydressed穿着得体  welldressed穿的漂亮  neatlydressed衣着干净整洁  scrufilydressed衣着不整洁  外貌:身材体形:overweight超重  thin,slim瘦  fat,stout肥胖的  slender苗条的  发型:darkhair  blonde金发  cury,wavyhair卷发  ponytail马尾  脸部:freckle雀斑  dimple酒窝  ovalface鸭蛋脸  bald秃顶的  bobbed短卷发的  Big-featured五官较大的  Double-chinned双下巴的  High-cheekboned颧骨很高  Slender苗条的  Sharp-featured五官分明的  Well-featured五官端正的  Pimpled有粉刺的  Rosy/ruddy红润的  Freckled有雀斑的  Wrinkled起皱纹的  Double-faced两面派的  Well-Shaped好看的  Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的  Bony瘦骨嶙峋的  女性外表:blond金发碧眼的glamorous性感有魅力的slender苗条的well-shapedbody体形丰满的plump丰满肥胖的elegantandpoised雍容华贵的graceful优美的thinhair头发稀疏的trendy时髦的tanned皮肤黝黑的阳光肌肤的natural-looking长相一般的pale面色苍白的dimple有酒窝的petite瘦小的wavyhair卷毛的ovalface鹅蛋脸型的up-turnnose朝天鼻的  男性外表:bald秃顶的disheveledhair头发凌乱的brighteye眼神明亮的broadface宽脸的clean-shavenface面庞清爽干净的bony瘦骨嶙峋的muscular肌肉健美的robust强壮的chubby肥壮敦实的manly男人味的gentlemanly有绅士风度的
2023-08-03 07:33:411

从外表(长相)来说 英语怎么翻译?

from outer spaceby the looksby one"s appearance都可以表示根据外表(长相)来…例1. 我们不应该从外表来判断一个陌生人。 We should not judge a stranger by his or her appearance.例2. 告诉他不要从外表判断一个人。 Tell him not to judge people by their looksIn externals从外表看From the looks of one‘s从某人的外表(长相)看例3. 从外表上看,她们是两个丝毫不引人注目的姑娘。 In externals, they were two unobtrusive girls.例4. 从外表看上来,他就是那种没车、没家、没干净衣服,而且没钱的人。 From the looks of him, he had no car, no home, no clean clothes, and no money.希望能帮到你:)
2023-08-03 07:33:511


我们每个人呈现给他人的第一印象是外表。英语:The first impression we display to others is our appearance.(外表: appearance)
2023-08-03 07:34:001


解答,vetements 英语读法:音标是【"ve-te-mang】,读的时候,重音在前,最后的 t 和 s 不用念出来。中文意思是:衣服,服装,衣裳,衣着;外表,外衣。
2023-08-03 07:34:202


2023-08-03 07:35:021

外观的英语翻译 外观用英语怎么说

2023-08-03 07:35:121

求一篇英语描写外表的作文,过去式,用(used to) ,速度!

I have a good mother too. She has not very black hair, a pair of bright eyes, but also face some spots. She has a little fat, so it is not so good. Although look very kindly, but not so good temper!At that time, I have finished my lunch, the mother hurried back. Since a few days ago, my mother had promised me to buy me a beautiful bag, but up to now has not helped me to buy back, so, I asked: " Mum, mum, you promised to buy me a new schoolbag? Why can I not even half a bag of shadow did not see ah? " unexpectedly, I just bumped on the mother"s fire, she be ablaze with anger and scold a way: " buy buy Bag, bag, you"ll see let me buy you a bag, the only you can"t use bag! I have spare time to buy you new bag! Factory boss asked me to wait for person, I waited for two hours, but still did not come, I have to rush home, until now, I haven"t eat lunch! "I was this mother remarks was too frightened to speak. Had to go out, at that time, my mood is very complex, want to cry to injustice, and to feel should not. I just gently sighed ... ...You see, my mom"s temper is not so good! Usually, I dare not top, but sometimes also very good to me, oh, my mother"s temper is volatile, so fickle!希望可以帮助到你哦!祝你学习进步啊~
2023-08-03 07:35:371


What is sb. like? What does sb. look like? What does sb. like? How does sb like/find sth? 某人怎么样(指该人的人品等内在品质) 某人看起来怎么样 (主要指外表) 某人喜欢什么 (个人爱好) 某人对某物的评价、看法
2023-08-03 07:35:461


men like the girl who has not only external beauty but also inner beauty.
2023-08-03 07:35:542


2023-08-03 07:36:142


问题一:在什么什么外面用英语怎么说 outside... 问题二:在外面 英语怎么说 5分 o憨tside n. 外面, 外表, 外界 adj. 外面的, 外表的, 外界的 adv. 在外面, 外表, 出界 prep. 在...外 问题三:待在外面用英语怎么说 待在外面的英文翻译_百度翻译 待在外面 Stay out stay_百度翻译 stay 英[ste?] 美[ste] vt. 停留; 停止; 坚持; 抑制; vi. 继续处于某种状态; n. 逗留; 延期; 倚靠; 忍耐; [例句]"Stay here," Trish said. "I"ll bring the car down the drive to take you back." “呆这别动,”特里西说,“我会把车开过来送你回去。” [其他] 第三人称单数:stays 复数:stays 现在分词:staying 过去式:stayed过去分词:stayed 问题四:“当你在外面”用英语怎么说? outside本来就是副词,干嘛还用in the outside? 你可以说when you are out 问题五:我现在去不了,我在外面呢 用英语怎么说? I c骇n"t go now,i was outside. I was outside,so i can"t go now 问题六:我想去外面玩用英语怎么说?有几种说法? 我想去外面玩. 英语: 1) I want to go out to have a fun. 2) I like to have a fun outside. 3) I like to play outside. 问题七:除了什么以外用英语怎么说 except , besides , except for, in addition 都有除…之外的含义 except除…之外时常表示从整体中剔除一部分;而besides作除…之外时则表示另外附加的含义,相当于in addition。 except与besides意义不同。 “We all agreed except him.”表示“我们都同意, 只有他不同意。”“We all agreed besides him.”表示“除了我们同意之外,他也同意。” except与except for的区别 except 用于同类之间。 except for 用于不同类的。 except for: 它的宾语与前述对象完全是两回事。例如:The room was very cold and, except for Jack, entirely empty.这个房间很阴冷,而且除了杰克,完全是空荡荡的。 Except:指同一类事物的总体中除去一部分。如:He gets up early everyday except Sunday. 除星期天外,他每天早起。 问题八:除了什么以外用英语怎么说 除了……以外”的用法可归纳为以下的常见的词及词组:apart from, but, except, besides, in addition to. apart from 表示排斥,意思 “除了……之外(别无), 除了……之外(尚有)” but 表示排斥,指 “除了…….之外(不再有)”, 经常同all, everyone, anyone 等代词,同nobody, none , nowhere 等否定词或who, what 等疑问代词以及最高级形容词搭配,后面可以是名词、介词短语、形容词、动词不定式等。 except表示排斥时,意思是“除了……以外”其后可接名词、代词、动名词、介词短语。当except 后接不定式时,如果其前面有动词do ,不定式不带 to。 一般不用于句首 besides 表示“除了......之外(还有)”,其后可接名词、代词、动名词(词组)。 in addition to 侧重表示“除了。。。。。。。之外还有。。。。。。。”的肯定含义。to是介词,其后跟名词、动名词 问题九:在外面吃饭 用英语怎么说 10分 为eat outside 比如:i often eat outside on sundays. 也可以用have lunch/dinner outside 请采纳,谢谢! 问题十:在…的上面用英语怎么说 30分 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:在…的上面 翻译:above;up;on top;on prep on在...的表面上(接触) above在...的垂直上方(不接触) 总在最上面always on top 在那上面thereon;on which;thereupon 在一上面小时图片up in an hour 印在最上面的色彩over hue 睡在上面sleep on it 在文本上面Above Text 这边在上面this side up 悬挂在上面over 天在上面Heaven in the Above; 在上层床的上面above the top bunk bed;above the top bed 你的手在上面Your hand above 妈的它在上面Funky It Up 我住在你的上面I live upstairs from you 鸟儿在你的上面飞翔birds fly a锭ove you 标在上面的superscript 盖在上面的superjacent 横在上面的superincumbent 装在上面的middle engine 印在最上面的色彩over hue 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
2023-08-03 07:36:211

我有美丽的外表! 英语怎么说?

2023-08-03 07:36:325


My friend Vivi is a lively and smart girl,she has long black hair and she is a tallest girl in our class.She is warm-hearted and good- looking so that everyone loves her.I"m so glad to make friend with her.I"m out-going too,so we have been good friends for long time.But sometimes I like quiet but she doesn"t.And her marks are not good as me.So,i suggested her that she should work-hard in her study so that we can go to the same university.This person is my best friend Vivi who i can tell everything to.Like my deeply feelings and thoughts.My new deskmate is a boy of sixteen. His name is Zhang Gao. He is 1.8 meters tall. His strongly-built body and sun-tanned skin make him look like a sportsman. He has two big dark eyes under a pair of thick eyebows. It seems that they are always smiling at you. Compared with my yellow hair, his hair is black and thick. He speaks a little bit fast but very clearly. However, he likes to gesture from time to time while he"s talking. He has a dream of becoming a famous actor one day. I believe his dream will come true because of his handsome face and well-developed figure.My father is a humorous person.My father short stature,fine fine thin,white skin,black hair,a head of the “big wave” self-invited roll hair,who would think that he is met at the barber"s hot. His colleagues said he is narrowed down fei xiang,I think so too. He is a fine art,is famous in the central south five provinces binding artist,his one-man show has a favorable review in the many famous people. After another wall,he is a funny people,special love kidding,I don"t know if all of the art is very humor,I think my dad"s body is full of humor cells. No matter how tired he how busy work,as long as take a door,exactly,he said,as long as a see me,and immediately he smile,I followed delightful sounds.
2023-08-03 07:36:501


I may look serious, but I have a very warm heart.希 望 你 不 是 真 的 看 起 来 冷 漠 。 即 使 是 , 也 请 别 用 那 个 字 眼 indifferent.给 人 的 感 觉 不 好 。 祝 你 介 绍 成 功 。
2023-08-03 07:36:591


Person"s appearance is not everythingPerson"s appearance is born, the person"s appearance is not everything, in this competitive society, life is brutal and challenging, a thought only by virtue of their appearance into the world people are not successful always a pleasant journey, and the success of a person really play a decisive role and meaning of your ability.中文翻译: 人的外表并不代表一切人的外表是与生俱来的,人的外表并不代表一切,在这个竞争激烈的社会中,生活是残酷和具有挑战性的,一个一心只想凭借自己外貌闯天下的人是不会成功永远一路顺风的,对一个人的的成功真正起决定作用的是你的能力和内涵。
2023-08-03 07:37:061


就是对他五官进行描写啦 还有穿着之类的 最后来一句总结的如He is so handsome!就可以了给你提供一些:his eyes are always smiling and bright , just like shiny stars.his lip is pink .That"s so cute!假如戴眼镜还可以说 he wears a pair of brown glasses.像he is tall and strong 这种都可以用his legs are long and he likes wearing jeans.就给你提供这么多啦!望采纳
2023-08-03 07:37:161


Is Good Appearance More Important than Capability?Old people often tell the young,“Don"t judge a person by his appearance”,meaning capability is more important than appearance.However,nowadays,with more interviewers putting emphasis on looks and the appearance of the applicants(独立主格结构表示原因),a lot of people come to the conclusion(得出结论) that appearance is more important than capability.老人们常告诉年轻人:“不要以貌取人”,意思就是说能力比容貌更加重要.然而,现如今,鉴于更多的人在面试中强调面貌,因此,许多人得出这样的结论容貌比能力更加的重要.As for me,I can"t agree with this argument.Good appearance is pleasant,but capability is more important,because it demonstrates one"s self-cultivation and practical values.It shows the efforts and the glory of acquiring something through one"s hard work,whereas good looks bespeak no struggle of the inzidual.Besides,maybe sometimes a beautiful face can help a girl acquire a good position,but in the long run(长久看来) it is her talent not her look that really works in her career development.(强调句)至于我,我不同意这样的观点.好的容貌是悦人的,但是能力更加重要,因为它能证明一个人的自我修养和实际的价值.它表明通过一个人的努力而获得某种东西的努力和光荣,而不是好的容貌使你不劳而获.此外,或许有时一个美丽的容貌能够帮助一个女孩获得一个好的职位,但是长久看来是她的资质不是她的容貌在她的事业发展中起着作用.Therefore,those without good appearance(作those的定语) needn"t feel depressed because one"s success depends on his capability; those with good appearance have to work hard since good appearance cannot bring a person final success.因此,那些没有好的容貌的人不需要感到沮丧因为一个人的成功依赖他的能力,而那些有好的容貌的更需要好好努力因为好的容貌并不会给你带来最终的成功.本文来自"英语汇作文网" 欢迎分享本文,转载请保留出处!
2023-08-03 07:37:261


appearance 英[u0259u02c8pu026au0259ru0259ns] 美[u0259u02c8pu026aru0259ns]n. 外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲] 现象;It was the president"s second public appearance to date这是总统到那时为止的第二次公开露面
2023-08-03 07:37:473


  外貌:  short 矮  tall 高  overweight 胖  plump 丰满  thin 瘦  skinny太瘦了  slim 苗条  medium height 不胖不瘦  tubby 矮胖  muscular 强壮  elegantly 优雅  good-looking 长的好看  plain 长的一般  smartly dressed 穿着得体  well dressed 穿的漂亮  neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁  scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁  外貌:身材体形:overweight 超重  thin,slim 瘦  fat,stout 肥胖的  slender 苗条的  发型:dark hair  blonde 金发  cury,wavy hair 卷发  pony tail 马尾  脸部:freckle 雀斑  dimple 酒窝  oval face 鸭蛋脸  bald 秃顶的  bobbed短卷发的  Big-featured 五官较大的  Double-chinned 双下巴的  High-cheekboned 颧骨很高  Slender 苗条的  Sharp-featured 五官分明的  Well-featured 五官端正的  Pimpled 有粉刺的  Rosy/ruddy红润的  Freckled 有雀斑的  Wrinkled 起皱纹的  Double-faced 两面派的  Well-Shaped 好看的  Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的  Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的  女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 tanned 皮肤黝黑的 阳光肌肤的 natural-looking 长相一般的 pale 面色苍白的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 oval face 鹅蛋脸型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的  男性外表:bald 秃顶的 disheveled hair 头发凌乱的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 宽脸的 clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 强壮的 chubby 肥壮敦实的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度的这样可以么?
2023-08-03 07:38:221


1.描写人物外貌的英语单词 外貌: short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 外貌:身材体形:overweight 超重 thin,slim 瘦 fat,stout 肥胖的 slender 苗条的 发型:dark hair blonde 金发 cury,wavy hair 卷发 pony tail 马尾 脸部:freckle 雀斑 dimple 酒窝 oval face 鸭蛋脸 bald 秃顶的 bobbed短卷发的 Big-featured 五官较大的 Double-chinned 双下巴的 High-cheekboned 颧骨很高 Slender 苗条的 Sharp-featured 五官分明的 Well-featured 五官端正的 Pimpled 有粉刺的 Rosy/ruddy红润的 Freckled 有雀斑的 Wrinkled 起皱纹的 Double-faced 两面派的 Well-Shaped 好看的 Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的 Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 tanned 皮肤黝黑的 阳光肌肤的 natural-looking 长相一般的 pale 面色苍白的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 oval face 鹅蛋脸型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的 男性外表:bald 秃顶的 disheveled hair 头发凌乱的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 宽脸的 clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 强壮的 chubby 肥壮敦实的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度的 2.描写人物外貌的词语(英语) beautiful,漂亮amazing,非常美handsome,英俊潇洒cute,可爱ugly,丑short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 3.用英语写人的外貌的词语 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 ,short矮的,thin 瘦的,fat胖的,cool酷的,beautiful漂亮的,ugly丑陋的,plump丰满的 high cheek bones高颧骨 pointed chin尖下巴 a beauty spot美人痣 a haggard face瘦削的脸 dimple酒窝 freckles雀斑 plump cheeks胖乎乎的脸蛋 medium height中等身材 stout结实的,矮胖的 slim苗条的 shoulder-length hair齐肩的头发 straight hair直发 wavy hair波浪式卷发 bun头髻 fringes刘海 moustache胡子(唇上的) beards胡子(唇下的) bristles胡茬 a clean-shaved face刮得干净的脸 这么多够吗? 4.描述人外貌的英语单词 描写人物身材的 big , *** all , tall , short , thin , slim , fat , strong , overweight , slight , well-built , of medium height , average height , below average etc . 描写人物外貌的 beautiful , handsome , lovely , pretty , good-looking , charming , sweet , funny , ugly , peculiar , rough , ill-looking . 5.英语描述人外貌的形容词 choleric 易怒的 phlegmatic 性子慢的,就是做事不着急的 melancholic 忧郁的 sanguine 性格乐观的 easygoing 随和的 passionate 有同情心的 good-natured 性格好的 bad-tempered 性格不好的 optimistic 是乐观的 pessimistic 是悲观的 beautiful *** art 美丽的 pretty 漂亮的 handsome 帅的 cute 可爱的 ugly 是丑的 6.英语 描写人物特点单词 外貌:short 矮tall 高overweight 胖plump 丰满thin 瘦skinny太瘦了slim 苗条medium height 不胖不瘦tubby 矮胖muscular 强壮elegantly 优雅good-looking 长的好看plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体well dressed 穿的漂亮neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁性格:lazy 懒的punctual 守时的kind 善良的efficient 办事高效率的strict 严厉的generous 慷慨的,大方的patient 有耐心的fetful 健忘的reliable 可靠的boring 令人乏味的open-minded 思想开放的traditional 思想保守的,传统 Personal Characters able 有才干的,能干的 active 主动的,活跃的 adaptable 适应性强的 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 aggressive 有进取心的 alert 机灵的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 *** ytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办事仔细的 candid 正直的 charitable 宽厚的 petent 能胜任的 confident 有信心的 conscientious 认真的,自觉的 considerate 体贴的 constructive 建设性的 contemplative 好沉思的 cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的 dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的 dedicated 有奉献精神的 devoted 有献身精神的 dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的 disciplined 守纪律的 discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的 dutiful 尽职的 dynamic 精悍的 earnest 认真的 well-educated 受过良好教育的 efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 enthusiastic 充满热情的 expressive 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的 forceful (性格)坚强的 frank 直率的,真诚的 friendly 友好的 frugal 俭朴的 generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的 hard-working 勤劳的 hearty 精神饱满的 honest 诚实的 hospitable 殷勤的 humble 恭顺的 humorous 幽默的 impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的 initiative 首创精神 have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋 intellective 有智力的 intelligent 理解力强的 inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的 just 正直的 kind-hearted 好心的 knowledgeable 有见识的 learned 精通某门学问的 liberal 心胸宽大的 logical 条理分明的 loyal 忠心耿耿的 methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的 motivated 目的明确的 objective 客观的 open-minded 虚心的 orderly 守纪律的 original 有独创性的 painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的 practical 实际的 precise 一丝不苟的 persevering 不屈不挠的 punctual 严守时刻的 purposeful 意志坚强的 qualified 合格的 realistic 实事求是的 reasonable 讲道理的 reliable 可信赖的 responsible 负责的 self-conscious 自觉的 selfless 无私的 sensible 明白事理的 sincere 真诚的 *** art 精明的 spirited 生气勃勃的 sporting 光明正大的 steady 塌实的 straightforward 老实的 strict 严格的 systematic 有系统的 strong-willed 意志坚强的 sweet-tempered 性情温和的 temperate 稳健的 tireless 孜孜不倦的。 7.英语描述外貌的词语 1.高的 high 2.瘦的 thin 3.胖的 fat 4.壮的 short 5.帅气的 handsome 6.衰老的 aging 7.丑恶的 Theugly 8.年迈的 old 9.年轻的 young 10.雄伟的 The grand 11.气冲冲的 angry 12. 哭丧的 dark 13.高兴的 happy 14.伤心的 sad 15. 苦恼的 in distress 16.高大的 tall 17.威猛的 the mighty 18.弱小的 *** all 19. 美丽的 Youbeautiful 20.可爱的 lovely。
2023-08-03 07:38:331


2023-08-03 07:38:413


外貌:  short矮  tall高  overweight胖  plump丰满  thin瘦  skinny太瘦了  slim苗条  mediumheight不胖不瘦  tubby矮胖  muscular强壮  elegantly优雅  good-looking长的好看  plain长的一般  smartlydressed穿着得体  welldressed穿的漂亮  neatlydressed衣着干净整洁  scrufilydressed衣着不整洁  外貌:身材体形:overweight超重  thin,slim瘦  fat,stout肥胖的  slender苗条的  发型:darkhair  blonde金发  cury,wavyhair卷发  ponytail马尾  脸部:freckle雀斑  dimple酒窝  ovalface鸭蛋脸  bald秃顶的  bobbed短卷发的  Big-featured五官较大的  Double-chinned双下巴的  High-cheekboned颧骨很高  Slender苗条的  Sharp-featured五官分明的  Well-featured五官端正的  Pimpled有粉刺的  Rosy/ruddy红润的  Freckled有雀斑的  Wrinkled起皱纹的  Double-faced两面派的  Well-Shaped好看的  Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的  Bony瘦骨嶙峋的  女性外表:blond金发碧眼的glamorous性感有魅力的slender苗条的well-shapedbody体形丰满的plump丰满肥胖的elegantandpoised雍容华贵的graceful优美的thinhair头发稀疏的trendy时髦的tanned皮肤黝黑的阳光肌肤的natural-looking长相一般的pale面色苍白的dimple有酒窝的petite瘦小的wavyhair卷毛的ovalface鹅蛋脸型的up-turnnose朝天鼻的  男性外表:bald秃顶的disheveledhair头发凌乱的brighteye眼神明亮的broadface宽脸的clean-shavenface面庞清爽干净的bony瘦骨嶙峋的muscular肌肉健美的robust强壮的chubby肥壮敦实的manly男人味的gentlemanly有绅士风度的
2023-08-03 07:38:491


问题一:外观 英语怎么翻译 名词 exterioroutwardoutward appearanceshow 问题二:外观 用英语怎么说? Appearance 问题三:“外观”用英语怎么说 appearance 英[??p??r?ns] 美[??p?r?ns] n. 外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲] 现象; It was the president"s second public appearance to date 这是总统到那时为止的第二次公开露面。 问题四:从外观上看 英语怎么说 in appearance 或者 from the appearanc龚 point of view 问题五:外观的英语翻译 外观用英语怎么说 exterior 英 [?k?st??ri?(r)] 美 [?k?st?ri?(r)] n. 外部,外面,表面,外形,外观;外貌;[影视]外景,[戏,影视]户外布景 adj. 外面的,外部的,外表上的,表面的 词汇难度:CET4 / 考研 / IELTS / TOEFL / TEM4 / TEM8 复数: exteriors 问题六:外观检查 英文怎么翻译? appea俯ance inspection visual inspection 问题七:产品外观用英语怎么说 产品外观 英文翻译 Product appearance; 问题八:外形是一样的 英文怎么说 Their appearanc俯s are the same They have same appearances (意译) 希望你采纳 问题九:外观优美的设备 ---用英语怎么说 Outward appearance exquisite equipment
2023-08-03 07:39:091


2023-08-03 07:39:216


问外貌的三种英语句型:What is sb. like?某人怎么样,这句话主要是询问这个人的`人品等内在品质;What does sb. look like?某人看起来怎么样,主要询问外表情况;How does sb like/find sth?某人对某物的评价、看法。例句:1、Daphne Farlow,at forty-five, still looked and spoke like an overgrown schoolgirl.45岁的达芙妮·法洛外貌言谈都还像个稚气未脱的小女生。2、My sister and I do not look alike.我和我妹妹外貌不相像。
2023-08-03 07:39:351


问外貌的三种英语句型:What is sb. like?某人怎么样,这句话主要是询问这个人的`人品等内在品质;What does sb. look like?某人看起来怎么样,主要询问外表情况;How does sb like/find sth?某人对某物的评价、看法。例句:1、Daphne Farlow,at forty-five, still looked and spoke like an overgrown schoolgirl.45岁的达芙妮·法洛外貌言谈都还像个稚气未脱的小女生。2、My sister and I do not look alike.我和我妹妹外貌不相像。
2023-08-03 07:39:431

从外表(长相)来说 英语怎么翻译?

from outer spaceby the looksby one"s appearance都可以表示根据外表(长相)来…例1. 我们不应该从外表来判断一个陌生人。 We should not judge a stranger by his or her appearance.例2. 告诉他不要从外表判断一个人。 Tell him not to judge people by their looksIn externals从外表看From the looks of one‘s从某人的外表(长相)看例3. 从外表上看,她们是两个丝毫不引人注目的姑娘。 In externals, they were two unobtrusive girls.例4. 从外表看上来,他就是那种没车、没家、没干净衣服,而且没钱的人。 From the looks of him, he had no car, no home, no clean clothes, and no money.希望能帮到你:)
2023-08-03 07:39:521


10 农村自建5层楼房
2023-08-03 07:40:025


相貌和问性格的用英语怎么说 be like 问性格 look like 问外貌 be like 范围更大一些,有时候既问性格也问外貌 What"s your sister like?你姐姐怎么样?/你姐姐是怎样一个人? She is kind.她很善良。 She is a beautiful kind girl with long hair and o big eyes.她是一个长发大眼漂亮又善良的女孩。 What does your sister look like?你姐姐长什么样子? She is tall.She has long black hair.She is very beautiful.她个子很高。她有一头黑黑的长发。她很漂亮。 She looks like her mother.她看起来象她的妈妈。(外貌) She is like her mother.她象她的妈妈。(性格) 相貌平平用英语怎么说 Looks mediocre 相貌平平 not much to look at 相貌平平;外表不太美观 homely 相貌平平,家常的 plain-looking 形容词 相貌平平 不同的相貌用英语怎么说 different faces 相貌相同用英语怎么说 急 Looks the same 吉姆的相貌与汤姆的相貌相似 用英语怎么说 Jim"s appearance is similar to Tom "s 英语问相貌、性格、职业 How 和 What 分别怎么问, 问相貌:how does he look? what does he look like? 问性格:what is he like? 用how的没有吧 问职业:what is his job? what does he do ?也没有how 的问法。 他们相貌不同用英语怎么说 Their looks are different.或 They look different. 性格的 英语怎么说 character n. 性质, 特征 性格, 品性, 人格; 名声, 身分, 地位, 资格 (小说、戏剧中的)人物, 角色, 人物[性格]素描 My character is very cheerful 拜托,OPEN是开放啊. 描述人的相貌嘴很大,用英语怎么说 描述人的相貌嘴很大。 可以这样写: He has a big mouth. 或者: His mouth is big. He has a wide mouth.嘴巴一般不用big,一般都是用宽的,大嘴巴是贬义词
2023-08-03 07:40:351


问外貌的三种英语句型:What is sb. like?某人怎么样,这句话主要是询问这个人的`人品等内在品质;What does sb. look like?某人看起来怎么样,主要询问外表情况;How does sb like/find sth?某人对某物的评价、看法。例句:1、Daphne Farlow,at forty-five, still looked and spoke like an overgrown schoolgirl.45岁的达芙妮·法洛外貌言谈都还像个稚气未脱的小女生。2、My sister and I do not look alike.我和我妹妹外貌不相像。
2023-08-03 07:40:461


1. My friend Vivi is a lively and *** art girl,she has long black hair and she is a tallest girl in our class.She is warm-hearted and good- looking so that everyone loves her.I"m so glad to make friend with her.I"m out-going too,so we have been good friends for long time.But sometimes I like quiet but she doesn"t.And her marks are not good as me.So,i suggested her that she should work-hard in her study so that we can go to the same university. This person is my best friend Vivi who i can tell everything to.Like my deeply feelings and thoughts. 2.Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32ndPresident of the United States and a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. The only American president elected to more than o terms, he fed a durable coalition that realigned American politics for decades. FDR defeated incumbent Republican Herbert Hoover in November 1932, at the depths of the Great Depression. FDR"s bination of optimi *** and activi *** contributed to reviving the national spirit.Working closely with Winston Churchill andJoseph Stalin in leading the Allies against Germany and Japan in World War II, he died just as victory was in sight. 3. My grandfather is in his seventies now. He is a kind and warm-hearted old man. He used to live with my family. At that time he always spent more than one hour examining my homework every day. When I was ill,he took good care of me. He showed great concern. Grandfather is very warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day,a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took her to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings. Now my grandfather is living in another city with my aunt. My parents and I all miss him very much. And I hope that I can go to visit him soon.   外貌 physical appearance 对人物外表描写。同时,肖像的描写并不是一次性的,注意人物经过时间的推移、环境的变迁,或与人接触后,其外貌可能发生的转变。 例文1 robert is 21 years old. he is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall . his face is long and narrow . his eyes are green. his hair is light brown. he doesn"t look very italian. he *** iles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face . he isn"t fat and he isn"t thin. his build is average. 译文 罗伯特21岁了,他身高大约5.9英尺,脸瘦瘦长长的,绿眼睛。浅棕色的头发,看起来不大像意大利人。他总是面带微笑,非常友好。他不胖也不瘦,中等身材。 注释1 当我们描写一个人的体型的时候,我们也可以分为以下两个部分: (1) 体格(build): fat 肥胖的; thin 瘦的; slim 苗条的; overweight 超重; slight 瘦小的; well-built身材魁梧。 a. she is a slim girl, while her boyfriend is well-built. 她很苗条,她的男朋友很魁梧。 b. she is a little overweight, so she decided to lose weight. 她有一点超重,所以她打算减肥。 (2) 身高(height) medium height 中等身材; average height 一般身材; below average 低于平均身高; tall 高的; short 矮的; tallish 有些高的; middle-sized 身高中等的; of medium height 中等身材; 1.78 meters 身高1.78米. a. he used to be middle-sized, but when he is getting old , he is beeing short. 他原本是中等身材,但随着年龄的增长,她变矮了。 注释2 在描写面部容貌的时候,可以从脸型、头发、五官入手。 1. 脸型(face): round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的。 a. she eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了。 2. 头发(hair): (1) 发型(hair style): straight 直的; curly 卷发的; pigtails 辫子; crew cut 平头; bald秃头的。 a. her hair is brown and curly. 她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。 (2) 发色(hair color): jet-black 乌黑的; fair 金色的; blonde 淡黄色的; golden 金黄色的; dyed 染色的; brute 浅黑色的; mousey 灰褐色的; chestnut 栗色的. a. she is a beautiful girl with fair hair. 她是一个金发美女。 3. 五官: (1) 眼睛(eye): deep-set 深陷的; sunken 凹陷的; bulging/protruding 凸出的; eyelashes 睫毛; eyebrows 眉毛. a. his eyes are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long time. 他的眼睛深陷,因为他这段时间经常工作到深夜。 b. he had the most beautiful blue eyes i had ever seen. 她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛。 (2) 鼻子(nose): long 长的; straight 挺直的; big 大的; *** all 小的; flat 扁平的; hooked 钩状的. a. he was born a hooked nose. 他天生是鹰钩鼻。 b. his nose is very big, so he doesn"t like it. 他的鼻子很大,所以他不喜欢它。 (3) 嘴部(mouth): tooth 牙齿; even 整齐的; uneven 不整齐的; chin下巴。 a. when he laughs, we see his even teeth. 当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿。 b. she has a double chin. 她有双下巴。 注释3 一个人的服饰也是外貌的重要组成部分,所以对服饰的描写也很重要。 服饰(dress): *** art 潇洒的; scruffy 邋遢的; well-dressed 衣着华丽的; casual 随便的; conservative 不显眼的; elegant 优雅的; fashionable 时髦的; suave 文雅的; untidy 不整洁的. a. he looks casual just wearing a eed suit. 他穿了一件花格子衬衫,看上去很随便。 注释4. 另外,人的神情也能体现一个人的形象。 笑容( *** ile): bright 欢快的; broad 无所顾忌的; charming 可爱的; cunning 狡猾的; faint 不明显的; happy 高兴的; pleasant令人愉快的; sad 伤心的; sweet 甜蜜的; pleased 满意的; grinning 露齿而笑的; *** irking 傻笑的; friendly 友好的; warm 温暖的,热情的; cold 不热情的. a. because of his high scores, he *** iles brightly. 因为他得了高分,所以笑得很灿烂。 b. a friendly *** ile will help you to win others heart. 友好的笑容能帮助你赢得别人的心。 c. she is charming when she *** iles. 她笑起来的时候很可爱。 注释5. 常见的系动词有: appear, be, bee, feel, get, go, grow, look, prove, remain, seem, sound, taste, turn, etc. 在实际的写作过程中,根据自己的需要选择合适的动词,会令文章更为生动。如: a. the advertisement sounds interesting. 这个广告听起来很有趣。 b. human rights are a major concern in today"s world. 人权是当今世界关注的主要问题。 c. the result of the experiment is very encouraging. 实验的结果令人满意。 d. my idea is that we should follow our original plan. 我的意思是我们应当按照原来的计划。
2023-08-03 07:41:071

外观的英语翻译 外观用英语怎么说

exterior英 [u026aku02c8stu026au0259riu0259(r)] 美 [u026aku02c8stu026ariu0259(r)] n.外部,外面,表面,外形,外观;外貌;[影视]外景,[戏,影视]户外布景adj.外面的,外部的,外表上的,表面的词汇难度:CET4 / 考研 / IELTS / TOEFL / TEM4 / TEM8复数: exteriors
2023-08-03 07:41:171


2023-08-03 07:41:272


1.描写人物外貌的英语单词 外貌: short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 外貌:身材体形:overweight 超重 thin,slim 瘦 fat,stout 肥胖的 slender 苗条的 发型:dark hair blonde 金发 cury,wavy hair 卷发 pony tail 马尾 脸部:freckle 雀斑 dimple 酒窝 oval face 鸭蛋脸 bald 秃顶的 bobbed短卷发的 Big-featured 五官较大的 Double-chinned 双下巴的 High-cheekboned 颧骨很高 Slender 苗条的 Sharp-featured 五官分明的 Well-featured 五官端正的 Pimpled 有粉刺的 Rosy/ruddy红润的 Freckled 有雀斑的 Wrinkled 起皱纹的 Double-faced 两面派的 Well-Shaped 好看的 Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的 Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 tanned 皮肤黝黑的 阳光肌肤的 natural-looking 长相一般的 pale 面色苍白的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 oval face 鹅蛋脸型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的 男性外表:bald 秃顶的 disheveled hair 头发凌乱的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 宽脸的 clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 强壮的 chubby 肥壮敦实的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度的 2.用英语描写外貌的词组 He is handsome/ good-looking/ athletic/ muscular/ fat (Negative)/ overweight (Negative). He has fine/ strong/ sharp/ regular features. She"s pretty/ beautiful/ good-looking/ attractive/ plain/ slim/ plump/ thin (Negative)/ skinny (Negative). S/he"s in her / his mid-40s. / S/he is somewhere beeen 25 and 30 years old. / S/he"s at least 30 years old. / S/he"s 40 at the most. S/he"s tall / short / of medium height/ of average height/ about 5 feet tall. She has short hair/ medium length hair/ long hair/ long wavy dark hair/ long and straight hair/ short and curly hair. He has got a baby face/ chubby face/ round face/ an intelligent face. She has a slim/ plump/ sensitive face, His forehead is high/ broad/ rounded/ low/ flat/ narrow/ perfect. Her eyes are big/ bright/ dark/ warm/ attractive/ intelligent. He has a snub/ sharp/ straight/ hooked nose and a square chin. 3.用英语写人的外貌的词语 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 ,short矮的,thin 瘦的,fat胖的,cool酷的,beautiful漂亮的,ugly丑陋的,plump丰满的 high cheek bones高颧骨 pointed chin尖下巴 a beauty spot美人痣 a haggard face瘦削的脸 dimple酒窝 freckles雀斑 plump cheeks胖乎乎的脸蛋 medium height中等身材 stout结实的,矮胖的 slim苗条的 shoulder-length hair齐肩的头发 straight hair直发 wavy hair波浪式卷发 bun头髻 fringes刘海 moustache胡子(唇上的) beards胡子(唇下的) bristles胡茬 a clean-shaved face刮得干净的脸 这么多够吗? 4.英语描述外貌的词语 1.高的 high 2.瘦的 thin 3.胖的 fat 4.壮的 short 5.帅气的 handsome 6.衰老的 aging 7.丑恶的 Theugly 8.年迈的 old 9.年轻的 young 10.雄伟的 The grand 11.气冲冲的 angry 12. 哭丧的 dark 13.高兴的 happy 14.伤心的 sad 15. 苦恼的 in distress 16.高大的 tall 17.威猛的 the mighty 18.弱小的 *** all 19. 美丽的 Youbeautiful 20.可爱的 lovely 5.【描述外貌的词语,英语的,越多越好】 what doesdo *** look like?well dressed 穿的漂亮 Fatheavy,thin,slim,big , *** all,of medium build,strong等.beautiful,pretty,good-looking,sweet,handsome,funny,ugly,体格(build):fat 肥胖的; thin 瘦的; slim 苗条的; overweight 超重; well-built身材魁梧身高 (height) medium height 中等身材; average height 一般身材; below average 低于平均身高; tall 高的; short 矮的; middle-sized 身高中等的; of medium height 中等身材; 1.78 meters 身高1.78米.描写眼睛 (a pair of) big eyes (一双)大大的眼睛 (a pair of) beautiful and bright eyes (一双)水灵灵的眼睛(a pair of) watery eyes (一双)水汪汪的眼睛描写眉毛 heavy/thick eyebrows 浓眉描写头发(a head of) beautiful hair (一头)秀发(a head of) black/dark hair (一头)乌黑的头发(a head of) thick hair (一头)浓密的头发 描写鼻子high nose 高鼻梁u200d。 6.描述外貌的词语,英语的,越多越好 what doesdo *** look like? well dressed 穿的漂亮 Fatheavy, thin, slim, big , *** all, of medium build, strong等. beautiful, pretty, good-looking, sweet, handsome, funny, ugly, 体格(build): fat 肥胖的; thin 瘦的; slim 苗条的; overweight 超重; well-built身材魁梧 身高 (height) medium height 中等身材; average height 一般身材; below average 低于平均身高; tall 高的; short 矮的; middle-sized 身高中等的; of medium height 中等身材; 1.78 meters 身高1.78米。 描写眼睛 (a pair of) big eyes (一双)大大的眼睛 (a pair of) beautiful and bright eyes (一双)水灵灵的眼睛 (a pair of) watery eyes (一双)水汪汪的眼睛 描写眉毛 heavy/thick eyebrows 浓眉 描写头发 (a head of) beautiful hair (一头)秀发 (a head of) black/dark hair (一头)乌黑的头发 (a head of) thick hair (一头)浓密的头发 描写鼻子 high nose 高鼻梁 u200d****************************************************************** 很高兴为您解答! 祝天天开心,学习进步!如果不明白,请再问; 如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮; 手机提问者请在客户端上评价点“满意” , 谢谢! ******************************************************************* 7.英语描述人外貌的形容词 choleric 易怒的 phlegmatic 性子慢的,就是做事不着急的 melancholic 忧郁的 sanguine 性格乐观的 easygoing 随和的 passionate 有同情心的 good-natured 性格好的 bad-tempered 性格不好的 optimistic 是乐观的 pessimistic 是悲观的 beautiful *** art 美丽的 pretty 漂亮的 handsome 帅的 cute 可爱的 ugly 是丑的
2023-08-03 07:41:341


内 在 美 inner beauty外 在 美 physical beauty
2023-08-03 07:41:441


surface,英文单词,名词、形容词、动词,作名词时意为“表面;表层;外观;人名;(英)瑟菲斯”,作形容词时意为“表面的,肤浅的”,作动词时意为“浮出水面;使浮出水面;使成平面”。短语搭配:on the surface在表面上,外表上surface treatment表面处理surface area表面面积;曲面面积surface quality表面质量;表面符号;外观要求surface water[地]地表水surface造句:1、of a surface exactly even with an adjoining one, forming the same plane.指完全与邻接平面平齐的表面,形成相同的平面。2、a piece of material that is used as the inside surface of a garment用于衣服叉瓦的基面的布料。3、The rocky, desolate surface of the moon.月球多石的、荒凉的表面4、The collective trichome cover of a plant surface is called pubescence.植物表面聚集的毛状物称为柔毛。5、It is another hot point to study the surface elastic free energy of LC.液晶的表面弹性自由能是目前表面物理学的又一研究热点。
2023-08-03 07:41:511


问外貌的三种英语句型:What is sb. like?某人怎么样,这句话主要是询问这个人的人品等内在品质;What does sb. look like?某人看起来怎么样,主要询问外表情况;How does sb like/find sth?某人对某物的评价、看法。 扩展资料   询问外貌的.三种英语句型如下:   1、What"s his/her look?   他/她看起来怎么样?   2、What does he/she look like?   他/她看起来怎么样?   3、How does he/she look like?   他/她看起来怎么样?
2023-08-03 07:42:051


short 矮  tall 高  overweight 胖  plump 丰满  thin 瘦  skinny太瘦了  slim 苗条  medium height 不胖不瘦  tubby 矮胖  muscular 强壮  elegantly 优雅  good-looking 长的好看  plain 长的一般  smartly dressed 穿着得体  well dressed 穿的漂亮  neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁  scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁  外貌:身材体形:overweight 超重  thin,slim 瘦  fat,stout 肥胖的  slender 苗条的  发型:dark hair  blonde 金发  cury,wavy hair 卷发  pony tail 马尾  脸部:freckle 雀斑  dimple 酒窝  oval face 鸭蛋脸  bald 秃顶的  bobbed短卷发的  Big-featured 五官较大的  Double-chinned 双下巴的  High-cheekboned 颧骨很高  Slender 苗条的  Sharp-featured 五官分明的  Well-featured 五官端正的  Pimpled 有粉刺的  Rosy/ruddy红润的  Freckled 有雀斑的  Wrinkled 起皱纹的  Double-faced 两面派的  Well-Shaped 好看的  Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的  Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的  女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 tanned 皮肤黝黑的 阳光肌肤的 natural-looking 长相一般的 pale 面色苍白的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 oval face 鹅蛋脸型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的  男性外表:bald 秃顶的 disheveled hair 头发凌乱的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 宽脸的 clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 强壮的 chubby 肥壮敦实的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度的
2023-08-03 07:42:521


Very much depends on appearances
2023-08-03 07:43:003


在外面outside例句:别呆在外面的潮湿空气中。Don"t stay outside in the damp.短语:outside of 除了;之外on the utside 从表面;从外表the outside of a building 建筑物外部outside a building 在楼外outside a car 在车外outside interests 业余爱好the outside world 外部世界outside a room 在室外outside a country 在国外outside sources 外部消息人士outside money 外钱;外部货币cold outside 外面冷gather outside 聚集在外面go outside 出去park outside 停在外面sit outside 坐在外面step outside 走到外面wait outside 在外面等outside in 里里外外,透彻地outside of 在...的外面outside and in 里里外外at the outside 至多be outside the law 不合法outside the the radius of 在...的范围外
2023-08-03 07:43:081


给你参考1. n.1. 航天飞机宇宙飞船  aerospaceplane  2. a.1. 宇宙飞船内的  intravehicular  3. 联盟号宇宙飞船  Soyuz Spacecraft  4. 宇宙飞船生态学  spacecraft ecology
2023-08-03 07:43:341


short 矮  tall 高  overweight 胖  plump 丰满  thin 瘦  skinny太瘦了  slim 苗条  medium height 不胖不瘦  tubby 矮胖  muscular 强壮  elegantly 优雅  good-looking 长的好看  plain 长的一般  smartly dressed 穿着得体  well dressed 穿的漂亮  neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁  scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁  外貌:身材体形:overweight 超重  thin,slim 瘦  fat,stout 肥胖的  slender 苗条的  发型:dark hair  blonde 金发  cury,wavy hair 卷发  pony tail 马尾  脸部:freckle 雀斑  dimple 酒窝  oval face 鸭蛋脸  bald 秃顶的  bobbed短卷发的  Big-featured 五官较大的  Double-chinned 双下巴的  High-cheekboned 颧骨很高  Slender 苗条的  Sharp-featured 五官分明的  Well-featured 五官端正的  Pimpled 有粉刺的  Rosy/ruddy红润的  Freckled 有雀斑的  Wrinkled 起皱纹的  Double-faced 两面派的  Well-Shaped 好看的  Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的  Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的  女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 tanned 皮肤黝黑的 阳光肌肤的 natural-looking 长相一般的 pale 面色苍白的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 oval face 鹅蛋脸型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的  男性外表:bald 秃顶的 disheveled hair 头发凌乱的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 宽脸的 clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 强壮的 chubby 肥壮敦实的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度的
2023-08-03 07:44:001


You are beautiful!
2023-08-03 07:44:106


名词一般做 样子 面色阿 放到名词的位置就做名词咯 pale your look was!
2023-08-03 07:44:382


I have a doll,it"s a bear doll,the colour is brown,it has a big mouse ,a small nose ,look,how big it eyes ,it"s very lovely!I like it very much!
2023-08-03 07:44:471