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2023-08-02 23:36:23

There are many ways to help children in mountainous areas.You can donate money,books,stationary and clothings.Your can also do volunteer activities like go to the mountainous area to teach,build school and roads.You can also do fund collection for these mountainous area in the city and send to the authority.But let us not just talk and write bullshit here.We must make the first step and ACTION!



多山的; 巨大的; 山一般的
2023-08-02 16:24:175


mountainous美式读音[u02c8mau028ant(u0259)nu0259s],英式读音[u02c8mau028antu026anu0259s]。mountainous英语单词,形容词,意思是“多山的;巨大的;山一般的”。mountainous的短语搭配:mountainous debt负债累累、mountainous district山区多山地区、In mountainous山岭重丘。mountainous的双语例句:She poured all her love and energy into the education of these mountainous children.她把自己全部的爱和精力都倾注到对这群山村孩子们的教育上。There are many differential in urban plaza construction between mountainous city and plain city because of landform undulation.山地城市由于地形起伏,在城市广场建设中与平原城市有许多不同的地方。
2023-08-02 16:24:311


mountainy 多山的,住在山区的
2023-08-02 16:25:392

hilly和mountainous 两个单词的区别,意思都是多山的,怎么用

① hillya) Having many hills - 很多hill;b) Similar to a hill; steep. - 像hill一样的, 陡峭;② mountainousa) Having many mountains. - 很多山;b) Resembling a mountain in size; huge: - 像山一样的大;所以区别还要看hill和mountain; 主要区别:hill是山丘; mountain是大山; hill = A well-defined natural elevation smaller than a mountain. 已表明自然的隆起但幅度比山小;所以hilly是“(多)山丘的”;而mountainous是“群山的”。
2023-08-02 16:25:471


2023-08-02 16:25:541


Remote mountain
2023-08-02 16:26:034

英语题怎么做 1The Statue of Library was a gift __ the United States __ the people of France in 1886

1、A2、C3、C 4、Mountainous5、Moreover
2023-08-02 16:26:224


ous结尾的形容词有abstemious有节制的、ambiguous模楞两可的、anxious焦虑的、desirous渴望的、delicious美味的、envious嫉妒的、nervous紧张不安的、joyous充满快乐的、famous著名的、wondrous极好的。 ous结尾的形容词还有: curious好奇的、dangerous危险的、various各种各样的、fabulous难以置信的、tremendous巨大的、continuous连续的、luxurious奢华的、cautious谨慎的、precious珍贵的、serious严重的、glorious光荣的、harmonious和谐的、commodious宽敞的、curious好奇的、hilarious搞笑、sagacious 聪明的、subterraneous地下的、luminous发光的、covetous贪婪的、wondrous奇妙的。 mountainous多山的、lustrous 有光泽的、circuitous迂回的、poisonous有毒的、advantageous有利的、zealous热心的、prosperous繁荣的、autonomous自治、covetous贪婪的、 serious认真的、humorous幽默的。
2023-08-02 16:26:291

跪求解惑 She has a of dirty clothes. A. mountain B. mountainous C. mountainless D. hill

a mountain of
2023-08-02 16:26:373


2023-08-02 16:26:464

mountain area与mountainous area哪个对?

两个都可以,后一个好一些,都有山区的意思,前者一般用于指某个地方,比如,Xuedou Mountain Scenic Area 雪窦山风景区Rooster Mountain Scenic Area 鸡公山风景区后者,是一般意义上的山区,比如,The south of Jinan is a mountainous area, which means that the application of gravity retaining wall is very common. The thesis may offer some help to the designs of large retaining walls.济南南部为山区,重力式挡土墙应用非常广泛,本文对于高大挡土墙设计具有一定的借鉴作用。
2023-08-02 16:26:551


LiJiang city lies in the northwest of YuNan Province with mountains in it.LiJiang city stands in the northwest of YuNan Province with mountains in it.
2023-08-02 16:27:033

英语 假如我想表达 山一般的。怎么说 。mountainlike?

2023-08-02 16:27:244


In the mountains
2023-08-02 16:27:357


1. The meeting was opened by half, Lee left. 2. You"re interested in selected subjects important to you. 3. There are all kinds of pet shops. 4. A leaf is enough to make his mother happy 5. They put a lot of books donated to children in poor mountain issues added: 1. We went to the car. 2. He went to his father for the country 3, many Chinese people want a different way to improve their English 4 teachers often encourage us to learn English 5 They say in English by the progress made in English 6 He proposed another day or 7 The book mentioned a good way to learn English 8 In addition to singing English songs, I also like to watch English movies
2023-08-02 16:27:556


peak brae hillsidecliff scarp escarpment nek
2023-08-02 16:28:144

mountain grown

1.planning 2.spread 3.mountainous 4.grown 5.the scenicest 6.scenery 7.the most popular 8.traveller/visitor I am sure of my answer!I am a teacher!
2023-08-02 16:28:221


1.The letter from the industrial engineer shows that he still doubts about the fesibilities of that plan.2.In America, many parents put aside a certain amount of money for their children"s education even before the birth.3.Several days ago, three doctors and two nurses formed a medical team and made for the mountain area.4.He has been ill for one month, which influences his study much.
2023-08-02 16:28:336


My school will be on July 1st, for poverty mountainous area school to donate books activities, hope everyone eager to participate in school, we don"t have to of the old books away, to help the impoverished mountainous area school.We donate a book, can help a student.We contribute an own meager strength, we let the world is full of love, the world because you and wonderful.Poverty mountainous area school children will thank you very much for your love.满意请采纳,谢谢我的学校将在7月1日,举办为贫困山区学校捐赠书籍的活动,学校希望大家踊跃参与,把我们不用的旧书籍捐出来,以此来帮助贫困山区学校。我们捐出一本旧书,就可以帮助一个学生。我们奉献出自己的一份微薄的力量,我们让世界充满爱,世界因为你而精彩。贫困山区学校的孩子将会非常感谢你的爱心。
2023-08-02 16:28:511

Gone are the days _______ we spent together in the mountainous village.]

2023-08-02 16:29:102


Greetings to you, and thank you for your book. Chinese about travel, please inform the following information: 1. China Time 2. Travel 3. Hotel stars 4. You want to visit the city, Places of interest 5. Tourism days 6. Entry and exit town name The division of China"s tourist season: Low season: November 16 Month -2 Ping Ji: -8 month 6 month Season: -5 month 3 month, 9 month -11 month 15. Traditional holidays, such as the National Day, Chinese New Year, Canton, Shanghai F1. Inform us of the pleasure for your customized quotation tourism, if there is any problem, change, please feel free to contact with us. The pleasure we confirm your reservation as follows. After the transfer, bank transfer please e-mail or fax the certificate to our company.
2023-08-02 16:29:224


贫困山区的英文是"impoverished mountainous areas"。1、"Impoverished mountainous areas"是指经济相对落后,自然条件较为恶劣,地势复杂,交通不便等因素导致的山区贫困地区。这些地区的居民普遍生活水平较低,缺乏基本的教育、医疗等公共服务设施,经济活动也比较有限。2、"Impoverished mountainous areas"的特点是经济落后、地理条件恶劣、基础设施薄弱、教育医疗水平低下等。政府部门和社会各界需要加大力度,投入更多资源,改善这些地区的生产生活条件,促进当地经济发展和民生改善。如何有效改善贫困山区的发展:1、有效改善贫困山区的发展需要从多个方面入手,包括加大政府扶持力度,加强基础设施建设,提高当地居民的教育和医疗水平,发展特色产业,增强当地的自我发展能力。同时需要积极推进城乡一体化,加强对贫困山区的扶贫帮困工作,落实好各项惠民政策,促进全面的经济社会发展。2、需要注重贫困山区的生态环境保护,保护当地的自然生态资源,推动当地经济发展与环境保护协调发展。同时,加强对贫困山区的文化传承和文化保护,弘扬地方特色文化,促进当地的文化发展和传承。只有全方位的推进贫困山区的改善工作,才能真正实现贫困山区的发展和全面脱贫。
2023-08-02 16:29:293


上山下乡: (of educated urban youth) go and work in the countryside or mountain areas go to the mountainous areas and the countryside; go and work in the countryside and mountainous areas; go to the mountainous and rural areas; settle in the rural areas [the countryside]知青 educated urban youth 知青 Educated youths, educated young people是中国在本世纪六十年代、七十年代对知识青年的简称。特指那时受过中等文化教育,以后又上山下乡参加劳动的青年
2023-08-02 16:31:251


1.woman teacher或 women teachers2 不存在women teacher 3.child当定语修饰名词时 child‘s或children"s
2023-08-02 16:31:422


2023-08-02 16:31:583


(有一次,一对恋人乘坐一辆巴士进入山区,他们打算在某处下车他们下车后,巴士继续往前驶。巴士行驶途中,一块大石从高处坠下并将巴士撞得粉碎。所有乘客无一生还。那对恋人看到这件事后说:“如果我们都在那辆巴士就好了!”你认为为什么他们会这样说?) (如果他们都留在车上没有下车,那辆巴士将会因他们没有下车而赶在大石坠下前驶过出事地点!!)
2023-08-02 16:32:171


山区英文是a mountainous area。短语:宝山区 Baoshan District ; Baoshan ; FZOEMCOM;金山区 Jinshan District ; Jinshan ; Gold Mountin;房山区 Fangshan District。萧山区 Xiaoshan District;霞山区 Xiashan District ; Xiasha;黄山区 Huangshan District南山区 Nanshan District ; Nanshan;仓山区 Cangshan District ; Cangshan。造句:1、居住在山区的大猩猩已濒临灭绝。The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction.2、在偏远山区,选民们是骑着马来的。In remote mountain areas, voters arrived on horseback.3、他们本来可以撤回到艾瑞的山区要塞里。They could have withdrawn into the mountain fastness of Eryri.4、他们住在山区。They live up in the mountains.瓦雷泽·利古里亚是一座位于热那亚东部山区的小镇。Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa.5、飞机把食物、衣服、毯子、药和水空投到崎岖的边界山区。Planes parachuted food, clothing, blankets, medicine, and water into the rugged mountainous border region.6、火车在一片偏僻的山区脱轨,导致至少六人死亡,约二十人受伤。At least six people were killed and about twenty injured when a train was derailed in an isolated mountain region.
2023-08-02 16:33:061

把下面的汉语翻译成英语:多山的。 占领。 奖。 有利益的。 漂浮的。

多山的mountainous 占领occupy 奖prize 有利益的benefitial 漂浮的 floating
2023-08-02 16:33:343


mountain在英语中的发音为:[ˈmaʊntɪn]。1、“mou” 部分的音近似于单词 “cow” 中的 [aʊ] 音。2、“n” 部分发 [n] 音。3、“tain” 部分发 [tɪn] 音。mountain的用法1、Climb a mountain: 爬山,攀登山峰。例句:We decided to climb the mountain this weekend。2、Mountain range: 山脉。例句:The Himalayas is the highest mountain range in the world。3、Mountain peak/summit: 山峰,山顶。例句:They reached the summit of the mountain just before sunrise。4、Mountain pass: 山口,山道。例句:The hikers crossed the mountain pass to reach the other side。5、Mountain biking: 山地自行车运动。例句:He enjoys mountain biking on the weekends。6、Mountainous: 多山的,山地的。例句:They had to traverse through a mountainous region to reach their destination。7、Mountain climber: 山岳爬行者。例句:He is an experienced mountain climber and has conquered several peaks。8、Mountain retreat: 山区度假胜地。例句:They spent their vacation at a beautiful mountain retreat。
2023-08-02 16:33:411


n加ous变adj的词:(1)danger→dangerous adj. 危险的(2)humor→humorous adj. 幽默的 humour→humourous adj. 幽默的(3)courage→courageous adj. 有勇气的(4)mountain→mountainous adj. 多山的(5)poison→poisonous adj. 有毒的(6)advantage→advantageous adj. 有利的(7)mystery→mysterious adj.神秘的(8)fame→famous adj.著名的(9)marvel-marvelous adj.令人惊奇的(10)harmony-harmonious adj. 和睦的
2023-08-02 16:34:071


ous结尾的形容词有abstemious有节制的、ambiguous模楞两可的、anxious焦虑的、desirous渴望的、delicious美味的、envious嫉妒的、nervous紧张不安的、joyous充满快乐的、famous著名的、wondrous极好的。 ous结尾的形容词还有: curious好奇的、dangerous危险的、various各种各样的、fabulous难以置信的、tremendous巨大的、continuous连续的、luxurious奢华的、cautious谨慎的、precious珍贵的、serious严重的、glorious光荣的、harmonious和谐的、commodious宽敞的、curious好奇的、hilarious搞笑、sagacious 聪明的、subterraneous地下的、luminous发光的、covetous贪婪的、wondrous奇妙的。 mountainous多山的、lustrous 有光泽的、circuitous迂回的、poisonous有毒的、advantageous有利的、zealous热心的、prosperous繁荣的、autonomous自治、covetous贪婪的、 serious认真的、humorous幽默的。
2023-08-02 16:34:141


ous结尾的形容词有abstemious有节制的、ambiguous模楞两可的、anxious焦虑的、desirous渴望的、delicious美味的、envious嫉妒的、nervous紧张不安的、joyous充满快乐的、famous著名的、wondrous极好的。 ous结尾的形容词还有: curious好奇的、dangerous危险的、various各种各样的、fabulous难以置信的、tremendous巨大的、continuous连续的、luxurious奢华的、cautious谨慎的、precious珍贵的、serious严重的、glorious光荣的、harmonious和谐的、commodious宽敞的、curious好奇的、hilarious搞笑、sagacious 聪明的、subterraneous地下的、luminous发光的、covetous贪婪的、wondrous奇妙的。 mountainous多山的、lustrous 有光泽的、circuitous迂回的、poisonous有毒的、advantageous有利的、zealous热心的、prosperous繁荣的、autonomous自治、covetous贪婪的、 serious认真的、humorous幽默的。
2023-08-02 16:34:221


ous结尾的形容词有abstemious有节制的、ambiguous模楞两可的、anxious焦虑的、desirous渴望的、delicious美味的、envious嫉妒的、nervous紧张不安的、joyous充满快乐的、famous著名的、wondrous极好的。 ous结尾的形容词还有: curious好奇的、dangerous危险的、various各种各样的、fabulous难以置信的、tremendous巨大的、continuous连续的、luxurious奢华的、cautious谨慎的、precious珍贵的、serious严重的、glorious光荣的、harmonious和谐的、commodious宽敞的、curious好奇的、hilarious搞笑、sagacious 聪明的、subterraneous地下的、luminous发光的、covetous贪婪的、wondrous奇妙的。 mountainous多山的、lustrous 有光泽的、circuitous迂回的、poisonous有毒的、advantageous有利的、zealous热心的、prosperous繁荣的、autonomous自治、covetous贪婪的、 serious认真的、humorous幽默的。
2023-08-02 16:34:301


ous结尾的形容词有abstemious有节制的、ambiguous模楞两可的、anxious焦虑的、desirous渴望的、delicious美味的、envious嫉妒的、nervous紧张不安的、joyous充满快乐的、famous著名的、wondrous极好的。 ous结尾的形容词还有: curious好奇的、dangerous危险的、various各种各样的、fabulous难以置信的、tremendous巨大的、continuous连续的、luxurious奢华的、cautious谨慎的、precious珍贵的、serious严重的、glorious光荣的、harmonious和谐的、commodious宽敞的、curious好奇的、hilarious搞笑、sagacious 聪明的、subterraneous地下的、luminous发光的、covetous贪婪的、wondrous奇妙的。 mountainous多山的、lustrous 有光泽的、circuitous迂回的、poisonous有毒的、advantageous有利的、zealous热心的、prosperous繁荣的、autonomous自治、covetous贪婪的、 serious认真的、humorous幽默的。
2023-08-02 16:34:481


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in the north-east of the island and near the island nation of many islands.East near Beihai,Belgium,Holland,Germany,in the face of Denmark and Norway and other countries; west of Ireland,the Atlantic and the United States,Canada diaphragm stand far apart facing each other; north the Atlantic to Iceland; wear the English channel to the South 33 km to france. England land area of 130000 square kilometers,occupy most of the island of great britain.The region from west to East is divided into 4 parts :the Severn River Basin as the central Midlands; altitude of about 200 meters heights; the London basin; Wilder hill. Welsh has an area of more than 2 square kilometers,the territory is mountainous,rugged terrain.Welsh in the 1 / 4 of the land is classified as national parks and natural reserve. Scotland and around the many islands,a total area of 78000 square kilometers.Territory is mountainous regions,only relatively low central. Northern Ireland area of 14000 square kilometers,the Irish Sea and the island of Great Britain is the distance across the.Northern Ireland"s climate is maritime temperate broad-leaved forest climate.The hot weather ( July) the average temperature is 13 17 degrees,the coldest days ( January) the average temperature of 4 to 7 DEG c..England was low,the average annual rainfall of 830 mm,western,northern mountainous areas of greater rainfall,up to 4000 mm.
2023-08-02 16:34:591


Shan Dong, with it"s capital Jinan city ,is one of the most splendid provinces in China.The Mount tai was the most famous mountain all over China. Now it is still visited by millions of people every year....
2023-08-02 16:35:091


  peninsula n. 半岛   pier n. 码头 n. 桥墩,桥柱;[建]窗间壁,支柱   terrain n. 地带,地域,地形   landform n.地形,地貌   terrace n. 平台,阳台,梯田 v. 使成阶地,使成梯田 vt. 使成梯田   cavern n. 大洞穴 vt. 置于洞穴中,挖空   grotto n. 洞穴, 岩穴, 做成岩穴的洞室   ditch n. 沟渠 vt. 坠入沟中,摆脱,飞机(在海上)迫降 vi. 挖一条沟渠,飞机紧急降落   gulf n. 海湾   bay adj. 红棕色 n. 红棕色,隔间,配电间,犬吠,围困,海湾,月桂树,名望 vi. 嗥叫 vt. 吼叫着追赶或进攻,哀号,把...围困住   gorge n. 峡谷,狭窄入口,饱食,咽喉,大量的食物 vt. 暴食, 贪婪地吞咽 vi. 狼吞虎咽, 大量地做...   plain n. 平原,草原 adj. 简单的,平坦的,平常的,家常的 adj.纯的,不掺杂的.   plateau n. 高原;平稳;稳定状态 vi. 到达平稳阶段   lowland n. 低地 adj. 低地的 Lowland: 苏格兰低地的   highland n. 高地, 山地 Highland: 苏格兰高地   wetland n. 沼泽地,湿地   basin n. 脸盆, 盆地, 流域, 水池   coteau n.(美国西北部的)高地,山区,分水岭,(加拿大)山谷的一侧   valley n. 山谷;流域;溪谷   desert n. 沙漠,荒地,应得(的惩罚或奖励)adj. 沙漠的,荒凉的vt. 遗弃vi. 擅离职守   crag n. 峭壁, 危岩   cliff n. 悬崖, 峭壁   canyon n. 峡谷   prairie n. 大草原   pasture n. 牧场 v. 吃(草) vt. 放牧   swamp n. 沼泽,湿地 v. 淹没,陷于沼泽   ranch n. 牧场   meadow n. 草地, 牧场   讨论地理地形地貌英语口语表达句式   1. My home is in the capital. It"s a cosmopolitan city.   我的家在首都,它是一个世界性的大城市。   2. Geographically,this country is located in the southern hemisphere.   从地理上看,这个国家位于南半球。   3. It"s a beautiful country with many large lakes.   这是一个有着若干大湖的美丽的国家。   4. This part of the country is very mountainous.   这个国家的这部分由众多的山脉覆盖。   5. The land in this region is dry and parched.   这个地区的土地干旱且贫瘠。   6. Along the northern coast there are many high cliffs.   北海岸有很多高高的山崖。   7. There are forests here,and lumbering is important.   这里有很多森林,因此伐木业很重要。   8. The scenery is beautiful near the Pacific Ocean.   太平洋附近的景色很漂亮.   9. This mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons.   这座山有众多的高峰和低谷.   10. what kind of climate do you haved?Is it mild?   你们那的气候怎样?潮湿吗?   11. How far is it from the shore of the Atlantic to the mountains?   从大西洋海岸到山区有多远?   12. Is the coastal plain good for farming?   这种海边的平原有利于农业吗?   13. What"s the longest river in the United States?   美国最长的河是什么?   14. Are most of the lakes located in the north central region?   大部分湖泊是不是在北部的中心地区。   15. As you travel westward,does the land get higher?   你去西部旅行时,是不是地势越来越高?   16. The weather is warm and sunny here.Do you get much rain?   这里天气温暖宜人,阳光充足,雨水充足吗?
2023-08-02 16:35:271

it is pained to see

It___to see so many children in that mountainous area(山区) who can"t even afford elementary education(初中教育). A.pains her B.makes her pain paining(进行时态做表语) pained 哈哈 挺简单的 答案c 直译过来:了解到如此多的山区孩子连初中都上不起让人很痛心. 虽然写了很多但是直觉还是不很可靠 我最初选的是c 很遗憾 答案是A
2023-08-02 16:35:351


高山的英文读:high mountain英[hau026au02c8mau028antu0259n]美[hau026au02c8mau028antn]。例句1、The snow-capped mountain stood out in sharp relief against the blue sky.白雪覆盖的高山在蓝天的映衬下格外醒目。2、Adriana misses the trees and greenery of her native mountains.阿德里安娜想念家乡高山上的那些树和青葱的草木。3、An alpine search and rescue team found Lancaster the day after he disappeared.在兰卡斯特失踪的第二天,一支高山搜救队发现了他。4、Last summer, he chucked his 10-year career as a stockbroker and headed for the mountains.去年夏天,他放弃了从事10年的股票经纪人的工作,前往高山地区。5、Tibetans live in very high mountainous areas in southwestern China.西藏人生活在中国西南部的高山地区。6、Heidi and her grandfather were back on the Alp.海蒂和她的爷爷又回到了高山的牧场上。7、Their first problem was crossing over a huge mountain.他们第一个问题是翻越一座高山。
2023-08-02 16:35:421


网上2011年的才更新到模块2 百度能搜到 我也同求新版啊
2023-08-02 16:36:562


2023-08-02 16:37:054


Winding Qinling, weather Zhengrong; (gurgling spring, cliff Qi). Blue sky and white clouds, birds sang buzz. Into the Qinling Mountains, you just return to the ancient, into the realm of fairy-tale. This is the dividing line north and south China, the Yangtze, the Yellow River watershed of the two major river systems. Here is rich in resources, animals and plants a wide range of single-seed plants there are 122 categories, 671 are 1988 species, 510 kinds of medicinal plants, honey --- the world-famous for producing top grade Yamahana Micronesia in this mountainous.
2023-08-02 16:37:132

挪威 的英文是什么?

Norway capital is Oslo. Norway a mountainous European country on the northern and western coastline of Scandinavia on the Norwegian Sea and the Arctic Ocean; population 4 660 500 (est. 2009); capital Oslo; language Norwegian (official). 挪威==Norway and its capital is Oslo(奥斯陆). Yip
2023-08-02 16:37:501


重点句型解析 1.I do not think everybody will find my kind of humour funny. 我认为不是每个人都觉得我的幽默是滑稽可笑的. (1)这是一个含有 that 引导的宾语从句的复合句.请注意汉语与英语在表示否定时位置的不同.在英语中,有一种否定转移现象,主句在形式上是否定的,而在意义上实际上是否定从句.这种情况常出现在think,believe,imagine,suppose 等作主句谓语的句子中. e.g.I don"t suppose he cares,does he?我看他不在乎,对吧? She doesn"t believe he is at school.她认为他不在学校. (2)当主句的谓语动词是think,believe 等与情态动词连用时,不存在否定转移. e.g.We couldn"t believe he was at home.我们真不能相信他当时在家. We didn"t believe he was at home.我们认为他不在家. (3)find+宾语+宾补,宾补可以是名词,形容词,过去分词,现在分词,动词不定式,介词短语,副词等. Will you find Mary her tennis racket?你愿意替玛丽找一找网球拍吗? We found him (to be) dishonest.我们觉得他不诚实. He found the door closed.他发现门被关上了. He found a wallet lying on the ground.他发现一只钱包躺在地上. I find it difficult to understand him.我觉得难以理解他. 2.What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is their way of playing with words.在喜剧中,喜剧演员同其他演员的共同之处是玩文字游戏. (1)这是一个由what引导的主语从句,what充当have的宾语. (2) common(with)意思是“与……有共同之处”. She has nothing in common with her sister.她和姐姐毫无共同之处. (3)in common 意思是“公有,公用”. They two own the factory in common.他俩共有这家工厂. 3.I cycled as fast as I could.我尽可能快地骑. (1)as fast as...意思是“尽可能快地……”.as...as意思是“如同……一样”,表正面比较,第一个as为副词,修饰中间的形容词和副词,第二个as后接名词时,作介词用;接从句时是连词,从句常为比较状语从句.否定形式是not so/意思是“不如……那样……”,“没有……那么……”. It is as white as snow.像雪一样白. I am as tall as you (are).我跟你一般高. (2)cycle在本句中用作动词,意思是“骑自行车”.可用作名词,意思是“自行车,摩托车”.cyclist意思是“骑自行车的人”. e.g.I cycled in front of him.我骑车绕到他的前面. Last night,I watched a cycle race.昨晚,我观看了一场自行车比赛. I had to brake hard and I hit another cyclist.我不得不拼命刹车,结果撞上了另一个骑车的人. 4.I was still so angry that I went up to tell him what I thought of him. 我仍然如此生气以至于我走上前把我对他的看法告诉他. (1)so+形容词+that引导结果状语从句,意思是“如此……,以至于……”. e.g.He is so kind that I like him very much.他是如此和善,以至于我很喜欢他. (2)go up to意思是“走上前去”,由so构成的短语: go in for从事于,酷爱go all out全力以赴go against违背go ahead前进 All things went well.万事大吉. 【同步练习题】 一.单词拼写 1.Mark Twain was a________(幽默的)writer and his works always make readers laugh. 2.Because of the war,many people became________(无家可归的)in Libya. 3.The________(喝醉的)driver was punished severely by the police. 4.The thief________(溜进)into the house without anyone noticing him. 5.Seeing my arrival,he came over and________(低语)something in my ear. 6.Well,you"ve acted________(愚蠢地)and you will pay for it. 7.French has many________(多山的)regions for skiing in winter. 8.Some kids are very________(挑剔的)about food,that is,they don"t have a balanced diet. 答案:1.humourous 2.homeless 3.drunk 4.slid 5.whispered 6.foolishly 7.mountainous 8.particular 二.短语填空 badly off,pick out,cut off,up to now,feel/be content with 1.Certainly,when the heat comes to a certain degree,a red light will flash and the electricity will be______________automatically. 2.I felt at ease with the villagers and______________my life there. 3.Her house is easily______________from the rest;it has a large black gate. 4.We were so______________when I was a child that we had a meat dish for dinner only on Sunday. 5.I have heard nothing from him______________. 答案:1.cut off 2.felt/was content with 3.picked out 4.badly off 5.up to now 三.完成句子 1.Jones was ill,so she missed her chance of______________(主演)the school play last month. 2.What worries us is that this is the third time____________(电源被切断)this week. 3.The picture was taken a long time ago.I wonder______________(是否能辨认出我父亲). 4.Solar energy is friendly to the environment,but it hasn"t been made the best of______________(直到现在). 5.A lot of language learning,______________(正如发现的那样),is happening in the first year of life,so parents should talk much to their children during that period. 6.He spent four years getting a degree,______________(结果发现)there were no jobs for graduates. 答案:1.starring in 2.the electricity has been cut off 3.if you can pick out my father 4.up to now has been discovered 6.only to find 四.单元考点作文串记 (一)根据提示翻译句子 1.我们的英语老师有些特别(in particular)之处。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2.他总是使用一些让人感到愉快的(amusing)方式来指导(direct)我们学习英语。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3.他让我们相信(convince)英语阅读的重要性。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4.我们乐于阅读他给我们选择(pick out)的任何材料。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5.当我们对生活感到厌倦(bored)时,他总是告诫我们要满足(content)现在拥有的一切。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (二)加入适当过渡词,联句成篇 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答案: (一)1.There is something in particular for our English teacher. 2.He is always employing amusing ways to direct us to learn English. 3.He has convinced us of the importance of English reading. 4.We are willing to read any materials he picks out for us. 5.When we feel bored with life,he is always telling us that we should be content with what we have owned. (二)参考范文: There is something in particular for our English teacher,who is always employing amusing ways to direct us to learn English.He has convinced us of the importance of English reading;as a result,we are willing to read any materials he picks out for us.When we feel bored with life,he is always telling us that we should be content with what we have owned.What a teacher!
2023-08-02 16:37:571

英语一道语法题目,关于whose和of whom?

A语法中没有whose=of whom之说。本句考查定语从句,不难看出,定语从句主语不齐全,普通名词前少了物主代词。在定语从句中,表示“某物的”,可用whose+物=of which+物=物+of which。
2023-08-02 16:38:062

怎样用英语介绍英国的地理位置? 几百字就可以. 帮个忙!

British mainland western Europe from Great Britain and Ireland,north-east and many nearby islands.The full name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.She east by the North Sea,the Atlantic Ocean to the west,up to the North Atlantic off Iceland,Yugoslavia and the European continent,separated only by a strip of water,the English Channel.British total area of about 243,000 square kilometers.The main island is a British territory of Great Britain from northern Scotland.southwest of the southern and central parts of England and Wales,three regional groupings.England area of 130,000 square kilometers which,accounting for most of the island of Great Britain; Wales area of 20,000 square kilometers,territory is mountainous and rugged; Scottish area of 78,000 square kilometers.Northern Ireland area of 14,000 square kilometers.Britain is about 1,000 km from south to north and 50 ° north latitude and 61 ° C; Most things is not more than 500 km wide,east longitude 1 ° 45 "W 8 ° 10" between.Zero meridian through the southeast London GMT (Greenich).British coastline of about 11,500 km.Although the British high latitudes,but due to a single Atlantic,not the cold winter.British maritime climate temperate broadleaf forests.In normal years,the hottest (July),the average temperature of 19-25 degrees Celsius.the coldest (January),the average temperature of 4-7 degrees Celsius.British uneven rainfall throughout England low-lying,with an average rainfall of 830 mm,west,Mountain precipitation in the northern part of a larger,up to 4,000 mm.Britain is the main mineral resources of coal,iron,oil and gas.Hard coal reserves of 170 billion tons.Rail reserves of about 3.8 billion tons.In the United Kingdom North Sea continental shelf oil reserves of about 10-40 million tons.8600-25,850 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserves in between.Britain"s total population of about 59 million,of which 50 million in England,Scotland,five million,three million in Wales.Northern Ireland 2 million.In the British capital of London,England.
2023-08-02 16:38:131


就是你图上这幅么?名字叫:Mountainous Landscape behind Saint-Paul"s Hospital译为:圣-保罗医院后的群山你百度一下吧满意请按正确答案先后及时采纳就好!
2023-08-02 16:38:231


  随着中国改革开放和经济全球化的不断深入,中国与外国的交往越来越频繁,英语显得尤为重要。中国人与外国人接触的机会越来越多了,社会对英语口语的要求也越来越高了。我精心收集了旅游英语口语材料,供大家欣赏学习!   旅游英语口语材料1   如何描述澳洲之旅   第一句:I want you to see something unique In Australia.   我想让你看看澳洲独一无二的东西。   A: I want to see something unique in Australia.   我想让你看看澳洲独一无二的东西。   B: What Is It?   是什么?   A: Warana Festival.   瓦拉纳节。   B: What does that mean?   什么意思?   A: Ifs a festival of art and literature that people hold in Bri *** ane.   它是人们在布里斯班举行的文学艺术节的名宇。   第二句:What"s Australia like in terms of geographical features?   就地理特征来说澳大利亚怎么样?   A: What"s Australia like in terms of geographical features?   就地理特征来说澳大利亚怎么样?   B: Australia is the flattest of all the continents.   澳洲是所有大陆中最平坦的国度。   其他表达法:   How big is the country?   该国的面积有多大?   What"s the climate like there in general?   总体来说那里气候怎么样呢?   旅游英语口语材料2   如何描述伦敦之旅   第一句:I"d like to visit the famous spots in London. Could you please tell me what they are?   想参观伦教的名胜,可以麻烦您告诉我有哪些吗?   A: I"d like to visit the famous spots in London. Could you please tell me what they are?   想参观伦教的名胜,可以麻烦您告诉我有哪些吗?   B: Well, the British Museum, Buckingham Palace, the House of Parliament, Big Ben and Oxford Street are all tourist attractions in the city. Among them the palace is the place you should never miss, because it"s quite unique.   好的,大英傅物馆,白金汉宫,国会大厦,大本钟和牛津街都是该城的旅游景点。其中,你千万不要错过白金汉宫,因为它非常独特。   第二句:What do you think has impressed you most in London?   伦敦给你印象最深的是什么?   A: What do you think has impressed you most in London?   伦教给你印象最深的是什么?   B: There are so many things that have left a deep impression on me. There is one thing worth mentioning at least Although the buildings there seem old-fashioned, they have a peculiar flavor of their own.   很多东西都给我留下了很深的印象,至少有一件事值得一提。虽然伦敦的建筑物看上去都是老式的,但它们独具风格。   其他表达法:   Tower Bridge is the most striking of all London Bridges.   塔桥是伦敦最有特色的大桥。   旅游英语口语材料3   如何描述加拿大之旅   第一句:Can you tell me some interesting things to see in Canada?   能告诉我加拿大有什么有趣的景视吗?   A: Can you tell me some interesting things to see in Canada?   能吿诉我加拿大有什么有趣的景观吗?   B: Sure, apart from the beaches from the Pacific Ocean, you might like Butchart Gardens nearVictoria, one of the best flower gardens in Canada.   当然,除了太平洋的海滩外,你也许喜欢临近维多利亚的布査花园,它是加拿大最好的花园之一。   第二句:Tell me something about the Atlantic provinces?   能告诉我有关大西洋沿岸各省的情况吗?   A: Tell me something about the Atlantic provinces?   能告诉我有关大西洋沿岸各省的情况吗?   B: In New Brunwick, you can see a waterfall that reverses direction twice a day.   在新布鲁维克省你可以见到一个瀑布,它每天调换两次方向。   A: That"s amazing. What can I see in Nova Scotia?   真令人惊奇,在诺瓦斯雪省我能看到什么?   B: You can see museums, fishing villages and whales if you are lucky.   你可以参观傅物馆,捕鱼村。如果幸运的话,还可以看到鲸鱼。   其他表达法:   I hear Vancouver is mountainous and beautiful.   我听说温哥华美丽多山。   I"ll bet the view is breathtaking.   我敢打赌景色一定叹为观止。   
2023-08-02 16:38:441


Also referred to as the Eastern Sacred Mountain , Mt Tai stands with grandeur in central Shandong Province , between Taiu2019an at its south foot and Jinan City at its north foot , covering an area of 250 km2 , with its summit Jade Emperor Peak 1 545 m above sea level . Through history it has always been honored as “the first” and “most sublime” of the five sacred mountains in China .Mt Tai has a long history , ancient geological stratum , graceful scenery , and a wealth of cultural relics and sites . Apart from others , those that have been admired with a name amount to 112 peaks , 98 cliffs , 18 caverns , 58 weird crags , 102 streams , 56 ponds and falls , and 64 mountain springs , in addition to 22 ancient temples , 97 primeval sites , 819 stone steles , and 1018 cliff inscriptions .Mt Tai has rich biological resources . All over the mountain are ancient trees and flourishing grass , and the vegetation covers 79.9% of the area.The zonal vegetation is warm-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest , with a diverse flora comprising 989 species of seed plants in 144 families . Trees that are over 100years old exceed 10 000 in number . Mt Tai is a microcopy of the thousands years old civilization of China that contains a cultural wealth no other mountain in the world is comparable . Just like the Great Wall , Yellow River , and Yangtz River , Mt Tai is now the symbol of Chinese people . In December of 1987, UNESCO inscribed Mt Tai on the World Heritage List as both a natural and a cultural property of the whole world . The origin of Mt Tai as in legend is that it is the head of Pan Gu who opened up the sky and earth of the human world . Related with this is the saying that “At Mt Tai the sky and earth join”, meaning the mountain is the highest spot where the sky and the earth meet together. Yet, with an altitude of 1545m , Mt Tai is actually second to Mt Hua and Mt Heng in height as the third of the five sacred mountains . Nevertheless it is regard as the top of all the five due to its peerless cultural bearings.
2023-08-02 16:38:532

翻译改错 中文意思:农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样上音乐和绘画课。 我翻译的是:The

你的翻译是错的,人的先行词应该是who农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样上音乐和绘画课The children in rural and mountainous area can have music and painting lessons as children in coastal city
2023-08-02 16:39:011