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生活中压力无处不在,它影响着我们的生活起居,例如,学习 工作 生活 的英语翻译

2023-08-03 15:09:11

The pressure is everywhere in our lives, it influences our livings,such as study,work and live



livelihood 英[u02c8lau026avlihu028ad]美[u02c8lau026avliu02cchu028ad]n. 生活,生计;谋生之道;营生名词复数:livelihoods[例句]In the heartland of pakistan , they fought to save their livelihood.在巴基斯坦的中心地带,他们努力挽救自己的生计。
2023-08-03 06:45:142


life; live; exist; livelihood
2023-08-03 06:45:503


ideal life
2023-08-03 06:45:582


livelihood - 生存 这和存在感有奸情living - 生计 make a living - 谋生计
2023-08-03 06:46:062


living的意思是生活,它可理解成名词形式,动词+ing形式,以及形容词形式 名词形式表示生活类似life 动词+ing形式表示活着 形容词形式表示生活的 livelihood则只有名词形式,表示一种能支持你生存的方法.
2023-08-03 06:46:131

我们的生活翻译英文后应该是our lives还是our life?

2023-08-03 06:46:497


2023-08-03 06:47:343


2023-08-03 06:47:425

means of livelihood是什么意思

基本翻译[经] 生活资料网络释义means of livelihood: 生活资料necessary means of livelihood: 必要生活资料Right Means of Livelihood: 正确的谋生手段
2023-08-03 06:47:583


Improve the people"s living standards
2023-08-03 06:48:093


live 和life
2023-08-03 06:48:256


People"s lives
2023-08-03 06:48:474


民生的英文是:people"s wellbeing民生,民是指人民,民生指人民的日常生活事项,例如衣、食、住、行、就业、娱乐、家庭、社团、公司、旅游等。广义上的民生概念是指,凡是同民生有关的,包括直接相关和间接相关的事情都属于民生范围内的事情。这个概念的优点是充分强调民生问题的高度重要性和高度综合性,但其明显的不足在于,概念范围太大。狭义上的民生概念主要是从社会层面上着眼的。从这个角度看,所谓民生,主要是指民众的基本生存和生活状态,以及民众的基本发展机会、基本发展能力和基本权益保护的状况,等等。“民生”一词可以指“人民的生活”或“人民的生计(维持生活的办法)”。现在,常用“民生”来表示“人民的生活”之义。例如铁路部门充分发挥既有线路潜力,确保大宗商品和基本民生物资稳定运输。因疫情而居家隔离的居民“足不出户”,但民生必需的“菜篮子”却在“加速跑”,经过一道道“接力赛”,来到市民餐桌。越是关键节点,越要注重民生、保障民生、改善民生。吃穿用是民生,百姓的业余生活也是民生。这是该地充分发挥多式联运优势,为抗疫民生物资开辟更加安全便捷通道的一个缩影。跟“民生”相关的一个成语是“国计民生”,意思是“国家经济和人民生活”。其中的“国计”指“国家的经济”。
2023-08-03 06:48:541


我喜欢摄影,因为它能让我记录下生活中的美丽时刻I like photography, because it can let me record the life of the beautiful moment
2023-08-03 06:49:482


2023-08-03 06:50:086


问题一:健康生活用英语怎么说啊? 健康生活学: [ jiàn kāng shēng huó xué ] 1. eubiotics 健康生活 healthy living 健康的生活 live healthily healthy life 问题二:“享受生活”用英语怎么说 您好!答案为:enjoy life.希望能帮到您!强烈希望您能采纳!您的采纳将是我们为您提供优质答案最大的动力与鼓励! 问题三:生活习惯用英语怎么说 habits and customs. 希望可以帮到您,很荣幸为您服务 问题四:过着舒适的生活,用英文怎么说 。 过着舒适的生活, Live a fortable life, 过着舒适的生活, Live a fortable life, 问题五:生活条件用英语怎么说 生活条件 living conditions life condition 问题六:生活习惯用英语怎么说 living habit life style Habits and customs Life habit 以上都可以 问题七:现代生活用英文怎么说 现代生活: Modern life modern 英 [?m?dn] 美 [?m:d?rn] adj. 现代的; 近代的; 新式的; 当代风格的; n. 现代人,现代主义者; 时髦人士; [印] 现代字体,指印刷中所用的一种字体; [例句]It"s the sort of thing that would be very difficult to prove in any modern court of law. 这属于那种任何现代法庭都很难证明的事情。 问题八:生活的英文是什么? 生活[shēng huó] life;?live;?livelihood;?exist 问题九:生活在国外用英语怎么说 生活在国外 [网络] Living abroad; [例句]他们中除了一人生活在本地,其余3人都生活在国外&比利时、印度与西班牙。 All but one of them lived abroad, in Belgium, India and Spain.
2023-08-03 06:50:331


2023-08-03 06:50:431


生计,是一个汉语词语,拼音是shēng jì,释义为谋生的办法;生活的状况。也指谋划,产生计策。分别出自《陈书·姚察传》、柯灵《遥夜庥》、《鬼谷子·谋篇》。 基本介绍 中文名 :生计 拼音 :shēng jì 注音 :ㄕㄥ ㄐㄧˋ 基本含义 :谋生的办法、生活的状况和谋划 基本解释,引证详解,近义词,英文翻译, 基本解释 [Means of livelihood]∶谋生的办法 教育是为生活而不仅仅为生计作准备,是为生存而不是为谋生作准备 [Living]∶生活的状况 但伙计本非仇敌,生计艰难,要求提高待遇,也正是人情之常。——柯灵《遥夜庥》 [Plan] ∶谋划;产生计策 事生谋,谋生计。——《鬼谷子》 引证详解 1).产生计策。 《鬼谷子·谋篇》:“事生谋,谋生计。” 《晋书·杜预传》:“自秋以来,讨贼之形颇露。若今中止, 孙晧 怖而生计。” 2).赖以度生的产业或职业。亦指维持生活的办法 。 《陈书·姚察传》:“﹝ 察 ﹞清洁自处,赀产每虚,或有劝营生计,笑而不答。” 唐 白居易 《送萧处士游黔南》诗:“生计抛来诗是业,家园忘却酒为乡。” 《花月痕》第一回:“小子奉母避灾 太原 ,苦无生计。” 《人民文学》1979年第2期:“由于生活的逼迫,他不得不到处找门路、谋生计。” 3).资财;生活用度。 《太平广记》卷二三引 唐 戴孚 《广异记·张李二公》:“ 张 曰:‘我主人颇有生计。"邀 李 同去。” 《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三:“这番却是死也!我些些生计,怎禁得他要起!” 鲁迅 《书信集·致杨霁云》:“以革新或留学获得名位,生计已渐充裕者,很容易流入这一路。” 4).保全生命的办法。 5).指生活。 唐 白居易 《老来生计》诗:“老来生计君看取,白日游行夜醉吟。” 五代 齐己 《游橘州》诗:“渔家好生计,檐底系扁舟。” 胡适 《文学进化观念与戏剧改良》:“大概百年来政治上的大乱,生计上的变化,私家乐部的销灭,也都与这种俗戏的兴起大有密切关系。”参见“ 生活 ”。 近义词 生存、餬口、生活 英文翻译 means of livelihood; livelihood
2023-08-03 06:51:031


nowadaysat present
2023-08-03 06:51:134


Life is just like a mirror, when you smile towards it, it will smile back too.
2023-08-03 06:52:317

make a living后面加什么介词?

make a living(谋生)后面可以根据不同情况加各种介词或不用加介词。例如:She was forced to leave home and make a living doing needlework.她被迫离开家,靠做针线活来糊口。your capacities are developed to enable you to make a living within the pattern.提高能力使你能够在这个模式中谋生。It is not easy to make a living in a society of fierce competitions.在竞争激烈的社会里,谋生并不是一件很容易的事情。He began to make a living in the age of 14.他14岁的时候就开始为生活而奔波了。She tries to make a living by selling grisly pictures, books and DVDs of thedisaster scene in her native Beichuan.在家乡北川,她靠卖地震相关的照片、书籍和DVD为生。
2023-08-03 06:52:573


1、在英语里,生活跟人生的意思都是life;2、生活英语翻译:(1)名词:life; livelihood参见:夫妻生活;家庭生活(2)动词:exist; live2、人生名词:life
2023-08-03 06:53:371


2023-08-03 06:53:4615


哥们你真有耐力 要是这些问题量cut down 一半 我也许会回答 可是你这真的很多
2023-08-03 06:54:137


2023-08-03 06:54:318


May life be filled with surprises and responses.重点词汇生活 life ; live ; exist ; livelihood ; act ; good life ; job ; leben ; everything ; got on惊喜 pleasantly surprised ; surprise ; wonderment事事 everything ; act ; at every turn回应 response ; respond ; answer
2023-08-03 06:55:321


2023-08-03 06:55:415


I live a happy life there.
2023-08-03 06:55:563


People"s lives
2023-08-03 06:56:054


生理的英文physiology。生理 shēnglǐ(1) [physiology]∶生物机体的生命活动和各个器官的机能生理特征(2) [survival hope]∶生存的希望此去万无生理(3) [livelihood]∶生计长大成人,各务生理(4) [job]∶活计;职业physical中文意思是adj. 身体的,肉体的;物质的,有形的;外形的,外在的;物理的,物理学的;根据自然规律的,符合自然法则的;粗暴的,粗野的;性欲的,肉欲的;(人)喜欢动手动脚的;肢体活动的,n. 体格检查;(股票)(与期货相对的)现货股票Their medical problems are basically physical in origin.physiological中文意思是adj. 生理的,生理机能的;生理学的
2023-08-03 06:56:121


2023-08-03 06:57:142


2023-08-03 06:57:303


你好!面包bread 英[bred] 美[bru025bd] n. 面包; 食物; 营养,营养物; 生计; vt. 在…上撒面包屑; [例句]There is more fibre in wholemeal bread than in white bread.全麦面包纤维含量比白面包高。
2023-08-03 06:57:371

帮我做道选择题 最好有原因

2023-08-03 06:58:213


生活的英文是太简单了! 不就是life吗?
2023-08-03 06:58:297

关于联想记忆词汇教程List J-L

  不管白猫黑猫,能抓住老鼠的都是好猫。下面我为你整理英语单词记忆方法,希望能帮到你。   联想记忆词汇教程 List J-L   jolt v. 摇动   joyous adj. 快乐的,高兴的   judgment n. 判决   jumble v. 混杂   *junction n. 连接,汇合处   juncture n. 时刻;结合点   jurisdiction n. 司法权   justify v. 证明u2026是正当的   justly adv. 公正地   juvenile adj. 青少年的   在justly法官judgment公布的juncture,一些juvenile观众jolt着他们的双手支持释放因为打人入狱的麦当娜,法官最后行使jurisdiction,justify麦当娜防卫,joyous的人们高兴的欢呼着,入狱10天的麦当娜心中jumble着欢喜和激动。   juxtaposition n. 并排,并置   keen adj. 热情的,渴望的,敏锐的   ken n. 知识;视野   kennel n. 狗窝   kidnap v. 绑架   kindle v. 燃起;激起   kinetic adj. 运动的,活动的   kingdom n. 王国   knowledgeable adj. 有见识的   laborious adj. 勤劳的;费力的,艰难的   在大明kingdom,东厂的太监kidnap了大量的keen knowledgeable知识分子,控告他们利用kinetic ken制造了大量的工具给劳动人民耕田。然而太监却把他们关进了kennel,这kindle百姓的愤怒,laborious 百姓们在东厂的门口juxtaposition放置了两口棺材,送给太监们。   labyrinth n. 错综复杂的事件;迷宫   lag n./v. 落后   lament n. 悲伤;vt.痛惜   land v. 着陆,降落   landslide v. 山崩,滑坡,压倒性的胜利   languid adj. 精神不振的   *languish v. 变衰弱   lash v. 鞭打   lasting adj. 持久的   lately adv. 最近   lately一些labyrinth总是在俄罗斯发生,比如一些lag的农村landslide,飞机land时的事故等等,lament的人们要求调查,这让管理人员languid,俄罗斯克格勃lasting调查下发现了一些蓄意破坏的人们,lash他们之后他们招供了自己的行为。   longitude n. 经度   latitude n. 纬度   *laud v. 赞美   laudable adj. 值得赞美的   launch v. 发射,透射;发动;使升空   laurel n. 月桂树   lava n. 熔岩,岩浆   lave v. 沐浴,慢慢的冲刷   lavish adj. 丰富的;浪费的   lawn n. 草地,草坪,草场   lawsuit n. 诉讼   月球上有lavish lava资源,所以嫦娥常常在月亮上的laurel下的lawn 上lave温泉,结果被中国launch的月球同步卫星录了下来,地球上latitude 30度longitude20度的电视观众都看到了嫦娥沐浴的实况直播,laudable的身体让人留下了激动的口水,嫦娥大怒,一纸lawsuit把电视台告上了法庭。   layman n. 俗人,门外汉   lead v. 引导;n.铅   *leading adj. 指导的;最主要的   league n. 同盟,联盟;联合会   leak v. 泄漏   lease n./v. 出租   leash n. 牵狗的皮带;v.束缚   ledge n. 壁架;突出物;暗礁   legacy n. 遗产,遗物   legalize v. 合法化,法律认可   为了讨好王熙凤,贾宝玉这个layman成立了爱狗者league,不仅lead黛玉宝钗养狗,还在大观园内把lease狗的生意legalize,认为狗同样有权利继承legacy。袭人不小心把这个消息leak给了贾政,贾政大怒,把贾宝玉绑在ledge上用leash狠狠的抽打。   legendary adj. 传奇的   legislate v. 立法   leniently adv. 仁慈地,宽大   lethal adj. 致命的   levitate v. 使漂浮在空中   levy n. 课税;v.征收   liable adj. 有u2026倾向的   liaison n. 联络   liberal adj. 心胸宽大的;慷慨的   liberate v. 释放   leniently观音终于没有对悟空实行lethal一击,legendary人物孙悟空被liberal观音liberate以后,levitate给观音感激的施礼,观音要求孙悟空liaison女儿国的国王要求她们legislate减免当地的levy,禁止歧视男人的liable,彻底改变女儿国没有男人的落后局面。   licensed adj. 被许可的   limestone n. 石灰石   limp adj. 蹒跚;瘸着走   limpid n. 清澈的   linger v. 逗留,徘徊,拖延   linguistics n. 语言学   *liquefy v. 液化   liquid n. 液体   listless adj. 冷漠的;不留心的   literate adj. 有文化的,能读写的   为了做一个literate人,阿Q在书堂外的limestone铺就的小路上linger了很久,终于limp走进书堂,攻读linguistics,他在limpid未名湖畔天天高声朗读,最后因为学业出众licensed毕业,listless阿Q捧着毕业证,一滴混浊的liquid滴了下来,不容易啊终于可以做假洋鬼子了。   lithe adj. 柔软的;易弯的   livelihood n. 生计   living quarter n. 住房   loan v. 借;n.贷款   loath adj. 不喜欢的   loathe v. 厌恶   locale n. 现场,背景   locate v. 找出;设置   locomotive n. 火车头;adj移动的   lofty adj. 高耸的;高尚的   韦小宝住在lofty入云的世贸大厦的living quarter里,最近生意不好,所以他坐在lithe 沙发上为自己的livelihood发愁,因为loathe了纽约的生活,决定坐locomotive去乔丹的比赛locale去看篮球,他向自己loath 公主loan了1000美金,在地图上locate了球场的方位就出门看球去了。   log n. 日志,纪录;圆木   logical adj. 合逻辑的   long v. 渴望   loop n. 圈,环,环孔   loose adj. 宽松的   loot v. 掠夺   lore n. 知识,学问   lottery n. 奖券;抽奖;碰巧之事   lucrative adj. 有利的   葛郎台long能够获得lottery的大奖,所以刻苦学习概率lore,这样对于选择彩票是lucrative,通过对于长期的log的logical分析推理,终于获得了成功。在领奖的那天身着loose旗袍,带着指loop的葛郎台假扮妙龄少女,害怕被歹徒loot自己的财富。   lull n. 歇息;v.使平息   lumber n./v. 笨拙的移动;木材,   luminosity n. 亮度,光明   *luminous adj. 发光的;光亮的   lure v. 诱惑   lurk v. 躲藏   luster n. 光彩;光泽   lustrous adj. 有光泽的,光辉的   lusty adj. 强壮的,有精神的   *luxuriant adj. 繁茂的;多产的   luxurious adj. 奢侈的
2023-08-03 06:58:571


nationality,democratic(civil)rights,the people"s livelihood
2023-08-03 06:59:066


第一题选B 将在三年后毕业将来时用in
2023-08-03 06:59:216


The Chinese myth was the ancient times Chinese people displays to thenature and the cultural phenomenon understanding and the imaginationstory. Is the Chinese literature childhood time product, are many isthe oral prose work. The Chinese myth richly colorful according to theregion system, roughly may divide into the western Kunlun Mountainsmyth, the Eastern Penglai myth, south the Chu myth and the area southof Yellow River myth and so on. According to content which displays,concerns opens, the origin of man to the world; Concerns to theheavenly bodies, the natural myriad things; Concerns to the flood andthe clan and tribe war; Also concerns to the craft culture. Thesemyths variously showed in the ancient times person"s fantasyexplanation the world universe, the heavenly bodies, the mountains andrivers vegetation and human, nationality"s origin, presented Chinaancient times the person to the world myriad things naive beautifulrich interest artistic imagination. The Chinese opening myth has thegreatly strengthened fantasy in the literature record. Lady Wa isnorth the myth opens the god, creator of world opens the god for thesouth myth. Lady Wa is crumples the homemade person the firstancestor, creator of world by his giant"s stature metaplasia worldmyriad things. Lady Wa built up the stone to overcome nature, hassaved the world which soon destroyed, became the humanity to make thegod again. Revolves myth which Lady Wa overcomes nature, but also hasaltogether the labor anger not to touch Zhou Shan and so on manymoving plots. The Chinese flood myth Han Nationality records mostearly, the national minority quite late is near, roughly may divideinto the north and south two big systems. South is the flood myth hasthe god of thunder appearance, the god of thunder for the floodmanufacturer, thus frequently launches in the myth plot with the godof thunder struggle. North is the flood myth are many and altogetherthe labor relates, altogether the labor anger touches the weekmountain not to become flood routing the root. Later period recordsthe flood myth and 兄妹 the marriage myth frequently unify intogether, after but the flood gets married 兄妹, also often istalked into is ancient times Fu Hsi, Lady Wa and even creator ofworld. This kind of myth primary intention lies in the expression "theflood to lose the people, again makes the humanity" process. Itunifies the flood story and the blood relationship marriage, has theimportant cultural history significance. About Gun, 禹 the myth,molded China ancient times two to regulate waterways the hero. Gun isdreadful when the flood has stolen rest of soil the emperor by 堙 theflood, does not need the emperor assign, is killed Yu Yujiao, threeyears old are not spoiled, breed to continue evenly to govern theflood 禹. 禹 unblocks the river, the even 夷 mountain, by a firmerwill, in Huanglong, under the unreliable turtle"s help, obtainssuccessfully, had reflected the ancient times worker conquered thenatural great mind. The heavenly bodies myth, has the giant metaplasiain the ancient literature record to mediate the god fresh livelihoodto say two kinds. Lives in the god says, the xi and was considered isthe livelihood mother; The sun is imagined into may bath Yu Xianchi,mounts the Chinese hibiscus, between movement Yu Shui, tree"s image.The sun frequently relates with Ukraine, the moon frequently relateswith the toad, in the date and in the month relations, the myth oftenperforms by the human society diplomatic relation to explain, ifregards as them is the father and the mother or the brother andyounger sister"s relations. Other like quart father, Yi shoots dayafter day on tenth and so on, concerns with the livelihood myth. Chinaancient times the myth dispersed sees to "Shan Hai Jing", "SolemnEmperor Biography", "Lushih Chunchiu", "National language", "Huai NanZi", "Is alone 异志" and so on in the ancient book. Not only recordsearly, the category are many, moreover many ancient myths, until nowstill on oral spread in the folk. Because spreads the time to beremote, these myths and the classical Chinese literature offer therecording, has differently in the concrete plot, appears manyvariations. Specially obvious is has the myth fusion and thelocalization phenomenon. Also some melt some later generationreligions the idea. These now still spread the myth which does notfade, the process evolves, the nature is different with the primitiveclassical myth, but actually may prove and subsidize the literaturerecording the material, really has the benefit to the Chinese mythstudy research, specially to clarifies the related myth developmentancient and modern shape to have the vital role. The Chinese myth is the multi- nationalities" creation besides Hannationality, China has 55 national minorities. National minority"smyth constitutes the Chinese myth the important part. Because variousnational history culture and economical development different, thesemyths mostly have the bright national characteristic, displays themulti- plots quite to be also winding. Famous has the natrium racemultiple source characteristic. Various nationalities" myth,imagination rich, west the race creates the world myth "PersonAncestor 利恩", the Zhuang nationality myth "Cloth Luo river 陀 AndYounger sister Six Armor", the Yi nationality myth "Human And StoneWar", "Is epoch-making" and so on. In the livelihood myth, Miaonationality"s money casts the livelihood myth as well as Zhuangnationality "Hou Yeshe the Sun", Yao nationality "Shoots the Sun",Buyi national minority "Wang Jiangshe the Date", the Yi nationality"Lucky Wisdom 高卢 Shoots Livelihood", 布朗族 "Attends to Miaaircraft To shoot Livelihood" and so on, all respectively has thecharacteristic. The Chinese myth holds the important position myth in the people"soral creation history and in the literature creation history iscomparatively early has the influence one kind of literature style tothe Chinese each literature creation. Its theme content and each kindof myth character have the various influence to all previous dynastiesliterature creation and various national epic poem formation,specially its rich imagination and to the natural thing visualizationmethod, fictionalizes and romanticism creation method shape Chengdu tothe later generation writer"s art has the direct origin relations. Itsoral narrative form also becomes the narrative literature literaturestyle like novel and so on the beginning of a matter. Many myths forthe writer, the artist have directly provided the creation theme. Somefamous myths, but also becomes the literary reference which the peoplefrequently cites. The myth esthetics value, the historical value andthe understanding function are closely relates in together, isunderstands the human childhood life and the psychological key. It tostudied the ancient times society marriage, the family system, theprimitive religion, the manners and customs and so on, all had theimportant reference value. The Chinese myth ancient times namelyreceived some sages, the historian, scholar"s attention in China. Theynot only perform in the writings to record and to cite, moreover alsohas proposed some pieces opinions, the explanation and the explanationto the myth. What but are more is receives the Confucianist thoughtthe influence, removes its unreal imagination the ingredient, theattempt seeks historical the basis. Thereupon then appeared in someancient times ancient books the myth history tendency. The modernChina scholars have made many reorganizations and the research to theancient times myth, utilized the western humanity school of thoughtand so on the myth study viewpoint to carry on the discussion, hasobtained the suitable result, such as Mao Dun "the Chinese MythStudied ABC", Wen Yiduo "Fu Hsi Tests" and so on, all was this aspectworth noting work. Also some many national scholars, the folk literaryscholar, the literature historian have composed many papers and themonograph, advanced the Chinese myth study development. Yuan Ke"Ancient Myth Elected To release", "China Ancient times Myth" and soon, to China the myth, separately has ancient times made theannotation and the reorganization. Along with the social sciences andthe folk literature enterprise development, the Chinese nationalminority myth and the epic poem also obtained has taken with theresearch, and appeared some encouraging achievements.
2023-08-03 06:59:361


事情 经验
2023-08-03 06:59:453


OK,I"m not very good in words,so I have to do all in black and white.我不是很会说话,所以我要尽一切白纸黑字。Mr Barnett and all the guests of honour, 尊敬的班耐特先生和各位来宾,I am honoured to have been made CASH Ambassador. Music is a very important part in any culture, and I am sure all of us here will agree that we must keep our culture alive and driving. This is particularly important for a place like Hong Kong where most people are busy working for money and fame, culture will help us maintain a balance of lives. Because of this belief, I, who have not been properly trained in music, have for years been trying my best to promote music, not just by singing and performing, but also by creating tunes and writing lyrics for songs. I enjoy doing this and I think that, in a small way, I am contributing to the music and the culture of Hong Kong. 我很荣幸成为CASH大使。音乐是一种非常 在任何文化的重要组成部分,我确信我们大家都会同意,我们必须保持我们的文化和驾驶。这是非常重要的一个香港这样的地方,许多人忙于追逐名利、文化有助于我们维持生命的平衡。因为这个信念,我并非科班出身于音乐,多年来一直尽心尽力推广音乐,不只是唱歌和表演,还创作歌曲和撰写歌词的歌曲。我喜欢这样做,我认为,在很小的程度上,略尽绵力音乐和文化的香港。I also believe that it is important for artist to be creative and so I have been working hard to create new ways of entertaining and even setting new trends. My recent concerts which have been described as controversial are examples of my efforts in this direction. They have attracted many favourable comments as well as some criticisms. I think that is fine and I will continue to be creative. I know all of you will approve and do the same. Thank you! 我也相信它是重要为艺术家勇于创新,所以我一直努力创造新方法的娱乐,甚至设定新趋势。我最近举办的演唱会已被描述为有争议的是,我在这方面的努力。他们已经吸引了许多优惠的评论,以及一些批评。我觉得很好,我将继续成为有创造性(的人)。我知道你们都能批准并做同样的事。谢谢你!Last but not the least, music is our profession and our livelihood and the works we have created should be protected from piracy. Unfortunately, advanced information technology has helped aggregate this situation, causing many problems and threatening the livelihood of many artists. I wish to use this opportunity to call upon all the artists to unite in a campaign against piracy. In fact, I consider this one of the most important missions for the CASH Ambassador and I will dedicate my effort to this.最后的但不是最不重要的,音乐是我们的专业与我们的生活和工作,我们所创造的过程中,应防止盗版。不幸的是,先进的信息技术帮助聚合在这种情况下,导致许多问题,危及许多艺人的生计。我想利用这个机会,呼吁全体艺人联合打击盗版。事实上,我认为这一最重要的任务,我将现金大使致力于此。
2023-08-03 07:00:034


livelily ["laivlili] ad. 生气勃勃地,活泼地,快活地
2023-08-03 07:00:123


你好!智慧民生Wisdom of the people"s livelihood
2023-08-03 07:00:463

Get a livelihood and then practise virtue.的翻译.

2023-08-03 07:01:091

so,if you live in a place that the sets earlier,you will earn more,根据中文意思翻译有错吗?

Therefore,if you live in a place where the sun sets earlier, you will earn more.
2023-08-03 07:01:199


  谋生,指设法寻求维持生活的门路。下面就由我为大家带来关于谋生的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于谋生的相关短语   赚钱谋生 Bring home the bacon   为了谋生 To make a living   谋生手段 means of subsistence   自行谋生 Living on their own   关于谋生的相关短句   a means of life;   谋生的手段   live on nothing;   无以谋生   He began to earn a living early.   他很早就开始自行谋生。   关于谋生的相关例句   1. He made his living by a mixture of tutoring and journalism.   他靠教书与从事新闻工作谋生。   2. What a lovely way to earn a living.   谋生妙道啊!   3. Nowadays it is very easy to earn a living.   现今谋生很容易.   4. His violincello had become little more than a meal ticket.   他的大提琴技艺仅仅成了谋生手段.   5. She had no means of subsistence and was dependent on charity.   她没什么谋生手段,只能依靠救济.   6. I"m just an ordinary businessman, trying to earn an honest penny.   我只是个普通生意人, 想老老实实赚点钱谋生.   7. Fiction writing as a means of living is no easy task.   写小说作为一种谋生手段绝非易事.   8. The majority of men there earn their living by manual labour.   那里绝大多数人靠体力劳动谋生.   9. He makes a living by doing odd job.   他通过做临时的工作来谋生.   10. Painting is his bread and butter.   他靠绘画谋生.   11. He makes a living by writing.   他靠写作谋生.   12. He worried about how to make his living.   他为如何谋生发愁.   13. He began to earn a living early.   他很早就开始自行谋生.   14. They earn their living by manual labo ( u ) r.   他们靠劳动谋生.   15. She recoiled at the number of young girls who had to live by selling their bodies.   那么多年轻的女孩不得不靠出卖肉体谋生,她觉得难以接受。   关于谋生的双语例句   他靠打猎谋生。   He earns a living by hunting.   他唯一的谋生之道就是务农。   Farming is his sole livelihood.   与其说给人面包很有帮助,倒不如说教导他如何谋生才重要。   It is not so helpful to give someone some bread as to teach him how to make a living.   她曾经希望靠写文章来谋生。   She hoped to earn her living by writing articles.   任何能在演艺界谋生的人都必须具备一定的聪明才智。   Anybody who can make a living in show biz has to be clever and talented.   旅行推销员为了谋生要拜访尽量多的客户。   Traveling salesmen make their living visiting as many customers as possible.   她渴望早点毕业好在社会上谋生。   She was anxious to finish school and make her own way in the world.   或许你可以离开家乡,到别的地方谋生。   Maybe you could leave home and try to make money somewhere else.   谋生的必要使他醒悟,不再赌博了。   The necessity of making a living disentranced him from his gamble.
2023-08-03 07:01:531


In order to further improve people"s livelihood, a harmonious society should be built.
2023-08-03 07:02:154


2023-08-03 07:02:243


"At the rise of feminism has not yet been time, the value of people set up in the ownership of property on, from generation to generation because of the property are derived from male heirs, women begin on one in a disadvantaged position." At that time, the basic middle-class women do not go out to work there is no source of livelihood, to rely on pre-marital parents, brothers, is to rely on their husbands after marriage. Therefore, in order to safeguard the future livelihood, hunting a rich husband is their only way out. Limit the right of succession because of the restrictions, Mr. Bennett"s property to be inherited by the nephew of Collins, five of their only daughter a dowry of 1000 pounds, so go all out for the daughter of Mrs. Bennett are looking for rich husbands, one encountered property of Youth, then as a goal, take the initiative极力怂恿daughter. When informed that her daughter"s good news after the two almost mad, the first reaction is "My darling Lizzie! You will be rich You a! You how much pocket money, the number of jewelry, the number of carriage ah!" This is ridiculous though , it also reflects the wealth from one aspect of marriage for women more important. The low status of women in society, when the time of the patriarchy, women to "The Second Sex." Until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, women"s social status is still extremely low, they have been excluded from public life. Parkin said: "Women really do not have the independence of the class for most women, the status of their own home decide their status in society. The role of the family, mainly by men are the status of the parents determined. That is, said that the identity of the home in which women appear as the status of women is more important. "Their role has been firmly fixed in the family, their primary responsibility is to" put every hour and every day to contribute to the husband, parents, siblings at home ... ... all kinds of relations between the exchanges, take care of their ease and comfort. " Even if there is a small number of brave women out of their homes or forced to seek a job, most of them only when a family of teachers, not only their meager income and social status also very humble. The community generally believes that the United Kingdom, home of female teachers in vocational areas belong to the servants, she should behave fully Service-oriented person. Once you become a single woman home female teachers to give up the bright future for all. Therefore, the novels of women will be the conclusion of an ideal marriage, creating a comfortable home in the first place. No one dared to leave home to live independently
2023-08-03 07:02:491


2023-08-03 07:03:395