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2023-08-02 20:48:10
TAG: 英语



相关例句:房子俯瞰山谷,景色宜人。The house has a pleasant outlook over the valley。

这座房子的状况没得挑。The house is in tip-top condition。


1、房子的英文是house,英 [ha?s],美 [ha?s],n. 房屋;住一屋的人;机构;议院;观众;听众;黄道十二宫之一;v. 给…...房子住;储存(某物);容纳;藏有。

2、例句:Her house is furnished in excellent taste. 她的房屋布置得非常高雅。



房子用英语表述为house。house的意思是房子、住宅、一家人。指的是住房,也指住在一所房子里的所有人。相关例句:房子俯瞰山谷,景色宜人。The house has a pleasant outlook over the valley。这座房子的状况没得挑。The house is in tip-top condition。
2023-08-02 08:37:371


房子的英文是house。英 [haʊs],美 [haʊs]    n. 房屋;住一屋的人;机构;议院;观众;听众;黄道十二宫之一v. 给…...房子住;储存(某物);容纳;藏有例句:Her house is furnished in excellent taste.翻译:她的房屋布置得非常高雅。
2023-08-02 08:38:152


房子的英文是:house 读音:英 [hau028as] 美 [hau028as]拓展:房子是人类居住和生活的基本场所。通常我们所说的房子指的是住宅房屋,也包括办公楼、商店、医院、学校和工厂等不同类型的建筑。房子作为人们的居所,既具有实用功能,又有人文意义。它不仅是人类基本的居住场所,还是收藏私人物品、展示个性、反映社会文化等多种用途的场所。也就是说,房子除了拥有居住的功能外,还能够体现社会关系、身份地位和审美情趣等方面。因此,房子往往是人们一生中最重要的投资之一。
2023-08-02 08:38:241


房子_有道词典房子house更多释义>>[网络短语]房子 house;Buy a house;Haus绿房子 The Green House;Zoo Baa;Green House造房子 Make a House;House built;build a house详细用法>>
2023-08-02 08:38:531


2023-08-02 08:39:045

房子的英文怎么说 OK

house【耗思】英 [haʊs , haʊz] 美 [haʊs , haʊz] n.房屋;房子;住宅
2023-08-02 08:39:341


  房子是指供人类居住、从事社会活动或供其他用途的建筑物。它是人类最基本的生活资料。那么,你知道房子的英文是什么吗?   房子的英文释义:   house   bure   房子的英文例句:   我是这所房子的主人。   I am the owner of this house.   他是四月份搬进这所房子的。   He moved into this house in April.   着火的房子的冒出的烟在几个街区外都能看到。   The smoke of the burning house could be seen many blocks away.   这栋房子值很多钱。   The house is worth a lot of money.   我不能确切地说出那所房子的年代,但一定是很古老的。   I can"t date that house exactly, but it must be very old.   他在房子里暴跳如雷,乱摔东西。   He stormed about the house, breaking things.   孤立的房子是一个不同 其它 房子相连的房子。   A detached house is one not joined to another one.   我住在那座房子里,房子前面有一个美丽的湖泊。   I live in the house in front of which is the beautiful lake. 房子的英文是什么   这座老房子被卖掉了,之后新的房主重修了房子。   This old house was sold and then restored by the new owner.   我不准你进入房子。   I forbid you the house.   他催促她快走出那间闷热的房子。   He bustled her out of the hot house.   如果要买一座房子,我们就不得不动用我们的存款。   We shall have to draw on our savings if we buy a house.   这对新婚夫妇没有自己的房子,因此不得不暂时和我们住在一起。   The new couple had no home of their own, so they had to camp out with us.   我在等待的时候,感觉到房子里发生了什么事。   As I waited, I became aware of something happening in the house.   这所房子坐北朝南。   This house faces south.   他命令我们离开这所房子。   He ordered us out of the house.   然后他慢慢地走过这座房子。   Then he slowly walked past the house.   我们用栅栏把房子和花园围了起来。   We boxed the house and garden in with fences.   他急忙离开了那所房子。   He screwed out of the house.   那条道路正好在房子后面分叉。   The path diverges just after the house.   这座房子的所有窗户都射出灯光。   Light emanated from all the windows of the house.   如果他们试图把我们赶出这座房子,我们将使用我们手中所有的权力反抗。   If they try to make us leave the house, we will fight back with all the power at ourcommand.   我们装饰房子过 圣诞节 。   We decorated the house for Christmas.   我们现有的一座大房子是我们多年前没能想像得到的。   We now have a big house of which we could not have dreamed years ago.   这座房子面对大海。   The house fronts the sea.   他保证我们在五月可搬入这间房子。   He will guarantee us possession of the house by May.   他们给他房子的估价为15000元。   They assess his house at 15000 yuan.   这座房子是用石头修建的。   The house was made out of stone.   从路上看不到这所房子, 它隐没在一小片树林里。   The house was concealed from the road by a small wood.
2023-08-02 08:39:411


房间”英文翻译:room读法:英 [ruu02d0m; ru028am] 美 [rum]
2023-08-02 08:39:533

房子英语怎么写 如何用英语表达房子

1、房子的英文是house,英 [hau028as],美 [hau028as],n. 房屋;住一屋的人;机构;议院;观众;听众;黄道十二宫之一;v. 给…...房子住;储存(某物);容纳;藏有。 2、例句:Her house is furnished in excellent taste. 她的房屋布置得非常高雅。
2023-08-02 08:40:101


house, ...........
2023-08-02 08:40:194

房子英语怎么写 如何用英语表达房子

  1. 房子的英文是house, English [HAu028as], Mei [HAu028as],n。房子;住在一个房间里的人;机构;议会;观众;观众;黄道十二宫之一;给u2026房子:居住的房子;存储(东西);容纳;藏有。   2. 她的房子装修得很漂亮。Her house is furnished in excellent taste.
2023-08-02 08:40:261


2023-08-02 08:41:132


2023-08-02 08:41:234


2023-08-02 08:42:114


房子 [词典] house; building; (房间) room; [电影] A Casa; [例句]我们找错了房子。We"ve mistaken the house.
2023-08-02 08:42:192


问题一:楼房的英文是怎么翻译的 Building... 问题二:房子用英语怎么说 house(房子,外国人看来是别墅的意思) 所以普通住房 外国人都用flat(公寓的意思) 问题三:第十幢楼房用英语怎么说 Building Number ten Building 10 问题四:房屋交付用英文怎么说 房屋交付 housing delivery 问题五:楼房用英语怎么说 building 英 [?b?ld??] n. 建筑物; 房屋; 楼房; 建筑(艺术或行业) v. build的现在分词 This is the plan for our new building. 这是我们新大楼的设计图。 问题六:楼房用英语怎么说 flat building 问题七:房子刚刚装修好。用英语怎么说比较地道准确? The house has just been renovated. 用decorate不太好。请采纳!!! 问题八:房屋交付用英文怎么说 5分 Housing Delivery 问题九:楼房的英文是怎么翻译的 Building... 问题十:房子用英语怎么说 house(房子,外国人看来是别墅的意思) 所以普通住房 外国人都用flat(公寓的意思)
2023-08-02 08:42:292


  房子是我们人类居住,生活的建筑物,房子有大有小,各式各样。那么你知道小房子的英语怎么拼写吗?下面是我为你整理的小房子的英语拼写,希望大家喜欢!   小房子的英语拼写   1.small house   2.houselet   小房子的英语短语   原来就小的房子 a house originally small   小绿房子的女主人 The Mistress of little green House   第二次来到小绿房子 Second Visit to little green House   小绿房子里的审问 Inquest at little green House   小绿房子的内部情况 Interior of little green House   我们到小绿房子去 We Go to little green House   简陋的小房子 cabin ; hut   扭曲的小房子 The little crooked house   小房子的背后 Behind a Little House   small house造句   1. His eyes were fixed on a small house in the middle distance.   他凝视着不远处的一座小房子。   2. We rented a small house in Newtown for a year.   我们在新镇租了一栋小房子,租期为一年.   3. They would live in a small house with a green door and a new thatch.   他们将住在一所新苫顶的绿门小房子里。   4. Sure enough, there was a small house nearby with a light on.   便道上,果然有间小屋还亮着灯.   5. I need a warm comfortable small house having the fire.   我需要一个有火的温暖舒适的小屋.   6. It was the offer of a small house, on very easy terms.   这是向她提供一所条件优惠的小房子.   7. His wife feel quite pleased living inside the small house.   他的妻子住在一所小房子里也会感到很满意的.   8. This small house is my only property.   这所小房子是我的惟一财产.   9. He saw a small house on the left and a tall building on the right.   他看到左边一个小房子,右边有一座高楼.   10. They live in a small house on the right - hand side of the road.   他们住在路右边一所小房子里.
2023-08-02 08:42:581


马horse 房子house
2023-08-02 08:43:073


2023-08-02 08:43:175


房屋building house tenement住宅house domicile dwelling househomehowffresidenceabiding place
2023-08-02 08:43:355


2023-08-02 08:45:057


2023-08-02 08:45:248


2023-08-02 08:45:438


2023-08-02 08:46:264


2023-08-02 08:46:422


房子 [词典] house; building; (房间) room; [电影] A Casa; [例句]我们找错了房子。We"ve mistaken the house.
2023-08-02 08:47:043


house 是“房子”的意思,楼房 应该是 building
2023-08-02 08:47:134


房子的英文:house; 例句: The old house smells of damp. 这老房子散发出一股潮气。 The house is backed by fields. 房子的后面是田野。 扩展资料   She keeps the house spotless.   她把家里收拾得一尘不染。   We"re moving house next month.   我们下个月搬家。   They have a wonderful house.   他们有一座漂亮的房子。   Her house is scrupulously clean.   她的家干干净净,纤尘不染。
2023-08-02 08:47:231


  房子是指供人类居住、从事社会活动或供其他用途的建筑物。它是人类最基本的生活资料。那么,你知道房子的英语怎么说吗?   房子的英文释义:   house   bure   房子的英文例句:   我是这所房子的主人。   I am the owner of this house.   他是四月份搬进这所房子的。   He moved into this house in April.   着火的房子的冒出的烟在几个街区外都能看到。   The *** oke of the burning house could be seen many blocks away.   这栋房子值很多钱。   The house is worth a lot of money.   我不能确切地说出那所房子的年代,但一定是很古老的。   I can"t date that house exactly, but it must be very old.   他在房子里暴跳如雷,乱摔东西。   He stormed about the house, breaking things.   孤立的房子是一个不同其它房子相连的房子。   A detached house is one not joined to another one.   我住在那座房子里,房子前面有一个美丽的湖泊。   I live in the house in front of which is the beautiful lake.   这座老房子被卖掉了,之后新的房主重修了房子。   This old house was sold and then restored by the new owner.   我不准你进入房子。   I forbid you the house.   他催促她快走出那间闷热的房子。   He bustled her out of the hot house.   如果要买一座房子,我们就不得不动用我们的存款。   We shall have to draw on our savings if we buy a house.   这对新婚夫妇没有自己的房子,因此不得不暂时和我们住在一起。   The new couple had no home of their own, so they had to camp out with us.   我在等待的时候,感觉到房子里发生了什么事。   As I waited, I became aware of something happening in the house.   这所房子坐北朝南。   This house faces south.   他命令我们离开这所房子。   He ordered us out of the house.   然后他慢慢地走过这座房子。   Then he slowly walked past the house.   我们用栅栏把房子和花园围了起来。   We boxed the house and garden in with fences.   他急忙离开了那所房子。   He screwed out of the house.   那条道路正好在房子后面分叉。   The path diverges just after the house.   这座房子的所有窗户都射出灯光。   Light emanated from all the windows of the house.   如果他们试图把我们赶出这座房子,我们将使用我们手中所有的权力反抗。   If they try to make us leave the house, we will fight back with all the power at ourmand.   我们装饰房子过圣诞节。   We decorated the house for Christmas.   我们现有的一座大房子是我们多年前没能想像得到的。   We now have a big house of which we could not have dreamed years ago.   这座房子面对大海。   The house fronts the sea.   他保证我们在五月可搬入这间房子。   He will guarantee us possession of the house by May.   他们给他房子的估价为15000元。   They assess his house at 15000 yuan.   这座房子是用石头修建的。   The house was made out of stone.   从路上看不到这所房子, 它隐没在一小片树林里。   The house was concealed from the road by a *** all wood.
2023-08-02 08:48:072

房子的英语怎么读 单词

表示房子的英文是:househouse的发音是:美[hau028az] 英[hau028as]house句子:1、The oldhouse smells of damp.(这老房子散发出一股潮气。)2、He went to the wronghouse.(他走错了房子。)3、Hishouse is very near.(他的房子就在附近。)4、The wholehouse echoed.(整个房子充满回声。)5、Thehouse was simply furnished.(这房子陈设简单。)6、Ourhouse faces south.(我们的房子面朝南。)7、She keeps thehouse spotless.(她把家里收拾得一尘不染。)8、Thehouse was unnaturally silent.(房子异常地寂静。)9、We"ve had thehouse painted.(我们已经把房子油漆过了。)10、Thehouse is backed by fields.(房子的后面是田野。)
2023-08-02 08:48:361


2023-08-02 08:49:193


house是可数名词。 house: n.房屋;房子;住宅;住在一所房子里的人;全家人;某种用途的建筑物。 v.给(某人)提供住处;是(某物)的贮藏处(或安置处);收藏;安置。 第三人称单数: houses复数: houses现在分词: housing过去式: housed过去分词: housed 扩展资料   Now is a good time to buy a house.   现在买房子正是时候。   Get out of my house, the lot of you!   你们别待在我家里,通通给我滚出去!   Building a new road here will force house prices down.   在这里修建一条新道路将使房价下跌。   Do you like their new house?   你喜欢他们的新房子吗?   Water supplies to the house are at low pressure.   这房子的供水水压低。
2023-08-02 08:49:391


cottage 小屋;村舍;(农舍式的)小别墅; dorm 宿舍; snuggery 温暖舒适的地方,舒适的家; villa 别墅.
2023-08-02 08:50:141


问题一:英文单词小房子怎么写 houselet 音标["hauslit] n. 小房子 问题二:用英语翻译短语:向一所小房子里看 向一所小房子里看 Look into a *** all house house_百度翻译 house 英[ha?s] 美[ha?s] v. 给…提供住房; 收藏; 安置; [例句]She has moved to a *** aller house. 她已经搬进了一所小一些的房子。 [其他] 第三人称单数:houses 复数:houses 现在分词:housing过去式:housed 过去分词:housed 问题三:我们全家都住在小房子里的英语怎么写? Our whole family lives in a *** all house. 我们全家都住在小房子里 问题四:有一些小孩子在小房子旁边用英语怎么翻译 There are some kids near / by / nearby / beside the little house. Some kids are near / by / nearby / beside the little house. 问题五:10年前这里有一所小房子(用英语流) There was a little house here ten years ago.
2023-08-02 08:50:212

英语里房屋的种类 用英文

2023-08-02 08:50:311


houselet音标["hauslit]n. 小房子
2023-08-02 08:50:403


decorate the house
2023-08-02 08:51:083


2023-08-02 08:51:242


问题一:许多房间用英语表达,三种方式 a lot of rooms many rooms lots of rooms plenty of 订ooms a number of rooms 问题二:在那里,我见到许多房子这个英语短语怎么写 I saw many houses there. 问题三:她住在有许多房间的舒服的房子里。英文 她住在有许多房间的舒服的房子里。 She lives in a fortable house with many rooms. 她住在有许多房间的舒服的房子里。 She lives in a fortable house with many rooms. 问题四:在房子的前面有很多树用英语怎么说 在房子的前面有很多树 There are many trees in front of the house 问题五:许多房屋倒塌用英文翻译 many houses collapse
2023-08-02 08:51:411


a hourse列句如:我梦想在乡间拥有一栋房子。My dream is to have a house in the country
2023-08-02 08:51:562


a troublesome apartmentmy apartment I have a great apartment ,it"s very large and spacious inside.There are trees around the house and white wood fense sorrounding the yard,the yard is also very large,with green grass spread and flowers growing aroud,I always play on the grass.There are a commodious sitting room two living rooms and a dinning room in it,besides a bathroom for the whole family ,a study room for my father,a washroom in the apartment.I can watche TV in the sitting room and then do my homework in the study room,after finishing my home work I always play computer games in my room.sometimes we sing songs together in the sitting room,I am always the best singer.So it is my apartment,it"s a gift for my family,we enjoy our lives in it.1、考英语作文时不少考生感到头痛,虽然考生苦心孤诣,写就文章,却错误百出,逻辑混乱。2、听到我英语作文竞赛获奖的消息,我真有点喜不自胜了。3、悬赏一篇五句话英语作文:多吃水果蔬菜,保持饮食健康,避免含糖高脂肪高的食物,多锻炼身体,鄙弃不良习惯。4、如果您能来,事实上高中英语作文网。我们全家将不胜荣幸。5、在每年一次的教师节一定会来。对于高中英语作文网。起初,我将延长节日的问候我的老师。6、大学英语作文评改三步法是基于合作学习,对作文进行组评、互评和点评的师生合作批改方法。7、学习英语作文幼稚和年龄有关,更多的是教育和生活经历,我就清爽很九阴真经多30岁的很幼稚,而50多岁不幼英语文章稚的人。8、英语名师黄薇薇连续六年押中英语作文、陶然连续六年押中完形填空的词汇、数学名师周帅在去年高考中押中考试原题,锻造了中高考培训界的神话。9、英语名师黄薇薇曾连续六年押中英语作文、陶然连续六年押中完形填空词汇,化学名师李政和数学名师周帅在去年高考中押中考试原题。10、在今后的漫长的时间内,人类将谨慎前进,而它感到幸运的是它确实能够前进。英语作文网收集整理。11、教育儿童的教师应当享有比父母更多的荣誉,父母只给孩子生命,而教师则创造了一个完善的生命。英语作文网教师节英文祝福语。12、然而,这一想法正遭受越来越多的专家的质疑,他们指出,孩子总是呆在家里,和父母在一起,是不健康的。收集整理:英语作文网。13、1998年史利克移民以色列。在今年夏天的一次聊天中,她的孙子知道了她未出嫁前姓格莱斯伯格,于是开始调查她的过去。此文由英语作文网收集整理。14、再者,有人因为沉迷于电脑游戏或是情场失意而担心他无法通过关系到其学位的最终英语作文考试。15、我英语专业,闲着无聊,帮你写了一篇….2010上海世博会英语作文选1:魅力…16、我英语专业,闲着无聊,帮你写了一篇….2010上海世博会英语作文选1:魅力上海…
2023-08-02 08:52:151


一套房子的英文是a house
2023-08-02 08:52:312


2023-08-02 08:52:452


I have a beautiful house. This is my bedroom. It looks very nice. I like my house. This is a sofa on the living room floor. This is my beautiful house. How about you? This is the lamp on my desk. U0001f601
2023-08-02 08:52:572


你好!一栋两层楼的房子A two storey house
2023-08-02 08:53:112

英语enjoy themselves怎么翻译?

2023-08-02 08:48:2712


2023-08-02 08:48:282


你说的也许是Thermal Test Engineer,即热工测试工程师。这个职务通常负责测量工质的温度、压力、成分、热工系统的热效率、热损失等。具体工作包括制定测试方案、实施测试、分析结果并提出改进建议。
2023-08-02 08:48:281


2023-08-02 08:48:181

我的先生 写英语怎么写

我的先生My mister我的先生My Mr.我的先生My husband我的先生My Teache
2023-08-02 08:48:176