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2023-08-03 01:00:57
TAG: 英语

问题一:我的天啊英语怎么说 Oh my god就是i我的天啊

问题二:我的天啊英文怎么写 Sweet Jesus!

Oh my God!

Bloody hell!

My lord!

Oh my good heaven!

Holy cow!

问题三:我的天啊英文怎么说 Oh, my God!

Oh, my!

Oh, my goodness.

My God!

Good heavens!

Good Lord!


问题四:我的天呀 英语怎么写? oh, my god. 就可以了满意的话 望采纳

问题五:我的天哪。 英文怎么写? Oh,my god!

问题六:【我的天啊】英文怎么说? Oh, my god!

问题七:哦,我的天啦。英语怎么说Oh,my......... Ah表示“啊”的意思, Eek 表惊讶,有点害怕 (恭跟你讲个鬼或者OH MY GOSH(表示糟糕) OH my god!我的天! ouch!哎哟!只

问题八:哦,我的天哪 用英文怎么说 Oh,my god

问题九:我的天啊,用英语怎么说, oh my god

mon Dieu

Oh, my God

my god

1.Oh my gosh! No. I can"t believe it!


2. Fanny: Oh, my goodness! That"s her. Do you see her?


3. Huh? What"s this? Oh, my God! It"s my passport!


4. A: Oh, my goodness! It is so hot outside!


5. Oh, my God. Did you get to see anything good?


Oh, my God, you really want me to be the keynote speaker?


7. Oh my goodness! The woman has a fox around her neck!


8. My god. I should save a xing first, or stop vernon?


9. Oh my God, our hut is there, so far!


10. Oh, dear,"she murmured bleakly, We owe $392.


11. Oh my goodness,that is big news.


12. Anticipation, Arcs and Overlap Oh My!


13. Courtney: Oh my gosh! I can"t believe it?


14. My God! my professional expression?


15. Phil: Goodness gracious! Who thought monstrosity?


16. God bless my soul!


17. Lillian! Oh, my gosh! Lillian!


18. Saints preserve us, child! You"ve got your shoes o n the wrong feet.


19. Oh, dear, she murmured bleakly, we owe $392. They had managed to collect only $135. “


20. LILY: Oh dear! W......>>

问题十:“英文怎样翻译噢我的天哪!” OMG oh, my god !


"我的天" 这个英语怎么说?

2023-08-02 20:09:542

我的天英语怎么说 我的天英语怎么表达

1、“我的天啊”英语:Oh, My God。 2、词汇分析:God:英 [ɡu0252d],美 [ɡɑu02d0d]     n. 神;偶像;(复数)英>剧院顶层楼座的观众;(大写)上帝 int. 天呐 3、例句: Oh, my god! I cleared all my data. 啊,我的天!我把所有资料都消掉了!
2023-08-02 20:10:111


我的天英文怎么写?作为英语学习者,我们肯定时常会遇到一些词汇需要进行翻译,比如“我的天”这个表达。下面,本文将为大家介绍“我的天”在英语中的表达方式,以及一些相关的例句和用法。1. OMG (Oh My God)OMG (Oh My God) 是目前最为常用的表达方式之一,常常用于表达惊讶、惊喜、震惊、悲伤等情绪。例如:- OMG, I can"t believe what just happened! (我的天,我简直不敢相信刚才发生的事情!)- OMG, you look amazing in that dress! (我的天,你穿那件裙子太棒了!)- OMG, I just heard about the accident on the news. (我的天,我刚在新闻上听到了那起事故。)2. Goodness graciousGoodness gracious 是另一种表达惊讶、惊奇或愤怒的方式,感叹词Gracious意为亲切的,友好的。例如:- Goodness gracious, what happened to your hair? (我的天哪,你的头发怎么了?)- Goodness gracious, I can"t believe you ate the entire pizza by yourself! (真是天啊,我简直不敢相信你一个人能吃完整个比萨!)- Goodness gracious, these prices are outrageous! (我的天,这些价格也太离谱了吧!)3. Holy cowHoly cow 是比较常见的俚语表达,意思是完全惊叹。例如:- Holy cow, did you see that car accident? (我的天啊,你看到那个车祸了吗?)- Holy cow, I didn"t expect to see you here! (天啊,我没想到在这里能见到你!)- Holy cow, I just won the lottery! (我的天啊,我刚刚中彩票了!)4. My goodnessMy goodness 是比较正式的惊叹表达,经常用于形容惊讶或惊奇的情况。例如:- My goodness, you look absolutely stunning in that dress! (天哪,你穿着那件裙子简直美极了!)- My goodness, this food is delicious! (太好吃了,真想多吃几口!)- My goodness, what a wonderful surprise! (这真是一份美妙的惊喜啊!)5. 结论以上就是“我的天”在英语中的几种表达方式。选择合适的表达方式可以让我们更好地表达自己的情绪和感受。如果你还想了解更多表达方式,请继续关注我们的文章!
2023-08-02 20:10:201


oh my god 是常用口头语,意思就是:我的老天啊,我的天啊,代表惊讶、难以置信或者其它不可预期的事情发生时候的口头禅等
2023-08-02 20:10:542


my god
2023-08-02 20:11:0410


oh ,my god!
2023-08-02 20:11:297


2023-08-02 20:11:511


你好,我的天哪用英语表达,最常见的就是“Oh my god!”但是如果你仔细观察,近年来,很多外国人都会把god的d这个尾音收住,改为sh,也就是“Oh my gosh!”同时,也有另外一种表达“Oh my goodness!”这些都是比较地道的表达哦!望你采纳!
2023-08-02 20:12:0011


B b [bi:]。A a [ei]、B b [bi:]、 C c [si:]、 D d [di:]、 E e [i:]、 F f [ef]、 G g [d3i:]、 H h [eit∫]、 I i [ai]、 J j [d3ei]、 K k [kei]、 L l [el]、M m [em]、 N n [en]、 O o [u]、 P p [pi:]。Q q [kju:]、 R r [ɑ:]、S s [es]、 T t [ti:]、 U u [ju:]、 V v [vi:]、 W w [′d∧blju:]、X x [eks]、 Y y [wai]、 Z z [zi:][zed]。英语翻译技巧:1、省略翻译法这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,以免使所翻译出的句子沉杂累赘。2、合并法合并翻译法就是把多个短句子或者简单句合并到一起,形成一个复合句或者说复杂句,多出现在汉译英的题目里出现,比如最后会翻译成定语从句、状语从句、宾语从句等等。
2023-08-02 20:12:321


my (own) space只有一个短语吗?原句呢?
2023-08-02 20:12:5114


one of my day,应该是的吧
2023-08-02 20:13:176

我的一天用英语怎么说 我的一天用英语如何说

1、我的一天用英语可以翻译为:one day of mine,或者(this/it is) my day。例句:If there is a day only for me. 如果我有一天,只属于我的一天。 2、例句。 (1)This is my all day. 这就是我的一天。 (2)If there is a day only for me. 如果我有一天,只属于我的一天。 (3)This is my day. You know, once you are a employee, it means you will lost your freedom and time, especially the valuable life.这就是我的一天,你应该知道,一旦你成为打工者,那就意味着你将失去你的自由,时间甚至宝贵的生命。
2023-08-02 20:13:431


我的天空 英文翻译 My sky Frustration and departure is nothing but the ornament of our lives It took me years to understand my family"s tears Realizing that I"ve hadn"t the courage to say goodbyThe sadness of departure pervaded above the whole city"s sky We just knew how precious what we possess previously Have you extended your wings dear friends No flying to the high no broadening the horizon line e on telling the world that you have grown up A powerful magic field is sent forth over outside world luring every pair of wings being about to extend The wakening fire of passionately love burns fiercely The beautiful sparks are around the lovers It "s so wonderful to go through in spite of no alternative and lose Loved with flesh and bone,I"m not her love although How to learn to take the hit without departing How to learn to climb up without falling down 我的天空英文怎么拼? 英文是:my sky 我的天空在哪里用英文怎么说 Where is my sky? where is my world.... 哪是我的天空 英文怎么说 ……哪是我的天空……英文里有这句吗? 可以说那里才有我的空间之类的 WHERE IS MY SPECA WHERE IS MY SK穿 …… 我的天空英文歌词是什么意思 我的天空 词:醉人 曲:汀洋 演唱:南征北战 再见我的爱 I Wanna Say Goodbye 再见我的过去 I Want a New Life 再见我的眼泪跌倒和失败 再见那个年少轻狂的时代 再见的的烦恼 不再孤单 再见我的懦弱 不再哭喊 Now I wanna say Hello Hello 我的未来 . 在无尽的黑夜 所有都快要毁灭 至少我还有梦 也为你而感动 原来黎明的起点 就在我的心里面 只要我还有梦 就会看到彩虹 在我的天空 . 挫折和离别不过是生命中的点缀 过了多年我才读懂了家人的眼泪 发现原来自己没有说再见的勇气 离别的伤感感染了满城的空气 失去后才知道那些有多么的珍贵 亲爱的朋友们是否已经展翅纷飞 不飞到高处怎么开阔自己的视野 你已经长大了 快告诉全世界 外面的世界散发著强大的磁场 诱惑著每一双即将展开的翅膀 热恋的火在懵懂中凶猛地燃烧 美丽的火花在恋人的周围环绕 这过程很美 尽管有无奈和失落 刻骨铭心地爱过 尽管她爱的并不是我 如果没有离别如何学会承受打击 如果没有跌倒如何能够学会爬起 在无尽的黑夜 所有都快要毁灭 至少我还有梦 也为你而感动 原来黎明的起点 就在我的心里面 只要我还有梦 就会看到彩虹 在我的天空 Hello Hello 是谁在为我等待 Hello Hello 在那神秘的未来 找到属于我的爱 Hello Hello this is my new life 是谁在为我等待 在那神秘的未来 找到属于我的爱 在无尽的黑夜 所有都快要毁灭 至少我还有梦 也为你而感动 原来黎明的起点 就在我的心里面 只要我还有梦 就会看到彩虹 在无尽的黑夜 所有都快要毁灭 至少我还有梦 也为你而感动 原来黎明的起点 就在我的心里面 只要我还有梦 就会看到彩虹 在我的天空 我的天空英文版名字 hall of fame 我觉得这不叫 翻唱 首先两首歌的歌词都不一样,真不知道 南征北战咋想的,至于应该叫啥,我就不说了…… 《我的天空》歌词中英文翻译 我的天空 词:醉人 曲:汀洋 演唱:南征北战 再见我的爱 I Wanna Say Goodbye 再见我的过去 I Want a New Life 再见我的眼泪跌倒和失败 再见那个年少轻狂的时代 再见的的烦恼 不再孤单 再见我的懦弱 不再哭喊 Now I wanna say Hello Hello 我的未来 . 在无尽的黑夜 所有都快要毁灭 至少我还有梦 也为你而感动 原来黎明的起点 就在我的心里面 只要我还有梦 就会看到彩虹 在我的天空 . 挫折和离别不过是生命中的点缀 过了多年我才读懂了家人的眼泪 发现原来自己没有说再见的勇气 离别的伤感感染了满城的空气 失去后才知道那些有多么的珍贵 亲爱的朋友们是否已经展翅纷飞 不飞到高处怎么开阔自己的视野 你已经长大了 快告诉全世界 外面的世界散发著强大的磁场 诱惑著每一双即将展开的翅膀 热恋的火在懵懂中凶猛地燃烧 美丽的火花在恋人的周围环绕 这过程很美 尽管有无奈和失落 刻骨铭心地爱过 尽管她爱的并不是我 如果没有离别如何学会承受打击 如果没有跌倒如何能够学会爬起 在无尽的黑夜 所有都快要毁灭 至少我还有梦 也为你而感动 原来黎明的起点 就在我的心里面 只要我还有梦 就会看到彩虹 在我的天空 Hello Hello 是谁在为我等待 Hello Hello 在那神秘的未来 找到属于我的爱 Hello Hello this is my new life 是谁在为我等待 在那神秘的未来 找到属于我的爱 在无尽的黑夜 所有都快要毁灭 至少我还有梦 也为你而感动 原来黎明的起点 就在我的心里面 只要我还有梦 就会看到彩虹 在无尽的黑夜 所有都快要毁灭 至少我还有梦 也为你而感动 原来黎明的起点 就在我的心里面 只要我还有梦 就会看到彩虹 在我的天空 我的天空里的英语谐音 我的天空里的英语谐音 in my sky 印迈洗盖 我的天空英文版叫什么名字? my sky
2023-08-02 20:13:501

天的英语单词 是什么?

2023-08-02 20:14:014

我的一天用英语什么说(过去式)带翻译50 字

Today is Sunday. It is sunny. I don"t go to school. I want go shopping. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast. I go out at 8:00. The shop is near . I go there on foot. Many people are in the shop. I buy a pencil . At 12:00 I go home for lunch. I have some vegetable and meat for lunch. I read a book in the afternoon. I eat some noodles and fruit for supper. After supper, I do my homework. then I watch TV. Later, I play on the computer. I lie on my bed. I listen to the radio. I have a happy day.
2023-08-02 20:14:381


oh my 也可以哦
2023-08-02 20:15:0214


1. 以my holiday为题目写一篇英语作文带翻译 50词,是小学作文吗?我现场发挥一下:Last week,my family and I went for a park for my holiday.The park is not way form my home.We saw beautiful flowers there.Then,my father and I flied a kite.We were very happy.If we have time,we wii go there again.上周,我们一家去公园度假。公园离我家很近,我们在公园里看到了美丽的花.接着,爸爸和我一起放风筝。我们玩的很开心,有时间的话下次我们还去那里。 可以参考哦! 2. 以thenationalday为题的英语作文80词左右,带翻译 National Day(国庆节) There are many festivals in China, but I love National Day best.why?Firsty,during National Day we can have seven daysoff .We can go shopping,visit our friends,go to some interesting places and so on.Secondly ,I love my motherland very much .China is a great country .The Chinese people are brave and hard-working.Iam sure in the future China will be richer and stronger. 中国有许多节日,可是我最喜欢国庆节.为什么?首先,国庆节我们能放七天假.我们可以购物,访友,游览名胜等等.第二,我很爱我的祖国.中国是一个伟大的国家,中国人民勤劳,勇敢.我相信将来中国会更富强.。 3. 英语作文《家规》及翻译 My family rules There are many rules in my house. I have to get up at six o"clock and be home at 6:30pm.I have to finish my homework after school.I can"t watch TV and play puter games on school nights. I have to stay at home on school nights . Also,I have to do some housework. My parents don"t allow me to stay up until 11:00 pm because they think teenagers may let their friend talk them into doing bad things . I think the most strict rule is that my parents do not allow me to watch TV at night ,although it is good for me ,I think it is a good way to have a rest . Though I don"t agree with some ruls, I know my parents love me so I always obey my family rules. 有所修改 我的家有很多的规矩.我要在早上6点起床,然后在6:30分回到家.从学校到家,我要完成我的作业.还不能看电视和玩电脑.在上学期间的晚上,我必须在家.而且我一定要帮家里做家务. 我爸妈不准我在外面待超过11点.因为他们认为,年轻人容易被朋友劝说去做些坏事.我认为,最严格的规矩是我爸爸妈妈不给我在晚上看电视,虽然这是对我好,但是我认为看下电视休息一下是好的.虽然我不大同意某些规矩,但是我知道我爸妈是爱我的,所以我一直遵守家规. 4. 英语作文我的一天带翻译 My Day Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I"m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have puter class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00. I"m happy today! 我6点起床.我有我的早餐在6: 30.然后我打扫我的房间,洗我的脸和我的牙齿刷.我早餐吃面条.我七点钟上学.我做早操7: 50.我们在早晨有四节课.上午11 : 30,我很饿.我在学校吃午饭.我上床睡觉,在12点.我们下午有三节课.我有电脑课和艺术课.我非常喜欢他们.我五点半回家.我放学后做作业.我的妹妹、哥哥和我看电视,晚上8点.然后我洗我的脸和我的牙齿刷.我10点上床睡觉.我今天很高兴。 5. 【英语作文Abadday带翻译,初二水平的,】 A Bad Day 倒霉的一天 I had a very bad day yesterday.Everything went wrong.In the morning,my alarm clock didn"t ring,so I woke up one hour later.When i was making breakfast,I burned my hand.Then I ran out of the house to catch the bus,but I missed it.I ran three kilometres to school only to find that it was Sunday.【参考译文】 我昨天真倒霉,诸事不顺!早晨我的闹钟没响,结果我晚醒了一个小时.当我做早饭时,我烧伤了手.后来我跑出家外面去赶公共汽车,可是误了车.我跑了三公里到了学校,结果发现是星期日.。 6. 英语作文my father 带翻译 My father is a worker to work out every year he grow very *** all but the body is very strong in order to I work hard every day in my heart I think he is the best of the world now his father"s old or go to far away places to work to make money raising the self and his hair is white many, I love him this is my father
2023-08-02 20:15:441


This is my one day
2023-08-02 20:15:553


1. 用英语写我的一天作文怎么写四年级10句话 My day is very happy! After I get up in the morning, and after that I go to school. I listen to the teacher carefully, make notes carefully. The class can also play with my clas *** ates, we are very friendly. After school, I finish my homework to help my mother sweep the floor after the TV dinner, and thengo to school. School I still write the work, have a meal. After that, I go for a walk, wash and sleep. My day is busy, but more is happiness! 如有不足,请追问或加以修改 翻译为汉语是:我的一天是非常快乐的!我早上起床之后吃饭,在那之后我去上学。我认真听老师讲课,认真做笔记。下课还可以和同学一起玩,我们是非常友好的。下学后,我完成作业去帮妈妈扫地之后看电视吃饭,然后上学。下学我继续写作业,吃饭。在那之后,我去散步,洗手和睡觉。我的一天是忙碌的,但更是快乐的! 2. 用英语写我的一天作文怎么写四年级10句话 who, falling in love, are studying harder and have made greater progress to please their boy/girl friends . 答 In my opinion, both views are lop-sided. If a student does not give himself/herself away in love but takes it as a drive, love produces positive effect. But if he/she indulges himself/ herself too deeply in love, then he/she will be a devoted lover but a frustrated learner. 3. 四年级英语作文自己的一天 40个单词,加翻译 Today is Saturday, I am very happy, because I have no class, so I wake up very late, I have enough sleep. At noon, my friend Li Hua es to my house and asks me to go to the park with him. We play many games and see the beautiful scenery, I also take many picture. Today I have a great day, I enjoy the time with my friend. 今天是星期六,我感到很开心,因为我没有课,因此我很晚才起来,我睡够了足够长的时间。中午,我的朋友李华来到我家,他邀请我和他一起去公园玩。我们玩了很多游戏,看到了美丽的风景,我也照了很多相。今天我过得很开心,我享受和朋友在一起的时光。 My aunt went to Nanning to see me yesterday. I was very happy. She arrived on friday niht. On Saturday, we went to the zoo, which has many interesting things. There are lovely delphis, sealions, special birds, acrobatic show, and so on. However, the most excited thing is the Roller Coaster, which is the thing that I dream to play but don"t dear. Having hesitated for a long time, I decided to play once. In fact,I wasn"t too afraid to play it. When we went out the zoo, it was already six o"clock. It was our dinner time. After dinner,I had to go back to school. It"s a wonderful day! 我的姑姑昨天来南宁看我了。我很高兴。她星期五晚上到的。星期六,我们去了动物园,里面有很多有趣的东西。有可爱的海豚,海狮,特别的鸟类,杂技表演,等等。但是,最兴奋的事是坐过山车,我一直都想去坐一次,可是我又很害怕。犹豫了很久,我决定玩一次。事实上,坐在上面的时候我不是很害怕。我们离开动物园的时候已经六点了。是时候吃晚餐了。吃完晚餐我必须得回学校了。真是美好的一天! 4. 四年级英语作文《我的一天》 I always get up early in the morning.I usually have my breakfast at half past six.I leave home half an hour later.I"m never late for school. There are many classes in the morning. At a quarter past elve,I have lunch.Sometimes,I"m not so busy in the afternoon.After school I have dinner with my family.After I finish my homework I often play some games with my family.Only then will I to relax. 5. 英语作文我的一天带翻译四年级水平在寒假里 我的一天 Today is Sunday. It is sunny. I don"t go to school. I want to go shopping. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast. I go out at 8:00. The shop is nearly . I go there on foot. Many people are in the shop. I buy a pencil . At 12:00 I go home for lunch. I have some vegetable and meat for lunch. I read a book in the afternoon. I eat some noodles and fruit for supper. After supper, I do my homework. then I watch TV. Later, I play on the puter. I lie on my bed. I listen to the radio. I have a happy day. 翻译---今天是星期天,阳光普照。我没有去上学,我想去购物。我早上6:30起床,我早餐喝了一碗粥和一个鸡蛋。我8:00步行出发 。商店就在附近。有许多人都在店内。我买了一支铅笔。 12:00我回家吃午饭。午餐我吃了一些蔬菜和肉类的。下午我读了一本书。我晚饭吃的是面条,附加一些水果。晚饭后,我做功课,然后去看电视。后来,我又上网一阵。上床后,我听着收音机,不知不觉就睡着了。好快乐的一天呀。
2023-08-02 20:16:171


英语作文我的一天带翻译UC精灵06LV.15 推荐于 2017-04-18My DayToday is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I"m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have computer class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.I"m happy today!
2023-08-02 20:16:273


My DayToday is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I"m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have computer class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.中文翻译:我的一天今天是星期一,我6点起床了,我在6点半吃的早饭,然后我打扫了我的房间,洗脸然后刷牙。早饭我吃了面条,7点的时候我去了学校,我在7点50的时候做早操,上午我们有4节课,11点半的时候,我非常饿,我在学校吃的午饭,中午12点我睡午觉,下午我们有三节课,有微机课和美术课,我非常喜欢它们。我五点半回到家,放学后做作业,我哥哥姐姐和我在晚上八点一起看电视。然后洗脸刷牙。十点时,我上床睡觉。
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1. 以我快乐的一天为题写一篇英文作文 a happy day Today, I got up very early, I had a very good breakfast, then I went out to play with my friend, We had a very good time. In the afternoon, I went swimming with my father, it was very hot, but we felt very good in the water. After supper I began to do my homework, I didn"t think it is difficult, so I finished it very early.Then I read some books and went to bed 翻译:一今天愉快日子,我非常早些时候起床,我饱吃早餐很好,然后我罢工和我的朋友玩,我们玩得愉快很好.在下午,我去充溢着我的父亲,它是非常激烈,但是我们在水中感觉到很好好.在晚饭以后我开始做我的我是的作业没有认为它是困难,所以我完成它非常early.Then我阅读一些书和去睡觉 2. 写一篇英语作文,我的一天 你好,原创可写为:My dayEverybody has his own day,so do I.I often have a busy and interesting day.In the morning,I usually get up at 6,and then brush my teeth,wash my face and then have breakfast.At noon,I have lunch,after that,I must help my parents do some housework.In the afternoon,I often have to finish my homework and then go(to) play soccer with my panies.In the evening,I usually watch cartoons with my little brother and go to sleep at 11.我的一天大家都有各自的一天,我也不例外。 我经常有着既忙碌又有意思的一天。早上,我通常6点起床然后刷牙洗脸然后吃早饭。 中午,我吃午饭,那之后,我必须帮父母做做家务。下午,我经常得完成自己的作业然后去跟我的伙伴们踢足球。 晚上,我通常会跟我小弟看卡通,然后11点睡觉。记得采纳。 满意速速采纳,谢谢合作。 3. 以我的一天为题写一篇英语小短文 My day was busy but happy. In the morning,I ate breakfast,Then I did exercise. About seven O"clock, I went to visit one of my friends. At noon, he and I went out to dinner. I think, there food is delicious. After eating lunch, I went home to bed. About o O"clock in the afternoon, I woke up, I want to go to the store with my mother to buy things. We bought a lot of things. I was very happy. At half past three pm, I attended a basketball game, really intense game, our team won the first place. At six in the evening I attended my brother"s birthday party. We ate a big cake. Singing and dancing along with us. Very happy. At half past eight pm, I came home to sleep after a bath. This is really busy and happy day.我每天忙碌而快乐的。 在早上,我吃了早餐,然后我做运动。大约七点,我去拜访我的一个朋友。 中午,我和他一起去吃饭。我想,那里的食物很美味。 吃午饭后,我回家睡觉了。在下午二点左右,我醒来,我想和妈妈去商店买东西。 我们买了很多东西。我很高兴。 在过去三年半时,我参加了篮球比赛,真的很激烈的比赛,我们队得了第一名。晚上六点我参加我哥哥的生日聚会。 我们吃了一个大蛋糕。和我们一起唱歌和跳舞。 非常高兴。在过去八年半左右,我回家洗澡睡觉后。 这真是忙并快乐的一天。 4. 请以我的一天为题写一篇英语作文星期天 My Sunday Today is Sunday,I"m free at home.I got up at seven thirty this morning and had my breakfast,then I did my homework.After lunch I went to the zoo with my mom.When we came back home we had a short rest,then we went to the shops.I"m good at soccer,so I played soccer with my friends in the afternoon.I。 5. 写我的一天的英语作文 My Day-小学英语作文 作者:佚名 来源:不详 发布时间:2007-7-26 9:41:31 My Day My Day Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I"m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have puter class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00. 6. 【帮忙写一篇英语作文(会追分)以MayDay为题写一篇英语作文.参 Today is Sunday.I get up at six o" clock.I do the homework on the morning.And I clean the room at o o" clock in the afternoon.Then I wash the clother.I buy a story-book with my mother.In the evening ,I watch TV.At nine o" clock,I go to bed.(花了好大时间,一定要选啊,。 7. 写一篇英语作文,我的一天 你好,原创可写为:My day Everybody has his own day,so do I.I often have a busy and interesting day.In the morning,I usually get up at 6,and then brush my teeth,wash my face and then have breakfast.At noon,I have lunch,after that,I must help my parents do some housework.In the afternoon,I often have to finish my homework and then go(to) play soccer with my panies.In the evening,I usually watch cartoons with my little brother and go to sleep at 11.我的一天 大家都有各自的一天,我也不例外。我经常有着既忙碌又有意思的一天。早上,我通常6点起床然后刷牙洗脸然后吃早饭。中午,我吃午饭,那之后,我必须帮父母做做家务。下午,我经常得完成自己的作业然后去跟我的伙伴们踢足球。晚上,我通常会跟我小弟看卡通,然后11点睡觉。记得采纳。满意速速采纳,谢谢合作! 8. 请以我的一天为题写一篇英语作文提示:早上六点起床 My day l get up at 6 am,and eat breakfast at 7.15 am.l go to school ten minutes later,and then start to have lessons at 8 am.l have lunch at 12 am.l finish the lessons at past of five in the afternoon.Ten minutes later ,l returned to my home and practise playing the piano for an hour,read books for half an hour.At last,l go to bed at ten. That is my whole day. 9. 作文:用英语写自己的一天 It is a sunny day. I have gone to shopping with my parents. It is funny, I think. I have bought some books for myself. And my father has bought some for himself, too. My mum has"t bought any for herself because she has"t found anyone she like. We all like reading. Because it is good for us. I don"t think buy clothes is a boring thing now. We have talked about the clothes we have bought. It"s interesting to do that, I think. My father bought a pair of shoes for my mum. That make her feel very surprised and happy. I have been very happy, too. I have talked with my parents happily. We have talked talk like friends. We talked about all thing during we shopping. When we have gotten home, we have been very tried and also very happy. I think it"s a happy day for me。 10. 以我的一天为题目的英语作文 给你几篇参考一下,自己修改 1 I am Amy .I am 14 years old .I get up at 6:300 a.m.And I have breakfast at 7:30 a.m.At about 7:30 ,I help my mother do the housework .After finishing it ,I do some reading at 8:15 a.m.I go to the zoo with my friends at 9:00 a.m.I like monkeys very much .At aout 11:30 ,we go home .I have lunch at 12:00 p.m.At 2:30p.m.,I go shopping with my mother .We buy lots of things .What a happy day ! 2 My day is busy.In the morning,I get up at 6:00.I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room,wash my face and brush my teeth.I have noodles for breakfast.I go to school at 7:00.I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning.At 11:30,I"m very hungry.I have lunch at school.I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon.We have three classes in the afternoon.I have puter class and art classes.I like them very much.I go home at 5:30.I do homework after school.My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening.Then I wash my face and brush my teeth.I go to bed at 10:00.I"m happy today! 望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
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1. 我的一天英语作文40字左右 I usually get up at six a.m everyday. I then have my breakfast at half past six. After that, i get all my things packed and go to school. I arrive at school usually at 7:15. At 8;00 our classes begin, we always have 6 class a day. We take a little break every 40min. We all study very hard. 3;45 is the time when school is over. I arrive at home at 4;00. Soon i start to do my homework, i usually spend o hours doing my homework. Then i have supper and watch TV with my family. 2. 《我的一天》英语作文 要40字左右(带翻译)O(∩ I always get up early in the morning.I usually have my breakfast at 6:30.I"m never late for school,I have lunch at 12:00,I have dinner with my family.After I finish my homework I often play some games with my family.Only then will I to relax.Although this is a busy day, but I feel full and satisfied.我总是早上早起。我通常在6点半吃早餐。我上学从不迟到,我在12点吃午饭,我和我的家人共进晚餐。我做完作业后我经常玩一些游戏与我的家人。我才会放松。 虽然这是一个忙碌的一天,但我感到完全满意。 3. 我的一天英语作文写谁和去做什么翻译40字 我的一天 Today is Sunday. It is sunny. I don"t go to school. I want to go shopping. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast. I go out at 8:00. The shop is nearly . I go there on foot. Many people are in the shop. I buy a pencil . At 12:00 I go home for lunch. I have some vegetable and meat for lunch. I read a book in the afternoon. I eat some noodles and fruit for supper. After supper, I do my homework. then I watch TV. Later, I play on the puter. I lie on my bed. I listen to the radio. I have a happy day. 今天是星期天,阳光普照。我没有去上学,我想去购物。我早上6:30起床,我早餐喝了一碗粥和一个鸡蛋。我8:00步行出发 。商店就在附近。有许多人都在店内。我买了一支铅笔。 12:00我回家吃午饭。午餐我吃了一些蔬菜和肉类的。下午我读了一本书。我晚饭吃的是面条,附加一些水果。晚饭后,我做功课,然后去看电视。后来,我又上网一阵。上床后,我听着收音机,不知不觉就睡着了。好快乐的一天呀。 4. 英语作文《我的一天》200字左右 My Day Today is Saturday.I can stay in bed late.Usually I get up at eight.Then I wash the clothes,take a shower and brush my teeth.At 8:30,I have breakfast.I eat bread and eggs,drink a cup of milk,they are healthy food. After that,I go to the park and do sports.I play the badminton with my brother.He can play it well.I usually lose,but I also happy.After that 1 hour,I go back home and watch TV. I have lunch at half past eleven,and I do my homework at Saturday afternoon.Sometimes I can draw picture at four in the afternoon. In the evening,I always ride a bike after supper.That"s very cool.I can see:the trees are tall,the sky is dark,the lights are bright,the birds were sleepd.On the street,the cars are ing and going in great number.It likes a beautiful picture. Finally,I go to bed at a quarter to ten.。 5. 用英语写一篇美好的一天作文40字 A Nice day Today is Saturday. I don"t have to go to school, I can rest. I get up at seven , I eat breakfast at half past seven. After breakfast, I do my homework. Then I go to the park to play badminton with my friend. Return the home, just in time to catch lunch. I ate pasta, it is really delicious. After lunch, I nap for o hours. After wake up, I watched TV for a while. I eat dinner at five thirty. After dinner, my family and I go for a walk. Scattered good step back home, and I take a shower.And I saw an hours book. Eight thirty, I sleep. What a beautiful day!。 6. 英语作文题目是我最喜欢的一天40字左右 I arrive at home at 4.After that,i get all my things packed and go to school.I arrive at school usually at 7:15,i usually spend o hours doing my homeworkI usually get up at six a.m everyday.We all study very hard.3;45 is the time when school is over.At 8;00 our classes begin;00.Soon i start to do my homework,we always have 6 class a day.We take a little break every 40min.I then have my breakfast at half past six。 7. 六年级英语作文 我的一天 不少于40个字母 my day It"s a sunny day.The air is fresh and the breeze is gentle. After washing my face and teeth, I went school on my bicycle to enjoy my new day. In class,I enjoyed myself in the lessons carefully.I shared happiness with my dear friends when class was over. I played games with my clas *** ates in the ground,which was very exciting and interesting. This"s my wonderful day! 翻译: 我的一天 晴朗的一天,清新的空气里夹杂着微微的清风, 洗漱完后,我骑着车,赶往学校,迎接我的新的一天。 在课堂上我沉醉在老师的讲解中,课堂外我和好朋友分享快乐, 我和同学在操场上做了很开心的游戏, 这就是我的快乐的一天! 8. 要一篇关于 我的一天 的英语作文50字啊 Today is Sunday. It is sunny. I don"t go to school. I want go shopping. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast. I go out at 8:00. The shop is near . I go there on foot. Many people are in the shop. I buy a pencil . At 12:00 I go home for lunch. I have some vegetable and meat for lunch. I read a book in the afternoon. I eat some noodles and fruit for supper. After supper, I do my homework. then I watch TV. Later, I play on the puter. I lie on my bed. I listen to the radio. I have a happy day.。 9. 我在学校里的一天,英语作文四十字 I like talking with people and laughing every day, so the time in school is the best time for me.Today when I was in school, my teacher said,as a monitor, I should help more clas *** ates in study, that"s right and made sense, so I tried my best to do that,when school finished ,my clas *** ates were all grateful to me ,I felt so proud and happy.。
2023-08-02 20:17:041


“我的天”翻译成英文是Oh My God!oh my god是一种中国式英语语言,意思是哦,我的上帝、我的天。通常表示出乎意料,可用于惊喜、惊吓不同的情境。god的英式读法是[ɡu0252d];美式读法是[ɡɑu02d0d]。单词直接源自古英语的god,意为神。作名词意思有神;偶像;(复数)<英>剧院顶层楼座的观众;(大写)上帝。作感叹词意思是天呐。相关例句:Oh, my god! I cleared all my data.啊,我的天!我把所有资料都消掉了!
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Oh my god!
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我的天英语怎么说 我的天英语怎么表达

1、“我的天啊”英语:Oh, My God。 2、词汇分析:God:英 [ɡu0252d],美 [ɡɑu02d0d]     n. 神;偶像;(复数)英>剧院顶层楼座的观众;(大写)上帝 int. 天呐 3、例句: Oh, my god! I cleared all my data. 啊,我的天!我把所有资料都消掉了!
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问题一:我的天啊英语怎么说 Oh my god就是i我的天啊 问题二:我的天啊英文怎么说 Oh, my God! Oh, my! Oh, my goodness. My God! Good heavens! Good Lord! 还可以列举出许多 问题三:【我的天啊】英文怎么说? Oh, my god! 问题四:我的天啊英文怎么写 Sweet Jesus! Oh my God! Bloody hell! My lord! Oh my good heaven! Holy cow! 问题五:噢,我的天啊,用英语怎么说? 我的天--很多种说法可以表示这种感叹的: Oh, my!/ Oh my God! / Gosh! / Oh boy! / Oh man贰 / Oh dear! / Holy cow! 问题六:我的天啊 用英语怎么说 oh my gosh!! oh dear Jesus Christ!!! 问题七:我的天啊用英语怎么说? Oh my god 或者OMG 都表示为我的天啊 希望可以帮助你! 问题八:我的天啊 用英语怎么说 oh my god←[我的上帝的意思]
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oh,my god!
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问题一:我的天哪的英文是什么 Oh my god 问题二:哦,我的天哪 用英文怎么说 Oh,my god 问题三:“英文怎样翻译噢我的天哪!” OMG oh, my god ! 问题四:我的天啊英文怎么说 Oh, my God! Oh, my! Oh, my goodness. My God! Good heavens! Good Lord! 还可以列举出许多 问题五:我的天哪。 英文怎么写? Oh,my god! 问题六:我的天哪 英文 1.Oh Lord, 上帝啊 2.斯佳丽:天啊,战争,战争,战争! SCARLETT: Fiddle-dee-dee. War, war, war(出自《乱世佳人》) 3.苔丝狄蒙娜天啊,您不该这样侮辱我! Desdemona. By heav互n, you do me wrong. 4.天啊!我脸上有好多皱纹。 Gosh! I have so many lines on my face 5.天啊!你的寝室超乾净的。 Gee! Your bedroom is super clean (查词还带出处很费工夫的,好的话给分啊) 问题七:我的天啊英语怎么说 Oh my god就是i我的天啊 问题八:"我的天哪"英文怎么说? 简单,oh ,my god! 问题九:我的天哪英文怎么翻译? Oh my god! 简写是OMG!有的时候说话的时候也可以直接念字母。 如果直接念Oh my god!的时候,想表达的惊异程度可以通过语气和停顿表现出来。每个词都拉长,词之间都停顿很能表现情感。 还有其他的表达,比如说: Holy crap! 或者 Holy cow! 等Holy(神圣的)开头的词组都能表达“天啊!”的意思。 问题十:我的天啊,用英语怎么说, oh my god mon Dieu Oh, my God my god 1.Oh my gosh! No. I can"t believe it! 我的天啊!不,我不相信。 2. Fanny: Oh, my goodness! That"s her. Do you see her? 芬妮:哦,我的天啊!就是她。你有看到了吗? 3. Huh? What"s this? Oh, my God! It"s my passport! 咦?这是什么?哦,我的天啊!是我的护照! 4. A: Oh, my goodness! It is so hot outside! 喔!我的天啊!外面真是热死人了! 5. Oh, my God. Did you get to see anything good? 我的天啊,你有看到精彩好戏吗? Oh, my God, you really want me to be the keynote speaker? 我的天啊你真的要我当主讲人吗? 7. Oh my goodness! The woman has a fox around her neck! 我的天啊!那位女士的脖子上围了一只狐狸! 8. My god. I should save a xing first, or stop vernon? 我的天啊,我现在是先救阿星,还是要赶快阻止天骐呢? 9. Oh my God, our hut is there, so far! “哦,我的天啊,我们的小木屋还那么远啊!” 10. Oh, dear,"she murmured bleakly, We owe $392. “我的天啊!”她忧郁地低声说道,“我们得付392块钱。” 11. Oh my goodness,that is big news. 我的天啊!这真是个大新闻。 12. Anticipation, Arcs and Overlap Oh My! 预备动作,弧线和交迭,哦!我的天啊! 13. Courtney: Oh my gosh! I can"t believe it? 寇特妮:噢,我的天啊!我真不敢相信? 14. My God! my professional expression? 我的天啊!我的专业表达? 15. Phil: Goodness gracious! Who thought monstrosity? 菲尔我的天啊!是谁想出那种可怕的东西啊? 16. God bless my soul! 愿上帝保佑你[我]!我的天啊!好家伙! 17. Lillian! Oh, my gosh! Lillian! 噢,我的天啊! 18. Saints preserve us, child! You"ve got your shoes o n the wrong feet. 我的天啊!孩子,你的鞋子穿反了。 19. Oh, dear, she murmured bleakly, we owe $392. They had managed to collect only $135. “ 我的天啊!”她忧郁地低声说道,“我们得付392块钱。”但是他们只募集到135块钱。 20. LILY: Oh dear! W......>>
2023-08-02 20:22:491


Ohuff0cmy Godu3002
2023-08-02 20:23:598


问题一:我的一天用英语怎么说 有很多种说法,不知道你要表达哪一种: 1、My day! 2、One day of mine! 3、My dailt life! 问题二:我的一天英文翻译 The day of mine 问题三:我的一天用英语怎么说的英文 我的一天用英语怎么说_ 翻译结果: My day how to say it in English 问题四:我的一天 的英文怎么翻译啊 One day of mine. 问题五:请问这是我的一天用英语怎么说?谢谢! This is my day. 问题六:我的一天 英语翻译 Never give up I did it 问题七:我的一天。用英语怎么说还有我喜欢我的一天! 大家帮个忙!! the day of mine I like the day of mine. 问题八:英语作文我的一天带翻译 My Day Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I"m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have puter class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00. I"m happy today! 我6点起床.我有我的早餐在6: 30.然后我打扫我的房间,洗我的脸和我的牙齿刷.我早餐吃面条.我七点钟上学.我做早操7: 50.我们在早晨有四节课.上午11 : 30,我很饿.我在学校吃午饭.我上床睡觉,在12点.我们下午有三节课.我有电脑课和艺术课.我非常喜欢他们.我五点半回家.我放学后做作业.我的妹妹、哥哥和我看电视,晚上8点.然后我洗我的脸和我的牙齿刷.我10点上床睡觉.我今天很高兴! 问题九:我的一天英文 我的一天 One day for me
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“我的天”翻译成英文是Oh My God!oh my god是一种中国式英语语言,意思是哦,我的上帝、我的天。通常表示出乎意料,可用于惊喜、惊吓不同的情境。god的英式读法是[ɡu0252d];美式读法是[ɡɑu02d0d]。单词直接源自古英语的god,意为神。作名词意思有神;偶像;(复数)<英>剧院顶层楼座的观众;(大写)上帝。作感叹词意思是天呐。相关例句:Oh, my god! I cleared all my data.啊,我的天!我把所有资料都消掉了!
2023-08-02 20:24:464


问题一:我的天哪。 英文怎么写? Oh,my god! 问题二:我的天哪 英文怎么写 oh my god 问题三:“英文怎样翻译噢我的天哪!” OMG oh, my god ! 问题四:哦,我的天哪 用英文怎么说 Oh,my god 问题五:天哪英语怎么说 oh my god . Jesus Christ. oh my gosh. 这些都可以翻译位天哪,表示惊讶的意思。望采纳,谢谢。 问题六:我的天哪的英文是什么 Oh my god 问题七:我的天哪英语怎么说 oh my god oh my gosh oh 海y jesus oh my baby 这四种都可以,我在电影都有看到过的 问题八:我的天哪英文怎么翻译? Oh my god! 简写是OMG!有的时候说话的时候也可以直接念字母。 如果直接念Oh my god!的时候,想表达的惊异程度可以通过语气和停顿表现出来。每个词都拉长,词之间都停顿很能表现情感。 还有其他的表达,比如说: Holy crap! 或者 Holy cow! 等Holy(神圣的)开头的词组都能表达“天啊!”的意思。 问题九:哦我的天哪的英语怎么写 Oh my lady gaga 问题十:天哪,英语怎么写的 English
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2023-08-02 20:25:021


问题一:我的天使英语怎么说 My Angel 问题二:我的天使英文怎么翻译? You are my angel你是我的天使。表白用吗? 问题三:我的天使在哪里?用英语怎么说 你写对啦。是的。 问题四:我的天使你在哪?用英文怎么说? Where are you,my angel? 问题五:我的天使 我等你 英语怎么说? I will be waiting for you, my angel. 对不起换了换顺序,绩是觉得这样比较顺口。。 问题六:我的天使宝贝 用英文怎么说呢? my angle baby 满意请采纳 问题七:等待我的天使 英语怎么说 5分 是(我)等待我的天使,还是(一个)等待我的天使啊?前者是:Wait for 阀y angel ,后者是:The angel waiting for me. 问题八:我的天使英文怎么翻译? You are my angel你是我的天使。表白用吗? 问题九:我的天使在哪里?用英语怎么说 你写对啦。是的。 问题十:我的天使用英文怎么写 You are my angel
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我的英语怎么说 如果是形容词(possessive adjective),就是 my ,放在名词前面. 例子:This is my pen 如果是代词(possessive pronoun),就是 mine. 这个通常都放在名词后面。例子: This pen is mine. 我的英文怎么写 主语 I,宾语me ,表示“我的”什么东西的话,用my 我的天哪英文怎么翻译? Oh my god! 简写是OMG!有的时候说话的时候也可以直接念字母。如果直接念Oh my god!的时候,想表达的惊异程度可以通过语气和停顿表现出来。每个词都拉长,词之间都停顿很能表现情感。 还有其他的表达,比如说: Holy crap! 或者 Holy cow! 等Holy(神圣的)开头的词组都能表达“天啊!”的意思。 我用英语怎么说 代词 1. (称自己) I; my; me in my humble opinion 以我之见 2. (指称我们) we; our; us we two 我等二人 our university 我校 The Qi troops attacked us. 齐师伐我。 3. (“我、你” 对举, 表示泛指) Each scrambled for the football at the football ground. 足球场上你争我夺。 4. (自己) self self-critici *** 自我批评 selfless labour 忘我的劳动 “我的专业是英语”用英语怎么说 I major in English. My major is English. I a弗 a English major. 给我用英语怎么说 give me use 你的就是我的,我的还是我的英文怎么说? Need just word.word has word. 是的,我会的。 用英文怎么说 是的,我会的 Yes, I will. Yeah, I will. 我的天啊英文怎么说 Oh, my God! Oh, my! Oh, my goodness. My God! Good heavens! Good Lord! 还可以列举出许多 我的电脑用英语怎么说 my puter
2023-08-02 20:25:161


写作思路:以学校的日常为主题,结合现实,贴近生活。正文:My dayToday is Monday,I get up at 6:30。Then,I take a shower and brush my teeth。Then I eat breakfast at 7:00。After breakfast I go to school at 7:30。In the morning,I have many subject。they are English,math,and two Chinese。今天是星期一,我六点半起床。然后,我洗个澡,刷牙。然后我七点吃早饭。早饭后我七点半去学校。早上,我有很多科目。它们是英语、数学和两门语文。Then is eat lunch time,today I eat some bread。In the afternoon I have four class,too。 They are computer,P。E。biology andmusic。然后是吃午饭的时间,今天我吃了一些面包。下午我也有四节课,他们是电脑,体育,生物和音乐。After school I do my homework。 then I eat dinner at 6:30。After dinner I read my book 。Then I go to bed on 9:00。This is my day。Please tell me with your day。放学后我做作业。然后我在6:30吃晚饭。晚饭后我看书。然后我在9:00睡觉。这是我的一天。请告诉我你的一天
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2023-08-02 20:26:029

英语作文:《我的一天》 50个单词

你好哈,可以写为:My Day I had a good day. In the morning,I went to the park with my friends to fly kites.And then,we had bread together.At noon,we didn`t go home but stay in the park to have lunch together.In the afternoon,we decided to fish and we caught some fishes.In the evening,we took the fishes that we caught back home.So this was my day,it was really amusing.满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!记得采纳啊
2023-08-02 20:26:212


My DayToday is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I"m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have computer class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.中文翻译:我的一天今天是星期一,我6点起床了,我在6点半吃的早饭,然后我打扫了我的房间,洗脸然后刷牙。早饭我吃了面条,7点的时候我去了学校,我在7点50的时候做早操,上午我们有4节课,11点半的时候,我非常饿,我在学校吃的午饭,中午12点我睡午觉,下午我们有三节课,有微机课和美术课,我非常喜欢它们。我五点半回到家,放学后做作业,我哥哥姐姐和我在晚上八点一起看电视。然后洗脸刷牙。十点时,我上床睡觉。望采纳 (*^__^*) 谢谢~
2023-08-02 20:26:4813


1. 初一我的一天英语作文 Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I"m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have puter class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.。 2. 【我的一天初一英语作文请用英语帮我写题目:我的一天早晨,我总是 My day My name is ***. l am 14 years old. In the morning, I always get up is early. I have 5 classes in the morning. I have lunch at school. I have 5 classes at the afternoon, too. In the evening, I go to bed at school. I have a happy life! 百分之百完全正确,我也初一,刚刚写完这篇短文!!。 3. 用英语作文:我的一天带翻译初1 May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor"s Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let"s go to park,” So my mother, my clas *** ate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It"s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful. In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on. May Day is my favorite day! 4. 关于初一的英语作文《我的一天》 I get up early in the morning. After breakfast, I go to school by bike. It takes me about enty minutes to get to my school. I have a morning class, four classes in the morning and four in the afternoon. Class is over at 4:50. I play table tennis with my friends for about an hour after school. I get home at about 6:10. After supper I have a rest. Then I do my homework, listen to music and surf the inter. I don"t go to bed until 10:00. 望采纳,不懂继续问 5. 仁爱版初一上册英语作文:我的一天 My Day Today is Saturday.I can stay in bed late.Usually I get up at eight.Then I wash the clothes,take a shower and brush my teeth.At 8:30,I have breakfast.I eat bread and eggs,drink a cup of milk,they are healthy food. After that,I go to the park and do sports.I play the badminton with my brother.He can play it well.I usually lose,but I also happy.After that 1 hour,I go back home and watch TV. I have lunch at half past eleven,and I do my homework at Saturday afternoon.Sometimes I can draw picture at four in the afternoon. In the evening,I always ride a bike after supper.That"s very cool.I can see:the trees are tall,the sky is dark,the lights are bright,the birds were sleepd.On the street,the cars are ing and going in great number.It likes a beautiful picture. Finally,I go to bed at a quarter to ten. 感觉自己写的比考试还好。 楼下的不要学我. 6. 初一下册英语作文,《我的一天》40字 My busy day I always get up e.I usually have my breakfast at half past six.I leave home at half past six.I"m never late for school.There are many classes in the morning.At a quarter past elve,I have lunch.Sometimes,I"m not so busy in the afternoon.After school I have dinner with my family.After I finish my homework I often play some games with my family.Only then will I to relax. this is a busy day, 7. 我的一天英语作文 I always get up early in the morning.I usually have my breakfast at half past six.I leave home half an hour later.I"m never late for school.There are many classes in the morning.At a quarter past elveI have lunch.SometimesI"m not so busy in the afternoon.After school I have dinner with my family.After I finish my homework I often play some games with my family.Only then will I to relax.Although this is a busy day but I feel full and satisfied.我总是在早晨早起。 我通常六点半吃早餐。我半小时后离开家里。 我上学从来不迟到。早上有很多类。 在过去十二个四分之一我吃午饭。有时候下午我不太忙。 放学后我和我的家人一起吃晚饭。我完成我的作业后我经常和我的家人玩一些游戏。 只有这样我放松。尽管这是一个忙碌的一天但我感到62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333433633339完整和满足。 8. 写一篇关于我一天的活动的英语作文初一水平就行,要翻译 My Day I usually get up at 6:00.起床 I have my breakfast at about 6:30.早餐Then I clean my room,打扫房间 wash my face and brush my teeth.洗脸刷牙 I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00.上学 I do morning exercises at 7:50.早操We have four classes in morning. 上课At 11:30, I"m very hungry. I have lunch at school.午餐 I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon.午睡 We have three classes in the afternoon. I have puter class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30.回家 I do homework after school.做家庭作业 My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.睡觉 I"m happy today!今天我很高兴。 可以根据自己情况删减。祝你进步! 9. 我的一天 英语作文 I had a very happy weekend with my clas *** ates becasue we did something very interesting.On Saturday we got up very early and met at the school gate at 7:00. Then we took the bus to go to visit the old people at the Nursing Home. All the old people were very happy to see us. We talked to them and helped them with some cleaning work. We brought with us some fruits such as apples pears oranges. We sang songs and some of them sang together with us.At 3:30 in the afternoon we had to say goodbye to them. They thanked us and asked us to see them again. We promised to see them after our exams我和我的同学渡过了一个非常开心的周末,因为我们做了一些很有意义的事情。 星期六我们很早就起来了,然后7:00在学校门口碰面。我们坐公共汽车去看望了养老院的一些老人。 当我们到达的时候,所有的老人都很高兴。我们和他们聊天,帮他们打扫卫生。 我们还带来一些水果,有苹果,梨还有橘子。我们唱歌,有些老人和我们一起唱。 下午3点半我们不得不和他们说再见了。他们很感谢我们的到来,并说希望以后还能看到我们。 我们答应考试完了还去看望他们。
2023-08-02 20:27:451


my god
2023-08-02 20:27:555


My day - 1. I get up at 6 o"clock every morning. 2. Then I change my cloth, brush my teeth and wash my face. 3. I drink a glass of milk, and eat four slices bread for breakfast. 4. I go to school on foot at 7 o"clock every day. 5. I do morning exercise with classmates at campus at nine-thirty every morning. 6. I go home with my classmates at six-thirty every afternoon.我的一天,1。我每天早上六点起床。2。然后我换了我的衣服,刷牙和洗脸。3。我喝一杯牛奶,吃四片面包为我的早餐。4。我每天七点走路去上学。5。我和同学们在校园每天早上九点三十分做早操。6。我跟我的同学每天下午六点三十分一起回家。
2023-08-02 20:28:241


  在校的一天,本应是丰富多彩的,但是有时候也是上烦恼的一天。下面是我给大家精心挑选的初一英语作文我的一天带翻译,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   英语作文我的一天篇1   新的一天又开始了,校园又由一片片喧哗声给塞满了。值日生像挺拔的钻天杨,死死地守在门口,不让没带红领巾的同学滥竽充数,成为“南郭先生”。校内,同学们精神抖擞,一张张笑脸映入眼帘,仿佛连花丛里的花也在绽放这笑脸。最令人舒服,感概的是同学们的一阵阵朗朗的读书声,使人心中有一种说不出的激动。早晨的校园,四处一片生机盎然的景象。   中午,同学们回家了。校园又恢复了一片宁静,仿佛一个羞涩的姑娘静静地安坐着,倾听四周的声音。此时的校园又是如此神秘,好响幻想小说里的古堡那样神秘而宁静。   下午,经同学们的渲染,校园马上从美梦中苏醒过来,和大家玩着,勤奋努力着。此时的校园并没有像早晨那样生机勃勃,在傍晚黄昏的照映下,有些模糊,故意让人捉摸不到,不像让人了解它。   同学们渐渐离去,校园原有的喧闹已经消失得无影无踪。夕阳映照下的校园,显得金碧辉煌,也有些昏沉,像一个睡美人一样慢慢地闭上眼睛,向美梦走去u2026u2026校园的一天就这样圆满地结束了。   The new day started again, and the campus was filled with a lot of noise. The student is like a tall, straight, straight, dead, dead man, who is not allowed to be the "Mr. Nanguo". On the campus, the students are refreshed, and a smiling face, like flowers in the flowers. The most comfortable, the feeling of the class of the students, the sound of the reading of the sound of the reading, makes the person have a kind of unspeakable excitement. In the morning, the campus is full of life.   At noon, the students went home. The campus was restored again, as if a shy girl sat quietly, listening to the sound of her surroundings. The campus is so mysterious and so mysterious and quiet as the castle in the fantasy novel.   In the afternoon, after the students" renderings, the campus soon came to its senses, playing with everyone and working hard. The campus was not as lively as it was in the morning, and in the evening light of the evening, some of it was vague and unreadable, not like it was understood.   As the students drifted away, the noise of the campus was gone. The setting sun shone down on the campus, and it was brilliant, and a little drowsy, like a sleeping beauty, closed her eyes slowly, and went to her dream... One day on campus was over.   英语作文我的一天篇2   During morning independent study today is Chinese, as usual our homework the teacher on the platform, also from time to time on the spot, named criticism being criticized by the teacher, to be honest, who is not willing to be the teacher singled out in public. I still don"t care so much, I read the book myself. "Du Yanlin" the teacher pronounce his name, perhaps because everyone reading voice is too big, I think the teacher is in my name, and I"m not sure, I on and off in his seat, don"t know what to do, I determined to go up and take a look. As soon as I got to the lectern, the teacher said, "du yanlin", my subconscious, I went wrong and hastened back to position. Not long after, the teacher read clearly "Wang Yi" I also clearly heard, I quickly took to the stage to go, I have a look at the handwriting will know that this is not I, I said "it"s not my book. The teacher said "wrong, this is # # #". The second time I was wrongfully walked down the stage.   今天的早自习是语文,和往常一样老师在讲台上批改作业,还时不时地当场点名被老师批评批评,说实话,谁也不愿意被老师当众点名。我还是没管那么多,自己读起书来。“杜彦林”老师念着他的名字,也许是因为大家读书的声音太大了,我以为老师是在念我的名字,而我又不敢确定,我在座位上忽起忽座,不知道该怎么办,我下定决心还是上去看一看。我刚走到讲台上,老师却说“杜彦林”我一下意识到我走错了,连忙回到位置上去。没过一会儿,老师清楚的念到“汪怡”我也清楚地听到了,我快步走上讲台去,我一看字迹就知道这不是我的,我便说“这不是我的本子”。老师说“搞错了,这是###的”。我第二次被冤枉地走下讲台。   英语作文我的一天篇3   One day I went to a place in chaoyang park, first of all, to buy a ticket, step two, buy the ticket, then check the ticket. Then, there were flowers and flowers in chaoyang park. We went there to look and feel good. There is a sea of people.   In the afternoon we reached another mountain, and there was no one on the mountain, and we returned. But when I lost my parents, I lost my parents, and I ended up using an adult phone call, and finally we found them. They taught me: don"t leave alone, do you know? I said: I know. In the end, I learned a lesson.   In the evening, our family drove home. When we arrived home, we immediately turned on the TV and read, some reading, some watching TV, some eating watermelon. At ten o "clock, we began to take a bath and went to bed. I"m tired of sleeping at night.   Wish: everyone is healthy, all the best!   一天我去了朝阳公园来到了一个地方,第一步首先,去买票,第二步,买完票了之后,检票。到了后来,朝阳公园里面有花朵、有鲜花、我们到了那里去看了看,感觉挺好看的。那里的人山人海。   到了下午,我们又到了一个山上,山上空无一人,我们就返回了。可是,我一人走丢了,失去了父母的联系,我后来用了大人的电话打了一个,最后我们找到了他们。他们教训我:以后不要一个人走,知道了么?我说:知道了。最后我才懂得了一个道理。   到了晚上,我们一家人开车回家了。到了家之后,我们马上打开电视看,有的看书、有的看电视、有的吃西瓜。到了10点钟,我们开始洗澡睡觉了,天亮了,我最烦别人打鞭炮了。晚上老是睡不着觉烦死了。   祝:大家身体健康,万事如意!
2023-08-02 20:28:461

让我来告诉你关于我的一天。 翻译英语

tall ONe DAy Of yours about me since leting me
2023-08-02 20:28:566


It"s a sunny day.The air is fresh and the breeze is gentle.晴朗的一天,清新的空气里夹杂着微微的清风。After washing my face and teeth I went school on my bicycle to enjoy my new day.洗漱完后,我骑着车,赶往学校,迎接我的新的一天。In classI enjoyed myself in the lessons carefully.I shared happiness with my dear friends when class was over.在课堂上我沉醉在老师的讲解中,课堂外我和好朋友分享快乐。I played games with my classmates in the groundwhich was very exciting and interesting.我和同学在操场上做了很开心的游戏。This"s my wonderful day!这就是我的快乐的一天!
2023-08-02 20:29:121


2023-08-02 20:29:325