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2023-08-02 22:14:32
TAG: 英文

Eating in American(II)


Eating Custom and Practice 用餐习惯

American eating is funny.They eat almost everything with a fork,and it appears that holding a knife in one"s right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners.

The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife,people take the fork in their left hand,and cut off a piece of meat or whatever it is in the normal manner.Then they put the knife down,transfer the fork to their right hand,and only then do they transport the food to their mouth.This is clearly ludicrous(滑稽可笑),but it is considered good manners.

There are several results of this system.First,if it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife,Americans don"t use one,because obviously this greatly complicates(使复杂化)things,and you will therefore see them trying to cut things like potatoes,fish and even bacon(熏猪肉)with a fork.Second,towards the end of a course,since only one implement(器具)is being used,food has to bo chased around the plate with the fork —and for the last mouthful the thumb has to be used to keep the food in place,although one is not supposed to do this.

Third,tables are generally laid with one knife and two forks,the outside fork being for the salad.There is no need for foreign visitors to follow the American system and try to eat the salad with only a fork,but if you do use your knife,remerber to save it for the meat course.Even desserts(甜食)(except ice cream)are eaten with a fork if at all possible,and the spoon you see by your dessert is meant to be for coffee (but if you use it for your dessert no one will say anything).

Some Breakfast Dishes 早餐食谱Breakfast in a restaurant is a very enjoyable experience.If you order eggs in a restaurant,the waiter/waitress will ask you how you want them .You can reply that you want them "scrambled(炒)"or "boiled".It is not sufficient,however,to ask for them "fried"you will have to specify whether you would prefer them "sunny-side-up"(煎一面),"over"(两面煎),"over-easy/easy-over"(两面煎,但蛋黄仍然呈流体状).

American sausage(香肠)comes in slices and is quite spicy.But you can also have link sausage.

American bacon comes in small strips,can be rather fat,and is served crispy.It is usually very tasty,and you can eat it with your fingers.

"Hash brows"(油炸土豆片)are shredded(切成碎片的)and fried potatoes.They are wonderful,especially with fried eggs and ketchup(蕃茄酱).

"Pancakes",sometimes called "hot cakes",are made with baking power.They are normally served in a pile,and you are supposed to put butter and syrup(果浆)on them.

"Jelly"(果子冻)is jam and includes grape jelly,which is very tasty.

Toast is often served already buttered.

"English muffins(松饼)"are like small crumpets(烤饼)without the holes and are served toasted.You put jam on them.

A "biscuit"(软饼)is a snall,scone-like bread roll,often served hot.

Orange juice and coffer are often serced with breakfast.


Eating in American(II)


Eating Custom and Practice 用餐习惯

American eating is funny.They eat almost everything with a fork,and it appears that holding a knife in one"s right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners.

The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife,people take the fork in their left hand,and cut off a piece of meat or whatever it is in the normal manner.Then they put the knife down,transfer the fork to their right hand,and only then do they transport the food to their mouth.This is clearly ludicrous(滑稽可笑),but it is considered good manners.

There are several results of this system.First,if it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife,Americans don"t use one,because obviously this greatly complicates(使复杂化)things,and you will therefore see them trying to cut things like potatoes,fish and even bacon(熏猪肉)with a fork.Second,towards the end of a course,since only one implement(器具)is being used,food has to bo chased around the plate with the fork —and for the last mouthful the thumb has to be used to keep the food in place,although one is not supposed to do this.

Third,tables are generally laid with one knife and two forks,the outside fork being for the salad.There is no need for foreign visitors to follow the American system and try to eat the salad with only a fork,but if you do use your knife,remerber to save it for the meat course.Even desserts(甜食)(except ice cream)are eaten with a fork if at all possible,and the spoon you see by your dessert is meant to be for coffee (but if you use it for your dessert no one will say anything).

Some Breakfast Dishes 早餐食谱Breakfast in a restaurant is a very enjoyable experience.If you order eggs in a restaurant,the waiter/waitress will ask you how you want them .You can reply that you want them "scrambled(炒)"or "boiled".It is not sufficient,however,to ask for them "fried"you will have to specify whether you would prefer them "sunny-side-up"(煎一面),"over"(两面煎),"over-easy/easy-over"(两面煎,但蛋黄仍然呈流体状).

American sausage(香肠)comes in slices and is quite spicy.But you can also have link sausage.

American bacon comes in small strips,can be rather fat,and is served crispy.It is usually very tasty,and you can eat it with your fingers.

"Hash brows"(油炸土豆片)are shredded(切成碎片的)and fried potatoes.They are wonderful,especially with fried eggs and ketchup(蕃茄酱).

"Pancakes",sometimes called "hot cakes",are made with baking power.They are normally served in a pile,and you are supposed to put butter and syrup(果浆)on them.

"Jelly"(果子冻)is jam and includes grape jelly,which is very tasty.

Toast is often served already buttered.

"English muffins(松饼)"are like small crumpets(烤饼)without the holes and are served toasted.You put jam on them.

A "biscuit"(软饼)is a snall,scone-like bread roll,often served hot.

Orange juice and coffer are often serced with breakfast.



 我在这里介绍西方的餐桌礼仪 英语版 西方餐桌礼仪(英语版)   1.   TABLE MANNERS AT A DINNER PARTY:   People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.   Knowing them will help you make a good impression.   Having good table manners means knowing,for example,how to use knives and forks,when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.   Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glasses—one for white wine,one for the red wine,and one for water.   There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table,forks on the left and knives in the right of the plate.   When you see two spoons,the big one id for the suop and the samll one for the dessert.   The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a litte bit bigger than the ones beside them.   When you sit down at the table, you can take your napkin, unfold it and put it on your lap.   In Chinese you sometime get a hot,damp cloth to clean your face and face and hands,whinch,however,is nat the custom in Western countries.   Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called a starter.   Sime people pray before they start eating , and other people may keep silent for a moment.   Then you can say"Enjoy your meal"to each other and everybody start eating.   For the starter,which you eat with the smaller pair,you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.   After the starter you will get a bowl of soup—but only one boel of soup and never ask for a seconf serving.   The next dish is the main course.   Many Westerners think the chicken breast with its tender white flesh is the best part of the bird.   Some people can use their fingers when they eating chicken or other birds,but never touch beef or other meat in bones.   It is polite to finish eating everthing on your plate,so don"t take more food than you need.   At table ,you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot,but do not laugh all the time.   Most Westerners like soft drink if they will drive home.   Many of them drink white or red wine with the food.   When drinking to someone"s health,you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch.   The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once,but Westerners usually take only a sip.   For drinking during a dinner,the best advic is never to drink too much.   Table manners change over time.   They follow the fashion of the day .   Beside,table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.   If you"re not sure what to do ,you can always follow your hosts.   Although good manners always make you look good,you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with your friends or family.   2.   Sit up straigh,keep your elbows off the table,and silence your cell phone.   Dishes are passed from left to right   Do try a little of everything on your plate   When a lady arrives or leaves the table,itu2018s polite for all gentleman at the table of to stand up.   Always say“Please“and “Thankyou“.   Thank the host and hotess before leaving.   3.   Every culture in the world is equal, with no one being dominant or recessive to another.   We should avoid using our own culture, morality and value to judge foreign culture.   We should treat foreign culture objectively and comprehendly.   内容提要   本文主要讲中西方餐桌礼仪的不同点和相同点.   在当今社会,随着中西方跨文化交流的平凡以及中西方礼仪的影响加深,导致双方餐桌礼仪方面的差异产生.   本文着重于比较中西方在餐桌礼仪.   例如,就餐是人们不同的入座方式,不同的`饮食概念以及不同的餐具等等.   此外还会指出不同国家中的一些用餐禁忌来帮助人们更好的理解餐桌礼仪。通过此法,我们可以更加了解西方国家的文化背景,并且建立起良好的关系.   关键词:餐桌礼仪;文化背景;餐桌文化   Abstract   This paper mainly focuses on the differences of table manners of China and Western countries.   In our modern society, the cross-culture communication between China and Western countries becomes a hot issue and the influences of Chinese and Western etiquette are increasingly profound, which causes the differences in table manners.   In this paper, we attach more importance to the different table manners of China and Western countries, such as, the different ways people sit for a meal, different dining concepts and different table wares and so on.   Meanwhile, it helps us understand the situation.   In this way, we can know well the western countriesu2019 cultural background, and can set up a harmonious relationship with the westerns.   Key words: table manners; cultural background; table culture   Contents   Introduction   With the development of global economy, cross-culture communication has become more and more frequent, and the differences between Chinese and western culture have become more obvious, especially the differences of table manners.   Having dinner is more than the basic necessity of life.   Instead, having dinner is an important part of social formulae.   “John Loke, a famous British philosopher once said, the purpose of playing a ceremonial role is to change the original stubborn to gentle, so that peopleu2019s temper can become more moderate and let people learn to respect for others and get along with each others.   ” (Duan, Chen, 2008) There is no doubt that sometimes some strangers become acquaintances, those acquaintances get a better understanding of the other even to the germination of love.   Because table manner is so fantastic that it does us a favor on acquiring more information, opening up eyesight and expanding the circle of communication.   It is obvious that table manners are quite important in peopleu2019s everyday life.   There are numberless differences between Chinese and western food cultures, and those differences cause the differences of table manners.   China is one of the four earliest civilizations in the world.   Chinese nation is the only inheritance millennium civilization.   Western society went through the darkness of Middle Ages and then came to Renaissance, gave birth to capitalism and modern civilization.   Today, with the economic globalization, international commercial activities have become more and more frequently and cross-culture communication has come into every nationu2019s daily life.
2023-08-02 12:37:211


西方餐桌礼仪英语版   西方用餐,人们一是讲究吃饱,二是享受用餐的情趣和氛围。为在初次吃西餐时举止更加娴熟,熟悉一下西餐礼仪是非常必要的。下面是我整理的`西方餐桌礼仪英语版,欢迎大家阅读!   TABLE MANNERS AT A DINNER PARTY:   People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.Knowing them will help you make a good impression.Having good table manners means knowing,for example,how to use knives and forks,when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glasses—one for white wine,one for the red wine,and one for water.There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table,forks on the left and knives in the right of the plate.When you see two spoons,the big one id for the suop and the samll one for the dessert.The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a litte bit bigger than the ones beside them.When you sit down at the table,you can take your napkin,unfold it and put it on your lap.In Chinese you sometime get a hot,damp cloth to clean your face and face and hands,whinch,however,is nat the custom in Western countries.   Dinner start with a small dish,which is often called a starter.Sime people pray before they start eating ,and other people may keep silent for a moment.Then you can say"Enjoy your meal"to each other and everybody start eating.For the starter,which you eat with the smaller pair,you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.After the starter you will get a bowl of soup—but only one boel of soup and never ask for a seconf serving.   The next dish is the main course.Many Westerners think the chicken breast with its tender white flesh is the best part of the bird.Some people can use their fingers when they eating chicken or other birds,but never touch beef or other meat in bones.It is polite to finish eating everthing on your plate,so don"t take more food than you need.   At table ,you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot,but do not laugh all the time.   Most Westerners like soft drink if they will drive home.Many of them drink white or red wine with the food.When drinking to someone"s health,you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch.The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once,but Westerners usually take only a sip.For drinking during a dinner,the best advic is never to drink too much.   Table manners change over time.They follow the fashion of the day .Beside,table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.If you"re not sure what to do ,you can always follow your hosts.Although good manners always make you look good,you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with your friends or family.
2023-08-02 12:37:281


西餐礼仪英文简短版   现在很多人都有去吃西餐的习惯了,那么你知道西餐的礼仪英语要怎么说吗?下面是为大家准备的西餐礼仪英文简短,希望可以帮助大家!   西餐礼仪英文简短   utensils / cutlery   餐具   knife 刀子   fork 叉子   spoon 汤匙   plates 盘子   salad plate 沙拉盘   glasses 杯子   napkin 餐巾   pepper shaker 胡椒罐   salt shaker 盐罐   bread basket面包篮   butter tray 奶油碟   Seating   入座   1. Man should open the chair for the lady. 男士应该为女士拉开椅子让她入座。   2. Man should sit on the ladyu2019s left-hand side. 男士应该坐在女士的`左手边。   3. Go into the seat from the left-side. 由椅子的左侧入座。   4. Keep your hands on the lap before the meal serving. 在上餐之前把手放在大腿上。   Napkin   餐巾使用方式   1. Unfold the napkin and fold it half before putting it on your lap. 打开餐巾,对折,然后放在大腿上。   2. Use the napkin only to wipe your mouth. 餐巾只能用来轻轻的擦拭嘴边。   3. Place the napkin on the back of the chair if you need to be excused. 如要离开座位, 将餐巾放在椅背上。   4. After completion, place the soiled napkin at the left of your place setting. 用餐完毕, 把用过的餐巾放在餐具的左手边。   Table manners   用餐礼仪   1. During eating, your back should be relying on the seat back. 用餐时,背部要靠着椅背。   2. The meat entrees should match wine, and the fish entrees should match white wine.主菜若是肉类应搭配红酒,鱼类则搭配白酒。   3. When eating the soup, scoop the soup with spoon from back to front. 喝汤时,用汤匙由后往前将汤舀起。   4. When eating the bread, torn the bread into small pieces and eat with left hand. 吃面包时,先用两手撕成小块,再用左手拿来吃。   Place Setting   餐具摆设与使用方法   1. Put the fork on the left-hand side and the knife on the right-hand side. 把叉子放在左边,刀子放在右边。   2. Always eat outside-in. 先用摆在最外面的刀叉,由外而内的使用餐具。   3. Put the salad fork to the outside of the dinner fork, the salad knife to the outside of the dinner knife. 把沙拉用叉子放在晚餐(主餐)叉的外侧,沙拉刀放在晚餐(主餐)刀外侧。因为我们是先吃沙拉再吃主餐。   4. The knife blade should be pointed toward the plate. 刀刃要面向盘子摆放。   5. The soup spoon goes outside the knives. 喝汤用的汤匙要放在刀子外侧。   6. Place the dessert up top, and the bowl of the spoon is pointing to the left. 把甜点餐具摆在餐盘正上方,汤匙的前端要朝左摆放。   7. Set a cake fork and flip it 180 degrees to dessert spoon. 蛋糕叉和甜点汤匙摆放方向相反。   8. The bread plate should be set at the upper left, and the butter knife goes on the plate at an angle, with the blade pointing in. 面包盘要摆在左上角,奶油刀要斜摆在面包盘上,让刀刃面向自己。   9. Set the wine glass to the upper right. 把酒杯放在右上角。   10. Place the water glass to the left of the wine glass. 把水杯斜放在酒杯左侧。 ;
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1.When helping a woman pull her chair to the table, hold it and guide it. Don"t shove it against the back of her legs.1.为女士拉椅子的时候,要把椅子抓住了,留个角度,让女士好走过去。别让椅子腿碰到女士的腿。2.If you"re seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wait for everyone to be served and for the hostess to begin eating before you dig in. At a long banquet table, it"s OK to start when several people are seated and served.2.如果就餐人数少于等于八人,那就等所有人都坐好了,女主人开始用餐了,再开动。如果是长餐桌,那么只要有几个人入座进食了,你也就可以开始吃了。3.All things not having to do with food should remain off the table: keys, clutch bags, cigarette packs, sunglasses, BlackBerrys.3.一切和食物无关的东西都不应该出现在餐桌上,包括:钥匙、手袋、烟盒、墨镜还有手机。4.Don"t snap your napkin open or unfurl it showily like it"s an Olympic flag.4.不要把餐巾展开,看起来像是在展示奥林匹克会旗一样。5.If you prefer not to have wine while dining out, don"t turn your glass upside down, and don"t make a big deal of saying you don"t drink. Simply place your fingertips on the rim of the glass and say "Not today, thanks."5.如果在用餐时你不想饮酒,不要把酒杯倒过来放,也不要很在意地宣布你不喝酒。只要轻轻地把指尖放在酒杯边缘,说一句"今天不喝,谢谢。"6.If you"re eating and want to take a sip, dab your mouth with your napkin to avoid staining the rim of the glass.6.如果你在吃东西的时候,想要啜一口饮料的话,那就先拿餐巾把嘴擦干净了,以免在杯子边缘留下残迹。7.Grabbing a bowl of salad or a saltshaker as it"s being passed to someone who asked for it is the equivalent of cutting in line: greedy and rude.7.把原本要递给别人的沙拉碗或者盐瓶从半道截下来,这基本上就等于在说:你是个既贪婪又粗鲁的人品友互动8.On the subject of passing: Dishes go counterclockwise, but if someone to your left asks for something, you can hand it directly to him.8.餐桌上要传递东西的话,规则一般是逆时针传递。不过,如果坐在你左手边的人想要什么东西时,你也可以直接递给他。9.When you excuse yourself to go to the restroom, just say "Please excuse me."9.想去洗手间的时候,只要说"失陪一下"就可以了。10.When out with friends or family - even at a fancy restaurant - it"s OK to ask for your leftovers to be wrapped. But don"t do it at a business lunch or dinner.10.和朋友家人一起外出用餐,即使是到很高级的餐馆,也可以要求把吃剩下的食物打包带走。不过,如果是在商务宴会上,就不要这么做了。
2023-08-02 12:37:551


  西餐用餐礼仪英语常用口语有哪些?下面我为大家整理了西餐用餐礼仪英语常用口语,供大家参考!   西餐用餐礼仪常用英语口语   1) As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin(餐巾), pick yours up and lay it on your lap. Sometimes a roll of bread is wrapped in it; if so, toke it our and put it on your side plate.   2) The Soup Course   Dinner usually begins with soup. The largest spoon at your place is the soup spoon. It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side.   3) The Fish Course   If there is a fish course, it will probably follow the soup. There may be a special fork for the fish, or it may be similar to the meat fork. Often it is smaller.   4) The Meat Course   The main Course is usually served by the host himself, especially if it is a fowl(鸡禽) or a roast which need to be carved. He will often ask each guest what piece he prefers, and it is quite proper to state your preference as to lean or fat, dark(红肉) or light(白肉).   5) Using Knife and Fork   If you have English and American friends you will notice a few differences in their customs of eating. For the main or meat curse, the English keep the fork in the left hand, point curved downward, and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables, by placing it firmly on the fork in this position with the knife. Americans carve the meat in the same position, then lay down the knife and taking the fork in the right hand with the point turned up, push it under a small piece of food without the help of the knife and bring it to the moth right-side-up.   6) Helping Yourself and Refusing   If a servant passes food around, he will pass the dish in at your left hand so that you can conveniently serve yourself with your right hand. Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right; it is then the turn of your neighbor on the right. It is polite to take some of everything that is passed to you. But if there is something you may not like, you may quietly say: "No thank you."   7) Second Helpings   The hostess may or may not ask if you would like a second helping, according to the formality of the meal. If she does and you accept it, you should pass your plate to her or to the servant with the knife and fork still lying on it.   8) The Salad Course   A salad is eaten with a fork only held in the right hand with points turned up. There is usually a special one for the salad, a little smaller than the meat fork.   9) Bread and Butter   Bread is taken in the fingers and laid on the side plate or the edge of the large plate, it is never take with a fork. Butter is taken from the butter dish with the butter knife and placed on the side plate, not on one"s bread.   10) Other Things on the Table   When there are things on the middle of the table, such as bread, butter, jelly, pickles, nits, candies, you should not take any until the hostess ahs suggested that they be passed.   11) Leaving the Table   It is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal, or before the hostess gives the signal at the end. When the hostess indicates that the dinner is over, she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests she rise from theirs at the same time.   12) Various rules and Suggestions   Sit up straight on your chair;   Do not put much food in your mouth at a time;   Drink only when there is no food in your mouth;   Try not to get into your mouth anything that will have to be taken out;
2023-08-02 12:38:181


西方餐桌礼仪英语作文带翻译   Western refers to Western European countries diet cuisine.Western etiquette.Today, I introduce to you to eat Westernstyle food etiquette.   When seated, the body upright, elbow not placed on, may not.Use your fork and knife, fork, the right hand holds the knife; when the cutting things, keep the fork in the left hand hold the food, right hand with a knife cut into small pieces, fork in the entrance.Do not sip the soup to eat, chew when to shut up.Don"t lick the lips or smacking sound.Overheating, can be cooled before eating, not mouth blown.A cup of coffee when ready to add milk or sugar, add the following to use tsp stirring, TSP will be placed on the coffee saucers.Drink cups should put his right, left hand end saucer, direct mouth to drink, do not use a spoon to scoop a spoonful spoonful of drink.   Western food is not only a kind of etiquette, is also a kind of civilization.The westernstyle food etiquette, you learn?    【参考译文】   西方指的是西欧国家的饮食菜肴。西方礼仪。今天,我向你介绍吃西式餐饮礼仪。   就座时,身体直立,肘不放,不可能。用你的刀和叉,叉,右手持刀;切东西时,左手拿叉按住食物,用刀切成小块的右手,在入口叉。不喝汤吃,咀嚼时闭嘴。不要舔嘴唇或咂嘴的.声音。过热,可待稍凉后再吃,不要用嘴吹。一杯咖啡的时候加牛奶或糖,添加后要用小勺搅拌,将小勺放在咖啡碟。喝杯要把他的右手,左手端碟,直接用嘴喝,不要用勺子舀了一勺一勺喝。   西餐不仅是一种礼仪,也是一种文明,西式食品的礼仪,你学会了吗? ;
2023-08-02 12:38:251


吃西餐的礼仪英语作文参考   你的假期休闲计划中,有木有去西餐厅享受一番?或者,你现在已经身处国外,准备到处吃吃吃了呢?然而厚厚一本菜单满满都是英文,你想吃的美味隔着一堆字母与你相见不相识,倾情演绎啥叫“世界上最远的距离”。下面是为大家准备的吃西餐的礼仪英语作文,希望可以帮助大家!    吃西餐的`礼仪英语作文   Differences of Table Manners   Linda: Hi, Maya. I want to invite a friend from America to have a western dinner on the weekend. So I want to ask you something.   Maya: What would you like to know?   Linda: I just dont understand the American table manners.   Maya: You should learn about some Chinese cultures, especially the table manners.   Linda: I think you are right. Can you tell me the differences between Chinese table manners and American table manners?   Maya: The most obvious difference is that they use knives and forks, but we use chopsticks.   Linda: Exactly. I know they often place the knife and spoon on the right of the plate. The fork is on the left.   Maya: Youd better keep your left hand under the table unless you use it in the process of cutting.   Linda: How can I know that he is full?   Maya: He will tell you that he is full. And if he puts knife and fork in a position on the plate looking like the hands of a clock at 5: 30, it means that he is finished.   Linda: There are really so many differences. Thank you.   Maya: You are welcome.   菜 品 形 式   就像中餐分主食、热菜、凉菜、点心等等一样,西餐菜单也把菜品分门别类,并且也有“套餐”概念,不过中西饮食习惯不同,所以与中餐类别相对应的食物,不一定是你熟悉的形式。下面就以经典法餐的菜单流程为例,介绍每种西餐类别的名称和内容:   Appetizer/First Course前菜   美式叫法:Starter   西餐的主菜,以大块肉类为主,或者是整块鱼,或大个头的海鲜中国人概念里的主食和素食,比如面包和土豆泥。也会作为配菜(Side Dish)一齐奉上美国快餐店的菜单,还有1主n配的套餐(Combo)。   Dressing / Sauce酱汁   Dressing指的不是裙子,是沙拉的调味汁,Sauce泛指搭配菜肴和甜点的各种蘸汁、烧汁,比如番茄酱(Ketchup)、肉卤(Gravy),一般来讲sauce比dressing要浓稠重口一些厚重感再强一点的,叫Paste。   Dessert/Pudding甜点   为啥pudding是甜点,有两点值得说明:一是饮料(Beverage)并不算甜品,一般需要单点;二是咱爱吃的甜软型面包,反倒可以作甜点。因为很多都是酥皮点心(Pastry),在西方不太算主食。   食 材 类 型   大概是很多人对西餐菜单产生畏难情绪的一个原因。但实际上,西餐菜名还比中餐更“坦诚”呢,像“夫妻肺片”这种细思恐极的抽象菜名,是绝对没有的   基本都是【制法+主料+配料】这种毫无创意的格式。所以,只要知道大部分西餐常吃的食材及其部位,菜名再长,也不会有啥理解难度哒~。   肉类部位   Chicken鸡肉    吃西餐礼仪英语句子   01.Dining in a Western restaurant, we have to learn a lot of dos and donts.   到西餐厅用餐,我们得多了解一些餐厅礼节。   02.Dont read at the table.   不要边吃饭边看书。   03.Dont gar以e with your soup.   不要用汤漱口。   04.No TV during dinner.   吃饭时不要看电视。   05.Chew with your mouth closed.   闭着嘴巴嚼食物。   06.Please keep the table clean.   请保持桌面干净。   07.Excuse me. Ill just get the phone.   对不起,我去接个电话。   08.Dont put your elbows on the table.   不要把手肘支在餐桌上。   09.Dont talk with your mouth full.   吃饭时不要总说话。   10.Excuse me for a minute.   我失陪一会儿。   11.Dont take huge mouthfuls of anything.   不管吃什么都不要过于大口。   12.Dont slurp your soup.   喝汤不要发出声音。   13.Put the bowl down gently.   轻轻地把碗放下。 ;
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西方餐桌礼仪的英语作文   在西方,去饭店吃饭一般都要事先预约,在预约时,有几点要特别注意说 清楚,首先要说明人数和时间,其次要表明是否要吸烟区或视野良好的座位。接下来是我为您整理的西方餐桌礼仪的`英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。   西方餐桌礼仪的英语作文1   Of course, the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knife and fork, but that"s only superficial. Besides, in decent restaurants, you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork, if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough. The real difference is that in the West, you have your own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host thinks you"re in the country for the first time, he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes.   The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. Soup then will be served (unless in Guangdong style restaurants) to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings. If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all.   Perhaps one of the things that surprises a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests. In formal dinners, there are always "public" chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks. This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness. It is always polite to eat the food. If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the plate.   People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed. When you have had enough, just say so. Or you will always overeat!   西方餐桌礼仪的英语作文2   Blurbs; the difference is a lot of Western table manners. As far as I know there are some to share with you the following: when you have Western food, many people are worried about "rude". In fact, the so-called table manners to make meals without obstacles and destruction, and to facilitate the smooth flow of usable code. Remember the "neat, clean, quiet and" three principles will be no detriment. 1. When you are invited to dinner, you who sit at dining and dinner table conversation, probably more than the food to be more interested in.eating, should as far as possible, less noise and less action. 2. the hostess when you take your napkin, you also can pick up your napkins, place it on the leg.sometimes napkin Pack a small bread; if so, take it, put it on the small dishes next to it. 3. napkin if is large, DRAG and drop on the leg if very small, all of the open. Never on a napkin on the collar or vest, not in the hands of rubbing. On the corner wipe your mouth with a napkin or grease or dirt on the sure not to use it to clean the knife and fork or dishes. 4. dinner usually starts with soup. In front of you in one of the biggest spoon is a spoon, it"s on your right next to the not mistake the spoon used in the middle of the table, because that could be taken to jam with vegetables. 5. in the hostess picks up before her spoon or fork, guests shall not eat any dish. Hostess typically have to wait until each guest is started only after receiving the dishes. She does not like China used, please eat first.when she picked up when a spoon or fork, that means we can do that. 6. If there is a fish dish,, sent after most of it in the soup, fish may be a special fork on the table, it may resemble meat fork, usually smaller, in short, Harpoon put meat fork, lateral side far away from the plate.   7. as a rule before the table on the fish, mackerel, tick the net for a long time, if you eat a piece of fish or have thorns, you can left hand holding a bread roll, or a piece of bread, right hand holding a knife and stabbed brushed aside. 8. If your mouth with a thorn, it should silently, without attracting attention, pointed it out as much as possible, on the plate edge, don"t put it on the table, or throw in the ground. Towel, put it on the leg.sometimes napkin Pack a small bread; if so, take it, put it on the small dishes next to it. ;
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西餐用餐礼仪以及相关英文表达   当你在国外就餐的时候,只能读懂菜单是远远不够的。得体的餐桌礼仪意味你需要知道该说些什么,做些什么。继续往下读,看看你在用英语进餐的环境中是否表现的大方得体。   在说英语的国家,cutlery是指刀,叉和勺子(也就是进餐时用的器具)。人们经常会搞不清到底该用哪种餐具来吃哪道菜。基本的规则是从外到里(从离盘子最远的地方开始)。   在进餐时,如果你需要接电话或是离开餐桌去洗手间,你可以简单地说一声"Please excuse me for a moment."你可以将你的电话设置成静音或振动(Set your phone to the mute mode. 或Set your phone to the vibration mode.)。如果能关机的话会更为礼貌,不要特地拿手机出来关机给其他客人看,因为这样有炫耀自己很忙很重要的嫌疑。   无论如何,你一定要避免发出咂嘴的声音!特别是当你在喝汤和吃面条的时候!(Donu2019t slurp when drinking soup or having noodles.)注:在日本的拉面馆里吃饭,店家喜欢听到顾客slurp面条的声音,声音大代表顾客对店里的面条手艺高度认可,这也是一种礼貌。在西式的`用餐场合,吃饭的时候尽量安静一点。   在吃西餐时,胳膊肘(elbow)自始至终不能搁在桌子上,不过如今遵守这条规矩的不多了。使用刀叉,应是右手持刀,左手拿叉,将食物切成小块,然后用刀叉送入口内。一般来讲,欧洲人使用刀叉时不换手,一直用左手持叉将食物送入口内。美国人则是切好后,把刀放下,右手持叉将食物送入口中。但无论何时,刀是绝不能送物入口的。西餐宴会,主人都会安排男女相邻而坐,讲究“女士优先”的西方绅士,都会表现出对女士的殷勤。   即使你已经吃了很多,主人可能还是要你再吃一点。如果你真的已经吃饱了,你可以说:"Thank you, but I really couldn"t eat another bite."(谢谢,但是我真得吃不下了)或者是"I"m stuffed!"(我太饱了),这是"very full"的非正式说法。   如果你想表明你已经吃饱了,你可以把你的刀叉并拢(一起放在你的盘子上),不要把吃过东西的盘子摞起来。离席之前,你可以说:"What a delicious meal! Thank you so much.",以此表达你的谢意。如果有纸巾,一般不要用餐巾(napkin)擦嘴。在所有人都吃完后,你才可以离开餐桌。   探过身子伸到桌子的另一边取食物是非常不礼貌的。如果你需要盐,或是你想吃某道菜,而你又够不到,你就可以说"Please pass the ...("请把u2026u2026递给我,好吗?)   最后,其实你并不需要对每个细节都谨小慎微。现代礼仪更多传达是个人的优雅和姿态。当你不确定该怎么做的时候,你只需看看周边的人是怎么做的就可以了!When you are not sure what you should do, just follow others. ;
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礼仪英语:西餐礼仪   一.西餐餐桌礼仪   餐桌上必须要注意的是:   1.西餐点菜及上菜顺序   西餐菜单上有四或五大分类,其分别是开胃菜、汤、沙拉、海鲜、肉类、点心等。   应先决定主菜。主菜如果是鱼,开胃菜就选择肉类,在口味上就比较富有变化。除了食量特别大的外,其实不必从菜单上的单品菜内配出全餐,只要开胃菜和主菜各一道,再加一份甜点就够了。可以不要汤,或者省去开胃菜,这也是很理想的组合(但在意大利菜中,意大利面被看成是汤,所以原则上这两道菜不一起点)。   正式的全套餐点上菜顺序是:   1)头盘。西餐的第一道菜是头盘,也称为开胃品。开胃品的内容一般有冷头盘和热头盘之分,常见的品种有鱼子酱、鹅肝酱、熏鲑鱼、鸡尾杯、奶油鸡酥盒、焗蜗牛等。因为是要开胃,所以开胃菜一般都有特色风味,味道以咸和酸为主,而且数量少,质量较高。   2)汤。和中餐不同的是,西餐的第二道菜就是汤。西餐的汤大致可分为清汤、奶油汤、蔬菜汤和冷汤等4类。品种有牛尾清汤、各式奶油汤、海鲜汤、美式蛤蜊汤、意式蔬菜汤、俄式罗宋汤、法式焗葱头汤。冷汤的品种较少,有德式冷汤、俄式冷汤等。   3)副菜。鱼类菜肴一般作为西餐的第三道菜,也称为副菜。品种包括各种淡、海水鱼类、贝类及软体动物类。通常水产类菜肴与蛋类、面包类、酥盒菜肴品都称为副菜。因为鱼类等菜肴的肉质鲜嫩,比较容易消化,所以放在肉类菜肴的前面,叫法上也和肉类菜肴主菜有区别。西餐吃鱼菜肴讲究使用专用的调味汁,品种有鞑靼汁、荷兰汁、酒店汁、白奶油汁、大主教汁、美国汁和水手鱼汁等。   4)主菜。肉、禽类菜肴是西餐的第四道菜,也称为主菜。肉类菜肴的原料取自牛、羊、猪、小牛仔等各个部位的肉,其中最有代表性的是牛肉或牛排。牛排按其部位又可分为沙朗牛排(也称西冷牛排)、菲利牛排、“T”骨型牛排、薄牛排等。其烹调方法常用烤、煎、铁扒等。肉类菜肴配用的调味汁主要有西班牙汁、浓烧汁精、蘑菇汁、白尼斯汁等。   禽类菜肴的原料取自鸡、鸭、鹅,通常将兔肉和鹿肉等野味也归入禽类菜肴。禽类菜肴品种最多的是鸡,有山鸡、火鸡、竹鸡,可煮、炸、烤、焖,主要的调味汁有黄肉汁、咖喱汁、奶油汁等。   5)蔬菜类菜肴。蔬菜类菜肴可以安排在肉类菜肴之后,也可以和肉类菜肴同时上桌,所以可以算为一道菜,或称为一种配菜。蔬菜类菜肴在西餐中称为沙拉。和主菜同时服务的沙拉,称为生蔬菜沙拉,一般用生菜、西红柿、黄瓜、芦笋等制作。沙拉的主要调味汁有醋油汁、法国汁、干岛汁、奶酪沙拉汁等。   沙拉除了蔬菜之外,还有一类是用鱼、肉、蛋类制作的,这类沙拉一般不加味汁,在进餐顺序上可以作为头盘。   还有一些蔬菜是熟的,如花椰菜、煮菠菜、炸土豆条。熟食的蔬菜通常和主菜的肉食类菜肴一同摆放在餐盘中上桌,称为配菜。   6)甜品。西餐的甜品是主菜后食用的,可以算做是第六道菜。从真正意义上讲,它包括所有主菜后的食物,如布丁、煎饼、冰淇淋、奶酪、水果等。   7)咖啡、茶。西餐的最后一道是上饮料,咖啡或茶。喝咖啡一般要加糖和淡奶油。茶一般要加香桃片和糖。   2.位次问题   即使来宾中有地位、身份、年纪高于主宾的,在排定位次时,仍要请紧靠主人就坐。男主人坐主位,右手是第一重要客人的夫人,左手是第二重要客人的夫人,女主人坐在男主人的对面。她的两边是最重要的第一、第二位男客人。现在,如果不是非常正规的午餐或晚餐,这样一男一女的间隔坐法就显得不重要了。   3.刀叉的使用   使用刀叉时,从外侧往内侧取用刀叉,要左手持叉,右手持刀;切东西时左手拿叉按住食物,右手拿刀切成小块,用叉子往嘴里送。用刀的时候,刀刃不可以朝外。进餐中途需要休息时,可以放下刀叉并摆成“八”字形状摆在盘子中央,表示没吃完,还要继续吃。每吃完一道菜,将刀叉并排放在盘中,表示已经吃完了,可以将这道菜或盘子拿走。如果是谈话,可以拿着刀叉,不用放下来,但不要挥舞。不用刀时,可用右手拿叉,但需要作手势时,就应放下刀叉,千万不要拿着刀叉在空中挥舞摇晃,不要一手拿刀或叉,而另一只手拿餐巾擦嘴,也不要一手拿酒杯,另一只手拿叉取菜。任何时候,都不要将刀叉的一端放在盘上,另一端放在桌上。   4.餐桌上的注意事项。不要在餐桌上化妆,用餐巾擦鼻涕。用餐时打嗝是大忌。取食时,拿不到的食物可以请别人传递,不要站起来。每次送到嘴里的食物别太多,在咀嚼时不要说话。就餐时不可以狼吞虎咽。对自己不愿吃的食物也应要一点放在盘中,以示礼貌。不应在进餐中途退席。确实需要离开,要向左右的客人小声打招呼。饮酒干杯时,即使不喝,也应该将杯口在唇上碰一碰,以示敬意。当别人为你斟酒时,如果不需要,可以简单地说一声“不,谢谢!”或以手稍盖酒杯,表示谢绝。进餐过程中,不要解开纽扣或当众脱衣。如果主人请客人宽衣,男客人可以把外衣脱下搭在椅背上,但不可以把外套或随身携带的东西放到餐台上。   三.西餐的吃法   西餐的具体吃法,和中餐有很大区别。   1.吃面包和黄油时,通常是小圆面包和包条   自己拿面包和黄油,然后用手把面包掰成几小块,抹一块,吃一块。   吃三明治,小的三明治和烤面包是用手拿着吃的,大点的吃前先切开。配卤汁吃的热三明治需要用刀和叉。   2.吃肉类   西方人吃肉(指的是羊排、牛排、猪排等)一般都是大块的。吃的时候,用刀、叉把肉切成一小块,大小刚好是一口。吃一块,切一块,不要一下子全切了,也千万不要用叉子把整块肉夹到嘴边,边咬、边咀嚼、边吞咽。   吃牛肉(牛排)的场合,由于可以按自己爱好决定生熟的程度,预定时,服务员或主人会问你生熟的程度。   吃有骨头的肉,比如吃鸡的时候,不要直接“动手”,要用叉子把整片肉固定(可以把叉子朝上,用叉子背部压住肉),再用刀沿骨头插入,把肉切开,边切边吃。如果是骨头很小时,可以用叉子把它放进嘴里,在嘴里把肉和骨头分开后,再用餐巾盖住嘴,把它吐到叉子上然后放到碟子里。不过需要直接“动手”的肉,洗手水往往会和肉同时端上来。一定要时常用餐巾擦手和嘴。   吃鱼时不要把鱼翻身,吃完上层后用刀叉剔掉鱼骨后再吃下层。   3.吃沙拉   西餐中,沙拉往往出现在这样的场合里:作为主菜的配菜,比如说蔬菜沙拉,这是常见的;作为间隔菜,比如在主菜和甜点之间;作为第一道菜,比如说鸡肉沙拉。   如果沙拉是一大盘端上来就使用沙拉叉。如果和主菜放在一起则要使用主菜叉来吃。   如果沙拉是间隔菜,通常要和奶酪、炸玉米片等一起食用。先取一两片面包放在你的沙拉盘上,再取两三片玉米片。奶酪和沙拉要用叉子吃,而玉米片可以用手拿着吃。   如果主菜沙拉配有沙拉酱,可以先把沙拉酱浇在一部分沙拉上,吃完这部分后再加酱。直到加到碗底的生菜叶部分,这样浇汁就容易了。   沙拉习惯的吃法应该是:将大片的生菜叶用叉子切成小块,如果不好切可以刀叉并用。一次只切一块,吃完再切。   4.喝汤   喝汤时不要啜,吃东西时要闭嘴咀嚼。不要舔嘴唇或咂嘴发出声音。即使是汤菜再热,也不要用嘴吹。要用汤匙从里向外舀,汤盘里的汤快喝完时,可以用左手将汤盘的外侧稍稍翘起,用汤匙舀净就行了。吃完后,将汤匙留在汤盘里,匙把指向自己。   5.蚝和文蛤   吃蚝和文蛤用左手捏着壳,右手用蚝叉取出蚝肉,蘸调味料用蚝叉吃。小虾和螃蟹的混合物也可以单独蘸调味料,用蚝叉吃。   6.意大利面   吃意大利面,要用叉子慢慢地卷起面条,每次卷四五根最方便。也可以用调羹和叉子一起吃,调羹可以帮助叉子控制滑溜溜的面条。不能直接用嘴吸,不然容易把汁溅得到处都是。   7.水果   在许多国家,把水果作为甜点或随甜点一起送上。通常是许多水果混合在一起,做成水果沙拉,或做成水果拼盘。   吃水果关键是怎样去掉果核。不能拿着整个去咬。有刀叉的情况下,应小心地使用,用刀切成四瓣再去皮核,用叉子叉着吃。要注意别把汁溅出来。没有刀或叉时,可以用你的.两个手指把果核从嘴里轻轻拿出,放在果盘的边上。把果核直接从嘴里吐出来,是非常失礼的。   8.西式快餐和小吃   汉堡包和热狗是用手拿着吃,但一定要用餐巾纸垫住,让酱汁流到餐巾上,而不是流到你的手或衣服上。为防止万一,可以一只手拿餐巾垫住,另一只手准备一两张餐巾备用。   比萨饼可以用手拿着饼块,把外边转向里,防止上面的馅掉出来。但一般晚宴的餐桌上看不到比萨饼的。   玉米薄饼是一种普遍的用手拿着吃的食物。可以蘸上如甜豆或蕃茄酱等混合酱后吃。   油煎食品和薯片,可以用手拿着吃,也可以用叉子吃。如果在户外,当然可以用手拿着吃了。   女士还要注意,吃东西的时候,每次都要少放一些到嘴里。小口嚼,制造噪音和弄坏唇膏。吃一般的菜时,如果把手指弄脏了,可以请服务员端洗手水来。   四.五种特殊情况的处理   1.碰到主人做感恩怎么办?   有的主人会在进餐前感恩祷告,或坐或立,来宾都应和主人一样。感恩祷告前,不要吃喝任何东西,安静地低着头。直到祷告结束,再把餐巾放在膝上,开始用餐。   2.塞牙或异物入口时   如果你的牙缝里塞了蔬菜叶子或沙粒式的东西,不要在餐桌上用牙签剔,可以喝口水试试看;如果不行,就去洗手间,这样你就可以用力地漱口,也可以用牙签。   如果遇到不好吃的食物或异物入口时,必须注意不要引起一起吃饭的人的不快,但也不必勉强把不好的东西吃下去。可以用餐巾盖住嘴,赶紧吐到餐巾上,让服务员换块新的餐巾。如果食物中有石子等异物时,可用拇指和食指取出来,放在盘子的一旁。   即使有只虫子从你的沙拉里神气活现地爬出来(这是锻炼你的勇气和风度的最佳时刻),也要心平气和地要求换掉,只要和主人或服务员使个眼色就行,不要大吵大闹、鬼哭神嚎,让所有人都知道以至于都不敢吃了。   3.吃了蒜或洋葱后怎么办?   吃饭的时候吃了蒜或葱,不管是在家里、办公室还是聚会,都不会太受欢迎。我们介绍几种解决的方法:   一是用漱口水;   二是嚼口香糖;   三是用一片柠檬擦拭口腔内部和舌头;   四是嚼几片茶叶或是咖啡豆。   4.在餐桌上弄洒了东西怎么办?   如果在餐桌上泼洒了东西,而且洒了很多的情况下,做主人的要叫服务员来清理你弄脏的地方,万一不能清除干净,他会给你再铺上一块新的餐巾,把脏东西盖住,然后再上下一道菜。如果在家里,只要用清洁用品清除就行了。   如果你的座位弄上了大量的污渍,就向主人再要一块餐巾盖在弄脏的地方,同时向主人和其他客人表示道歉。如果你或你的家人弄坏了主人的任何东西,你应安排把弄坏的东西收在一起,并且清除干净或修好它们,在主人方便的时候再送回去。   5.刀叉掉到地上怎么办?   用餐的时候,刀叉不小心掉到地上,如果弯腰下去捡,不仅姿势不雅观,影响身边的人,也会弄脏手。可以示意服务生来处理并你更换新的餐具。   五.怎样得体地告辞?   正餐之后的酒会告辞时间按常识而定,如果酒会不是在周末举行,那就意味着告辞时间应在晚间十一时至午夜之间。如果在周末,就可以更晚一些。告辞应不宜过早或过迟。   各种(除了最大型的)酒会上,离开前都要向女主人当面致谢,这是礼貌。致谢时,该说的事交代完就可离开,不要说个不停,这样对方既无法做他自己的事也不能招呼别人。如果你因故必须早点告辞,致谢时不要太引人注目,以免让其他客人认为他们也该走了。   如果是主宾,就要先于其他客人向主人告辞。一般来说,主宾应在用完点心后的20分钟到40分钟之间相机告辞。一般客人不要先于主宾告辞,否则是对主人和主宾的不敬。如果确实有事需要先走,也要诚恳地说明情况。   出席鸡尾酒会的客人应按请帖上写明的时间起身告辞。如果接到的是口头邀请(可能没说明时间),应该认为酒会进行两个小时。如果有一位客人迟迟不走,而女主人又另有晚餐之约,那她就应该婉转说明。她可以友好地说:“我得跟您分手了,因为我不得不u2026u2026”   另外,参加了一次鸡尾酒会或非正式的正餐、酒会之后,写信或是通打个电话表示谢意,都是非常得体的。如果过不了多久又要见面的话,也可以面谢。 ;
2023-08-02 12:40:501


吃西餐的十大基本英语礼仪   用餐的表现就像自然反应,只要能多练习,养成良好的习惯,那么到任何高级的餐厅也不用害怕了。下面给大家介绍吃西餐的十大基本英语礼仪,一旦掌握了,你就能胸有成竹地步入宴会大厅。   吃西餐的十大基本英语礼仪   1.刀叉:手握叉子时不要像握大提琴那样,或像握麦克佩斯夫人的匕首那样。另外,不要手握刀叉在空中飞来舞去用以强调说话的某一点,也不要将刀叉的一头搭在盘子上,一头放在餐桌上。刀叉一旦拿起使用,就不能再放回原处。刀子放在盘子上时,刀刃朝里,头在盘子里,刀把放在盘子边缘上。   2.餐巾:不要拿餐巾去用力擦脸的下部,要轻轻地沾擦。不要抖开餐巾再去折叠,不要在空中像挥动旗子那样挥动餐巾。餐巾应放在大腿上,如果离开餐桌,要将餐巾放在椅子上,并把椅子推近餐桌。注意动作要轻。用餐结束时不要折叠餐巾;否则,不了解情况的服务生可能会再给别的客人使用。用餐结束时要将餐巾从中间拿起,轻轻地放在餐桌上盘子的左侧。   3.咀嚼:嚼东西时嘴要闭紧,无论你有什么惊人的妙语,时机多么恰到好处,只要嘴里有食物,绝不能开口说话。不能为了着急说话而马上将食物吞下,要保持细嚼慢咽的姿势,将食物咽下后会意地露出笑容,以转达你内心的活动:刚才完全可以有妙语出口,只是口中有食物。   4.坐姿:要牢记你妈妈的`话,坐立要直,不要将胳膊肘支在餐桌上。如果手放在什么位置都不自在,放在大腿上。   5.面包:面包上抹黄油尤其要注意,将面包掰成可以一口吃下的小块,临吃前在小块上抹黄油,不要图方便将整个面包上都抹上黄油。   6.速度:切忌速度过快,无论你是在RitzCarton还是在格尔蒂的GreasePit酒店用餐,大口吞咽食物不仅有害健康,而且也不雅观,尤其是和他人共同进餐时,这么做会显得失礼。共同进餐时大家的量应该一样,并保持同时开始同时结束的速度,别人都开始品味甜食了而你还在喝汤是不可取的。   7.剔牙:如果塞了牙,切忌在餐桌上剔牙,如果的确忍受不住,找个借口去洗手间,你可以在那里剔个够。   8.口红:将口红留在餐具上是不可取的,工作用餐尤其如此。如果没有随身携带纸手帕,进酒店时可以顺便到洗手间去一趟,或到吧台去取块纸餐巾。   9.吸烟:即使在吸烟区用餐,用餐期间吸烟也不可取,吸烟会影响他人的食欲,而且和整个气氛也不和谐,应该等到用餐结束后再吸烟,还应记住:不要用盘子当烟灰缸。   10.物品:女用手提包及男用手提箱这类东西不要放在餐桌上,钥匙、帽子、手套、眼镜、眼镜盒、香烟等物品都不要放在餐桌上。总之,凡是和用餐无关的东西都不能放在餐桌上。   西餐就餐英语礼仪   1、最得体的入座方式是从左侧入座。当椅子被拉开后,身体在几乎要碰到桌子的距离站直,领位者会把椅子推进来,腿弯碰到后面的椅子时,就可以坐下来了。就座时,身体要端正,手肘不要放在桌面上,不可跷足,与餐桌的距离以便于使用餐具为佳。餐台上已摆好的餐具不要随意摆弄。将餐巾对折轻轻放在膝上。   2.、使用刀叉进餐时,从外侧往内侧取用刀叉,要左手持叉,右手持刀;切东西时左手拿叉按住食物,右手执刀将其切成小块,用叉子送入口中。使用刀时,刀刃不可向外。进餐中放下刀叉时应摆成“八”字型,分别放在餐盘边上。刀刃朝向自身,表示还要继续吃。每吃完一道菜,将刀叉并拢放在盘中。如果是谈话,可以拿着刀叉,无需放下。不用刀时,可用右手持叉,但若需要作手势时,就应放下刀叉,千万不可手执刀叉在空中挥舞摇晃,也不要一手拿刀或叉,而另一只手拿餐巾擦嘴,也不可一手拿酒杯,另一只手拿叉取菜。要记住,任何时候,都不可将刀叉的一端放在盘上,另一端放在桌上。   用餐时,上臂和背部要靠到椅背,腹部和桌子保持约一个拳头的距离。两脚交叉的坐姿最好避免。   3.、喝汤时不要啜,吃东西时要闭嘴咀嚼。不要舔嘴唇或咂嘴发出声音。如汤菜过热,可待稍凉后再吃,不要用嘴吹。喝汤时,用汤勺从里向外舀,汤盘中的汤快喝完时,用左手将汤盘的外侧稍稍翘起,用汤勺舀净即可。吃完汤菜时,将汤匙留在汤盘(碗)中,匙把指向自己。   4、吃鱼、肉等带刺或骨的菜肴时,不要直接外吐,可用餐巾捂嘴轻轻吐在叉上放入盘内。如盘内剩余少量菜肴时,不要用叉子刮盘底,更不要用手指相助食用,应以小块面包或叉子相助食用。吃面条时要用叉子先将面条卷起,然后送入口中。   5、 面包一般掰成小块送入口中,不要拿着整块面包去咬。抹黄油和果酱时也要先将面包掰成小块再抹。   6、吃鸡时,欧美人多以鸡胸脯肉为贵。吃鸡腿时应先用力将骨去掉,不要用手拿着吃。吃鱼时不要将鱼翻身,要吃完上层后用刀叉将鱼骨剔掉后再吃下层吃肉时,要切一块吃一块,块不能切得过大,或一次将肉都切成块。   7、 喝咖啡时如愿意添加牛奶或糖,添加后要用小勺搅拌均匀,将小勺放在咖啡的垫碟上。喝时应右手拿杯把,左手端垫碟,直接用嘴喝,不要用小勺一勺一勺地舀着喝。吃水果时,不要拿着水果整个去咬,应先用水果刀切成四瓣再用刀去掉皮、核、用叉子叉着吃。   8、用刀叉吃有骨头的肉时,可以用手拿着吃。若想吃得更优雅,还是用刀较好。用叉子将整片肉固定(可将叉子朝上,用叉子背部压住肉),再用刀沿骨头插入,把肉切开。最好是边切边吃。必须用手吃时,会附上洗手水。当洗手水和带骨头的肉一起端上来时,意味着“请用手吃”。用手指拿东西吃后,将手指放在装洗手水的碗里洗净。吃一般的菜时,如果把手指弄脏,也可请侍者端洗手水来,注意洗手时要轻轻地洗。   9、 吃面包不可蘸调味汁吃到连调味汁都不剩,这是对厨师的礼貌。注意不要把面包盘子“舔”得很干净,而要用叉子叉住已撕成小片的面包,再蘸一点调味汁来吃,这才是雅观的做法。 ;
2023-08-02 12:41:061


Western etiquette of the relevant how much do you know?1.The knife and fork to useAsian meal is the main tool for chopsticks, and dining in the West when it will need to fork.Meals, in the middle plate, spoon and knife placed in the right side of the plate, fork on the left side.Placed on the table knife and fork, generally up to more than 3 can not. 3 or more food packages must be in place after the knife and fork to use with the serve and then put a new knife and fork.Taboo in their own food for other people to Cai Cai cloth, ladle soup or other food selection.Eat Western food, everyone has their own utensils, if it is meal together, everyone from market access in the case, then there must be a backup utility for your spoon or fork to use.Attention to the need to fork to use: You can not use hair fork food imports, but should shovel the food from the entrance.Hand not to find fault with knife and fork.Fork and spoon can be imported, but not a knife mouth, regardless of whether there is food above it.Cutlery set has a good location can not be changed, but if you are left-handed, eating can be a time when knife and fork to replace the use of each other.
2023-08-02 12:41:461


好的餐桌礼仪英语作文   餐桌礼仪。顾名思义,就是指在吃饭用餐时在餐桌上的礼仪常识,餐饮礼仪问题可谓源远流长。以下是我为大家整理好的好的餐桌礼仪英语作文,一起看看吧!   篇【1】:餐桌礼仪英语作文   The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality.   And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there   篇【2】:餐桌礼仪英语作文   Chinese table manners   Table manners in Chinese life and order in the full possession of a very important position, they believe, eating is not only way to meet their basic physiological needs method -- is also of paramount importance social experience. To this end, grasp the knowledge of the rules in some Chinese restaurants have become particularly important, whether you are a master, or merely a guest, must have some rules.   餐桌礼仪在中国人的完整生活秩序中占有一个非常重要的地位,他们认为,用餐不单是满足基本生理需要的方法———也是头等重要的社交经验.为此,掌握某些中式餐饮规则的知识便显得特别重要了,无论你是主人,抑或只是一位客人,都必须掌握一些规则.   The round table is popular. Because they can sit more people, and we can sit face to face, the head of the family identity and not long shaped the West on the table very clearly through his seat and identification. Guests should be invited to sit down and wait for the owner. The owner must be careful not to call the guests sitting in a seat near the table. This is a taboo.Will have to wait until all the people here can only be the beginning of any form of dining activities -- even if they have to wait for being late. Once you master home place, can do the prologue. During the meal, the owner must assume a proactive role -- urging guests enjoy eating and drinking is entirely reasonable.   ●圆形餐桌颇受欢迎.因为可以坐更多人,而且大家可以面对面坐,一家之主的身份并不像西方长形餐桌上很清楚地通过他的座位而辨认.客人应该等候主人邀请才可坐下.主人必须注意不可叫客人坐在*近上菜的座位.此为一大忌.必须等到所有人到齐才可以开始任何形式的.进餐活动———即使有人迟到也要等.一旦大家就位,主人家便可以做开场白了.进餐期间,主人必须承担一个主动积极的角色———敦促客人尽情吃喝是完全合理的.   In a typical Chinese-style table looks quite empty, in the eyes of Westerners, especially. Each seat can be seen on the front wheel on a bowl; right is a set of chopsticks and spoons, were placed in their own seat. In formal occasions, there will be napkins, mainly on the lap. In a formal banquet, the dishes of eating like a slide show, each time a dish. Surprisingly, rice, not with the dishes ibid, but you can choose to eat the same. As the dishes have their special characteristics, it should be for individual taste, but once only from a bowl to eat, not mixed taste. Plate is not available to eat, can only bowl. Bones and shells on the individual disk. Not clean the dishes must always be replaced with clean plates.   ●一张典型中式餐桌看上去相当空,在西方人眼中尤甚.每张座位前可见放在盘上的一只碗;右面是一组筷子与汤匙,分别放在各自的座上.在正式场合上,会出现餐巾,主要放在膝上.   在正式宴席上,菜式的吃法很像放映的幻灯片,每一次一道菜.令人惊讶的是,米饭不是与菜式同上,不过可以选择同吃.由于菜式各有特色,应该个别品尝,而且一次只从碗中吃一种,不是混合品尝.不可用盘子吃,只能用碗.骨头和壳类放在个别盘中.不干净的盘子必须经常用清洁盘子替换.   in addition to Tom, the gallery of all the food with chopsticks. May provide a knife and fork, but as the Chinese people, it is best to use chopsticks. Chopsticks are eating a tool, so do not play with the chopsticks -- take them when the drumstick is a very rude way, but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person or motioned. Of course, absolutely can not suck or to chopsticks chopsticks ed in rice, it is Taboo -- this is like the funeral of incense, is considered unlucky. Again, can not use chopsticks in a non-stop flipping Diecai years, should be the first sights with your eyes you want to get food. When you use chopsticks to pick up one of the food, try to avoid the encounter other food. If possible, use public chopsticks and spoons beside. After dinner or take the food after the end, will chopsticks chopsticks back seat.   ●除了汤之外,席上一切食物都用筷子.可能会提供刀*,但身为中国人,最好用筷子.筷子是进餐的工具,因此千万不可玩弄筷子———把它们当鼓槌是非常失礼的做法,更不可以用筷子向人指指点点或打手势示意.当然,绝对不可吸吮筷子或把筷子插在米饭中,这是大忌———这正好像葬礼上的香烛,被认为是不吉利的.再有,不可用筷子在一碟菜里不停翻动,应该先用眼睛看准你想取的食物.当你用筷了去取一块食物时,尽量避免碰到其他食物.可能的话,用旁边的公筷和汤匙.吃完饭或取完食物后,将筷子放回筷子座.   A seat Chinese restaurant without a formal tea and can not claim. Therefore, as far as possible, the storage of different varieties of tea is a sensible approach, to ensure the most sophisticated taste is also taken into account. Issues relating to tea, should pay attention to a few key things. Seats recently teapot people should be responsible for others and themselves --- --, pour the order in accordance with age, from longest to most young persons, the final pour myself. When the people you pour, the protocol should be used finger tapping on the table, this is done to pour expressed gratitude and respect.   ●一席中式餐饮如果没有茶便称不上正式了.为此,尽可能贮存不同品种的茶是明智的做法,确保最精明的品味也照顾到.有关茶的问题,应该注意几件关键的事.座位最近茶壶的人应该负责为其他人和自己斟茶———斟茶的次序按照年岁,由最长者至最年青者,最后为自己斟.当人家为你斟茶时,礼节上应该用手指轻敲桌子,这样做是对斟茶者表示感谢和敬意. ;
2023-08-02 12:42:131

西方餐桌礼仪 英语

1.辨认餐桌刀叉 一份正宗的西餐餐具共包括:牛油刀、面包碟、前菜用刀叉、主菜用刀叉、喝汤用汤匙、甜品用叉匙、红酒酒杯、白酒酒杯。 2.正确摆放餐巾 餐巾不仅要摆在腿上,还应该注意要将其对折,并将折痕靠近自己。中途暂时离席应将餐巾放在椅子上或用刀压着餐巾一角任其垂下,绝对不要将其挂在椅背上或放回餐桌上。 3.如何用刀叉 如果实在记不清刀叉用途,就只记住使用刀叉次序一定是由外至内。还有在使用刀叉时一定不要动用“蛮力”,要以前臂的力气切食物,使刀叉基本呈90度角的状态,如中途离席,刀叉应呈“八”字放置,叉背向上放,这表示“我还没吃完呢”。叉背向下表示用餐完毕,侍应生会过来收走盘子,已经吃饱的话,应该把刀叉并排放在盘子右面,叉背向下,刀在叉子的右侧。 4.双手取食物 向自己的盘中取食物时,一定要用双手。取一只烤土豆也要用左手拿叉、右手持汤匙将食物夹到自己的盘中。不要只用一只叉子将食物叉到盘中了事,那是极不礼貌的。 5.喝汤及吃面包 汤很热也绝不可以用嘴吹气。舀第一匙的作用就是“探热”,一般不要舀太满。汤匙要由内向外舀,汤剩下不多时可以将汤盘轻轻向外倾斜。 吃面包时,一定不要将整个面包拿起来放入口中咬着吃。合乎礼仪的吃法是把面包用手撕成小片,再缓缓放入口中。 6.主菜礼仪 吃肉扒要从左边切起。吃鱼时要注意,吃完上面的鱼肉后不要将鱼翻身,而应用刀叉挑去整付鱼骨后再吃下面的鱼肉。吃龙虾时,第一步先要将刀子插入虾壳和虾肉之间,使之剥离,再将肉取出,慢慢地切片享用。 7.水果及甜品 吃冰淇淋蛋糕应从自己面前的一侧吃起,如果是三角型蛋糕则应从顶上开始吃。餐后水果一般都是切皮去籽后的果块,吃起来很方便,如果像哈蜜瓜一样连皮的瓜类,应先切去皮现切小块食用。 8.其他 饮用鸡尾酒是一种礼貌,如果你不胜酒力,或不知在这种场合应点什么,那么PINK LADY 或DAIQUIRI保你不会醉醺醺地失态。 饮用咖啡、奶茶或柠檬时,不要用手把糖直接放入杯中。正确的方法是把方糖先放入茶匙,再将茶匙放入杯中,这样保证不会水花四溅。用完茶匙后,应将茶匙横放在茶碟向外侧,才合乎礼仪。 去西餐厅、咖啡厅都应将手袋放在背部和椅背之间的位置,放在桌面或膝上都不雅观。 在西方餐桌礼仪中,要求男士不应该在女士吃完之前先结束用餐,所以习惯于慢条斯理的女士应注意适当调节用餐速度,不要令男士等太久
2023-08-02 12:42:391


TABLE MANNERS AT A DINNER PARTY: People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.Knowing them will help you make a good impression.Having good table manners means knowing,for example,how to use knives and forks,when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glasses—one for white wine,one for the red wine,and one for water.There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table,forks on the left and knives in the right of the plate.When you see two spoons,the big one id for the suop and the samll one for the dessert.The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a litte bit bigger than the ones beside them.When you sit down at the table, you can take your napkin, unfold it and put it on your lap.In Chinese you sometime get a hot,damp cloth to clean your face and face and hands,whinch,however,is nat the custom in Western countries. Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called a starter.Sime people pray before they start eating , and other people may keep silent for a moment. Then you can say"Enjoy your meal"to each other and everybody start eating.For the starter,which you eat with the smaller pair,you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.After the starter you will get a bowl of soup—but only one boel of soup and never ask for a seconf serving. The next dish is the main course.Many Westerners think the chicken breast with its tender white flesh is the best part of the bird. Some people can use their fingers when they eating chicken or other birds,but never touch beef or other meat in bones.It is polite to finish eating everthing on your plate,so don"t take more food than you need. At table ,you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot,but do not laugh all the time. Most Westerners like soft drink if they will drive home.Many of them drink white or red wine with the food.When drinking to someone"s health,you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch. The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once,but Westerners usually take only a sip.For drinking during a dinner,the best advic is never to drink too much. Table manners change over time.They follow the fashion of the day .Beside,table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.If you"re not sure what to do ,you can always follow your hosts.Although good manners always make you look good,you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with your friends or family
2023-08-02 12:43:061


法国人就餐非常讲究礼仪,一般用长条型餐桌,男女主人各坐餐桌两头,家中其他成员或客人在餐桌两旁按从女主人一侧向男主人一侧重要程度递减方式排列,餐具使用各种不同形状的餐刀、叉子和勺子,用餐盘就餐,桌面上只能存在一道菜,撤去前一道才能上第二道,但餐具根据本次用餐情况全部摆放到就餐人餐盘两侧,从外到里使用。一般第一道菜是开胃浓汤(soupe),然后是冷盘(hors-d`04uvre),接着才是主菜(plat de résistance),最后是甜点(dessert),面包随时取用,比英美人消耗多。餐前喝利口酒,餐中水产和禽类菜配干白葡萄酒。肉类菜配干红葡萄酒,法国人消耗葡萄酒较多,几乎每餐必备,和英美法律也不同,未成年人也允许饮用葡萄酒。到法国人家中作客,则不能像到英美人家中作客一样,用一瓶酒和鲜花作礼物,等于讽刺主人家没有足够的酒,只能用一盒巧克力做礼物。法国人的就餐礼仪已经成为西方宴会的经典模式。 法国餐馆以其豪华的礼仪和风味著称,世界各大城市中最豪华昂贵的餐馆几乎都是法国餐馆,曾有英国人抱怨说:乘协和式飞机从伦敦去巴黎吃一顿饭,再乘机返回,所有旅费加到一起,也比在伦敦的法国餐馆吃一顿饭便宜。 法国是世界著名的饮食文化大国,在法国不同地区有不同的特色美食。由于法国人相当地重视美食,所以吃法国菜时所需要的餐具也是非常多的。 1、肉类料理排餐的吃法 (1)从左边开始切。 法国料理中所使用的肉有牛、猪、羊、鸡、鸭等等,种类相当多,又依调理方式分为烧、烤、蒸、煮等各式各样。一打开菜单,烤小羊排、烤鸭、焖牛肉等等各样的肉类料理 名称琳琅满目地排列在一起,而且吃法千奇百样,令人垂涎三尺。 首先必须记住的是排餐的用餐方法。排餐可说是自古至今的肉类料理代表,排餐的吃 法自然也就成为其他肉类料理的基本形式,所以最好下点功夫研究。点用牛排时,首先服 务生会询问烧烤程度,可依你所喜欢的料理方式供应。 用餐时,以叉子从左侧将肉叉住,再用刀沿着叉子的右侧将肉切开,如切下的肉无法 一口吃下,可直接用刀子再切小一些,切开刚好一口大小的肉,然后直接以叉子送人口中。 (2)重点在于利用刀压住肉时的力度。 为了轻松地将肉切开,首先就要松肩膀,并确实用叉子把肉叉住。再以刀轻轻地慢慢 地前后移动。用力点是在将刀伸出去的时候,而不是将刀拉回时。 (3)将取得的调味酱放在盘子内侧。 点排餐时,会附带一杯调味酱。在正式的场合中,调味酱应是自行取用,而非麻烦服 务生服务。 首先将调味酱钵拿到盘子旁边,以汤勺取酱料时要注意不要滴到桌巾。调味酱不可以 直接淋在牛排上,应取适当的量放在盘子的内侧,再将肉切成一口大小蘸酱料吃。 调味酱的量约以两汤匙为最适量。取完调味酱后,将汤勺放在调味酱钵的侧边,并传 给下一个人。 (4)不可一开始就将肉全部切成一块一块的,否则好吃的肉汁就会全部流出来了。如 果用叉子叉住肉的左侧却从肉的右侧开始切;会很难将肉切开。因左手拿叉子,所以从左 侧开始切才是基本。 千万不要从右侧开始切。如果太用力切,在切开时会因与盘子碰撞而发出很大的声音。 身体向前倾的姿势很难使用刀子。 (5)点缀的蔬菜也要全部吃完 放在牛排旁边的蔬菜不只是为了装饰,同时也是基于营 养均衡的考虑而添加的。国人大都会把水芹留下,如果不是真的不爱吃,最好不要剩下。 利用汤取酱料并放在餐盘内侧,放在旁边的蔬菜与肉互相交替着吃完。
2023-08-02 12:43:181


以西方餐桌礼仪为话题的英语作文   在我们平凡的`日常里,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是我整理的以西方餐桌礼仪为话题的英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。   People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.Knowing them will help you make a good impression.Having good table manners means knowing,for example,how to use knives and forks,when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glasses—one for white wine,one for the red wine,and one for water.There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table,forks on the left and knives in the right of the plate.When you see two spoons,the big one id for the suop and the samll one for the dessert.The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a litte bit bigger than the ones beside them.When you sit down at the table, you can take your napkin, unfold it and put it on your lap.In Chinese you sometime get a hot,damp cloth to clean your face and face and hands,whinch,however,is nat the custom in Western countries.   Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called a starter.Sime people pray before they start eating , and other people may keep silent for a moment. Then you can say"Enjoy your meal"to each other and everybody start eating.For the starter,which you eat with the smaller pair,you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.After the starter you will get a bowl of soup—but only one boel of soup and never ask for a seconf serving.   The next dish is the main course.Many Westerners think the chicken breast with its tender white flesh is the best part of the bird. Some people can use their fingers when they eating chicken or other birds,but never touch beef or other meat in bones.It is polite to finish eating everthing on your plate,so don"t take more food than you need.   At table ,you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot,but do not laugh all the time.   Most Westerners like soft drink if they will drive home.Many of them drink white or red wine with the food.When drinking to someone"s health,you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch. The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once,but Westerners usually take only a sip.For drinking during a dinner,the best advic is never to drink too much.   Table manners change over time.They follow the fashion of the day .Beside,table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.If you"re not sure what to do ,you can always follow your hosts.Although good manners always make you look good,you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with your friends or family. ;
2023-08-02 12:43:341


TABLE MANNERS AT A DINNER PARTY: 宴会上的餐桌礼仪.There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table, 桌子上有两双刀叉Forks on the left and knives in the right of the plate.叉子放在盘子的左边,刀子放在右边When you see two spoons, the big one id for the soup and the small one for the dessert. 你能看到两个勺子,大的是为了盛汤,小的为了甜点。 For the starter, which you eat with the smaller pair, 开始时候你用小的那对吃you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.保持着左手叉右手刀The next dish is the main course.下一道菜是主菜。At table ,you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot,but do not laugh all the time. 在桌子上你应该试着轻声的说话,并且常常微笑,不要一直笑,Table manners change over time.餐桌礼仪总是在变They follow the fashion of the day .他们随着时代改变。
2023-08-02 12:44:001


一、入座的礼仪。先请客人入座上席,再请长者入座客人旁依次入座,入座时要从椅子左边进入。入座后不要动筷子,更不要弄出什么响声来,也不要起身走动。如果有什么事要向主人打招呼(正对门口的为上座,一般是根据对方的身份地位来安排)。The etiquette of taking a seat. First invite the guests to take a seat, and then invite the elderly to take a seat. Next to the guests, take a seat in turn. When taking a seat, enter from the left side of the chair. Don"t move your chopsticks, make any noise,or get up and walk. If there is anything to say hello to the host (the one facing the door is the seat, which is generally arranged according to the identity of the other party)二、进餐时,先请客人中长者动筷子。夹菜时每次少一些,离自己远的菜就少吃一些,吃饭时不要出声音,喝汤时也不要出声响,喝汤用汤匙一小口一小口地喝,不宜把碗端到嘴边喝。When dining, please ask the elderly to move their chopsticks first. Eat less when you"re far away from you. Don"t make any noise when you eat, and don"t make any noise when you drink soup. When you drink soup,take small mouthfuls with a spoon. It"s not suitable to drink the bowl to your mouth. When the soup is too hot, drink it after it"s cold. Don"t drink it while blowing。三、汤太热时凉了以后再喝,不要一边吹一边喝。有的人吃饭喜欢使劲咀嚼脆食物,发出很清晰的声音来,这种做法是不合礼仪要求的,特别是和众人一起进餐时,就要尽量防止出现这种现象。Some people like to chew crisp food hard and make a clear voice when they eat. This practice is not in line with the etiquette requirements, especially when dining with people, we should try our best to prevent this phenomenon。扩展资料“餐桌礼仪”是一门很深刻的学问,它体现了一种儒家文化的传承,传播和精髓。比如,“尊老爱幼”,“长幼有序”在餐桌礼仪上就很讲究,我们都是先给长辈先盛饭,在给比自己年幼的盛饭,最后给自己盛饭。再比如:从古至今很多重要的商业洽谈,重要决定,或是朋友间的相互往来,基本上都是和餐桌离不开的,所以餐桌礼仪至关重要。中国古代就有所谓的站有站相,坐有坐相,吃有吃相,睡有睡相。这里说的进餐礼仪就是指吃相,要使吃相优雅,既符合礼仪的要求,也有利于我国饮食文化的继承和发展。
2023-08-02 12:44:131


Of course, chopsticks instead the main difference on the Chinese dinner table isof knife and fork, but that"s only superficial. Besides, in decent restaurants, you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork, if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough.  The real difference is that in the West, you have your own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host thinks you"re in the country for the first time, he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes.  The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. Soup then will be served (unless in Guangdong style restaurants) to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings.  If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all.  Perhaps one of the things that surprises a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests. In formal dinners, there are always "public" chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks. This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness. It is always polite to eat the food. If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the plate.  People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed. When you have had enough, just say so. Or you will always overeat!  当然,筷子而不是主要的区别中餐桌上isof刀和叉,但这只是表面现象。此外,在体面的餐厅,你可以要求一副刀叉,如果你发现筷子不够有用。  真正的区别在于,在西方,你有自己的板的食品,在中国菜放在桌子上,每个人的股份。如果你对待一个正式的晚宴,特别是如果主人认为你在这个国家第一次,他会做最好的给你的许多不同类型的菜肴。  这顿饭通常始于一组至少有四个冷盘,紧随其后的是主菜的热肉和蔬菜。汤然后将服务(除非在广东风格的餐馆)将从主食米饭,面条,饺子。  如果你想拥有你的大米去与其他菜,你应该及时这么说,对大多数中国人选择主食最后或没有。  也许让西方游客感到最惊奇的事情之一是,一些中国东道主喜欢把食物放在客人的盘子。在正式晚宴,总有“公共”为此筷子和勺子,但一些虚拟主机可以用自己的筷子。这是一个真正的友谊和礼貌的迹象。总是有礼貌的吃食物。如果你不吃它,只是把盘子里的食物。  中国人倾向于over-order食物,因为他们会发现它令人尴尬的如果所有的食品消费。当你有足够的,就这么说。否则你会总是暴饮暴食!
2023-08-02 12:45:051

求有关西餐习俗的英语文章,尽量简洁易懂。谢谢 这里有相当多的西餐英语,你可去查询 breakfast 早餐 lunch 午餐 brunch 早午餐 supper 晚餐 late snack 宵夜 dinner 正餐 ham and egg 火腿肠 buttered toast 奶油土司 French toast 法国土司 muffin 松饼 cheese cake 酪饼 white bread 白面包 brown bread 黑面包 French roll 小型法式面包 appetizer 开胃菜 green salad 蔬菜沙拉 onion soup 洋葱汤 potage 法国浓汤 corn soup 玉米浓汤 minestrone 蔬菜面条汤 ox tail soup 牛尾汤 fried chicken 炸鸡 roast chicken 烤鸡 steak 牛排 T-bone steak 丁骨牛排 filet steak 菲力牛排 sirloin steak 沙朗牛排 club steak 小牛排 well done 全熟 medium 五分熟 rare 三分熟 beer 啤酒 draft beer 生啤酒 stout beer 黑啤酒 canned beer 罐装啤酒 red wine 红葡萄酒 gin 琴酒 brandy 白兰地 whisky 威士忌 vodka 伏特加 on the rocks 酒加冰块 rum 兰酒 champagne 香槟 正式的全套餐点上菜顺序是: ①前菜和汤②鱼③水果④肉类⑤乳酪⑥甜点和咖啡⑦水果,还有餐前酒和餐酒。 没有必要全部都点,点太多却吃不完反而失礼。稍有水准的餐厅都欢迎只点前菜的客人。前菜、主菜(鱼或肉择其一)加甜点是最恰当的组合。 点菜并不是由前菜开始点,而是先选一样最想吃的主菜,再配上适合主菜的汤。 一主六配——西餐点菜法 西餐在菜单的安排上与中餐有很大不同。以举办宴会为例,中餐宴会除近10种冷菜外,还要有热菜6-8种,再加上点心甜食和水果,显得十分丰富。而西餐虽然看着有6、7道,似乎很繁琐,但每道一般只有一种,下面我们就将其上菜顺序作一简单介绍,希望对您初到西餐厅点菜时能有所帮助。 1、头盘 西餐的第一道菜是头盘,也称为开胃品。开胃品的内容一般有冷头盘或热头盘之分,常见的品种有鱼子酱、鹅肝酱、熏鲑鱼、鸡尾杯、奶油鸡酥盒、局蜗牛等。因为是要开胃,所以开胃菜一般都具有特色风味,味道以咸和酸为主,而且数量较少,质量较高。 2、汤 与中餐有极大不同的是,西餐的第二道菜就是汤。西餐的汤大致可分为清汤奶油汤、蔬菜汤和冷汤等4类。品种有牛尾清汤、各式奶油汤、海鲜汤、美式蛤蜊周打汤、意式蔬菜汤、俄式罗宋汤、法式局葱头汤。冷汤的品种较少,有德式冷汤、俄式冷汤等。 3、副菜 鱼类菜肴一般作为西餐的第三道菜,也称为副菜。品种包括各种淡、海水鱼类、贝类及软体动物类。通常水产类菜肴与蛋类、面包类、酥盒菜肴品均称为副菜。因为鱼类等菜肴的肉质鲜嫩,比较容易消化,所以放在肉类菜肴的前面,叫法上也和肉类菜肴主菜有区别。西餐吃鱼菜肴讲究使用专用的调味汁,品种有鞑靼汁、荷兰汁、酒店汁、白奶油汁、大主教汁、美国汁和水手鱼汁等。 4、主菜 肉、禽类菜肴是西餐的第四道菜,也称为主菜。肉类菜肴的原料取自牛、羊猪、小牛仔等各个部位的肉,其中最有代表性的是牛肉或牛排。牛排按其部位又可分为沙朗牛排(也称西冷牛排)、菲利牛排、“T”骨型牛排、薄牛排等。其烹调方法常用烤、煎、铁扒等。肉类菜肴配用的调味汁主要有西班牙汁、浓烧汁精、靡菇汁、白尼斯汁等。 食类菜肴的原料取自鸡、鸭、鹅,通常将兔肉和鹿肉等野味也归入禽类菜肴禽类菜肴品种最多的是鸡,有山鸡、火鸡、竹鸡、可煮、可炸、可烤、可焖,主要的调味汁有黄肉汁、咖喱汁、奶油汁等。 5、蔬菜类菜肴 蔬菜类菜肴可以安排在肉类菜肴之后,也可以与肉类菜肴同时上桌,所以可以算为一道菜,或称之为一种配菜。蔬菜类菜肴在西餐中称为沙拉。与主菜同时服务的沙拉,称为生蔬菜沙拉,一般用生菜、西红柿、黄瓜、芦笋等制作。沙拉的主要调味汁有醋油汁、法国汁、干岛汁、奶酪沙拉汁等。 沙拉除了蔬菜之外,还有一类是用鱼、肉、蛋类制作的,这类沙拉一般不加味汁,在进餐顺序上可以做为头盘食用。 还有一些蔬菜是熟食的,如花椰菜、煮菠菜、炸土豆条。熟食的蔬菜通常是与主菜的肉食类菜肴一同摆放在餐盘中上桌,称之为配菜。 6、甜品 西餐的甜品是主菜后食用的,可以算做是第六道菜。从真正意义上讲,它包括所有主菜后的食物,如布丁、煎饼、冰淇淋、奶酪、水果等等。 7、咖啡、茶 西餐的最后一道是上饮料,咖啡或茶。饮咖啡一般要加糖和淡奶油。茶一般要加香桃片和糖。 西餐礼仪 虽然最近在国内也相当盛行吃西餐,但是在内容和形式上,随著各餐厅的经营型态而「纯」、「杂」不等,「繁」、「简」不一,十分值得一谈。 美国的西餐,和欧洲许多国家也颇有不同。如果您到美国旅游,赴家庭宴会或在餐馆吃「正餐」时,请先注意下列一般原则: 男女一起在餐馆用餐,通常由男方负责点菜(order)和付帐(pay the check or bill)。 许多基督教或天主教家庭饭前要由家中一员带领祷告(say a prayer or "blessing"),您即使不信教,也请跟着低头,以示礼貌和尊重。 美国人宴客,是由女主人(或男主人)先拿起餐具进食,客人才跟着动餐具。 如果您不喜欢递过来的菜肴时,只要说"No, thank you."即可。 咀嚼食物,一定要避免出声。 用过的刀、叉,必须放回盘子里,不能放在餐桌巾上。 吃完主菜,把刀和叉平行地斜放在主菜盘(main plate)上,是向主人或侍者表示可以把主菜餐盘拿走了。 席间要轻声谈些轻松愉快的话题,尽量避免一声不响地闷着头吃饭。 下面请看这一段模拟的席间对话: Hostess: Would you like to have some more chicken ? Guest: No, thank you. The chicken is very delicious, but I"m just too full. Host: But I hope you saved room for dessert. Mary makes very good pumpkin pies. Guest: That sounds very tempting. But I hope we can wait a little while, if you don"t mind. Host: Of course. How about some coffee or tea now ? Guest: Tea, please. Thanks. ★餐位(Seating arrangement) 餐位的安排大致上如上图。原则上男主宾(Gentleman of honor)坐在女主人(hostess)右边,女主宾(lady of honor )坐在男主人(host)右边,而且多半是男女相间而坐,夫妇不坐在一起,以免各自聊家常话而忽略与其他宾客间的交际。 ★餐具摆法 家庭或餐厅宴会时,餐具的种类和数量,因餐会的正式(formal)程度而定。越正式的餐会,刀叉盘碟摆得越多。本文所举的例子,适用于不十分正式的宴会(多数家庭式宴会属于此类)。 叉子(forks)放在主菜盘(main plate)左侧,刀子(knives)、汤匙(spoons)摆在右侧。 刀叉和汤匙依使用的先后顺序排列。最先用的放在离主菜盘最远的外侧,后用的放在离主菜盘近内侧。假如主人决定先上主菜再上沙拉,就要把主菜叉子放在沙拉叉子的外侧。 沙拉盘放在靠主菜盘的左边。美国人通常把主菜和沙拉一起送上桌来,而不像法国人一样,主菜吃完以后才上沙拉。 ★一般餐具摆设图(午宴、晚宴均适用) butter plate and knife奶油碟子和奶油刀。 dessert spoon甜点匙。 glass饮料杯。 salad plate沙拉盘。 napkin餐巾。 main course fork主菜叉子。 salad fork沙拉叉子。 main plate主菜盘。 main course knife主菜刀子。 soup spoon汤匙。 cup, saucer, and teaspoon茶(咖啡)杯、碟和茶匙。 结语: 记得要入境随俗(While in Rome, do as the Romans do.)对于吃西餐的规矩有疑问时,留意您的男女主人,照着他们的样子做,应该错不了。
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1. 送客礼仪常识英语 送客礼仪常识英语 1.关于介绍国际礼貌礼仪常识的英文例子 国外餐桌礼仪:1. Pull out chairs to seat the women when you are eating together.进餐时帮助女士入座。 2. Do not sit down before all the ladies are seated.在女士未入座之前不要抢先入座。3. Pull your chair up and sit close to the table after sitting down.入座后将椅子靠近餐桌。 4. It is customary to say grace before the meal begins in many Christian homes. Watch the host or hostess. If they bow their heads, join them.很多基督徒家庭进餐前有祷告的习惯。注意观察主人或主妇,如果他们低下头去,你也应随从他们。5. When the hostess takes her napkin, open your napkin in half and lay it across your lap.女主人拿起餐巾时,你也应拿起餐巾,打开一半,摊放在膝盖上。6. When eating with silverware, begin from the outside piece, then knife and fork for the second course and so on. The pieces closest to the plate are for the last course.使用餐具吃饭时,首先从最外侧开始,刀和叉是用来吃第二道菜及以后的菜的。 最靠近盘子的餐具要留到最后用。7. When having soup, move the spoon away from you to spoon out the soup. When a little remains, you may raise slightly the side of the bowl close to you.用匙舀汤时,匙要从里往外舀。 汤快喝完了时,可将汤盘近身一侧抬高一点。8. Cut large pieces of food, such as steak or chops, into *** all pieces all at one time.把大块食物,如牛排或排骨,一次切成若干小块。 9. Use you knife close to the fork. This way, it is a lot easier to cut meat.刀要靠近叉使用,这样更容易切割。10. Put your knife and fork diagonally on the further side of the plate when you have finished eating something. Do not place them leaning on the plate. The knife should always be placed the sharp edge in.吃完东西时将刀叉对角放齐,置于盘子外侧。 不要靠在盘子上,而且刀刃应该向里。11. In America, when you have finished cutting, you can put down the knife, transfer the fork to the right hand and eat. In Europe, you hold your fork in the left hand and carry food to your mouth on the back of the fork. It helps to put some solid piece of food at the edge of the fork and pile soft food on it.在美国,切完东西时,你可以放下刀,用右手拿起叉来吃饭;在欧洲,你可以左手拿叉,用叉的背面将食物送到嘴里,这样有利于叉的边缘放较硬的食物,上面再放较软的食物。 12. You can choose whichever you like.你可以自由选择你喜欢的食物。 2.送客的礼仪 送客的礼仪 如客人提出告辞时,秘书人员要等客人起身后再站起来相送,切忌没等客人起身,自己先于客人起立相送,这是很不礼貌的。若客人提出告辞,秘书人员仍端坐办公桌前,嘴里说再见,而手中却还忙着自己的事,甚至连眼神也没有转到客人身上,更是不礼貌的行为。“出迎三步,身送七步”是迎送宾客最基本的礼仪。因此,每次见面结束,都要以将再次见面的心情来恭送对方回去。通常当客人起身告辞时,秘书人员应马上站起来,主动为客人取下衣帽,帮他穿上,与客人握手告别,同时选择最合适的言词送别,如希望下次再来等礼貌用语。尤其对初次来访的客人更应热情、周到、细致。 当客人带有较多或较重的物品,送客时应帮客人代提重物。与客人在门口、电梯口或汽车旁告别时,要与客人握手,目送客人上车或离开,要以恭敬真诚的态度,笑容可掬地送客,不要急于返回,应鞠躬挥手致意,待客人移出视线后,才可结束告别仪式。 3.送客的礼仪有哪些 在家庭接待礼仪中,好的开场好似一束鲜花给人愉快,精彩的告别就是一杯芬芳的美酒,令人回味。否则就会造成热情迎宾,冷淡送客的不良后果,给客人留下不好的印象。 ⑴当客人告辞时,应婉言相留,这是情谊流连的自然表示,并非俗套与多余。 ⑵客人要走,应等客人起身后,再起身相送,不可客人一说要走,主人就站起来。 ⑶主人送客应送到门外或楼下,待客人伸出手来握别时,方可以手相握,切不可在送客时先“起身”或先“伸手”,免得有厌客之嫌。若送客人到门外,应站在门口目视客人下楼,并在客人下楼梯拐弯时,挥手致意。 ⑷有些客人常常会带礼物来,对此,我们送客时应有所反应,如表示谢意,或请求客人以后来访再不要携带礼品了,或相应地回谢一些礼物,决不能受之无愧似的若无其事,毫无表示。 本段文字摘自:《礼仪的力量》 作者: 詹洋 4.翻译陪同礼仪知识 一、外事翻译 (一)提高自身素质 政治上坚定、业务上过硬、准备上充分、知识面宽这4个方面的要求,每一名尽职尽责的外事翻译都要努力争取做到。 (二)注意临场发挥 1.口译人员 (1)注意个人态度。 (2)始终全神贯注。 (3)坚持有主有次。 (4)待人有礼有度。 2.笔译人员 (1)文字标准。 (2)忠于原文。 (3)集思广益。 二、外事陪同 (一)严格要求自己 1.谨慎从事。 2.服从领导。 3.少说多听。 4.计划周全。 5.注意保密。 6.距离适度。 (二)掌握陪同技巧 在陪同外方来宾的具体过程中,我方人员不但要具有高度的责任心,而且还应当掌握一定的陪同技巧。在相互介绍、道路行进、上下车船、出入电梯、通过房门、就座离座、提供餐饮、日常安排、业余活动等方面,特别应当遵守相应的礼仪规范。 5.求英语作文,80词左右,关于介绍礼仪的,必须有的要求:1,赴宴要 Dear Mike: Hello,I"m Liming。 I got your message yesterday。 In China,Middle high students have many subjects 。 Like chinese,math,english,history and so on。 But I like math very much because I think it"s really interesting。 And I don"t like chinese 。 bacause it"s really boring。 I have many subject : chinese,math,english, music,P。E,history, What about you ? please write me soon。 Yours Liming。 6.文明礼仪知识(英文的) 文明礼仪知识教育 礼仪是人类为维系社会正常生活而要求人们共同遵守的最起码的道德规范,它是人们在长期 共同生活和相互交往中逐渐形成,并且以风俗、习惯和传统等方式固定下来。 对一个人来说 ,礼仪是一个人的思想道德水平、文化修养、交际能力的外在表现,对一个社会来说,礼仪 是一个国家社会文明程度、道德风尚和生活习惯的反映。重视、开展礼仪教育已成为道德实 践的一个重要内容。 礼仪教育的内容涵盖着社会生活的各个方面。从内容上看有仪容、举止、表情、服饰、谈吐 、待人接物等;从对象上看有个人礼仪、公共场所礼仪、待客与作客礼仪、餐桌礼仪、馈赠 礼仪、文明交往等。 在人际交往过程中的行为规范称为礼节,礼仪在言语动作上的表现称为 礼貌。加强道德实践应注意礼仪,使人们在“敬人、自律、适度、真诚”的原则上进行人际 交往,告别不文明的言行。 礼仪、礼节、礼貌内容丰富多样,但它有自身的规律性,其基本的礼仪原则:一是敬人的原 则;二是自律的原则,就是在交往过程中要克己、慎重、积极主动、自觉自愿、礼貌待人、表里如一,自我对照,自我反省,自我要求,自我检点,自我约束,不能妄自尊大,口是心 非;三是适度的原则,适度得体,掌握分寸;四是真诚的原则,诚心诚意,以诚待人,不逢 场作戏,言行不一。 文明礼仪知识教育 礼仪是人类为维系社会正常生活而要求人们共同遵守的最起码的道德规范,它是人们在长期 共同生活和相互交往中逐渐形成,并且以风俗、习惯和传统等方式固定下来。 对一个人来说 ,礼仪是一个人的思想道德水平、文化修养、交际能力的外在表现,对一个社会来说,礼仪 是一个国家社会文明程度、道德风尚和生活习惯的反映。重视、开展礼仪教育已成为道德实 践的一个重要内容。 礼仪教育的内容涵盖着社会生活的各个方面。从内容上看有仪容、举止、表情、服饰、谈吐 、待人接物等;从对象上看有个人礼仪、公共场所礼仪、待客与作客礼仪、餐桌礼仪、馈赠 礼仪、文明交往等。 在人际交往过程中的行为规范称为礼节,礼仪在言语动作上的表现称为 礼貌。加强道德实践应注意礼仪,使人们在“敬人、自律、适度、真诚”的原则上进行人际 交往,告别不文明的言行。 礼仪、礼节、礼貌内容丰富多样,但它有自身的规律性,其基本的礼仪原则:一是敬人的原 则;二是自律的原则,就是在交往过程中要克己、慎重、积极主动、自觉自愿、礼貌待人、表里如一,自我对照,自我反省,自我要求,自我检点,自我约束,不能妄自尊大,口是心 非;三是适度的原则,适度得体,掌握分寸;四是真诚的原则,诚心诚意,以诚待人,不逢 场作戏,言行不一。 文明礼仪知识教育 礼仪是人类为维系社会正常生活而要求人们共同遵守的最起码的道德规范,它是人们在长期 共同生活和相互交往中逐渐形成,并且以风俗、习惯和传统等方式固定下来。 对一个人来说 ,礼仪是一个人的思想道德水平、文化修养、交际能力的外在表现,对一个社会来说,礼仪 是一个国家社会文明程度、道德风尚和生活习惯的反映。重视、开展礼仪教育已成为道德实 践的一个重要内容。 礼仪教育的内容涵盖着社会生活的各个方面。从内容上看有仪容、举止、表情、服饰、谈吐 、待人接物等;从对象上看有个人礼仪、公共场所礼仪、待客与作客礼仪、餐桌礼仪、馈赠 礼仪、文明交往等。 在人际交往过程中的行为规范称为礼节,礼仪在言语动作上的表现称为 礼貌。加强道德实践应注意礼仪,使人们在“敬人、自律、适度、真诚”的原则上进行人际 交往,告别不文明的言行。 礼仪、礼节、礼貌内容丰富多样,但它有自身的规律性,其基本的礼仪原则:一是敬人的原 则;二是自律的原则,就是在交往过程中要克己、慎重、积极主动、自觉自愿、礼貌待人、表里如一,自我对照,自我反省,自我要求,自我检点,自我约束,不能妄自尊大,口是心 非;三是适度的原则,适度得体,掌握分寸;四是真诚的原则,诚心诚意,以诚待人,不逢 场作戏,言行不一。 Course for drama, words and deeds differ.Civilized etiquette educatioiquette for the maintenance of human society to live a normal life and mon people to ply with the requirements of the most basic moral standards, it is a long-termTo live together and gradually formed in the interaction, and to the customs and traditions, such as fixed. Of a people, Etiquette is a person"s ideological and moral levels, culture, municative petence of the external manifestations of a society, the ritualIs the degree of social civilization of a country, and the lifestyle of moral reflection. Great importance to carry out ceremonial and moral education has bee a realAn important element of practice.Etiquette education covers all aspects of social life. From the content point of view there is the appearance, behavior, facial expressions, clothes, conversation, Skills, etc.; from a personal point of view Target etiquette, manners in public places, hospitality and guest etiquette, table manners, tRituals, 。
2023-08-02 12:45:231


  TABLE MANNERS AT A DINNER PARTY:  People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.Knowing them will help you make a good impression.Having good table manners means knowing,for example,how to use knives and forks,when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glasses—one for white wine,one for the red wine,and one for water.There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table,forks on the left and knives in the right of the plate.When you see two spoons,the big one id for the suop and the samll one for the dessert.The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a litte bit bigger than the ones beside them.When you sit down at the table, you can take your napkin, unfold it and put it on your lap.In Chinese you sometime get a hot,damp cloth to clean your face and face and hands,whinch,however,is nat the custom in Western countries.  Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called a starter.Sime people pray before they start eating , and other people may keep silent for a moment. Then you can say"Enjoy your meal"to each other and everybody start eating.For the starter,which you eat with the smaller pair,you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.After the starter you will get a bowl of soup—but only one boel of soup and never ask for a seconf serving.  The next dish is the main course.Many Westerners think the chicken breast with its tender white flesh is the best part of the bird. Some people can use their fingers when they eating chicken or other birds,but never touch beef or other meat in bones.It is polite to finish eating everthing on your plate,so don"t take more food than you need.  At table ,you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot,but do not laugh all the time.  Most Westerners like soft drink if they will drive home.Many of them drink white or red wine with the food.When drinking to someone"s health,you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch. The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once,but Westerners usually take only a sip.For drinking during a dinner,the best advic is never to drink too much.  Table manners change over time.They follow the fashion of the day .Beside,table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.If you"re not sure what to do ,you can always follow your hosts.Although good manners always make you look good,you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with your friends or family.
2023-08-02 12:45:391


不清楚你的详细要求,这个是详细版本,可以自行缩减Generally, Chinese table manners are more informal than the West, although there are more rules concerning interactions with other guests due to high levels of social interaction as a result of the communal style of serving.Chopstick usageChopsticks should always be held correctly, i.e. between the thumb and first two fingers of the right hand. When not in use, chopsticks must always be placed neatly on the table with two sticks lying tidily next to each other at both ends. Never point the chopsticks at another person. This amounts to insulting that person and is a major faux pas. Never wave your chopsticks around as if they were an extension of your hand gestures. Never bang chopsticks like drumsticks. This is akin to telling others at the table you are a beggar. Never suck the chopsticks. Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks, instead of hovering them over or rummaging through dishes. To keep chopsticks off the table, they can be rested horizontally on one"s plate or bowl; a chopstick rest (commonly found in restaurants) can also be used. When picking up a piece of food, never use the tips of your chopsticks to penetrate the food as with a fork; exceptions include tearing apart larger items such as vegetables. In more informal settings, smaller items or those more difficult to pick up such as cherry tomatoes or fishballs may be stabbed, but this is frowned upon by traditionalists. Never stab chopsticks vertically into a bowl of rice, as this resembles incense sticks used at temples to pay respects to the deceased. This is considered the ultimate dinner table faux pas. Communal chopsticksWhen there are communal chopsticks, it is considered impolite to use your own chopsticks to pick up the food from the shared plate, or to eat using the communal chopsticks. It is considered impolite to use the blunt end of one"s own chopsticks to transfer food from a common dish to one"s own plate or bowl; use the communal chopsticks instead. When communal chopsticks are not provided, it is considered polite (and sanitary) to use the blunt end of one"s own chopsticks to serve a guest by transferring food from the common dish to a guest"s plate or bowl. An exception to the above can usually be made in intimate settings such as at home. Other utensilsIf noodle soup is served, many consider a more elegant way to eat by picking the noodle into a serving spoon first, and eating from the spoon, rather than slurping directly from the bowl into the mouth using chopsticks. Chinese traditionally eat rice from a small bowl held in the left hand, however by no means is this good etiquette. It is believed this is the way most people eat but not at all an indication of how it should be done. The rice bowl is raised to the mouth and the rice pushed into the mouth using the chopsticks. Some Chinese find it offensive to scoop rice from the bowl using a spoon. If rice is served on a plate, as is more common in the West, it is acceptable and more practical to eat it with a fork or spoon. The thumb must always be above the edge of the bowl. Eating from common dishesPick the food on the dish that is at the top and nearest to you in distance. Never rummage through the dish or pick from the far side for your favorite food. In general, more conservative Chinese frown upon the practice of picking more than one or two bites of food in your bowl or serving plate as if you were eating in the Western way. Most Chinese would understand the practice during infectious disease epidemics, or if the person is from the West. If both a serving bowl - separate from rice bowl - and plate are provided, never put any food items to be eaten onto the serving plate. This rule may be relaxed for foreigners. If a dish is soupy, pull the serving bowl near the serving dish and reduce the distance the chopsticks need carrying the food. Spilling plenty of sauce on the table is a major faux pas. After you have picked up a food item, do not put it back in the dish. Seniority and guests at the tableThe elderly or guest(s) of honour are usually the first to start the meal. The youngest or least senior may serve the eldest or most senior first, as part of the Confucian value of respecting seniors. The youngest on the table addresses all of the elder members at the table before starting, perhaps telling them to please "eat rice" as a signal to help themselves. The best food in a dish should be left to the elderly, children, or the guest of honour, even if they are one"s favourite. The eldest person present, or the guest of honour, is given a seat facing the door. When the hostess says her food is not good enough, the guest must disagree and tell her it is one of the finest foods they have ever tasted. DrinksThe host should always make sure everyone"s cups are not empty for long. One should not pour for oneself, but if thirsty should first offer to pour for a neighbor. When your drink is being poured, you should say "thank you", and/or tap your index and middle finger on the table to show appreciation, especially when you are in Southern China, e.g. Guangdong Province. This action is evocative of bowing your head. When people wish to clink drinks together in the form of a cheer, it is important to observe that younger members should clink the rim of their glass below the rim of an elder"s to show respect. Strong alcohol, called baijiu, is often served throughout the meal; and it is customary for the host[s]/hostess[es] to insist that guests drink to "show friendship." If the guests prefers not to drink, they may say, "I"m unable to drink, but thank you." [in Mandarin: "Wo bu neng he jiu, xie xie."] The host may continue to insist that the guests drink, and the guests may likewise continue to insist upon being "unable" to drink. The host"s insistance is to show generosity. Therefore, refusal by the guests should be made with utmost politeness. Beware: If a guest drinks alcohol with a subordinate at the table, the guest will be expected [if not forced] to drink a glass of the same alcohol with each superior at that table, and possibly at other tables too—if the guest has not passed out yet. SmokingSmoking is an extremely prevalent habit in China, especially among men. During meals, the host will sometimes pass out cigarettes to all the men around the table. If a guest prefers not to smoke, she/he should politely refuse. In Mandarin, one could say, "我不抽烟,谢谢" (Wo bu chou yan, xie xie). Business mealsDuring business meals, it is best not to eat to the point of satiation, as business and not food is the actual main purpose of the gathering. MiscellaneousIn the past, some people tended to sit at least 1 metre (3 chi) from the dining table so they would not be literally rubbing elbows with other guests. Nowadays, this practice is rarely observed. When eating food that contains bones, it is common for the bones be spat out onto the table next to one"s plate. Spitting bones onto the floor is almost never acceptable. Belching, smacking, and slurping are common. By Western standards, the conversations during meals often are quite loud and animated. Treatment of staff at restaurants is somewhat "rough," with waiters/waitresses often being advised by patrons to 快点 (kuai dian), which means "hurry up." Talking with a full mouth and eating with the elbows on the table are both very common, and tasting food from a table guest"s plate is also not uncommon.
2023-08-02 12:46:051


What is Japan"s table manners?
2023-08-02 12:46:152


Of course, the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knife and fork, but that"s only superficial. Besides, in decent restaurants, you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork, if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough. The real difference is that in the West, you have your own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host thinks you"re in the country for the first time, he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes.     The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. Soup then will be served (unless in Guangdong style restaurants) to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings. If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all.     Perhaps one of the things that surprises a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests. In formal dinners, there are always “public” chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks. This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness. It is always polite to eat the food. If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the plate.     People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed. When you have had enough, just say so. Or you will always overeat!
2023-08-02 12:46:301


五条重要的西方餐桌礼仪(英文):1.When helping a woman pull her chair to the table, hold it and guide it. Don"t shove it against the back of her legs.2.If you"re seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wait for everyone to be served and for the hostess to begin eating before you dig in. At a long banquet table, it"s OK to start when several people are seated and served.3.All things not having to do with food should remain off the table: keys, clutch bags, cigarette packs, sunglasses, BlackBerrys.4.Don"t snap your napkin open or unfurl it showily like it"s an Olympic flag.5.If you prefer not to have wine while dining out, don"t turn your glass upside down, and don"t make a big deal of saying you don"t drink. Simply place your fingertips on the rim of the glass and say "Not today, thanks."
2023-08-02 12:46:521


西餐餐桌礼仪英语   西餐餐桌礼仪英语   1) As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin(餐巾), pick yours up and lay it on your lap. Sometimes a roll of bread is wrapped in it; if so, toke it our and put it on your side plate.   2) The Soup Course   Dinner usually begins with soup. The largest spoon at your place is the soup spoon. It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side.   3) The Fish Course   If there is a fish course, it will probably follow the soup. There may be a special fork for the fish, or it may be similar to the meat fork. Often it is smaller.   4) The Meat Course   The main Course is usually served by the host himself, especially if it is a fowl(鸡禽) or a roast which need to be carved. He will often ask each guest what piece he prefers, and it is quite proper to state your preference as to lean or fat, dark(红肉) or light(白肉).   5) Using Knife and Fork   If you have English and American friends you will notice a few differences in their customs of eating. For the main or meat curse, the English keep the fork in the left hand, point curved downward, and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables, by placing it firmly on the fork in this position with the knife. Americans carve the meat in the same position, then lay down the knife and taking the fork in the right hand with the point turned up, push it under a small piece of food without the help of the knife and bring it to the moth right-side-up.   6) Helping Yourself and Refusing   If a servant passes food around, he will pass the dish in at your left hand so that you can conveniently serve yourself with your right hand. Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right; it is then the turn of your neighbor on the right. It is polite to take some of everything that is passed to you. But if there is something you may not like, you may quietly say: "No thank you."   7) Second Helpings   The hostess may or may not ask if you would like a second helping, according to the formality of the meal. If she does and you accept it, you should pass your plate to her or to the servant with the knife and fork still lying on it.   8) The Salad Course   A salad is eaten with a fork only held in the right hand with points turned up. There is usually a special one for the salad, a little smaller than the meat fork.   9) Bread and Butter   Bread is taken in the fingers and laid on the side plate or the edge of the large plate, it is never take with a fork. Butter is taken from the butter dish with the butter knife and placed on the side plate, not on one"s bread.   10) Other Things on the Table   When there are things on the middle of the table, such as bread, butter, jelly, pickles, nits, candies, you should not take any until the hostess ahs suggested that they be passed.   11) Leaving the Table   It is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal, or before the hostess gives the signal at the end. When the hostess indicates that the dinner is over, she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests she rise from theirs at the same time.   12) Various rules and Suggestions   Sit up straight on your chair;   Do not put much food in your mouth at a time;   Drink only when there is no food in your mouth;   Try not to get into your mouth anything that will have to be taken out;   Do not make any nose when you eat;   Do not clean your teeth at the table or anywhere in public, either with your finger or a tooth pick(牙签), not even with you tongue. ;
2023-08-02 12:47:171


  吃西餐的礼仪英语作文   Differences of Table Manners   Linda: Hi, Maya. I want to invite a friend from America to have a western dinner on the weekend. So I want to ask you something.   Maya: What would you like to know?   Linda: I just don"t understand the American table manners.   Maya: You should learn about some Chinese cultures, especially the table manners.   Linda: I think you are right. Can you tell me the differences between Chinese table manners and American table manners?   Maya: The most obvious difference is that they use knives and forks, but we use chopsticks.   Linda: Exactly. I know they often place the knife and spoon on the right of the plate. The fork is on the left.   Maya: You"d better keep your left hand under the table unless you use it in the process of cutting.   Linda: How can I know that he is full?   Maya: He will tell you that he is full. And if he puts knife and fork in a position on the plate looking like the hands of a clock at 5: 30, it means that he is finished.   Linda: There are really so many differences. Thank you.   Maya: You are welcome.   菜 品 形 式   就像中餐分主食、热菜、凉菜、点心等等一样,西餐菜单也把菜品分门别类,并且也有“套餐”概念,不过中西饮食习惯不同,所以与中餐类别相对应的食物,不一定是你熟悉的形式。下面就以经典法餐的菜单流程为例,介绍每种西餐类别的名称和内容:   Appetizer/First Course前菜   美式叫法:Starter   西餐的主菜,以大块肉类为主,或者是整块鱼,或大个头的海鲜中国人概念里的主食和素食,比如面包和土豆泥。也会作为配菜(Side Dish)一齐奉上美国快餐店的菜单,还有1主n配的套餐(Combo)。   Dressing / Sauce酱汁   Dressing指的不是裙子,是沙拉的调味汁,Sauce泛指搭配菜肴和甜点的各种蘸汁、烧汁,比如番茄酱(Ketchup)、肉卤(Gravy),一般来讲sauce比dressing要浓稠重口一些厚重感再强一点的,叫Paste。   Dessert/Pudding甜点   为啥pudding是甜点,有两点值得说明:一是饮料(Beverage)并不算甜品,一般需要单点;二是咱爱吃的甜软型面包,反倒可以作甜点。因为很多都是酥皮点心(Pastry),在西方不太算主食。   食 材 类 型   大概是很多人对西餐菜单产生畏难情绪的一个原因。但实际上,西餐菜名还比中餐更“坦诚”呢,像“夫妻肺片”这种细思恐极的抽象菜名,是绝对没有的   基本都是【制法+主料+配料】这种毫无创意的格式。所以,只要知道大部分西餐常吃的食材及其部位,菜名再长,也不会有啥理解难度哒~。   肉类部位   Chicken鸡肉   吃西餐礼仪英语句子   01.Dining in a Western restaurant, we have to learn a lot of dos and don"ts.   到西餐厅用餐,我们得多了解一些餐厅礼节。   02.Don"t read at the table.   不要边吃饭边看书。   03.Don"t gar以e with your soup.   不要用汤漱口。   04.No TV during dinner.   吃饭时不要看电视。   05.Chew with your mouth closed.   闭着嘴巴嚼食物。   06.Please keep the table clean.   请保持桌面干净。   07.Excuse me. I"ll just get the phone.   对不起,我去接个电话。   08.Don"t put your elbows on the table.   不要把手肘支在餐桌上。   09.Don"t talk with your mouth full.   吃饭时不要总说话。   10.Excuse me for a minute.   我失陪一会儿。   11.Don"t take huge mouthfuls of anything.   不管吃什么都不要过于大口。   12.Don"t slurp your soup.   喝汤不要发出声音。   13.Put the bowl down gently.   轻轻地把碗放下。
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西餐用餐礼仪与相关英文表达   当你在国外就餐的时候,只能读懂菜单是远远不够的。得体的餐桌礼仪意味你需要知道该说些什么,做些什么。继续往下读,看看你在用英语进餐的环境中是否表现的大方得体。   在说英语的国家,cutlery是指刀,叉和勺子(也就是进餐时用的器具)。人们经常会搞不清到底该用哪种餐具来吃哪道菜。基本的规则是从外到里(从离盘子最远的地方开始)。   在进餐时,如果你需要接电话或是离开餐桌去洗手间,你可以简单地说一声"Please excuse me for a moment."你可以将你的电话设置成静音或振动(Set your phone to the mute mode. 或Set your phone to the vibration mode.)。如果能关机的话会更为礼貌,不要特地拿手机出来关机给其他客人看,因为这样有炫耀自己很忙很重要的嫌疑。   无论如何,你一定要避免发出咂嘴的声音!特别是当你在喝汤和吃面条的.时候!(Donu2019t slurp when drinking soup or having noodles.)注:在日本的拉面馆里吃饭,店家喜欢听到顾客slurp面条的声音,声音大代表顾客对店里的面条手艺高度认可,这也是一种礼貌。在西式的用餐场合,吃饭的时候尽量安静一点。   在吃西餐时,胳膊肘(elbow)自始至终不能搁在桌子上,不过如今遵守这条规矩的不多了。使用刀叉,应是右手持刀,左手拿叉,将食物切成小块,然后用刀叉送入口内。一般来讲,欧洲人使用刀叉时不换手,一直用左手持叉将食物送入口内。美国人则是切好后,把刀放下,右手持叉将食物送入口中。但无论何时,刀是绝不能送物入口的。西餐宴会,主人都会安排男女相邻而坐,讲究“女士优先”的西方绅士,都会表现出对女士的殷勤。   即使你已经吃了很多,主人可能还是要你再吃一点。如果你真的已经吃饱了,你可以说:"Thank you, but I really couldn"t eat another bite."(谢谢,但是我真得吃不下了)或者是"I"m stuffed!"(我太饱了),这是"very full"的非正式说法。   如果你想表明你已经吃饱了,你可以把你的刀叉并拢(一起放在你的盘子上),不要把吃过东西的盘子摞起来。离席之前,你可以说:"What a delicious meal! Thank you so much.",以此表达你的谢意。如果有纸巾,一般不要用餐巾(napkin)擦嘴。在所有人都吃完后,你才可以离开餐桌。   探过身子伸到桌子的另一边取食物是非常不礼貌的。如果你需要盐,或是你想吃某道菜,而你又够不到,你就可以说"Please pass the ...("请把u2026u2026递给我,好吗?)   最后,其实你并不需要对每个细节都谨小慎微。现代礼仪更多传达是个人的优雅和姿态。当你不确定该怎么做的时候,你只需看看周边的人是怎么做的就可以了!When you are not sure what you should do, just follow others. ;
2023-08-02 12:47:431


Good morning/afternoon/evening,sir/madam!早上/下午/晚上好,先生/女士!May I help you?有什么可以为您做的?Thanks谢谢how are you?/how do you do您好(前者用于熟人,后者用于初次见面)ladies and gentleman,may I have your attention,please?先生们女士们,请听我说It"s my pleasure.很乐意(为您效劳)
2023-08-02 12:47:593


英国餐桌礼仪英语介绍   餐桌礼仪,这的确是不同国家不同规矩呀。英国都有哪些餐桌礼仪?下面我为大家带来英国餐桌礼仪英语介绍内容,希望大家喜欢。   英国餐桌礼仪英语介绍   Table Manners in England (UK)   The British generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners.Even young children are expected to eat properly with knife and fork.   We eat most of our food with cutlery.The foods we don"t eat with a knife,fork or spoon include sandwiches,crisps,corn on the cob,and fruit.   Things you should do:   If you cannot eat a certain type of food or have some special needs,tell your host several days before the dinner party.   If you are a guest,it is polite to wait until your host starts eating or indicates you should do so.It shows consideration.   Always chew and swallow all the food in your mouth before taking more or taking a drink.   You may eat chicken and pizza with your fingers if you are at a barbecue,finger buffet or very informal setting.Otherwise always use a knife and fork.   Always say thank you when served something.It shows appreciation.   When eating rolls,break off a piece of bread before buttering.Eating it whole looks tacky.   When eating soup,tip the bowl away from you and scoop the soup up with your spoon.   When you have finished eating,and to let others know that you have,   place your knife and folk together,with the prongs (tines) on the fork facing upwards,on your plate.   In a restaurant,it is normal to pay for your food by putting your money on the plate the bill comes on.   Things you should not do:   Never lick or put your knife in your mouth.   It is impolite to start eating before everyone has been served unless your host says that you don"t need to wait.   Never chew with your mouth open.No one wants to see food being chewed or hearing it being chomped on.   It is impolite to have your elbows on the table while you are eating.   Don"t reach over someone"s plate for something,ask for the item to be passed.   Never talk with food in your mouth.   It is impolite to put too much food in your mouth.   Never use your fingers to push food onto your spoon or fork.   It is impolite to slurp your food or eat noisily.   Never blow your nose on a napkin (serviette).Napkins are for dabbing your lips and only for that.   Never take food from your neighbours plate.   Never pick food out of your teeth with your fingernails.   Things that are ok to do:   It is ok to eat and drink something while walking down the street,unless you want to seem posh.   It is ok to pour your own drink when eating with other people,but it is more polite to offer pouring drinks to the people sitting on either side of you.   It is ok to put milk and sugar in your tea and coffee or to drink them both without either.   I am not used to eating with a knife and fork.What do I need to know?   We eat continental style,with fork in the left hand and the knife in the right (or the other way round if you are left handed).At the top of your plate will be a dessert spoon and dessert fork.   If you are eating at a formal dinner party,you will come across many knives and forks.Start with the utensils on the outside and work your way inward with each subsequent course   How to eat with a knife and fork in England   The fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right.   If you have a knife in one hand,it is wrong to have a fork in the other with the prongs (tines) pointed up.   Hold your knife with the handle in your palm and your folk in the other hand with the prongs pointing downwards. ;
2023-08-02 12:48:071


Table manners France bogey seven Many people eat at Western,will worry "impolite." In fact,the so-called table manners is to enable the meal to meal without hindrance and destruction,and the smooth flow of useful code of conduct.Bear in mind that "neat,clean and quiet," the three principles and to be no disadvantage.Agreed to invite the other side of the post-interim,if something happens to be late or canceled appointments,to provide advance notice to the other side.Later to attend the meeting when it is acceptable,but more than 15 minutes to the other side will not dating importance of the bad impression.In order to select their own when they want to eat food all over the menu to see if there is no idea,can you please recommend a restaurant waiter for signs of food,but to give clear that if the want to eat seafood,do not eat red Such as meat,bear in mind that everything is indecisive,apart from saying "Yes,but (not worth)" will only add to the guests the same trouble.To eat a lot of attention to details,but the fact is most of the day-to-day rituals,as long as remain calm and not big move,no sound or hinder other people"s meals if already qualified.1,the most basic principles of the tableware used by outside to inside,the completion of a post-serve dishes close to the tableware,as necessary,or will make up another knife and fork.2,when the Meat (such as steak) should start cutting corners,finished a further cut off a piece.Do not eat or encountered some of the side dishes,it just moved to the side dish.3,if there is something to spit out his mouth,lips Didao should take a fork or your fingers out,and then moved to the edge of the plate.The whole process should not be cited as much as possible to pay attention to other people,after the meal can be naturally.4,encountered a class of beans or rice for garnish,you can fork left hand of horizontal ones on the disc,up a sharp fork,knife and then to the rice or beans into fork Qingbo that we can.For seasoning,but also not be able to obtain hand,may require you to the other side,do not go to stand up and take down.5,to clean hands after eating Mozui avoid rubbing vigorously with napkins,napkin with attention to the deportment of the iceberg and India to gently on the lips or fingers can be greasy.6,even if the stool more comfortable sitting should maintain integrity and not to rely on back above.Eating when the body can be a little forward on,the arms should be close to the body so as not to hit next door.7,each finished Diecai,such as knife and fork to release four sides,or to fight cross-leave around,very ugly.The right way is to discharge the plate and knife and fork,the fork up teeth.法国餐桌礼仪七忌 不少人在吃西餐时,都会担心“失礼”.其实,所谓餐桌礼仪是为了让餐膳可以不受阻碍和破坏,而得以顺利流畅地进行的实用守则.谨记“整齐、清洁和保持安静”三项原则便可无往而不利.答应对方的邀请后如果临时有事要迟到甚至取消约会,必须事先通知对方.赴会时稍迟是可以接受的,但若超过15分钟便会给对方不重视约会的坏印象.在点菜时自己应选定想吃的食物,如果看遍菜牌也没有头绪的话,可请侍应为你推荐餐厅的招牌菜,但要给明确的表示,如想吃海鲜、不吃红肉等,切记事事拿不定主意,只懂说“是但(随便也罢)”的人只会为同台客人添加麻烦.用餐要注意的细节甚多,但其实大部分也是日常的礼仪,只要保持冷静,不做大动作,不出声响或阻碍别人用餐的话已算合格.1、使用餐具最基本的原则是由外至内,完成一道菜后侍奉收去该份餐具,按需要或会补上另一套刀叉.2、吃肉类时(如牛扒)应从角落开始切,吃完一块再切下一块.遇到不吃的部分或配菜,只需将它移到碟边.3、如嘴里有东西要吐出来,应将叉子递到嘴边接出,或以手指取出,再移到碟子边沿.整个过程要尽量不要引别人注意,之后自然地用餐便可.4、遇到豆类或饭一类的配菜,可以左手握叉平放碟上,叉尖向上,再以刀子将豆类或饭轻拨到叉子上便可.若需要调味料但伸手又取不到,可要求对方递给你,千万不要站起来俯前去取.5、吃完抹手抹嘴切忌用餐巾大力擦,注意仪态用餐巾的一角轻轻印去嘴上或手指上的油渍便可.6、就算凳子多舒服,坐姿都应该保持正直,不要靠在椅背上面.进食时身体可略向前靠,两臂应紧贴身体,以免撞到隔壁.7、吃完每碟菜之后,如将刀叉四边放,又或者打交叉乱放,非常难看.正确方法是将刀叉并排放在碟上,叉齿朝上.
2023-08-02 12:48:221


各国餐桌礼仪英语翻译   在法国,你完全可以用两只手吃饭——用刀叉或者是叉子加面包。面包在这里并不是开胃菜——而是帮助把食物弄到叉子上面的工具。吃面包的时候,慢慢的撕下,千万别直接对着面包咬。不用的.时候,面包是放在桌子或是桌布上的,别放在盘子里。以下是我为大家整理分享的各国餐桌礼仪英语翻译,欢迎阅读参考。   各国餐桌礼仪英语翻译   Dining Etiquette   Dining while abroad can feel as though you are tiptoeing around a minefield of unfamiliar rules. Table manners are the ultimate way to show respect (or some accidental disrespect) to your gracious host.   在国外吃饭,宛如蹑手蹑脚的游走在一堆不熟悉的规则中间。餐桌礼仪是对主人展现尊敬(有时反而显现不敬)的最好方式。   Slurp your food.   吃东西时砸吧嘴。   In Japan, most commonly when eating noodles and soups, slurping shows your appreciation of the food to the chef. The louder the better! You may also drink directly from the soup bowl -- spoons are uncommon. Furthermore, never cross your chopsticks, lick your chopsticks, or stick your chopsticks vertically into a bowl of rice. Its considered very rude in Japan and many other Asian countries, including China.   在日本,吃面喝汤极其寻常,发出啧啧声是对厨师食物的肯定。越大声越好!你还可以直接端起汤碗来喝汤——调羹反而用的不多。另外,千万别把筷子交叉,舔筷子或是把筷子垂直插在米饭中间。这在日本以及其他亚洲国家包括中国,都是极其粗鲁的表现。   Eat only with your right hand.   只用右手吃饭。   Sorry lefties -- in India, the Middle East, and some parts of Africa, it is considered unclean to eat with your left hand.   左撇子对不住啦——在印度、中东以及非洲某些地区,用左手吃饭是不卫生的表现。   Dont offer to split the bill.   别想着AA制。   In France, splitting the bill is considered the height of unsophistication. Offer to pay the bill in its entirety or someone else will.   在法国,AA制被看成不懂人情世故。要么就请客,不然就等别人买单吧。   Bread is a utensil.   面包只是食具。   In France, you are supposed to use two hands to eat -- either fork and knife or fork and bread. Bread isnt meant to be an appetizer -- instead it serves to assist the food to the fork. When you eat the bread, tear off a piece of it to eat instead of biting directly into the bread. When not in use, the bread belongs on the table or tablecloth instead of the plate.   在法国,你完全可以用两只手吃饭——用刀叉或者是叉子加面包。面包在这里并不是开胃菜——而是帮助把食物弄到叉子上面的工具。吃面包的时候,慢慢的撕下,千万别直接对着面包咬。不用的时候,面包是放在桌子或是桌布上的,别放在盘子里。   Dont touch any part of your meal with your hands.   不要用手碰到任何食物。   In Chile, touching food with your hands is considered ill-mannered. Yep, even fries! In Brazil, too, pizza and burgers are normally eaten with a fork and knife.   在智利,用手碰食物是非常不礼貌的表现。是的,甚至是薯条!而在巴西亦是如此,披萨和汉堡通常都是用刀叉吃的。   Dont put food in your mouth with a fork.   不要用叉子把食物放在嘴里。   In Thailand, forks are used to push food into a spoon. Also, its unusual to use chopsticks -- theyre considered tacky.   在泰国,一般都是用调羹吃东西,用筷子都是很奇怪的——会被看成没有教养。 ;
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China Dining CustomTable MannersThe main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality.And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.Eating No-no"sDon"t stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl.Instead,lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when somebody dies,the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table!Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table.Don"t tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.Beggars tap on their bowls, so this is not polite.Also, when the food is coming too slow in a restarant, people will tap their bowls. If you are in someone"s home,it is like insulting the cook.DrinkingGan Bei! (Cheers! “Gan Bei” literally means “dry [the] glass”) Besides beer, the official Chinese alcoholic beverage is Bai Jiu,high-proof Chinese liquor made from assorted grains. There are varying degrees of Bai Jiu. The Beijing favorite is called Er Guo Tou, which is a whopping 56% alcohol. More expensive are Maotai and Wuliangye. - -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course, the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knife and fork, but that"s only superficial. Besides, in decent restaurants, you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork, if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough. The real difference is that in the West, you have your own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host thinks you"re in the country for the first time, he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes. The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. Soup then will be served (unless in Guangdong style restaurants) to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings. If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all. Perhaps one of the things that surprises a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests. In formal dinners, there are always “public” chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks. This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness. It is always polite to eat the food. If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the plate. People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed. When you have had enough, just say so. Or you will always overeat!
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英国餐桌礼仪(用英语的方式表达) 明天就要交了,不要太多,5,6句就行了

Table Manners in England (UK) The British generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners.Even young children are expected to eat properly with knife and fork. We eat most of our food with cutlery.The foods we don"t eat with a knife,fork or spoon include sandwiches,crisps,corn on the cob,and fruit. Things you should do: If you cannot eat a certain type of food or have some special needs,tell your host several days before the dinner party. If you are a guest,it is polite to wait until your host starts eating or indicates you should do so.It shows consideration. Always chew and swallow all the food in your mouth before taking more or taking a drink. You may eat chicken and pizza with your fingers if you are at a barbecue,finger buffet or very informal setting.Otherwise always use a knife and fork. Always say thank you when served something.It shows appreciation. When eating rolls,break off a piece of bread before buttering.Eating it whole looks tacky. When eating soup,tip the bowl away from you and scoop the soup up with your spoon. When you have finished eating,and to let others know that you have, place your knife and folk together,with the prongs (tines) on the fork facing upwards,on your plate. In a restaurant,it is normal to pay for your food by putting your money on the plate the bill comes on. Things you should not do: Never lick or put your knife in your mouth. It is impolite to start eating before everyone has been served unless your host says that you don"t need to wait. Never chew with your mouth open.No one wants to see food being chewed or hearing it being chomped on. It is impolite to have your elbows on the table while you are eating. Don"t reach over someone"s plate for something,ask for the item to be passed. Never talk with food in your mouth. It is impolite to put too much food in your mouth. Never use your fingers to push food onto your spoon or fork. It is impolite to slurp your food or eat noisily. Never blow your nose on a napkin (serviette).Napkins are for dabbing your lips and only for that. Never take food from your neighbours plate. Never pick food out of your teeth with your fingernails. Things that are ok to do: It is ok to eat and drink something while walking down the street,unless you want to seem posh. It is ok to pour your own drink when eating with other people,but it is more polite to offer pouring drinks to the people sitting on either side of you. It is ok to put milk and sugar in your tea and coffee or to drink them both without either. I am not used to eating with a knife and fork.What do I need to know? We eat continental style,with fork in the left hand and the knife in the right (or the other way round if you are left handed).At the top of your plate will be a dessert spoon and dessert fork. If you are eating at a formal dinner party,you will come across many knives and forks.Start with the utensils on the outside and work your way inward with each subsequent course How to eat with a knife and fork in England The fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right. If you have a knife in one hand,it is wrong to have a fork in the other with the prongs (tines) pointed up. Hold your knife with the handle in your palm and your folk in the other hand with the prongs pointing downwards.
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Chinese table manners  Table manners in Chinese life and order in the full possession of a very important position, they believe, eating is not only way to meet their basic physiological needs method -- is also of paramount importance social experience. To this end, grasp the knowledge of the rules in some Chinese restaurants have become particularly important, whether you are a master, or merely a guest, must have some rules.  餐桌礼仪在中国人的完整生活秩序中占有一个非常重要的地位,他们认为,用餐不单是满足基本生理需要的方法———也是头等重要的社交经验。为此,掌握某些中式餐饮规则的知识便显得特别重要了,无论你是主人,抑或只是一位客人,都必须掌握一些规则。  The round table is popular. Because they can sit more people, and we can sit face to face, the head of the family identity and not long shaped the West on the table very clearly through his seat and identification. Guests should be invited to sit down and wait for the owner. The owner must be careful not to call the guests sitting in a seat near the table. This is a taboo.Will have to wait until all the people here can only be the beginning of any form of dining activities -- even if they have to wait for being late. Once you master home place, can do the prologue. During the meal, the owner must assume a proactive role -- urging guests enjoy eating and drinking is entirely reasonable.  ●圆形餐桌颇受欢迎。因为可以坐更多人,而且大家可以面对面坐,一家之主的身份并不像西方长形餐桌上很清楚地通过他的座位而辨认。客人应该等候主人邀请才可坐下。主人必须注意不可叫客人坐在*近上菜的座位。此为一大忌。必须等到所有人到齐才可以开始任何形式的进餐活动———即使有人迟到也要等。一旦大家就位,主人家便可以做开场白了。进餐期间,主人必须承担一个主动积极的角色———敦促客人尽情吃喝是完全合理的。  In a typical Chinese-style table looks quite empty, in the eyes of Westerners, especially. Each seat can be seen on the front wheel on a bowl; right is a set of chopsticks and spoons, were placed in their own seat. In formal occasions, there will be napkins, mainly on the lap. In a formal banquet, the dishes of eating like a slide show, each time a dish. Surprisingly, rice, not with the dishes ibid, but you can choose to eat the same. As the dishes have their special characteristics, it should be for individual taste, but once only from a bowl to eat, not mixed taste. Plate is not available to eat, can only bowl. Bones and shells on the individual disk. Not clean the dishes must always be replaced with clean plates.  ●一张典型中式餐桌看上去相当空,在西方人眼中尤甚。每张座位前可见放在盘上的一只碗;右面是一组筷子与汤匙,分别放在各自的座上。在正式场合上,会出现餐巾,主要放在膝上。  在正式宴席上,菜式的吃法很像放映的幻灯片,每一次一道菜。令人惊讶的是,米饭不是与菜式同上,不过可以选择同吃。由于菜式各有特色,应该个别品尝,而且一次只从碗中吃一种,不是混合品尝。不可用盘子吃,只能用碗。骨头和壳类放在个别盘中。不干净的盘子必须经常用清洁盘子替换。  in addition to Tom, the gallery of all the food with chopsticks. May provide a knife and fork, but as the Chinese people, it is best to use chopsticks. Chopsticks are eating a tool, so do not play with the chopsticks -- take them when the drumstick is a very rude way, but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person or motioned. Of course, absolutely can not suck or to chopsticks chopsticks inserted in rice, it is Taboo -- this is like the funeral of incense, is considered unlucky. Again, can not use chopsticks in a non-stop flipping Diecai years, should be the first sights with your eyes you want to get food. When you use chopsticks to pick up one of the food, try to avoid the encounter other food. If possible, use public chopsticks and spoons beside. After dinner or take the food after the end, will chopsticks chopsticks back seat.  ●除了汤之外,席上一切食物都用筷子。可能会提供刀*,但身为中国人,最好用筷子。筷子是进餐的工具,因此千万不可玩弄筷子———把它们当鼓槌是非常失礼的做法,更不可以用筷子向人指指点点或打手势示意。当然,绝对不可吸吮筷子或把筷子插在米饭中,这是大忌———这正好像葬礼上的香烛,被认为是不吉利的。再有,不可用筷子在一碟菜里不停翻动,应该先用眼睛看准你想取的食物。当你用筷了去取一块食物时,尽量避免碰到其他食物。可能的话,用旁边的公筷和汤匙。吃完饭或取完食物后,将筷子放回筷子座。  A seat Chinese restaurant without a formal tea and can not claim. Therefore, as far as possible, the storage of different varieties of tea is a sensible approach, to ensure the most sophisticated taste is also taken into account. Issues relating to tea, should pay attention to a few key things. Seats recently teapot people should be responsible for others and themselves --- --, pour the order in accordance with age, from longest to most young persons, the final pour myself. When the people you pour, the protocol should be used finger tapping on the table, this is done to pour expressed gratitude and respect.  ●一席中式餐饮如果没有茶便称不上正式了。为此,尽可能贮存不同品种的茶是明智的做法,确保最精明的品味也照顾到。有关茶的问题,应该注意几件关键的事。座位最近茶壶的人应该负责为其他人和自己斟茶———斟茶的次序按照年岁,由最长者至最年青者,最后为自己斟。当人家为你斟茶时,礼节上应该用手指轻敲桌子,这样做是对斟茶者表示感谢和敬意。
2023-08-02 12:49:521

英语作文 各国餐桌礼仪

Dining etiquette in GermanyIt is good etiquette to remain standing until shown where to sit.Table manners are continental - fork in left hand and knife in right.Do not begin eating until the host signals to do so.It is bad etiquette to rest elbows on the table.Try and cut food with the fork as it compliments the cook by showing it is tender.Everything should be eaten on the plate.Indicate you have finished by lying the fork and knife parallel across the right hand side of the plate.Dining etiquette in JapanAn honoured guest sits at the centre of the table furthest from the door and begins eating first.Learn to use chopsticks - never point them, never pierce food with them, rest them on the chopstick rest when breaking for drink or chat.It is good etiquette to try a bit of everything.Conversation is subdued.Dining etiquette in TurkeyMeals are a social affair. Conversations are animate and loud.The head of the family or honoured guest is served first.It is good etiquette to insist the most senior is served first instead of you.Asking for more food is a compliment.If taken to a restaurant, Turkish dining etiquette has strict rules that the one who extended the invitation must pay.Dining etiquette in the USAThe fork is held in the right hand and is used for eating.To use the knife, the fork is switched to the left hand. To continue eating, the fork is switched back to the right hand.If you are more comfortable eating in the Continental manner it will not offend anyone.Foods or drinks can be refused without causing offense.Many foods are eaten by hand.Dining etiquette in the Middle EastGuests are honoured with prime choice of meats - head, eyes, etc.Eaten with right hand only.Meat is torn by holding down the piece against the dish and ripping off a desired amount with
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餐桌礼仪用英语怎么说 Table manners 我觉得要加s,因为manner 单数一般理解为方法,方式,途径。manners 一般指礼仪,礼貌。 餐桌礼仪的“礼仪”用英语怎么说 manners table manners餐桌礼仪 餐桌礼仪中:让长者先吃 用英文怎么说 让长者先吃_翻译结果: Let the elders eat first 中国的餐桌礼仪有哪些英文加翻译 中国的餐桌礼仪 Table manners in China 有关餐桌礼仪的英语单词 Don"t allow meal is audible. Don"t allow for others take food. Don"t allow *** oking. Don"t allow to others good or not. Don"t allow in public solution belt. Don"t allow discussion disgusting things. 不允许进餐时发出声响. 不允许替他人取菜. 不允许吸菸. 不允许向别人劝酒. 不允许当众脱衣解带. 不允许议论令人作呕之事. Seating and absence You should wait for elderly after deciding, fangke sat down at the table. Table if any lady, you should wait for lady seat set before seats. If ms seat in the next neighbour, ms. Should call After dinner, need male, the hostess asked, other guests can move. Slouch in your seat, with mensal distance keep well. In restaurants, should by the waiter brought Taiwan seats. The move, should help every seat elderly female or drag on the chair. Tableware put etiquette 1 Incense wipes the use of Napkin main prevent dirty clothes, holds concurrently do wipe your mouth and hand stain. Must wait until everyone after deciding, ability can use napkin. Napkin should spread out and put them in the knees at the top of the lap, who do not fasten belt, or hang in suit brought mouth. Avoid by all means wipes dinner service. (3) the table on the general etiquette Your seat after pawlowska decently, foot in my seat, must not be arbitrarily unbend, elbow shall not rely on table flanges, or put his hand on neighbor on the back. Dinner should lukewarm wen erya, calmly quiet, cannot impatience. On the table can be selfish, also want to take care ...... 西方的餐桌礼仪(中英互译) 最简单的就是follow 主人就好
2023-08-02 12:50:201


  Chinese table manners  Table manners in Chinese life and order in the full possession of a very important position, they believe, eating is not only way to meet their basic physiological needs method -- is also of paramount importance social experience. To this end, grasp the knowledge of the rules in some Chinese restaurants have become particularly important, whether you are a master, or merely a guest, must have some rules.  餐桌礼仪在中国人的完整生活秩序中占有一个非常重要的地位,他们认为,用餐不单是满足基本生理需要的方法———也是头等重要的社交经验.为此,掌握某些中式餐饮规则的知识便显得特别重要了,无论你是主人,抑或只是一位客人,都必须掌握一些规则.  The round table is popular. Because they can sit more people, and we can sit face to face, the head of the family identity and not long shaped the West on the table very clearly through his seat and identification. Guests should be invited to sit down and wait for the owner. The owner must be careful not to call the guests sitting in a seat near the table. This is a taboo.Will have to wait until all the people here can only be the beginning of any form of dining activities -- even if they have to wait for being late. Once you master home place, can do the prologue. During the meal, the owner must assume a proactive role -- urging guests enjoy eating and drinking is entirely reasonable.  ●圆形餐桌颇受欢迎.因为可以坐更多人,而且大家可以面对面坐,一家之主的身份并不像西方长形餐桌上很清楚地通过他的座位而辨认.客人应该等候主人邀请才可坐下.主人必须注意不可叫客人坐在*近上菜的座位.此为一大忌.必须等到所有人到齐才可以开始任何形式的进餐活动———即使有人迟到也要等.一旦大家就位,主人家便可以做开场白了.进餐期间,主人必须承担一个主动积极的角色———敦促客人尽情吃喝是完全合理的.  In a typical Chinese-style table looks quite empty, in the eyes of Westerners, especially. Each seat can be seen on the front wheel on a bowl; right is a set of chopsticks and spoons, were placed in their own seat. In formal occasions, there will be napkins, mainly on the lap. In a formal banquet, the dishes of eating like a slide show, each time a dish. Surprisingly, rice, not with the dishes ibid, but you can choose to eat the same. As the dishes have their special characteristics, it should be for individual taste, but once only from a bowl to eat, not mixed taste. Plate is not available to eat, can only bowl. Bones and shells on the individual disk. Not clean the dishes must always be replaced with clean plates.  ●一张典型中式餐桌看上去相当空,在西方人眼中尤甚.每张座位前可见放在盘上的一只碗;右面是一组筷子与汤匙,分别放在各自的座上.在正式场合上,会出现餐巾,主要放在膝上.  在正式宴席上,菜式的吃法很像放映的幻灯片,每一次一道菜.令人惊讶的是,米饭不是与菜式同上,不过可以选择同吃.由于菜式各有特色,应该个别品尝,而且一次只从碗中吃一种,不是混合品尝.不可用盘子吃,只能用碗.骨头和壳类放在个别盘中.不干净的盘子必须经常用清洁盘子替换.  in addition to Tom, the gallery of all the food with chopsticks. May provide a knife and fork, but as the Chinese people, it is best to use chopsticks. Chopsticks are eating a tool, so do not play with the chopsticks -- take them when the drumstick is a very rude way, but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person or motioned. Of course, absolutely can not suck or to chopsticks chopsticks inserted in rice, it is Taboo -- this is like the funeral of incense, is considered unlucky. Again, can not use chopsticks in a non-stop flipping Diecai years, should be the first sights with your eyes you want to get food. When you use chopsticks to pick up one of the food, try to avoid the encounter other food. If possible, use public chopsticks and spoons beside. After dinner or take the food after the end, will chopsticks chopsticks back seat.  ●除了汤之外,席上一切食物都用筷子.可能会提供刀*,但身为中国人,最好用筷子.筷子是进餐的工具,因此千万不可玩弄筷子———把它们当鼓槌是非常失礼的做法,更不可以用筷子向人指指点点或打手势示意.当然,绝对不可吸吮筷子或把筷子插在米饭中,这是大忌———这正好像葬礼上的香烛,被认为是不吉利的.再有,不可用筷子在一碟菜里不停翻动,应该先用眼睛看准你想取的食物.当你用筷了去取一块食物时,尽量避免碰到其他食物.可能的话,用旁边的公筷和汤匙.吃完饭或取完食物后,将筷子放回筷子座.  A seat Chinese restaurant without a formal tea and can not claim. Therefore, as far as possible, the storage of different varieties of tea is a sensible approach, to ensure the most sophisticated taste is also taken into account. Issues relating to tea, should pay attention to a few key things. Seats recently teapot people should be responsible for others and themselves --- --, pour the order in accordance with age, from longest to most young persons, the final pour myself. When the people you pour, the protocol should be used finger tapping on the table, this is done to pour expressed gratitude and respect.  ●一席中式餐饮如果没有茶便称不上正式了.为此,尽可能贮存不同品种的茶是明智的做法,确保最精明的品味也照顾到.有关茶的问题,应该注意几件关键的事.座位最近茶壶的人应该负责为其他人和自己斟茶———斟茶的次序按照年岁,由最长者至最年青者,最后为自己斟.当人家为你斟茶时,礼节上应该用手指轻敲桌子,这样做是对斟茶者表示感谢和敬意.
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随着饮食习惯越来越融合,西餐离我们的生活其实很近,正宗的西餐是很讲究礼仪的,这样既显得自己的风度,又多学了一门知识,那么西餐就座礼仪又是如何呢?以下是我整理的西餐就座礼仪,希望可以提供给大家进行参考和借鉴。 西餐就座礼仪 1.刀叉:手握叉子时不要像握大提琴那样,或像握麦克佩斯夫人的匕首那样。另外,不要手握刀叉在空中飞来舞去用以强调说话的某一点,也不要将刀叉的一头搭在盘子上,一头放在餐桌上。刀叉一旦拿起使用,就不能再放回原处。刀子放在盘子上时,刀刃朝里,头在盘子里,刀把放在盘子边缘上。 2.餐巾:不要拿餐巾去用力擦脸的下部,要轻轻地沾擦。不要抖开餐巾再去折叠,不要在空中像挥动旗子那样挥动餐巾。餐巾应放在大腿上,如果离开餐桌,要将餐巾放在椅子上,并把椅子推近餐桌。注意动作要轻。用餐结束时不要折叠餐巾;否则,不了解情况的服务生可能会再给别的客人使用。用餐结束时要将餐巾从中间拿起,轻轻地放在餐桌上盘子的左侧。 3.咀嚼:嚼东西时嘴要闭紧,无论你有什么惊人的妙语,时机多么恰到好处,只要嘴里有食物,绝不能开口说话。不能为了着急说话而马上将食物吞下,要保持细嚼慢咽的姿势,将食物咽下后会意地露出笑容,以转达你内心的活动:刚才完全可以有妙语出口,只是口中有食物。 4.坐姿:要牢记你妈妈的话,坐立要直,不要将胳膊肘支在餐桌上。如果手放在什么位置都不自在,放在大腿上。 5.面包:面包上抹黄油尤其要注意,将面包掰成可以一口吃下的小块,临吃前在小块上抹黄油,不要图方便将整个面包上都抹上黄油。 6.速度:切忌速度过快,无论你是在RitzCarton还是在格尔蒂的GreasePit酒店用餐,大口吞咽食物不仅有害健康,而且也不雅观,尤其是和他人共同进餐时,这么做会显得失礼。共同进餐时大家的量应该一样,并保持同时开始同时结束的速度,别人都开始品味甜食了而你还在喝汤是不可取的。 7.剔牙:如果塞了牙,切忌在餐桌上剔牙,如果的确忍受不住,找个借口去洗手间,你可以在那里剔个够。 8.口红:将口红留在餐具上是不可取的,工作用餐尤其如此。如果没有随身携带纸手帕,进酒店时可以顺便到洗手间去一趟,或到吧台去取块纸餐巾。 9.吸烟:即使在吸烟区用餐,用餐期间吸烟也不可取,吸烟会影响他人的食欲,而且和整个气氛也不和谐,应该等到用餐结束后再吸烟,还应记住:不要用盘子当烟灰缸。 10.物品:女用手提包及男用手提箱这类东西不要放在餐桌上,钥匙、帽子、手套、眼镜、眼镜盒、香烟等物品都不要放在餐桌上。总之,凡是和用餐无关的东西都不能放在餐桌上。 西餐就餐英语礼仪 1、最得体的入座方式是从左侧入座。当椅子被拉开后,身体在几乎要碰到桌子的距离站直,领位者会把椅子推进来,腿弯碰到后面的椅子时,就可以坐下来了。就座时,身体要端正,手肘不要放在桌面上,不可跷足,与餐桌的距离以便于使用餐具为佳。餐台上已摆好的餐具不要随意摆弄。将餐巾对折轻轻放在膝上。 2.、使用刀叉进餐时,从外侧往内侧取用刀叉,要左手持叉,右手持刀;切东西时左手拿叉按住食物,右手执刀将其切成小块,用叉子送入口中。使用刀时,刀刃不可向外。进餐中放下刀叉时应摆成“八”字型,分别放在餐盘边上。刀刃朝向自身,表示还要继续吃。每吃完一道菜,将刀叉并拢放在盘中。如果是谈话,可以拿着刀叉,无需放下。不用刀时,可用右手持叉,但若需要作手势时,就应放下刀叉,千万不可手执刀叉在空中挥舞摇晃,也不要一手拿刀或叉,而另一只手拿餐巾擦嘴,也不可一手拿酒杯,另一只手拿叉取菜。要记住,任何时候,都不可将刀叉的一端放在盘上,另一端放在桌上。 用餐时,上臂和背部要靠到椅背,腹部和桌子保持约一个拳头的距离。两脚交叉的.坐姿最好避免。 3.、喝汤时不要啜,吃东西时要闭嘴咀嚼。不要舔嘴唇或咂嘴发出声音。如汤菜过热,可待稍凉后再吃,不要用嘴吹。喝汤时,用汤勺从里向外舀,汤盘中的汤快喝完时,用左手将汤盘的外侧稍稍翘起,用汤勺舀净即可。吃完汤菜时,将汤匙留在汤盘(碗)中,匙把指向自己。 4、吃鱼、肉等带刺或骨的菜肴时,不要直接外吐,可用餐巾捂嘴轻轻吐在叉上放入盘内。如盘内剩余少量菜肴时,不要用叉子刮盘底,更不要用手指相助食用,应以小块面包或叉子相助食用。吃面条时要用叉子先将面条卷起,然后送入口中。 5、 面包一般掰成小块送入口中,不要拿着整块面包去咬。抹黄油和果酱时也要先将面包掰成小块再抹。 6、吃鸡时,欧美人多以鸡胸脯肉为贵。吃鸡腿时应先用力将骨去掉,不要用手拿着吃。吃鱼时不要将鱼翻身,要吃完上层后用刀叉将鱼骨剔掉后再吃下层吃肉时,要切一块吃一块,块不能切得过大,或一次将肉都切成块。 7、 喝咖啡时如愿意添加牛奶或糖,添加后要用小勺搅拌均匀,将小勺放在咖啡的垫碟上。喝时应右手拿杯把,左手端垫碟,直接用嘴喝,不要用小勺一勺一勺地舀着喝。吃水果时,不要拿着水果整个去咬,应先用水果刀切成四瓣再用刀去掉皮、核、用叉子叉着吃。 8、用刀叉吃有骨头的肉时,可以用手拿着吃。若想吃得更优雅,还是用刀较好。用叉子将整片肉固定(可将叉子朝上,用叉子背部压住肉),再用刀沿骨头插入,把肉切开。最好是边切边吃。必须用手吃时,会附上洗手水。当洗手水和带骨头的肉一起端上来时,意味着“请用手吃”。用手指拿东西吃后,将手指放在装洗手水的碗里洗净。吃一般的菜时,如果把手指弄脏,也可请侍者端洗手水来,注意洗手时要轻轻地洗。 9、 吃面包不可蘸调味汁吃到连调味汁都不剩,这是对厨师的礼貌。注意不要把面包盘子“舔”得很干净,而要用叉子叉住已撕成小片的面包,再蘸一点调味汁来吃,这才是雅观的做法。 西餐就座礼仪 1、席位排列的规则 (1)女士优先。在 西餐礼仪 里,往往体现女士优先的原则。排定用餐席位时,一般女主人为第一主人,在主位就位。而男主人为第二主人,坐在第二主人的位置上。 (2)距离定位。西餐桌上席位的尊卑,是根据其距离主位的远近决定的。距主位近的位置要高于距主位远的位置。 (3)以右为尊。排定席位时,以右为尊是基本原则。就某一具体位置而言,按礼仪规范其右侧要高于左侧之位。在西餐排位时,男主宾要排在女主人的右侧,女主宾排在男主人的右侧,按此原则,依次排列。 (4)面门为上。按礼仪的要求,面对餐厅正门的位子要高于背对餐厅正门的位子。 (5)交叉排列。西餐排列席位时,讲究交叉排列的原则,即男女应该交叉排列,熟人和生人也应当交叉排列。在西方人看来,宴会场合是要拓展人际关系,这样交叉排列,用意就是让人们能多和周围客人聊天认识,达到社交目的。 2、就座西餐的位置排法与中餐有一定的区别,中餐多使用圆桌,西餐则以长桌为主。长桌的位置排法主要有以下两种方式: (1)法式就座方式。主人位置在中间,男女主人对坐,女主人右边是男主宾,左边是男次宾,男主人右边是女主客,左边是女次客,陪客则尽量往旁边坐。 (2)英美式就座方式。桌子两端为男女主人,若夫妇一起受邀,则男士坐在女主人的右手边,女士坐在男主人的右手边,左边则是次客的位置,如果是陪同客尽量往中问坐。 在隆重的"场合,如果餐桌安排在一个单独的房间里,在女主人请你入席之前,不应当擅自进入设有餐桌的房间。如果都是朋友,大家可以自由入坐:在其他场合,客人要按女主人的指点入坐。客人要服从主人的安排,其礼貌的做法是,在女主人和其他女士坐下之后方可坐下。一般说来,宴会应该由女主人主持。如果女主人说:"祝你们胃口好",这就意味着你可以吃了。如果女主人还没有发话,勺子就进了嘴,那可是非常不礼貌的。 西餐就坐礼仪有哪些相关 文章 : ★ 西餐中的入座礼仪有哪些 ★ 西餐的基本礼仪有哪些 ★ 西餐座次礼仪的基本原则 ★ 西餐礼仪中的就坐礼仪 ★ 西餐的文化礼仪有哪些 ★ 西餐必知的礼仪有哪些 ★ 十大吃西餐的基本礼仪知识 ★ 吃西餐有哪些礼仪细节需要注意 ★ 西餐礼仪之坐姿礼仪
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  当有一天,你有外国的朋友来,这个时候你就要为外国友人介绍餐桌上的一切,那么你们知道要怎么办吗?下面是我为大家整理的餐桌上的礼仪英语 ,希望能够帮到大家哦!   餐桌上的礼仪英语   中国饮食在世界上是很有名的。Ibelieve the Chinese food is famous around the world.   假如你来到中国,中国朋友请你吃饭,你就需要了解一下有关宴会中的座次问题。Andif you are in China and you are asked by your Chinese friend to a dinner, youmay want to know how to pick up your seat at the table and what is the properway to sit at the table.   这个位子一般是主位,是主人的。Well,normally this seat is the seat for the host or the hostess.   这个位子面朝着门。(面朝着门的一般是主位。)Theseat is facing the door of this room.   也可以根据餐巾的样式来辨别座位。Onemay also distinguish the seats at the table from the style in which the napkinsare folded.   无论餐巾折成什么样式,最高的餐巾对应的座位,一定是主位。Regardlessof how the napkins are arranged.,thetallest arrangement will always correspond to the master seat.   一张坐四五个人的小桌子,与主人的座位相对应的背对着门的那个位置则是被邀请的主客坐的位置。Atthe small table, a table for four of five, the seat right across of the hostseat, the seat over there, the back of which is facing the door is the seat forthe main guest.   当然如果桌子大一点的时候,比如说可以坐十到十二个人的桌子,由于主人和客人说话不太方便,跨越桌子就像跨越一片大海一样,所以他们可以挨着坐,这种情况下是可以挨着坐的,这样坐主人和客人说话更方便一些。Butusually of course, when itu2019s a bigger table, a table for ten or twelve, and itis not easy for host or hostess talking with the main guest, right across thetable like right across the ocean and they can just sit side by side which canmake it easier for them to talk.   我想你也注意到了在桌子上还有一个小桌子,就是可以转动的这个。Andon the table I suppose you have noticed that there is something like this, itu2019sa smaller table on the big table.   可以叫它LazySusan。AndI suppose you call it Lazy Susan.   Lazy Suzan   对,它可以方便客人夹菜。Yeah,this can make things easier for us.   因为在中国的宴席上,我们并不是谁点的菜谁吃。Becausein the Chinese way of having food,wedonu2019t order our own food.   而是为所有人点菜,大家一起分享食物。Weorder for everybody and everybody shares the food on the table.   我们经常会采取桌上的人每人点一个菜的方式。Andusually we can have each of the people at the table to order one of the dishes.   那么如果我想吃的菜在桌子的另一边,比如说我想吃鸡肉,我就可以转动这个小桌子,让鸡肉转到我这一边来。Sowhat if something I want is on the other side of the table, for instance if Iwant the chicken, so I can turn the Lazy Susan and turn the chicken to my side.   这样不用站起来就可以够到菜,因为站起来夹菜是不礼貌的。Ican just pick it up without standing up and reaching out which is not proper orpolite in Chinese table manner.   另外还要注意当别人夹菜的时候,这个时候你最好不要转动这个小桌子。Andof course when someone else picks the dishes you are not gonna turn the tableat that time, turn lazy Susan at that time.   你知道为什么我坐在这儿而不是坐在那儿吗?Anddo you know why I just sit hear rather than there?   因为坐在那儿的人要负责买单。Becausethe one sitting there is gonna pay the bill.   中国的宴席中一般都有敬酒的习俗。MostChinese people have the tradition of making toasts at banquets.   敬酒的顺序通常要按照年龄先长后幼、职位由高到低或者先主宾后次宾的顺序。Theorder on the toast may be based on age from the eldest to the youngest bysocial position from high to low, or by guest status from principal tosecondary.   只有充分考虑到敬酒的顺序,才能达到敬酒的效果,使大家皆大欢喜。Onlyif the individual proposes the toast in a correct and reasonable manner, wouldthe toast be well received and appreciated.   在宴席上饮酒的过程中,随时都可以敬酒,而且可以向同一个人多次敬酒。Onemay propose a toast at any time throughout the meal, and making several toaststo one person is acceptable as well.   当杯中的饮料少于一半时,主人通常会为客人斟满。Ifthe guestsu2019 glasses are less than half full, the host will help refill glassesfor them.   斟酒的次序同敬酒的次序一样也是有长幼高低之分的。Theorder in which this takes place is similar to that of proposing toasts, placingthose of higher social status first.   在与长辈或地位高的人碰杯时,人们为了表示自己的谦虚和对对方的尊敬,往往会让自己的杯口低于对方的杯口。Whenpeople make a toast to a person superior, they usually make sure that rim oftheir glass clinks at position lower than rim of the other personu2019s glass,which expresses respect and modesty.   为了表示热情,主人通常还会不停地劝客人多吃一点。Toshow good hospitality, the host usually urge the guest to eat more.   遇到孩子或者特别亲近的人,甚至还会亲自为客人夹菜。Forchildren, relatives or close friends, they will even serve the dishesthemselves.   客人通常要友好地接受,并且表示感谢。Theguests are supposed to accept the serving and kindly show their appreciation.   即使遇到自己不喜欢吃的菜,也不要拒绝,放到自己盘子一边就可以了。Evenif they do not like the particular dish, they do not refuse the serving assimply accept it and leave it at side of their plate.   另外,在中国的饭店吃饭可以不用另外付小费。Eatingin the restaurant in China, tips are not necessary.   干杯Bottomup! 【Drinkup! / Cheers!】   买单Paythe bill.   餐巾napkin   中国餐桌上常用的礼仪   1.让客人和长辈先吃每一道菜   let the elder people and the customer eat first   2.不要用筷子敲碗   don"t use the chopsticks hit the bowl   3.不要将手伸到饭桌对面夹菜   don"t reach to get the food on the opposite side   4.等大家到齐了,才开始吃   don"t eat until everyone is there   5.为主人的长寿、健康、成功干杯   wish for the people who host the dinner
2023-08-02 12:50:571


1、你知道现在那里还有餐厅是营业的吗?  do you know of any restaurants open now?2、最近的意大利餐厅在那里?  where is the nearest ltalian restaurant?3、pull out chairs to seat the women when you are eating together。  进餐时帮助女士入座。4、do not sit down before all the ladies are seated。  在女士未入座之前不要抢先入座。5、pull your chair up and sit close to the table after sitting down。  入座后将椅子靠近餐桌。6.让客人和长辈先吃每一道菜let the elder people and the customer eat first7.不要用筷子敲碗don"t use the chopsticks hit the bowl8.不要将手伸到饭桌对面夹菜don"t reach to get the food on the opposite side9.等大家到齐了,才开始吃don"t eat until everyone is there10.为主人的长寿、健康、成功干杯wish for the people who host the dinner
2023-08-02 12:51:121

中翻英 “餐桌礼仪”用英语怎么翻译啊?

table manners一定要加“s”
2023-08-02 12:51:202


Chinese table manners  Table manners in Chinese life and order in the full possession of a very important position, they believe, eating is not only way to meet their basic physiological needs method -- is also of paramount importance social experience. To this end, grasp the knowledge of the rules in some Chinese restaurants have become particularly important, whether you are a master, or merely a guest, must have some rules.  餐桌礼仪在中国人的完整生活秩序中占有一个非常重要的地位,他们认为,用餐不单是满足基本生理需要的方法———也是头等重要的社交经验。为此,掌握某些中式餐饮规则的知识便显得特别重要了,无论你是主人,抑或只是一位客人,都必须掌握一些规则。  The round table is popular. Because they can sit more people, and we can sit face to face, the head of the family identity and not long shaped the West on the table very clearly through his seat and identification. Guests should be invited to sit down and wait for the owner. The owner must be careful not to call the guests sitting in a seat near the table. This is a taboo.Will have to wait until all the people here can only be the beginning of any form of dining activities -- even if they have to wait for being late. Once you master home place, can do the prologue. During the meal, the owner must assume a proactive role -- urging guests enjoy eating and drinking is entirely reasonable.  ●圆形餐桌颇受欢迎。因为可以坐更多人,而且大家可以面对面坐,一家之主的身份并不像西方长形餐桌上很清楚地通过他的座位而辨认。客人应该等候主人邀请才可坐下。主人必须注意不可叫客人坐在*近上菜的座位。此为一大忌。必须等到所有人到齐才可以开始任何形式的进餐活动———即使有人迟到也要等。一旦大家就位,主人家便可以做开场白了。进餐期间,主人必须承担一个主动积极的角色———敦促客人尽情吃喝是完全合理的。  In a typical Chinese-style table looks quite empty, in the eyes of Westerners, especially. Each seat can be seen on the front wheel on a bowl; right is a set of chopsticks and spoons, were placed in their own seat. In formal occasions, there will be napkins, mainly on the lap. In a formal banquet, the dishes of eating like a slide show, each time a dish. Surprisingly, rice, not with the dishes ibid, but you can choose to eat the same. As the dishes have their special characteristics, it should be for individual taste, but once only from a bowl to eat, not mixed taste. Plate is not available to eat, can only bowl. Bones and shells on the individual disk. Not clean the dishes must always be replaced with clean plates.  ●一张典型中式餐桌看上去相当空,在西方人眼中尤甚。每张座位前可见放在盘上的一只碗;右面是一组筷子与汤匙,分别放在各自的座上。在正式场合上,会出现餐巾,主要放在膝上。  在正式宴席上,菜式的吃法很像放映的幻灯片,每一次一道菜。令人惊讶的是,米饭不是与菜式同上,不过可以选择同吃。由于菜式各有特色,应该个别品尝,而且一次只从碗中吃一种,不是混合品尝。不可用盘子吃,只能用碗。骨头和壳类放在个别盘中。不干净的盘子必须经常用清洁盘子替换。  in addition to Tom, the gallery of all the food with chopsticks. May provide a knife and fork, but as the Chinese people, it is best to use chopsticks. Chopsticks are eating a tool, so do not play with the chopsticks -- take them when the drumstick is a very rude way, but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person or motioned. Of course, absolutely can not suck or to chopsticks chopsticks inserted in rice, it is Taboo -- this is like the funeral of incense, is considered unlucky. Again, can not use chopsticks in a non-stop flipping Diecai years, should be the first sights with your eyes you want to get food. When you use chopsticks to pick up one of the food, try to avoid the encounter other food. If possible, use public chopsticks and spoons beside. After dinner or take the food after the end, will chopsticks chopsticks back seat.  ●除了汤之外,席上一切食物都用筷子。可能会提供刀*,但身为中国人,最好用筷子。筷子是进餐的工具,因此千万不可玩弄筷子———把它们当鼓槌是非常失礼的做法,更不可以用筷子向人指指点点或打手势示意。当然,绝对不可吸吮筷子或把筷子插在米饭中,这是大忌———这正好像葬礼上的香烛,被认为是不吉利的。再有,不可用筷子在一碟菜里不停翻动,应该先用眼睛看准你想取的食物。当你用筷了去取一块食物时,尽量避免碰到其他食物。可能的话,用旁边的公筷和汤匙。吃完饭或取完食物后,将筷子放回筷子座。  A seat Chinese restaurant without a formal tea and can not claim. Therefore, as far as possible, the storage of different varieties of tea is a sensible approach, to ensure the most sophisticated taste is also taken into account. Issues relating to tea, should pay attention to a few key things. Seats recently teapot people should be responsible for others and themselves --- --, pour the order in accordance with age, from longest to most young persons, the final pour myself. When the people you pour, the protocol should be used finger tapping on the table, this is done to pour expressed gratitude and respect.  ●一席中式餐饮如果没有茶便称不上正式了。为此,尽可能贮存不同品种的茶是明智的做法,确保最精明的品味也照顾到。有关茶的问题,应该注意几件关键的事。座位最近茶壶的人应该负责为其他人和自己斟茶———斟茶的次序按照年岁,由最长者至最年青者,最后为自己斟。当人家为你斟茶时,礼节上应该用手指轻敲桌子,这样做是对斟茶者表示感谢和敬意。本文来自"英语汇作文网" 欢迎分享本文,转载请保留出处!
2023-08-02 12:51:291


餐桌上有许多应注意的礼仪,而这些礼仪常被忽视。 (一)就座和离席 1、应等长者坐定后,方可入坐。 2、席上如有女士,应等女士座定后,方可入座。如女士座位在隔邻,应招 呼女士。 3、用餐后,须等男、女主人离席后,其他宾客方可离席。 4、坐姿要端正,与餐桌的距离保持得宜。 5、在饭店用餐,应由服务生领台入座。 6、离席时,应帮助隔座长者或女上拖拉座椅。 (二)香巾的使用 1、餐巾主要防止弄脏衣服,兼做擦嘴及手上的油渍。 2、必须等到大家坐定后,才可使用餐巾。 3、餐巾应摊开后,放在双膝上端的大腿上,切勿系人腰带,或挂在西装领 口。 4、切忌用餐巾擦拭餐具。 (三)餐桌上的一般礼仪 1、入座后姿式端正,脚踏在本人座位下,不可任意伸直,手肘不得靠桌缘, 或将手放在邻座椅背上。 2、用餐时须温文而雅,从容安静,不能急躁。 3、在餐桌上不能只顾自己,也要关心别人,尤其要招呼两侧的女宾。 4、口内有食物,应避免说话。 5、自用餐具不可伸入公用餐盘夹取菜肴。 6、必须小口进食,不要大口的塞,食物末咽下,不能再塞入口。 7、取菜舀汤,应使用公筷公匙。 8、吃进口的东西,不能吐出来,如系滚烫的食物,可喝水或果汁冲凉。 9、送食物入口时,两肘应向内靠,不直向两旁张开,碰及邻座。 10、自己手上持刀叉,或他人在咀嚼食物时,均应避免跟人说话或敬酒。 11、好的吃相是食物就口,不可将口就食物。食物带计,不能匆忙送入口, 否则汤汁滴在桌布上,极为不雅。 12、切忌用手指掏牙,应用牙签,并以手或手帕遮掩。 13、避免在餐桌上咳嗽、打喷嚏、呕气。万一不禁,应说声“对不起”。 14、喝酒宜各随意,敬酒以礼到为止,切忌劝酒、猜拳、吆喝。 15、如餐具坠地,可请侍者拾起。 16、遇有意外,如不慎将酒、水、汤计溅到他人衣服,表示歉意即可,不 必恐慌赔罪,反使对方难为情。 17、如欲取用摆在同桌其他客人面前之调味品,应请邻座客人帮忙传递, 不可伸手横越,长驱取物。 18、如系主人亲自烹调食物,勿忘予主人赞赏。 19、如吃到不洁或异味,不可吞入,应将入口食物,轻巧的用拇指和食指 取出,放入盘中。倘发现尚未吃食,仍在盘中的菜肴有昆虫和碎石,不要大惊小 怪,宜侯侍者走近,轻声告知侍者更换。 20、食毕,餐具务必摆放整齐,不可凌乱放置。餐巾亦应折好,放在桌上。 21、主食进行中,不宜抽烟,如需抽烟,必须先征得邻座的同意。 22、在餐厅进餐,不能抢着付帐,推拉争付,至为不雅。倘系作客,不能 抢付帐。未征得朋友同意,亦不宜代友付帐。 23、进餐的速度,宜与男女主人同步,不宜太快,亦不宜太慢。 24、餐桌上不能谈悲戚之事,否则会破坏欢愉的气氛。
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(1) takes a seat with after the mat 1, should and so on the elders sit well, only then takes a seat. 2nd, on the mat like has woman, after should and so on women the place decide, only then takes a seat.If woman the seat in the neighbor, should greet woman. After 3rd, dines, must and so on male, the hostess after the mat, other guests only then leave the mat. 4th, the sitting posture must be straight, is appropriate with the dinner table distance maintenance. 5th, dines in the hotel, should get Taiwan by the server to take a seat. When 6th, to mat, should help to separate on the place elder or the female hauls the chair.(2) fragrant turban use 1, the table napkin mainly prevented smears clothes, concurrently does scratches in the mouth and the hand grease stains. After 2nd, must wait till everybody to sit well, only then may use the table napkin. After 3rd, the table napkin should spread out, places the double knee upper extreme on the thigh, being sure not is the human waistband, or hangs in the western-style clothing neckband. 4th, the prohibit cleans the tableware with the table napkin(3) dinner table general etiquette 1, takes a seat the attitude to be straight, treadons under myself seat, cannot unbend willfully, the elbow does not have to depend on the table reason, or places the hand on the adjacent seat chairback. 2nd, dines when must be polite and be elegant, calm peaceful, cannot be irritable. 3rd, cannot consider only on the dinner table oneself, also must care about others, must greet the both sides especially female guest. 4th, the inside the mouth has food, should avoid speaking. 5th, uses for oneself the tableware not to be possible to enter male dines the plate to clamp takes the cooked food. 6th, must the small mouth feed, not want the big mouth stopper, at the end of food to swallow, cannot again squeeze in the mouth. 7th, takes the vegetable to scoop up the soup, should use the male chopsticks male spoon. 8th, eats the import the thing, cannot spit, if is boiling hot food, may drink water or the fruit juice flushes coolly. When 9th, delivers food entrance, two elbows should inward depend on, opens not straight to both sides, bumps and the adjacent seat. 10th, in own hand holds the knife and fork, or other people when mastication food, should avoid with the human speaking or proposing a toast. 11th, the good table manners are food on the mouth, may not the mouth on food.Food belt idea, cannot send in the mouth hurriedly, otherwise the cooking liquor drop on the tablecloth, is extremely inelegant.
2023-08-02 12:51:471


  对于餐桌礼仪来说,我们要怎么做一个这样的英语演讲呢?下面我就为你带来这样的福音。餐桌礼仪英语演讲   一   Table manners refers to the etiquette(礼仪) used while eating,which may also included how to use the tableware.   Different countries have different cultures for table manners.   Today Iu2019ll show you the table manners in the east and west.   In the east, we use tea-pot, table cloth, plate, chopsticks and so on.   For example in China, there are many rules: make the elders have a sit first and the ladies first, before eat meal you should wash your hands, donu2019t eat too fast or too much, don"t speak with your mouth full of food.   When eating, please put up the bowl and when finished you should lay your chopsticks on the bowl.   Sometimes the Chinese host put food in others bowl or plate in order to show the guests politely.   Korean food have everything that one expects to find, of course, there are also many table manners.   When eating the mouth isnu2019t ma-ki-ng a lot of noise, when finished you need put the chopsticks in the same place.   In the west, eat different foods need different tableware, this is the formal table setting.   The serving order is starters, soup, main course, dessert and drinks.   In the USA, you canu2019t eat with your hands, but in India you can.   Next is can or canu2019t, wash your hands before meal, knife and spoon are on the right, fork is on the left, so You should use the fork with your left hand and the knife with your right hand.   Donu2019t drink too much and speak too loudly.   You can eat only from your plate.   Attention: when we are in a party, you have only bowl of soup and must finish all the food on your plate.   Thatu2019s all, thank you   二   People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.   Knowing them will help you make a good impression.   Having good table manners means knowing,for example,how to use knives and forks,when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.   Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glasses—one for white wine,one for the red wine,and one for water.   There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table,forks on the left and knives in the right of the plate.   When you see two spoons,the big one id for the suop and the samll one for the dessert.   The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a litte bit bigger than the ones beside them.   When you sit down at the table, you can take your napkin, unfold it and put it on your lap.   In Chinese you sometime get a hot,damp cloth to clean your face and face and hands,whinch,however,is nat the custom in Western countries.   Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called a starter.   Sime people pray before they start eating , and other people may keep silent for a moment.   Then you can say"Enjoy your meal"to each other and everybody start eating.   For the starter,which you eat with the smaller pair,you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.   After the starter you will get a bowl of soup—but only one boel of soup and never ask for a seconf serving.   The next dish is the main course.   Many Westerners think the chicken breast with its tender white flesh is the best part of the bird.   Some people can use their fingers when they eating chicken or other birds,but never touch beef or other meat in bones.   It is polite to finish eating everthing on your plate,so don"t take more food than you need.   At table ,you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot,but do not laugh all the time.   Most Westerners like soft drink if they will drive home.   Many of them drink white or red wine with the food.   When drinking to someone"s health,you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch.   The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once,but Westerners usually take only a sip.   For drinking during a dinner,the best advic is never to drink too much.   Table manners change over time.   They follow the fashion of the day .   Beside,table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.   If you"re not sure what to do ,you can always follow your hosts.   Although good manners always make you look good,you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with your friends or family,Thatu2019s all, thank you   三   中西方餐桌礼仪 TABLE MANNERS 1 入座的礼仪 table etiquette 2 进餐时的礼仪 meal etiquette 3 离席时的礼仪 when asked the etiquette table etiquette ?Make the elders have a sit first 先长者入座,客人依次入座; ? 入座时要从椅子左边进入,入座后不要动筷子,更不要弄 出什么响声来,也不要起身走动;如果有什么事要向主人打 招呼 。   ? YOU should have a good posture.   ?入座后姿式端正,脚踏在本人座位下,不可任意伸 直,手肘不得靠桌缘, 或将手放在邻座椅背上。   入座位置 In CHINA ?客齐后导客入席,以左为上,视为 首席,相对首座为二座,首座之下 为三座,二座之下为四座。   IN WEST 一般说来,面对门的离门最远的那个座位是女主人的,与 之相对的是男主人的座位。   女主人右手边的座位是第一主宾 席,一般是位先生;男主人右边的座位是第二主宾席、一般 是主宾的夫人。   女主人左边的座位是第三主宾席,男主人的" 左边的座位是第四主宾席。   上菜顺序 ? 中方 ①汤、菜 ②主食 ③餐酒 ④水果 ? 西方 ①菜 ②水果 ③餐酒 ④主食 ⑤甜点 、咖啡 meal etiquette ? 中方 ? 筵席中暂时 停餐,可以 把筷子直搁 在碟子或者 调羹上。   如 果将筷子横 搁在碟子上, 那是表示酒 醉饭饱不再 进膳了。   In China Lay u2026 onu2026 Put up the bowl Don"t stick the chopsticks upright in the bowl.   DONu2019T ? Slurp when drinking soup or eating noodles 喝汤和吃面条时发出声音 ? Keep the spoon inside the bowl or cup 勺儿留在汤碗或茶杯里 ? Talk with your mouth full 满口食物时讲话 ? Chew with your mouth opened 咬食物时把嘴巴张开 ?喝汤时,用汤匙一小口一小口地喝,不宜把碗端到嘴边喝, 汤太热时不要一边吹一边喝,等凉了以后再喝。   有的人 吃饭喜欢用咀嚼食物.   特别是使劲咀嚼脆食物,发出很清 晰的声音来.   这种做法是不合礼仪要求的,特别是和众人 一起进餐时,就要尽量防止出现这种现象。   如果要给客人或长辈 布菜.   最好用公筷.   也可以 把离客人或长辈远的菜肴 送到他们跟前,按我们中华 民族的习惯.   菜是一个一个 往上端的.   如果同桌有领导, 老人,客人的话.
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英语商务餐桌礼仪   中国人一般都很讲究吃,同时也很讲究吃相。随着职场礼仪越来越被重视,商务饭桌上的吃和吃相也更加讲究。下面我就为大家整理了关于商务餐桌礼仪,让你在餐桌上得心应手。   商务餐桌礼仪【1】   1) As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin, pick yours up and lay it on your lap. Sometimes a roll of bread is wrapped in it; if so, toke it our and put it on your side plate.   2) The Soup CourseDinner usually begins with soup. The largest spoon at your place is the soup spoon. It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side.   3) The Fish CourseIf there is a fish course, it will probably follow the soup. There may be a special fork for the fish, or it may be similar to the meat fork. Often it is smaller   .4) The Meat CourseThe main Course is usually served by the host himself, especially if it is a fowl(鸡禽) or a roast which need to be carved.He will often ask each guest what piece he prefers, and it is quite proper to state your preference as to lean or fat, dark(红肉)or light(白肉).   5) Using Knife and ForkIf you have English and American friends you will notice a few differences in their customs of eating. For the main or meat curse,the English keep the fork in the left hand, point curved downward, and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables,by placing it firmly on the fork in this position with the knife.Americans carve the meat in the same position, then lay down the knife and taking the fork in the right hand with the point turned up,push it under a small piece of food without the help of the knife and bring it to the moth right-side-up.   6) Helping Yourself and RefusingIf a servant passes food around, he will pass the dish in at your left hand so that you can conveniently serve yourself with your right hand.Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right; it is then the turn of your neighbor on the right. It is polite to take some of everything that is passed to you.But if there is something you may not like, you may quietly say: No thank you.   7) Second HelpingsThe hostess may or may not ask if you would like a second helping, according to the formality of the meal. If she does and you accept it,you should pass your plate to her or to the servant with the knife and fork still lying on it.   8) The Salad CourseA salad is eaten with a fork only held in the right hand with points turned up. There is usually a special one for the salad, a little smaller than the meat fork.   9) Bread and ButterBread is taken in the fingers and laid on the side plate or the edge of the large plate, it is never take with a fork.Butter is taken from the butter dish with the butter knife and placed on the side plate, not on one s bread.   0) Other Things on the TableWhen there are things on the middle of the table, such as bread, butter, jelly, pickles,nits, candies, you should not take any until the hostess ahs suggested that they be passed.   11) Leaving the TableIt is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal, or before the hostess gives the signal at the end.When the hostess indicates that the dinner is over, she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests she rise from theirs at the same time.   12) Various rules and SuggestionsSit up straight on your chair;Do not put much food in your mouth at a time;Drink only when there is no food in your mouth;Try not to get into your mouth anything that will have to be taken out;Do not make any nose when you eat;Do not clean your teeth at the table or anywhere in public, either with your finger or a tooth pick(牙签), not even with you tongue.   商务餐桌礼仪【2】   1)座与进餐。此时应听从主人的安排,如邻座是年长者或妇女,应主动协助 他们入座。取菜时,自己食盘内不要盛得太多,如遇本人不能吃或不喜欢的 菜,服务员上菜或主人劝菜时,不要拒绝,可取少量放在盘内,并及时致谢。对不合口味的菜,切勿露出难堪的"表情。吃东西时不要发出声音,要闭嘴嚼,鱼刺、骨头、硬壳等,不要直接外吐,应用筷子取出,(西餐时,吐在叉上)然后放在骨盘内,不要放在桌上。用过的牙签等细小物品最后也都应放进食盘里面。   2)交谈。无论主人还是客人,都应积极参与同桌人的交谈,特别是左右邻座。 不能仅同熟人或只同一两人交谈。邻座如不相识。可先作自我介绍。   3)祝酒。祝酒时不要交叉碰杯。在主人和主宾致辞、祝酒时,其他人应暂停进 外,停止交谈并注意倾听。碰杯时,目光要正对对方以表诚意。另外,主人为了便于工作和进食,还常常采用自助餐的形式来招待客人,吃自助餐时应注意以下礼仪:进餐厅后,先看一圈,对菜点的摆布和服务设施有个了解,这样取菜时可做到心中有数。每种菜点取用时都不要贪多,特别是大家都爱吃的东西更如此,宁可吃完后再取,也勿取满满一盘让人笑话,甚至吃不下造成浪费。取菜时要有秩序,顺序排队取,不要挤在一起取菜。   人多时可礼貌地在一旁等一会儿。取菜点时要依菜点 原来摆放的样子顺序取,不要在盘中翻来找去,这样既不美观,又不礼貌。热菜、 冷食要分开放入自己盘中,切勿堆成一团。取到自己盘在的菜点,即使不爱吃,也绝不能再倒回去,可剩在盘中,放在边桌上,待服务员取走。尽量做到吃什么取什么,吃多少取多少,不够再取,避免浪费。如不小心取多了菜点而没吃完,可待服务员收盘时道声 对不起 。 ;
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