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2023-08-03 09:33:04

surrender [记忆方法]

sur supper 超级的;




在草稿箱里面surrender [记忆方法]sur supper 超级的;render给予 战斗中超级的给予他人“投降”



2023-08-02 22:39:132


投降的英语:surrender,它可以表示放弃对抗、束手就擒的意思。相关内容如下:1.Surrender的含义Surrender是一个动词,可以表示让步、投降、放弃等含义。在军事上,surrender一词通常指在战争中向敌人投降或放弃作战的行为。但是,在其他场合中,surrender也可以表示放弃、放手、认输等含义。2.相关用法Surrender在日常生活和政治氛围中也有广泛的应用。例如,在协商或谈判中,如果一方完全接受了对方的要求,则可以使用surrender这个词表达接受意愿。此外,surrender还可以用于形容一个人放弃某些习惯或行为方式,转而采取新的生活方式。3.口语表达方式口语中,投降常常被简单地表示为give up,干净利落而直接。如果不想使用英语中的专用词汇,有时候也可以使用synonyms,如:yield、renounce、capitulate等表达方式。4.常见短语当我们在英语中想要表达放弃或者认输的状况,还可以用到一些常用短语。例如:throw in the towel(意为原意是拳击比赛中放弃比赛,因为在比赛时会有教练或者领队带着一块毛巾为战士擦汗,当一方不想再比下去时,就把那块毛巾往场地上一扔,这表示他认为自己无法打赢比赛,投降了)。wave the white flag(产生于战争时期,向对手传达出一种向对方屈服的信息)、give in/give up(屈服、放弃)等等。5.投降的时候在投降时,需要注意的是,如果你是作为个人在某个场合中投降,则应该以礼貌和谦卑之心表明你的决定。例如,可以使用诸如I surrender,I give up,I"m done with this等表述。如果是集体投降,则需要通知所有成员,并注意向对手和其他有关方面保持礼貌和尊重。总之,投降是一种表达含义清晰、权衡得失的用语,可以在不同场合和语境中灵活运用。当我们需要表达“投降”这个概念时,可以选择surrender或者give up等用法,以表达具体情境的含义。
2023-08-02 22:39:211

give up 与 surrender 的区别

2023-08-02 22:39:444


电放,TELEX RELEASED,电子放单的意思 实际操作中,在发货人和提单签发人核对好提单,出正本后,不取正本,然后由发货人出具书面申请,要求船代或货代做电放,提单签发人根据此要求,在提单正本上加上“TELEX RELEASED”或者“ORIGINAL B/L SURRANDERED”的字样,传真给发货人,再由发货人传真给收货人。基本如此。 因为提单正本是货权凭证,放弃提单等于放弃货权。为了保障发货人的正当利益和免除自己诈骗的嫌疑,船代或货都要求发货人出具电放申请,或者要求发货人在他们的电放申请的表格上签字盖章。
2023-08-02 22:39:543

Alan Campbell的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Alan Campbell专辑:Sunset Boulevard Us [ 2005 Remastered (Set) ]Ben Lee - SurrenderWell I have felt an angel"s kissAnd I have seen the sweet sunsetI thought maybe I was thisI found out that I am thatLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrenderAll the things I long to touchAnd all the tastes that seem so sweetThey don"t matter all that muchWhen I"m falling at your feetLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrenderNo-one puts baby in the corner!Well I can"t promise I won"t fallAnd I can"t say I"m never scaredI can"t promise much at allBut when you call me I"ll be thereLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrender
2023-08-02 22:40:011


他们在电子乐领域里的巨大成功不仅在于他们娴熟的技巧、敢于创新、实验性的探索、广泛的取材,关键是他们源源不断的音乐灵感和全新观念。 十年前,Tom Rowlands和Ed Simon在大学里结识,想不到当年这两位年轻人所却导致日后触发起一场名为Big Beat的电子音乐浪潮。 1995年的首张专辑Exit Planet Dust出版发行,Exit Planet Dust是The Chemical Brothers在原创性上的代表作,然而Dig Your Own Hole,却是得以让他们的声音拓展到更深层、更广阔的层面上,成绩比前作更辉煌。在这张《Surrender》里Chemical Brother做出的不是那些被玩烂了的big beat那样爆裂宣泄、让人的心脏急速充血、带来强烈的感官刺激的玩艺儿,而是非常优美、迷幻、层层变化的音乐,这次Chemical Brother请来了老牌电子组合New Order的Bernard Sumner、Oasis主唱Noel Gallagher、Mazzy Star主唱Hope Sandoval、Mercury Rev主唱Jonathan Donahue以及Primal Scream的Bobby Gillespie共同演绎,精英汇聚、给足了Chemical Brothers面子。 专辑中Out Of Control是典型的Techno/House,作品灵感来自New Order 的经典之作Blue Monday,而OrangeWedge是60年代迷幻音乐的90年代电子版,当年迷幻失真吉他效果变成了电子化的fuzz音效。另一首佳作Got Glint?则带有明显早期底特律Techno味道。尤其Hope在Asleep From Day中迷离冰凉的演唱,将太空飘浮感的作品带入了深冷、虚幻的区域,好像一场梦境:迷幻、阴郁、诡异。而Dream On中的梦境则更为甜美、自然。 Chemical Brothers在音乐题材和元素上又作了尝试,他们勇于演绎各种摇滚风格的音乐并用他们丰富的想象力逐步成为电子乐的王尊!之前的专辑Exit Planet Dust和Dig Your Own Hole除了让Big Beat音乐立下里程碑,亦奠定了化学兄弟在电子乐乐坛的地位。不过这也代表着, Big Beat已经不是什么新鲜玩意。99年的Surrender开始走以往主流的舞曲路线,减少了Big Beat/Breakbeat的使用,增加了80年代4/4拍的Euro Dance、Electro与House元素,甚至连主打Hey Boy Hey Girl都是Techno作品。开场曲Music: Response一开始便是浓浓的复古味,简单的合成音色和vocoder效果器,但在节奏上仍有些许的Big Beat味道。接连的Under The Influence马上变成4/4拍的House舞曲,很容易看出化学兄弟做改变的尝试。Out Of Control有在八零年代十分红的Bernard Sumner (New Order乐团)与Bobby Gillespie (Primal Scream乐团)一同参与制作,4/4拍的舞曲风格自然也不是化学兄弟以往的作风,Bernard Sumner亦在本曲中秀了一段吉他间奏。和以往的专辑一样,每张专辑中至少都会有一首速度较平缓的演奏曲,Orange Wedge在这便是如此的作品。Let Forever Be再度请到了Oasis的Noel Gallagher助唱,但听起来实在很像Dig Your Own Hole中的Setting Sun。The Sunshine Underground经由将近4分钟的铺陈,由慢速的迷幻曲风渐渐变成两倍速度快的4/4拍舞曲。原本老是给人有乡村味感觉的Beth Orton,这次在Asleep From Day中被民谣团体Mazzy Star女主唱Hope Sandoval代替。Got Glint?回到复古的House曲风,而主打曲Hey Boy Hey Girl出奇的迷幻Techno曲风还真令人有点讶异,不过从Exit Planet Dust到Surrender也有了四年,也是该换换跑道的时候了。把主打曲放在专辑这么后面似乎也是第一次。专辑同名曲Surrender听起来倒是没什么特别,音乐的重复性颇高。最后的Dream On有点像Dig Your Own Hole中The Private Psychedelic Reel的角色,亦是走迷幻曲风,但加入了空心吉他演奏。The Chemical Brothers 99年新碟.相较于前两张专辑,Surrender减少了Big-Beat/Breakbeat的节拍,而 增加了4/4拍的拍子.不过虽然Big-Beat的感觉减少了,但还是听得出来The Chemical Brothers结合摇滚乐 与电子乐的意味.专辑第一支单曲Hey BoyHeyGirl是高压的AcidTechno,有着诡异的气氛;专辑开场曲Music:Response听起来像复古的Electro;Out Of Control 有New Order的Bernard Sumner和Primal Scream(原始呐喊)的BobbyGillespie共同参与,也是首较偏Techno 的作品,而且曲子后半的旋律很迷幻;Let ForeverBe再度请到了Oasis的Noel Gallasher 助唱,不过没啥新意就是了.最后一首Dream On是首摇篮曲(The Chemical Brothers自己表示) ,但仍有著名显的节奏感,也加入了空心吉他演奏.我自己喜欢的一首是The Sunshine Undrrground, 这首曲子的旋律又迷幻又美妙,先以Brit-Hop节拍带入,但后来却转成快速的4/4拍.听Chemical Brothers的音乐有一种非常强烈的感觉,那就是急促。听这张新专辑Surrender,还会有一种感觉,那就是乱花渐欲迷人眼。从早期的迷幻音乐色彩到80年代芝加哥的house beat,从诡异多变的电子音效到容纳传统摇滚乐风格的演绎手法,不能不佩服Tom Rowlands和Ed Simons的兄弟俩的化学功底。Chemical Brothers一向爱搞强强联合,这次也不例外。列出嘉宾的名单能吓人一跳:老牌电子组合New Order的Bernard Sumner、Oasis主唱Noel Gallagher、Mazzy Star主唱Hope Sandoval、Mercury Rev主唱Jonathan Donahue以及Primal Scream的Bobby Gillespie。兄弟的号召力非同一般。由于各路高手加盟,专辑从整体上讲已不是纯粹的电子乐,确切地讲是一种电子摇滚。这样,专辑中就分成两部分,一部分是由兄弟俩操刀的作品,这几首作品电子化十足,这集中体现在前3首作品上,Music: Response/Out Of Control/Under The Influence连接得相当紧密,一气呵成,诡异、迷乱、急促、花哨。Out Of Control灵感来自New Order 的经典之作Blue Monday, Bernard Sumner 为这首歌助阵再合适不过。8分钟长的The Sunshine Underground前半部分是ambient效果音乐,后半部分是一首绝佳的弱拍舞曲。Orange Wedge是60年代迷幻音乐的90年代电子版,当年迷幻失真吉他效果变成了电子化的fuzz音效。另一首佳作Got Glint?则带有明显早期底特律Techno遗风。另一部分是在嘉宾上演的曲目中,Chemical Brothers把自己放在次要位置,尽可能让客串的人喧宾夺主。因此在Hope Sandoval演唱的Asleep From Day、 Noel Gallagher 演唱的Let Forever Be和Jonathan Donahue演唱的Dream On这几首歌中,基本上都保持了演唱者原有的特色。Asleep From Day迷幻、阴郁、诡异,带着阵阵催眠效果;Let Forever Be是典型的Oasis是的风格,同时也带点the Beatles的影子,旋律相当上口;Dream On与现在的Mercury Rev风格一致,Mercury Rev去年的专辑在英国获得了令人意外的好评,Donahue奉献的这首片尾曲,画面感强,颇值回味。Chemical Brothers是一个非常聪明的电子组合,论技巧、论实验色彩,在电子圈中数一数二,但他们并没有因此吃偏食,他们更乐于演绎各种摇滚风格的音乐。与上一张相比,Surrender更成熟、更好听。
2023-08-02 22:40:201

Blake Lewis的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Blake Lewis专辑:Audio Day DreamBlake Lewis - SurrenderI"d see you in a crowdA million people outYou try hide, but something made you call outI got you fallin hardYou make me drop my guardWe try to fight itBut something"s written in the starsI just can"t shake this feelingIt"s just like a bulletAnd it"s killing, killing meTwo hearts that needs some healingDon"t know what you do to, do to meIt"s time to surrenderCuz I can"t rememberA love that was strong enoughTo not to run away, yeahIt"s time to surrenderI"m giving in to yaYou"re giving in to meSo give it away, yeahEverybody needs somebodyReaching out so take it from meEverybody, take this from meFind the one surrenderGive it awayIt"s like in another lifeI swear I"ve known you twiceIf this is destinyTime for us to roll the diceYour heart was novocaineCaught up to numb the painYou took me in and nothing"s ever been the sameI just can"t shake this feelingIt"s just like a bulletAnd it"s killing, killing meTwo hearts that needs some healingDon"t know what you do to, do to meIt"s time to surrenderCuz I can"t rememberA love that was strong enoughTo not to run away, yeahIt"s time to surrenderI"m giving in to yaYou"re giving in to meSo give it away, yeahEverybody needs somebodyReaching out so take it from meEverybody, take this from meFind the one surrenderGive it awayOver me, something"s coming over meThere"s no telling what will beBut something"s coming over meI give it up cuz I know that it"s like givingThere"s a chance you"ll there tomarr I"m certainI finally found someone that I believe inIt"s time to surrenderCuz I can"t rememberA love that was strong enoughTo not to run away, yeahIt"s time to surrenderI"m giving in to yaYou"re giving in to meSo give it away, yeahEverybody needs somebodyReaching out so take it from meEverybody, take this from meFind the one surrenderGive it away
2023-08-02 22:40:331

英语surrender和give up区别?

2023-08-02 22:40:422


2023-08-02 22:40:512

有一首歌歌词里面有surrender,surrender,baby please surrender是叫什么歌

you can trust in me歌手:tang nguoi toi yeu 专辑:i love youtang nguoi toi yeu - you can trust in mei knowit is hard to fall lovewhen you feel bluedeep inside your hearti"m sureyou got so much more to givebelieve in mei can let it shine againsurrenderbaby please surrenderi will be so tenderif you trust in mepretenderi won"t be pretenderbaby please surrenderif you trust in meyou knowthese are not only words (not only words)i know it"s truelook into my eyesi"m sureif you wanna feel the samebelieve in mei will let it shine againsurrenderbaby please surrenderi will be so tenderif you trust in mepretenderi won"t be pretenderbaby please surrenderif you trust in mesurrenderbaby please surrenderi will be so tenderif you trust in mepretenderi won"t be pretenderbaby please surrenderif you trust in mehang on in there baby歌手:gary barlow 专辑:open roadhang on in there babywritten by johnny w that we"ve caressed,a kiss so warm and tender,i can"t wait "til we"ve reachedthat sweet moment of surrender.we"ll hear the thunder road,feel the lightening strike,at a point we both decided to meet,the same time tonight.hang on in there baby,hang on in there darling,(doll)i"m gonna give you more,than you ever dreamed possible.don"t be afraid baby,oh no, oh sweet virgin of the world,we can"t help but make it,cause there"s true love between us, let us touch the cloud,that everyone dreams of,oh we"re almost there darling,we"re truly making love.hang on in there baby,hang on in there darling,(doll)please don"t let me down.please don"t destroy this new joy we"ve found.what"s that now baby, what"s that you say,something eatin" at you and it"s about to get away.don"t fight it baby, open up the door,cos that"s the key to freedom, that we"ve both been working for.let it go baby, let it go honey,oh right there, right don"t you move it anywhere,go baby let it go honey,oh right there, baby don"t you move it, don"t you dare.hang on in there baby,hang on in there darling (doll).i"m gonna give you more,more than you ever dreamed possible.close window我也不知道是哪个诶....
2023-08-02 22:41:022

surrender B/L 是什么意思?具体怎么操作?

电放提单,也是放货指令的一种操作形式! SURRENDER B/L一般是卖方收到买家的货款/或确信买家能付款的情况下,通知船公司出电放单给目的港代理,这样,客户就可以不凭提单提到货了,这样做比较有风险,但是如果是货款到帐了的话,是比较简便的操作模式。一般情况下发货人通过银行交提单或将提单寄给收货人。提单是货物所有权的凭证,因此收货人只有拿到正本提单后才可以提货。但在近洋运输如从上海到日本或韩国时,由于船期很短,几天船就到了,但这时通过银行或邮寄提单可能还没到,这时为不影响收货,收货人会要求发货人将提单电传、传真或E-mail到发货人,发货人不需要正本提单,货物到港后收货人凭提单传真件就可以提货。 因此所谓电放就是凭电子的、电传的或传真件放行的意思。 提单电放在办理时,先与船公司联系,告诉提单需要电放。这样船公司就可以通过电报让目的港的船公司机构凭传真件提货。一般最好是在未出提单前办理,船公司不用出具正本提单;如果已经出具正本提单,则需要将正本提单交回船公司(如果是TO ORDER(横条加法人章背书)或者是船公司要求的话就必须背书(公章)),让船公司电放提单。另外,船公司会要求发货人出具一份保函(船公司或货代有现成的格式)且盖shipper公章,保证电放造成的一切问题与其无关。由于电放后发货人将不再掌握货权,因为办理电放前一定要确认发货人能够安全收款,否则极易造成钱货两空的局面。 现在比较流行SEA WAYBILL ,它是介于正本提单和电放提单之间的。即有正本的作用,又享有电放的快捷。同时,有一部分船公司,做电放是收费的,但是,申请WAYBILL是没费用的。最保险的就是收到钱后做SEA WAYBILL 本人现在是做外贸操作,出口西班牙马德里的货一般都是电放。比较省资源,寄个DHL比电放费贵多了!~
2023-08-02 22:41:191


2023-08-02 22:41:261

resign oneself to和surrender的区别

resign oneself to和surrender的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、resign oneself to:听从于。2、surrender:服从。二、语法不同1、resign oneself to:resign的基本意思是“放弃”,指有意地或不情愿地作出牺牲,主要指“辞职”。resign还可表示“听任”,指克制自己而对不可避免的事情的认可。2、surrender:surrender的基本意思是“投降”,指因在战争中失利而被迫向对方屈服或让步或处于他人的统治之下,多指无条件地投降。三、侧重点不同1、resign oneself to:指由于缺乏坚强的意志、力量和忍耐心,而屈从于他人的权势或控制。2、surrender:surrender指由于战败被迫投降或向战胜者或某种权势屈服。
2023-08-02 22:41:441

Bellefire的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Bellefire专辑:After the RainBellefire - SurrenderWhen you caught my eyeI could feel insideDesireYou came up and you smiledYou said you"d stay awhileI"m on fireHave I been on your mind?Will you love me all the time?While we"re togetherIf you wanna be with meThat"s the way it"s gotta beBaby, surrenderI heard when a guy really loves a girlHe"d run around the world chasing herBut what you guys don"t realizeIs that we"re chasing you in reverseSo if you"re wanting meBaby try a bended kneeCause...When you caught my eyeI could feel insideDesireYou came up and you smiledYou said you"d stay awhileI"m on fireHave I been on your mind?Will you love me all the time?While we"re togetherIf you wanna be with meThat"s the way it"s gotta beBaby, surrenderYou look just like a dream come trueI"m so glad that I"m with youDon"t act like you know what we should doBet i could show you a thing or twoSo if your wanting meBaby nothing comes for freeWhen you caught my eyeI could feel, feel insideYou came up and smiledYou said you"d stay, stay awhileHave i been on your mind?Will you love me all the time?If you want to be with meBaby, surrender......When you caught my eyeI could feel insideDesireYou came up and you smiledYou said you"d stay awhileI"m on fireHave I been on your mind?Will you love me all the time?While we"re togetherIf you wanna be with meThat"s the way it"s gotta beBaby, surrendersurrender......QQqun7979278︶ㄣApple制作
2023-08-02 22:41:571

Elvis Presley的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Essential Elvis PresleyElvis Presley - SurrenderWhen we kiss my heart"s on fireBurning with a strange desireAnd I know, each time I kiss youThat your heart"s on fire tooSo, my darling, please surrenderAll your love so warm and tenderLet me hold you in my arms, dearWhile the moon shines bright aboveAll the stars will tell the storyOf our love and all its gloryLet us take this night of magicAnd make it a night of loveWon"t you please surrender to meYour lips, your arms, your heart, dearBe mine foreverBe mine tonight
2023-08-02 22:42:071


]The one who gifts you, the one who lifts you 送你礼物的那个人,那个让你心情忐忑的人.[00:25.16]She"s the angel in your eyes 她在你的眼里就是天使.[00:29.44]Tiny kisses and magic wishes 温柔甜蜜的亲吻和魔法般的愿望[00:33.52]Makes the world a big surprise 是这个世界充满了大惊喜[00:37.79]Growing older, past the shoulder 当你慢慢老去,在你的肩头[00:41.85]When everything seems bright 当所有的一切看起来都很光明[00:46.11]Time just races-changing faces in the light 时光只在夜晚的灯光下瞬息万变[00:53.85] [00:55.03]Then you see the world gets smaller 然后你看见世界变的很小[00:59.29]And you"re taller than the sky 然后你对着天空说话[01:03.48]She"s no longer the stronger 她不高也不强壮[01:07.86]And as you battle to survive 但对于你来说就是生存的依赖[01:13.39]You try to bend her, can"t defend her 你尝试着使她屈服,却忘了保护她[01:18.39]There"s no wrong, there is no right 这一切都没有对错[01:23.92]No one surrenders-only contenders in this fight 没有人能在这场战中全身而退[01:33.62] [01:40.09]I know the madness,felt the sadness 我只知道疯狂以及愚蠢的悲伤[01:45.71]Resisted just this way 只有这条路能反抗[01:49.43]Stuffed the feelings kept concealing 我始终隐藏着我满溢的情绪[01:54.02]All the things you want to say 所有你想要说的事[01:58.15]But it"s not treason, she"s not the reason 但它并不是叛逆,她也不是原因[02:02.93]It"s the season of your life 她是你生命中的季节[02:07.75]The winds will soften and let the winter fade away 风而将温柔的吹着使冬天渐渐消逝[02:15.69] [02:16.59]You have to mand it,you have to end it 你需要祈祷,你需要结束这一切[02:21.09]Before the chance passes by 在机会流失之前[02:25.26]Break down the fences your defenses 打碎你安全的围栏般的防御[02:29.71]Open your heart,you have to try 打开你的心,你需要哭泣[02:34.82]To trust your senses, no more pretenses 相信你的感觉,没有更多的借口[02:40.43]And you"ll rise above 然后你将飞越[02:46.15]When you surrender to all the splendor of her love 当你交出所有对于她辉煌的爱[02:55.27] [03:18.24]The one who gifts you, the one who lifts you 送你礼物的那个人,那个让你心情忐忑的人.[03:23.84]She"s the angel in your eyes 她在你的眼里就是天使. [03:28.77]The one who stayed there so unafraid there 那个不顾一切留在这里的人[03:33.52]All through innocence"s demise 他所有的罪恶都消逝[03:37.99]Growing older, as you hold her [03:42.25]Once again it seems all right 当你慢慢老去,她再一次依靠在你的肩头这一切看起来都很好 [03:46.59]Time just races-changing faces in the light 时光只在夜晚的灯光下瞬息万变 [03:54.47] [03:55.43]Go on mend it,Go on and end it 继续祈祷,继续结束[03:59.94]Before the chance passes by 在机会流失之前[04:04.33]Break down the fences your defenses 打碎你安全的防御[04:08.93]Open your heart,you have to try 打开你的心,你需要哭泣[04:14.84]To trust your senses, no more pretenses 相信你的感觉,没有更多的借口[04:20.74]I believe you"ll rise above 我相信你将飞越[04:29.16]When you surrender to all the splendor of her love 当你交出所有对于她辉煌的爱[04:42.09]When you surrender to all the splendor of her love 当你交出所有对于她辉煌的爱
2023-08-02 22:42:141

U2的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:U2专辑:WarLil Eddie - SurrenderOh, OooohOne more timeOne more timeOne more timeDont move, dont moveOh, Yeahh, YeahhCame home early than a usual daySee your car sitting out on my drivewayDoor left open and the radio playingR. Kelly bumping down from my bedroomSomething don"t seem correctI"m feeling real strangeSlowly I"m making my way up the staircaseHear my baybay, turn the doorknobCatch him with a lady (Oh hell naw)Don"t move and nobody up in here will get hurtStart speaking quick, explain to me who"s this girlNever gave you permission or the right to remain silentI"m losing my temper-r-r-r, I"m warning youYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou bettaYou got nerve bringing her in my placeWhens the last time you paid the rent (Never)No she aint wearing my lingerieIn a minute, I think I"m about to black outWhy is she feeding you cake like it"s your birthdayHope you made a wish before she blew your candleCuz you know, I"m flying off the handleBoy stay put its for your own goodGetting to close to be (I said)Boy stay put it"s for your own goodWho said you can leaveDon"t move and nobody up in here will get hurtStart speaking quick, explain to me whos this girlNever gave you permission or the right to remain silentI"m losing my temper-r-r-r, I"m warning youYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou bettaDear ma, please forgive meBut the light upstairs just went offI know I told him when he met meBreak my heart, I"m going to jail (He didn"t listen)Wake up, yes you put the weapon downWake up, don"t do it he ain"t worth 25No way I"m about to let him slideDon"t move and nobody up in here will get hurtStart speaking quick, explain to me who"s this girlNever gave you permission or the right to remain silentI"m losing my temper-r-r-r, I"m warning youYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou betta
2023-08-02 22:42:211


2023-08-02 22:42:281

希望搜寻到Laura Pausini 的Surrender的歌词

看到这个,我突然想请大家帮帮忙:我下到的Laura Pausini 的Surrender美版MV的混音版(PROMO ONLY发行的)里有1小段歌词好象变了,跟专辑CD里的版本不一样,不知道朋友们有没有那个版本的歌词.本人比较懒,不喜欢搜歌词,谢谢!
2023-08-02 22:42:471

Vanessa Williams的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Vanessa Williams专辑:下一次Martina Mcbride - SurrenderBaby why did we get into thisIf all we"re gonna do is fightAbout kids and money and stupid little thingsSomeone"s always is gotta be rightI was just thinking why you were still yellingThat I don"t even hear you anymoreAnd baby it"s not all your faultBut I"m tired of being a soldierAnd this time when I ball a warSo I"m gonna surrender SurrenderSo how rule out my white flagIf you lay down your armsAnd if we can start talking in instead of just screamingAnd maybe we can save all of our hearts‘Cause nobody is coming to the rescueBaby it"s so much of you and meTo find a little compromise,Find a love… runsAnd live our lives in peaceWe"re gonna have to surrenderI won"t fight anymore SurrenderI don"t know what we"re fighting forSurrenderI won"t fight anymore SurrenderI don"t know what we"re fighting forI walk through this battle liesI will cross this great divideI will, I will, I will, I willHey down my…SurrenderBaby you know I willSurrenderSurrenderI won"t fight anymoreSurrenderI don"t know what we"re fighting forSurrenderI won"t fight anymoreSurrenderI don"t know what we"re fighting for
2023-08-02 22:42:541

Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine 的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine 专辑:Original Album ClassicsEntwine - SurrenderI"m on my wayI"m on my way to lose it allI"m a stranger to myself, I can"t go onI"m all outta spaceAnd I"m surrounded by the wallI believe that my mind has caught a million stormsFalling downWhen you lose all that you arerefrain:I surrenderI kneal downI surrender...I"m outta faithI think I"m frail design of lifeDeep inside in denialThe shades have grown in silenceI hide my faceI close my eyesDeep inside in my mind the pain hascorner around meFalling downWhen you lose all that you arerefrain2 (2x)I surrenderI kneal downI"m trying to find the reason to hold onCall the lies! Call the lies!I surrender...refrain2 (2x)I surrenderI kneal downI"m trying to find the reason to hold on
2023-08-02 22:43:011

Elvis Presley的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis 30 #1 HitsElvis Presley - SurrenderWhen we kiss my heart"s on fireBurning with a strange desireAnd I know, each time I kiss youThat your heart"s on fire tooSo, my darling, please surrenderAll your love so warm and tenderLet me hold you in my arms, dearWhile the moon shines bright aboveAll the stars will tell the storyOf our love and all its gloryLet us take this night of magicAnd make it a night of loveWon"t you please surrender to meYour lips, your arms, your heart, dearBe mine foreverBe mine tonight
2023-08-02 22:43:081

Elvis Presley & The Jordanaires的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Elvis Presley & The Jordanaires专辑:The 50 Greatest HitsEntwine - SurrenderI"m on my wayI"m on my way to lose it allI"m a stranger to myself, I can"t go onI"m all outta spaceAnd I"m surrounded by the wallI believe that my mind has caught a million stormsFalling downWhen you lose all that you arerefrain:I surrenderI kneal downI surrender...I"m outta faithI think I"m frail design of lifeDeep inside in denialThe shades have grown in silenceI hide my faceI close my eyesDeep inside in my mind the pain hascorner around meFalling downWhen you lose all that you arerefrain2 (2x)I surrenderI kneal downI"m trying to find the reason to hold onCall the lies! Call the lies!I surrender...refrain2 (2x)I surrenderI kneal downI"m trying to find the reason to hold on
2023-08-02 22:43:151


Seventh Day Slumbe - SurrenderI"m giving You my heartAnd all that is withinI lay it all downFor the sake of You my KingI"m giving you my dreamsI"m laying down my rightsI"m giving up my prideFor the promisse of new lifeAnd I surrender all to YouAll to YouAnd I surrender all to YouAll to YouI"m singing You this songI"m waiting at the crossAnd all the world holds dearI count it all as lossFor the sake of knowing YouFor the glory of Your nameTo know the lasting joyEven sharing in Your painAnd I surrender all to YouAll to YouAnd I surrender all to YouAll to YouAnd I surrender all to YouAll to YouAnd I surrender all to YouAll to You
2023-08-02 22:43:271

Suicide的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Suicide专辑:A Way Of Life作词:杨乃文 作曲:杨乃文 编曲:MonsterBaby maybe this is it. Just look at the sight.Well it"s foggying my eyes.How can I cry when I"ve caught a lieTry to understand. Let me make a standOh baby not again. You say baby not againIt"s so like you Making me sad. Your tears in my eyes.I"m shrinking to a lie. But look, I see light.Baby maybe I am blind. I have lost my sight.I have covered my eyes. On how to decide.When I am too kind. Your guess is as good as mine.Your guess is as good as mine. Oh baby not again.Please don"t point at me againYes it was you. Making me bad. Your tears in my eyes.I"m shrinking to your kind.All of it, all this is wrong.What I"ve withnessed is a nightmare all alongThis ride"s a quest to save one from one.Perhaps one day,perhaps one day,one day I"ll realign
2023-08-02 22:43:341


surrender 英 [su0259"rendu0259] 美 [su0259"ru025bndu025a]vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任vi. 投降;屈服;自首n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender.马丁·邦尼特将军要求反叛分子们投降。*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************
2023-08-02 22:43:521


surrender[英][su0259"rendu0259(r)][美][su0259u02c8ru025bndu025a]vi.投降; 屈服; 自首; vt.使投降; 放弃; 交出; 听任; n.投降; 放弃; 屈服; (保险的)解约;
2023-08-02 22:43:591


Surrender 生词本简明释义[电影]爱人投降易混淆的单词:surrender以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义1.VERB投降;屈服If you surrender, you stop fighting or resisting someone and agree that you have been beaten. General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender...马丁·邦尼特将军呼吁反叛者投降。She surrendered to the police in London last December.她去年 12 月在伦敦向警方自首。Surrender is also a noun.
2023-08-02 22:44:061

Surrender什么意思中文 Surrender中文意思是什么

1、Surrende的中文意思是:放弃、投降、屈服、屈从、(尤指在战争等过后) 2、例句: He agreed to surrender all claims to the property.他同意放弃对那笔财产的一切权利要求。 General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender.马丁·邦尼特将军呼吁反叛者投降。
2023-08-02 22:44:131

杨乃文的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:杨乃文专辑:应该作词:杨乃文 作曲:杨乃文 编曲:MonsterBaby maybe this is it. Just look at the sight.Well it"s foggying my eyes.How can I cry when I"ve caught a lieTry to understand. Let me make a standOh baby not again. You say baby not againIt"s so like you Making me sad. Your tears in my eyes.I"m shrinking to a lie. But look, I see light.Baby maybe I am blind. I have lost my sight.I have covered my eyes. On how to decide.When I am too kind. Your guess is as good as mine.Your guess is as good as mine. Oh baby not again.Please don"t point at me againYes it was you. Making me bad. Your tears in my eyes.I"m shrinking to your kind.All of it, all this is wrong.What I"ve withnessed is a nightmare all alongThis ride"s a quest to save one from one.Perhaps one day,perhaps one day,one day I"ll realign
2023-08-02 22:44:261

Surrender (Reprise) 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender (Reprise)歌手:Michael Bauer专辑:Sunset Boulevard UkShe reads a book from across the street,Waiting for someone that she"ll never meetTalk over coffee for an hour or two,She wonders why I"m always in a good moodKilling time before she struts her stuff,She needs support and I"ve become the crutchShe"ll never know how much she means to me,I"d play the game but I"m the refereeSurrender… every word, every thought, every soundSurrender… every touch, every smile, every frownSurrender… all the pain we"ve endured until nowSurrender… all the hope that I lost, you have foundSurrender… yourself to meEven though I know what I"m looking for,She"s got a brick wall behind her doorI"d travel time and confess to her,But I"m afraid she"d shoot the messengerSurrender… every word, every thought, every soundSurrender… every touch, every smile, every frownSurrender… all the pain we"ve endured until nowSurrender… all the hope that I lost, you have foundSurrender… yourself to meI think I found a flower in a field of weeds,I think I found a flower in a field of weedsSearching until my hands bleed,This flower don"t belong to meI think I found a flower in a field of weeds,I think I found a flower in a field of weedsSearching until my hands bleed,This flower don"t belong to meThis flower don"t belong to meWhy can"t she belong to me?Surrender… every word, every thought, every soundSurrender… every touch, every smile, every frownSurrender… all the pain we"ve endured until nowSurrender… all the hope that I lost, you have foundSurrender… every word, every thought, every soundSurrender… every touch, every smile, every frownSurrender… all the pain we"ve endured until nowSurrender… all the hope that I lost, you have foundSurrender…I never had the nerve to ask,Has my moment come and passed?I never had the nerve to ask,Has my moment come and passed?I never had the nerve to ask,Has my moment come and passed?I never had the nerve to ask,
2023-08-02 22:44:331


2023-08-02 22:44:452


较简单且口语化的表达方式 短语 give in to sb./sth. 向...屈服;其他表达方式 短语 bow to sb. 向...低头,同意;鞠躬; yield to sb./sth. 向...屈服,让步;动词 surrender 投降,屈服;交出;surrender (yourself) to sb./sth. 向...投降,屈服;
2023-08-02 22:44:562

May的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:May专辑:SurrenderLil Eddie - SurrenderOh, OooohOne more timeOne more timeOne more timeDont move, dont moveOh, Yeahh, YeahhCame home early than a usual daySee your car sitting out on my drivewayDoor left open and the radio playingR. Kelly bumping down from my bedroomSomething don"t seem correctI"m feeling real strangeSlowly I"m making my way up the staircaseHear my baybay, turn the doorknobCatch him with a lady (Oh hell naw)Don"t move and nobody up in here will get hurtStart speaking quick, explain to me who"s this girlNever gave you permission or the right to remain silentI"m losing my temper-r-r-r, I"m warning youYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou bettaYou got nerve bringing her in my placeWhens the last time you paid the rent (Never)No she aint wearing my lingerieIn a minute, I think I"m about to black outWhy is she feeding you cake like it"s your birthdayHope you made a wish before she blew your candleCuz you know, I"m flying off the handleBoy stay put its for your own goodGetting to close to be (I said)Boy stay put it"s for your own goodWho said you can leaveDon"t move and nobody up in here will get hurtStart speaking quick, explain to me whos this girlNever gave you permission or the right to remain silentI"m losing my temper-r-r-r, I"m warning youYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou bettaDear ma, please forgive meBut the light upstairs just went offI know I told him when he met meBreak my heart, I"m going to jail (He didn"t listen)Wake up, yes you put the weapon downWake up, don"t do it he ain"t worth 25No way I"m about to let him slideDon"t move and nobody up in here will get hurtStart speaking quick, explain to me who"s this girlNever gave you permission or the right to remain silentI"m losing my temper-r-r-r, I"m warning youYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou better surrender-oh-r-r-rYou betta
2023-08-02 22:45:141

Diana Ross的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Diana Ross专辑:Motown"S Greatest HitsBellefire - SurrenderWhen you caught my eyeI could feel insideDesireYou came up and you smiledYou said you"d stay awhileI"m on fireHave I been on your mind?Will you love me all the time?While we"re togetherIf you wanna be with meThat"s the way it"s gotta beBaby, surrenderI heard when a guy really loves a girlHe"d run around the world chasing herBut what you guys don"t realizeIs that we"re chasing you in reverseSo if you"re wanting meBaby try a bended kneeCause...When you caught my eyeI could feel insideDesireYou came up and you smiledYou said you"d stay awhileI"m on fireHave I been on your mind?Will you love me all the time?While we"re togetherIf you wanna be with meThat"s the way it"s gotta beBaby, surrenderYou look just like a dream come trueI"m so glad that I"m with youDon"t act like you know what we should doBet i could show you a thing or twoSo if your wanting meBaby nothing comes for freeWhen you caught my eyeI could feel, feel insideYou came up and smiledYou said you"d stay, stay awhileHave i been on your mind?Will you love me all the time?If you want to be with meBaby, surrender......When you caught my eyeI could feel insideDesireYou came up and you smiledYou said you"d stay awhileI"m on fireHave I been on your mind?Will you love me all the time?While we"re togetherIf you wanna be with meThat"s the way it"s gotta beBaby, surrendersurrender......QQqun7979278︶ㄣApple制作
2023-08-02 22:45:211

求歌曲surrender 的中文歌词

there"s so much life i"ve left to live and this fire"s burning still when i watch you look at me i think i could find a way to stand for every dream and forsake this solid ground and give up this fear within of what would happen if they end, you i"m in love with you "cause i"d surrender everything to feel the chance, to live again i reach to you i know you can feel it too we"d make it through a thousand dreams i still believe i"d make you give them all to me i"d hold you in my arms and never let go i surrender i know i can"t survive another night away from you you"re the reason i go on and now i need to live the truth right now, there"s no better time from this fear, i will break free and i"ll live again with love and know they can"t take that away from me and they will see... yeah i"d surrender everything to feel the chance, to live again i reach to you i know you can feel it too we"d make it through a thousand dreams i still believe i"ll make you give them all to me i"ll hold you in my arms and never let go i surrender every night gets longer and this voice"s getting stronger baby i"ll swallow my pride and i"ll be alive can"t you hear my call? i surrender all... (i"ll surrender everything) (to feel the chance, to live again) i reach to you i know you can feel it too we"ll make it through a thousand dreams i still believe i"ll make you give them all to me i"ll hold you in my arms and never let go i surrender right here, right now i"d give my life to live again i"ll break free take me, my everything i surrender all to you (right now) right now (i"d give my life to live again) i"d give my life (i"ll break free, take me) take me, take me (my everything) my everything (i surrender all to you, right now) right now (i"d give my life to live again) i"d give my life to you baby i"ll break free, yeah free这太多的生命 我变的颓废了 而且心依旧在燃烧 当我发现你看着我的时候 我想我能找到方向 去立足于任何的梦想 放弃这可靠的港湾 并且放弃内心的恐惧 到达尽头将会有什么发生呢 但是我会一直爱着你 这就是我放弃所有的原因 去察觉机会的到来,再次让死去的心活过来 让我到达你的身边 我知道你也能感觉到我 在我们达到无数的梦想之后我依旧坚信 你会把你的一切都给我 我会把你抱在我的怀抱里不让你离开 我投降 我知道 在离开你之后我不能度过下一个夜晚 你就是让我接近的理由 现在我要生活在有你的真实中 如今,没有比这更好的时间了 从这恐惧中,我将会打破自由 会在你的爱中重新复活 知道他们不能再把你从我身边带走 所以我还能看见......yeah 这就是我放弃所有的原因 去察觉机会的到来,再次让死去的心活过来 让我到达你的身边 我知道你也能感觉到我 在我们达到无数的梦想之后我依旧坚信 你会把你的一切都给我 我会把你抱在我的怀抱里不让你离开 我投降了 每个夜晚都越来越长 而且那个声音也越来越真实,宝贝 我将要耗尽我的自尊了 可是我还活着 你能听见我的呼唤吗? 我放弃了一切...... (我将要放弃一切) (去察觉这个机会,振作我自己) 我要到达你的身边 我知道你也能感觉到我 在我们达到无数的梦想之后我依旧坚信 你会把你的一切都给我 我会把你抱在我的怀抱里不让你离开 我投降了 在这儿,现在 我会让我的生命活起来 我要打破自由 带走我,我的一切 我放弃了和你有关的一切 (现在) 如今 我会让我的生命振作起来 我会给我生命 (我要打破自由,带着我) 带着我,带着我 (我的一切) 我的一切 (如今,我放弃了和你有关的一切) 如今 我会让我振作起来 我会把我的生命给你,宝贝 我要打破空白,yeah 空白
2023-08-02 22:45:281

Elvis Presley的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis: Close UpElvis Presley - SurrenderWhen we kiss my heart"s on fireBurning with a strange desireAnd I know, each time I kiss youThat your heart"s on fire tooSo, my darling, please surrenderAll your love so warm and tenderLet me hold you in my arms, dearWhile the moon shines bright aboveAll the stars will tell the storyOf our love and all its gloryLet us take this night of magicAnd make it a night of loveWon"t you please surrender to meYour lips, your arms, your heart, dearBe mine foreverBe mine tonight
2023-08-02 22:45:351

Sarah Brightman的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Sarah Brightman专辑:EncoreArtist: Sarah BrightmanAlbum: EncoreTitle: SurrenderNo more wars to fightWhite flags fly tonightYou are out of danger nowBattle field is stillWild poppies on the hillPeace can only comewhen you surrenderHere the tracers flyLighting up the skyBut I"ll fight unto the endLet them send their armiesI will never bendI won"t see you nowtill I surrenderI"ll see you againwhen I surrenderBattle field is stillWild poppies on the hillPeace can only comewhen you surrenderHere the tracers flyLighting up the skyBut I"ll fight unto the endLet them send their armiesI will never bendI won"t see you nowtill I surrenderI"ll see you againwhen I surrender
2023-08-02 22:45:431

Elvis Presley的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:HitstoryElvis Presley - SurrenderWhen we kiss my heart"s on fireBurning with a strange desireAnd I know, each time I kiss youThat your heart"s on fire tooSo, my darling, please surrenderAll your love so warm and tenderLet me hold you in my arms, dearWhile the moon shines bright aboveAll the stars will tell the storyOf our love and all its gloryLet us take this night of magicAnd make it a night of loveWon"t you please surrender to meYour lips, your arms, your heart, dearBe mine foreverBe mine tonight
2023-08-02 22:45:501

Sarah Brightman的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Sarah Brightman专辑:EncoreArtist: Sarah BrightmanAlbum: EncoreTitle: SurrenderNo more wars to fightWhite flags fly tonightYou are out of danger nowBattle field is stillWild poppies on the hillPeace can only comewhen you surrenderHere the tracers flyLighting up the skyBut I"ll fight unto the endLet them send their armiesI will never bendI won"t see you nowtill I surrenderI"ll see you againwhen I surrenderBattle field is stillWild poppies on the hillPeace can only comewhen you surrenderHere the tracers flyLighting up the skyBut I"ll fight unto the endLet them send their armiesI will never bendI won"t see you nowtill I surrenderI"ll see you againwhen I surrender
2023-08-02 22:45:571

Elvis Presley的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elv1S - Special EditionElvis Presley - SurrenderWhen we kiss my heart"s on fireBurning with a strange desireAnd I know, each time I kiss youThat your heart"s on fire tooSo, my darling, please surrenderAll your love so warm and tenderLet me hold you in my arms, dearWhile the moon shines bright aboveAll the stars will tell the storyOf our love and all its gloryLet us take this night of magicAnd make it a night of loveWon"t you please surrender to meYour lips, your arms, your heart, dearBe mine foreverBe mine tonight
2023-08-02 22:46:041


提单上的surrender的意思是:交出,如果投保了的话就是 解约(保险) 希望能帮上你
2023-08-02 22:46:111

Elvis Presley的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The KingElvis Presley - SurrenderWhen we kiss my heart"s on fireBurning with a strange desireAnd I know, each time I kiss youThat your heart"s on fire tooSo, my darling, please surrenderAll your love so warm and tenderLet me hold you in my arms, dearWhile the moon shines bright aboveAll the stars will tell the storyOf our love and all its gloryLet us take this night of magicAnd make it a night of loveWon"t you please surrender to meYour lips, your arms, your heart, dearBe mine foreverBe mine tonight
2023-08-02 22:46:291

Debra Killings的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Debra Killings专辑:SurrenderBen Lee - SurrenderWell I have felt an angel"s kissAnd I have seen the sweet sunsetI thought maybe I was thisI found out that I am thatLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrenderAll the things I long to touchAnd all the tastes that seem so sweetThey don"t matter all that muchWhen I"m falling at your feetLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrenderNo-one puts baby in the corner!Well I can"t promise I won"t fallAnd I can"t say I"m never scaredI can"t promise much at allBut when you call me I"ll be thereLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrender
2023-08-02 22:46:361

Barrett Strong的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Barrett Strong专辑:Capitol Disco作词:杨乃文 作曲:杨乃文 编曲:MonsterBaby maybe this is it. Just look at the sight.Well it"s foggying my eyes.How can I cry when I"ve caught a lieTry to understand. Let me make a standOh baby not again. You say baby not againIt"s so like you Making me sad. Your tears in my eyes.I"m shrinking to a lie. But look, I see light.Baby maybe I am blind. I have lost my sight.I have covered my eyes. On how to decide.When I am too kind. Your guess is as good as mine.Your guess is as good as mine. Oh baby not again.Please don"t point at me againYes it was you. Making me bad. Your tears in my eyes.I"m shrinking to your kind.All of it, all this is wrong.What I"ve withnessed is a nightmare all alongThis ride"s a quest to save one from one.Perhaps one day,perhaps one day,one day I"ll realign
2023-08-02 22:46:441


surrender 的意思是: 投降,放弃,屈服,保险的解约。submit 的意思是: 上交,提交。例如,HTML 里,按了 submit 的 按钮,form 内容就送往 服务器了。
2023-08-02 22:46:511


这太多的生命 我变的颓废了 而且心依旧在燃烧 当我发现你看着我的时候 我想我能找到方向 去立足于任何的梦想 放弃这可靠的港湾 并且放弃内心的恐惧 到达尽头将会有什么发生呢 但是我会一直爱着你 这就是我放弃所有的原因 去察觉机会的到来,再次让死去的心活过来 让我到达你的身边 我知道你也能感觉到我 在我们达到无数的梦想之后我依旧坚信 你会把你的一切都给我 我会把你抱在我的怀抱里不让你离开 我投降 我知道 在离开你之后我不能度过下一个夜晚 你就是让我接近的理由 现在我要生活在有你的真实中 如今,没有比这更好的时间了 从这恐惧中,我将会打破自由 会在你的爱中重新复活 知道他们不能再把你从我身边带走 所以我还能看见......yeah 这就是我放弃所有的原因 去察觉机会的到来,再次让死去的心活过来 让我到达你的身边 我知道你也能感觉到我 在我们达到无数的梦想之后我依旧坚信 你会把你的一切都给我 我会把你抱在我的怀抱里不让你离开 我投降了 每个夜晚都越来越长 而且那个声音也越来越真实,宝贝 我将要耗尽我的自尊了 可是我还活着 你能听见我的呼唤吗? 我放弃了一切...... (我将要放弃一切) (去察觉这个机会,振作我自己) 我要到达你的身边 我知道你也能感觉到我 在我们达到无数的梦想之后我依旧坚信 你会把你的一切都给我 我会把你抱在我的怀抱里不让你离开 我投降了 在这儿,现在 我会让我的生命活起来 我要打破自由 带走我,我的一切 我放弃了和你有关的一切 (现在) 如今 我会让我的生命振作起来 我会给我生命 (我要打破自由,带着我) 带着我,带着我 (我的一切) 我的一切 (如今,我放弃了和你有关的一切) 如今 我会让我振作起来 我会把我的生命给你,宝贝 我要打破空白,yeah 空白
2023-08-02 22:46:591

Cheap Trick的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Cheap Trick专辑:Original Album ClassicsCheap Trick SurrenderMother told me, yes, she told me I"d meet girls like you.She also told me, stay away, you"ll never know what you"ll catch.Just the other day I heard a soldier falling off some indonesian junk that"s going round.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Father says, your mother"s right, she"s really up on things.Before we married, mommy served in the wacs in the philippines.Now, I had heard the wacs recruited old maids for the war.But mommy isn"t one of those, I"ve known her all these years.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Whatever happened to all this season"s losers of the year?Ev"ry time I got to thinking, where"d they disappear?When I woke up, mom and dad are rolling on the couch.Rolling numbers, rock and rolling, got my kiss records out.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Away.Away.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself away
2023-08-02 22:47:061

Cheap Trick的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Cheap Trick专辑:Now That"s What I Call Classic RockCheap Trick SurrenderMother told me, yes, she told me I"d meet girls like you.She also told me, stay away, you"ll never know what you"ll catch.Just the other day I heard a soldier falling off some indonesian junk that"s going round.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Father says, your mother"s right, she"s really up on things.Before we married, mommy served in the wacs in the philippines.Now, I had heard the wacs recruited old maids for the war.But mommy isn"t one of those, I"ve known her all these years.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Whatever happened to all this season"s losers of the year?Ev"ry time I got to thinking, where"d they disappear?When I woke up, mom and dad are rolling on the couch.Rolling numbers, rock and rolling, got my kiss records out.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Away.Away.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself away
2023-08-02 22:47:141

有些提单的传真件上印着一个 SURRENDER 的戳,是什么意思呢?

都是一个意思。 总之是说不用正本提单提货。不知道你是不是说的仓单啊?
2023-08-02 22:47:333