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2023-08-02 19:52:53
TAG: 英文 历史


More than and 100 years of history


More than and 100 years of history



history英 [u02c8hu026astri] 美 [u02c8hu026astri] n.历史(指过去发生的所有事情);历史学;(有关某个地方、主题等的)发展史;历史课;(某人的)履历,经历
2023-08-02 06:04:531


2023-08-02 06:05:084


annals: [ 03n05lz ] n. 纪年表,年鉴,年报 例句与用法1. His name will go down in the annals. 他的名字将载入编年史。 2. The annals of the society have been published. 社会年刊已经出版了。 3. The tournament added a brilliant page to the annals of world table-tennis. 这次比赛给世界乒乓球史增添了光辉的一页。 4. One who writes annals; a chronicler. 编年史作者写编年史的人;编年史作者 history: [ hist05ri ] n. 历史 [ 名词复数histories ] 例句与用法1. She loved me once, but that"s all ancient history now. 她曾经爱过我,但现在已成往事。 2. The English language has an interesting history. 英语有着饶有趣味的发展历史。 3. He has a degree in world history. 他具有世界历史的学位。 4. In the library, the books on history are all kept in one bay. 在图书馆里,历史方面的书都放在同一隔间里。 5. He specializes in oriental history. 他专门研究东方史。
2023-08-02 06:05:181


konw the history of....
2023-08-02 06:05:293


在所有的科目中我最喜欢历史英文:Of all the subjects, I like history best. 核心词汇释义: 所有:possess;own;possessions;belongings;all 科目:subject (in a curriculum);course;headings (in an account book);titles of successful candidates in imperial exams 喜欢:like;love;be fond of;be keen on;happy;elated;filled with joy 历史:history;past event;historical record;history (as a branch of learning) 扩展资料: 中国历史是指中国从中华文明产生到现在的历史。 中国历史悠久,自黄帝部落的姬轩辕(也称公孙轩辕)时期算起约有5000年;从三皇五帝算起约有4600年;自夏朝算起约有近4100年;从中国第一次大统一的中央集权制的秦朝算起约有2240年。 中国历经多次政权演变和朝代更迭,也曾是世界上最强大的国家,经济、文化、科技世界瞩目。 中国史前时期炎黄二帝被尊奉为中华民族的人文始祖。
2023-08-02 06:05:581


问题一:历史用英语怎么说? history求采纳 问题二:请问..喝牛奶完可以吃钙片吗? 牛奶跟钙片不会相克. 但是喝了足够的牛奶就没有必要再服用钙片了.牛奶的含钙量可以保证一天的摄入量. 但是,摄入钙质不等于吸收钙质,还需要体内的VD,那么就一定要晒太阳吸收紫外线.不要怕晒黑了。 如果是因为父母的身材都不很高,特别希望自己增高而补充钙质的话,那么还要注意多进鼎蹦跳双杠之类的活动,不要练习举重和哑铃. 问题三:中国历史文化遗产用英文怎么说 中国历史文化遗产 Chinese historical and cultural heritage 问题四:用英语怎么说“中国近现代历史” China"s modern history [例句]People who had a major impact on china"s modern history like Liao zhongkai, li dazhao, chen Duxiu and Peng Pai studied in this institution. 在中国近代史上有着重要影响的廖仲恺、李大钊、陈独秀、彭湃等曾在这里负笈求学。
2023-08-02 06:06:051

历史的英文单词怎么念 history

2023-08-02 06:06:135


BC in the Mediterranean Iberian people, BAK people, Celtic, has come to Britain. 1-5 century, south-east England, the Roman Empire. , After the withdrawal of the Romans, the Anglo people in northern Europe, Saxons, Jutes invaded and settled in succession. The 7th century the feudal system began to take shape, many small countries, and into seven kingdoms strive for hegemony over 200 years, called "Anglo - Saxon era." 829 King of Wessex love Gebert unified England. 8 end of the century the Danes were struck from 1016 to 1042 as part of the Danish Viking empire. King was later short-term rule, in 1066, Duke of Normandy crossed the sea to conquer England. In 1215 King John was forced to sign Magna Carta, kingship was inhibited. From 1338 to 1453 English law, "the Hundred Years War," the British after the defeat and win a victory. In 1588, defeated the Spanish "Armada", to establish maritime supremacy. Bourgeois revolution broke out in 1640. May 19, 1649 declared a republic. 1660 Dynasty restoration took place in 1668 "Glorious Revolution" established a constitutional monarchy. 1707 England and Scotland merged in 1801 they merged with the Irish. The latter half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century, becoming the world"s first industrial revolution, a complete country. 19th century was the heyday of the British Empire in 1914 the colonial possession of 111 times more than the local big was the first colonial power, claiming to be "follow the sun empire." After World War I began to decay. British in Northern Ireland was established in 1920, the county, and in 1921 to 1922 in southern Ireland, from its rule to allow the establishment of an independent country. Westminster Act, enacted in 1931, was forced to recognize its dominion in the internal affairs and foreign policy of independence, the British Empire, shaken from the colonial system. World War II, greatly weakened the economic strength and political status declined. With the 1947 India and Pakistan have independence, to 60 years, the British Empire, the collapse of the colonial system. In January 1973 to join the EC.
2023-08-02 06:06:361


语文Chinese数学Mathematics英语English政治Polotics物理Physics化学Chemistry生物Biology历史History地理Geography音乐music编辑于 2020-01-28查看全部4个回答— 你看完啦,以下内容更有趣 —英语怎么发音,51Talk在线青少儿英语「51Talk」让孩子在初期学英语的过程中充分与外教互动交流,一对一纠正音标发音!限时注册即可领取288元免费试听课程!
2023-08-02 06:07:396


2023-08-02 06:08:122


2023-08-02 06:08:381


historical通常指历史上的或历史的,侧重在历史上出现过或与历史有关的;historic通常指历史上有名的、可成为史料的、具有历史意义的或具有历史价值的。historical:历史的,指的是和历史有关的或是历史上出现过的人或事。比如说,历史建筑historical buildings,历史小说historical fiction。historic:指重要的历史事件,表示“有历史意义的;历史上著名的”,比如历史性的公告a historic announcement。有时同一个名词,用两者修饰都可以,但含义不同:我们说历史上某一次战斗是 a historic event,那是说这次战斗在历史上有名或有影响;同时也可以说它是a historical event,那是说它在历史上的确发生过。historic常用来表示历史上一件难忘的、有名的、重要的、独特的东西。比如历史性的公告a historic announcement,还有发表这个公告的地点一扇历史性的银门a historic silver gate。
2023-08-02 06:08:461


2023-08-02 06:09:152


2023-08-02 06:09:251


It"s useful to learn history.
2023-08-02 06:09:533


English, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America"s official language, but also by many former British colony, as well as countries of the Commonwealth as a common language or a second language, according to the English pronunciation, vocabulary and grammatical differences in the characteristics of English into Britain and the United States英语. English Source: English belong to the Indo-European family of Germanic languages of West Germanic, from the ancient continent of migrants from Europe to Great Britain"s Anglo-Saxons and Jutes Germanic tribes who said the language evolved, through the British colonial activities spread to All over the world. According to the English-speaking size, the English may be the world"s fourth-largest or third largest language (Statistics for 1999 were 322,000,000), but it is the world"s most extensive second language. Last two centuries, Britain and the United States in the cultural, economic, military, political and scientific leadership in making English a universal language. English is the working language of the United Nations. And English is the closest to the Frisian, the language was still in the Netherlands in the northern province of Friesland about 50 million people. Some people think that Scotland and the English language is close to an independent language, and some people think it is a dialect of English. Scots traditionally been considered as a separate language, and some people even think that Ebonics is a separate language, but it is very controversial. In addition to the Frisian closest to the English outside the Netherlands is in the eastern part of Germany and the northern lowlands of the Saxon. Other related languages include Dutch, Afrikaans and German. Norman conquest of England in the 11th century, a lot of French words, greatly enriched the English language. English history: Early Germanic tribes people (vrisi race, ethnic Anglo-Saxons and Jutes ethnic group) immigration to England, and English is the language from their inherited changes. According to the "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle," recorded in the year 449 years or so, the British Isles King Vortigern (Vortigern) to invite the "Anglo relatives" to help his people against Pickett. In return, he gave the Anglo community in southeastern territory. He also sought further support, family-Saxon, Anglo ethnic Serbs and Jutes come. "Chronicle" documented the end of these "immigrants" have established the Kingdom of the seven: Innocent Bo Liya, Mercia, East Ang Battipaglia, Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex. Germans after the invasion, the rule of the Celtic peoples, the main local language in Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Ireland down to survive. These invaders of the language gradually formed the "Old English", and like most modern Frisian. English (England, English), England (England) and East Anglia (East Battipaglia Ang) is the three words were painted from the Anglo-term development of communities: Englisc, Angelcynn, Englaland. Norman Conquest in 1066 after 300 years, the only French king of England. Therefore, a large number of French words into Old English, Old English itself has lost most of the twists and turns, for the evolution of Middle English. In 1500 about the Great Vowel over to Middle English to Modern English deformation. Old English literature"s most famous works are "Beowulf" is the Middle English of "The Canterbury Tales." Modern English in Shakespeare"s prosperity and the beginning of the period, a number of scholars will be divided into early modern English and late Modern English, as the dividing line in 1800 or so. As in most parts of the world to the British occupation and colonization, the local language to a large extent, also influenced the development of English.
2023-08-02 06:10:121

【历史 英文】公主、王子、国王、贵族、骑士…英文怎么说?

历史英文单字 教学来罗!在过去历史,我们常常会见到公主、王子、骑士、贵族、城堡…等等,本篇文章要来教学各种历史相关的英文单字,如果你还不知道这些英文单字怎么说,那就赶快来看这篇文章吧! 下面教学各种历史相关英文单字。 历史相关英文单字整理 1.king 国王 国王的英文叫做king,跟国王相关的英文单字还有几个,crown 是指「王冠」的意思,throne则是指「王座」的意思,而scepter则是指「权杖」的意思。 国王的老婆叫做王后,王后的英文叫做queen。 2.prince/princess 王子/公主 国王的儿子跟女儿分别是王子跟公主,王子的英文叫做prince,而公主的英文则叫做princess。 3.noble 贵族 贵族的英文叫做noble,就是那种跟王室有关、家世显赫的贵族。 例: a noble family 贵族家庭。 4.castle 城堡 国王跟贵族常常会住在城堡里面,城堡的英文叫做castle。城堡外围通常会有护城河,护城河的英文叫做moat。另外城堡上面会插上很多旗帜跟旗竿,旗帜的英文叫做flag,旗竿的英文叫做flag pole。 5.knight 骑士 骑士的英文叫做knight,在古代也是有地位的人。骑士常常会配戴盔甲刀剑,盔甲的英文叫做amor,剑的英文叫做sword。另外盾的英文叫做shield,剑柄的英文则叫做hilt。骑士戴的头盔上会有活动面罩,活动面罩的英文叫做visor。 除了剑之外,骑士还有可能拿战戟或矛,战戟的英文叫做halberd。矛的英文叫做spear。 除此之外,弓箭本身可以分成弓跟箭,弓的英文叫做bow,箭的英文叫做arrow。 上面就是一些跟历史有关的英文,如果你还不知道主、王子、国王、贵族、骑士…等英文单字怎么说,那就赶快学起来吧! 公主 英文, 国王 英文, 历史 英文, 王子 英文, 贵族 英文, 骑士 英文
2023-08-02 06:10:311


1.关于中国历史的英文作文 Fascination China China, one of the cradles of human civilization, possesses so many treasures with characteristics that numerous foreign friends e to visit her. The first place to go to is, the Great Wall, which is the symbol of China and one of the seven wonders in the world. What"s more, it is said to be the only construction that can be seen from the outer space. In the imperial periods, it was used in defense of the dynasties. Since liberation, it has bee a place of interest. There is a famous saying: "He who does not reach the Great Wall isn"t a true man." China is home to Panda, an animal with only two colors, white and black, but very cute. It"s our national treasure, often functioning as a friendly diplomat. Terracotta-clay warriors unearthed in Xi"an, a famous ancient city-were sculptured in Qin Dynasty, the first dynasty of China. When former U.S. President Clinton came to China, he visited terracotta"s first. The above mentioned are just a wave of the sea. If you want to know more about this ancient nation, e and be our guest. 2.中国历史的英语作文 带翻译和题目 History history is the birthday of the national education and development of history.It developed feudal society, has created a contemporary world"s highest civilization.But when entering certain areas of Western capitali *** , especially when the Western capitalist powers invaded China, the more and more behind.Revolution of 1911 overthrew the monarchy, the establishment of the Republic of China, China won a new starting point for progress.The establishment of the PRC in 1949, opened the road to revitalizing the nation in the socialist future. 3.求一篇“中国历史”的英语作文,大约60字 China is a great country with a very early civilization and a long and rich history. The pass, gunpowder, the art of paper-making and block printing(四大发明哦) invented by the ancient have contributed immensely to the progress of mankind. The Great Wall, Grand C *** , Museum of Chin Sh Huang"s Buried Sculpture Legion and other projects built by the people are regarded as engineering feats in the world. 实事求是的说,60词就只好简单描述了~~~其实可写的有很多,这只是一个角度,供参考。 4.要一篇英语作文,讲中国的历史故事,尽量不要拉网上的,字数要大 Shen Sheng and believed themRetreating about Thirty Miles as Condition For Peace During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B, Duke Xian of the State of Jin Killed the crown prince Sheng because he had heard slanders about Sheng and believed them. He also sent his men to arrest Chong Er, Chong Er answered, "You are too modest. Nevertheless, you still have to show your gratitude to me in one way or another, "retreating about thirty miles as a condition for peace," is derived from the Chapter "The Twenty-second Year of Duke Xi" in ZuoZhuan, the famous mentary by Zuo Qiuming on The spring and Autumn Annals. The idea of this set phrase is to give way to somebody in order to avoid a conflict.;You have plenty of beauties and attendants as well as jewelry and silk cloth, and the state of Chu abounds in rare brides and animals.", I would definitely order my troops to retreat three SHE (one SHE is equivalent to thirty LI. The LI is a unit of length equivalent to 1/2 kilometre. And, King Cheng of the State of Chu gave a banquet in honoudr of Chong Er. He also sent his men to arrest Chonh Er, Shen Sheng"s brother. Hearing the news, Chong Er escaped from the state of Jin, remaining a fugitive for more than ten years. After innumerable hardships, Chong Er arrived at the State of Chu at last. King Cheng of the State of Chu treated him with high respect as he would have treated the ruler of a state, believing that he would have a vright fuure.) as a condition for peace. If, under that condition, you were still not reconciled; King Cheng of the State of Chu said, ", the State of Jin became increasingly powerful. In the year 533 B.C., I would have to fight with you.C. Suddenly. Ruled by him, amid the harmonious atmosphere of drinking and talking. This set phrase, therefore, three SHE is about thirty miles;How will you repay me when you return to the State of Jin and bee its ruler one day?" After thinking for a moment, King Cheng of the State of Chu asked Chong Er. ", Duke Wen of the State of Jin ordered his troops to retreat about thirty miles. After retreating, the Jin troops were stationed at Chengpu. Seeing that the Jin troops were retreating, the Chu troops thought that the enemy troops were afraid, and began chasing them. Taking advantage of the Chu troops" arrogance and their talking the Jin troops lightly, the Jin troops concentrated their forces and inflicted a crushing defeat on the Chu troops, thus winning the victory of the battle of Chengpu?", Chong Er said, ". What treasure can the State of Jin boast having to present to your majesty;If I should be fortunate enouge to return to the State of Jin and bee its ruler, the State of Jin would be friendly to the State of Chu. If, one day, I presume?" Smiling, the Chu troops and the Jin troops confronted each other in a battle. Faithful to his promise, there should be a war between the two states; Four years later, as might be expected, Chong Er returned to the State of Jin and became its ruler. He was none other than Duke Wen of the State of Jin famous in ancient history.). One day。 5.关于中国传统文化的英语作文 The information revolution, the development of mass media and the achievements in science and technology have doubtlessly ushered us in a rapidly progressing society, where we may have no time to talk about our traditional culture. In the city, no one can escape from the fast pace.We eat the popularized fast food and enjoy the popularized "fast food" culture. Since we get so used to such fast things that many traditional things have been neglected, some people believe that the traditional culture will gradually be lost, but I think it will never be lost.Although entertainments are in abundance nowadays, traditional cultures still continue to dominate.We still regard going to a concert as a luxury. Many classic books touch a string from generation to generation in spite of time and space.And we are still moved by the inspirational spirits of our great ancestors.Traditional festivals remind us of our disposition to the traditional culture. Our relief in traditional culture gets ready to revive at any time.To some traditional cultures that are on decline, we have taken active measures to conserve them. Experts have e up with proper advice on protecting such cultures. Many volunteers have dedicated themselves to studying them. First and foremost,more and more people have discerned the importance of the traditional culture. Therefore, we are sure that our efforts will lead to a brilliant future.If a culture wants to gain an eternal life, it should change itself to cater to the people in its age. So does our traditional culture. Traditional cultures adhering to modern means appear rigorous. For example, we make CDs for classic music so that it can not only meet modern needs but also spread further and more successfully in the modern world. The appearance of traditional culture changes, but the essence will never change and will be well accepted.There is no need to worry about whether our traditional culture will be lost. It is an important heritage of the whole human race. No culture, no mankind. We cherish the traditional culture as we cherish our blood in our body. The traditional culture lies in life, forever continuing.信息革命,大众传播媒介的发展和科学技术的成就,无疑迎来了一个迅速恶化的社会里,我们可能没有时间来谈论我们的传统文化我们。 在城市里,没有人能逃脱从快速pace.We吃快餐的普及推广,享受“快餐”文化。由于我们习惯于这样快,很多传统的东西被忽视的事情,有些人认为,传统文化将逐渐流失,但我觉得它永远不会被lost.Although娱乐丰富的今天,传统文化依然继续dominate.We仍然认为要作为一个豪华演唱会。 许多经典书籍触摸一代又一代的字符串尽管在时间和space.And但我们仍会受到我们伟大ancestors.Traditional精神感动鼓舞人心的节日提醒我们处理我们的传统文化。我们在传统文化得到救济随时准备恢复一些传统文化的衰落是,我们已采取积极措施,以保护他们t。 6.关于写中国名胜古迹的英语短文60词 Great Wall is in the northern part of our country on vast land, the thing spans is being continuous the fluctuation together, imposing, long reaches more than 10,000 miles long walls. This is regarded as in the world history of architecture a big miracle Great Wall. The Great Wall was our country ancient times a great defense project it is condensing our country ancient times people"s strong will and highly the wisdom, has manifested our country ancient times the project technology extraordinary achievement, also has demonstrated nation"s glorious history. 万里长城在我国北方辽阔的土地上,东西横亘着一道绵延起伏、气势雄伟、长达一万多里的长墙。这就是被视为世界建筑史上一大奇迹的万里长城。万里长城是我国古代一项伟大的防御工程它凝聚着我国古代人民的坚强毅力和高度智慧,体现了我国古代工程技术的非凡成就,也显示了中华民族的悠久历史。 7.中国历史文化遗产, 英语作文 It"s alarming tosee that many heritage places have to give way to construction of localeconomy, which I personally think is short-sighted. It"s mon sensethat cultural relics are part of our history as well as our present life. In my personal opinion, todestroy cultural heritage means to ruin our culture and to betray our history. Therefore, things must be done tostop the irresponsible action. u2022 As far as I"m concerned, weshould first spare no effort to makepeople realize the importance and necessity of protecting cultural heritage,which seems a challenging task, though. Besides, the government should wisely set up funds for the preservation for cultural heritages.u2022To conclude, I strongly believe thatif everybody makes a *** all change, we"ll make a great difference on theprotection of heritage places. 8.求一篇英语文章,关于中国历史或者社会的,谢谢 1、Beijing If your visions of Beijing are centred around pods of Maoist revolutionaries in buttoned-down tunics performing t"ai chi in the Square, put them to rest: this city has embarked on a new-millennium roller-coaster and it"s taking the rest of China with it. The spinsterish Beijing of old is having a facelift and the cityscape is changing daily. Within the city, however, you"ll still find some of China"s most stunning sights: the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven Park, the Lama Temple and the Great Wall, to name just a few. 2、China is a great country with a very early civilization and a long and rich history. The pass, gunpowder, the art of paper-making and block printing(四大发明哦) invented by the ancient have contributed immensely to the progress of mankind. The Great Wall, Grand C *** , Museum of Chin Sh Huang"s Buried Sculpture Legion and other projects built by the people are regarded as engineering feats in the world.
2023-08-02 06:10:411


Politics, history, geography, biology, physics
2023-08-02 06:10:526


2023-08-02 06:11:126

历史英语怎么说 历史的英语是什么

1、历史的英文:history。 2、history,读音:英[u02c8hu026astri],美[u02c8hu026astri]。名词,意思是历史,历史学(指过去发生的所有事情);发展史;履历,经历;(某地的)沿革,(有关某个地方、主题等的)发展史,历史;复数为不规则形式:histories。 3、例句:The victory equalled the teams best in history.这次胜利平了该队历史上的最佳。
2023-08-02 06:12:071

历史用英语怎么说 历史的英语

1、历史的英文:history。 2、history,英 [u02c8hu026astri],美 [u02c8hu026astu0259ri],名词,意思是历史,历史学(指过去发生的所有事情) ;发展史;履历,经历;(某地的)沿革, (有关某个地方、主题等的)发展史,历史 ;复数为不规则形式:histories。 3、例句,Shes studying art history .她正在研读艺术史。
2023-08-02 06:12:141


1、历史的英文:history。2、history,英 [?h?stri],美 [?h?st?ri],名词,意思是历史,历史学(指过去发生的所有事情) ;发展史;履历,经历;(某地的)沿革, (有关某个地方、主题等的)发展史,历史 ;复数为不规则形式:histories。
2023-08-02 06:12:271


2023-08-02 06:12:362

历史怎么读英语 历史的英语是什么

1、历史的英文:history。 2、history,英 [u02c8hu026astri],美 [u02c8hu026astu0259ri],名词,意思是历史,历史学(指过去发生的所有事情) ;发展史;履历,经历;(某地的)沿革, (有关某个地方、主题等的)发展史,历史 ;复数为不规则形式:histories。
2023-08-02 06:12:431


2023-08-02 06:12:511


历史用英语怎么说? history求采纳 历史用英语怎么说 10分 (1) [history] (2) 记载和解释作为一系列人类活动进程的历史事件的一门学科 (3) 沿革,来历(4) 过去的事实 历史学的用英文怎么说 历史学[lì shǐ xué] 词典  history history 英[u02c8hu026astri] 美[u02c8hu026astu0259ri] n. 历史,历史学; 发展史; 履历,经历; (某地的) 沿革; [例句]The Catholic Church has played a prominent role throughout Polish history. 天主教会在整个波兰历史上曾发挥过举足轻重的作用。 [其他] 复数:histories “拥有悠久的历史”用英语怎么说? 香港辅助警察队由社会各阶层的志愿人士组成,早于一九一四年成立,拥有悠久而光辉的历史。2.The country has a long tradition in the sport and pays much attention to the development of badminton.这个国家在这项运动上有着悠久的历史传统,并且很关注羽毛球运动的发展状况。3.Lotteries are of ancient origin; they were used in the entertainment of the Roman emperors and later of the feudal princes of Europe.彩票具有悠久的历史渊源,它曾是罗马皇帝以及后来的欧洲封建王公贵族的娱乐形式。4.China"s long history and rich culture have bined to bestow Beijing a full array of world-renowned historic and cultural heritages, a variety of famous tourist sites, many highly acclaimed cultural resources such as Beijing"s unique traditional lifestyle, folk art, and the Hutong residences.悠久的历史和丰富的文化积淀,使北京拥有一批世界级历史文化遗产、诸多著名旅游景观以及独特的市俗风情、民间艺术、胡同民居等现实文化资源。5.The Jet d"Eau of Geneva has a rich history.日内瓦大喷泉有着悠久的历史。6.It has a tremendous long rich history and it has contributed immeasurably to the progress of human knowledge and also to human culture.中国有着极其悠久的历史,为人类知识和文化的进步做出了不可估量的贡献。7.The pany you mentioned is an old-established one which has been enjoying the highest reputation.您所提到的公司已有悠久的历史,并具有极高的信誉。8.It has a long and rich history. You think of coffeehouses all over the world.咖啡有着悠久而丰富的历史,咖啡馆如今风靡了整个世界。9.Actually China has a long history of protecting intellectual property rights and also of lustrous inventions.事实上,中国拥有保护知识产权和杰出发明的悠久历史。10.Yes, it is. China is a great country with long history, so there are a great number of beautiful historic sites in China.列车员:是的,中国是具有悠久历史的伟大国家,有许多美丽的历史古......>> 历史记录用英语怎么说 history historical records 拥有悠久的历史 英文怎样说 them profoundly, and preserved them. He too 至今已有1600多年的历史用英语怎么说 至今已有1600多年的历史的英文翻译_百度翻译 至今已有1600多年的历史 It has been 1600 years of history 历史用英文怎么说? history 辉煌的历史用英语怎么说 brilliant history 辉煌的 历史
2023-08-02 06:13:101


history基本词汇 英 ["hu026astri]     美 ["hu026astri]    n.历史;历史学;对过去事情的记载;过去的事
2023-08-02 06:13:171


问题一:上历史课用英语怎么说 have history class 问题二:历史用英语怎么说? history求采纳 问题三:历史用英语怎么说 10分 (1) [history] (2) 记载和解释作为一系列人类活动进程的历史事件的一门学科 (3) 沿革,来历 (4) 过去的事实 问题四:历史用英语怎么说? history求采纳 问题五:上历史课用英语怎么说 have history class 问题六:历史用英语怎么说 10分 (1) [history] (2) 记载和解释作为一系列人类活动进程的历史事件的一门学科 (3) 沿革,来历 (4) 过去的事实 问题七:历史学的用英文怎么说 历史学[lì shǐ xué] 词典  history history 英[?h?stri] 美[?h?st?ri] n. 历史,历史学; 发展史; 履历,经历; (某地的) 沿革; [例句]The Catholic Church has played a prominent role throughout Polish history. 天主教会在整个波兰历史上曾发挥过举足轻重的作用。 [其他] 复数:histories 问题八:历史记录用英语怎么说 history historical records 问题九:“拥有悠久的历史”用英语怎么说? 香港辅助警察队由社会各阶层的志愿人士组成,早于一九一四年成立,拥有悠久而光辉的历史。2.The country has a long tradition in the sport and pays much attention to the development of badminton.这个国家在这项运动上有着悠久的历史传统,并且很关注羽毛球运动的发展状况。3.Lotteries are of ancient origin; they were used in the entertainment of the Roman emperors and later of the feudal princes of Europe.彩票具有悠久的历史渊源,它曾是罗马皇帝以及后来的欧洲封建王公贵族的娱乐形式。4.China"s long history and rich culture have bined to bestow Beijing a full array of world-renowned historic and cultural heritages, a variety of famous tourist sites, many highly acclaimed cultural resources such as Beijing"s unique traditional lifestyle, folk art, and the Hutong residences.悠久的历史和丰富的文化积淀,使北京拥有一批世界级历史文化遗产、诸多著名旅游景观以及独特的市俗风情、民间艺术、胡同民居等现实文化资源。5.The Jet d"Eau of Geneva has a rich history.日内瓦大喷泉有着悠久的历史。6.It has a tremendous long rich history and it has contributed immeasurably to the progress of human knowledge and also to human culture.中国有着极其悠久的历史,为人类知识和文化的进步做出了不可估量的贡献。7.The pany you mentioned is an old-established one which has been enjoying the highest reputation.您所提到的公司已有悠久的历史,并具有极高的信誉。8.It has a long and rich history. You think of coffeehouses all over the world.咖啡有着悠久而丰富的历史,咖啡馆如今风靡了整个世界。9.Actually China has a long history of protecting intellectual property rights and also of lustrous inventions.事实上,中国拥有保护知识产权和杰出发明的悠久历史。10.Yes, it is. China is a great country with long history, so there are a great number of beautiful historic sites in China.列车员:是的,中国是具有悠久历史的伟大国家,有许多美丽的历史古......>> 问题十:至今已有1600多年的历史用英语怎么说 至今已有1600多年的历史的英文翻译_百度翻译 至今已有1600多年的历史 It has been 1600 years of history
2023-08-02 06:13:241


Of or relating to history
2023-08-02 06:13:343


问题一:上历史课用英语怎么说 have history class 问题二:历史用英语怎么说? history求采纳 问题三:历史用英语怎么说 10分 (1) [history] (2) 记载和解释作为一系列人类活动进程的历史事件的一门学科 (3) 沿革,来历 (4) 过去的事实 问题四:历史用英语怎么说? history求采纳 问题五:上历史课用英语怎么说 have history class 问题六:历史用英语怎么说 10分 (1) [history] (2) 记载和解释作为一系列人类活动进程的历史事件的一门学科 (3) 沿革,来历 (4) 过去的事实 问题七:历史学的用英文怎么说 历史学[lì shǐ xué] 词典  history history 英[?h?stri] 美[?h?st?ri] n. 历史,历史学; 发展史; 履历,经历; (某地的) 沿革; [例句]The Catholic Church has played a prominent role throughout Polish history. 天主教会在整个波兰历史上曾发挥过举足轻重的作用。 [其他] 复数:histories 问题八:历史记录用英语怎么说 history historical records 问题九:“拥有悠久的历史”用英语怎么说? 香港辅助警察队由社会各阶层的志愿人士组成,早于一九一四年成立,拥有悠久而光辉的历史。2.The country has a long tradition in the sport and pays much attention to the development of badminton.这个国家在这项运动上有着悠久的历史传统,并且很关注羽毛球运动的发展状况。3.Lotteries are of ancient origin; they were used in the entertainment of the Roman emperors and later of the feudal princes of Europe.彩票具有悠久的历史渊源,它曾是罗马皇帝以及后来的欧洲封建王公贵族的娱乐形式。4.China"s long history and rich culture have bined to bestow Beijing a full array of world-renowned historic and cultural heritages, a variety of famous tourist sites, many highly acclaimed cultural resources such as Beijing"s unique traditional lifestyle, folk art, and the Hutong residences.悠久的历史和丰富的文化积淀,使北京拥有一批世界级历史文化遗产、诸多著名旅游景观以及独特的市俗风情、民间艺术、胡同民居等现实文化资源。5.The Jet d"Eau of Geneva has a rich history.日内瓦大喷泉有着悠久的历史。6.It has a tremendous long rich history and it has contributed immeasurably to the progress of human knowledge and also to human culture.中国有着极其悠久的历史,为人类知识和文化的进步做出了不可估量的贡献。7.The pany you mentioned is an old-established one which has been enjoying the highest reputation.您所提到的公司已有悠久的历史,并具有极高的信誉。8.It has a long and rich history. You think of coffeehouses all over the world.咖啡有着悠久而丰富的历史,咖啡馆如今风靡了整个世界。9.Actually China has a long history of protecting intellectual property rights and also of lustrous inventions.事实上,中国拥有保护知识产权和杰出发明的悠久历史。10.Yes, it is. China is a great country with long history, so there are a great number of beautiful historic sites in China.列车员:是的,中国是具有悠久历史的伟大国家,有许多美丽的历史古......>> 问题十:至今已有1600多年的历史用英语怎么说 至今已有1600多年的历史的英文翻译_百度翻译 至今已有1600多年的历史 It has been 1600 years of history
2023-08-02 06:13:411

历史书翻译成英文是不是history book

historical book 应该这样写才对
2023-08-02 06:13:514


1.“拥有悠久的历史”用英语怎么说 香港辅助警察队由社会各阶层的志愿人士组成,早于一九一四年成立,拥有悠久而光辉的历史。 2.The country has a long tradition in the sport and pays much attention to the development of badminton. 这个国家在这项运动上有着悠久的历史传统,并且很关注羽毛球运动的发展状况。 3.Lotteries are of ancient origin; they were used in the entertainment of the Roman emperors and later of the feudal princes of Europe. 彩票具有悠久的历史渊源,它曾是罗马皇帝以及后来的欧洲封建王公贵族的娱乐形式。 4.China"s long history and rich culture have bined to bestow Beijing a full array of world-renowned historic and cultural heritages, a variety of famous tourist sites, many highly acclaimed cultural resources such as Beijing"s unique traditional lifestyle, folk art, and the Hutong residences. 悠久的历史和丰富的文化积淀,使北京拥有一批世界级历史文化遗产、诸多著名旅游景观以及独特的市俗风情、民间艺术、胡同民居等现实文化资源。 5.The Jet d"Eau of Geneva has a rich history. 日内瓦大喷泉有着悠久的历史。 6.It has a tremendous long rich history and it has contributed immeasurably to the progress of human knowledge and also to human culture. 中国有着极其悠久的历史,为人类知识和文化的进步做出了不可估量的贡献。 7.The pany you mentioned is an old-established one which has been enjoying the highest reputation. 您所提到的公司已有悠久的历史,并具有极高的信誉。 8.It has a long and rich history. You think of coffeehouses all over the world. 咖啡有着悠久而丰富的历史,咖啡馆如今风靡了整个世界。 9.Actually China has a long history of protecting intellectual property rights and also of lustrous inventions. 事实上,中国拥有保护知识产权和杰出发明的悠久历史。 10.Yes, it is. China is a great country with long history, so there are a great number of beautiful historic sites in China. 列车员:是的,中国是具有悠久历史的伟大国家,有许多美丽的历史古迹。
2023-08-02 06:13:591


Old English, until 1066 Immigrants from Denmark and NW Germany arrived in Britain in the 5th and 6th Centuries A.D., speaking in related dialects belonging to the Germanic and Teutonic branches of the Indo-European language family. Today, English is most closely related to Flemish, Dutch, and German, and is somewhat related to Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish. Icelandic, unchanged for 1,000 years, is very close to Old English. Viking invasions, begun in the 8th Century, gave English a Norwegian and Danish influence which lasted until the Norman Conquest of 1066. Old English The Angles came from an angle-shaped land area in contemporary Germany. Their name "Angli" from the Latin and monly-spoken, pre-5th Century German mutated into the Old English "Engle". Later, "Engle" changed to "Angel-cyn" meaning "Angle-race" by A.D. 1000, changing to "Engla-land". Some Old English which have survived intact include: feet, geese, teeth, men, women, lice, and mice. The modern word "like" can be a noun, adjective, verb, and preposition. In Old English, though, the word was different for each type: gelica as a noun, geic as an adjective, lician as a verb, and gelice as a preposition. Middle English, from 1066 until the 15th Century The Norman Invasion and Conquest of Britain in 1066 and the resulting French Court of William the Conqueror gave the Norwegian-Dutch influenced English a Norman-Parisian-French effect. From 1066 until about 1400, Latin, French, and English were spoken. English almost disappeared entirely into obscurity during this period by the French and Latin dominated court and government. However, in 1362, the Parliament opened with English as the language of choice, and the language was saved from extinction. Present-day English is approximately 50% Germanic (English and Scandinavian) and 50% Romance (French and Latin). Middle English Many new added to Middle English during this period came from Norman French, Parisian French, and Scandinavian. Norman French imported into Middle English include: catch, wage, warden, reward, and warrant. Parisian French gave Middle English: chase, guarantee, regard, guardian, and gage. Scandinavian gave to Middle English the important word of law. English nobility had titles which were derived from both Middle English and French. French provided: prince, duke, peer, marquis, viscount, and baron. Middle English independently developed king, queen, lord, lady, and earl. Governmental administrative divisions from French include county, city, village, justice, palace, mansion, and residence. Middle English include town, home, house, and hall. Early Modern English, from the 15th Century to the 17th Century During this period, English became more anized and began to resemble the modern version of English. Although the word order and sentence construction was still slightly different, Early Modern English was at least recognizable to the Early Modern English speaker. For example, the Old English "To us pleases sailing" became "We like sailing." Classical elements, from Greek and Latin, profoundly influenced work creation and origin. From Greek, Early Modern English received grammar, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. Also, the "tele-" prefix meaning "far" later used to develop telephone and television was taken. Modern English, from the 17th Century to Modern Times Modern English developed through the efforts of literary and political writings, where literacy was uniformly found. Modern English was heavily influenced by classical usage, the emergence of the university-educated class, Shakespeare, the mon language found in the East Midlands.
2023-08-02 06:14:171


用英语怎么说“五千年的历史”?大神帮帮忙吧。 five thousand years of history 有超过五千年的历史用英语怎么说 There are more than five thousand years of history "中文有五千年的历史"用英文怎么说 Chinese language has a history of 5000 years 中文有5000年历史 The history of Chinese language dates back to 5000 years ago 中文的历史可追溯到5000年前 它记载了中国上下五千年的历史用英语怎么说 It records the history of China for five thousand years 用日语怎么说 “中国拥有五千年的历史“ 中国は5000年の歴史を持っています 我正在观看五千年的历史 用英语怎么翻译? looking for是寻找的意思,您的问题就是错的 五千年的历史 是 five thousand years" history “五千年的历史”翻译 五千年的历史 Five thousand years of history 中国拥有五千年的历史英语怎么说 中国拥有五千年的历史 china has five thousand years history
2023-08-02 06:14:241


2023-08-02 06:14:342


是的,是history book。
2023-08-02 06:14:442


2023-08-02 06:14:511


这都不知道,搞什么啊!History Book!
2023-08-02 06:14:598


乐山大佛距今有1300的历史英文翻译_Leshan Giant Buddha has a history of 1300
2023-08-02 06:15:161


history 历史geography 地理biology生物
2023-08-02 06:15:231


chinese history望采纳
2023-08-02 06:15:314

五千年历史 英文怎么说

five-thousand-year history
2023-08-02 06:15:515


历史悠久的英文是time honored。读音:英[tau026amu02c8u0252nu0259d],美[tau026amu02c8ɑnu0259rd]释义:历史悠久的短语:China Time-honored Brand中华老字号Time-honored brand corporation老字号企业time honored shop老字号Chellona Time-honored Brand中华老字号近义词age-old读音:英[u02cceu026adu0292 u02c8u0259u028ald],美[u02cceu026adu0292 u02c8ou028ald]释义:adj. 古老的;已存在很久的例句:We can only try to hold fast to the age-old values of honesty, decency and concern for others我们只能努力坚守那些古老的价值观:诚实、正派、关心他人。短语:the age-old悠久Age-old Controversy年龄引发的争议Age-Old War in the Fog雾夜中的古战场Many age-old books很多年代久远的书age-old principle of diffusion陈化扩散原理age-old custom古老的风俗
2023-08-02 06:16:181


History biology geography
2023-08-02 06:16:364


the history of the two thousand and two hundred years
2023-08-02 06:16:455


可以,倒装的语序也好。Of all the subjects, I like history best.
2023-08-02 06:17:033


单词:centuries-old history重点词汇:old英[u0259u028ald]释义:adj.陈旧的,古老的;年老的n.古时n.(Old)人名;(英)奥尔德短语:Old Town旧城区;旧街场;老城区;马来西亚词语使用变化:historyn.(名词)1、history主要指过去确实存在和发生过的具有重大意义或深远影响的事件与人物的总和,即“历史”也可指对“历史”进行研究、剖析、总结的一门学科,即“历史学”。2、history还可表示“经历”“履历”“来历”,指过去发生的事件或经验,引申还可指“不复相关或不再重要的事实”。3、当history表示有“多久的历史”时,have一般用现在时,有时也可用现在完成时。
2023-08-02 06:17:271


2023-08-02 06:18:3412


a history即可
2023-08-02 06:19:184