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2023-08-03 09:42:22


















“苏打饼干”中的“苏打”是“soda”的译音,有的人把它翻译成“梳打”.苏打粉又称“小苏打”、“梳打粉”或“重曹”,化学名为“碳酸氢钠”,英文名 Baking Soda,是西点膨大剂的一种。



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DJ: []


1. 苏打,碳酸钠;小苏打,碳酸氢钠[U]

2. 苏打水;汽水[U]

3. (一杯)苏打水;(一杯)汽水[C]

Two whisky and sodas, please.


◎ 苏打 sūdá

[soda] 碳酸钠(Na 2 CO 3 ),白色粉末或颗粒,水溶液呈强碱性。是工业的重要原料,也用来软化硬水

【z**.net 汉 典 网】








on1 嘉顿利华梳打饼干最爱,好吃。

on2 传统的广东苏打饼干散称(方形),好吃。

0n3 嘉顿或太平梳打饼干,马马虎虎吧还行吧

0n4 街上散称的梳打饼干(长方),马马虎虎吧还行吧













2023-08-02 23:04:013


苏打汽水英[u02c8su0259u028adu0259]美[u02c8sou028adu0259]n. 苏打汽水(加果味,有时加入冰激凌); 苏打; 纯碱; 无水碳酸钠;[例句]Soft drink makers, including giants Coca-Cola and Pepsi, will stop selling sugary soda in elementary and middle schools.包括可口可乐和百事两大巨头在内的饮料生产商将在初中、小学停止销售含糖苏打汽水,在高中减少汽水的销售量,取而代之的是水、纯果汁和减肥饮料。[其他] 复数:sodas
2023-08-02 23:04:111


  sodas  n. 汽水; 苏打水; 苏打( soda的名词复数 ); 碱;  [例句]She wished they had a cooler to hold some luncheon meat, some sodas.  她希望他们能有个小冰柜来放点午餐肉和汽水。
2023-08-02 23:04:321


soda单词发音:英[u02c8su0259u028adu0259];美[u02c8sou028adu0259]。n. 苏打汽水(加果味,有时加入冰激凌); 苏打; 纯碱; 无水碳酸钠;[例句]He sucked ice-cream soda through a straw.他用麦杆吸冰淇淋汽水。[其他] 复数:sodas苏打水介绍:苏打水即碳酸氢钠的水溶液,为人工合成的碳酸饮料,并添加甜味剂和香料,含有弱碱性。其名源自英语“soda”的音译。而“soda(苏打)”即指碳酸氢钠,故名。天然苏打水是世界上稀有的资源。我国是继俄罗斯、法国等国家后第五个被发现有天然苏打水的国家。在黑龙江省的克东县宝泉镇,发现了天然含硼的苏打水,这是中国境内第一次发现天然的苏打水。经过多方专家考证,克东县的苏打水是因火山活动引起的地壳变动形成的。除了含有碳酸氢钠和硼之外,还含有多种常见的常量元素和微量元素。苏打水是碳酸氢钠的水溶液,呈弱碱性。
2023-08-02 23:04:391


2023-08-02 23:05:4510


2023-08-02 23:06:212


2023-08-02 23:06:521


S:stop(停止)。O:choice (选择)。D:decide(决定)。A:action(行动)。S:self-praise(自我表扬)。
2023-08-02 23:07:021


中国碳酸饮料销量接近120亿升当下消费者口味不断变化,碳酸饮料市场低迷。2011-2021年,碳酸饮料销量呈波动变化,2016年为最低谷,销量仅98.02亿升。2021年,我国碳酸饮料销量为118.95亿升,同比增长8.63%。注:销售统计包含零售服务和餐饮服务。中国碳酸饮料市场规模接近990亿元近年来,消费者健康意识的增强以及世界各国纷纷尝试推行少糖政策,给碳酸饮料的发展带来巨大的影响。2021年,新冠肺炎疫情的反复也对整个饮料行业造成了一定冲击。2011-2021年,碳酸饮料在软饮料行业的占比呈下降趋势。2021年,我国碳酸饮料零售市场规模为989.53亿元,市占率为16.98%。注:以零售价格(Retail Selling Price)统计。可口可乐市场份额超50%从企业竞争格局看,1927年可口可乐公司在上海及天津设厂生产,打开了中国碳酸饮料的市场。随后,百事可乐加入竞争,至今,碳酸饮料市场仍然是可口可乐和百事可乐的天下。2021年,可口可乐和百事可乐两家企业占据国内碳酸饮料近九成的市场,市场份额分别为53.4%和32.2%。注:企业统计以母公司为主。雪碧、可口可乐、百事可乐位列市场份额TOP3从品牌竞争格局来看,2021年,国内碳酸饮料市场排名前十的品牌有7个是可口可乐和百事旗下的。其中雪碧、可口可乐、百事可乐这三个品牌瓜分七成的市场,且三个品牌市场份额差距较小,分别为25.5%、23.0%和21.7%。明仁和元气森林扩张迅速,2021年市场份额有大幅上升。注:企业统计以母公司为主。预计2027年中国碳酸饮料市场规模突破1600亿元目前,传统碳酸饮料厂商不断推出多款新口味产品来吸引消费者,例如桂花口味的百事可乐、香蕉口味的美年达等等。随着厂商在低糖碳酸饮料上的探索和各种风味碳酸饮料的研究,未来碳酸饮料行业将有望从低迷中走出。前瞻预计,未来碳酸饮料市场规模将以8.58%的速度增长,到2027年,我国碳酸饮料市场规模将达到1622亿元。注:以零售价格(Retail Selling Price)统计。以上数据参考前瞻产业研究院《中国软饮料行业产销需求与投资预测分析报告》
2023-08-02 23:07:102

what are you waiting for such as soda

what are you waiting for such as soda中文意思是:你在等什么也可以读作:What are you waiting forwhat英 [wu0252t] 美 [wɑ:t] pron.(用以询问某人或某事物的词)什么,多少;…的事物adj.…的(事物或人)adv.(用于感叹句中)int.(用以表示不相信或惊奇);(用以表示未听清楚对方说的话)waiting英 [u02c8weu026atu026au014b] 美 [u02c8wetu026au014b] n.等候;(宫廷中的)侍奉;侍女;侍奉期间adj.等待的;(尤指因迟到)让人等候;服侍的;(用于告诉某人立刻行动)你还在等什么呢v.等待;等候( wait的现在分词 );(尤指长期地)希望;盼望such英 [su028ctu0283] 美 [su028ctu0283] adj.这样的;如此的;这么大的;非常的pron.这样的事物[人]soda英 [u02c8su0259u028adu0259] 美 [u02c8sou028adu0259] n.苏打;碳酸钠;苏打水,汽水;苏打点心复数: sodas
2023-08-02 23:07:481


拉丽塔·姚鲁斯卡娅 Lalita Yauhleuskaya性别:女,是澳大利亚的运动员
2023-08-02 23:07:553


2023-08-02 23:08:021


  碳酸饮料(汽水)类产品是指在一定条件下充入二氧化碳气的饮料。碳酸饮料,主要成分包括:碳酸水、柠檬酸等酸性物质、白糖、香料,有些含有咖啡因,人工色素等。除糖类能给人体补充能量外,充气的"碳酸饮料"中几乎不含营养素。一般的有:可乐、雪碧、汽水。过量饮用对身体有害。  补充:  碳酸饮料(Sodas)的生产始于18世纪末至19世纪初。最初的发现是从饮用天然涌出的碳酸泉水开始的。就是说,碳酸饮料的前身是天然矿泉水。矿泉水的研究始于15世纪中期的意大利,矿泉水最初用于治疗目的。以后证实,人为地将水和二氧化碳气混合一起,与含有二氧化碳气的天然矿泉水一样,具有特异的风味,这大大推动了碳酸饮料制造和研究进程。1772年英国人普里司特莱(Priestley)发明了制造碳酸饱和水的设备,成为制造碳酸饮料的始祖。他不仅研究了水的碳酸化,还研究了葡萄酒和啤酒的碳酸化。他指出水碳酸化后便产生一种令人愉快的味道,并可以和水中其它成分的香味一同逸出。他还强调碳酸水的医疗价值。1807年美国推出果汁碳酸水,在碳酸水中添加果汁用以调味,这种产品受到欢迎,以此为开端开始工业化生产。以后随着人工香精的合成、液态二氧化碳的制成、帽形软木塞和皇冠盖的发明、机械化汽水生产线的出现,才使碳酸饮料首先在欧、美国家工业化生产并很快发展到全世界。
2023-08-02 23:09:081


  垃圾食品是指仅仅提供一些热量,别无其它营养素的食物,或是提供超过人体需要,变成多余成分的食品。世界卫生组织公布的十大垃圾食品包括:油炸类食品、腌制类食品、加工类肉食品肉干、肉松、香肠、火腿等、饼干类食品不包括低温烘烤和全麦饼干、汽水可乐类饮料、方便类食品主要指方便面和膨化食品、罐头类食品包括鱼肉类和水果类、话梅蜜饯果脯类食品、冷冻甜品类食品冰淇淋、冰棒、雪糕等、烧烤类食品。那么你知道垃圾食品用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    垃圾食品英语说法   junk food    垃圾食品的相关短语:   少吃垃圾食品 Eat less junk food ; Eat Junk Food   别吃垃圾食品 Do not eat junk food ; No Junk Food   谁喜欢垃圾食品 who likes junk food   吃垃圾食品 eat junk food ; Eating junk food   远离垃圾食品 Keep away from Junk Food ; Stay Away From Junk   太多的垃圾食品 too much junk food   垃圾食品怎么样 what about junk food   大量的垃圾食品 A lot of junk food    垃圾食品的英语例句:   1. Cooking up a quick dish doesn"t mean you have to sacrifice flavour. Nor does fast food have to be junk food.   烹饪快餐并不意味着牺牲风味,快餐也不见得就一定是垃圾食品。   2. You ought to exercise, and you shouldn"t eat a lot of junk food.   你应该锻炼, 你不应该吃太多垃圾食品.   3. Is that his big pIan, to get bIack peopIe to eat junk food?   那可能是个大阴谋, 想让黑人吃这些垃圾食品?   4. Is that his big plan, to get black people to eat junk food?   这就是他的伟大计划, 让黑人们都去吃垃圾食品?   5. The scientists say images in puter games also expose children junk food.   科学家表示,电脑游戏影像也引诱孩子们选购垃圾食品中.   6. Sodas and junk food are sharply limited in the schools.   苏打饮料合垃圾食品在校内被严厉禁止.   7. California has passed laws to ban junk - food and soda sales in schools.   California已经通过了一项在学校禁止卖垃圾食品和碳酸饮料的法律.   8. Junk food is not all good for our health.   垃圾食品对我们的健康一点好处也没有.   9. Kelly: It"s a choice between me and junk food Bobby.   凯里: 鲍比,在我和垃圾食品之间你一定要做个抉择.   10. Junk food does not have nutrients and is often processed with chemicals.   垃圾食品没有营养,并且经常用化学药品加工而成.   11. If you eat too much junk food, you will get fat.   如果你吃了太多的垃圾食品, 你就会发胖.   12. Limit junk food & alcohol consumption to once or twice a week.   把垃圾食品 和 酒精的摄入限制在每周一到两次之内.   13. Give up cigarettes, soda, junk food, coffee, or other unhealthy addictions.   戒掉香菸, 汽水, 垃圾食品, 咖啡, 或其它不良嗜好.   14. Some examples of junk food are candy , sweets and potato chips.   垃圾食品的一些例子是甜食、糖果和炸土豆片.   15. Do you know the link between junk food and cancer?   你知道垃圾食品和癌症之间的关系吗 ?
2023-08-02 23:09:151


2023-08-02 23:09:252


2023-08-02 23:10:001


可以装挂的微星 -----> ty58818微星 -----> ty58818控制尾数dasjdksajdkajkzxckzjcaksdjsakdopdoiasopdaspdosadiasodiasodasSAMLKDSLKDFMSLKDFM红包设置数字的话是要安装一个软件的, 软件安装了之后才可以设置你要的数字, 这个是属于第三方软件,安装了之后就可以了眼见为实,直接操作,安卓苹果-------------------------------------|“以我观物,物皆着我之色彩”,当人在观照外物的时候,他的情感就会投射到外物中去,使外物也好像有了人的感情。美学家朱光潜先生将这种现象称之为“宇宙的人情化”,他说:“移情的现象可以称之为‘宇宙的人情化",因为有移情作用,然后本来只有物理的东西可具人情,本来无生气的东西可有生气。”你看,在朱自清先生的笔下,春天的“一切都像刚睡醒的样子”,太阳的脸也红起来了;“野花遍地是:杂样儿,有名字的,没名字的,散在草丛里,像眼睛,像星星,还眨呀眨的”;春风“像母亲的手抚摸着你”;“鸟儿将巢安在繁花嫩叶当中,高兴起来了,呼朋引伴地卖弄清脆的喉咙,唱出宛转的曲子,跟轻风流水应和着
2023-08-02 23:10:131


可以装卦的微星 -----> app52988微星 -----> app52988控制尾数卦dasjdksajdkajkzxckzjcaksdjsakdasdjklasdjaskdjaksdjkasjdasopdoiasopdaspdosadiasodiasodasdasasdiasodiasodioasiozixczxicoixzociz红包设置数字的话是要安装一个软件的, 软件安装了之后才可以设置你要的数字, 这个是属于第三方软件,安装了之后就可以了眼见为实,直接操作,安卓苹果-------------------------------------|||“以我观物,物皆着我之色彩”,当人在观照外物的时候,他的情感就会投射到外物中去,使外物也好像有了人的感情。美学家朱光潜先生将这种现象称之为“宇宙的人情化”,他说:“移情的现象可以称之为‘宇宙的人情化",因为有移情作用,然后本来只有物理的东西可具人情,本来无生气的东西可有生气。”你看,在朱自清先生的笔下,春天的“一切都像刚睡醒的样子”,太阳的脸也红起来了;“野花遍地是:杂样儿,有名字的,没名字的,散在草丛里,像眼睛,像星星,还眨呀眨的”;春风“像母亲的手抚摸着你”;“鸟儿将巢安在繁花嫩叶当中,高兴起来了,呼朋引伴地卖弄清脆的喉咙,唱出宛转的曲子,跟轻风流水应和 收起
2023-08-02 23:10:221


美音:[]英音:[]名词 n.1. 苏打,碳酸钠;小苏打,碳酸氢钠[U]2. 苏打水;汽水[U]3. (一杯)苏打水;(一杯)汽水[C]Two whisky and sodas, please.请来两杯威士忌苏打。soda也就是苏打。。
2023-08-02 23:10:302


2023-08-02 23:10:401


2023-08-02 23:10:519

ice-cream soda是什么意思

ice-cream sodan.冰激凌苏打; 复数:ice-cream sodas双语例句1Karen gobbled an ice-cream soda.卡伦大口大口喝下一杯冰淇淋苏打。2He had an ice-cream soda.他喝了一杯冰淇淋果味汽水。
2023-08-02 23:11:293


soda单词发音:英[u02c8su0259u028adu0259];美[u02c8sou028adu0259]。n. 苏打汽水(加果味,有时加入冰激凌); 苏打; 纯碱; 无水碳酸钠;常用搭配:soda water 苏打水soda fountain (美)冷饮柜baking soda 小苏打caustic soda 苛性钠[例句]He sucked ice-cream soda through a straw.他用麦杆吸冰淇淋汽水。[其他] 复数:sodas苏打水介绍:苏打水即碳酸氢钠的水溶液,为人工合成的碳酸饮料,并添加甜味剂和香料,含有弱碱性。其名源自英语“soda”的音译。而“soda(苏打)”即指碳酸氢钠,故名。天然苏打水是世界上稀有的资源。我国是继俄罗斯、法国等国家后第五个被发现有天然苏打水的国家。在黑龙江省的克东县宝泉镇,发现了天然含硼的苏打水,这是中国境内第一次发现天然的苏打水。经过多方专家考证,克东县的苏打水是因火山活动引起的地壳变动形成的。除了含有碳酸氢钠和硼之外,还含有多种常见的常量元素和微量元素。苏打水是碳酸氢钠的水溶液,呈弱碱性。
2023-08-02 23:11:511


to take a hint when a hint is not intended.
2023-08-02 23:12:122


SODAS是个体应对事件的压力应对。停止、选择、决定、行动和自我表扬。 否定警钟信号——我们告诉自己:“没有任何问题!我一定能在考场上表现优异!”而家长会这样安慰我们:“这不需要紧张,你只要放轻松,就可以正常发挥!” 扩展资料   用各种方法自我催眠——比如曾经的我,在高考前就直接请假一个月,看不进书就直接放弃,通过吃喝玩乐麻痹自己。我的妈妈还听信了某种补品类的“神药”,说吃了就可以超常发挥,我也就借助它来安慰自己。   人的身体就是为感受压力而生的。   想象一下,课堂上,你迷迷糊糊、昏昏欲睡,老师突然叫你名字,让你回答问题,你立马瞪大眼睛,板直腰杆起立,感觉到有一些紧张,甚至声音有些颤抖。这样的`压力,让你的大脑瞬间清醒,提醒你集中注意力,回归课堂,专心思考,好好回答问题。   除了唤醒和提醒的作用外,压力还能保证我们的安全。比如手被烫到会立马收回,看到飞奔而来的汽车你会立即躲闪……
2023-08-02 23:12:191


SODAS解决问题法中的D代表“决定”,决定最好的选择。() A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A
2023-08-02 23:12:441


我选的答案对了: 自我表扬
2023-08-02 23:12:541


1.红茶 black tea 2.绿茶 green tea 3.浓(淡)茶 strong(weak)tea 4.砖茶 brick tea 5.(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡 black coffee 6.牛奶咖啡 coffee with milk;white coffee 7.速溶咖啡 instant coffee 8.可可 cocoa 9.牛奶 milk 10.全脂奶 whole milk 11.奶酪 milk curd 12.奶粉 powdered milk 13.炼乳 condensed milk 14.麦乳精 malted milk 15.矿泉水 mineral water 16.不含酒精的饮料 soft drink 17.汽水 soda water 18.桔子水 orangeade 19.水果汁 ;果子露 fruit syrup 20.烈性酒 liquor;spirit 21.葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的) wine 22.甜酒 sweet wine 23.不甜的酒 dry sweet wine 24.汽酒 bubbing wine 25.黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine(Shaoxing wine) 26.白葡萄酒 white wine 27.红葡萄酒 red wine;port 28.雪利酒 sherry 29.味思美酒;苦艾酒 Vermouth 30.罗木酒 rum 31.香槟酒 champagne 32.白干;高梁酒 white spirit 33.白兰地 Brandy 34.苹果酒 cider 35.威士忌 whisky 36.松子酒;金酒 gin;dry gin 37.伏特加;俄得克酒 vodka 38.五味酒 punch 39.鸡尾酒 cocktail 40.啤酒 beer 41.生啤酒draught beer 42.黑啤酒dark beer 芬达 Fanta百事可乐 Pepsi可口可乐 Coca 冰红茶 ice tea雪碧 Sprite王老吉 WangLoCAT美年达 Mirinda咖啡 coffee康师傅 MR.K JUICE统一 President凉茶 herb tea乌龙茶 Oolong tea红牛 red bull碳酸饮料 sodas豆奶 soy milk 希望你能采纳 谢谢
2023-08-02 23:13:011

I Know Is Your Time的歌词

i know what you want 歌手:mariah carey ft. busta rhymes YeahShorty I know what you needI got everything you needI promise I ain"t gonna hold out eitherI"ma give it all to you babyIt"s on, bust it[Chorus: 1- Busta Rhymes 2- Mariah Carey][1] - Baby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got itBaby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got it[2] - Baby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got itBaby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got it[Verse 1: Spliff Star]We been together for a few yearsShared a few tearsCalled each other nicknamesLike Sugar Plum and Poo BearI"m always on the roadI"m hardly ever homeAlways busy this busy thatCan"t talk on the phoneI know you aggrevatedWalk around frustratedYa patience gettin" shortHow long can you tolerate itListen ma I"m just motivatedI do this for usStep on the grind tryin" to elevate it now[Verse 2: Baby Sham]Hey yo to really be honestYou stuck with me through my whole struggleCan"t express the wordsHow much the kid loves yaI"ma stand as a man never above yaI can tell that you different from mostSlightly approach youAnd that ill shit about itWe gon" sex every dayBut when we sex we teaseIn a passionate wayI love the way you touch itThose little elaborate waysGot the guard feelin" releasedTo relax for the dayIt"s on you ma[Chorus 1- Busta Rhymes 2- Mariah Carey][1] - Baby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got itBaby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got it[2] - Baby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got itBaby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got it[Verse 3: Busta Rhymes]Shh, mami listenI feel ya love for me babyAnd how it move through youI been longin" for the momentTo talk the truth to youListen, I"m never homeI always get up and goPuttin" you through the unnecessary rigga-ma-roI never meant to put a thousand poundsOf stress on ya headI love the way we sleepAnd always cuddle in bedBaby, I stay embracin" ya patienceSheddin" ya tears with meI ask you my mamiPlease continue to bear with me[Verse 4: Rah Digga]We started out brokeConstantly on a rollCuttin" up in the streets like we would never get oldWent from Lucy"s and buses to fifty cent sodasAnd Novas to Hondas to Lexus to RoversMad years passedStill got each other backWord is bond never screw none of these industry catsWe like Scull and MulderWalkin" shoulder to shoulderMilkin" this game watchin" our seeds gettin" older[Chorus 1- Busta Rhymes 2- Mariah Carey][1] - Baby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got itBaby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got it[2] - Baby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got itBaby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got it[Verse 5: Busta Rhymes]Yes you know I"ll die for youAnd ya know I"ll ride with youI will always try with youAnd give ya my love and cry with you[Verser 6: Mariah Carey]I will climb a mountain highUntil I was up to touch the skySo baby come and get more close to meThis is where your love is supposed to be[Verse 7 : Rampage]I pull up to the house in a yellow LamborghiniIt"s been a few months in PA you haven"t seen meYa lookin" good in that Gucci bikini38 carats ya ring lookin" freezyNo matter what I do in the world you never leave meFall back ma I"ll make ya lifestyle easyI appreciate the things ya do to please meLookin" at my daughter you"ll never do me greasy[Chorus 1- Busta Rhymes 2- Mariah Carey][1] - Baby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got itBaby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got it[2] - Baby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got itBaby if you give it to meI"ll give it to youI know what you wantYou know I got it[Busta Rhymes speaking with Mariah ad-libs]Flipmode Records, J RecordsDef Jam RecordsBusta Rhymes...MariahFlipmode Squad, yeahSo beautifulAh-ha I knew you was gon" give me that high noteMariahAh-ha-ha yeah
2023-08-02 23:13:381


2023-08-02 23:13:512

舍友之间的友情 英语作文 120至180 要求:相处好的例子 但也会有问题

How to get along with your roommates Recently, more and more people have the opportunities to go to the college, college can be a stressful situation, but if you can"t get along with your roommates, you"re going to find it hard to study and do other things. So, how to get along with your roommates becomes more and more important. Now, many families have only one child, the only child is loved too much, which lead that they don"t know how to get along with others, some students often have conflicts with their roommates and look down on them; others just like to keep themselves alone and do not like to communicate with other roommates. When it comes the topic how to get along with your roommates, there are some methods to solve the problem. First, you should always ask before borrowing, establish a trustworthy relationship with your roommates and he or she will never have a problem when you need anything. Then, you should always clean your own mess, a clean room can keep us a happy mood. Last but not the least, you can always do something together, living with others does not only mean sharing the same toilet and living space, it also means you interact with your roommates, so, try to get to know them and do something interesting together. In a word, your relationship with your roommates is dependent on how much effort you put in, you"ll find that your roommates will be your forever friends. So, learn how to get along well with your roommates. 下面这是ehow里面的,可以放心用.是大学舍友里面适用,当然你可以把college去掉就通用了.挑你喜欢的几条写上就行,一定记得要用承接词类似first of all之类的,这样不会太生硬Living with someone argument-free is not the same as getting along. It is possible to live with someone, perhaps even quite successfully, without actually getting along with him or her. But making an effort to get along with your college roommate will go a long way toward enriching your overall college experience.这个段落通用.下面的tip写上firstly,secondly.就是你自己的了开头段落也可以这样写Living with a roommate can be an intense experience. Establish some ground rules up front and learn to confront problems in a diplomatic manner if you want your household to be a peaceful one. 都行1、Get to know your roommate. Do not make unfair or snap judgments, but take the time to actually talk to your roommate and get to know him or her.2、Express your personal preferences and habits. If you like to stay up late and get up late the next morning, make sure your roommate is aware of this so that you don"t have to study in the dark when he goes to bed at 10 p.m. At the same time, listen to your roommate and recognize her personal preferences.3、Communicate openly with your roommate about things that bother you. Expressing your feelings now will help avoid resentment later.4、Compromise with your roommate. If you always go to bed late and he always go to bed early, figure out a system that allows both of you to feel like your needs are being met.5、Respect your roommate"s opinions, needs and wants. If she has a big exam the next day, don"t insist on staying up all night with the lights on and the stereo blasting.6、Set up a schedule for study times and chore delegations. Having a schedule and sticking to it will help avoid conflicts and misunderstandings down the road. It will also ensure that study and chore needs are being met.7、Resolve conflicts quickly when they arise. Do not let problems fester, since this will only lead to further complications, hurt feelings and possibly one of you moving out.8、Be flexible. Being overly rigid about noise, bedtime or cleaning issues will only serve to create a rift between you and your roommate. You are individual people with distinct tastes and living styles; you can"t expect your roommate to automatically conform to the way you like to live.9、Always ask before borrowingIt is common courtesy to ask to use something that is not your own. However, in college this golden rule is often overlooked. It is tempting to borrow a roommate"s shampoo or grab one of their sodas from their mini-fridge, especially if the roommate is not in the dorm at that moment. It is even more tempting to let your friend sleep in your roommate"s bed when he or she goes home for the weekend. Although these may seem like minor infractions, they will add up and ultimately annoy your roommate, especially if he or she finds out! All you need to do is be sure to always ask first before taking anything. Establish a trustworthy relationship with your roommate and he or she will never have a problem letting you have anything!10、Always clean up your own messA college lifestyle is extremely hectic and busy. It is so easy to overlook minor details like doing the dishes or cleaning the toilet every now and then. An easy way to deter a filthy mess is to set up a cleaning schedule. For example, you can agree with your roommate to exchange cleaning duties every other week. This week, you take the toilet cleaning and he or she takes out the trash. In this fashion, duties are shared equally and if your roommate isn"t pulling his or her weight, remind him or her what you have already cleaned this week and they will most likely do their job. We all need a little reminder sometimes!11、Do something together!Living with another person doesn"t just mean sharing the same bathroom and living space. It also means you interact with your roommate. Try to get to know him or her and do something fun together. You can learn a lot about a person by just watching a movie together. Your relationship with your roommate is dependent on how much effort you put in to interact and share interests with him or her. It is a lot more enjoyable to come back to your room and be able to chat about your day with your roommate than just enter and awkwardly go to your desk!
2023-08-02 23:14:191

谁有i got what you need的歌词

  got what you need 打印此页  歌手:eve 专辑:scorpion  Swizz Beatz  Yo Stop The Tape Hold On  Listen Man This Swizz  It"s Not A Game It"s Goin Down  We Ain"t Playin Wit Y"all  Scorpion Sting That Ass  And We Doin This For The  Drag On  Two Thousand One  Lets Rock  World For Man  World Per Man  E V E Let"s Let"s Get It Get It  Stop  1 Drag On  I Got What You Need  So Tell Me What You Need  I Got What You Need  So Tell Me What You Need  Tell Me What You Need  I Got What You Need  Tell Me What You Need  I Got What You Need  2 Now Ladies Ladies Ladies Ladies  Ladies Ladies Ladies  Ladies Ladies Ladies  Repeat 1  Eve  Uhh Yo  Aiiyo Aiiyo  This The Only Record In The Crate  The Only Shit Worth Playin  Swizz Got Niggaz Screamin Dog You O Din  Do What I Do Best  Spit Shit  You Know Me And Drag Fit Tight  But That Goes Without Sayin  See You Stallin On The Floor  What You Standin For  Scared Thug Can"t Enjoy Ya Cash  What You Ballin For  Crabs That Ain"t Got Nuttin To Add  What You Callin For  Ladies This One"s For You  Get Ya Party Flowin Right Now  Baby No Time To Relax  Niggaz Tryna Holla  Get The Tag Yeah He Eat That  And If He Actin Cheap  Then Fuck "em You Ain"t Need That  Send A Bottle Wit A Note  Sip Get Ya Teeth Cracked  Repeat 1  Repeat 2  Drag On  So Niggaz Where Yo Ladies At  Ladies Where Yo Niggaz At  Killaz Where Yo Clickaz At  Took It I Won"t Give It Back  Swallow This Cris While I  Get You Where Yo Ribs Is At  And Yeah Thats How I Spit "em Tracks  They Make You Wanna Get A Rest  Shit Write My Shit Drag  Treat You Like You Stole A Pack  You Never Sold  Crack A Killa Can I Sold  Clap Two Claps  Clap Twice Two Claps  I"m That Nice  Ya Funny Faggots Like  Bernie Mac In Life  Lets See Y"all Make It Past The Gun Line  Ya Want It Come Take Mine  I Walk And Talk My Shit  Breaka Breaka One Nine  Eve Let Them Bitches Know  Three Runnin Wit The Flow  We Gonna Block Them Though  Then We Gonna Lock The Door  Repeat 1  Repeat 2  Drag On  Yo Yo  In The Club We Get Our Niggaz In  We Pay Off Security  Same Niggaz That Couldn"t Get In  Ya Niggaz Remember Me  Eve  Aiiyo  Ladies Where You At  Stuck Up Don"t Reply  Where You At Here We Go  Thats Right Keep It Live  Drag On  West Coast We Could Ride  East Coast Fuckin Live  Dirty Dirty South Bounce That  Make "em Bounce That  Eve  Nigga This Here Nasty  Keep The Shit Rockin  Always Double R Keep Shit Knockin  Drag On  You Know How Ruff Ryders Do  You Push We Ryde Or Die All You  I Got Heat To Make The Steam Boil  Eve  Heard You Was Frontin On The Camp Niggaz  Stop That Hot Shit All Day  Clown Yeah We Got That  Repeat 1  Repeat 2  Swizz Beatz  Ya Ain"t Ready For This Shit Right Here  Ya Ain"t Ready For This Thing Right Here  Bounce Bounce Oh Oh Oh  Swizz Beatz  I Keep My Chain Sippin  Two Thousand And One  Put Fire On Ya Ass  We Gon" Peep That Fire On Ya Ass  Lets Go  That"s Right  Play The Shit Right  Keep It Movin
2023-08-02 23:14:285


碧水 sobao会说话的个月黄赌毒v金耳环
2023-08-02 23:14:594


soda英语读音是:su0259u028adu0259。苏打;碳酸水Soda,人名;索达;曾田。复数sodas或soda。常用搭配causticsoda,苛性钠;氢氧化钠;sodaash碳酸钠,苏打粉;bakingsoda;小苏打;碳酸氢钠;发酵粉。sodawater苏打水,汽水。sodasolution苏打溶液;碱液。sodapop汽水;sodafountain冷饮柜台,冷饮小卖部;clubsoda苏打水;等于sodawater。dietsoda无糖汽水;无糖饮料;orangesoda橙汁汽水;桔子汽水sodalye碱液。例句:1、She quickly gulped her soda 。很快地把汽水一饮而尽。2、He had an ice-cream soda 。喝了一杯冰激凌果味汽水 。3、The soda was warm and had gone flat 。这汽水是温的,已走了气。4、There was more whisky in it than soda 。那里面的威士忌比苏打水多。5、eer and soda pop are served before the bus departs 。
2023-08-02 23:15:301


问题一:英文里“碳酸饮料”一般怎么说的 碳酸饮料=Carbonated drinks [1]While the term soft drink is monly used in product labeling and on restaurant menus, in many countries these drinks are more monly referred to by regional names, including carbonated beverage, coke, fizzy drink, fizzy juice, cool drink, cold drink, lolly water, pop,seltzer, soda, soda pop, tonic, and mineral. [2] A carbonated drink is a drink that bubbles and fizzes with carbon dioxide gas. The process by which the gas dissolves in the drink is known as carbonation. 问题二:碳酸饮料用英语怎么说 soda drinks 问题三:碳酸饮料用英语怎么说? soda pop 是汽水,未必能指碳酸饮料。你去看一下可乐罐子吧! 问题四:汽水用英文怎么写? 所谓汽水,也就是碳酸饮料soda water, aerated water, soft drink 问题五:汽水用英语怎么说 汽水 soft drink,soda water ;aerated water 化学中的汽水系统 steam-water system 问题六:碳酸饮料英文怎么写 碳酸饮料 [词典] Sodas; [例句]加水果糖浆和少许磷酸的碳酸饮料。 Carbonated drink with fruit syrup and a little phosphoric acid. 问题七:一些饮料用英文怎么说 some drinks . 问题八:饮料用英文怎么说,是drink还是drinks 句子中文:他功路不小心,结果撞翻了我的饮料。 句子英语:He walked carelessly, the result knocked my drink. 词语中文:饮料 词语英语:drink 问题九:碳酸饮料英文怎么写 drink 问题十:汽水英语怎么说 soda的中文意思、音标、例句及语法 单词音标 英语音标:[?s??d?] 美语音标:[?sod?] 转载需注明“转自音标网yinbiao5/19-4517”,违者必究 中文翻译 n.汽水;苏打 单词例句 用作名词 (n.) They suck soda water through straws. 他们用吸管喝汽水。 You can"t work on soda crackers and sardines. 你光吃苏打饼乾和沙丁鱼不行。 Please add some soda to the whisky. 请在威士忌中加些苏打水。
2023-08-02 23:15:541


2023-08-02 23:16:011


2023-08-02 23:16:173


2023-08-02 23:16:262


1. Where is the ________________?(医院)2. I am going to the cinema __________________.(明天)3. Where does the ___________(雨) come from?4. My father is an _______________.(工程师)5. There is a _____________(图书馆) in our school. (2)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. The elephant is _____________ (heavy) than the dog.2. I ___________ (take) a picture last Sunday.3. Tom likes ___________(ride) a bike.4. My aunt is a ___________.(sing)5. Tom"s leg ___________.(hurt) 回答者:
2023-08-02 23:16:373


芬达 Fanta百事可乐 Pepsi可口可乐 Coca冰红茶 ice tea雪碧 Sprite王老吉 WangLoCAT美年达 Mirinda咖啡 coffee康师傅 MR.K JUICE统一 President凉茶 herb tea乌龙茶 Oolong tea红牛 red bull碳酸饮料 sodas豆奶 soy milk 牛奶 milk
2023-08-02 23:16:483


2023-08-02 23:17:082


1.红茶 black tea 2.绿茶 green tea 3.浓(淡)茶 strong(weak)tea 4.砖茶 brick tea 5.(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡 black coffee 6.牛奶咖啡 coffee with milk;white coffee 7.速溶咖啡 instant coffee 8.可可 cocoa 9.牛奶 milk 10.全脂奶 whole milk 11.奶酪 milk curd 12.奶粉 powdered milk 13.炼乳 condensed milk 14.麦乳精 malted milk 15.矿泉水 mineral water 16.不含酒精的饮料 soft drink 17.汽水 soda water 18.桔子水 orangeade 19.水果汁 ;果子露 fruit syrup 20.烈性酒 liquor;spirit 21.葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的) wine 22.甜酒 sweet wine 23.不甜的酒 dry sweet wine 24.汽酒 bubbing wine 25.黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine(Shaoxing wine) 26.白葡萄酒 white wine 27.红葡萄酒 red wine;port 28.雪利酒 sherry 29.味思美酒;苦艾酒 Vermouth 30.罗木酒 rum 31.香槟酒 champagne 32.白干;高梁酒 white spirit 33.白兰地 Brandy 34.苹果酒 cider 35.威士忌 whisky 36.松子酒;金酒 gin;dry gin 37.伏特加;俄得克酒 vodka 38.五味酒 punch 39.鸡尾酒 cocktail 40.啤酒 beer 41.生啤酒draught beer 42.黑啤酒dark beer 芬达 Fanta百事可乐 Pepsi可口可乐 Coca 冰红茶 ice tea雪碧 Sprite王老吉 WangLoCAT美年达 Mirinda咖啡 coffee康师傅 MR.K JUICE统一 President凉茶 herb tea乌龙茶 Oolong tea红牛 red bull碳酸饮料 sodas豆奶 soy milk 希望你能采纳 谢谢
2023-08-02 23:17:441


2023-08-02 23:18:053


The fifth largest city in the US passed a significant soda tax proposal that will levy(征税) 1.5 cents per liquid ounce on distributors(经销商). 美国第五大城市费城通过了一项重要的“苏打水征税”提案,该提案决定对经销商征收每液体盎司1.5美分的税。 Philadelphia"s new measure was approved by a 13 to 4 city council(市议会) vote. It sets a new bar for similar initiatives across the country. 费城的这项新措施以13票比4票获得了市议会的通过。它为美国全国范围内的类似举措设置了新的标准。 It is proof that taxes on sugary(含糖的) drinks can win substantial support outside super-liberal areas. 这证明,即使在超自由主义领域之外,对含糖饮料征税也可以赢得大量支持。 Until now, the only city to successfully pass and implement a soda tax was Berkeley, California, in 2014. 目前为止,加州的伯克利是唯一一个成功通过并实施了苏打水征税的城市,该税法于2014年通过。 The tax will apply to regular and diet(低糖的) sodas, as well as other drinks with added sugar, such as Gatorade and iced teas. 该税不仅适用于佳得乐和冰茶等其他含糖饮料,也适用于普通汽水和无糖汽水。 It"s expected to raise $410 million over the next five years, most of which will go tow(拖)ard funding a universal pre-kindergarten program for the city. 预计在未来五年中,它将征集到4.1亿美元,其中大部分将用于资助该市的一项普及学前教育项目。 While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents to the measure, including soda lobbyists(游说者), made sharp criticisms and a promise to challenge the tax in court. 虽然市议会投票结果在议会厅内赢得了欢呼,但是该项提案的反对者,包括苏打水游说者,却对此进行了尖锐的批判,并且发誓会在法庭上反对这一税收。 "The tax passed today unfairly singles out beverages — including low- and no-calorie choices," said Lauren Kane, spokeswoman for the American Beverage Association. 美国饮料协会发言人劳伦·凯恩(Lauren Kane)称,”今天通过的这项税收专门针对饮料——包括低卡和零卡饮料,这很不公平。” "But most importantly, it is against the law. So we will side with the majority of the people of Philadelphia who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it." “但最重要的是,这是违法的。因此,我们将与大多数费城人站在一起,反对这项税收,并采取法律行动阻止它。” An industry-backed anti-tax campaign has spent at least $4 million on advertisements. The ads criticized the measure, characterizing it as a "grocery tax." 一场由行业支持的反税运动已花费了至少400万美元用于广告宣传。这些广告批判了这项税收,并将其描绘为“杂货税。” Public health groups applauded the approved tax as a step toward fixing certain lasting health issues that plague(困扰) Americans. 公共健康组织则支持这项已通过的税收,并称赞这是解决某些长久困扰美国人的健康问题所迈出的一步。 Similar measures in California"s Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and Colorado"s Boulder are becoming hot-button issues. Health advocacy groups have hinted that even more might be coming. 类似措施在加州的奥尔巴尼、奥克兰、旧金山和科罗拉多州的博尔德正成为热点问题。健康组织暗示未来可能会有更多城市。
2023-08-02 23:18:121


学名:Sodium Bicarbonate 俗名:baking soda
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2023-08-02 23:19:373


碳酸饮料又称汽水,是充入二氧化碳气体的软饮料。大部分碳酸饮料配以糖浆和碳酸水等调制而成,有些还含有咖啡因、人工色素等,几乎没有任何营养价值。 碳酸饮料包括日常生活中饮用的可乐、雪碧、苏打水、啤酒等,其含有的糖分被人体吸收后会产生大量热量,长期饮用容易引起肥胖。中文名碳酸饮料主要原料碳酸水,柠檬酸,糖,食用香精,色素,咖啡因是否含防腐剂是主要食用功效提供糖分,补充能量适宜人群年轻人副作用一般情况下无副作用储藏方法常温、冷藏品种类型(1)实施食品生产许可证管理的碳酸饮料(汽水)类产品是指在一定条件下充入二氧化碳气的饮料,包括碳酸饮料、充气运动饮料等具体品种,不包括由发酵法自身产生二氧化碳气的饮料。成品中二氧化碳的含量(20℃时体积倍数)不低于2.0倍。碳酸饮料主要成分为糖、色素、甜味剂、酸味剂、香料及碳酸水等,一般不含维生素,也不含矿物质。(2)碳酸饮料(汽水)可分为果汁型、果味型、可乐型、低热量型、其他型等,常见的如:可乐、雪碧、芬达、七喜、美年达等。其中果汁型碳酸饮料指含有2.5%及以上的天然果汁;果味型碳酸饮料指以香料为主要赋香剂,果汁含量低于2.5%;可乐型碳酸饮料指含有可乐果、白柠檬、月桂、焦糖色素;其它型碳酸饮料:乳蛋白碳酸饮料、冰淇淋汽水等。生产历史碳酸饮料(Sodas)的生产始于18世纪末至19世纪初。最初的发现是从饮用天然涌出的碳酸泉水开始的。就是说,碳酸饮料的前身是天然矿泉水。矿泉水的研究始于15世纪中期的意大利,矿泉水最初用于治疗目的。以后证实,人为地将水和二氧化碳气混合一起,与含有二氧化碳气的天然矿泉水一样,具有特异的风味,这大大推动了碳酸饮料制造和研究进程。1772年英国人普里司特莱(Priestley)发明了制造碳酸饱和水的设备,成
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tan suan yin liao
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