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sweet dumpling是什么意思``?

2023-05-19 19:01:06


但sweet dumpling就应该是汤圆




dumpling 汤团;团子;饺子full-moon dumpling 元宵rice dumpling 粽子
2023-01-08 12:48:154


rice dumpling 专指用糯米粉制作的的小面团,如我国的汤圆. dumpling:指用各种面粉制作的小面团,既包括 rice dumpling 也包括 wheat dumpling(如布丁、水饺).
2023-01-08 12:49:101

rice dumpling是什么意思

2023-01-08 12:49:152


2023-01-08 12:49:2411


what does "dumpling" mean?
2023-01-08 12:50:026


2023-01-08 12:50:254


2023-01-08 12:50:387


2023-01-08 12:51:061

chubby dumpling 什么意思

是中国粉丝给美国演员Sebastian Stan起的昵称:包子或者包包,翻译过来就是chubby dumpling
2023-01-08 12:51:214


你好,亲,dumpling 英[ˈdʌmplɪŋ] 美[ˈdʌmplɪŋ] n. 汤团,饺子; 水果布丁; 矮胖的人; [用于爱称] 宝贝。
2023-01-08 12:51:3513


2023-01-08 12:52:214


饺子寓意英语 饺子寓意英语,饺子是一种比较常见的中国食物,北方不管是什么节,都会选择包饺子。吃的感觉很重要,有的时候一家人一起包饺子的氛围更重要。那么,今天给大家分享饺子寓意英语。 饺子寓意英语1 饺子寓意 1、芹菜馅—即勤财之意 故为 勤财饺 勤:即勤奋、勤劳;经常,勤密(频繁)源源不断,谓之勤财。是对源源不断的物质财富的祈福;更是对勤劳、务实的祝福。 2、韭菜馅—即久财之意 故为 久财饺 久:即时间长、久远,谓之久财。是祈福长久的物质财富; 3、白菜馅—即百财之意 故为 百财饺 对百样之财的祈福;或为对新婚燕尔白头偕老的美好祝愿。 4、香菇馅—即鼓财之意 故为 鼓财饺 鼓:即高起,凸出,香菇的形状如同向上的.箭头,或为股票大盘的势,向上、饱鼓之意,谓之鼓财;或为对晚辈表达出希望其出人头地的美好祝愿。 5、酸菜馅—即算财之意 故为 算财饺 算:即核计,清算。如果钱多到要算一个晚上,那是多少呢?谓之算财;或为对选择的祝福,选择大于努力,愿亲戚朋友都能有个好的选择,选择好。 6、肉菜馅—即有财之意 故为 有财饺 祝福你有财,更祝福你有才。 7、鱼肉馅—既余财之意 故为 余财饺 余:即剩余,多出来的,祝福您年年有余,谓之余财。付出的是辛劳,得到的就是财富,余留下来的是健康。 8、牛肉馅—即牛财之意 故为 牛财饺 牛:即牛气之意,炒股朋友们的最爱,天天逢牛市,牛谓之牛财;更祝愿朋友身体健康,牛气十足。 9、羊肉馅—即洋财之意 故为 洋财饺 洋:即广大,众多;比海还广阔,祝您发洋财,谓之洋财。 10、大枣馅—即招财之意 故为 招财饺 招:即招唤,有如财神,天下间的财富,由你调遣,谓之招财。传统是喜欢在饺子里面包上钱币,吃到的就是运气最好的,可又不是很安全、卫生,所以包上大红枣,祝愿吃到的就会在新的一年里红红火火,招气十足。 11、野菜馅—即野财之意 故为 野财饺 野:即野外,或为意外。试问,绿色、健康的意外之财,谁不喜欢呢?谓之野财。 12、菜 馅—即财到之意 故为 财到饺 财到:即财到了、财神到、既有接财纳富之意。蔬菜馅,即为素馅、菜馅,谓之财到。 13、甜 馅—即添财之意 故为 添财饺 添财:即增加、增添之意。即为甜食或为汤圆、月饼等;更与天才谐音,谓之添财。 Dumpling meaning 1、 the celery stuffing that wash money. So as to wash money dumplings Qin: diligence, diligence; often, often densely ( frequently、 everfount, that the good fortune. The everfount material wealth is more diligent, to pray; pragmatic blessing. 2、 leek stuffing that long property. So long fortune dumplings Long, long long time: namely, that the long property. Blessing, long material wealth; 3、 Chinese cabbage filling that finance hundred meaning so as to finance hundred dumplings The kind of money or to pray; said of a couple of good wishes the couple joy in their marriage. 4、 mushroom stuffing - drum property meaning so as to drum s dumplings Drums: high, convex, mushroom shape as the upward arrow, or for stock market potential, upward, meaning that the full drum, drum property; or to younger people expressed the hope that its rise head and shoulders above others good wishes. 5、 sauerkraut stuffing - calculate property. It is fortune dumplings Count: accounting, clearing. If more money to count one night, how much is it? Call count property; or to choose blessing, than to choose, is willing to friends and relatives to have a good choice, good choice. 6、 the meat stuffing that property means so as to fortune dumplings Wishing you all the blessings of wealth, more bless you with. 7、 the fish meat - both my fortune. It is my fortune dumplings Yu: residual, extra, bless you may there be surpluses every year, that the spare money. It is hard work, get a good, remaining healthy. 8、 beef cattle property -- meaning the bovine Choi dumplings Cow: making meaning, fry friends love, every day, every bull, cow " cattle property; wish friends good health, bullish. 9、 sheep meat that fortune. So as a big fortune dumplings Ocean: that is broad, numerous; than the sea is vast, wish you make a big fortune, is a big fortune. 10、 date stuffing that lucky. So lucky dumpling Action: summon, as the God of wealth, the wealth, you call, call lucky. Tradition is like dumplings inside the package on coins, to eat is the best of luck, but not very safe, sanitary, so pack big red dates, wishing to eat it in a new year prosperous, enrol full gas. 11、 - Wild potherb stuffings property. So wild property dumplings Wild: or field, or an accident. How, green, healthy windfall, who didnt like? That the wild property. 12、 vegetable stuffing that property to the property to the dumplings. Property: that property to, according to, both connected to money, rich. Vegetable stuffing, namely the vegetarian stuffing, vegetable stuffing, that the property to. 13、 sweet stuffing that Tim Choi. It is Tim Choi dumplings Tim Choi : namely, increase, add. For dessert or as dumplings, cakes and other; and genius homophonic, called Tim choi. 饺子寓意英语2 Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food. On the lunar New Year s Day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. To make them, follow this easy process. The first step is to mix the flour with water. When the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers. We use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. When the wrappers are done, it s time to prepare the filling. Usually, we use meat such as beef or mutton, and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling. You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it. We must chop those things into small pieces. Then put some salt, oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these preparations are done, we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper. Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest. Don t just cover the filling with the wrappers. The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship, because when they are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea. The smell can make your mouth water. 参考翻译:饺子是一种传统的中国食品。在农历新年,大多数家庭做出很多美味的饺子。为了让他们按照这个简单的过程。 第一步是与水混合的面粉。当面团准备好了,我们可以开始做饺子皮。我们用一根擀面杖滚成小,薄,圆块,使他们很容易煮的面团。当包装完成后,它的时间来准备填补。通常,我们用肉,如牛肉或羊肉,并填补一些比如白菜和胡萝卜蔬菜。你也可以用任何你想投入它。我们一定要切成小块的东西。然后放入一些盐,油和其他调料,搅拌均匀。当所有这些准备工作完成后,我们就可以开始包饺子。首先放馅在包装中心一勺。然后棍子把两边,然后休息。唐吨只用了包装灌装。饺子最好的形状是船型的,因为当它们在锅里煮的时候,看起来像在海中航行的船只。气味可以让你流口水。 饺子寓意英语3 Dumpling is my favourite food. Since childhood I have learned how to make it. There are five steps. First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour. The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow. Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky. When the dough is ready, leave it there for use later, then go on to make the fillings. The second step is to mince the meat, mushrooms and shrimps till they are mixed in a paste. Add some spice such as ginger and onion and stir them evenly. The third step is to make the wrappings. Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings, each two inches in diameter. The fourth step is to put the fillings in the middle of a wrapping. Then press the wrapping tight and a Dumpling is ready. When you have made enough, Dumpling the next step is to boil them. That is the last step. Put a pot of water on the stove. When the water is boiling, put the Dumpling one by one into the water and cover the pot. When steam comes out, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time. When you see the Dumpling floating in boiling water, you can put them in bowls or plates, get the chopsticks and be ready to eat. 怎样包饺子? 饺子是我喜欢的食物。从童年起我就学会了包饺子,共有5个步骤。 第1步,先用水和面,和面盆要大些,以免水和面溢出。用手揉面团,直到不粘手为止。和好面以后,将做饺馅。 第2步,剁肉馅,将蘑菇和虾米搅拌成糊状,放入调味品如姜、葱,并把馅搅匀。 第3步,做饺皮。用擀面杖擀出一张张直径为两英寸的圆饺皮。 第4步,把馅放入饺皮中,捏紧饺皮,一个饺子就做成了。饺子包够了,下一步就是煮饺子。 煮饺子是最后的一步,锅中放上水,搁在炉灶上烧,水开时,一个一个地把饺子放入开水中,盖上锅盖。水冒气时,要加些冷水;水开时,再加第2次冷水。当饺子漂浮上来时,盛入碗中,准备好碗筷,即可食用。
2023-01-08 12:52:391


2023-01-08 12:52:441

“饺子的英文是什么?” 用英文怎么说?

2023-01-08 12:52:554


2023-01-08 12:53:096

dumpling 和 ship各是什么意思?

2023-01-08 12:53:492


2023-01-08 12:53:584


dumpling[英][ˈdʌmplɪŋ][美][ˈdʌmplɪŋ]n.汤团,饺子; 水果布丁; 矮胖的人; [用于爱称]宝贝; 复数:dumplings以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Wu yang"s grandmother put a dumpling in her bowl. 吴阳的奶奶把一个饺子放在她的碗里。
2023-01-08 12:54:151


dumplings是dumpling的复数形式,意思是汤团;饺子;水果布丁;矮胖的人。dumpling亦可以泛指由裹着馅儿的面团或是没有馅儿的面团做成的食物,并且这里的面团可以由各类淀粉来源制成。很多国家有可以算作dumpling的食物,馅儿的种类五花八门,从肉、豆腐、蔬菜,到水果、奶酪甚至是糖果,烹饪方式也多种多样,包括烤(baking)、煮(boiling)、炸(frying)、炖(simmering)、蒸(steaming)等等。短语搭配Taro dumpling芋角 ; 芋圆 ; 芋饺 ; 详细翻译sweet dumpling元夜Happy Dumpling碎碎平安双语例句1、My parents and I made the dumpling the day before .我的父母和我一起在前一天做饺子。2、This is a dumpling. Before in the old days, people only eat dumplings on special days. But now, people can enjoy this chinese food any time they want.这是一个饺子。 在过去的日子, 人只是在特殊的日子吃饺子以前。 但是现在, 人能够享受这中国食物他们想要的任何时间。
2023-01-08 12:54:211


2023-01-08 12:54:381


2023-01-08 12:54:471


是 dumpling 可数 rice dumpling自然也是
2023-01-08 12:54:532


dumplings[英]["dʌmplɪŋz][美]["dʌmplɪŋz]n.汤团( dumpling的名词复数 ); 饺子; 水果布丁; 矮胖的人;
2023-01-08 12:55:012


题库内容:圆子的解释(1) [dumpling]∶汤圆 (2) [ball] 〈方〉∶丸子 详细解释 (1).食品名。用糯米粉做成,分包馅和实心二种。 《二十年目睹之怪 现状 》 第五三回:“忽听得那卖汤圆的高叫一声:‘卖圆子咧!"” (2).指用肉、鱼做成的丸子。如:肉圆子,鱼圆子。 词语分解 圆的解释 圆 (圆) á 从中心点到周边任何一点的距离都相等的形: 圆形 。圆圈。圆周。圆锥。圆柱。 完备,周全: 圆满 。圆全。 使之周全: 自圆其说 。圆谎。圆场。 占梦以决吉凶:圆梦。 宛转,滑利: 圆滑 。圆润。 运转 子的解释 子 ǐ 古代指儿女,现专指 儿子 : 子女 。子孙。 子嗣 。子弟( 后辈 人,年轻人)。 植物的果实、 种子 :菜子。瓜子儿。子实。 动物 的卵:鱼子。蚕子。 幼小的,小的:子鸡。子畜。子城。 小而硬的颗粒状的 东西 : *
2023-01-08 12:55:091

rice dumpling是什么意思

rice dumpling粽子dumpling[英][ˈdʌmplɪŋ][美][ˈdʌmplɪŋ]n.汤团,饺子; 水果布丁; 矮胖的人; [用于爱称]宝贝; 复数:dumplings例句:1.The first days of selling dumpling have been disastrous. 最开始卖饺子的这几天完全是个灾难。2.And now it is the turn of the humble dumpling. 现在又轮到了小小的包子。
2023-01-08 12:55:141


朋友,最后一个字母有误dumplingsn. 饺子, 汤圆, 团子名词dumpling的复数形式
2023-01-08 12:55:201

rice dumpling是什么意思

就是 粽子 rice dumpling
2023-01-08 12:55:262


rice dumpling 专指用糯米粉制作的的小面团,如我国的汤圆. dumpling:指用各种面粉制作的小面团,既包括 rice dumpling 也包括 wheat dumpling(如布丁、水饺).
2023-01-08 12:56:121

rice dumpling是什么意思

rice dumpling 粽子;
2023-01-08 12:56:182


饺子的单词是dumpling。读音:/ ˈdʌmplɪŋ /表达意思:汤团,饺子;水果布丁,水果馅点心;矮胖的人。词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:chinese dumpling 中国饺子;boiled dumpling 水饺。例句:1、Yes, dumpling is a must.是的,饺子是必不可少的。2、Then, I picked up a piece of dumpling skin.说着,我就拿起了一块饺子皮。3、The third step is rolling dumpling skin.第三步是擀饺子皮。
2023-01-08 12:56:261

rice dumpling是什么意思

2023-01-08 12:56:391


2023-01-08 12:56:502

rice dumplin什么意思?

汤圆 准确的说是 糯米团吧
2023-01-08 12:56:593

rice dumpling是什么意思

2023-01-08 12:57:141


rice dumpling
2023-01-08 12:57:191

rice dumpling是什么意思

rice dumpling粽子;汤圆;肉粽;端午家乡粽双语例句1. We usually eat _ _____ _ rice dumpling ______ yuanxiao. 我们通常吃一种被称为元宵的米饭布丁.2. And fermented steamed dumpling has much higher ratio of calcium than rice. 而发酵的馒头中钙比大米中高得多.3. What do dumpling and sweet rice pudding mean? 饺子和甜米团是什么意思?4. Yuanxiao is a kind of sweet dumpling, made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing. 元宵这种食物实际上是甜馅“饺子”的一种, 用粘糯米和甜的馅料制成.5. Dumpling sales, selling glutinous rice balls, Oujia the dumpling is round and round. 卖汤圆, 卖汤圆, 偶家的汤圆是圆又圆.
2023-01-08 12:57:241


2023-01-08 12:57:332

glutinous rice dumpling是什么意思

2023-01-08 12:57:412


2023-01-08 12:57:491

rice dumpling是什么意思

rice dumpling粽子;dumpling[英][ˈdʌmplɪŋ][美][ˈdʌmplɪŋ]n.汤团,饺子; 水果布丁; 矮胖的人; [用于爱称]宝贝;
2023-01-08 12:57:541


Dumplings 你拼错了 饺子的意思
2023-01-08 12:58:053

sweet rice dumpling是什么意思

sweet rice是糯米 dumpling 饺子或汤圆 sweet rice dumpling 可以译成南方(广东,广西)的粉饺或直接译成汤圆
2023-01-08 12:58:161

moon cake和dumpling 意思

月饼n. 饺子,汤团;面团布丁
2023-01-08 12:58:222


应该是饺子 的单词 dumpling
2023-01-08 12:58:302


dumplingn.汤团,饺子; 水果布丁; 矮胖的人; [用于爱称]宝贝[英][ˈdʌmplɪŋ][美][ˈdʌmplɪŋ]
2023-01-08 12:58:381

sweet dumpling是什么意思``?

2023-01-08 12:58:446

rice dumpling是什么意思

rice dumpling粽子rice[英][raɪs][美][raɪs]n.稻; 稻米, 大米; vt.筛选; 第三人称单数:rices过去分词:riced复数:rices现在进行时:ricing过去式:riced例句:They praised rat meat a healthy alternative to rice. 官方宣称鼠肉是可以替代大米的健康食品
2023-01-08 12:59:051


jiaozi是中文意思的饺子:在英文中音译也表述为饺子。相似短语:1、Jiaozi in Broth:高汤水饺。2、Steamed Jiaozi:蒸饺。3、Jiaozi Stuffed with Pork and Vegetables:菜肉饺子。4、Jiaozi Stuffed with Pork and Fennel: 猪肉茴香水饺。5、Jiaozi Stuffed with Mackerel: 鲅鱼水饺。6、Jiaozi Stuffed with Juicy Scallop: 瑶柱灌汤饺。7、Jiaozi Stuffed with Leek and Egg :鸡蛋韭菜水饺。8、Hot and Sour Jiaozi Soup :酸辣汤水饺。9、Jiaozi Stuffed with Pork and Marrow :猪肉西葫芦水饺。10、Jiaozi Stuffed with Pork and Scallion: 猪肉大葱水饺。相关例句:1、His mouth began to water at the sight of the steaming hot jiaozi .一看到热气腾腾的饺子,他就开始流口水。2、We lunched on beer and jiaozi .我们午饭喝了些啤酒,吃了点饺子。3、I had some fish, beef, duck, jiaozi and a dish of sweet soup.我吃了些鱼、牛肉、鸭肉、饺子,也喝了一盘甜汤。4、The tradition of having jiaozi is very important during the Spring Festival.春节期间吃饺子的传统非常重要。5、It is a Chinese custom to eat Jiaozi on New Year " s Eve.除夕吃饺子是中国人的一种风俗习惯。6、Well, while Daniel is enjoying his jiaozi, let"s watch today"s Feast for the Eyes.好了,当丹尼尔在吃饺子的时候,让我们来看看今天的赏心悦目吧。7、Wish i could eat some jiaozi in vinegar, and some nian gou.真希望我能吃些饺子蘸醋,还有年糕。8、People have more options ranging from quick-frozen jiaozi to a rich variety of jiaozi feasts.人们为一个丰富多样的饺子宴,能从速冻饺子中有了更多的选择对象。9、However, it is the historical fact, without doubt, that Jiaozi first emerged in Chengdu, Sichuan.然而,毫无疑问,饺子最早出现在四川成都是历史事实。10、It is cingled "Jiaozi" in Chinese- it means meat dumpling.它的中文名字叫“饺子”,意思是肉包子。
2023-01-08 12:59:102

英语中,饺子叫做dumpling,包子叫做steamed dumpling,那蒸饺叫什么?

蒸饺也叫steamed dumpling.你可以在外研社出版的实用汉英词典里查到。是外语教学与研究出版社出版的。第661页。不可能你查字典啊。光问不做能得到答案?我是给你查后才答复的
2023-01-08 12:59:516


lunar 阴历dumpling 饺子 或者像饺子之类的东西。
2023-01-08 13:00:164