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2023-08-02 20:36:32

Nowadays,the situation is also changing in society


Nowadays this phenomenon is unceasingly changing.



phenomenon uff08phenomenauff09 appearance electrophoresis
2023-08-02 08:01:002


2023-08-02 08:01:091


问题一:故障现象的英文怎么说 故障现象 [网络] Symptom; failure; failure phenomenon; [例句]详细论述了电动机初次运行时常见的故障现象,并对故障原因进行分析,提出解决办法。 This paper details mon faults during first running, discusses fault causes and puts forward solutions. 问题二:"针对这种现象"用英语怎么说? aiming at the phenomenon: aim at 指向,即目标是... in view of the phenomenon:in view of 鉴于,针对 希望对你有所帮助! 问题三:故障现象 用英语怎么说 故穿现象 symptom 汽车故障现象 symptom of vehicle failure 问题四:对于这种现象,英文翻译 30分 没有固定的说法: for this phenomenon with reg穿rd to this phenomenon. American academics have even invented aterm for this phenomenon, “summer learning loss”. 对于这种现象,美国教学界甚至还专门发明了一个术语---“夏季课程遗忘症”。 Much ment has been made with regard tothis phenomenon. 对于这种现象,已经有了许多议论。
2023-08-02 08:01:181


  社会现象是指所有与同物种共同体有关的活动----产生、存在和发展密切联系的现象。那么你知道社会现象用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   社会现象的英语说法1:   social phenomenon   社会现象的英语说法2:   social reality   社会现象的相关 短语 :   复杂的社会现象 complicated social phenomenon   普遍的社会现象 general social phenomenon ; common social phenomenon   和谐社会现象 phenomenon of a harmonious society   社会现象学 social phenomenology   有效描述社会现象 validity of explanation   社会现象透析 Understanding Social Issues   社会现象的英语例句:   1. He applies the Marxist world view dogmatically to all social phenomena.   他将马克思主义的世界观教条地应用到所有的社会现象中去。   2. One of businesses of the sociologists is to study the social phenomenon.   社会学家的任务之一是研究社会现象.   3. All social phenomena are interconnected.   一切社会现象都是互相联系的.   4. Critics such as Dr. Thomas Szacz worried loudly about an overly medicated, drug - dependent society.   批评界诸如像托马斯-沙克兹博士就深深忧虑于治疗过度会出现药物依赖的社会现象.   5. Ability poverty is a kind of deep administrative levels, omnibus social phenomenon.   能力贫困是一种深层次的 、 综合性的社会现象.   6. Some people consider money worship as a normal social phenomenon.   一些人认为拜金主义是个正常的社会现象.   7. Campus Derry is a kind of music form popular in chinese campus.   校园民谣是一种广泛流传在中国校园的音乐形式,他们大多抒发学生细腻的情感与自己对一些社会现象的理解和定义.   8. Sociometrics are the data and corresponding statistical analysis of social phenomena.   社会关系计量是社会现象的数据与其相关的统计分析.   9. Therefore, the spiritual impoverishment is a more fearful social phenomenon.   所以, 精神贫困是一种比物质贫困更隐蔽更可怕的社会现象.   10. Culture is a complex social phenomenon, which influences people"s life greatly. "    文化 是一个复杂的社会现象, 它对人们日常生活的影响不可谓不大.   11. Sport exist everywhere in the realistic societies as a unique social phenomenon.   体育作为一种独特的社会现象,存在于现实社会的方方面面.   12. This essay aims at investigating the phenomenon of youngsters idolatry.   青春偶像崇拜是当前我国青少年群体中普通存在的社会现象.   13. Sports exists everywhere in the realistic societies as a unique social phenomenon.   体育作为一种独特的社会现象,存在于人类社会的方方面面.   14. Single parents should not be regarded simply as a social phenomenon.   单亲问题不应该只被看作一种社会现象.   15. Religion is an objective social phenomenon and develops according to objective law.   宗教作为客观存在的社会现象,有其自身发展的客观规律.
2023-08-02 08:01:361


你好!非常普遍的现象A very common phenomenon
2023-08-02 08:01:441


文化现象用英语说法是Cultural phenomenon。Cultural phenomenon例句如下:1、城市文化是非常宏大的文化现象。The urban culture is a very grand cultural phenomenon.2、城市是人类文化史上一个独特的文化现象。City is a special cultural phenomenon in the history of the cultures of the world.3、城市文化是人类社会普遍存在的一种文化现象。The culture of city is a sort of prevalent phenomenon in the society of human being.4、城市是中西方普遍存在的一种社会文化现象。City is a common phenomenon in Chinese and Western culture.文化现象简介:文化现象指人类文化发展过程中呈现出的某种外部状态和联系,具有个别、具体、可直接观察和经验性等特点。文化现象是文化发展中带有典型和标志作用的事情,是群众在共同需要、共同心理的基础上所形成的和不断给予陶冶的结果。它往往是思想观念及其物化形式的综合。它不但具有外在的特色,而且含有观念的特色,是人们对现象的感受上升到理性概括的认识产物。文化现象从一定程度上反映了人们某时期的智力程度、生存方式等,每一次思想的解放、社会变革和科教的进步,都会派生和衍生出一些特殊的文化现象。人类的文化现象,从很早以前就有了。比如人们的饮食习惯、穿着习惯、表达方式等等,都可称之为一种文化现象。文化现象多种多样,它从一定程度上反映了人们某段时期的智力程度、生存方式、生活习惯,以及文化的发展方向。
2023-08-02 08:01:521


Natural phenomena
2023-08-02 08:02:316

重现某一现象 用英语怎么说

A certain phenomenon reappears.亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!
2023-08-02 08:02:492


“丑恶现象”英文翻译Ugly phenomenon"
2023-08-02 08:03:471


2023-08-02 08:03:572


翻译如下现在社会有这么一个现象There is such a phenomenon in society now
2023-08-02 08:04:061

社会现象 英语怎么说

2023-08-02 08:04:155

重现某一现象 用英语怎么说?

pay attention to this phenomenon
2023-08-02 08:04:292


the uncivilized phenomenon
2023-08-02 08:04:362

是什么产生了这种现象 用英语怎么说

what lead to this phenomenon
2023-08-02 08:04:443


ten geological phenomenons in the life
2023-08-02 08:04:522


逐渐形成了许多独具特色的语言现象Gradually form many language phenomenon with special features.
2023-08-02 08:05:111


2023-08-02 08:05:225


There even has the phenomenon of people eating each other.
2023-08-02 08:05:371


physiological phenomenon
2023-08-02 08:05:473

造成这一现象有很多不同的原因 英语翻译

“很多不同的原因”用存在句 there be 翻译,然后用表示“造成现象”的非谓语动词短语或定语从句后置修饰“原因”   There are many different reasons to cause such phenomenon.(有很多会造成这种现象的不同原因)   There are many different reasons causing such phenomenon.(有很多经常造成这种现象的不同原因)   There are many different reasons which have caused such phenomenon.(有很多已经造成这种现象的不同原因)
2023-08-02 08:06:021


造成此现象的原因很多 = Caused by many reasons for this phenomenon
2023-08-02 08:06:091

吸烟是一种普遍的社会现象 用英语怎么说

Smoking is a common social phenomenon
2023-08-02 08:06:172


不文明的现象Uncivilized phenomenon
2023-08-02 08:06:241


现象的英语是Phenomenon。现象是一个汉语词语,读音为xiàn xiàng。能被人感觉到的一切情况。现象是人能够看到、听到、闻到、触摸到的。按照是否有自然属性来分,现象可分为自然现象和社会现象。释义:1.事物在发生、发展、变化过程中所表现的外在联系性和客观形式。如:自然现象。2.谓神、佛、菩萨等现身于人间。也称:显像。如:观音现象。3.文化艺术界指由于某种创作或研究而引发的社会效应。如:余秋雨现象;李二和文化现象。4.指已经存在一段时间,又被大家所熟知的社会风气或行为。出处:1. 人或事物在发展、变化中所表现出来的外部形态。刘少奇《对马列学院第一班学员的讲话》:“历史里边也有普遍真理,我们要用马克思主义来分析历史现象。”魏巍《谁是最可爱的人·挤垮它一》:“这不过是睡眠不足,偶然的现象罢了。”2. 谓神、佛、菩萨等现身于人间。《西游记》第十一回:“五祖投胎, 达摩 现象。”也泛指现出身形。 清蒋士铨《临川梦·星变》:“俺 天慧星君 ,奉上帝勅旨,现象於室壁胃娄之次。”
2023-08-02 08:07:051


2023-08-02 08:07:251

现象的英文 如何用英语表达现象

1、现象的英语单词是phenomenon,其读音为英 [fu0259u02c8nu0252mu026anu0259n] 美 [fu0259u02c8nɑ:mu026anu0259n],n.现象,事件;奇迹;非凡的人。 2、例:This form of civil disobedience isnt a particularly new phenomenon. 这种形式的非暴力反抗并不是特别新的现象。
2023-08-02 08:07:331


现象 phenomenon phenomena appearance 相近的意思: 情形 状况 case condition posture situation state status circumstances
2023-08-02 08:07:431


问题一:为什么会出现这种现象用英语怎么说 Why did it have to happen?How could this be?How can it be?这三个都可以 why did it happen? how did we e to this? why did this situation occur? 问题二:造成这一现象的原因是,用英语怎么说 There are many reasons for this situation 问题三:"针对这种现象"用英语怎么说? aiming at the phenomenon: aim at 指向,即目标是... in view of the phenomenon:in view of 鉴于,针对 希望对你有所帮助! 问题四:故障现象的英文怎么说 故障现象 [网络] Symptom; failure; failure phenomenon; [例句]详细论述了电动机初次运行时常见的故障现象,并对故障原因进行分析,提出解决办法。 This paper details mon faults during first running, discusses fault causes and puts forward solutions. 问题五:故障现象 用英语怎么说 故穿现象 symptom 汽车故障现象 symptom of vehicle failure
2023-08-02 08:07:521


1、the first day 第一天,the second day 第二天,the third day第三天,the fourth day 第四天,the fifth day 第五天,the sixth day 第六天,the seventh day 第七天,the eighth day 第八天,the ninth day第九天,the tenth day 第十天,the eleventh day 第十一天,the twelfth day 第十二天,the thirteenth day 第十三天,the fourteenth day 第十四天,the fifteenth day 第十五天,the sixteenth day 第十六天,the seventeenth day 第十七天,the eighteenth day 第十八天,the ninteenth day 第十九天,the twentieth day第二十天。2、有规律,规律就是,the+ 序数词+ day。第一天就是 the+first+day = the first day。以此类推,第二天就是 the second day。拓展资料:1、序数词是数词的一种,主要在英语语法中讲到,在汉语中表示为“第几”。此外,在生日中,描述你出生的日期时,也会用到序数词。比如:May-first (5月1日)2、有时,序数词可以用缩写形式来表示。主要缩写形式有:first——1stsecond——2ndthird——3rdfourth——4thsixth——6thtwentieth——20thtwenty-third——23rd其中1st,2nd,3rd为特殊形式,其它的都是阿拉伯数字后加th。参考资料:序数词——百度百科
2023-08-02 08:07:591


问题一:造成这一现象的原因是,用英语怎么说 There are many reasons for this situation 问题二:为什么会出现这种现象用英语怎么说 why did it have to happen? How could this be? How can it be? 这三个都可以 问题三:"针对这种现象"用英语怎么说? aiming at the phenomenon: aim at 指向,即目标是... in view of the phenomenon:in view of 鉴于,针对 希望对你有所帮助! 问题四:“希望你能重视这个现象。”用英语怎么说? I hope you can think much of the phenomenon. I hope you can pay attention to the phenomenon. 问题五:对于这种现象,英文翻译 30分 没有固定的说法: for this phenomenon with reg穿rd to this phenomenon. American academics have even invented aterm for this phenomenon, “summer learning loss”. 对于这种现象,美国教学界甚至还专门发明了一个术语---“夏季课程遗忘症”。 Much ment has been made with regard tothis phenomenon. 对于这种现象,已经有了许多议论。
2023-08-02 08:08:261

针对这一现象 用英语怎么说

涉及物理世界用 to this phenomenon,涉及人的世界用 to this event,
2023-08-02 08:08:371

是什么产生了这种现象 用英语怎么说

What took on this phenomenon?
2023-08-02 08:08:462


It is a normal phenomenon.
2023-08-02 08:08:541


reguarding this phenomenon
2023-08-02 08:09:042


bilinguial teaching methodologybilinguial phenomenon
2023-08-02 08:09:152


迷信现象Superstition phenomenon
2023-08-02 08:09:221

个别现象 英语怎么说

unique onean individual case 均可。。。希望对您有帮助~
2023-08-02 08:09:422


the phenomenon of wasting sth.
2023-08-02 08:09:491

翻译:“造成这一现象的原因有很多” 用英语怎么说

there are many reasons for this situation
2023-08-02 08:09:561


Chinese fever has become a universal phenomenon in the global language of communication systems.
2023-08-02 08:10:061


问题一:“表现”用英语怎么说 represent,behave,express,display,show off,manifest,exhibite 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck! 问题二:问题的表象 英语怎么说? ……is only the surface of the problem。 问题三:“表现好”用英语怎么说 Well done! 问题四:我表现的怎样?用英语怎么说 How about my performance? 问题五:请问“表现一般”用英语怎么说 just so-so 问题六:表现突出用英语怎么说? Bob had an outstanding performnce(表现突出)in class last term. 问题七:“表现在,体现在”用英语怎么说 5分 represented, expressed, ... 问题八:为什么会出现这种现象用英语怎么说 why did it have to happen? How could this be? How can it be? 这三个都可以
2023-08-02 08:10:131

穿越现象 用英语怎么说?

2023-08-02 08:10:212


the trend or phenomenon of sth is rising swiftly.
2023-08-02 08:10:281


How often does this phenomenon happen?
2023-08-02 08:10:351


It"s a common phenomena among the youth.
2023-08-02 08:10:445

翻译:“造成这一现象的原因有很多” 用英语怎么说

there are a lot of reasons to cause this phenomena
2023-08-02 08:11:103


Direct against this kind of phenomenon
2023-08-02 08:11:186


2023-08-02 08:11:351


The phenomenon of internet celebrity is the outcome of (our) time.
2023-08-02 08:11:452