barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-01 18:36:58
TAG: ur

our 英[ɑ:(r)] 美[au028ar]

pron. 我们的,we的所有格形式; <口>我们家; 敝;

[例句]We"re expecting our first baby


we 英[wi] 美[wi]

pron. 我们,咱们; 笔者,本人; 朕; 人们;

[例句]We both swore we"d be friends ever after




our读音:【u02c8au028au0259(r) , ɑu02d0(r)】。our的中文意思是“我们的”,它是一个代词,用来表示某物或某人与我们相关或属于我们。这个词语在英语中非常常见,可以在许多场合下使用,例如在描述我们的房子、我们的孩子或我们的朋友时。our可以用作主语或宾语,例如:Our house is big and beautiful. (我们的房子又大又漂亮。)We love our parents. (我们爱我们的父母。)除了在句子中作代词,our还可以用于以下几种情况:所有格:我们的+名词(表示属于我们的东西)例如:我们的书、我们的车。用于修饰名词:作定语(our+名词)例如: our school、our class在问句中用作指示代词。例如: Who is our new classmate?总之,our是一个常用的英语词汇,可以用来表示某物或某人属于我们或与我们相关。短语搭配1、Our Song我们的歌;主题曲;咱们的歌;爱像一首歌。2、Our Mission我们的使命;我们的任务;企业使命。3、Our House我们的家;我们的房子;疯狂乐队;我的家。4、our values我们的价值观;我们的价值;仕达的价值观;奥美的价值观。5、Our Clients客户列表;我们的客户;品牌客户;客户名录。
2023-08-01 13:49:141


our的读音为/u02c8au028au0259r/,是一个形容词性物主代词,表示“我们的”,常用于英语中的口语和书面语中。除了表示“我们的”之外,our还有一些其他的用法,如:表示“我们的人”或“我们的团队”,例如:Our team won the championship.(我们的团队赢得了冠军。)表示“我们的国家”或“我们的社会”,例如:Our country is facing many challenges.(我们的国家面临着许多挑战。)表示“我们的家庭”或“我们的家人”,例如:Our family is going on vacation next week.(我们的家庭下周要去度假。)表示“我们的朋友”或“我们的同事”,例如:Our friends are coming over for dinner tonight.(我们的朋友今晚要来吃饭。)表示“我们的爱好”或“我们的兴趣”,例如:Our hobby is hiking.(我们的爱好是徒步旅行。)
2023-08-01 13:49:461


our 英[u02c8auu0259] 美[au028ar] pron. 1.我们的 代词 pron.1.我们的 This is our classroom.这是我们的教室。Our school is on a river.我们的学校在河边。
2023-08-01 13:50:332


our的英式发音为/ɑu02d0(r)/,美式发音为/au028ar/。our的发音来自古英语ure,这个词根来自Proto-Germanic语中的ons,进而可以追溯到PIE语中的nes。nes是第一人称复数代词的变体,表示“我们的”。在英语中,our作为一个代词,用于描述归属关系,通常意味着“我们的”,例如“我们的狗”、“我们的家庭”。our的发音规则较为简单,但在一些情况下,需要注意发音的变化。当our作为单词的最后一个字母时,例如in our,the r读音为IPA /u0252r/。但是,当our不是单词的最后一个字母时,例如in our time,the r读音为IPA /u025cu02d0(r)/。除了发音变体外,our英语还有其他的发音规则和细节需要注意。例如,在连读时,our会和后面的单词起连读,发出/u0259r/的音,例如:in our time,our会和in连读,发音为/u026anu0259rtau026am/。英语发音的好处:1、英语发音是英语学习的基本技能之一,良好的英语发音可以帮助我们更好地与英语母语者交流,提高口语表达能力。准确的英语发音可以帮助我们更好地理解英语,提高听力理解能力。2、优美的英语发音可以增强我们的自信心,让我们更自信地表达自己的想法和观点,提高口语表达能力。3、英语发音的好坏也会影响我们的职业发展。在某些行业,如外交、商务、教育等,良好的英语发音是必要的技能,可以帮助我们获得更好的职业发展机会。
2023-08-01 13:50:411


our 英[ɑ:(r)] 美[au028ar] pron. 我们的,we的所有格形式; <口>我们家; 敝; [例句]We"re expecting our first baby我们怀上了第一个孩子。中文谐音:澳啊
2023-08-01 13:51:081


our英语读法:[ɑu02d0(r); u02c8au028au0259(r)]一、词汇解析our英 [ɑu02d0(r); u02c8au028au0259(r)] 美 [ɑu02d0r,u02c8au028au0259r] pron. 我们的例:We are all entirely responsible for our actions, and for our reactions.我们都对自己的行为、自己的反应完全负责。二、our的用法1、our是第一人称复数形容词性物主代词,只可用作定语。三、关于our的短语1、Our House 我们的家2、our values 我们的价值观3、Our Clients 客户列表
2023-08-01 13:51:162


上口c怎7丨丨祖国我爱您 づ ̄3 ̄づ╭❤义
2023-08-01 13:51:322

our怎么读 英语单词our的正确发音?

为了更好地理解our的发音,我们可以通过以下几种方式进行练习:总之,正确地发音our是学习英语的基础之一。只要认真练习,多听多读多说,相信你一定能够掌握our的发音技巧,让你的英语口语更加地地道道。1. 听力练习:在听英语对话或者英语歌曲时,注意听清楚our的发音,并尝试模仿。2. 语音练习:在练习英语口语时,可以选择一些包含our的单词或者短语,反复练习其发音,例如hour、ours、ourself等。
2023-08-01 13:51:452


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2023-08-01 13:53:021


2023-08-01 13:53:123

美式英语中的 of、our怎么读

查字典 !!!!!!!!!!!
2023-08-01 13:53:305

where和our 连读怎么连读

2023-08-01 13:53:471


our:[英][u02c8auu0259] [ 美][au028ar]pron.我们的,we的所有格形式;<口>我们家;敝。
2023-08-01 13:54:103


our和house发音不相同。our 英语音标[auu0259]美语音标[aur];house英语音标:[hau028as]美语音标:[hau028as]。音标是记录音素的符号,是音素的标写符号。它的制定原则是:一个音素只用一个音标表示,而一个音标并不只表示一个音素(双元音就是由2个音素组成的,相对于单元音来说。由2个音素构成的音标我们称之为双元音)。如汉语拼音字母、英语的韦氏音标和国际音标等。音标其实相当于汉语中的拼音,这个单词怎么读要取决于音标的拼读。
2023-08-01 13:54:321


2023-08-01 13:54:412

our在句子中应该读成什么,我似乎听到了 ɑ

如果是our是被强调的部分就要读成类似“奥尔”的音 如果our不是被强调的部分就不用读的那么重,类似“啊呜额”的音
2023-08-01 13:54:491

英语our school怎么读

our school, 我们的学校,发音 a-wer s-kuu-l.字典发音["au05r] [sku09l] 希望有帮助到你。望采纳评分。谢谢!梦向篮筐亲笔,谢绝模仿抄袭!
2023-08-01 13:54:591


2023-08-01 13:56:211

our怎么读 our读法

1、our英[u02c8au028au0259(r) , ɑu02d0(r)]美[au028au0259r , ɑu02d0r]。 2、det.我们的; 用于称上帝或圣人; 3、[例句]Its time to put our plan into operation.现在应该执行我们的计划了。
2023-08-01 13:56:421


our 英[ɑ:(r)] 美[au028ar]pron. 我们的,we的所有格形式; <口>我们家; 敝;[例句]We"re expecting our first baby我们怀上了第一个孩子。we 英[wi] 美[wi]pron. 我们,咱们; 笔者,本人; 朕; 人们;[例句]We both swore we"d be friends ever after我俩都发誓从此以后永远是朋友。
2023-08-01 13:56:491


2023-08-01 13:57:131


our读法是英音["aʊə(r)];美音[aʊr]。our造句如下:1、She was always suspicious of our intentions.她总是对我们的意图存有疑心。2、And now we are weeks from the encircling ocean,our route home.现在我们离环绕陆地的大洋,只有几周的路程,那是我们的发源地。3、Application of the Bid System in the Equipment Purchasing of our University.招标制度在学校设备购置工作中的应用4、We give to alleviate guilt and repair our self-image.为了减轻罪恶感和重修自我形象而付出。5、We would like to propose outsider participation in our future discussion.我们建议让外部的人参与我们未来的讨论。6、How can we stir him to accepting our plan?我们怎么才能使他接受我们的计划呢?7、In the coming months,I"ll announce the next phase of our drawdown.在今后几个月里,我将宣布我们撤军的下一个阶段。
2023-08-01 13:58:511


hour 的音标是:[ˈaʊə(r)] h 不发音our 发音:[ˈaʊə(r)]
2023-08-01 13:59:182


解题思路: 字母组合our通常读长音/:/,有时字母组合our还可读作/auu0259/,在个别情况下,our读/u0259:/。 解题过程: 字母组合our通常读长音/:/。例如:four 英 [fu0254u02d0] 有时字母组合our还可读作/auu0259/。例如:our英 [au028au0259], hour英 ["au028au0259],等。 在个别情况下,our读/u0259:/。例如:journey英 ["du0292u025cu02d0nu026a]。
2023-08-01 13:59:261


our英 [ɑ:(r)] 美 [au028ar]pron.我们的,we的所有格形式; <口>我们家; 敝谐音:奥尔
2023-08-01 13:59:351


our [aʊr] pron. 我们的,we的所有格形式汉字注意大致为: 阿我
2023-08-01 13:59:511


our英 [ɑ:(r)] 美 [au028ar]pron.我们的,we的所有格形式; <口>我们家; 敝谐音:奥尔如果满意,望采纳
2023-08-01 14:00:231

where和our 连读怎么连读

Our 读成rauer
2023-08-01 14:00:393

all our怎么连读

our的同音词是hour,音标都是[u02c8au028au0259r]。 our 的弱读 /ar/ ,all our 的连读和弱读 /al+ar/ 。
2023-08-01 14:00:461

英语our school怎么读

ourschool,我们的学校,发音a-wers-kuu-l.字典发音["auu0259r] [skuu02d0l] 希望有帮助到你。望采纳评分。谢谢!梦向篮筐亲笔,谢绝模仿抄袭!
2023-08-01 14:00:561


我们用英语读作we。知识扩展:1.代词我们的英文表示中文中的"我们"是一个第一人称复数代词,用于指代说话人和其他人或一组人。它在英文中对应的是"we",同样是一个第一人称复数代词,用于表示说话人和其他人或一组人。2.我们与we的用法和区别我们和we在语法上有相似的用法,都用于代替一个由说话人和其他人组成的集体。例如:中文:"我们明天要去参加聚会。"英文:"We are going to a party tomorrow."3.we的主格和宾格英语中的代词"we"在句子中可以作为主语或宾语。作为主语时是主格形式,作为宾语时是宾格形式。例如:主格:"We are students."宾格:"He invited us to the party."4.we的反身代词形式英语中的反身代词"ourselves"是"we"的反身形式,用于强调动作的发出者和承受者是同一个人或同一组人。例如:"We enjoyed ourselves at the beach yesterday."5.we的所有格形式英语中的所有格形式是"our",用于表示"我们"拥有的东西或属性。例如:"Our car is parked outside."6.we的时态和语态变化英语中的代词"we"不会随着句子的时态和语态变化,始终保持"we"这个形式。例如:现在进行时:"We are studying for the exam."过去进行时:"We were playing soccer in the park。结论:"我们"是中文中的第一人称复数代词,对应的英文是"we"。"we"在英语中用于表示说话人和其他人或一组人。它有主格、宾格、反身代词形式和所有格形式,根据句子的结构和语义进行变化。在使用"we"时需要注意时态、语态和上下文,以确保表达准确、清晰。
2023-08-01 14:01:041


英式读作["au028au0259(r)],美式读作[au028ar],ou发 au028a 的音。
2023-08-01 14:01:331


2023-08-01 13:59:441


self-esteem[英][self u026a"sti:m][美][u02ccsu025blfu026au02c8stim]n.自尊; 自大; 傲骨; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Your husband needs more self-esteem from what he does. 你的丈夫需要从自己所干的事情中得到更多自尊。
2023-08-01 13:59:462


2023-08-01 13:59:4713


2023-08-01 13:59:471


男的叫 Sir女的叫 Madam
2023-08-01 13:59:515


 一、准备工作  1、软件需求  ⑴ WIN7安装版ISO镜像 (建议使用正版,如果没可以下载其他版本,地址问百度)  ⑵ Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool(用于制作WIN7安装盘,下载地址问百度)  ⑶ rEFIt.dmg (用于让AIR启动时显示选择启动盘) 2、硬件要求:  ⑴ 4G以上U盘一个(用于制作WIN7安装盘),1G以上U盘一个(用于存放WIN7驱动)  ⑵ MAC BOOK AIR一台(用于安装WIN7)  ⑶ 其他安装了WIN系统的电脑一台(用于制作WIN7安装盘、下载需求软件、看本教程等)  ⑷ WIFI网络环境(用于MAC BOOK AIR下载WIN7驱动)  二、正式开始  1、制作U盘WIN7安装盘(在另外一台电脑上制作)  打开Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool软件  a、选择windows7的光盘镜像ISO文件  b、选择要制作的类型,USB Device指U盘、移动硬盘,  c、插入你的U盘,然后选择你的U盘的盘符  d、不一会儿就制作成功了!  制作结束后就可以使用这个U盘来安装windows7操作系统了!  2、打开AIR 苹果系统,安装rEFIt  /rEFIt-0.14.dmg,解压缩后会有一个虚拟数据夹,点选里面的mpkg文件来执行安装程序  之后就一直下一步、继续之类的完成安装。  安装完成后在AIR硬盘中找到这个文件,双击打开它,再把它关了这一步就OK。  3、下载AIR的WIN7驱动  a  首先,AIR用WIFI连上网  b 点击应用程序 再进入实用工具 找到bootcamp...然后打开~~  c 下载WIN的支持软件,也就是AIR的WIN7驱动(下载时间较长,具体多长时间我也不知道,点了以后我就睡觉了,第二天早上醒来,下载完了)  d  将WIN支持软件 存到1G的U盘  3、接着给air 分区  你可以使用32GB或者均等分割,均等风格到时候你会分不清你要装的是哪个盘,所以最好用一个自己记得简单清楚的硬盘容量,比如60G  在这里你分60G,装好后进入windows系统下的C盘就是60G,然后你可以在windows系统下利用磁盘管理工具自己再分一个40G的D盘出来。  如果分少了,那就要再进mac os系统下重新再分一次,比较麻烦...前者比较简单能够接受。  分区完毕后,不选择现在安装,选另一个。  4、安装WIN7  插上制作好的安装盘  重新启动AIR  选择从安装盘启动  进入WIN7安装程序  WIN7安装请按照提示一步步来,不再详细说明,需要注意到是在选择安装在那个分区时,不要选错了,选择后面有(bootcamp)字样的那个盘,也就是你刚分的60G的那个,然后把它格式化一下,就可以安装了。  5、安装驱动程序  WIN7安装好后,插上装载了WIN7支持软件的那个U盘,安装里面的bootcamp,他会自动安装所需的驱动程序。  安装完毕,全部OK。赶快测试一下吧。
2023-08-01 13:59:511

self-esteem 音标,意思,造句

self-esteem ["selfis"ti:m] n. 自重; 自尊 自大,自满 injure one"s self-esteem 伤害一个人的自尊
2023-08-01 13:59:531


2023-08-01 13:59:581


2023-08-01 13:59:592


一、准备工作  1、软件需求  ⑴ win7安装版ISO镜像 (建议使用正版,如果没可以下载其他版本,地址问百度)  ⑵ Windows 7 usb DVD Download Tool(用于制作WIN7安装盘,下载地址问百度)  ⑶ rEFIt.dmg (用于让AIR启动时显示选择启动盘) 2、硬件要求:  ⑴ 4G以上U盘一个(用于制作WIN7安装盘),1G以上U盘一个(用于存放WIN7驱动)  ⑵ MAC BOOK AIR一台(用于安装WIN7)  ⑶ 其他安装了WIN系统的电脑一台(用于制作WIN7安装盘、下载需求软件、看本教程等)  ⑷ WIFI网络环境(用于MAC BOOK AIR下载WIN7驱动)  二、正式开始  1、制作U盘WIN7安装盘(在另外一台电脑上制作)  打开Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool软件  a、选择windows7的光盘镜像ISO文件  b、选择要制作的类型,USB Device指U盘、移动硬盘,  c、插入你的U盘,然后选择你的U盘的盘符  d、不一会儿就制作成功了!  制作结束后就可以使用这个U盘来安装windows7操作系统了!  2、打开AIR 苹果系统,安装rEFIt  /rEFIt-0.14.dmg,解压缩后会有一个虚拟数据夹,点选里面的mpkg文件来执行安装程序  之后就一直下一步、继续之类的完成安装。  安装完成后在AIR硬盘中找到这个文件,双击打开它,再把它关了这一步就OK。  3、下载AIR的WIN7驱动  a  首先,AIR用WIFI连上网  b 点击应用程序 再进入实用工具 找到bootcamp...然后打开~~  c 下载WIN的支持软件,也就是AIR的WIN7驱动(下载时间较长,具体多长时间我也不知道,点了以后我就睡觉了,第二天早上醒来,下载完了)  d  将WIN支持软件 存到1G的U盘  3、接着给air 分区  你可以使用32GB或者均等分割,均等风格到时候你会分不清你要装的是哪个盘,所以最好用一个自己记得简单清楚的硬盘容量,比如60G  在这里你分60G,装好后进入windows系统下的C盘就是60G,然后你可以在windows系统下利用磁盘管理工具自己再分一个40G的D盘出来。  如果分少了,那就要再进mac os系统下重新再分一次,比较麻烦...前者比较简单能够接受。  分区完毕后,不选择现在安装,选另一个。  4、安装WIN7  插上制作好的安装盘  重新启动AIR  选择从安装盘启动  进入WIN7安装程序  WIN7安装请按照提示一步步来,不再详细说明,需要注意到是在选择安装在那个分区时,不要选错了,选择后面有(bootcamp)字样的那个盘,也就是你刚分的60G的那个,然后把它格式化一下,就可以安装了。  5、安装驱动程序  WIN7安装好后,插上装载了WIN7支持软件的那个U盘,安装里面的bootcamp,他会自动安装所需的驱动程序。  安装完毕,全部OK。赶快测试一下吧。
2023-08-01 13:59:421


2023-08-01 13:59:401


self-esteem 英[self u026a"sti:m] 美[u02ccsu025blfu026au02c8stim] n. 自尊;自大;傲骨 [例句]Aware of personal insecurities and self-esteem.认识到个人的不稳定以及自尊。
2023-08-01 13:59:382


With the rapid development of society, the rich material life will trigger the spirit of consumption. The fast rhythm of life, the survival of the stress, work worries and let people constantly seeking spiritual enjoyment, traveling become a trend. The United States as a tourism hot spots, become the people of the tourism ideal region, further promoted the development of the tourism industry, for the United States made a huge contribution to the entry passenger volume, and then American tourist market continues to expand, economic globalization tide entry to the United States the tourist market increasingly toward internationalization.Folk originated in the human society, the needs of the community living, in a specific nation, The Times, and the formation and evolution of regional constantly, into the specification the behavior of people, language and psychological one of the basic force, but also不知道对不对
2023-08-01 13:59:374


  不用bootcamp,在移动硬盘上安装Win7   因为本人的MacbookPro是几年前的旧款,现在硬盘已经七零八落的塞了很多数据,不方便单独分一个区在硬盘上直接装Win7,加上只是偶尔需要用到Win7,所以在网上搜了一个教程,花了一天的时间,学会了在移动硬盘上安装Win7并且可以在mac上完美运行。据说如果安装Win8,过程类似但更简便,但我想在当下,还是用Win7的用户比较多,这里借鉴之前看到的教程,将安装过程中可能出问题的地方做一些特别说明,整理了这个简单易懂的教程。   准备工作:   1.Win7的ISO镜像文件(建议下载原版的Winows7镜像,不要使用Ghost或其他版本)   2.移动硬盘以及一个1G以上的U盘   3.Disk Genius (分区软件)   4.NT6 快捷安装器(用于将Win7镜像拷贝到移动硬盘并添加启动引导信息和USB移动硬盘支持)   5.一台Windows系统的PC   第一步:在PC上,用Disk Genius将移动硬盘分区,至少要分出两个区,其中一个是系统区,系统区要设置成主分区,并且要激活(右击分配的主分区盘符,如果激活那个状态显示为灰色,则设置正确)。   注意,除了主分区以外的其他分区如果已经被格式化成Mac OS文件系统格式,则在这里显示为未格式化,不需要改动和格式化,以免数据丢失。如果你腾出一块新移动硬盘专门用来安装Win7和作为PC运行,建议将系统主分区格式化为NTFS格式,其余分区格式化成exfat格式,Disk Genius软件没有原生的exfat支持,如果你使用的PC是Win7系统,可以用系统自带的磁盘工具来将其余分区格式化成exfat格式。这样你的移动硬盘可以直接在mac系统下读写,而NTFS如果想在mac下读写,需要另外加装软件支持。   第二步:使用NT6 快捷安装器安装Win7。   1. 将下载的Win7镜像文件解压到PC硬盘,找到install.wim文件,一般位于镜像根目录下的Source文件夹下。   2. 点击上图中打开,浏览到你刚刚解压的install.wim文件   安装分区选择移动硬盘的主分区盘符,引导分区也设置成移动硬盘的主分区盘符,前后一致,就是你移动硬盘上刚刚格式成NTFS格式准备装系统的那个盘的盘符。(这图是我网上找的,你应该选择你移动硬盘上分配给Windows的那个分区的盘符,不一定是D)系统的版本是可选的,选择你下载的镜像文件对应的版本,建议下载Windows7 SP1的微软原版镜像,确保镜像文件完整无误,如果在打开镜像文件时提示文件不完整之类的信息,说明镜像文件有问题。   将图中格式化和安装到移动硬盘都勾选。(这两个勾非常重要,特别说明一下)   (1)本来这个分区我们已经在上文提到的Disk Genius软件格式化过了,为了防止安装到末尾出错,建议在这一步将此分区重新格式化一次,也就是勾选格式化的那个勾。在你把两个勾都勾完了,点击开始安装之后,会先跳出格式化窗口,此时按提示操作,格式化完成后直接关闭格式化设置那个小窗口。你就会看到NT安装器里已经开始Windows安装文件了。   (2)勾选安装到移动硬盘,则在安装接近尾声的时候,会自动写入USB移动硬盘引导信息,如果安装到尾声提示写入USB引导信息出错,则你安装完成的Windows7无法正常在Mac上启动,继续后续的安装步骤。   NT6快捷安装器运行完毕后会提示重新启动,此过程根据电脑硬件不同情况,会持续15分钟到半小时的时间,提示重新启动的时候不要重启,关闭窗口后推出硬盘,这一点非常重要。到这一步,你在PC上的工作已经完成。   第三步:将移动硬盘插到Mac上,启动Mac系统。在系统偏好设置里,找到启动磁盘,除了你的mac系统,你还可以看到你移动硬盘上的Windows系统。选择它,然后重启,此时,你的mac即可从移动硬盘启动继续安装。   注意:在安装到这一步时,网上教程中有不同的做法。有些人是插上移动硬盘之后重启时按住Option键,可以看到安装有Win7的那个移动硬盘盘符,然后从它启动;有些人在mac上安装了一个叫refit的软件,然后在终端输入几条命令让mac在开机时出现选单,从选单选择装有Win7的那个移动硬盘分区启动。这些方法都可行,但都不能确保100%成功。我在这一步重装了三次,最后才想到这个最简单的方法。   Mac重启后会自动继续安装步骤,此时就和你在PC上安装Win7一样,会经过一次重启和很多自行的设置,注意要耐心等待,安装设备的过程开始会有点慢,看起来像是假死了,但其实它自己在安装,一定不要中途拔出移动硬盘。全部完成后,你就可以看到Win7的桌面了。   最后,要解决的是驱动问题。还记得在准备工作里让大家准备的U盘吗?这就是给你装驱动用的。这一步是使用mac系统下的Bootcamp助手下载Windows支持软件和驱动。(可以事先就准备好,也可以不用到U盘,直接放在你装Win7的移动硬盘的非系统分区。前提是此分区的格式必须是NTFS或者exfat,这样才能被Windows系统读到。建议使用U盘的原因是Bootcamp助手下载的文件必须被下载到外置硬盘,直接放在装系统的移动硬盘可能有些小白级的尝试者找不到下载的文件。)在Mac上启动Win7,打开下载好的WindowsSupport 文件夹中的setup文件,即可完成所有驱动的安装。驱动全部安装完成后,建议选择稍后手动重启,因为你的Win7还没有激活。   在网上搜一个Win7激活补丁,解压后双击运行,激活结束后再重新启动,所有步骤就全部完成了。重启时如果想启动mac,按住Option键启动,选择mac系统。记得进入mac后在系统偏好设置的启动磁盘里把启动磁盘换回mac,以后你需要用到Win7的时候插上移动硬盘再换回来。毕竟是mac,还是用OS系统的时候比较多,对吧?   教程写完了,最后PS一句,由于这样安装Win7并没有通过Bootcamp安装,所以Mac和Windows是完全分离的。你在Mac插上移动硬盘,不会显示为Bootcamp,依然是移动硬盘的分区。即使你的Mac装了NTFS支持软件,也最好不要将你的文件存放在移动硬盘的Windows分区。以免破坏原有的Windows文件系统。你启动Windows,移动硬盘就是你的PC,不会显示为移动硬盘。祝您成功。
2023-08-01 13:59:351


从每个不同的角色,可以去了解到原来一件自己本身的事情,是可以影响到别人的生活,你所说的"每一句话以及表现的行动,带给他人的影响是正面也可以是反面,就看你如何去选择。下面是我收集的奇迹男孩英文观后感,欢迎阅读。 奇迹男孩英文观后感 篇1 Miracle boy, a very good movie, the whole thought is put forward in the first lessons famous saying: "choose between right and good, please choose kindness". The film "miracle boy" is adapted from the global best-selling novel "miracles", telling a story of the growth of a warm and ten million family. The 10 year old ogi born deformities had been at home and mother self-study. When he entered the fifth grade primary school, ogi parents carefully selected for his school. Here, to get along with ogi school principals and teachers and personalities of the students, his unusual appearance makes him become the focus on the students, and all the ridicule and rejection, new friends even managed to do not seem very worthy of trust. Fortunately, in the growth process, Augies parents and his sister had been his most strong backing, in their support and love, courage, kindness and wisdom ogi affect their inspired many people around, and gained the friendship, respect and love, and ultimately grow into peoples minds the unbelievable "miracle". Before seeing the movie, I saw the commentary that the movie talked about "campus bullying" and "tolerance of different kinds". But during the watching process, I felt that the story was quietly protecting everyone with love. The dog died and the main line has nothing to do, but it is soft; the children after a tense, after the compensation behavior laugh, finally the unspeakable feelings in ogi to waters, the four boys stand in a row, look to the waters. All the complex feelings and feelings are delivered to nature like this, like every one of us. So the theme of the story is not only the constant sublimation of the love and care for vulnerable groups, but on each island I have given you a warm, when the last sentence "good point, because everyone in the life and struggle" monologue out, can not help but warm eyes. The film makes me feel the fragment is hospitalized with a bracelet ogi by parents collected stick in the frame, the family became the unique works of art. This prop means the twists and turns that the family has experienced before, and my sister also mentioned that his homework was written in the hospital. One family to let ogi have a healthy body, but in the face of spiritual growth, familys strength is not up to the. Into the society, face their own different, adjust to face, is a new topic to the ogi parents. It is also the responsibility of parents to take care of their children in addition to their full care. Never cry when watching movies, but several times the nose slightly acidic, not sensational treatment in the film, very creative restraint, teachers monthly precept and kind about. Based on a family audience, the story is not excessive warmth incited the emotions of the audience in my opinion is the director of the good. 奇迹男孩英文观后感 篇2 Some movies do not need stars, do not need the effect, do not need 3D. But it is the most perfect. Today, I saw a movie. Originally I hesitated, I planned to see something else, but the name "miracle boy" attracted me deeply. Although the score is not the highest, I also had a slight complaint before watching: why not watch other movies? I began to regret a little. But, I was wrong, you look at me; mother almost all films this time she is not be sleepy straws, all eyes, looked at, and was touched by the plot line with tears. Yes, this movie is the best one Ive seen from small to large. There are no many special effects. But I think the movie adapted from the novel has sincere feelings and gives people a real feeling. There are friendships, family ties, and also very warm. Its easy for me to connect my reality: the hero is a seemingly ordinary boy, but why is it a miracle boy? Its puzzled. It turned out that his birth was very special. Because of the genetic relationship, several operations have made him able to breathe and see like a normal person, but his face is very different from ordinary people. But his family never felt this way. Her elder sister had wanted a younger brother. He was very happy ever since he was born, and his father and mother have been around him. They never felt bad about him. His inferiority caused him to put on a space cap. He was taught by his doctor and mother at home from his childhood. He went to school when he was in grade five, so he needed to take off his helmet. Although we have been down on him, with strange eyes looked at him, but he has talent outstanding performance, or make many good friends, their friendship after many hardships, but eventually the boy still understand him, friendship becomes very tough, when troubles come, big home together spent. When the figures stood by the river, I felt that the power of friendship was great and that everyone understood each other; then, no one would have blamed and dislike who. In the end, the little boy, who was initially discriminated against, was recognized by all the people and received a prize at the graduation ceremony. I was moved by this movie. It told me to cherish my friends, learn to understand others, look at everything with a tolerant and loving eye. This reminds me of the story that the teacher told me: a doctor and patient had an appointment operation, but he was late. His family member blamed him. I dont know whether his son was killed in a car accident. Friends and students should get along well, cherish a few times, there are contradictions and mutual understanding, not to blame each other blindly. The truth that this film teaches me is bound to impress me. 奇迹男孩英文观后感 篇3 The movie talks about a boy whose face is awful ugly as a result of gene.The boy meets plenty of tricks,laughter and difficulties from the other students.Fortunately,some of them set there minds to make friends with him so as to help him out.On the graduation ceremony,the boy is awarded as the greatest student. In my opinion,the movie wants to show that help,kindness and help is always here.Nobody is special.In other words,everyone is the somebody in certain degree.All of us are genius , gifted , splendid and even unique. The film also shows that students(and adults)have their own worries.Behind the beauty,tears only. As for acting,I am not good at analysis.But I look up to the young actors and actresses.Theyre only kids or teens.Maybe I just have fun playing with mud at their age.I think they have tried to give us a good performance. 奇迹男孩英文观后感 篇4 If you stick to it, you may be able to create a miracle. "The miracle boy" tells a story of the growth of a warm and ten million family. The 10 year old ogi born deformities had been at home and mother self-study. When he entered the fifth grade primary school, ogi parents carefully selected for his school. Here, to get along with ogi school principals and teachers and personalities of the students, his unusual appearance makes him become the focus on the students, but also to his campus life has brought a lot of problems. Fortunately, in the growth process, Augies parents and his sister had been his most strong backing, in their support and love, courage, kindness and wisdom ogi affect their inspired many people around, and gained the friendship, respect and love, and ultimately grow into peoples minds the unbelievable "miracle". Before the view, one of the people thought that the "miracle boy" should be an exciting fantasy. But it is not, even the inside story, ordinary to normal. In spite of this, the film built an extraordinary miracle with these ordinary stories. How hard it is to imagine that a child who is only 10 years old has been ridiculed and satirized by his classmates because of his facial malformation. He has even been subjected to infinite exclusion and betrayal. How can a child bear such a malicious look? He can not the same, he insisted. He has the best family, and he has reaped his friends and won the badge of the colleges highest honor. When he stood on the stage to pick up the badge and looked at the people who cheered for him under the stage, I could not help comparing his experience. Those eyes that are full of malice are slowly changing under time, until full of encouragement and praise. Little Augie, created a miracle. With his kindness, simplicity, and justice. Every child is an angel, without any reason his face, insisting on, may be able to create a miracle.
2023-08-01 13:59:331


2023-08-01 13:59:311

苹果macbook air怎么启动u盘安装win7系统

参考网站:一、准备工作1、硬件要求:⑴ 4G以上U盘一个(用于制作WIN7安装盘),1G以上U盘一个(用于存放WIN7驱动)⑵ MAC BOOK AIR一台(用于安装WIN7)⑶ 其他安装了WIN系统的电脑一台(用于制作WIN7安装盘、下载需求软件、看本教程等)⑷ WIFI网络环境(用于MAC BOOK AIR下载WIN7驱动)2、软件需求⑴ WIN7安装版ISO镜像 (建议使用正版,如果没可以下载其他版本,地址问百度)⑵ Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool(下载地址:⑶ rEFIt.dmg (用于让AIR启动时显示选择启动盘)下载地址: 二、正式开始 1、制作U盘WIN7安装盘(在另外一台电脑上制作)打开Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool软件a、选择windows7的光盘镜像ISO文件b、选择要制作的类型,USB Device指U盘、移动硬盘, c、插入你的U盘,然后选择你的U盘的盘符d、不一会儿就制作成功了!制作结束后就可以使用这个U盘来安装windows7操作系统了! 2、打开AIR 苹果系统,安装rEFIt软件,/rEFIt-0.14.dmg,解压缩后会有一个虚拟数据夹,点选里面的mpkg文件来执行安装程序 之后就一直下一步、继续之类的完成安装。 安装完成后在AIR硬盘中找到这个文件,双击打开它,再把它关了这一步就OK。a 首先,AIR用WIFI连上网b 点击应用程序 再进入实用工具 找到bootcamp...然后打开~~c 下载WIN的支持软件,也就是AIR的WIN7驱动(下载时间较长,具体多长时间我也不知道,点了以后我就睡觉了,第二天早上醒来,下载完了)d 将WIN支持软件 存到1G的U盘 3、接着给air 分区你可以使用32GB或者均等分割,均等风格到时候你会分不清你要装的是哪个盘,所以最好用一个自己记得简单清楚的硬盘容量,比如60G在这里你分60G,装好后进入windows系统下的C盘就是60G,然后你可以在windows系统下利用磁盘管理工具自己再分一个40G的D盘出来。如果分少了,那就要再进mac os系统下重新再分一次,比较麻烦...前者比较简单能够接受。 分区完毕后,不选择现在安装,选另一个。 4、安装WIN7插上制作好的安装盘重新启动AIR选择从安装盘启动进入WIN7安装程序WIN7安装请按照提示一步步来,不再详细说明,需要注意到是在选择安装在那个分区时,不要选错了,选择后面有(bootcamp)字样的那个盘,也就是你刚分的60G的那个,然后把它格式化一下,就可以安装了。5、安装驱动程序WIN7安装好后,插上装载了WIN7支持软件的那个U盘,安装里面的bootcamp,他会自动安装所需的驱动程序。安装完毕,全部OK。
2023-08-01 13:59:251