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2023-08-03 15:02:37
TAG: 英语 中文





Row a boat划船

Drive a car开车

Bounce a ball拍球

Put on a cap戴上帽子

Read a map请地图


Row a boat划船

Bounce a ball拍球

Put on a cap戴帽子


划船 排球


戴帽子 读地图



划船的英文是paddle a boat。重点词汇解释boat 英 [bu0259u028at]   美 [bou028at]    n. 船;船型物v. 划船;放于船上;乘船例句:They pushed the boat further into the water.翻译:他们把小船又往水里推了推。短语:arm a boat 为船配备武器boat的用法1、boat是可数名词,用作单数时其前要加a或the。2、boat与介词by连用表示“乘船”时,不能加冠词the。3、boat前的介词用in时,意思是把船看作是立体的;用on时意思是把船看作是平面的。
2023-08-03 06:30:501


划船 [词典] boating; row; paddle [row] a boat; go boating; pull; [例句]我们去划船吧。Let us go for a row.
2023-08-03 06:31:101


划船的英语是Rowing。Rowing(划船)是一种流行的运动和娱乐活动。它是在水中划船,用助力于人的双臂和划桨让船在水中前行的运动。划船通常被认为是一项有氧运动,可以增强肌肉、提高心肺功能、改善身体素质。划船有着悠久的历史。早在公元前5世纪,希腊人就已经开始在奥林匹克运动会上进行划船比赛。在19世纪末,划船正式成为一项受欢迎的运动和娱乐活动。有两种最广泛的划船。手划船和桨板划船。手划船需要水手用双手来划动船桨,使船前进。桨板划船需要水手拉着一根长划桨来划动船。划船是一项在户外进行的、全身性的有氧运动,可以加强心肺、增强肌肉力量、塑造身材、降低体重、提高新陈代谢、改善睡眠质量等许多好处。划船也被认为是一项有效的减压和减轻压力的方式。划船可以让您卸下烦恼,感受大自然的美景,有助于缓解焦虑和压力。划船作为一项全身性的有氧运动,具有许多好处。它不仅可以增强健康和身体素质,还可以带来心灵的放松和情绪上的调整。划船是一项对心理健康很有益的运动,所以你可以在周末带上朋友或家人一起划船,在放松和快乐中合理锻炼身体。划船相关的英语Rowing - 划船、Oar - 划桨、Boat - 船、Coxswain - 舵手、Crew - 船员、Stroke - 领桨手、Bow - 船头、Stern - 船尾、Regatta - 赛艇比赛、Shell - 彩虹船、Sculling - 桨板划船、Rowing machine - 划船机、Rowing club - 划船俱乐部
2023-08-03 06:31:171


2023-08-03 06:31:501


划船的英文表达形式有很多种,比如可以采用boating, row, rowed, rowing, scull等词,还可以使用词组have a pull。参考例句:The varsity boat race大学划船比赛They are training for the boat race.他们正在为划船比赛接受训练。We are rowing against the current.我们正逆流划船。
2023-08-03 06:31:571


2023-08-03 06:32:191


划船的英语主要有以下几个词汇:Rowing - 指使用划桨的动作进行划船。例如:I enjoy rowing on the lake in the early morning.Sculling - 指使用两只划桨分别放在左右手边进行划船。例如:He prefers sculling to rowing as it gives him more control over the boat.Paddling - 指使用独木舟或皮艇等艇种,用双桨进行划水。例如:We spent the afternoon paddling along the river.Canoeing - 指划行纤细开口的独木舟或帆船,可用单双桨进行划水或拿橹撑水。例如:We went canoeing down the rapids and had an exhilarating time.Kayaking - 指划行闭口的独木舟,通过双桨划水。例如:She loves kayaking through the fjords of Norway.Rafting - 指被捆绑在一起的浮筒或平底船,通常需要多人协作才能行驶。例如:We went rafting through the whitewater rapids of the Grand Canyon.这些词汇多用于描述不同的划船方式,而具体划船活动方案则取决于不同的情况和条件。
2023-08-03 06:32:381

划船的英文短语 划船的英文短语有哪些

1、划船的英文: paddle a boat n. 船;船型物 v. 划船;放于船上;乘船 2、短语 hire a boat 租船 hoist a boat 把船吊起 launch a boat 使船下水 load a boat 装船 lower a boat 放下小艇 man a boat 为船配备人员
2023-08-03 06:33:161

划船英语怎么读 划船英语读音

1、划船英语:rowing,英 [u02c8ru0259u028au026au014b , u02c8rau028au026au014b] 美 [u02c8rou028au026au014b , u02c8rau028au026au014b]。 2、我们去湖上划船了。We went for a row on the lake. 3、上校倚仗权势让他的中士划船划了一路。The Captain pulled rank and made his sergeant row the entire way.
2023-08-03 06:33:231


去划船的英文短语:go boating; 例句: 汤姆和他的表弟去划船旅行了。 Tom and his cousin took a boat trip. 这个星期天我们去划船吧。 Lets go boating this Sunday. 扩展资料   我们明天去划船吧。   Let"s go boating tomorrow.   我和彼得去划船。   I went boating with Peter.   去划船怎样?   What about going boating?
2023-08-03 06:33:441


  日剧一吻定情中有一幕是直树和湘琴一起去划船的戏,虽然发生了一些意外,但是出乎意料的约会不也挺好的嘛。下面是我给大家整理的划船的英文短语,供大家参阅!   划船的英文短语篇1   1. They call rowing the perfect sport. It exercises every major muscle group.   他们称划船是最佳运动,它可以锻炼每一处主要肌肉群。   2. We"d seen the storm brewing when we were out in the boat.   我们在外面划船的时候就发现风暴将至。   3. The Captain pulled rank and made his sergeant row the entire way.   上校倚仗权势让他的中士划船划了一路。   4. You can go boating or play tennis.   你可以去划船或者打网球。   5. I took Daniel for a row.   我带着丹尼尔去划船了。   6. They were killed in a boating accident.   他们死于一起划船事故。   7. The boatman refused to row him back.   船夫拒绝划船把他送回去。   8. facilities for bathing and boating   游泳和划船设施   9. to go boating   去划船   10. The Oxford eight is 〔 are 〕 using a new lightweight boat.   牛津八人划船队使用的是新的轻量船.   11. We rowed over to the other side of the river.   我们划船到河的对岸.   12. The wind is so light — you"ll have to nurse the boat along.   风很轻,你得小心划船.   13. The boat - race has been officially fixed for Thursday, April 2.   划船比赛已正式定于4月2日星期四举行.   14. We were rowing downstream towards the sea.   我们划船顺流而下,驶向大海.   15. They are boating on the lake.   他们在湖上划船.   划船的英文短语篇2   有人看到一些女孩在湖里划船。   Some girls are found boating in the lake.   如果你做类似跑步,骑车,划船的有氧运动,用短时间的高强度运动来加速脂肪燃烧。   If you do cardio exercise such as running, cycling, rowing, or what have you u2026rev it up withhigher-intensity intervals.   一家日本公司和一家美国公司进行了一场划船比赛。日本队赢了一英里。   A Japanese company and an American company had a boat race, the Japanese won by a mile.   一幅是一个欢快的女孩在太平洋上用桨划船。   One was a merry girl paddled her boat on the Pacific ocean.   用非常快捷的速度步行、慢跑、跑步、骑自行车、游泳和划船都是有氧运动。   Walking at a very brisk pace. Jogging, running, bicycling, swimming, and rowing are all aerobicexercises.   由海水反射的阳光,使这些洞穴带有了蓝色的色调,因划船和潜水而使它们受人欢迎。   Sunlight reflecting off the water gives these caves their blue hue, making them popular forboating and diving.   许多居民骑着马在岛上来来往往,喜欢水上运动,其中包括钓鱼、划船和玩独木舟。   Many residents move around the island on horseback and enjoy water sports including fishing,boating, and canoeing.   他们对自然环境的考虑是至关重要的:“我喜欢在海上生活——捕鱼,划船,并感受自然界的一切,寒冷以及高温。”阿尼如是说。   Their connection with the natural surroundings is vital: "I love being at sea u2013 fishing, rowing, just feeling everything, the cold, the heat," Ane says.   他们巡逻的时候以两三个为一组,或步行,或骑在象背上,偶尔也会划船。   The men move in pairs or trios on foot and elephant-back—or by boat.   早上,我们去游泳和划船。   In the morning, we go swimming and boating.   他就会带我们出去划船。   He would take us out on our boat.   对于他们,与大自然亲近是须臾不可或缺的:“我喜欢生活在海上,捕鱼划船,感受冷热变化,” 安妮说。   Their connection with the natural surroundings is vital: "I love being at sea u2013 fishing, rowing, justfeeling everything, the cold, the heat," Ane says.   对于他们,与大自然亲近是须臾不可或缺的:“我喜欢生活在海上,捕鱼划船,感受冷热变化,” 安妮说。   Their connection with the natural surroundings is vital: "I love being at sea u2013 fishing, rowing, justfeeling everything, the cold, the heat," Ane says.   划船的英文短语篇3   他是剑桥大学划船队的8号划手。   He rowed No.8 in the Cambridge crew.   剑桥大学每年与牛津大学进行划船比赛。   The Cambridge University rows against Oxford every year.   孩子们租了条船,便顺着河流划船去了。   The children hired a boat and went for a row down the river.   我们去划船吧。   Let us go for a row.   妈妈:当然有拉,我们可以划船,还可以吃到农家菜啊。   Mom: Sure, we can go boating there and eat at the farm house.   假如你不喜欢跑步,试试他足球、篮球或者划船。   If you donu2019t like running, try soccer or basketball or rowing.   要和最近的村子联系只有两个方法:在夏天划船过去,或者在冬天滑雪过去。   Communication with the nearest village is possible only by boat during the summer and snow mobile during the winter.   这是一个出售划船和钓鱼用具的商店。   It was a store that sold boating and fishing gear.   几乎没有一个环境测试可以得到团队成员的平衡竞争与合作的能力,牛津大学和剑桥大学划船赛亦是。   Few environments test the ability of team members to balance competitive and cooperativeinstincts as well as the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race does.   他们在路上已经有一年时间了,前面至少还要走六个月,但是他已经在盘算将来的计划:单人划船横渡大西洋。   A year on, and with at least six months still to go, he is already mulling over a potential futureproject: rowing across the Atlantic single-handed.   最后一张照片是这位缅甸民主运动未来领袖在诺福克湖区烤肉的情形,当时昂山素姬全家和朋友们一起在湖区划船度假。   In another photo the future leader of the Burmese Democracy Movement is tending a barbecueon the Norfolk Broads, where the family were enjoying a narrow boat holiday with friends.   每个夜晚都拼命划船,终于到达了陆地,但是并没有逃出土耳其。   He rowed all night before reaching land, but hadnu2019t yet made it out of Turkey.
2023-08-03 06:33:571


A dog is rowing
2023-08-03 06:34:1212


rowed a boat
2023-08-03 06:34:375

我们正在划船 英文怎么说

we are boatting
2023-08-03 06:35:265


climb mountains go boating Dense forest adventure
2023-08-03 06:35:404


go boating
2023-08-03 06:35:515


2023-08-03 06:36:073


在湖上划船英文翻译Boating on the lake
2023-08-03 06:36:141


在河中划船Boating in the river
2023-08-03 06:36:244


"Rowing" 是一个英文单词,表示划船的意思。它的发音是 /u02c8rou028au026au014b/。下面是每个音节的发音及其说明:1. "R" 发音:将舌头卷起,靠近上颚的后部并振动,同时用声带发出浊音。2. "ow" 发音:发短元音 /ou028a/ 的音素,将嘴唇先圆后抿,将舌尖放平并靠近下齿龈,同时向后移动舌中部。3. "ing" 发音:这是一个常见的后缀,在发音时将重音放在前一个音节上。“ing”后的"g" 发音为清塞擦音 /u014b/,舌尖放平并升起到硬腭区域。整体来看,"rowing" 的发音是类似于 "ROH-ing"。你可以尝试按照上述发音指导来读这个单词,记住要注意每个音节的发音特点。如果你希望更准确地听到这个单词的发音,我建议你可以使用在线发音工具或应用程序,例如Cambridge Dictionary或Oxford English Dictionary,输入"rowing"并点击发音按钮,这样你就可以听到真实的英式或美式发音。总结起来,"rowing" 是一个表示划船的英文单词,发音为 /u02c8rou028au026au014b/,类似于 "ROH-ing"。
2023-08-03 06:36:311


2023-08-03 06:37:288


1、划船的英文: paddle a boat,boat 读法 英 [b??t] 美 [bo?t]。2、boat的基本意思是“船”,多指几个人坐的用桨划的“小船”,在非正式英语中也可指短距离航行的“大客轮”。3、boat是可数名词,用作单数时其前要加a或the。4、boat与介词by连用表示“乘船”时,不能加冠词the。5、boat前的介词用in时,意思是把船看作是立体的; 用on时意思是把船看作是平面的。6、boat用作动词时意思是“乘船”“划船”,指用船作为交通工具代替步行,多指游玩,常与副词down 连用,引申可表示“用船载运”,“把…渡过河”。7、boat既可用作及物动词(通常用动名词形式),也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。
2023-08-03 06:37:461


划船的英文是boating。boating例句:1、You can go boating or play tennis.你可以去划船或者打网球。2、They were killed in a boating accident.他们死于一起划船事故。3、You may go boating with us or go swimming with Tom.你可以和我们去划船或和汤姆去游泳。boating短语搭配:boating infractions划船游乐方面的违规Boating outfits划船用服装Boating footwear划船用鞋Boating Lake泛舟湖 ; 划船湖Boating fun划船很有趣power boating电动船Boating shopping划船购物boating pool泊船池boating dance划船舞
2023-08-03 06:37:541

划船用英语怎么说 如何用英语表达划船

1、划船的英文: paddle a boat,boat 读法 英 [bu0259u028at] 美 [bou028at]。     2、boat的基本意思是“船”,多指几个人坐的用桨划的“小船”,在非正式英语中也可指短距离航行的“大客轮”。 3、boat是可数名词,用作单数时其前要加a或the。 4、boat与介词by连用表示“乘船”时,不能加冠词the。 5、boat前的介词用in时,意思是把船看作是立体的; 用on时意思是把船看作是平面的。 6、boat用作动词时意思是“乘船”“划船”,指用船作为交通工具代替步行,多指游玩,常与副词down 连用,引申可表示“用船载运”,“把…渡过河”。 7、boat既可用作及物动词(通常用动名词形式),也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。
2023-08-03 06:38:211

划船用英语怎么说 如何用英语表达划船

1、划船的英文: paddle a boat,boat 读法 英 [bu0259u028at] 美 [bou028at]。     2、boat的基本意思是“船”,多指几个人坐的用桨划的“小船”,在非正式英语中也可指短距离航行的“大客轮”。 3、boat是可数名词,用作单数时其前要加a或the。 4、boat与介词by连用表示“乘船”时,不能加冠词the。 5、boat前的介词用in时,意思是把船看作是立体的; 用on时意思是把船看作是平面的。 6、boat用作动词时意思是“乘船”“划船”,指用船作为交通工具代替步行,多指游玩,常与副词down 连用,引申可表示“用船载运”,“把…渡过河”。 7、boat既可用作及物动词(通常用动名词形式),也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。
2023-08-03 06:38:281


去划船:go boating go sailing
2023-08-03 06:38:423


去划船 go boating ; go sailingYou can go boating or play tennis. 你可以去划船,也可以打网球。Let"s go boating this Sunday. 这个星期天我们去划船吧。Let"s go boating on the river. 咱们去河上划船吧。
2023-08-03 06:38:512

划船用英语怎么说 如何用英语表达划船

1、划船的英文: paddle a boat,boat 读法 英 [b??t] 美 [bo?t]。2、boat的基本意思是“船”,多指几个人坐的用桨划的“小船”,在非正式英语中也可指短距离航行的“大客轮”。3、boat是可数名词,用作单数时其前要加a或the。4、boat与介词by连用表示“乘船”时,不能加冠词the。5、boat前的介词用in时,意思是把船看作是立体的; 用on时意思是把船看作是平面的。6、boat用作动词时意思是“乘船”“划船”,指用船作为交通工具代替步行,多指游玩,常与副词down 连用,引申可表示“用船载运”,“把…渡过河”。7、boat既可用作及物动词(通常用动名词形式),也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。
2023-08-03 06:39:061


2023-08-03 06:39:131


  划船是用人力划桨使船只在水面前进的一项运动。按船只的型别分赛艇、皮艇和划艇3种。那么你知道吗?一起来学习一下吧!    划船的英文说法1 :row    划船的英文说法2 :go boating   划船的英文例句:   1. You can go boating or play tennis.   你可以去划船或者打网球。   2. to go boating   去划船   3. Will you go boating with me?   你和我一块去划船好 吗 ?   4. Jimmy is uncle to all the kids who like to go boating with him.   那些喜欢和吉米一起乘船游玩的孩子都把他当叔叔.   5. You must go boating with us next Sunday.   下星期天你一定得和我们去划船.   6. According to major ideas of yours, we decide to go boating on the lake.   根据大多数人的意见, 我们决定去湖上划船.   7. We shall go boating on the lake on Saturday.   我们星期六到湖上去划船.   8. If it is fine tomorrow, I think I"ll go boating.   如果明天天气好, 我想去划船.   9. Kate would rather go boating than climb the hills.   凯特宁愿去公园划船,也不愿去爬山.   10. If it were to rain tomorrow, we will not go boating.   明天要真的下雨, 我们就不划船了.   11. You may go boating with us or go swimming with Tom.   你可以和我们去划船或和汤姆去游泳.   12. We will go boating next weekend, why don"t you join us ?   我们下周去划船, 一起去 吧 ?   13. Wouldn"t it be lovely to go boating in such beautiful weather.   这么好的天气去划船该有多好啊!   14. JILL: I don"t like fishing. Let"s go boating on the river.   吉尔: 我不喜欢钓鱼. 咱们到河里划船吧.   15. I"d like to invite you to go boating this afternoon.   今天下午我想邀你去划船.   1. We had a humongous row just before she left.   就在她离开之前,我们大吵了一架。   2. After the row in a pub he drove off in a huff.   在酒吧里吵了一架后,他气鼓鼓地开车走了。   3. He finished second in the championship four years in a row.   他连续4年获得锦标赛亚军。   4. He has been on Death Row for 11 years.   他已经在死囚区关了11年。   5. My hu *** and has just had a blazing row with his boss.   我丈夫刚和他老板大吵了一架。   6. This political row threatens to grow into a full blown crisis.   这场政治争端有可能演化成一场全面爆发的危机。   7. "Whatever is that row?" she demanded. "Pop festival," he answered.   “那闹哄哄的究竟是在做什么?”她问道。“是流行音乐节,”他回答说。   8. If I"m inside for three days in a row, I go crazy.   如果连续3天不出来,我会发疯的。   9. She has had a flaming row with her lover.   她刚和恋人发生了激烈的争吵。   10. The ensuing row snarled up the work of the joint peace mission.   随后的争吵把联合和平委员会的工作搅得一团糟。   11. "She"s probably had a row with her boyfriend," Charles opined.   “她大概跟男朋友吵架了,”查尔斯说道。   12. Before him, in the first row, sat the President.   在他面前第一排坐着总统。   13. I had a real row with him. I tore into him.   我和他大吵一架,把他狠狠地数落了一顿。   14. A train rocketed by, shaking the walls of the row houses.   一辆火车疾驰而过,排屋的墙都摇晃起来。   15. I had the most almighty row with the waitress.   我和女招待大吵了一架。
2023-08-03 06:39:341


划船用英语怎么说?boating划船的英语怎么说:rowing一、boating 的英文怎么读划船英语怎么读:英["bu0259u028atu026au014b]美["botu026au014b]首先作名词的意思是:划船,作形容词的意思是:划船的,作动词的意思:划船(boat的ing形式)短语:go boating 去划船二、row划船英语怎么读:英[ru0259u028a]美[ro]1、作名词的意思是:划船;赛艇运动2、作动词的意思:划;使成行;争吵短语:row spacing行距,row out使划得精疲力尽,skid row贫民区,row a boat划船,row space行距;行空间例句:Would you like to go rowing with me?你想要和我一起去划船吗?扩展资料row的用法:1、row可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。2、row后接副词down表示“ (赛船中)赶上”; 后接副词out表示“使划得精疲力竭”; 后接副词over表示“一路领先,轻易取胜”; row against the wind意思是“逆风而划”。3、row的基本意思是“使成排; 划船,参加划船比赛”。4、row用作动词时意思是“争吵,吵闹”,主要用于打架、示威,强调公开化。5、row只用作不及物动词,常与about, up, with等介、副词连用。6、划船的的英文单词为row,过去式为rowed。
2023-08-03 06:39:591


  1、划船的英文: paddle a boat   n. 船;船型物   v. 划船;放于船上;乘船   2、短语   hire a boat 租船   hoist a boat 把船吊起   launch a boat 使船下水   load a boat 装船   lower a boat 放下小艇   man a boat 为船配备人员
2023-08-03 06:40:271


回答和翻译如下:row the boat.划船。(英语翻译)。
2023-08-03 06:40:493


1.划船的英文: paddle a boat,boat 读法 英 [b??t] 美 [bo?t]。 2.     boat的基本意思是“船”,多指几个人坐的用桨划的“小船”,在非正式英语中也可指短距离航行的“大客轮”。 3. boat是可数名词,用作单数时其前要加a或the。 4. boat和介词by连用表示“乘船”时,不能加冠词the。 5. boat前的介词用in时,意思是把船看作是立体的; 用on时意思是把船看作是平面的。 6. boat用作动词时意思是“乘船”“划船”,指用船作为交通工具代替步行,多指游玩,常和副词down 连用,引申可表示“用船载运”,“把…渡过河”。 7. boat既可用作及物动词(通常用动名词形式),也可用作不及物动词。 8.用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。
2023-08-03 06:40:571


过去式: rowed;过去分词: rowed; row n.一排;一列;一行;(剧院、电影院等的)一排座位;(编织中的)针行,一整行; v.划(船);划船送(某人); n.严重分歧;纠纷;吵架;争吵;大的噪音; v.吵架;大声争辩; 第三人称单数: rows; 复数: rows; 现在分词: rowing 扩展资料   The vegetables were planted in neat rows.   蔬菜一行行种得整整齐齐。   The cards need to be laid out in two rows   这些卡片需要排成两行。   A row has broken out over education.   在教育问题上出现了严重分歧。
2023-08-03 06:41:041


问题一:正在划船英语怎么说 boating 问题二:我正在划船翻译成英语 I"m rowing a boat 问题三:英语“我正在划船怎么说”? I"m rowing now. 问题四:我们正在划船 英文怎么说 we are boatting 问题五:划船用英文怎么说? 划船有这些说法: 1. rowing 2. boating 3. pull 4. row 这是例句 1. 他划船渡过湖面。 He rowed the boat across the lake. 2. 我们去湖上划船吧。 Let"s go boating on the lake. 3. 你愿意和我们一起划船吗? Will you join us in rowing? 4. 他们用力划船, 很快就到了岸边. They pulled hard and reached the shore quickly. 5. 你划船把我送过去行吗? Will you row me across? 6. 我们逆水划船. We were rowing against the current. 7. 我们在下一次划船比赛中要跟剑桥大学队较量. We"re rowing Cambridge in the next race. 8. 划船把我送到对岸去吧. Row me across (the river). 问题六:划船的英语怎么写。要原形 row a boat 问题七:划船用英语怎么说 你好! 划船 row go boating paddle a boat
2023-08-03 06:41:331

听音乐 跳舞 划船 滑雪 溜冰用英文怎么写?

2023-08-03 06:41:524


去划船的英语读作Go boating。Go boating 是一个短语,其中"go"是动词,表示进行某项活动;"boating"是名词,表示划船活动。单词释义:进行划船活动单词用法:作为一个动词短语,用于表示进行划船活动的行为词形变化:boating (名词),boat (名词,动词,表示划船)词语搭配:go boating (进行划船活动),enjoy boating (享受划船活动),rent a boat (租一艘船),sailing and boating (帆船和划船)词义解析:go表示进行某项活动,boating表示一种特定的活动,即划船活动。双语例句:1. Let"s go boating on the lake this weekend. 这周末让我们去湖上划船吧。2. They enjoy going boating in the summer. 他们喜欢夏天去划船。3. We can rent a boat and go boating on the river. 我们可以租一艘船,在河上划船。4. Boating is a popular activity for tourists at the seaside. 划船是海边游客们喜欢的活动。5. The children were excited to go boating for the first time. 孩子们第一次划船时非常兴奋。
2023-08-03 06:42:052

划船的英文短语 划船的英文短语有哪些

1、划船的英文: paddle a boat n. 船;船型物 v. 划船;放于船上;乘船 2、短语 hire a boat 租船 hoist a boat 把船吊起 launch a boat 使船下水 load a boat 装船 lower a boat 放下小艇 man a boat 为船配备人员
2023-08-03 06:42:141


划船 row; go boating; [例]我们去划船吧。Let us go for a row.Let"s go boating.
2023-08-03 06:42:221


2023-08-03 06:42:291


We went boating in autumn. 我们秋天去划船。 划船:go boating
2023-08-03 06:43:031


2023-08-03 06:43:134


2023-08-03 06:43:232


Today,I. want. to. boat
2023-08-03 06:43:431

翻译她去划船 句子要求用过去式 写

2023-08-03 06:44:051


划船 went boating野炊 took a picnicI didn"t take money (with) me today
2023-08-03 06:44:121


Boat on the park
2023-08-03 06:44:213


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2023-08-03 06:44:506