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2023-08-03 14:23:43
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鼓励 [gǔlì]arouse buoy cheer on encourage hearten imbolden reanimate 汉英词典 鼓励 [gǔ lì]encourage;incite热情鼓励 warmly encourage;鼓励孩子学习 encourage a boy in his study 用法鼓励, 勉励 [miǎn lì], 激励 [jī lì], 鼓舞 [gǔ wǔ]: 它们都有“劝勉、激励上进”的意思。 “鼓励”侧重在“激发对象的积极性, 使其感奋行动起来”, 一般用于对别人, 是中性词, 老师 鼓励 大家学习英语。 Our teacher encouraged us to learn English. 勉励”侧重在督促、劝勉而使受到鼓舞, 一般用于上对下, 既可以用于对别人, 也可以用于对自己, 是褒义词, 他 鼓励 学生在绘画上不断创新, 取得更好的成绩。 He encouraged his students to constantly bring forth new ideas in painting and to obtain even better results. 激励”着重在“精神上的勉励”, 施动者可以是人, 也可以是某种行为事迹或精神品质, 这次战斗的胜利大大鼓励了军队士气。 This victory has greatly boosted the army"s morale. 鼓舞”侧重指“受到某种事情或言行的影响, 从而积极奋发起来”, 令人 鼓励 的胜利消息不断传来。Heartening reports of victories are pouring in.鼓励, 怂恿 [sǒng yǒng]: 见“怂恿”。 Google 词义搜索 encourage 隐藏摘要 鼓励 【摘要】 ... 的确定我的看法是代表你正在与他人分享你的看法除此之外没有其它的意思分享过程中 - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消
encouragement 隐藏摘要 鼓励 【摘要】 Alpine Camp野营训练最重要的一个特征就是大量的Team Work团队合作通过大量的集体活动 www.h********.com - 相关网页评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消
foster 隐藏摘要 鼓励 【摘要】 foster v养育培养鼓励报希望n抚养者鼓励者 disseminate v散布 realistic adj现实主义 - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消
inspire 隐藏摘要 鼓励 【摘要】 pupae 蛹, rapid 急速的, rubbery 有弹性的, inspire 鼓励. species 种类, Mummies www.scholastic.c*.cn - 相关网页评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消
encouraged 隐藏摘要 鼓励 【摘要】 ... with不好的儿童很可能导致他在学习academically上的落后和更高的退学率特别是低 www.x****.com - 相关网页评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消



赵慈航 木乃伊是古埃及文明的经典文化标志之一。提到木乃伊,多数人想到的都会是人类木乃伊,然而除此以外,古埃及人还制作了数以百万的动物木乃伊——牛、羊、狒狒、狮子、猫、狗、鬣狗、鱼、蝙蝠、猫头鹰、鳄鱼、鼩鼱、蜣螂、猫鼬、鹮、隼鹰、蛇、蜥蜴等等都可以制成木乃伊。将人类死者制成木乃伊无疑是为了完整保存尸首以期在来世获得永生,相比而言,动物木乃伊的具体目的/用途更为多样,由此大致可分为4类:宠物木乃伊、食品木乃伊、神圣动物木乃伊以及请愿木乃伊。 萨卡拉墓场出土的动物木乃伊 鳄鱼木乃伊(约公元前400-公元100年),纽约大都会博物馆藏。 鱼木乃伊(公元前664年-公元前30年),纽约大都会博物馆藏。 早在古王国时期,宠物便出现在墓室壁画之中,足见其与主人的紧密联系,故在主人去世之后一同埋葬。宠物多是自然死亡,在死后被制作成木乃伊然后放入宠物棺椁之中。先于主人死去的宠物会被直接埋入墓中,较主人更为长寿的则会在死后埋于墓室前庭。唯一明确的宠物殉葬案例来自位于阿拜多斯的第1王朝王陵,值得注意的是这里也发现了古埃及历史上罕见的人殉现象。 作为“食品”的动物木乃伊自然不是供生者食用,而是放置于墓中供墓主人在来世享用:图坦卡蒙墓中就有超过40件食品木乃伊。这种木乃伊也多拥有独立的小棺材,有的放在长方形的盒子之中,也有放在篮子或其他容器中的例子。牛、羊、鸭、雁等都可以制成食品木乃伊,而鱼或猪的食品木乃伊目前尚未发现。哺乳动物的肋排、肉排、腿等身体部分也可木乃伊化,在取用整条腿时会砍掉蹄子,针对禽类则会除去羽毛,砍掉头部、翅尖以及爪子。大部分食品木乃伊出自新王国时期的底比斯。 蛇顶动物木乃伊盒(公元前664-公元前30年),纽约大都会博物馆藏。 神明在古埃及并非抽象的存在,作为某位神祇在现实中的“显现”,神圣动物被视作神明本身,受到崇拜与相应的对待,如孟菲斯的阿比斯神牛(对应神祇:普塔与奥塞里斯)、法尤姆的鳄鱼(对应神祇:索贝克)以及象岛的公羊(对应神祇:赫努姆)。这些神圣动物在死后会被制成木乃伊,放入棺材然后埋入特定的墓地。古埃及人认为寄存于神圣动物的神之灵魂会在动物死后“转生”至另一宿主,由此对神圣动物的崇拜便可延续下去。动物崇拜在史前时期便已出现,流行于新王国时期,在后期埃及与希腊罗马时期达到顶峰。 请愿动物木乃伊则是献给对应神祇的供品,以此永久传达奉供人的愿望。猫木乃伊被献给猫女神巴斯特、狒狒与鹮的木乃伊献给图特、犬科动物的木乃伊则献给阿努比斯。这些请愿木乃伊有专门的制作工坊,请愿者可以自行购买。既然涉及买卖,便有商品优劣等级之分。除了精致程度不同的木乃伊本身,木乃伊盒面具(cartonnage mask)、棺椁等配件,在托勒密时期甚至是工艺复杂的铜铸棺,都可以根据需求购买获得。相应地也存在“假冒伪劣”产品,如未包裹任何动物尸体的“中空”木乃伊或仅裹着动物残骸碎片而非完整尸体的“残次”木乃伊。购买之后,神庙祭司负责将它们献给神明然后保存起来。这些木乃伊会在节日时被取出并参与游行,然后埋入地下墓穴直到下一次庆典。这样的地下墓穴在萨卡拉、阿尔曼特等地都有发现。但是也有学者(如Dieter Kessler)认为,这些动物木乃伊可能仅仅是生活并死于神庙区域内的动物,而非请愿专用。无论如何,现存的动物木乃伊绝大多数属于此类。 蜥蜴顶动物木乃伊盒(公元前664-公元前30年),纽约大都会博物馆藏。 那么如何制作动物木乃伊呢?根据文献记载以及对木乃伊本身的研究可以归纳出5种木乃伊制作方法,其中有些仅应用于动物木乃伊的制作。首先是除脏与干燥法(evisceration and desiccation)。在移除脑子、内脏之后,清理尸体,用水和棕榈酒对尸体进行除臭处理,然后使用泡碱对尸体进行干燥化。人类木乃伊完成这一过程需要耗时40天,动物木乃伊的制作时间则取决动物的大小:如阿比斯神牛需要耗费至少52天。尸体干燥后,内外都会涂满圣油然后以亚麻布进行包裹。以此方法制作的最为精致的动物木乃伊来自第18与21王朝,有猴子、狗、羚羊的木乃伊。第二种是干燥与涂油法(desiccation and anointment),步骤大致为清洗肠道、用泡碱使尸体干燥化、涂油、包裹,亦有将黑色不明物质(树脂、沥青等)浇于尸体之上的情况。这种方法是制作请愿木乃伊所采用的最为普遍的方法。第三种为灌肠法(enemas)。灌肠法并不采用割开尸体取出内脏的形式,而是从肛门处注入松油然后塞住,以此溶解内脏。尸体同样使用泡碱进行干燥化处理,然后移除肛塞,清除体内液体,最后再涂油包裹。第四种为去肉法(defleshing),即除去尸体的肉,然后涂抹油和树脂,最后再进行包裹。采用此方法的动物木乃伊全部出自希腊罗马时期。最后一种方法为浸没法(immersion),这种方法通常适用于禽类木乃伊的制作,即将活禽直接浸入煮沸的树脂/沥青之中,是一种高效、经济的木乃伊制作方式。 猫木乃伊(罗马时期),大英博物馆藏。 动物木乃伊最终的呈现形式也是多样的,某些动物有着“标准化”的姿势,如猴子多呈蹲坐状。蛇木乃伊有时呈盘绕状,也有棍状。牛木乃伊则采用斯芬克斯式的姿势。鸟类木乃伊更是多姿多样:鹮呈坐态,头部或扭曲至腹部或紧贴背部;隼鹰则呈站立姿态,有些隼鹰木乃伊乍看形似站立着的人类,在早期发掘中甚至被误认为人类幼儿。 近年来仍有数量众多的动物木乃伊不断被发掘出来,甚至还发现了罕见的幼狮木乃伊。制作木乃伊是古埃及人追求“永恒”的表现,无论是人类还是动物木乃伊,辅以文献考证与科技实验,都将成为了解古埃及人信仰生活的重要物证。 狒狒木乃伊(托勒密时期),大英博物馆藏。 "赝品”隼鹰木乃伊(约公元前400-公元100年),美国大都会博物馆藏。 参考文献: Salima Ikram, “Divine Creatures: Animal Mummies” in Salima Ikram (ed.), Divine Creatures: Animal Mummies in Ancient Egypt (Cairo, New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005), pp. 1-15. Salima Ikram, “Manufacturing Divinity: The Technology of Mummification” in Salima Ikram (ed.), Divine Creatures: Animal Mummies in Ancient Egypt (Cairo, New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2005), pp. 16-43. 校对:张艳
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  木乃伊,即"人工干尸"。此词译自 英语 mummy,源自波斯语mumiai,意为"沥青"。以下是我为你精心整理的古埃及木乃伊的基本介绍,希望你喜欢。  古埃及的主要种类   古埃及木乃伊   古埃及人认为人死后可以复活,而复活的灵魂需要原先的身体,因此必须保存尸体以供死者来生所需。   制作木乃伊需要先将尸体挖去内脏,浸过盐水,在腹腔填以乳香、桂皮等香料,缝合后把尸体浸入特制的防腐液中,经70天取出,再裹上麻布,填以香料,涂上树脂,就做成了木乃伊。   古代阿拉伯人认为木乃伊可以治病,将它视为药材,并曾经传入中国。明朝李时珍《本草纲目》中曾经记载相关传闻。   现代木乃伊   有名的木乃伊图坦卡门棺椁的开启拉美西斯二世阿蒙霍特普三世马王堆女尸辛追新克罗木乃伊 Chinchorro mummiesRosalia Lombardo(1918-1920),摄于1995年,现存于意大利西西里岛Catacombe dei Cappuccini关契斯人的木乃伊 ( 自然 与人类博物馆, 特内里费)。   不少科学家都希望研究木乃伊技术。一些科学家更制造出u2018现代版的木乃伊u2019 。2011年,英国一名出租车司机病逝后将遗体捐给科学家,科学家以古埃及的方法将其制成木乃伊,制作过程由英国第四频道(Channel 4)拍摄成《把艾伦做成木乃伊》(Mummifying Alan)纪录片。   制作一具现代木乃伊费用高昂。一具普通的现代木乃伊成本约67,000美元。制作一具艺术版的现代木乃伊,成本更可超过数十万美元]。   此外,人体冷冻技术亦被一些学者称为制作现代化的木乃伊技术的一种。   自然木乃伊   自然的木乃伊化是在极端的自然环境下防腐及长久保存尸体。一些尸体在极低温、或酸性、或极干旱、或盐度极高的环境埋葬下, 可以自然长久保存。   科幻中木乃伊   有些科学家希望未来能取得木乃伊的基因后,透过复制技术,把它们的基因复制至新的活人。    动物 木乃伊   除了人类的木乃伊外,在古代和现代,均有动物木乃伊的例子。不少人希望以人工的防腐技术,来保存他们的宠物。   古埃及的制作过程   如果有人死去,他的尸体首先被送到一个被称为“衣部”的地方:专门净化尸体。尸体被苏打水清洗过后,就送到叫“诖拜特”(意为纯洁之地)或“培尔—那非尔”(意为美丽之屋)的地方,完成香料的填充。然后是木乃伊的制作。   关于这方面,希罗多德给我们留下了详尽的资料。   第一,用融化的松脂涂在面部,保护面部形象,防止它干燥得太快。   第二,对脑浆进行处理。工匠将凿子从左边鼻孔塞进去,将筛骨捣碎,再用工具在颅脑中转动破坏脑髓,用一根很细小的长柄勺从鼻孔里伸进 大脑 将脑浆舀出来,最后把一些药物和香料塞进空空的头骨中去。脑浆一般不保存。   第三,取出内脏。胃、肠、肝、肺是在肚皮左侧切口取出的。后有棕油作清洗液,洗净胸腔腹腔。以上器官时而被整齐地包在松脂团里放入木乃伊的腹中,时而分装在有盖小罐里,再放罐入腹中。小罐从古王国到新王国越来越复杂。   开始是些简单的罐盖,中王国时出现有人头形的罐盖。第十八王朝早期,罐盖由神像“荷拉斯的儿子”们守卫着神圣的内脏四器官。但古埃及有忌讳取出心,他们把心看成是智慧的象征,想方设法将其留存在体内。新王国时期的《亡灵书》中就有三个值班人轮流值守心的记载。   第四,脱水。这是很重要的干燥程序。工匠们先填进用布包的泡碱和其他临时填充物,然后把它置于干燥的泡碱粉里约40天,待吸干了水分后,取出里面的填充物,改放用碾碎的没药、桂皮、泡碱、锯末等填充的布包,最后细心地缝上切口,贴上一块画有荷拉斯眼睛的皮,因为古埃及人相信这种皮有强大的愈合力和保护力。   第五, 化妆 整形 ,木乃伊的皮肤为了保持其柔软性,于是选择性地涂上牛奶、葡萄酒、香料、蜂蜡、松脂和柏油混合物,给皮肤 美容 。木乃伊的眼睛则用亚麻和石头填上,非常生动、形象。干尸上最后涂一层松脂防潮,化妆师还在木乃伊的面颊上扑上一层胭脂红,头上戴好编辫的假发套,穿好衣服,配上最好的珠宝。   第六,包裹。埃及人认为包扎尸体是充满险恶的,于是就以祷告伴随整个包裹过程(一般为15天)。包扎尸体的手每动一下,就伴有一次庄严的祈祷或神奇的符咒,同时把护身条符放在亚麻绷带间。他们很重视将其放在心脏位置处,而护身符一般都用绿色石头做成圣甲虫或人心的形状,上面刻着“保持死者的心,使它不产生危害主人的东西”之类的词句。其他的护身符则紧贴放在木乃伊身体上,或裹进亚麻布里。   第七、木乃伊迎接他的卡。时间一般为70天。之后,阿努比斯神灵就秘密地把木乃伊送还他的家人,等待下葬。   古埃及的制作方法   1、立即把最易腐烂的内脏部分掏出。通常是在尸体的左侧切开一个口子,把肝、肺、胃和肠子等内脏全部拿出来,把死亡物的脑髓通过筛骨从鼻孔中抽出,但心脏不拿。因为古代埃及人认为,心脏是思维和理解的器官,必须留在体内。   2、对内脏和体腔进行防腐处理,先用棕榈酒或椰枣酒将它们彻底清洗消毒,然后在内脏上撒一层捣碎的香料,把它们放进四个坛子里存放起来;对于消毒后的体腔,先填进用布包的泡碱和其它临时填充物,然后把它放置于干燥的泡碱粉里约四十天,待吸干了水分后,取出里面的填充物,改放用碾碎的没药、桂皮、泡碱、锯末等填充的布包,最后细心地缝上刀口,贴上一块画有荷拉斯眼睛的皮,因为古埃及人相信这种皮有强大的愈合力和保护力。   3、将已处理过的尸体涂上一层油膏或松香溶液,然后用白色亚麻布将指、掌、脚和驱干依次裹起来,死者的鼻子有时会因抽取脑髓而遭到破坏,这时要安上一个木制的假鼻子,眼窝里也要用布堵上或安上人造眼睛。
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古埃及人主要系用泡碱;一种砂漠嘅岩盐,系碳酸钠同碳酸氢钠嘅合成物去处理尸体。但我强调,泡碱并非香料。 回答楼主提问,处理尸体需要用嘅香料有:没药、玉桂、香柏油、松香。 而其他非香料但又需要用嘅有:沥青、焦油、赭石、树脂、棕榈酒、麻布。 参考: Discovery channel、 *** /wiki/mummies 这种香料叫百里香 or Times。 木乃伊是在人工防腐情况下或自然条件下可以长久保存的尸体。木乃伊一词源自波斯语,原义为蜡,欧洲人用来指古埃及涂抹防腐香料保存至今的尸体,中国自明代以来将其音译为木乃伊。 古埃及人认为人死后可以复活,而复活的条件是保存尸体。 制作木乃伊需要先将尸体挖去内脏,浸过盐水,在腹腔填以乳香、桂皮等香料,缝合后把尸体浸入特制的防腐液中,经70天取出,再裹上麻布,填以香料,涂上树脂,就做成了木乃伊。 古埃及人相信灵魂在人死后仍会存在 而完整的尸体便是灵魂在来世的地方 因此 他们以特别方法令尸体可长以保存.我们称这些尸体为「木乃伊」. 古埃及人会根据死者的容貌制造一具安放尸体的人形棺木.又会用细小的瓶子来盛载死者的内脏. 在古埃及 只有祭司才能制造木乃伊 而制木乃伊的过程约长达70天.由于制造木乃伊费用昂贵 除需要香料、名种药品及护身符 更要用上大量优质的亚麻布 因此 只有法鲁及贵族才能货担. 参考: me
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最早的木乃伊是不是埃及的阿 是多少年前的?

最早的木乃伊 (人所共知的埃及木乃伊带给我们无限的神秘和猜测,然而是谁最早赋予木乃伊永恒的魅力的呢?是埃及人吗?) (那些安第斯妇女们是不是第一个将夭折的孩子制成木乃伊的呢?) 对南美期恩科诺文化的研究表明,人们最早将尸体木乃伊化,可追溯到7000多年以前。由于那时生存环境还比较恶劣,小孩子经常夭折。母亲们为了哀悼这些早早离她们而去的骨肉,就将他们做成了木乃伊。不久前,在智利北部的阿卡塔玛沙漠和秘鲁南部发现的成百上千的保存良好的木乃伊,证实了这一猜想。这批木乃伊中,年头儿最长的就是一群小孩儿。 专门从事木乃伊研究的埃及学学家朱安*弗莱得认为,期恩科诺的妇女们之所以将她们的孩子做成木乃伊,目的很简单,就是为了保存并留住他们。在距智利的埃瑞卡南部97公里处,有一个名叫卡玛若内的小山谷,在哪儿发现了迄今为止最为古老的木乃伊。这具木乃伊是个小孩儿,经过放射性碳的鉴定,时间推断在大约公元前5050年左右。当然了,人们甚至还在沙漠之中找到了年代更为久远的干尸,大概有10000年的高龄呢!可这些老古董毕竟是在沙漠的干热气候条件下才得以自然风存的,比起蕴涵着社会文化的手工作品来,总是少了些耐人寻味的价值。 期恩科诺是太平洋海岸的一个渔业社会,地处今天的智利和秘鲁边界。研究人员认为,期恩科诺人最早掌握了木乃伊技术,比我们如今谈论最多的埃及木乃伊还要提前了2000多年呢。 木乃伊的制作过程非常繁杂。首先要取出肠子和内脏并掏空血肉,再重新弄好骨架,用小棍儿固定;然后在原来的内脏器官的位置,填充黏土和干枯的植物。脑袋也要切下来单独进行加工,先是掏空,再用草、毛发和烟灰塞实,完成后才能安回身上去。皮肤处理时,索性就用海狮皮代替,再用粉红色的鹈鹕皮将一些缝隙填满。最后,在整具尸体上糊上厚厚的灰浆塑型,再用黑锰或红锗等颜料进行漆涂。这样,一具木乃伊就算大功告成了。当然,有时候,期恩科诺人还会在木乃伊的头上安个面具或假发之类的装饰品。 看到期恩科诺人如此费尽心思地保存死者,有时甚至还要在脸上反复好几次涂漆。人们不禁疑惑,为什么要这样大费周折呢?科学家们对此作出了解释,那些木乃伊原本就是制作出来后,摆在某个地方供奉的,因此在周围环境的侵蚀下,会产生一些损坏,比如颜色的剥落,所以就需要进行多次上色。 弗莱得提到,"有些木乃伊的脚部,有明显的损坏痕迹,这就说明了他们曾一度竖立于沙土之中,有可能是被当作敬奉的对象。"经过一段时期的摆放后,这些木乃伊将最终将和其他社员或家庭成员一起下葬。 在埃及,只有皇室和贵族才有资格在死后被做成木乃伊而保存下来。期恩科诺人却显然和埃及的做法大相径庭。弗莱得研究发现,期恩科诺是个没有歧视的平等社会,无论男女老少,阶级种族,在死亡面前人人都享有"民主"。 从对小孩儿、婴儿以及那些未及迎接世界的胎儿的特殊处理中,我们不难看出期恩科诺人对他们的关切之情。如果说,第一个制作木乃伊的人真的是位伤痛欲绝的母亲的话,那她一定是在祈求神灵赋予她的孩子重生的机会。
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木乃伊1 介绍英文翻译

1719年,埃及古城底比斯邪恶的巫师,强尼·戴普的照片,霍阿这位法老的妻子阿克苏Namu浪漫露出来的。阿克苏Namu自杀,而Ai Mohuo汉Munai特朗普绝望的死亡Putra -亵渎神的城市的移动。 因为他的可耻的行为,他是个彻头彻尾的咒诅也会转为僵尸,但它永远不会死。只有他分解身体消失了,他将会成为释放。当Ai Mohuo戴普一起的尖叫、不要怕将已奠定了一定的咒诅连同他的恶、报复的心里越来越强大在黑暗中。 霍阿特朗普宁死也不生活在一个3000年。在1923年,活跃的军事人员Ruikeoukang,他的同志本尼(凯文Onicon,打了一个胜仗已经摇摇晃晃地走Munai Putra汉的废墟。几年后,当Onicon在监里等候审判将几乎可以肯定,汉Munai Putra突然觉得自己知道的可能能够保存的废墟,也充满了自己的生命。传说中,Putra汉Munai埋下了大量的财富,财富猎人和地理学家疯了这个传说。Onicon几乎没有找到那个美丽的埃及科学家同事林毅夫(拉结Erwei Ci)和她的兄弟吉恩内森(约翰)。三个离开开罗,来到以尼罗河,穿过了撒哈拉沙漠,和一组军事遇到恶意。 他们并不孤单,在路上,他们也发现了一组美国游骑兵,他们有共同的目标,以及Adesibei(欧执行保护宗教信仰的一个组织,以防止墓葬地新生神秘的阿特霍士兵的领袖,而且阻止他们。贪婪的美国寻宝人咒诅地打开。不出所料,霍阿特朗普可怕的形式和权力的木乃伊。他的力量却不能想象中,他是能够瘟疫爆发在埃及已经流行在地上了。探险者们成为受害者的木乃伊诅咒。 存活者必须是最后的绝望的尝试停止妈妈完全重生到成为不可战胜的邪恶势力,也能够预防,人工智能Mohuo林毅夫,强尼·戴普的照片的妻子:Namu席卷阿克苏地区。 林毅夫Ai Mohuo戴普将回到“死亡城市”举行仪式,阿克苏Namu复苏。O "Connor行人被紧急送往了(“死亡城市”,他们发现太阳神如以下“太阳国王“通过激烈的战斗,造成这些木乃伊要拯救世界。 最后,林毅夫,也"Connor阿恋人结婚……
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1.登场的英文短语:go on stage;come on stage; be carried to the threshing ground; come on the scene2.表场地的英文及例句area; field; siteThey"ve set aside a small area as a children"s playground and staked it off.他们划出一小块地皮用于建造儿童游乐场, 并在周围打上了木桩。Riverway treatment is a traditional and pragmatical engineering of an ancient and active field.河道治理是传统实用的工程,是一个古老而活跃的领域They found some gold coins and mummies in the lowest level of the site.他们在发掘现场的最下层找到一些金币和几具木乃伊3.以上提到的场地,在具体语境中可以按照实际情况翻译,表示”登“这一类动词,一般用go, come,等
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2023-08-03 04:47:062


仅仅知道 经过X光检测得知,这是一具年轻男性的木乃伊 资料来源于卢浮宫官网 既然官网上没说,那就是无名氏了以下可自行翻译 我就不凑热闹了Mummy in painted shroudDepartment of Egyptian Antiquities: Roman Egypt (30 BC - AD 392)NextworkEgyptian Antiquities Roman Egypt (30 BC - AD 392)Author(s):Marie-France AubertThe painted shroud is wrapped tightly around the mummy and the wood plank on which it rests. The portrait represents a young man inside a naos coffin. A painted mesh pattern covers the body from the waist to the calves. X-ray examinations reveal that the boy probably died at the age of 16 or 17. This is a rare example from Antinoe of a painted shroud still wrapped around a mummy.Portrait of an adolescentThe young man is depicted standing and facing forward. The face, unfortunately incomplete, is oval-shaped, with a pointed chin and very large eyes. His hair is arranged as a skullcap with two locks forming small wings on the side. This associates the deceased with Hermes, the Greek god who guided souls to the afterlife. The head stands out from a light gray rectangular background. The figure is dressed in two overlapping white tunics and a white cloak. The two necklines are clearly represented. The tunic underneath is decorated with a blue-gray clavii, the second one with a purple clavii that extends to the hem. The white cloak covers the left shoulder and crosses the chest. The folds are indicated by long white and light ocher brushstrokes. The figure holds a wreath of roses, an attribute of one who has been deemed worthy by Osiris, in his left hand. His right hand is closed; the thumb and index finger are touching, in a gesture of prayer that originated in Greece.An architectural decor made of stuccoAbove the naos enclosing the deceased is a frieze of a uraeus and a stucco solar disk or a winged scarab, now missing. A second uraeus frieze and a winged solar disk are painted above the mesh pattern. Gilded stucco dots, some of which are still on the piece, complete the decor. White motifs on a red mesh background form a pattern of diamonds framing rosettes of white dots. Along the sides are painted vignettes framed in red, representing the stages in the voyage from death to afterlife. These are still more or less visible; some are painted in an Egyptian style, while others are Hellenistic in design. The shroud is very wide; hence, some of the vignettes are folded back and hidden under the mummy.A mummy in its shroudThe pictorial technique used on the face is excellent: volumes, darks, and lights are rendered with brushstrokes of pink, brown, and white. The bust is the most carefully rendered section and was painted with encaustic; a distemper binder was used for the rest of the piece.This mummy illustrates how the painted shrouds from Antinopolis were wrapped. Most of the time, these shrouds have been removed from mummies and are now exhibited flat, like paintings.
2023-08-03 04:47:161


We don"t have time for subtle. 我们没时间精打细算。 If a man does not embrace his past, he has no future. 如果一个人无法接受过去,他就没有未来。 My friend, there is a fine line between coincidence and fate. 朋友,巧合和命运只有一线之隔。 Imhotep:It is time to remind you of who you are and of who we are together.For our love is a true love,an eternal love,our souls mated together as one forever.伊莫顿:该记起你是谁了,该想起我们的过去了,因为我们真的很相爱,永远的相爱,我们的灵魂相偎相依,直到永远。小姐,我爸妈都拿我没辙,你凭什么以为我会听你的?闭嘴!因为你爸妈不会在你睡觉的时候,放毒蛇到你床上。欺负男人不觉得丢脸吗?巨神阿努比斯…收走了我的法力,看来他希望我以凡人的身份…来决斗。现在你相信了吧?朋友,冥冥中注定,你是来保护她的。  对啊!她是转世的公主,我是上神的战士。  而你儿子是到阿姆谢的向导,像金字塔的三面,这都是前世注定的。  故事的结局呢?  只有写过程,没有写结局。  偷懒。  不然你怎么解释伊芙的幻觉,为什么是你儿子戴上手镯,你怎么解释你手腕的记号?  巧合。  朋友,巧合和命运只有一线之隔。 好厉害哦!瞄的真准。  你在说什么,我瞄歪了。  我想上厕所。  上快点,快点!  还有厕所文学。  快点!  有人看着我尿不出来,我不相信你,你会偷看。 Ardeth Bay: Wherever this man is, your wife will surely be. [Alex rips the picture out of Ardeth"s hands] Alex: Hey, I know him. He"s the curator. He works at the British Museum. Ardeth Bay: Are you sure? Rick: You better believe him, he spends more time there then he does at home. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alex: Hey. The Book of the Dead. Meela: What a bright little child. Your mother must be missing you terribly. If you wish to see her again, you better behave. Alex: Lady, I don"t behave for my parents, what makes you think I"m going to do it for you? Lock-Nah: Silence! Meela: Because your parents wouldn"t slip poisonous snakes in your bed while you were sleeping. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[witnessing Imhotep"s resurrection] Rick: You know, a couple of years ago, this would have seemed really strange to me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alex: My dad is going to kick your ass. Imhotep: I do not think so. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick: This is bad, Evy. Evelyn: We"ve had bad before. Rick: This is worse. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Izzy: [to Rick] Whatever it is, whatever you need, I don"t care. Forget it, O"Connell. Every time I hook up with you, I get shot. Last time I got shot in the ass. I"m in mourning for my ass! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alex: Are we there yet? Lock-Nah: No. Alex: Are we there yet? Lock-Nah: No. Alex: Are we there yet? Lock-Nah: No. Alex: Are we... [Lock-Nah stabs his knife right between Alex"s fingers] Alex: Whoa, that was amazing! Perfect aim. Lock-Nah: What are you talking about? I missed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jonathan: I told you. I told you. Meela: And your point is...? Jonathan: My point is, I told you so you wouldn"t kill me. Meela: When did we make that arrangement? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jacques: This place... is cursed. Red: What is it with you and curses? Spivey: He ain"t happy without a good curse. [mockingly] Spivey: This is cursed. That is cursed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick: Honey, whatcha doing? These guys don"t use doors. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick: [about the fire torch Evie is holding] You know if you move that fast enough, you can almost write your name? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[after crashing through London and fighting off the Mummy soldiers] Rick: You all right? Ardeth Bay: This was my first bus ride. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evelyn: Jonathan. Jonathan: Yes? Evelyn: That"s my husband and my son down there. Make me proud. Jonathan: Today"s that day, Evy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evelyn: No harm ever came from opening a chest Rick: Yeah, right, and no harm ever came from reading a book. You remember how that one went? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ardeth Bay: There is a fine line between coincidence and fate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alex: Sucker weighs a goddang ton. Evelyn: Alex, watch your language! Alex: Rather weighty, this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Rick opens up his trunk] Rick: You want the shotgun? Ardeth Bay: No, I prefer the Thompson. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick: Okay, now you"re starting to scare me. Evelyn: Now I"m starting to scare myself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick: [O"Connell sees mummified soldiers destroying his car] No, no, not my car! Oh, I hate mummies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Izzy: This thing was filled with gas. Not hot air - gas. I need gas to get this thing off the ground. Where am I gonna get gas from around here? Huh? Bananas? Mangos? Tarzan"s ass? Well maybe I can finagle it to take hot air. But do you know how many cubic meters I"d need? I mean, it"s too big! Rick: If anybody can fill this thing up with hot air, Izzy... it"s you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick: Alex? Alex: What were you thinking, a mummy had come back to life? Rick: I"ll tell you a story some time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evelyn: Alex, I"m serious, if you"ve lost that key, you"re grounded. Alex: I haven"t lost it, I just can"t find it. There"s a difference. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Rick comes in and sees Jonathan being interrogated by thugs] Rick: Uh, hello. Jonathan, I thought I said no more wild parties. Jonathan: Well, when you"re popular... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick: Knowing my brother-in-law, he probably deserves whatever you"re about to do to him. But this is my house. I have certain rules about snakes and dismemberment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick: What"d you do this time? Jonathan: Well, I haven"t done anything to anybody. [bullets fly through the door] Jonathan: ...lately. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick: Okay - you"re here, the bad guys are here, Evy"s been kidnapped. Let me guess... Ardeth Bay: Yes, they once again removed the creature from his grave. Jonathan: I don"t mean to point fingers, but isn"t it your job to make sure that doesn"t happen? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Izzy: O"Connell, if you give me that gold stick there, you can shave my head, wax my legs, and use me for a surfboard. Rick: Didn"t we do that in Tripoli? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ardeth Bay: If a man does not embrace his past, he has no future. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baltus Hafez, the Curator: [after the Scorpion King grabs him] My lord, save me. Save me. Imhotep: Why? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jonathan: Pull me up. Pull me up. [he sees the huge diamond on top of the pyramid] Jonathan: Wait, wait. Let me down. Let me down. Rick: It"s not worth your life, you idiot. Jonathan: Yes, it is. Yes, it is. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Izzy: O"Connell, who the hell you been messing with this time, huh? Rick: Oh, you know, the usual. Mummies, pygmies, big bugs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[after their narrow escape, Izzy cheers wildly, then rounds on O"Connell] Izzy: [furious] O"Connell, you almost got me killed! Rick: [shrugs weakly] At least you didn"t get shot. [Izzy is about to say more, when Evie grabs him and smothers his face with kisses] Evelyn: Izzy, thank you! Thank you! Izzy: [considerably more mellow] O"Connell, who the hell you been messing with this time, huh? Rick: Oh, you know, the usual. Mummies, pygmies, big bugs.
2023-08-03 04:47:241


1719 BC, the Egyptian city of Thebes, the evil wizard埃默霍Stepp and his wife, pharaoh娜姆Akesu expose the affair. Aksu娜姆suicide, and despair at埃默霍Stepp汉姆奈Putra - City of Death act of desecration of the gods. Since his disgraceful actions, he was the ultimate curse would become zombies, but will never die. Only when the decomposed body of his disappearance he would be freed. When Stepp埃默霍compliance with the sarcophagus and the screaming fear, the curse has been laid along with his evil, revenge in the hearts of more and more powerful in the dark. 埃默霍Stepp生不如死to over 3000. In 1923, active military personnel that瑞克欧康(布兰登法拉瑟) and comrade-in-arms Benny (Kevin欧康it) in a battle once hobbled through the ruins are汉姆奈Putra. Few years later, when欧康then in prison awaiting a trial will almost certainly suddenly feel that they know Putra汉姆奈may be a way to save the ruins of their own fate. In the legend, buried汉姆奈Putra substantial wealth, treasure hunters and geographer for the legend and the madness.欧康find it almost is not the beauty of Egypt associates艾弗琳of Jurists (尔薇茨Rachel) and her brother Jean Nathan (John it). The trio left the Cairo, came to the Nile, crossing the Sahara desert, and with a team of military encounters with malice. They are not alone On the road, they also found a group of American Rangers and they have the same purpose, there are阿德斯贝(Eurostat may Fairbanks), a group of the protection of religious cemeteries to prevent the rebirth of the mysterious埃默霍Stepp the leader of the soldiers, but also stop them. Greedy American treasure hunters lifted the curse of the underground. As predicted, Stepp埃默霍terrible forces to show the form for the mummy. His strength can not imagine that he will be able to Egypt once again at the outbreak of the plague epidemic land. Explorer who became the victim of the mummy curse. The survival of people who must be the last desperate attempt to stop the mummy completely reborn become an invincible force of evil, but also to prevent艾弗琳become Stepp埃默霍think of lovers:娜姆Aksu. 埃默霍Depp will be back艾弗琳"dead city" held to allow Akzo娜姆resurrection ceremony. Connor also went to one pedestrian "dead city", they find the Titan, like the following the "gold by the sun", through the fierce battle, killing the mummies to save the world. Finally,艾弗琳and Connor lovers also married ... ...
2023-08-03 04:47:322


2023-08-03 04:47:552

翻译 英语翻译

Taxonomy reveals a great deal about the evolutionary relationships among organisms. A clade is a taxonomic unit whose members are derived from a common ancestor.分类学揭示了物种间进化的大量关系。进化枝中的成员来自一个共同的祖先。
2023-08-03 04:48:282


隔山有眼 致命弯道、 这个最经典了。
2023-08-03 04:48:398


2023-08-03 04:48:571


  lz看看是哪个吧~这是小神龙俱乐部历年播放的动画 ~  拉昂Rahan  翰墨(汉墨) Hammerman  N队长 Captain N The Game Master  泰山2 tarzan  美猴王  邦卡猫 Bonkers  下课后Recess  麦德兰Madeline  波波安Pepper Ann  双龙记DOUBLE DRAGON  金花鼠Alvin and the Chipmunks  桑德坎 The Princess and the Pirate/SandoKan  绿巨人Hulk  阿拉丁Aladdin  鲨鱼侠Street Sharks  海宝来了  香蕉超人 BananaMan  夜行神龙Gargoyles  恐龙家族 Dinosaurs  高飞家族 Goof Troop  猎犬汤恩Dogtanian  职业明星 PRO Stars  阿德日记 Disney"s Doug  街头鲨鱼 Street Sharks  深夜大盗The Nighthood  悲惨世界Les Misérables  星际恐龙 Extreme Dinosaur  梦境巡警 Captain Zed and the Zee Zone  神偷卡门Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?  阿历克斯德国动画:Philipp die maus / 英文名:Philipp the mouse  小鬼迪克 Hobberdy Dick / 日本名:妖精ディック  极端力量Ultraforce  巨鸭奇兵 Mighty Ducks  阿福世界 The Wacky World of Tex Avery  长尾马修 Marsupilami  大力水手(第二部) Popeye  绿野仙踪The Wizard of OZ  色拉王国日本名:サラダ十勇士トマトマン  小美人鱼The Little Mermaid  星际宝贝Lilo & Stitch  地球超人 Captain Planet and the Planeteers  魔法手套Wish Kid starring Macaulay Culkin  阿福世界 The Wacky World of Tex Avery  海绵宝宝Spongebob  霹雳特警猫 Swat Kats  木乃伊战士Mummies Alive  斯威切小姐 Miss Switch  救难小福星 Chip N Dale  捉鬼敢死队Show Summary  捉鬼特工队The Real Ghostbusters  狡猾飞天德Darkwing Duck  鸭宝宝休易 Baby Huey  水獭小宝贝PB&J Otter  怪鸭历险记Count Duckula  奈德梦游记 Nightmare Ned  归乡历险记 Dungeons & Dragons The Complete Animated Series  航空小英雄 Tale Spin  穿靴子的猫 Puss in Boots  守护神哈特 Magical Hat  汤姆历险记The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / 日本名:トム?ソーヤーの冒険  音速三兄妹 Sonic Underground (SU,US/France)  小龙大功夫  课间好时光  不来梅四重奏  蔬果村的故事Nutsberry Town  华斯比历险记The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin  三个喜剧演员 Three Stooges  快乐城的小丑 Little Clowns of Happy Town  唐老鸭俱乐部 Ducktales  聪明的小矮人 Wisdom of the Gnomes  妙妙熊历险记Adventures of the Gummi Bears  101斑点狗精选 One Hundred and One Dalmatians / 101 Dalmatians  大力士海格力斯Hercules  克里斯梦游美洲 Neverending Story  彭彭丁满历险记 The Lion King  小熊维尼历险记 The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh  魔法少女莎琳娜Sabrina the Animated Series  蒙美萨的牛仔们Wild West COWboys of the Moo Mesa  海狸爸爸讲故事 Papa Beaver"s Story Time  伯恩斯坦的小熊 The Becenstain Beacs  丹佛,最后的恐龙Denver, the Last Dinosaur  刺猬索尼克历险记 Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (AoStH, US)  索尼克外传/索尼克Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM, US)  加菲猫和他的朋友们 Garfield and Friends  聪明的沃里,他在哪? Where"s Wally/Waldo?  亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士Arthur and the square knights of the round table  斯达拉公主和宝石骑士 Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders  特兰西瓦尼亚的宠物商店Dr Zitbag"s Transylvania Pet Shop/又名:Dr. Pickels Horrorshow  瓦利安特王子传奇/英勇王子传奇 The Legend of Prince Valiant
2023-08-03 04:49:051


2023-08-03 04:49:396

英语作文mysteries in the world 现象:1981年,一艘船经过百慕大三角的时候

Everybody knows that Egypt is regarded as one of the Four Great Nations.And besides this,Egypt has lots of mysteries,such as Pyrmids and Mummies which are so special in the world.Egypt is also famous for its scenery and history.When we talk about the Pyrmids in Egypt, we can"t help asking the questions how the ancient Egyptians built them up without the modern devices.Some people say that the Pyrmids in Egypt were built up by the creature from Mars traveling to the earth by UFO.But we are short of evidence to prove it.
2023-08-03 04:49:541


【 #英语资源# 导语】初中生的校园生活算的上是多姿多彩了,可以是社团活动,可以是各种比赛,英语演讲比赛也就在此之中。以下是 为大家精心整理的高中生英语演讲稿【五篇】,欢迎大家阅读。 【篇一】高中生英语演讲稿   Many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling sad or bored.I,too,have favorite places that I go to as often as I can.   Here are the three places that I like most.First of all,I like the zoo.The animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly!I like to pet them,feed them and watch them perform.Museums are cool places,too.They have good exhibits and fascinating displays.I like the works of art there.Some museumsteach me a lot about history and science.From dinosaus to robots,I love it all.Finally,theme parks are a blast.I love to go on the wild rides.I think the roller coasters are the best.It"s fun to scream and get scared.   These places always cheer me up.I tyr to go to each of my favorite places once a year.I am going to find more favorite places to go to when I grow up. 【篇二】高中生英语演讲稿   Do you know what mottos are?They are things people say that have a special meaning.I have a super motto and it works like magic.My motto is “Just do your best.”   I say it all the time.My motto guides me everyday.It"s very helpful to me.It helps me face challenges and takes away my wories.It makes me feel stronger,too.For example,I was sick on a day that I had an important test.I was very nervous and afraid,so I told myself,“Just do your best.”Then I tried my best.I gave it one hundred percent and I did a great job. 【篇三】高中生英语演讲稿   Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind;   it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.   Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.   This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.   Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.   Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.   Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.   Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being"s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing appetite for what"s next and the joy of the game of living.   In the center of your heart and my heart, there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, courage and power from man and from the infinite, so long as you are young.   When your aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you"ve grown old, even at 20;   but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there"s hope you may die young at 80. 【篇四】高中生英语演讲稿   As we all know, the most important thing in life is our attitude towards it, tons of men have tried different ways of treating life, and some succeeded, some failed, and here are some of the tips they left us.   Life isn"t about keeping score. Life isn"t about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin. In fact it"s not about if you have lots of friends or if you are alone, and it"s not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. Life just isn"t about that.   But life is about whom you love and who you hurt. It"s about how you feel about yourself. It"s about trust, happiness and compassion. It"s about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love. Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance and building confidence. It"s about what you say and what you mean. It"s about seeing people for who they are and not what they have. And we should always remember to be ourselves. Other might have things that we desire but being what we really are is the only trail leading to the true colors of life. Most of all, it"s about choosing to use your life to touch someone else"s in a way that could have never been achieved otherwise.   The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers; we buy more but enjoy them less. We"ve learnt how to make a living but not a life, we"ve added years to life, but not life to years. And it is time for us to choose whether to make a difference in our life. 【篇五】高中生英语演讲稿   I believe I can fly! Maybe you think that I am a crazy person or something. Well, actually “I believe I can fly” is the name of a song, which is my favorite English song. The reason why I like this song is the song brings me courage to make my dreams come true. Just like the song say “I believe I can fly! I believe I can touch the sky”。 You know I still dream about being a witch like Harry Potter and live in the wizardly world, to use my powers to save the day, like stopping the World Trade center from falling down, or stopping the war on Iraq…I know being a witch is impossible, but to make our world a better place is definitely possible.   Besides being a witch I also want to be an archaeologist, an Egyptologist. I want to go to Egypt, to discover the beauty of this ancient civilization. I think about it day and night, I see myself standing beside the pyramid, and working in the desert with mummies and sarcophagus. Maybe the dream is kind of far away from me. But I believe that one day my dream will indeed come true.   Finally, I want to tell you all that I always keep saying to myself: “I believe I can fly!” And now I am standing on this stage, and I believe I can make it!
2023-08-03 04:50:041

十年后我的生活 英语作文 my life in ten yeas 带汉语

Now I have finished my education in primary shcool and ten years later ,I will gratuate from college, which I hope is Macao University,for the reason that the History Department of it is very famous in China. I love history of the world,especially history of Egypt.What I hope for is that one day I can go around the world for visit and investigation. What"s more,if there"s one day that I can visit Egypt,I"ll have a research on the mummies in the Pyramid.In order to realize my dream of being a archaeologist or a researcher, I"ll study very hard when I am in university.Besides,I"ll work very hard on my English,because Egyptians are speaking English nowadays, and with the ability of speaking English freely,I"ll be able to travel around the world and investigate a lot of historic sites. As I just mentioned above,this is my life in 10 years, 我现在结束了小学教育课程,再过10年,我就大学毕业了,那所大学我希望是澳门大学,因为那里的历史系是全国著名的.我的愿望就是有一天可以去各地参观考察.我喜欢世界历史,特别是埃及的历史,如果有一天我可以去埃及,我就考察金字塔中的木乃伊.在大学中,我一定要好好学习,努力成为一名考古学家或者是一名研究员,这样就可以实现我的梦想.还有,埃及人现在讲英语,我更应该学好英语,方便和他人沟通.我将来一定要环游世界,考察许多历史古迹,这就是我十年后的生活.
2023-08-03 04:50:131


新疆塔里木的干尸“小河公主”流传甚广,小河墓地的发掘也曾被评为2004年度“中国十大考古新发现”之一。然而“小河公主”到底是哪里人却一直是考古谜团。伊弟利斯·阿不都热苏勒和李文瑛在一篇文章中曾如此描述:从外观看,小河墓地是一座椭圆形的沙山,高出地表7米余,长74、宽35米。沙山表面密密丛丛矗立胡杨木柱百余根,远远望去,犹如沙海中的一区丛林。伊弟利斯·阿不都热苏勒为原新疆维吾尔自治区文物考古研究所所长、研究员,李文瑛当时为新疆维吾尔自治区文物考古研究所副所长、研究员,现任所长。他们所描述的小河墓地最早发现于上世纪三十年代,2000年后被再度探寻,最终引起国内外学术界的广泛关注。然后,包括在塔里木盆地在内的新疆发现的这些史前干尸,留给外界的谜团颇多。尤其是他们酷似白人的外表特征、毡制和编织的羊毛服装,以及可观察到的农业畜牧经济,包括牛、羊、小麦、大麦、小米,甚至是开菲尔(Kefir)奶酪,诸多的“西方”元素让科学家们长期以来对其神秘起源感到困惑。北京时间10月27日23时,顶级学术期刊《自然》(Nature)在线发表了由中德美韩四国团队组成的合作团队完成的研究,题为《青铜时代塔里木盆地干尸的基因组起源》(The genomic origins of the Bronze Age Tarim Basin mummies)。研究的通讯作者之一为吉林大学生命科学学院教授崔银秋,李文瑛也是此项研究的作者。研究团队分析了18具干尸的基因组DNA:13具来自新疆南部塔里木盆地小河文化,可追溯至青铜时代中期(大约公元前2100-前1700年),5具来自新疆北部准噶尔盆地,可追溯至青铜时代早期(公元前3000-前2800年),这是首次对新疆地区史前人口进行基因组规模研究。研究团队在论文中也提到,这些个体代表了该地区迄今为止挖掘出的最早的人类遗骸。全基因组分析显示,塔里木盆地发现的这些青铜时代干尸属于一支遗传上独立的本地人群。他们并不是外来者,而是曾经广泛分布的更新世群体的直系后代,而这些群体在上个冰河世纪末期基本消失了。这一群体被称为古代北欧亚混血人(ANE),在当今人口的基因组中只存活了一小部分。这些发现否定了此前的种种假设,即这些干尸来自从现今西伯利亚、阿富汗北部或中亚山区迁徙而来的人群后代。《自然》还同期发表了由纳扎尔巴耶夫大学人类学和社会学系的Paula N. Doumani Dupuy撰写的新闻与观点文章中,Dupuy进一步探讨了本文的关键发现,及其对亚洲内陆史前史的意义。她认为,研究团队“回答了小河文化的遗传起源。现在要靠学者们努力合作,进一步解释界定了亚洲内陆青铜时代的动态及多样化的文化交流模式”。东西文化交汇亚欧重要枢纽新疆作为丝绸之路的一部分,地处东西方文化的交汇处,长期以来一直是亚欧各国人民、文化、农业、语言交流的重要枢纽。东西走向的天山山脉横贯新疆的东西,分隔出了地理上的北疆和南疆。北疆有准噶尔盆地,南疆则包括塔里木盆地。研究团队在论文中写道,北疆的准噶尔盆地的中央是古尔班通古特沙漠(Gurbantünggüt),它的周围是大片草原,传统上居住着游牧民族。南疆的塔里木盆地是一个干燥的内海,现在形成了塔克拉玛干沙漠。虽然大部分地区不适宜居住,但塔里木盆地也有小绿洲和河流,这些是由周围高山融化的冰川和积雪形成的。值得注意的是,相比古埃及精心制作的木乃伊,新疆的干尸均是自然形成。一位考古领域的专家对澎湃新闻记者表示,“新疆的干尸很多,各个时期的都有,主要是气候干燥造成的。”论文提到,在塔里木盆地各处发现的干尸中,最早的是古墓沟墓地(公元前2135-前1939年)、小河墓地(公元前1884-前1736年)和北方墓地(公元前1785-前1664年)墓葬底层发现的干尸。这些和相关的青铜器时代遗址基于其共同的物质文化被归类到小河考古范围内。小河墓地俯瞰图。图片来自新疆文物考古研究所李文瑛伊弟利斯·阿不都热苏勒、李文瑛等人早期执笔撰写的《新疆罗布泊小河墓地2003年发掘简报》中描述到,小河墓地位于罗布泊地区孔雀河下游河谷以南约60公里的荒漠之中,东距楼兰故城约102公里,西南距阿拉干36公里。1934年,瑞典考古学家贝格曼在当地向导——70多岁的罗布泊猎人奥尔得克的引导下,在沙海中苦苦寻觅了数十天,最终如愿找到当时民间传说中的有“一千口棺材”的墓地,即我们今天所说的“小河墓地”,并首次在此处发掘墓葬12座。贝格曼离去之后,60余年间,小河墓地深藏在罗布泊荒漠一隅,无后继者能够抵达。2002年底,新疆文物考古研究所开始了小河墓地的调查工作,并且试掘4座墓葬。2003年12月,小河墓地全面发掘开始,至2004年3月,共发掘墓葬33座。2004年9月至2005年3月,新疆文物考古研究所与吉林大学边疆考古研究中心合作,发掘墓葬130座,最终完成对整个墓地的发掘,小河墓地共发掘墓葬167座,出土文物数以千计。小河墓葬的埋葬很有特点,不同于亚洲内陆任何其他类型的埋葬习俗。每个墓都有一个立木,形成了一个像干枯的胡杨林一样的景象。墓葬是一个个牛皮包裹着的棺材,有的悬挂着牛头,有的随葬有牛头。揭开牛皮以后,就是一块一块的小盖板盖在上面,去掉小盖板,里面的尸体就暴露出来了。棺材是简单的两个侧板,前后挡头挡尾,这样正好把它铆了起来。小河墓地代表性的带桨船棺,棺上盖着牛皮。图片来自新疆文物考古研究所李文瑛其中有一座墓非常坚韧,保存得非常好,墓主去世的时候还带着微笑,这就是中外闻名的“小河公主”。学术上,“小河公主”被标记为M11女性墓主。伊弟利斯·阿不都热苏勒曾如此描述这位女性:卵圆型的面庞、披肩栗色长发、小巧的鼻梁、丰厚的嘴唇,如同熟睡一般。这些年,这具女尸和小河墓地的一批重要文物在国内多个城市以及日本、欧美巡展,引起轰动,媒体和公众出于对其美丽容貌的赞美,称其“小河公主”。在小河干尸的面部、身体上普遍均匀地涂有一层乳白色浆状物质,是用于防腐还是有其它用意,尚待科学鉴定。小河墓地M11号墓葬中一个自然保存的女性干尸。图片来自新疆文物考古研究所李文瑛从考古的角度看,小河干尸中“西方元素”的起源,一直是全球学术界的焦点,学者们也提出了多种假设。论文中罗列了包括颜那亚人/阿凡纳谢沃人(Yamnaya/Afanasievo)草原假说、绿洲假说和亚洲内陆山脉走廊(IAMC)岛屿生物地理学假说。第一种假说认为,阿尔泰-萨扬山脉中与阿凡纳谢沃人相关的青铜时代早期种群通过准噶尔盆地传播到塔里木盆地,随后在公元前2000年左右建立了农业畜牧群落。第二种假说认为,塔里木盆地最初由从阿富汗、土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦的沙漠绿洲农民(BMAC)迁移而来,对这一假设的支持很大程度上是基于这两个地区的农业和灌溉系统的相似性,反映了对沙漠环境的适应,以及这两个地区仪式上使用麻黄的证据。IAMC岛屿生物地理学假说则假设了小河最初人口来自中亚山区。然而,作者们在论文中指出,最近的考古基因组研究表明,西伯利亚南部的青铜时代的阿凡纳谢沃人和IAMC/BMAC群体具有可区分的遗传特征,这些特征也不同于亚洲内陆的农业畜牧前狩猎-采集群体。因此,他们认为,对新疆青铜时代人口的考古基因组研究,为重建准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地的人口历史和青铜时代小河区域的起源提供了有力的途径。基因上是独立的,但文化上是世界性的为了更好地理解塔里木盆地干尸的起源和早期人口,研究团队作者分析了在新疆发现的18具干尸的DNA:13具来自新疆南部塔里木盆地小河文化,可追溯至青铜时代中期(公元前大约2100-1700年),5具来自新疆北部准噶尔盆地,可追溯至青铜时代早期(公元前3000-2800年)。他们还检测了7具塔里木盆地干尸牙齿上矿化斑块中的蛋白质,以重建他们的饮食。这项研究中新疆青铜器时代考古遗址概况。令人惊讶的是,研究团队发现他们的分析结果并不符合上述三种假说。塔里木盆地的干尸根本不是外来者,而是曾经广泛分布的更新世群体的直系后代,这些群体在上个冰河世纪末期基本消失了。这一群体被称为古北欧亚人(ANE),在当今人口的基因组中只存活了一小部分,西伯利亚和美洲的土著人口拥有已知的最高比例,约为40%。研究认为,与今天的人群相比,塔里木盆地的干尸没有显示出与任何其他全新世群体混合的证据,而是形成了以前未知的基因隔离,在定居塔里木盆地之前可能经历了一个极端和长期的基因瓶颈。“为了更好地了解欧亚大陆内部的遗传历史,考古学家长期以来一直在寻找全新世ANE族,我们在最意想不到的地方发现了一个,”研究通讯作者之一、首尔大学生命科学学院教授Choongwon Jeong表示。值得关注的是,与塔里木盆地不同的是,相邻的准噶尔盆地最早的居民不仅是当地居民的后代,也是西方草原牧民的后代,即阿凡纳谢沃人(Afanasievo),这是一个与早期青铜时代的颜那亚人(Yamanya)有着强烈遗传联系的游牧群体。研究团队认为,这些发现也增加了我们对颜那亚人祖先向东传播的理解,以及当他们第一次遇到亚洲内部的人口时发生基因混合的场景。研究同时强调,虽然塔里木盆地的群体在基因上是隔离独立的,但他们在文化上并非如此。对他们牙石的蛋白质组学分析证实,牛、绵羊和山羊的牧场已经被当时的人口所实践,他们也很清楚周围不同的文化、烹饪方法和技术。“尽管在基因上是孤立的,但塔里木盆地的青铜时代的人们在文化上是非常国际化的——他们以西亚的小麦和奶制品、东亚的小米和中亚的麻黄等药用植物为食。”该研究的通讯作者之一、哈佛大学人类学教授、MPI-EVA研究小组负责人Christina Warinner博士说。论文中提到,综合考虑这些发现可以推测,小河文化当时的创始人口非常好地意识到了塔里木盆地之外的不同的技术和文化,他们发展了独特的文化。“重建塔里木盆地干尸的起源对我们对该地区的理解产生了变革性的影响,我们将继续研究其他时代的古代人类基因组,以更深入地了解欧亚大草原上的人类迁移历史。”该研究另一通讯作者、吉林大学生命科学学院教授崔银秋补充道。Dupuy在新闻与观点文章的最后也写道,南疆和北疆这两个截然不同的故事表明,即使是对古代DNA最全面的分析,也无法完全揭示有助于考古的文化实践和选择。她认为这项最新的研究对塔里木盆地独特而国际化的小河文化以及准噶尔盆地人口的描述,为先前的观点提供了一个例子,即文化思想和新技术在亚洲内部流动,并进行各种迭代。
2023-08-03 04:50:351


2023-08-03 04:51:341


  翻译  Dinosaurs, mummies and spaceships…… You may only see these things in movies. But if you visit a museum, you may get to see them (for……)看不清是什么字,是forward吗?    恐龙,木乃伊和太空船……你可能只能在电影中看到这些东西。但是如果你去参观一间博物馆的话,你或许能更近的观察它们。    A museum is a wonderful place. You can always find something new in different museums. It helps open up your world. For example, how fast can a velociraptor run? How do astronauts land when they come back to Earth? Or did you know Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist but also a great inventor?    博物馆是个神奇的地方。你总能在不同的博物馆里找到新的东西。这像是向你打开了一个新世界。举些例子,你知道一只迅猛龙能跑多快吗?航空员回到地球时是如何降落的吗?或者,你知道李奥纳多.达芬奇不只是一个伟大的艺术家,他还是个伟大的发明家吗?    Many of you may come across something new in a museum. You go home and look it up online or through books. Has this ever happened to you? Museums help us learn outside of school.    你们中的许多人可能会在博物馆遇到一些新的东西。你回家在网上或通过书籍查找资料。这种情况曾发生在你身上吗?博物馆有助于我们学习些课外知识。    What"s interesting is that there"s a museum for almost everything. There is a museum for cats, Teddy bears and even hair! And there"s almost always one close by. Does a trip to a museum sound fun to you?    有趣的是,有一间几乎拥有所有东西的博物馆。而且还有些给猫,泰迪熊,甚至头发的博物馆!几乎总是有一间博物馆在另一间博物馆的附近。到一间博物馆去参观对你来说是否有趣呢?  
2023-08-03 04:53:541


  翻译  Dinosaurs, mummies and spaceships…… You may only see these things in movies. But if you visit a museum, you may get to see them (for……)看不清是什么字,是forward吗?    恐龙,木乃伊和太空船……你可能只能在电影中看到这些东西。但是如果你去参观一间博物馆的话,你或许能更近的观察它们。    A museum is a wonderful place. You can always find something new in different museums. It helps open up your world. For example, how fast can a velociraptor run? How do astronauts land when they come back to Earth? Or did you know Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist but also a great inventor?    博物馆是个神奇的地方。你总能在不同的博物馆里找到新的东西。这像是向你打开了一个新世界。举些例子,你知道一只迅猛龙能跑多快吗?航空员回到地球时是如何降落的吗?或者,你知道李奥纳多.达芬奇不只是一个伟大的艺术家,他还是个伟大的发明家吗?    Many of you may come across something new in a museum. You go home and look it up online or through books. Has this ever happened to you? Museums help us learn outside of school.    你们中的许多人可能会在博物馆遇到一些新的东西。你回家在网上或通过书籍查找资料。这种情况曾发生在你身上吗?博物馆有助于我们学习些课外知识。    What"s interesting is that there"s a museum for almost everything. There is a museum for cats, Teddy bears and even hair! And there"s almost always one close by. Does a trip to a museum sound fun to you?    有趣的是,有一间几乎拥有所有东西的博物馆。而且还有些给猫,泰迪熊,甚至头发的博物馆!几乎总是有一间博物馆在另一间博物馆的附近。到一间博物馆去参观对你来说是否有趣呢?  
2023-08-03 04:54:011


Midjourner埃及篇Pyramids of Giza —— 吉萨金字塔Sphinx —— 狮身人面像Pharaoh —— 法老王Nile River —— 尼罗河Temple of Karnak —— 卡纳克神庙Valley of the Kings —— 国王谷Egyptian hieroglyphs —— 埃及象形文字Cleopatra —— 克莉奥佩特拉Abu Simbel Temples —— 阿布辛贝神庙Egyptian gods and goddesses —— 埃及众神Egyptian mummies —— 埃及木乃伊Luxor Temple —— 卢克索神庙Felucca boat on the Nile —— 尼罗河上的费鲁卡船Egyptian jewelry —— 埃及珠宝Cairo skyline —— 开罗天际线Nefertiti —— 尼芙蒂蒂Temple of Hatshepsut —— 哈特谢普苏特神庙Egyptian mythology —— 埃及神话Dendera Temple Complex —— 登德拉神庙群Egyptian obelisks —— 埃及方尖碑Karnak Temple Complex —— 卡纳克神庙群Papyrus —— 莎草纸Ancient Egyptian art —— 古埃及艺术Alexandria Library —— 亚历山大图书馆Abu Simbel Sun Festival —— 阿布辛贝太阳节Temple of Edfu —— 埃德富神庙Egyptian tomb paintings —— 埃及墓葬壁画Aswan High Dam —— 阿斯旺高坝Temple of Isis —— 伊西斯神庙Egyptian scarabs —— 埃及甲虫Nubian Village —— 努比亚村Colossi of Memnon —— 孟蒙巨像Egyptian architecture —— 埃及建筑Great Sphinx of Tanis —— 塔尼斯巨像Temple of Kom Ombo —— 科姆奥姆博神庙Egyptian dance —— 埃及舞蹈Temple of Horus —— 赫鲁斯神庙Egyptian desert —— 埃及沙漠Medinet Habu Temple —— 梅迪纳特·哈布神庙Egyptian pottery —— 埃及陶器Cairo Citadel —— 开罗城堡Temple of Luxor —— 卢克索神庙Egyptian cuisine —— 埃及美食Nefertari"s Tomb —— 尼弗塔莉墓Egyptian jewelry —— 埃及珠宝Temple of Philae —— 费莱神庙Egyptian textiles —— 埃及纺织品Siwa Oasis —— 西瓦绿洲Ancient Egyptian fashion —— 古埃及时尚Temple of Sobek and Horus —— 索贝克和荷鲁斯神庙Egyptian musical instruments —— 埃及乐器Karnak Sound and Light Show —— 卡纳克神庙音乐灯光秀Temple of Seti I —— 塞提一世神庙Egyptian spices and herbs —— 埃及香料和草药Nubian Museum —— 努比亚博物馆Temple of Rameses II —— 拉美西斯二世神庙Egyptian belly dance —— 埃及肚皮舞White Desert —— 白沙漠Temple of Hathor —— 哈索神庙Egyptian pharaoh headdress —— 埃及法老头饰
2023-08-03 04:54:082

高中英语作文 完美的一天怎么写

完美的一天(My Perfect Day)First,I would have breakfast with Queen Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace.Then I would go to the moon with Haller Borry in my own plane.On the moon I would take photos and sing a song with a microphone.After that,I would come back to the earth and show my photos of the moon to my friends.I like adventures,so I would go to Egypt to see the great pyramids.I would go into the pyramids to see the mummies.Then I would go to the South Pole with an exploration and learn something.After that I would climb up the Qomolangma and see the sights.
2023-08-03 04:56:031

Dinosaurs, mummies and spaceshipsu2026u2026

  翻译  Dinosaurs, mummies and spaceships…… You may only see these things in movies. But if you visit a museum, you may get to see them (for……)看不清是什么字,是forward吗?    恐龙,木乃伊和太空船……你可能只能在电影中看到这些东西。但是如果你去参观一间博物馆的话,你或许能更近的观察它们。    A museum is a wonderful place. You can always find something new in different museums. It helps open up your world. For example, how fast can a velociraptor run? How do astronauts land when they come back to Earth? Or did you know Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist but also a great inventor?    博物馆是个神奇的地方。你总能在不同的博物馆里找到新的东西。这像是向你打开了一个新世界。举些例子,你知道一只迅猛龙能跑多快吗?航空员回到地球时是如何降落的吗?或者,你知道李奥纳多.达芬奇不只是一个伟大的艺术家,他还是个伟大的发明家吗?    Many of you may come across something new in a museum. You go home and look it up online or through books. Has this ever happened to you? Museums help us learn outside of school.    你们中的许多人可能会在博物馆遇到一些新的东西。你回家在网上或通过书籍查找资料。这种情况曾发生在你身上吗?博物馆有助于我们学习些课外知识。    What"s interesting is that there"s a museum for almost everything. There is a museum for cats, Teddy bears and even hair! And there"s almost always one close by. Does a trip to a museum sound fun to you?    有趣的是,有一间几乎拥有所有东西的博物馆。而且还有些给猫,泰迪熊,甚至头发的博物馆!几乎总是有一间博物馆在另一间博物馆的附近。到一间博物馆去参观对你来说是否有趣呢?  
2023-08-03 04:56:111

求英语作文 My Perfect Day (120字)

How time flies! New term has come. It is the first day of the new term. Today,I become a high school student. How happy I am. In the new term,I will try to study each lesson well.So I can get good grades to thank my parents.What"s more,I decide to make more good friends.I met them today,they are all friendly to me. I"m sure that our friendship will last forever! I hope my new term can be woderful. 时光飞逝!新的学期来到了。今天是新学期的第一天。就在今天,我成为了一名高中生。我真的好开心。 在新的一学期里,我将要尽力学好每一门课程。这样我就可以得到好成绩来报答父母。另外,我决定交更多的好朋友。今天我认识了他们,他们都对我很友好。我确信我们的友情地久天长!我希望我的新学期会很精彩。
2023-08-03 04:56:342


2023-08-03 04:56:411


Straddling bothbanksoftheRjoRjmacatthefootoftheCerroSanCristobal,thecapitalofPeruisaneclectic=mixoftraditionalcolonialbuildings,soaringskyscrapersandPueblosshantysettlementsthatblanketthedustyhillsoverlookingthecity). Hometotwo-thirdsofPeru"sindustryandnearlyone-thirdofthecountry"stotalpopulation,pollutionandpovertyishighlypresentthiscityofsevenmillion.Afewmilessouthwestofthecitycenter,VillaElSalvadorshelters350,000people. Inspiteofitstroubles,thecityboastsagreatmanyhistoricmonuments,museumsforeverypalate,alivelyculturalandartssceneandthecountry"sbestfood,drinkandnightlife. MostofLima"ssightscanbefoundwithintheoldcity,declaredaWorldHeritageSitebyUNESCO. AttractionsincludethePalacioTorreTagle,thecity"sbestsurvivingspecimenofsecularcolonialarchitecture;theMuseodeOrodelPeru,withitsprecolumbian metals,weavingsandmummiesandtheMuseodeArte,withmorethan7,000exhibitsgivingaretrospective ofPeruvianculturesandartfrom2,000yearsagotothepresentday. Lima"smanymarketsoverflowwithhand-crafted jewelryofsilverandgold,Peruviantextilesandceramics ,flowersandfreshproduce. Forabreakfromthecity"sclamor,duckinto Lima"sfinebaroquechurches ortakeastrollthroughitsmanyparksandgardens,someestablishedasearlyasthe17thcenturybyLima"sSpanisharistocracy
2023-08-03 04:56:501

Dinosaurs, mummies and spaceshipsuff1f

  翻译  Dinosaurs, mummies and spaceships…… You may only see these things in movies. But if you visit a museum, you may get to see them (for……)看不清是什么字,是forward吗?    恐龙,木乃伊和太空船……你可能只能在电影中看到这些东西。但是如果你去参观一间博物馆的话,你或许能更近的观察它们。    A museum is a wonderful place. You can always find something new in different museums. It helps open up your world. For example, how fast can a velociraptor run? How do astronauts land when they come back to Earth? Or did you know Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist but also a great inventor?    博物馆是个神奇的地方。你总能在不同的博物馆里找到新的东西。这像是向你打开了一个新世界。举些例子,你知道一只迅猛龙能跑多快吗?航空员回到地球时是如何降落的吗?或者,你知道李奥纳多.达芬奇不只是一个伟大的艺术家,他还是个伟大的发明家吗?    Many of you may come across something new in a museum. You go home and look it up online or through books. Has this ever happened to you? Museums help us learn outside of school.    你们中的许多人可能会在博物馆遇到一些新的东西。你回家在网上或通过书籍查找资料。这种情况曾发生在你身上吗?博物馆有助于我们学习些课外知识。    What"s interesting is that there"s a museum for almost everything. There is a museum for cats, Teddy bears and even hair! And there"s almost always one close by. Does a trip to a museum sound fun to you?    有趣的是,有一间几乎拥有所有东西的博物馆。而且还有些给猫,泰迪熊,甚至头发的博物馆!几乎总是有一间博物馆在另一间博物馆的附近。到一间博物馆去参观对你来说是否有趣呢?  
2023-08-03 04:57:321

十年后我的生活 英语作文 my life in ten yeas 带汉语

Now I have finished my education in primary shcool and ten years later ,I will gratuate from college, which I hope is Macao University,for the reason that the History Department of it is very famous in China. I love history of the world,especially history of Egypt.What I hope for is that one day I can go around the world for visit and investigation. What"s more,if there"s one day that I can visit Egypt,I"ll have a research on the mummies in the Pyramid.In order to realize my dream of being a archaeologist or a researcher, I"ll study very hard when I am in university.Besides,I"ll work very hard on my English,because Egyptians are speaking English nowadays, and with the ability of speaking English freely,I"ll be able to travel around the world and investigate a lot of historic sites. As I just mentioned above,this is my life in 10 years,我现在结束了小学教育课程,再过10年,我就大学毕业了,那所大学我希望是澳门大学,因为那里的历史系是全国著名的。我的愿望就是有一天可以去各地参观考察。我喜欢世界历史,特别是埃及的历史,如果有一天我可以去埃及,我就考察金字塔中的木乃伊。在大学中,我一定要好好学习,努力成为一名考古学家或者是一名研究员,这样就可以实现我的梦想。还有,埃及人现在讲英语,我更应该学好英语,方便和他人沟通。我将来一定要环游世界,考察许多历史古迹,这就是我十年后的生活。
2023-08-03 04:57:563


2023-08-03 04:58:053


最古老的木乃伊 新克罗木乃伊 名称:新克罗木乃伊(Chinchorro mummies) 在图坦卡蒙(古埃及第十八王朝法老,约前1361~前1352年)和拉美西斯时代到来前的几千年里,智利渔夫就用残忍的方法制造出了精致的木乃伊。他们把死人的表皮剥下来,就像女士脱连裤袜那样。 发现 智利的阿里卡(Arica)风景如画、气候宜人,一直以来都以四季如春而闻名于世。但是在1983年,有另一件事让阿里卡更为出名。一名建筑工人在阿里卡的沙土地上某块只有卧室大小的区域上只挖了几英寸深,就发现了近100个人形的物体。 它们约有5英尺高,非常僵硬,外层涂了黑漆,看上去像古代的玩偶…… 其实它们是木乃伊。伯纳多·阿里扎是首批赶到现场的考古学家之一。他分析说:他们生活在公元前5000年,是世界上最古老的人造木乃伊,比最早的埃及木乃伊还早2000年。这些木乃伊被命名为“新克罗木乃伊”。这个名字来源于这些人曾经生活过的海滩。《木乃伊聚会》一书的作者希瑟·普林格说:“我一直想弄清楚人类是出于什么原因开始制作木乃伊的?而新克罗木乃伊为人们提供了一些线索。” 研究 智利北部海岸线上的居民生在海边,葬在海边。新克罗木乃伊的生前也不例外。分析显示,海边生活非常艰苦。人们因为要在冰冷的海里潜水,患上了慢性耳疾,有的人脊椎骨裂了,也许是因为在岩石上滑倒了,他们的家庭生活同样充满艰难和危险。 人类学家伯纳多·阿里扎博士说:“人们在遗体上发现了许多家庭暴力的迹象。这些木乃伊的头部和前臂都骨折了,我想这是在阻挡对手的击打时造成的。” 由于亲人的生命因暴力而骤然消逝,新克罗人发明了保存尸体的方法。研究者通过拍摄新克罗木乃伊的X光片来寻找它们是怎么被制成木乃伊的答案。由于要保存海狮,新克罗人学会了给尸体剥皮。他们就把这种方法用到了所爱的人身上。 通常他们先把尸体的皮去掉,然后他们把去掉皮肤的尸体在地下掩埋几周。在这段时间里,细菌会吃掉剩下的身体组织。接着他们把骨骼挖出,用木棒加固。在新克罗木乃伊上可以看到,每个人每条腿上都有木棒,有一根沿着脊柱一直通向头部的木棒。 最后他们再用稻草和黏土重新塑造一个身体,把皮肤粘上去并且涂黑。 但是婴儿的木乃伊是血红色的。7000年前的一位母亲想把孩子留在自己身边,她就一定会去寻找保存孩子尸体的办法。科学家们相信人类制作木乃伊的历史正是从这些孩子身上开始的。他们在尸体上切开小口,去除内脏。尽管这些孩子已经不能再付出爱,但人们还是用这种温和的方法把他们留在身边,继续感受家人的爱。这些木乃伊表现了古人在死亡到来时对生命的渴望。 新克罗木乃伊是古人为化解悲痛而制造的最古老的木乃伊。参考资料:
2023-08-03 04:58:141


小神龙俱乐部播放过的动画片包括:双龙记、狮子辛巴达、奈得梦游记、小矮人、旋转木马、水獭小宝贝、神偷卡门、海狸爸爸讲故事、波波安、小魔女沙琳娜、下课后、妙妙熊历险记、夜行神龙、人猿泰山、小美人鱼、狮子王、朋朋与丁满、悲惨世界、小鬼迪克、刺猬索尼克、拉昂、翰墨(汉墨) Hammerman、绿巨人、Hulk、阿拉丁、Aladdin、夜行神龙、Gargoyles、阿历克斯、德国动画:Philipp die maus / 英文名:Philipp the mouse、小鬼迪克、Hobberdy Dick / 日本名:妖精ディック、大力水手(第二部)、Popeye、绿野仙踪、The Wizard of OZ、色拉王国、日本名:サラダ十勇士トマトマン、捉鬼特工队、The Real Ghostbusters、怪鸭历险记、Count Duckula、归乡历险记、Dungeons & Dragons TheComplete Animated Series、汤姆历险记、The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / 日本名:トム?华斯比历险记、The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin、唐老鸭俱乐部、Ducktales。以上是我整理的小神龙俱乐部播放过的动画片名称,随着时间推移,可能有所遗漏,如您有需要,建议咨询官方。
2023-08-03 04:58:222

老师让找关于万圣节的英语对话 谁能提供啊 最好长点的

这是halloween jokes 都是一问一答 基本为孩子准备的 挑你能喜欢的吧 还要的话m我Q. When does a ghost have breakfast? A. In the moaning.Q. What do ghosts drink at breakfast? A. Coffee with scream and sugar.Q. Where does a ghost go on vacation? A. Mali-boo.Q. Where does a ghost go on Saturday night? A. Anywhere where he can boo-gie.Q. Where did the ghost get it"s hair done? A: At the boo-ty shop.Q. Riddle: the maker does not want, it the buyer does not use it, and the user does not see it, what is it? A. a coffin.Q. What do they teach in witching school? A. Spelling.Q. Why does a witch ride a broom? A. Vacuum cleaners get stuck at the end of the cord.Q. What do you call a witch"s garage? A. A broom closet.Q. What do you call two witches living together? A. Broommates.Q. Why don"t mummies take vacations? A. They"re afraid they"ll relax and unwind.Q. What is a witch"s favorite subject in school? A. SpellingQ: Why can"t Boy Ghosts make babies?? A: Because they have Hollow-Weenies!Q. Why did the man with a knife in his head cross the street? A. He was dying to get to the other side!! Q. Where do ghosts go out? A. Where they can get boooooo-ze.Q. Where do ghosts go out? A. Where they can get sheet-faced.Q. What did the mother ghost say to her kids in the car? A. Fasten your sheet belts.Q. Why didn"t the skeleton go to see a scary movie? A. He didn"t have the guts.Q. What did the corpse" mom do when her son was bad? A. Ground himQ. Why was the mummy so tense? A. Because he was all wound up.Q. Why did the vampire need mouthwash? A. Because he had bat breath.Q. Why don"t ghost have bands? A. They get booooooooooed. Q. What do you call a monster who poisons corn flakes? A. A cereal killer.Q. Who are some of the werewolves cousins? A. The whatwolves, the whowolves and the when wolves.Q. What did the bird say on Halloween? A. Trick or tweet!Q. Why do skeletons drink milk? A. To help their bones!Q. What"s a Vampire"s least favourate song? A. Another one bites the dust!Q. What is a Skeleton"s favorite song. A. Bad to the BoneQ. Whats a ghost"s favorate type of car? A. A boo-ickQ. Where do ghost go for fun? A. To the boo-viesQ. What"s a skeletons favorite part of the house? A. the living roomQ. What did the teenage witch ask her mother on Haloween? A. Can i have the keys to the broom tonight. Q. What do u get when theres a witch in the desert? A. You get a sandwich.W. Why do ghosts like to ride elevators? raises their spirits.Q. Why can"t a Skeleton Lift Weights? A. He"s all bone & no muscle.Q. What is a vamire"s favorite fruit? A: A necktarineQ. What do the skeletons say be for eating? A. Bone appetiteQ. What do gosts call there girl friends? A. There goul friends.Q. How did the ghost say goodbye to the vampire? A. So long sucker!Q. What did the goblin say to the witch? A. I don"t know you tell me!Q. Why dident the skeleten go to the halloween party? A. Becuse he had no body to go with.Q. What is a ghost"s favorite band? A. The Boos BrothersQ. What did Dracula have for dessert? A. Whine & Ice screamQ. What is Dracula"s favorite restaraunt? A. Murder KingQ. What is a Ghost"s favorite food? A. HamBoogersQ. What is in a ghost"s nose? A. BoogersQ. What was the mummies" vacation like? A. Nobody knows. They were too wrapped up to tell us.Q: What did tha boy ghost say to the girl ghost? A: You are the most booooooooo-tiful thing I have ever seen!Q. Why does a cemetery have to keep a fence around it? A. Because people are dying to get in.Q. What do you give to a pumpkin who is trying to quit smoking? A. A pumpkin patch!!!Q. Where do vampires keep their money? A: The blood bank!!!Q. Who are some of the were-wolves cousins? A. The what-wolves and when-wolves.Q. What did Dracula say after reading all these jokes? A. They suck! (or they bite!)
2023-08-03 04:58:521


【 #小学英语# 导语】芬芳袭人花枝俏,喜气盈门捷报到。心花怒放看通知,梦想实现今日事,喜笑颜开忆往昔,勤学苦读最美丽。在学习中学会复习,在运用中培养能力,在总结中不断提高。以下是 为大家整理的《小学英语阅读理解强化训练【五篇】》 供您查阅。 【第一篇:Develop your SQ】   精神智商高往往可以使人轻松应付生活中的烦扰。以下几点教你如何使自己的精神智商更高。   Our spiritual intelligence quotient helps us understand ourselves and live fuller, happier lives.   Spiritual intelligence is the capacity to sense, understand and tap into (发掘) the highest part of ourselves, of others and of the world around us. This source of inner calmness may be our best defense against the difficulties that trouble us every day.   While we"re all born with SQ, most of us aren"t even aware that we have it. Here are some simple steps that can lead you to this new level of understanding:   Sit Quietly. The process of developing spiritual intelligence begins in solitude (独处) and silence. To tune in to its whisper, you have to turn down the volume in your busy, noisy, complicated life and force yourself to do nothing at all. At home, for example, shut the door to your bedroom between the others, take a few deep breaths and let them out very, very slowly.   Step Outside. For many people, nature sets their spirit free. It puts the troubles of daily living into perspective. Go outside to watch a beautiful sunset. Follow the flight of a bird; watch clouds floating overhead.   Find An Activity You Enjoy. It"s important to find a hobby that helps you tune in to your spirit. Garden, walk or jog, arrange flowers, listen to music that touches your soul.   Ask Questions Of Yourself. Some people use their thoughtful time to focus on scriptures (经文). Others ask open-ended (无确定答案的) questions, such as “What am I feeling? What are my choices?” But don"t expect an answer to arrive via some super-natural form of e-mail. Later that day you"ll suddenly find yourself thinking about a problem from a perspective you never considered before.   Trust Your Spirit. While most of us rely on gut (本能的) feelings to warn us of danger, spiritual intelligence usually nudges (渐渐推动) us, not away from, but toward some action that will lead to a greater good.   True (T) or False (F):   1. Admiring flowers in bloom outdoors can help us set our spirit free.   2. Asking ourselves questions and trying to answer them as soon as possible is of great help.   3. We can develop our SQ by shutting ourselves indoors, doing nothing at all a whole day.   (Key: 1-3 TFF) 【第二篇:The study of iceman】   Daggers! Arrows! A fight to the death! Some scientists believe that Europe"s famous “Iceman” died in battle. The Iceman, called ?tzi, is one of the world"s oldest and best-preserved mummies.(保存最完好的木乃伊)   Two hikers(旅行者) discovered the Iceman"s body on the border of Italy and Austria(奥地利) in 1991. Ever since, (从此)scientists have debated the cause of his death. Recently, scientists working in Australia came up with a new theory.   Like detectives at a crime scene, the scientists examined the clues.(线索) They looked at the blood on the Iceman"s clothes and the wounds(伤) on his body. Using this evidence, they concluded(断定) that the Iceman died from injuries(伤) to his back and hand.   The Iceman, the scientists believe, probably ran into deadly conflicts with at least two other hunters. The scientists say that blood on the Iceman"s weapons (武器)show that he shot two people with his arrow. His enemies returned fire, (还击)hitting him in the back with an arrow. They also cut him with a knife on his hands, rib cage,(胸腔) and wrists.(手腕)   How did the scientists get all this information from a 5,000-year-old body? Since the Iceman died in a cold climate, his body froze.(冻住了) A frozen body remains preserved for hundreds, even thousands of years. As a result, scientists can see how the Iceman"s body looked when he died. The cut on the Iceman"s thumb(拇指), for example, did not have a scar.(疤) This means that the cuts did not heal (愈合)before his death.   Not all scientists agree with the battle theory, however. Some say that the Iceman may have been killed in a ritual sacrifice.(不是所有科学家都同意这种战死论, 有人说那个冰人是在一场祭祀活动中被当成祭品给杀掉了)   Help:   dagger n.短剑,匕首   arrow n.剑   run into 陷入   conflict n.斗争,冲突   ritual adj. 典礼的, (宗教)仪式的   sacrifice n. 牺牲, 献身, 祭品, 供奉 【第三篇:UN Year of Deserts】   沙漠化是造成全球环境恶化严重的因素之一。沙漠化会引起食物不安全、饥荒和贫穷,从而导致社会、经济和政治的紧张。正是由于沙漠化的紧迫感,联合国大会决定宣布2006年为国际沙漠与沙漠化年。   (Words: about 270; Time: 3.5 minutes)   The United Nations, or UN, has named 2006 as the International Year of Deserts. The UN wants to highlight the beauty and wonders of deserts throughout the world.   But the United Nations also wants to call attention to the dangers the world faces as more and more land becomes desert. Large amounts of land that could once grow crops have become desert. Food can no longer be grown in those areas. More land is lost to desert each year.   Special habitats   Deserts are special environments, home to many different animals and plants. For thousands of years, deserts have also been home to many civilizations.   Deserts are fragile environments. The UN is hoping to protect the older deserts as well as stop new deserts from forming.   The dangers   Experts believe that one-third of the earth"s land surface is being threatened by the loss of cropland. When the land dries up and becomes desert, people cannot grow enough to eat. Experts believe this danger will affect about 1 billion people.   Africa has been especially harmed by growing deserts. Experts believe about two-thirds of Africa"s people are threatened by this loss of cropland.   Causes   People and climate change are causing much of the land to turn to desert. People cutting down too many trees and grazing too many cattle and other livestock have harmed the land.   Also, as more cropland is lost each year, more and more people try to live for the remaining good land. This speeds up the harm to the land.   Scientists are using pictures taken from space to track the growing deserts. They are working to heal the damaged environment.   Help:   fragile adj. easily broken or damaged 易损的   Try this:   It is ______ and ______ that are causing much of the land to become desert. More and more people ______ the remaining good land is also a reason for the desertification.   Key: people; climate change; leaving for 【第四篇:You can do anything】 妈妈的严格要求使我能够像正常人一样,不惧怕任何事情。   I am my mother"s third child. When I was born, the doctor gently explained to my mother that my left arm was missing, below the elbow. Then he gave her some advice: “Don"t treat her any differently from the other girls. Demand more.” And she did!   My mother had to work to support our family. There were five girls in our family and we all had to help out. Once when I was about seven, I came out of the kitchen, “Mom, I can"t peel potatoes. I only have one hand.”   “You go back to peel these potatoes, and don"t ever use that as an excuse for anything again!”   Of course I could peel potatoes ― with my good hand, while holding them down with the other arm. There was always a way, and Mom knew it. “If you try hard enough,” she"d say, “you can do anything.”   Once in the second grade, our teacher had each of us race across the monkey bars. When it was my turn, I shook my head. Some kids laughed. I went home crying. After work the next afternoon, Mom took me back to the school playground.   “Now, pull up with your right arm,” she advised. She stood by as I practiced, and she praised me when I made progress. I"ll never forget the next time when I was crossing the bars. The kids were standing there with their mouths open.   It was the way with everything. When I fear I can"t handle things, I see Mom"s smile. She had the heart to face anything. And she taught me I could, too. 【第五篇:You don"t love me】 “你不爱我!”这样的话你是否对你的父母说过,或者在心里暗暗地恨自己的父母?读一读下面的文章,你就会明白父母的良苦用心。   “You don"t love me!”   How many times have your kids laid that one on you?   And how many times have you, as a parent, resisted the urge to tell them how much?   Someday, when my children are old enough to understand the logic that motivates a mother, I"ll tell them.   I loved you enough to bug (使烦恼) you about where you were going, with whom, and what time you would get home.   I loved you enough to insist you buy a bike with your own money that we could afford and you couldn"t.   I loved you enough to be silent and let you discover your handpicked (精心挑选的) friend was a creep (讨厌的人).   I loved you enough to stand over you for two hours while you cleaned your bedroom, a job that would have taken me fifteen minutes.   I loved you enough to let you see anger, disappointment, disgust and tears in my eyes.   I loved you enough not to make excuses for your lack of respect or your bad manners.   I loved you enough to admit that I was wrong and asked your forgiveness.   I loved you enough to ignore “what every other mother” did or said.   I loved you enough to let you stumble, fall, hurt and fail.   I loved you enough to let you assume the responsibility for your own actions, at six, ten, or sixteen.   I loved you enough to shove you off my lap, let go of your hand, be mute to your pleas(恳求)... so that you had to stand alone.   I loved you enough to accept you for what you are, not what I wanted you to be.   But most of all, I loved you enough to say no when you hated me for it. That was the hardest part of all.   Help:   stand over to be near sb and watch them监督;监视   stumble v. to walk or move in an unsteady way跌跌撞撞地走   mute adj. not speaking沉默的
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2023-08-03 04:59:114

跪求英语作文 介绍秘鲁的

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2023-08-03 04:59:3110

Nelly的《E I》 歌词

歌曲名:E I歌手:Nelly专辑:Da Derrty Versions The Re-InventionUh.. uh uh uh uhUh.. wait a minute nowUh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Uh, uh..Can you hear me out there?Lunatics.. is y"all ready?Let me hear yaUh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!I"ma sucka for corn rows and manicured toes (hey)Fendi capri pants and Parasuco"s (alright)Passadity ?? city, with one or two throwsI"m droppin "em outta high school straight into the prosWho knows? I know!And I love it when you make your knees touch your elbowsAnd break it down low to the flo", and there you goNow throw it on me slowAnd everytime I +Busta Rhyme+, baby Gimme Some Mo"You say you like that, when I hit it from behindAnd I"ll be right back; yeah that"s my very next lineI use it - time after time, when I"m speakin my mindIt"s no matter if I"m shootin game to a pigeon or dimeI ask her, Who dat is, talkin that shit about the "tics?Somebody probably jealous cause they bitch got hitBut ain"t nobody else droppin shit like thisNellyShould we apologize? Nah fuck "em, just leave "em pissed, HEY!Chorus: repeat 2XAndele andele mami, E.I. E.I.Uh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What"s happenin now?Andele andele mami, E.I. E.I.Uh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! If the head right, Nelly there ery"nightWe can gamble to the break of dawn, niggaMoney long, niggaPass up the skirt to talk to the thong, niggaSome say I"m wrong, but fuck it I"m grown, niggaIf you ain"t bout money then best be gone, niggaI"m fast (uh) double takes when you walk past meNasty, don"t be scared boo, go "head and ask meI drive fastly, call me Jeff Gord-onIn the black SS with the naviga-tionSee the joint blaz-on, somethin smells amaz-onI got a chick rollin up, half black and asi-anAnother one pag-in, tellin me to come homeHer husband on vacation and left her home aloneI used the V-12, powers; weight loss, powersFrom +Phat Farm+ to +Iceberg Slim+ in one showerGet a room in Trump Towers just to hit the P hoursKicked the bitch up out the room cause she used the word ours, HEY!ChorusAiyyo I smash-mouth a whole ounce, of that stickyWash my hands under a gold spout, when feelin ickyLet go off in a ho"s mouth, I ain"t pickyStart frontin when the shows out - whatchu mean?!Twenty inches when they roll ouuuuuuut - come and get meBig faces when they fold ouuuuuuut - is you wit me?Don"t make me pull that fo"-fo" ouuuuuuutI keep it closer when the dough ouuuuuuutThen I slide up in the EscaladeMe and E gettin solid like the Ice CapadesAnd me and Heezy - frosty, project mo" wrapped up than BugsyYou understand me, wrapped wrists like mummiesIf you compare me to your local groceryThen you"ll see I got more carrots/karats than Aisle DMore bread than Aisle G, then bag and scan me+Sure+ like +Al B.+, meet the "tics in Maui, HEY!ChorusSt. Louis y"all, uh, uhUh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Uh, can you feel that?Lunatics y"all, uh, uhUh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Uh, uh, Uncle Phil up above y"all, uh, uhUh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Yell it universal y"all, uh, uhUh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Uh, uh, chillin chillin chillin with the crew y"allChorus (to fade + ad libs)
2023-08-03 05:00:051


Now I have finished my education in junior high shcool and three years ,I will be learning in a college, which I hope is Macao University,for the reason that the History Department of it is very famous in China. I love history of the world,especially history of Egypt.What I hope for is that one day I can go around the world for visit and investigation. What"s more,if there"s a day that I can visit Egypt,I"ll have a research on the mummies in the Pyramid.In order to realize my dream of being a archaeologist or a researcher, I"ll study very hard when I am in university.Besides,I"ll work very hard on my English,because Egyptians are speaking English nowadays, and with the ability of speaking English freely,I"ll be able to travel around the world and investigate a lot of historic sites. As I just mentioned above,this is my life in the future. 追问: 你按照内容主要了么
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2023-08-03 05:00:502


1.You will (lose) some points if you make (mistakes).lose ; “失去”;mistakes; “错误”.lose points “丢分(数)”; make mistakes“.出差错”,都是固定搭配2.I found that it was difficult to learn Chinese,(改为简单句)I found (it)(difficult) to learn Chinese. find it+ adj + to do sth=find that +it is/was +adj+to do sth,这是find+that从句改为简单句的必用句型。3.请你不要自找麻烦Please (don"t)( get) (yourself) into trouble.自找麻烦,get oneself into trouble。trouble是没有s的。4.Don"t eat g____ at school.gums,“口香糖”5.Pay (attention) please!pay attention,“请注意”,固定搭配6.He is busy doing his homework,He is (busy)( with) his busy doing sth=be busy with sth “忙于(做)某事”7.JIM过去常常不吃早饭就去上学了。Jim (used) (to) (go) (这里应该只有三个空格,你打多了一个)to school (without)( breakfast).8.My mother made ____ (go )shopping to 请楼主检查题目。9.I want to get more chances to practice my English.(同意句)I want to be (given) more (chances) to practice my English.这是考察改被动语态10.They had (amusement) in Renmin Park yesterday.have amusement,“玩乐”11.What you"ve said (reminded) me .I must go back to help my mum now.remind“提醒”,“使某人想起”12.The local (employers) are listed in this magazine.employers“雇主(用工单位)“13.Have you visited the Xinjiang (Expo)? There are some mummies in it.Expo“展览会”,前面冠以地方名词的展览会,都是用Expo ,不用exhibition。如上海世博会,是Shanghai World Expo14.He is the man they (selected) for the“挑选”15.I didn"t go there for the outing with them because I was ill.(改为同意句)My illness (prevented/stopped) me (joining) them in the outing, prevent/stop sb (from )doing sth “阻止某人做某事”,from 可省略。
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2023-08-03 05:01:292


最古老的木乃伊 新克罗木乃伊 名称:新克罗木乃伊(Chinchorro mummies) 在图坦卡蒙(古埃及第十八王朝法老,约前1361~前1352年)和拉美西斯时代到来前的几千年里,智利渔夫就用残忍的方法制造出了精致的木乃伊。他们把死人的表皮剥下来,就像女士脱连裤袜那样。 发现 智利的阿里卡(Arica)风景如画、气候宜人,一直以来都以四季如春而闻名于世。但是在1983年,有另一件事让阿里卡更为出名。一名建筑工人在阿里卡的沙土地上某块只有卧室大小的区域上只挖了几英寸深,就发现了近100个人形的物体。 它们约有5英尺高,非常僵硬,外层涂了黑漆,看上去像古代的玩偶…… 其实它们是木乃伊。伯纳多·阿里扎是首批赶到现场的考古学家之一。他分析说:他们生活在公元前5000年,是世界上最古老的人造木乃伊,比最早的埃及木乃伊还早2000年。这些木乃伊被命名为“新克罗木乃伊”。这个名字来源于这些人曾经生活过的海滩。《木乃伊聚会》一书的作者希瑟·普林格说:“我一直想弄清楚人类是出于什么原因开始制作木乃伊的?而新克罗木乃伊为人们提供了一些线索。” 研究 智利北部海岸线上的居民生在海边,葬在海边。新克罗木乃伊的生前也不例外。分析显示,海边生活非常艰苦。人们因为要在冰冷的海里潜水,患上了慢性耳疾,有的人脊椎骨裂了,也许是因为在岩石上滑倒了,他们的家庭生活同样充满艰难和危险。 人类学家伯纳多·阿里扎博士说:“人们在遗体上发现了许多家庭暴力的迹象。这些木乃伊的头部和前臂都骨折了,我想这是在阻挡对手的击打时造成的。” 由于亲人的生命因暴力而骤然消逝,新克罗人发明了保存尸体的方法。研究者通过拍摄新克罗木乃伊的X光片来寻找它们是怎么被制成木乃伊的答案。由于要保存海狮,新克罗人学会了给尸体剥皮。他们就把这种方法用到了所爱的人身上。 通常他们先把尸体的皮去掉,然后他们把去掉皮肤的尸体在地下掩埋几周。在这段时间里,细菌会吃掉剩下的身体组织。接着他们把骨骼挖出,用木棒加固。在新克罗木乃伊上可以看到,每个人每条腿上都有木棒,有一根沿着脊柱一直通向头部的木棒。 最后他们再用稻草和黏土重新塑造一个身体,把皮肤粘上去并且涂黑。 但是婴儿的木乃伊是血红色的。7000年前的一位母亲想把孩子留在自己身边,她就一定会去寻找保存孩子尸体的办法。科学家们相信人类制作木乃伊的历史正是从这些孩子身上开始的。他们在尸体上切开小口,去除内脏。尽管这些孩子已经不能再付出爱,但人们还是用这种温和的方法把他们留在身边,继续感受家人的爱。这些木乃伊表现了古人在死亡到来时对生命的渴望。 新克罗木乃伊是古人为化解悲痛而制造的最古老的木乃伊。参考资料:
2023-08-03 05:02:041


Complacent ------- (2009)中毒/毒药 Toxic ------- (2008)回到鬼屋/鬼屋4:回到鬼屋 Return to House on Haunted Hill ------- (2007)Fashion Victim ------- (2007)给人生浇点水 Just Add Water ------- (2007)人人都想做意大利人/谁都想成为意大利人 Everybody Wants to Be Italian ------- (2007)Wifey ------- (2007)The Prince, the Pimp, the Jackal and the Spayed ------- (2007)Blood on the Pines ------- (2006)The Surfer King ------- (2006)Sasquatch Mountain ------- (2006)七木乃伊 Seven Mummies ------- (2006)Intermedio: Behind the Scenes ------- (2005)The Making of "Seven Mummies" ------- (2005)Intermedio ------- (2005)誓死等待 It Waits ------- (2005)与女人们的对话 Conversations with Other Women ------- (2005)Murder-Set-Pieces ------- (2004)Cabin Fever: Beneath the Skin ------- (2004)Final Sale ------- (2004)Darkened Room ------- (2002)尸骨无存 Cabin Fever ------- (2002)并非另一部青春片/非常男女/搞乜鬼青春杂作/少儿不宜 Not Another Teen Movie ------- (2001)Power Rangers in 3D: Triple Force ------- (2000)Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue ------- (2000)Son of the Beach ------- (2000)Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: Return of the Magna Defender ------- (1999)夺命追魂夜 Fear Runs Silent ------- (1999)Power Rangers Lost Galaxy ------- (1999)Undressed ------- (1999)
2023-08-03 05:02:111


2007年2月3日亲爱的:我在本月访问古埃及. 我有很好的时间. 埃及有悠久的历史. 它是努比亚国北. 它始于公元前3100 约莫31王朝,埃及是属于31b.c. 在这31王朝,但也有许多有趣的事. 当我们谈到埃及法老王我们谈. 它们是:埃及国王. 所以,老王有绝对的权力. 世界上只有一个女人在古埃及法老王. 她叫hatshepsut. 公元前1504年 孩子的名字thutmose三开始统治. 因为他太年轻,所以妈妈hatshepsut任命摄政. 在世界上最长的河流-尼罗河是埃及人非常重要. 尼罗河淤泥已太. 但泥沙形式丰富的土地. 让埃及人工作. 四是仅次于尼罗河重要城市. 吉萨、孟菲斯附近的尼罗河三角洲的. 首先是由白内障阿斯旺附近的尼罗河. 共有6个白内障尼罗河. 下努比亚第一和第二之间是白内障. 二是由上游努比亚和第六白内障. 埃及是另一个城市宿命. 孟菲斯是宿命和阿斯旺之间. 金字塔是埃及的著名建筑. 他们是搭老王. 很难建立. 四是在吉萨大金字塔. 他们都是很神秘. 我们无法知道更多的东西出来. 我告诉你要跟一些恐怖的事. 埃及人做出神秘的木乃伊. 请注意,他们不是母亲! 埃及人使他们因相信来世. 你看过一些恐怖店前约神秘的木乃伊? 如果你来到这里,看到他们,你不会觉得他们很可怕. 现在,让我们谈谈重要的事情,在埃及发现的. 天文学家发现了1年365天. 为了取得铁矿石的工匠用武器. 当然,也有语言埃及人. 它的名字象形文字. 他们用重新编码些东西. 他们写在纸莎草纸. 希望有一天在未来,你可以参观古埃及. 你真诚
2023-08-03 05:02:282