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2023-08-02 22:44:20
TAG: ch ha ed te hat


因为chat 是 重读闭音节‎都要双写+ed。






  nchat是一种语音聊天应用程序,可让用户通过互联网进行实时通信。该应用程序支持多种语言,包括英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、意大利语、俄语、日语和韩语。它还具有实时翻译功能,可以帮助用户在与非本地语言的人进行交流时消除障碍。  该应用程序支持在移动设备和计算机上使用,并提供高质量的语音和视频通话。用户可以创建个人资料,添加朋友并加入不同的聊天室。此外,该应用程序还支持发送文本消息、图片和视频。  nchat的用户界面简单易用,可以让用户快速了解它的功能和使用方法。它还具有安全性和隐私保护功能,包括端到端加密和匿名聊天选项。  总之,nchat是一款功能强大、易于使用且安全可靠的语音聊天应用程序,是与世界各地人们交流的理想选择。
2023-08-02 13:55:451


麦chai t
2023-08-02 13:56:024


2023-08-02 13:56:511


说话shuō huà(用话表达) speak; talk; say:说话不算话 go back on one"s word有说话的权利 have the right to speak孩子正在学说话。 The child is learning to talk.还是让事实说话吧。 Let the facts speak for themselves.(闲谈) chat; talk:找人说话 have a chat with sb.(指责) gossip; talk:你这样干,人家要说话的。 Considering what you"ve done, people will talk.(口) (时间短) in a minute; in no time; right away:说话就得。 It"ll be ready in a jiffy.
2023-08-02 13:57:142


conversation音标:英-[ku0252nvu0259"seu026au0283(u0259)n]美-[,kɑnvu025a"seu0283u0259n]释义:n. 交谈,会话;社交;交往,交际;会谈;(人与计算机的)人机对话
2023-08-02 13:57:302


2023-08-02 13:58:213


2023-08-02 13:58:395


2023-08-02 13:58:562


网上网上 online网上冲浪 surf the Internet; surf on the internet; surf onli网上商店 internet store; online shop网上聊天 web chat; chat on the internet; chat online; cyber
2023-08-02 13:59:061


1."微信所有人英文怎么说,为您提供微信所有人英文怎么说视频及对应图文信息,微信所有人英文怎么说,微信的英语是:WeChat。 2.如何学好英语:上课时间一定要充分把握,思维跟着老师走。 3.坚持听磁带录音并大声朗读课文,可改善自己的语音,语调。 4.通过学习课文,在课余时间翻译课文。 5.对于每课的语法重点,要适时总结,细致分析。 6.需要背诵的课方法一:微信群主、管理员@所有人很简单,只需要在微信的“设置”里面更改语言就可以了。 7.打开“微信”。
2023-08-02 13:59:261


WeChatwi chai te
2023-08-02 13:59:369

chat 过去式和过去分词是什么?

2023-08-02 14:01:363


2023-08-02 14:01:581


2023-08-02 14:02:401


问题一:聊天用英语怎么说 Have a chat 问题二:“闲聊”用英语怎么说? 20分 Chat gossip casual talk chat 问题三:随便聊天的用英语怎么说 we can chat about anything. 问题四:私聊 用英语怎么说? private chat是对的. 如果穿聊天室里, 一般用pm表示, 就是private message的意思, pls pm me, 就是说请给我发私聊信息 问题五:不要聊天用英语怎么说 我们不要聊天了,回去干活吧。 Let"s cut out the talking and get back the work. 我们晚上能不能不要聊天、只看电视啊? Can we not talk to each other tonight? I"d rather just watch TV. 请不要聊天,尤其是当我在讲无聊的内容的时候。 Please stop the chatter, especially when I"m doing boring stuff. 开车时,不要和朋友聊天或者打电话。 And don"t get sidetracked by your friends or your cell phone. 问题六:我用英语跟你聊天用英语怎么说? i can use english to chat with you 问题七:打电话聊天用英语怎么说? 打电话聊天Talking on the phone 打电话聊天 Talking on the phone
2023-08-02 14:02:591

chat的动名词形式为什么要双写t加in g?

重读闭音节.以辅音字母结尾的, 双写辅音字母加ing.
2023-08-02 14:03:082


问题一:微信推送 英文怎么说 微信推送 WeChat push 问题二:微信用英语怎么说? 有几种译法? 洛基英语的老师解释为: Wechat 问题三:微信用英语怎么说 根据构词法,可以这么说:micromessage。 micro是“微”的意思 message是“消息”的意思 同样道理还有“微博”:microblog。 希望对你能有所帮助。 问题四:为什么我的微信推送信息提示是英文呢 是不是你设置了英文模式? 问题五:关注微信公众号用英文怎么说 follow WeChat public number with interest pay close attention to WeChat public number 问题六:微信推送消息通知显示英文,刚刚更新的。是系统的原因还是微信新版本的原因 是微信新版本的原因 Is the reason for the new version of the micro channel 问题七:微信订阅号推送信息时,怎么让显示的日期变成英文?像这样 10分 下载国际版微信 或者在设置里面修改字体 问题八:有没有能每天推送英语文章的微信公众号 我教你一个办法,目前搜狗有搜索微信公众号的功能。 问题九:WeChat英文翻译中文 WeChat是微信的英文名。微信(WeChat)是腾讯公司(Tencent)于2011年初推出的一款快速发送文字和照片、支持多人语音对讲的手机聊天软件。用户可以通过手机、平板、网页快速发送语音、视频、图片和文字。 微信提供公众平台、朋友圈、消息推送等功能,用户可以通过摇一摇、搜索号码、附近的人、扫二维码方式添加好友和关注公众平台,同时微信帮将内容分享给好友以及将用户看到的精彩内容分享到微信朋友圈。 问题十:微信推送的文案要怎么写? 一.标题要具备广泛传播性 一个阅读数100000+的文章,标题至少占到了80%的权重,一点都不夸张。尤其是公众号折叠后,用户在订阅号推送里只能看到标题,如果标题起的不带感,用户点都不会点。 比如,2014年CJ期间,课代表的一篇《ChinaJoy约炮指南》,瞬间阅读数爆棚,但无奈后来被企鹅给删除了。仔细分析这个标题,ChinaJoy直指当前事件核心,约炮直指数以十万计的参会人士对ShowGirl的各种幻想,因为他们中很多人就是冲着看妹子去的,而指南则直指用户痛点――怎么约?所以,ChinaJoy+约炮+指南,完美的结合了当前事件、核心人物、核心需求。 至于标题是长一些好,还是短一些好,这就好比敏感词,长短粗细各不一样,但主要是看女性用户用起来舒不舒服,只要舒服,无所谓长短。 但绝对要孔武有力,不能软绵绵,要仔细斟酌标题的每一个字,每一个词。 分析用户的需求 二.分析用户的需求 阅读作为移动互联网和最基础性的需求,也是使用时长仅次于社交APP和游戏的需求。只要是需求,就有被研究的价值。分析用户的需求,也就是要选题。 我们发现,那些成功的原创微信公众账号,其内容选题往往不跟风,独树一帜,甚至是引领潮流。 1.日常需求 因各个公众账号的属性而异,但用户都是有基本需求的,比如游戏行业,订阅用户需要知道最新鲜的资讯外,还需要知道一切干货和职业技能提升,这是常态化的需求。常态化的需求要做到日常覆盖的同时加以差异化,制定相应的选题时间表。 2.爆炸性需求 爆炸性需求指的是在突发大事件之后,订阅用户对于事件或人物的深层次了解的需求,这就需要作者要有满足这种能力的需求。比如最近联通和电信获得了FDD牌照,但订阅用户里很多人对于FDD是什么一头雾水,这个FDD到底是他妈什么鬼??!!所以很多科技媒体账号就会马上退出FDD解读的相关文章。这就是在迎合用户短期内迅速膨胀的时效性需求,并且,这也是涨粉的很好的途经。 3.连锁反应需求 比如央行降息,这一大背景下,会对国民经济、资本市场、创业行为、股市、乃至个人生活造成什么样的影响?会衍生出一系列的细致需求,这就是各个领域公众号从自己的领域出发,完成用户连锁反应需求的机会。 4.猎奇和八卦需求 满足用户的耍猴心理,根据现有线报和资料,撰写相应领域不为人知的调查报告、实地走访、一线体验的文章是很受用户欢迎的。比如科技账号果壳网,他们家的文章都是猎奇性质的,什么 *** 能活多久,什么屁的主要化学物质是什么之类的。 5.反主流需求 现在的微信用户,尤其是85后和90后用户,有极其强烈的反主流观念的需求,并且这个需求越来越广泛,可以参见柴静柴大官人的雾霾视频,持反对观点的媒体不在少数,并且其受众也不在少数。以课代表的分析,这些作者本身其实并没有倾向于哪种观点,他们中的一大部分完全是为了反主流而反主流。同一个事件和观点,他们需要标新立异,与众不同,那么我们在写文章的时候,是否可以满足这部分用户的需求呢?反主流需求里面具体又分:审丑需求、反权威需求、自我否定需求、排他需求等等。 注意,是反主流,不是非主流。 基本上大部分用户的需求都如此,在什么时间节点什么情况下写什么,就要具体问题具体分析了。最难做到的,往往是满足用户的日常需求,这是最简单的,也是最难的。 三.选题要符合时宜 选题的重要性仅次于起标题,写什么往往比怎么写更重要。对于热门话题和专业话题以及处女话题,要先入为主。 关注百度指数变化 关注微信热搜榜和热词 关注同类型微信账号的选题变化 寻找尚未被关注的细分领域和具体内容 制定差异化的选题路线 你以为我关注百度指......>>
2023-08-02 14:03:161

let,s talk怎么读

莱次 套克
2023-08-02 14:03:424

chat online是什么意思

chat 聊天的意思online 上网结合在一起就是“网上聊天”
2023-08-02 14:04:546


2023-08-02 14:05:254


中文名 Wechat汉语拼音 weixin
2023-08-02 14:05:367


问题一:聒: 怎么读音? 聒 guō 【动】 (形声。从耳,本义:吵扰,声音高响或嘈杂) 同本义〖clamarous;noisy〗 聒,欢语也。――《说文》 聒,扰乱耳孔也。――《苍颉篇》 聒而与之语。――《左传u30fb襄公二十六年》。疏:“声乱叫谓之聒。” 今汝聒聒。――《书u30fb盘庚》。传:“无知之貌。” 鸲鹆鸣兮聒余。――《楚辞u30fb疾世》。注:“多声乱耳为聒。” 日长思睡不可得,遭尔聒聒何时停?――宋u30fb欧阳修《鸣鸠》 又如:聒吵(又作“吵聒”、“聒炒”。吵闹,吵嚷);聒聒(象声词。杂乱喧吵的声音);聒杀(形容非常嘈杂、喧闹);聒天(声音响彻云天);聒账(众声喧扰,通宵达旦) 频繁地称说〖begarrulous;chat〗 虽欲强聒,终必不蒙见察,故略上报,不复一一自辨。――宋u30fb王安石《答司马谏议书》 又如:聒絮(絮叨;嗦) 聒耳 guō"ěr 〖grateonone"sears〗〖声音〗杂乱刺耳 聒噪 guōzào 〖noisy;clamorous〗∶吵闹 这厮,只顾来聒噪!――《水浒传》 〖trouble〗∶客套话。打拢,麻烦 叫声“聒噪!”一直望黄泥冈下推去了。――《水浒传》 问题二:聒的读音是什么 聒 拼 音 guō 部 首 耳 笔 画 12 五 行 木 五 笔 BTDG 基本释义 详细释义 声音吵闹,使人厌烦:~耳。~噪。~~(话多的样子,如“~~不停”)。 相关组词 聒噪 聒耳 絮聒 鸣聒 焦聒 吵聒 聒 琐聒 叫聒 干聒聒天 聒 嚷聒 聒吵 问题三:聒噪怎么读音是什么 【词语】: 聒噪 【拼音】: guōzào 【解释】: (guōzào)<方>声音杂乱;吵闹。 问题四:强聒不舍,怎么读? 强聒不舍_成语解释 【拼音】:qiǎng guō bù shě 【释义】:聒:声音吵闹;舍:舍弃。形容别人不愿意听,还絮絮叨叨说个不停。 【出处】:《庄子u30fb天下》:“以此周行天下,上说下教,虽天下不取,强聒而不舍者也。” 问题五:聒,这个字念什么? 拼 音 guō 部 首 耳 笔 画 12 五 行 木 五 笔 BTDG 基本释义 详细释义 声音吵闹,使人厌烦:~耳。~噪。~~(话多的样子,如“~~不停”)。 相关组词 聒噪 聒耳 絮聒 焦聒 聒天 鸣聒 吵聒 聒 聒 干聒 琐聒 聒吵嚷聒 叫聒
2023-08-02 14:06:581


问题一:日语群怎么说QQ群微信群的群 日语群的说法: 日语本身有群这个字,读 群(ぐん)(GUN) 但是qq群日语中读作: QQグルプ(QQ GROUP)用的是外来语。 微信群直接是:WXG (WEIXIN GROUP) 也就是说,都用的是外来语 群的英文 GROUP 的日文音译 :グルプ 问题二:微信用日语怎么说 用英语 WeChat 来发音的情况比较多,但也有人倾向用中文发音的 ウェイシン。 官网多用 WeChat。 问题三:请问日语微信怎么说 微チャット びちゃっと 问题四:群字日文怎样写 中文的群跟日文的群是一个字。念法不同。音读埂gunn。跟“滚”读音差不多,没有滚得音那么圆。 训读读“mura,意思跟中文一样 音读就是模仿中文的发音,训读就是日本本土的发音。 问题五:想添加一些日语的微信群,翻译什么的群,求大神把我拉一下。 高级日语微信群。一般都是熟人。 你这样是问不到的。 建议,你先去QQ高级日语群。然后里面很多QQ群都会开通微信群。还有YY语音群,CCALL群等等。你再加入。 希望能帮上你。谢谢。 问题六:微信日语怎么说? 看你认识的日本人中午如何了 我们公司的日本人,都直接说【微信】日语就读成【びしん」 问题七:把我拉进日语交流群吧。日语怎么表达 私を日本语交流チャット室に入れてもらえませんか。 问题八:微信公众号日语怎么说 就不逐字逐句帮你翻译了,就是说这个材质的,难起球,着色好,速干,贴身舒适,希望采纳微信公众号“第一部行走的日语辞典” 问题九:有没有用日语交流的微信群,求推荐 网上有不少日语吧你可以去找找看看,没准同时也有微信群的。 问题十:有木有日语交流群,日本人qq微信什么的…谢谢 下一个软件叫hellotalk,里面有各个国家的人,是语言学习交流软件。比如日本人学中文的,就和中国学日语的加好友。
2023-08-02 14:07:061

嗨!美女,你好,能加个QQ 和微信么?英语怎么读?

回答和翻译如下 :嗨 ! 美女, 你好, 能加个QQ 和微信么 ?Hi ! Hello , beauty . Can you add a QQ and a WeChat ?
2023-08-02 14:07:271


so wechat .广西东兴市越南语翻译考察旅游为你解答。
2023-08-02 14:07:351


2023-08-02 14:07:4714

i mean what is wechat id中文怎么说

2023-08-02 14:08:393


1.212奶牛事件,该梗说的是2019年2月12日约凌晨一点左右,因某营销号在QQ空间发了一部惊叹世界的奶牛视频。 2.其女,奶量惊人,一战二雄,从头到尾喷个不停,大家都开始惊奇并且思索她的奶子里是不是有刘谦的壶。 3.各路熬夜选手激情转发且同时拿出深藏多年的小资源发布,在此期间,更是踊跃出不少段子手分享打压早睡选手的方法。 4.更值得一提的是,此次精神兴奋剂的作用仅持续了一个半小时左右,迫于腾讯方面的压力,2019年2月12日凌晨两点左右花洒奶牛的212事件销声匿迹。 5.简单来说,就是一场晚睡人的看片狂欢。
2023-08-02 13:59:141


高考英语试题中阅读理解占40分,是试卷中所占比例最大的一部分。考生们在复习高考英语科目时,可以多做一些试题,下面就是我给大家带来的,希望大家喜欢!下面就是我给大家带来的 高三英语 阅读理解题训练及答案详解,希望大家喜欢! 第一篇: Imagine a mass of floating waste is two times the size of the state of Texas. Texas has a land area of more than 678 000 square kilometers. So it might be difficult to imagine anything twice as big. All together, this mass of waste flowing in the North Pacific Ocean is known as the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch. It weighs about 3 500 000 tons. The waste includes bags,bottles and containers—plastic products of all kinds. The eastern part of the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch is about l 600 kilometers west of California. The western part is west of the Hawaiian Islands and east of Japan. The area has been described as a kind of oceanic desert,with light winds and slow moving water currents. The water moves so slow that garbage from all over the world collects there. In recent years,there have been growing concerns about the floating garbage and its effect on sea creatures and human health. Scientists say thousands of animals get trapped in the floating waste,resulting in death or injury. Even more die from a lack of food or water after swallowing pieces of plastic. The trash can also make animals feel full,lessening their desire to eat or drink. The floating garbage also can have harmful effects on people. There is an increased threat of infection of disease from polluted waste,and from eating fish that swallowed waste. Divers can also get trapped in the plastic. Its existence first gained public attention in l997. That was when racing boat captain and oceanographer Charles Moore and his crew sailed into the garbage while returning from a racing event. Five years earlier,another oceanographer learned of the trash after a shipment of rubber duckies got lost at sea. Many of those toys are now part of the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch. In August,2009,a team from the University of California,San Diego became the latest group to travel to it. They were shocked by the amount of waste they saw. They gathered hundreds of sea creatures and water samples to measure the garbage patch"s effect on ocean environment. 51.How did the writer introduce the topic of the passage? A. By giving an example. B. By listing the facts. C. By telling a story. D. By giving a comparison. 52.What do we know about the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch? A. It is made up of various kinds of plastic products. B. It is a solid mass of floating waste materials. C. It lies l60 000 kilometers east of California. D. It is described as a kind of oceanic desert. 53.Why do people pay attention to the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch? A. Because it may prevent the flow of ocean water. B. Because the polluted plastic articles will move up the food chain. C. Because it may be from an island in the pacific. D. Because ships may be trapped in the floating waste. 54.Which column can you find the passage on a newspaper? A. Sports and entertainment. B. Media and culture. C. Environment and society. D. Science and technology. 55.The purpose of writing this passage is to____________. A. warn people of the danger to travel in the pacific B. analyze what caused the waste patch in the pacific C. give advice on how to recycle waste in the ocean D. introduce the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch 第二篇: Europeans should try to stay indoors if ash from Iceland"s volcano starts settling, the World Health Organization warned Friday as small amounts fell in Iceland, Scotland and Norway. WHO spokesman Daniel Epstein said the microscopic(微小的) ash is potentially dangerous for people when it starts to reach the Earth because inhaled(吸入) particles can enter the lungs and cause respiratory problems. And he also said Europeans who go outside might want to consider wearing a mask. Other experts, however, weren"t convinced the volcanic ash would have a major effect on peoples" health and said WHO"s warnings were "hysterical." They said volcanic ash was much less dangerous than cigarette smoke or pollution. Volcanic ash is made of fine particles of fragmented volcanic rock. It is light gray to black and can be as fine as talcum powder. During a volcanic eruption, the ash can be breathed deep into the lungs and cause irritation even in healthy people. But once it falls from a greater distance — like from the cloud currently hovering above Europe — its health effects are often minimal, experts say. "Not all particles are created equal," said Ken Donaldson, a professor of respiratory toxicology at the University of Edinburgh, "In the great scheme of things, volcanic ash is not all that harmful." And he said most Europeans" exposure to volcanic ash would be negligible and that only those in the near districts of the Icelandic volcano would likely be at risk. Dr. Stephen Spiro, a professor of respiratory medicine and deputy chair of the British Lung Foundation, said the further the particles travel, the less dangerous they will be. "The cloud has already passed over northern Scotland and we haven"t heard of any ill effects there," he said. Spiro said to wear masks or stay indoors to avoid volcanic ash was "over the top" and "a bit hysterical." 60. The text is mainly about . A. the effect of volcanic ash B. the health risk of volcanic ash C. the disadvantages of volcanic ash D. the opinions on health risk of volcanic ash 61. Which one is true according to Paragraph3? A. The volcanic ash"s effects on Europeans were little. B. The ash caused irritation even in healthy people. C. Other experts thought WTO"S warnings were useful. D. The volcanic ash was more dangerous than cigarette smoke or pollution. 62. The underlined word “hysterical” in Paragraph4 most probably means . A. amazing B. practical C. valuable D. overstated 63. What can we learn from the passage? A. The volcanic ash wouldn"t be harmful to people. B. All experts thought the volcanic ash did great harm to our health. C. People close to the volcano would likely be at risk according to some experts. D. Europeans should stay indoors because Iceland"s volcano starts settling. 第一篇: 51.D。推理判断题。根据第一段”Imagine a mass of floating waste is two times the state of Texas.Texas has a land area of more than 678 000 square kilometers.So it might be difficult to imagine anything twice as big.”可知,作者拿得克萨斯州与大量的垃圾漂浮物进行比较,所以选D项。 52.A。细节判断题。根据第二段中的”The waste includes bags,bottles and containers—plastic products of all kinds.”可知,这些垃圾漂流物是塑料制品。 53.B。细节理解题。根据第五段中的”There is an increased threat of infection of disease from polluted waste,and from eating fish that swallowed waste.”可知受污染的塑料制品会通过食物链来影响人类。 54.C。推理判断题。根据本文内容可知,这篇 文章 最有可能出现在报纸上”环境与社会”这个栏目里。 55.D。作者意图题。本文通过介绍太平洋上漂浮的大量的塑料垃圾废物的情况,指出了它们对海洋中的生物以及人类的影响,所以D项正确。 第二篇: 60.D. 主旨大意题。本文主要就火山灰对人的健康的危害问题世卫组织和其他专家给出不同观点。A太笼统;B不能体现不同的观点;C与文章内容无关;D符合题意。 61. A. 细节理解题。第三段最后一句可知A是正确的;由第三段中During a volcanic eruption……in healthy people.可知B错误;由第三段中Other experts, however, weren"t convinced…… cigarette smoke or pollution可排除C D。 62. D. 词义猜测题。由上文中volcanic ash is not all that harmful和下文中only those in the near vicinity of the Icelandic volcano would likely be at risk可知D正确, 夸大的,言过其实的。 63.C. 由第三段 But once it falls from a greater distance….. effects are often minimal和第四段中 only those in the near vicinity of the Icelandic volcano would likely be at risk以及第五段中 the further the particles travel, the more diluted and less dangerous they will be可知C正确。ABD观点表达绝对。
2023-08-02 13:59:161


我现在上的ABC先下在线口语也挺.好. 外教1对1课程 上下来英语整体水平以及口语的部份进步都挺大的 印象比较深的,就是他们给我保证英语水平会提升否则返款,学习后感觉是还不错,老师根据我情况给我制定学习计划,而且还会给我耐心解答问题..
2023-08-02 13:59:204


2023-08-02 13:59:233

可以帮我check grammar吗﹖

更新1: . On the other side there are a crowd of people shouting and laughing in front of the arrival gate. You can hear people screaming and arguing as they cant get on the flights the shouts of the children the sound of the announcement as it gets busier This style of writing would be fine for a poem... or children's book written in the style of a poem; but for anything else I would advise to change the style a bit. The first is a slight structure error I would encourage you to change [[ dropping on the roof ]] to: [[ You can hear the rain droplets splash against the roof. ]] This is fragmented (not a plete sentence on its own): [[ The sounds of the wind ing from all directions blowing the windows ]] You can bine the sentences about rain and wind together if there are no poem restrictions. [[ You can hear the rain droplets splash against the roof the wind blowing in all directions and against the windows. ]] If you want the sentences separate you can change it to: [[ The sound of wind is blowing in all directions and against the windows ]] A few wrong use of words: [[ Touri *** guide instructions cry gate ]] (tour guides give mentary on places more so than instructions..) [[ A tour / tourist guide (both can be used) ]] [[ A tour guide is providing mentary to the tourists like a professor. ]] [[ People are weeping at the departure lounge; they look like four year old children crying on the first day of school. ]] There should be an [[ and ]] in the last sentence.. and if you want you can change the second [[ shout ]] to avoid the same word in the same sentence. [[ the whining of the children and the loud announcements as the terminal bees busier. ]] Hope this helps! 2007-10-03 10:39:45 补充: sorry should be: The wind is blowing in all directions and against the windows. 2007-10-03 10:44:37 补充: FINAL:Listen. It is raining outside. You can hear the rain droplets splash against the roof the wind blowing in all directions and against the windows. Listen. A tour guide is providing mentary to the tourists like a professor. 2007-10-03 10:46:02 补充: People are weeping at the departure lounge; they look like four year old children crying on the first day of school.On the other side there IS a crowd of people shouting and laughing in front of the arrival gate. 2007-10-03 10:49:20 补充: You can hear people screaming and arguing as they cant get on the flights the whining of the children and the loud announcements as the terminal bees busier. 参考: I have lived in Canada for 18 years~ OK 几好。不过要着意 verb 。 > drop = fall ,滴滴吓用 drip。dripping [on] the roof 就系滴落屋顶,dripping [from] the roof 就系由屋顶滴落。 > +ing 进行式前面要有 be,否则作名词看。ing from all directions 系修饰 wind 而 wind 系解释咩 sounds。成段都只系 subject (主词) 咁 blowing 应该作主要动词,指主词 (the sounds) 做甚么。但就算改咗 are blowing 情理都不合。 sounds 又点识吹? > 导游系 tour guide > 得一个游客 -- tourist ?之前无提及过又不是持有名词又不是复数名词又不是最高级形容词唔应该用 the 。 > 又系 verb 搅错。究竟 are 定 cry 呢?are 指主词「是」什么,cry 指主词「做」什么。想说做紧 be + -ing 啊。 > they 就唔好用 a > there are a crowd of people = A crowd of people are over there. there 之后嘅动词要协调跟着嘅名词 a crowd 所以应该用 is 。 a group of people = a crowd --> There is a group of people > flight 是航程,该是 plane 而且是 get onto > people screaming ... 同 the shouts of children (无须用 the) 同 the sound of ... 字序唔平行 --> You can hear people screaming and arguing to get onto the planes children shouting and playing and speakers announcing the flight information. 参考: *** 18 Listen. It is raining outside. You can hear the rain dropping on the roof. The sounds of the wind ing from all directions blowing the windows. Listen. A touri *** guide is explaining the instructions to the tourist like (a) professor. People (who) cry at the departure gate they look like a four year old child crying on the first day of school. On the other side there is a crowd of people shouting and laughing in front of the arrival gate. You can hear people screaming and arguing as they cant get on the flights (the loud screams) of the children the sound of the announcement as it gets busier. 应该没有错 参考: 自己
2023-08-02 13:59:231


2023-08-02 13:59:231


2023-08-02 13:59:244


简历如何用英文介绍工作经历   ** In 2005 as a travel agency sales, stores primarily responsible for the reception of guests   ** In 2006 as a travel agency primarily responsible for sales of products sold in Europe and other lines, independent process to resolve the problems in the sales.   A Web site in 2007 as Marketing Assistant Main Duties:   Online and offline activities, planning, implementation, activities on-site implementation   In 2005, as a sales job * travel, mainly responsible for the reception guests outlets 2006 in * * travel as sales is mainly responsible for the marketing Europe etc, independent in solving product lines in the process of sales. A website in 2007 as the market assistant responsibilities: Online and offline event planning, execution, the execution   In 2005,I was engaged in sales work in an agent, mainly in charged of reception of retail customers,and in 2006, I was in charged of sales of goods aimed at Europe and independently solved the problems in the sale process. In 2007,I worked as Marketing Assistant in a website, my main duties concerning online or offline event planning, execution and so on. ;
2023-08-02 13:59:241

初音未来 マトリョシカ 罗马拼音歌词

マトリョシカ 作詞:ハチ 作曲:ハチ 編曲:ハチ 唄:初音ミクGUMI 考え过ぎのメッセージ kangaesugi no messe^ji 谁に届くかも知らないで dare ni todoku kamo shira naide きっと私はいつでもそう kitto watashi haitsudemosou 継ぎ接ぎ狂ったマトリョシカ tsugi tsugi kurutta matoryoshika 头痛が歌うパッケージ zutsuu ga utau pakke^ji いつまで経っても针は四时 itsumade hette mo hari ha yoji 谁も教えてくれないで daremo oshie tekurenaide 世界は逆さに回り出す sekai ha sakasa ni mawari dasu ああ、割れそうだ aa , ware souda 记忆も全部投げ出して kioku mo zenbu nagedashi te ああ、知りたいな aa , shiri taina 深くまで fukaku made あのね、もっといっぱい舞って顶戴 anone , mottoippai matte choudai カリンカ?マリンカ?弦を弾いて karinka ? marinka ? gen wo hii te こんな感情どうしようか? konna kanjou doushiyouka ? ちょっと教えてくれないか? chotto oshie tekurenaika ? 感度良好 524 kando ryoukou 524 フロイト?ケロイド?键(けん)を叩いて furoito ? keroido ? kagi ( ken ) wo tatai te 全部全部笑っちゃおうぜ zenbu zenbu waracchi yaouze さっさと踊れよ马鹿溜まり sassato odore yo baka tama ri てんで幼稚な手を叩こう tende youchi na te wo tatako u わざと狂った调子でほら wazato kurutta choushi dehora きっと私はどうでもいい kitto watashi hadoudemoii 世界の温度が溶けていく sekai no ondo ga toke teiku あなたと私でランデブー?ランデブー? anatato watashi de randebu^ ? randebu^ ? あらま飞んでったアバンチュール? arama ton detta abanchu^ru ? 足取り歪んで1,2,1,2 ashidori hizun de 1,2,1,2 ああ、吐きそうだ aa , haki souda 私の全部受け止めて watashi no zenbu uke tome te ああ、その両手で aa , sono ryoute de 受け止めて uke tome te あのね、ちょっと闻いてよ大事なこと anone , chotto kii teyo daiji nakoto カリンカ?マリンカ?頬を抓って karinka ? marinka ? hoo wo sou tte だってだって我慢できないの dattedatte gaman dekinaino もっと素敌な事をしよう? motto suteki na koto woshiyou ? 痛い痛いなんて泣かないで itai itai nante naka naide パレイド?マレイド?もっと叩いて pareido ? mareido ? motto tatai te 待ってなんて言って待って待って matte nante itsutte matte matte たった一人になる前に tatta hitori ninaru mae ni あなたと私でランデブー?ランデブー? anatato watashi de randebu^ ? randebu^ ? あらま飞んでったアバンチュール? arama ton detta abanchu^ru ? 足取り歪んで1,2,1,2 ashidori hizun de 1,2,1,2 酔い溃せ 歌い出せ 今日もほら yoi tsubuse utai dase kyou mohora 継ぎ接ぎ狂ったマトリョシカ tsugi tsugi kurutta matoryoshika もっといっぱい舞って顶戴 mottoippai matte choudai カリンカ?マリンカ?弦を弾いて karinka ? marinka ? gen wo hii te こんな感情どうしようか? konna kanjou doushiyouka ? ちょっと教えてくれないか? chotto oshie tekurenaika ? 感度良好 524 kando ryoukou 524 フロイト?ケロイド?键(けん)を叩いて furoito ? keroido ? kagi ( ken ) wo tatai te 全部全部笑っちゃおうぜ zenbu zenbu waracchi yaouze さっさと踊っていなくなれ sassato odotte inakunare チュ チュ chu chu求采纳
2023-08-02 13:59:311


2023-08-02 13:59:343


testn. 测试, 试验, 检验v. 测试, 试验, 检验 text n.正文, 原文, 课文, 课本
2023-08-02 13:59:345


2023-08-02 13:59:392


尊敬. 致敬. 敬重( 敬爱. 敬仰. 恭敬. 敬辞. 敬慕. 敬献. 表示敬意的礼物: 喜敬. 寿敬. 有礼貌地送上去: 敬酒. 敬香. 敬爱 jìng"ài 〖respectandlove〗尊敬热爱 敬爱的老师 敬辞 jìngcí 〖termofrespect〗含尊敬口气的用语,如“令兄,府上,请进”等 敬而远之 jìng"éryuǎnzhī 〖stayatarespectfuldistancefromsb.〗虽然敬重,但不愿与之接近 敬奉 jìngfèng 〖piouslyworship〗∶虔诚地供奉神佛 敬奉神明 〖present;dedicate〗∶恭敬地送上 敬奉锦缎一匹 敬服 jìngfú 〖deference〗敬佩 他的为人深受大家的敬服 敬告 jìnggào 〖tell〗恭敬地告诉 敬告观众 敬鬼神而远之 jìngguǐshénéryuǎnzhī 〖stayatarespectfuldistancefromsb.〗语出《论语·雍也》,原意是敬之而不亲近之意.现在常用来指对某些人所持的一种态度,即不愿理睬他,又怕得罪他,所以对他客客气气,但是绝不接近 他们是一些特权人物,专做伤天害理,两面三刀的勾当.对他们,他从来是‘敬鬼神而远之" 敬酒不吃吃罚酒 jìngjiǔbùchīchīfájiǔ 〖refuseatoastonlytodrinkaforfeit〗比喻对某些必须做的事不肯主动去做,结果却被迫去做 我看你是敬酒不吃吃罚酒 敬老尊贤 jìnglǎo-zūnxián 〖honortheagedandthewise〗老:年长的人.贤:贤良有声望的人.敬重年老的和有社会声望的人 又敬老尊贤,凡国中年七十以上,月致粟帛,加以饮食珍味,使人慰问安否 敬贺 jìnghè 〖congratulate〗恭敬地祝贺 敬贺新春佳节 敬酒 jìngjiǔ 〖proposeatoast〗祝酒;提议为…干杯 敬老院 jìnglǎoyuàn 〖homeofrespectfortheaged〗养老院 敬礼 jìnglǐ 〖salute〗∶行礼表示尊敬 立正敬礼 〖withhighrespect〗∶用于书信结尾表示尊敬 此致,敬礼 〖respectful〗∶对人恭敬,以礼相待 见其长老而敬礼之 敬慕 jìngmù 〖adore〗尊敬仰慕 他如此敬慕他的母亲 敬佩 jìngpèi 〖esteem〗敬重而佩服 敬若神明 jìngruòshénmíng 〖worshipsb.orsth.〗奉若神明.敬重得如同对待神灵一样.形容极其尊敬 敬颂 jìngsòng 〖expressgoodwishes〗敬辞,祝颂(多用于书信) 敬颂康健 敬挽 jìngwǎn 〖withdeepcondolencesfromsb.〗用于挽联、花圈等的落款 敬畏 jìngwèi 〖awe〗既敬重又害怕 对一切神圣的事物的敬畏 敬献 jìngxiàn 〖consecrate〗恭敬地送上 敬香 jìngxiāng 〖burnjossstickspiously〗给神佛虔诚地烧香.亦比喻给有权势的人送礼行贿 敬谢不敏 jìngxiè-bùmǐn 〖begtobeexcused〗谦词称自己没有才智而谢绝的套语 捐输之例,百无一良,若以属之鄙人,惟当敬谢不敏.——曾国藩《复欧阳晓岑书》 油然而生敬信之心 敬仰 jìngyǎng 〖venerate〗敬重仰慕 鲁迅先生是中国青年热爱和敬仰的导师 敬意 jìngyì 〖respect〗恭敬的心意 表达敬意 敬语 jìngyǔ 〖wordofrespect〗含恭敬口吻的语言 讲敬语、懂外语的服务员多起来了 敬赠 jìngzèng 〖compliment〗赠送礼物表示尊重、敬意、钟爱或钦慕 我买了一束鲜花敬赠给母亲,祝她生日快乐 敬重 jìngzhòng 〖homage〗恭敬尊重 士兵列队向他们的长官表示敬重 敬祝 jìngzhù 〖wish〗恭敬地祝愿(多用于书信) 敬祝健康、快乐 敬而远之 必恭必敬 恭敬不如从命 敬如上宾 敬贤礼士 敬若神明 敬终慎始 敬陈管见 敬老慈幼 敬业乐群 敬老尊贤 梁孟相敬 令人起敬 肃然起敬 相敬如宾 杯茗之敬
2023-08-02 13:59:121


** University professors : I was a good correlation between an international *** freshmen in school, I decided to develop a four-year study plan to better supervise their studies. I think of myself as a professional is still in the initial study of the cognitive state, I have decided now please register their presence and the curriculum of schools and teachers required careful study Courses. No special plans. Choose this profession, in addition to studying professional courses, I have to be able to master the language better and faster. As for learning English, in addition to my teaching as a professor in line with your school based on the English decided to expand the number of extra-curricular knowledge, to achieve better learning results. For example, every summer I would choose the appropriate extracurricular English classes for the learning of English in order to achieve the consolidation upgrade. In peacetime, treasure and time can be tested for in a four-year accredited college English China six! Also, I plan to three hours a day through extra-curricular time to learn English, were within an hour of the morning, daytime and night time fragmented one hour! Reading aloud in English, speak English, not only to improve written English, but also speaks fluent English can say it is good! Am honored to be your school and your school with the help of a professor, so I have a good chance to learn English! Thank you
2023-08-02 13:59:092


2023-08-02 13:59:081


text函数:text可以将数值转化为自己想要的文本格式。TEXT函数可通过格式代码向数字应用格式,进而更改数字的显示方式。如果要按更可读的格式显示数字,或者将数字与文本或符号组合,它将非常有用。text函数的语法格=text(value,format_text),Value为数字值,Format_text为设置单元格格式中自己所要选用的文本格式。注意事项Format_text 不能包含星号 (*)。通过“格式”菜单调用“单元格”命令,然后在“数字”选项卡上设置单元格的格式,只会更改单元格的格式而不会影响其中的数值。使用函数 TEXT 可以将数值转换为带格式的文本,而其结果将不再作为数字参与计算。创建空白工作簿或工作表。 请在“帮助”主题中选取示例。不要选取行或列标题。 从帮助中选取示例。按 Ctrl+C。 在工作表中,选中单元格A1,再按 Ctrl+V。 若要在查看结果和查看返回结果的公式之间切换,请按 Ctrl+`(重音符),或在“工具”菜单上,指向“公式审核”,再单击“公式审核模式”。
2023-08-02 13:59:071


2023-08-02 13:59:052


2023-08-02 13:59:005

【初音ミク GUMI】 マトリョシカ(俄罗斯套娃) 中文谐音

マトリョシカ作词:ハチ作曲:ハチ编曲:ハチ呗:初音ミクu30fbGUMI考え过ぎのメッセージkangaesugi no messe^ji谁に届くかも知らないでdare ni todoku kamo shira naideきっと私はいつでもそうkitto watashi haitsudemosou継ぎ接ぎ狂ったマトリョシカtsugi tsugi kurutta matoryoshika头痛が歌うパッケージzutsuu ga utau pakke^jiいつまで経っても针は四时itsumade hette mo hari ha yoji谁も教えてくれないでdaremo oshie tekurenaide世界は逆さに回り出すsekai ha sakasa ni mawari dasuああ、割れそうだaa , ware souda记忆も全部投げ出してkioku mo zenbu nagedashi teああ、知りたいなaa , shiri taina深くまでfukaku madeあのね、もっといっぱい舞って顶戴anone , mottoippai matte choudaiカリンカ?マリンカ?弦を弾いてkarinka ? marinka ? gen wo hii teこんな感情どうしようか?konna kanjou doushiyouka ?ちょっと教えてくれないか?chotto oshie tekurenaika ?感度良好 524kando ryoukou 524フロイト?ケロイド?键(けん)を叩いてfuroito ? keroido ? kagi ( ken ) wo tatai te全部全部笑っちゃおうぜzenbu zenbu waracchi yaouzeさっさと踊れよ马鹿溜まりsassato odore yo baka tama riてんで幼稚な手を叩こうtende youchi na te wo tatako uわざと狂った调子でほらwazato kurutta choushi dehoraきっと私はどうでもいいkitto watashi hadoudemoii世界の温度が溶けていくsekai no ondo ga toke teikuあなたと私でランデブー?ランデブー?anatato watashi de randebu^ ? randebu^ ?あらま飞んでったアバンチュール?arama ton detta abanchu^ru ?足取り歪んで1,2,1,2ashidori hizun de 1,2,1,2ああ、吐きそうだaa , haki souda私の全部受け止めてwatashi no zenbu uke tome teああ、その両手でaa , sono ryoute de受け止めてuke tome teあのね、ちょっと闻いてよ大事なことanone , chotto kii teyo daiji nakotoカリンカ?マリンカ?頬を抓ってkarinka ? marinka ? hoo wo sou tteだってだって我慢できないのdattedatte gaman dekinainoもっと素敌な事をしよう?motto suteki na koto woshiyou ?痛い痛いなんて泣かないでitai itai nante naka naideパレイド?マレイド?もっと叩いてpareido ? mareido ? motto tatai te待ってなんて言って待って待ってmatte nante itsutte matte matteたった一人になる前にtatta hitori ninaru mae niあなたと私でランデブー?ランデブー?anatato watashi de randebu^ ? randebu^ ?あらま飞んでったアバンチュール?arama ton detta abanchu^ru ?足取り歪んで1,2,1,2ashidori hizun de 1,2,1,2酔い溃せ 歌い出せ 今日もほらyoi tsubuse utai dase kyou mohora継ぎ接ぎ狂ったマトリョシカtsugi tsugi kurutta matoryoshikaもっといっぱい舞って顶戴mottoippai matte choudaiカリンカ?マリンカ?弦を弾いてkarinka ? marinka ? gen wo hii teこんな感情どうしようか?konna kanjou doushiyouka ?ちょっと教えてくれないか?chotto oshie tekurenaika ?感度良好 524kando ryoukou 524フロイト?ケロイド?键(けん)を叩いてfuroito ? keroido ? kagi ( ken ) wo tatai te全部全部笑っちゃおうぜzenbu zenbu waracchi yaouzeさっさと踊っていなくなれsassato odotte inakunareチュ チュchu chu
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