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2023-08-02 19:41:36


I believe you


I trust you


I"m sure you



I Believe You;

I Believe In You;

i trust you;

你可以在百度搜索 我相信你 翻译,就可以翻译了


I believe you.


我相信你的英语可以这样说:I trust you


I believe you.


I believe in you



I believe in you



  believe  be convinced of   have faith in   take stock in   扩展阅读:相信的引证解释   (1).互相信赖,信任。《谷梁传·僖公五年》:“盟者,不相信也,故谨信也。”《史记·蒙恬列传》:“诛杀忠臣而立无节行之人,是内使羣臣不相信而外使鬭士之意离也。”   (2).单指信任对方。 宋 叶适 《贺叶丞相启》:“盖上之相信,无枘凿之乖;故己得专行,有符节之合。”   (3).指互相信得过的人。 明 李贽 《复刘肖川书》:“盖夜静无杂事,亦无杂客,只有相信五六辈辩质到二鼓耳。”   (4).认为正确或确实,不怀疑。 巴金 《灭亡》第一章:“他明知道那青年在哭,但他不相信这会是那青年底哭声。”
2023-08-02 05:33:272


2023-08-02 05:33:413


"相信"用英语可以表示为 "believe" 或者 "trust",具体使用哪个词汇要根据具体语境来判断。例如:I believe that he will come back soon.(我相信他很快就会回来。)I trust my friend completely.(我完全相信我的朋友。)以下是一些其他常见的表示“相信”的英语词汇:Have faith in:对...有信心,相信Rely on:依赖,信任Count on:指望,相信Have confidence in:对...有信心,相信Have trust in:对...有信任,相信Put one"s faith in:寄托希望,相信需要根据具体语境选择合适的词汇来表达“相信”的含义。
2023-08-02 05:33:571


2023-08-02 05:35:124


回答和翻译如下 :Believe .相 信 。
2023-08-02 05:35:222

相信 英语单词

2023-08-02 05:35:313


2023-08-02 05:35:574

相信 用英语怎么说?

语法标注解释 believe英音:[bi"li:v]美音:[bu026a"liv] believe的中文翻译及物动词 vt. [W]1.相信;信任[+(that)] I don"t believe a single word he says. 他的话我一句也不信。 2.认为;猜想,料想[+(that)][O2] We believe Mr. Smith to be innocent. 我们认为史密斯先生是无辜的。 I believe he has come. 我想他已经到了。 不及物动词 vi. [W]1.笃信宗教 The Hendersons seldom go to church, but they believe. 亨德森一家很少去教堂做礼拜,但他们笃信宗教。 2.相信;信任;信仰[(+in)] He did not believe in Howard"s honesty. 他不相信霍华德为人真诚。 3.猜想,料想trust英音:[tru028cst]美音:[tru028cst] trust的中文翻译名词 n. 1.信任,信赖[U][(+in)] I have no trust in him. 我不信任他。 2.托管,信托;管理,照顾[C][U] Her child was left in my trust for the winter vacation. 她的孩子寒假里由我照顾。 3.【经】托拉斯,企业联合[C] 4.可信赖的人(或物)[C] 5.受托物,代管物[C] The jewels will be held in trust for the girl till she is twenty. 女孩的那些首饰将被托管到她二十岁为止。 6.商业信货 7.(因受委托而产生的)义务,责任[U] He pledged to fulfil his trust. 他保证履行义务。 及物动词 vt. 1.信任,信赖[O2] Why do you trust a guy like him? 你为什么要信任他这样的家伙呢? 2.依靠,依赖[O2] I can"t trust my memory. I"d better write everything down. 我的记性靠不住,最好把什么都写下来。 3.想,确信[Y][+(that)] I trust your wife will soon get well. 我相信你太太不久就会痊愈的。 4.赊给 5.托付,托交 How can I trust the valuable things to her? 我怎么能够把贵重的东西托付给她呢? 不及物动词 vi. 1.信任,信赖[(+in)] We always trust in her cautiousness. 我们对她办事谨慎一向是信赖的。 2.确信 3.赊售,赊责 4.依赖[(+to)] It won"t do to trust to the inspiration of the moment when speaking to such a big audience. 对这么多听众讲话,事先不准备仅靠一时的灵感是不行的
2023-08-02 05:36:051


believe,believe in这一对词语都表示“相信不疑”的意思,但词意有细微的区别。Believe表示“相信”、“信以为真”(to accept as true)之意,它是及物动词,其后直接跟宾语。例:Do you believe his reports?你相信他的报告吗?I could hardly believe my eyes.我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛。In ancient times it was believed that the earth was flat.古时候,人们认为地球是扁平的。Believe in则表示“信仰”、“信任”(to have faith in somebody or something)之意。其后的常用搭配语为:有关宗教、理论、原则、概念及可信任之人,如:a religion、ghosts、 fairies、 a theory、 a friend等词;例中的believe为不及物动词。如:We do not believe in ghosts.我们不信鬼神。He believes in getting plenty of exercise.他相信多锻炼身体就会有好处。In the days of the French Revolution,people believed in liberty,equality and fraternity.法国大革命时代的人们信奉自由、平等及博爱。现在试比较下列两语的不同涵义:I believe him.(=I believe what he says)我相信他(的话)。I believe in him.(=I trust him )我相信他是一个可以信得过的人。(即:我信任他)在英美人的谈话中,经常可以听到这么一句口头禅——Believe me:这是一个用以表示希望对方相信自己谈话的口头语,它相当于I bet或 Take my word for it。例:Believe me,you will get well very soon.你一定会很快就恢复健康的。Believe me 可以根据不同的场合,译作“真的”、“我不骗你”、“一定会”或“请相信”。
2023-08-02 05:36:121


bi li v
2023-08-02 05:36:334

相信用英语怎么说 相信用英语如何说

  相信用英语怎么说   1. 我相信英语:相信;说服;接受。   2. 相信英国[bu026aleou02d0v]美国[bu0259leo相信;信任。   3.相信某人/某事物;信不信由你;想要;相信u2026u2026相信你自己
2023-08-02 05:36:401


问题一:守信用英语怎么说 守信用英语怎么说: 严格来说,trustworthy 只是值得信任的意思。 守信用应该是: keeping one"s promise keeping one"s words sticking to one"s words. 才对。 很希望会对你有帮助。 问题二:我是一个守信用的人这用英语怎么说 我是一个守信用的人 I am the one who keeps his promises. I always keep my words. 问题三:诚信用英语怎么说? 直接credit 问题四:不守信用 英语怎么说? 不守信用 1.break one"s word;2.go back on one"s word;3.not 盯o keep one"s word 问题五:他不仅诚实而且守信用英语怎么说 He is not only honest but also trustworthy. 不仅...而且...:not only...but also... 问题六:信用英语怎么说 credit英 ["kred?t] 美 [?kr?d?t] n. 信誉,信用;[金融]贷款;荣誉;学分 vt. 相信,信任;归功于;[会]记入贷方;赞颂 信用; 信贷; 用证; 功劳 复数:credits 过去式:credited 过去分词:credited 现在分词:crediting 第三人称单数:credits belief, faith, confidence, conviction, credit, trust 这些名词都有“相信,信任”之意。 belief: 普通用词,指单纯从主观上的相信,不着重这种相信是否有根据。 faith: 语气较强,强调完全相信;有时也能仅凭感觉产生的相信。 confidence: 指对某人某事有充分信心,断定不会使人失望,因而给予信任。 conviction: 多指根据长期交往或实践,对某人某事有了认识和了解后产生的信心和相信,侧重其坚定性。 credit: 语气最弱,着重以声誉为信任的基础。 trust: 强调相信、信任的完全可靠。 1.Chip and PIN is designed to bat credit card fraud. 智能卡系统是专为防止信用卡诈骗设计的。 2. It is very convenient to pay by credit card. 用信用卡付款非常方便。 3. All major credit cards are accepted at our hotels. 我们的饭店接受所有主要的信用卡。 4. Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash. 有了信用卡就用不着携带很多现金。 5. She was charged with credit card fraud. 她被控告信用卡欺骗罪。 问题七:“你太不守信用了”用英语怎么说? 楼上的拼写错误,you are such a big liar! you don揣t keep your word. word是单数形式。 liar不是lier 问题八:不守信用的客户用英语怎么翻译 The clients who break their word. clients 储 译为客户 break their word 译为不守信的人 这是一句从句,clients 为先行词 望采纳!! 问题九:诚信 用英语怎么说。谢谢。 相信我,绝对是honesty
2023-08-02 05:36:501

相信用英语怎么说 相信用英语如何说

1、相信的英语是:believe;convince;accept。 2、believe英 [bu026au02c8liu02d0v] 美 [bu0259u02c8liv] v. 相信,认为;信任。 3、常用短语: to believe in sb/sth 相信...是真的;认为...存在 believe it or not 信不信由你to find sth hard to believe 觉得某事难以置信 to believe (that)... 认为...;想...;相信... to believe in yourself 对自己有信心。
2023-08-02 05:38:411


2023-08-02 05:38:481

相信 用英语怎么说?

2023-08-02 05:38:576

相信用英语怎么说 相信用英语如何说

1、相信的英语是:believe;convince;accept。2、believe英 [b??li?v] 美 [b??liv] v. 相信,认为;信任。3、常用短语: to believe in sb/sth 相信...是真的;认为...存在 believe it or not 信不信由你to find sth hard to believe 觉得某事难以置信 to believe (that)... 认为...;想...;相信... to believe in yourself 对自己有信心。
2023-08-02 05:39:161

相信用英语怎么说 相信用英语如何说

1、相信的英语是:believe;convince;accept。 2、believe英 [bu026au02c8liu02d0v] 美 [bu0259u02c8liv] v. 相信,认为;信任。 3、常用短语: to believe in sb/sth 相信...是真的;认为...存在 believe it or not 信不信由你to find sth hard to believe 觉得某事难以置信 to believe (that)... 认为...;想...;相信... to believe in yourself 对自己有信心。
2023-08-02 05:39:351


问题一:相信我用英文怎么说 问题二:相信用英语怎么说 相信 [词典] believe; be convinced of; have faith in; take stock in; [例句]我相信她不会真正介意的。 I"m sure she won"t really mind. 问题三:"信任"用英语怎么说 信任-trust 问题四:相信自己用英语怎么说 20分 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴弧助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:相信自己 翻译:Believe in yourself ;Believe yourself ;Trust yourself 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题五:相信某人或某事 用英语怎么说 正解: believe in *** 是信任某人的意思 believe *** 是相信某人的话的意思 believe sth 问题六:我差点就相信了。 用英语怎么说 5分 你好,很高兴为你解答 我差点就相信了 I almost believed it. 希望对你有帮助 问题七:相信的力量用英文怎么说 The power of faith 信念的力量 上面的翻译也可以,就是不常用。 问题八:相信我用英文怎么说 问题九:"信任"用英语怎么说 信任-trust 问题十:相信你用英语怎么说 believe you
2023-08-02 05:39:481


  相信的英文是believe,很多谈恋爱的人都会注意到里面的lie,即为谎言。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!      believe   英 [bu026au02c8li:v] 美 [bu026au02c8liv]   相信的英语例句   1. The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job.   公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。   2. He actually became convinced that the nurses had an unanswerable case.   他实际上已经相信了护士们的情况确实如此。   3. It"s an uphill battle but I think we"re going to win.   虽然这是一场艰苦的斗争,但我相信我们会取得胜利。   4. I believe he is most painfully anxious about Diana.   我相信他肯定非常担心黛安娜。   5. This may sound trivial, but I assure you it is quite important!   这听上去也许微不足道,但是,相信我,它十分重要!   6. He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges.   他相信盟友们会履行他们的承诺。   7. He did not sound as if he believed her.   他听起来似乎并不相信她。   8. They can"t believe you can even hold a conversation.   他们不敢相信你竟然能够把一场对话进行下去。   9. He"d telephoned with some phoney excuse she didn"t believe for a minute.   他找了某个她根本不会相信的借口给她打电话。   10. I depended on his panionship and on his judgment.   我信赖他的友情,也相信他的判断。   11. The Greeks accepted belief in the immortality of the soul.   希腊人相信灵魂不灭。   12. How can you expect me to believe your promises?   你怎能指望我相信你的承诺?   13. That"s why I must trust you to keep this secret.   那就是为什么我必须得相信你会保守这个秘密的原因。   14. Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight.   远古文明相信新鲜的空气和阳光有治病的功效。   15. "I know you don"t believe me," I said resignedly.   “我知道你不相信我,”我无可奈何地说。   believe的双语例句   1. I believe he is most painfully anxious about Diana.   我相信他肯定非常担心黛安娜。   2. I believe that a journalist should be pletely objective.   我认为新闻记者不应当有丝毫偏见。   3. And would you believe it, he"s younger than me!   你信吗?他比我年轻!   4. They can"t believe you can even hold a conversation.   他们不敢相信你竟然能够把一场对话进行下去。   5. He"d telephoned with some phoney excuse she didn"t believe for a minute.   他找了某个她根本不会相信的借口给她打电话。   6. His opponents believe he is definitely on the run.   对手认为他必败无疑。   7. How can you expect me to believe your promises?   你怎能指望我相信你的承诺?   8. "I know you don"t believe me," I said resignedly.   “我知道你不相信我,”我无可奈何地说。   9. I believe I have the talent to make it.   我相信自己有成功的天分。   10. I believe he was concerned in all those matters you mention.   我认为你提到的那些事都与他有关。   11. I believe I am capable of calculating the political consequences accurately.   我觉得我能准确预料此事的政治后果。   12. I believe in seasoning food before putting it on the table.   我认为在把食物端上餐桌前应该先调味。   13. They believe that a tough, materially poor childhood is character-building.   他们认为一个艰难贫困的童年有助于性格的培养。   14. "It"s not that I don"t believe you, Meg," Jack said, unconvincingly.   “并不是我不相信你,梅格。”杰克口是心非地说道。   15. Police believe the killer punched her to death with his bare hands.   警方认为她是被凶手活活用拳头打死的。    看过的人还:
2023-08-02 05:40:171

相信的英语翻译 相信用英语怎么说

你好!相信believe 英[bu026au02c8li:v] 美[bu026au02c8liv] v. 信任; 料想; 笃信宗教; vt. 相信; 信任; 以为,认为; 对…信以为真; [例句]Experts believe that the coming drought will be extensive专家们认为即将发生的旱灾将侵袭大片地区。
2023-08-02 05:40:381

相信 用英语怎么说?

2023-08-02 05:40:476


  相信,互相信赖,信任。下面就由我为大家带来关于相信的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于相信的相关短语   相信 believe in   相信吧 Believe it   只要相信 Just believe   人们相信 It is believed that   相信它 Believe it   表示相信 Expressing Belief   关于相信的相关短句   believe in truth;   相信真理   I"m sure she won"t really mind.   我相信她不会真正介意的。   Are you a hundred per cent convinced yourself?   你自己百分之百地相信   关于相信的词语辨析   belief, conviction, faith, trust, confidence, credit这组词都有“相信,信任”的意思,其区别是:   belief 普通用词,指单纯从主观上的相信,不著重这种相信是否有根据。   conviction 多指根据长期交往或实践,对某人某事有了认识和了解后产生的信心和相信,侧重其坚定性。   faith 语气较强,强调完全相信;有时也能仅凭感觉产生的相信。   trust 强调相信、信任的完全可靠。   confidence 指对某人某事有充分信心,断定不会使人失望,因而给予信任。   credit 语气最弱,着重以声誉为信任的基础。   关于相信的相关例句   1. The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job.   公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。   2. He actually became convinced that the nurses had an unanswerable case.   他实际上已经相信了护士们的情况确实如此。   3. It"s an uphill battle but I think we"re going to win.   虽然这是一场艰苦的斗争,但我相信我们会取得胜利。   4. I believe he is most painfully anxious about Diana.   我相信他肯定非常担心黛安娜。   5. This may sound trivial, but I assure you it is quite important!   这听上去也许微不足道,但是,相信我,它十分重要!   6. He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges.   他相信盟友们会履行他们的承诺。   7. He did not sound as if he believed her.   他听起来似乎并不相信她。   8. They can"t believe you can even hold a conversation.   他们不敢相信你竟然能够把一场对话进行下去。   9. He"d telephoned with some phoney excuse she didn"t believe for a minute.   他找了某个她根本不会相信的借口给她打电话。   10. I depended on his panionship and on his judgment.   我信赖他的友情,也相信他的判断。   11. The Greeks accepted belief in the immortality of the soul.   希腊人相信灵魂不灭。   12. How can you expect me to believe your promises?   你怎能指望我相信你的承诺?   13. That"s why I must trust you to keep this secret.   那就是为什么我必须得相信你会保守这个秘密的原因。   14. Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight.   远古文明相信新鲜的空气和阳光有治病的功效。   15. "I know you don"t believe me," I said resignedly.   “我知道你不相信我,”我无可奈何地说。   关于相信的双语例句   古埃及的许多法老相信他们可以永生。   Many Pharaohs in ancient Egypt believe they can live forever.   我倾向于相信他的无辜。   I"m inclined to believe him innocent.   许多人都相信监禁解决不了犯罪问题。   Many people believe that prison isn"t a cure for crime.   我相信你的话。   I believe what you said.   你能相信我只花了25美元就买了一台电视吗?   Can you believe that I bought a TV for %2425?   这个地方脏极了,我不相信有人能住在这。   This place is filthy; I don"t believe anyone can live here.   我相信你可以保持职业化?我相信你可以保持职业化?   I trust that you will be able to remain professional?   他相信第二理论但又必须证明他***的相信***是正确的!   He believed in the second theory but needed to prove he was correct.
2023-08-02 05:41:061

相信用英语怎么说 那个以t开头的单词

2023-08-02 05:41:154


2023-08-02 05:41:333


  你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    相信英语释义:   believe;   be convinced of;   have faith in    相信英语例句:   古埃及的许多法老相信他们可以永生。   Many Pharaohs in ancient Egypt believe they can live forever.   我倾向于相信他的无辜。   I"m inclined to believe him innocent.   许多人都相信监禁解决不了犯罪问题。   Many people believe that prison isn"t a cure for crime.   我相信你的话。   I believe what you said.   这个地方脏极了,我不相信有人能住在这。   This place is filthy; I don"t believe anyone can live here.   别相信他,他像老狐狸一样狡猾。   Don"t trust him, he is a sly old fox.   我相信你可以保持职业化?我相信你可以保持职业化?   I trust that you will be able to remain professional?   他相信第二理论但又必须证明他的相信是正确的!   He believed in the second theory but needed to prove he was correct.   他们有理由相信可能会遇到麻烦。   They had reason to believe there could be trouble.   不要相信报纸上看到的东西。   Don"t believe what you read in the papers.   我相信他肯定非常担心黛安娜。   I believe he is most painfully anxious about Diana.   她相信阶级制度恒久不变。   She believed in the fixity of the class system.   我很容易上当,可能会相信他的话。   I"m so gullible I would have believed him.
2023-08-02 05:41:431


2023-08-02 05:42:012


I believe in you.我相信你。【而且更信任你,有这一深层的意思】You can make it.【这句是美国俚语,你一定行的,你可以做到的】Come on!【加油】
2023-08-02 05:42:131


believe in; be convinced of; have faith in; take stock in Your background is entirely implausible . 你的背景简直令人难以相信。 2.Do not trust him , no matter what he says . 无论他说什么,都别相信。 3.He believes in getting plenty of exercise . 他相信多做运动必有好处。 4.I don"t put much faith in mister thompson . 我不那么相信汤普森先生。 5.It "s most stupid of me to believe that . 我真胡涂,竟会相信那种事。 6.He has a fatal belief in the power of money . 他绝对相信金钱的力量。 7.The trouble was: no one would believe her . 问题在于没有人会相信她。 8.I waited in reliance on your promise . 我相信你答应过的话而等待着。 9.Don"t you never believe stuff like that ? 你不是从不相信那类鬼事儿吗? 10.Do you believe in the principle of hierarchy ? 你相信等级制度原理吗?
2023-08-02 05:42:421

相信的英文 相信的英语是什么

1、相信的英文:believe in; be convinced of; have faith in; take stock in。 2、on closer investigation you will be convinced of his dishonesty. 一经仔细调查,你就会相信他的不诚实。 3、I believe they will be on at that time. 我相信他们到时候会同意的。
2023-08-02 05:42:501


2023-08-02 05:43:0211


问题一:信用英语怎么说 credit英 ["kred?t] 美 [?kr?d?t] n. 信誉,信用;[金融]贷款;荣誉;学分 vt. 相信,信任;归功于;[会]记入贷方;赞颂 信用; 信贷; 用证; 功劳 复数:credits 过去式:credited 过去分词:credited 现在分词:crediting 第三人称单数:credits belief, faith, confidence, conviction, credit, trust 这些名词都有“相信,信任”之意。 belief: 普通用词,指单纯从主观上的相信,不着重这种相信是否有根据。 faith: 语气较强,强调完全相信;有时也能仅凭感觉产生的相信。 confidence: 指对某人某事有充分信心,断定不会使人失望,因而给予信任。 conviction: 多指根据长期交往或实践,对某人某事有了认识和了解后产生的信心和相信,侧重其坚定性。 credit: 语气最弱,着重以声誉为信任的基础。 trust: 强调相信、信任的完全可靠。 1.Chip and PIN is designed to bat credit card fraud. 智能卡系统是专为防止信用卡诈骗设计的。 2. It is very convenient to pay by credit card. 用信用卡付款非常方便。 3. All major credit cards are accepted at our hotels. 我们的饭店接受所有主要的信用卡。 4. Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash. 有了信用卡就用不着携带很多现金。 5. She was charged with credit card fraud. 她被控告信用卡欺骗罪。 问题二:你在上一封信中说到用英文怎么说。。 As what you"ve mentioned in your last mail.... 问题三:寄一封信的英文怎么说 post a letter
2023-08-02 05:43:271


相信英文:believe。一、相信英语的基本释义believe:英[bu026au02c8li:v],美[bu026au02c8liv]:v.信任;料想;笃信宗教;vt.相信;信任;以为,认为;对…信以为真。第三人称单数:believes;现在分词:believing;过去式:believed;过去分词:believed。二、例句1、The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job.公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。2、He actually became convinced that the nurses had an unanswerable case.他实际上已经相信了护士们的情况确实如此。3、It"s an uphill battle but I think we"re going to win.虽然这是一场艰苦的斗争,但我相信我们会取得胜利。4、I believe he is most painfully anxious about Diana.我相信他肯定非常担心黛安娜。5、This may sound trivial, but I assure you it is quite important!这听上去也许微不足道,但是,相信我,它十分重要!6、He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges.他相信盟友们会履行他们的承诺。7、He did not sound as if he believed her.他听起来似乎并不相信她。8、They can"t believe you can even hold a conversation.他们不敢相信你竟然能够把一场对话进行下去。9、He"d telephoned with some phoney excuse she didn"t believe for a minute.他找了某个她根本不会相信的借口给她打电话。10、I depended on his companionship and on his judgment.我信赖他的友情,也相信他的判断。
2023-08-02 05:43:341


问题一:相信某人或某事 用英语怎么说 正解: believe in *** 是信任某人的意思 believe *** 是相信某人的话的意思 believe sth 问题二:让某人相信某事怎么说用英语 remind *** of sth 问题三:"信任"用英语怎么说 信任-trust 问题四:相信的英文是什么 相信 1. accept 2. believe 3. deem 4. presume 5. trust 问题五:相信某人或某事 用英语怎么说 相信某人或某事 Believe *** or sth 某人someone; somebody; a certain person; thingamy; thingumajig 某事something
2023-08-02 05:44:191


I"m sure!
2023-08-02 05:44:307


问题一:“我相信我自己”用英语怎么说 I believe in myself 问题二:我相信 用英语怎么说 I beli胆ve I hold my faith that.....问题三:相信 用英语怎么说? 语法标注解释 believe英音:[bi"li:v]美音:[b?"liv] believe的中文翻译 及物动词 vt. [W]1.相信;信任[+(that)] I don"t believe a single word he says. 他的话我一句也不信。 2.认为;猜想,料想[+(that)][O2] We believe Mr. Smith to be innocent. 我们认为史密斯先生是无辜的。 I believe he has e. 我想他已经到了。 不及物动词 vi. [W] 1.笃信宗教 The Hendersons seldom go to church, but they believe. 亨德森一家很少去教堂做礼拜,但他们笃信宗教。 2.相信;信任;信仰[(+in)] He did not believe in Howard"s honesty. 他不相信霍华德为人真诚。 3.猜想,料想 trust英音:[tr?st]美音:[tr?st] trust的中文翻译 名词 n. 1.信任,信赖[U][(+in)] I have no trust in him. 我不信任他。 2.托管,信托;管理,照顾[C][U] Her child was left in my trust for the winter vacation. 她的孩子寒假里由我照顾。 3.【经】托拉斯,企业联合[C] 4.可信赖的人(或物)[C] 5.受托物,代管物[C] The jewels will be held in trust for the girl till she is twenty. 女孩的那些首饰将被托管到她二十岁为止。 6.商业信货 7.(因受委托而产生的)义务,责任[U钉 He pledged to fulfil his trust. 他保证履行义务。 及物动词 vt. 1.信任,信赖[O2] Why do you trust a guy like him? 你为什么要信任他这样的家伙呢? 2.依靠,依赖[O2] I can"t trust my memory. I"d better write everything down. 我的记性靠不住,最好把什么都写下来。 3.想,确信[Y][+(that)] I trust your wife will soon get well. 我相信你太太不久就会痊愈的。 4.赊给 5.托付,托交 How can I trust the valuable things to her? 我怎么能够把贵重的东西托付给她呢? 不及物动词 vi. 1.信任,信赖[(+in)] We always trust in her cautiousness. 我们对她办事谨慎一向是信赖的。 2.确信 3.赊售,赊责 4.依赖[(+to)] It won"t do to trust to the inspiration of the moment when speaking to such a big audience. 对这么多听众讲话,事先不准备仅靠一时的灵感是不行的...>>问题四:我相信能够做得更好用英语怎么说 I believe I can do it better. 问题五:我相信我一定能做到用英语怎么说 I believe that I can do it! I can do it for sure. I"顶m sure I can do it! I"m I can achieve my ambition!我一定能实现自己的愿望! 请采纳吧问题六:我相信你一定可以的,这句用英语怎么说?? I believe that you can do it!I believe you can! I think you can make it! 很灵活的,呵呵,不知道可否说一下您的context(语境)?问题七:“”我相信你”用英语怎么说? 我相信你 I believe you 我相信你 I trust you 我相信你 I"m sure you问题八:我相信明天会更好用英语怎么说 I believe that it will be better tomorrow
2023-08-02 05:44:461


believe in
2023-08-02 05:44:542


你好!相信你Trust you
2023-08-02 05:45:043


believe yourself
2023-08-02 05:45:148


问题一:“”我相信你”用英语怎么说? 我相信你 I believe you 我相信你 I trust you 我相信你 I"m sure you 问题二:我相信你 用英语怎么说 i believe you, believe in , 有信仰的意思,你说什么我都相信 问题三:我相信你行的!用英语怎么说? I trust/beli功ve you can do it I trust your ability of this 问题四:我相信你能行的英文 I believe you can do it I believe in you believe 改成 trust 也行, believe更常用. 问题五:我相信你用英语怎么说 I trust you I believe you 问题六:我相信你可以的。用英文怎么说 我相信你可以的 I believe you can. 问题七:我相信你会成功的用英语怎么说 I believe you"ll be totally succeessful. I"m sure you can make it. I believe you will succeed.
2023-08-02 05:45:591


belife 是名词,believe是动词
2023-08-02 05:46:233


2023-08-02 05:46:581


believe oneselfbelieve oneselfbelieve oneself
2023-08-02 05:47:0911


stand by 信守承诺
2023-08-02 05:47:342


2023-08-02 05:47:521


I believe
2023-08-02 05:48:023


2023-08-02 05:48:205


Choose to believe in yourself!
2023-08-02 05:48:3512

我相信你用英语如何说 我相信你的英语是什么

1、“我相信你”用英语说:I trust you.I believe in you.I believe you. 2、trust,英文单词,主要用作为名词、动词,作动词时意为“信任,信赖;盼望;赊卖给; 信任,信赖;依靠”,作名词时意为“信任,信赖;责任;托拉斯”。 3、believe,英语单词,动词,意为“信任;料想;笃信宗教”。
2023-08-02 05:49:461

相信某人或某事 用英语怎么说

believe in...
2023-08-02 05:49:574


Please believe it!
2023-08-02 05:50:495