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STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 1 CENT 1926年的硬币是哪里的?价值多少?

2023-08-02 21:57:17




This abundance is notable in Roman settlements
2023-08-02 11:49:171


the peace of Middle East
2023-08-02 11:49:263


The Bank for International Settlements (BIS)国际清算银行是英、法、德、意、比、日等国的中央银行与代表美国银行界利益的摩根银行、纽约和芝加哥的花旗银行组成的银团,根据海牙国际协定于1930年5月共同组建的,总部设在瑞士巴塞尔。刚建立时只有7个成员国,现成员国已发展至45个。The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international organisation which fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks. 国际清算银行(BIS)是一个促进国际货币和金融合作并为中央银行服务的国际组织。The BIS fulfils this mandate by acting as: a forum to promote discussion and policy analysis among central banks and within the international financial community a centre for economic and monetary research a prime counterparty for central banks in their financial transactions agent or trustee in connection with international financial operations As its customers are central banks and international organisations, the BIS does not accept deposits from, or provide financial services to, private individuals or corporate entities. The BIS strongly advises caution against fraudulent schemes
2023-08-02 11:49:471

请问这句话是什么意思?Voyages and settlements such as those 【of】 the Vikings around the year 1000

1.这里those 指的是Voyages and settlements 那么就是Voyages and settlements of the Vikings 这里的of 意思是 属于某人的 2 。 你理解的完全正确 3. Voyages and settlements to Greenland and North America
2023-08-02 11:49:542


Chinese Summary This mainly on international trade, the most frequently 3 international settlement of the characteristics of the three means of settlement of the relevant banks of the Parties to study Chinese commercial bank in the settlement of the risks involved in the analysis related cases on the basis of the SWOT, UCP 600 trade theory and practice to be studied in depth, and better to guard against business risks. This paper includes a component part of China" s commercial banks in the present international clearing operations in the development trend of development, the use of the SWOT analysis to study China" s commercial banks in the international clearing operations of the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and risks. Part 2 of the main international clearing the relevant bank parties in the three international settlement of the risks involved in research and analysis. Part 3 of the three major international settlement of the parties in the relevant banking operations in the face of the different ways to prevent risks for an effective risk prevention measures.
2023-08-02 11:50:054

请简述海峡殖民地(Strait Settlements)成立的原因,以及新加坡为什么比其他两个殖民地重要的原因。

2023-08-02 11:50:122


  主要有以下特点:  国际性:按照国际惯例进行国际结算,国际结算有相应的规则惯例,合同,票据法约束相关人行为,但不具强制性。  信用性:以国际银行为中心,银行提供信用与保证,但不一定提供资金。  权益性:国际间的债券摘取形成特定的经济关系和责任,总体上涉及一国国际的经济权益,是以货币为表现形式的一定数量的财富国际转移。  时间性:银行处理的标的物对象是外汇资金,外汇资金具有经济含义和法律含义。经济含义:收益与支付量的固定性。法律含义:责权的质的规定性。外币存在汇率风险,结算难度和风险很高,所以一般选择一定时间的变量作为结算。  政治性;涉及不同国家制度  国际结算是国际间由于政治,经济,文化,外交,军事等方面的交往或联系而发生地以货币表示债权债务的清偿行为或资金转移行为。因为涉及多国结算制度,有多个国际惯例  国际结算(International settlement):是指为清偿国际间债权债务关系而发生在不同国家之间的货币收付业务。
2023-08-02 11:50:222

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 乔治5世 1920年的银币,面值一元,现在价值多少?

这是英属海峡殖民地的1元 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS”(英属海峡殖民地意思)公元1826年,英属东印度公司将新加坡、马六甲及槟城三地合并,组成“海峡殖民地”,华人称之为“三州府”。 1858年8月2日,英国议会通过印度由英国女皇直接治理的法案,海峡殖民地移交给英政府殖民部直接管辖。1867年4月1日海峡殖民地改称为“皇家殖民地”。 英属海峡殖民地,自爱德华七世起,始铸一元银元,有大型、小型二种。大型铸于1903、1904年;小型铸于1907、1908、1909年。该币面值同为一元,但大小重量不同,经测大型直径37毫米,重26.95克;小型直径34毫米,重20.51克。而图案文字基本相同,正面中间铸英爱德华七世侧身头像,周边环写英文“EDWARD VII KING AND EMPEROR”(爱德华七世国王和皇帝),背面四个桃形图案内,上下刊写中文“壹”和“圆”字,左右为马来文,周边环写英文“SIRAITS SETTLEMENTS”(海峡殖民地),下是纪值“ONE DOLLAR”(壹圆)和铸造年份“1903或1904,或1907 1909”字样(见图)。 眼下,在市面较常见的“海峡殖民地”是1903年或1904年铸造的壹圆币,市价已由年前的每枚160元,涨至目前的每枚450元。小型银元因个小量轻,换算复杂,不受中国市场欢迎,在国内少见,市价比大型低,每枚仅150元左右。其实小型的铸数比大型少,约(大型总铸数为3537.5万枚)100:45(小型为1600.8万枚),为此笔者认为,小型银元后市应还有较大的升值空间。参考资料:
2023-08-02 11:50:321


  居民:住在某一地方的人  国民:多指拥有国籍的国家主权构成者,生活在同一宪法下作为立法代议机构主权代表的人们共同体  文化:就是人们关注、探讨感兴趣事物的现象和氛围。  资源:①一国或一定地区内拥有的物力、财力、人力等各种物质要素的总称。分为自然资源和社会资源两大类。前者如阳光、空气、水、土地、森林、草原、动物、矿藏等;后者包括人力资源、信息资源以及经过劳动创造的各种物质财富。②计算机系统中的硬件和软件的总称。如存储器、中央处理机、输入和输出设备、数据库、各种系统程序等。由操作系统进行系统的、有效的管理和调度,以提高计算机系统的工作效率。  CIS:缩写词 abbr.  1=Criminal Investigative Service 罪案调查科  2.=Commonwealth of Independence States 独联体  3.=Congressional Information Service 国会情报处  4.=CompuServe Information System 【电脑】CompuServe信息系统  cis-  前缀 pref.  1.表示"在这边"  2.表示"继...之后的"  3.【化】表示"顺(式)"  cis(司肖)是英文corporate identity system的缩写。意思是“企业的统一化系统”,“企业的自我同一化系统”,“企业识别系统”。  VIS:Visual Identity System(视觉识别系统),简称-VIS,通俗称为VI,是司肖系统的重要组成部分。  是将企业理念、企业文化、运用整体的传达系统,通过标准化、规范化的形式语言和系统化的视觉符号,传达给社会大众,具有突出企业个性,塑造企业形象的功能。  BIS:1. 【拉】二度,二回  2.=British Information Service 英国新闻处  Bank for International Settlements的缩写,即国际清算银行。根据1930年1月20日签订的海牙国际协定,于同年5月,成立了由英国、法国、意大利、德国、比利时、日本6国的中央银行,以及美国的3家大商业银行组成的银行集团联合成立于瑞士的巴塞尔。其领导机构为董事会,其成员大都是西方中央银行行长。成立的最初目的是为了妥善处理第一次世界大战后德国的战争赔款问题,现今主要是为了促进各国中央银行之间的合作,为国际金融活动提供更多的便利。  3.BIS为 Beauty Image System之简称,中文译为『测龄透析仪』。BIS中之资料库,以欧美及日本各年龄层女性的肌肤状况(肤质、毛孔、皱纹及斑点)作为样本群,并取其平均数作为各年龄之标准值。  MIS: 所谓MIS(管理信息系统——Management Information System)系统 ,是一个由人、计算机及其他外围设备等组成的能进行信息的收集、传递、存贮、加工、维护和使用的系统。它是一门新兴的科学,其主要任务是最大限度的利用现代计算机及网络通讯技术加强企业的信息管理,通过对企业拥有的人力、物力、财力、设备、技术等资源的调查了解,建立正确的数据,加工处理并编制成各种信息资料及时提供给管理人员,以便进行正确的决策,不断提高企业的管理水平和经济效益。目前,企业的计算机网络已成为企业进行技术改造及提高企业管理水平的重要手段。  一个完整的MIS应包括:辅助决策系统(DSS)、工业控制系统(IPC)、办公自动化系统(OA)以及数据库、模型库、方法库、知识库和与上级机关及外界交换信息的接口。  国民待遇:国民待遇,又称平等待遇,是指:所在国应给予外国人以内国公民享有的同等的民事权利地位。
2023-08-02 11:50:401


  人民币是中华人民共和国的法定货币,包括纸币、硬币和塑料钞等多系列的货币体系。那么你知道人民币用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习人民币的英语知识吧。    人民币英语说法   Renminbi   RMB    人民币的相关 短语   人民币支票 RMB Cheque   人民币市值 Market Value RMB ; Currency market ; Market value of the yuan   人民币多少 How many RMB ; RMB number   人民币账户 RMB ACCOUNT ; RMB Account Number   人民币现钞 CNY-C ; CNY    人民币的英语例句   1. I"d like to change these U.S. dollars into Renminbi.   我想把这些美元兑换成人民币.   2. Would you like to change your foreign currency into Chinese money?   你想把你的外币换成人民币 吗 ?   3. The trade contract stipulates for the settlement of balances in RMB.    贸易合同 规定余额以人民币结算.   4. Damages were assessed at 1000 RMB.   损失估计达一千元人民币.   5. The yuan recovered a little; it now hovers around 8.2 to the dollar.   人民币稍有回升,现在与美元的汇率在8.2比1附近徘徊。   6. I"d like to convert some RMB to US dollar, please.   请将我的一些人民币换成美元。   7. I"d like to convert some RMB yuan to US dollar, please.   请将我的一些人民币换成美元.   8. How much does this sum of foreign money amount to in Renminbi?   这笔外币折成人民币是 多少 ?   9. What"s your selling rate for RMB yuan in notes today?   你们今天人民币现钞的售价是多少?   10. A dollar is valued at eight point two RMB yuan.   一美元价值8.2元人民币.   11. We promise. Can we pay for our imports in RMB?   我们答应. 请问,我们能否用人民币付款?   12. I change ten dollars into Renminbi.   我把十块美元换成人民币.   13. His total debts tot up to RMB 500.   他的债务共计为人民币五百元.   14. He needed to exchange foreign money for Renminbi.   他需要把外币兑成人民币.   15. In the Pudong New Area of Shanghai, some foreign banks have begun handling Renminbi business.   在上海浦东一些外资银行也已开始经营人民币业务.   人民币相关英文阅读:人民币全球使用回落   Global use of the renminbi is on the wane just one year after the International Monetary Fund formally recognised it as an international reserve currency, in a setback for Beijingu2019s ambition to promote its currency as a rival to the US dollar.   国际货币基金组织(IMF)正式承认人民币为国际储备货币仅一年后,人民币的全球使用正在萎缩,令北京方面推动人民币成为美元竞争对手的目标受挫。   According to central bank data, the amount of Chinau2019s foreign trade settled in renminbi surged from zero in 2010 to 26 per cent in 2015, but has since fallen to 16 per cent.   根据中国央行(PBoC)数据,中国以人民币结算的对外贸易从2010年的0%激增到2015年的26%,但之后已下降到16%。   Cross-border renminbi payments over the first nine months of this year fell 16 per cent compared with the same period last year, reflecting the fall in renminbi usage for trade and cross-border investment.   今年头九个月跨境人民币支付同比下降16%,反映人民币在贸易和跨境投资方面使用下降。   The renminbiu2019s rising popularity on foreign exchange markets has also proved fleeting.   人民币在汇市交易增加也被证明是短暂的。   In 2013 it was the ninth most-traded currency, up seven places from 2010, according to the Bank for International Settlements.   据国际清算银行(Bank for International Settlements),2013年人民币为第九大交易货币,比2010年上升七位。   It has barely budged since, ranking eighth this year.   此后这个排名几乎没有变动,今年排在第八位。   Waning demand for the renminbi has been largely driven by expectations of continued depreciation against the dollar and concerns about the outlook for the Chinese economy, which is growing at its slowest annual rate in a quarter of a century.   对人民币的需求减少主要缘于其相对于美元持续贬值的预期以及对中国经济前景的担忧,中国经济正以四分之一个世纪以来最慢的年度增幅增长。   After a decade of steady appreciation against the dollar that peaked in early 2014, the renminbi has since lost 13 per cent of its value against the greenback.   人民币兑美元经过十年的稳定升值后,在2014年初达到峰值,此后人民币兑美元汇率已下跌13%。   Its recent decline against the dollar would have been even steeper without central bank backing.   如果不是中国央行的支持,最近人民币兑美元汇率的下跌会更剧烈。   The Peopleu2019s Bank of China has been selling dollars to support the renminbi — a strategy that has contributed to the 25 per cent fall in Chinau2019s foreign reserves to $3tn.   中国央行一直在抛售美元来支持人民币,这一策略在一定程度上导致中国外汇储备减少了25%,至3万亿美元。   Reform setbacks dating back to Beijingu2019s decision to intervene in the countryu2019s plunging stock markets in July 2015 have also taken their toll.   北京方面在2015年7月决定干预国内持续大跌的股市,可追溯到那时的改革遇挫也带来损失。   The authorities have since made it easier for foreign capital to enter financial markets, while tightening outflows.   有关部门在那之后放宽外资进入金融市场,同时收紧资本流出。   Eswar Prasad, a Chinese finance expert at Cornell University, said: The approach of trying to manage the renminbiu2019s exchange rate while allowing for the   康奈尔大学(Cornell University)中国金融专家埃斯瓦尔.普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)表示:这种试图管理人民币汇率,同时允许更自由的跨境资本流动的做法显然已达到极限。 猜你喜欢: 1. 10元人民币歌词 2. 如何收藏人民币 3. 人民币的收藏前景 4. 人民币的英文缩写是什么 5. 人民币会破7吗
2023-08-02 11:50:471


纠正楼上的回答。这个不是印度钱币,尽管钱币上面有“印度”二字,那是说乔治还是印度皇帝。此币是英属东印度公司将新加坡、马六甲及槟城三地合并,组成的“海峡殖民地”货币。 一般的品相价格从几块到十几块都有。
2023-08-02 11:50:572


2023-08-02 11:51:192


Western Economics, International Trade Practice, Securities Investment, the World Economic Studies, e-commerce, international marketing, international settlement, the modern international investment, international finance.Western Economics, International Trade Practice, Wertpapieranlagen, dem World Economic Studies, E-Commerce, internationales Marketing, internationale Regelung, die moderne internationale Investitionen, internationalen Finanzwelt.
2023-08-02 11:51:512


少儿最早的智力壮举之一是学习如何说话,然后是学习如何计数。在童年的早期,我们是如此依赖我们的计数系统,因此对于没有发明这个工具(数字)的早期人类来说,很难想像怎么去判断所面对的问题。仔细考虑我们的计数系统就会觉得它是人类取得的伟大而卓越的成就之一,而不只是与生俱来的工具。我们已无法了解促使我们发明“数字”这个概念的一系列因素。即便没有先进的计数系统,最早的部落拥有的计数系统也足以应付他们要做的事情。我们的祖先很少使用实际的数字,例如他们采集食物时。他们考虑得比较多的可能是“这个够了吗”而非“是多少”。然而,当早期人类尝试去反映周围的事情时,他们发现他们需要“数字”让他们保持思考的有序性。当他们开始定居、种植庄稼和放牧牲畜时,就迫切需求一个有效的“计数系统”。我们不知道人类的计数能力是如何、何时形成,但可以肯定的是“计数能力”是在人类已形成且半永久定居时得到快速发展。算术和计算早期阶段的证据很容易找到。塔斯马尼亚州的土著人只能够数到一,二,许多;南非的的土著人可数出一,二,二和一,二二,二二以及一,等等。但在实际生活中往往用这些数字和词加上手势就可去帮助解决迷惑。例如,使用“一,二,许多”系统时,这个“许多”的意思就是“看看我的手,看我伸出几个手指”。这个基本的做法可以表达有限的数字,但处理人类生存中简单的事情这个范围是足够的。有的文化缺乏处理大的数字的能力,这是不足为奇的。较早版本的欧洲语言就非常缺乏关于数字的词语和表达方式。古老的哥特式字“tachund”表示10,“tachund tachund”表示100。到了七世纪,“teon”这个词已可与“tachund”或盎格鲁撒克逊语中的“hund”互换,所以100可写为“hund teontig”或“10倍10”。七世纪欧洲的普通人能数到九才称得上男人!
2023-08-02 11:52:019


International trade principle and actual situationInternational service and technique tradeInternational freight transportation insuranceInternational balance of accountsInternational investmentInternational company"s methodEconomic methodInternational revenue from taxFinance accountancyMaritime customs actual situationManage information systemBusiness negotiationElectronic commerceLogisticsInternational financeInternational investmentManage information system
2023-08-02 11:52:172


1972年6月5日在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开《联合国人类环境会议》,会议通过了《人类环境宣言》,并提出将每年的6月5日定为"世界环境日"。同年10月,第27届联合国大会通过决议接受了该建议。世界环境日的确立,反映了世界各国人民对环境问题的认识和态度,表达了我们人类对美好环境的向往和追求。 世界环境日,是联合国促进全球环境意识、提高政府对环境问题的注意并采取行动的主要媒介之一。 联合国系统和各国政府每年都在6月5日的这一天开展各项活动来宣传与强调保护和改善人类环境的重要性。 联合国环境规划署每年6月5日选择一个成员国举行“世界环境日”纪念活动,发表《环境现状的年度报告书》及表彰“全球500佳”,并根据当年的世界主要环境问题及环境热点,有针对性地制定每年的“世界环境日”主题。 世界环境日的意义在于提醒全世界注意地球状况和人类活动对环境的危害。要求联合国系统和各国政府在这一天开展各种活动来强调保护和改善人类环境的重要性。 联合国环境规划署在每年的年初公布当年的世界环境日主题,并在每年的世界环境日发表环境状况的年度报告书。中国国家环保总局在这期间发布中国环境状况公报。历年世界环境日主题 1974年只有一个地球 1975年人类居住 1976年水:生命的重要源泉 1977年关注臭氧层破坏、水土流失、土壤退化和滥伐森林 1978年没有破坏的发展 1979年为了儿童和未来———没有破坏的发展 1980年新的10年,新的挑战———没有破坏的发展 1981年保护地下水和人类食物链:防治有毒化学品污染 1982年纪念斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议10周年———提高环境意识 1983年管理和处置有害废弃物:防治酸雨破坏和提高能源利用率 1984年沙漠化 1985年青年、人口、环境 1986年环境与和平 1987年环境与居住 1988年保护环境、持续发展、公众参与 1989年警惕,全球变暖 1990年儿童与环境 1991年气候变化需要全球合作 1992年只有一个地球———关心与共享 1993年贫困与环境———摆脱恶性循环 1994年一个地球、一个家庭 1995年各国人民联合起来、创造更加美好的世界 1996年我们的地球、居住地、家园 1997年为了地球上的生命 1998年为了地球上的生命———拯救我们的海洋 1999年拯救地球就是拯救未来 2000年2000环境千年———行动起来 2001年世间万物,生命之网 与环保有关的节日
2023-08-02 11:52:284


商业承兑汇票的付款期限,纸票最长不超过6个月,电票最长不超过12个月。1、商业承兑汇票的提示付款期限,自汇票到期日起10天。2、商业承兑汇票可以背书转让。3、商业承兑汇票的持票人需要资金时,可持未到期的商业承兑汇票向银行申请贴现。4、适用于同城或异地结算。拓展资料:商业承兑汇票是商业汇票的一种。是指收款人开出经付款人承兑,或由付款人开出并承兑的汇票。使用汇票的单位必须是在商业银行开立账户的法人,要以合法的商品交易为基础,而且汇票经承兑后,承兑人(即付款人)便负有到期无条件支付票款的责任,同时汇票可以向银行贴现,也可以流通转让。在商品交易中,销货人向购货人索取货款的汇票时,付款人必须在汇票的正面签"承兑"字样,加盖银行预留印鉴。在汇票到期前付款人应向开户银行交足票款。汇票到期后,银行凭票从付款单位账户划转给收款人或贴现银行。汇票到期若付款人账户不足支付,开户银行将汇票退收款人,由收、付双方自行解决。同时对付款人比照空头支票规定,处以票面金额百分之一的罚金。国际结算(International Settlements):商业承兑汇票保贴是指对符合银行条件的企业,以书函的形式承诺为其签发或持有的商业承兑汇票办理贴现,即给予保贴额度的一种授信行为。根据定义可以看出,商业承兑汇票保贴是我行对企业发放的授信额度,可在额度内循环使用。申请保贴额度的企业既可以是票据的承兑人,也可以是票据的持票人或贴现申请人。授信承担人在取得了银行保贴额度的授信后,可以在签发或持有的商业承兑汇票后加具银行保贴函,由银行保证贴现,当持票人向银行提交票据要求贴现时,由银行扣除利息后向其融通资金。主要功能是通过银行承诺贴现加强了票据的变现能力和流通性。与银行承兑汇票相比,商业承兑汇票的付款人一般是企业,由于我国的商业信用体系尚未完全建立,商业承兑汇票贴现较银行汇票难度大,不容易被持票人接受。如果银行在商业承兑汇票后加具保贴函,持票人得到银行贴现的承诺,可以在票据未到期前,通过向银行申请贴现提前融通资金。票据到期后,由银行向承兑人提示付款。因此,附加保贴函后的商业承兑汇票的被接受性大大提高,基本功能上可视同于银行承兑汇票,可作为企业用于支付的资金融通的重要信用工具。商业承兑汇票既可以由付款人签发,也可以由收款人签发。汇票根据承兑人的不同,商业汇票分为商业承兑汇票和银行承兑汇票。商业承兑汇票是指由付款人签发并承兑,或由收款人签发交由付款人承兑的汇票。商业承兑汇票由银行以外的付款人承兑的票据。
2023-08-02 11:52:592


Message on World Cities Day 世界城市日致辞 31 October 2015 2015年10月31日 The theme of this year"s observance of World Cities Day – ‘Designed to Live Together" – highlights the key role of urban design in building sustainable socially integrated and prosperous urban environments. 今年纪念世界城市日的主题——“城市设计,共创宜居”——突出表明,城市设计在创建可持续、社会融合和繁荣的城市环境中可发挥关键作用。 Good design can help tackle climate change. It reduces the impacts of disaster. It can help make our cities safer cleaner and more equal and integrative. It promotes equal access to services jobs and opportunities and fosters contentment. 良好的设计有助于应对气候变化,减少灾害的影响;有助于我们的城市变得更安全、清洁、平等和融合;促进平等获得服务、就业和机会,并促进人们感到满足。 The challenges of rapid urbanization figure prominently in the newly adopted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Goal 11 embodies a mitment to “make cities and human settlements inclusive safe resilient and sustainable”. And as part of an integrated agenda cities and human settlements have an important role to play across the 17-goal spectrum. 快速城市化带来的挑战是刚通过的2030年可持续发展议程中的重点。目标11体现了各国承诺“建设具有包容性、安全、有复原力和可持续的城市和人类住区”。作为综合议程的组成部分,城市和人类住区能在17个不同目标方面发挥重要作用。 The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development Habitat III to be held in Quito Ecuador in October 2016 is an opportunity to discuss a New Urban Agenda that can harness the power and forces behind urbanization and mobilize them for the mon good. 联合国住房与可持续城市发展会议(人居三)将于2016年10月在厄瓜多尔基多举行,这是讨论一项新的城市议程的机会,以便利用城市化背后的各种力量,并调动这些力量为大家的共同利益服务。 Cities and human settlements are places we live share create build and dream together. Let us use good design to make them sustainable inclusive and prosperous for all. 城市和人类住区是我们共同生活、分享、创造、建设和梦想的地方。让我们利用良好的设计,使人人能够享受到可持续、包容和繁荣的城市和人类住区。
2023-08-02 11:53:391

With the government"s aid. those_____by the earthquake have movedto the new settlements.

楼主对简单句的构成不够清楚啊。翻译:有了政府的帮助,那些受到地震影响的人们已经搬进了新的定居点。根据句意,该句是一个简单句,其主干是:those have moved to the new settlements. 那些人已经搬进了新的定居点。而with the government"s aid为状语,___ by the earthquake为后置定语修饰句子主语those.因为被修饰成分those和affect之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词affected引导的短语做它的后置定语。如果用答案D,则该句两个谓语了:were affected和have moved,就不符合句子语法了。比如改用定语从句为:With the government"s aid. those (who were affected by the earthquake) have movedto the new settlements.这样,were affected就是括号中的定语从句的谓语。
2023-08-02 11:53:471

Excluding Ex-Gratia and/or Without Prejudice settlements.请帮忙翻译。

不包括优惠以及/或者无偏见结算。ex gratia: 特惠的,优惠的,优惠待遇
2023-08-02 11:54:201


  主要有以下特点:  国际性:按照国际惯例进行国际结算,国际结算有相应的规则惯例,合同,票据法约束相关人行为,但不具强制性。  信用性:以国际银行为中心,银行提供信用与保证,但不一定提供资金。  权益性:国际间的债券摘取形成特定的经济关系和责任,总体上涉及一国国际的经济权益,是以货币为表现形式的一定数量的财富国际转移。  时间性:银行处理的标的物对象是外汇资金,外汇资金具有经济含义和法律含义。经济含义:收益与支付量的固定性。法律含义:责权的质的规定性。外币存在汇率风险,结算难度和风险很高,所以一般选择一定时间的变量作为结算。  政治性;涉及不同国家制度  国际结算是国际间由于政治,经济,文化,外交,军事等方面的交往或联系而发生地以货币表示债权债务的清偿行为或资金转移行为。因为涉及多国结算制度,有多个国际惯例  国际结算(International settlement):是指为清偿国际间债权债务关系而发生在不同国家之间的货币收付业务。
2023-08-02 11:54:312

it was one of a group of other larger settlements 怎么翻译,帮忙画出意群,谢谢

2023-08-02 11:54:381


2023-08-02 11:54:481

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 乔治5世 1920年的硬币,面值一元,现在价值多少?

汗!1Cent 是1分啊!英属海峡殖民地 乔治五世 1分 方形 红铜币一般品相的市价约10元。海峡1920年壹元银币的是圆形的,有汉字,市价300元以上的。
2023-08-02 11:55:041

General Requirements

Foundation elements must be proportioned both to interface with the soil at a safe stress level and to limit settlements to an acceptable amount. In the past 50 years fewbuildings ( but numerous embankment types ) have failed as a result of overstressing the underlying soil. However,excessive settlement problems are fairly common and somewhat concealed since only the most spectacular ones get published.Fewmodern buildings collapse from excessive settlements,however,it is not uncommon for a partial collapse or a localized failure in a structural member to occur. More common occurrences are unsightly wall and floor cracks,uneven floors ( sags and slopes) ,sticking doors and windows,and the like.The variability of soil in combination with unanticipated loads or subsequent soil movements ( e. g. ,earthquakes) can result in settlement problems over which the designer may have little control. In other words,current state-of-the-art design methods may greatly reduce the likelihood ( risk factor) of settlement problems but do not generally provide a risk-free project. In fairness,though,some problems are the direct result of poor design – either simple carelessness or lack of engineering ability.A major factor that greatly complicates foundation design is that the soil parameters used for the design are obtained before the project is started. Later when the foundation is in place,it is on ( or in) soil with properties that may be considerably modified from the original,either from the construction process or from installing the foundation. That is,the soil may be excavated and / or replaced and compacted; excavations tend to remove load and allowthe underlying soil to expand; driving piles usually makes soil more dense,etc. Any of these events either directly alters the soil ( replacement ) or modifies the initially estimated soil strength parameters.As a result of the uncertainties in loads,in soil properties,and in attempts to account for variability and any other factors,it is common practice to be conservative in designing this part of the system. We may quickly note,however,that this being the most important part but the most difficult to access if problems later develop,a conservative design or even an overdesign has a better return on investment here than in other parts of the project.Another factor that encourages conservative design is the fact that many geotechnical engineers tend to imply that their talents ( and design recommendations) are better than those of the competition. This generates a false sense on the foundation. When this happens and problems later occur ( unanticipated soil strata,water,excessive settlement,or whatever) ,the client is very likely to litigate ( i. e. ,sue) . This possibility means that geotechnical engineers should be candid about the status of the state of the art in this specialty and make the client fully aware that precise soil parameters are difficult if not impossible to quantify and that at least some design conservatism is prudent.Design conservatism means that any two design firms are unlikely to come up with exactly the same soil parameters and final foundation design. It would not be unusual for one firm to recommend the base contact pressure to be,say,200 kPa whereas another might recommend 225 or even 250 kPa — both with the use of spread footings. There might be a problem in ethics,however,if one firm recommended 200 kPa and the other recommended only 100 kPa, which would require a mat foundation or the use of piles. One of the recommendations is either overly optimistic ( the 200 kPa) or realistic; the other is either realistic or overly conservative. Being excessively conservative is an ethics problem,unless the client is made aware of the several alternatives and accepts the more conservative recommendation as being in his or her best interests.In summary,a proper design requires the following:1) Determining the building purpose,probable service-life loading,type of framing,soil profile,construction methods,and construction costs.2) Determining the client / owner"s needs.3) Making the design,but ensuring that it does not excessively degrade the environment, and provides a margin of safety that produces a tolerable risk level to all parties: the public,the owner,and the engineer.
2023-08-02 11:55:361

Alpine villages tended to be impoverished☆ settlements cut off from civilization by the high

  cut off from civilization by the high mountains. 这里是作定语修饰前面的Alpine villages 。这里的cut off 是过去分词形式的, 实际上是 Alpine villages be cut off。  被高级文明切断的阿尔卑斯村落越来越贫穷。
2023-08-02 11:55:461


第一个的话 都ok 但是加的话会顺一点第二个 应该是顺便拜访的意思第三个的话 我知道整个句子的意思是。展现在你们前面的是更加美好的未来。still应该是个副词,,,具体什么意思 不清楚、 第四个的意思是 政府向工商业界强调解决低工资问题的重要性。第五个的意思是 我以为我要摔倒了,因此我靠在书桌上以稳住自己。以上是我的观点,望采纳。
2023-08-02 11:55:563


。买方负责保险。不符点费内扣。受益人补充信息,电话,传真。我行严格按照联合国和欧盟的相关规定,不承担任何制裁的责任。。在没有收益人指示的情况下,如果申请人接受不附点,我行将直接将单据交与申请人而不再通知受益人。说明书(不知道你是什么贸易,也可能指面函doc schedule)+一份exra-copy。交单行地址
2023-08-02 11:56:142

翻译:Voyages and settlements such as those 【of】 the Vikings around the year 1000 to Greenland

those 为代词,代替 voyages and settlements,避免重复of 为后置定语的连接词,可翻译为的to 得看上下文,不好理解
2023-08-02 11:56:333

informal settlement 中文翻译

2023-08-02 11:56:432


2023-08-02 11:56:532


2023-08-02 11:57:102


pollutedexistenceagreementsconsequence consequentlysteadilygrowtheducatorscontribution9.10.impressioncertainsettlementsadjustmentsreceiver
2023-08-02 11:57:201


  上周完成的托福考试,大家考得怎么样呢?难度大不大呢?来一起了解一下吧。为大家准备了2019年12月14日托福阅读考试真题答案。    Crab spider feeding ona Junonia atlites butterfly in a Zinnia elegans flower    Models of Egg Development (14年9月27日,15年9月19日考题;爬行动物的硬蛋壳是如何从两栖动物的软壳进化来的,各种理论学说;Romer认为是某种两栖动物你产卵在陆地上,硬蛋壳是为了防干燥起到保护作用;Kohring认为是蛋需要包含更多的营养,钙离子储备在外层导致;Gary Packard认为坚硬蛋壳出现是为了起到保护作用,但是同时也阻碍了水分的吸收,所以蛋内需要保留大量水分;Mary Packard和Seymour认为,两栖动物的卵比爬行动物的蛋要小,是因为其中有一层明胶,清除之后可以导致进化出更大的蛋)    Colonial America and theNavigation Acts (15年3月7日题)   The Idea of Continental Drift(2016年11月13日题,话题不难,真题篇章和TPO都有非常雷同的篇章,比如Early Theories of Continental Drift、Gondwana)    Wool Industry in Fifteenth-CenturyEurope (16年2月28日,19年10月12日和1月13日题;15世纪的羊毛纺织业受行会(guild)控制,但随着羊毛纺织从城市向农村扩散,行会不再能够控制产品质量和利润,从而生产出了大量廉价轻薄的纺织品供农民使用。尤其在德国和英国,控制着原材料的商人寻找最低廉的劳动力,发现农村空闲时期的妇女和儿童劳力成本最低,将大量羊毛承包外放给他们去纺布,追求最大化利益。有两个其他变量也导致了15世纪羊毛纺织贸易的转变,一个是西班牙成为原材料羊毛的出口国,二是英国从羊毛原材料出口国变为加工者和成品输出者。英国转变为羊毛纺织品(成品)输出国的原因是水力作坊的出现,利用水力可以大量提高羊毛纺织的效率,同时生产出高品质的羊毛制品。羊毛纺织业的增长推动了靠近泰晤士河的伦敦的扩张,使得伦敦成为英国的政治和经济中心,虽然仍有一些羊毛纺织在农村进行,但80%业务掌握在伦敦市,伦敦成为欧洲最繁荣的城市。羊毛纺织业带来的工业变革使得一些新晋商人和作坊工匠成为新贵,他们挑战原有的社会传统和价值,为了稳定社会秩序,很多欧洲政府采取措施限制纺织商人垄断社会资源和劳力,阻止他们快速成长。)    Spider"s Coloration for Prey (17年9月16日,19年4月13日题;主要关于 crab spider 捕食, 蜘蛛变色,是为了变成和花匹配的颜色去埋伏捕食蜜蜂,说它的变色更多   是为了捕猎而不是为了躲避捕食者。)    Cognitive Maps in Animals (17年3月25日题)    Global Warming (17年12月9日,19年4月14日题;地球的温室效应:老话题了。主要内容是,地球以前都是冰,应该水都是冰的形式存在。但是证据表明地球以前有水,原因可能是因为温室效应。但是为什么温室效应没有增强呢?因为地球上的生物消耗温室气体,光合作用,抑制了温室效应。)    Beaks of Darwin"s Finches (18年3月10日题;达尔文的雀鸟鸟喙)    Mesopotamian and EgyptianSettlements Patterns (17年3月4日,18年3月3日和19年4月13日考题,美索不达米亚和埃及城邦的区别,美索不达米亚更加集中更加城市,埃及更分散更乡村)   非洲狩猎文明的农耕化(17年12月10日题;人们从游牧生活向定居生活转变,开始种植植物,蓄养牲畜。开始建造房屋,储存东西,制造工具,人口逐渐增多,孩子死亡率下降。农耕需要更多人口来耕作,贫富差距也逐渐出现。人们开始出现了分工合作。有一些人还是游牧生活,但是这就需要不断迁徙来保证牧群的食物。)   颜料发展(大致内容是一开始人们用手磨的颜料,但是随着pigment应用越来越广泛,出现了化学合成的颜料。后来为了节约成本,商家降低颜料的质量。一些印象主义画家为了用高质量的颜料,和一些卖颜料的商家保持良好关系,甚至可以指定他制作颜料的方法等。)   通过陨石研究地球和宇宙(18年10月20日题。某种陨石有助于科学家研究地球的化学成分,因为在地球挖掘只能挖到表面岩石无法深入地球核心。而且这个陨石非常古老,可以追溯到地球形成的时间。陨石里大部分成分与地球一致,除了iron含量,这也可以解释类地行星成分的不一致)   法国皇权政治加强,提到了贵族和凡尔赛宫(17年4月23日题)   墓葬陪葬品(反映当时文化,这些陪葬品不同地区的相似度取决于当时流行趋势)   冰岛语言特点   秘鲁的农渔业和文明发展   Wool before and after scouring
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  1 What are international payment & settlement?  (1) It arising from and facilitating international trades initially has a part of the latter.  (2) International payment & settlement because an independent course when international trade developed by bounds with the subsequence of a dramatic fall in trade barriers and the globalization of markets.  (3) International payments and settlements are financial activities conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle accounts, debts, claims, etc. emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contacts among them.  (4) The purpose of international payment & settlement means to carry out liquidating claims and debts with the currency expressional in valid way.  (5) As everybody knows, most international payments originate from transactions in the world trade. They are money transfers as a result of international clearing, such as:  5.1 Visible Trade: The main weight of international money transfer is importing / exporting of commodities and goods between the buyers and the sellers. Importers in one country must make payment to exporters in another country for their imported goods.  5.2 Invisible Trade: It covers not only service trade, but also technology transfer, patent, copyright contracts, etc. Services include all receipts and payments between the residents and foreigners on transportation, insurance, travel, communications, postage and bank service, etc.  5.3 Financial Transaction: International financial transaction covers foreign exchange market transactions, government supported export credits, syndicated loans, international bond issues, etc.  5.4 Payments between governments: The government of one country may make payment to that of another country for political, military, or economic reasons, such as giving aids and grants, providing disaster relief, etc.  5.5 Others: Other international payments such as overseas remittances, educational expenses, inheritances, etc. should also be settled among countries.  (6)sorts  6.1. International Trade Settlement:  With the expansion of global trade amongst countries, the role of banks in international trade finance is becoming more important. Most transactions must be settled through banks. Without the bank"s participation, international trade would not have been developed to the stage we have reached today.  6.2. International Non-Trade Settlement:  There are many ways by which funds can be transferred from one country to another under trade service. When the tourists, merchants, delegations or other people go abroad, they need money to spend, to buy something, or to pay for various expenses and charges there. The most common means for them to carry funds are cash, traveler"s check, traveler"s letter of credit and credit card.  2 What is the most commonly used method of payment & settlement? Why?  (1)A documentary letter of credit is the most widely used form of a settlement in the current international trade. A documentary letter of credit is a bank"s promise to pay a seller on behalf of the buyer so long as the seller complies with precisely defined terms and conditions specified in the credit. A documentary letter of credit provides almost equal security to both the buyer and the seller and is second only to cash in advance in terms of security to the seller.  (2) The beneficiary is entitled to payment as long as he can provide the documentary evidence required by the letter of credit. The letter of credit is a distinct and separate transaction from the contract on which it is based. All parties deal in documents and not in goods. The issuing bank is not liable for performance of the underlying contract between the customers and beneficiary. The issuing bank"s obligation to the buyer is to examine all documents to insure that they meet all the terms and conditions of the credit. Upon requesting demand for payment the beneficiary warrants that all conditions of the agreement have been complied with. If the beneficiary (seller) conforms to the letter of credit, the seller must be paid by the bank.  (3)The main feature of L/C is originally from importers fulfilling the "Cash Against payment" transfer of the responsibility borne by the banks. For example, banks will undertake to assume the risk of currency fluctuations under foreign currency letters of credit, they do charge fees for their service (which can be hefty, especially if a company conducts many smaller foreign trade transactions).That is to say: "The bank credit replaced the commercial credit." This is because bank credit is more reliable, more robust and the capital of banks is also more powerful. Both buyer and seller increase their sense of security, thereby L/C greatly promote the development of international trade.  As a result, the use of the letters of credit as a tool to reduce risk has grown substantially over the past decade. Letters of credit accomplish their purpose by substituting the credit of the bank for that of the customer, for the purpose of facilitating trade. A documentary letter of credit becomes the most commonly used method of payment & settlement。
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2023-08-02 11:58:585

GMAT CR ,请大牛帮忙

非常支持楼下的回答 感觉很像GWD的学生。楼上的请不要纠结于每道题的逻辑到底是啥,就按照楼下读出的那种感觉走就是对的。因为即使你真的搞懂了这道题的逻辑,但是在考场上那种时间的限制下你也搞不出来的。
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2023-08-02 11:59:313


骑马与砍杀2游戏中有很多不同的城市,玩家通过控制台代码也可以添加自己的专属城市,下面来看看添加城市的方法首先需要控制台DeveloperConsole。进入游戏,开启控制台,移动人物到你想添加城市的位置,输入campaign.get_main_party_position,获取当前XY坐标。同时寻找你想复制的城市/城堡/村庄的名字,记下来。1、建立文件夹,名称X(新添加城市的名字)。在文件夹内建立SubModule XML文件,创建ModuleData文件夹,创建SceneObj文件夹2、打开游戏Modules—SandBox—ModuleData文件夹,复制settlements XML文件到你创建的ModuleData文件夹中,重命名为Xsettlements。打开游戏Modules—SandBox—SceneObj文件夹,复制Main_map文件夹到你创建的SceneObj文件夹中。3、编辑SubModule4、打开游戏Modules—SandBox—ModuleData—Languages—CNs—std_settlements_xml-zho-CN,输入你记下的城市名字,复制ID。然后打开游戏Modules—SandBox—ModuleData—settlements,查找ID,复制ID信息。例如(我的例子是一个阿塞莱城堡)下面则是城堡附加村庄的代码(只举一个例子,一般来说城镇附加3个村庄,城堡2个村庄)将它们复制到你自己创建的Xsettlements中,放在下面。然后修改这段(这步可以直接在你Xsettlements里面复制,但是如果你怕出错就从游戏本体的文件复制到你的文件里)。例如(用入口原坐标对照城市原坐标,记下坐标差,通过城市新坐标得出入口新坐标)(下面的不要动)附加的村庄代码则为5、打开游戏Modules—SandBox—SceneObj—Main_map—scene.xscene,C++打开比较慢(代码太多了),稍等一会,用VS的话快一些。查找步骤4里面你记下的城市/城堡/村庄ID,复制整个ID下面的代码。一个城市大概有3000多行代码,这个比较麻烦,需要你盯着看(这一步同样可以在你自己的scene.xscene复制,不用开启2个scene.xscene,但是单一scene.xscene复制起来很容易出错)。复制以后,打开你自己建立的SceneObj—Main_map—scene.xscene,找到第27673行(这一行是一个分界,比较明显,要不然一个一个看太麻烦),回车。然后将代码粘贴到27674行。修改game_entity name="X_A1"(村庄同理,一定要填ID)。修改(这3个数据是用来旋转的,比如城市模型入口朝左,可以通过修改这个让入口朝右)6、保存并在启动界面开启mod。
2023-08-02 11:59:401

The settlement is home to nearly 1000 people,many of_____left their village homes for a better life

该句子的主语是the settlement,人只有用宾格
2023-08-02 12:00:018

美国历史 翻译一下

A Brief History of the United States: former Indian settlements. 15, the end of the century, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Britain and North America started to immigrants. Britain catch up, in 1773, the United Kingdom has established the 13 colonies. 1775 outbreak of the people of the North American colonists against Britain"s War of Independence. July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia held a second meeting of sub-continent to form the "China forces" from George Washington appointed commander-in-chief, adopted the "Declaration of Independence", formally announced the establishment of the United States of America. The end of the 1783 War of Independence, the Constitution of the Federal enacted in 1787, 1788 George Washington was elected the first president. In 1812, after completely free of British rule. In 1860 the system of black slaves against the Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected president. In September 1862 declared that the "liberation of black slaves Declaration" after the slave rebellion in the south, the outbreak of the Civil War. In 1865, the North won the war to end so as to capitalism in the United States cleared the way for rapid development. In the early 19th century, with the development of capitalism, the United States began to external expansion. In 1776, after 100 years, the United States to expand the territory of almost 10 times. After the Second World War, the United States increased national strength.
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与DDU 相似,但注意交货时不负责卸货,现在DAP 比较流行。
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蓝、红、绿宝石,叶绿、火红,钻石、珍钻 大概就这些了
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