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这是一套韩国化妆品呼吸37度losec系列帮1therapy skin softener 翻译一下?

2023-08-02 21:13:44

这套韩国化妆品呼吸37度losec系列帮1therapy skin softener是一款非常出色的产品。将其中文名翻译过来,它的意思是“呼吸37度,帮助修护皮肤1疗程软化剂”,而这意味着它可以为我们的皮肤带来很多好处。





1 修护水

2 修护剂,修护安瓿

3 修护精华

4 修护乳

5 修护霜

6 修护眼霜

7 不知道什么东西

8 夜间修护面膜


1therapy皮肤柔软剂2therapy安瓿3therapy本质4therapy洗剂5therapy霜6therapy眼霜7centenlca1909 8therapy修护面膜


1 治疗皮肤更弹性



therapy英语读音是:美[u02c8θeru0259pi]、英["θeru0259pi]。therapy,英语单词,主要用作为名词,译为“治疗,疗法”。短语搭配:gene therapy基因治疗、radiation therapy放射治疗、drug therapy药物治疗;药物疗法、physical therapy物理治疗法、music therapy音乐疗法,音乐治疗。治疗通常是指干预或改变特定健康状态的过程。此外,在网络游戏中,治疗是指能加血(生命值HP)的职业或特定技能。治疗通常是指干预或改变特定健康状态的过程。为解除病痛所进行的活动。随着科学技术的进步与对生命及疾病本质认识的深入,19世纪以来医学所掌握的治疗手段有了巨大的进步。古代医学中的药物治疗与手法已经形成了两个十分庞大的学科群,即内科学作为基础的药物治疗为主的学科群。与外科学作为基础的手术治疗学科群,此外,还出现了物理治疗、放射治疗、核医学、心理治疗、体育治疗、生物反馈,器官移植、医学工程等新的治疗手段。新的疗法还在不断涌现。双语例句:1、I was ready for a little retail therapy.我准备去进行一下购物治疗。2、She"s in therapy.她在接受心理治疗。3、Group therapy classes have been his salvation.他一直靠参加集体疗法班来调节心理。4、Most leukaemia patients undergo some sort of drug therapy.绝大多数白血病患者都会接受某种药物治疗。
2023-08-02 09:53:541


therapy,英语单词,主要用作为名词,译为“治疗,疗法”。扩展资料短语搭配1、gene therapy n. 基因治疗2、radiation therapy 放射治疗3、drug therapy 药物治疗;药物疗法例句1、He listened to his parents unburden themselves in therapy.他听到他的父母在治疗中倾诉他们的烦恼。2、Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other.家庭疗法向我们展示了如何相互沟通。3、I"m a great believer in the benefits of this form of therapy.我对这种疗法的益处深信不疑。
2023-08-02 09:54:191

therapy的动词形式 形容词形式是什么?

2023-08-02 09:55:044


therapy / remedy “,治疗法”。Remedy还可指药物。cure 名词与动词都有“治愈”。heal “痊愈(多指外伤)”。指伤口愈合。
2023-08-02 09:55:142


therapy 指治疗,疗法,不是每一个名次都有动词形式的。如果要用动词可以用cure,treat等
2023-08-02 09:55:211

all time low的 therapy中文歌词 这首歌超好听,亲们能帮我翻译一下吗

楼主你好,我是自己翻得,希望你笑纳。btw, all time low, i love them so much!!! cool guys!!!therapy live超赞!!by eelipseMy ship went down我的船沉了In a sea of sound被海浪的声音淹没When I woke up alone当我独自醒来I had everything我拥有了一切A hand full of moments我拥有所有瞬间I wished I could change我希望我能改变and a tongue like a nightmare舌头就像一个噩梦That cut like a blade这伤口像把利刃In a city of fools在一个蠢蛋的城市I was careful and cool我真细心,我真酷!but they tore me apart like a hurricane但是他们就像飓风一样把我撕裂A hand full of moments我拥有时时刻刻I wished I could change我希望我能改变but I was carried away但是我还是被带走了Give me therapy救救我吧I"m a walking travesty我是一个慢慢前进的悲剧But I"m smiling on everything但是我还是笑对一切Therapy you were never a friend to me疗伤,你从来就没对我好过and you can keep all your misery你可以继续保持你的痛苦by eelipseMy lungs gave out我的肺没用了as I faced the crowd当我面对熙攘的人潮I think that keeping this up can be dangerous我在想,要一直这样可真危险I"m flesh and bone我是血肉之躯啊I"m a rolling stone我是滚动的石头啊And the experts say I"m delirious专家诊断我说,我已经神智不清了Give me therapy救救我吧I"m a walking travesty我是一个慢慢前进的悲剧But I"m smiling on everything但是我还是笑对一切Therapy you were never a friend to me疗伤,你从来就没对我好过and you can keep all your misery你可以继续保持你的痛苦Arrogant boy傲慢男love yourself so no one has to只需要自己爱自己They"re better off without you他们没有你会更好(They"re better off without you)Arrogant boy傲慢男Cause a scene like your supposed to就因你期待的那一幕They"ll fall asleep without you他们没有你就能安睡You"re lucky if your memory remains如果他们的记忆里还有你的存在,那是因为你够幸运Give me therapy救救我吧I"m a walking travesty我是一个慢慢前进的悲剧But I"m smiling on everything但是我还是笑对一切Therapy you were never a friend to me疗伤,你从来就没对我好过and you can get back all your misery你可以拿走你的痛苦Give me therapy救救我吧I"m a walking travesty我是一个慢慢前进的悲剧But I"m smiling on everything但是我还是笑对一切Therapy you were never a friend to me疗伤,你从来就没对我好过and you can choke on your misery你可以咽下你的痛苦
2023-08-02 09:55:432


  美塑疗法在国外称其为meso therapy疗法,因为英文mesodem为“中胚层”的意思(药效在中胚层术含发挥作用),而therapy在英文里为治疗、医疗的意思,所以国外的学者将其合并称为meso therapy即中胚层疗法。而近年来台湾、香港等地的医学美容专家将此种疗法引入到亚洲后,为了便于推广及普及,也更为了符合汉语言的习惯,故取meso的音译,“美塑”,有美容塑身之意。所以台湾的同行们将其称为“美塑疗法”。无论何种称谓,mesotherapy的发明确实是医学美容界的一个福音。  [编辑本段]来源  美塑疗法来源自法国,由内科医生 Dr.Michel Pistor于1952年首先应用于临床治疗上的各项疾病,包括运动伤害(sports injury),关节酸痛及皮肤病变等;1987年法国卫生部(French Academy of Medicine)正式将它纳入合法的传统医学治疗项目之一。1988年意大利皮肤科医生发现将phosphatidylcholine,导入皮下,即有溶脂、消脂的效果,美塑疗法遂正式踏入美容回春的市场。美国于5年前率先引入Mesotherapy 作医学美容用途,旋即在当地掀起一股热潮,并获当地传媒的广泛报道,著名时事信息节目及杂志如20/20、48Hours ABCNEWS、.S.NEWS&Wolrd Report、Inside Edition、Elle、Vogue、People、Allure、Harpers Bazaar等都争相介绍这项革命性美容新科技。至今全世界包括欧洲、英国、中南美有超过15,000个医生参与受训并提供这种疗法。近二年在美、更加逐渐形成风潮,陆续成立各种美塑学会(American Society of Aesthetic Mesotherapy)(American Society of Aesthetic Lipodissolve)或诊所,以提供病人各种信息及服务。美塑疗法已在欧美、日本、韩国等地广泛使用。  [编辑本段]效果分析  美塑疗法既可用于延缓衰老、治疗皮肤疾病,也可用于减肥以及治疗脱发、秃顶等,相对应有美塑皮下营养紧肤术、美塑激光溶脂术、美塑毛囊营养生发术等。美塑解决了传统美容方法中,大多数的活性成分只能渗透入表皮角质层,美容效果并不显著的弊端。美塑是将美容剂,快速、准确、均匀地输送到需改善的部位,从而达到治疗或美容、瘦身的目的。此法能刺激皮肤自愈能力即新陈代谢,促进骨胶原增生,有效提升活性成分的渗透能力,是美容护肤科技的新突破。美塑是现代美容的一场革命 美塑 Mesotherapy 出现让人们拥有终生美丽成为现实,因为它不但显效快,效果持久,而且恢复期短,几乎没有副作用,非常适合忙碌而又爱美的现代女性,在国外被称为“午休整形”疗法。此法特别在改善肤质的饱满度及局部脂肪堆积上,免除了开刀拉皮、抽脂的痛苦。  [编辑本段]发展动向  美塑疗法发展至今,目前广被应用的皮层导入项目包含去除眼袋、去除双下巴、去皱纹、丰唇、丰颊、隆鼻、局部塑身溶脂、改善橙皮蜂窝组织、治疗秃头、改善疤痕、治疗局部多汗症等。美塑疗法大约可分配成8个范围:消除橙皮组织、 消除局部脂肪堆积、 抗衰老、减轻体重、预防脱发、治疗青春痘、 慢性痛症及干癣。美塑疗法(Mesotherapy)也是处理局部皮肤问题的理想对策,能对局部皮肤作出针对性的定位治疗。 风靡中国大地的科技美容新突破一种不用开刀,不用吃药,精确、有效的美容塑身方式,正在被各国的美容整形医生及美容从业者所认同和倡导,它不同于传统的美容外科手术,也不是一般美容护肤的表面涂沫,这种“微整形”美容风潮正在世界范围的盛行,那就是美塑微针疗法(Microneedle Therapy System)。它在美容护肤方面的应用必将取代传说的注射美容和手术美容,成为美容界的新宠,一定会在中国大地掀起新美容热潮。  美塑疗法的起源  美塑疗法(Meso Therapy)也叫中胚层疗法,是指将获护肤活性成分或营养成分直接导入到皮下组织(属于中胚层)而发挥美容功效的护理方法。1952年法国内科医生Dr. Michel Pistor首先将美塑疗法应用于临床医学治疗;1987年法国卫生部将它纳入合法的传统医学治疗项目。1988年意大利皮肤科医生将大豆卵磷脂导入皮下,即有溶脂、消脂的效果,1996年瑞士BIONMAY推广倡导“Medspa活细胞生物美塑”疗法,美塑疗法于是正式踏入美容市场。美塑疗法现已在欧美许多国家以及亚洲的日本、韩国、新加坡、中国等国和中国台湾、香港等地区广泛使用。  美塑疗法的起源  美塑疗法(Meso Therapy)也叫中胚层疗法,是指将获护肤活性成分或营养成分直接导入到皮下组织(属于中胚层)而发挥美容功效的护理方法。1952年法国内科医生Dr. Michel Pistor首先将美塑疗法应用于临床医学治疗;1987年法国卫生部将它纳入合法的传统医学治疗项目。1988年意大利皮肤科医生将大豆卵磷脂导入皮下,即有溶脂、消脂的效果,1996年瑞士BIONMAY推广倡导“Medspa活细胞生物美塑”疗法,美塑疗法于是正式踏入美容市场。美塑疗法现已在欧美许多国家以及亚洲的日本、韩国、新加坡、中国等国和中国台湾、香港等地区广泛使用。  美塑疗法的作用原理  利用美塑仪器(美塑枪、微针滚轮、无针美塑仪等),突破皮肤吸收屏障,按护理需要将美容活性成分深度导入到皮下组织部位,迅速被肌肤组织吸收,发挥作用,从而产生疗效。可做到量化给药,靶向给药,定点定位给药,以快速、准确地传递到欲需改善的皮下部位,最大限度发挥活性成分的美容功效,媲美整形手术美容效果,是传统美容界的一大突破。依据所使用的仪器工具的不同,业界将美塑疗法分为微针美塑(辅助仪器为美塑枪或微针滚轮)和无针美塑(辅助仪器为无针美塑仪,也叫电泳能量仪、无针助渗仪)。
2023-08-02 09:55:571


美塑美塑疗法(中胚层疗法)◆ 何为mesotherapy美塑疗法现代的美塑疗法是用一支附有注射器的“枪”将极少量的皮肤所需的营养药物,通过特制的“枪”注入到皮下组织,经过对皮肤进行无痛而有效的物理、化学和药物的刺激,经由皮下组织直接而快速地吸收后,促进机体抗衰老及再生的作用,依不同的美容作用,而使用的营养药剂亦不相同。◆ 为何称为美塑疗法其实该种疗法在国外称其为meso therapy疗法,因为英文mesodem为“中胚层”的意思(药效在中胚层术含发挥作用),而therapy在英文里为治疗、医疗的意思,所以国外的学者将其合并称为meso therapy即中胚层疗法。在台湾、香港等地的医学美容专家将此种疗法引入到亚洲后,为了便于推广及普及,也更为了符合汉语言的习惯,故取meso的音译,“美塑”,有美容塑身之意。所以台湾的同行们将其称为“美塑疗法”。而香港的同行们取其减肥瘦身的功效,冠以“减肥枪”的称号。无论何种称谓,mesotherapy的发明确实是医学美容界的一个福音。
2023-08-02 09:56:071

Relient K的《Therapy》 歌词

歌曲名:Therapy歌手:Relient K专辑:Forget And Not Slow DownRelient K - TherapyI never thought I"d be driving through the country just to driveWith only music and the clothes that I woke up inI never thought I"d need all this time alone it goes to showI had so much yet I had need for nothingBut youThis is just therapyLet"s call it what it is(Not what we were)With a death-grip on this life always transitioningThis is just therapyCause you won"t take my callsand that makes God the only one who"s left here listening to meLetting it all sink inIt"s good to feel a sting now and againI hope it"s one less woeful thing there is to fight throughForgetting it all beginFresh paper and nice expensive penThe past can not subtract a thing from what I might doFor youUnless that"s what I let it doLoneliness and solitude are two things not to get confusedCause I spend my solitude with youI gather all the questions of the things I just can"t get straightAnd I answer them the way I guess you"d doCause this is my therapyCause you"re the only one that"s listening to meThis is my therapyLet"s call it what it is not what we wereWith a death-grip on this life that"s in transitionThis is my therapyCause you won"t hear me outand that makes God the only one who"s left here listening
2023-08-02 09:56:251

放松疗法(Relaxation therapy)具体有哪些步骤?

2023-08-02 09:56:363


2023-08-02 09:56:593


  我为大家整理了有关康复常见词汇中英对照,希望对你有帮助哦!   康复常见词汇中英对照:   1.膈式呼吸运动diaphragmatic breathing exercises   2.透热疗法diathermy   3.残疾是病损、失能、残障三者之总称。disability   4.失能个体水平的障碍disability   5.残疾预防Disability Prevention   6.障碍disturbance,disorder   7.醉汉步态drunkard gait   8.动力性运动dynamic exercises   9.动态干扰电疗法dynamic interferential therapy   10.动磁场疗法dynamic magnetic field therapy   11.动功dynamic qigong   12.发音困难dysarthria   13.功能障碍dysfunction   14.运动障褥dyskinesia   15.咽下困难dysphagia   16.发音困难dysphonia   17.二氧化碳浴earbondioxide bath   18.离心收缩eccentric contraction   19.作业宣教和咨询Education of Occupation Therapy   20.教育评定educational evaluation   21.教育康复educational rehabilitation   22.气水浴effervescent bath   23.肘拐elbow crutch   24.电静息electrical silence   25.电诊断法electrodiagnosis   26.电诊断医学electrodiagnostc medicine,electrodiagnostics   27.电兴奋疗法electroexcitation therapy   28.电体操疗法electrogymanastic therapy   29.电磁疗法electromagnetotherapy   30.肌电生物反馈疗法electromyographic biofeedback therapy,EMGBFT   31.肌电图,肌电图检查electromyography   32.神经电图,神经传导检查,electroneurography   33.电泳疗法electrophoresis   34.电睡眠疗法electrosleep therapy   35.静电疗法electrostatic field therapy,Franklinization   36.电疗法electrotherapy   37.终板电位end-plate potential   38.耐力运动endurance exercises   39.广义日常生活活动评定Enhance ADL,EADL   40.环境控制装置environment control unit,ECU   41.环境干预Environment Intervention   42.急跳运动erky exercises   43.直喷浴et douche   44.日常生活能力评定evaluation of activities of daily living,evaluation of ADLs   45.事件相关电位event-related potential,ERP   46.诱发电位evoked potentials,EP   47.运动强度exercise intensity   48.运动处方exercise prescription   49.运动负荷试验exercise stress test   50.运动试验exercise test   51.运动疗法exercise therapy,movement therapy,kinesiotherapy   52.易化技术facilitation technique   53.易化技术Facilitation Techniques   54.感应电疗法faradization   55.远红外线疗法far-infrared therapy   56.束颤电位fasciculation potential   57.纤颤电位fibrillation potential   58.体能测定fitness test   59.健身训练fitness training,conditioning   60. Fugl-Meyer肢体运动功能评价法FMA   61.泡沫浴foam bath   62.足角foot angle   63.垂足步态footdrop gait   64.徒手体操free-hand exercises   65. F反应,F-波F-response,F-wave   66.摩擦法friction,rubbing   67.作业疗法功能活动治疗Functional Activities of OT   68.功能性电刺激functional electric stimulation,FES   69.功能独立性评测functional independence measures,FIM   70.功能位functional position   71.功能训练functional training   72.步态分析gait analysis   73.步态周期gait cycle,GC   74.步态训练gait training   75.直流感应电检查galvanic-faradic current examination   76.直流电疗法galvanism,galvanization   77.健康问卷调查GHQ   78.臀大肌步态gluteus maximums gait   79.臀中肌步态gluteus mediums gait,Trendelenburg gait   80.分级运动试验graded exercise test   81.群放电位grouped potential   82.致能habilitation   83.浴疗法halneotherapy   84.残障社会水平的障碍handicap   85.促进健康Health Promotion   86.疗养地health resort   87.日光空气疗法helioaerotherapy   88.日光疗法heliotherapy,solar therapy   89.氦镉激光疗法helium-eadium laser therapy,He-Cd laser therapy   90.氦氖激光疗法helium-neon laser therapy,He-Ne laser therapy   91.偏瘫步态hemiplegic gait   92.高频电疗法high frequency electrotherapy   93. H反射Hoffman reflex,HR   94.园艺疗法horticultural therapy   95.热敷hot compress   96.温泉hot spring   97.痉挛肌电刺激疗法Hufschmidt therapy   98.电水浴疗法hydroelectric bath therapy   99.硫化氢浴hydrogen sulfur bath,hydrothion bath   100.水疗法hydrotherapy
2023-08-02 09:57:131

renew intensive skin therapy是什么东西

2023-08-02 09:57:283


2023-08-02 09:57:371


读音是:英['θeru0259pi]单词:therapy释义:n.治疗,疗法[复数:therapies]短语:Gene Therapy[遗][临床]基因治疗;基因疗法;基因医治;重组腺病毒词语用法:therapy通常指不用手术、不吃药的“疗法”。词源解说:直接源自现代拉丁语的therapia;最初源自希腊语的therapeia,意为治疗。扩展资料:近义词:remedy英['remu0259di]释义:n.补救;疗法;解决办法;(硬币的)公差v.补救,纠正,改进;治疗[复数:remedies;第三人称单数:remedies;现在分词:remedying;过去式:remedied;过去分词:remedied]短语:Remedy Entertainment绿美迪娱乐;制作商绿美迪娱乐;游戏制作;量子破碎
2023-08-02 09:58:081


臭氧医疗/臭氧疗法,英文名称为 Ozone Therapy ,是超氧等离子体医疗(Super-O Therapy)的旧称。 医用臭氧用于治疗乙型病毒性肝炎成为一种新的探索,郭亚兵教授、杨黄龙先生等为臭氧治疗肝炎做了更深入的推广。早在一百多年前,欧洲一些医生中已经出现了将氧电离用于治疗的临床实践活动。第一次报告则在晚些时候出现于1920年英国医学期刊The Lancet。由于在那个时候世人对粒子物理世界的认识非常有限,这种使用电离氧的临床医疗当时被医生们称之为臭氧医疗(Ozone Therapy)。虽然臭氧医疗这种名称至今还在一部分医生当中被沿用,但其片面性已经越来越不能被大多数医生所接受,因为医学试验已经证实临床疗效并不与臭氧这种单一物质呈单纯的比例关系。此后,“O2-O3混合气体(O2-O3 Gaseous Mixture)”等名词也相继被一些医生提了出来并在学术刊物上发表。但是这些概念都没能完整概括这种由氧电离产生的物质的特性。直到“等离子体(Plasma)”这个概念的引入,才完整、准确地概括了被定义对象的物质本质。
2023-08-02 09:58:241


warfarin therapy的中文翻译_百度翻译warfarin therapy 全部释义和例句>>华法林治疗
2023-08-02 09:58:382


2023-08-02 09:59:016


Perhaps it is grief therapy for myself . 这也许是为了解除我的悔恨。 Oxygen toxicity is a ppcation of oxygen therapy . 氧中毒是氧疗的并发症。 The therapy had not worked . 这个方法并不奏效。 Symptoms usually subside after pletion of radiation therapy . 症状一般在放射治疗完成后消失。 Proctitis is mon in patients undergoing pelvic radiation therapy . 直肠炎常见于骨盆放射治疗的病人。 Blood gas studies may be done when a child is receiving oxygen therapy . 小儿接受氧疗时应做血液气体测量。 Antibiotic therapy for diffuse celluptis should be aggressive . 弥漫性蜂窝织炎的抗菌素治疗应是强有力的。 It is sometimes used synonymously with behavior therapy as defined above . 它有时和以上解释的行为疗法作为同义语使用。 Prolonged therapy should be avoided since it is conductive to toxic reactions . 应避免延长治疗,因为它可导致毒性反应。 The flood of new drugs in recent years has provided many dramatic improvements in therapy . 近年来大量新药的涌现,给治疗带来明显的改观。 Monoamine oxidase (mao)inhibitors were introduced into therapy for the treatment of depression in 1957 . 单胺氧化酶(MAO)抑制剂1957年被推荐用来治疗抑郁症。 Such therapy has not cured all in man though it unquestionably cures certain mouse lymphomas . 这种治疗方法无疑能治愈某些小鼠的淋巴肉瘤,但是不能治愈人的所有毛病。 In this program, 150 patients with forms of cancer that resist other treatments are receiving interferon therapy . 这个计划将让150名经别的疗法医治无效的各种癌症患者接受干扰素治疗。 Failure to take all such variables into account while planning a therapeutic maneuver may result in ineffective therapy or toxicity . 在制订治疗方案时不考虑这些可变因素就会造成治疗无效或中毒。 Concentrates for haemodialysis and related therapies 血液透析和有关治疗用浓缩物 Respiratory therapy equipment - tubing and connectors 呼吸治疗设备.管道和连接件 Cpnical apppcation of one - visit root c *** therapy 根管治疗术一次法的临床应用 Development of a new diode laser therapy apparatus 一种新型半导体激光治疗机研制 Ultraviolet therapy in treatment of bedsore 冷光紫外线治疗感染性褥疮的疗效观察 One meninges tumor is under gamma knife therapy 图为脑膜瘤患者正在接受伽玛刀治疗 Prenatal fetal lungs " maturity - accelerating therapy 产前促胎肺成熟治疗的研究进展 Let " s just say it " s part of your therapy 让了我们把它看作是你的治疗的一部份。 Do i seem pke i " m in therapy ? - i " m kidding 我看起来像在节食吗? -我只是开玩笑 Concentrates for haemodialysis and related therapies 血液透析和有关疗法用浓缩物 Estrogen hormone therapy advice is not yet uniform 激素激素治疗意见尚不统一。 Apppcation of hyperbaric oxygenation in cancer therapy 高压氧在肿瘤治疗中的应用 Interventional therapy on cavitary pulmonary mdr - tb 耐多药空洞肺结核的介入治疗 Simple *** ysis on collateral therapy in huangdi " s internal classic 中的络脉治疗 Before therapy after therapy method and mechani *** 的照片及其治疗方法,供你参考。 But a recent dose of therapy has convinced you 但是最近的心理治疗让你意识到
2023-08-02 09:59:171


世界十大顶级床垫品牌如下:1、Sealy丝涟床垫Sealy丝涟是全球最大的床垫制造商,并且该品牌创建历史已经超过百年,而该公司的产品销量连续30年全球第一,丝涟旗下拥有全球规模最大和技术最先进的研发中心和产品实验室。2、Serta舒达床垫Serta舒达是一家拥有80多年企业历史的优秀床垫生产制造商,该公司的前身睡眠者有限公司创建于1931年,1932年首张Perfect Sleeper床垫就正式诞生了,从此开启了舒达的创奇历程。3、simmons席梦思床垫simmons席梦思是世界上知名度最高的床垫生产商,在全世界几乎家喻户晓,一直以来,simmons席梦思都从事着高档床垫的制造和研发,曾几何时,席梦思成为软弹簧式床垫的统称。4、KingKoil金可儿床垫1898年,SamuelBronstein先生在美国明尼苏达的一个小城圣保罗开启了金可儿的百年传奇。他致力于制造世界上最舒适的床垫。最初期的金可儿只有六个员工和一个小仓库。现在,金可儿早已成为一个业界领先的床垫品牌。5、TempurPedic泰普尔床垫TempurPedic泰普尔床垫是美国航天基金会认证的唯一床垫和枕头品牌,该品牌最早可以追溯到1970年。泰普尔床垫具有良好的解压舒适性和有效支撑,在舒适和健康方面具有独到之处。6、SelectComfort床垫SelectComfort是美国知名的床上用品制造商,市场商兼零售商,在网上零售商前500强中位列第303位,SelectComfort床垫也是世界著名的床垫品牌之一,世界十大知名床垫品牌之一。7、ComfortSolutions床垫ComfortSolutions是美国排名前十的床垫制造商,同时也是世界十大知名床垫品牌之一,在全球的床垫制造企业中,具有极高的知名度。8、Kingsdown床垫Kingsdown也是美国之大床垫制造商之一,世界床垫十大品牌之一。作为全球床垫行业唯一一家百年员工持股公司,“追求完美睡眠”是Kingsdown,Inc始终不变的理念,其产品无与伦比的贵族品质,一直在传承百年工艺的同时,世代流传。9、IBC床垫IBC是美国知名的床垫制造企业之一,也是全球最大的床垫生产商之一,世界床垫十大品牌。10、Therapedic床垫Therapedic床垫品牌是由美国退役飞行员Gerald Gershaw创建,公司位于新泽西州,Therapedic是“therapy”和“pedic”两个字的组合,“Therapy”象征了“治疗睡眠”的理念,“Pedic”象征了床垫对人背部和身体的支撑和医疗效果。
2023-08-02 09:59:341

eczema therapy是什么意思

eczema therapy是湿疹治疗
2023-08-02 10:00:542


答案: advanced therapy 先进的治疗
2023-08-02 10:01:033


2023-08-02 10:01:315

therapy 短语

therapy短语如下:physical therapy物理疗法;理疗,behavioral therapy行为疗法,gene therapy基因疗法,hormone replacement therapy激素替换疗法,group therapy集体治疗,radiation therapy放射疗法;放射治疗,replacement therapy替代疗法。combination therapy综合治疗,occupational therapy职业疗法,cognitive therapy认知疗法,speech therapy言语矫治;言语治疗。therapy例句:1、Shaynee is a therapy dog.Shaynee是一只治疗犬。2、It provided her with physical therapy.这为她提供了物理治疗。3、It uses therapy animals to soothe nervous passengers.它使用治疗动物来安抚紧张的乘客。4、Jen writes songs and uses them in her therapy work.珍写歌,并在用之于她的治疗工作中。
2023-08-02 10:01:581

T-Pain的《Therapy》 歌词

歌曲名:Therapy歌手:T-Pain专辑:Thr33 RingzT-Pain - Therapy (Feat. Kanye West)Ahhh... Take a sip of this... eh, let"s go (yay)I want you to feel this beat baby, come on girl let"s goListen, (what"s up), this ain"t the way I wanted it to endBut I got to goGotta get missingYou ain"t gotta kick me outI"ll get out my own houseWhat do I do, what do I sayGotta get us back to the wayThat we used to be back in the dayWho do I call to talk toShawty, you ain"t gotta be scared of meAll we need is therapyLike 1, 2, 3, 4 get the hell up out my door5, 6, 7, 8 I don"t need your sex, I"ll masturbate9, 10, 11, 12 you can go to hell all I care, yeahCan"t do it shawty, can"t deal with you babeCan"t handle the pressure of you (yeah yeah)Can"t do it shawty, can"t deal with you babeCan"t handle the pressure of you (yeah yeah)Listen, (what"s up), I know you ain"t used to us being friendsBut I got to goNo more kissingYou ain"t got to go awayBut I know I cannot stayWhat do I do, what do I sayGotta get us back to the wayThat we used to be back in the dayWho do I call to talk toShawty, you ain"t gotta be scared of meAll we need is therapyLike 1, 2, 3, 4 get the hell up out my door5, 6, 7, 8 I don"t need your sex, I"ll masturbate9, 10, 11, 12 you can go to hell all I care, yeahCan"t do it shawty, can"t deal with you babeCan"t handle the pressure of you (yeah yeah)Can"t do it shawty, can"t deal with you babeCan"t handle the pressure of you (yeah yeah)Ew you too much pressure dollYou gonna raise my cholesterolI gotta lower the phone, decibelsJust to talk, just a thoughtI"m gonna get a girl with a ass just as softWho swear man dolls like reservoirAnd I was mister pinkRemember those nights on the kitchen sinkI was choking you in a good way, good wayNow we in the streets and I"m choking you in a hood wayWhen the cops come what I could sayYou know how all that gossip isNext morning box of perezAny girl I take out media take care ofI need a break nowBefore I break nowShow me your janet jacksons if you nastyYou said you want to cut my nuts off like jesse jackson, classyEw, why she say that ouchBitch, give me back my couchAnd that same couch cashed inNow listen to t-pain singLike 1, 2, 3, 4 you can get up out my door5, 6, 7, 8 I don"t need your sex, I"ll masturbate9, 10, 11, 12 you can go to hell all I care, yeahCan"t do it shawty, can"t deal with you babeCan"t handle the pressure of you (yeah)Can"t do it sawty, can"t deal with you babeCan"t handle the pressure of you
2023-08-02 10:02:481

All Time Low的《Therapy》 歌词

歌曲名:Therapy歌手:All Time Low专辑:Straight To DVDAll Time Low - TherapyMy ship went downIn a sea of soundWhen I woke up aloneI had everythingA handful of momentsI wished I could changeAnd a tongue like a nightmareThat cut like a bladeIn a city of foolsI was careful and coolBut they tore me apartLike a hurricaneA handful of momentsI wished I could changeBut I was carried awayGive me therapyI"m a walking travestyBut I"m smiling at everthingTherapy, you were never a friend to meYou can keep all your miseryMy lungs gave outAs I faced the crowdI think that keeping this upCould be dangerousI"m flesh and boneI"m a rolling stoneAnd the experts say I"m deliriousGive me therapyI"m a walking travestyBut I"m smiling at everthingTherapy, you were never a friend to meYou can take back your miseryArrogant boyLove yourself so no one has toThey"re better off without you(They"re better off without you)Arrogant boyCause a scene like you"re supposed toThey"ll fall asleep without youYou"re lucky if your memory remainsGive me therapyI"m a walking travestyBut I"m smiling at everthingTherapy, you were never a friend to meYou can take back your miseryTherapy, I"m a walking travestyBut I"m smiling at everthingTherapy, you were never a friend to meYou can choke on your misery
2023-08-02 10:02:551

India.Arie的《Therapy》 歌词

歌曲名:Therapy歌手:India.Arie专辑:TherapyOH Oooh oh ooOH OH, yeaah yeah yeaah Yeaaah hey.OH Oooh oh ooOH OH, yeaah yeah yeaahOh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need you to come and lay hands on me)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy-therapy-therapy)oh oh oh oh oh …..(heeey)He lays me on the couch and says“how has your day been?Tell me your problems;I"ll help you solve them.Come on let"s talk about it”He sits next to me and smiles.Listens to all of my words,Relaxes all of my nerves.Like breathe in (breathe in)Let it go (shout it out)Take deeps breathes and real slow, calm down.Close my eyes (soft spoke)Ease my mind (take control)From my body pleaseWork your PsychologyYou"re taking good care of meAlways been there for meBoy I can"t bear to leaveCause I need your therapyYou"ve given me everythingSo much I ever could needWithout you I"m so weak in the kneesI need your therapyOh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need you to come and lay hands on me)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy-therapy-therapy)oh oh oh oh oh …..(hey)He puts his hand on my lower backhis face in my neck andSays something to make me laughMakes me forget I was madHis touch feels so rightIt"s like he"s reading my mindI need him all the timeLike breathe in (breathe in)Let it go (shout it out)Take deeps breathes and real slow, calm down.Close my eyes (soft spoke?)Ease my mind (take control)From my body please (?)Work your PsychologyYou"re taking good care of meAlways been there for meBoy I can"t bear to leaveCause I need your therapyYou"ve given me everythingSo much I ever could needWithout you I"m weak in the kneesI need your therapyOh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need you to come and lay hands on me)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy-therapy-therapy)oh oh oh oh oh …..yeaah yeaahWhen it feels like I"m losing powerWhen I feels like a wilting flowerThe way you touch me says I"m there for youIt heals me just to hear you say “I Love You”You"re taking good care of meAlways been there for meBoy I can"t bear to leaveCause I need your therapyYou"ve given me everythingSo much I ever could needWithout you I"m weak in the kneesI need your therapyYou"re taking good care of meAlways been there for meBoy I can"t bear to leaveCause I need your therapyYou"ve given me everythingSo much I ever could needWithout you I"m weak in the kneesI need your therapyOh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh …………To my love Eleven By Elaine
2023-08-02 10:03:021

Matt White的《Therapy》 歌词

歌曲名:Therapy歌手:Matt White专辑:It"S The Good CrazyOH Oooh oh ooOH OH, yeaah yeah yeaah Yeaaah hey.OH Oooh oh ooOH OH, yeaah yeah yeaahOh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need you to come and lay hands on me)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy-therapy-therapy)oh oh oh oh oh …..(heeey)He lays me on the couch and says“how has your day been?Tell me your problems;I"ll help you solve them.Come on let"s talk about it”He sits next to me and smiles.Listens to all of my words,Relaxes all of my nerves.Like breathe in (breathe in)Let it go (shout it out)Take deeps breathes and real slow, calm down.Close my eyes (soft spoke)Ease my mind (take control)From my body pleaseWork your PsychologyYou"re taking good care of meAlways been there for meBoy I can"t bear to leaveCause I need your therapyYou"ve given me everythingSo much I ever could needWithout you I"m so weak in the kneesI need your therapyOh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need you to come and lay hands on me)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy-therapy-therapy)oh oh oh oh oh …..(hey)He puts his hand on my lower backhis face in my neck andSays something to make me laughMakes me forget I was madHis touch feels so rightIt"s like he"s reading my mindI need him all the timeLike breathe in (breathe in)Let it go (shout it out)Take deeps breathes and real slow, calm down.Close my eyes (soft spoke?)Ease my mind (take control)From my body please (?)Work your PsychologyYou"re taking good care of meAlways been there for meBoy I can"t bear to leaveCause I need your therapyYou"ve given me everythingSo much I ever could needWithout you I"m weak in the kneesI need your therapyOh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need you to come and lay hands on me)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy-therapy-therapy)oh oh oh oh oh …..yeaah yeaahWhen it feels like I"m losing powerWhen I feels like a wilting flowerThe way you touch me says I"m there for youIt heals me just to hear you say “I Love You”You"re taking good care of meAlways been there for meBoy I can"t bear to leaveCause I need your therapyYou"ve given me everythingSo much I ever could needWithout you I"m weak in the kneesI need your therapyYou"re taking good care of meAlways been there for meBoy I can"t bear to leaveCause I need your therapyYou"ve given me everythingSo much I ever could needWithout you I"m weak in the kneesI need your therapyOh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh …………To my love Eleven By Elaine
2023-08-02 10:03:101

All Time Low的《Therapy》 歌词

歌曲名:Therapy歌手:All Time Low专辑:Nothing PersonalAll Time Low - TherapyMy ship went downIn a sea of soundWhen I woke up aloneI had everythingA handful of momentsI wished I could changeAnd a tongue like a nightmareThat cut like a bladeIn a city of foolsI was careful and coolBut they tore me apartLike a hurricaneA handful of momentsI wished I could changeBut I was carried awayGive me therapyI"m a walking travestyBut I"m smiling at everthingTherapy, you were never a friend to meYou can keep all your miseryMy lungs gave outAs I faced the crowdI think that keeping this upCould be dangerousI"m flesh and boneI"m a rolling stoneAnd the experts say I"m deliriousGive me therapyI"m a walking travestyBut I"m smiling at everthingTherapy, you were never a friend to meYou can take back your miseryArrogant boyLove yourself so no one has toThey"re better off without you(They"re better off without you)Arrogant boyCause a scene like you"re supposed toThey"ll fall asleep without youYou"re lucky if your memory remainsGive me therapyI"m a walking travestyBut I"m smiling at everthingTherapy, you were never a friend to meYou can take back your miseryTherapy, I"m a walking travestyBut I"m smiling at everthingTherapy, you were never a friend to meYou can choke on your misery
2023-08-02 10:03:171

Infectious Grooves的《Therapy》 歌词

歌曲名:Therapy歌手:Infectious Grooves专辑:Prince Of DarknessAll Time Low - TherapyMy ship went downIn a sea of soundWhen I woke up aloneI had everythingA handful of momentsI wished I could changeAnd a tongue like a nightmareThat cut like a bladeIn a city of foolsI was careful and coolBut they tore me apartLike a hurricaneA handful of momentsI wished I could changeBut I was carried awayGive me therapyI"m a walking travestyBut I"m smiling at everthingTherapy, you were never a friend to meYou can keep all your miseryMy lungs gave outAs I faced the crowdI think that keeping this upCould be dangerousI"m flesh and boneI"m a rolling stoneAnd the experts say I"m deliriousGive me therapyI"m a walking travestyBut I"m smiling at everthingTherapy, you were never a friend to meYou can take back your miseryArrogant boyLove yourself so no one has toThey"re better off without you(They"re better off without you)Arrogant boyCause a scene like you"re supposed toThey"ll fall asleep without youYou"re lucky if your memory remainsGive me therapyI"m a walking travestyBut I"m smiling at everthingTherapy, you were never a friend to meYou can take back your miseryTherapy, I"m a walking travestyBut I"m smiling at everthingTherapy, you were never a friend to meYou can choke on your misery
2023-08-02 10:03:351


cure 是指治愈,就是完全康复Therapy 是指治疗方法,而且多指非药物性的疗法。比如说音乐疗法,music therapyTreat 是指治疗,动词。如果是名词治疗,一般是treatment。这个是指医学治疗。比如说,接受治疗:receive treatment. 这个治疗有效。The treatment is very effective.
2023-08-02 10:03:451

Therapy?的《Gone》 歌词

歌曲名:Gone歌手:Therapy?专辑:Nurseto XiaoJuanThere"s a thousand words that I could sayTo make you come home (yeah)Seems so long ago you walked awayAnd left me aloneAnd I remember what you said to meYou were acting so strangeAnd maybe I was too blind to seeThat you needed a changeWas it something I said, to make you turn awayTo make you walk out and leave me cold(Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh)If I could just find a wayTo make it so that you were right hereright nowChorus:I"ve been sittin hereCan"t get you off mindI try my best to be a man and be strongI drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face (touch your face)But the truth remains you"re gone(you"re) Gone(baby you"re) Gone(girl you"re gone. Baby girl you"re)Gone(you"re) Gone(you"re)Now I don"t wanna make excuses babyWon"t change the fact that your gone (no, no)But if there"s something that I could doWon"t you please let me knowThe time is passing so slowly nowGuess, that"s my life without you(Guess, that"s my life without you)And maybe I could change my every dayBut baby I don"t want toI"ll just hang around and find some things to doTo take my mind off missing you (take my mind off missing you)And I know in my heart you can"t say that you don"t love me tooPlease say you doYeah...Chorus:I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (get you off my mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man and be strong)I drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face(Wishing I could touch your face)But the truth remains(truth remains you"re)gone(you re) Gone(you re) Gone(you re gone)(you re) Gone(you re) GoneWhat will I doIf I can"t be with youTell me where will I turn toBaby, who will I beNow that we are apartAm I still in your heartBaby why don"t you seeThat I need you here with meOhh...I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (Can"t get you off mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man)I drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face(Oh could you baby)But the truth remains(the truth remains you"re gone)I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (Can"t get you off mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man)I drove myself insane (ohh)Wishing I could touch your face (ohh)But the truth remains(Ohh ohh baby the truth is you"re)gone(you"re) Gone(you"re) Gone(you"re gone)(baby girl you"re) Gone(you"re) GoneBut the truth remains you"reGone
2023-08-02 10:03:541

Therapy?的《Stories》 歌词

歌曲名:Stories歌手:Therapy?专辑:Infernal Love壮大なストーリーなんて〖宏大的故事什么的〗何処にでもあって〖不管哪里都存在〗结局小さな花だけ探してる〖结果也只是寻找着小小的花朵〗现代のスピードに乗って〖跟上现代的速度〗见つけ出す答え〖所找到的答案〗飞び降りても一人じゃ进めない〖即使往下跳 一个人是前进不了的〗君がもし泣くのなら〖如果你哭了的话〗明日にもう意味はない〖明天就不再有意义〗消し去りたい 呗い出したい〖想把它拭去 想把它唱成歌〗仆に勇気を 心を くれたね〖因为你把勇气 心灵 都给了我〗梦遥かには もう探さない〖那梦的彼方 已无须再找〗君が笑う世界は美しい〖有你微笑的世界是如此美丽〗何処にいたって 何がおきても〖不管去哪里 不管发生什么〗仆らの行く世界は光〖我们前往的世界充满光芒〗鲜やかな物语〖一部优美的故事〗STORIES「奇迹列车~欢迎来到大江户线~ ED」作词:萩原慎太郎 / 作曲:佐々木聡作、萩原慎太郎编曲:佐々木聡作歌:喜多修平重大なニュースなんて〖重大的事件什么的〗人それぞれで〖各人有各人的不同〗结局君への言叶を探してる〖结果寻找着写给你的话语〗将来のイメージに向かって〖明明已向着将来的形象〗歩き出してるのに〖踏出步伐了〗风の行方探してしまうよ〖而我却还在寻找风的去向〗君がもし望むなら〖如果这是你所期望的话〗偶然の日常が〖偶然的日常就会〗重なって 膨らんで〖重合相叠 不断膨胀〗そんな奇迹を 魔法を 见せよう〖请把那样的奇迹 魔法给我看看吧〗触れ合う事は 幻じゃない〖能互相触碰的事 并不是幻觉〗君が生きる世界は爱しい〖有你存在的世界是如此可爱〗时の狭间で 未来に迷う〖在时空的缝隙中 迷失未来〗仆らの行く世界は不思议〖我们前往的世界真不可思议〗谜めいた物语〖一部神秘的故事〗If you could see (One story...)Please take me out (New story...)梦遥かには もう探さない〖那梦的彼方 已无须再找〗君が笑う世界は美しい〖有你微笑的世界是如此美丽〗数えきれない 见知らぬ人に〖在数也数不尽的 陌生人中〗一つずつの物语〖各有一个故事〗巡り会うのは 偶然じゃない〖与你的邂逅 那并不是偶然〗君が呗う世界は美しい〖有你歌唱的世界是如此美丽〗心の奥に 未来を描く〖在心底里 轻描未来〗仆らの行く世界は光〖我们前往的世界充满光芒〗鲜やかな物语〖一部优美的故事〗幸せのSTORIES君と〖与你一起的幸福故事〗终わり
2023-08-02 10:04:011

[歌词翻译] All Time Low - Therapy

My ship went down 我的船沉了 In a sea of sound 海声中覆没 When I woke up alone 独自我醒来时 I had everything 一切曾拥有过 A handful of moments 掌心流淌过往 I wished I could change 祈愿我能转变 And a tongue like a nightmare 话语好似梦魇 That cut like a blade 割我且如刀片 In a city of fools 在傻瓜的城市 I was careful and cool 我谨慎又很酷 But they tore me apart 他们若飓风袭来 Like a hurricane 然后撕裂了我 A handful of moments 掌心流淌过往 I wished I could change 祈愿我能转变 But I was carried away 然而我被带走了 Give me therapy 请医治我吧 I"m a walking travesty 我是行走的闹剧 But I"m smiling at everthing 可我依旧笑对一切 Therapy, you were never a friend to me 医疗我,你从未对我友善过 You can keep all your misery 你大可仍旧苦惑 My lungs gave out 我呼吸停了 As I faced the crowd 对人潮恍惚了 I think that keeping this up 放任这样下去 Could be dangerous 很是危险呢 I"m flesh and bone 我以血肉筑 I"m a rolling stone 为岩石滚落 And the experts say I"m delirious 而且专家还说,我已癫狂了 Give me therapy 请医治我吧 I"m a walking travesty 我是行走的闹剧 But I"m smiling at everthing 可我依旧笑对一切 Therapy, you were never a friend to me 医疗我,你从未对我友善过 You can take back your misery 你大可夺回苦惑 Arrogant boy 傲慢小伙儿 Love yourself so no one has to 仅爱自己,所以没人爱你 They"re better off without you 没你他们会更好 (They"re better off without you) (没你他们会更好) Arrogant boy 傲慢小伙儿 Cause a scene like you"re supposed to 只因你预想过的一幕幕 They"ll fall asleep without you 无你他们安睡如初 You"re lucky if your memory remains 还算幸运,至少那回忆停驻 Give me therapy 请医治我吧 I"m a walking travesty 我是行走的闹剧 But I"m smiling at everthing 可我依旧笑对一切 Therapy, you were never a friend to me 医疗我,你从未对我友善过 You can take back your misery 你大可夺回苦惑 Therapy, I"m a walking travesty 医疗我,我是行走的闹剧 But I"m smiling at everthing 可我依旧笑对一切 Therapy, you were never a friend to me 医疗我,你从未对我友善过 You can choke on your misery 淹没窒息于苦惑 很久以前,好友希望我帮他翻译这首歌曲,我一拖再拖。 后来发生了一些事情,我偶然想起昔日好友的请求,悲伤之中我重拾这首歌。 顺带一提,这是我首次在 网易云音乐 上传歌词翻译。 Give me therapy, my darling. 以此聊慰过去的我。
2023-08-02 10:04:091

Journal of Cancer Science amp;Therapy 是SCI吗

2023-08-02 10:04:192

needle therapy中文翻译

Warm needpng therapy for raynaud " s syndrome in 30 cases 温针疗法治疗雷诺综合征30例 Therapeutic effect of fire - needle therapy on arthralgia syndrome 火针治疗痹症的疗效观察 Professor yang zhaogang " s experience on elongated needle therapy 杨兆钢教授芒针经验浅识 Professor zhang jiawei s experience on flying needpng therapy 张家维教授飞针疗法经验述要 Superficial needle therapy and development of acup - moxibustion sciences 对和法形成和发展的贡献 Observation on therapeutic effect of rolpng needle therapy on insomnia 滚针治疗失眠症临床疗效研究 Cpnical observation on electric heat needle therapy for treatment of gonarthritis 电热针治疗膝骨关节炎临床观察 Cpnical observations on the treatment of cerebrovascular dementia by jin three - needle therapy 靳三针治疗脑血管性痴呆的临床观察 Observation on therapeutic effect of plum - blossom needle therapy on peripheral facial neuritis at acute stage 肾俞埋线对绝经后骨质疏松症临床疼痛的影响 Cpnical observation on plum - blossom needle therapy bined with cupping for treatment of acute facial paralysis 梅花针叩刺拔罐治疗面瘫急性期临床观察 The therapeutic effect of acupuncture at jiaji points bined with plum - blossom needle therapy on ulcerative coptis 针刺夹脊穴配合梅花针叩刺治疗溃疡性结肠炎疗效观察 Effect of plum - blossom needle therapy and cupping therapy bined with traction on cervical spondylosis of vertebral artery type 梅花针刺络拔罐结合牵引治疗椎动脉型颈椎病疗效观察 The ancient chinese needle therapy - acupuncture , may provide an effective alternative treatment for depression 针灸可能治好沮丧中国古老的针灸治疗法对于治疗沮丧也许提供另类的有效疗法。
2023-08-02 10:04:381

retail therapy是什么意思

retail therapy 购物疗法(对花钱买乐这一做法的戏称) 购物乐;零售疗法;购物治疗例句筛选1.So why not engage in a little retail therapy?因此为什么不在零售上振作一下?2.So does this mean "retail therapy" could be classed as an actually therapy forhealthy ageing?那么,这是否说明“购物治疗”可被归为一种用于健康老龄的实际措施之一?
2023-08-02 10:04:471

blue therapy是什么意思

blue therapy蓝色治疗therapy英 [u02c8θeru0259pi] 美 [u02c8θu025bru0259pi] n.治疗,疗法,疗效;心理治疗;治疗力
2023-08-02 10:04:562

Dermal Therapy是哪个国家的牌子?

Dermal therapy最早应该是加拿大,在拜耳店见过。
2023-08-02 10:05:052

情绪聚焦使得治疗师和来访者都要直接关注这样一些策略,促进知觉、接纳、表达、利用、调节和转换情绪的策略,以及在治疗师的帮助下矫正情绪体验的策略。为增强自我、调节情绪和创造新的意义。情绪聚焦治疗的理论前提是针对传统的心理治疗过度强调意识理解以及认知和行为改变,而忽略情绪改变在治疗过程中的核心功能。虽然情绪聚焦治疗并不否认创造新的意义以及行为改变的重要性,但更强调知觉、接纳和理解情绪的重要性 强调在治疗过程中情绪性躯体反应的重要性 强调情绪改变在心理治疗性改变中的重要性。情绪,作为我们基本的意义、沟通和行为定向系统,决定我们是谁的程度。不是“我思故我在”,而是“我感故我在”。 后者正是情绪聚焦治疗的基本观点,即我们首先是感受到,然后我们才思考,并且我们经常仅在我们所感受的范围内思考。 因此,情绪改变被看作持久的认知和行为改变的基础。在情绪聚焦治疗中,帮助来访者更好地识别、体验、接纳和探索情绪,发现情绪的意义、转换情绪以及灵活地管理情绪,来访者也将因此变得更擅长理解情绪提供的重要信息,并使得他们自身和他们的世界更有意义。 同样,来访者进而更擅长使用这些信息,使得他们的生活更加适应和生机勃勃。在心理治疗中,情绪被聚焦为躯体体验,来访者不仅接受这些体验,还将直接地对这些体验施加影响从而促进情绪的改变。在这种治疗过程中,核心的问题是帮助来访者辨明,在什么时候需要运用适应情绪的指导,并服从适应情绪所需要的改变。 在什么时候需要改变适应不良的情绪。 在什么时候来访者需要调节那些对他们来说太强烈的情绪反应。 这种治疗方法的关键理念为,为了获得情绪提供的信息,实现情绪所需要的改变,来访者 聚焦情绪治疗是一种实证的、综合的、体验的治疗方法。 这是因为,这种治疗把以来访者为中心治疗、格式塔治疗、体验治疗以及存在主义治疗的成分,与当代的情绪、认知、依恋、人际关系、心理分析以及叙事理论等结合,辩证地建构为新的基础理论。情绪聚焦治疗的理论基础为,有机体具有存在、成长和完善的先天倾向。 成长倾向被看作适应性的情绪系统的一部分。即这个观点认为,情绪主宰我们生命最重要的内容。 情绪是我们受到重要影响的信号,这些影响通常关系到最深层次的利害关系和最重要的人际关系。例如,愤怒产生人际距离,鉴于此,息怒是最直接的改善人际交往的方法。 因此,人际冲突可以通过改变人们的情绪表达而获得修复。 痛苦必须被允许和接纳从而才能被充分地感受和聆听。 治疗被看作通过对内在体验和感受的接近与觉察,促进意识洗择和理性行动的过程。治疗的目标之一:就是转变适应不良的情绪反应,并获得适应性的情绪反应,以指导生命完善的过程。 功能不良心理现象的产生源于多个不同的情绪机制 比如,缺乏情绪觉察,逃避或者疏离情绪体验,习得适应不良的情绪图式,叙事意义的创造过变刻板或者功能不良,以情感为基础的自我的不同成分存在冲突,以及自我与他人之间没有解决的情感。 情绪聚焦治疗的目的在于帮助来访者发展他们的情绪潜力和情绪智力。情绪会揭示在当下的情境中对人们来说什么是最重要的,并指导人们采取情境要求的行动,以获得人们需要的或希望的结果。情绪聚焦治疗最核心的理念为,“为了改变某种情绪,人们必须先感受到这种体验”。在情绪聚焦治疗中,要帮助来访者确认、体验、接纳、调节、探索、创造叙事意义,转换、运用并灵活地管理情绪。 因而,来访者将会对以往逃避的情绪更加容忍,并能够更好地从情绪反应中提取所包含的重要信息,这些信息通常会揭示个体的需要、目标、利害关系等。但是,成长和发展倾向与自我实现倾向不同,自我实现倾向强调人们要实现他们所有的潜能,即意味着要成为最好的自己。 情绪聚焦治疗认为,人们的成长和发展倾向表现为在通应环境的过程中逐渐成熟和复杂,生存能力增强,发现自我。这种动机力量衍生出什么是有价值的条件,进而影响人们的自我概念,即在他人眼里什么样的人是他们应该成为的。 自我概念被看作由自我实现倾向来保持,是自我实现的派生物。 然而,当生命所处的情境使得这种否认或歪曲难以实现时,人们将产生焦虑或者使用防御机制,一般还会表现出一定程度的心理不安。在简德林看来,不是知觉的内容,而是体验的知觉方式是需要解决的问题,即功能不良者体验的结构和模式, 既然如此,那么,有效的治疗应直接指导来访者注意到他们当前的体验,并且用体验的表现来影响生理状态和意义创造。 简德林思想的核心为,人类的体验是错综复杂的,只有很少的部分能够合乎语法并被清楚地表达。人们所体验的总是远远多于他们能用语言或概念表达的,但是,如果人们注意他们的体验,通常能够找到描述他们体验的词汇或符号。聚焦包括依据体验挑选词汇,并找到体验与词汇之间最适合的配对。因此,治疗的过程与目标就是把不明朗的意义逐步澄清外显。格式塔治疗原则是情绪聚焦治疗的核心成分。 和罗杰斯一样,皮尔斯指出 在格式塔治疗中,冲突是指个体当下正努力实现的自我意象与自我实现趋势的不一致。在格式塔理论中,认为内化的价值条件会干扰个体的自我实现,这是因为,内化的价值条件使得人们在行动和体验时会依据他们格式塔理论家们还提出了自我的加工过程模型。 根据这个模型,自我通过与体验的联系获得存在。 由此,自我从个体内部移出,并成为一种场论指导下的加工过程。 情绪聚焦治疗和动态系统理论都把自我看作加工过程的结果,从术语上来看, 因此,自我在个体的表层形成,而不是内部的某个深处。 并且,自我在持续不断地变化,只要有机体与环境之间的接触边界发生改变,自我也将相应变化,以满足需要、解决问题、处理障碍。 从这个观点来看,没有一个所谓的真正自我,并且场(环境) 情绪聚焦治疗关于自我形成的辩证的建构主义理论源于这些对自我功能论述的观点,这个理论把自我看作动态的组织系统,即自我既是执行者,同时还处于不断北成的过程中,这个过程受到作为执行者的自我与环境之间互动的影响。 存在主义者是更倾向于未来取向的,认为人们一直努力向前,受到目标和理想的激励。他们坚信可能性、潜力、天资和能力。就存在作为天赐之物而言,有多种必然发生的焦虑,比如限制、自由、孤独和无意义等终极担忧。 人们对这些终极担忧的觉察所产生的焦虑会导致防御机制的激活,这将阻碍人们作出真诚选择的能力。 对存在主义者来说,觉察到这些终极担忧,从而导致焦虑和防御。在情绪聚焦治疗中,不再把自我概念与体验相符程度作为功能不良的主要病理机制,而是认为障碍产生于经验建构的方式。 另外,不仅认为障碍产生于不能接受的体验,而且产生于功能不良的情绪调节以及适应不良的情绪反应,这些情绪通常来源于个体过去经验中累积的痛苦。但是,每个人都具有创造和行动的潜能,都有觉察和选择的能力。 这种治疗方法认为 人们是自组织的动力系统,与环境保持着持续的交换,在多元的调节方式中塑造环境,并被环境所塑造。在情绪聚焦治疗中,情绪指导我们发现,什么对我们来说是有益的,什么对我们来说是有害的。 人们生来就被植入到意义之中,并且持续地努力发现意义。我们的主要动机是我们自觉自愿地发现生命的意义。意义不能被给予,必须追求才能获得。 情绪聚焦治疗认为,多种多样的情绪是洞察来访者的需要、希望或目标以及与情绪相关的行动倾向的通道,这个观点是该治疗的核心原理。 建构主义者还认为,我们赖以安身立命的建构和知识并非真理,我们也无法直接知道真理,通过组织和无限逼近真实,我们接近真理。 从辩证建构主义者的观点来看,虽然并不存在所谓的真实自我,但是存在“真实的自我体验”。 这种真实的自我体验是指这样的一些时刻,即个体主观上感受到一些功能性的状态,这些状态被体验为真实的、深刻的和真诚的。然后,个体会把这些体验指示为他或她的真实自我,甚至在这些体验第一次发生时,来访者常会把这样的时刻描述为“我能够成为我自己”或“我发现了真实的自我”。逐步地知晓每种成分,比如关键的部分、受阻或阻碍的部分,把这些成分看作自我的一个方面,有助于促进对这些成分的理解,也就是说,我与这些成分之间存在某种关系,而不是把这些成分认同为自己。 这意味着替代性选择存在的可能性,因为我的恐惧或我的无价值感或不可爱仅是我的某个成分而已。在危险或创伤发生时,人们会经历情绪的洪水猛兽,强烈的痛苦,往往使得人们试图完全逃避这些情绪。 当情绪被逃避或者情绪麻木时,创伤性的后果则被搁置,但这种被搁置的创伤恰恰是创伤后困难的关键之处。 功能不良通常起源于人们创造他们体验意义的方式,以及他们对自我、他人、世界的叙事性解释。 意义,从根本上来说,并不是体验本身固有的内容,体验自身无意义可言。 适应性的同一性发展,需要这样的能力,即建构叙事、理解和融合我们生命中最重要生活事件的能力,这种能力的发展也才能够使得分化的、内部一致的自我得以建立起来。 情绪可帮助人们确认对幸福来说什么是最重要的,并使得人们准备好要采取的行动。同样,情绪调整体验,为体验提供方向,告诉我们什么是最重要的、知道什么是最重的,可以告诉我们需要做什么以及我们是谁。
2023-08-02 10:05:121

respiratory therapy是什么意思

respiratory therapy[英][u02c8respu0259ru0259u02cctu0254:ri: u02c8θeru0259pi][美][u02c8ru025bspu0259ru0259u02cctu0254ri u02c8θu025bru0259pi][医]呼吸疗法;
2023-08-02 10:05:201

请问:“接受治疗”的译文是用accept treatment还是receive treatment,哪个更为地道呢?

accept 和receive都可以,要看语境是怎样的,accept适合的语境是表示着个人本不愿意接受,后来经过劝说,他思考后接受了,而receive表示得到,它适合的语境更常见,我的回答,您满意吗?
2023-08-02 10:05:413

Dermal Therapy到底是加拿大的还是澳大利亚的

2023-08-02 10:05:494


2023-08-02 10:06:061

therapy dog什么意思

therapy dog治疗犬
2023-08-02 10:06:152

名词解释occupational therapy

作业疗法(occupational therapy,简称OT)是应用有目的的、经过选择的作业活动,对由于身体上、精神上、发育上有功能障碍或残疾,以致不同程度地丧失生活自理和劳动能力的患者,进行评价、治疗和训练的过程,是一种康复治疗方法。目的是使患者最大限度地恢复或提高独立生活和劳动能力,以使其能作为家庭和社会的一员过着有意义的生活。这种疗法对功能障碍患者的康复有重要价值,可帮助患者的功能障碍恢复,改变异常运动模式,提高生活自理能力,缩短其回归家庭和社会的过程。
2023-08-02 10:06:231


pigmentation therapy色素沉着治疗1Treatment of Facial Acne and Pigmentation with Bloodletting and Cupping Therapy针刺放血加拔罐治疗面部暗疮,色素沉着2Early studies have shown that estrogen cause human skin pigmentation, and foundmany clinical reports that it is effectivity of using hormone therapy to vitiligo cases.早期的研究证明已经观察到雌激素能引起人类皮肤色素沉着,临床上也发现多例用性激素药物治疗白癜风有效的报道。
2023-08-02 10:06:321


2023-08-02 10:06:411

retail therapy是什么意思

购物治疗购物疗法;零售疗法;购物乐;购物治疗例句:What you need is a bit of retail therapy.你需要接受一点购物治疗。From the buying of mindless toys to extensive retail therapy for beauty/wardrobe replenishments.从买无聊的玩具到大量补充自己的美容/服装。Some people enjoy talking to sales staff, to other shoppers, or to their cohorts: this social reward side of retail therapy does not exist to the same extent in online shopping.有些人喜欢与销售人员,或与其它顾客,或与他们的伙伴谈论:这零售疗法的社会奖励不存在于同样程度上的网上购物。Placa Catalunya is the premier shopping area, situated at the start of La Ramblas, while Passeig de Gracia is also well worth checking out for those seeking some retail therapy.兰布拉斯大道是市中心也是一条步行街,这里演绎着生动有趣的哑剧,还有音乐家,甚至还有真人蜡像。These socks retail at 1 dollar a pair.这些袜子零卖一美圆一双。
2023-08-02 10:06:492


2023-08-02 10:07:103