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2023-08-02 20:14:19
TAG: 英语


1.Astronauts float in space because is no _B__.


A.air 空气B.gravity 重力 C.weather天气 食物

2. Astronauts must exercise for ___B___every day in space so they are strong enough to walk when they return to Earth.


A.1hour 1小时 B.2hour 两小时 C.10minutes 10分钟 D.30 minutes 30分钟






1 B

2 D



2023-08-02 06:54:392


2023-08-02 06:55:362


2023-08-02 06:56:222


astronaut是一个英语名词,它的意思是宇航员,航天员。复数:astronauts 扩展资料   astronaut同义词辨析   astronaut和pilot这两个名词都可以指驾驶飞行装置的人员,具体区别如下:   astronaut指在外层空间驾驶宇宙飞船、航天飞机等飞行装置的宇航员。   pilot指不进入外层空间的"各类飞机的驾驶员。   astronaut例句分享   The physical fitness requirements for being an astronaut are very stiff.   当宇航员对身体条件要求很严。   He is determined to become an astronaut.   他立志要当一名宇航员。
2023-08-02 06:56:491


Astronaut的意思:Astronaut是一个名词,作名词时的释义为“宇航员,航天员;太空旅行者”。astronaut相关的词根或词缀是: astroaster。复数形式:Astronautsastro 星星 + naut 航行员 → 宇航员常见短语:American astronaut美国航天员Reserve astronaut航天员候选人Astronaut Farmer农民宇航员例句1、The whole world was waiting for news of the astronauts.全世界的人都在等待宇航员的消息。2、Astronauts have brought back specimens of rock from the moon.宇航员从月球带回了岩石标本。3、The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness那些宇航员正在进行一系列实验,以更多地了解身体如何适应失重状态。4、Astronaut neil a. armstrong took this photograph with a 70mm lunar surface camera .航天员尼尔阿姆斯特朗在距离月球照相机70mm的距离拍下了这张照片。
2023-08-02 06:56:571


  宇航员,或称航天员,指以太空飞行为职业或进行过太空飞行的人。想知道宇航员的英文怎么说吗?现在跟我一起学习关于宇航员的英语知识吧。   宇航员的英文释义   astronaut ; co *** onaut   网 络astronaut;co *** onaut;spaceman;astronauts   宇航员的英文例句   我儿子的理想是当宇航员。   My son"s dream is to be an astronaut.   宇航员驾驶宇宙飞船在月球表面降落。   The astronauts piloted their craft down to the lunar surface.   宇航员已经到了月球了。   Astronauts have already been to the moon.   宇航员将做出最后的努力抢救卫星。   Astronauts will make a final attempt to rescue the satellite.   宇航员叙述了自己在太空的奇妙经验.   The astronaut gave a narrative of her strange experience in space.   宇航员们很快就适应了失重的状态。   The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness.   她坚信自己会成为一名出色的女宇航员。   She believed that she could make an excellent woman astronaut.   宇航员在飞行中必须适应失重。   Astronauts in flight must adjust themselves to weightlessness.   他立志要当一名宇航员。   He is determined to bee an astronaut.   宇航员的英语句子带翻译   1. Two members of Endeavour"s crew will suit up for a space walk. “奋进”号的两名宇航员将穿上太空服进行太空行走。   2. The six astronauts on board will spend ten days in space. 飞船上的6名宇航员将在太空度过10天。   3. Astronauts have brought back specimens of rock from the moon. 宇航员从月球带回了岩石标本。   4. Astronauts work in weightless conditions. 宇航员在失重的条件下工作。   5. The astronauts work and live in the space capsule. 宇航员在航天舱里工作生活.   6. The co *** onauts photographed the rise of the sun in space. 宇航员们拍摄了太空中日出的照片.   7. News of the astronauts"safe return to earth was delayed. 宇航员安全返回地球的讯息被推迟.   8. The astronauts piloted their craft down to the lunar surface. 宇航员驾驶太空飞船在月球表面降落.   9. There"re three astronauts in the spacecraft. 在这艘宇宙飞船里有三名宇航员.   10. The astronaut was weled with joyous , resounding acclaim. 人们欢声雷动地迎接那位宇航员.   11. The rocket boosts the astronaut into space. 这火箭能把宇航员送入太空.   12. Millions of people hailed the astronauts. 数百万人向宇航员们欢呼.   13. The astronauts have special breathing apparatus. 宇航员有特殊的呼吸装置.   14. They acclaimed the astronauts. 他们以欢呼迎接宇航员.   15. Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a munications satellite from its useless orbit. 今天宇航员将会做最后一次尝试,力图把一颗通讯卫星从无效的轨道上抢救下来。   16. The crew of the US space shuttle Atlantis were preparing to reel in the craft. 美国“亚特兰蒂斯”号太空梭上的宇航员正准备收回该航天器。   17. I can understand why astronauts find it difficult to readjust to life on earth. 我能够理解为什么宇航员发现重新适应地球上的生活不容易。   18. Astronaut Pierre Thuot tried to latch the 15-foot robotic arm onto the satellite. 宇航员皮埃尔·索特想要把这个长15英尺的机械手安到人造卫星上。   19. The astronauts will attach a motor that will boost the satellite into its proper orbit. 宇航员们将安装一个发动机,以推动卫星进入正常执行轨道。   20. The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness. 那些宇航员正在进行一系列实验,以更多地了解身体如何适应失重状态。 1.73rd的英文翻译 2.笨蛋的英文怎么读 3. 4.乌龟的英文是什么 5.什么在桌子上的英文怎么写 6.愚蠢的英文怎么读 7.有关未来的英文诗歌欣赏
2023-08-02 06:57:251


astronauts是宇航员的意思。1、Could astronauts wear slippers?宇航员可以穿拖鞋吗?2、Oh, we are astronauts.哦,我们是宇航员。3、Let"s pretend (that) we"re astronauts.让我们假装我们的宇航员。4、The Russians called their astronauts cosmonauts.俄罗斯称他们的宇航员为宇航员。5、The astronauts heard a loud noise.宇航员们听到一声巨响。6、Two American astronauts landed on the moon.两名美国宇航员在月球上着陆。7、Bacteria are an annoying problem for astronauts.细菌对宇航员是一个恼人的问题。8、Some astronauts were put into space.一些宇航员将进入太空。9、Why can the astronauts see the colors of the sky?为什么宇航员能看到天空的颜色吗?10、Two American astronauts were rocketed off to the moon.两名美国宇航员被火箭送上月球。11、under the Gemini program each crew had two astronauts.双子座计划每个船有两名宇航员。12、The astronauts piloted their craft down to the lunar surface.宇航员驾驶飞船月球表面降落。13、Next comes a radiation storm, potentially dangerous to unprotected astronauts.接下来是辐射风暴,对未受保护的宇航员有潜在危险。14、To keep the astronauts and the spacecraft safe, the astronauts must leave and go back to the spacecraft through a special door.保持宇航员和宇宙飞船安全的,宇航员必须离开,回到飞船从一个特别的门。15、There will be three astronauts but no females. The astronauts will work and live for three to five days in space, he said.将会有三名宇航员,但没有女性。
2023-08-02 06:57:321


astronaut: [ 03str05n00:t ] n. 宇航员 例句与用法1. A rocket manned by trained astronauts will launch soon. 载有受过训练的宇航员的火箭马上就要发射了。 2. My son"s dream is to be an astronaut. 我儿子的理想是当宇航员. 3. The astronaut can send out a robot which will work on the unknown plant, collecting rocks and minerals, putting up a permanent observation station or traveling far and wide. 宇航员可以派出机器人在这颗陌生的行星上工作,收集岩石和矿物;建立永久性观察站,或向四面八方走动。 4. The astronaut accepted danger was part of the job. 太空人承认他们的工作中包含著危险。
2023-08-02 06:58:181


宇航员的英文是"astronaut",是一个名词。下面是与宇航员相关的词组翻译:太空人 (space traveler)宇航员训练 (astronaut training)宇航员装备 (astronaut equipment)宇航员任务 (astronaut mission)宇航员飞行 (astronaut flight)宇航员是指进行太空探索和航天任务的人员。他们接受严格的训练,穿着特殊的装备,执行各种任务,包括研究太空、进行实验和进行航天飞行。关于语法用法:主语:The astronaut went into space. (宇航员进入太空)宾语:They selected her to be an astronaut. (他们选中她成为宇航员)定语:He is an experienced astronaut. (他是一名经验丰富的宇航员)补语:She became an astronaut after years of training.(经过多年的训练,她成为了一名宇航员)以下是具体的用法和句子举例:Astronauts need to be physically fit and mentally prepared for space travel.(宇航员需要身体健康,同时对太空旅行做好心理准备)NASA is training a new group of astronauts for future missions.(NASA正在培训一批新的宇航员,准备进行未来的任务)The astronaut put on her spacesuit before going on the mission.(宇航员在执行任务前穿上了宇航服)Astronauts conduct experiments and collect data while in space.(宇航员在太空中进行实验和收集数据)The astronaut"s journey to the International Space Station lasted for several months.(宇航员前往国际空间站的旅程持续了几个月)
2023-08-02 06:58:451


an astronauts
2023-08-02 06:59:303


astronaut不浊化是因为:[tr]发清音,因为只有当s+清音重读时,清音才浊化,astronaut里是第一个音节a重读,所以[tr]是清音。astronaut,pilot这两个名词者指驾驶飞行装置的人员。astronaut指在外层空间(outer space)驾驶宇宙飞船、航天飞机等飞行装置的宇航员。pilot指不进入外层空间的各类飞机的驾驶员。My son"s dream is to be an astronaut.我儿子的理想是当宇航员。A rocket manned by trained astronauts will launch soon.载有受过训练的宇航员的火箭马上就要发射了。The rocket boosts the astronaut into space.这火箭能把宇航员送入太空。
2023-08-02 06:59:371


2023-08-02 06:59:532


宇航员在太空舱如何吃东西How do astronauts eat in the space capsule宇航员在太空舱如何吃东西How do astronauts eat in the space capsule
2023-08-02 07:00:181

sido und andreas bourani 的歌 Astronaut歌词 中文

Simple Plan - Astronaut Can anybody hear me? 是否还有人能听到我的呐喊Or am I talking to myself? 可能只是我在自言自语My mind is running empty 思绪变得越来越空虚In the search for someone else 正在试着搜寻那个Who doesn"t look right through me.从来不把我放在眼中的人It"s all just static in my head 如静电干扰着我的头脑Can anybody tell me why 有人告诉我原因吗I"m lonely like a satellite? 我就想一颗卫星一样孤独?"Cause tonight I"m feeling like an astronaut 就像今晚我感觉自己就像宇航员Sending SOS from this tiny box 在微小的盒子里发出求救的信号And I lost all signal when I lifted up当我举起发送时我失去了所有的信号Now I"m stuck out here and the world forgot 此时的我被卡住,同时被世界遗忘Can I please come down? (come down) 我能下来吗"Cause I"m tired of drifting round and round 我已经厌倦了无尽的漂流和迷失自我Can I please come down? 我能解脱吗?I"m deaf from all the silence 越是寂静,我却听不见Is it something that I"ve done? 是我自己的杰作吗I know that there are millions 我知道是有百万之众像我如此失去和外界的联系I can"t be the only one who"s so disconnected 我不能成为其中之一It"s so different in my head. 我的想法如此的与众不同Can anybody tell me why 有谁能告诉我为什么吗I"m lonely like a satellite? "Cause tonight I"m feeling like an astronaut Sending SOS from this tiny box And I lost all signal when I lifted up Now I"m stuck out here and the world forgot Can I please come down (come down) "Cause I"m tired of drifting round and round Can I please come down? 同上Now I lie awake and scream in a zero gravity 失去重力我躺着清醒地呐喊And it"s starting to weigh down on me. 这样开始,使我颓废Whoaa let"s abort this mission now 谁能让这次任务停止Can I please come down? 我可以解脱了吗So tonight I"m calling all astronauts 所以今晚我联系所有的宇航员All the lonely people that the world forgot 和所有被世界遗忘的寂寞的人If you hear my voice come pick me up 如果你能听到我的声音带走我的话Are you out there? "cause you"re all I"ve got! 你们在吗,你们是我唯一能寻找的目标And tonight I"m feeling like an astronaut Sending SOS from this tiny box And I lost all signal when I lifted up Now I"m stuck out here and the world forgot "Cause tonight I"m feeling like an astronaut Sending SOS from this tiny box To the lonely people that the world forgot Are you out there? "Cause you"re all I"ve got! Can I please come down? (please, please, please) 请问我能解脱了吗"Cause I"m tired of drifting round and round. 我厌倦了到处漂泊I"m tired of drifting round 我已经厌倦了漂泊Can I please come down? (please, please, please) Can I please come down? Can I please come down? 我能解脱了吗?
2023-08-02 07:00:531


2023-08-02 07:01:013


03 April 2022 美国宇航局表示,其太空发射系统(简称SLS)是人类有史以来建造的最为强大的火箭。美国官员曾表示,这枚火箭旨在开启新一代载人太空 探索 。 太空发射系统是首枚设计用于在单次任务中同时携带宇航员和补给品的火箭。它是美国宇航局阿耳忒弥斯计划的一部分,该计划旨在让第一位女性和第一位有色人种登上月球。 阿耳忒弥斯计划的目标是不早于2025年让美国宇航员登上月球。去年,美国宇航局推迟了原计划的发射。这将是1972年美国宇航局阿波罗17号任务以来宇航员首次登月。 美国宇航局宣布进行太空发射系统火箭阿耳忒弥斯1号的首次发射。在首次任务期间,飞船上将不会搭载乘员。太空发射系统将搭载美国宇航局猎户座飞船执行绕月飞行的测试任务。 美国宇航局去年宣布已经选择美国太空 探索 技术公司作为其合作伙伴,将下一批宇航员送上月球。美国太空 探索 技术公司已经完成了数次将宇航员送到国际空间站的任务。美国太空 探索 技术公司使用的是猎鹰9号火箭和载人龙飞船。 美国太空 探索 技术公司还在开发和测试旨在将人类送上月球的人类着陆系统(HLS)。美国宇航局的未来计划要求太空发射系统火箭将猎户座飞船上的宇航员送上月球轨道。宇航员将会从那里转移到美国太空 探索 技术公司的人类着陆系统以送往月球表面。 美国太空 探索 技术公司还开发了一种名为星际飞船的超重型太空飞行器。该公司负责人埃隆·马斯克曾表示,星际飞船旨在将宇航员送上月球,也可能是火星。与太空发射系统不同,星际飞船被设计为可重复使用。美国太空 探索 技术公司计划在今年某个时间进行一次试飞,将星际飞船送入轨道。 除了星际飞船,美国宇航局本月初宣布,它正在寻求美国公司更多开发月球着陆器的建议。着陆器将在月球轨道和月球表面之间运送宇航员。 美国宇航局表示,着陆器应该要有能力连接到它计划建造的被称为网关的未来月球轨道空间站。 这项准备工作将包括工程师将液氢和液氧充满火箭的主燃料箱。然后将进行模拟发射倒计时。倒计时将在火箭的4台RS-25引擎启动前几秒钟停止。所有其它系统将在未来几周内进行全面测试和检查。 在测试任务期间,猎户座飞船的目标是前往距离地球450600公里,距离月球数千公里的地方。该任务预计将持续四到六个星期。 NASA says its Space Launch System, or SLS, is the most powerful rocket ever built. U.S. officials have said the rocket was designed to begin a new generation of human space exploration. SLS is the first rocket designed to carry both astronauts and supplies on a single mission. It is part of NASA"s Artemis program, which aims to land the first woman and first person of color on the moon. Artemis has a goal to land American astronauts on the moon no earlier than 2025. Last year, NASA pushed back the planned launch. It would be the first moon landing by astronauts since NASA"s Apollo 17 mission in 1972. NASA is calling the first launch of the SLS rocket Artemis 1. There will be no crew on the spacecraft during the first mission. SLS will carry NASA"s Orion spacecraft on a test mission to fly around the moon. NASA announced last year that it had chosen American company SpaceX as its partner to land the next astronauts on the moon. SpaceX has already completed several missions to carry astronauts to the International Space Station. SpaceX uses the Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon spacecraft. SpaceX also is developing and testing a human landing system (HLS) designed to put humans on the moon. NASA"s plan for the future calls for its SLS rocket to transport astronauts on the Orion spacecraft to lunar orbit. From there, astronauts would transfer to SpaceX"s HLS to be transported to the surface of the moon. SpaceX has also developed a super heavy space vehicle called Starship. Company chief Elon Musk has said Starship is designed to transport astronauts to the moon, as well as possibly Mars. Unlike the SLS rocket, Starship is designed to be reusable. SpaceX plans to carry out a test flight to launch Starship into orbit sometime this year. In addition to Starship, NASA announced earlier this month that it is seeking additional proposals from American companies to develop moon landers. The landers are to transport astronauts between lunar orbit and the moon"s surface. NASA said landers should have the ability to link up with a future, lunar orbiting space station it plans to create called Gateway. This preparation will involve engineers fully loading the rocket"s main fuel tanks with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. Then, a simulated launch countdown will take place. The countdown will stop seconds before the rocket"s four RS-25 engines start. All other systems are to be fully examined and tested in the coming weeks. During the test mission, Orion will aim to travel 450,600 kilometers from Earth, and thousands of kilometers beyond the moon. The mission is expected to last four to six weeks.
2023-08-02 07:02:201

Eating in space is different from eating on the earth. The food that astronauts carry with them...

小题1:A小题2:A小题3:B 试题分析:这篇文章讲述的是在太空中吃食物与在地球上吃食物是不同的,宇航员携带的食物跟你平时的食物是不一样的。小题1:细节题。根据文章Some food is carried in closed bags. It is cooked and frozen before the astronauts get it.一些食物被放进密封的袋子里。宇航员食用前,它们是被加工和冷冻起来的。故选A小题2:细节题。根据文章Astronauts cannot drink water from open cups. The water would float in drops in the spaceship.宇航员不能用开口的杯子喝水,因为水将一滴一滴的漂浮在宇宙飞船上。故选A小题3:主旨题。根据文章内容可知,这篇文章主要讲的是在太空中吃食物和喝水是不同于在地球上吃食物。故选B点评:文章意思明了,题目设置紧扣文章意思来设置。首先把握好中心是对太空中吃食物的介绍。学生在解答时首先可以对整个文章花两分钟时间进行阅读,理解作者大概讲什么,然后结合选项中的答案,可以通过相应题目与原文进行比较,结合排除法就可以很快得出结果。
2023-08-02 07:02:281

宇航员们成功的按计划从月球返回地球 用英语怎么说

In order to make sure he could hear himself clearly, Mr. Smith spoke slowly.Astronauts were successfully backing to the Earth from the Moon on schedule.
2023-08-02 07:02:363


【 #英语资源# 导语】在英语学习中有没有特别想知道怎么运用的单词呢? 英语资源频道! 一、英文:   astronaut; cosmonaut   二、双语例句:   1   “奋进”号的两名宇航员将穿上太空服进行太空行走。   Two members of Endeavour"s crew will suit up for a space walk   2   飞船上的6名宇航员将在太空度过10天。   The six astronauts on board will spend ten days in space.   3   今天宇航员将会做最后一次尝试,力图把一颗通信卫星从无效的轨道上抢救下来。   Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit   4   我能够理解为什么宇航员发现重新适应地球上的生活不容易。   I can understand why astronauts find it difficult to readjust to life on earth   5   宇航员们将安装一个发动机,以推动卫星进入正常运行轨道。   The astronauts will attach a motor that will boost the satellite into its proper orbit   6   那些宇航员正在进行一系列实验,以更多地了解身体如何适应失重状态。   The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness   7   宇航员正在为明天早上的着陆作准备。   The astronauts are preparing for touchdown tomorrow morning.   8   美国“亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机上的宇航员正准备收回该航天器。   The crew of the US space shuttle Atlantis were preparing to reel in the craft.   9   1969年,宇航员首次登上了月球。   In1969, astronauts first landed on the moon.   10   宇航员们要接受多年的训练,学会如何使用宇宙飞船。   The astronauts trained for years in how to use their spacecraft.   11   宇航员有特殊的呼吸装置。   The astronauts have special breathing apparatus.   12   他立志要当一名宇航员。   He is determined to become an astronaut.   13   当宇航员对身体条件要求很严。   The physical fitness requirements for being an astronaut are very stiff.   14   但是宇航员已经去过月球了。   But astronauts have already been to the moon.   15   我可以是医生,我可以是工程师,我可以是宇航员。   I can be a doctor, I can be an engineer, I can be an astronaut.
2023-08-02 07:04:591


2023-08-02 07:06:022


宇航员英文读作"Astronaut"。扩展资料Astronauts are individuals who are trained to operate spacecraft, perform scientific experiments in space, and conduct spacewalks. They are a critical component of space exploration and have played a vital role in advancing our understanding of the universe.The history of astronauts dThis can lead to a variety of health problems, including headaches, nausea, and vision changes. Astronauts must also exercise regularly to prevent muscle and bone loss.Despite the challenges, being an astronaut is an incredibly rewarding career. Astronauts have the opportunity to conduct groundbreaking research, explore new frontiers, and inspire the next generation of space explorers. They are truly pioneers of the final frontier.
2023-08-02 07:06:101

Astronauts, people who fly into space, need special training?

小题1:D 小题2:A 小题3:C 小题4:B ,1,Astronauts, people who fly into space, need special training. First they go to Houston, Texas. That is the home of the Johnson Space Centre. There they are tested to see how strong and *** art they are. One of the first tests is for the heart. The people walk or run, then the space doctors see how fast their hearts are beating. Another important test is performed. In this test the person must curl(蜷曲)his body up in a ball. When he is in that position, he is put into a round cloth bag. The doctors give him no idea how long he will have to stay in the bag. If a spaceship broke down in space, the astronauts would get into bags like this. Then they would have to wait and curl up in darkness, until help could arrive. You can see that an astronaut must not be afraid of tight space or darkness. After the tests, only the best people are chosen to start astronaut training in a training centre. The astronauts in training learn many other things. They learn how to jump out of a moving airplane. They learn to how to blow up a lifeboat and get into it while they are in the ocean. The astronauts also have to learn how to get lifted out of the ocean by helicopter(直升机). That may look fun, but it can be dangerous. After they finish training, the astronauts continue to work. They stay in good shape by running and doing exercise. They read about their special jobs. In that way they can learn new facts about space travel. Then the big day es. The astronaut is told to go to work on a flight into space. The crew members(全体船员)get to know each other first. Then they can learn which job each will do. 小题1:The astronauts don"t know how long they will stay in the bag in the test because ________________. A.the doctors need to know how strong they are B.the astronauts need to show how *** art they are C.good astronauts mustn"t be afraid of darkness or tight space D.nobody knows when help will e if the spaceship breaks down 小题2:The astronauts don"t learn how to ________________ in the training centre. A.walk or run in space B.jump out of the moving plane C.blow up a lifeboat D.get lifted out of water by helicopter 小题3:Which is the correct order according to the passage? a. Doctors do tests on the astronauts. b. The astronauts go to the Space Centre. c. The astronauts learn new facts about space travel. d. The best people are chosen for training. e. The astronauts go to work on a flight into space. A.a, b, c, d, e B.d, a, e, b, c C.b, a, d, c, e D.c, d, e, b, a 小题4:Which of the following is NOT true? A.After the tests, only the best people are chosen to start astronaut training in a training centre. B.The crew members get to know each other after the tests. C.One of the first tests is for the heart. D.An astronaut must not be afraid of tight space or darkness.
2023-08-02 07:06:331


Simple Plan - Astronaut Can anybody hear me? 是否还有人能听到我的呐喊Or am I talking to myself? 可能只是我在自言自语My mind is running empty 思绪变得越来越空虚In the search for someone else 正在试着搜寻那个Who doesn"t look right through me.从来不把我放在眼中的人It"s all just static in my head 如静电干扰着我的头脑Can anybody tell me why 有人告诉我原因吗I"m lonely like a satellite? 我就想一颗卫星一样孤独?"Cause tonight I"m feeling like an astronaut 就像今晚我感觉自己就像宇航员Sending SOS from this tiny box 在微小的盒子里发出求救的信号And I lost all signal when I lifted up当我举起发送时我失去了所有的信号Now I"m stuck out here and the world forgot 此时的我被卡住,同时被世界遗忘Can I please come down? (come down) 我能下来吗"Cause I"m tired of drifting round and round 我已经厌倦了无尽的漂流和迷失自我Can I please come down? 我能解脱吗?I"m deaf from all the silence 越是寂静,我却听不见Is it something that I"ve done? 是我自己的杰作吗I know that there are millions 我知道是有百万之众像我如此失去和外界的联系I can"t be the only one who"s so disconnected 我不能成为其中之一It"s so different in my head. 我的想法如此的与众不同Can anybody tell me why 有谁能告诉我为什么吗I"m lonely like a satellite? "Cause tonight I"m feeling like an astronaut Sending SOS from this tiny box And I lost all signal when I lifted up Now I"m stuck out here and the world forgot Can I please come down (come down) "Cause I"m tired of drifting round and round Can I please come down? 同上Now I lie awake and scream in a zero gravity 失去重力我躺着清醒地呐喊And it"s starting to weigh down on me. 这样开始,使我颓废Whoaa let"s abort this mission now 谁能让这次任务停止Can I please come down? 我可以解脱了吗So tonight I"m calling all astronauts 所以今晚我联系所有的宇航员All the lonely people that the world forgot 和所有被世界遗忘的寂寞的人If you hear my voice come pick me up 如果你能听到我的声音带走我的话Are you out there? "cause you"re all I"ve got! 你们在吗,你们是我唯一能寻找的目标And tonight I"m feeling like an astronaut Sending SOS from this tiny box And I lost all signal when I lifted up Now I"m stuck out here and the world forgot "Cause tonight I"m feeling like an astronaut Sending SOS from this tiny box To the lonely people that the world forgot Are you out there? "Cause you"re all I"ve got! Can I please come down? (please, please, please) 请问我能解脱了吗"Cause I"m tired of drifting round and round. 我厌倦了到处漂泊I"m tired of drifting round 我已经厌倦了漂泊Can I please come down? (please, please, please) Can I please come down? Can I please come down? 我能解脱了吗?
2023-08-02 07:06:401

有一首歌是英文的翻译成汉语是:名人堂。 是励志的,此歌原名是什么

Hall of Fame 是爱尔兰著名Piano Rock乐队The Script(手稿乐队)发行于2012年8月的一支单曲,收录在乐队第三张录音室专辑《#3》中,为乐队在UK Singles Chart(英国单曲榜)唯一的冠军歌曲。歌曲更有Black Eyed Peas(黑眼豆豆合唱团)灵魂人物Will.I.Am加盟,歌曲的主题是追寻你的梦想,世界因你而改变,充满励志元素的音符与触动人心的节奏一拍即合,献给吉他手Mark Sheehan在天堂早逝的双亲及Danny O"Donoghue的父亲。此曲作为CCTV5《天下足球》2012年终特别节目《微观天下2@12》的主题曲,之后取代Nickelback的《When We Stand Together》成为《天下足球》2013年新的片尾曲歌词与翻译 Yeah, you could be the greatest, you can be the best是的,你可以成为最伟大的,你可以成为最好的You can be the King Kong banging on your chest你可以像金刚一样敲打的自己的胸膛You could beat the world, you could beat the war你可以征服世界,你可以打赢战争You could talk to God, go banging on his door你可以与上帝交谈,敲打他的大门You can throw your hands up, you can beat the clock你可以举起双手,你可以超越时间You can move a mountain, you can break rocks你可以移动山峦,你可以击碎岩石You could be a master, don"t wait for luck你可以成为大师,不需要等待幸运降临Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself奉献你自己,然后你便可以找到自我Standing in the hall of fame站在名人堂中And the world"s gonna know your name全世界都会知道你的名字Cause you burn with the brightest flame因为你就像正熊熊燃烧着的最耀眼的火焰And the world"s gonna know your name全世界都会知道你的名字And you"ll be on the walls of the hall of fame而你会位列名人堂之墙You could go the distance, you can run the mile你可以坚持到底,你可以跑到极限You can walk straight through hell with a smile你可以带着微笑径直穿过地狱You could be the hero, you could get the gold你可以成为英雄,你可以获得金牌Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke打破所有那些别人认为牢不可破的记录Do it for your people, do it for your pride行动吧,为你的人民,为你的荣誉Never gonna know if you never even try如果不尝试就永远不会知道结果Do it for your country, do it for your name行动吧,为你的国家,为你的荣誉Cause there gonna be a day因为将会有一天When you"re standing in the hall of fame当你站在名人堂中And the world"s gonna know your name全世界都会知道你的名字Cause you burn with the brightest flame因为你就像正熊熊燃烧着的最耀眼的火焰And the world"s gonna know your name而全世界都会知道你的名字And you"ll be on the walls of the hall of fame你会位列名人堂之墙Be a champion,成为冠军Be a champion,成为冠军Be a champion,成为冠军Be a champion成为冠军On the walls of the hall of fame在名人堂之墙上Be students成为学生Be teachers成为导师Be politicians成为政客Be preachers成为传教士Be believers成为信徒Be leaders成为领导者Be astronauts成为航天员Be champions成为冠军Be truth seekers成为真理的探索者
2023-08-02 07:07:031


现代生活是少了很多的优势,友谊和睦邻友好比它曾经是。美国人平均每五年要… 参考资料:有道翻译 和过去相比,现代生活少了许多友谊和邻里关系的
2023-08-02 07:07:143


An astronaut or cosmonaut is a person trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a spacecraft.[1] While generally reserved for professional space travelers, the term is sometimes applied to anyone who travels into space, including scientists, politicians, journalists, and tourists.Until 2003, astronauts were sponsored and trained exclusively by governments, either by the military, or by civilian space agencies. However, with the first sub-orbital flight of the privately-funded SpaceShipOne in 2004, a new category of astronaut was created: the commercial astronaut. With the rise of space tourism, NASA and the Russian Federal Space Agency agreed to use the term "spaceflight participant" to distinguish those space travelers from astronauts on missions coordinated by those two agencies.The criteria for what constitutes human spaceflight vary. The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) defines spaceflight as any flight over 100 kilometers (62 mi). However, in the United States, professional, military, and commercial astronauts who travel above an altitude of 80 kilometers (50 mi) are awarded astronaut wings.
2023-08-02 07:07:221


1750亿美元 太空梭计画从开始到完成的花费4亿5千万美元 每趟任务平均花费时速28,001公里太空梭发射8分钟后的速度,约是步枪子弹速度的9倍。超过250万个零件太空梭有超过250万个零件,370,149公尺长的电线,1,060的管线阀门和接头。另外还有27,000片隔热瓦和热毯。73秒升空飞行才刚过1分钟,挑战者号STS-51-L就解体,7名太空人全数罹难,其中包括原本能成为第一位上太空的老师克丽丝塔麦考莉芙。82秒哥伦比亚号STS-107首先出现问题迹象的时间,这问题最终造成太空梭返航时解体,机上7名太空人全数罹难,包括第一位以色列太空人。907太空总署经历哥伦比亚号惨剧后,暂停太空梭升空任务的天数。1984年10月凯瑟琳苏莉文成为首位太空漫步的美国女性。1992年9月,梅洁米森成为首位上太空的非裔美籍女性。1999年7月艾琳考林斯成为首位女性太空梭指挥官。Space Exploration Seen as Never Before.Narrated by award-winning actor Gary Sinise, WHEN WE LEFT EARTH is the incredible story of humankind"s greatest adventure, as it happened, told by the people who were there. From the early quest of the Mercury program to put a man in space, to the historic moon landings, through the Soyuz link-up and the first un-tethered space walk by Bruce McCandless, this is how the space age came of age. The vivid HD series features vintage rushes and all the key onboards filmed by the astronauts themselves. The sequences are captured by cameras onboard the spaceships, enabling the series to tell the stories in a depth never seen before.ORDINARY SUPERMANNASA selects seven men to become the first astronauts. They"re all test pilots, prepared to risk their lives. No one has ever survived a vertical launch on top of a rocket, but it"s the only way they know to put an astronaut into earth orbit. The Mercury astronauts and engineers need to figure out how to launch a man into space on top of a converted intercontinental ballistic missile.THE EXPLORERSNow that NASA has mastered the lunar round trip, they want to explore more of the moon"s mysteries. With Apollo 13, they face their biggest crisis in space -- returning a damaged spacecraft back safely to earth. Undaunted, NASA launches more moon missions and a new lunar rover that allows wide-ranging lunar surface expiditions. Apollo 17 is the longest moon mission and the last time man would set foot on the moon for generations. In a new phase of the space program, NASA converts an unused Saturn V rocket into Skylab, America"s first space-station. But by the time it reaches orbit it"s badly damaged. For the first time, astronauts will have to work outside the spaceship to save the space-station.FRIENDS AND RIVALSFor Project Gemini, a new generation of astronauts arrive at NASA -- their mission, to test all the procedures required to land men on the moon and bring them safely back to earth. Each Gemini mission launches two men into space, leading to some of NASA"s greatest moments -- Ed White"s spacewalk, the first orbital rendezvous of Gemini 6 and 7.LANDING THE EAGLEThe Apollo program is set to achieve the ultimate prize of the Space Race, landing men on the moon. But a fire breaks out in the pressurized capsule of Apollo 1, resulting in the deaths of Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee. But NASA"s astronauts and engineers turn tragedy into triumph with the first manned launch of the formidable Saturn V rocket, lifting three astronauts into deep space for the first time. Two missions later and NASA is ready to land men on the moon in the ultimate test of America"s spacefaring vision.THE SHUTTLEFor its first 20 years, NASA launches capsules carrying a maximum of three people. But new requirements for a bigger cargo bay prompt a breakthrough in spacecraft design. The development of the reusable shuttle leads to a revolutionary approach to space travel, but somebody has to test fly it in space for the first time. That requires a true test pilot, John Young, the man who sat alongside Gus Grissom on the first Gemini flight. NASA"s manned programs are again leading the way, but space travel remains as dangerous as ever and tragedy again strikes NASA when the Challenger explodes.HOME IN SPACEOne of the most complex instruments ever built, the Hubble Space Telescope is expected to transform our understanding of the Universe. But once it is in orbit, NASA discovers a serious problem, a defective main mirror that leaves Hubble short-sighted. NASA sends a team of astronauts to fix the problem, but it won"t be easy. It is NASA"s greatest and highest profile mission since the Apollo era. It gives NASA the confidence to begin construction on the International Space Station. More astronauts are in space simultaneously than ever before. And despite the tragedy of Columbia, NASA"s astronauts are pioneering the way back to the moon, Mars and beyond.
2023-08-02 07:07:321


  没有梦想的人,就如同没有翅膀的鸟,失去了自己的天空。下面请大家来看看我辛苦为大家准备的《我的梦想是宇航员英语作文》两篇,如果想要更多相关讯息,请继续关注我们的作文栏目。   篇一:我的梦想是宇航员英语作文   My dream is to grow up being an excellent astronaut, that"s because when mom and dad gave birth to my name have astronauts on the word "yu". When I speak, I saw the astronauts were to fly to space, originally I don"t like astronauts, slowly like in this profession. From then on, I would like to watch the news about the aircraft, rocket, and animated films.   我的梦想是长大了当一名优秀的宇航员,那是因为爸爸妈妈生下我的时候名字上就有宇航员的“宇”字。等我会说话的时候,我就看见宇航员个个飞到宇宙空间时候,原本不喜欢宇航员的我,也渐渐喜欢上了这中职业。从那以后,我就喜欢观看那些关于飞机、火箭的新闻和动画片了。   记得有一次,我们去学校的电脑上看了“开学第一课”里面的第二课,有一个人拿了一桌子的纸飞机,他用一个纸飞机飞到观众台的上空,又像回力镖一样飞回来,我就想起了我的梦想:长大了当一名优秀的宇航员。   篇二:我的梦想是宇航员英语作文   I want to be astronauts when he grows up. Because the last time saw uncle Yang liwei piloted the success in the TV 5 fly to outer space that the appearance of power and prestige, I can"t help but want to be astronauts.   If I as an astronaut, I would like to go to the Mars in the shenzhou 8, see if there is a fire; To mercury, see if there is water. To Jupiter, see if there is wood; Went to Venus, see if there is gold, Go to Saturn, see if there is dirt.   I must be conscientious good each lesson on the ground, achievement I when astronauts dream!   我长大了想当宇航员。因为上一次在电视里看到了杨利伟叔叔成功驾驶神舟5号飞到了外太空那威风的样子,我忍不住想当宇航员了起来。   如果我当上了宇航员,我想乘着神舟8号去火星,看看那儿有没有火;去水星,看看那儿有没有水;去木星,看看那儿有没有木头;去金星,看看那儿有没有金子;去土星,看看那儿有没有泥土。   我一定要认认真真地上好每一堂课,成就我当宇航员的梦想!
2023-08-02 07:07:441

英语翻译 (1)当天空一号中生活时,宇航员几乎可以做任何事情。 (2)正是在伦敦举行了第30届奥运会。...

(1) when the sky live at first, astronauts can do almost anything. (2) it is the 30th Olympic Games held in London. (3) time he became obsessed with playing computer games. (4) that was the first time he appeared on CCTV on the stage. (5) I find to express what he wanted to say it is almost impossible.
2023-08-02 07:07:543

The astronauts started their journeys in rockets _____ forward by jets of hot gas. A.drove ..

B 试题分析:考察分词作定语。本题中的动词drive与名词rockets构成被动关系,故使用过去分词短语在句中作定语。句意:宇航员坐在有喷气式气体驱动的火箭中开始了他们的旅行。故B正确。点评:当分词做定语的时候,如果构成分词的动词与名词构成主动关系,就使用现在分词做定语;当二者构成被动关系,使用过去分词做定语。单独的一个分词做定语要放在名词的前面,分词短语做定语要放在分词的后面。
2023-08-02 07:08:021

The spaceship ______ astronauts landed on the moon surface is one of the most expensive itemsuff1f

2023-08-02 07:08:213

Astronauts have already been to the moon.改成疑问句:Where have astronauts( )been选填

2023-08-02 07:08:385

Space travel is definitely bad for astronauts’ bones, reducing their bone density(密度) after onl

小题1:D小题2:B小题3:D小题4:A 本文介绍了法国对太空宇航员长期在太空飞行,会使骨里的密度减少而对骨不利的研究。小题1:细节题。根据文章第4段的定语从句who had spent one to six months in space可推知此题答案为D。小题2:细节题。根据文章第5段第1句The BMD loss was significant in the tibia(胫骨) of the lower leg, a weight-bearing bone可推知此题答案为B。小题3:细节题。根据文章第6段Without gravity…所引起的结果,可推知此题答案为D。小题4:词义猜测题。上文提到对十五人进行研究表明在整个航行过程中骨损在继续,下文再说especially striking,可知是“特别明显”的事,因此选A。
2023-08-02 07:08:521

中译英:1:正因为有了爱因斯坦的理论,才使后来的宇航员能进入太空(because of)

1.It was because of Einstein"s theory,astronauts are able to go into space.2.It was the result of the flood made people realize the importance of planting trees.3.It was the note that tells Bob the truth.4.It was for the injured soldiers that she worked in the hospital day and night.5.It was through playing,the kids learned lots of knowledge and grew up.希望能帮到你!
2023-08-02 07:09:093

Astronauts are ______ all kinds of tests before they are actually sent up in a spacecraft.

B) subjected to
2023-08-02 07:09:173

Sam and Joe were astronauts. There was once a very dangerous trip and the more experienced(有经验

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4:B 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了山姆和乔在别人认为任务非常危险的时候,争取了这个飞行的任务,在飞行中乔到舱外维修,回来时敲门山姆还问他你是谁。小题1:推理判断题。根据短文第一段There was once a very dangerous trip and the more experienced(有经验的) astronauts knew there was only a small chance of coming back alive描述,有经验的宇航员知道这次的飞行生还的机会非常小,所以大部分人不想去,故选C.小题2:细节理解题。根据第一段We"re the best men for the job,” they said to the boss. “There may be problems, but we can find the answers.”和“But all the other astronauts have refused(拒绝) to go.”描述,山姆和乔向老板请求任务,其他的人都拒绝飞行,故选D小题3:推理判断题。根据第二段描述可知,乔敲门山姆还问你是谁,可知作者想表现宇航员的有趣的一面,故选B小题4:是非判断题。根据第一段“They"re the last people I"d trust(信任),” thought the boss. “But all the other astronauts have refused(拒绝) to go.”可知他们在老板的眼中不一定是最好的,因为其他人都拒绝了这个任务。
2023-08-02 07:09:251


付丧女u30fbあおゑデモニオンⅡおおぞらストライプ魔导书の司书圣エステラ学院の七人の魔女すぽコン!u301cSportswear-Complex!えれくと!デモニオンu301c魔王の地下要塞 可能不太准确
2023-08-02 07:09:331


1.B,根据第二段最后一句Last October, Shengzhou V made China the third nation to send a man into space.2.D,根据第一段最后一句The ship circled the earth 14 times in about 20 hours. 3.D,根据第三段Next May, China will send a small satellite into space. It will watch the Olympic venues (场馆)as people build them. 4.A,根据第一段Yang Liwei, 38, 5.B,根据第一段CHINA launched its first manned spaceship into space at 9 yesterday morning. (CCTV 9, October 16,2003)
2023-08-02 07:09:561


随便说点自己以前记得和传统套路不一样的gal,各种类型口味都有,包括metagame和ryouki游戏、郁ゲー等,注意排雷(顺便因为我记忆可能有偏差,有的可能其实就是个很普通的游戏但是我记成非传统套路的gal了的情况也会发生的,所以还是那句话 注意排雷)看答主举的例子,某metagame...干脆我也推荐几部metagame算了:HAIN三部曲(屠杀之园、M病院、水仙花)Doki Doki Literature Club深沢豊的作品Pia系列(开餐馆)话说我突然想起来非ADV里面似乎有很多都符合你的要求...放上来几个吧:E社的创刻的动脉、Astronauts社的ウルスラグナ~征戦のデュエリスト~、塔の下のエクセルキトゥス、アリスティアu30fbリメイン软屋子的巢作之龙和Astronauts的魔王地下要塞(扮演魔王打勇者)讲道理其实大部分只要不是做传统ADV或者不止做过传统ADV作品的厂商....大多都做过RPG,而RPG里面就包含很多“有新意”的作品?嘛至少和传统ADV来说是要好很多了,ADV作品就算套路再多,来来回回也就是那些,玩多几部就知道套路就没意思了....所以这里就给答主一些这类会社然后答主自己去找作品吧,因为主要还是大部分都是日文....实在懒得打了Escu:de社(代表作脱衣炮系列(あかときっ))Leaf(代表作传颂之物系列)ELF(代表作龙骑士系列、Words Worth)Abogado Powers(代表作黑之断章、D+Vine[Luv])Eushully(代表作战女神系列、魔导巧壳、创刻的动脉、神采炼金名匠、神之狂想曲等)Alicesoft(代表作兰斯系列、超昂神骑系列、GALZOO、EVENICLE)Astronauts(代表作魔王的地下要塞、魔导书司书、Aristear remain)软屋子(Softhouse-chara,代表作巢作之龙、BunnyBlack系列、王贼)Circus(A.G.D.C)Studio e.go&でぼの巣(代表作:神乐系列、城堡幻想曲系列、出云战记系列)Ninetail(代表作VB系列)Atelier Kaguya(代表作ダンジョンクルセイダーズ系列)对了ELF社还有个A和谐Vking,男主开A和谐V店壮大自己家产业的(=-=吐槽不能)Tenco(英雄战姬)嘛就这么多吧,其他的可以去逼乎上面搜“有游戏性的gal”或者类似tag,可以看见一堆
2023-08-02 07:10:031

帮忙把下列句子翻译成英文(用定语从句)。 急用急用!!!

1. I don"t know why can"t some countries of Africa with tractors replaced cattle reason 2. Where I am in Kenya plan a remote region of building a small clinic, to help improve there children"s health 3. A few days ago that the tailor received a charity new sewing machine 4. This is a can store seeds cans 5. Astronauts into space before going in for the hundreds of hours of training 6. Today is the couple golden anniversary, they are celebrates. 7. The best economic plan put forward the party in the election. 8. I win this means said the concert began
2023-08-02 07:10:136


2023-08-02 07:10:3115


Astronut or spaceman网络 宇宙航天员;
2023-08-02 07:11:152

Eating in space is different from eating on earth.的中文

2023-08-02 07:11:305

老师要求写一篇关于太空探险意义的英语作文 求翻译。

答案:Some people think, can gain new knowledge expanding human living space from space to obtain the new resources.Others think don"t agree because costly and astronauts safety problems.
2023-08-02 07:12:366


Liu Yang, female, the Han nationality, Henan Province, Linzhou City, the Communist Party, Bachelor degree. Born in October 1978, 1997 2001 August the army, joined the party in May, the Chinese people"s Liberation Army astronaut group four astronauts, the rank of major. A former Air Force Regiment of division a group deputy commander, 1680 hours of flight safety, was rated as the two air force pilot. In 2010 May officially became China"s second group of astronauts. After more than two years of astronaut training, completion of the basic theory, space environmental adaptability, professional space, flight procedure and task simulation training such as the 8 major categories of dozens of subjects training missions, with outstanding achievements astronauts expertise through comprehensive assessment. In 2012 March, selected the Shenzhou nine mission flying group. The God nine female astronaut Liu Yang revealed: Liu Yang or as China"s first female astronaut into space. Attention God nine female astronaut personnel have been identified, the God nine female astronaut Liu Yang. Liu Yang also became China"s first female astronaut into space. It is reported to choose God nine female astronaut condition more, the God nine female astronaut need married experience natural childbirth, over the age of 25 years.
2023-08-02 07:13:071


Liu Yang, female, the Han nationality, Henan Province, Linzhou City, the Communist Party, Bachelor degree. Born in October 1978, 1997 2001 August the army, joined the party in May, the Chinese people"s Liberation Army astronaut group four astronauts, the rank of major. A former Air Force Regiment of division a group deputy commander, 1680 hours of flight safety, was rated as the two air force pilot. In 2010 May officially became China"s second group of astronauts. After more than two years of astronaut training, completion of the basic theory, space environmental adaptability, professional space, flight procedure and task simulation training such as the 8 major categories of dozens of subjects training missions, with outstanding achievements astronauts expertise through comprehensive assessment. In 2012 March, selected the Shenzhou nine mission flying group. The God nine female astronaut Liu Yang revealed: Liu Yang or as China"s first female astronaut into space. Attention God nine female astronaut personnel have been identified, the God nine female astronaut Liu Yang. Liu Yang also became China"s first female astronaut into space. It is reported to choose God nine female astronaut condition more, the God nine female astronaut need married experience natural childbirth, over the age of 25 years.意思是:刘洋,女,汉族,河南省林州市人,中共党员,学士学位。1978年10月出生,1997年8月入伍,2001年5月入党,现为中国人民解放军航天员大队四级航天员,少校军衔。曾任空军某师某团某飞行大队副大队长,安全飞行1680小时,被评为空军二级飞行员。2010年5月正式成为我国第二批航天员。经过两年多的航天员训练,完成了基础理论、航天环境适应性、航天专业技术、飞行程序与任务模拟训练等8大类几十个科目的训练任务,以优异成绩通过航天员专业技术综合考核。2012年3月,入选神舟九号任务飞行乘组。 神九女航天员刘洋资料大揭密:刘洋或为中国首个女航天员进入太空。备受瞩目的神九女航天员人员已确定,神九女航天员为刘洋。刘洋也成为中国首个女航天员进入太空。据悉选择神九女航天员的条件多多,神九女航天员需已婚经历自然分娩,年龄超过25岁。
2023-08-02 07:13:171


2023-08-02 07:13:375


双线程就是有两个线程构成的,每一个线程都是进程中的一条执行路径。线程是操作系统能够进行运算调度的最小单位。它被包含在进程之中,是进程中的实际运作单位。一条线程指的是进程中一个单一顺序的控制流,一个进程中可以并发多个线程,每条线程并行执行不同的任务。在Unix System V及SunOS中也被称为轻量进程(lightweight processes),但轻量进程更多指内核线程(kernel thread),而把用户线程(user thread)称为线程。扩展资料线程是独立调度和分派的基本单位。线程可以为操作系统内核调度的内核线程,如Win32线程;由用户进程自行调度的用户线程,如Linux平台的POSIX Thread;或者由内核与用户进程,如Windows 7的线程,进行混合调度。同一进程中的多条线程将共享该进程中的全部系统资源,如虚拟地址空间,文件描述符和信号处理等等。但同一进程中的多个线程有各自的调用栈(call stack),自己的寄存器环境(register context),自己的线程本地存储(thread-local storage)。一个进程可以有很多线程,每条线程并行执行不同的任务。参考资料来源:百度百科-线程
2023-08-02 07:13:291

如何设置lafalink r190路由wisp功能

  无线路由器的AP、WDS、WISP使用功能详解:  AP  无线路由器的无线功能开启后,设想在路由器的LAN口上,接了一个无线交换机。这个无线交换机的无线插接口,就是这个无线路由器的无线AP,这种工作模式就是无线路由器的AP模式(无线接入点模式)。  一个电脑上用的无线网卡,可以看成是一个无线插接头。无线路由器的无线AP可以看成是无线交换机的无线插接口。一个无线网卡无线连接到无线AP,就相当于一根网线的网线头插接在一个有线交换机的LAN口上了。  一根网线的一个网线头只能插接在一个有线交换机上,一个有线交换机上可以插接几根网线。和有线交换机类似,一个无线网卡只能无线连接到一个无线AP,一个无线AP上可以有几个无线连接的无线网卡。  WDS  设想在路由器的LAN口上,接了一个专用的无线网卡。这种专用的无线网卡不能无线连接到另一个无线路由器的无线AP。只有另一个无线路由器的LAN口上也接了这种专用的无线网卡,这两个专用的无线网卡才能无线对等连接,这种工作模式就是无线路由器的WDS模式(无线分布系统模式)。如果AP模式和WDS模式同时工作运行,就是无线路由器的AP+WDS模式。  WISP  设想在路由器的WAN口上,接了一个电脑上用的普通无线网卡,可以无线连接到另一个无线路由器的无线AP,这种工作模式就是无线路由器的WISP模式(无线WAN口模式)。这时无线路由器的有线WAN口换成了无线WAN口,原来WAN口的插接网线工作,变成了无线连接时的设置无线SSID、无线频道、安全密钥等工作。  现在的无线路由器的WISP模式工作运行时,AP模式都是在同时工作运行。一般人也把WISP模式称为无线万能中继模式或无线信号放大模式,意思是把无线WAN口连接的无线信号,再通过无线AP转发出去。其实,一个普通的有线路由器,把WAN口和LAN口都想象成是无线连接的,就是一个WISP模式的无线路由器,网络使用功能是一样的,区别只是有线和无线。
2023-08-02 07:13:291

LPA -380M 功放机功率是多少

2023-08-02 07:13:251