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《if I were a boy again》的译文

2023-08-01 20:50:56

《if I were a boy again》的译文:






























《if I were a boy again》假如我又回到了童年

If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was or inconvenient. If we want light, we must conquer darkness. Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. “There are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “Who can surmount the pyramids — the eagle and the snail.”

  If I were a boy again, I would school myself into a habit of attention; I would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand. I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once.

  The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough. I often hear grown up people say, “I could not fix my attention on the sermon or book, although I wished to do so”, and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth.

  If I were to live my life over again, I would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. I would strengthen that faculty by every possible means, and on every possible occasion. It takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and gives very little trouble. It only needs early cultivation to become a power.

  If I were a boy again, I would cultivate courage. “Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice,” says a wise author.

  We too often borrow trouble, and anticipate that may never appear.” The fear of ill exceeds the ill we fear.” Dangers will arise in any career, but presence of mind will often conquer the worst of them. Be prepared for any fate, and there is no harm to be feared.

  If I were a boy again, I would look on the cheerful side. Life is very much like a mirror: if you smile upon it, I smiles back upon you; but if you frown and look doubtful on it, you will get a similar look in return.

  Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner, but of all that come in contact with it. “Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.”

  Importance of learning very early in life to gain that point where a young boy can stand erect, and decline.

  If I were a boy again, I would school myself to say no more often. I might write pages on the doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy.

  If I were a boy again, I would demand of myself more courtesy towards my companions and friends, and indeed towards strangers as well. The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.

  Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I would, if I were a boy again, I would still try harder to make others happy.





  假如我又回到了童年,我就要培养勇气。一位明智的作家曾说过:“世上没有东西比勇气更温文尔雅,也没有东西比懦怯更残酷无情。” 我们常常过多地自寻烦恼,杞人忧天。“怕祸害比祸害本身更可怕。”凡事都有危险,但镇定沉着往往能克服最严重的危险。对一切祸福做好准备,那么就没有什么灾难可以害怕的了。






If I were a boy again, I would practise perseverance oftener, and never give up

a thing because it was hard or inconvenient. If we want light, we must conquer


Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. "There are only two

creatures," says a proverb, "who can surmount the pyramids-- the eagle and

the snail".

If I were a boy again, I would school myself into a habit of attention; I would let

nothing come between me and the subject in hand. I would remember that a

good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once.

The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough. I often

hear grown-up people say "I could not fix my attention on the sermon or book,

although I wished to do so ", and the reason is, the habit was not formed in








inconvenient adj. 不便利的; convenient 的反义词
2023-08-01 19:27:363


inconvenient英[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vi:niu0259nt]美[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vinju0259nt]adj. 不便; 不方便的; 打扰人的,麻烦的;[网络] 不方便; 不便的; 不便利的;[例句]Can you come at 10.30? I know it"s inconvenient for you, but I must see you.你能10点半来吗?我知道你不方便,但是我必须见你。
2023-08-01 19:28:042


不方便 adj.inconvenient n.inconvenience 家具太笨,搬起来很不方便.The furniture is too cumbersome to move. 这里谈话不方便.It"s not convenient to talk here.; This isn"t the right place to talk. 手头不方便have little money to spare 山区的交通不方便.The transportation in mountain areas isn"t convenient. 他走道不方便.He has difficulties in walking.
2023-08-01 19:28:141


2023-08-01 19:28:242

inconvenient 为什么翻译成难以忽视

2023-08-01 19:28:342


2023-08-01 19:28:552


2023-08-01 19:29:048

`麻烦` 这个词语怎么翻译成英文

2023-08-01 19:29:208


inconvenient是“有困难的,不方便的” 戈尔的书的原名是“An Inconvenient Truth”没有inconvient这个单词
2023-08-01 19:29:351


2023-08-01 19:29:4710

英语翻译:请问inconvenient forum是什么意思呢? plead an inconvenient forum,应该怎么理解呢? 谢谢

2023-08-01 19:30:175

inconvenient truth为什么已成难以忽视

2023-08-01 19:30:333

inconvenient hours

Aue003 句意为“做一个宇航员某些方面可能很乏味,而且他们常常不得不在很不适宜的时候工作”。第一空表示在某种情况下“可能会”,用can; 第二空表示客观情况下“必须”,用have to。
2023-08-01 19:30:531


the traffic is busy and little pollution
2023-08-01 19:31:028


I主语 know谓语 it宾从的主语 was系动词 inconvenient表语 to have no luggage in Austria or Australia状语 but转折连词状语 I主语 know谓语 后面宾从 youzhuyu will be flying谓语 high状语 to know状语 that 宾从 we主语 have found谓语 finally 状语 it宾语
2023-08-01 19:31:174


1.Generally speaking,in western countries,It is better not to inquire the women"s age and privacy.2.As I know,the town where my uncle lives is inconvenient for him to go shopping.3.what makes us appreciated is that our teacher has arranged us to the AMERICAN DREAMY park next week.4.Are there some sthdents in your class unwilling to take part in the outside excerise.5.Franklly speaking,I regreted that I could not help him to get through the difficulties.
2023-08-01 19:31:281


问题一:太麻烦您了英文怎么写? 直译应该是Sorry to have troubled you. 其实一般不用trouble,一般“劳烦您,有劳您”,直接就说It"s very ki哗d of you.或者It"s so kind of you as to do sth for me. trouble所指的麻烦是指闯祸之类的坏事。 问题二:麻烦英语怎么说 excuse me。(打扰了 麻烦了) disturb 打骇 麻烦 是动词 trouble 麻烦 是名词 问题三:麻烦事用英语怎么写 trouble things 问题四:麻烦的英文是什么? 烦人 :A丹noying 事情麻烦 :Troublesome 不方便 :Inconvenient 问题五:给人们带来很多麻烦用英文怎么说 给人们带来很多麻烦的英文翻译_百度翻译 给人们带来很多麻烦 Cause a lot of trouble 问题六:麻烦事用英语怎么说 trouble,复数troubles。如果说经过了好多麻烦事说go through all the troubles to do sth 问题七:太麻烦你了英文怎么说? 在中文中,有时候我们会在感谢别人时说“太麻烦你了这句话,不知道你现在想要说的这句话是不是这个时候的?如果是,就得翻译成“Thank you very much等感谢的话。如果是说“麻烦你。。。。”就得说“Sorry to bother you, can you ...等。。。
2023-08-01 19:31:351


before 1poor life,shabby house,2heavy pollution ,random dumping of rabbish,3unconvenient traffic,a small quantity of visitorsnow 1big house many people have his own car2 beautiful environment3many visitors from all over the world every year
2023-08-01 19:31:585

由此给您带来的不便请谅解 英语怎么说?

Please exercuse us for the inconvenience we have induced!
2023-08-01 19:32:165


1.undertake this work2.unconvenient for me to see case of cutting themselves4.trapped ,minute, have been
2023-08-01 19:32:335

在以前,人们用写信的方式来聊天。这很麻烦。 翻译成英文

In the past, people used to write the way to chat. This is very troublesome
2023-08-01 19:32:515


Is inconvenient to speak
2023-08-01 19:33:097


第一题,我认为选B很多男士倾向于把一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事(他们不很关心的事)放权给他们的妻子处理,比如,一些无关紧要的决定权(言下之意,小事不管,大事还是男的说了算)B 有委派,放权的意思其他的貌似有点贬义色彩,放逐,贬低,虽然也偶提交的意思,但总觉得有点贬义词的味道第二个,是选A有很多疾病,以前很难发现,但是现在可以通过血液的(常规,表面)检查就可以诊断
2023-08-01 19:33:261


inconvenient[英][u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vi:niu0259nt][美][u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vinju0259nt]adj.不便; 不方便的; 打扰人的,麻烦的; 例句:1.Well, today is rather inconvenient. Could you come tomorrow at three? 嗯,今天较不方便,你在可以明天3点来吗?2.Well, tomorrow is rather inconvenient. Could you come this afternoon around three? 嗯,明天不太方便,你能不能今天下午3点左右来?
2023-08-01 19:33:471


不方便英语怎么说 inconvenience; di *** odiousness 不方便用英语怎么说。 不方便 adj. inconvenient n. inconvenience家俱太笨,搬起来很不方便。The furniture is too cumbersome to move. 这里谈话不方便。It"s not convenient to talk here.; This isn"t the right place to talk. 手头不方便have little money to spare 山区的交通不方便。The transportation in mountain areas isn"t convenient. 他走道不方便。He has difficulties in walking. 不方便的英文怎么说? inconvenient “不方便”用英语怎么说 inconvenient 英[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vi:niu0259nt] 美[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vinju0259nt] adj. 不便; 不方便的; 打扰人的,麻烦的; inconvenience 英[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vi:niu0259ns] 美[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vinju0259ns] n. 麻烦; 不方便; 为难之处; 麻烦事; vt. 给…带来不便; 给…添麻烦; 打扰; 使为难; 不方便携带 用英语怎么说 It"s inconvenient to carry sth 不方便回答问题 英语怎么说 不方便回答问题 It"s not 阀onvenient to answer the questions. It"s inconvenient to answer the questions. 这个东西让我们很不方便 用英语怎么说 30分 It is very Inconvenient to / for us. = It is not very convenient to / for us. = We have/get no access to it. = It is not accessible to us. 这样会使我用的时候很不方便用英语怎么翻译 this is going to be very inconvenient for me while using it 交通不方便用英文怎么说 朋友试试这个:That"s not convenient。或者说:That"s not easy to get there. 不知方不方便用英语怎么说 do not know whether it is convenient or not
2023-08-01 19:33:561


inconvenient是形容词,没有名词形式。 inconvenient:adj.不方便的;引起麻烦的;造成困难的 inconvenience:n.不便;麻烦;困难 扩展资料   It"s so inconvenient to get around without one.   这样到处游览没有一辆车很不方便。   So could the "inconvenient truth" approach work?   那么《难以忽视的真相》的.方法能够奏效吗?   The practical inconveniences of long hair are negligible.   长发在实际生活中产生的不便可以忽略不计。   He promised to be quick so as not to inconvenience them any further.   他许诺尽快完成,以免给他们带来更多不便。
2023-08-01 19:34:031


2023-08-01 19:34:283

convenient 的反义词

convenient 英[ku0259nu02c8vi:niu0259nt] 美[ku0259nu02c8vinju0259nt] adj. 方便的; [废语] 适当的; [口语] 近便的; 实用的; [例句]The family thought it was more convenient to eat in the kitchen.这家人认为在厨房吃饭更方便。inconvenient 在convenient前面加上否定前缀——“in”,即为该词反义词inconvenient。inconvenient 英[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vi:niu0259nt] 美[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vinju0259nt] adj. 不便; 不方便的; 打扰人的,麻烦的; [例句]Can you come at 10.30? I know it"s inconvenient for you, but I must see you你能10点半来吗?我知道你不方便,但是我必须见你。
2023-08-01 19:34:471

有be inconvenient to do sth 的用法吗?

不方便做某事。通常用it来作形式上的主语而将真正的主语-动词不定式短语,放在句末。如:It is inconvenient for me to go shopping.
2023-08-01 19:34:541


2023-08-01 19:35:112


2023-08-01 19:35:202

test and sorry for inconvenient什么意思

test and sorry for inconvenient对不方便的测试和抱歉inconvenient英[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vi:niu0259nt]美[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vinju0259nt]adj. 不便; 不方便的; 打扰人的,麻烦的;[网络] 不方便; 不便的; 不便利的;[例句]Can you come at 10.30? I know it"s inconvenient for you, but I must see you.你能10点半来吗?我知道你不方便,但是我必须见你。
2023-08-01 19:35:291


2023-08-01 19:35:514


Most people would agree that life is precious. Even though I believe in euthanasia it does not necessarily mean that the patience has the absolute right in choosing life or death. I believe those patients who wished to willingly end their lives must fulfill the following conditions. First of all euthanasia patients must logically rationally clearly explicitly and self willingly display his/her desire to end his/her live. Secondly the patient must be suffering from a terminal disease such as cancer. It also must be causing a tremendous amount of pain and inconvenience to the patient. Of course most importantly the decision must be concluded after careful considerations. Under this circumstance I believe euthanasia is humane and morally just. Consider this a patient who is on his/her death bed without any hope of recovering. Even with medicines to reduce the pain one"s soul has been damaged to a point of unbearable. As those capitalist says… hopefully this helps. Any question feel free to email me. verybody admits the life is valuable I approve initiative euthanasia this isn"t to say the patient has absolute rights to choose to be grown or died. I think the patient of initiative euthanasia must accord with the following several condition. First the patient of initiative euthanasia as they express the personal will (hope to finish the life) When must it is for the reason one and at all it threaten or cheating. Second the disease of patient"s ine is the incurable disease the doctor is at a loss what to do. Such as the cancer in latter stage and cause great agony and inconvenience to the patient. Certainly a important one still patient oneself undergo careful consideration go Italy already most. In the such condition I think initiative euthanasia is humanity conform with the morals. Just think a dying patient the life has not trformed. Even can utilize pain killer to releive the agony on the human body but the despair on its soul is difficult to check. As utilitarian says ... 大家都认同生命是宝贵的 我认同主动安乐死 这并不是说病人有绝对的权利选择生或死.我认为主动安乐死的病人必须符合以下几个条件.第一 主动安乐死的病人 当他们表达个人意愿(希望结束生命)时必须是理性的以及完全不受威胁或欺骗.第二 病人所得的病是不治之症 医生束手无策.例如末期癌症 并且对病人造成极大的痛苦和不便.当然 最重要的还是病人自己经过深思熟虑 去意已决.在这样的情况下 我认为主动安乐死是人道的 合乎道德. 试想想 一个垂死的病人 生命已经再没有转机.即使能利用止痛药舒缓肉体上的痛苦 但其心灵上的绝望是难以遏止的.就如功利主义者所说... Everybody approves the life is precious I approve the drivingeuthanasia this certainly did not mean the patient has to theright choice lives or dies I thought driving euthanasia the patientmust conform to following several conditions First drivingeuthanasia patient when they express individual wish (hope conclusionlife) must be rational as well as is pletely not threatened or thedeceit Second patient"s obtained sickness is the incurable disease doctor is at a loss For example last stage cancer and creates to thepatient enormous painful and is inconvenient Certainly is mostimportant or patient to pass through careful consideration goes toItaly already definitely In such situation I thought the drivingeuthanasia is a humanity conforms with the morals Considers thought that a dying patient the life already again didnot have the favourable turn Namely enables on the use pain-killeraffable human body the pain but in its mind looks is suppresseswith difficulty Said on like the utilitariani *** ... Most people agree that life is precious. Even though I think that euthanasia is right it does not necessarily mean that the patient has the right to choosie life or death. Patients who hope to end their lives must fulfill the following requirements. First of all patients must lbe rational and have a clear mind to express his/her desire to end his/her live. Secondly the patient must be suffering from a terminal disease such as cancer. It also must be causing a tremendous amount of pain and inconvenience to the patient. Of course most importantly the decision must be concluded after careful considerations. Under this circumstance I believe euthanasia is humane and morally justified. All in all a patient is dying without any hope of recovering. Even with medicines to relieve the pain he/ she is still hopeless and helpless. 参考: 英文科老师
2023-08-01 19:35:581


翻译为:From this inconvenient which brings to you,please forgive 保证对
2023-08-01 19:36:051


2023-08-01 19:36:164

as for winter, it is inconvenient

dawn 可以理解为黎明,也可以理解为开端. 句意:到了冬天的时候,熔炉的燃料因为冷气所以开始的时候不容易节省下来,这样就显得不便了. 理解为:it is convenient to be cold with most of furnace fuel. most of what 可以在从句中用,其它选项不可以.OF 也不可以接that所以只能选A. 冷气影响引擎的温热,这样就不容易启动,所以更加容易浪费燃料,也会便机器更使用不便.句子就是这样理解.
2023-08-01 19:36:231


Sorry for bringing the inconvenient to you.
2023-08-01 19:36:3211

英语长难句求助 只问一处

As for the winter ,it is inconvenient 意思是因为是冬天,因此就不是很方便,而不方便的原因是cold,所以to be cold是原因状语
2023-08-01 19:37:002


选C 有什么疑问?楼主分析得很对啊,pourtant表示不合情理的转折,根据翻译,计算机辅助教学在大学里得到了大量应用,然而它并没有带来什么好处,所以选C。根据中文意思啊。学语言不是死扣语法,而是语义
2023-08-01 19:37:201


12.A因为前文提到了是问我的反应,reaction13.B competent是擅长做某事,和B的意思一致,14.A admit承认15.A confusion迷惑16.C solution是解决方法的意思17.B awkward和embarrassed都是尴尬的意思 18.B forecast和predict 都是预言的意思19.C sensitive敏感的意思20.C led to和result in都是导致的意思21.C familiar为熟悉的意思,而题目是问它的反义词22. D ,指派,任命的意思
2023-08-01 19:37:272


2023-08-01 19:37:483


1. Give the opposites of the following words.agreement - disagreementusual - unusualimportant - unimportantconvenient - inconvenienthonest - dishonestpossible - impossibleunfair - fairdislike - likehappy - unhappyappear - disappearknown - unknowndirect - indirect2. Turn the following words into nouns.develop - developmentbusy - businessproduce - productinvite - invitationinstruct - instructionfunny - funinform - informationsuccessful - successagree - agreementhard - hardshipill - illnessdifficult - difficultydiscuss - discussionoperate - operationangry - angerhappy - happinesssuggest - suggestiondescribe - description healthy - health如有疑问欢迎追问满意还望尽快采纳
2023-08-01 19:37:551


I"m so sorry for in weenkend
2023-08-01 19:38:0311


Now I"m not convenient to answer your call, please leave a message after the beep, I later will contact you soon
2023-08-01 19:38:263


1. Lives impoverished, the house is worn-out 2. Pollutes seriously, trash everywhere 3. Transportation inconvenient, the tourist are very few 4. The housing is spacious, bright, many people have ownautomobile 5. Mountain greener, water clear, the day blue 6. Has every year tens of thousands of comes from the worldeach place tourist
2023-08-01 19:38:362


2023-08-01 19:39:186


喜 另外一个问题是,如何让我为你为我付出一些东西,你呢? 如果我是撤走签证通过信用卡支付? 有一天,一个漂亮的问候, Asunoomy 喜 谢谢你早日回复. 别急,我可以理解,但中国的不便,我在这里的中国式的邮件. 希望你们了解任何不便. 我想,有一些东西不一样,但同一法案模式,或许不同颜色、大小,是否可以? 那意味着34项命令,但如果我一块儿不超过1公斤,价格仍然rmb23? 谢谢,期待着您的答复. 问候Asunoomy
2023-08-01 19:39:373


Yu Gong Moves Away the Mountains(愚公移山)  In ancient times, there was an old man named Yu Gong. He was nearly 90 years old. There were two mountains in front of his house. One was the Taihang Mountain, the other the Wangwu Mountain. It was very inconvenient for people to come and go.  古时候,有一老人,名字叫愚公,快九十岁了。他家的门口有两座大山,一座叫太行山,一座叫王屋山,人们进出非常不方便。  One day, Yu Gong said to the whole family:  一天,愚公对全家人说:  "These two mountains block the doorway of our house. It is very inconvenient for us to come and go. Let our whole family exert efforts to move away these two mountains. How about it?"  “这两座大山,挡在了咱们家的门口,进出很不方便。咱们全家出力,移走这两座大山,好不好?”  Upon hearing this, all his sons and grandsons said:  他的儿子、孙子一听,都说:  "You are right. Let us start tomorrow!"  “你说得对,咱们明天就开始干!”  But his wife felt it too difficult to move the mountains. She said:  可是,他的妻子觉得搬山太难了,她说:  "Do you know how high these two mountains are? How can you move such big mountains? Where can you put all the stones and earth?"  “你们知道,这两座山有多高吗?这么大的山,你们怎么把它移走呢?哪儿放得下这么多的石头和泥土呢?”  Everybody said:  大家说:  "So long as we work hard together, we can certainly move away these two mountains. We can carry the stones and earth of the mountains to the sea."  “只要我们一起努力干,就一定能够移走这两座大山。山上的石头和泥土,我们可以把它们填放到海里去。”  The following day, Yu Gong led the whole family and started to move the mountains. His neighbour was a widow with a son, only 7 or 8 years old. When he heard of this, he also came to help happily. They worked nonstop every day, fearing neither heat in summer nor cold in winter, neither wind nor rain.  第二天,愚公带着一家人开始搬山了。他的邻居是寡妇,她有一个孩子,才七八岁,听说要搬山,也高高兴兴地来帮忙。他们夏天不怕热,冬天不怕冷,不怕刮风,不怕下雨,每天不停地搬。  When a shrewd old man named Zhi Sou saw Yu Gong"s family moving the mountains, he thought it ridiculous and said to Yu Gong:  有个老人叫智雯,很精明。看见愚公一家人在搬山,他觉得很可笑,就对愚公说:  "You are so old that you can hardly walk. Can you move the mountains?"  “你这么大岁数了,路也走不动了,能搬得动山吗?  Yu Gong replied:  愚公回答说:  "You are not even as clever as a child. Though I am about to die, I have sons. When my sons die, there are still grandsons. Generation after generation, my offspring are endless. But with more and more stones being removed, smaller and smaller will the mountains become. Not a grain of earth or a piece of stone will grow on the mountains. If we work without stop every day, why can"t we move away the mountains?"  “你还没有小孩子聪明!我虽然快要死了,但是我还有儿子,儿子死了,还有孙子,子子孙孙,一直传下去,这是无穷无尽的。山上的石头却是搬走一点儿就少一点儿,再也长不出一粒泥、一块石头来的。我们每天这样不停地搬,为什么搬不走山呢?”  Zhi Sou, who thought himself clever, had nothing more to say.  自以为聪明的智史听了,再也没有话说了。  Yu Gong led his family digging the mountains continually from early morning till late night. They finally moved God, who sent two celestials to the world to move away these two mountains.  愚公带领一家人每天起早摸黑挖山不止,终于感动了上帝。上帝派了两个神仙下凡,把这两座大山搬走了。
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