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2023-08-01 20:53:53
TAG: 英文

mountain climbing是英式英文的说法,具体有以下几种说法:

Hiking 徒步

Trekking 徒步

Backpacking 远足野营

Mountaineering 登山

















爬山 [pá shān] 报错 climb mountain mountaineering 短语 去爬山 go climbing ; go to the mountains ; go mountain climbing ; go hiking 爬山者 climber ; Alpine Climbers ; CLIFFHANGER 爬山算法 hill-climbing ; hill climbing algorithm 1. climb mountains 以上来源于:新汉英大辞典 双语例句 原声例句 1. 我们现在动身去爬山. We now set out to climb the hill.跟读 《21世纪大英汉词典》 2. 爬山者吃力地缓缓爬上山坡. The climbers laboured up the hillside.跟读
2023-08-01 19:44:591


2023-08-01 19:45:076


  爬山是一项运动,可以锻炼身体。而它的英语也是非常的有运动性。以下是我给大家带来爬山英语说法,以供参阅。   爬山英语说法   1.climb mountains   2.Hill-Climbing   爬山的相关 短语   去爬山 go climbing ; go to the mountains ; go mountain climbing ; go hiking   爬山者 climber ; Alpine Climbers ; CLIFFHANGER   爬山角逐 mountain-climbing competition   爬山了 Mountain climbing ; The mountain biking ; Climb up   爬山涉水 to trek ; Climb ford   爬山靴 climbing shoes ; Climbing boots   爬山裤 Climbing trousers   爬山的英语例句   1. I found the climb absolutely petrifying.   我觉得这次爬山太吓人了。   2. He fell behind when we were climbing the mountain.   我们爬山时,他掉队了.   3. I watched the climbers come down into the valley.   我注视着爬山者下到山谷里去了.   4. We were completely done in after the long climb.   长时间爬山以后,我们都累垮了.   5. Make sure you"re properly roped together before you begin to climb.   爬山之前,要确保你们已经很好地用绳索系在一起了.   6. They climbed up the mountain and reached the summit.   他们爬山,最终达到了山顶.   7. He was tired when he got back from the climb.   他爬山回来后感到劳累.   8. He holds fast to climbing the hill.   他坚持爬山.   9. The climbers slowly ascended the mountain.   爬山运动员慢慢地登上了这座山.   10. She has a desire of climbing mountains.   她想去爬山.   11. The climb will exhaust the boys.   爬山会使那些男孩们疲惫不堪的.   12. How did the climbers fix for food?   爬山者的食物怎么解决?   13. The climber fell down a precipice.   爬山者跌下了悬崖.   14. These shoes won"t do as mountain climbing.   这些鞋不适宜爬山.   15. Danger gives a savor to mountain climbing.   危险为爬山增添了情趣.   爬山励志 英语 故事   Reaching the Top of the Mountain   "You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you can"t see it before you reach the top."Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up, my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together, my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences. He always stressed to me, "You should have objectives and capacity like the mountain."This has largely influenced my life. Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed, we couldn"t have had enough time to spend together because my father was very busy. I believe mountaineering is really beneficial. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep contemplation as well as develop my patience. I loved scaling mountains, to get away from the noise and pollution of the city, and breathe the fresh air.   One time we climbed a very high mountain. It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old. During the first few hours of climbing, I enjoyed the fresh air, the birds" singing, and the beautiful dances of butterflies; but as time passed, I got a pain in both of my legs. At that moment, I wanted to quit climbing. Actually, I hated it at that moment, but my father said to me, "Spring is a season when everything comes to life again. The mountain and fields where we are standing are embroidered with flowers and trees. You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you can"t see it before you reach the top. You can always enjoy the scenes of many waterfalls and countless peaks and valleys at the top of the mountain, but you can"t when you are halfway up. Only there at the top, can you embrace all of those things, just like in life."At that time, I was too young to understand his thoughts, but after that, I got new hope and confidence. Finally, I found myself standing at the top of the mountain. And there, I could see the whole of the sky, which was as clear as crystal.   勇敢地攀登到人生的峰顶   “你总能在峰顶处看到美丽的天空,但在抵达峰顶前你是看不到的。”   每当太阳快下山时,我和父亲总会去爬我家附近的那座山。我们经常在爬山时聊起许多话题。父亲的 经验 之谈,让我受益匪浅。他总是鼓励我:“你要有山一般坚定的目标和宽阔的胸怀。”   这些话对我的人生产生了深刻的影响。父亲总是很忙,要不是我们都喜欢爬山,我们不可能有很多时间待在一起。我坚信爬山的确很有好处--它让我有了与父亲畅谈和独自沉思的时间,同时也培养了我的耐性。我爱爬山,它可以使我远离城市的嘈杂和污染,呼吸新鲜的空气。   一次,我们爬一座很高的山。对我来说,那简直是一个巨大的挑战,因为那时我只有10岁。开始的几个小时,我还享受着清新的空气,聆听着鸟儿的欢叫,欣赏着蝴蝶的翩翩起舞。慢慢地,我的双腿酸疼起来。在那个时刻,我非常讨厌爬山,甚至想放弃。这时父亲对我说:“春天是万物复苏的季节。此刻,山峦和田野被鲜花和树木装扮。你总能在峰顶处看到美丽的天空,但在抵达峰顶前你是看不到的。在山顶,你总能欣赏到众多瀑布、山峰和峡谷的美景,但这一切在半山腰却看不到。只有在山顶,你才有幸饱览这一切,如同生活中一样。”   那时,我还小,无法理解他的话,但这些话使我充满了希望和信心。我终于爬到了顶峰。放眼望去,我看见整个天空如水晶般澄澈。
2023-08-01 19:45:221


2023-08-01 19:45:291


2023-08-01 19:46:203


go hiking
2023-08-01 19:47:024


我们一般爬山就是看风景徒步去的,因此爬山是hiking。climb a moutain是不正确的。moutain-climbing指的是专业登山,需要专门的设备。
2023-08-01 19:47:326


2023-08-01 19:48:124


答: We are climbing the mountain.
2023-08-01 19:48:543


climbed mountains
2023-08-01 19:49:056


  登山是如今很多人都热爱的一种运动,对人的视力、心肺功能、四肢协调能力、体内多余脂肪的消耗、延缓人体衰老等五个方面有直接的益处。那么你知道登山用英文怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来登山的英文说法,欢迎大家学习。   登山的英文说法1:   Mountaineering   英 [u02ccmau028antnu02c8i:ru026au014b] 美 [u02ccmau028antn:u02c8iru026au014b]   登山的英文说法2:   mountain-climbing   登山相关英文表达:   登山队 mountaineering party   登山绳 climbing rope   登山鞋 climbing boot   登山营地 mountaineer"s base   登山运动 mountaineering   登山英文说法例句:   1. His sporting and political interests coalesced admirably in his writing about climbing.   他在写登山的文章中,把自己对体育和政治的兴趣完美地结合了起来。   2. to go climbing   去登山   3. He was wearing shoes that were totally unsuitable for climbing.   他穿了一双完全不适合登山的鞋子。   4. It was a dangerous climb, but they braved it out.   这次登山很危险, 但他们拼命登上了山.   5. The climbers set forward towards the mountain in bright weather.   天气晴朗,登山运动员向着那座山出发了.   6. The climber edged slowly down from the summit of the mountain.   那名登山运动员慢慢地从山顶向山下移动.   7. Mountaineering in a blizzard needs a lot of grit.   在暴风雪中登山需要极大的勇气和毅力.   8. The climbers strapped on a variety of equipment.   登山运动员背上了各种装备.   9. The final ascent took only half an hour.   最后那次登山只花了半小时.   10. It"s exhilarating to climb mountains.   登山令人振奋.   11. Lacking equipment, we couldn"t continue climbing the mountain.   因无装备, 我们无法继续登山.   12. It will be a very, very fine piece of mountaineering if they pull it off.   如果他们能成功,那将是一次非常了不起的登山壮举。   13. He told us stories of how he had battled the elements on his mountaineering trips.   他给我们讲述他登山时是怎样顶住坏天气的.   14. The Chinese climbers are determined to bid for the highest mountain in the world.   中国登山运动员决心登上世界最高峰.   15. The climbers are determined to bid for the highest mountain in the world.   这些登山运动员决心登上世界最高峰.
2023-08-01 19:49:231

爬山的英语怎么读 爬山的英语是什么

1、爬山的英文是climb the mountain。 2、climb,英 [klau026am] 美 [klau026am]。v. 攀登;爬;上升。n. 爬;攀爬处。 3、例句:I have some climbing plants in the garden.翻译:我的花园里长着一些攀缘植物。
2023-08-01 19:49:301

爬山 英文?

爬山的英文是hiking,hike一个动词就可以表示爬山,常见的错误是容易翻译成climb the mountain,那是中式英语
2023-08-01 19:49:491


2023-08-01 19:50:121

我和家人一起去爬山 用英语怎么说

2023-08-01 19:50:215


2023-08-01 19:50:421

爬山用英语怎么说 爬山的英语是什么

1、爬山的英语:Mountain climbing,英 [u02c8mau028antu0259n u02c8klau026amu026au014b] 美 [u02c8mau028antn u02c8klau026amu026au014b]。 2、这些鞋不适宜爬山。These shoes wont do as mountain climbing。 3、在这一天,人们按照传统喝菊花酒,吃重阳糕,爬山。On the day, people traditionally drink chrysanthemum wine, eat Double-Ninth Cakes and climb mountains。 4、我喜欢露营、爬山之类的活动。I like camping, climbing and that sort of thing。
2023-08-01 19:50:501


2023-08-01 19:51:056


Mountain climbing
2023-08-01 19:51:363


go climbing
2023-08-01 19:51:588


clamb 可兰补
2023-08-01 19:52:195

我可以去爬山 用英语怎么写?

I can flykites
2023-08-01 19:53:2015


2023-08-01 19:53:481

照相的英文 take photos 和爬山的英文 climb mountian ,为什么要加“s”,能不加吗?

2023-08-01 19:53:583


登山用英文怎么写 Mountaineering 登山运动的英文怎么说 登山运动 [词典] [医] mountaineering; [例句]你知道登山运动的危险吗?Are you aware of the hazards of mountaineering? 爬山用英语怎么说? Climbing the mountain 去爬山用英语怎么说 go to the mountains 意思是去到山下爬山应该说 climb mountain 或者 rock climbing 怎么样快速使大腿变苗条? 5分 可以试一试唷~~~~ 大腿方面 ●坐在椅子上,坐到底,下背部也要贴住椅背,两肩放松,双手放在大腿上,接着,提高左膝,膝盖自然弯曲就好,小腿下垂不用力,身体维持平衡不要左倾或右倾,这时应该会感觉到大腿及下腹部很酸,受不了了就换擡右脚,就这样左右交换,随时可开始,随时可停止的唷~ 这样既能瘦肚肚,也能瘦大腿喔~可以在看电视时做,但不要坐在沙发上做,沙发太软会伤害脊椎,拉张餐桌椅或计算机椅来做比较恰当。 ●坐于书桌或计算机前的时候,拿一张纸,夹于两腿膝盖中间,维持它不掉下即可,不过两腿要夹紧喔! 虽然听起来颇简单,不过实行起来可会酸酸的哩!这个动作会使用到平常不常用到的大腿内侧肌肉。 ●瘦整个大腿 以立正的姿势站着、两手放在身体两侧。弯曲膝盖,两手碰触脚趾(此时 ,不要太用力)。 诀窍就是~不弯曲背部肌肉,只弯曲膝盖。再轻轻回到原来的姿势。这个动作大约3秒,刚开始做的时候,以10秒钟做3次为目标,习惯后再加速! ●瘦大腿内侧 从立正的姿势开始,将右脚向前跨一步,轻弯膝盖。两手插在腰上。跳起的同时左右脚互换(此时注意背部要挺直)。边数一二边跳起来两脚互换 。刚开始做的时候以10秒钟做10次为目标习惯后再加快速度! ●瘦大腿内外侧 以立正的姿势站着。右脚伸直向右擡起,同时左手伸直向左擡起。此时, 注意身体的平衡。诀窍在于腿部要使劲。轻轻回到原来的姿势。 另外一侧同样做一遍、这个动作大约为2秒。刚开始做的时候,以10秒钟做5次为目标,习惯后多加快速度! ●瘦大腿后侧 准备一张有靠背的椅子放在前面,然后双手扶著椅背,接下来先把左腿往后方擡,左右腿各作10次为1组,每次需要做满5组,方可休息,每天早晚各作一次。 ●利用每天洗完澡时,趁血液循环好,拍打大腿内侧,拍打方式为手指并拢、掌心股起,让掌心有空间,有节奏进行拍打,力量适中。每天进行可以促进循环,帮助你拥有匀称 *** ! (可以跟乳液一起) ●使用时机:避开饭后的一小时之内。 上半身直立下半身半蹲,抖动大腿(此方式最适合晚间看电视时进行) 2瘦大腿方法 1.首先双脚张开与肩同宽 2.膝盖微弯采半蹲姿势 3.双脚大腿快速左右一直摇摆 第2种 擡腿20分钟 (自己的小腿和大腿都有瘦喔) 第3种 空中脚踏车 (每天持续n下) 俏臀与紧实大腿线条秘诀 俏臀秘诀1: 做运动:站着的时候,腿打开与肩同宽,脚尖朝外开呈外八字,膝盖一定要打直,然后用力往里夹你的 *** 。这样子夹,次数能超过20次最好。 俏臀秘诀2: 搽翘臀霜:「克兰诗翘臀霜」的翘臀霜也满有效的。手的 *** 必须用力地抓和捏,但是不要用力到让自己瘀青,也不要把自己肉抓到破皮。正确的力道有点像在揉面团,用手掌部位去压和推多余的脂肪。 紧实大腿秘诀1: 揉捏 *** :大腿和臀部的交接处常会出现橘皮组织,建议大家使用「碧儿泉」的产品,同样用抓捏的方式让它吸收或者是「克兰诗出的 *** 板」。先将乳液均匀涂上皮肤,再用 *** 板这一面由下往上推,从大腿根部往臀部方向推刷,每个地方至少刷上二、三十下,对于消水肿都还满有效的哦! 紧实大腿秘诀2: 穿调整型塑身裤...>> 去远足,英文怎么说 go hiking 去 远足 甜甜你是脆脆 登山鞋的英文怎么说? 还有一般的运动鞋 登山鞋 h搐king shoes 运动鞋 sneakers 楼上说的也对,我的答案只是用一些平时民众更常用的词汇 爬山的英文怎么翻译 clamb matains
2023-08-01 19:54:051


climb mountains英文发音:[klau026am u02c8mau028antu026anz]中文释义:爬山;去爬山吧;登山例句:I want to climb mountains with my friends on Saturday.星期六我想和朋友们去爬山。词汇解析:climb英文发音:[klau026am]中文释义:v.攀登;爬;(尤指吃力地向某处)爬;登山,攀岩(作为业余爱好或运动)例句:The girls hurried outside, climbed into the car, and drove off姑娘们匆忙跑了出来,爬进汽车,然后开车走了。扩展资料climb的用法:1、climb的基本意思是“攀登,向上爬”,是指步行或用手脚(也可借助工具)向上攀登,也可指日月的上升。2、引申可表示在社会地位上“钻营”“向上爬”; 在非正式用语中可作“匆忙或费力地穿衣或脱衣”解,此时常与介词into连用; 也可指货币“增值”。3、climb用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,可接down, on, out of和up等,表示动作的方向。4、climb up本身已有“向上”的含义,所以climb up中的up有时可以省略。5、climb中的字母b不发音。
2023-08-01 19:54:271


你好,很高兴为你解答。爬山的英文是Mountain climbing希望可以帮到你,望采纳。
2023-08-01 19:54:455


  爬山是一项运动,可以锻炼身体。而它的英语也是非常的有运动性。以下是我给大家带来爬山英语说法,以供参阅。   爬山英语说法   1.climb mountains   2.Hill-Climbing   爬山的相关短语   去爬山 go climbing ; go to the mountains ; go mountain climbing ; go hiking   爬山者 climber ; Alpine Climbers ; CLIFFHANGER   爬山角逐 mountain-climbing petition   爬山了 Mountain climbing ; The mountain biking ; Climb up   爬山涉水 to trek ; Climb ford   爬山靴 climbing shoes ; Climbing boots   爬山裤 Climbing trousers   爬山的英语例句   1. I found the climb absolutely petrifying.   我觉得这次爬山太吓人了。   2. He fell behind when we were climbing the mountain.   我们爬山时,他掉队了.   3. I watched the climbers e down into the valley.   我注视著爬山者下到山谷里去了.   4. We were pletely done in after the long climb.   长时间爬山以后,我们都累垮了.   5. Make sure you"re properly roped together before you begin to climb.   爬山之前,要确保你们已经很好地用绳索系在一起了.   6. They climbed up the mountain and reached the summit.   他们爬山,最终达到了山顶.   7. He was tired when he got back from the climb.   他爬山回来后感到劳累.   8. He holds fast to climbing the hill.   他坚持爬山.   9. The climbers slowly ascended the mountain.   爬山运动员慢慢地登上了这座山.   10. She has a desire of climbing mountains.   她想去爬山.   11. The climb will exhaust the boys.   爬山会使那些男孩们疲惫不堪的.   12. How did the climbers fix for food?   爬山者的食物怎么解决?   13. The climber fell down a precipice.   爬山者跌下了悬崖.   14. These shoes won"t do as mountain climbing.   这些鞋不适宜爬山.   15. Danger gives a savor to mountain climbing.   危险为爬山增添了情趣.   爬山励志英语故事   Reaching the Top of the Mountain   "You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you can"t see it before you reach the top."Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up, my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together, my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences. He always stressed to me, "You should have objectives and capacity like the mountain."This has largely influenced my life. Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed, we couldn"t have had enough time to spend together because my father was very busy. I believe mountaineering is really beneficial. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep contemplation as well as develop my patience. I loved scaling mountains, to get away from the noise and pollution of the city, and breathe the fresh air.   One time we climbed a very high mountain. It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old. During the first few hours of climbing, I enjoyed the fresh air, the birds" singing, and the beautiful dances of butterflies; but as time passed, I got a pain in both of my legs. At that moment, I wanted to quit climbing. Actually, I hated it at that moment, but my father said to me, "Spring is a season when everything es to life again. The mountain and fields where we are standing are embroidered with flowers and trees. You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you can"t see it before you reach the top. You can always enjoy the scenes of many waterfalls and countless peaks and valleys at the top of the mountain, but you can"t when you are halfway up. Only there at the top, can you embrace all of those things, just like in life."At that time, I was too young to understand his thoughts, but after that, I got new hope and confidence. Finally, I found myself standing at the top of the mountain. And there, I could see the whole of the sky, which was as clear as crystal.   勇敢地攀登到人生的峰顶   “你总能在峰顶处看到美丽的天空,但在抵达峰顶前你是看不到的。”   每当太阳快下山时,我和父亲总会去爬我家附近的那座山。我们经常在爬山时聊起许多话题。父亲的经验之谈,让我受益匪浅。他总是鼓励我:“你要有山一般坚定的目标和宽阔的胸怀。”   这些话对我的人生产生了深刻的影响。父亲总是很忙,要不是我们都喜欢爬山,我们不可能有很多时间待在一起。我坚信爬山的确很有好处--它让我有了与父亲畅谈和独自沉思的时间,同时也培养了我的耐性。我爱爬山,它可以使我远离城市的嘈杂和污染,呼吸新鲜的空气。   一次,我们爬一座很高的山。对我来说,那简直是一个巨大的挑战,因为那时我只有10岁。开始的几个小时,我还享受着清新的空气,聆听着鸟儿的欢叫,欣赏著蝴蝶的翩翩起舞。慢慢地,我的双腿酸疼起来。在那个时刻,我非常讨厌爬山,甚至想放弃。这时父亲对我说:“春天是万物复苏的季节。此刻,山峦和田野被鲜花和树木装扮。你总能在峰顶处看到美丽的天空,但在抵达峰顶前你是看不到的。在山顶,你总能欣赏到众多瀑布、山峰和峡谷的美景,但这一切在半山腰却看不到。只有在山顶,你才有幸饱览这一切,如同生活中一样。”   那时,我还小,无法理解他的话,但这些话使我充满了希望和信心。我终于爬到了顶峰。放眼望去,我看见整个天空如水晶般澄澈。   给生命一个高度,便可以看到别样的风景。在现实中,大部分人仅仅满足于平坦、容易到达之处的风景,并错误地认为这就是美的极致,而事实上,最瑰丽的奇景永远身在幽深险怪之处,只有少数勇者可以到达。
2023-08-01 19:55:141


爬山 [pá shān] 报错climb mountainmountaineering短语去爬山 go climbing ; go to the mountains ; go mountain climbing ; go hiking爬山者 climber ; Alpine Climbers ; CLIFFHANGER爬山算法 hill-climbing ; hill climbing algorithm1.climb mountains以上来源于:新汉英大辞典双语例句 原声例句1.我们现在动身去爬山。We now set out to climb the hill. 跟读《21世纪大英汉词典》2.爬山者吃力地缓缓爬上山坡。The climbers laboured up the hillside. 跟读*******************************您好,答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮或者客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳,是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值***************************************************
2023-08-01 19:55:521


2023-08-01 19:56:021


爬山 [pá shān] 报错climb mountainmountaineering短语去爬山 go climbing ; go to the mountains ; go mountain climbing ; go hiking爬山者 climber ; Alpine Climbers ; CLIFFHANGER爬山算法 hill-climbing ; hill climbing algorithm1.climb mountains以上来源于:新汉英大辞典双语例句 原声例句1.我们现在动身去爬山。We now set out to climb the hill. 跟读《21世纪大英汉词典》2.爬山者吃力地缓缓爬上山坡。The climbers laboured up the hillside. 跟读*******************************您好,答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮或者客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳,是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值***************************************************
2023-08-01 19:56:091


问题一:爬山用英语怎么写? 爬山 [pá shān] 报错 climb mountain mountaineering 短语 去爬山 go climbing ; go to the mountains ; go mountain climbing ; go hiking 爬山者 climber ; Alpine Climbers ; CLIFFHANGER 爬山算法 hill-climbing ; hill climbing algorithm 1. climb mountains 以上来源于:新汉英大辞典 双语例句 原声例句 1. 我们现在动身去爬山。 We now set out to climb the hill. 跟读 《21世纪大英汉词典》 2. 爬山者吃力地缓缓爬上山坡。 The climbers laboured up the hillside. 跟读 ******************************* 您好,答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍 有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我! 如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮 或者客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】 您的采纳, 是我答题的动力 也同时给您带来知识和财富值 *************************************************** 问题二:爬山的英文是什么 go hiking 问题三:爬山用英语怎么说? Climbing the mountain 问题四:爬山用英语怎么说 climb the mountain 问题五:爬山的英语是什么? 小山 =Hill hiking 大山= Mount climbing 行多树的山林= Jungle Trekking 与爬山有关 = Mountaineering 问题六:去爬山用英语怎么说 go climbing(去爬山 去爬山Go Climbing Mountains go and climb the mountains 这个星期日我们要去爬山。 We will go and climb the mountains this Sunday 问题七:英文我们去爬山怎么写 我们去爬山 英语 应该是: Let"s go climbing. 或: We are going to climb. 都可。 hiking 是:徒步旅行 希望可以帮到你。 问题八:去爬山用英语怎么说 表示动作:climb the mountain 表示名词:mountain climbing 问题九:爬山用英语怎么写DD过去式 climbed the mountain 爬山(过去式) 爬山[pá shān] 词典 climb mountains 网络 climb the mountain; Mountaineering; climbing 数据来源:金山词霸 双语例句汉英大词典百度百科百度知道 1 我和朋友去爬山了。 I climbed mountains with my friend. 问题十:登山用英文怎么写 Mountaineering
2023-08-01 19:56:181


爬山 [pá shān] 报错climb mountainmountaineering短语去爬山 go climbing ; go to the mountains ; go mountain climbing ; go hiking爬山者 climber ; Alpine Climbers ; CLIFFHANGER爬山算法 hill-climbing ; hill climbing algorithm1.climb mountains以上来源于:新汉英大辞典双语例句 原声例句1.我们现在动身去爬山。We now set out to climb the hill. 跟读《21世纪大英汉词典》2.爬山者吃力地缓缓爬上山坡。The climbers laboured up the hillside. 跟读*******************************您好,答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮或者客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳,是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值***************************************************
2023-08-01 19:56:361


爬山 [pá shān] 报错climb mountainmountaineering短语去爬山 go climbing ; go to the mountains ; go mountain climbing ; go hiking爬山者 climber ; Alpine Climbers ; CLIFFHANGER爬山算法 hill-climbing ; hill climbing algorithm1.climb mountains以上来源于:新汉英大辞典双语例句 原声例句1.我们现在动身去爬山。We now set out to climb the hill. 跟读《21世纪大英汉词典》2.爬山者吃力地缓缓爬上山坡。The climbers laboured up the hillside. 跟读*******************************您好,答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮或者客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳,是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值***************************************************
2023-08-01 19:56:441


2023-08-01 19:56:521


2023-08-01 19:56:591


爬山——climb mountains在这一天,人们按照传统喝菊花酒,吃重阳糕,爬山。例句:1.On the day, people traditionally drink chrysanthemum wine, eat Double-Ninth Cakes and climb mountains.2.他一边爬山,一边喘着粗气。He huffed and puffed while climbing the mountain.3.今年夏天我能去爬山:我的健康状况良好。I can go climbing this summer; I"m in condition.
2023-08-01 19:57:061


2023-08-01 19:58:071


中国老师教的是climb the mountain 其实这是指攀岩一样的去“爬”山 就像爬树一样 如果你要说的是用脚去“爬” 其实就是登山 那么就是hiking 动词就是hike
2023-08-01 19:58:151


I will go climbing.I am going to climb
2023-08-01 19:58:374


1、climb爬山,读法英[klau026am],美[klau026am]。 2、例句:Sometimes I go hiking and climb mountains.有时我去远足和爬山。 3、变形:过去式climbed,过去分词climbed,现在分词climbing,第三人称单数climbs,复数climbs。
2023-08-01 19:58:441


爬山用英语怎么写――过去式 climbed the mountain 爬山(过去式) 爬山[pá shān] 词典climb mountains 网路 climb the mountain; Mountaineering; climbing 资料来源:金山词霸 双语例句汉英大词典百度百科百度知道 1 我和朋友去爬山了。 I climbed mountains with my friend. 有没有关于兰花品格的诗句啊? 咏 兰 诗 选 兰之猗猗,扬扬其香。 不采而佩,于兰何伤。 今天之旋,其曷为然。 我行四方,以日以年。 雪霜贸贸,荠麦之茂。 子如不伤,我不尔觏。 荠麦之茂,荠麦之有。 君子之伤,君子之守。 ——韩 愈《幽兰操》 山中兰叶径,城外李桃园。 岂知人事静,不觉鸟啼喧。 ——唐·王勃《春庄》 清风摇翠环,凉露滴苍玉。 美人胡不纫,幽香蔼空谷。 ——唐·唐彦谦《兰》 谢庭漫芳草,楚畹多绿莎。 于焉忽相见,岁宴将如何。 ——唐·唐彦谦《兰》 家在洞水西,身作兰渚客。 天昼无纤云,独坐空江碧。 ——唐·施肩吾《兰渚泊》 亭树霜散满,野塘凫鸟多。 蕙兰不可折,楚老徒悲歌。 ——唐·马戴《秋思》 春晖开禁苑,淑景媚兰场。 映庭含浅色,凝露泫浮光。 日丽参差影,风传轻重香。 会须君子折,佩里作芬芳。 ——唐·李世民《芳兰》 孤兰生幽园,众草共芜没。 虽照阳春晖,复非高秋月。 飞霜早淅沥,绿艳恐休歇。 若无清风吹,香气为谁发。 ——唐·李白《孤兰》 兰叶春葳蕤,桂华秋皎洁。 欣欣此生意,自尔为佳节。 谁知林栖者,闻风坐相悦。 草木有本心,何求美人折。 ——唐·张九龄《感遇》 兰色结春光,氛氲掩众芳。 过门阶露叶,寻泽径连香。 畹静风吹乱,亭秋雨引长。 灵均曾采撷,纫佩挂荷裳。 ——唐·无可《兰》 虚室重招寻,忘言契断金。 英浮汉家酒,雪丽楚王琴。 广殿清香发,高台远吹吟。 河汾应擢秀,谁肯访山阴。 ——唐·李峤《兰》 幽丛不盈尺,空谷为谁芳。 一径寒云色,满林秋露香。 — 元·揭 斯《秋蕙》 幽兰既丛茂,荆棘仍不除。 素心自芳洁,怡然与之俱。 — 元·李祁《题兰棘同芳图》 伙风兰蕙化为茅,南国凄凉气已消。 只有所南心不改,泪泉和墨写《离骚》。 — 元·倪瓒题郑所南《兰》 鹈 声中花片飞,楚兰遗思独依依。 春风先自悲芳草,惆怅王孙又不归。 — 元·张翥《题兰》 采兰湘北芷,搴木澧南浔。 渌水含瑶彩,微风托玉音。 云起苍梧夕,日落洞庭阴。 不知篁竹苦,惟见泪斑深。 — 明·李梦阳《湘妃怨》 兰生深山中,馥馥吐幽香。 偶为世人赏,移之置高堂。 雨露失天时,根株离本乡。 虽承爱护力,长养非其方。 冬寒霜雪零,绿叶恐雕伤。 何如在林壑,时至还自芳。 — 明 陈汝言《兰》 幽植众宁知,芬芳只暗持。 自无君子佩,未是国香衰。 白露沾长早,春风到每迟。 不如当路草,芬馥欲何为。 —唐·崔涂《幽兰》 兰溪春尽碧泱泱,映水兰花雨发香。 楚国大夫憔悴日,应寻此路去潇湘。 —唐·杜牧《兰溪》 西北秋风凋蕙兰,洞庭波上碧云寒。 茂陵才子江陵住,乞取新诗合掌看。 —唐·刘禹锡《重送鸿举师赴江陵》 万倾荒林不敢看,买山客足拟求安。 田园失计全芜没,何处春风种蕙兰。 —唐·刘商《与于中丞》 兰蕙芬芳见玉姿,路傍花笑景迟迟。 苎萝山下无穷意,并在三乡惜别时。 —唐·刘谷《和三乡诗》 中禁仙池越凤凰,池边词客紫薇郎。 既能作颂雄风起,何不时吹兰蕙香。 — 唐·褚朝阳《奉上徐中书》 春兰如美人,不采羞自献。 时闻风露香,蓬艾深不见。 丹青 *** 色,欲补《离骚》传。 对之如灵均,冠佩不敢燕。 — 宋·苏轼《题杨次公春兰》 蕙本兰之族,依然臭味同。 曾为水仙佩,相识《楚辞》中。 幻色虽非实,真香亦竟空。 云何起微馥,鼻观已先通。 — 宋·苏轼《题杨次公蕙》 远与村桥接,深春积雨时。 兰芳人未捋,花发蝶先知。 草密封闲径,林疏露短篱。 别来锄久废,身老恨归迟。 — 宋·释文兆《幽兰》 彼羡南陔子,其谁粉署郎。 渥丹承露彩,绀绿泛风光。 屡结骚人佩,时...... 爬二龙山用英语怎样写过去式 爬二龙山用英语是climbed the Two Dragon mountain 用了过去时态climbed 请采纳 谢谢 刘涛喜欢爬山英文过去式怎么写 liu Tao like climbed mountain 爬用英语怎么读 climb 英 [klau026am] 美 [klau026am] v. 爬; 攀登; 上升; 登山 n. 攀登; 山,巖; 增值; 晋升 第三人称单数: climbs 现在分词: climbing 过去式: climbed 过去分词: climbed 谁能在两年内演20多场电影? TWINS2003-2004一共有22部电影!
2023-08-01 19:58:581


2023-08-01 19:59:061


英文原文:climb英式音标:[klau026am] 美式音标:[klau026am]
2023-08-01 19:59:162


  爬山是一项运动,既可以锻炼身体,又可以陶冶人们的情操。下面就由我为大家带来关于爬山的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于爬山的相关短语   爬山方法 hill climbing method;   爬山郊游会 climbing party;   爬山赛 {体} hill climb;   爬山涉水 to trek ; Climb ford   爬山靴 climbing shoes ; Climbing boots   爬山裤 Climbing trousers   关于爬山的相关例句   1. I found the climb absolutely petrifying.   我觉得这次爬山太吓人了。   2. He fell behind when we were climbing the mountain.   我们爬山时,他掉队了.   3. I watched the climbers e down into the valley.   我注视著爬山者下到山谷里去了.   4. We were pletely done in after the long climb.   长时间爬山以后,我们都累垮了.   5. Make sure you"re properly roped together before you begin to climb.   爬山之前,要确保你们已经很好地用绳索系在一起了.   6. They climbed up the mountain and reached the summit.   他们爬山,最终达到了山顶.   7. He was tired when he got back from the climb.   他爬山回来后感到劳累.   8. He holds fast to climbing the hill.   他坚持爬山.   9. The climbers slowly ascended the mountain.   爬山运动员慢慢地登上了这座山.   10. She has a desire of climbing mountains.   她想去爬山.   11. The climb will exhaust the boys.   爬山会使那些男孩们疲惫不堪的.   12. How did the climbers fix for food?   爬山者的食物怎么解决?   13. The climber fell down a precipice.   爬山者跌下了悬崖.   14. These shoes won"t do as mountain climbing.   这些鞋不适宜爬山.   15. Danger gives a savo u r to mountain climbing.   危险为爬山增添了 情趣.   关于爬山的双语例句   因为热爱大自然,他常常去爬山。   Being a lover of nature, he often goes mountain climbing.   我觉得爬山有趣又有益健康。   I find it interesting and healthy to go mountain climbing.   很多人觉得单独去爬山是危险的事。   Many people find it a dangerous thing to go mountain climbing alone.   很多人认为爬山并不危险。   Many people don"t think it is dangerous to go mountain climbing.   想在这样大的暴风雪中去爬山简直是疯狂。   It would be madness to try to climb the mountain in such a snowstorm.   我建议刚开始爬山的人使用柺杖。   When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a staff.   那匹马长途爬山已用尽力气了。   The horse was fully extended by the long ride up the mountain.   但我们一起爬山的那些日子已经逝去。   But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time.   我们组明天要去爬山。   Our group is going to climb a mountain tomorrow.
2023-08-01 19:59:331


  爬山是一项运动,既可以锻炼身体,又可以陶冶人们的情操。下面就由我为大家带来关于爬山的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于爬山的相关短语   爬山方法 hill climbing method;   爬山郊游会 climbing party;   爬山赛 {体} hill climb;   爬山涉水 to trek ; Climb ford   爬山靴 climbing shoes ; Climbing boots   爬山裤 Climbing trousers   关于爬山的相关例句   1. I found the climb absolutely petrifying.   我觉得这次爬山太吓人了。   2. He fell behind when we were climbing the mountain.   我们爬山时,他掉队了.   3. I watched the climbers e down into the valley.   我注视著爬山者下到山谷里去了.   4. We were pletely done in after the long climb.   长时间爬山以后,我们都累垮了.   5. Make sure you"re properly roped together before you begin to climb.   爬山之前,要确保你们已经很好地用绳索系在一起了.   6. They climbed up the mountain and reached the summit.   他们爬山,最终达到了山顶.   7. He was tired when he got back from the climb.   他爬山回来后感到劳累.   8. He holds fast to climbing the hill.   他坚持爬山.   9. The climbers slowly ascended the mountain.   爬山运动员慢慢地登上了这座山.   10. She has a desire of climbing mountains.   她想去爬山.   11. The climb will exhaust the boys.   爬山会使那些男孩们疲惫不堪的.   12. How did the climbers fix for food?   爬山者的食物怎么解决?   13. The climber fell down a precipice.   爬山者跌下了悬崖.   14. These shoes won"t do as mountain climbing.   这些鞋不适宜爬山.   15. Danger gives a savo u r to mountain climbing.   危险为爬山增添了 情趣.   关于爬山的双语例句   因为热爱大自然,他常常去爬山。   Being a lover of nature, he often goes mountain climbing.   我觉得爬山有趣又有益健康。   I find it interesting and healthy to go mountain climbing.   很多人觉得单独去爬山是危险的事。   Many people find it a dangerous thing to go mountain climbing alone.   很多人认为爬山并不危险。   Many people don"t think it is dangerous to go mountain climbing.   想在这样大的暴风雪中去爬山简直是疯狂。   It would be madness to try to climb the mountain in such a snowstorm.   我建议刚开始爬山的人使用柺杖。   When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a staff.   那匹马长途爬山已用尽力气了。   The horse was fully extended by the long ride up the mountain.   但我们一起爬山的那些日子已经逝去。   But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time.   我们组明天要去爬山。   Our group is going to climb a mountain tomorrow.
2023-08-01 19:59:401


  爬山是一项非常有意义的运动,那么关于爬山的一些英语表达方式你们有了解过么?下面我为大家带来爬山的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   爬山的英语意思   climbing   爬山的相关英语作文   Before departure, the mist is dispersing, this is the last night, the bapti *** of reasons. open the door, and a fresh wind with the wind, the weariness of my face suddenly disappeared.   We all along the sidewalk, sucking in the rain had to bring our good air. well, since the last few day is always the sun was fierce, the entire city seemed as if a large steamer, we find to a breath of fresh air, as it matches a few days. i have more and stay in an air-conditioned room. go over the delay in the plan. but today i can finally my days have been a dream of plan!! I finally came to the top, i hailed. this is my father was so excited i say "daughter : look!" my dad her finger along the direction and the hangzhou! i was most surprised by the sweat! i don"t shed in vain, in my trip to hangzhou this has been a great longing, that was hope you can see the whole hangzhou, i don"t think i have been limited to a *** all space, i"ll see more. the god give me a handsome present.   Yes, all good things and are not initially can be found, you is a persevering endeavor. my life is also true, but i was not daunted by difficulties in learning and hard to put forward, my life will have a good result.   爬山的英文例句   因为热爱大自然,他常常去爬山。   Being a lover of nature, he often goes mountain climbing.   我觉得爬山有趣又有益健康。   I find it interesting and healthy to go mountain climbing.   很多人觉得单独去爬山是危险的事。   Many people find it a dangerous thing to go mountain climbing alone.   很多人认为爬山并不危险。   Many people don"t think it is dangerous to go mountain climbing.   想在这样大的暴风雪中去爬山简直是疯狂。   It would be madness to try to climb the mountain in such a snowstorm.   我建议刚开始爬山的人使用柺杖。   When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a staff.   那匹马长途爬山已用尽力气了。   The horse was fully extended by the long ride up the mountain.   但我们一起爬山的那些日子已经逝去。   But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time.   我们组明天要去爬山。   Our group is going to climb a mountain tomorrow.   爬山的双语例句   1. I found the climb absolutely petrifying.   我觉得这次爬山太吓人了。   2. He fell behind when we were climbing the mountain.   我们爬山时,他掉队了.   3. I watched the climbers e down into the valley.   我注视著爬山者下到山谷里去了.   4. We were pletely done in after the long climb.   长时间爬山以后,我们都累垮了.   5. Make sure you"re properly roped together before you begin to climb.   爬山之前,要确保你们已经很好地用绳索系在一起了.   6. They climbed up the mountain and reached the summit.   他们爬山,最终达到了山顶.   7. He was tired when he got back from the climb.   他爬山回来后感到劳累.   8. He holds fast to climbing the hill.   他坚持爬山.   9. The climbers slowly ascended the mountain.   爬山运动员慢慢地登上了这座山.   10. She has a desire of climbing mountains.   她想去爬山.   11. The climb will exhaust the boys.   爬山会使那些男孩们疲惫不堪的.   12. How did the climbers fix for food?   爬山者的食物怎么解决?   13. The climber fell down a precipice.   爬山者跌下了悬崖.   14. These shoes won"t do as mountain climbing.   这些鞋不适宜爬山.   15. Danger gives a savo u r to mountain climbing.   危险为爬山增添了 情趣.
2023-08-01 19:59:471


去爬山的英文:climbmountain一、climb英[klau026am] 美[klau026am] v.爬;攀登;上升;登山n.攀登;山,岩;增值;晋升二、mountain英[u02c8mau028antu0259n] 美[u02c8mau028antn] n.山脉;山,山岳;一大堆;大量1、Didyouclimbamountainyesterday? 你昨天爬山了吗?2、Idon"twanttoclimbthemountainagain,buthowcanIgohome? 我不想再爬山了,但是我又怎样才能回家呢?扩展资料同义词辨析:mountain、hill、mount 1、mountainn.高山,山岳通常指大山,比hill高。Shelivesoverthemountain.她住在大山那边。2、hilln.小山,小丘通常指不如mountain那样高大的小山、小丘、丘陵。Thereisahouseonthatsteephill.在那座陡峭的小山上有一栋房子。3、mountn.…山,…峰;[文]山,山岳用作山名的一部分,通常首字母大写,或略作Mt;在文学作品中与mountain同义。AgroupofexpertsarrivedatthefootofMountQomolangma.一组专家来到了珠穆朗玛峰的山脚下。
2023-08-01 19:59:571


你喜欢爬山吗的英语是:Do you like climbing mountains。爬山是一项运动,既可以锻炼身体,又可以陶冶人们的情操。爬山需要穿一双好鞋,还要有坚持不懈的耐力。爬山作为一种户外运动,对身体的有利因素是多方面的。既是有氧运动,又有力量练习的成分,而且运动量、运动强度可以根据自己的体力、身体素质进行调节。可以说爬山是一项健身作用较全面而危险性相对较小的锻炼方式。爬山经常参加爬山锻炼,对关节、骨骼和肌肉都有良好作用。爬山可以使骨骼的血液循环得到改善,骨骼的物质代谢增强,使钙、磷在骨骼内的沉积增多,骨骼的弹性、韧性增加,并有利于预防骨质疏松,延缓骨骼的衰老过程,还能提高骨髓的造血机能。爬山科学家们的实验发现,在高山地区进行爬山锻炼后,每立方毫米血液中红细胞数量增加到500—600万,下山后一两周红细胞增加到817万/立方毫米。由于增加了运输氧气的工具,所以大大提高了人体有氧工作能力;经常参加爬山锻炼,可促进肌肉的蛋白质合成,使肌肉坚韧有力。
2023-08-01 20:00:042


Go hiking
2023-08-01 20:01:075