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2023-08-02 18:35:57


  1. Dear Mr/Mrs,

  Thank you for your letter No. A-3 of 6th May, offering us 6 UI-4 Viewdatas. We have passed it on to our Technical Department for their consideration.

  We shall reply as soon as possible.

  Yours faithfully


  谢谢您五月六日标号为A-3的来信,该信向我们提供6 UI-4图像数据。我们已把该信转给了技术部,备他们考虑。



  2. Dear Mr/Mrs,

  We have today received with thanks information concerning transactions onthe New York Wheat Exchange which will be made full use of by our researchdepartment.

  We look forward to further cooperation with you.

  Yours faithfully





  二、确认达成的协议 Confirming agreements reached 3. Dear Mr/Mrs,

  Last Friday, when we were discussing the problems of defectivecontainers.You suggested that I simply mail you a report each month on thenumber of return by customers rather than send the defective containers to you. I plan to put this into effect at once. But, I first wantto make sure that I understand you correctly.

  If I don"thear from you within the coming week, I"ll assume that youapprove.

  Yours faithfully





  4. Dear Mr/Mrs,

  We write to confirm our agreement reached during ourconversation on 9th June about special discountson M-S Acoustical Partitions as describedon page 8of our catalogue. These prices will prevail through30 June.partition Regular Price Special pricedimensionEachEach(12 or more)4X4"US$ 112.75FOB Bern US$98.20 FOB Bern4x5"132 115.505x5"152.75129.85 We will be happy to receive your order.

  Yours sincerely


  我们写信想确认六月九日谈话中就M-S声音隔板特别折扣达成的协议。这些隔板在我们目录第八页有描述。下列价格六月三十日前有效:声音隔板规格每只常规价每只特别价(12及以上)4X4"US$ 112.75FOB波恩 US$98.20 FOB波恩4x5"132 115.505x5"152.75129.85我们将很荣幸收到你的定单


  5. Dear Mr/Mrs

  As our telephone negotiation this morning was verybrief and proceeded so smoothly, I thought itmight be advisable to summarize the agreement:I offered US$56/kg CIF EMPYou asked for US$60I countered US$58/kgYou accepted the figureI look forwaqrd to signing the contract when we meetnext week.

  Yours faithfully


  今天上午我们的电话协商简短而融洽,我想简单总结一下协议:我报价为:US$56/kg CIF EMP,你还价为US$60,我让价为US$58/kg你同意这个价格。下周见面时我期待能签定合同。




confirming的意思是批准(confirm的现在分词)、证实、使有效、使巩固。vt. 证实;肯定prove to be true or correct; make certain。vt. 批准;认可ratify; agree definitely to (a treaty, an appointment, etc.)。vt. 加强;坚定make firmer; strengthen。搭配:1、accepting and confirming接受和确认2、asking or confirming反问或确认3、confirming a reservation确认预订4、confirming agent保付代理人5、confirming article合格品6、confirming bank保兑行、确认银行、保兑银行7、confirming charges保兑手续费8、confirming house保付公司、保付商行、付保商行9、confirming response确认反应10、confirming sample或称“回样”,亦称“确认样品”confirming的例句:1、My company has complied with committee subpoenas by supplying documents confirming all that I have said.本公司按照委员会的要求,提供了能够证实我刚才发言的文件。2、Original Vehicle Examination Record issued by the police after confirming the vehicle.查验民警确认机动车后出具的《机动车查验记录表》原件。3、I have much pleasure in confirming my verbal order of this morning.我们高兴地通知您,从伦敦给您发来的书和其它东西的邮包已经到达。4、Official notification of an eyewitness quoted as confirming that the above - mentioned witnesses.官方通报中援引了现场目击者的话,证实了上述目击者的说法。5、Immunohistochemical staining for CK and EMA is helpful in confirming the diagnosis.免疫组织化学CK、EMA等标记对鉴别诊断有帮助。
2023-08-02 04:06:201

后面的confirming that that是什么从句啊?

2023-08-02 04:07:202

there was frost on the ground,confirming that fall had arrived in Canada. 为什么要用confirming?

这里confirming是 v-ing结构做 定语 相当于which confirmed地面上出现了霜冻, 这证实了秋天已经来临了。
2023-08-02 04:07:283

confirming letter是什么意思

2023-08-02 04:07:484

为什么英文词语,有的动词加ed和ing还是动词,有的成了 形容词了,比如confirming

2023-08-02 04:07:571


商务信函常用句型举例:确认用语篇   4、信函确认用语   确认:To confirm||Confirming||Confirmation   为确认: In Confirmation of   确认书: A letter of confirmation   关于上周本公司通过电话给您的报价, 我们特予以确认。   We confirm our call of last week respecting our offers to you.   兹确认我们5月3日所发函并告知您发来的货物已如期到达。   We confirm our respects of the 3rd May, and inform you that your consignment has duly arrived.   兹确认已收到"O"号轮船送来的货物, 现寄去550美元的支票一张。请查取。   I confirm the receipt of your shipment by m.s. "O", and now send you a cheque, valuing $550.   兹确认我上星期致您函, 请及早约定与我方代表面谈的.日期。   Confirming our letter of last week, we ask you to appoint an early interview with our representative.   兹确认本公司6月11日的信, 同函附上50包的提单。请查收。   Confirming ours of the 11th June, we now hand you enclosed B/L for 50 packages.   兹确认昨天致您的信并欣告今天我们已给你们开出汇票。   We confirm our respects of yesterday, and have the pleasure to inform you that we have drawn this day on you.   兹确认您昨天向我们提出的订单。承惠顾非常欣慰。   We have much pleasure in confirming herewith the order which you kindly placed with us yesterday.   您对我公司所提订单, 请务必于明天下午三时前来电确认。   Kindly let us have confirmation of these orders by telegraph tomorrow by 3 p.m.   谨确认今日电报, 非常遗撼, 该工厂于昨夜被毁于火。   In confirmation of my cable today, I regret to state that the factory was completely destroyed by fire last night.   为确认今早电话中所订货物, 请寄来订货单。   Kindly give us an order sheet in confirmation of the message by telephone of this morning. ;
2023-08-02 04:08:051

confirming bank是什么意思

confirming bank [词典] 保兑银行;[例句]The advising or confirming bank informs the seller that the credit has been issued.担保行通知卖家信用证已开出。
2023-08-02 04:08:211


confirm 英[ku0259nu02c8fu025c:m]美[ku0259nu02c8fu025c:rm]vt. 证实; [法] 确认,批准; 使有效; 使巩固;[例句]The researchers said they found only two high-quality studies. They called for more high-quality studies to confirm their findings.研究者表示他们仅发现两项高质量研究,他们需要更多的高质量研究来证实他们的发现。[其他] 第三人称单数:confirms 现在分词:confirming 过去式:confirmed 过去分词:confirmed 形近词: unfirm infirm affirm
2023-08-02 04:08:401

conform 后面是加to还是with

conform with 意思是符合,与。。。一致conform to 意思是符合,遵照
2023-08-02 04:08:532


检验证明英文是。Certificate of Verification。检验证明的英文解释。Certificate of Verification是指由官方机构或者认可的测试机构出具的验证证明,证明某个产品或系统已经经过特定的检测、测试和评估,符合相关标准和规定的要求,从而具有合格可用的资格。Certificate of Verification具有权威性和可信度,是企业和消费者购买产品、使用系统的重要凭证之一。各个国家都有自己的认证机构和认证标准,Certificate of Verification也有很多种不同的形式和内容。检验证明的英文双语例句。1、我们已经获得了国际认可机构的Certificate of Verification,证实了我们公司的产品符合欧盟标准。We have obtained the Certificate of Verification from the international accreditation body, confirming that our company"s products comply with EU standards.2、根据ISO 9001国际标准,我们公司已经完成了对所有生产线的质量检测,并成功获得了Certificate of Verification。In accordance with ISO 9001 international standards, our company has completed quality inspections for all production lines and obtained the Certificate of Verification successfully.3、技术部门已经完成了钢铁厂的设备检测,并且接收到Certificate of Verification,确认钢铁厂的生产设备符合国家安全标准。The technical department has completed equipment inspection for the steel plant, and received the Certificate of Verification confirming that the production equipment of the steel plant complies with national safety standards.4、我们的生产流水线设备已经完成了UL认证,并且获得了UL的Certificate of Verification,证实我们公司的流水线设备符合北美市场的产品安全标准。Our production line equipment has obtained the UL certification and Certificate of Verification from UL, confirming that our company"s production line equipment complies with the product safety standards of the North American market.
2023-08-02 04:09:111

before we subscribe you,we need to confirm you are a human什么意思

before we subscribe you,we need to confirm you are a human在我们订阅你之前,我们需要确认你是一个人类confirm英 [ku0259nu02c8fu025c:m] 美 [ku0259nu02c8fu025c:rm]vt.证实;[法]确认,批准;使有效;使巩固第三人称单数: confirms现在分词: confirming过去式: confirmed过去分词: confirmed
2023-08-02 04:10:011


business letter
2023-08-02 04:10:213

什么是外贸中的议付行(negotiating bank)?

议付行是根据开证行在议付信用证中的授权,买进受益人提交的汇票和单据的银行。参考:一.信用证当事人 1.信用证开证行(Issuing Bank) 开证行是应申请人(进口商)的要求向受益人(出口商)开立信用证的银行。该银行一般是申请人的开户银行。 2.信用证受益人(Beneficiary) 受益人是开证行在信用证中授权使用和执行信用证并享受信用证所赋予的权益的人,受益人一般为出口商。 3.信用证保兑行(Confirming Bank) 保兑行是应开证行或信用证受益人的请求,在开证行的付款保证之外对信用证进行保证付款的银行。 二.信用证关系人 1.信用证申请人(Applicant) 开证申请人是向银行提交申请书申请开立信用证的人,它一般为进出口贸易业务中的进口商。 2.信用证通知行(Advising Bank) 通知行是受开证行的委托,将信用证通知给受益人的银行,它一般为开证行在出口地的代理行或分行。 3.信用证付款行(Paying Bank/Drawee Bank) 承兑行是开证行在承兑信用证中指定并授权向受益人承担(无追索权)付款责任的银行。 4.信用证承兑行(Accepting Bank) 承兑行是开证行在承兑信用证中指定的并授权承兑信用证项下汇票的银行。在远期信用证项下,承兑行可以是开证行本身,也要以是开证行指定的另外一家银行。 5.信用证议付行(Negotiating Bank) 议付行是根据开证行在议付信用证中的授权,买进受益人提交的汇票和单据的银行。 6.信用证偿付行(Reimbursing Bank) 偿付行是受开证行指示或由开证行授权,对信用证的付款行,承兑行、保兑行或议付行进行付款的银行。 7.信用证转让行(Transferring Bank) 转让行是应第一受益人的要求,将可转让信用证转让给第二益人的银行。转让行一般为信用证的通知行。
2023-08-02 04:10:325

This is an automatic reply confirming that your e-mail was received.Thank you的中文意思

2023-08-02 04:11:254


We are still waiting for the replies about the delivery (material number) from the factory, and we will keep contacting with them about this matter. It should be done by this week, please be patient. Thank you for your cooperation.
2023-08-02 04:11:413


信用证(Letter of Credit,L/C) ,是一种由银行依照客户的要求和指示开立的有条件的承诺付款的书面文件。信用证是目前国际贸易中最主要、最常用的支付方式。信用证中英文样本及说明:[编辑本段]信用证的主要当事人及其权利与义务(1)开证申请人(applicant)。向银行申请开立信用证的人,在信用证中又称开证人(opener)。义务:根据合同开证;向银行交付比例押金;及时付款赎单权利:验、退赎单;验、退货(均以信用证为依据)说明:开证申请书有两部分即对开证行的开证申请和对开证行的声明和保证(申明赎单付款前货物所有权归银行;开证行及其代理行只付单据表面是否合格之责;开证行对单据传递中的差错不负责;对“不可抗力”不负责;保证到期付款赎单;保证支付各项费用;开证行有权随时追加押金;有权决定货物代办保险和增加保险级别而费用由开证申请人负担。(2)开证行(opening/issuing bank)。接受开证申请人的委托开立扮颤信用证的银行,它承担保证付款的责任。义务:正确、及时开证;承担第一性付款责任权利:收取手续费和押金;拒绝受益人或议付行的不符单据;付款后如开证申请人无力付款赎单时可处理单、货;货不足款可向开证申请人追索余额。(3)通知行(advising/notifying bank)。指受开证行的委托,将信用证转交出口人的银行,它只证明信用证的真实性,不承担其他义务。还要证明信用证的真实性;转递行只负责照转。(4)受益人(beneficiary)。指信用证上所指定的有权使用该证的人,即出口人或实际供货人。义务:收到信用证后应及时与合同核对,不符者尽早要求开模租证行修改或拒绝接受或要求开证申请人指示开证行修改信用证;如接受则发货并通知收货人,备齐单据在规定时间向议付行交单议付;对单据的正确性负责,不符时应执行开证行改单指示并仍在信用证规定期限交单。权利:被拒绝修改或修改后仍不符有权在通知对方后单方面撤消合同并拒绝信用证;交单后若开证行倒闭或无理拒付可直接要求开证申请人付款;收款前若开证申请人破产可停止货物装运并自行处理;若开证行倒闭时信用证还未使用可要求开证申请人另开。(5)议付银行(negotiating bank)。指愿意买入受益人交来跟单汇票的银行。根据信用证开证行的付款保证和受益人的请求,按信用证规定对受益人交付的跟单汇票垫款或贴现,并向信用证规定的付款行索偿的银行(又称购票行、押汇行和贴现行;一般就是通知行;有限定议付和自由议付)。义务:严格审单;垫付或贴现跟单汇票;背批信用证;权利:可议付也可不议付;议付后可处理(货运)单据;议付后开证行倒闭或借口拒付可向受益人追回垫款(6)付款银行(paying/drawee bank)。信用证上指定付款的银行,在多数情况下,付款行就是开证行。对符合信用证的单据向受益人付款的银行(可以是开证行也可受其委托的另家银行)。有权付款或不付款;一经付款无权向受益人或汇票善意持有人追索(7) 保兑行(Confirming Bank)受开证行委托对信用证以自己名义保证的银行加批“保证兑付”;不可撤消的确定承诺;独立对信用证负责,凭单付款;付款后只能向开证行索偿;若开证行拒付或倒闭,则无权向受益人和议付行追索。(8) 承兑行(Accepting Bank) 对受益人提交的汇票进行承兑的银行,亦是付款行。(9) 偿付行(Reimbursement Bank)受开证行在信用证上的委托,代开证行向议付行或付款行清偿垫款的银行(又称清算行)。只付款不审单;只管偿付不管退款;不偿付时开证行偿付。[编辑本段]信用证方式的一般收付程序(1)开证申请人根据合同填写开证申请书并交纳押金或提供其他保证,请开证行开证。(2)开证行根据申请书内容,向受益人开出信用证并寄交出口人所在地通知行。(3)通知行核对印鉴无误后,将信用证交受益人。(4)受益人审核信用证内容与合同规定相符后,按信用证规定装运厅码败货物、备妥单据并开出汇票,在信用证有效期内,送议付行议付。(5)议付行按信用证条款审核单据无误后,把货款垫付给受益人。(6)议付行将汇票和货运单据寄开证行或其特定的付款行索偿。(7)开证行核对单据无误后,付款给议付行。(8)开证行通知开证人付款赎单。[编辑本段]信用证主要内容(1)对信用证本身的说明。如其种类、性质、有效期及到期地点。(2)对货物的要求。根据合同进行描述。(3)对运输的要求。(4)对单据的要求,即货物单据、运输单据、保险单据及其它有关单证。(5)特殊要求。(6)开证行对受益人及汇票持有人保证付款的责任文句。(7)国外来证大多数均加注:“除另有规定外,本证根据国际商会《跟单信用证统一惯例(1993年修订)》即国际商会500号出版物 (《ucp500》)办理。”(8)银行间电汇索偿条款(t/t reimbursement clause)。[编辑本段]信用证支付方式的特点1.开证行承担第一性的、而且是独立的付款责任。2.信用证是一项自足文件 。信用证虽然是根据买卖合同开立的,但信用证一经开出,就成为独立于买卖合同以外的一项约定。3.信用证是一种单据买卖 ,各有关当事人处理的是单据,而不是货物、服务和/或其他行为。银行只负责单证、单单之间的表面相符。[编辑本段]信用证的种类(1)以信用证项下的汇票是否附有货运单据划分为:跟单信用证及光票信用证。①跟单信用证(Documentary Credit)是凭跟单汇票或仅凭单据付款的信用证。此处的单据指代表货物所有权的单据(如海运提单等),或证明货物已交运的单据(如铁路运单、航空运单、邮包收据)。②光票信用证(Clean Credit)是凭不随附货运单据的光票(Clean Draft)付款的信用证。银行凭光票信用证付款,也可要求受益人附交一此非货运单据,如发票、垫款清单等。在国际贸易的货款结算中,绝大部分使用跟单信用证。(2)以开证行所负的责任为标准可以分为:①不可撤销信用证。指信用证一经开出,在有效期内,未经受益人及有关当事人的同意,开证行不能片面修改和撤销,只要受益人提供的单据 符合信用证规定,开证行必须履行付款义务。②可撤销信用证。开证行不必征得受益人或有关当事人同意有权随时撤销的信用证,应在信用证上注明“可撤销”字样。但《UCP500》规定: 只要受益人依信用证条款规定已得到了议付、承兑或延期付款保证时,该 信用证即不能被撤销或修改。它还规定,如信用证中末注明是否可撤销, 应视为不可撤销信用证。(3)以有无另一银行加以保证兑付,可以分为:①保兑信用证。指开证行开出的信用证,由另一银行保证对符合信用证条款规定的单据履行付款义务。对信用证加以保兑的银行,称为保兑行。②不保兑信用证。开证行开出的信用证没有经另一家银行保兑。(4)根据付款时间不同,可以分为:①即期信用证。指开证行或付款行收到符合信用证条款的跟单汇票或装运单据后,立即履行付款义务的信用证。②远期信用证。指开证行或付款行收到信用证的单据时,在规定期限内履行付款义务的信用证。③假远期信用证。信用证规定受益人开立远期汇票,由付款行负责贴现,并规定一切利息和费用由开证人承担。这种信用证对受益人来讲,实际上仍属即期收款,在信用证中有“假远期”(usance L/C payable at sight)条款。(5)根据受益人对信用证的权利可否转让,可分为:①可转让信用证。指信用证的受益人(第一受益人)可以要求授权付款、承担延期付款责任,承兑或议付的银行(统称“转让行”),或当信用证是自由议付时,可以要求信用证中特别授权的转让银行,将信用证全部或 部分转让给一个或数个受益人(第二受益人)使用的信用证。开证行在信用证中要明确注明“可转让”(transferable),且只能转让一次。②不可转让信用证。指受益人不能将信用证的权利转让给他人的信用证。凡信用证中末注明“可转让”,即是不可转让信用证。(6)循环信用证。指信用证被全部或部分使用后,其金额又恢复到原金额,可再次使用,直至达到规定的次数或规定的总金额为止。它通常在 分批均匀交货情况下使用。在按金额循环的信用证条件下,恢复到原金 额的具体做法有:①自动式循环。每期用完一定金额,不需等待开证行的通知,即可自动恢复到原金额。②非自动循环。每期用完一定金额后,必须等待开证行通知到达,信用证才能恢复到原金额使用。③半自动循环。即每次用完一定金额后若干天内,开证行末提出停止循环使用的通知,自第×天起即可自动恢复至原金额。(7)对开信用证。指两张信用证申请人互以对方为受益人而开立的信用证。两张信用证的金额相等或大体相等,可同时互开,也可先后开立。它多用于易货贸易或来料加工和补偿贸易业务。(8)对背信用证。又称转开信用证,指受益人要求原证的通知行或其他银行以原证为基础,另开一张内容相似的新信用证,对背信用证的开证行只能根据不可撤销信用证来开立。对背信用证的开立通常是中间商转售他人货物,或两国不能直接办理进出口贸易时,通过第三者以此种办法来沟通贸易。原信用证的金额(单价)应高于对背信用证的金额(单价),对背信用证的装运期应早于原信用证的规定。(9)预支信用证。指开证行授权代付行(通知行)向受益人预付信用证金额的全部或一部分,由开证行保证偿还并负担利息,即开证行付款在前,受益人交单在后,与远期信用证相反。预支信用证凭出口人的光票付款,也有要求受益人附一份负责补交信用证规定单据的说明书,当货运单 据交到后,付款行在付给剩余货款时,将扣除预支货款的利息。(10)备用信用证。又称商业票据信用证、担保信用证。指开证行根 据开证申请人的请求对受益人开立的承诺承担某项义务的凭证。即开证行保证在开证申请人未能履行其义务时,受益人只要凭备用信用证的规 定并提交开证人违约证明,即可取得开证行的偿付。它是银行信用,对受益人来说是备用于开证人违约时,取得补偿的一种方式。[编辑本段]信用证英文定义Definition of L/C:A form of guarantee of payment issued by a bank used to guarantee the payment of interest and repayment of principal on bond issues.[编辑本段]信用证起源信用证起源于古罗马法,该法明确了 商品与货币交换过程中可采用文字书写的信用证件,以表示交换双方的商业信誉。[编辑本段]防止信用证诈骗方法国际结算诈骗中,跟单信用证诈骗是最主要和较隐蔽的类型。本文试对跟单信用证诈骗的常见方式略作分析和探讨。一、跟单信用证诈骗的常见方式及其特征(一)假冒或伪造印鉴(签字)诈骗所谓"假冒或伪造印鉴(签字)诈骗,"是指诈骗分子在以打字机打出并通过邮递方式寄出的信用证,假冒或伪造开证行有权签字人员的印鉴(签字),企图以假乱真骗受益人(出口商)盲目发货,最终达到骗取出口货物的罪恶目的。这种诈骗一般有如下特征:1.信用证不经通知,而直达受益人手中,且信封无寄件人详细地址,邮戳模糊;2.所用信用证格式为陈旧或过时格式;3.信用证签字笔画不流畅,或采用印刷体签名;4.信用证条款自相矛盾,或违背常规;5.信用证要求货物空运,或提单做成申请人(进口商)为收货人。例如:河南某外贸公司曾收到一份以英国标准麦加利银行伯明翰分行(STANDARD CHARTERED BANK LTD . BIRMINGHAM BRANCH,ENGLAND)名义开立的跟单信用证,金额为USD37,200.00元,通知行为伦敦国民西敏寺银行(NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK LTD .LONDON)。因该证没有象往常一样经受益人当地银行专业人员审核,发现几点可疑之处:(1)信用证的格式很陈旧,信封无寄件人地址,且邮戳模糊不清,无法辩认从何地寄出;(2)信用证限制通知行-伦敦国民西敏寺银行议付,有违常规;(3)收单行的详细地址在银行年鉴上查无;(4)信用证的签名为印刷体,而非手签,且无法核对;(5)信用证要求货物空运至尼日利亚,而该国为诈骗案多发地。 根据以上几点,银行初步判定该证为伪造信用证,后经开证行总行联系查实,确是如此。从而避免了一起伪造信用证件诈骗。
2023-08-02 04:11:491

confirming order是什么意思

2023-08-02 04:12:262

Thank you for confirming

Thank you for confirming 谢谢你的确认
2023-08-02 04:12:332

confirming bank是什么意思

2023-08-02 04:12:401


我们和客户正在确认此订单。翻译为:We are confirming the order with the customer.
2023-08-02 04:12:491


I"m sorry I got mixed up,Attachment is confirmed the order,941049 we arrange production orders,Confirm the delivery will send your order confirmation.Please forgive me for the inconvenience caused to you.
2023-08-02 04:13:087


商务英语:通知与确认范文    一、通知对方收到来信的确认函   1. Dear Mr/Mrs,   Thank you for your letter No. A-3 of 6th May, offering us 6 UI-4 Viewdatas. We have passed it on to our Technical Department for their consideration.   We shall reply as soon as possible.   Yours faithfully   尊敬的先生/小姐,   谢谢您五月六日标号为A-3的来信,该信向我们提供6 UI-4图像数据。我们已把该信转给了技术部,备他们考虑。   我们将尽快回信   你诚挚的   2. Dear Mr/Mrs,   We have today received with thanks information concerning transactions onthe New York Wheat Exchange which will be made full use of by our researchdepartment.   We look forward to further cooperation with you.   Yours faithfully   尊敬的先生/小姐,   我们今天收到了有关纽约小麦交易所的业务信息,非常感谢,我们的`研究部门将充分利用这些信息。   期待与你进一步合作。   你诚挚的   二、确认达成的协议 Confirming agreements reached   3. Dear Mr/Mrs,   Last Friday, when we were discussing the problems of defectivecontainers.You suggested that I simply mail you a report each month on thenumber of return by customers rather than send the defective containers to you. I plan to put this into effect at once. But, I first wantto make sure that I understand you correctly.   If I don"thear from you within the coming week, Iu2019ll assume that youapprove.   Yours faithfully   尊敬的先生/小姐,   上周五,我们讨论了次品集装箱的问题,你建议我只需把顾客每月退回的次品集装箱的数量写个报告给你,而不是直接退集装箱。   我计划立即付诸现实。但我想确认我理解正确,到下周为止,如我不能收到你的来信,我即认为你没有异议。   你诚挚的   4. Dear Mr/Mrs,   We write to confirm our agreement reached during ourconversation on 9th June about special discountson M-S Acoustical Partitions as describedon page 8of our catalogue. These prices will prevail through30 June.partition Regular Price Special pricedimensionEachEach(12 or more)4X4"US$ 112.75FOB Bern US$98.20 FOB Bern4x5u2019132 115.505x5"152.75129.85 We will be happy to receive your order.   Yours sincerely   尊敬的先生/小姐,   我们写信想确认六月九日谈话中就M-S声音隔板特别折扣达成的协议。这些隔板在我们目录第八页有描述。下列价格六月三十日前有效:声音隔板规格每只常规价每只特别价(12及以上)4X4"US$ 112.75FOB波恩 US$98.20 FOB波恩4x5u2019132 115.505x5"152.75129.85我们将很荣幸收到你的定单   你诚挚的   5. Dear Mr/Mrs   As our telephone negotiation this morning was verybrief and proceeded so smoothly, I thought itmight be advisable to summarize the agreement:I offered US$56/kg CIF EMPYou asked for US$60I countered US$58/kgYou accepted the figureI look forwaqrd to signing the contract when we meetnext week.   Yours faithfully   尊敬的先生/小姐,   今天上午我们的电话协商简短而融洽,我想简单总结一下协议:我报价为:US$56/kg CIF EMP,你还价为US$60,我让价为US$58/kg你同意这个价格。下周见面时我期待能签定合同。   你诚挚的 ;
2023-08-02 04:13:231


This is an automatic reply,confirming that your e-mail was received。Thank you意思是:这个(邮件)是一个自动回复,确认你(此前发出)的电子邮件已经(被)收到。谢谢你。即此前登录的这个(电子)邮箱向某个(电子)邮箱发了一个(电子)邮件,收到邮件的邮箱自动回复了这个邮件,意图是确认自己已经收到邮件。
2023-08-02 04:13:391

保税银行 什么意思 英文翻译 怎么是confirming bank

Confirming bank
2023-08-02 04:14:023


感谢您申请学生签证。我们收到您的申请,于12月23日2008年。 我们决定对你的申请 我们高兴地通知您,您的申请学生签证已原则上批准。如果您还没有这样做,请作出安排,提出以下原始文件,以该办事处不迟于2009年1月21日: 更新提供从您的新西兰机构NZQA认可课程,提供咨询意见时,你当然必须支付将开始和结束时,将(注:这应该是传真或通过电子邮件直接发送给INZ香港的机构) ;和 学校收取的学费(注:这应该是传真或通过电子邮件直接发送给INZ香港的机构。汇款收据签发银行没有接受) ;和 证据的资金进行维修,而在新西兰可以是: 以字母或凭证从银行在新西兰确认资金新西兰元一点○○○万美元已存入新西兰,或如果课程少于36周新元,每月1000美元的打算学习或新西兰每月400美元,如果您是预付;或 旅行支票或银行文件的学生的姓名显示资金新元$ 10000每年可在新西兰,或如果课程不足36周,新西兰每月1000美元的打算学习或新西兰每月400美元,如果您是预付;或 资金担保的形式为学生完成由银行在新西兰;或 的来信,信中教育机构证实,住宿和其他生活费用的一部分预付包;和 正本复印件警察清除证书信件由当地公安局和刑警队。请注意,一个警察关信发出的证书申请者的工作单位,工作单位的安全部门,街道办事处或人才中心,是不能接受的;和 您的医疗报告,这是不到3个月大的时候,报关(使用我们的医疗及胸部X光证书和新西兰住1007年完成我们小组的医生) ;和 金融事业的形式;和 补充表格。 请提交上述文件不迟于2009年1月21日到该办公室,请确保您传送给我们这些项目的所有合作。这将有助于与签证进程。一旦收到文件,最后决定将在您的申请。 此致, 签证官
2023-08-02 04:14:123

This is an automatic reply, confirming that your e-mail was received.Thank you 什么意思

2023-08-02 04:14:201

This is an automatic reply, confirming that your e-mail was received.Thank you

This is an automatic reply, confirming that your e-mail was received.Thank you这是一个自动回复,确认您的电子邮件收到了。谢谢
2023-08-02 04:14:304


the price quoted above includes the tax, packaging and transportation costssamples will be ready for approval in 40 days, the rest will be done 30 days after the confirmation of the sample.mold fee should be paid before the sample is made. 30 percent deposit should be paid upon the confirmation of the sample, the rest be paid before the parts are sent out.when the total amount of each item reaches 30000 pieces all the mold fee will be returned.
2023-08-02 04:14:373


2023-08-02 04:14:534


矛盾的1.contradictory; paradoxical; ambivalent; contrary; discrepant; incompatible2.inconsistent
2023-08-02 04:15:028

翻译 this credit has been issued by RABO TSL, under confirmation of BABOBANK NEDERLAND

2023-08-02 04:15:172


Please check the quantity and amount after your use, and sign the bill after confirming accuracy.The housekeeper will give you the supplement.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------供您参考!
2023-08-02 04:15:363

Opeth的《Credence》 歌词

歌曲名:Credence歌手:Opeth专辑:My Arms, Your HearseDeserted againYou speak to me through the shadowsWalking in closed rooms, using cold wordsCaptured by the nightThe yearning escapes from my embraceStrange silhouettes whisper your thoughtsScream your sadnessAnd they all turned awayUnable to face more of this deathCredence in my wordWritten in dust, tainted by memoriesI confess my hope, recognize my lonelinessYour laughter weeps the truthPush me into cornersConfirming the epitaph of my soulAnd displaying the once unknown karma
2023-08-02 04:15:441


Destination Commander?目的地?指挥官 就是这一句另附剩余红警里的英语:Ready to roll!准备好了! *Yes sir.是,长官。Unit reporting!部队报到!Vehicle ready.车辆就绪。移动Bound forward!往前开Outstanding!等待中 (这句我虽然觉得怪但却又不知道怎么翻)On our way, sir.正在路上,长官。High speed, low drag.高速度,低拖延。(这句话在WW官方BBS上是笑料之一)Good to go!可以走了! *Securing Position!加强防御地点! *攻击Fire zone confirmed.开火区域确认。Driver up!驱动器开动!Closing in!接近中!Commencing assault!开始袭击!Weapon ready.武器就绪。 *苏军车辆回应Awaiting orders.等候命令中。Ready comrade.准备好了,同志。Vehicle reporting.车辆报到。移动Changing position.改变位置中。Moving.移动中。Location confirmed.地点已确认。攻击Attacking!攻击!We will bury them.我们将埋葬他们。Encounting enemy.遭遇敌人! * *自爆卡车回应Why don"t you drive.为什么你不来开。I shall avenge us!我将替我们报仇!Let"s make a delivery!让我们去“交货”!My truck is loaded!我的卡车已装载!移动Watch out for the bumps.小心碰撞。[易燃、易爆、轻举轻放]As you wish.如你所愿。One way trip.单程旅途(再也回不来了)。 *攻击Don"t wait up for me.别等我。It will be a smoking crater.它将成为冒烟的弹坑。I am prepared to die!我准备好就义!For my people!为我的人民(自爆)! *入侵者战机回应Pilot reporting.飞行员报告。Destination?目的地?Channel clear.频道清晰。Aircraft reporting.飞机报告。移动Like the wind.象风一般。Changing vector.改变矢量。*(与飞行坐标有关)Thrusters engaged.推进器开动了。Willco.再联系。[猜的] 攻击Instruments locked on.已锁定(目标)。We"re goin" in.我们过去了。(对着目标)We have"m on radar.他们在雷达上出现了。 *Watch my six.看我的“6” 。Ready to strike!准备好打击!归西We"re going down.我们正在坠落。Bail out!跳伞!Eject! Eject!弹出!快弹出! *黑鹰战机回应Korea"s finest.韩国最佳产品。 (这句话在WW官方BBS上是笑料之一) *Eagle squadron.黑鹰中队Black Eagle reporting.黑鹰报告。At your service.为你服务。Standing by.等待中。移动Calibrating airspeed.校准飞行速度。In transit.通行中。 *Command received.命令收到。攻击Easy target!简单的目标!Gunner in position.炮手就位。归西Let"s take"m out.(已爆)让我们出去。 (?) *夜鹰运兵机回应What"s your request?你的要求?Pick"m up, set"m down. 装上他们,放下他们。 *(?)Air transport ready.空运准备好了。Need a lift?需要载一程吗? * 移动Visibility clear.能见度开阔。Tour underway.航行中。Gotcha.收到了。 *Maneuvers in progress.前进中。攻击LZ is hot.着陆区是“火热”的。 (?)Clearing a path.清除出一条路径。Fire on sight.看见就打。 (ps.夜鹰可以攻击吗?我怎么不知道?)*盟军战舰回应Standing by.等待中。Captain on the bridge.船长在梁上。Navigation systems ready.航行系统就绪。Allied Ship reporting.盟军舰只报告。移动Steady as she goes.她行动稳定。 *(?)Aye commander.是,司令。Rudder set for new heading.已转舵向新目标。 *Main engines engaged.主引擎开动。Speed to full.全速(前进)。攻击Battle-stations!进入战斗岗位!Attacking.攻击中。Enemy spotted.发现敌人。 * *苏军战舰回应Yes Commander?什么?指挥官。Vessel ready.舰只准备好了。 *Ship reporting.舰船报告。移动Engines engaged.引擎已发动。 *Navigating.航行中。Course set.路线已设定。Captain confirming.船长确认中。攻击Close and fire!接近并开火!Fire at will.自由开火。*Target sighted.目标进入视野。苏军工程师回应Tools ready.工具已备齐。I have the information.我知道信息。Something need fixing?有些东西需要修理?I know how it works.我知道它怎么工作。移动Yes Commander! 是的,指挥官!I will go.我就去。攻击Checking designs.检查方案。Examining diagrams.检验图表。 还有:动员兵: Da!(是!), Comrade?(同志,请下令!), Moving out!(出发!),Waiting orders!(等待指示!), Conscript reporting!(动员兵报告!), All that received!(收到!), For the Union!(为了苏维埃!), Attacking!(全力攻击!), You are shot!(你完蛋了!), For the mothers at Russia!(为了远在俄罗斯的母亲!), For the whole country!(为了国家!). 2.美国大兵: Sir!Yes sir!(是,长官!), Huh!(明白!), How about some actions!(开始行动吧!} 3.尤里新兵: Yuri is Master!(尤里至大!), There is much to learn!(我们学得还不够!), Yes,Mr.Yuri!(遵命,尤里先生!). 4.磁爆步兵:Elec-coat ready!(隔电衣穿好了!), Going to source!(向能源区集结!). 5.飞行兵:Roger that!(明白!), You"ve got no place to hide!(你无处可藏!) 6.疯狂伊万:It"s too quiet here! (这里太安静了!}, I"ve lost a bomb, do you have it?(我有一枚炸弹不见了,是不是在你哪儿?). 7.谭雅:Yeah,baby!(哇,太棒了!), Moving out,boss!(头,我出发了!), I"ve got the order!(我接到命令了!). 8.间谍:Mission,sir?(长官,行动吗?), Under cover!(我有伪装!), Operation under way!(即将潜入!), This guy"s raggy!(就扮成那个家伙!). 9.尤里:My command is your wish!(你只有服从我的指挥!), Turn me your wish! (你最终将加入我这边!). 10.狙击手:Sniper ready!(我是狙击手!), Eliminate them!(消灭他们!),Proceeding to the vantage point!(占领制高点!). 11.自爆卡车:My target has been found!(我找到目标了!), Let"s make a delivery!(集中精力搞运输!), I"m preparing to die!(随时准备献身!), You"ll be a smoking creator!(让敌方基地化为火海!). 12.辐射工兵:Desolator ready!(辐射炮预备!), Scorch the earth!(撕裂土地!) “阿塔肯”指的是正在攻击的意思(attacking),还有buiding(建造中),construction complete(建造完成),insuffition found(矿不足),大兵说how about action(如何行动), 另外的还有很多,这个游戏中说的都是英语,只不过为了区别国家因而出现发音不准。
2023-08-02 04:15:561

certificate confirming incorporation of company怎么翻译

2023-08-02 04:16:262


2023-08-02 04:16:348


The bill of lading affirms a document
2023-08-02 04:16:567


AT LEAST I STILL HAVE YOU I"m afraid there won"t be enough time,I want to hold you. Until I feel your wrinkles Have signs of aging Until confirming that you are for real Until I lose power For you I am willing I have to watch you even if I can"t move Until I feel that your hairline Have hints of snow white color Until my eyesight becomes blurry Until I cannot breath Let us never part If I can give up the whole world At least there is still you for me to treasure And you are here That is the miracle of life Maybe I can forget the whole world But I won"t be willing to lose news about you The mole on your palm I always remember it is there I"m afraid that I won"t have enough time, I want to hold you Until I feel that your hairline Have hints of snow white color Until my eyesight becomes blurry Until I cannot breath Let us never part If I can give up the whole world At least there is still you for me to treasure And you are here That is the miracle of life Maybe I can forget the whole world But I won"t be willing to lose news about you The mole on your palm I always remember it is there it"s not easy for us We can"t help it I"m afraid time will pass too quickly Not enough time to see your clearly enough I"m afraid time will pass too slowly Always worried that I"ll lose you Rather have white hair overnight That way w"ll never part. 至少还有你 我怕来不及我要抱着你 直到感觉你的皱纹有了岁月的痕迹 直到肯定你是真的直到失去力气 为了你我愿意 动也不能动也要看着你 直到感觉你的发线有了白雪的痕迹 直到视线变得模糊直到不能呼吸 让我们形影不离 如果全世界我也可以放弃 至少还有你值得我去珍惜 而你在这里就是生命的奇迹 也许全世界我也可以忘记 就是不愿意失去你的消息 你掌心的痣我总记得在那里 我怕来不及我要抱着你 直到感觉你的发线有了白雪的痕迹 直到视线变得模糊直到不能呼吸 让我们形影不离 如果全世界我也可以放弃 至少还有你值得我去珍惜 而你在这里就是生命的奇迹 也许全世界我也可以忘记 就是不愿意失去你的消息 你掌心的痣我总记得在那里 我们好不容易我们身不由已 我怕时间太快不够将你看仔细 我怕时间太慢日夜担心失去你 恨不得一夜之间白头永不分离 如果全世界我也可以放弃 至少还有你值得我去珍惜 而你在这里就是生命的奇迹 也许全世界我也可以忘记 就是不愿意失去你的消息 你掌心的痣我总记得在那里 在那里
2023-08-02 04:17:236


2023-08-02 04:18:492


14.Certificate issued by the carrier or master or their agents confirming that the carrying vessel(including the vessel name)holds an international safety management certificate(ismcode). 15.Blank banck and/or freight forwarder bill of lading or short form of bill of lading,even signed as carrier or agent on behalf of the carrier,charter party bill of lading not acceptable.(only liner bill of lading is acceptable). 16.Original invoice and certificate of origin without legalization is acceptable,in such case legalistion charges applicable as per local law of u.a.e to be deducted from the proceeds or each invoice/negotiating banku2019s covering schedule to show deduction as under:- 17.All documents to be issued in English language only. 18.The documents to be presented within 21 days of issuance of transport documents.But within the validity of documentary credit. 19.Goods shipped by nscsa line,norasia line,sunrise shipping,consolidated shipping,ecu line,west star,hazel logistics,vasco marine,ocean world,sntta,smart logistics,samudera shipping & great circle line vessels are prohibited. 20.Any alteration,deletion and/or annotation on bill of landing strictly prohibited even if it is authenticated by the issuing authorities. 21.Documents to be negotiated after sailing of the carrying vessel form the loading port and a certificate from the carrier,master or their agent dated after the sailing date of the vessel indicating therein the actual date of sailing from the loading port must accompany the original documents. 22.Good to be shipped in 20/40 feet containers on FCL/LCL basis and bill of landing must indicate the same. B/L to also indicate that all FCL/LCL container handling charges,terminal handling charges,destination delivery order charges,FCL/LCL port handling charges(if any) and B/L exchange charges,war risk surcharges ,FAF(fuel adjustment factor) charges,quantum of destination are prepaid.B/L to also indicate the container number.
2023-08-02 04:19:001

又双叒叕怎么读 又双叒叕的意思

又(yòu)双(shuāng)叒(ruò)叕(zhuó)又双叒叕:表示某事物变化更替相当频繁1.又yòu2.双shuāng3.叒 ruò 古同“若”(a.顺;b.指“若木”)。4.叕(1)zhuó 基本字义:①连。缀②. 短,不足:“圣人之思脩,愚人之思。”(2)yǐ 基本字义①张网的样子。(3)lì 基本字义①止。②系。(4)jué 基本字义① 速。
2023-08-02 04:12:593


中文:谢谢你的回复。英文:Thanks for your reply.
2023-08-02 04:13:001


2023-08-02 04:13:015


曲序曲目原名/内地译名/中国台湾译名作曲及填词制作人时长1.Aura / 光环Lady Gaga Anton Zaslavski Amit Duvdevani Erez Eisen Zedd Infected Mushroom Lady Gaga 3:552.Venus / 维纳斯Lady Gaga Paul DJ White Shadow Blair Hugo Leclercq Dino Zisis Nick Monson Sun Ra Lady Gaga Leclercq 3:533.G.U.Y. / 胯下女Lady Gaga Zaslavski Zedd Lady Gaga 3:524.Sexxx Dreams/ 性梦*内地名 X Dreams Lady Gaga Blair Martin Bresso William Grigahcine Blair Lady Gaga 3:345.Jewels n" Drugs(feat.T.I.,Too Short,Twista)/ 珠宝*内地名 Jewels N" Lady Gaga Blair Monson Zisis Too Short Twista Clifford Harris, Jr. Blair Lady Gaga Monson Zisis 3:486.MANiCURE/ 美甲沙龙Lady Gaga Blair Zisis Monson Blair Lady Gaga Monson Zisis 3:197.Do What U Want (feat.R. Kelly) / 为所欲为Lady Gaga Blair Bresso Grigahcine Kelly Blair Lady Gaga 3:478.ARTPOP/ 流行艺术Lady Gaga Blair Zisis Monson Blair Lady Gaga Monson Zisis 4:079.Swine / 猪Lady Gaga Blair Zisis Monson Blair Lady Gaga Monson Zisis 4:2810.Donatella / 唐娜泰拉Lady Gaga Zaslavski Zedd Lady Gaga 4:2411.Fashion!/ 时尚!Lady Gaga Giorgio Tuinfort William Adams David Guetta Blair Tuinfort Will.I.Am Guetta Lady Gaga 3:5912.Mary Jane Holland/ 玛丽·简·荷兰Lady Gaga Leclercq Leclercq Lady Gaga 4:3713.Dope / 毒药Lady Gaga Blair Monson Zisis Rick Rubin Lady Gaga 3:4114.Gypsy / 吉普赛 Lady Gaga RedOne Leclercq Blair Leclercq Lady Gaga 4:0815.Applause / 掌声Lady Gaga Blair Zisis Monson Bresso Nicolas Mercier Julien Arias Grigahcine Blair Lady Gaga Monson Zisis 3:32曲序曲目作曲及填词制作人时长16.Applause(DJ White Shadow Electrotech Remix)Lady Gaga Blair Zisis Monson Bresso Nicolas Mercier Julien Arias Grigahcine Blair Lady Gaga Monson Zisis 5:4917.Applause(Viceroy Remix)Lady Gaga Blair Zisis Monson Bresso Nicolas Mercier Julien Arias Grigahcine Blair Lady Gaga Monson Zisis Viceroy 4:27 国际豪华版 (附赠 DVD) 一小时版2013年iTunes音乐节表演视频日版 DVD (附赠曲目) 日版原版访谈视频
2023-08-02 04:13:041


Is this an eraser
2023-08-02 04:13:063


2023-08-02 04:12:521


文具的英语单词有ball pen 圆珠笔、brush 画笔、rubber 橡皮、paper 纸。1、ball pen 圆珠笔圆珠笔是用油墨配不同的颜料书写的一种笔。笔尖是个小钢珠,把小钢珠嵌入一个小圆柱体型铜制的碗内,后连接装有油墨的塑料管,油墨随钢珠转动由四周流下。2、brush 画笔画笔主要指油画笔和水粉画笔,画笔一般采用动物粗毛、或精致纤维制作而成,大小不一,品种繁多。主要用途为彩绘,油画等方面。3、rubber 橡皮橡皮是用橡胶制成的文具,能擦掉石墨或墨水的痕迹。橡皮的种类繁多,形状和色彩各异,有普通的香橡皮,也有绘画用2B、4B、6B等型号的美术专用橡皮,以及可塑橡皮等等。4、paper 纸纸张:纸的总称。纸以张计,故纸张一般分为:凸版印刷纸、新闻纸、胶版印刷纸、铜版纸、书皮纸、字典纸、拷贝纸、板纸等。用植物纤维制成的薄片,作为写画、印刷书报、包装等。有别于糹氐,糹氐为动物纤维“丝滓”。纸张:纸的总称。纸以张计,故纸张一般分为:凸版印刷纸、新闻纸、胶版印刷纸、铜版纸、书皮纸、字典纸、拷贝纸、板纸等。5、ruler 尺子尺子通常以塑胶、铁、不锈钢、有机玻璃等制造的,不同场合使用的尺子对其要求和标准不同,如果要求数值越精确的话,那么就需要较高的技术,而且必须借助机器生产制作,除了要求数值准确外,就是刻数值的质量了,一般都会在刻数值后会再烙上一层保护膜的。
2023-08-02 04:12:501


  感谢你的回复英文篇三   1. "Thank you doctor," said the nurse with a simper. “谢谢你,医生,”护士傻笑着说。   2. "Thank you for the wonderful dinner." — "It"s nothing," Sarah said. “谢谢你招待了这么美味的晚餐。”——“这没什么,”萨拉说。   3. Well, thank you for speaking with us. 好吧,谢谢你和我们谈话。   4. Thank you, Officer. 谢谢你,警官。   5. "Thank you for the information." — "You"re welcome." “谢谢你提供的信息。”——“不客气。”   6. "Thank you, Peter", Amy said meekly. “谢谢你,彼得,”埃米温顺地说。   7. "Thank you," Maria said hoarsely. “谢谢你,”玛丽亚声音嘶哑地说道。   8. Thanks for your advice and encouragement. 谢谢你的建议和鼓励。   9. Gee thanks, Stan. 啊,谢谢你,斯坦!   10. Thank you, darling. 谢谢你,亲爱的。   感谢你的回复英文篇四   好了,谢谢你打电话来。   Well, thank you for calling.   暂时还用不着,谢谢你。   Not at the moment, thank you.   我很愿意,谢谢你。   I"d like that very much. Thank you.   我不要,谢谢你。   Not for me, thank you.   我很愿意。谢谢你。   I do very much. Thank you.   很好,谢谢你。   All right, thank you.   再一次谢谢你,谢谢你给我讲的故事,谢谢你在军中做的一切。   Thank you once again for your story and for what you have done in the military.   “谢谢你,谢谢你,谢谢你!”公鹅说。   "Thank you," said the gander.   谢谢你,贝蒂,谢谢你的热情,谢谢你与我们分享了你作为美国本年度最佳教师对教学的挚爱。   Thank you, Betsy for your warm welcome and for sharing your love of teaching as America"s Teacher of the Year.
2023-08-02 04:12:491


urge可以用作动词,urge的基本意思是“力劝”“敦促”,指外部或内部的影响或压力激励某人达到明确的目的。引申可表示“强烈要求”等。urge可以接名词、动名词或that从句作宾语,从句中的谓语动词多用虚拟式。有时也可接由动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。urge作动词时后面接指人的词和不定式,意为“催促……”,并隐指被催促者有相悖的回应。He urged her to go, but she refused.urge的意思:vt. 催促,推进,驱策,力劝,规劝,极力主张;n. 刺激,冲动,推动力;vi. 催促,强烈要求,竭力主张变形:过去式: urged; 现在分词:urging; 过去分词:urged。urge用作动词的用法例句He urged the horses on with a whip.他用鞭子策马前行。Many physicians urge aerobic exercise.很多医生鼓励有氧运动。
2023-08-02 04:12:481


英文如下:The Thirty-Nine Steps is an adventure novel by the Scottish author John Buchan, first published in 1915 by William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh. It is the first of five novels featuring Richard Hannay, an all-action hero with a stiff upper lip and a miraculous habit of getting himself out of sticky situations.The novel formed the basis for a number of film adaptations, notably: Alfred Hitchcock"s 1935 version; a 1959 colour remake; a 1978 version which is perhaps most faithful to the novel; and a 2008 version for British television.Literary significance and criticismThe Thirty-Nine Steps is one of the earliest examples of the "man-on-the-run" thriller archetype subsequently adopted by Hollywood as an often-used plot device. In The Thirty-Nine Steps, Buchan holds up Richard Hannay as an example to his readers of an ordinary man who puts his country"s interests before his own safety. The story was a great success with the men in the First World War trenches. One soldier wrote to Buchan, "The story is greatly appreciated in the midst of mud and rain and shells, and all that could make trench life depressing."Richard Hannay continued his adventures in four subsequent books. Two were set during the war when Hannay continued his undercover work against the Germans and their allies the Turks in Greenmantle and Mr Standfast. The other two stories, The Three Hostages and The Island of Sheep were set in the post war period when Hannay"s opponents were criminal gangs.John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir GCMG GCVO CH PC (26 August 1875 – 11 February 1940) was a Scottish novelist and Unionist politician who, between 1935 and 1940, served as the 15th Governor General of Canada.After a brief career in law, Buchan simultaneously began writing and his political and diplomatic career, serving as a private secretary to the colonial administrator of various colonies in Southern Africa, and eventually wrote propaganda for the British war effort following the outbreak of the First World War. Once back in civilian life, Buchan was elected the Member of Parliament for the Combined Scottish Universities, but spent most of his time on his writing career. He wrote The Thirty-Nine Steps and other adventure fiction.On the recommendation of Canadian Prime Minister Richard Bennett, Buchan was appointed by George V, the king of Canada, as the Canadian viceroy, succeeding in that role the Earl of Bessborough. Buchan proved to be enthusiastic about literacy as well as the evolution of Canadian culture. He died in 1940, suffering the consequences of a stroke at Rideau Hall. He received a state funeral in Canada, and his ashes were returned to the UK and interred at Elsfield, Oxfordshire.
2023-08-02 04:12:462