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2023-08-03 00:14:34
TAG: 英语 销售



  sales department


  sales division


  市场销售部总监 Director of Sales & Marketing

  商品销售部 Goods sales department

  销售部工程师 sales engineer

  对外销售部经理 manager of exteral purchase department


  1. Tear off the form along the perforations and send it to Sales.


  2. She was their Dusseldorf sales manager.


  3. Sales Dept, attn C Biggs

  销售部,由C. 比格斯办理

  4. The general manager has planned a reorganization of the sales department.


  5. Can you slot her into a job in the sales department?

  你能把她安排在销售部工作 吗 ?

  6. He moved to the sales department.


  7. The new employee was attached to the sales department.


  8. Can we slot her into a job in the sales department?

  我们能把她安排在销售部工作 吗 ?

  9. Ford Motor pany mercial is supplying 500 cars and trucks.


  10. We need someone to handle the marketing end of the business.


  11. All representatives report directly to the sales department.

  所有营业代表均须向销售部 直接 承担责任.

  12. The sales manager asked his men to rm him of everything concerning the sales in time.


  13. The sales director phoned her counterpart in the other firm, ie the other firm"s sales director.


  14. May I speak to Mr. Jason Pearson of the Overseas Sales Division?


  15. No, I"ve just started working for Huashun. I"m in the Sales Department.

  是的, 我刚刚来华顺工作. 我在销售部.



supply和offer都有“供给、提供”的意思,但用法不同。supply通常指定期“供应”,强调替代或补充所需物品,常用于supply sb. with sth.或supply sth. to sb.结构。The cars will be supplied to people all over the country.这些汽车将供应给全国各地的人们。Cows supply us with milk. 母牛供给我们牛奶。offer侧重表示“愿意给予”,常用于offer sb. sth.或offer to do sth. 结构,后不能接宾语从句。She offered me a cup of tea. 她给我端了杯茶。He offered to go instead of me. 他主动提出代替我去。
2023-08-02 17:47:071


ith out demands, without abrasions, without disappointments. People would have time
2023-08-02 17:47:333


单词中读音特别响亮的音节。用音标标记双音节、多音节词的读音时,应使用重读符号。单音节词多数是重读音节,标记读音时不需要使用重读符号。supply 基本解释vt供给;补充;弥补(缺陷、损失等);向什么提供(物资等)n供给物;储备物质;粮食vi暂代他人职务supply 变化形式复数: supplies第三人称单数: supplies过去式: supplied过去分词: supplied现在分词: supplying中文词源supply 供应,补给来自拉丁语 supplere,装满,来自 sub,在下,向上,plere,装填,词源同 fill,full,complement,引申诸相关词义。
2023-08-02 17:47:401


您要问的是不是supplies [su0259"plaiz] n. 物资;供应品;贮备量(supply的复数)v. 供应(supply的第三人称单数);提供suppliedadj. 有...提供的;备有...的v. 提供;供应(supply的过去式)supply [su0259"plai] n. 供给,补给;供应品vt. 供给,提供;补充vi. 供给;替代[ 复数supplies 过去式supplied 过去分词supplied 现在分词supplying ]
2023-08-02 17:47:481


supply sb with sth.give sb. supply/supplies.
2023-08-02 17:47:584


2023-08-02 17:48:084


2023-08-02 17:48:333

新概念三的一道题~ 英语强者入

很明显的: B中是supplying bases,C中是supply bases,本来混淆我的是到底这个名词词组到底是什么,既然确定了是supply bases就显然了,如果是B的话就是getting supplying bases established,而实际上应该是getting supply bases established这样说很明白了吧
2023-08-02 17:48:434


2023-08-02 17:48:533

这个英语句子的语病 SAT

抛开cleverly不说,这个句子的语病是在supplied fish and helped farmers to produce three crops of rice annually应该把supplied 改成supplying ,把helped改成helping
2023-08-02 17:49:112


Supplier 供应商Buyer 采购商(也可以是需求者)
2023-08-02 17:49:337

while supplies last 是什么意思

while supplies last送完即止双语对照例句:1.Good while supplies last. 好送完即止。2.Last: while private gunrunners continue to thrive the world"s biggest arms supplies arethe us, uk, russia, france and china. 影片最后:现今世界武器走私贸易方兴未艾,然而世界上武器贸易最大的国家依次分别是:美国、英国、俄国、法国和中国。
2023-08-02 17:49:492

请翻译为英文 1.多找几个供货商,货比三家。 2.加强对货物供应材料的控制。4.多给员工福利,供货商福利。

1 To find more suppliers and compare their good.2 Strengthen the controlling of supplying materials.3 To form some groups in charge of the collection of supplying materials.4 Improve the welfare for the staff and suppliers.1 Too little funds2 Corruption3 Pay attention to materials collection
2023-08-02 17:49:575


of making...和of supplying...都是修饰effect的,其实就是effect of A on B的结构(A对B的影响)。还原一下,就是:Imagine the 【effect】 of making it aware of the possibility, of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed, 【on】 a reasonably advanced technological society, one that still does not possess the bomb.全句试译:设想一下,一个尚不拥有炸弹、合理先进的技术型社会,使它意识到炸弹的可能性,提供足够的细节以便把这种东西造出来,会有什么后果。
2023-08-02 17:50:121

Intense Hydration Supply中文意思

Intense Hydration Supply 全部释义和例句>> 强水化供应supply 英[su0259u02c8plau026a]美[su0259u02c8plau026a]vt. 供给; 补充; 弥补(缺陷、损失等) 向…提供(物资等)n. 供给物; 储备物质; 粮食;vi. 暂代他人职务;[例句]Their food supply is meager.他们的食品供给少得可怜。[其他] 第三人称单数:supplies 复数:supplies 现在分词:supplying 过去式:supplied 过去分词:supplied 形近词: supple
2023-08-02 17:51:061

A. provided B. Supplied C, shown D. offered各自的用法?

provide sth for sb /sb with sth
2023-08-02 17:51:143


Industrial buyers are responsible for supplying the goods and services that ARE required by an organization for its operations.该用are.
2023-08-02 17:51:343


2023-08-02 17:51:424


lt"s 8,844.3 meters"s higher than any other mountain.
2023-08-02 17:51:502


2023-08-02 17:52:245


1.These tickets are available within 7 days.2.His accent betrays that he"s a foreigner.3.How many chapters were assigned as homework by the teacher?4.Nothing can abstract his attention when he"s working.5.The heavy fruits bent the branches.6.We bargained with the farmer for the supply of milk.
2023-08-02 17:52:424


感谢你的email关于一百万件T-shirt的订单,ECCA Awarding Commitee (某种委员会,可能是负责批准采购订单的)接受了你的价格,所以剩下的就是具体合同在本地的执行了。 请立刻准备两分invoice, 一份为上调我方2%中介费的invioce,一份为未加2%中介费的。我们将会把加上2%中介费的invoice上缴给(上面的那个议会)过目。请将文件递至一下地址: xxxxx (应该是一个地址)之后,请准备下列的合同相关资料,寄至上述地址,目的是让议会批准这订单(in your favour 就是你是受惠方的意思,也就是...批准这个单子给你做的意思)。因为我方也严谨的和最终买方做了工作,对方的总裁已经确定了这个订单。(意思就是他们已经工作做到位啦,单子肯定有啦...你打交道的是中介!)合同要求的资料用附件的方式寄到他们的email,他们会打出来然后上交给议会过目。要求:一百万件t-shirt的订单原件(估计就是那两份)公司档案(介绍,#¥!·#¥!·那些东西,你知道的)公司联系方式(要全)公司注册(营业执照?)复印件付款银行资料(也就是你收货款的银行)如有,贵公司过去曾经操作过的订单的合同副本如有,贵公司的税收批准(税务方面的证明,你该懂得)董事会名单12件T-shirt样品(接下来他开始吹嘘他们做的“工作”了...先是强调了他们所支付的回扣和给与采购委员会的好处费等等,以保证他们可以保证订单透过他们给你。另外还强调了委员会的主席说会帮他争取到这个单子,因为主席是他的inlaw,也就是公婆或丈人丈母娘...接下来具体的要求) 在寄这些资料的同时,请另外写一封保证/感谢信,内容1。感谢对方将单子给你做,2。保证货品符合所有合同的要求,并保证在约定的期限内交货。委员会说了他们的付款方式为立即的100%t/t预付(你应该懂),在你提供了相应的材料,程序完成与合同签署后。预付的原因是希望你能够保证生产速度。 ECCAS委员会接受了并给你5个月的交货期,从全额预付和合同签订开始计算。老实说,LZ,天下没有掉下来的馅饼。 这个条件太好了 严重的有问题嫌疑~~记得给我加分!! 这么长才50分...
2023-08-02 17:52:501


2023-08-02 17:53:103


特别急,请求帮忙翻译成英语,一定高分回报 Hello!!!!! I"m school language classes, if plete language classes, I will get this year admission in October, unconditional admission notice. I want to ask next I apply for a visa extension some situation: 1, some say, must be in September 8, pay the tuition of course of before the master, then the CAS will mark I have paid tuition, this kind of understanding to? 2, my visa expires in October, I can not pay the tuition fee at the end of September, then the school gave me the CAS also indicate I have paid their tuition. 3, visa policies require my bank aount cost of living? How long term? 4, CAS is generally issued what time? 5, can not through the email sent me some of the visa for me some of the relevant policy document ? 特别急,请求帮忙翻译,一定高分回报 手工翻译,希望对你有帮助,放心点选采纳O(∩_∩)O哈!祝你学习进步O(∩_∩)O哈! Dear Amy, Hello! I am studying language course in the school and I will get the admission notification without any conditions in October in this year if I plete the language course. I would like to ask some situation on applying for visa: 1) Someone said that I must arrange for all master tuition before 8th September and then the CAS will be indicated I have paid for tuition, is it right for me to understand ? 2)My visa is expired on October and could I pay for tuition at the end of September? So that the school will be indicated I have paid for tuition in the CAS. 3)How much money should I save to my bank aount aording to the visa policy ? How long will it keep? 4)When does the CAS issue with signing? 5)Could you send me some useful information file on the related signing visa file to me by email? Thanks for your early reply. Best Regards, Tony 特别急,请求帮忙翻译成英文,一定高分回报,机器翻译的就不要贴了 我已经完成了预科课程,将在10月份读硕士课程。现在正在办理签证续签手续。 我在9月15日通过ebay 网站线上支付了7500元的学费,请问是否已经收到?请将该笔学费在cas 上显示出来,否则我的签证续签会有问题(达不到大使馆要求的签证政策关于资金的要求),谢谢! I have pleted the foundation course, will read the Master"s program in October. Now apply for a visa renewal procedures. I September 15 through ebay site online payment of $ 7,500 tuition fee, is it has received? Please show on the sum of tuition fees in the cas, otherwise it will renew my visa problems (less than required by the embassy visa policy on capital requirements), thank you! 请帮忙翻译成英文~高分回报! 2005.9.1-2006.12.30 Shanghai Xinchang Ryan Property Management Ltd. 2007.1.1-2007.12.30 aircraft factory in Shanghai 2008.1.3-2008.04.30 Shanghai Aerospace Science and Technology Co., Ltd. 急切请求帮忙翻译成英语: Diabetes Traetment Attainment Abstract Objective: The author collects and states the attainment of enhancing curative effect of diabetes applying traditional Chinese medicine through diabetes long-term clinical experience, for reference of peer in the same industry. Method: Dialectical parting traditional Chinese medicine treatment of 68 outpatients and inpatients. Reuslt: Symptom is improved and effect is satisfactory. Conclusion: To treat diabetes with traditional Chinese medicine is more effective. Key Words: Diabetes, Treatment, Aattainment 帮忙翻译成英语,我特别急,求求大家了 I got some suggestions that I hope the transportation can setup a parking for the disables and invent a taxi which can used by some of the disables. 紧急:请求帮忙,翻译成英文 as the global"s rapid economic development, the value of knowledge and an increasingly important role of human resources, increasing people"s attention.developing human resources development has bee the world of choice, and the human resource aounting human resources management are also being aroused more concern.human resource aounting is one of the subject of human talent, but the problem is the biggest concern for the 21st century one of them is to facilitate contact more people more of the importance of human resource aounting problems, in order to achieve the best talent and resolved. 100+100高分回报,求英语高手帮忙翻译(急)! Introduction of the pany In the contemporary cities that aim for fort and efficiency, hot-water supplying system is one of the key systems of constructing equipment and holds important social functions. Ever since its foundation in the 23rd year of Showa Period (1948), Ito Mika of Japan has always been one of the leading enterprises supplying hot water, advanced equipment for buildings. Beijing Ito Mika Water Heater Co. follows and expands the corporate idea of understanding people, materials and eras, and focuses on municating with people, promoting technology and creating trend of era. Ito Mika creates an environment-friendly warm-water circumstance aording to the demand of people, structures and eras. Now, its customers include office buildings, hospitals, government structures, chain stores, restaurants, recreation units, senior service centers, etc. and thus wins the trust of all the customers. 请求帮忙翻译成英文 Dear How are you getting on in Canada?Now i have enough free time ,my parents are good too.My mobilephone number is still the old one.I am sorry for not answering your call,because my English was so bad.How about your pany?Do you need my some help?That"s all,good luck! 帮忙翻译成英语 ~~高分 Mr ** is a staff of our pany.and now he bee a XX先生是我公司员工, 他现任机械工程师一职。 mechanical engineer. this is an authorization of 特此证明 our pany !
2023-08-02 17:53:171


第二个吧 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
2023-08-02 17:53:254


Dear friends: Cooperates with you itself sees the very happy matter, but why do you want to sue me, stipulated according to HH, the seller in receives the complete cargo, after and 5th working days confirmation. Only then could pay money for mine, I already pledged delivered goods in this for you. Has in the station the letter is completely the certificate. Why doesn"t trust the seller. At the same time, I guaranteed I supply for yours price cannot the 2nd seller be willing absolutely to provide again for you. In order to each other long-term cooperation, I deliver you 2 shoes to do for the gift. Did you how calculate .31 projects only then are right. Makes this order form I simply not to have the profit, is hoped you become my long-term customer. If the company trusted did not have, but also discussed any business. I hoped you gives me in the suit a very good explanation. Thanks
2023-08-02 17:53:424


2023-08-02 17:53:524

英语求助:afford provide offer supply之间的区别

Afford 意思是买的起,付得起、花得起时间、金钱、精力等。但是Afford只能表示能力,不表示意愿。例如我们可以说I‘m willing to pay, but I really can‘t afford it,而不能说I‘m willing to afford it。用好这个词,我们的水平就会提高一个档次,让你的同学打心底里佩服。afford to do 是付得起做某事 通常和can ; can"t ;be able to 连用provide sb with sth provide sth for sb offer sb sth offer sth to sboffer 指主动提供provide 提供,供应,供给(有用的或必需的物品)。supply sb with sth.指的是:向某人提供某物。例如:supply consumers with gas, electricity, etc.(向消费者提供煤气、电力等。)它的意思等同于supply sth to sb,指将某物提供给某人。例如:a company supplying heating oil to homes.(向住户提供燃油的公司。)supply sth. for sb. 一般指资助或救助某人的意思。例如:supply food for the stranded villagers.(为受困村民提供物资。)希望能够帮到你!小石头小叔
2023-08-02 17:54:021


Logistics is the physical process of goods flowing from the supplying location to the receiving destination. According to actual requirements, logistics may combine basic functions as shipping, loading/unloading, moving, packing, processing, distribution and information handling.Based on service, logistics industry plays an indispensable role in today"s world.
2023-08-02 17:54:561


Logistics is the management of the flow of goods, information and other resources, including energy and people, between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of consumers (frequently, and originally, military organizations). Logistics involve the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material-handling, and packaging. Origins and definition: The term "logistics" originates from the ancient Greek "λ02γο09" ("logos"—"ratio, word, calculation, reason, speech, oration"). Logistics is considered to have originated in the military"s need to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position. In ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires, there were military officers with the title ‘Logistikas" who were responsible for financial and supply distribution matters. The Oxford English dictionary defines logistics as: “The branch of military science having to do with procuring, maintaining and transporting material, personnel and facilities.”Another dictionary definition is: "The time related positioning of resources." As such, logistics is commonly seen as a branch of engineering which creates "people systems" rather than "machine systems".... Logistics management: Logistics management is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers" requirements. A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a logistician. The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (CILT) was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 and was granted the Royal Charter in 1926. The Chartered Institute is one of professional bodies or institutions for the logistics & transport sectors, that offers such professional qualification or degree in logistics management. Business logistics: Logistics as a business concept evolved only in the 1950s. This was mainly due to the increasing complexity of supplying one"s business with materials and shipping out products in an increasingly globalized supply chain, calling for experts in the field who are called Supply Chain Logisticians. This can be defined as having the right item in the right quantity at the right time at the right place for the right price and is the science of process and incorporates all industry sectors. The goal of logistics work is to manage the fruition of project life cycles, supply chains and resultant efficiencies. In business, logistics may have either internal focus (inbound logistics), or external focus (outbound logistics) covering the flow and storage of materials from point of origin to point of consumption (see supply chain management). The main functions of a qualified logistician include inventory management, purchasing, transportation, warehousing, consultation and the organizing and planning of these activities. Logisticians combine a professional knowledge of each of these functions so that there is a coordination of resources in an organization. There are two fundamentally different forms of logistics. One optimizes a steady flow of material through a network of transport links and storage nodes. The other coordinates a sequence of resources to carry out some project. 摆渡出来的
2023-08-02 17:55:051


2023-08-02 17:55:166


经确认,此次供货的供应商已经与我们合作多年, 包括现在生产的5L heating 物料也是由他们供应的。 With confirmation, the supplier of this order has been serving us for years including supplying us the 5L heating material(s).我们可以保证此次的物料质量跟之前测试的那批样机一样, 同时我们也愿意进行一些测试来消除你的顾虑。Therefore I can guarantee the quality of the material for the present order is as satisfied as the quality test we have taken previously. Meanwhile, we are more than willing to carry out more tests in order to ease your mind.
2023-08-02 17:55:592

五年级到初一的语法,全部都要列出来 我的英语实在是太差 ,高手们帮下忙

一楼回答得相当详细啊 ~~~~~~汗 强人呐
2023-08-02 17:56:103

英语翻译高手进 汉翻英

The buyer confirmation of this. The virtual disk offer issue irrevocable letter of order (ICPO), order of the seller to indicate process2. Check the seller to the buyer, the buyer after company send responsible supplying letter (FCO)3. The buyer to verify the seller company in responsible supplying letter after (FCO) sign on the back, and at the same time hair "order confirmation"4. The seller company provide contract for the buyer modification. Herb The buyer the contract signed in herb sections.5. The buyer"s bank through the MT103/23 to the seller"s bank remitted the first 00% of the value of goods, to ensure that the seller of SGS inspection institutions appointed once arrived at the loading port inspection of the goods, the buyer has to purchase to prepare for.6. The seller for the contract for the program and legalization bear all the initial cost.7. Each contract both sides will from his bank for the record.8. The seller through its bank to buyer"s bank to provide a full range of products (POP) that file.9. The buyer"s bank for the first batch of goods to open MT103/23, the second batch of goods can use the cycle of transfer documentary letter of credit. Accordingly, the seller with top 15 to the buyer and the assignee bank to open 2% pb, format should be consistent with the see the uniform rules that pay guarantee "(international chamber of commerce publication no. 458), and the content of the buyer should be accepted. If the seller fails to supply company according to the requirements, the 2% of the performance guarantee amount will pay to the buyer. 10.10. According to the contract time to ship the goods. The buyer to the seller by Swift company remit money.
2023-08-02 17:56:212

supply sth (to/for) sb?

supply sth. to sb将……供应给 向某人提供某物 给某人提供supply sth for sb 为某人提供某物
2023-08-02 17:56:442


只能帮你翻译个大概,因为有些是你那个行业的专用名词,字典里可能都查不到。 你结合一下实际情况做一些修正与衔接吧。这一提议应包括下列专门设备: 1 -干燥粘合剂原材料坦克,坦克能力有限按要求的生产速度。 2,适当的系统,携带binded材料的捏合机。 3,不同的机器运转的速度捏合机,捏合机的粘结剂餐是固定的,以及其结构与电力涂料。 4合适的过渡系统供应可从捏合机的材料,真空泵根据工厂的基本设计。 5 -挤(3多真空泵挤出或以上)根据工厂的基本设计与界定真空泵,如一些能力的制造和其他要求的材料挤压和混合条件等价。 6第一切割机和确定其切削规范机制,使切割限制切割后粉笔长度刀。 7 -机制输送系统进行的第一款产品,从第二切割机。 8秒切割查明其规格和界定切割切割后粉笔长度机刀具材料的制造机器。 9,处理任何其他切削机理可能需要由粉笔生产线的基本设计。 10湿粉笔载着第二切割机或任何其他切割设备的系统(如上述提议段)的干燥设备,同时考虑到生产线的基本设计。 11 -基本面干燥设备干燥,应利用电力。(电热隧道烘干)与其他基本的空气系统和热控设备的制造与提干燥隔热材料和烘干能力提供的材料是干燥能力应在生产总量的能力。 13,提供所有必要的转动设备,可列入基本的生产线,其中最重要的是干燥空气压缩机以及设备的内容,除主机内处理交通的基本设计。 14提供备件两年名单。 15年的设备清单的供应可能在工厂使用的两年内。 16每一个零部件供应范围内的产品准备,除非认为是utilized.provided原材料供应盲人必须包括以下原料: 阿-群众隔离在合适的容器材料500千克。 乙液胶材料适当的容器500千克。
2023-08-02 17:57:171


柏克莱与约翰·洛克(John Locke)和大卫·休谟(David Hume)被认为是英国近代经验主义哲学家的三位代表人物。唯心主义、经验主义 主观唯心主义,主参数受(显示)的影响乔治·伯克莱(1685年3月- 1753年1月14日),也称为主教伯克利(主教Cloyne),是一位爱尔兰哲学家的主要成就是进步的一个理论他称为“唯心论”(后来被称为“主观唯心主义”别人的)。这个理论否认存在的物质,而是认为,熟悉的对象,如表和椅子只是想法在脑海中感知者,因此不能存在而不被认为。因此,正如那句著名的伯克利,物理对象“存在即percipi”(“是如何被认知”)。伯克利也因他的批判的抽象,在他的论点的一个重要前提为唯心论。在1709年,伯克利出版了他的第一大工作,一篇对一个新理论的视野中,他讨论了人类的视觉的局限性和先进的理论,认为适当的对象视线不是物质对象,但光和颜色。这预示着他的主要哲学工作论文关于人类知识的原则在1710年之后,使其信号不好,他重写在对话形式和发表书名三个对话在1713年Hylas和Philonous[2]。在本书中,伯克利的观点是代表了Philonous(希腊:“情人的思想”),而Hylas(希腊:“物质”)e 柏克莱的主要著作是《人类知识原理》(1710年),此外还有另一著作 《视觉新论》(1709年)。Arithmetica (1707)Miscellanea Mathematica (1707)Philosophical Commentaries or Common-Place Book (1707–08, notebooks)An Essay towards a New Theory of Vision (1709)A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, Part I (1710)Passive Obedience, or the Christian doctrine of not resisting the Supreme Power (1712)Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous (1713)An Essay Towards Preventing the Ruin of Great Britain (1721)De Motu (1721)A Proposal for Better Supplying Churches in our Foreign Plantations, and for converting the Savage Americans to Christianity by a College to be erected in the Summer Islands (1725)A Sermon preached before the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (1732)Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher (1732)The Theory of Vision, or Visual Language, shewing the immediate presence and providence of a Deity, vindicated and explained (1733)The Analyst: a Discourse addressed to an Infidel Mathematician (1734)A Defence of Free-thinking in Mathematics, with Appendix concerning Mr. Walton"s vindication of Sir Isaac Newton"s Principle of Fluxions (1735)Reasons for not replying to Mr. Walton"s Full Answer (1735)The Querist, containing several queries proposed to the consideration of the public (three parts, 1735-7).A Discourse addressed to Magistrates and Men of Authority (1736)Siris, a chain of philosophical reflections and inquiries, concerning the virtues of tar-water (1744).A Letter to the Roman Catholics of the Diocese of Cloyne (1745)A Word to the Wise, or an exhortation to the Roman Catholic clergy of Ireland (1749)Maxims concerning Patriotism (1750)Farther Thoughts on Tar-water (1752)Miscellany (1752)
2023-08-02 17:57:261


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  外贸邮件中某些单词的使用率非常高,但是它的意义在不同 句子 ,不同的场合又有所不同。因为这些词的使用频率较高,而且又容易被误解其意思,因此,作为 外贸英语 中的一部分,有必要把这些句子 总结 一下。   1)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that......   兹欣告你方......   2)We have the pleasure of informing you that......   兹欣告你方.....   3)We are pleased (glad) to inform you that......   兹欣告你方......   4)Further to our letter of yesterday, we now have (the) pleasure in informing you that......   续谈我方昨日函, 现告你方......   5)We confirm telegrams/fax messages recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that......   我方确认近来双方往来电报/传真,并欣告......   6)We confirm cables exchanged as per copies (cable confirmation) herewith attached.   我方确认往来电报,参见所附文本.   7)We learn from Messrs......that you are interested and well experienced in, and would like to establish business relationship with us.   我方从...公司获悉,你方对...业务感兴趣且颇有 经验 ,意欲与我方建立业务关系.   8)Although no communication has been exchanged between us for a long time, we trust that you are doing well in business.   虽然久未通讯,谅你方生意兴隆.   9)Although we have not heard from you for guite some time, we hope your business is progressing satisfactorily.   虽然好久没接到你方来信,谅业务进展顺利.   10)We have pleasure in sending you our catalog, which gives full information about our various products.   欣寄我方目录,提供我方各类产品的详细情况。   11)We are pleased to send you by parcel post a package containing...   很高兴寄你一邮包内装...   12)We have the pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your letter dated...   欣获你方...月...日来信.   13)We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter of...   谢谢你方...月...日来信   14)We have duly received your letter of ..   刚刚收悉你方...月...日来信.   15)We thank you for your letter of ..contents of which have been noted.   谢谢你方...月...日来信,内容已悉.   16) Refering to your letter of ......we are pleased to ...   关于你方...月...日来信,我们很高兴...   17) Reverting to your letter of ...we wish to say that...   再洽你方...月...日来信,令通知...   18)In reply to your letter of ..,we...   兹复你方...月...日来函,我方...   19) We wish to refer to your letter of ...concerning   现复你方...月...日关于...的来信   20) In compliance with the request in your letter of ... we...   按你方...月...日来函要求,我方...   21) In connection with the question of supplying you with ..., we are pleased to say that...   关于向你方供应...的问题,欣告你方...   22) Further to our letter of ... we are pleased to ..   续我方...月...日函,我们很高兴...   23) We received your letter dated... and are sorry for not having replied earlier as we wished to wait for more favorable news to give you . We are now pleased to....   你方...月...日来函收悉,考虑到给贵方更佳的信息,我方没能早日答复,甚歉。现高兴地...   24) We thank you for your letter of .. and glad to note that you have received our catalogs.   收到你方...月...日来信,非常感谢,欣悉你方已收到我方目录。   25) With reference to your letter of... addressed to our head office in Beijing which has been forwarded to us for attention and reply , we have pleasure in statin that...   你方...月...日写给我北京总公司的信已交我方处理并答复,我们乐意表示...   26) We received your letter of ... It is gratifying to note that....   你方...月...日来函收到。欣悉...   27) We received your letter of... We are under the impression that...   你方...月...日来函收悉,我们的印象是...   28) We received your letter of... and are indebted to you for introducing us to ..   你方...月...日来信收悉,感谢你方将我公司介绍给。   29) We owe your address to ..   我方从...获得你方地址。   30) We should be glad if you would let us know whether...   如果贵方告知是否..,我们将很高兴。   31) May we have details of ..?   我们可以得到...的详情吗?   32) We are sending you under separate cover...   兹另封寄上...   33) We attach for your information the copy of a letter received today from...   附上今日收到的从..一信的复印件,供你方参考。   34) We have received an inquiry for...   我们收到...的询盘。   35) We have been informed by...   ...已通知我方。   36) In replay to your letter of ...concerning...we are glad to be able to /story to have tell you that...   兹复贵方...月...日有关...的来函,很高兴/抱歉告知贵方...   37) We thank you for your letter of ..informing us that...   我们感激贵方...月...日的来函,惠告...   38) You kindly enclosed with your letter of ...particulars of ..., for which we thank you.   十分感激贵方随...月..日函附上的...   39) Your letter of the ..crossed ours of the same date.   贵方...月...日函刚好错过我方同日信函。   40) We are surprised to learn from your letter of...that...   从你方...月...日函惊讶地获悉..   41)We must apologize for the delay in replying to your letter of...   迟复贵方...月...日函,甚歉!   42) We thank you for your letter of ...and have much pleasure in replying to your various questions as follows: ..   感谢贵方...月...日的来信,很愉快答复各种问题如下: ...   43)In reply to your letter/inquiry of ... , we wish to inform you that...   兹复贵方...月...日函/询盘,我们愿意告诉贵方...   44)Further to our letter of ...we wisth to informs you that...   续谈我方...月...日函,欣告...   45)We refer to our letter of which we asked you...   参阅我方...月...日的信件,我们要求贵方...   46) On...we wrote to you that...   ...月...日我们函告贵方...   47)Since writing to you on...we have ascertained that...   ...月...日写信给贵方以来,我们已确定...   48)In your letter of... you expressed interest in our...   贵方在...月...日来函中表示对我方...有兴趣。   49)Some time ago you told us that...   不久前,贵方告知我方...  50)Since receipt of your letter of ...we have been trying to find out more about...   收到贵方...月...日信函后,我们一直设法得到更多关于...   51)It is a long time since we have heard you about...   收到你方关于...的信件后已过了很长的时间。   52)In reply to our inquiry we have been told by...that...   兹复我方询盘, ..已告我方...   53) We would point out that...   我方指出...   54) For your information we would add that...   我方要补充说明...供你参考。   55) As we informed you yesterday/by our letter dated...   正如我方昨日/...月...日信函所通知的...   56) According to information received from...   根据从...得到消息, ..   57) We need hardly say that...   我们几乎不须说...   58) We hear on good authority that...   我们从可靠的官方消息得知...   59) As far as we know...   正如我方所知...   60) It appears that...   看来...   61)Please note that...   请注意...   62)We would mention, however, that ..   然而我们将提及...   63)As you will see from the enclosed copy...   正如你从随函附件中发现...   64) Will you please wire us on receipt of this letter to let us know if...   一俟收到此函,请电告我方是否...   65)Would you kindly reply by return of the post to tell us whether...   请速复告我方是否..   66)We should be grateful if you would do your utmost to...   如你方尽力去...不胜感激。   67)Under the circumstances it is essential that...   在这种情况下, ..是很必要的。   68)Will you please let us have for our information...   请惠告...供我参考。   69)We note with regret that...   我们遗憾地注意到..   70)We are very sorry indeed to hear from your letter of ..that...   从贵方...月...日的信函中得知...,我们确实很遗憾。   71)We are sorry to tell you that...   歉告你方...   72)We are sorry not to be able to give you the information requested.   恕不能提供所需信息。   73)We are very sorry not to be able to give you a definite reply in respect of the above matter.   就上述事情,我方歉难给予肯定的答复。   74)We are very for the inconvenience that may have caused you   对给你方带来的不便我方表示歉意。   75)We are very sorry that we cannot avali ourselves of your offer.   我方歉难接受你方报价。   76)Please accept our apologies.   请接受我方的道歉。   77)As requested we are sending you...   按你方的要求,现奉上...   78)In accordance with your wishes...   按你方的要求...   79)We confirm our telegram of this morning as per enclosed copy.   按所附文本,兹确认今晨我方发出的电报。   80)We note with interest the suggestion contained in your letter of...   我方高兴地注意到你方...月...日信件中的...建议。   81)We note your remarks concerning...   我们注意到你方关于...的看法。   82)We should be glad to have your confirmation that ..   欣盼你方确认...   83)We have received your fax/telegram of todayu2019s date, which reads as follows:   我方收到你方今日发出的传真/电报,电文如下:   84)We wish to remind your of our letter which we asked you to ..   我们提醒你方注意,我方...月...日函要求你方...   85)We would remind you that we have not had a reply yet from you to our question.   需提醒你方,我方尚未得到你方对...问题的答复。   86)We are sorry to remind you that...   很遗憾,现提醒你方..   87)As you will no doubt remember...   你方无疑会记得...   88)As to the question of ... I agree with you that...   就...问题,我同意你...   89)We understand/have been informed that...   我方清楚/我方已被告知...   90)If that is the case...   若是这样的话...   91)As you are, no doubt, aware of/that...   无疑你方会知道...   92)We are quite willing to ..   我方很愿意...   93)In view of these facts...   鉴于这些事实...   94)Unless we hear form you to the contrary...   除非我方收到你方相反的通知...   95)If we are not mistaken...   如果我方没有错的话...   96)According to our records/the information we hae obtained...   根据我方记载/根据我方已得到的信息...   97)We with to add...   我们希望加上...   98)As mentioned above...   如上面所提到的...   99)We quite understand that...   我们很理解...   100)We enclose...   我方附上...
2023-08-02 17:57:491


2023-08-02 17:52:142


巴萨433:V.Valdes巴尔德斯/D.Alves阿尔维斯 Pique皮克(Mascheranuo马斯切拉诺) Puyol普约尔 Abidal阿比达尔/Busquez布斯克茨(Keita凯塔) Xavi哈维(Fabregas法布雷加斯) A.Inesta伊涅斯塔/David Villa比利亚 Messi梅西 Pedro佩德罗(Alex桑切斯)343:V.Valdes巴尔德斯/D.Alves阿尔维斯 Puyol普约尔(Pique皮克、Mascheranuo马斯切拉诺) Abidal阿比达尔/Busquez布斯克茨(Keita凯塔) Xavi哈维 Thiago蒂亚戈 A.Inesta伊涅斯塔/David Villa比利亚(Pedro佩德罗、Alex桑切斯) Fabregas法布雷加斯 Messi梅西以上是巴萨433阵型及343阵型最常用首发(无伤病影响情况下)曼城4231:Hart哈特/Richarz理查兹 Kompany孔帕尼 Lescott莱斯科特 Kolarov克拉罗夫/Yaya Ture亚亚图雷 de Jong德容/D.Silva席尔瓦 Nasri纳斯里 Aguero阿圭罗/Dzeko哲科以上是曼城4231最常用首发(无伤病影响情况下)纯手打啊...还是用手机的...看在我辛苦的份上就采纳了吧
2023-08-02 17:52:161


2023-08-02 17:52:191


2023-08-02 17:52:193


hello everyone,l am Wangjingrui my english name is sharsh ........................................
2023-08-02 17:52:202


2023-08-02 17:52:221

找一首歌词带tell me的英文歌

TaylorSwift  ?  itookachance,itookashot  机会来临,我出击了  andyoumightthinki"mbulletproof,buti"mnot  也许你觉得我不怕任何伤害,但是我不是  youtookaswing,itookithard  你伤害了我,我很介意  anddownherefromthegroundiseewhoyouare  直到现在,我看清了你的面目  i"msickandtiredofyourattitude  我厌倦了你的态度  i"mfeelinglikeidon"tknowyou  我觉得我似乎不认识你  youtellmethatyoulovemethenyoucutmedown  你说爱我,却又伤害我  andineedyoulikeaheartbeat  我需要你,你是我的心跳  butyouknowyougotameanstreak  但是你知道你自己有多卑劣  makesmerunforcoverwhenyou"rearound  当和你在一起,我就没有了自己  andhere"stoyouandyourtemper  着就是你和你的坏脾气  yes,irememberwhatyousaidlastnight  是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话  andiknowthatyouseewhatyou"redoingtome  你了解自己对我所做的事  tellmewhy..  告诉我为什么。。  youcouldwriteabookon  howtoruinsomeone"sperfectday  你可以写一本关于如何破坏别人美好生活的书  welligetsoconfusedandfrustrated  我是如此混乱和沮丧  forgetwhati"mtryingtosay,oh  忘记我想说的话吧,噢  i"msickandtiredofyourreasons  我厌倦了你的借口  igotnoonetobelievein  我不相信任何人  youtellmethatyouwantme,thenpushmearound  你告诉我你需要我,却玩弄我  andineedyoulikeaheartbeat  我需要你,你是我的心跳  butyouknowyougotameanstreak  但是你知道你自己有多卑劣  makesmerunforcoverwhenyou"rearound  当和你在一起,我就没有了自己  here"stoyouandyourtemper  祝福你和你的坏脾气  yes,irememberwhatyousaidlastnight  是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话  andiknowthatyouseewhatyou"redoingtome  你了解自己对我所做的事  tellmewhy..告诉我为什么。。  why..doyouhavetomakemefeelsmall  为什么,你一定要让我觉得无地自容吗  soyoucanfeelwholeinside  这样你就可以感到  why..doyouhavetoputdownmydreams  为什么,你一定要让我记住我的梦  soyou"retheonlythingonmymind  这样你就可以是我心中的唯一  i"msickandtiredofyourattitude  我对你的态度感到厌倦  i"mfeelinglikeidon"tknowyou  我觉得我不认识你  youtellmethatyouwantmethencutmedown  你告诉我你需要我,却又伤害我  i"msickandtiredofyourreasons  我厌倦了你的借口  i"vegotnoonetobelievein  我不相信任何人  youaskmeformylovethenyoupushmearound  你要我爱你,却玩弄我  here"stoyouandyourtemper  这就是你和你的坏脾气  yes,irememberwhatyousaidlastnight  是的我记得最后一晚你说的话  andiknowthatyouseewhatyou"redoingtome  我知道你了解自己对我做的事  tellmewhy告诉我为什么  why,tellmewhy为什么。告诉我为什么  itakeastepback,letyougo  我后退一步,让你走  itoldyoui"mnotbulletproof  告诉你我不是不怕伤害的  nowyouknow现在你知道了  歌词摘自百度百科
2023-08-02 17:52:101


将PPT的背景色改成白色可以通过下面的方法实现,步骤如下:1、这里以power point 2013版本为例,首先在PPT的主界面上方点击【设计】。2、接着在弹出来的页面点击【设置背景格式】。3、然后接下来点击【文件】。4、最后选择【纯色填充】并且在颜色的栏目中选择【白色背景】。5、最后背景变为白色以后,接着点击页面下方的【全部应用】即可将PPT的背景色改成白色。
2023-08-02 17:52:081


2023-08-02 17:52:081

tell me的中文音译歌词.

我从没奢望你会爱我, 如何是好,我很高兴, 我总觉得我在做梦, 总对自己不自信,我非常高兴, 我整天提心吊胆的, 怕有一天你会不爱我了, 但请你在对我说一次你爱我, tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me , 你爱我,你一直在等着我, tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me , 说你需要我, tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me , 我想一直听到你要经常对我说, tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me, 这不是梦,为什麼我的心跳会加快, 我的心真的快崩溃了, 每当你爱我的时候, 我都像被点到一样, 我不知道我等了多久, 这是我很久以前就梦寐以求的事, 但当你对我说你爱我的时候, 我不知道有多高兴,请再对我说一遍你爱我, tell me tell me tell me you want me want me want me too, tell me tell me tell me you love me too love me too, 我不知道我等了多久, 这是我很久以前就梦寐以求的事, 但当你对我说你爱我的时候, 我不知道有多高兴, 请再对我说一遍你爱我, tell me tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me tell tell tell tell tell me tell me 韩国语: uc6d0ub354uac78uc2a4 - Tell me (Sampling From `Two Of Hearts`) ub108ub3c4 ub0a0 uc88buc544ud560 uc904uc740 ubab0ub790uc5b4 uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544 ub108ubb34ub098 uc88buc544 uafc8ub9cc uac19uc544uc11c ub098 ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc744 uc790uafb8 uaf2cuc9d1uc5b4 ubd10 ub108ubb34ub098 uc88buc544 ub2c8uac00 ub0a0 ud639uc2dc uc548 uc88buc544ud560uae4cubd10 ud63cuc790 uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc560 ud0dcuc6b4uc9c0 ubab0ub77c uadf8ub7f0ub370 ub2c8uac00 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8 uc5b4uba38 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 ub0a0 uae30ub2e4ub824 uc654ub2e4uace0 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me ub0b4uac00 ud544uc694ud558ub2e4 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me uc790uafb8ub9cc ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uacc4uc18d ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me uafc8uc774 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694 uc5b4uca5c ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc774ub807uac8c ub6f0ub2c8 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc815ub9d0 ud130uc9c8 uac83 uac19uc544 ub2c8uac00 ub0a0 ubcfc ub54cuba74 uc804uae30uc5d0 uac10uc804ub41c uc0acub78cucc98ub7fc uc804uae30uac00 uc62cub77c uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uae30ub2e4ub9b0uc9c0 ubab0ub77c uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uafc8 uafe8ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77c uadf8ub7f0ub370 ub2c8uac00 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8 uc5b4uba38 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 ub0a0 uae30ub2e4ub824 uc654ub2e4uace0 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me ub0b4uac00 ud544uc694ud558ub2e4 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me uc790uafb8ub9cc ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uacc4uc18d ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me uafc8uc774 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694 Tell me tell me tell me you want me want me want me too Tell me tell me tell me you love me too love me too uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uae30ub2e4ub9b0uc9c0 ubab0ub77c uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc624ub798 uafc8 uafe8ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77c uadf8ub7f0ub370 ub2c8uac00 ub0a0 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4ub2c8 uc5b4uba38 ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub9d0ud574ubd10 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 ub0a0 uae30ub2e4ub824 uc654ub2e4uace0 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me ub0b4uac00 ud544uc694ud558ub2e4 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me uc790uafb8ub9cc ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uacc4uc18d ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me uafc8uc774 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0 ub9d0ud574 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694 Tell me tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell me tell tell tell tell tell tell meLZ我是转的帮你找来了
2023-08-02 17:52:022


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