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2023-08-03 14:50:34
TAG: 英文

公务员: [ gōng wù yuán ] x0dx0a1. officialx0dx0a2. office-bearerx0dx0a3. servantx0dx0a4. civil servantx0dx0a5. civilianx0dx0ax0dx0aRelative explainations:x0dx0a x0dx0ax0dx0aExamples:x0dx0a1. 巡视官专门调查公民对政府或其公务员的不满的一位政府官员,尤指斯堪的纳维亚国家的一官员x0dx0a A government official, especially in Scandinavian countries, who investigates citizens" complaints against the government or its functionaries.x0dx0a2. 既然是在英国领土上,他可能被捕吗?什么罪名呢?也许是说谎骗钱,或者是根据“公务员保密条例”窃听到的某种莫名其妙的罪名。x0dx0a Could he be arrested now that he was on British territory? What would the charge be? Obtaining money on false pretences perhaps or some obscurer charge heard in camera under the Official Secrets Act.x0dx0a3. 公务员须签署遵守公务保密条例.x0dx0a Civil Servants are required to sign the Official Secrets Act.x0dx0a4. 现在我知道麻烦是什么了。至于那些公务员,问题并非这么严重;至于联络的问题,嗯,到时就知道了。x0dx0a Now I see what the trouble is. As for the civil servants that"s not so serious, and as for the liaison, well we shall see what we shall see.x0dx0a x0dx0a公务员x0dx0aa public functionaryx0dx0a公务员x0dx0aCivil servantsx0dx0a文职公务员x0dx0acivil servantx0dx0a资本主义国家公务员x0dx0agovernmental officials in capitalist countriesx0dx0a法国公务员制度x0dx0acivil service system in Francex0dx0a日本公务员制度x0dx0acivil service in Japanx0dx0a官场,公务员界x0dx0aofficialdom.x0dx0a可靠的国家公务员x0dx0aa trusty servant of the state.x0dx0a公务员成堆的地方x0dx0aa rookery of civil servantsx0dx0a公务员不得接受酬谢。x0dx0aThe government servants aren"t allowed to accept rewards.



2023-08-03 06:03:322


意思如下:“GSS”经常作为“General Security Service”的缩写来使用,中文中表示:“一般安全服务”。英文缩写词:GSS英文单词:General Security Service缩写词中文简要解释:一般安全服务中文拼音:yī bān ān quán fú wù缩写词流行度:2187缩写词分类:Governmental简介:缩写,是指为了便利使用,由较长的汉语语词缩短省略而成的汉语语词。缩写时应忠于原文,不改变原文的主题或中心思想,不改变原文的梗概。也可以说是作为一个较长名称的简写。缩写之后必须保证不会扭曲词汇的意思,有些词汇缩写之后将变成另外一个词,这个情况下不能缩写。
2023-08-03 06:03:401


2023-08-03 06:03:564

quasi-governmental造句 quasi-governmentalの例文 "quasi-governmental"是什麼意思

The hksar government mitted to a government - wide environmental reporting initiative , requiring all bureaux and departments to produce annual environmental reports , and encouraging quasi - governmental organizations to do pkewise 中承诺全面推行环保工作报告计划,规定所有部门政策局及半 *** 机构每年均须制备环保报告。 We work closely with other government departments and bureaux , quasi - governmental organizations and professional bodies on various contractual , secondment , partnership and advisory arrangements to fulfil our roles and responsibipties 为履行职责,本署与其他 *** 部门、公营机构及专业团体维持紧密合作,形式包括合约、借调、合及提供顾问服务等。 Through studying a great deal of data , i find that there is less study on the system research but more investigation on each kind of quasi - government organization in administrative law academic , so i want to *** yze the legal theoretical background , definition , administrative legal status and its regulate system as a whole . i hope it can be helpful to the research on quasi - governmental organization in administrative law circles 但是准 *** 组织在我国法律中的地位如何,其与 *** 、社会成员之间是何种法律关系,如何保障其权力的有序行使以及在其与社会成员发生纠纷时应通过哪种途径来解决并承当什么样的行政责任?这些问题在我国现行的法律法规中都没有明确的规定。 It"s difficult to find quasi-governmental in a sentence. 用 quasi-governmental 造句挺难的
2023-08-03 06:04:041

What are the governmental policies on environmental issues in Hong Kong?

  What are the governmental policies on environmental issues in Hong Kong?  这句话的意思是:香港政府对于环保遗体的官方态度是什么?  这句话有两个关键点。governmental policies和environmental issues。governmental policies是政府的策略、政治上的态度、政治上的政策的意思。这里表示的是官方态度。  environmental issues表示的环保议题。  整句话的语境,是询问香港政府对于环保的态度或策略问题。
2023-08-03 06:04:111


你好,很高兴回答您的问题,公务员用英语翻译过来是Civil servant!祝好运!
2023-08-03 06:04:224


2023-08-03 06:04:381


pdss的意思是惊恐障碍严重度量表。PDSS专业发展学校;产后抑郁症筛查量表;惊恐障碍严重度量表;服务系统;产后抑郁筛查量表。英文缩写词:PDSS,英文单词:Predeployment Site Survey,缩写词中文简要解释:预部署现场调查。中文拼音:yù bù shǔ xiàn chǎng diào chá。缩写词分类:Governmental,缩写词领域:Military。例句:Moreover,the establishment of PDSs is influenced by the international teacher educational reform and advanced by American civil education reform。此外,专业发展学校的产生也受国际教师教育改革的影响及美国国内教育改革的推动。pdss的双语例句如下:1、Study on the Architecture and Design of PDSS 。PDSS的结构研究与设计。2、America"s Professional Development Schools PDSs are just one representative of partnerships between schools and colleges。美国专业发展学校就是中小学与大学合作的一个典型范例。3、Lastly,this thesis analyses the enlightenment that PDSs can give to the reform of schools and teacher education in our country。最后,文章分析了我国中小学教育及教师教育可从美国专业发展学校获得的启示。4、Both of these PDSs are examples are what I refer to as direct sources;the source supplies the performance data directly。这两种PDS都是直接源的例子,即可以直接提供性能数据。
2023-08-03 06:04:561


2023-08-03 06:05:212


审计服务中心主要职责:1.负责为审计局开展政府投资建设项目审计和重大项目稽查提供业务服务、业务咨询和智力支持。  2.负责开展政府投资建设项目审计和重大项目稽查工作调研及相关课题的科研工作。  3.承担政府投资审计项目管理平台的建设、管理和维护。  4.负责为相关业务文书和规范性文件提出意见建议,承担数据统计、信息宣传等工作。  5.承办审计局交办的其他任务
2023-08-03 06:05:582


2023-08-03 06:06:062


企业内部审计主要监督检查本部门、本单位的财务收支和经营管理活动,是由各部门、各单位内部设置的专门机构或人员实施的审计。单位内部审计,属于单位的内设机构,不具备法人资格,主要围绕着单位管理层管理、决策开展工作。这种审计主要是为本单位服务,其职能设置也是机构设置授权或管理层临时授权,其工作内容主要通过对本单位经济数据检查、分析完成符合性测试或实质性测试来达到审计目标。内部审计部门——为了增加价值并改善机构的运营而提供独立、客观的保证与咨询服务的部门、处或小组的顾问或其他从业人员。内部审计部门通过系统化、规范化的方法,对风险管理、控制与治理程序进行评价,进而提高它们的效果扩展资料:审计的分类:按审计活动执行主体的性质分类,审计可分为政府审计、独立审计和内部审计三种。(一)政府审计(governmental audit)政府审计是由政府审计机关依法进行的审计,在我国一般称为国家审计。我国国家审计机关包括国务院设置的审计署及其派出机构和地方各级人民政府设置的审计厅(局)两个层次。(二)独立审计(independent audit)独立审计,即由注册会计师受托有偿进行的审计活动,也称为民间审计。我国注册会计师协会(CICPA)在发布的《独立审计基本准则》中指出:“独立审计是指注册会计师依法接受委托,对被审计单位的会计报表及其相关资料进行独立审查并发表审计意见。”(三)内部审计(internal audit)内部审计是指由本单位内部专门的审计机构和人员对本单位财务收支和经济活动实施的独立审查和评价,审计结果向本单位主要负责人报告。这种审计具有显著的建设性和内向服务性,其目的在于帮助本单位健全内部控制,改善经营管理,提高经济效益。参考资料来源:百度百科—审计参考资料来源:百度百科—内部审计部门
2023-08-03 06:06:161


2023-08-03 06:06:302


这个方法纵使在现前的污染程度来看好像很困难。It (这个方法) may appear difficult (纵使现在看来很困难) seeing the level of pollution around (现前的污染),但当政府是真干的,又有民众的参与but sincere governmental action and public participation(民众的参与) in the process(在过程中),这可能便是把不可能变成现实的关键could be the key (关键) to making the seemingly impossible (把不可能变成), a reality(真实).
2023-08-03 06:06:392


2023-08-03 06:07:016


The "Certificate of Registration for Private Non-enterprise Entities" shall not come into effect without the seal stamp of the issuing governmental authorities.No other entities or individuals shall be able to withhold or confiscate the "Certificate of Registration for Private Non-enterprise Entities" but the issuing governmental authorities.The "Certificate of Registration for Private Non-enterprise Entities" shall be returned to the issuing governmental authorities for deregistration provided that the entity ceases its activities.The Ministry of Civil Affairs shall be the sole authorized issuer of the Certificate, and no other entities or individuals shall take the place of the MCA.
2023-08-03 06:07:201


就是 国家工作人员
2023-08-03 06:07:314


This analysis of the "ant" the basic concept, described the "ant" the survival of the state, focusing on the theoretical analysis point of view, the "ant" for the cause is analyzed. From a macro point of view, reflected in the large cities of the appeal, Wo Guo employment situation, employment policy change and adjustment, career college students view the relative delay, and higher education development and social needs of Chaiyi on, so definitely a lot of Da Xue Chu Xian graduates stuck in the big city phenomenon. From the microscopic point of view, due to low rent and convenient transportation to those who seek inter-group identity and the pursuit of independent living status of the students lived together to form "ant." Finally, "ant" put forward corresponding countermeasures. Jingji any development in their efforts to promote, but also strengthen the government"s macro-control and guidance, Mingque 社会 and governmental responsibility, colleges and universities are also required to market-oriented training model and Mubiao change continuously deepen Gaodengjiaoyu system, so that the development of higher education meet the needs of social development, the two maintain a high degree of consistency, while university graduates to enhance their own quality, to improve their own competitiveness, changing concept of employment. In society, government, schools, the joint efforts of university graduates can better solve the "ant" problem.
2023-08-03 06:07:494


没有对应的说法,governmental test?公文测试的意思不知道合适不合适
2023-08-03 06:07:593


建议你 还是把中文写出来,让大家给你翻译得了 ,你这个翻译得比中文还难懂!
2023-08-03 06:08:073


2023-08-03 06:08:281


2023-08-03 06:08:396

national policy中文翻译

National popcy should not be determined by outside influence . 国家政策的制定不该受外部影响。 For every country there is a whole set of national popcies . 每一个国家都有一整套全国性的政策。 It is a critical distinction, on which national popcy floundered in the united states for many years . 这是多年来使得美国国家政策犹豫不决的一个关键问题。 Agricultural popcy has confpcted with other agricultural goals and with other national popcies . 农业政策与不同的农业目标以及与其它的国民政策之间存在矛盾。 The new corporate leaders often fly to washington to confer with government officials on national popcy . 这些新的公司领导人常常飞往华盛顿,同 *** 官员商讨国家的政策。 To be sure, the vice president sits in on national security council meetings, where the gravest decisions of national popcy are considered . 当然,副总统参加决定最重大国策的国家安全委员会会议。 Global capital flows and national popcy choices 全球资本流通和国家政策选择 Current national popcy and reform of ecec in the uk 英国学前教育的现行国家政策与改革 Chinese mathematics supported by national popcy 国家政策扶持下的中国数学 Gospel teachings and national popcy will not confpct 福音的教导和国家的政策不会?突。 National popcy of returning farmland to forest and grassland 什么是国家的退耕还林还草政策 National popcies cannot be made hostage to another country 国家政策不能做为其他国家的谈判筹码。 National popcies and the development of industry of financial leasing 国家政策与融资租赁业的发展 Negotiating with terrorists is incongruous with national popcy 和 *** 进行谈判不符合国家政策。 Institute of national popcy research institute of international relations 政治大学国际关系研究中心 Development of national popcy simulator of social economic security 国家经济安全政策模拟器的开发问题 Summary of national popcy in ancient china in the last ten years 近十年来中国古代王朝民族政策研究综述 A probe into israep national popcy 以色列民族政策浅析 Comments on national popcy carried out in xingjiang province by yang zeng - xin 评杨增新治新时期的民族政策 A probe into indian national popcy 印度民族政策初探 On the change of ethnic consciousness of ussr through its national popcy 从苏联的民族政策看其族群意识的变化 He or she appoints and di *** isses ministers and formulates national popcy 总统有权任免各部部长,并制定国家政策。 The ethno - national popcy of vietnam and its practice since the reform and opening - up 越南革新以来的民族政策与实践 Evaluation on the national popcy of regional economic cooperation in the 1990s in china 90年代我国区域经济合作政策效果分析 5 . domestic modity except not allowed by national popcy wholesale and retail 5国内商品国家政策规定不允许经营除外批发零售 Implementing basic national popcy of conserving resources , speeding up building saving social 贯彻落实节约资源基本国策加快建设节约型社会 As a national popcy , the drug centrapzed bid procurement is a historic choice 摘要药品集中招标采购作为一项国策,已是大势所趋,不可逆转。 The function of national popcy on the minority areas building well - off society in an all - round way 民族政策在民族地区全面建设小康社会中的作用 The economic development in ethnic regions must have the support of national popcy 民族地区经济发展的滞后,已经成为提高我国综合国力的严重障碍。 Thoughts on the relationship beeen emperor wen " s national popcies in the sui dynasty and rule of kaihuang 关于隋文帝民族政策与开皇之治关系的思考 China announced in 2003 that it is a national popcy to revive the old northeast industrial base 2003年,我国明确提出把振兴东北老工业基地作为一项国策。 The open popcy , as a long - time rudimental national popcy , is " begun by mao and finished by deng " 对外开放作为中国的一项长期的基本国策, “始于毛,成于邓” 。 A usually expansionist national popcy having as its sole principle advancement of the national interest 现实政治常指一种扩张的国家政策,把国家利益看作是唯一的原则性进展 Our long - term planning strategy should be flexible , reapstic and also consistent with the national popcy 我们的长远规划策略应具备灵活性、符合实际需要,并配合国家政策。 To investigate national popcy and measures related to the river pollution control and evaluate its effectiveness 调查国家关于河水污染治理相关政策和措施并对有效性时行评价。 As this is in pne with the government s national popcy and interest , the group has their full backing and support 此一业务符合国家的利益和政策,集团得到 *** 部门的全力支持。 The chinese government takes environmental protection as one of its basic national popcies 中国 *** 把环境保护作为一项基本国策,从本国国情出发,为保护环境采取了一系列有力措施。 As a important national popcy , governmental affairs pubpcity has made some exploration and also some progress 作为一项重大的国家政策,政务公开在实践中有了一些初步探索,取得了一些成绩。 More than half of beijing " s *** single children don " t intend to have o kids , even though national popcy allows them to do so 有一半北京独生子家庭不打算要第二胎,即便国家政策允许要第二胎。 More than half of beijing " s *** single children don " t intend to have o kids , even though national popcy allows them to do so 尽管国家政策允许,但超过一半以上的北京成年独生子女也不想要第二胎 Canon began its chinese business after the open door popcy was affirmed as a fundamental national popcy by the chinese government 佳能的中国事业佳能的中国事业始于19世纪70年代末改革开放之初。 Plans for both human adaptation and appropriate ecological management techniques must be incorporated into national popcies 人类适应性选择和适宜的生态管理技术的相关计划必须整合到国家政策当中去。 More than half of beijing " s *** single children don " t intend to have o kids , even though national popcy allows them to do so 北京超过半数的独生子女不打算要两个孩子,尽管国家政策允许他们这样做 More than half of beijing " s *** single children don " t intend to have o kids , even though national popcy allows them to do so 北京大多数独生子女不想要两个小孩儿,尽管国家法律允许他们可以生两胎。 Manufacturing : plastic products , dianmu products , rubber products ( excluding franchised national popcy , the control of goods ) 制造:塑料制品、电木制品、橡胶制品(不含国家政策规定专营、专控商品) 。 Talents will receive various influences during their growing , among which national popcy is the important exterior factor 人才的成长受到很多因素的影响,民族政策是少数民族妇女成才的重要的外部影响因素。 Rural social security in ethnic minority regions is in consistent with the national popcy , but has its specific characteristics 民族地区农村社会保障工作既有同全国相一致的地方,但也有民族地区的特点。 More than half of beijing " s *** single children don " t intend to have o kids , even though national popcy allows them to do so 北京超过半数的独生子女夫妇不打算要两个孩子,虽然国家政策允许他们生第二胎 Give no cause for more critici *** , this is the child below market economy , also did not undertake to this in national popcy any standard 无可厚非,这是市场经济下的产物,国家政策中对此也没有进行任何的规范 More than half of beijing " s *** single children don " t intend to have o kids , even though national popcy allows them to do so 北京有超过一半的独生子女夫妇不打算要第二个孩子,尽管国家政策目前允许生第二胎。
2023-08-03 06:09:201


音节数对英语重音位置有明显的影响。分成三种情况考虑。第一种是单音节词。所有的单音节词都是重读的。第二种是双音节词,双音节词的重音主要受词性影响,其次是前缀。如果该词是动词、形容词、介词,重音往往在第二个音节上,如果是名词,重音往往在第一个音节上。前一类如defend,irate,above,后一类如window,cable等等。下面几个具有双重词性的单词最具启发性:作为动词,project(投射)、object(反对)、refuse(拒绝)、produce(生产)重音均在第二个音节上;作为名词,它们的重音都在第一个音节上(意思分别是项目、客体、垃圾、农产品)。前缀对双音节词影响较大,特别是a-、be-和en-(有em-、in-、im-等多个变体),以它们开头的词重音普遍在第二个音节。differ的重音很特殊,它是动词,相同后缀的双音节动词(infer,confer,refer)重音都在后面,differ的重音却在前面,估计是为了与defer(遵从)相区分。第三种是三音节和更多音节的词。这一类词的重音位置主要取决于后缀。 3、后缀与多音节单词重音 1)ultimate重音:比较常见的后缀有–ade(如lemonade、blockade)、–eer(如engineer、pioneer、domineer)、–ese(officialese, Chinese)、–esque(arabesque) 2)penult重音:最重要的是形容词后缀(也是名词后缀)-ic和名词后缀-ion,前者还有–atic、–etic、–fic等多种扩展形式,后者有–ation、–faction、-fication、–ition、-sion、-tion等多种扩展形式。对比geography / geographic、climate / climatic、sympathy / sympathetic;invite / invitation、satisfy / satisfaction、clarify/ clarification、compete / competition。但有几个常用的词是例外情况,catholic、lunatic、heretic、arithmetic和television(television的重音可以在penult上,也可在词首,因为这个词并不是动词+ion变来的,televise是后起的)。其他常见的penult重音后缀有: –ana(表示与某主题相关的所有事物,如Victoriana, Americana)、–escence(表示过程,如convalescence,adolescence等等)、–escent(与前一个后缀对应的形容词后缀,如adolescent)、–i(表示国籍和语言,如Israeli,Pakistani等等)、–ics(表示学科或其他,如economics,antibiotics、acrobatics,但是politics例外)、–itis(表示炎症,如bronchitis、hepatitis、arthritis等等)。 3)antepenult重音:最重要的后缀如下 a)-ial:如imperial、aerial、differential等等。对比manager / managerial,editor / editorial,influence / influential。 b)-ous(扩展形式有-acious、–aneous、-eous、-ious等等,其中-ous前的i和e都算一个音节):如sagacious、spontaneous、courageous、suspicious等等。 c)-ity(扩展形式有–acity、-aneity、–bility、–icity、–ility、-uity等等,其中-ity前面的e、u都算一个音节):如sagacity、spontaneity、capability、futility、ingenuity等等。 d)-ian(扩展形式有-arian、-ician等等):如humanitarian、Canadian、logician,对比mathematics / mathematician。 e)–ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency(抽象名词后缀):如excellence、vigilance、benevolence、consistency等等。 f)-ant, -ent(与上一系列后缀相对应的形容词或名词后缀):如tolerant、participant、determinant、resilient,等等。 g)-logy,-nomy(表示学科及其他):例如astrology,economy,theology,等等。 其他常见的后缀还有-ia(抽象名词)、-arium(场所)、-cracy(统治)、-crat(统治者)、-graphy(记录术)、-ile(形容词名词后缀)、-iety(名词后缀,如sobriety、propriety)、-tude(抽象名词后缀),等等。 4)在antepenult之前的音节上重读:主要是一些弱读的后缀,如-able(或-ible)、-ary、-ery、-ory等等。重音往往在倒数第四音节上(少数在倒数第五音节上,如美国英语的laboratory)。如negligible、ordinary、contemporary、adversary、monastery、conservatory,等等。尤其需要注意的是,-able(-ible)加在一个以重读音节结尾的单词上,重音要前移一个音节,对比compare / comparable(重音在首音节上)、admire / admirable。 5)不影响重读的后缀:相当多的后缀并不改变原来单词的发音。中国学生普遍把educator等词的重音发错(重音不是在a上,而是在e上),就是不明白这个规则。此类后缀常见的有–acy(与-ate结尾的形容词对应的名词后缀,如inadequacy)、–age、-al(如arrival 、exceptional等等)、–dom、 –er(-or, -ar)、-ful、–ing、-ise(-ize)、–ism、–ist 、–ive(对比productive / competitive)、-less、–ly、、–ness、–ry、–ty等等。 6)-ment 如果后面添加别的后缀,重音一般落在-ment上,比如governmental、sentimental、elementary、momentous。但-ity的决定力大于-ment,所以sentimentality的重音仍遵循-ity的规则。 4、倒数第二个音节(penult)的辅音特征 英语大部分词汇来源于拉丁语,也继承了拉丁语的一个主要重音规则,即如果penult的元音前面是双辅音(爆破音b、p、k、g、t、d在前,l或r在后,这样组成的双辅音除外),单词重音便落在penult上。此规则的效力大于后缀的效力。下面举例说明: 1)按照后缀规则,important的重音位置应该是在首音节上,但由于penult的辅音是rt,符合4的规则,因此重音落在penult上。conference和concurrence重音位置的差别也可如此解释。
2023-08-03 06:09:301


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2023-08-03 06:10:204


CNTY。英语缩略词“CNTY”经常作为“CouNTrY”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“国家”。“CNTY”(“国家)释义:英文缩写词:CNTY。英文单词:CouNTrY。缩写词中文简要解释:国家。中文拼音:guó jiā。缩写词流行度:5534。缩写词分类:Governmental。缩写词领域:Military。双语例句:How do you like the country?你觉得这个国家怎么样?Which country do you like?你会喜欢那一个国家?No, not for this country.没有,在这个国家里没有。以上内容参考:百度百科-country
2023-08-03 06:10:391


civil servant
2023-08-03 06:10:556


2023-08-03 06:11:157


1审计主体不同: 国家 审计署审计内部审计企业自己审计部门对本公司进行审计.社会审计,注册会计师对委托企业进行审计..2审计目标不同 国家 WEI法WEI规 TAN污FU败内审 发现单位内部错误社会 对财务报表发表意见3执行标准不同国家 审计法 内审 内审准则社会 注册会计师法 审计准则4独立性不同 国家 单方独立 独立于被审计单位内审 无独立性社会 双方独立 独立于委托人和被审计单位5获取证据力度不同 国家 QIANG制内审 社会 被审计单位配合这就是得分点...
2023-08-03 06:11:3411


按审计活动执行主体的性质分类,审计可分为政府审计、独立审计和内部审计三种。 (一)政府审计(governmental audit)政府审计是由政府审计机关依法进行的审计,在我国一般称为国家审计。我国国家审计机关包括国务院设置的审计署及其派出机构和地方各级人民政府设置的审计厅(局)两个层次。国家审计机关依法独立行使审计监督权,对国务院各部门和地方人民政府、国家财政金融机构、国有企事业单位以及其他有国有资产的单位的财政、财务收支及其经济效益进行审计监督。各国政府审计都具有法律所赋予的履行审计监督职责的强制性。 (二)独立审计(independent audit)独立审计,即由注册会计师受托有偿进行的审计活动,也称为民间审计。我国注册会计师协会(CICPA)在发布的《独立审计基本准则》中指出:“独立审计是指注册会计师依法接受委托,对被审计单位的会计报表及其相关资料进行独立审查并发表审计意见。”独立审计的风险高,责任重,因此审计理论的产生、发展及审计方法的变革都基本上是围绕独立审计展开的。 (三)内部审计(internal audit)内部审计是指由本单位内部专门的审计机构和人员对本单位财务收支和经济活动实施的独立审查和评价,审计结果向本单位主要负责人报告。这种审计具有显著的建设性和内向服务性,其目的在于帮助本单位健全内部控制,改善经营管理,提高经济效益。在西方国家,内部审计被普遍认为是企业总经理的耳目、助手和顾问。1999年,国际内部审计师协会(IIA)理事会通过了新的内部审计定义,指出:“内部审计是一项独立、客观的保证和咨询顾问服务。它以增加价值和改善营运为目标,通过系统、规范的手段来评估风险、改进风险的控制和组织的治理结构,以达到组织的既定目标。”按审计内容分类,我国一般将审计分为财政财务审计和经济效益审计。 (一)财政财务审计(financial audit)财政财务审计是指对被审计单位财政财务收支的真实性和合法合规性进行审查,旨在纠正错误、防止舞弊。具体来说,财政审计又包括财政预算执行审计(即由审计机关对本级和下级政府的组织财政收入、分配财政资金的活动进行审计监督)、财政决算审计(即由审计机关对下级政府财政收支决算的真实性、合规性进行审计监督)和其他财政收支审计(即由审计机关对预算外资金的收取和使用进行审计监督)。财务审计则是指对企事业单位的资产、负债和损益的真实性和合法合规性进行审查。由于企业的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量是以会计报表为媒介集中反映的,因而财务审计时常又表现为会计报表审计。 财政财务审计在审计产生以后的很长一段时期都居于主导地位,因此可以说是一种传统的审计;又因为这种审计主要是依照国家法律和各种财经方针政策、管理规程进行的,故又称为依法审计。我国审计机关在开展财政财务审计的过程中,如果发现被审单位和人员存在严重违反国家财经法规、侵占国家资财、损害国家利益的行为,往往会立专案进行深入审查,以查清违法违纪事实,作出相应处罚。这种专案审计一般称为财经法纪审计,它实质上只是财政财务审计的深化。 (二)经济效益审计(economic effectivity audit)经济效益审计是指对被审计单位经济活动的效率、效果和效益状况进行审查、评价,目的是促进被审计单位提高人财物等各种资源的利用效率,增强盈利能力,实现经营目标。在西方国家,经济效益审计也称为“3E”(efficiency,effectivity,economy)审计。最高审计机关国际组织(INTOSAI)则将政府审计机关开展的经济效益审计统一称为“绩效审计”(performance audit)。西方国家又将企业内部审计机构从事的经济效益审计活动概括为“经营审计”(operational audit)。
2023-08-03 06:13:001


审计是指由专设机关依照法律对国家各级政府及金融机构、企业事业组织的重大项目和财务收支进行事前和事后的审查的独立性经济监督活动。按审计活动执行主体的性质分类,审计可分为政府审计、独立审计和内部审计三种。(一)政府审计(governmental audit)政府审计是由政府审计机关依法进行的审计,在我国一般称为国家审计。我国国家审计机关包括国务院设置的审计署及其派出机构和地方各级人民政府设置的审计厅(局)两个层次。国家审计机关依法独立行使审计监督权,对国务院各部门和地方人民政府、国家财政金融机构、国有企事业单位以及其他有国有资产的单位的财政、财务收支及其经济效益进行审计监督。各国政府审计都具有法律所赋予的履行审计监督职责的强制性。(二)独立审计(independent audit)独立审计,即由注册会计师受托有偿进行的审计活动,也称为民间审计。我国注册会计师协会(CICPA)在发布的《独立审计基本准则》中指出:“独立审计是指注册会计师依法接受委托,对被审计单位的会计报表及其相关资料进行独立审查并发表审计意见。”独立审计的风险高,责任重,因此审计理论的产生、发展及审计方法的变革都基本上是围绕独立审计展开的。(三)内部审计(internal audit)内部审计是指由本单位内部专门的审计机构和人员对本单位财务收支和经济活动实施的独立审查和评价,审计结果向本单位主要负责人报告。这种审计具有显著的建设性和内向服务性,其目的在于帮助本单位健全内部控制,改善经营管理,提高经济效益。在西方国家,内部审计被普遍认为是企业总经理的耳目、助手和顾问。1999年,国际内部审计师协会(IIA)理事会通过了新的内部审计定义,指出:“内部审计是一项独立、客观的保证和咨询顾问服务。它以增加价值和改善营运为目标,通过系统、规范的手段来评估风险、改进风险的控制和组织的治理结构,以达到组织的既定目标。”
2023-08-03 06:13:101


2023-08-03 06:13:282


2023-08-03 06:13:525


2023-08-03 06:14:137

请把下面一段译成英文,急用,在线等!!! :伴随着信息时代的到来,我国电子政务建设在探索中。政府网站

With the advent of the information age, Chinese e-government construction in exploration. Government website
2023-08-03 06:14:387


Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization with offices in over forty countries and with an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.Greenpeace states its goal is to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity" and focuses its campaigning on world wide issues such as climate change,deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, andanti-nuclear issues. It uses direct action, lobbying, and research to achieve its goals. The global organization does not accept funding from governments, corporations, or political parties, relying on 2.9 million individual supporters and foundation grants.Greenpeace has a general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and is a founding member of the INGO Accountability Charter; an international on-governmental organization that intends to foster accountability and transparency of non-governmental organizations.Greenpeace is known for its direct actions and has been described as the most visible environmental organization in the world.Greenpeace has raised environmental issues to public knowledge, and influenced both the private and the public sector.Greenpeace has also been a source of controversy; its motives and methods have received criticism and the organization"s direct actions have sparked legal actions against Greenpeace activists, such as fines and suspended sentences for destroying a test plot of GMO wheat. For such reasons, Greenpeace is cautious of its funding process and legal action.
2023-08-03 06:14:521


2023-08-03 06:15:153


右边: Backspace:退格键,删除最后一个数字 CE:清除当前输入键 C:全部...都那些英文字母啊?你不说怎么回答啊 下载 program files 程序...
2023-08-03 06:15:253

Articles of Confederation(美国联邦条例)的好处,只需要好处.用英语的.谢谢,英语的文章。

The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, commonly referred to as the Articles of Confederation, was the first constitution of the United States of America and legally established the union of the states. The Second Continental Congress appointed a committee to draft the Articles in June 1776 and sent the draft to the states for ratification in November 1777. The ratification process was completed in March 1781, legally federating the sovereign and independent states, already cooperating through the Continental Congress, into a new federation styled the "United States of America". Under the Articles the states retained sovereignty over all governmental functions not specifically relinquished to the central government.On June 12, 1776, a day after appointing a committee to prepare a draft declaration of independence, the Second Continental Congress resolved to appoint a committee of thirteen to prepare a draft of a constitution for a confederate type of union. The last draft of the Articles was written in the summer of 1777 and the Second Continental Congress approved them for ratification by the States on November 15, 1777 in York, Pennsylvania after a year of debate. In practice the final draft of the Articles served as the de facto system of government used by the Congress ("the United States in Congress assembled") until it became de jure by final ratification on March 1, 1781; at which point Congress became the Congress of the Confederation. The Articles set the rules for operations of the "United States" confederation. The confederation was capable of making war, negotiating diplomatic agreements, and resolving issues regarding the western territories. An important element of the Articles was that Article XIII stipulated that "their provisions shall be inviolably observed by every state" and "the Union shall be perpetual".The Articles were created by the chosen representatives of the states in the Second Continental Congress out of a perceived need to have "a plan of confederacy for securing the freedom, sovereignty, and independence of the United States." Although serving a crucial role in the victory in the American Revolutionary War, a group of reformers,[1] known as "federalists", felt that the Articles lacked the necessary provisions for a sufficiently effective government. Fundamentally, a federation was sought to replace the confederation. The key criticism by those who favored a more powerful central state (i.e. the federalists)[citation needed] was that the government (i.e. the Congress of the Confederation) lacked taxing authority; it had to request funds from the states. Also various federalist factions wanted[citation needed] a government that could impose uniform tariffs, give land grants, and assume responsibility for unpaid state war debts ("assumption".) Those opposed to the Constitution, known as "anti-federalists," considered these limits on government power to be necessary and good.[dubious – discuss][2] Another criticism of the Articles was that they did not strike the right balance between large and small states in the legislative decision making process.[dubious – discuss] Due to its one-state, one-vote plank, the larger states were expected to contribute more but had only one vote.The Articles were replaced by the US Constitution on June 21, 1788.
2023-08-03 06:15:321


这是所有的和平机构Economic and Social Council 经济社会理事会 Statistical Commission 统计委员会 Population Commission 人口委员会 Commission for Social Development 社会开发委员会 Commission on Human Rights 人权委员会 Commission on the Status of Women 妇女地位委员会 Commission on Narcotic Drugs 麻醉药委员会 Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations 民间机构委员会 Committee on Housing, Building and Planning 住宅建筑企划委员会 Committee for Development Planning 开发计划委员会 Special Committee on Peace-Keeping Operations 维护和平活动特别委员会 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易开发会议 Trade and Development Board, TDB 联合国开发委员会 United Nations Development Program, UNDP 联合国开发计划处 United Nation Children"s Fund, UNICEF 联合国儿童基金会 United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO 联合国工业开发组织 United Nations Capital Development Fund, UNCDF 联合国资本开发基金会 United Nations Institute for Training and Research, UNITR 联合国调查训练研究所 United Nations FAO Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Program 联合国FAO世界粮食计划国际委员
2023-08-03 06:15:423

求香港 *** 部门及出名政策的英文名

更新1: Jess : 首先多谢你帮忙...但你系咪sure你打得right架.....其他我就唔清楚啦..... 但教育局好似唔系Secretary for Education 系 Education Bureau(简称EDB)......我唔系唔信你.....不过....你check返下你提供o既资料.....睇下有无需要更正....... Chief Executive = 行政长官 三司: Secretary for Justice = 律政司 Chief Secretary for Administration = 政务司 Financial Secretary = 财政司 十二局: Secretary for the Civil Service 公务员事务局 Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs 政制及内地事务局 Secretary for Education 教育局 Secretary for the Environment 环境局 Secretary for Food and Health 食物及衞生局 Secretary for Home Affairs 民政事务局 Secretary for Labour and Welfare 劳工及福利局 Secretary for Security 保安局 Secretary for Trport and Housing 运输及房屋局 Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development 商务及经济发展局 Secretary for Development 发展局 Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury 财经事务及库务局 一D出名的政策计划英文名: 综合社会保障援助(综援) = Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) 西九龙文娱艺术区核心文化艺术设施 = Core Arts and Cultural Facilities (CACF) of the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) 西九文化区发展 = The Development of the West Kowloon Cultural District 八万五房屋政策 = “85 000” Housing Policy Other terms for your references: (1) 巩固金融中心地位 Reinforcing Our Position as a Financial Centre (2) 稳定房地产市场 Stability of Real Estate Market (3) 经济贸易发展 Economic and Trade Development (4) 科研发展 Development of Scientific Research (5) 商贸发展 Business and Commerce Development (6) 优化人力资源 Optimising Human Capital (7) 保障市民权益 Protecting People"s Interests (8) 竞争法 Competition Law (9) 维护弱势社群 Care for the Disadvantaged (10) 立法保障最低工资 Legislating for Wage Protection (11) 长者生活援助 Old Age Allowance (12) 基本法第23条 Hong Kong Basic Law Article 23 (13) Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) 居者有其屋计划 ( 居屋计划 ) (14) 二零一二年选举办法 Electoral Methods for 2012 Wish the above can help u ~ 2009-02-09 01:29:51 补充: Sorry for my mistake as I am typing the above by referring the HK Gov"t anization chart. "Secretary for xxx" me xx局长 2009-02-09 01:33:03 补充: My correct wer is below: Civil Service Bureau公务员事务局 2009-02-09 01:36:25 补充: Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau政制及内地事务局 2009-02-09 01:36:42 补充: Education Bureau教育局 Environment Bureau环境局 2009-02-09 01:37:08 补充: Food and Health Bureau食物及衞生局 Home Affairs Bureau民政事务局 2009-02-09 01:37:33 补充: Labour and Welfare Bureau劳工及福利局 Security Bureau保安局 Trport and Housing Bureau运输及房屋局 2009-02-09 01:37:42 补充: Commerce and Economic Development Bureau商务及经济发展局 Development Bureau发展局 Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau财经事务及库务局 2009-02-09 01:41:11 补充: 其他资料 would be correct as I am reference those names/terms at various Governmental websites which all the rnment websites are having both English and Chinese versions.
2023-08-03 06:16:171

What does csc stand for?

2023-08-03 06:16:252


政府转移支付是指公共部门无偿地将一部分资金的所有权转让给他人所形成的支出。x0dx0ax0dx0a政府或企业的一种不以购买本年的商品和劳务而作的支付,即政府或企业无偿地支付给个人或下级政府,以增加其收入和购买力的费用,它是一种收入再分配的形式。x0dx0a它是通过政府将收入在不同社会成员之间进行再分配而实现的,不是国民收入的组成部分。这部分支出包括养老金、失业救济金、退伍军人补助金、农产品价格补贴、公债利息等政府与企业支出的一笔款项。这笔款项在西方国家是不计算在国民生产总值中的,其原因在于这笔款项的支付不是为了购买商品和劳务,所以将其称作转移支付,有时也称转让性支付。x0dx0ax0dx0ax0dx0a根据IMF《政府财政统计手册》中的支出分析框架,政府转移支付有两个层次:x0dx0a 一、国际间的转移支付,包括对外捐赠、对外提供商品和劳务、向跨国组织交纳会费;x0dx0a二、国内的转移支付,既有政府对家庭的转移支付如养老金、住房补贴等,又有政府对国有企业提供的补贴,还有政府间的财政资金的转移。x0dx0ax0dx0a政府转移支付的主要作用x0dx0a各种福利支出的发放主要取决于就业与收入状况。在萧条时期,就业减少,个人收入减少,符合接受福利支出的人增加了,从而作为转移支付之一的福利支出增加,抑制了个人消费的减少。在膨胀时期,就业增加,个人收入增加,符合接受福利支出的人减少了,从而作为转移支付之一的福利支出减少,抑制了个人消费的增加。
2023-08-03 06:16:342


Cucumber, eggplant, pumpkin, garlic, celery, ginger, broccoli, onion
2023-08-03 06:13:212


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