barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-02 22:00:48
TAG: 英文

Bored ,无聊.


1. bored

2. silly

3. stupid


I"m bored 我很无聊

XX is boring. 什么东西很无聊





2023-08-02 11:53:238


2023-08-02 11:53:571


2023-08-02 11:54:086

无聊用英语怎么说 无聊的英语说法

无聊用英语说是boring。一、发音英:[u02c8bu0254u02d0ru026au014b];美:[u02c8bu0254u02d0ru026au014b]二、中文翻译adj. 无聊的,令人厌烦的三、形式比较级:more boring最高级:most boring四、短语搭配1. boring task 无聊的任务2. boring speech 枯燥的演讲3. boring book 枯燥乏味的书4. boring person 无聊的人5. boring job 枯燥的工作6. boring life 单调乏味的生活五、双语例句1. He gave a boring speech.他做了一个无聊的演讲。2. Reading the report was a boring task.阅读这份报告是一个无聊的任务。3. He"s such a boring person.他是一个如此无聊的人。4. That is the most boring book I have ever read.那是我读过的最无聊的书。5. He complained about his boring job.他抱怨他的工作乏味。6. She didn"t want to lead a boring life.她不想过无聊的生活。六、用法1. "Boring" 作为形容词,用来形容一个人、事物或者情境让人感觉无聊或者疲倦。例如:"This is a boring movie."(这是一部无聊的电影。)2. "Boring" 可以修饰名词,如 "boring task", "boring book", "boring person", "boring life" 等。例如:"I don"t want to do this boring task."(我不想做这个无聊的任务。)3. "Boring" 的比较级是 "more boring",最高级是 "most boring"。例如:"This book is more boring than that one."(这本书比那本更无聊。) "That was the most boring class I"ve ever taken."(那是我上过的最无聊的课。)4. 在某些情况下,"boring" 可以用来表达强烈的不满或者不悦。例如:"Stop being so boring!"(别那么无聊了!)5. "Boring" 可以用来形容一个人的性格,特性或者习惯,表示这个人令人感到厌烦或者无聊。例如:"He is a boring person, always talking about the same things."(他是一个无聊的人,总是谈论同样的事情。)6. "Boring" 也可以用来形容生活或者工作环境,表示这种环境缺乏变化或者刺激,令人感到无聊。例如:"He quit his boring job and decided to travel around the world."(他辞掉了无聊的工作,决定去环游世界。)七、同义词adj. 无聊的;令人厌烦的trying,frivolous
2023-08-02 11:54:222


2023-08-02 11:54:571


I am very bored
2023-08-02 11:55:0514


2023-08-02 11:55:434


  boring和bored,都是无聊的意思,不过它们的英语表达用法是不一样的。下面是我给大家整理的无聊的英文怎么写,供大家参阅!   无聊的英文怎么写   boring(物作主语,如The class is so boring。即说课很无聊)   bored(人作主语,如The audice was bored。观众都看的烦了)   boring的英语例句   1. He was criticised for being boring, strait-laced and narrow-minded.   他被指无趣乏味,古板守旧,心胸狭窄。   2. At work, he was chained to a system of boring meetings.   上班时,他淹没在枯燥乏味的会海中。   3. Obsessives, in any area, are invariably as boring as their hobbies.   无论在哪个领域,过分痴迷者都会跟他们的癖好一样令人厌烦。   4. Fruit-picking is boring, badly paid and very hard work.   摘水果的工作无聊,报酬低,还非常辛苦。   5. All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.   他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。   6. Don"t be faint-hearted when things seem a bit slow or boring.   事情变得有点沉闷无聊的时候,不要胆怯。   7. Teaching off a blackboard is boring, and undoubtedly turns people off.   照本宣科枯燥乏味,无疑会使人们丧失学习兴趣。   8. Poems which had seemed dull and boring suddenly came to life.   原本显得沉闷枯燥的诗歌突然有了生气。   9. Quite a few have committed social suicide by writing their boring memoirs.   有一些人因为写那些枯燥无味的回忆录而毁了自己的社会形象。   10. Their work was taken up with boring and blasting rock with gelignite.   他们的工作是用葛里炸药炸石头,非常枯燥。   11. The summer days wore on and life returned to its boring routine.   夏天的时光已经流逝,生活又恢复了昔日的无聊。   12. A lot of the work was very dry and boring in Westminster.   威斯敏斯特的许多工作非常枯燥无味令人厌烦。   13. The people seemed lumpen and boring.   这些人看起来蠢笨无趣得紧。   14. The town is boring and characterless.   这个小镇枯燥乏味,毫无特色。   15. Exercising alone can be boring.   独自锻炼会很枯燥。   bored的双语例句   1. After sixteen years of marriage they have grown bored with each other.   结婚16年后,他们已经渐渐彼此厌倦了。   2. But Fred was bored and desired to go home.   但弗雷德觉得很无聊,想要回家。   3. She was bored with the deadening routine of her life.   她厌倦了自己生活令人窒息的一成不变。   4. He moped around the office for a while, feeling bored.   他在办公室闲荡了一会儿,感到百无聊赖。   5. His eyes bored into her, paralysing her, robbing her of movement.   他双眼凝视着她,令她全身瘫软,不能动弹。   6. Tory-bashing or Labour-bashing will not be enough to shift bored, suspicious voters.   抨击保守党或工党并不足以改变那些心生厌倦、心存怀疑的选民的态度。   7. Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories of the Navy.   迪基吃饭时一直在讲海军的故事,让他不胜其烦。   8. She had begun to be a little bored with novel writing.   她开始对写小说有些厌倦了。   9. "Take a seat," he said in a bored tone.   “请坐,”他不耐烦地说道。   10. Anna tried to look interested. Actually, she was bored stiff.   安娜努力装出感兴趣的样子。实际上,她腻烦透了。   11. I bored a hole so that the fixing bolt would pass through.   我钻了个孔,好让固定插销穿过去。   12. He grew bored by the sameness of the speeches.   这些千篇一律的演讲让他心生厌烦。   13. I dropped out of high school. It bored me to death.   我从中学退学了,那种学校生活令我烦得要死。   14. I am getting very bored with this entire business.   我开始对这整件事情感到非常厌倦。   15. The women are cross and bored.   这个女人很生气,烦透了。   
2023-08-02 11:55:501

无聊的英文 无聊的英语是什么

1、无聊的英文:bored; in extreme depression。 2、我敢说你在家里感到沉闷无聊。 I dare say you"re dull at home. 3、我不想在这无聊的乡下干这样的工作,我不想呆在这里了。 I don"t want to stay here, in this job and in this God-forsaken country.
2023-08-02 11:55:581


2023-08-02 11:56:092


boring english音标会吗
2023-08-02 11:56:304


Boring, boring, boring to death
2023-08-02 11:56:402


当你感到无聊的时候,英文你是要说I"m bored. 还是I"m boring. 呢? bored 跟 boring 中文意思 可是差很多的喔!如果你还不知道bored 跟 boring 中文意思差在哪,那就赶快学起来吧! 下面教学英文bored 跟 boring 的中文意思差异! 1.bored 感到无聊的 Bored 本身是形容词,中文意思是指「感到无聊的」。如果你想说某人觉得无聊,那你可以说 *** is bored. 例: I"m bored. 我感到无聊。 例: I was getting bored of doing the same thing every day. 我每天都做同様的事感到很无聊。 2.boring 令人无聊的 那么boring呢?boring 也是形容词,但是中文意思是指「令人无聊的」。 例: This is so boring. 这好无聊。 另外,boring 可不可以用在人身上呢?可以喔,但是当你用在人身上的时候,你可不是指那个人感到无聊,而是指那个人很无趣,相处起来很无聊的意思。 例: Jenny is so boring. 珍妮很无趣。 例: The movie was so boring. 这部电影非常乏味。 bored, bored 中文, bored 意思, boring, boring 中文, boring 意思, 好无聊 英文, 很无聊 英文, 感到无聊 英文, 无聊 英文
2023-08-02 11:56:471


itis a boringday
2023-08-02 11:56:556

无聊用英语怎么说 无聊的英语说法

1、无聊用英语:bored;in extreme depression. 2、bored(尤指因啰唆)使厌烦;钻,凿,挖(长而深的洞);盯着看。The children quickly got bored with staying indoors.孩子们在屋子里很快就待不住了。 3、In other words, you have induced extreme depression to the point that the will to live is destroyed. 换句话说,如果你已经将极度抑郁引发到了要活下去的意愿被破坏的程度。
2023-08-02 11:57:091

无聊 的英文

2023-08-02 11:57:175


boring [u02c8bu0254:ru026au014b]
2023-08-02 11:57:342

感到无聊 用英语怎么说?

feel boring
2023-08-02 11:57:435


2023-08-02 11:58:124


2023-08-02 11:58:224


2023-08-02 11:58:323


好无聊啊,用英语怎么说? 无聊 1.bored; boring; dull; uninteresting; vapid; monotonous; tedious 2.senseless; silly; stupid无聊的英文是什么 形容词 boring(物作主语,如The class is so boring。即说课很无聊) bored(人作主语,如The audice was bored。观众都看的烦了) humdrum 名词tomfoolery tommyrot fastidium vacuity 记得采纳啊 (感到无聊的)用英语怎么翻译? 30分 LS的会不会英语啊? 当然是bored啊! 形容词 bored:人感到无聊 boring:某事物很令人无聊 I"m bored.我很棱聊。 The game is boring.这个游戏真无聊。 你很无聊的英文怎么说 在美加,人们常用的两种说法可以表达“你很无聊”: You are insane!(说话说不到点子上) 或者: You are hopeless!(无法和你聊下去了) 你很无聊用英语怎么说 you make me crazy “无聊”用英语怎么说 LS的会不会英语啊? 当然是bored啊! 形容词 bored:人感到无聊 boring:某事物很令人无聊 I"m bored.我很无聊。 The game is boring.这个游戏真无聊。
2023-08-02 11:58:441

无聊 英文怎么读

无聊的英文是bored,音标是英[bu0254:d] 美[bu0254:rd]。bored基本解释无聊的,无趣的,烦人的;钻;令人厌烦(bore的过去式和过去分词);挖;掘;音标:英[bu0254:d] 美[bu0254:rd] 原级:bore第三人称单数:bores第三人称复数:bores现在分词:boring[例句]Iamgettingveryboredwiththisentirebusiness.我开始对这整件事情感到非常厌倦。
2023-08-02 11:58:543

无聊 英文

无聊英文:bored。Bored,英文单词,主要作为形容词、动词,作形容词时意为“无聊的”,作动词时意为“令人厌烦的”。无聊的,无趣的,烦人的,钻;令人厌烦(bore的过去式和过去分词);挖;掘。无聊感的产生主要归咎于两个因素:一是外部的刺激;二是自身的调节能力。一种注意力倾注的对象不符合自己的价值观时的心理体验。情绪对无聊感的产生也有影响,拥有积极自我意识的人很少会觉得无聊;相反,不清楚自己的需要和愿望,找不到生活的目标和意义,就会深陷在“无聊”的深渊中。英汉互译1、I am getting very bored with this entire business.我开始对这整件事情感到非常厌倦。2、I dropped out of high school.It bored me to death.我从中学退学了,那种学校生活令我烦得要死。3、I went out last night,but not for very long. I was bored to death.昨晚我出去了,但没有呆很久。我感觉无聊透了。
2023-08-02 11:59:011


2023-08-02 11:59:2411


2023-08-02 12:00:021


2023-08-02 12:00:403


问题一:好无聊啊,用英语怎么说? 无聊 1.bored; boring; dull; uninteresting; vapid; monotonous; tedious 2.senseless; silly; stupid 问题二:无聊的英文是什么 形容词 boring(物作主语,如The class is so boring。即说课很无聊) bored(人作主语,如The audice was bored。观众都看的烦了) humdrum 名词tomfoolery tommyrot fastidium vacuity 记得采纳啊 问题三:(感到无聊的)用英语怎么翻译? 30分 LS的会不会英语啊? 当然是bored啊! 形容词 bored:人感到无聊 boring:某事物很令人无聊 I"m bored.我很聊。 The game is boring.这个游戏真无聊。 问题四:你很无聊的英文怎么说 在美加,人们常用的两种说法可以表达“你很无聊”: You are insane!(说话说不到点子上) 或者: You are hopeless!(无法和你聊下去了) 问题五:你很无聊用英语怎么说 you make me crazy 问题六:“无聊”用英语怎么说 LS的会不会英语啊? 当然是bored啊! 形容词 bored:人感到无聊 boring:某事物很令人无聊 I"m bored.我很无聊。 The game is boring.这个游戏真无聊。
2023-08-02 12:00:461


你好!好无聊啊So bored!
2023-08-02 12:00:579


问题一:好无聊用英文怎么说 如果是人说东西无聊(除人外的一切),无聊要用bored 例:1、这个游戏很无聊:This game is bored. 2、这个假期很无聊:This holiday is bored. 但形容人的,无聊要用boring。 例:1、我很无聊:I‘am very boring . 2、他很无聊:He is very boring 上面有人说too boring 。这个是太无聊。too的意思在英语里有:1、太;2、也 非常,很,要用very。. 问题二:好无聊啊,用英语怎么说? 无聊 1.bored; boring; dull; uninteresting; vapid; monotonous; tedious 2.senseless; silly; stupid 问题三:(感到无聊的)用英语怎么翻译? 30分 LS的会不会英语啊? 当然是bored啊! 形容词 bored:人感到无聊 boring:某事物很令人无聊 I"m bored.我很聊。 The game is boring.这个游戏真无聊。 问题四:“我很无聊”用英语怎么说? I am very bored 问题五:你很无聊的英文怎么说 在美加,人们常用的两种说法可以表达“你很无聊”: You are insane!(说话说不到点子上) 或者: You are hopeless!(无法和你聊下去了) 问题六:无聊的人!用英语怎么说 Boring people 问题七:感到无聊的 用英文怎么说啊?? feel boring
2023-08-02 12:01:361


无聊的 1.boring 2.bored 3.silly 4.tiresome 乏味的,无聊的 1.boring 2.brng 兴奋的无聊的 1.piquantflat 无意义的,无聊的 1.silly 单调的,无聊的 1.monotonous 2.humdrum
2023-08-02 12:02:026


  boring和bored,都是无聊的意思,不过它们的英语表达用法是不一样的。下面是我给大家整理的无聊的英文怎么写,供大家参阅!   无聊的英文怎么写   boring物作主语,如The class is so boring。即说课很无聊   bored人作主语,如The audice was bored。观众都看的烦了   boring的英语例句   1. He was criticised for being boring, strait-laced and narrow-minded.   他被指无趣乏味,古板守旧,心胸狭窄。   2. At work, he was chained to a system of boring meetings.   上班时,他淹没在枯燥乏味的会海中。   3. Obsessives, in any area, are invariably as boring as their hobbies.   无论在哪个领域,过分痴迷者都会跟他们的癖好一样令人厌烦。   4. Fruit-picking is boring, badly paid and very hard work.   摘水果的工作无聊,报酬低,还非常辛苦。   5. All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.   他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。   6. Don"t be faint-hearted when things seem a bit slow or boring.   事情变得有点沉闷无聊的时候,不要胆怯。   7. Teaching off a blackboard is boring, and undoubtedly turns people off.   照本宣科枯燥乏味,无疑会使人们丧失学习兴趣。   8. Poems which had seemed dull and boring suddenly came to life.   原本显得沉闷枯燥的诗歌突然有了生气。   9. Quite a few have mitted social suicide by writing their boring memoirs.   有一些人因为写那些枯燥无味的回忆录而毁了自己的社会形象。   10. Their work was taken up with boring and blasting rock with gelignite.   他们的工作是用葛里炸药炸石头,非常枯燥。   11. The summer days wore on and life returned to its boring routine.   夏天的时光已经流逝,生活又恢复了昔日的无聊。   12. A lot of the work was very dry and boring in Westminster.   威斯敏斯特的许多工作非常枯燥无味令人厌烦。   13. The people seemed lumpen and boring.   这些人看起来蠢笨无趣得紧。   14. The town is boring and characterless.   这个小镇枯燥乏味,毫无特色。   15. Exercising alone can be boring.   独自锻炼会很枯燥。   bored的双语例句   1. After sixteen years of marriage they have grown bored with each other.   结婚16年后,他们已经渐渐彼此厌倦了。   2. But Fred was bored and desired to go home.   但弗雷德觉得很无聊,想要回家。   3. She was bored with the deadening routine of her life.   她厌倦了自己生活令人窒息的一成不变。   4. He moped around the office for a while, feeling bored.   他在办公室闲荡了一会儿,感到百无聊赖。   5. His eyes bored into her, paralysing her, robbing her of movement.   他双眼凝视着她,令她全身瘫软,不能动弹。   6. Tory-bashing or Labour-bashing will not be enough to shift bored, suspicious voters.   抨击保守党或工党并不足以改变那些心生厌倦、心存怀疑的选民的态度。   7. Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories of the Navy.   迪基吃饭时一直在讲海军的故事,让他不胜其烦。   8. She had begun to be a little bored with novel writing.   她开始对写小说有些厌倦了。   9. "Take a seat," he said in a bored tone.   “请坐,”他不耐烦地说道。   10. Anna tried to look interested. Actually, she was bored stiff.   安娜努力装出感兴趣的样子。实际上,她腻烦透了。   11. I bored a hole so that the fixing bolt would pass through.   我钻了个孔,好让固定插销穿过去。   12. He grew bored by the sameness of the speeches.   这些千篇一律的演讲让他心生厌烦。   13. I dropped out of high school. It bored me to death.   我从中学退学了,那种学校生活令我烦得要死。   14. I am getting very bored with this entire business.   我开始对这整件事情感到非常厌倦。   15. The women are cross and bored.   这个女人很生气,烦透了。    看过无聊的英文怎么写的人还:
2023-08-02 12:02:171


it is so boring
2023-08-02 12:02:385


2023-08-02 12:03:053

无聊的英文 无聊的英语是什么

  1、无聊的英文:bored;inextremedepression。   2、我敢说你在家里感到沉闷无聊。   Idaresayyou"redullathome.   3、我不想在这无聊的乡下干这样的工作,我不想呆在这里了。   Idon"twanttostayhere,inthisjobandinthisGod-forsakencountry.
2023-08-02 12:03:181


2023-08-02 12:04:094


问题一:好无聊啊,用英语怎么说? 无聊 1.bored; boring; dull; uninteresting; vapid; monotonous; tedious 2.senseless; silly; stupid 问题二:用英语说好无聊怎么说 so boring 问题三:好无聊啊,英文怎么翻译 I"m really bored. 这一定是你的内心感受,所以还是应用人作主语 希望对你有启发 问题四:好无聊,太无聊用英语怎么说 Too boring 问题五:好无聊用英文怎么说 it is so boring 问题六:无聊的 用英语怎么说? bored 或 boring ******************************************************************************************************* ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问, 另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! ******************************************************************************************************* 问题七:今天好无聊哇用英语怎么说 So boring today!
2023-08-02 12:04:281


2023-08-02 12:04:372


无聊的日子怎么过啊用英语怎么说啊 How to fill the empty days 无聊的日子的英文 the dull days 无聊的日子一天一天的过的英文怎么说 lead a boring life day after day 中译英:无聊的生活,无聊的过。 20分 无聊的生活,无聊的过。翻译成英文是:Boring life, boring live. 相关单词学习: boring 英[u02c8bu0254:ru026au014b] 美[u02c8bu0254ru026au014b, u02c8bor-] adj. 无聊的,无趣的; 令人厌烦的; 单调的,乏味的; n. 钻孔; 钻屑; v. 令人厌烦(bore的现在分词); [例句]Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed. 母亲们不但得不到报酬,而且她们做的那些乏味艰苦的工作常常都不为人所注意。 [其他] 原型: bore 复数:borings 开学了,无聊的日子终于到头了的英文? 开学了,无聊的日子终于到头了 翻译为: School begins, boring day finally over 这日子怎么过英语 说这话时一般都是无奈,焦急,不知所措,所以我觉得应该是:what the hell should I do? 我到底该怎么办????? 我现在很无聊,该怎么办?翻译成英语 I am rather bored, and what I should do? I am rather dull, then what I shall do?
2023-08-02 12:04:441


问题一:(感到无聊的)用英语怎么翻译? 30分 LS的会不会英语啊? 当然是bored啊! 形容词 bored:人感到无聊 boring:某事物很令人无聊 I"m bored.我很聊。 The game is boring.这个游戏真无聊。 问题二:无聊用英语怎么说? 无聊英语: bored; jabberwocky; vacuity; yawnful; [例句] I went out last night, but not for very long. I was bored to death. 昨晚我出去了,但没有呆很久。我感觉无聊透了。 问题三:“无聊”用英语怎么说 LS的会不会英语啊? 当然是bored啊! 形容词 bored:人感到无聊 boring:某事物很令人无聊 I"m bored.我很无聊。 The game is boring.这个游戏真无聊。 问题四:你很无聊的英文怎么说 在美加,人们常用的两种说法可以表达“你很无聊”: You are insane!(说话说不到点子上) 或者: You are hopeless!(无法和你聊下去了) 问题五:感到无聊 用英语怎么说? LS的会不会英语啊? 当然是bored啊! 形容词 bored:人感到无聊 boring:某事物很令人无聊 I"m bored丹我很无聊。 The game is boring.这个游戏真无聊。 问题六:我现在处于百分之百的无聊中.英语怎么说 我现在处于百分之百的无聊中. I am in one hundred percent boring. 重点词汇释义 现在now; today; nowadays; currently; at present 处于be (in a certain condition) 百分之百a hundred per cent; out and out; absolutely; totally; a hundred percent 无聊bored; jabberwocky; vacuity; yawnful 问题七:你很无聊用英语怎么说 you make me crazy
2023-08-02 12:04:511

英语翻译 请问:“ 我觉得很无聊 ” 应该翻译成?

I am bored.我感到无聊 I am boring.错了,我令人无聊! 所以第一个是对的!
2023-08-02 12:04:581


问题一:好无聊用英文怎么说 如果是人说东西无聊(除人外的一切),无聊要用bored 例:1、这个游戏很无聊:This game is bored. 2、这个假期很无聊:This holiday is bored. 但形容人的,无聊要用boring。 例:1、我很无聊:I‘am very boring . 2、他很无聊:He is very boring 上面有人说too boring 。这个是太无聊。too的意思在英语里有:1、太;2、也 非常,很,要用very。. 问题二:无聊的英语怎么说? bored 问题三:好无聊啊,英文怎么翻译 I"m really bored. 这一定是你的内心感受,所以还是应用人作主语 希望对你有启发 问题四:“我很无聊”用英语怎么说? I am very bored 问题五:你很无聊的英文怎么说 在美加,人们常用的两种说法可以表达“你很无聊”: You are insane!(说话说不到点子上) 或者: You are hopeless!(无法和你聊下去了) 问题六:无聊,无聊,无聊中!英语怎么写的 无聊,无聊,无聊中! Boring, boring, boring! 无聊,无聊,无聊中! Boring, boring, boring! 问题七:无聊的人!用英语怎么说 Boring people
2023-08-02 12:05:051


2023-08-02 12:05:1413


问题一:好无聊啊,用英语怎么说? 无聊 1.bored; boring; dull; uninteresting; vapid; monotonous; tedious 2.senseless; silly; stupid 问题二:好无聊用英文怎么说 如果是人说东西无聊(除人外的一切),无聊要用bored 例:1、这个游戏很无聊:This game is bored. 2、这个假期很无聊:This holiday is bored. 但形容人的,无聊要用boring。 例:1、我很无聊:I‘am very boring . 2、他很无聊:He is very boring 上面有人说too boring 。这个是太无聊。too的意思在英语里有:1、太;2、也 非常,很,要用very。. 问题三:用英语说好无聊怎么说 so boring 问题四:好无聊啊,英文怎么翻译 I"m really bored. 这一定是你的内心感受,所以还是应用人作主语 希望对你有启发 问题五:等的好无聊,英语怎么说 Such a good boring 问题六:好无聊,太无聊用英语怎么说 Too boring 问题七:好无聊用英文怎么说 it is so boring
2023-08-02 12:05:441


形容词无聊的英文为 boring。词义是形容词,并不是动词
2023-08-02 12:05:532


在美加,人们常用的两种说法可以表达“你很无聊”: You are insane!(说话说不到点子上) 或者: You are hopeless!(无法和你聊下去了)
2023-08-02 12:06:131

我是一个无聊的人 用英语怎么说

I"m a dull person.
2023-08-02 12:06:234


人感到烦 用BORED某物很烦 用BORING
2023-08-02 12:06:347

你好无聊 英文怎么说?

你好无聊 英文怎么说? you are extremely boring ! 无聊又无趣的英文怎么写(百度翻译) 你好! 无聊又无趣 Boring and dull你好无聊用英文怎么说,就是一个人一直逗你玩,把垃圾放你帽子里啊,你怎么跟他用英文说,你好无聊,不要 You are extremely boring ! 因为我觉得英语太难了并且很无聊。英语怎么写 你好! 因为我觉得英语太难了并且很无聊。 Because I think English is too difficult and boring. 生活总是那么无聊,无趣. 用英语 5分 你好! 生活总是那么无聊,无趣. Life is always so boring, boring. 我好无聊啊,用英语怎么说 你好! 我好无聊啊 I"m so bored 你好冷 用英语怎么说 10分 如果是那个冷,比如冷笑话的冷应该是 You are so indifferent. 谢谢采纳~ 好无聊啊,用英语怎么说? 无聊 1.bored; boring; dull; uninteresting; vapid; monotonous; tedious 2.senseless; silly; stupid 我认为他很无聊 用英语怎么说 你好、可以这么说:I think he is very boring.望采纳、谢谢你的支援、祝福你永远永远幸福、开心每一天 ∩_∩
2023-08-02 12:07:011


boring 无聊 /令人感到无聊
2023-08-02 12:07:083