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2023-08-02 18:34:34
TAG: 英文




当然也可以写成answe me




答复的英文有:reply、respond、answer。reply、respond和answer都有“回答、答复”的意思,他们主要的区别是:answer比较普通,reply和respond比较正式。1、reply:回答,答复比较正式的回答用reply,有答复的意思,一般用reply to。She didn"t reply to his message.她没有回复他的留言。2、respond:(口头或书面)回答,回应英文解释:to give a spoken or written answer to sb/sth。有回应的意思,不仅仅是回答,这是它跟answer的区别。I asked him his name,but he didn"t respond.我问他叫什么名字,可他没回答。respond to my letter回信。也可以表示:作出反应;响应;respond to the news对消息作出反应。还能表示:作出正确反应;respond to a challenge应付挑战。3、answer:回答就是普通的回答了,ask and answer这种。He cannot answer your question.他没法回答你的问题。拓展资料:reply的基本用法reply的基本意思是“回答”“答复”“作答”,主要指用语言文字对问题、指控、辩论、质问、起诉或致意等给予回答,也可指用行动回答,是较为正式的书面用语。reply既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时常与介词to或for连用;用作及物动词时接that引导的宾语从句,有时也可引出直接引语。reply用作名词的意思是“回答,答复”,引申可指“答案”。reply常与介词to连用。
2023-08-02 03:57:561


reply in English
2023-08-02 03:58:284


1、reply to 英 [rpla tu] 美 [rpla tu] v.答复;回答 2、give sb a reply 给某人答复 扩展资料   例句:   He started at once to compose a reply to Anna   他马上开始给安娜写回信。   No reply to their letter has been received.   他们的信还没有收到任何回复。
2023-08-02 03:58:361


回应的英文是respond。respond,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“以…回答”,作不及物动词时意为“回答;作出反应;承担责任”,作名词时意为“应答;唱和”。Auto respond自动回复。no respond无响应;没有回应;如何引起的。The combination of number and geometry is a teaching method that integrates mathematics with geometric shapes.It not only helps to enhance students" mathematical thinking ability,but also deepens their understanding and memory of geometric concepts.扩展知识:英文一般指英语。英语是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语、北日耳曼语,并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。古老的英语与现代英语有很大不同,而且21世纪讲英语的人很难理解。它的近亲是老弗里斯兰语。名词、形容词、代词和动词具有更多的屈折结尾和形式,并且词序比现代英语中的自由得多。现代英语的代词有格形式,并有一些动词的变形。
2023-08-02 03:58:481


2023-08-02 03:59:161


2023-08-02 03:59:246


你好!信息回复Message reply
2023-08-02 03:59:491


post 名词 帖子 动词 发帖子,如post something on the internet回复 reply
2023-08-02 04:00:384


Are very pleased to receive your email(非常高兴收到您的邮件)Thanks for your reply(感谢您的回复)I am very glad to receive your mail! Thank you for your reply.(非常高兴收到您的邮件!感谢您的回复!)Very glad to receive your mail! Thank you for your reply!(非常高兴收到您的邮件!感谢您的回复!)Very glad to receive your message! Thank you for your reply to!(非常高兴收到您的邮件!感谢您的回复!)拓展资料英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组合而成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。英语是国际指定的官方语言(作为母语),也是世界上最广泛的第一语言,英语包含约49万词,外加技术名词约30万个,是词汇最多的语言,也是欧盟以及许多国际组织以及英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅次于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。参考链接英文(语言)——百度百科
2023-08-02 04:01:171


“希望尽快得到你的回复”翻译成英文是:Hope to get your reply as soon as possible。“希望”翻译成英文是:hope;“尽快”翻译成英文是:as soon as possible;“得到”翻译成英文是:get;“你的”翻译成英文是:your;“回复”翻译成英文是:reply。所以,综合起来“希望尽快得到你的回复”翻译成英文就是:Hope to get your reply as soon as possible。扩展资料“希望尽快得到你的回复”还可以翻译成:1、I hope to hear from you soon;2、Hope to get your reply;3、We hope to receive your reply;4、We hope you get your reply as soon as possible。
2023-08-02 04:01:331


2023-08-02 04:01:574


2023-08-02 04:02:181


“请收到后回复”翻译:Please confirm receipt and reply形式:句子词组翻译:please confirm 请确认receipt 收据,收到的物品reply 回复acknowledge receipt 确认收到respond 回应含义解释:这句话是一种礼貌的询问和请求,意思是请确认是否已经收到,并回复确认是否收到。语法详解:该句子由一个动词短语 “confirm receipt” 和一个动词 “reply” 组成。confirm receipt 意为"确认收到",reply 表示"回复"。请注意,表示收据或收到的物品与 receipt 有关,但在这里的含义是"确认已收到"。具体用法:使用于电子邮件中,通常与请回复的语句组合,表达收到并希望得到回复的信息。该短语可用于各种语境中,如商务、学术、法律等。用法举例句子:Hi John, I just wanted to check that you received the documents I sent earlier. Could you please confirm receipt and reply to let me know?(嗨,约翰,我只是想确认你是否收到了我之前发的文件。你能否确认收到并回复让我知道呢?)If you have any questions or concerns, please confirm receipt and reply to this email.(如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请确认收到并回复此邮件。)Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by email and let us know if you require any further assistance.(请通过电子邮件确认收到此信,并让我们知道是否需要进一步帮助。)I have just sent you an important message, could you please confirm receipt and reply back to me?(我刚刚给你发了一个重要的消息,请确认收到并回复我。)We would appreciate it if you could confirm receipt of the goods and forward this email to the relevant department.(如果您能够确认收到货物并将此电子邮件转发给相关部门,我们将不胜感激。)
2023-08-02 04:02:286


Reply Wechat
2023-08-02 04:02:453


2023-08-02 04:03:069

回复的邮件 英语

2023-08-02 04:03:235


请尽快回复please reply as soon as possible;Reply as soon as possible双语例句1请尽快回复我回来,如果你自己心里也知道你愿意帮助我。Please kindly reply me back if you know in your heart you would want to help me. 2请尽快回复我,我们的客户很着急。Our client is quite anxious about it. Please reply ASAP! 3请尽快回复。Please reply by return. 希望对你有帮助~
2023-08-02 04:03:372


reply的同义词有:retort,respond,return,answer。这几个单词都有“回答”的意思。1、reply:这个单词属于较正式用词,较少用于口语,单词含义侧重经过考虑的较正式答复。2、retort:这个单词主要指对不同意见、批评或控诉作出迅速、有力的回答,具体表现为反驳。3、respond:属于正式用词,指即刻的,以口头或行动对外来的号召、请求或刺激等作出回答或响应。4、return:属于正式用词,含义可以引申为“回答、答辨”,含有反驳或反唇相讥的意思。5、answer:属于常用词,指用书面、口头或行动对他人的请求、询问、质问等作出回答或反应。reply的双语例句1、Please reply as soon as is practicably possible.请尽早回复。2、I"m always emailing her, but nine times out of ten she doesn"t reply.我常常给她发电邮,但十之八九她都不回复。
2023-08-02 04:03:452


Let me check again and reply to you within tomorrow. Thanks.
2023-08-02 04:04:335


回答和翻译如下 :收到请回复 ( 短信 ) 。Please reply ( SMS ) received .
2023-08-02 04:04:563

请在收到邮件后尽快给我答复。用英语怎么说 不要机器翻译

请在收到邮件后尽快给我答复。用英语怎么说 不要机器翻译 你好! 正确答案为: Please reply me as soon as possible when you receive the email. reply回复 as soon as possible 尽快 ^___^ 祝你进步! 另外千万别忘记采纳哟! 英文翻译:希望你收到邮件后能尽快给我回邮件 希望你收到邮件后能尽快给我回邮件 (i)Hope you can replied the email to me as soon as possible after the email i send you 求助翻译~~谢谢咯~~尽快给我答复哈~~ 1.的合理延伸产品Hwbrew经文……整个宗教环境的耶稣是一个部分。耶稣定义自己作为一个犹太人非常清楚的意识到他的消息,Jewishness无法想像自己是什么,但犹太人的…耶稣的教导,那么,必须要将犹太宗教背景下的时间。 2。在传的学说,坚持一个上升的救主,摩西律法已经取代了,保罗,不管他的意图,被打破和他的Jesish根和改造Jesish进入了一个新的宗教教派。基督教从犹太教分离极大地增加了它的人呼吁耶和华联合被吸引到希伯来伦理一神教但很受割礼、饮食规定,和其他严格要求摩西律法。 1。封建主义,它在西欧出现在9世纪,是一个类型的 *** “在政权被当作一个私人拥有和划分在大量的领主。” 2。期间的中世纪,人们来到把自己看成是一个伟大的戏剧参与者的救恩。只有一truth-God对人类的启示。只有一条大道到天上,它经过教堂。 1。Chrysostom说:“因为神已将善与恶的东西在我们的力量,他给了我们选择的自由,他不愿意,但不限制拥抱愿意。”又说:“通常一个坏人,他是否会,变成一好,而且是个好主意,落在活动变坏;因为神赐给我们一个天生的自由意志,没有必要强加在我们身上,不过,在提供适当的补救措施,允许事件完全依靠心灵的病人。“ 2。哲学家,事实上,与一般的同意,假装,心里主持的原因,这就像是一盏灯照明以其统筹,如女皇治理的旨意,因为它是如此神圣的光下希望能够提供最好的忠告,并赋予 请尽快给我答复 您好:据您的疑问:该手机ROM 和内置硬盘是合并的,不支持将软件移动安装到外置存储卡。建议您将手机里的视频、音乐、照片移动到SD卡里,尝试(打开”我的文件”图标— 点击想要移动的文件不松手大约2~3秒,会出现一个菜单列表,在出现的菜单列表里点击“移动”— 选择要移动的位置— 确定即可)欢迎您访问三星数字服务平台 尊敬的用户您好,由于我们无法知道您的电脑的具体型号,无法提供具体型号的蓝牙驱动,建议您到联想官网/服务和驱动下载频道,通过您的主机序列号或是电脑型号,选择合适的操作系统版本,下载相应的蓝牙驱动,下载地址 :support1.lenovo../lenovo/wsi/Modules/Drive.aspx?intcmp=I_F_Fast_Driver_1 电脑运行三个以上程序运行慢,建议您对电脑垃圾进行清理,想缓存、回收站等。希望对您有所帮助。 请尽快给我答复。中译英。Please _____ ___ to me ____ ____ ____ _____. write soon as possible With ...going by, is being stronger and stronger 能否尽快给我答复 支付令是否生效而呢?法律规定,债务人在支付令送达之日15内提出书面异议的话,支付令将不发生法律效力。 既然法院发了支付令,你为什么不申请强制执行呢。后面的交易如果导致他不能偿还你的债权的话,你可以申请撤销,如果他还有钱还的话,怎么处置就是他的事情了,不没有办法干涉。 另外,支付令的强制执行申请期限为2年吧,你已经不能够申请强制执行了。 这个情况,你只能再向法院起诉了。不过,之前的事由过去时间都太久了,所以情形很可能对你不利啊。 我想尽快给我答复 如果要离婚的话,协商不成只有起诉 请尽快给我答复!谢谢! 来了,不客气! 希望尽快给我答复 温馨提示 百度新之友你好,欢迎您来到知道平台 你可以在百度知道要把【要过程…】具体明确后,很多达人会帮你回答的,百度知道即时提醒你有人回答了你就可以看到答案,并且你可以采纳满意的答案。
2023-08-02 04:05:061

有关回复信的的英文 关于回信的英语

1、原文: (1)Dear Frank: (2)Long time no see. How are you recently? (3)I am very happy to receive your letter and glad to hear that you will come to my city and stay with us for a few weeks. My house is on the Heaven Street with five rooms, one of which is living room, two bed rooms, the other two are kitchen and bathroom. I have cleaned a guest room for you. There is a bed, a sofa and three chairs in this 25 square-meters room. If this room is not suitable enough, please write to me and I will prepare another one for you. There is a bus stop near my house, and you can take number 1 bus to the cinema, number 2 to the supermarket in where you can always choose the commodities you need. (4)If you have other requests, please feel free to write to me. I will try my best to meet your needs. I wish you can come soon and have good days here. 2、翻译: (1)亲爱的富兰克: (2)很久没见到你了,近来怎么样? (3)我很开心收到你的来信,听到你将要来我这里和我待几周我很高兴。我家住在天街,有五个房间,其中一个是客厅,两个卧室,另外两个是厨房和浴室。我已经帮你把客房打扫干净了。这个25平米的房间有一张床,一张沙发和三把椅子。如果这间放不合适的话请写信告诉我,我会给你准备另一间。我家附近有一个站牌,你可以乘坐1路去电影院,2路到超市,在那里你可以买到你需要的商品。 (4)如果你还有其他要求,请随时写信告诉我,我会尽量满足的你需求。希望你能快点来这,在这里度过愉快的日子。
2023-08-02 04:05:371


(及物)answer the questionreply to回复response to对……作出反应
2023-08-02 04:05:472


英文电子邮件的基本要素是主题、称谓、正文、结尾用语及署名,那么如何用英文回复邮件呢?下面我给大家介绍关于英文邮件回复 范文 的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助。 英文邮件回复范文一 Dear Mr. / Ms, Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr. Green"s visit during June 2-7. Unfortunately, Mr. Edwards, our manager, is now in Cairo and will not be back until the second half of June. He would, however, be pleased to see Mr. Green any time after his return. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, 尊敬的先生/小姐 谢谢来函告知我方六月2-7日格林先生的来访。不巧,我们的总经理艾得华先生现正在巴黎,到六月中旬才能回来。但他回来后愿意在任何时间会见格林先生。 希望收到您的来信。 您诚挚的 英文邮件回复范文二 Dear Mr/Ms, I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas, and will be in Kunming from next Monday to Friday, (October 5-9). I should like to call on you to discuss our new monitor. Would 0930 hours on Tuesday, October 6 be convenient? I shall be in Beijing, at the Great Wall Hotel, from Tuesday, September 29, until Sunday, October 4, where a message will reach me. If the day is not convenient, will you please suggest another. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐 我是达拉斯W/P电子公司的代表,将于下周一到周五(10月5-9日)住留昆明。我乐于请您商讨我们新的 显示器 。星期二即10月6日上午09:30是否方便? 从周二,即9月29日,我将住在北京的长城宾馆,直到周六,即10月4日,在那会有通知给我。如商讨日期不方便,请另外建议。 英文邮件回复范文三 Dear Mr/Ms, Thank you for your letter of September 26.We shall be very pleased to see you and discuss your new monitor, but October 6 is not suitable. We will be happy to meet with you at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 7, if the time is convenient for you. We look forward to meeting you. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐 我们将很高兴与您会面并与您商谈新的显示器,但10月6日不太合适。如方便的话,我们愿在10月7日与您会面。 期待与您见面。 您诚挚的 英文邮件回复范文四 Dear Mr. / Ms, I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harbour with a view to making known our new type of container for use in Europe. I shall be in Antwerp on Wednesday, 4th June, and should like to call on you at 2.00 p.m. on that day. If I do not hear from you to the contrary, I shall assume that it will be convenient for me to call at that time. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐 我现正在汉堡参观港口,以让欧洲了解并使用我们的新型集装箱。 星期三即六月4日,我将到安特卫普,我会于当天下午2:00打电话给你。 对此约定如不来信,我将认为于这个时间打电话是方便的。 您诚挚的 英文邮件回复范文相关 文章 : ★ 英文邮件回复函格式及范文 ★ 英文询盘邮件回复范文 ★ 英文邮件回复范文 ★ 客户投诉英文回复范文回复函 ★ 电子邮件回复范文 ★ 中文邮件回复范文 ★ 英语的回复邮件应该如何写 ★ 英文邮件的范文 ★ 回复客户询盘英文范文 ★ 英文商务问候邮件范文
2023-08-02 04:05:561

祝贺 如何回复 英文

2023-08-02 04:06:0410


My care over what to say postpone the response 对问题的仔细斟酌推迟了 回复时间 。 Time of recovery temperature 温度 回复时间 Unyielding aura : decreased recharge time to 15 seconds ; when this skill ends , it now exploits the ally " s corpse 坚毅灵气:减少技能 回复时间 为15秒,当技能结束,它成为队伍的尸体( Ohya mutual entropic theory is introduced into the study on the o - photon process of atom and o - mode squeezing vacuum state in chapter 3 本章中的另二个新发现是:在原子崩塌和 回复时间 区域内对应著特定的纠缠 ( 6 ) the results of experiment say that college students are incpned to answer letters but email . the response time of email ranges from 71 minutes to 37 days , as to the response time to letters , from 2 days to 40 days , usually from 8 days to 14 days . the answer in the letters shows much more straight - out than in email , and people are much more pkely to make further touching after intercourse of letters ( 6 )在实验中,大学生的书信反馈次数比email多; email的 回复时间 跨度大,从71分钟至37天;用书信回,时间跨度不大,从2天至40天,一般都在8天至i4天;大学生在书信交往里更容易坦诚,更愿意继续人际交往;而在eeail里,大学生更多表现出不信任感。 The results show that the elastic membrane thickness , actuator span and gap spacing have a strong effect on the deflection , the actuator undergoes the deflection increasing nonpnearly at voltages below pull - in voltage and snap through instabipty at voltages above pull - in voltage when subjected to a voltage ramp , the re - set time and repeatabipty are attractive when the actuated voltage is set to zero 结果表明,驱动器的弹性薄板厚度、跨度和电极间距明显影响变形位移;驱动器的变形位移随驱动电压的增加出现稳定的非线性增加和不稳定的“拉入”现象;驱动电压撤除后镜面 回复时间 短,重复性好。
2023-08-02 04:06:511


Dear sirs,Thank you for you giving me the opportunity to get the job .I am looking forward to meeting you.faithfully
2023-08-02 04:07:083


write back 回复,回信; 例句: Please write back to me soon. 请尽快给我写回信。 I forgot to write back to Tom. 我忘了给汤姆写回信。 Should I write back immediately? 我应该立即回复吗? 扩展资料   道:“感谢你让我选择啤酒的`品牌!”   I write back to him immediately to thank them for the invitation.   我立即给他写回信以感谢他们的邀请。   He writes me a letter every day, but I don"t write back very oft经常回信。   You would write back - see I"m just like you in a way你一定会回信的——你知道吗,我就是欣赏你的我行我素。
2023-08-02 04:07:511


问题一:收到请回短信用英语怎么说? I have got your message ,please answer as soon as possible ! 问题二:从……得到信息用英语怎么说 get the informat川on from 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答。 问题三:回复的英文 回复 [huí fù] [释义] reply; answer; restore; return; reversion; respond [例句] 1.北京市 *** 官员没有回复记者的置评请求。 Beijing city officials didn"t respond to requests to ment. 2.苹果没有回复记者要求置评的电话。 Apple didn"t return phone calls seeking ment. 3.他们没有给我们回信,这真奇怪。 It is odd that they did not reply our letter. 4.他敲了门,但是没有人回答。 He knocked at the door but there was no answer. 5.警方必须努力恢复治安。 The police must try to restore order. 6.我们决定以牙还牙。 We decided to return blow for blow.
2023-08-02 04:08:041


2023-08-02 04:08:123


write back 回复,回信 例句: I love you. Write back please. 我爱你,快点回信吧。 Mr Clinton did not write back. 克林顿没有给他回信。 扩展资料   I forgot to write back to Tom.   我忘了给汤姆写回信。   Should I write back immediately?   我应该立即回复吗?   We will write back at the first time.   我们将写在第一回时间。
2023-08-02 04:08:191


问题一:以书面形式回复此邀请用英语怎么说 以书面形式回复此邀请 reply to the invitation in written form 问题二:书面回复的英文,用reply开头 书面回复reply in written form 问题三:英语翻译以书面形式回复 in the form of written reply 问题四:XP会不会比98更加充分的发挥硬件的性能,从而使游戏运行更顺畅? 作为服役十余年的系统,它已经迎来了自己的归宿。现在,全世界的网友不禁为这一顽强存在于microsoft十余载的系统肃然起敬。只有不断地探索、尝试、创新,才能使系统运行更人性化。这一点,是XP无法与7和8.1相媲美的。 问题五:请尽快以书面方式回复她的邀请翻译 您好, 请尽快以书面方式回复她的邀请英语翻译 Please reply to her invitation in writing as soon as possible。 谢谢,祝生活愉快! 问题六:请与12月20日,周五之前给予书面回复的英语 你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为: 请于12月20日,周五之前给予书面回复。 On december 20,please give a written reply before friday. 望
2023-08-02 04:08:451


Are very pleased to receive your email(非常高兴收到您的邮件)Thanks for your reply(感谢您的回复)I am very glad to receive your mail! Thank you for your reply.(非常高兴收到您的邮件!感谢您的回复!)Very glad to receive your mail! Thank you for your reply!(非常高兴收到您的邮件!感谢您的回复!)Very glad to receive your message! Thank you for your reply to!(非常高兴收到您的邮件!感谢您的回复!)拓展资料英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组合而成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。英语是国际指定的官方语言(作为母语),也是世界上最广泛的第一语言,英语包含约49万词,外加技术名词约30万个,是词汇最多的语言,也是欧盟以及许多国际组织以及英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅次于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。参考链接英文(语言)——百度百科
2023-08-02 04:08:531


Dear Sir/Madam,(男士选用sir,女士选用madam)Thanks for your email.I will contact you as soon as I get the materials ready.(as soon as, "一...就" 的意思,我一准备好材料就和您联系)Best regards,(常用的结尾,“致敬,诚挚的敬意”的意思)××(你的英文名)希望能帮助到你,每天愉快。
2023-08-02 04:09:462


英文邮件回复如下:1、Thanks for informing about the activities next week.感谢你通知我下周的活动。2、Thanks for your prompt quick reply.感谢你的快速回复。3、I hope this email finds you well.希望打开邮件的你是身体健康、心情愉快的。4、I look forward to meeting with you soon.期待下次会议。5、Look forward to your reply.期待你的回复。6、Please let me know if you have further questions.还有任何问题的话请联系我。7、See you next week.下周见。8、Thanks for your help in advance.非常感谢你的帮助。9、E-mail received,Thanks.邮件收到了,谢谢。
2023-08-02 04:09:541


对应的英语:Please reply to me at once when you see it.或者:Please response as soon as possible when you receive it.
2023-08-02 04:10:161


英文邮件回复的范文格式如下:范文一:Dear sir or madam:Thank you for your inquiry dated 25 march.We are always pleased to hear from a valued company.I regret to say that we cannot agree to your request for technical information regarding our products.The fact is that moat of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential.I sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way.If there is any other way in which we can help you,do not hesitate to contact us again.truly yours.范文二:Dear sir or madam,It is a pleasure to know of your continued interest in our products.The samples you have requested are now available and will be sent free of charge.We have sent the package via fedex,with airway bill number 8180-8713-0983.We hope you find these samples your killing.we would like to reiterate that we accept customization of products to suit your requirements.Plesse do not hesitate to contact us for any further clarification.we look forward to doing business with you.With best withes.Hillary.
2023-08-02 04:10:261


对于"thank you"的回答1、You are wecome.——不用谢。2、My pleasure.——我的荣幸。3、It"s my pleasure.——这是我的荣幸。4、It was nothing.——没有什么事。5、Anytime.——没关系。6、My job.——我的工作职责。7、Glad that I could help.——很高兴可以帮助你。8、Don"t mention it.——不要太在意。9、I"m glad that I could help.——我很高兴我可以帮忙。10、I appreciate it.——我的荣耀。11、I was very nice of you.——我会感到很高兴。
2023-08-02 04:10:541


Reply to all.
2023-08-02 04:11:071


ok 比较好
2023-08-02 04:11:298

别人发短信说收到请回复,我用英语怎么表达收到了?能用 get 吗

2023-08-02 04:11:575


当别人对你说谢谢时,你可以选用以下几种英语的回复方式:1、You"re welcome./ Not at all./ Don"t mention it.不客气。双语例句:Thank you very much. 非常感谢。You"re welcome./ Not at all./ Don"t mention it.不客气。这是最常用的“还礼”方式了,比较正式。2、It"s my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。双语例句:Thanks,you"ve been a big help. 谢谢,你帮我大忙了。It"s my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。当别人有求于你时,你很乐意去做,并表示自己荣幸之至。很正式,也很优雅,尤其是男士如果在适当的场合运用这句话,会显得很绅士。3、That"s all right.不用谢。Thanks a lot. 十分感谢。That"s all right.不用谢。。当你为别人做了好事,别人对你表示感谢时,常用它来做答语。意思是“不用谢,不客气。”隐含着默认接受别人感谢的意思,多用于好朋友或关系亲近的人。4、No problem. 没什么。Thank you so much. 真是感激不尽。No problem. 没什么。“不要紧,没什么,不用谢”,很像汉语里面大家常说的“没事儿,小事儿一桩,不必言谢。”公司的美国外教很喜欢用No problem,听起来很随意,亲切。5、Don"t be silly./ Don"t be daft. 别犯傻了,算不了什么。You"re a genius Bob, thanks. 你真是个天才啊,鲍勃,谢谢你。Don"t be silly. / Don"t be daft.别犯傻了,算不了什么。一种很随意的口语表达,常用于关系很亲密的朋友或者同事之间,意思是关系这么近,帮你是应该的,谈感谢就见外了。
2023-08-02 04:12:181


Please respond once you get this message.
2023-08-02 04:12:251


2023-08-02 04:12:363


  感谢你的回复英文篇三   1. "Thank you doctor," said the nurse with a simper. “谢谢你,医生,”护士傻笑着说。   2. "Thank you for the wonderful dinner." — "It"s nothing," Sarah said. “谢谢你招待了这么美味的晚餐。”——“这没什么,”萨拉说。   3. Well, thank you for speaking with us. 好吧,谢谢你和我们谈话。   4. Thank you, Officer. 谢谢你,警官。   5. "Thank you for the information." — "You"re welcome." “谢谢你提供的信息。”——“不客气。”   6. "Thank you, Peter", Amy said meekly. “谢谢你,彼得,”埃米温顺地说。   7. "Thank you," Maria said hoarsely. “谢谢你,”玛丽亚声音嘶哑地说道。   8. Thanks for your advice and encouragement. 谢谢你的建议和鼓励。   9. Gee thanks, Stan. 啊,谢谢你,斯坦!   10. Thank you, darling. 谢谢你,亲爱的。   感谢你的回复英文篇四   好了,谢谢你打电话来。   Well, thank you for calling.   暂时还用不着,谢谢你。   Not at the moment, thank you.   我很愿意,谢谢你。   I"d like that very much. Thank you.   我不要,谢谢你。   Not for me, thank you.   我很愿意。谢谢你。   I do very much. Thank you.   很好,谢谢你。   All right, thank you.   再一次谢谢你,谢谢你给我讲的故事,谢谢你在军中做的一切。   Thank you once again for your story and for what you have done in the military.   “谢谢你,谢谢你,谢谢你!”公鹅说。   "Thank you," said the gander.   谢谢你,贝蒂,谢谢你的热情,谢谢你与我们分享了你作为美国本年度最佳教师对教学的挚爱。   Thank you, Betsy for your warm welcome and for sharing your love of teaching as America"s Teacher of the Year.
2023-08-02 04:12:491


中文:谢谢你的回复。英文:Thanks for your reply.
2023-08-02 04:13:001


i am looking forward to your answer
2023-08-02 04:13:204


假期邮件自动回复的英文是:Automatic reply to Holiday Mail。一、邮件自动回复英文模板Greetings,Thanks for your email.I am out of the office for Chinese New Year.I will return February 13th at 9 am CST.I seek your understanding if my response will take longer than expected.(您好,感谢来信,我因春节不在办公室,将于2月13日上午9点返回。我会晚点回复您,希望您能理解。)二、邮件自动回复设置方法(1)QQ邮箱:双击打开浏览器,输入“QQ邮箱”,点击第一个网址进入,选择登录方式,登录QQ邮箱之后,点击上方的“设置”,向下翻;勾选启用“假期自动回复”,即每一封来信都会自动回复,设置自动回复的内容,之后选择左下角的“保存更改”即可,输入验证码,点击“确定”。(2)163邮箱:首先浏览器搜索“163邮箱”,打开官网;然后用自己的邮箱账号登录邮箱;登录邮箱以后点击顶部设置按钮,弹出的菜单中点击邮箱设置;点击基本设置;我们启用自动回复功能,然后设置好时间段;最后输入你要回复的内容然后点击保存。
2023-08-02 04:13:271


手工翻译如下Reply to you (a little/bit) later. Thanks!
2023-08-02 04:13:491


Awaiting replies
2023-08-02 04:13:595