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传奇英文怎么写? 简短一点的...... 还有传说 英文怎么写???? 谢谢

2023-08-03 14:02:36
TAG: 英文 谢谢

legend (名词): 传奇,传说



1. Can you show me the road to Legend Grove?


2. According to the old legend, Romulus was the founder of Rome.


3. The little girl is very interested in the old legend of immortal creatures.


4. This oriental legend is fascinating.


5. He is a legend in his lifetime for his scientific discoveries.


6. The musician made the legend into a beautiful ballad.





1. 传说, 传奇故事2. 传奇人物3. (地图或书中图表的)图例,说明,解释4. (标志、徽记、硬币等物品上的)刻印文字,铭文5. 民间传说,民间故事;传说故事,传奇文学;稗史6. 传奇人物的业绩7. (插图、照片、地图、图表等上的)文字说明;题目;标题;凡例;图例;符号一览表



1. 萨迦(尤指古代挪威或冰岛讲述冒险经历和英雄业绩的长篇故事)2. (讲述许多年间发生的事情的)长篇故事,长篇小说 3. 一连串的事件(或经历);一连串经历的讲述(或记述)


传奇 lengend

传说(神话) myth



Romance 不会念我 呵呵
2023-08-03 03:51:295


问题一:传奇的英文是什么 legend 问题二:“传奇”英文怎么写的 legend,传奇 问题三:传奇 用英语怎么说 以下三个都行; 1.tales of marvels 2.户 legend;3. a romance 如果你用来形容人或传说,用:a legend 如果你用来形容爱情故事,用:a romance 如果你用来形容神话,用:tales of marvels 问题四:传奇 英文名怎么写? 如果是直接翻译就是Chuanqi 如果你想把自己的中文翻译过来当英文名,就是Scene/Legend (我觉得前面那个好一点,后面的气势太恢弘了) 如果两个都觉得不好,自己取个英文名吧。英文名不一定就是跟你的中文名对应的 记得采纳啊 问题五:传奇英文怎么说 传奇英文这么说 Legend 问题六:传奇的英文名是什么? Legend of mir
2023-08-03 03:52:401


legend n. 传奇;传说;传奇故事; 复数: legends; 同义词:explanation , notes , romance , illustration。 例: The castle is steeped in history and legend. 这座城堡充满着历史和传奇色彩。 扩展资料   He was a colossus, a legend.   他是一个伟人,一个传奇人物。   Legend has it that the whole village had been cursed by a witch.   传说整座村庄遭到了巫婆的诅咒。   The incident has since become a family legend   此事自此成为了家族传奇。   He has become a legend in the annals of military history.   他已成为军事史上的一个传奇。   The play was based on Irish legend.   这部戏取材于爱尔兰传说。
2023-08-03 03:52:471


传奇的英文版为《Fairy Tale》,但传奇的原唱不是来自《Fairy Tale》,而是来自李健,其原版歌曲名就叫《传奇》。《Fairy Tale》是Michael Learn To Rock演唱,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本,原唱为李健。《Fairy Tale》通过使用西方的语言和演唱方式诠释国内流行音乐的优秀作品。扩展资料原曲《传奇》没有明显的起伏却情感饱满,好似一个人在低低地诉说自己的心事。《传奇》一开始的“无意中多看了你一眼”是铺陈,中间用了四个排比句表达思念,也让思念更加立体,具有空间感,最后引出相爱的两个人终生相守的信念。在编曲时,李健家里没有一把像样的吉他,只有一把特别破的琴,有一天中午他拿那个琴写了这首歌的前奏,他觉得跟这个歌儿特别的贴切,而且为歌曲本身的旋律增色了很多。
2023-08-03 03:53:001


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2023-08-03 03:53:495

传奇 的英文翻译是什么啊

2023-08-03 03:54:066


2023-08-03 03:54:2215


英文版《传奇》原唱是Michael Learn To Rock(迈克学摇滚),歌名叫《Fairy Tale》。2010年,迈克学摇滚发行精选集《Everlasting Love Songs》,收录了李健歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版《Fairy Tale》。Michael Learn To Rock重新演绎李健的《传奇》,歌曲充满了浪漫的风味和气息,让人感觉意犹未尽。Michael Learns To Rock的音乐,结合了北欧流行乐的清新气息与英美摇滚乐的迷人风采,征服了全球乐迷的心,在2010年末的最新大碟《情歌传奇》中,将继续传递传奇般的爱情故事。扩展资料《Fairy Tale》歌词:In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face正是那个雾朦朦的早晨我看到你笑盈盈的脸You only looked at me and I was yours你只看了我一眼就把我的魂儿牵But when I turned around you were nowhere to be seen可我一转身你却在我眼前消失不见You had walked away and closed the door你早已走开,从此再也没出现When will I see you again几时我会与你再见面When will the sky stop to rain几时天空会停雨现晴天When will all the stars start to shine几时满天星星会开始闪When will I know that you"re mine几时我会知道花好月团圆Did I ever meet you in the sunshine?是否,晴空下我曾遇见你?And when we were both a thousand years away其时我俩都是相隔千年远Did I ever hold you in the moon light?是否,月光下我曾拥着你?Did we make every minute last another day?是否,临别的前一天我们时刻在缠绵?On the cold December night I gave my heart to you十二月份那个寒冷的夜里我把心交给了你And by the summer you were gone夏日到来时你却已走远Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim如今岁月荏苒星光也会渐渐黯All I have are memories and this song且用这首歌我把你深深思念When will I see you again几时我会与你再见面When will the sky stop to rain几时天空会停雨现晴天When will all the stars start to shine几时满天星星会开始闪When will I know that you"re mine几时我会知道花好月团圆Did I ever meet you in the sunshine?是否,晴空下我曾遇见你?And when we were about a thousand years away其时我俩都是相隔千年远Did I ever hold you in the moon light?是否,月光下我曾拥着你?Did we make every minute last another day?是否,临别的前一天我们时刻在缠绵?When will I see you again几时我会与你再见面When will the sky stop to rain几时天空会停雨现晴天When will all the stars start to shine几时满天星星会开始闪When will I know that you"re mine几时我会知道花好月团圆In that misty morning I saw your smiling face那个雾蒙蒙的早晨我看到你笑盈盈的脸
2023-08-03 03:55:071


歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本为《Fairy Tale》,是Michael Learn To Rock演唱的一首歌曲,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,原唱为李健。李健,1974年9月23日出生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市,中国内地流行乐男歌手、音乐人,毕业于清华大学电子工程系。2001年,与卢庚戌组成“水木年华”组合,从而正式进入演艺圈。扩展资料:歌曲《传奇》英文版的歌词如下:In that misty morning when I saw your smiling faceYou only looked at me and I was yoursBut when I turned aroundYou were nowhere to be seenYou had walked away and closed the doorWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were about a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightAnd did we make every minute last another dayOn a cold December night I gave my heart to youAnd by the summer you were goneNow as the days grow older and the stars will start to dimAll I have are memories and this songWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were both a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightDid we make every minute last another dayWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineIn that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
2023-08-03 03:55:191


  Fairy Tale/传奇英文版歌词传奇英文版.  专辑名:英文版《传奇》迈克学摇滚  演唱者:Michael Learns to Rock  It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face  在那个雾蒙蒙的清晨我看到了你微笑的脸  You only had to look at me and I was yours  你只是无意的看了下我,但是我已经是你的了  And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen  我已开始变质而你看上去没任何变化  You had walked away and closed the door  你离开了并且关上了门  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再见你一面  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天开始不下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛苦开始结束  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我每天都要分分秒秒准备着嘛?  That cold December night I gave my heart to you  我在寒冷的冬夜把心给你  [And] by the summer you were gone  而在夏天你却走了  Now as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dim  现在如同日子一天天变老和[所有的]星星开始变的暗淡  All I have are memories and this song  我的所有记忆和这首歌  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再一次见到你  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天空停止下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛开始到尽头  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我在新的一天继续为见你分分秒秒的准备着吗?  翻译部分是本人纯手工打造,绝无抄袭!翻译的不好还望见谅。。。  《传奇》中文(歌词):  只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼  再也没能忘掉你容颜  梦想着偶然能有一天再相见  从此我开始孤单思念  想你时你在天边  想你时你在眼前  想你时你在脑海  想你时你在心田  宁愿相信我们前世有约  今生的爱情故事不会再改变  宁愿用这一生等你发现  我一直在你身旁从未走远
2023-08-03 03:55:371


2023-08-03 03:55:482


"两个人的旅途 - 张峡浩词:张峡浩,曲婉婷曲:张峡浩当我翻开那照片依然是熟悉的画面回忆是孤独的思念好想有你在我身边一个人的旅途太遥远当梦想还未实现你会不会轻易地改变看流星划过的瞬间仿佛有你在身边这不会是我们的终点走过了一天又一年对你的思念未改变世界在无情地变迁只想有你在我身边一个人的旅途太遥远当梦想还未实现你会不会轻易地改变看流星划过的瞬间仿佛有你在身边这不会是我们的终点我努力追寻曾经想要的未来和你去探索那些未知的答案只要有爱在我们心中就算没有你在我身边闭上眼你未走远又一次翻开我们的照片泪水涌出了我的眼泪水涌出了我的眼再也看不清你的脸不想就这样说再见一个人的旅途太遥远当梦想还未实现你会不会轻易地改变看流星划过的瞬间仿佛有你在身边这不会是我们的终点一个人的旅途太遥远当梦想还未实现你会不会轻易地改变看流星划过的瞬间仿佛有你在身边这不会是我们的终点"
2023-08-03 03:55:583


in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face You only look at me and I was yours but when I turned round you were nowhere to be seen You had walked a way and closed the door When will i see you again When will the sky start to rain When will the star start to shine When will i know that you mine Did I ever meet you in the sunshine And when we were both a thousand years away Did I ever hold you in the moon light did we make every minute last another day On the cold December night I gave my heart to you And by the summer you were gone Now as the days grow old and the stars start to dim All I have are memories and this song When will I see you again When will the sky start to rain When will the star start to shine When will i know that you mine in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
2023-08-03 03:56:192


传奇的英文版为《Fairy Tale》,但传奇的原唱不是来自《Fairy Tale》,而是来自李健,其原版歌曲名就叫《传奇》。《Fairy Tale》是Michael Learn To Rock演唱,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风。演唱:王菲
2023-08-03 03:56:263


兄弟 我中文都还没学会 你都英文开始了 厉害
2023-08-03 03:56:388


2023-08-03 03:57:541


2023-08-03 03:58:092


It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face You only had to look at me and I was yours And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen You had walked a way and closed the door When will i see you again When will the sky start to rain When will the star start to shine When will i know that you mine Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine And when we were both a thousand years away Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light And did we make every minute last another day That cold December night I gave my heart to you And by the summer you were gone Now as the days grow old and all the stars start to dim All I have are memories and this song When will I see you again When will the sky start to rain When will the star to shine When will i know that you mine It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
2023-08-03 03:58:194


2023-08-03 03:58:461


2023-08-03 03:58:531


比较好听的英文歌有:1、《Take Me To Your Heart》是由丹麦乐队迈克学摇滚演唱的一首抒情摇滚歌曲(代表作),改编自殷文琦作曲、张学友演唱的歌曲《吻别》,歌曲由Jascha Richter填词,Johan Bejerholm编曲。收录于2004年2月5日发行的同名专辑《Take Me To Your Heart》中。2、《Fairy Tale》是Michael Learn To Rock演唱的一首歌曲,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本,原唱为李健。《Fairy Tale》通过使用西方的语言和演唱方式诠释国内流行音乐的优秀作品。3、《Only Love》是Trademark乐队的第三张专辑《Only love》中最好听的一首,低沉而富有磁性的嗓音讲述了又一个令人感动的爱情。4、《That Girl》是由Olly Murs(奥利·莫尔斯)演唱,Claude Kelly,Olly Murs,Steve Robson作词作曲的一首歌曲,出自Olly Murs2016年发行的专辑《24 HRS (Deluxe)》。5、《LIKE I WOULD》(就像我会做的)是由英国男歌手One Direction(单向组合)前成员Zayn Malik演唱,收录于个人专辑《Mind of Mine》中。
2023-08-03 03:59:011


Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5Oh,Oh!Just shoot for the starsIf it feels rightAnd aim for my heartIf you feel likeAnd take me away and make it OKI swear I"ll behaveYou wanted controlSo we waitedI put on a showNow I make itYou say I"m a kidMy ego is bigI don"t give a shitAnd it goes like thisTake me by the tongueAnd I"ll know youKiss me "til you"re drunkAnd I"ll show youAll the moves like JaggerI"ve got the moves like JaggerI"ve got the moves like JaggerI don"t need to try to control youLook into my eyes and I"ll own youWith them moves like JaggerI"ve got the moves like JaggerI"ve got the moves like JaggerMaybe it"s hardWhen you feel likeYou"re broken and scarredNothing feels rightBut when you"re with meI"ll make you believeThat I"ve got the keyOhSo get in the carWe can ride itWherever you wantGet inside itAnd you want to steerBut I"m shifting gearsI"ll take it from here(Oh! Yeah yeah!)And it goes like this (Uh)Take me by the tongueAnd I"ll know you (Uh)Kiss me "til you"re drunkAnd I"ll show youAll the moves like JaggerI"ve got the moves like JaggerI"ve got the moves like JaggerI don"t need to try to control you(Oh, yeah)Look into my eyesAnd I"ll own youWith them moves like JaggerI"ve got the moves like Jagger(Yeah yeah)I"ve got the moves like JaggerYou wanna knowHow to make me smileTake control,Own me just for the nightAnd if I share my secretYou"re gonna have to keep itNobody else can see thisSo watch and learnI won"t show you twiceHead to toe,Oooh baby rub me rightBut if I share my secretYou"re gonna have to keep itNobody else can see this(Ay! Ay! Ay! Aaay!)And it goes like thisTake me by the tongueAnd I"ll know youKiss me "til you"re drunkAnd I"ll show youAll the moves like JaggerI"ve got the moves like JaggerI"ve got the moves like JaggerI don"t need to try to control youLook into my eyes and I"ll own youWith them moves like JaggerI"ve got the moves like JaggerI"ve got the moves like Jagger
2023-08-03 03:59:331


2023-08-03 03:59:433


—— 英文:Legendary hero 传奇英雄。
2023-08-03 04:00:041


Fairy TaleMichael Learns to Rock,即迈克学摇滚,演唱。It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling faceYou only had to look at me and I was yoursAnd then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen You had walked away and closed the door When will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will [all] the stars shine againWhen will this hurt start to endDid I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?[And] when we were both a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?And did we make every minute lastanother day?That cold December night I gave my heart to you[And] by the summer you were goneNow as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dimAll I have are memories and this songWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will [all] the stars shine againWhen will this hurt start to endDid I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?[And] when we were both a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?And did we make every minute lastanother day?It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face迈克学摇滚,始建于1987年,曾被形容是斯堪地那维亚音乐传统与西洋流行音乐的甜美相遇,绝非「丹麦团」三个字就可以草草了事,他们全球800万张惊人的销售量不但是一般乐团少有的,迈克学摇滚深入流行音乐情感层面并从中精确掌握音符组构成果的能力,使得他们成为丹麦流行音乐史上最成功的团体之一。迈克学摇滚在家乡已经有超过五十万张唱片的销售纪录,但更惊人的是他们在全球的销售数字更是高达八百万张之高!其中更在亚洲更是掀起一阵流行狂潮。(百度百科)
2023-08-03 04:00:132


2023-08-03 04:00:201


tales of marvels
2023-08-03 04:00:572


传奇的英文版为《Fairy Tale》,但传奇的原唱不是来自《Fairy Tale》,而是来自李健,其原版歌曲名就叫《传奇》。《Fairy Tale》是Michael Learn To Rock演唱,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本,原唱为李健。《Fairy Tale》通过使用西方的语言和演唱方式诠释国内流行音乐的优秀作品。扩展资料原曲《传奇》没有明显的起伏却情感饱满,好似一个人在低低地诉说自己的心事。《传奇》一开始的“无意中多看了你一眼”是铺陈,中间用了四个排比句表达思念,也让思念更加立体,具有空间感,最后引出相爱的两个人终生相守的信念。在编曲时,李健家里没有一把像样的吉他,只有一把特别破的琴,有一天中午他拿那个琴写了这首歌的前奏,他觉得跟这个歌儿特别的贴切,而且为歌曲本身的旋律增色了很多。
2023-08-03 04:01:041


传奇的英文版为《Fairy Tale》,但传奇的原唱不是来自《Fairy Tale》,而是来自李健,其原版歌曲名就叫《传奇》。《Fairy Tale》是Michael Learn To Rock演唱,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本,原唱为李健。《Fairy Tale》通过使用西方的语言和演唱方式诠释国内流行音乐的优秀作品。扩展资料原曲《传奇》没有明显的起伏却情感饱满,好似一个人在低低地诉说自己的心事。《传奇》一开始的“无意中多看了你一眼”是铺陈,中间用了四个排比句表达思念,也让思念更加立体,具有空间感,最后引出相爱的两个人终生相守的信念。在编曲时,李健家里没有一把像样的吉他,只有一把特别破的琴,有一天中午他拿那个琴写了这首歌的前奏,他觉得跟这个歌儿特别的贴切,而且为歌曲本身的旋律增色了很多。
2023-08-03 04:01:171

传奇英文怎么写?简短一点的.还有传说 英文怎么写?

legend (名词):传奇,传说 形容词为 legendary 1.Can you show me the road to Legend Grove? 你能告诉我到传奇路怎么走吗? 2.According to the old legend,Romulus was the founder of Rome. 按照古老的传说,罗穆卢斯是古罗马的建国者. 3.The little girl is very interested in the old legend of immortal creatures. 小女孩对有关永生的精灵的古老传奇非常感兴趣. 4.This oriental legend is fascinating. 这个东方传说很吸引人. 5.He is a legend in his lifetime for his scientific discoveries. 他的科学发现使他一生成为传奇人物. 6.The musician made the legend into a beautiful ballad. 这位音乐家把传说编成了一首美丽的民谣.
2023-08-03 04:01:301


歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本为《Fairy Tale》,是Michael Learn To Rock演唱的一首歌曲,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,原唱为李健。李健,1974年9月23日出生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市,中国内地流行乐男歌手、音乐人,毕业于清华大学电子工程系。2001年,与卢庚戌组成“水木年华”组合,从而正式进入演艺圈。扩展资料:歌曲《传奇》英文版的歌词如下:In that misty morning when I saw your smiling faceYou only looked at me and I was yoursBut when I turned aroundYou were nowhere to be seenYou had walked away and closed the doorWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were about a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightAnd did we make every minute last another dayOn a cold December night I gave my heart to youAnd by the summer you were goneNow as the days grow older and the stars will start to dimAll I have are memories and this songWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were both a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightDid we make every minute last another dayWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineIn that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
2023-08-03 04:01:381

求Fairy Tale/传奇英文版 歌词和中文翻译

  Fairy Tale/传奇英文版歌词传奇英文版.  专辑名:英文版《传奇》迈克学摇滚  演唱者:Michael Learns to Rock  It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face  在那个雾蒙蒙的清晨我看到了你微笑的脸  You only had to look at me and I was yours  你只是无意的看了下我,但是我已经是你的了  And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen  我已开始变质而你看上去没任何变化  You had walked away and closed the door  你离开了并且关上了门  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再见你一面  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天开始不下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛苦开始结束  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我每天都要分分秒秒准备着嘛?  That cold December night I gave my heart to you  我在寒冷的冬夜把心给你  [And] by the summer you were gone  而在夏天你却走了  Now as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dim  现在如同日子一天天变老和[所有的]星星开始变的暗淡  All I have are memories and this song  我的所有记忆和这首歌  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再一次见到你  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天空停止下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛开始到尽头  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我在新的一天继续为见你分分秒秒的准备着吗?  翻译部分是本人纯手工打造,绝无抄袭!翻译的不好还望见谅。。。  《传奇》中文(歌词):  只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼  再也没能忘掉你容颜  梦想着偶然能有一天再相见  从此我开始孤单思念  想你时你在天边  想你时你在眼前  想你时你在脑海  想你时你在心田  宁愿相信我们前世有约  今生的爱情故事不会再改变  宁愿用这一生等你发现  我一直在你身旁从未走远
2023-08-03 04:01:571


  Fairy Tale/传奇英文版歌词传奇英文版.  专辑名:英文版《传奇》迈克学摇滚  演唱者:Michael Learns to Rock  It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face  在那个雾蒙蒙的清晨我看到了你微笑的脸  You only had to look at me and I was yours  你只是无意的看了下我,但是我已经是你的了  And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen  我已开始变质而你看上去没任何变化  You had walked away and closed the door  你离开了并且关上了门  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再见你一面  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天开始不下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛苦开始结束  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我每天都要分分秒秒准备着嘛?  That cold December night I gave my heart to you  我在寒冷的冬夜把心给你  [And] by the summer you were gone  而在夏天你却走了  Now as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dim  现在如同日子一天天变老和[所有的]星星开始变的暗淡  All I have are memories and this song  我的所有记忆和这首歌  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再一次见到你  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天空停止下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛开始到尽头  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我在新的一天继续为见你分分秒秒的准备着吗?  翻译部分是本人纯手工打造,绝无抄袭!翻译的不好还望见谅。。。  《传奇》中文(歌词):  只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼  再也没能忘掉你容颜  梦想着偶然能有一天再相见  从此我开始孤单思念  想你时你在天边  想你时你在眼前  想你时你在脑海  想你时你在心田  宁愿相信我们前世有约  今生的爱情故事不会再改变  宁愿用这一生等你发现  我一直在你身旁从未走远
2023-08-03 04:02:181


《传奇》英文版原唱是Michael Learn To Rock。《传奇》歌曲的英文版是《Fairy Tale》,是Michael Learn To Rock演唱的一首歌曲,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本,这首歌通过使用西方的语言和演唱方式诠释国内流行音乐的优秀作品,歌曲充满了浪漫的风味和气息,让人感觉意犹未尽。Michael Learns To Rock的音乐,结合了北欧流行乐的清新气息与英美摇滚乐的迷人风采,征服了全球乐迷的心,在2010年末的最新大碟《情歌传奇》中,他们继续传递传奇般的爱情故事。而《Fairy Tale》这首歌就收录在这张专辑当中。《Fairy Tale》歌曲歌词In that misty morning when I saw your smiling faceYou only looked at me and I was yoursBut when I turned aroundYou were nowhere to be seenYou had walked away and closed the doorWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were about a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightDid we make every minute last another dayOn a cold December night I gave my heart to youAnd by the summer you were goneNow as the days grow older and the stars will start to dimAll I have are memories and this songWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were both a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightDid we make every minute last another dayWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineIn that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
2023-08-03 04:02:251


传奇的英文版为《Fairy Tale》,但传奇的原唱不是来自《Fairy Tale》,而是来自李健,其原版歌曲名就叫《传奇》。《Fairy Tale》是Michael Learn To Rock演唱,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本,原唱为李健。《Fairy Tale》通过使用西方的语言和演唱方式诠释国内流行音乐的优秀作品。扩展资料原曲《传奇》没有明显的起伏却情感饱满,好似一个人在低低地诉说自己的心事。《传奇》一开始的“无意中多看了你一眼”是铺陈,中间用了四个排比句表达思念,也让思念更加立体,具有空间感,最后引出相爱的两个人终生相守的信念。在编曲时,李健家里没有一把像样的吉他,只有一把特别破的琴,有一天中午他拿那个琴写了这首歌的前奏,他觉得跟这个歌儿特别的贴切,而且为歌曲本身的旋律增色了很多。
2023-08-03 04:02:411


英文版《传奇》原唱是Michael Learn To Rock(迈克学摇滚),歌名叫《Fairy Tale》。2010年,迈克学摇滚发行精选集《Everlasting Love Songs》,收录了李健歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版《Fairy Tale》。Michael Learn To Rock重新演绎李健的《传奇》,歌曲充满了浪漫的风味和气息,让人感觉意犹未尽。Michael Learns To Rock的音乐,结合了北欧流行乐的清新气息与英美摇滚乐的迷人风采,征服了全球乐迷的心,在2010年末的最新大碟《情歌传奇》中,将继续传递传奇般的爱情故事。扩展资料《Fairy Tale》歌词:In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face正是那个雾朦朦的早晨我看到你笑盈盈的脸You only looked at me and I was yours你只看了我一眼就把我的魂儿牵But when I turned around you were nowhere to be seen可我一转身你却在我眼前消失不见You had walked away and closed the door你早已走开,从此再也没出现When will I see you again几时我会与你再见面When will the sky stop to rain几时天空会停雨现晴天When will all the stars start to shine几时满天星星会开始闪When will I know that you"re mine几时我会知道花好月团圆Did I ever meet you in the sunshine?是否,晴空下我曾遇见你?And when we were both a thousand years away其时我俩都是相隔千年远Did I ever hold you in the moon light?是否,月光下我曾拥着你?Did we make every minute last another day?是否,临别的前一天我们时刻在缠绵?On the cold December night I gave my heart to you十二月份那个寒冷的夜里我把心交给了你And by the summer you were gone夏日到来时你却已走远Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim如今岁月荏苒星光也会渐渐黯All I have are memories and this song且用这首歌我把你深深思念When will I see you again几时我会与你再见面When will the sky stop to rain几时天空会停雨现晴天When will all the stars start to shine几时满天星星会开始闪When will I know that you"re mine几时我会知道花好月团圆Did I ever meet you in the sunshine?是否,晴空下我曾遇见你?And when we were about a thousand years away其时我俩都是相隔千年远Did I ever hold you in the moon light?是否,月光下我曾拥着你?Did we make every minute last another day?是否,临别的前一天我们时刻在缠绵?When will I see you again几时我会与你再见面When will the sky stop to rain几时天空会停雨现晴天When will all the stars start to shine几时满天星星会开始闪When will I know that you"re mine几时我会知道花好月团圆In that misty morning I saw your smiling face那个雾蒙蒙的早晨我看到你笑盈盈的脸
2023-08-03 04:02:541


《传奇》英文版原唱是Michael Learn To Rock。《传奇》歌曲的英文版是《Fairy Tale》,是Michael Learn To Rock演唱的一首歌曲,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本,这首歌通过使用西方的语言和演唱方式诠释国内流行音乐的优秀作品,歌曲充满了浪漫的风味和气息,让人感觉意犹未尽。Michael Learns To Rock的音乐,结合了北欧流行乐的清新气息与英美摇滚乐的迷人风采,征服了全球乐迷的心,在2010年末的最新大碟《情歌传奇》中,他们继续传递传奇般的爱情故事。而《Fairy Tale》这首歌就收录在这张专辑当中。《Fairy Tale》歌曲歌词In that misty morning when I saw your smiling faceYou only looked at me and I was yoursBut when I turned aroundYou were nowhere to be seenYou had walked away and closed the doorWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were about a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightDid we make every minute last another dayOn a cold December night I gave my heart to youAnd by the summer you were goneNow as the days grow older and the stars will start to dimAll I have are memories and this songWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were both a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightDid we make every minute last another dayWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineIn that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
2023-08-03 04:03:071


《传奇》英文版原唱是Michael Learn To Rock。这首歌的歌词如下:First time when I saw youWasn"t looking for a loveMy journeys just begunBut now I know what I"ve been missingI need a love, a love that"s trueSomeone to hold, hold me tooAnd when I"m feeling down and blueYou"re always there, to lighten up my daySo let me sayThis is the momentThat I love you more than words can sayNeed you foreverIn my life together we"ll always stay"Cause you"re the (you"re the)You"re the only love I"ve ever knownYou"re the (you"re the)You"re the sun in my sky, my only joyYou"re the (you"re the)You"re the only love I"ve ever knownYou"re the (you"re the)You"re the sun in my sky, my only joySo if you feel the way I doLet me hear you say(You"re the only love)(You"re the only love)(You"re the only love)(You"re the only love)(You"re the only love)(You"re the only love)(You"re the only love)(You"re the only love)
2023-08-03 04:03:242


  Fairy Tale/传奇英文版歌词传奇英文版.  专辑名:英文版《传奇》迈克学摇滚  演唱者:Michael Learns to Rock  It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face  在那个雾蒙蒙的清晨我看到了你微笑的脸  You only had to look at me and I was yours  你只是无意的看了下我,但是我已经是你的了  And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen  我已开始变质而你看上去没任何变化  You had walked away and closed the door  你离开了并且关上了门  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再见你一面  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天开始不下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛苦开始结束  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我每天都要分分秒秒准备着嘛?  That cold December night I gave my heart to you  我在寒冷的冬夜把心给你  [And] by the summer you were gone  而在夏天你却走了  Now as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dim  现在如同日子一天天变老和[所有的]星星开始变的暗淡  All I have are memories and this song  我的所有记忆和这首歌  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再一次见到你  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天空停止下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛开始到尽头  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我在新的一天继续为见你分分秒秒的准备着吗?  翻译部分是本人纯手工打造,绝无抄袭!翻译的不好还望见谅。。。  《传奇》中文(歌词):  只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼  再也没能忘掉你容颜  梦想着偶然能有一天再相见  从此我开始孤单思念  想你时你在天边  想你时你在眼前  想你时你在脑海  想你时你在心田  宁愿相信我们前世有约  今生的爱情故事不会再改变  宁愿用这一生等你发现  我一直在你身旁从未走远
2023-08-03 04:03:401


歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本为《Fairy Tale》,是Michael Learn To Rock演唱的一首歌曲,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,原唱为李健。李健,1974年9月23日出生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市,中国内地流行乐男歌手、音乐人,毕业于清华大学电子工程系。2001年,与卢庚戌组成“水木年华”组合,从而正式进入演艺圈。扩展资料:歌曲《传奇》英文版的歌词如下:In that misty morning when I saw your smiling faceYou only looked at me and I was yoursBut when I turned aroundYou were nowhere to be seenYou had walked away and closed the doorWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were about a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightAnd did we make every minute last another dayOn a cold December night I gave my heart to youAnd by the summer you were goneNow as the days grow older and the stars will start to dimAll I have are memories and this songWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were both a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightDid we make every minute last another dayWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineIn that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
2023-08-03 04:03:591


歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本为《Fairy Tale》,是Michael Learn To Rock演唱的一首歌曲,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,原唱为李健。李健,1974年9月23日出生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市,中国内地流行乐男歌手、音乐人,毕业于清华大学电子工程系。2001年,与卢庚戌组成“水木年华”组合,从而正式进入演艺圈。扩展资料:歌曲《传奇》英文版的歌词如下:In that misty morning when I saw your smiling faceYou only looked at me and I was yoursBut when I turned aroundYou were nowhere to be seenYou had walked away and closed the doorWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were about a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightAnd did we make every minute last another dayOn a cold December night I gave my heart to youAnd by the summer you were goneNow as the days grow older and the stars will start to dimAll I have are memories and this songWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were both a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightDid we make every minute last another dayWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineIn that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
2023-08-03 04:04:161

Fairy Tale是什么意思?是不是英文版“传奇”?

Fairy Tale/传奇英文版歌词传奇英文版.专辑名:英文版《传奇》迈克学摇滚 演唱者:Michael Learns to Rock It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face 在那个雾蒙蒙的清晨我看到了你微笑的脸You only had to look at me and I was yours 你只是无意的看了下我,但是我已经是你的了And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen 我已开始变质而你看上去没任何变化You had walked away and closed the door 你离开了并且关上了门When will I see you again 什么时候我才能再见你一面When will the sky stop to rain 什么时候天开始不下雨When will [all] the stars shine again 什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁When will this hurt start to end 什么时候这种痛苦开始结束Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine? 我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?[And] when we were both a thousand years away [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light? 难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?And did we make every minute last another day? 并且我每天都要分分秒秒准备着嘛?That cold December night I gave my heart to you 我在寒冷的冬夜把心给你[And] by the summer you were gone 而在夏天你却走了Now as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dim 现在如同日子一天天变老和[所有的]星星开始变的暗淡All I have are memories and this song 我的所有记忆和这首歌When will I see you again 什么时候我才能再一次见到你When will the sky stop to rain 什么时候天空停止下雨When will [all] the stars shine again 什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁When will this hurt start to end 什么时候这种痛开始到尽头Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine? 我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?[And] when we were both a thousand years away [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light? 难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?And did we make every minute last another day? 并且我在新的一天继续为见你分分秒秒的准备着吗? 翻译部分是本人纯手工打造,绝无抄袭!翻译的不好还望见谅。。。《传奇》中文(歌词): 只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼 再也没能忘掉你容颜 梦想着偶然能有一天再相见 从此我开始孤单思念 想你时你在天边 想你时你在眼前 想你时你在脑海 想你时你在心田 宁愿相信我们前世有约 今生的爱情故事不会再改变 宁愿用这一生等你发现 我一直在你身旁从未走远
2023-08-03 04:04:341


传奇的英文版为《Fairy Tale》,但传奇的原唱不是来自《Fairy Tale》,而是来自李健,其原版歌曲名就叫《传奇》。《Fairy Tale》是Michael Learn To Rock演唱,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本,原唱为李健。《Fairy Tale》通过使用西方的语言和演唱方式诠释国内流行音乐的优秀作品。扩展资料原曲《传奇》没有明显的起伏却情感饱满,好似一个人在低低地诉说自己的心事。《传奇》一开始的“无意中多看了你一眼”是铺陈,中间用了四个排比句表达思念,也让思念更加立体,具有空间感,最后引出相爱的两个人终生相守的信念。在编曲时,李健家里没有一把像样的吉他,只有一把特别破的琴,有一天中午他拿那个琴写了这首歌的前奏,他觉得跟这个歌儿特别的贴切,而且为歌曲本身的旋律增色了很多。
2023-08-03 04:04:441


英文版《传奇》原唱是Michael Learn To Rock(迈克学摇滚),歌名叫《Fairy Tale》。2010年,迈克学摇滚发行精选集《Everlasting Love Songs》,收录了李健歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版《Fairy Tale》。Michael Learn To Rock重新演绎李健的《传奇》,歌曲充满了浪漫的风味和气息,让人感觉意犹未尽。Michael Learns To Rock的音乐,结合了北欧流行乐的清新气息与英美摇滚乐的迷人风采,征服了全球乐迷的心,在2010年末的最新大碟《情歌传奇》中,将继续传递传奇般的爱情故事。扩展资料《Fairy Tale》歌词:In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face正是那个雾朦朦的早晨我看到你笑盈盈的脸You only looked at me and I was yours你只看了我一眼就把我的魂儿牵But when I turned around you were nowhere to be seen可我一转身你却在我眼前消失不见You had walked away and closed the door你早已走开,从此再也没出现When will I see you again几时我会与你再见面When will the sky stop to rain几时天空会停雨现晴天When will all the stars start to shine几时满天星星会开始闪When will I know that you"re mine几时我会知道花好月团圆Did I ever meet you in the sunshine?是否,晴空下我曾遇见你?And when we were both a thousand years away其时我俩都是相隔千年远Did I ever hold you in the moon light?是否,月光下我曾拥着你?Did we make every minute last another day?是否,临别的前一天我们时刻在缠绵?On the cold December night I gave my heart to you十二月份那个寒冷的夜里我把心交给了你And by the summer you were gone夏日到来时你却已走远Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim如今岁月荏苒星光也会渐渐黯All I have are memories and this song且用这首歌我把你深深思念When will I see you again几时我会与你再见面When will the sky stop to rain几时天空会停雨现晴天When will all the stars start to shine几时满天星星会开始闪When will I know that you"re mine几时我会知道花好月团圆Did I ever meet you in the sunshine?是否,晴空下我曾遇见你?And when we were about a thousand years away其时我俩都是相隔千年远Did I ever hold you in the moon light?是否,月光下我曾拥着你?Did we make every minute last another day?是否,临别的前一天我们时刻在缠绵?When will I see you again几时我会与你再见面When will the sky stop to rain几时天空会停雨现晴天When will all the stars start to shine几时满天星星会开始闪When will I know that you"re mine几时我会知道花好月团圆In that misty morning I saw your smiling face那个雾蒙蒙的早晨我看到你笑盈盈的脸
2023-08-03 04:04:581


Fairy Tale/传奇英文版歌词传奇英文版.专辑名:英文版《传奇》迈克学摇滚 演唱者:Michael Learns to Rock It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face 在那个雾蒙蒙的清晨我看到了你微笑的脸You only had to look at me and I was yours 你只是无意的看了下我,但是我已经是你的了And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen 我已开始变质而你看上去没任何变化You had walked away and closed the door 你离开了并且关上了门When will I see you again 什么时候我才能再见你一面When will the sky stop to rain 什么时候天开始不下雨When will [all] the stars shine again 什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁When will this hurt start to end 什么时候这种痛苦开始结束Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine? 我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?[And] when we were both a thousand years away [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light? 难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?And did we make every minute last another day? 并且我每天都要分分秒秒准备着嘛?That cold December night I gave my heart to you 我在寒冷的冬夜把心给你[And] by the summer you were gone 而在夏天你却走了Now as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dim 现在如同日子一天天变老和[所有的]星星开始变的暗淡All I have are memories and this song 我的所有记忆和这首歌When will I see you again 什么时候我才能再一次见到你When will the sky stop to rain 什么时候天空停止下雨When will [all] the stars shine again 什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁When will this hurt start to end 什么时候这种痛开始到尽头Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine? 我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?[And] when we were both a thousand years away [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light? 难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?And did we make every minute last another day? 并且我在新的一天继续为见你分分秒秒的准备着吗? 翻译部分是本人纯手工打造,绝无抄袭!翻译的不好还望见谅。。。《传奇》中文(歌词): 只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼 再也没能忘掉你容颜 梦想着偶然能有一天再相见 从此我开始孤单思念 想你时你在天边 想你时你在眼前 想你时你在脑海 想你时你在心田 宁愿相信我们前世有约 今生的爱情故事不会再改变 宁愿用这一生等你发现 我一直在你身旁从未走远
2023-08-03 04:05:121


歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本为《Fairy Tale》,是Michael Learn To Rock演唱的一首歌曲,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,原唱为李健。李健,1974年9月23日出生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市,中国内地流行乐男歌手、音乐人,毕业于清华大学电子工程系。2001年,与卢庚戌组成“水木年华”组合,从而正式进入演艺圈。扩展资料:歌曲《传奇》英文版的歌词如下:In that misty morning when I saw your smiling faceYou only looked at me and I was yoursBut when I turned aroundYou were nowhere to be seenYou had walked away and closed the doorWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were about a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightAnd did we make every minute last another dayOn a cold December night I gave my heart to youAnd by the summer you were goneNow as the days grow older and the stars will start to dimAll I have are memories and this songWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineDid I ever meet you in the sunshineAnd when we were both a thousand years awayDid I ever hold you in the moonlightDid we make every minute last another dayWhen will I see you againWhen will the sky stop to rainWhen will the stars start to shineWhen will I know that you"re mineIn that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
2023-08-03 04:05:191


顶级是top-level 传奇是legend。 所以缩写你就用TL就行
2023-08-03 04:05:391


  Fairy Tale/传奇英文版歌词传奇英文版.  专辑名:英文版《传奇》迈克学摇滚  演唱者:Michael Learns to Rock  It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face  在那个雾蒙蒙的清晨我看到了你微笑的脸  You only had to look at me and I was yours  你只是无意的看了下我,但是我已经是你的了  And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen  我已开始变质而你看上去没任何变化  You had walked away and closed the door  你离开了并且关上了门  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再见你一面  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天开始不下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛苦开始结束  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我每天都要分分秒秒准备着嘛?  That cold December night I gave my heart to you  我在寒冷的冬夜把心给你  [And] by the summer you were gone  而在夏天你却走了  Now as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dim  现在如同日子一天天变老和[所有的]星星开始变的暗淡  All I have are memories and this song  我的所有记忆和这首歌  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再一次见到你  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天空停止下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛开始到尽头  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我在新的一天继续为见你分分秒秒的准备着吗?  翻译部分是本人纯手工打造,绝无抄袭!翻译的不好还望见谅。。。  《传奇》中文(歌词):  只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼  再也没能忘掉你容颜  梦想着偶然能有一天再相见  从此我开始孤单思念  想你时你在天边  想你时你在眼前  想你时你在脑海  想你时你在心田  宁愿相信我们前世有约  今生的爱情故事不会再改变  宁愿用这一生等你发现  我一直在你身旁从未走远
2023-08-03 04:05:481