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2023-08-02 20:58:17






































夏令营:[ xià lìng yíng ] 1.summer camp例句与用法:1.夏令营七月十六日开营,在七月二十七日结束.The summer camp started on July16 and will end on July27.2.在夏令营,我们经常在一起.At the summer camp we l...
2023-08-02 09:00:441


summer camp夏令营
2023-08-02 09:00:555


2023-08-02 09:01:155


2023-08-02 09:01:316

夏令营怎么说用英语 ???

summer camp
2023-08-02 09:01:577


go to a summer camp
2023-08-02 09:02:192


a summer camp; a summer camping
2023-08-02 09:02:394


summer camp
2023-08-02 09:02:594


1、海德利村的夏令营。 Summer camp in Hedley village. 2、这次夏令营是为8至14岁的少年儿童安排的。 The camp is for youngsters aged 8 to 14. 扩展资料   1、夏令营七月十六日开营,在七月二十七日结束。   The summer camp started on July16 and will end on July27.   2、在夏令营,我们经常在一起。   At the summer camp we live in each other"s pocket.   3、女孩夏令营;网球夏令营。   A girls" summer c& a tennis camp.   4、还有许多大学附属夏令营都把目标放在培养优秀的数学学生上。   There are also dozens of summer camps — many attached to universities — that aim to prepare elite math students.
2023-08-02 09:03:081


2023-08-02 09:03:305

参加英语夏令营 英语怎么说?

Join in English summer camp.
2023-08-02 09:04:286


a talented performance summer camp help play/to play sweet of course/go ahead! 写的挺好的~
2023-08-02 09:04:501


参加夏令营用英语Join the summer camp.Take part in the summer camp.
2023-08-02 09:05:011


  夏令营是暑假期间提供予儿童及青少年的一套受监管的活动,参加者可从活动中寓学习于娱乐,具有一定的`教育意义。本文是我精心编辑的英语作文申请夏令营,希望能帮助到你!   英语作文申请夏令营篇一   This summer, I had some special days. I joined dongzhou international educational exchange summer camp.   First, I will tell you about our foreign teachers, they are shrina and rebecca. They are friendly and beautiful. They are students at oxford university.   We talked about many things: famous people, subjects in england, different jobs, our deal days, western star signs, what can we say in a restaurant and so on.   We know lots of things, like what the difference is between chef and cook , all the parts of the body   We tried to write a letter to principal zhang. We made a play and we drew our own comics and tried to sell it. We gave some other students english lessons, we taught them about chinese dragon, chinese martial arts and the olympics.   Every afternoon, we played exciting games: chinese whispers, tongue twisters, wheelbarrow, egg and spoon, three legs   On the last day, we had a good time. We made black tea. We put tea bags, some milk and lots of water in to a big bowl, and then we stirred the tea until it became red and dark. Oh, it tasted good! later, we used eggs, flour and milk to make many pancakes. To cook them is very interesting. When we finished it, the pancakes looked round and nice. We put some jam on it. how delicious! I won t ever forget it.   The summer camp is a really good chance for me. I know the local things in england. I learned a lot and like english more. I also know better ways to learn english well.   英语作文申请夏令营篇二   a summer camp   this summer, i had some special days. i joined dongzhou international educational exchange summer camp.   first, i will tell you about our foreign teachers, they are shrina and rebecca. they are friendly and beautiful. they are students at oxford university.   we talked about many things: famous people, subjects in england, different jobs, our deal days, western star signs, what can we say in a restaurant and so on.   we know lots of things, like what the difference is between “chef” and “cook”, all the parts of the body…   we tried to write a letter to principal zhang. we made a play and we drew our own comics and tried to sell it. we gave some other students english lessons, we taught them about chinese dragon, chinese martial arts and the olympics.   every afternoon, we played exciting games: chinese whispers, tongue twisters, wheelbarrow, egg and spoon, three legs…   on the last day, we had a good time. we made black tea. we put tea bags, some milk and lots of water in to a big bowl, and then we stirred the tea until it became red and dark. oh, it tasted good! later, we used eggs, flour and milk to make many pancakes. to cook them is very interesting. when we finished it, the pancakes looked round and nice. we put some jam on it. how delicious! i won"t ever forget it.   the summer camp is a really good chance for me. i know the local things in england. i learned a lot and like english more. i also know better ways to learn english well.   i hope one day i can see you in england.
2023-08-02 09:05:301


培训市场上的英语夏令营非常好,建议去培养孩子的英语兴趣的夏令营。我校的暑假夏令营就不错,是一家好玩且趣味性强的英语培训机构。这样孩子可以在互动和游戏中体验学习英语的乐趣,逐渐形成英语思维,提升英语表达能力,让孩子爱上英语。点击 了解暑假夏令营课程
2023-08-02 09:05:444


2023-08-02 09:06:092


2023-08-02 09:06:192

做任务中 请54.。
2023-08-02 09:06:303


2023-08-02 09:06:433


  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是我帮大家整理的夏令营英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 夏令营英语作文1   前年,我去英语夏令营:上海,刚到上海,就感到热得不行,唉,管不了那么多了,做了那么长时间的飞机,肚子已经饿的咕咕叫了。夏令营的老师们带着我们去了食堂,吃了一顿饱餐,已经五点多了,我们都喊道:“累死了!累死了。”老师带我们去了宿舍,准确来说是一座大公寓,老是和我们睡在一起,男生们住一楼,而我们女生住二楼。   第二天,我们六点起床,洗漱、吃饭完了。老师就带我们去参观“掌上明珠”。   清晨,一切都雾蒙蒙的,而掌上明珠在晨曦中显得更加美丽。   雾气环绕在掌上明珠周围,下面是海,上面是蓝天,而中间就是高耸入云的掌上明珠。我们无不赞叹掌上明珠的美丽。都说上海的夜景是美丽的。   一次,我们吃完饭,天就差不多黑了,我们坐车回到宿舍,而上海的夜景把我们迷住了,老师催我们赶快上车,于是,我们坐到车上,车子缓缓开动,我们就坐在车上看夜景。上海的夜晚非常凉爽,到处灯火透明,就像在白天一样。微风吹拂到我的脸上,竟感觉到亦真亦幻的感觉。很快就到宿舍了,我脑子里仍然想着上海的夜景。   我爱上海,但更爱它美丽的夜晚。 夏令营英语作文2   今年暑假,我参加了一个有意思的夏令营。   7月23日,我和爸爸去虹桥火车站,坐上动车到达温岭——英语夏令营的地点。   我们第一天参观了营地,与老师见了面。我们分成六组,按照红、绿、蓝、橙、浅蓝、白,几个颜色组队。我在浅蓝队。这样分组后面一直是活动的团队哦!   每天,我们都有外教老师上课,做活动。我们做了英语卡片,手工陶艺,还举行了一次踩高跷比赛。在营地里,我们分组进行拓展活动,大家爬绳索、过铁桥,争先恐后。   最后一天,我们举行了一场晚会,各个小组都准备了精彩的节目,有的唱冰雪奇缘“Let it go”,有的演英语的《柳林风声》,还有的跳集体舞。我们组的节目是合唱“just for you”。老师给每个人都写了评语,还发了奖状。   时间过得好快,夏令营结束了,大家都依依不舍地离开营地回家去。   我们过了一段多么难忘的夏令营啊! 夏令营英语作文3   This summer, the school organized a summer camp. There are 32 students in our class, and I am one of them. The event is held from July 20 to 27 in a museum near the school.   Every morning, some teachers come to explain some historical allusions to us. In the afternoon, buses will take us to other places of interest and historic interest. We also made some good friends, and we had a good time every day.   Summer camp is a good opportunity to make friends and exercise myself. I should take part in it more in the future. 夏令营英语作文4   在暑假,我参加了“疯狂英语夏令营”。这是我第一次参加夏令营,别提有多兴奋了!我既高兴又紧张,高兴的是我终于参加了夏令营,紧张的`是不知道结果会怎样?   我怀着一颗好奇、紧张、兴奋的心情,度过了疯狂英语夏令营的7天。我得到了18个“手环”,分别代表着:红色:自信;紫色:梦想;天蓝色:勇气;紫红色:爱心;黑色:超越自我……   可是当我知道手环就是橡皮筋做的时,我一样丝毫没有放弃努力,因为至少这样能证明我努力过了,坚持过了!   在这7天里,我不仅学到了音标的读法、实用句子的读法、如何演讲、如何造句等,还学到了:如果你上台你至少还有赢的机会,如果你不上台你连赢的机会都没有。一切成功来源于坚持不懈和持之以恒。世界上最强大的力量,就是感恩的力量等等。   在结束夏令营的上午有一场“英语演讲比赛”,可惜,也许是因为经验不足,所以没能进入前3名,有些遗憾。   这次夏令营不仅锻炼了我,也让我学到了不少知识,我很开心,同时我也希望有更多这样的锻炼机会!
2023-08-02 09:06:571


有关夏令营的英语作文5篇   这个暑假很多同学都参加了夏令营,结束后你一定想写一篇作文来记录你在夏令营的.生活。以下就是有关夏令营的英语作文,供你阅读。   有关夏令营的英语作文1 Dear leader,   I am very glad that your school will hold the English Summer Camp that contains many courses ,such as gardening,cooking, self-defence, nursing and so on.I want to register to attend a course bout gardening ,because I have liked flowers 、grasses etc since I was a little child.   I especially like playing in the garden where I can enjoy the beauty of nature.For one thing ,I hope to gain a bit more knowledge of gardening so that it can help me to major in the gardening after attending college.Besides I wish to get much more information about gardening so as to study it more easily when I enter the university。What"s more,I can realize the bitterness of the gardeners to treasure the plants much more.   For another,after graduation from college I will devote my life to cultivate the flowers and grasses to turn our country into a more beautiful state and make many more foreigners come to visit our country。   Yours,   有关夏令营的英语作文2   This August I went to a two-week long English camp which was held by English Beacon in Yantai city, Shandong Province. There were over a hundred middle school students from all over the country and thirty experts in English teaching participating in this exciting camp.   While we were there, it was required that we speak only English to our teachers and with each other. There were many activities which were funny and helped us to strengthen our oral English skills, such as, the Second Annual National Debate for Middle School Students,the Third National English Speech Competition for Middle School Students and English parties. We also visited many places of interest. Learning English was exciting and the teachers were very friendly and helpful. This camp was a real life-changing experience that I will never forget.   有关夏令营的英语作文3   Every year, my school will have the summer camp activity. I love to join this activity so much, because I can have a lot of fun with my friends. What"s more, I can take a break from the study time and enjoy my moment. Last year, we went to the country farm and experienced the life there. I was so impressed by the clear river and simple lifestyle. We woke up early and then walked on the country road, it was so quiet and the air was so fresh. In the city, I never woke up so early. I felt really peaceful in my heart. Though life here was simple, I liked it. I was so close to the nature and could appreciate its beauty. I am so looking forward to the summer camp activity this year, I want to experience the different things.   有关夏令营的英语作文4   This summer, I had some special days. I joined dongzhou international educational exchange summer camp.   First, I will tell you about our foreign teachers, they are shrina and rebecca. They are friendly and beautiful. They are students at oxford university.   We talked about many things: famous people, subjects in england, different jobs, our deal days, western star signs, what can we say in a restaurant and so on.   We know lots of things, like what the difference is between chef and cook , all the parts of the body   We tried to write a letter to principal zhang. We made a play and we drew our own comics and tried to sell it. We gave some other students english lessons, we taught them about chinese dragon, chinese martial arts and the olympics.   Every afternoon, we played exciting games: chinese whispers, tongue twisters, wheelbarrow, egg and spoon, three legs   On the last day, we had a good time. We made black tea. We put tea bags, some milk and lots of water in to a big bowl, and then we stirred the tea until it became red and dark. Oh, it tasted good! later, we used eggs, flour and milk to make many pancakes. To cook them is very interesting. When we finished it, the pancakes looked round and nice. We put some jam on it. how delicious! I won t ever forget it.   The summer camp is a really good chance for me. I know the local things in england. I learned a lot and like english more. I also know better ways to learn english well.   I hope one day i can see you in england.   有关夏令营的英语作文5   Today is my first day to attend this summer camp.   I got up at six twenty. I have my breakfast with my friend at ten past seven. Then we had an opening summer ceremony. At 9:00, the classmates in our class had an exam.   In the afternoon, we are divided into two classes.The first seventy minutes, Miss Zhang taught us English. She taught us to sing a song. It"s a very beautiful and famous song from a famous movie. And then, a teacher from Australia taught us English. His name is Brodie Williamson.   Today we learn unit 1 and I felt everything is interesting. I had a happy time. ;
2023-08-02 09:07:111


take part in the English summer camp
2023-08-02 09:07:423


关于参加夏令营的英语作文   夏令营是上学时候学校会组织的一个活动之一,在下面的英语作文中你们看了之后学会怎么概括自己在夏令营里面的一些经历了吗?下面是我给大家整理的"参加夏令营的英语作文,供大家参阅!   参加夏令营的英语作文1   I learned it from the Internet you will organize a composed of international student summer camp in Singapore   My English is very good,has participated in many English speech contest and get good grades.   I want to use this summer camp to practice my oral English ability,and introduce our Chinese culture and places of historic interest and scenic beauty,let more people understand the Chinese love china.I think I can also learn about other countries in the activities,broaden my horizons   I hope you can approve my application   参加夏令营的英语作文2   This August I went to a two-week long English camp which was held by English Beacon in Yantai city, Shandong Province. There were over a hundred middle school students from all over the country and thirty experts in English teaching participating in this exciting camp.   While we were there, it was required that we speak only English to our teachers and with each other. There were many activities which were funny and helped us to strengthen our oral English skills, such as, the Second Annual National Debate for Middle School Students,the Third National English Speech Competition for Middle School Students and English parties. We also visited many places of interest. Learning English was exciting and the teachers were very friendly and helpful. This camp was a real life-changing experience that I will never forget. ;
2023-08-02 09:07:491


Go to the summer camp
2023-08-02 09:08:022


I went to an English Summer Camp this summer vacation. It"s really a good chance to improve my English. I ate, lived, learnt and played with my foreign teachers and my classmates for about three weeks. In the morning, we had a four-hour-class. In the afternoon, sometimes we saw an English movie, otherwise we learned some English songs. In the evening, we had our free time. We all had a lot of fun.  作文中文翻译:  这个暑假我去了一个英语夏令营.这真是一个提高我英语的好机会.我和老外,同学们一起吃,住,学习和娱乐有大约三周.早上,我们有四个小时的课.下午,有时我们会看一部英文电影,要不然我们就学一些英语歌曲.晚上,我们是自由活动.我们都很愉快。
2023-08-02 09:08:241


 This August I went to a two-week long English camp which was held by English Beacon in Yantai city, Shandong Province. There were over a hundred middle school students from all over the country and thirty experts in English teaching participating in this exciting camp.  While we were there, it was required that we speak only English to our teachers and with each other. There were many activities which were funny and helped us to strengthen our oral English skills, such as, the Second Annual National Debate for Middle School Students,the Third National English Speech Competition for Middle School Students and English parties. We also visited many places of interest. Learning English was exciting and the teachers were very friendly and helpful. This camp was a real life-changing experience that I will never forget.
2023-08-02 09:08:311

惠州英语夏令营 今年有哪些培训学校?

2023-08-02 09:08:412


  一天终于结束了,一定会有值得记录的"想法吧,何不趁现在赶紧写一篇日记。如何把日记做到重点突出呢?以下是我帮大家整理的夏令营英语日记范文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 夏令营英语日记范文1   This July I graduated from primary school. I was enrolled to a good middle school. Therefore I had a happy and leisure summer holiday. In the middle of July I attended to a summer camp. It"s about English. There were twenty five students in the camp. We all like English very much. Together we studied and played. There were many activities team work or single performance. We tried our best to put ourselves into this big family. Most of the time we talked to each other in English. If we really don"t know how to express in English we could ask for help. Our teachers were so great that they could help us a lot. They were so active that make us acted as they did. I am happy to attend this activity. 夏令营英语日记范文2   This August I went to a two-week long English camp which was held by English Beacon in Yantai city Shandong Province. There were over a hundred middle school students from all over the country and thirty experts in English teaching participating in this exciting camp.   While we were there it was required that we speak only English to our teachers and with each other. There were many activities which were funny and helped us to strengthen our oral English skills such as the Second Annual National Debate for Middle School Studentsthe Third National English Speech Competition for Middle School Students and English parties. We also visited many places of interest. Learning English was exciting and the teachers were very friendly and helpful. This camp was a real life-changing experience that I will never forget. 夏令营英语日记范文3   Dear Sir or Madame,   I"m very glad to be invited to the English summer camp.   I prefer to go in July because I"ll have to prepare myself for the new school term in August. It seems all the activities you offer are attractive and meaningful. But I"d like to attend the English lectures from which I can get more information on British and American culture. With the coming of the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games more and more foreigners are eager to know about China. So I hope to teach foreigners Chinese and spread Chinese culture.   It"s been a dream for me to visit Beijing. Could you organize a tour around the city during the camp?   Thank you very much.
2023-08-02 09:08:481


1. It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest. 2. It was the second day of our winter holiday. I felt good. I felt I"m free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Beijing. So I live alone but I don"t feel lonely. But I didn"t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an English daily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours. I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry. 3. It was the third day of our winter holiday. Today, there are many business in my mother"s company. So my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother"s company. I sat in my mother"s office and help her answer the telephone. While I was free, I was writing my homework. Although I also have a lot of time to do my homework, I still do it. Because in my mother"s office, I had nothing to do. If I did nothing, I was wasting my time and my life. I can"t do the foolish thing. We should take good use of our time.
2023-08-02 09:08:594


join the summer camp ,不能加in
2023-08-02 09:09:105


  为了确保工作或事情顺利进行,我们需要事先制定方案,方案指的是为某一次行动所制定的计划类文书。怎样写方案才更能起到其作用呢?下面是我精心整理的英语夏令营活动方案,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 英语夏令营活动方案1    一、活动背景:   为丰富广大xx学生的暑期生活,让xx市中小学生了解xx丰富的地域文化和宣传文明xx,同时为广大学生提供一个学习和交流的机会,经xx英语学校与xx市文化传播创作中心联合开发暑期文化活动:   首届英语主题夏令营金色梦想成长之旅。    二、活动目的:   为贯彻教育部《过好暑假》通知精神,落实四个一要求,丰富少年儿童暑期生活,加深同学之间的友谊,提升集体的向心力和凝聚力,开阔同学们的视野特举办本届夏令营。   依托美丽的海滨圣地,陶冶少年儿童的情操;让美丽的海滨形象和生态的秦皇岛深入人心。为广大学子提供一个学习和交流的机会,度过一个难忘和有意义的暑期。    三、具体安排:   (一)主办单位:xx英语学校   (二)承办单位:xx市文化传播创作中心   (三)协办单位:此次夏令营活动赞助单位   (四)策划单位:xx市文化传播创作中心   (五)赞助单位:(诚邀xx各企业合作,联系电话:)   (六)参加对象:xx市中小学生为主   (七)开营时间:8月1日8月3日或顺延。   (八)开营地点:xx英语学校   (九)活动费用:企业赞助,营员承担部分费用   (十)媒体支持:   电视媒体:xx电视台   平面媒体:《xx日报》、《xx都市报》、《xx晚报》等   网络媒体:xx各大门户网等   (十一)开营地点:xx水库   (十二)准备阶段:   确定营地,确定营员人数,联系外籍教师,与有关部门协调   (十三)活动步骤:   第一天   AM   9:30到达营地(熟悉环境)   10:00开营式(营长致欢迎辞、主办方领导讲话、学生代表发言)   11:00午餐(餐前带领小客人参观营地)   PM   13:00~13:30自我介绍后营员交互重组小队   (为自己的小队命名,准备口号)   13:35~14:10说说我的英语故事(各自准备一段Speech)   14:20~15:50互动游戏   15:00~15:30谈谈我的学英语经历   15:30~15:50后两天活动注意事项说明   15:50~17:00山海关旅游   其他课程待定(例如:英语课程)   第二天   AM   7:00营区集中后至基地   9:00~11:00互动英语   11:15午餐   pM   13:00~16:00互动英语   16:10~17:00篮球比赛、拔河比赛   17:30~18:30快乐自制晚餐   19:00~21:00才艺大比拼篝火晚会   22:00就寝   第三天   AM   6:00~6:30起床,整理内务   6:30~7:00健身操   7:00早餐   7:30~8:00内务大比拼   8:00~11:00英语口语训练英语互动训练   11:15午餐   PM   12:30~13:30英语口竞赛   13:30~14:00夸夸我的小伙伴   14:00~14:30结营式(公布成绩、分享经验、互赠礼物)   14:40返程 英语夏令营活动方案2    一、活动简介   1、时间地点:20xx年7月1日起,以期为单位,每期为7天时间   2、意义:丰富xx学员的课外生活;学员和外教一起上课生活,让学员更多地了解国外生活文化等;体验真正的夏令营生活    二、活动对象   1、参与人数:每期每班15人   2、参与条件:年龄段要求   3、活动费用:1380元/期   4、报名时间:第一期报名截止至7月1日活动前   5、报名渠道:xx课程顾问处    三、活动流程   1.一期时间为7天   2.每期每个班级学生人数为15人,分配1名外教和1名中方教师为主要负责人,及一位炊事员。   3.深度英语训练营主要活动内容:   早上以中教为中心,教导学生日常英语以及为下午外教活动内容做所需的(词汇、句子)做铺垫;   下午以外教为中心开展一系列的活动,偶尔组织外场活动时,学校需提供校车,保全人员,外场活动的活动费,学生另缴,多退少补。    四、部门责任分工   市场部和销售部   a)夏令营场地统筹安排;   b)夏令营活动宣传物料制作,市场部及前台负责发放宣传单等;   c)夏令营现场布置和秩序维护;   教学部   a)课程教师安排:外教一名、中教一名;   b)Tutor宣传夏令营活动信息给各自手上的学员,push本校学员积极参与;   c)由带班老师负责传达夏令营活动信息及注意事项等给已报名参加所有夏令营的学员;   d)夏令营过程中注意安全问题   行政部   a)负责采购夏令营所需教材、生活用品等    五、筹备进度控制   六、活动材料    1、场地布置类:教室或操场等情况确认   2、宣传物料类:校内宣传海报及校外宣传单页   3、活动记录类:相机    七、活动结束后意见反馈及效果评估   1、第一期夏令营活动结束,由销售部Ted在7月7日前负责汇总参加本次活动外教和中教了解本次活动的意见和建议;;   2、销售部Ted在7月8日前汇总以上各部门信息,总结本期活动报告,并于7月9日前更新下一期夏令营最终活动方案。 英语夏令营活动方案3   时间:10天 收费:600元/人 人数:30人(假定)   为期10天是因为如果时间过短,学生的心理就会潜意识的认为学不到东西,从而没有兴趣报名。收费标准600元/每人,为期10天,这样每天才60元钱。学生易于接受。   由于是在农村,最好是和当地的学校商量下,在暑期,学校的校舍应该是空下来的,租一间到两间教室即可。占用10天,一共给校方1000块钱应该就可以了。   这10天分为三个阶段:1—3天为第一阶段 是初始阶段 要让学生彼此熟悉,重点掌握他们每个人的英语程度。让他们喜爱此次英语夏令营。   4—7天为第二阶段 是强化阶段 要根据学生的不同特点 有针对性的训练。基础不好的 要加强基础训练。基础相对好的,要进行拓展训练。保证每个人在愉悦的氛围里都感受到自身的提升与进步。   8-10天为第三阶段 此阶段是整合阶段,要系统的总结这段时间以来讲述的知识点,巩固学习成果。   具体安排如下:   第一天(教室): 8:30—11:30 英文自我介绍,多少不限,说得好鼓励。并根据具体情况   安排几个小组 每组选一名组长 以后分组管理学习。简单介绍老师和此次夏令营活动的宗旨。   11:30午休 午饭建议自行解决。(因为本次费用本来就不高)   13:30—17:30 游戏—找朋友。首先由老师介绍规则,一组10人,由组   长带着一名组员 向下一名同学用英语作介绍说这是我的朋友 然后他们互相用英语打招呼问候。依次往下传。。直到最后一名同学传回组长。   游戏过后,带领大家进入学习状态,首先,纠正大家不正确的发音,教学生尽量的说一口纯正的美式英语。   作 业: 回去总结自己英语的薄弱点 明天交一个清单。一个小组准备一个小故事 或者小笑话儿 第二天以小组为单位演讲。   第二天(教室); 8:30—11:30 第一项演讲。   快乐的氛围中学习单词 让大家把桌子摆放在一起,围绕而   做,让他们感受到不一样的学习气氛。可以穿插小游戏,   要鼓励大家发言,给表现好的同学奖励。(都是小礼物)   11:30午休   13:30—17:30 请外教来和大家分享知识(半天请个非职业的外籍教师   500块就足够了)让大家对本次夏令营活动充满充满期待。   作 业: 记20个新单词 早上来小组之间互相提问,完成好的一组   整体受奖励。   第三天(户外): 8:30—11:30 活动徒步旅行。在农村里徒步拉练。去田地、养殖场、果园等地,教学生用英语说他们生活周边的事物。在期间也可以进行教学游戏 让学生参与进来 寓教于乐。   第四、五、六天(教室): 系统的根据学生不同的"英语程度 进行重点教学。程度较差的 要强化基础 程度相对较好的 就要拓宽其知识面。注重个性化教学。要教他们大胆发生朗读,鼓励表现积极的同学,从而带动大家的学习积极性。中间适当的穿插活动,可以进行全程英语对话活动。比如游戏胡萝卜蹲之类的英文版。可在第六天里再请一次外籍教室过来与他们共同学习一天。   第七天(户外): 根据这阶段学习的内容组织活动,以水果的名称给几个小组命名。在野   外进行学习拓展活动。锻炼大家的团队合作精神。赢的一组整体受奖励。   输的一组整体受罚。   第八、九天(教室): 系统的巩固所学习的知识,进行全方位的整合 有效的整理知识点,   对每个学生进行学习点评。肯定其在这段活动期间的成长与进步。   作业:写一篇英语短文 主题是“感谢父母”   第十天(教室、户外): 上午:在教室里邀请家长出席 由孩子用英文表达对父母的感激之情, 再翻译过来。   下午:野外蔬菜水果野餐。照相、烧烤,在愉快的氛围里结束活动。 英语夏令营活动方案4   夏令营宗旨:   1、丰富学生的暑期生活,调节学生的学习方式;   2、锻炼口语表达,提升英语交流的兴趣和能力;   3、学习了解美国语言、文化,拓展国际视野;   4、提供交流展示平台,结识优秀学习伙伴。   夏令营特色:   1、 全程英语:英语将贯穿夏令营活动始终,体现地道的美语风格。   2、 快乐英语:让学生在快乐中学习和感悟英语,提升英语兴趣。   3、 外教授课:聘请美国外教上课,授课、主持活动等均由外教进行,中方优秀英语老师担任班主任,协助外教开展教学与活动,确保师生相互顺畅沟通和活动顺利实施。   4、 强化口语:超越课本,疯狂英语。将口语训练和美国文化习俗等内容融入轻松愉快的师生互动中。   5、 寓教于乐:上午上课,下午活动,教学形式生动活泼,活动项目丰富有趣,轻松愉快,愉悦身心,快乐成长。参加奥运北京夏令营的同学后六天将去北京旅游。   夏令营营地: xxxx外语学校(北京)   时 间: 20xx年7月15日至7月29日   营员组成: 小学3年级以上学生均可报名参加   收费及其它:   1、 “快乐英语”夏令营每人交1500元人民币(包括景点门票、车费、吃住费、外教教育费)。在校学生和已交学位预定金的学生优惠600元人民币;   奥运北京夏令营每人交1900元人民币(包括景点门票、车费、吃住费、外教教育费)。   2、 本次夏令营7月15日晚18:00点前报到,7月29日下午回家。   学生家长需要自行安排接送学生,学校不负责接送学生;   3、 学校统一发夏令营短衫两件,太阳帽一顶;   4、 自带换洗衣服2套、折叠伞、塑料水杯、双肩背包,洗漱用品、卫生用品、拖鞋等,要穿舒适的旅游鞋,不允许贵重物品,可以携带不太贵重的照相机、电话卡、300元以下的零用钱;   5、 营员可带少许晕车药、创可贴、消炎药。   6、 学校联系新闻媒体报道本期夏令营。   营员守则:   1、所有师生在任何场合都尽可能说英语,尽力避免讲汉语,共同营造纯净英语环境。   2、注意与外教、班主任和生活老师及营员间的友好沟通。   3、遵守夏令营的作息时间,注意安全、讲究卫生,学会自我照顾和自我保护。   4、出现任何问题,请于第一时间向班主任或生活老师汇报,若有事须向班主任或生活老师请假。 英语夏令营活动方案5   特色优势:   1、一流的管理-------集十多年成功举办夏令营的经验,我们建立了完善的管理规章制度、打造了专业化的管理与服务队伍。   2、一流的师资-------作为国际化特色鲜明的重点大学,我们拥有大批中外优秀教师。   3、一流的环境-------坐落于白云山麓,校园小桥流水、绿树成荫、空气清新,是求学消暑、陶冶情操的理想之地。   4、一流的设施-------完备、先进的教学与生活设施为学员的衣、食、住、行、修、养、学、玩提供有力保障。   快乐英语夏令营是广东外语外贸大学每年暑期面向中小学生举办的传统项目,已经在社会上建立良好口碑。广外夏令营不仅为学员设计了英语课程,还设计了趣味体育、科技、户外拓展等活动。另外,通过各种课外比赛活动、个人才艺表演、外出观光活动,实现学习、休闲、健身三合一体。   快乐英语夏令营由优秀中外教师联袂任课。所有班级均配备专职班主任。设施完善的大学校区、专业的教学与管理团队、全天候的安保、至善的校医保障、美味可口的餐饮,为夏令营提供一流的软硬件,让学员们在快乐中学习、在快乐中成长,为未来奠定成功的基石。    一:经典英语营(十五天)   (一)经典小学英语营   夏令营第一周周六下午(14:30—16:10)设置对小学营学员父母探视开放时间。   (二)经典中学英语营   二、中小学生“精品英文思辨训练营”(十五天)   中小学生“精品英文思辨训练营”是由国内顶级的英文思辨导师团联合广东外语外贸大学精心打造的面向中小学生的高端项目。   1、参加英文思辨训练营,你将获得什么?   ①国内外顶级英文辩论及演讲赛事冠军选手导师团、总决赛裁判导师团面对面指导,系统授课;   ②媒体关注与支持。电视台将专访此次英文思辨训练营,关注思辨与素质教育;   ③优秀学员将有机会参与英文电视访谈或成为电视英文节目制作我导;   ④优秀学员将有机会获得国内顶级中小学生英语赛事直通车或免费赛事辅导名额;   ⑤优秀学员将有机会获得留学申请文书写作免费辅导或免费SAT名师辅导或升学面试免费辅导。   【注】:优秀学员指全程参加训练营,表现突出并被授予奖项的学生,名额有限;以上奖项依据分级教学评估及训练营内赛事结果分配,1名学员不能同时获得多个奖项。以上解释权归广外英文思辨训练营筹备组所有。   2、什么是思辨?为什么要培养思辨能力?   ①思辨能力是素质教育的重要组成部分。思辨能力训练将从快速组织信息、公众演讲、逻辑推理、团队协作、心理抗压等方面全面展开,英文水平的综合提高则是自然附加值。   ②思辨能力应当在更早的阶段进行系统培养。在美国从幼儿时期开始培养。我们的孩子在小、初、高阶段对批判性思维、行成观点、系统表达等均已行成更高的需求,缺乏系统培养。   ③思辨与留学:辩论是美国名校招生最重视的课外活动之一。辩论赛事及培训经历将大大帮助你成功提升申请国外名校的几率。   ④思辨与SAT:美国大学理事会(College Board)对SAT进行了改革。新版SAT中重点考察的对知识的灵活运用、语言运用、逻辑思维以及应变能力是一个辩手应该具备的基本能力。   ⑤思辨与升学:从小升初乃至大学保送生笔试、面试均对学生的英文思维能力、逻辑表达能力等方面提出了更高的要求。英文是思想表达的工具;思辨是优秀学生的培养基。   中小学生“精品英文思辨训练营”(十五天)   3、导师资质   ①所有的导师均获得过英文辩论或演讲赛事国家级或更高级别奖项;   ②所有的导师均具有国家级、地区级或更高级别学术赛事的裁判身份;(例如:全国大学生英语辩论赛裁判及裁判长)   ③所有的导师均具有丰富的教学及培训经验。   三、英语浸泡营(七天)   (一)小学达人英语浸泡营 (7天营)   (二)初、高中考神英语特训营   英语浸泡营报到时间:7月15日。上课时间:20xx年7月16日至22日。住宿费:200元/人/期。   浸泡式培训是通过密集的课程和高强度的训练,以联想互动式的教学方法使学习者在整个学习过程中,全方位、立体式地置身于外语语境之中,耳之所闻、口之所述、目之所及、手之所书,皆为英语,以求短期之内,外语超出母语使用频度,渐成第二天性,使浸泡于其中者,无时无刻不受熏陶,加之个人主动参与,熟练掌握一门外语不再遥不可及。   报名须知:   (一)收费标准   学费:招生项目表;   住宿费:390元/人/期;   伙食费:500元/人/期 (报到时领取已充费的校园一卡通,丰俭由人,多退少补)   报读本夏令营,一经缴费,恕不退费。   (二)夏令营赠送营服2件(报名时需提供学生的身高信息),赠送教材资料,赠送保险,夏令营结束时学员可获得由广东外语外贸大学颁发的参营证书;优秀学员奖励荣誉证书及精美奖品。   (三)夏令营个人用品自理。自带蚊帐,席子等床上用品,自备个人洗漱用具(牙缸、牙刷、牙膏、毛巾)及其它个人所需物品,禁止携带游戏机、笔记本电脑、刀具等贵重、危险物品。自备小一寸照片5张。   (四)身体健康,无先天性疾病或遗传病史之中小学生均可报名。   (五) 报名时间:20xx年6月1日起,额满为止。   (六)报名地址:广州市白云大道北2号广东外语外贸大学继续教育学院招生大厅。   (七)报到时间:20xx年7月15日   (八)报到地址:广州市白云大道北2号广东外语外贸大学白云山校区第二教学楼大厅   (九)上课时间:20xx年7月16日---20xx年7月30日   (十)上课地点:广州市白云大道北2号广东外语外贸大学白云山校区
2023-08-02 09:09:271


希望对你有帮助 1. It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest. 2. It was the second day of our winter holiday. I felt good. I felt I"m free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Beijing. So I live alone but I don"t feel lonely. But I didn"t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an English daily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours. I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry. 3. It was the third day of our winter holiday. Today, there are many business in my mother"s company. So my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother"s company. I sat in my mother"s office and help her answer the telephone. While I was free, I was writing my homework. Although I also have a lot of time to do my homework, I still do it. Because in my mother"s office, I had nothing to do. If I did nothing, I was wasting my time and my life. I can"t do the foolish thing. We should take good use of our time.
2023-08-02 09:09:371


英文自我介绍一般时间要求在1~2分钟,一份自我介绍通常包括以下内容: 1.自我介绍 (姓名,本科学校,专业) 2.选择该院校的原因 3.喜欢的研究方向 4.自己在该研究方向的优势 5.研究计划 6.结束语(感谢老师) 扩展资料   保研夏令营口语面试之英语对话   保研夏令营口语面试中,少不了老师与学生的英语对话。因此,我们需要提早搜集面试中老师可能会提到的常见问题。这样,才不会在面试中答不上来。   比如:   1.What is your greatest strength/weakness?(你的.优势/弱势是什么)   考察性格,可以识记以下词:   坚持不懈的精神(perseverance)   富有创造力的(creative)   善于分析的(analytical)   有合作精神的(cooperative)   2.Talk about your home town/family.(介绍家乡/家庭)   可以介绍一下家乡的风景特色   3.What are your hobbies?   爱好需要加上一些事例证明   保研夏令营口语面试之专业英语   保研夏令营面试,专业英语考察形式主要包括三种:专业词汇问答、专业问题提问、现场朗诵并翻译文献选段。这就要求考生熟悉专业名词的英文表达,善用衔接词,注意表述的连贯性。随机应变,学会处理紧急情况。
2023-08-02 09:09:461


培训市场的英语夏令营非常多,建议去培养孩子英语兴趣的夏令营。夏令营每天早上有英语技能课堂,这可以帮助孩子们夯实英语基础。下午有趣味活动课,这可以充分激发孩子们的想象力和动手能力,非常不错。 点击 了解暑假英语夏令营课程详情
2023-08-02 09:10:037


2023-08-02 09:11:002


问题一:夏令营用英语怎么说? 夏令营: [ xià lìng yíng ] 1. summer camp 例句与用法: 1. 夏令营七月十六日开营,在七月二十七日结束。 The summer camp started on July16 and will end on July27. 2. 在夏令营,我们经常在一起。 At the summer camp we live in each other"s pocket. 3. 女孩夏令营;网球夏令营 A girls" summer camp; a tennis camp. 4. 夏令营的第一天,我们就被要求写一封信给我们的父亲,告诉他们我们已经平安到达。 During our first day at summer camp we were told to tell them that we had arrived safely. 问题二:请问夏令营用英语怎么说? 我来 问题三:参加夏令营用英语怎么说 参加夏令营用英语 Join the summer camp. Take part in the summer camp. 问题四:去参加夏令营用英语怎么说 go to the summer camp 问题五:夏令营的英语单词怎么拼 你好! 夏令营 The summer camp 问题六:“去夏令营”用英文怎么说 用前者,summer camp是独一的名词,一定要加冠词the,就像MOON【月亮】是独一无二的,所以用时一定在前加【the】 问题七:我去了一个夏令营 用英语怎么翻译 I have e to a summer camping. 希望我的回答对你有所帮助。 问题八:去夏令营的英文怎么说? go to summer camp 问题九:我要去夏令营在这个暑假.用英语怎么写 就当做和新笔友聊天寒暄那样写嘛。一般都是先说说你因为要去夏令营将要到他们家暂住,感谢他们的友好,希望能和他们成为朋友。然后自我介绍,说说你对美国和夏令营之旅的看法和期待。最后再次感谢他们的友好帮助,并祝愿他们一切都好。就行啦。 问题十:夏令营用英语怎么写。 40分 summer camp.
2023-08-02 09:11:141


summer camp
2023-08-02 09:11:257


去夏令营to summer camp.
2023-08-02 09:11:443


一般英文叫,summer camp
2023-08-02 09:11:554


I participated in a three day summer camp
2023-08-02 09:12:154


夏令营的英语作文1   This July I graduated from primary school. I was enrolled to a good middle school. Therefore I had a happy and leisure summer holiday. In the middle of July I attended to a summer camp. It"s about English. There were twenty five students in the camp. We all like English very much. Together we studied and played. There were many activities team work or single performance. We tried our best to put ourselves into this big family. Most of the time we talked to each other in English. If we really don"t know how to express in English we could ask for help. Our teachers were so great that they could help us a lot. They were so active that make us acted as they did. I am happy to attend this activity. 夏令营的英语作文2   Dear Sir or Madame I"m very glad to be invited to the English summer camp. I prefer to go in July because I"ll have to prepare myself for the new school term in August. It seems all the activities you offer are attractive and meaningful. But I"d like to attend the English lectures from which I can get more information on British and American culture. With the coming of the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games more and more foreigners are eager to know about China. So I hope to teach foreigners Chinese and spread Chinese culture. It"s been a dream for me to visit Beijing. Could you organize a tour around the city during the camp? Thank you very much.
2023-08-02 09:12:571


  参加夏令营的英语作文1   This August I went to a two-week long English camp which was held by English Beacon in Yantai city Shandong Province. There were over a hundred middle school students from all over the country and thirty experts in English teaching participating in this exciting camp.   While we were there it was required that we speak only English to our teachers and with each other. There were many activities which were funny and helped us to strengthen our oral English skills such as the Second Annual National Debate for Middle School Studentsthe Third National English Speech Competition for Middle School Students and English parties. We also visited many places of interest. Learning English was exciting and the teachers were very friendly and helpful. This camp was a real life-changing experience that I will never forget.   参加夏令营的`英语作文2   Dear Sir or Madame   Im very glad to be invited to the English summer camp.   I prefer to go in July because Ill have to prepare myself for the new school term in August. It seems all the activities you offer are attractive and meaningful. But Id like to attend the English lectures from which I can get more information on British and American culture. With the coming of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games more and more foreigners are eager to know about China. So I hope to teach foreigners Chinese and spread Chinese culture.   Its been a dream for me to visit Beijing. Could you organize a tour around the city during the camp?   Thank you very much.   参加夏令营的英语作文3   I went to an English Summer Camp this summer vacation. Its really a good chance to improve my English. I ate lived learnt and played with my foreign teachers and my classmates for about three weeks. In the morning we had a four-hour-class. In the afternoon sometimes we saw an English movie otherwise we learned some English songs. In the evening we had our free time. We all had a lot of fun.   参加夏令营的英语作文4   On Saturday we went camping with our teachers. First we pitched the tent. then our older brothers and older sisters played game with us. At noon we all had a delicious lunch followed by a barbecue for dinner. At night we had bonfire and sang and danced. We didn"t sleep until 10:20 at night. But some of the boys were so noisy we couldnt fall alseep. I only slept for three hours. the next morning everybody woke up very early. After exercising in the morning we all went to see the small pigs. On the way there we saw a lot of geese. At 10:00 we went back to eat ice cream. It was so cold. then we all played games together. We ate lunch at 12:00. In the afternoon we played musical instruments and sang. After that camp was over. We had a lot of fun at the summer camp. I am looking forward o going to another summer camp soon.   参加夏令营的英语作文5   Every year, my school will have the summer camp activity. I love to join this activity so much, because I can have a lot of fun with my friends. What"s more, I can take a break from the study time and enjoy my moment. Last year, we went to the country farm and experienced the life there. I was so impressed by the clear river and simple lifestyle. We woke up early and then walked on the country road, it was so quiet and the air was so fresh. In the city, I never woke up so early.   I felt really peaceful in my heart. Though life here was simple, I liked it. I was so close to the nature and could appreciate its beauty. I am so looking forward to the summer camp activity this year, I want to experience the different things.   参加夏令营的英语作文6   Every year, there are summer camps in my school. I like to take part in this activity, because I can have a good time with my friends. Whats more, I can get a rest from my study time and enjoy my time. Last year, we went to the farm and experienced the life there. I was impressed by the clear river and the simple way of life.   We wake up early and take a walk along the country road. The roads are quiet and the air is fresh. I never woke up so early in the city. My heart feels calm. Although life here is very simple, I like it. I am so close to nature and I can appreciate its beauty. Im looking forward to the summer camp this year. I want to experience something different.
2023-08-02 09:13:041


  研究生面试中,需要用英语进行自我介绍,那你准备好了吗?下面是我为您整理的“保研夏令营英语自我介绍”,仅供参考,希望您喜欢!更多详细内容请点击查看。   保研夏令营英语自我介绍1   Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.   i am very glad to be here for your name is xx,i am 22 years old .i come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicent undergratuade period will be accomplished in changan university in july ,24;and now,i am trying my best for obtaining a key to tongji university.   Generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore,i found web design very interesting,so i learned it very hard . to weaver a homepage for myself,i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the first   examination,i insist on running every day,no matter what the weather was like.and just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.   Well,in my spare time ,i like basketball,tennis and chinese chess. also english is my favorate.i often go to english corner to practise my oral english on every thursday,and write compositions to improve my witten ability .but i know my english is not good enough,i will continue studying.   Ok,that is all,thank you for your attention.   保研夏令营英语自我介绍2   Hello,my professors.   Its a fine day today,and im very pleased to meet you here.   First of all,id like to introduce myself to you.My name is ***,my hometown is ***,which is a really beautiful city.Even when i was a young boy,i was very interested in biology science.Every one may have a dream,and i still remember that my dream is to be a biology scientist (just like xx).I liked to make wonders just like,where are we from?Where are we going in the universe?And then i would find the answers in book by myself.Still today i think that interest is the best teacher in ones whole life (and knowledge comes from practice).   Second, i will introduce my major in the university.My major is Biological Engineering in *** University.It has a great relationship with biology scince.Their relationship can be shown with an example: Just like a river,biology science,which often finds new discoveries and theories, is at the head of the river.And my major,which lays more stress on practical use, seems to be at the end of it.When both of them interact well enough,the discovries and theories in biology science can be soon turned into products in all of the modern industry.   Four years university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve myself.It teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability (such as doing expriment as much as possible). In the university life,i have made many good friends.They help me improve my study and research ability, do ererything just like a man,and often give me good example to follow.   Besides what i have introduced myself above,i also have many interests in my spare time.I like playing football,which is an effective way i think to improve my body health,and it can teach me how to join in a group and deal with other people.Drawing and writing is another favor to me.   Above all,i choose the major in order to broad my view in biology scince,and enhance my research ability.I will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study.   保研夏令营英语自我介绍3   My name is xxx,a postgraduate student from xx University,and will get my master degree in March 20xx.   I"d like to summarize myself from 3 aspects:   First,I"m an excellent learner. In my sophomore year, Ipassed the entrance examination to the Excellent Student Program in xx Universityand was recommended as the postgraduate student with special courses,and thenI joined the xxCenter in xx University. After finishing my undergraduatecourses,my GPA was 3.8 out of 4.5.   Second,I"m an excellent problem-solver. During the last 4years,I have finished 5projects, including the Hydraulic Engineering Project Management System,and soon. And I took part in the Mathematical Contest inModeling in2003 and won the second prize in Tianjin region.   Last,I"man excellent team player. I"ve been serving as the monitor for 6 years and teamleader for2 years. And besides taking more responsibilities,I also placedgreat emphasison teamwork,in order to meet the team"s goal   XXcompany is a very famous company in the China. Whats more,I have greatinterest in joining this company as it has a perfect system and trainingprograms,I feel I can gain the most from working in this company. That isthe reason why I come here to compete for this position.   It refersto my personality,I think I"m a good team player and I"m a person of great honesty toothers. Also I am able to work under great pressure.   If I weregiven a chance to work,I promise that I will try my best to work hard and Iwill spare no effort to be a qualified programmer.   Ok,thats all. Thank you very much for you time and attention.   保研夏令营英语自我介绍4   Hello everyone:   My name is xx, a22-year-old handsome boy from xx Province. It"s my great honor to be here (Northwestern Polytechnical University) to participate in the summer camp .   I am majored in mechanical engineering and automation in Taiyuan University of Technology .   I have learntseveral professional basic courses , such as Design of Machinery , Theory of Machines and Mechanisms , Foundationmajor , of thus Machine leading to my Manufacturing professional Technology ,through which I get a knowledge of my direction----Mechanotronics. What impressed me most this semester is the design of speed reducer .   I applied almost what I have learnt to this Course Exercise.Filled with confidence , I attach great importance to self-discipline , to put my study and life in order .   In my spare time , making friends is my constant persuit . I hope I can express myself to the fullest and bring my joy to others . I"m right here , trying to be the very person you need .   That"s all , thank you !   保研夏令营英语自我介绍5   Good morning.   I am glad to be here for this interview.   First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ****** department of *****University in July ,21.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you.   I am open-minded,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those ****.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer   well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our countrys team.   I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course,if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******.    推荐阅读:
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A Summer Camp夏令营This summer, I had some special days. I joined Dongzhou International Educational Exchange Summer Camp. First, I will tell you about our foreign teachers, they are Shrina and Rebecca. They are friendly and beautiful. They are students at Oxford University. We talked about many things: famous people, subjects in England, different jobs, our deal days, western star signs, what can we say in a restaurant and so on. We know lots of things, like what the difference is between “chef” and “cook”, all the parts of the body… We tried to write a letter to Principal Zhang. We made a play and we drew our own comics and tried to sell it. We gave some other students English lessons, we taught them about Chinese Dragon, Chinese Martial Arts and the Olympics. Every afternoon, we played exciting games: Chinese Whispers, Tongue Twisters, Wheelbarrow, egg and spoon, three legs… On the last day, we had a good time. We made black tea. We put tea bags, some milk and lots of water in to a big bowl, and then we stirred the tea until it became red and dark. Oh, it tasted good! Later, we used eggs, flour and milk to make many pancakes. To cook them is very interesting. When we finished it, the pancakes looked round and nice. We put some jam on it. How delicious! I won"t ever forget it. The summer Camp is a really good chance for me. I know the local things in England. I learned a lot and like English more. I also know better ways to learn English well. I hope one day I can see you in England.
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  Every year, my school will have the summer camp activity. I love to join this activity so much, because I can have a lot of fun with my friends. What"s more, I can take a break from the study time and enjoy my moment. Last year, we went to the country farm and experienced the life there. I was so impressed by the clear river and simple lifestyle. We woke up early and then walked on the country road, it was so quiet and the air was so fresh. In the city, I never woke up so early. I felt really peaceful in my heart. Though life here was simple, I liked it. I was so close to the nature and could appreciate its beauty. I am so looking forward to the summer camp activity this year, I want to experience the different things. 【篇二】   Today is my first day to attend this summer camp.   I got up at six twenty. I have my breakfast with my friend at ten past seven. Then we had an opening summer ceremony. At 9:00, the classmates in our class had an exam.   In the afternoon, we are divided into two classes.The first seventy minutes, Miss Zhang taught us English. She taught us to sing a song. It"s a very beautiful and famous song from a famous movie. And then, a teacher from Australia taught us English. His name is Brodie Williamson.   Today we learn unit 1 and I felt everything is interesting. I had a happy time. 【篇三】   This August I went to a two-week long English camp which was held by English Beacon in Yantai city, Shandong Province. There were over a hundred middle school students from all over the country and thirty experts in English teaching participating in this exciting camp.   While we were there, it was required that we speak only English to our teachers and with each other. There were many activities which were funny and helped us to strengthen our oral English skills, such as, the Second Annual National Debate for Middle School Students,the Third National English Speech Competition for Middle School Students and English parties. We also visited many places of interest. Learning English was exciting and the teachers were very friendly and helpful. This camp was a real life-changing experience that I will never forget.
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培训市场上的暑假英语夏令营很多,最好是能去好玩、趣味性强的英语培训机构,我校的夏令营就不错,孩子可以在互动和游戏中体验学习英语的乐趣,逐渐形成英语思维,提升英语表达能力,让孩子爱上英语。点击 了解暑假夏令营课程
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Our school will have a summer camp.
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