barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-03 09:21:35
TAG: 英语


1. Excuse me. Is there a hospital near here?

2. Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the police station?

3. Excuse me. How can I get to the History Museum, please?

4. Excuse me. Where is the Blue Sky Hotel?

5. Excuse me. Which is the way to the park, please?

6. Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office?


1. The post office is between the factory and the hotel.

2. It"s next to Zhongshan Park.

3. You"d better take No. 92.

4. It"s about ten minutes" walk.



Excuse me Where is the Nana house I can show you Here it is Thanks You are
2023-08-02 21:58:503


问路的英语ask for directions双语例句:1、基于Web GIS的城市公交问路系统。An Inquiring System for Urban Public Traffic Based on Web GIS.2、基于GIS的公交出行问路决策支持系统。Asking the Way System of Bus Transportation Based on GIS.3、旅行者拦住了一个过路人,向他问路。The tourist stopped a passers-by and asked him the way.4、如果是这样的情况,就用这个特别的方式问路。If this is the case, ask this particular question.5、怎么有礼貌地问路:总的原则是不轻易打扰别人。The basic principle is: Don"t disturb the others.6、我们向她问路,她指向小镇的方向。We asked her the way and she pointed towards the town.7、凯西停在路边一家小餐馆,向一名当地人问路。Kathy stops at a sidewalk cafe to ask a local directions.8、学习乘坐交通工具与问路时的对话。Learn how to communicate when taking bus, or asking direction.
2023-08-02 21:59:251


问路用英语How can I get to...? 我怎么到达。。呢?Can you tell me how I can get to ...? 你能告诉我怎么到达。。吗?Excuse me, would you please tell me the way to...?您好,你能告诉我到。。的路吗?
2023-08-02 21:59:582


你好!问路Ask the way
2023-08-02 22:00:083

问路 英语怎么说

Excuse me,how can I get to ...
2023-08-02 22:00:255


  1.Take the one-way street. 走这条单行道。   One-way street 就是单行道。 尤其在Downtown地区,以亚特兰大和纽奥良为例,其复杂的程度可以用进的去,出不来来形容,实在不是个愉快的开车经验。   2.You will stay on the street for a while until you hit the first traffic light.你会走一会儿,直到你遇到第一个红绿灯。   有一次我开车老美坐我旁边,他帮我指路就是这么说的。 Stay for a while 通常指五到十分钟的时间,不会太久。 遇见某样东西,可以用 hit 这个字,如 hit the traffic light,hit the stop sign 等等。 而 traffic light 也有人说成 light,或 stoplight。   3.Then take a left. 向左转。   向左转可以说成 turn left,take a left 或是 Make a left。 有时光讲 take a left 不明确,你可以加上路名,明确地告诉人家要转哪一条路,例如 Take a left into Hemphill Ave。 或是 Take a left onto Hemphill Ave。   4.It will be Hemphill Ave. Itu2019s two-lane traffic. 那就会是 Hemphill Ave,它是一条双线道。   指路的时候如果能够说出街道名称是最好,所以通常我会把转到哪一条路的路名也指出来。 至于是几线道一般指路的时候则比较不会提及。 双线道是指来去各一个车道共二线道而言,四线道就是 four-lane traffic。 像亚特兰大的 Interstate Highway 有些地方都是十二线道,那就是 twelve-lane traffice 够惊人吧。   5.Come down Hemphill Ave about five blocks. 由 Hemphill 街往下走约五个 blocks。   英文这个部份跟中文有异曲同工之妙喔。 我们会习惯地说,往“下”走,英文也会说come "down"或是"get down",这里如果只说 Come Hemphill Ave。 听来是不是怪怪的? 至于 block 指的是一块一块的建筑,外国人在指路时很喜欢用 block 作为计量的单位。   6.You will see a BP gas station on your left. 在你的左手边你会看到一座BP加油站。   指路的"时候除了路名之外,明显的地标也是有帮助的。 通常你可以指出一些明显的建筑物或是加油站来帮助对方。 加油站的英文是 gas station,有时会简称 station。   7.Keep going 50 yards before you come to a fork road. 继续走50码,直到你走到一个三叉路口。   继续往下走可以用 keep going 这个字,或是 continue straight 或是 keep straight 也很常用。 Fork road 就是我们说的三叉路口。 那如果是丁字路口要怎么说? 你可以说,This road will dead end into 10th Street。 就可以表达出丁字路口的意思了。   8.Make a right,pass two stop signs and you will run into a Wal Mart. 向右转,经过二个 Stop sign,你就会遇到 Wal Mart。   有一次我去 Ohio,由于事先的准备不够,以致于从头迷路到最后。 有一次有一个老黑跟我报路用的就是 Youu2019ll run into it! 意思就是,我会遇到的。 他们也喜欢这么说,You canu2019t miss it! 就是说,你绝不会错过的。   9.The post office is just right across the street of it. 邮局就在 Wal Mart的正对面。   个人觉的 Right across the street of it 是个很重要的片语,加上"right" across 表示出“正”对面的意思。还有一个很常用的就是在什么什么的旁边,这个要用 The office is next to it。 It 代表之前已经提过的 Wal Mart,如果之前没有提及,这里也可以直接说成,across the street of Wal Mart。   10.Mr.Yangu2019s house is behind the post office. 杨先生的房子就在邮局后面。   有一次也是有一个老美路我问路,由于那个地方不是很远,我就用手指这那里说,Itu2019s over there。 可是事实上那里是被一栋建筑物给挡住了,所以老美就反问我,Behind this building? 所以我就知道我应该说成 Itu2019s behind this building 会来得比较好些。
2023-08-02 22:00:411

问路英语怎么写?have a chat的中文

2023-08-02 22:00:505


问路的常用英文句型:1、How do I get to…?去某处该怎么走……?例句:①How do I get to the Forbidden City?我怎么去紫禁城呢?②How do I get to the National Museum from here?从这里怎么到国家博物馆?2、Can you tell me the way to…?你能不能告诉我去……的路该怎么走?例句:Can you tell me the way to the post office?你能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?3、Where is…?……在哪儿?例句:①Where is the subway station / bus station?地铁站在哪里?/公交站在哪里?②Where is the theater?电影院在哪里?4、Is there a…near here?附近有没有……?例句:①Is there a hotel near here?附近有没有酒店?②Is there a coffee shop near here?附近有咖啡厅吗?指路常用英语句型一、回答“Where"s the (nearest)…”可以用以下简单的句子。It"s over there.在那边It"s behind the…在…后面It"s next to the…在…旁边It"s in front of the…它就在…前面It"s near the…它在…附近It"s on the right/left of the…它在…右/左边It"s outside the…它在…外面It"s on the other side of the…它在…对面二、回答Which is the way to…please?和How can I get to…?等问路的对话时,可以根据具体情况,将下列有关句子组织起来用:1、Walk along this road/street.沿着这条路/街走。2、It"s about…meters from here.从这里大约…米。3、Take the lst/…turning on the left/right.在第…个转弯处左/右转。4、It"s about…meters along on the right/left.沿右边/左边大约…米。5、Walk on and turn left/right.继续走再向左/右转。6、Turn right/left at the traffic lights. You"ll find the…on the right/left.在交通灯右/左转,你会发现……在右/左边。
2023-08-02 22:01:291

问路的英语句子ask the way

问路的英语句子ask the way 在英美国家问路应该注意些什么呢? 一定要有礼貌,停下来等候或缓步走向你想问路的人,表情不要太紧张,不要急步向他人走去,否则对方会怀疑你的动机。 千万不要伸手搭对方的肩或手臂,因为这是不礼貌的行为。 问路时要注意与对方保持一定的距离,尤其是问一位女士时。尽量不要使用手势。西方人的空间意识较强,陌生人离他们太近会使他们感到非常的不自在,甚至感到是一种威胁。 问路时首先要说一声“Excuse me ”这样可以引起对方的注意,又不失礼貌。 当你没听清楚时,你可以说一声“I beg your pardon”(对不起请再说一遍好吗?)或“Excuse me, would you please say it again?”(对不起,请您再说一遍好吗?)等。礼貌的请对方重复一遍。 问完路后千万不要忘记向对方说句“Thank you!” 或 “Thank you for helping me!” 只要你记住以上的六点,你就可以在英美国家畅游无阻了! 一、问路时常用的方位词   East东、South南、West西、North北、Left左、Right右、Straighton往前直去、There那儿、Front前方、Back后方、Side侧旁、Before之前、After之后、First left/right第一个转左/右的路   二、请问如何前往...   Excuse me,How do I get to the.......? 请问如何前往......?   How do I get to the airport? 请问如何前往机场?   How do I get to the bus station? 请问如何前往公车站?   How do I get to the metro station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Metro乃欧洲常用字)   How do I get to the subway station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Subway乃北美洲常用字)   How do I get to the underground station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?(underground乃英国常用字)   How do I get to the train station? 请问如何前往火车站?   How do I get to the Hilton hotel ? 请问如何前往希尔顿酒店?   How do I get to the police station? 请问如何前往警局?   How do I get to the post office? 请问如何前往邮政局?   How do I get to the tourist information office? 请问如何前往旅游资讯局?   三、请问附近有什么商店   Excuse me, Is there....... nearby? 请问附近有没有...?   Is there a disco nearby? 请问附近有没有的士高?   Is there a hospital nearby? 请问附近有没有医院?   Is there a night club nearby? 请问附近有没有夜总会?   Is there a post box nearby? 请问附近有没有邮政局?   Is there a public toilet nearby? 请问附近有没有公共厕所?   Is there a restaurant nearby? 请问附近有没有餐厅?   Is there a telephone nearby? 请问附近有没有电话?   Is there a travel agent nearby? 请问附近有没有旅游社?   Is there a youth hostel nearby? 请问附近有没有青年旅馆?   Is there a baker nearby? 请问附近有没有面包店?   Is there a bank nearby? 请问附近有没有银行?   Is there a bar nearby? 请问附近有没有酒吧?   Is there a bus stop nearby? 请问附近有没有公车站?   Is there a cafe nearby? 请问附近有没有咖啡店?   Is there a cake shop nearby? 请问附近有没有西饼店?   Is there a change bureau nearby? 请问附近有没有找换店?   Is there a chemist"s nearby? 请问附近有没有药剂师?   Is there a department store nearby? 请问附近有没有百货公司?
2023-08-02 22:01:441


你的问题不够细致 我不明白你确切的意图你是说 问路 这两个字有几种说法 还是说问路这件事有几种表达方式?如果是问问路的表达方式 但是你又没说情景 .....你的问题表述不清......
2023-08-02 22:01:573


  向陌生人问路可能会使人感到紧张。你不确定他们是否会理解你。而且在大街上行走时,几乎每个人都低头看着手机或者是带着耳机。不要着急,在这里我们会给大家提供一些短语,这些短语会吸引别人的注意力并且丰富你的外出旅行词汇。正是这些礼貌地表达会帮你开始一段对话。   Polite Expressions and Useful Phrases   礼貌的表达以及有用的"短语   1.Excuse me   打扰一下   这个短语使用频繁。在大街上或者是在商店里你总是能够听到它。在请求别人做某事之前人们会说“打扰一下”(例如,在为你指去电影院的路时!)   Excuse me? Where is the nearest souvenir shop?   打扰一下,请问最近的纪念品商店在哪?   2.Sorry to bother you…   很抱歉,打扰你一下…   It"s another way to let a stranger know that you"re asking something from them and you appreciate their help.   这是让陌生人知道你在问他们路的另一种方式,并且你很珍惜他们的帮助。   Sorry to bother you, but would you mind showing me the way to post office?   很抱歉打扰你一下,你介意告诉我去邮局的路吗?   3.May I ask…?   我可以问一下…?   You can use this expression to start a question in a courteous manner. Remember that you don"t have to reverse the word order when you continue with the “where…” part. In grammar rules, it"s the issue of embedded questions or indirect questions.   你可以使用这种表达以一种礼貌的方式问问题。要记得当你使用where…的问句继续对话时,你不必颠倒单词的顺序。在语法中,这是嵌套疑问句和间接疑问句的问题。   May I ask where the Marriott hotel is?   我可以问一下马里奥特旅馆在哪吗?   4.Could you please…?   你可以…?   You follow this expression with a verb such as “show,” “point,” “help” etc.   在这个表达后面你可以使用动词“show,” “point,” “help”等等。   Could you please point me in the direction of the main square?   你能给我指一下主广场的方向吗?   5.I am (I"m) lost.   我迷路了。   Excuse me? I"m lost. Could you please help me find 5th Avenue?   打扰一下,我迷路了。你能够帮助我找到第五大街嘛?   6.I can"t seem to read this map.   我似乎看不明白这个地图。   Sorry to bother you. I can"t seem to read this map.   很抱歉打扰你一下,我似乎看不懂这个地图。   7.This is my first time in the city.   这是我第一次来到这个城市。   May I ask you a question? This is my first time in the city.   我看我一问你一个问题吗?这是我第一次来到这个城市。   Question Phrases   问句短语   Now it"s time to ask about where you need to go. Follow “Excuse me” or “Sorry to bother you” with one of these questions:   现在是时候来问你需要去哪了。在“Excuse me”和“Sorry to bother you”后面加下列其中一个句子:   1.How do I get to…?   我怎样才能到达…?   Excuse me? How do I get to Times Square?   打扰一下,请问我怎样才能够到达泰晤士广场?   2.Which way to…?   那个是去…的路?   Sorry to bother you, but which way to Main Street?   很抱歉打扰你一下,请问哪个是去主街的路?   3.Can you help me find…?   你能帮助我找到…吗?   Excuse me? Can you help me find Hotel Pennsylvania? This is my first time in the city.   打扰一下,你能够帮助我找到宾夕法尼亚酒店嘛?这是我第一次来到这个城市。
2023-08-02 22:02:191


2023-08-02 22:02:483


指路问路的英语对话10-14句介绍如下:问路的英语对话1:A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest subway station?B: Sure, walk along this road to the end, and then turn right, you will see a high building, and the subway station extrance is near the building.A: thanks a lotB: you are welcome~A:打扰一下,你能告诉我最近的地铁站怎么走吗?B:当然。你沿着这条路一直走到尽头,然后向右拐,就能看见一栋高楼,地铁入口就在它旁边。A:非常感谢B:不客气问路的英语对话2:A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。A: Oh ! I think I"m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?A:哦!我想我迷路了。我能否从这里到火车站呢?B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.B:顺这条街一直走过两个街区,然后左转。问路的英语对话3:A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I"m looking for the Museum.A:对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮助我,我在找博物馆。B: Boy, you are lost. It"s across town.B:哇,你是迷路了。它在城的那头。A: Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?A:哦!太糟糕了!那我怎么去博物馆呢?B: You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there.B:您可以在此乘坐24路公共汽车换乘83路公共汽车到那里。
2023-08-02 22:02:561


show sb. the way to 指给某人去。。。的路 turn left/right 左、右转 go straight 直走 on your left/right 在你左/右手边 you won"t miss it 你不会错过的
2023-08-02 22:03:352


2023-08-02 22:04:011


2023-08-02 22:04:112


  改革开放三十多年以来,英语教育在我国已经广为普及,整个社会对英语的要求也愈加精益求精。仅仅懂英语的人才已经远远不能满足现代社会发展的需要,只有那些既具有扎实的专业知识又具备深厚的英语。我整理了,欢迎阅读!   一   A:Excuse me,Where am I on this map?   B:We are here,bus station,we are in the heart of the city.   A:Oh !I think I"m lost.Can I go from here to the railway station?   B:Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.   A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?   B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心.   A:哦!我想我迷路了.我能否从这里到火车站呢?   B:顺这条街一直走过两个街区,然后左转.   A:Excuse me.I"m afraid I got lost.Can you show me the way to   the station?   B:I"m walking that way.Let me lead you the way.   A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗?   B:我正朝那边去.让我给你带路吧!   A:Excuse me.I wonder if you could help me.I"m looking for the   Museum.   B:Boy,you are lost.It"s across town.   A:Oh !What bad luck !How can I get to the Museum?   B:You can take a No.24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus   to get there.   A:对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮助我,我在找博物馆.   B:哇,你是迷路了.它在城的那头.   A:哦!太糟糕了!那我怎么去博物馆呢?   B:您可以在此乘坐24路公共汽车换乘83路公共汽车到那里.   二   Foreigner:   Excuse me, I"m lost. Can you show me where I am in this map?He holds a map in his hand.   你好,我迷路了。你能告诉我我现在处于地图上的哪个位置吗?他手里拿着一张地图。   May:   Er, let me see. Oh, look, you"re right here. Pretty close to the Olympic Park.   呃,让我看看。哦,看,你就在这里。离奥运公园很近。   Foreigner:   That"s great! It"s not my day. I just have very bad sense of direction.   真是糟糕!今天真不顺。我的方向感的确很差。   May:   Is this your first time here? Where are you going?   这是你第一次到这里吧?你想去哪里?   Foreigner:   I am supposed to go to Liu lichang.   我想去琉璃厂。   May:   Oh, there are many Chinese antique stores. They get paintings, too. Do you get interested in them?   哦,那里有很多中国古董店,也有中国画。你对那些感兴趣吗?   Foreigner:   Yes. Yes. Can you tell me how to get there?   是的,是的。你能告诉我怎么去那里吗?   May:   Wow, it is quite far away from here. I"m afraid you"re gonna have to take Bus No.713.   哇,那离这里很远呢。恐怕你得乘公交713路才能到。   Foreigner:   Where is the nearest bus-s?   最近的公共汽车站在哪?   May:   Go straight ahead and turn right on the second intersection. You can"t miss it.   直走,在第二个路口处右转。你不会错过的。   Foreigner:   Thanks a lot.   非常感谢。   May:   You are wele.   不客气。   对话讲解:   show vt.展示, 给看   He showed me his pictures.   他把他的图画给我看。   be far away from 离……很远   The bus stop is far away from our offcie building.   公交站点离我们办公楼很远。   miss vt.未达到; 未见到   Their house is at the end of the road — you can"t miss it.   他们的房子在路的尽头,你不会看不见的。   三   A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?   B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.   A: Oh ! I think I"m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?   B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.   A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?   B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。   A:哦!我想我迷路了。我能否从这里到火车站呢?   B:顺这条街一直走过两个街区,然后左转。   A: Excuse me. I"m afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station?   B: I"m walking that way. Let me lead you the way.   A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗?   B:我正朝那边去。让我给你带路吧!   A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I"m looking for the Museum.   B: Boy, you are lost. It"s across town.   A: Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?   B: You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there.   A:对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮助我,我在找博物馆。   B:哇,你是迷路了。它在城的那头。   A:哦!太糟糕了!那我怎么去博物馆呢?   B:您可以在此乘坐24路公共汽车换乘83路公共汽车到那里。   
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关于问路的英语 问路的常用表达:您能告诉我去博物馆怎么走吗?Could you tell me the way to the museum? 您能告诉我博物馆在哪里吗?Can you tell me where the museum is? 请问去最近的邮局怎么走?Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest post office? 这是去市政厅的路吗?Is this the road to the City Hall? 请问我怎么去地铁站?How can I get to the subway station? 对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?Excuse me, Where am I on this map? 请问,这附近有药店吗?Excuse me. Is there a drug store nearby?
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A:Goodmorning!B:Goodmorning!A:What day is it today?B:It"s ...A:What class are we having?B:We are having ... class.A:What lessons do we have today?B:We have ... today.A:Which subject do you like best?B:I like ... best.A:Why do you like it?B:Because it"s interesting. What do you think of it?A:I think it"s too difficult.B:How do you usually go to school?A:I usually go to school by bike? What about you?B:I always school. A:Where do you usually have lunch?B:I usually have lunch at ...A:Do you have a short rest after lunch?B:No, I don"t./Yes, I do.A:Do you have a study?B:No, I don"t/Yes, I do. And you?A:Yes, I do./No, I don"t.B:Oh! Is you eraser?A:Yes, it"s mine.B:May I borrow it?A:Of course.B:Thank you.
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Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Hotel Alelo by any chance?  劳驾﹐你知道怎么去Alelo酒店么﹖  Do you know how I might get to the Hotel Alelo?  你知道我怎么才能到Alelo酒店么﹖  Oh sure, you"re not far at all!  当然﹐离这根本不远!  You"re only a few minutes away.  几分钟就能到。  Turn right at the light  Turn right at the next light, and you"ll be headed north.  在下一个红绿灯右转﹐然后往北走。  You"re gonna wanna stay on that street.  你要一直沿那条路走。  "Gonna wanna"听着可能挺奇怪﹐但是美国人给别人指路时常常会用这种说法﹐意思是如果你不按照他们说的走﹐你就可能会迷路!  You wanna keep going on that street for a while.  你要沿着这条路走上一段时间。  You"re gonna go north for a little ways.  你得往北走上一小段路。  Take the freeway  Then the easiest thing is to take the freeway.  然后﹐最简单的办法就是走高速。  You"re gonna wanna go east on it.  你在高速上要往东走。  There"s an entrance on Empire Ave.  在Empire大街上有一个入口。  So when you hit that street, you wanna take a right.  到那条街后你要向右拐。  About four miles  After about a block you should see the freeway entrance.  大约一个街区后你会看到高速的入口。  Watch out, cause it can be hard to make out at night.  仔细看着点儿﹐因为夜里有时看不清。  Once you"re on the freeway you just stay on it for a while.  上高速后﹐得在上面开一段时间。  I"d say it"s about four miles.  我觉得大概要开4英里。  Exit Lincoln  The exit you wanna take is called Lincoln.  你要在一个叫Lincoln的出口下高速。  Watch out for it, cause if you miss it, it"s hard to get back.  仔细看着点儿﹐一旦错过﹐就很难绕回来了。  So exit on Lincoln, and then take a left.  在Lincoln出口下高速﹐然后向左拐。  As soon as you exit, turn left right off the bat.  一下高速马上左拐。  On your right  Then you just stay on Lincoln the rest of the way.  剩下的路一直沿着Lincoln大街走。  You"ll keep going on Lincoln about a mile or so.  你要在Lincoln大街上开一英里左右。  Then you"ll see the hotel on your right.  然后你会看到酒店在你的右手边。  It"s a big yellow building, you can"t miss it.  是一个黄色高楼﹐绝对不会错过。  Thank you so much, have a nice day!  太谢谢你了﹐祝你愉快!
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关于问路的英语口语   在走到不熟悉的地方时,可以用跟人问路的方法找到正确方向,下面是我整理的跟问路有关的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!   关于问路的英语口语句子   鞋店在哪儿?   Where is the shoe store?   Where is the shoe store? (鞋店在哪儿?)   Go straight for two blocks. (一直走,过两条街就有。)   How do I get to the shoe store?   对不起,我迷路了。   Excuse me, but I"m lost. *lost表示“迷路”。   I don"t know where I am.   我在地图上的什么地方?   Where am I on this map?   Where am I on this map? (我在地图上的什么地方?)   You"re right here, near Central Park. (你在这儿,中央公园附近。)   Where am I? (我在哪儿呢?)   Where am I located? (我在什么地方呢?)   Can you point to where I am on this map?   这条街叫什么名字?   What"s the name of this street?   What street am I on? (我现在在哪条街上?)   这附近有邮局吗?   Is there a post office near here?   Is there a post office near here? (这附近有邮局吗?)   Yes, there is. Go straightu2026 (有,在那儿。一直往前走u2026u2026)   Where"s the nearest post office? (离这儿最近的.邮局在哪儿?)   Is there a post office close by?   Is there a post office around here?   Do you know of any post offices near here? (您知道这附近的邮局吗?)   去樱花饭店怎么走?   How do I get to the Sakura Hotel?   Where"s the Sakura Hotel? (樱花饭店在哪儿?)   Could you give me directions to the Sakura Hotel?   What direction should I follow to get to the Sakura Hotel?   从第一个信号灯往右拐。   Turn right at the first traffic light. *turn right表示“右拐”,turn left表示“左拐”。   洗手间在哪儿?   Where"s the rest room?   在右边。   It"s on the right.   It"s on your right.   一直走到第二个街区。   Go straight for two blocks. *block 是四面被道路围成的街区。   在左侧拐角那儿就能看见。   You"ll see it at the corner on your left. *at the corner 的at也可以用on替换。   对不起,我也是第一次来这儿。   Sorry, I"m new here, too.   Excuse me. Is Shinjuku far? (请问,新宿离这儿还远吗?)   Sorry, I"m new here, too. (对不起,我也是第一次来这儿。)   I"m a stranger here, too.   I don"t know either. (我也不知道。)   在那家咖啡馆的旁边。   It"s next to the coffee shop.   It"s beside the coffee shop.   It"s just before the coffee shop. (就在那家咖啡馆的前边一点儿。)   在市政厅的对面。   It"s across from City Hall.   It"s opposite City Hall.   It"s on the opposite side of City Hall.   正对着市政厅。   It faces City Hall. *face 表示“(建筑物等)正对面,正冲着”。   在书店和药店之间。   It"s between the bookstore and the drugstore.   在教堂的这一边。   It"s on this side of the church.*用this side表示“这边”。   It"s before the church.   在这条路的尽头。   It"s at the end of this street. *at the end ofu2026“最靠后的,到头的”。   这儿离新宿近吗?   Am I near Shinjuku?   Is Shinjuku close to here? (这儿离新宿近吗?)   Am I close to Shinjuku?   这儿离新宿有多远?   How far is it to Shinjuku? *How far is it tou2026? 是就时间和距离具体要花多少所问。“到u2026u2026有多远(需要多长时间)?”。   Is Shinjuku far? (新宿还远吗?)   How close are we to Shinjuku?   要多长时间?   How long will it take? *用来询问到达目的地需要多长时间。   5分钟左右。   About five minutes.   到那儿远吗?   Is it far?   Will it take long? (费时间吗?)   Is it far from here? (离这儿远吗?)   不远。   Not far.   It"s not far.   It"s not that far. (不太远。)   到新宿哪条路最好走?   What"s the easiest way to get to Shinjuku?   Could you give me the simplest directions to Shinjuku?   坐出租车去最容易找到。   The easiest way is to take a taxi.   The easiest way is to catch a taxi.   到新宿哪条道最快?   What"s the quickest way to get to Shinjuku?   What"s the quickest way to get to Shinjuku? (到新宿哪条道最快?)   You can go by express train. (你可以坐快车。)   在哪儿可以发信?   Where can I mail this?   在哪儿可以打电话?   Where can I make a phone call? *“打电话”可以用make a phone call或make a call来表示。   Where can I make a call?   这是条近路吗?   Is this the shortcut? *shortcut 表示“近路”。   关于问路的英语口语对话   1. "Excuse me, do you knowswheresthe Shuang"An Market is?"   Answer: "Yes, as a matter of fact I do.Do you need directions? "   Alternative sentence: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Shuang"An Market?"Use this when asking for directions.   "劳驾,您能告诉我双安商场怎么走吗?""是的,我知道。你需要指引吗?"   问路的另一说法为: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the ShuangAn Market?" (打扰一下,双安商场该怎么走?)这句话也可以用来问路。   2."Is it far from here?"Answer: "Yeah, it"s pretty far actually if you"re going by foot."   Alternative sentences: "How far is it from here?" and "Is it nearby?"Ask this to find out the distance toswheresyou want to go.   "离这远不远?""是的,如果你步行是相当远的。"   它离这儿远吗?还可以说"How far is it from here?"(离这儿有多远?)或"Is it nearby?" (在附近吗?)通过问这句话,你可以知道你的目的地具体有多远。   3."Can I take a bus there?"Answer: "You could take a bus, but a taxi would bemuch more convenient."   Alternative sentence: "Can I go by bus?"When using the "go by" structure, bus can be substituted with other modes of transportation; i.e., "Can I go by taxi?" or "Can I go by foot?"   "我能坐公共汽车去吗?""你可以乘公共汽车,但打的会更方便些。"   我可以乘公车去那儿吗?还可以说"Can I go by bus?" (我可以乘公共汽车吗?)当用"go by..."这一结构时,可以用其他交通方式来替换bus。比如"Can I go by taxi?" (我可以打的吗?)或"Can I go by foot?" (我可以吗?)。   4."Are there any landmarks nearby?" Answer: "Yeah, it"s right across the street from a post office."   Asking this can help you to clarify the directions. You can also ask "What"s the closest major intersection?"   "有什么标志吗?""有,从邮局穿过马路就到。"   那儿附近有什么标志性建筑物吗?这个句子使指引的方向更清晰一些。当然也可以问一下"What"s the closestmajorintersection?" (最近的重要的十字路口是哪个?)。   5."How long will it take by taxi?" Answer:"It should take about 20 minutes by taxi."   To go someplace "by taxi" means to take a taxi there.You can also say that you want to "cab it"; i.e., "The club is too far to walk to, let"s cab it!"   "要是打的去得多长时间呢?""打的大约需要20分钟。"   打车去需要多长时间?打车去某地,是"go there by taxi"或"take a taxi there",也可以说"cab it"。例如:"The club is too far to walk to, let"s cab it!" (那个俱乐部走着去太远了,咱们打的去吧!)。 ;
2023-08-02 22:05:011


  指路和问路的英语短语是去英语国家旅行必备的知识。下面是我给大家整理的指路和问路的英语短语的相关知识,供大家参阅!   指路和问路的英语短语1   问路的基本句型   1.Excuse me.can you tell me the way to the hospital?对不起,你能告诉我去医院怎么走?   2.Excuse me.could you tell me how to get to the bus station?打扰一下你能告诉我怎样去公共汽车站吗   3.Excuse me could you tell me the way to the cinema?劳驾,你能告诉我去电影院怎么走?   4.Iu2019m trying to find the post office.Could you help me?我想去邮局,你能帮一下忙吗?   5.Excuse me,is this the right way to the department store?打扰一下,这是去百货商店的路吗?   6.Would you mind showing me how to get to the hotel?你介意给我指一下去这个酒店的路吗?   7. Could you tell me which is the nearest way to the airport?你能告诉我去机场最近的路怎么走吗?   8.Excuse me,can you tell me the restaurantu2019s address?打扰一下,你能告诉我这家餐馆的地址吗?   9.How long will it take me to get there?到那儿需要多少时间?   10.Is there a public toilet nearby? 请问附近有没有公共厕所?   指路的英语短语   1.Go along the street until you come to the traffic lights. 沿这条路一直走到红绿灯那儿。   2.Turn right / left at the second crossing. (Take the second turning on the right / left.) 在第二个十字路口向右 / 左转弯。   3.Take a number 46 bus, and get off at the square. 坐46路公共汽车,在广场下车。   4.It"s on the corner of Huaihai Street and Xizang Road. 在淮海路和西藏路的路口。   5.Go straight ahead along the bund and then turn left. 沿着外滩往前走,然后往走转弯。   6.It"s only about ten minutes" walk. 那儿离这儿只有走大约10分钟的路。   指路和问路的英语短语2   I"d like to go to TianAnMen Square.我想去天安门广场。   I"d like to go to the supermarket.我想去超市。   Where is——? ——在哪儿?   Excuse me, do you know where u2026 is, (please)?   Excuse me, where is the u2026u2026,(please)   Excuse me,is there a/anu2026near here?   Where is the nearestu2026?   Where can I find u2026?   Excuse me,can you direct me tou2026?   Excuse me,I wonder if you could do me a favour. Iu2019m looking foru2026?   Would you show me the way?怎么走?   Could you show me how to get there?怎么走?   Excuse me,which is the way tou2026?   Can/could you tell me the way to u2026,(please)?   Could/Can you tell me how to get/go tou2026,(please)?   Excuse me,would you please show me the way tou2026?   Excuse me,would you mind telling me the way tou2026?   Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is?对不起,你知道邮局在哪里?   Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station?对不起,你能告诉我最近的加油站怎么走?   Excuse me. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre? 请问到电影院最快的路怎样走?   Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here?打扰一下,你知道从这里怎样去大型购物中心?   Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here?请问,从这里怎样去高速公路? Excuse me. I"m looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is?打扰一下,我正在找美国银行,我认为它就在附近,你知道它在哪里吗? Excuse me. I"m looking for the post office. Do you know how to get there?打扰一下,我正在找邮局,你知道怎样走吗?   Excuse me. What is the best way to get to Seattle?请问,去西雅图最近的路怎么走? 有时往往更客气,用“请问”引出问路的句子。“请问”最常的表示方法是: Excuse me. May I ask you a question?   Excuse me. May I ask you for directions?   Could you help me?   指路和问路的英语短语3   “问路”的英文表达   Ask the way 问路   Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the airport? 打扰了。你能告诉我去飞机场的路吗?   Excuse me. How can I get to Tianu2019anmen Square? 打扰了,我怎么去天安门广场?   Excuse me. Where is the Pacific Hotel?   对不起,请问太平洋宾馆在哪儿?   Excuse me. Which is the way to the No. 1 Middle School? 打扰一下,请问哪条路到一中?   Can you tell me how to get to the Peopleu2019s Park? 你能告诉我怎么去人民公园吗?   Excuse me. Is there a cafe nearby?   麻烦一下,这附近有咖啡店吗?   Does this road lead to the Bank of China?   这条马路到/通向中国银行吗?   How far is it from Beijing Hotel to the Palace Museum? 从北京饭店到故宫有多远?   Can I go by bus?   我坐公共汽车能到吗?   Give directions 指路   Just go straight ahead, and turn left at the first crossing. 一直向前走,在第一个拐角处左转。   go straight ahead towards the building   Turn right at the first traffic lights.   Go this way. Follow the road back for about 500 meters. 这么走。沿着马路往回走大约500米。   Follow the road back 往回走   Go along the street.   沿着这条路走。   You can take the subway to get there.   你可以坐地铁到那儿。   Itu2019s on my way. Iu2019ll walk you there.   我顺路,陪你去吧。   It takes five minutes to get there by taxi.   乘出租车五分钟就到。   Go down this street until you see the tall building.   沿着这条路走,直到你看到那个高楼。   You can take No. 503 bus. 你可以乘503路公交车。   Itu2019s over there. Itu2019s in that direction. 在那儿,就在那个方向。   The museum is opposite the Great Hall of the People. 博物馆正对着人民大会堂。   The park is just on the left of this street.   公园就在马路的左侧。   The Oriental Plaza is located in the downtown area. 东方广场位于市中心。   You canu2019t miss it.   你一定找得到。   Sorry. Iu2019m new here too.   不好意思,我也不熟。   Sorry, Iu2019m a stranger here.   
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walk stright for three minutes and then turn left
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2023-08-02 22:05:444


Excuse meCould you tell me the way to the bank
2023-08-02 22:06:014


有关问路的英语句子   无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家总少不了接触一些耳熟能详的句子吧,句子是由词或词组构成的语言基本运用单位。那么问题来了,到底什么样的句子才经典呢?以下是我为大家整理的问路的英语句子,希望能够帮助到大家。   问路英语句子   1、How do I get to the airport?   请问如何前往机场?   2、How do I get to the police station?   请问如何前往警局?   3、How do I get to the train station?   请问如何前往火车站?   4、How do I get to the underground station?   请问如何前往地下铁路站?(underground乃英国常用字)   5、How do I get to the bus station?   请问如何前往公车站?   6、How do I get to the post office?   请问如何前往邮政局?   7、How do I get to the metro station?   请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Metro乃欧洲常用字)   8、How do I get to the tourist information office?   请问如何前往旅游资讯局?   9、Excuse me,How do I get to the……?   请问如何前往……?   10、How do I get to the Hilton hotel ?   请问如何前往希尔顿酒店?   11、How do I get to the subway station?   请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Subway乃北美洲常用字)   拓展:英语励志句子   Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and can"t make a change .   永远别让自己气馁,不要认为自己的生命微不足道且无法改变   Nothing in the world will stop me from loving you.   在世界上,没有任何事物能阻挡我对你的爱。   Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take breath away.   生命的尺度不是寿命的长短,而是一生中有多少激动人心的时刻Make a note to yourself to start thinking more about what you have than what you want . If you do , your life will start app   earing much better than before . For perhaps the first time in your life , you"ll know what it means to feel satisfied .   记住从现在开始,多想想你拥有的,而不是你想要的。如果你这样做,你的生活就会比以前更美好,或许你生平第一次懂得了心满意足的含义。   Every body is a star in the sky.   每个人都是天空中的一颗星。   Standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself.   坚强,就是勇敢的向困难挑战,把成功的微笑留给自己。   Real dream is the other shore of reality .   真正的梦就是现实的彼岸。   The whole connotation lies in comprehenison .   Life without sinuations and frustrations is life the flower in greenhouse, which can not stand the challenge from wind and rain , frost and snow ,and will srely die away in the end . 生命的意义在于感悟。   不经历挫折和坎坷的生命,犹如温室里娇艳的花,经不起风霜傲雪的洗礼就会逐步走向自己的坟墓。   I don"t long for luxurious life and gorgeous appearance , but I need a complete in habitation for sentiment.   我不渴望奢侈的生活,不追求华丽的外表,但我需要一个完整的情感栖息地。   Walk the road you want to walk and do what you want to do , keep moving ahead and that"s not the silence of failure .   走自己想走的路,干自己想干的事,勇敢向前,这就是你不败的沉默。 Life is a candle . If burned out , there will not chance for you to start again . Let"s value life .   生命像一根蜡烛,烧完了就没有机会了,从头开始。所以让我们珍惜生命吧!   In fact , it"s not important what other people think of you , and instead , your own thoughts matter most . Do it if you think , it"s right but not mimic others mechanically . Following read of yourself is special and reeal life .   其实别人怎么看你并不重要,重要的是自己的想法,只要自己以为对,那就去做,而不要去机械的模仿他人。走自己的路,才会有自己独特的人生,那才是真正的生活。   Strive is an endless road , on which there are only sweats of hand work dripping on the stones , but no happiness of success . It"s the cold moon , and the limpid water in autumn , with which is a never-satis factory heart and a tired body , extending in waiting .   奋斗是一条永无止境的路,上面只有辛勤的汗水而看不到成功的喜悦,它是那弯弯的冷月,是清清的秋水,在这一刻永不满足的心和一个满身疲惫的身躯,在等待中延伸······   People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.   人生需要一点勇气和胆量,就如登一座悬崖峭壁的山峰,虽然上面都有云梯、搭好的台阶,可你就是有点胆怯,不敢向前,但你战胜了自我,到达了顶峰,看到了山顶的景色,你就会感到勇气和胆量是成功的标准人生何尝不是如此呢?   Challenge is needed for success.   成功需要挑战。   One has no reason to end his life .Living is itself happiness. 一个人没有理由的结束自己的生命,或者本身就是一种幸福。 Time will never change and stop for any person.   时间不给任何人情面,也不会为谁而停留。   There will be no regret and sorrow if you fight with all your strength.   只要全力地拼搏,就不会有遗憾,没有后悔。   A person in the world must have his own business , no matter big or small . Only with recognition from the society can your life is meaningful.   人生在世总要做出一番事业,不管事业是大是小,总要让社会承认你的价值才不算枉活一世。   What today will be like is up to me , I get to choose what kind of day I will have .   今天什么样,完全由我决定,今天怎样度过,由我选择。   Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you"ve set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be -----that is success .   成功是不断向领先确定的有价值的目标前进的过程,用自己的方式生活,达到自己定下的目标,做出自己想做的人---------这就是成功。   In this world , there are no two leaves that are totally the some and there no two souls that are totally the same . Similarty there are no two kinds of life that are totally the same . We when in roiny and flowery season , should grasp and control our own fate and display to the full our resplendence in the large stage of life .   世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶,世界也没有两个完全相同的灵魂,世上更没有两种完全相同的人生。处于花季,雨季的我们更需要好好的把握自己的命运,让自己去驾驭。在人生这个大舞台上展现自己的.辉煌。   Sometimes when I think carefully , the world is really magical . You could totally ignore those people around or the love in hand , and at the same time take all this for granted , when he leaves you suddenly , he even takes away with him all the happiness he once gave you , leaving nothing to you , when you become aware that a nice scenery is disappearing in your life , you"d feel afraid , lost and sad , yet when you try to detain , he may be leaving faster and farther , thus aware that he is so i   mportant to you and once you lose him , you will never be able to find him back .   有时候细想。世事真的好奇妙;靠近你身边的人,可以握在你手中的感情,但你却视而不见,以为这一切是那么自然的事情。当他突然远离你,连同那曾经带给你快乐也带走,不想再留给你什么;当你意识到有美丽的风景在你生命中即将消失的时候,你害怕、失落、难过。而当你试着去挽留,他却走得更快、离你更远。你这才发现他对你是那么的重要。也许失去了就再也找不回来了。   励志好句子 中英文对照   Even if you get no applause, you should accept a curtain call gracefully and appreciate your own efforts.   即使没有人为你鼓掌,也要优雅的谢幕,感谢自己的认真付出。   Sometimes the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compassion.   有时,抵挡黑暗的唯一办法就是发出仁慈的光芒。   If a jewel falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though dust should ascend to heaven, its former worthlessness will not be altered.   宝石即使落在泥潭里,仍是一样可贵;尘土纵然扬到天上,还是没有价值。   We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves.   随着年龄的增长,我们并不变得更好也不变得更坏,而是变得更像我们自己。   When I was young, happiness was simple; now that I"ve grown up, simplicity is happiness. 小时候,幸福是件很简单的事;长大后,简单是件很幸福的事。   At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment.   二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。—Benjamin Franklin   Many of life"s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.   生活中许多失败的人,没有意识到他们接近成功时,他们放弃了。   The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries. 所有的好书,读起来就如同和过去世界上最杰出的人谈话。   Whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to attain it.   不论什么时候,只要你有一个目标,就得牺牲一定的自由去实现它。   Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness.   命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。因此,让我们毫无畏惧,满心愉悦地把握命运。   If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.   如果你要活到一百岁,那么我只要活到一百岁差一天,这样我就不用度过没有你陪伴的分分秒秒。   Give everything a shot. You never know what is going to change your life.   任何事情都应该去尝试一下,因为你无法知道什么样的事将会改变你的一生。   Confusion is not a bad thing. It means you"re growing and thinking.   困惑不是一件坏事,它说明你正在成长、正在思考。   If you would have a thing well done, you must do it yourself.   如果要将事情做好,就得亲自动手。   Success is actually simple: when you are about to fail to hold, you just need to hang on a bit longer. 成功其实很简单,就是当你坚持不住的时候,再坚持一下。 ;
2023-08-02 22:06:241


  用英语向别人问路时,有哪些简单的英语对话口语 句子 ?下面是我给大家整理了 问路 英语对话,供大家参阅!   问路英语对话1   A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?   B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.   A: Oh ! I think Iu2019m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?   B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.   A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?   B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。   A:哦!我想我迷路了。我能否从这里到火车站呢?   B:顺这条街一直走过两个街区,然后左转。   问路英语对话2   1、问路的几种表示 方法 : a. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum? 请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走? 请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走? c. Would you please tell me where the post office is? 请告诉我邮局在哪儿? d. Will it take long to get to the airport? 去机场要很长时间吗?   e. Excuse me, but I"m trying to find a chemist"s shop. 对不起,我要找一家药店。 f. Would you please tell me if there is a hospital nearby?   请问附近有医院吗?   g. Is the zoo far from here? 动物园离这儿远吗?   2、回答别人问路的表示方法:   a. Go along the street until you come to the traffic lights.   沿这条路一直走到红绿灯那儿。   b. Turn right / left at the second crossing. (Take the second turning on the right / left.) 在第二个十字路口向右左转弯。   c. Take a number 46 bus, and get off at the square.   坐46路公共汽车,在广场下车。   d. It"s in the corner of Huaihai Street and Xizang Road.   在淮海路和西藏路的路口。   e. Go straight ahead along the street and then turn left.   沿着街道往前走,然后往走转弯。   f. There is a post office at / in the corner of Smith Street and Beach Road.   史密斯街和海湾路的十字路口有个邮局。   g.The hospitai is on the corner of Yuhong Jie and Xinzheng Jie.   医院位于育红街和新政街的街角上。   问路英语对话3   Hugh directs Emma to a police station   Emma:Excuse me. Excuse me   Hugh:Yes.   Emma:Is there a Police Station near here﹖   Hugh:Ah...police station﹖ Yes there is. Yes. Let me just think.    You want to go straight on straight down this road for about a mile.   Emma: Aha.   Hugh:And then you turn right at some traffic lights...yes traffic lights...turn right. Go straight on...and then you turn   left at a roundabout. There"s a big church on the corner.   Emma:Ah...   Hugh:And the police station is next to that.   Emma:Ah...OK...OK.   Hugh:Is that clear﹖   Emma:I think so.   Hugh:OK-good Bye.   Emma:Thanks...bye...   告诉埃玛怎样去警察局   埃玛: 对不起,打搅一下。   休: 啊?   埃玛: 这附近有警察局吗?   休: 啊u2026u2026警察局?是的,有一个,是,我想想。你沿着这条路一直走,大约一英里。   埃玛: 好的。   休: 警察局就在它旁边。   埃玛: 啊u2026u2026好的u2026u2026好的u2026u2026   休: 清楚了吗?   埃玛: 知道了。   休: 好,再见。   埃玛: 谢谢u2026u2026再见。
2023-08-02 22:06:391

英语问路可以用“What is the way to.”么

可以 问路的话你那张地图指 别人都能看懂
2023-08-02 22:06:504


   Asking the Way   Mrs. Green: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the museum?   Policeman: Certainly. Just go up this street and turn left at the second crossing. The third building from the corner is the museum. You can"t miss it.   Mrs. Green: Oh, let me see. Go down this street, turn left at the second crossing. and the museum is the third building from the corner. Am I right?   Policeman: Yes, that"s right.   Mrs. Green: Thank you very much. Bye-bye.   Policeman: You are welcome. Bye-bye.    问路   夫人:对不起,你能告诉我去博物馆的路吗?   警察:当然。只要走在这条街上,在二个十字路口向左拐。拐角的第三个建筑是博物馆。你不能错过它。我对吗?   格林夫人:哦,让我看看。沿着这条街走,在第二个十字路口向左拐。和博物馆是第三楼的"拐角处?   警察:是的,这是正确的。   夫人:非常感谢您。再见再见。   警察:欢迎你。再见再见。
2023-08-02 22:07:081


高中英语有一章是讲这个的。A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.A: Oh ! I think I"m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。A:哦!我想我迷路了。我能否从这里到火车站呢?B:顺这条街一直走过两个街区,然后左转。A: Excuse me. I"m afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station?B: I"m walking that way. Let me lead you the way.A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗?B:我正朝那边去。让我给你带路吧!A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I"m looking for the Museum.B: Boy, you are lost. It"s across town.A: Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?B: You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there.A:对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮助我,我在找博物馆。B:哇,你是迷路了。它在城的那头。A:哦!太糟糕了!那我怎么去博物馆呢?B:您可以在此乘坐24路公共汽车换乘83路公共汽车到那里。How do I get to…?去某处该怎么走。。。 ? Can you tell me the way to…?你能不能告诉我去某处的路该怎么走。。。? Go straight on.一直往前。 Turn right.向右转。 Turn left.向左转。 Take the first right.第一个路口向右转。 Take the second left.第二个路口向向左转。
2023-08-02 22:07:181


Asking the Way I went to the bookstore to buy a book in this morning.When I got to a crosing,I was lost.So I went to a policeman and asked him to help,he looked the way and said to me:"You just go across from this street and turn left at the first crossing. Then you will see a big building on the right near the high school.That is it."I was very happy,because I found the store soon next to the high school with the polices" help.大意:今天早上我去书店买书,可是当我走到一个十字路口的时候,我迷路了,不知道该往哪边走.于是我走向一个警察并向他寻求帮助.这个警察听完了我的问题指着前方的路跟我说:"你只要沿着这条路走下去,在第一个路口向左拐.你就会在高中附近看到一幢大建筑,那就是你要找的书店了."我很快就在那所高中附近找到了书店,我很高兴!望采纳
2023-08-02 22:07:282

用英语向别人问路 怎么表述好

Excuse me.How can I get to ******?Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the ......?
2023-08-02 22:08:024


  1.用英语问路的常用套语:  Excuseme,canyoutellmewheretherailwaystationis?对不起,请问火车站在哪儿?  Excuseme,butcanyoutellmethewaytothetrainstation?劳驾,请问去火车站怎么走?  Excuseme,couldyoutellmewhichisthewaytothenearesthospital?请问去最近的医院怎么走?  Excuseme,wouldyoupleaseshowmethewaytothepostoffice?请告诉我去邮局怎么走好吗?  Excuseme,wouldyoumindtellingmethewaytothepolicestation?对不起,请告诉我去警察局怎么走好吗?  Excuseme,couldyougivemesomedirections?请你给我指指路好吗?  Excuseme,canyoudirectmetothepostoffice?请问到邮局怎么走?
2023-08-02 22:08:371


how can i go to
2023-08-02 22:08:453


问题一:问路的英文单词怎么写? 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: ask for the way 问题二:与问路有关的英语单词有哪些 Excuse me,could you tell me how I can arrive at someplace? 问题三:以问路为题写一篇短文英语小短文不少于50个单词 In my school.Soccer is a ball and goal game usually played outdoors, also called football. Played in more than 140 countries, it is by far the most popular international sport. Two opposing team of 11 players each pete on a field preferably measuring 120 yard by 75 yard. A goal 8 yard wide and 8feet high, backed with netting, is centered on each end line. The object of the game is to advance an inflated leather ball into the opponent"s goal (worth one point). The ball is kicked (often dribbled with short kicks) or advanced by the head or other parts of the body, but only the goalkeeper may use the hands. Rules infractions result in free kicks for the opposing team. The first recorded soccer game took place in England in 217 A.D. and by the 12th century the annual shrove Tuesday contest was a regular event. In the 19th century, the game was refined to emphasize only the kicking aspects. It gained tremendous popularity after spreading from Britain to the continent. The highlight of international play is the quadrennial world cup petition. 问题四:问路的一篇英语作文不少于30个单词 I went out for a walk with my mother last night.Then we came across a foreigner on the road,who asked us the way to the Spa Hotel.I told him to walk along the road until the third turning and then turn left so he couldn"t miss the it.He said ,Thanks for helping me ,you"re so nice.I was very happy that I could do him a favour,too. 问题五:英语作文问路大约三四十个词左右 Hugh directs Emma to a police station Emma:Excuse me.Excuse me Hugh:Yes. Emma:Is there a Police Station near here? Hugh:Ah...police station?Yes there is.Yes.Let me just think. You want to go straight on straight down this road for about a mile. Emma:Aha. Hugh:And then you turn right at some traffic lights...yes traffic lights...turn right.Go straight on...and then you turn left at a roundabout.There"s a big church on the corner. Emma:Ah... Hugh:And the police station is next to that.
2023-08-02 22:08:521


英语中问路的表达方法   向陌生人问路可能会使人感到紧张。你不确定他们是否会理解你。而且在大街上行走时,几乎每个人都低头看着手机或者是带着耳机。不要着急,在这里我们会给大家提供一些短语,这些短语会吸引别人的注意力并且丰富你的外出旅行词汇。正是这些礼貌地表达会帮你开始一段对话。   Polite Expressions and Useful Phrases   礼貌的表达以及有用的短语   1.Excuse me   打扰一下   这个短语使用频繁。在大街上或者是在商店里你总是能够听到它。在请求别人做某事之前人们会说“打扰一下”(例如,在为你指去电影院的路时!)   Excuse me? Where is the nearest souvenir shop?   打扰一下,请问最近的纪念品商店在哪?   2.Sorry to bother you…   很抱歉,打扰你一下…   It"s another way to let a stranger know that you"re asking something from them and you appreciate their help.   这是让陌生人知道你在问他们路的另一种方式,并且你很珍惜他们的帮助。   Sorry to bother you, but would you mind showing me the way to post office?   很抱歉打扰你一下,你介意告诉我去邮局的路吗?   3.May I ask…?   我可以问一下…?   You can use this expression to start a question in a courteous manner. Remember that you don"t have to reverse the word order when you continue with the “where…” part. In grammar rules, it"s the issue of embedded questions or indirect questions.   你可以使用这种表达以一种礼貌的方式问问题。要记得当你使用where…的问句继续对话时,你不必颠倒单词的顺序。在语法中,这是嵌套疑问句和间接疑问句的问题。   May I ask where the Marriott hotel is?   我可以问一下马里奥特旅馆在哪吗?   4.Could you please…?   你可以…?   You follow this expression with a verb such as “show,” “point,” “help” etc.   在这个表达后面你可以使用动词“show,” “point,” “help”等等。   Could you please point me in the direction of the main square?   你能给我指一下主广场的方向吗?   5.I am (I"m) lost.   我迷路了。   Excuse me? I"m lost. Could you please help me find 5th Avenue?   打扰一下,我迷路了。你能够帮助我找到第五大街嘛?   6.I can"t seem to read this map.   我似乎看不明白这个地图。   Sorry to bother you. I can"t seem to read this map.   很抱歉打扰你一下,我似乎看不懂这个地图。   7.This is my first time in the city.   这是我第一次来到这个城市。   May I ask you a question? This is my first time in the city.   我看我一问你一个问题吗?这是我第一次来到这个城市。   Question Phrases   问句短语   Now it"s time to ask about where you need to go. Follow “Excuse me” or “Sorry to bother you” with one of these questions:   现在是时候来问你需要去哪了。在“Excuse me”和“Sorry to bother you”后面加下列其中一个句子:   1.How do I get to…?   我怎样才能到达…?   Excuse me? How do I get to Times Square?   打扰一下,请问我怎样才能够到达泰晤士广场?   2.Which way to…?   那个是去…的路?   Sorry to bother you, but which way to Main Street?   很抱歉打扰你一下,请问哪个是去主街的路?   3.Can you help me find…?   你能帮助我找到…吗?   Excuse me? Can you help me find Hotel Pennsylvania? This is my first time in the city.   打扰一下,你能够帮助我找到宾夕法尼亚酒店嘛?这是我第一次来到这个城市。 ;
2023-08-02 22:09:011


how can I get to+地点?比如: How can I get to the railway station?我怎么才能到达车站?
2023-08-02 22:09:234


  问路是日常生活中经常要遇到的事,当某人不明白如何到达某地的时候,并且遇到愿意回答的人时,就会出现问路的情况。我精心收集了关于问路的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!   关于问路的英语对话1   苏珊: Excuse me! I am new to the campus. Do you know where the student cafeteria is?   打扰了.我是新生.请问你知道学校自助餐厅在哪里吗?   凯西: Sure! Do you have a map?   当然!你有地图吗?   苏珊: Yes, here it is.   有.地图在这儿.   凯西: Let`s see--Here`s where we are right now. To get to the cafeteria, you`ll need to cross this square and go to the south.   我看看-- 我们现在的位置在这儿.要到自助餐厅的话.你得穿过这个广场然后向南走.   苏珊: OK   好的.   凯西: And then the cafeteria is about five hundred yards past the gym, on your left. You`ll see a sign in front of the building.   自助餐厅是在过了体育馆大概500码处.就在你左边.你会在建筑物前看到标志.   苏珊: No wonder I got lost. I was heading in the wrong direction! Anyway, thanks a lot for your help.   难怪我会迷路.我走错方向了.无论如何.非常感谢你的帮忙.   凯西: No problem. Good luck!   不客气.祝你好运.   关于问路的英语对话2   Alice:   Excuse me!   打扰一下。   Frank:   Yes ,what can I do for you?   有什么可以帮你的?   Alice:   I am a new er here,can you tell me how to get to the reception desk?   我是新来的学生,你能告诉我怎样到达学校的接待处吗?   Frank:   No problem.I"ll lead you there.   没问题,我带你去吧。   Alice:   Oh,thanks a lot! I almost get lost.   哦,真是太感谢了。我都快迷路了。   Frank:   You are wele.   不客气。   关于问路的英语对话3   A : Excuse me , sir . Is there a barber near here ?   n.理发师 vi.当理发师 vt.给…理发;修剪   B : Yes , the nearest one is at the third cross of this road.   A : I"m a stranger here . How can I get there , please ?   B : Just walk down the road for a few minutes , and you"ll find it on your right .   A : Thank you very much .   
2023-08-02 22:09:361


Where"s the washroom?Can you tell me how to get to the post office?Which bus goes to World Park?Which is the way to the Bank of China? Could you tell me the way t6 the station, please?How can I get to No. 4 Middle School?
2023-08-02 22:09:554


  用英语问路的话,有哪些常用的对话句型?下面是我给大家整理了问路英语对话,供大家参阅!   必备问路英语对话   1、问路的几种表示 方法 :   a. Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the museum? 请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走? b. Could you tell me how I can get to the museum? 请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走? c. Would you please tell me where the post office is? 请告诉我邮局在哪儿?   d. Excuse me, but please tell me how to get to the railway station? 请问,去火车站怎么走? e. Excuse me, but I"m trying to find a chemist"s shop. 对不起,我要找一家药店。 f. Would you please tell me if there is a hospital nearby? 请问附近有医院吗? g. Is the zoo far from here? 动物园离这儿远吗?   h. Will it take long to get to the airport? 去机场要很长时间吗?   2、回答别人问路的表示方法:   a. Go along the street until you come to the traffic lights. 沿这条路一直走到红绿灯那儿。   b. Turn right / left at the second crossing. (Take the second turning on the right / left.)   在第二个十字路口向右 / 左转弯。 c. Take a number 46 bus, and get off at the square. 坐46路公共汽车,在广场下车。 d. It"s on the corner of Huaihai Street and Xizang Road. 在淮海路和西藏路的路口。   e. Go straight ahead along the bund and then turn left. 沿着外滩往前走,然后往走转弯。   f. There is a post office at / on the corner of Smith Street and Beach Road.   史密斯街和海湾路的十字路口有个邮局。   g.The hospitai is on the corner of Yuhong Jie and Xinzheng Jie.   医院位于育红街和新政街的街角上。   h.There"s a bus stop across the street on the corner of and Bellflower.   在街对面,切里街和贝尔弗劳尔大道的转角上有一个公共汽车站。   i.Take a number 10 bus going down Cherry. 乘沿切里街行驶的10路公共汽车。   3、距离的表示   It"s only about ten minutes" walk. 那儿离这儿只有走大约10分钟的路。 it常被用来表示距离,后面可以跟表示距离的名词 短语 ,也可以跟“名词(表示时间) + 名词(表示行走方式)”,要注意撇号的位置。例如:   It is three miles to the lake. 这儿离湖有3英里的路程。   My home is not far from here. It"s only five minutes" walk. 我家离这儿不远,走5分钟就到。 It is one hour" ride from Shanghai to Suzhou. 从上海坐车到苏州有1小时的路程。   4、 其它 的的询问   How long will I get/arrive there? 我多久会到达那里?   How long will it take me to get/arrive there? 到达那里将要花费我多长时间? How far is it? (那里)有多远? 英语问路情景对话   Which bus should I take? 我应该乘哪一路公共汽车?   5、最后对指路人一定要致谢。   经典问路英语对话   A: Excuse me, sir, do you know how to go to the SiChuan museum? 打扰一下,先生,你知道怎么样去四川博物馆吗?   B: Oh, of course. Do you want to walk ?   哦,当然,你想走路去吗?   A:Yeah,I would rather walk.   是的,我宁愿走路。   B: Go straight down the street, turn left at the third block, and go straight ahead for about 100 meters. The museum will be on the right side of the street.   沿着这条街直走,在第三跳街左转,然后向前直走100米,在街道的右边你就会看到博物馆。   A: Thank you so much!   非常谢谢你!   B: You"re welcome!   不客气!   A: Bye!   拜拜   B: Bye!   拜拜!   必背问路英语对话   1. Excuse me, what street is this? 打扰一下,这是什么街?   2. The white building across from the supermarket is Peopleu2019s Hospital. 超市对面的那栋白色建筑物就是人民医院。   3. Is your house on the fifth or the sixth floor?   你家是在五楼还是六楼?   4. The small shop across from the bus stop is Mr. Wangu2019s.   汽车站对面的那家小店是王先生开的。   5. Can I take a subway to the museum? 我可以乘地铁到博物馆吗?   问路的常见英语表达:   1.Excuse me, where is the post office?   2.Is these a post office near /around hear?   3.Can you tell me the way to the post office ?   4.How can I get to the post office?   5.Which is the way to the post office ?   6.Do you know the way to the post office?   7.Can you tell me how to get to the library?   问路的常见英语表达开头语:   Excuse me, where is the u201eu201e   Excuse me, how to go to the u201eu201e   Excuse me, which is the way to the u201eu201e   it"s on the left right   it"s between the u201eu201e   it"s besides the u201eu201e   it"s in the front of u201eu201e
2023-08-02 22:10:281


英语问路的句子如下:1、Excuse me,but can you tell me the way to the museum?请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走?2、Could you tell me how I can get to the museum?请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走?3、Would you please tell me where the post office is?请告诉我邮局在哪儿?4、Excuse me,but please tell me how to get to the railway station?请问,去火车站怎么走?5、Excuse me,but I"m trying to find a chemist"s shop.对不起,我要找一家药店。6、Would you please tell me if there is a hospital nearby?请问附近有医院吗?7、Is the zoo far from here?动物园离这儿远吗?8、Will it take long to get to the airport?去机场要很长时间吗?9、How long will I get/arrive there?我多久会到达那里?10、How long will it take me to get/arrive there?到达那里将要花费我多长时间?11、How far is it?(那里)有多远?12、Which bus should I take?我应该乘哪一路公共汽车?
2023-08-02 22:10:531


无论你怎么问,最好的开场白就是这样的短语"Excuse me" 或者说"Could you help me?"。这样你问到的那个人将会对你的礼貌非常满意并常常会为你提供更多的帮助! 1、Could you tell me how to get to _____?" 是问去具体某个地方,象博物馆,酒店,或街道,的标准句型。 2、如果你不是问一个具体的地方,但需要找到附近的银行,地铁站,厕所,等等的地方,那么最好的方式就是用这样的短语"Where is the closest_____?" 3、人们解释事物所在地最常用的一种方式就是使用术语"blocks"。 block 是在两个十字路口之间的一段街区。因此"the next block"意味着下个路口之后的那段街区,而three blocks ahead意味着在同一条街道上但过接下来的三个路口。 另一种表示距离有多远的方式即是使用象这样的短语"the third right"或"the next left"。因此如果有人说"Take the third street on the left"意思是你应该走过两个路口然后在第三个路口左转。 叫别人左转或右转的不同方式有好几种。"Take a left", "go left", "turn left" 和 "make a left" 都代表同样的意思:左转。 "Go around the corner"意思是在下个街道转身但不跨越。 4、用建筑或标志物的指向。"It"s just past the bank"意思是如果你走过银行,你要找的地方就在接下来的几幢建筑物中。"Opposite","across from",和facing 都代表同一个意思-在同一条街道上,但在另一边。
2023-08-02 22:12:201


Take the one-way street. 走这条单行道。One-way street就是单行道. 尤其在 Downtown 地区, 以亚特兰大和纽奥良为例, 其复杂的程度可以用进的去, 出不来来形容, 实在不是个愉快的开车经验。You will stay on the street for a while until you hit the first traffic light。 你会走一会儿, 直到你遇到第一个红绿灯。 Stay for a while 通常指五到十分钟的时间, 不会太久. 遇见某样东西, 可以用 hit 这个字, 如 hit the traffic light, hit the stop sign 等等. 而 traffic light 也有人说成 light, 或 stoplight。Then take a left. 向左转。 向左转可以说成 turn left, take a left 或是 Make a left. 有时光讲 take a left 不明确, 你可以加上路名, 明确地告诉人家要转哪一条路, 例如 Take a left into Hemphill Ave. 或是 Take a left onto Hemphill Ave。It will be Hemphill Ave. It"s two-lane traffic. 那就会是 Hemphill Ave, 它是一条双线道。 指路的时候如果能够说出街道名称是,所以通常我会把转到哪一条路的路名也指出来.至于是几线道一般指路的时候则比较不会提及. 双线道是指来去各一个车道共二线道而言,四线道就是 four-lane traffic. 像亚特兰大的 Interstate Highway 有些地方都是十二线道, 那就是 twelve-lane traffice 够惊人吧。Come down Hemphill Ave about five blocks. 由 Hemphill 街往下走约五个 blocks。 英文这个部份跟中文有异曲同工之妙,我们会习惯地说, 往 "下" 走, 英文也会说come "down" 或是 get "down", 这里如果只说 Come Hemphill Ave. 听来是不是怪怪的? 至于 block 指的是一块一块的建筑, 外国人在指路时很喜欢用 block 作为计量的单位。You will see a BP gas station on your left. 在你的左手边你会看到一座 BP 加油站。 指路的时候除了路名之外, 明显的地标也是有帮助的. 通常你可以指出一些明显的建筑物或是加油站来帮助对方. 加油站的英文是 gas station, 有时会简称 station。Keep going 50 yards before you come to a fork road. 继续走 50 码, 直到你走到一个三叉路口。 继续往下走可以用 keep going 这个字, 或是 continue straight 或是 keep straight 也很常用。 Fork road 就是我们说的三叉路口。那如果是丁字路口要怎么说? 你可以说,This road will dead end into 10th Street. 就可以表达出丁字路口的意思了。Make a right, pass two stop signs and you will run into a Wal Mart. 向右转, 经过二个 Stop sign, 你就会遇到 Wal Mart。 老美喜欢说 You"ll run into it! 意思就是,你会遇到的。 You can"t miss it! 就是说, 你绝不会错过的。The post office is just right across the street of it. 邮局就在Wal Mart的正对面。 Right across the street of it 是个很重要的短语, 加上 "right" across 表示出 "正" 对面的意思. 还有一个很常用的就是在什么什么的旁边, 这个要用 The office is next to it. It 代表之前已经提过的 Wal Mart, 如果之前没有提及,这里也可以直接说成, across the street of Wal Mart。Mr. Fang"s house is behind the post office. 房先生的房子就在邮局后面。
2023-08-02 22:12:311


问路的常用英文句型:1、How do I get to…?去某处该怎么走……?例句:①How do I get to the Forbidden City?我怎么去紫禁城呢?②How do I get to the National Museum from here?从这里怎么到国家博物馆?2、Can you tell me the way to…?你能不能告诉我去……的路该怎么走?例句:Can you tell me the way to the post office?你能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?3、Where is…?……在哪儿?例句:①Where is the subway station / bus station?地铁站在哪里?/公交站在哪里?②Where is the theater?电影院在哪里?4、Is there a…near here?附近有没有……?例句:①Is there a hotel near here?附近有没有酒店?②Is there a coffee shop near here?附近有咖啡厅吗?指路常用英语句型一、回答“Where"s the (nearest)…”可以用以下简单的句子。It"s over there.在那边It"s behind the…在…后面It"s next to the…在…旁边It"s in front of the…它就在…前面It"s near the…它在…附近It"s on the right/left of the…它在…右/左边It"s outside the…它在…外面It"s on the other side of the…它在…对面二、回答Which is the way to…please?和How can I get to…?等问路的对话时,可以根据具体情况,将下列有关句子组织起来用:1、Walk along this road/street.沿着这条路/街走。2、It"s about…meters from here.从这里大约…米。3、Take the lst/…turning on the left/right.在第…个转弯处左/右转。4、It"s about…meters along on the right/left.沿右边/左边大约…米。5、Walk on and turn left/right.继续走再向左/右转。6、Turn right/left at the traffic lights. You"ll find the…on the right/left.在交通灯右/左转,你会发现……在右/左边。
2023-08-02 22:12:471


2023-08-02 22:13:051

求五种英语问路方法 谢谢

无论你怎么问,最好的开场白就是这样的短语"Excuse me" 或者说"Could you help me?"。这样你问到的那个人将会对你的礼貌非常满意并常常会为你提供更多的帮助! 1、Could you tell me how to get to _____?" 是问去具体某个地方,象博物馆,酒店,或街道,的标准句型。 2、如果你不是问一个具体的地方,但需要找到附近的银行,地铁站,厕所,等等的地方,那么最好的方式就是用这样的短语"Where is the closest_____?" 3、人们解释事物所在地最常用的一种方式就是使用术语"blocks"。 block 是在两个十字路口之间的一段街区。因此"the next block"意味着下个路口之后的那段街区,而three blocks ahead意味着在同一条街道上但过接下来的三个路口。 另一种表示距离有多远的方式即是使用象这样的短语"the third right"或"the next left"。因此如果有人说"Take the third street on the left"意思是你应该走过两个路口然后在第三个路口左转。 叫别人左转或右转的不同方式有好几种。"Take a left", "go left", "turn left" 和 "make a left" 都代表同样的意思:左转。 "Go around the corner"意思是在下个街道转身但不跨越。 4、用建筑或标志物的指向。"It"s just past the bank"意思是如果你走过银行,你要找的地方就在接下来的几幢建筑物中。"Opposite","across from",和facing 都代表同一个意思-在同一条街道上,但在另一边。
2023-08-02 22:13:141


1、Hello,hao can I get to the supermarket? Go along the streeet to the end , and you"ll find it on your left.2、Hi,what"s the way to the bridge? You can take the No.1 Bus.3、Could you tell me how to get to the libraly? Sure, go down this street and turn left ,it"s on your right.4、Where is the hospital? It"s on Heping Road.You can go there by bus No.3.5、A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest subway station?B: Sure, walk along this road to the end, and then turn right, you will see a high building, and the subway station extrance is near the building.A: thanks a lotB: you are welcome~ A:打扰一下,你能告诉我最近的地铁站怎么走吗?B:当然。你沿着这条路一直走到尽头,然后向右拐,就能看见一栋高楼,地铁入口就在它旁边。A:非常感谢B:不客气
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1. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to [destination]?2. I"m a bit lost, could you point me in the direction of [destination]?3. Sorry to bother you, but do you know where [destination] is?4. Hi there, I was wondering if you could help me find my way to [destination]?5. Can you give me directions to [destination], please?6. I"m trying to get to [destination], do you have any idea which way I should go?7. Would you happen to know the way to [destination]?8. Pardon me, but could you show me how to get to [destination]?9. I"m not familiar with this area, could you assist me with finding [destination]?10. How do I get to [destination] from here?
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  下面是我整理的问路的英语对话,欢迎大家阅读!   问路的英语对话1:   A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest subway station?   B: Sure, walk along this road to the end, and then turn right, you will see a high building, and the subway station extrance is near the building.   A: thanks a lot   B: you are welcome~   A:打扰一下,你能告诉我最近的地铁站怎么走吗?   B:当然。你沿着这条路一直走到尽头,然后向右拐,就能看见一栋高楼,地铁入口就在它旁边。   A:非常感谢   B:不客气   问路的英语对话2:   A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?   A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?   B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.   B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。   A: Oh ! I think Iu2019m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?   A:哦!我想我迷路了。我能否从这里到火车站呢?   B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.   B:顺这条街一直走过两个街区,然后左转。   问路的英语对话3:   A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. Iu2019m looking for the Museum.   A:对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮助我,我在找博物馆。   B: Boy, you are lost. Itu2019s across town.   B:哇,你是迷路了。它在城的那头。   A: Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?   A:哦!太糟糕了!那我怎么去博物馆呢?   B: You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there.   B:您可以在此乘坐24路公共汽车换乘83路公共汽车到那里。   问路的英语 句子 大全:   Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Hotel Alelo by any chance?   劳驾﹐你知道怎么去Alelo酒店么﹖   Do you know how I might get to the Hotel Alelo?   你知道我怎么才能到Alelo酒店么﹖   Oh sure, you"re not far at all!   当然﹐离这根本不远!   You"re only a few minutes away.   几分钟就能到。   Turn right at the light   Turn right at the next light, and you"ll be headed north.   在下一个红绿灯右转﹐然后往北走。   You"re gonna wanna stay on that street.   你要一直沿那条路走。   "Gonna wanna"听着可能挺奇怪﹐但是美国人给别人指路时常常会用这种说法﹐意思是如果你不按照他们说的走﹐你就可能会迷路!   You wanna keep going on that street for a while.   你要沿着这条路走上一段时间。   You"re gonna go north for a little ways.   你得往北走上一小段路。   Take the freeway   Then the easiest thing is to take the freeway.   然后﹐最简单的办法就是走高速。   You"re gonna wanna go east on it.   你在高速上要往东走。   There"s an entrance on Empire Ave.   在Empire大街上有一个入口。   So when you hit that street, you wanna take a right.   到那条街后你要向右拐。   About four miles   After about a block you should see the freeway entrance.   大约一个街区后你会看到高速的入口。   Watch out, cause it can be hard to make out at night.   仔细看着点儿﹐因为夜里有时看不清。   Once you"re on the freeway you just stay on it for a while.   上高速后﹐得在上面开一段时间。   I"d say it"s about four miles.   我觉得大概要开4英里。   Exit Lincoln   The exit you wanna take is called Lincoln.   你要在一个叫Lincoln的出口下高速。   Watch out for it, cause if you miss it, it"s hard to get back.   仔细看着点儿﹐一旦错过﹐就很难绕回来了。   So exit on Lincoln, and then take a left.   在Lincoln出口下高速﹐然后向左拐。   As soon as you exit, turn left right off the bat.   一下高速马上左拐。   On your right   Then you just stay on Lincoln the rest of the way.   剩下的路一直沿着Lincoln大街走。   You"ll keep going on Lincoln about a mile or so.   你要在Lincoln大街上开一英里左右。   Then you"ll see the hotel on your right.   然后你会看到酒店在你的右手边。   It"s a big yellow building, you can"t miss it.   是一个黄色高楼﹐绝对不会错过。   Thank you so much, have a nice day!   太谢谢你了﹐祝你愉快!
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