barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-03 00:14:58



2、例句:(1)我们跟着熊在雪地上留下的足迹走。We followed the bears tracks in the snow.(2)她遭熊袭击而丧命。She was savaged to death by a bear.(3)落基山脉中有熊和美洲狮生存。The Rockies are home to bears and mountain lions.


bear 怎么读

bear读作[beu0259(r)],意思是熊。熊(英文名称:Bear):是食肉目熊科动物的通称,熊平时还算温和,但是受到威胁或遇到危险时,容易暴怒,打斗起来非常凶猛。分布在北半球。在南半球,除了南美洲北部外,其他地方没有它的踪迹。熊科是个大家族,可分为4属:懒熊属 、眼镜熊属、马来熊属、熊属,8种。大多数熊食性很杂,既食青草、嫩枝芽、苔藓、浆果和坚果,也到溪边捕捉蛙、蟹和鱼,掘食鼠类,掏取鸟卵,更喜欢舔食蚂蚁,盗取蜂蜜,甚至袭击小型鹿、羊或觅食腐尸。但是北极熊比较特殊,主要吃鱼和海豹。熊的视觉和听觉都不十分灵敏,但嗅觉非常发达。生活于北方寒冷地区的熊有冬眠现象,而位于亚热带和热带地区的黑熊往往不冬眠。熊冬眠时间可持续4~5个月,在冬眠过程中如果被惊动它会立即苏醒,偶然也会出洞活动。熊冬眠的洞穴一般选在向阳的避风山坡或枯树洞内。除冬眠期外,熊没有固定的栖息场所。除了发情交配期外,其余时间熊都单独活动。母熊一般1年产1~4崽。熊一般是温和的、不主动攻击人和动物,也愿意避免冲突,但当它们认为必须保卫自己或自己的幼崽、食物或地盘时,也会变成非常危险而可怕的野兽。外形特征:熊躯体粗壮肥大,体毛又长又密,脸形像狗,头大嘴长,眼睛与耳朵都较小,臼齿大而发达,咀嚼力强。四肢粗壮有力,脚上长有5只锋利的爪子,用来撕开食物和爬树。尾巴短小。熊平时用脚掌慢吞吞地行走,但是当追赶猎物时,它会跑得很快,而且后腿可以直立起来。
2023-08-02 17:34:131


英语bear读音是:英 [beu0259(r)] 美 [ber]
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bear发音:英 [beu0259 (r)] 美 [ber]中国在八九十年代开始普及英语,教学方法采用的是50年代翻译法,这种方法对英语老师的要求不高,也方便考试,符合当时的国情。缺点是教出来的英语,大多是哑巴英语。翻译法主张背单词、背语法,把英语学习碎片化,不符合英语自然习得过程,破坏了英语思维整体性,成功地将英语变成大多数人的噩梦。这种方法至今仍深深地影响着中国的英语教育。切记:背单词、背语法是学英语的最大阻碍!为什么中国人花了十几年也学不好英语,它就是罪魁祸首;为什么雅思口语,中国学生全球垫底,它就是罪魁祸首!随着新概念英语的引进,70年代的情景教学法开始盛行。这种教学法采用PPP教学模式:即Presentation(演示),Practice(练习) and Production(产出),大大提高了英语学习效率,但是缺点是文本太过陈旧,模拟过程不贴近当下生活,课堂气氛不是很成功,无法激起学习者的兴趣。最为可惜的是,很多人把《新概念英语》买回来,自己独自背诵,完全违背了这种教学方法的初衷(当然,背诵英语课本也有一定的作用)。
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bear 读音:英 [beə(r)] 美 [ber]n.熊;(在证券市场等)卖空的人;蛮横的人vt.承担;忍受;支撑;生育vi.生(孩子);结(果实);与…有关adj.跌价的;股票行情下跌的;卖空者的例句:The bear has lived up to his reputation for stupidity.这只熊果然名不虚传,笨得出奇。
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bear英 [beu0259]美 [bu025br]n. 熊vt. 结果实,开花(正式)vt. 忍受;承受;具有;支撑[网络短语]bear 熊族,熊科,忍受Bear Stearns 贝尔斯登公司,贝尔斯登,贝尔斯登公司Golden Bear 金熊奖,黄金熊,(柏林电影节最高奖)金熊奖希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油
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熊英语bear,读作:英[beu0259r],美[beu0259r]。释义:vt.忍受;承担;具有;负担;生孩子;结果实;开花;携带;运送。vi.转向。n.熊;泰迪熊;(股票)卖空者;<非正式>没教养的人;体格笨重的男人;棘手的事情;脾气暴躁。变形:过去式bore,过去分词borne或born,现在分词bearing,第三人称单数bears,复数bears。bear的例句1、The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.发展中国家背负着巨额外债。2、I can"t bear people who make judgements and label me.我讨厌人们对我品头论足。3、I couldn"t bear to see my reflection in the mirror.我不忍看镜子里自己的样子。4、The bear exposed its teeth in a muffled growl.那只熊龇出牙齿,发出一声低沉的吼叫。5、British scientists have brought computer science to bear on this problem.英国的科学家们已经应用计算机科学来解决这个问题。
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bear 音标/bee/ 注:音标最后一个反过来
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你好!熊bear 英[beə(r)] 美[ber] n. 熊; (在证券市场等) 卖空的人; 蛮横的人; vt. 承担; 忍受; 支撑; 生育; vi. 生(孩子); 结(果实); 与…有关; [例句]They bore the oblong hardwood box into the kitchen and put it on the table.他们把那个长方形的硬木箱抬进厨房,放到桌上。
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  平时看起来温和,遇到危险又会暴怒的熊,它的英文单词音标怎么读呢?以下是我为大家带来熊的英文发音,以供大家参阅!   熊的英文音标   bear   [英] [bu025bu0259][美] [bu025br];   熊的双语例句   1、我房间的钟摆是小熊形状的。   The pendulum of the clock in my room is a bear.   2、洞穴的最深处有只狗熊。   There is a bear in the inmost recesses of the cave.   3、我从未见过北极熊。   I have never seen an arctic bear.   4、北极熊虽然会游泳,但也是陆栖动物。   Although they can swim, the polar bears are terrestrial animals.   5、这只熊生了两只小熊。   The bear bred two cubs.   6、一家成熟的熊场基本都会全产业链经营——养熊场隔壁即是酿酒的酒窖和机器,熊胆直接制成熊胆酒。   A mature bear field will run a whole industrial chain management.   7、那可是上一个长期熊市中的熊中之熊。   That was the heyday of the last secular bear market.   8、而最易激动的熊与其说是北极熊还不如说是双极熊。   The most excitable bears are not so much polar as bipolar.   9、我看到了一只树袋熊妈妈和它背上的小树袋熊。   I saw a koala mother with her baby on her back.   熊的英文例句   1. Bears are very inquisitive and must be kept mentally stimulated. 熊非常好奇,必须不断地给予其智力上的 *** 。   2. The bear exposed its teeth in a muffled growl. 那只熊龇出牙齿,发出一声低沉的吼叫。   3. Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears. 尼安德特人能够捕杀浑身覆毛的猛犸象和熊。   4. There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins. 有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。   5. He had been mauled by a bear. 他被熊袭击过。   6. Bruce graduated to chef at the Bear Hotel. 布鲁斯晋升为大熊饭店的厨师长。   7. Bears wake up in the spring after a winter of hibernation. 熊经过一个冬天的冬眠后在春季苏醒.   8. The hunters lured the bears on to certain death. 猎人引诱那些熊送死.   9. The bears feed voraciously in summer and store energy as fat. 熊在夏季吃很多东西,以脂肪形式储存能量.   10. This bear feeds off the leaves of the tree. 这只熊依靠这棵树的树叶生存.   11. Bears hole up for the winter to go by. 熊蛰伏在穴中过冬.   12. Let"s act out the story of the three bears once more. 让我们再次表演一下三只熊的故事.   13. The girl blanched with fear when she saw the bear ing. 那女孩见熊向她走来,吓得脸都白了.   14. The bear"s chest is hairy. 那只熊的胸部毛茸茸的.   15. The bear was a fully grown *** . 那只熊已完全发育成熟.   16. Teddy bears are lovable toys. 玩具熊是可爱的玩具.   17. The bear was a great brute. 熊是一种大型野兽.   18. The bear rounded and faced the hunters. 熊转过身,面对着猎人.   19. The bear bred two cubs. 这只熊生了两只小熊.   20. This grizzly liked people. 这只灰熊却喜欢人.
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熊的英文:bear英文发音:[beu0259]中文释义:vt. 结果实,开花(正式)vt. 忍受;承受;具有;支撑n. 熊例句:The bear eats much better food every day.那只熊每天都要吃掉好多的食物。bear的同根词:1、bearable英文发音:["beu0259ru0259b(u0259)l]中文释义:adj. 可忍受的;支持得住的例句:All this while I felt that my laptop is slow but it"s bearable.这一切,而我觉得我的笔记本电脑很慢,但它可以承受的。2、bearer英文发音:["beu0259ru0259]中文释义:n. 持票人;[建] 承木;[机] 托架;送信人;搬运工人;不记名(债券,股票等)例句:The Swan kingdom is the bearer of divine union and knows a lot about what it takes to anchor this upon Earth.天鹅王国是神圣联盟的肩负者,懂得要在地球上锚定这一神圣联盟需要做什么的大量知识。
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small bear
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"bear" 在英语中的发音是 /bu025br/,其中的音标符号代表不同的音素。具体来说,/b/ 表示辅音音素 b,/u025b/ 表示元音音素 e,/r/ 表示辅音音素 r。这个单词的发音可以按照以下步骤来进行:发 /b/ 音素时,双唇轻轻闭合,随即迅速松开,使得气流从口中流出。发 /u025b/ 音素时,口形呈现开放状态,舌头放置在口腔底部,发出短促的元音音素。发 /r/ 音素时,舌头靠近口腔顶部的位置,但不接触,气流从舌尖和口腔的侧面流出,形成带有振动的辅音音素。总之, "bear" 这个单词的发音为 /bu025br/,需要注意的是,在英语中,不同的单词可能有相同或相似的拼写,但是发音可能完全不同,因此在学习英语时,需要注意理解音标符号的含义,熟练掌握正确的发音方法。
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bear (中文谐音:贝儿)
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< img src=”,7705528&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=JPEG?w=468&h=500” />英[be_(r)]美[ber]承受,来自PIE *bher(1), 承受,带来,生育,同bring拓展资料:bear,英语单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为“忍受,承受;不适于某事;承担责任;经得起;心怀(感情,尤指坏心情);支撑;显示;携带;(车,船)运输; 生(孩子);结果实,开花(正式);拐弯;(以姓名,头衔)相称;表现;带有(标记、特征);吹动;具有(名字或头衔);写有;具有(相似之处或关系);产生(利息)”。作名词时意为“熊;泰迪熊;(股票)卖空者;(非正式)没教养的人;体格笨重的男人;(非正式)“北极熊”(俄国的外号);(非正式)警察;棘手的事情;脾气暴躁”。
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bear [beu0259]n. 熊; 鲁莽的人; 似熊的动物; 笨拙的人
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2023-08-02 17:48:054


bear读音:[beu0259(r)]。bear,英语单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为忍受,承受;不适于某事;承担责任;经得起;心怀(感情,尤指坏心情);支撑;显示。携带;(车,船)运输; 生(孩子);结果实,开花(正式);拐弯;(以姓名,头衔)相称;表现;带有(标记、特征);吹动;具有(名字或头衔);写有;具有(相似之处或关系);产生(利息)。作名词时意为熊;泰迪熊;(股票)卖空者;(非正式)没教养的人;体格笨重的男人;(非正式)北极熊(俄国的外号);(非正式)警察;棘手的事情;脾气暴躁。双语例句1、How about this one,bear?这个怎么样,小熊?2、Then I went and wrestled with the bear.所以接着我就扑上去,和熊搏斗。3、All of these and more,bear mute witness against him.所有这些和更多的,承受静音证人对他。
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英-[beu0259]美-[bu025br]释义n. 熊vt. 结果实,开花(正式)vt. 忍受;承受;具有;支撑中文谐音读法:败儿
2023-08-02 17:48:581


  你知道狗熊的英文音标吗?一起来学习一下吧!   狗熊的英文音标:   bear 英 [beu0259(r)] 美 [ber]   词组习语:   bear arms   1. 携带武器   2. 佩戴盾形徽号;展示盾形纹章   bear the brunt of   bear the burden of   1. 承受u2026的后果   bear someone a grudge   1. 对某人心怀怨恨   bear a hand   1. (古)出一把力,帮助   bear someone malice (或 ill will)   1. 对某人怀恶意   bear a relation (或 relationship) to   1. 一致   这地图似乎和道路丝毫不一致。   the map didn"t seem to bear any relation to the roads.   bear a resemblance (或 similarity) to   1. 相像   bear the stamp of   1. 带有u2026印记   他们的战术带有苏联军事训练的印记。   their tactics bear the stamp of Soviet military training.   bear witness (或 testimony) to   1. 证明   这个城市没留下什么能证明它过去的辉煌。   little is left to bear witness to the past greatness of the city.   be borne in upon   1. 被认识到   她认识到自己行为的愚蠢了。   the folly of her action was borne in on her.   bring pressure to bear on   1. 企图强迫   bring to bear   1. 应用;使用   在自己能运用多大的影响力这方面,她有所保留。   she had reservations about how much influence she could bring to bear.   2. (用武器)瞄准   用他的步枪瞄准远处的目标。   bringing his rifle to bear on a distant target.   does not bear thinking about   1. 可怕得难以想像;不堪想像   狗熊的英文音标例句:   1. Eleanor"s work among the women will, I trust, bear fruit.   我相信埃莉诺所做的工作会在妇女中有所成效。   2. The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.   发展中国家背负着巨额外债。   3. I can"t bear people who make judgements and label me.   我讨厌人们对我品头论足。   4. I couldn"t bear to see my reflection in the mirror.   我不忍看镜子里自己的样子。   5. The bear exposed its teeth in a muffled growl.   那只熊龇出牙齿,发出一声低沉的吼叫。   6. British scientists have brought computer science to bear on this problem.   英国的科学家们已经应用计算机科学来解决这个问题。   7. Go left onto the A107 and bear left into Seven Sisters Road.   向左驶入A107号公路,然后左转进七姐妹路。   8. If you"ll bear with me, Frank, just let me try to explain.   你要对我有点儿耐心,弗兰克,让我跟你解释。   9. She could not bear the relentless music and turned down the volume.   她受不了没完没了的音乐,就把音量调小了。   10. He could not bear to be seen to act dishonourably.   他不能容忍被人发现行为失检。   11. The eight-year bond will bear annual interest of 10.5%.   这种8年期的债券年利率为10.5%。   12. He was naturally disappointed when the talks failed to bear fruit.   会谈没有取得成果,他自然感到失望。   13. He can"t bear to talk about it, even to me.   他不想和别人谈论这件事,哪怕对我也是一样。   14. Unhappily the facts do not wholly bear out the theory.   令人遗憾的是,这些事实并不能完全证明该理论。   15. I can"t bear having to think what I"m going to say.   我不愿意考虑将要说什么话。
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熊的单词bear的发音,英音读[beu0259(r)],美音读[ber]。一、bear的中文释义如下:1、【n.】熊;(在证券市场等)卖空的人。2、【v.】承受;忍受;不适于某事(或做某事);承担责任;生育,生(孩子);心怀;支撑;显示,有(某个名称);携带;举止;开(花);转向(左或北等)。3、第三人称单数是bears;复数是bears;现在分词是bearing;过去式是bore;过去分词是borne born。二、短语搭配如下:1、Bear Stearns:贝尔斯登;贝尔斯登公司;贝尔史登;贝尔斯登投资银行。2、Golden Bear:金熊奖;黄金熊;金熊;柏林金熊奖。3、bear off:赢得;驶离;使离开;博得。4、SPECTACLED BEAR:眼镜熊;眼镜熊属。5、Gummy bear:软糖熊;小熊软糖;橡胶熊;橡皮糖熊。6、Bear dog:犬熊;古犬熊。7、Bile bear:熊胆。8、bear with:宽容;耐心等待;忍受;容忍。
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bear 。
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2023-08-02 17:51:242


bear [beu0259]n. 熊; 鲁莽的人; 似熊的动物; 笨拙的人
2023-08-02 17:51:333


狗熊用英语怎么说 bear 狗熊用英语怎么说 狗熊bear (black bear)专业的话 Selenarctos thebetanus 狗熊用英语怎么说。 直接bear 就可以了。Black bear 是黑熊 熊用英语怎么读? bear熊用英语怎么说 bear 熊用英语怎么说读出来帮我读出来 bai四声 er一声 狗熊这个词语用英语怎么写 a coward 一只狗熊,这样含有贬义,如果要学术一点,就是 Asiatic black bear 或者是黑熊,黑熊就是狗熊,就是a black bear
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Bear , 熊
2023-08-02 17:52:563


英[be?(r)] 美[ber]n. 熊; (在证券市场等)卖空的人;v. 承受; 忍受; 不适于某事(或做某事); 承担责任; 生育,生(孩子); 心怀; 支撑; 显示; 有(某个名称); 携带; 举止; 开(花); 转向(左或北等);[例句]We followed the bear"s tracks in the snow.我们跟着熊在雪地上留下的足迹走。[其他] 第三人称单数:bears 复数:bears 现在分词:bearing 过去式:bore 过去分词:borne
2023-08-02 17:54:221


small bear
2023-08-02 17:55:104


可以说:polar bear。polar bear:1、读音:英 [ˈpəʊlə beə(r)] 美 [ˈpoʊlər ber]2、词性:n.名词3、释义:北极熊;白熊4、复数: polar bears5、造句:The polar bear"s white fur is a natural camouflage.北极熊的白色毛皮是天然的保护色。扩展资料英语中常见动物的说法:1、Tiger 老虎2、Giraffe 长颈鹿3、Lion 狮子4、Deer 鹿5、Leopard 豹6、Monkey 猴子7、Elephant 大象8、Chimpanzees 黑猩猩9、Horse 马10、Bear 熊11、Donkey 驴
2023-08-02 17:55:461


晚安的英文表达写法如下:good nightgood eveningnighty-nightbon soir
2023-08-02 17:53:1311

tell me 歌词的中文谐音

Tell me ne do naer zo a haer zu ren moer la se e ze muen zo a ne mu na zo a gum man ga ta se na niae za xin ner za gu go ji be ba ne mu na zo a ni ga naer hog xi an zo a haer ga ba hon za er ma na ae tiae wun ji moer la ge ren diae ni ga naer sa rang han da ni e me na xi han ben maer hiae ba Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me na rer sa rang har da go naer gi da rier wa da go Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me niae ga pi rio ha da maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me za gu man deg go xi pe giae sog niae giae muer hiae zue Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me gum mi a ni ra go maer hiae maer hiae zue yo e zem niae ga sern mi yi re kiae du:ni ga sem mi zeng maer te jier geg ga ta ni ga naer boer diae mien zen gi ae gam zen duae sa ram ce rem zen gi ga oer la er ma na o riae gi da rin ji moer la er ma na o riae gum gue nen ji moer la ge ren diae ni ga naer su rang han da ni e na da xi han ben maer hiae ba Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me na rer sa rang har da go naer gi da rier wa da go Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me niae ga pi rio ha da maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me za gu man deg go xi pe giae sog niae giae muer hiae zue Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me gum mi a ni ra go maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell me you want me want me want me too Tell me tell me tell me you love me too love me too er ma na o riae gi da rin ji moer la er ma na o riae gum gun nen ji moer la ge ren diae ni ga nuer sa rang han da ni e me nu xi han ben muer hiae ba Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me na rer sa rang har da go naer gi da rier wa da go Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me niae ga pi rio ha da maer hiae maer hiae zue yo Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me za gu man deg go xi pe giae sog niae giae muer hiae zue Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me gum mi a ni ra go maer hiae maer hiae zue yo
2023-08-02 17:53:132

请问大佬有妹子再组合2021年由 莎拉·巴莱勒斯主演的高清视频在线观看资源吗

《妹子再组合 2021》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看;链接: 提取码:8qd9由Meredith Scardino编剧﹑Tina Fey监制的Peacock喜剧《妹子再组合 Girls5Eva》讲述一支90年代曾短暂大热的女子组合决定重组。Sara Bareilles今天加盟剧组,她饰演90年代短命组合「Girls5Eva」的前成员Dawn,对现在于皇后区管理家庭意大利餐厅一事感到不安,所以当「Girls5Eva」要重聚时,这对Dawn来说是个好机会。
2023-08-02 17:53:151


特别急,请求帮忙翻译成英语,一定高分回报 Hello!!!!! I"m school language classes, if plete language classes, I will get this year admission in October, unconditional admission notice. I want to ask next I apply for a visa extension some situation: 1, some say, must be in September 8, pay the tuition of course of before the master, then the CAS will mark I have paid tuition, this kind of understanding to? 2, my visa expires in October, I can not pay the tuition fee at the end of September, then the school gave me the CAS also indicate I have paid their tuition. 3, visa policies require my bank aount cost of living? How long term? 4, CAS is generally issued what time? 5, can not through the email sent me some of the visa for me some of the relevant policy document ? 特别急,请求帮忙翻译,一定高分回报 手工翻译,希望对你有帮助,放心点选采纳O(∩_∩)O哈!祝你学习进步O(∩_∩)O哈! Dear Amy, Hello! I am studying language course in the school and I will get the admission notification without any conditions in October in this year if I plete the language course. I would like to ask some situation on applying for visa: 1) Someone said that I must arrange for all master tuition before 8th September and then the CAS will be indicated I have paid for tuition, is it right for me to understand ? 2)My visa is expired on October and could I pay for tuition at the end of September? So that the school will be indicated I have paid for tuition in the CAS. 3)How much money should I save to my bank aount aording to the visa policy ? How long will it keep? 4)When does the CAS issue with signing? 5)Could you send me some useful information file on the related signing visa file to me by email? Thanks for your early reply. Best Regards, Tony 特别急,请求帮忙翻译成英文,一定高分回报,机器翻译的就不要贴了 我已经完成了预科课程,将在10月份读硕士课程。现在正在办理签证续签手续。 我在9月15日通过ebay 网站线上支付了7500元的学费,请问是否已经收到?请将该笔学费在cas 上显示出来,否则我的签证续签会有问题(达不到大使馆要求的签证政策关于资金的要求),谢谢! I have pleted the foundation course, will read the Master"s program in October. Now apply for a visa renewal procedures. I September 15 through ebay site online payment of $ 7,500 tuition fee, is it has received? Please show on the sum of tuition fees in the cas, otherwise it will renew my visa problems (less than required by the embassy visa policy on capital requirements), thank you! 请帮忙翻译成英文~高分回报! 2005.9.1-2006.12.30 Shanghai Xinchang Ryan Property Management Ltd. 2007.1.1-2007.12.30 aircraft factory in Shanghai 2008.1.3-2008.04.30 Shanghai Aerospace Science and Technology Co., Ltd. 急切请求帮忙翻译成英语: Diabetes Traetment Attainment Abstract Objective: The author collects and states the attainment of enhancing curative effect of diabetes applying traditional Chinese medicine through diabetes long-term clinical experience, for reference of peer in the same industry. Method: Dialectical parting traditional Chinese medicine treatment of 68 outpatients and inpatients. Reuslt: Symptom is improved and effect is satisfactory. Conclusion: To treat diabetes with traditional Chinese medicine is more effective. Key Words: Diabetes, Treatment, Aattainment 帮忙翻译成英语,我特别急,求求大家了 I got some suggestions that I hope the transportation can setup a parking for the disables and invent a taxi which can used by some of the disables. 紧急:请求帮忙,翻译成英文 as the global"s rapid economic development, the value of knowledge and an increasingly important role of human resources, increasing people"s attention.developing human resources development has bee the world of choice, and the human resource aounting human resources management are also being aroused more concern.human resource aounting is one of the subject of human talent, but the problem is the biggest concern for the 21st century one of them is to facilitate contact more people more of the importance of human resource aounting problems, in order to achieve the best talent and resolved. 100+100高分回报,求英语高手帮忙翻译(急)! Introduction of the pany In the contemporary cities that aim for fort and efficiency, hot-water supplying system is one of the key systems of constructing equipment and holds important social functions. Ever since its foundation in the 23rd year of Showa Period (1948), Ito Mika of Japan has always been one of the leading enterprises supplying hot water, advanced equipment for buildings. Beijing Ito Mika Water Heater Co. follows and expands the corporate idea of understanding people, materials and eras, and focuses on municating with people, promoting technology and creating trend of era. Ito Mika creates an environment-friendly warm-water circumstance aording to the demand of people, structures and eras. Now, its customers include office buildings, hospitals, government structures, chain stores, restaurants, recreation units, senior service centers, etc. and thus wins the trust of all the customers. 请求帮忙翻译成英文 Dear How are you getting on in Canada?Now i have enough free time ,my parents are good too.My mobilephone number is still the old one.I am sorry for not answering your call,because my English was so bad.How about your pany?Do you need my some help?That"s all,good luck! 帮忙翻译成英语 ~~高分 Mr ** is a staff of our pany.and now he bee a XX先生是我公司员工, 他现任机械工程师一职。 mechanical engineer. this is an authorization of 特此证明 our pany !
2023-08-02 17:53:171


(1)全角---指一个字符占用两个标准字符位置。 汉字字符和规定了全角的英文字符及国标GB2312-80中的图形符号和特殊字符都是全角字符。一般的系统命令是不用全角字符的,只是在作文字处理时才会使用全角字符。(2)半角---指一字符占用一个标准的字符位置。通常的英文字母、数字键、符号键都是半角的,半角的显示内码都是一个字节。在系统内部,以上三种字符是作为基本代码处理的,所以用户输入命令和参数时一般都使用半角。全角占两个字节,半角占一个字节。半角全角主要是针对标点符号来说的,全角标点占两个字节,半角占一个字节,而不管是半角还是全角,汉字都还是要占两个字节在编程序的源代码中只能使用半角标点(不包括字符串内部的数据)
2023-08-02 17:53:202


2023-08-02 17:53:113


2023-08-02 17:53:103

Meredith Andrews唱的only to be yours中文歌词

  Undivided, strip everything else away,我与你再也无法分割 把其他一切无关的都带走  Burn the idols, the things in my life that have replaced You,将你的圣像燃烧,在我生命里,只能靠它们来将你代替.  I lay my life down here on Your alter, 曾经我将生命献于你的圣坛  Empty my hands of all I"ve been holding back 双手空空 踌躇不前  Take everything I have, only to be Yours, 你把我的一切夺走归属于你  Lord, Yours Lord, take it from my hands until I"m holding on to only You.你像上帝一样从我手中夺走一切直到只剩下你  Captivated, You"ve stolen my heart away,被你迷惑 你偷走了我的心  I"ve been liberated, 我被释放  the chains of this world forever broken, 这个世界的链条被永远的破坏  You laid Your life down,你献出生命  Now I surrender,那么我认输  lifting my hands, 放开我的手  I"m holding nothing back 我已一无所有  So take everything I have, only to be Yours, Lord, Yours Lord, take it from my hands until I"m holding on to only You.  For every need I want is found in You, 我想要的一切都是你  every breath in me a gift from You,我的每一次呼吸都是因为你  I have nothing here apart from You,除了你我一无所有  I am Yours Lord, only Yours我是你的 只是你的  Take everything I have, only to be Yours, Lord, Yours Lord, take it from my hands until I"m holding on to only You.  刚刚自己翻译的.好多语境意会不来啊.我就当是锻炼自己了.对不住啦.你凑合看吧.没有翻译的部分是重复的.
2023-08-02 17:53:061

tell me,tell me,tell me

应该是wonder girls 的“tell me”吧,不过是首韩文歌,不知道是不是
2023-08-02 17:53:033