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最近很火的一首英文歌,歌词高潮有trouble trouble trouble的.

2023-08-01 17:44:44

泰勒斯威夫特的I Knew you were trouble

trouble的歌很多啊,lenka的trouble is a friend也是一首不错的蓝调歌曲 还有 hoot-少女时代


i knew you were trouble--taylor swift【是女神哦=3=她的歌都很不错】


I Knew you were trouble。taylor swift


i knew you were touble taylor swift??


Troublemaker-Olly Murs



2023-08-01 11:42:383


2023-08-01 11:43:309


trouble词根:troub=tur=turb =stir,表示"带来麻烦,使浑浊,不清楚"troub 表示搅动,混乱+le表示反复动作1、trouble名词:困难、问题 (不可数名词)① have trouble with sth. 某方面有困难The police have trouble with the hard case。警察在这个棘手的案子上遇到了麻烦。② have trouble doing sth. 做某事有麻烦Ole people aii have trouble taking care of themselves.老人家在照顾自己这方面都很困难。③ the trouble is +句子 问题是……The trouble is he cannot finnish the work before tomorrow.问题是他明天之前完成不了工作。④ get into trouble 陷入麻烦Look,that man is getting into trouble,we should go and help him.看,那个男人陷入麻烦了,我们应该去帮帮他。⑤ get out of trouble 走出麻烦I got out of trouble quickly with his heip.在他的帮助之下,我快速的走出了困境。2、trouble动词 使困扰:打扰① trouble sb.困扰某人The stomachache troubles him deeply,he can hardly fall asleep.胃疼深深的困扰着他,他几乎不能睡觉。② trouble sb.打扰某人,意思等同于disturbI am so sorry to trouble you last night,just because the case is very important.昨晚打扰你真的很不好意思,主要是方案真的太重要了。3、troublesome 形容词:棘手的trouble 烦恼+some表形容词→adj.麻烦的, 讨厌的, 棘手的The boss did not give us enough infrastructure or budget,the case is too troublesome.老板没有给足够的信息和预算,这个方案太难实施了。4、 trouble 常用搭配① ask for trouble 自找麻烦② look for trouble 惹是生非③ run into trouble 陷入困境④ stay out of trouble 避免陷入困境⑤ stomach trouble 胃病⑥ sign of trouble 问题的征兆
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have trouble in doing sth
2023-08-01 11:45:532


trouble读音为:英 [ u02c8tru028cb(u0259)l ];美 [ u02c8tru028cb(u0259)l ]。n.:困难,难题,苦恼;险境,困境;费事,不便;问题,麻烦,缺陷;(机器、车辆或系统的)故障,毛病;动荡,骚乱;疾病,疼痛;需劳神费力的人(或动物);内战,动乱时期(the Troubles)v.:使忧虑,苦恼;费神,费力;劳驾,麻烦;给……造成麻烦(困难);折磨,使疼痛变形:复数troubles、第三人称单数troubles、现在分词troubling、过去式troubled、过去分词troubled。例句:1、Are you causing trouble again?你又在惹麻烦吗?2、You"ve caused us a lot of trouble.你已经给我们造成了很多麻烦。3、He"s in a spot of trouble.他遇到一点麻烦。4、What seems to be the trouble,lady?有什么麻烦吗,女士?5、She had trouble keeping her balance.她保持平衡有困难。
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a sea of troubles 困难重重ask for trouble [口]自讨苦吃be a trouble to 对...是一个麻烦(或讨厌的人)be in troubles with 和...闹纠纷bear sb."strouble on one"s back 替某人担当责任borrow trouble 自寻苦恼; 杞人忧天don"t trouble 别费事get into trouble 招致不幸, 陷入困境, 遭受处罚 (使)未嫁怀孕 被捕, 坐牢get out of trouble (使)摆脱不幸[困境]; (使)免受责骂[处罚]give sb. trouble 麻烦人家go to the trouble 不怕麻烦; 特意(后常接 of + 动名词)have trouble with 有...病痛I"ll trouble you to 劳驾你..., 请你...make trouble 闹事, 捣乱make trouble for 给 ...带来麻烦meet trouble halfway 自寻烦恼no trouble (at all) [口]这不费事, 容易得很, 没什么put oneself to (the) trouble 不怕麻烦, 愿意费力save oneself the trouble (of) 省掉(...的)麻烦take (the) trouble 尽力设法; 不怕费事teething trouble 出牙期的病痛; [喻]事情开始时的暂时困难trouble sb. for sth. [口]麻烦某人做某事(如递某物、告诉时间、比赛分数等, 常用于疑问句)
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trouble作名词有多种含义1.问题,右路,困难,苦恼,此含义可为可数,亦可为不可数,视语境而定We have trouble getting staff.此举种植抽象的“困难”Our troubles aren"t over yet.此举中指具体的“困难”2.疾病,疼痛I"ve been having trouble with my knee.我一直膝盖痛。此处当然为不可数。3.(机器)故障,不可数4。困境,险境,可能受到批评(或处罚)的情形 不可数5。.纷争,动乱,骚乱(不可数)6。.额外努力(或工作)烦扰,打扰,麻烦(不可数)7。The troubles动乱时期(尤指1968年后,天主教徒和新教徒之间就北爱尔兰是否应继续附属于英国而引发的暴力冲突)
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trouble的用法?回答如下:trouble词根:troub=tur=turb =stir,表示"带来麻烦,使浑浊,不清楚"troub 表示搅动,混乱+le表示反复动作1、trouble名词:困难、问题 (不可数名词)① have trouble with sth. 某方面有困难The police have trouble with the hard case。警察在这个棘手的案子上遇到了麻烦。② have trouble doing sth. 做某事有麻烦Ole people aii have trouble taking care of themselves.老人家在照顾自己这方面都很困难。③ the trouble is +句子 问题是……The trouble is he cannot finnish the work before tomorrow.问题是他明天之前完成不了工作。④ get into trouble 陷入麻烦Look,that man is getting into trouble,we should go and help him.看,那个男人陷入麻烦了,我们应该去帮帮他。⑤ get out of trouble 走出麻烦I got out of trouble quickly with his heip.在他的帮助之下,我快速的走出了困境。
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trouble 可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词。 表示具体的麻烦的时候可数:He is in a serious financial trouble. 泛指的时候不可数:He has trouble with the new software. 扩展资料   trouble的`词语用法   1、trouble的基本意思是“(使)烦恼”,即失去安宁或平静,可指任何对方便、舒适、身体健康、心绪平静或效率等的干扰,也可指“打扰”。引申指“折磨”。   2、trouble可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时,常用于否定句或疑问句中。trouble接复合宾语时不用于被动结构。   3、trouble的过去分词troubled可用作形容词,在句中作定语或表语。
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trouble 可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词。trouble作“麻烦”“困难”解时是不可数名词,作“给人添麻烦的人”“麻烦事”解时是可数名词,作“烦恼,困境”解时,多用复数形式。1、作具体的某件麻烦事情时是可数。I find getting up early a great trouble。我觉得早起床可不容易。2、作一般的麻烦,困难时是不可数。Did you have any trouble finding your way here?你在这里找路费是吗?扩展资料:1、词源解说:13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的trubler;最初源自古典拉丁语的turbidus,意为带来麻烦,使浑浊,不清楚。2、词语用法trouble还可指“惹出麻烦的处境”“麻烦、不方便、费事”“动乱、骚乱、纠纷”“毛病、故障”等,也可作给人添麻烦的人。trouble可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时,常用于否定句或疑问句中。
2023-08-01 11:48:271

trouble 是可数名词还是不可数名词

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2023-08-01 11:49:253

trouble 怎么读

2023-08-01 11:49:532


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 英语书上说"trouble"是名词,但又有"be trouble"的用法,"be ”后面不应该跟形容词或动词的"ing"形式吗?"trouble"到底应该怎么用? 解析: trouble是名词。 be in trouble troublesome是形容词trouble n. 烦恼, 麻烦, 动乱, 纠纷, 疾病, 故障, 问题 vt. (使)烦恼, 麻烦, 打扰, 麻烦自己, 费神, 费心 trouble [5trQb(E)l] n. 困难;麻烦;着急;危急;烦恼 The boy caused a lot of trouble to his parents;he was always in trouble. 这个男孩给他的父母招来很多麻烦,他甚为苦恼。 Students growing up from nursery school to college have trouble dealing with realities. 从幼儿园到大学的大学生在如何应付现实生活上都存在困难。 困境;被责难的处境;动乱;纠纷 Trouble seems to be developing both in the cities and in the villages. 城市和农村好象都在酝酿着麻烦的事端。 Trouble may flare up in the big cities at any time. (喻) 那些大城市里随时都可能会突然出现麻烦事。 We"re in trouble; this is no time for contention. 我们处境很困难,现在不是争论的时候。 过错;罪过 疾病;病痛;生理上的毛病 ask for trouble 找麻烦 (= look for trouble) get (a girl) into trouble 使(女孩)未婚怀孕 trouble vt., vi. -bled, -bling 使焦急;使忧虑;使紧张 麻烦 Can I trouble you to shut the door? 我能麻烦你关上门吗? 使疼痛;使感不适 I am troubled with a cough. 我咳嗽得挺厉害。 fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼,趁机取利
2023-08-01 11:50:571

trouble 加什么后面

trouble相关短语:a sea of troubles 困难重重ask for trouble [口]自讨苦吃be a trouble to 对...是一个麻烦(或讨厌的人)be in troubles with 和...闹纠纷bear sb."strouble on one"s back 替某人担当责任borrow trouble 自寻苦恼; 杞人忧天don"t trouble 别费事get into trouble 招致不幸, 陷入困境, 遭受处罚 (使)未嫁怀孕 被捕, 坐牢get out of trouble (使)摆脱不幸[困境]; (使)免受责骂[处罚]give sb. trouble 麻烦人家go to the trouble 不怕麻烦; 特意(后常接 of + 动名词)have trouble with 有...病痛I"ll trouble you to 劳驾你..., 请你...make trouble 闹事, 捣乱make trouble for 给 ...带来麻烦meet trouble halfway 自寻烦恼no trouble (at all) [口]这不费事, 容易得很, 没什么put oneself to (the) trouble 不怕麻烦, 愿意费力save oneself the trouble (of) 省掉(...的)麻烦take (the) trouble 尽力设法; 不怕费事teething trouble 出牙期的病痛; [喻]事情开始时的暂时困难trouble sb. for sth. [口]麻烦某人做某事(如递某物、告诉时间、比赛分数等, 常用于疑问句)
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trouble词根:troub=tur=turb =stir,表示"带来麻烦,使浑浊,不清楚"troub 表示搅动,混乱+le表示反复动作1、trouble名词:困难、问题 (不可数名词)① have trouble with sth. 某方面有困难The police have trouble with the hard case。警察在这个棘手的案子上遇到了麻烦。② have trouble doing sth. 做某事有麻烦Ole people aii have trouble taking care of themselves.老人家在照顾自己这方面都很困难。③ the trouble is +句子 问题是……The trouble is he cannot finnish the work before tomorrow.问题是他明天之前完成不了工作。④ get into trouble 陷入麻烦Look,that man is getting into trouble,we should go and help him.看,那个男人陷入麻烦了,我们应该去帮帮他。⑤ get out of trouble 走出麻烦I got out of trouble quickly with his heip.在他的帮助之下,我快速的走出了困境。2、trouble动词 使困扰:打扰① trouble sb.困扰某人The stomachache troubles him deeply,he can hardly fall asleep.胃疼深深的困扰着他,他几乎不能睡觉。② trouble sb.打扰某人,意思等同于disturbI am so sorry to trouble you last night,just because the case is very important.昨晚打扰你真的很不好意思,主要是方案真的太重要了。3、troublesome 形容词:棘手的trouble 烦恼+some表形容词→adj.麻烦的, 讨厌的, 棘手的The boss did not give us enough infrastructure or budget,the case is too troublesome.老板没有给足够的信息和预算,这个方案太难实施了。4、 trouble 常用搭配① ask for trouble 自找麻烦② look for trouble 惹是生非③ run into trouble 陷入困境④ stay out of trouble 避免陷入困境⑤ stomach trouble 胃病⑥ sign of trouble 问题的征兆
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trouble用作名词的基本意思是“困难,忧虑,烦扰,麻烦事”,用作动词的基本意思是“(使)烦恼”,即失去安宁或平静。 一.trouble可以用作名词 1.trouble指在做某事的过程中所遇到的一些不顺利或使人烦恼的事情,也可指某人所处的环境困难或危险,即“困境,险境”。trouble还可指“惹出麻烦的处境”“麻烦,不方便,费事”“动乱,骚乱,纠纷”“毛病,故障”等,也可作“给人添麻烦的人”解。 2.trouble作“麻烦”“困难”解时是不可数名词,作“给人添麻烦的人”“麻烦事”解时是可数名词,作“烦恼,困境”解时,多用复数形式。 I find getting up early a great trouble. 我觉得早起床可不容易。 Dick is a black sheep, always bringing trouble to his family. 迪克是个败家子,总给他家里招惹麻烦。 Some troubles are made up by ourselves, but we take them as truth. 有些烦恼是我们凭空虚构的,而我们却把它当成真实去承受。 二.trouble可以用作动词 trouble的基本意思是“(使)烦恼”,即失去安宁或平静,可指任何对方便、舒适、身体健康、心绪平静或效率等的干扰,也可指“打扰”。引申指“折磨”。 trouble可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时,常用于否定句或疑问句中。trouble接复合宾语时不用于被动结构。 Could I trouble you to open the window? 麻烦你把窗子打开好吗? May I trouble you to move your chair a bit? 麻烦你把椅子挪一挪行吗?
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trouble读音为:英 [ u02c8tru028cb(u0259)l ];美 [ u02c8tru028cb(u0259)l ]。n.:困难,难题,苦恼;险境,困境;费事,不便;问题,麻烦,缺陷;(机器、车辆或系统的)故障,毛病;动荡,骚乱;疾病,疼痛;需劳神费力的人(或动物);内战,动乱时期(the Troubles)v.:使忧虑,苦恼;费神,费力;劳驾,麻烦;给……造成麻烦(困难);折磨,使疼痛变形:复数troubles、第三人称单数troubles、现在分词troubling、过去式troubled、过去分词troubled。例句:1、Are you causing trouble again?你又在惹麻烦吗?2、You"ve caused us a lot of trouble.你已经给我们造成了很多麻烦。3、He"s in a spot of trouble.他遇到一点麻烦。4、What seems to be the trouble,lady?有什么麻烦吗,女士?5、She had trouble keeping her balance.她保持平衡有困难。
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trouble n. 困难,难题,苦恼;险境,困境;费事,不便;问题,麻烦,缺陷;动荡,骚乱;疾病,疼痛;v. 使忧虑,苦恼;费神,费力;劳驾,麻烦;给……造成麻烦(困难);折磨,使疼痛例句:1.What seems to be the trouble, sir?有什么麻烦吗,先生?2.He never flinched from facing up to trouble.他敢于面对困难,从不退缩。
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作“给人添麻烦的人”“麻烦事”解时是可数名词,作“烦恼,困境”解时,多用复数形式。trouble作“麻烦”“困难”解时是不可数名词。单词解析:trouble读音:英 ["tru028cbl] 美 ["tru028cbu0259l]    n. 困难;烦恼;麻烦v. 使烦恼;麻烦;苦恼;费神I"m sorry to have to put you to so much trouble.很抱歉,给您添了这麽多麻烦。“trouble”于13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的trubler;最初源自古典拉丁语的turbidus,意为带来麻烦,使浑浊,不清楚。扩展资料:trouble、bother、worry这组词的共同意思是“打扰”,用作名词时其区别在于:1、bother表示暂时的、无关紧要的“困扰”“烦恼”。例如:They had quite a lot of bother getting here because of the fog.因为有雾,所以他们费了很大的劲才找到这儿来。2、worry表示不必要的、于事无补的“困扰”“烦恼”。例如:Money is just one of our worries.钱只是我们的烦恼事之一。3、trouble表示的意义很广泛,事无巨细,并且比worry和bother更正式一些。例如:The old lady next door was telling me all her troubles.隔壁的老太太正在对我诉说她的种种烦恼。
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2023-08-01 11:54:143

i knew you were trouble歌词

 once upon a time   在很久很久之前   a few mistakes ago   当一切都是无容置疑的时候 RED封面  i was in your sights   我在你的视线里   you got me alone   只身一人   you found me you found me, you found me   你寻寻觅觅地找到了我,是的,你找到了我   i guess you didn"t care,   让我猜猜看,你一定毫不在乎   and i guess i liked that   再让我思索一下,你的毫不在乎是我喜欢上你的理由   and when i fell hard   我深陷了有你的爱河里   you took a step back   而你却不是原地等我,而往后退步   without me without me, without me   离我而去,没错,你离我而去   and he"s long gone   他的心永不属我,千里之外   when he"s next to me   即使他不过近在咫尺   and i realize   我暮然忆起   the blame is on me   所有问题的差错在于我身上   cuz i knew you were trouble when you walked in   当你降临于我的生活时,我就知道你是我无法躲避的劫难   so shame on me now   现在只能深深地埋怨自己   I flew me to places i"ve never been   你带我私奔,流亡到一个我未曾落足的边际   till you put me down oh   直至你狠狠地将我推下沼泽   i knew you were trouble when you walked in   当你走近我生活的那一刻,我就知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱   so shame on me now   现在只能深深地埋怨自己   I flew me to places i"ve never been   你带我领略我未曾浏览的风景   now i"m lying on the cold hard ground   而此刻,我却只能将心贴在在冰冷的地面   oh oh trouble trouble trouble   劫难,陷阱,无法躲避   oh oh trouble trouble trouble   劫难,陷阱,无法逃避   no apologies,   没有半句道歉   he"ll never see you cry   他永远不会懂得你的哭泣   pretend he doesn"t know,   装作未曾发生,毫不知情   that he"s the reason why   他就是你哭泣至天明的原因   you"re drowning, you"re drowning, you"re drowning   你让你窒息,未能呼吸   heard you moved on,   他移情别恋,将你的挚爱甩开脑后   from whispers on the street   人们在大街小巷八卦地讨论着   a new notch in your belt is all i"ll ever be (*注)   而我就仅仅是你闪地发亮的真皮皮带上的一个小孔罢了   and now i see, now i see, now i see   此刻,我如梦清醒   and he"s long gone   他不属你,他的挚爱在万里开外   when he"s next to me   即使他近在眼前   and i realize   我清楚的意识到   the joke is on me   这是我对自己开的一个天大的笑话   I knew you were trouble when you walked in   当你悄无声息地踏入我生活的那一瞬,我便知道你是我无法躲避的噩耗   so shame on me now   只能傻傻地埋怨自己   I flew me to places i"ve never been   你带我飞去,我不曾落足的边际   till you put me down oh   直至将我狠狠地退入沼泽地里   i knew you were trouble when you walked in   当你光顾我生活的那一刹那,我便知道你是我无法逃避的袭击   so shame on me now   只能傻傻地责怪自己   I flew me to places i"ve never been   你带我看遍,我不曾浏览的风景   now i"m lying on the cold hard ground   而此刻,我却只能将心贴在在冰冷的地面   oh oh trouble trouble trouble   劫难,陷阱,无法躲避   oh oh trouble trouble trouble   劫难,陷阱,无法逃避   and the saddest fear   最悲伤的恐惧   comes creeping in   永无止尽地蔓延在我的脑海里   that you never loved me, or her, or anyone   你不曾爱过我,也不曾爱过她,亦或是任何人   or anything, yeah   任何事情   I knew you were trouble when you walked in   当你走进我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我无法躲避的劫难   so shame on me now   只能责怪自己   I flew me to places i"ve never been   你带我飞去,我不曾落足的角落   till you put me down oh   直至将我狠狠丢弃   i knew you were trouble when you walked in   当你走近我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱   so shame on me now   只能责怪自己   I flew me to places i"ve never been   你带我看遍,我不曾浏览的风景   now i"m lying on the cold hard ground   而此刻,我却只能将心贴在在冰冷的地面   oh oh trouble trouble trouble   劫难,陷阱,无法躲避   oh oh trouble trouble trouble   劫难,陷阱,无法逃避   i knew you were trouble when you walked in   当你走进我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我的劫难   trouble trouble trouble   无法逃离,无法拒绝,无法躲避   i knew you were trouble when you walked in   当你走近我生活的那一刻,我便知道你是我的陷阱   trouble trouble trouble   无法逃离,无法拒绝,无法逃避
2023-08-01 11:54:374

2023-08-01 11:55:289

Coldplay的《Trouble》 歌词

歌曲名:Trouble歌手:Coldplay专辑:Trouble Norwegian Live Ep (Import)TroubleOh no, I seeThe spider web is tangled up with meAnd I lost my headAnd thought of all the stupid things I"d saidOh no, what"s this?A spider web and I"m caught in the middleSo I turn to runAnd thought of all the stupid things I"d doneAnd I never meant to cause you troubleI never meant to do you wrongAnd ah, well if I ever caused you troubleOh, no I never meant to do you harmOh no, I seeThe spider web and it"s me in the middleSo I twist and turnBut here am I in my little bubbleSinging outI never meant to cause you troubleI never meant to do you wrongAnd ah, well if I ever caused you troubleOh, no I never meant to do you harmThey spun a web for meThey spun a web for meThey spun a web for me
2023-08-01 11:55:543


trouble可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词。作具体的某件麻烦事情时是可数,例如:He is in a serious financial trouble;作一般的麻烦,困难时是不可数,例如:He has trouble with the new software. 扩展资料   例句:   He sobbed out his troubles.   他哭着述说了自己的烦恼。   His troubles predated the recession.   他的.麻烦早在经济衰退前就出现了。   She tells me her troubles. I tell her mine.   她告诉了我她的烦恼,我也把我的告诉了她。   They come to me to whine about their troubles.   他们到我这里来絮絮叨叨地抱怨他们的烦恼。   He demands no financial recompense for his troubles.   他对遭受到的麻烦没有要求经济补偿。
2023-08-01 11:56:141


trouble作名词有多种含义 1.问题,右路,困难,苦恼,此含义可为可数,亦可为不可数,视语境而定 We have trouble getting staff.此举种植抽象的“困难” Our troubles aren"t over yet.此举中指具体的“困难” 2.疾病,疼痛 I"ve been having trouble with my knee.我一直膝盖痛. 此处当然为不可数. 3.(机器)故障,不可数 4.困境,险境,可能受到批评(或处罚)的情形 不可数 5..纷争,动乱,骚乱(不可数) 6..额外努力(或工作)烦扰,打扰,麻烦(不可数) 7.The troubles动乱时期(尤指1968年后,天主教徒和新教徒之间就北爱尔兰是否应继续附属于英国而引发的暴力冲突)
2023-08-01 11:57:041


have trouble dong
2023-08-01 11:57:123

trouble 有几种意思?词性

2023-08-01 11:57:301


2023-08-01 11:50:104

苹果iwatch 可以检测睡眠么

没有这个功能,手表只有这些功能:一、Music1429495938908795.jpg  Apple Watch有6.2GB的内存,其中2GB是可以用来储存音乐文件的。事先你可以通过你的iPhone或者是Apple Watch上的App实现歌曲的同步,不一定非要依靠Mac或者iTunes(但是要求歌曲一定要在某些音乐App里,或者在iTunes的云存储里)。完成同步后,借助蓝牙耳机即可随时随地享受音乐带来的愉悦。  上述过程并不复杂,只需要在Apple Watch里通过蓝牙设置就能完成。如果是通过Apple Watch上的音乐App实现操作,还需要按压选择"Source",其实这有点像在iPod上播放歌曲。二、Fitness  Apple Watch内置2款健康类的App,分别是“Activity”、 “Workout”,它们都可以在没有iPhone支持的时候独立工作,你可以借助它们记录你的心率。“Activity”负责记录你走过的步数、站立的时间;“Workout”则能记录你的步频、里程、心率以及燃烧的卡路里数。唯一不能做的就是利用GPS定位,此操作需借助iPhone。同时,下载的第三方应用软件也必须在iPhone的帮助下才可以正常工作。实际上,所有的第三方应用都是需要连接iPhone之后才可以使用的。三、Apple Pay  只要你事先完成了在Apple Watch上允许Apple Pay服务的设置,那么在没有iPhone的情况下,照样可以使用。步骤非常简单,如果Apple Watch没有戴在手腕上的话,还是需要输入密码的。因为Apple Watch并不是使用你的信用卡密码,即使是在没有联网的状态下你也可以随时取消支付功能。四、Passbook  你可以利用Passbook储存登机牌、礼品券、电影票,此应用在一定程度上可以替代Apple Pay。简单便捷的操作方法,深受用户的喜爱,你可以在商场、电影院享受便利,前提是你已经完成支付,届时只需要出示你存好的凭证即可。五、Photos  Apple Watch里有一个小相册,可以存放500张照片。虽说在小屏幕上查看照片十分不容易,但是如此袖珍的相册却也很别致。六、闹钟、计时器等  Apple Watch与常规手表不同之处就在于它还具有几款计时的App,即使未和iPhone连接也可使用。此时Apple Watch就真正变成了一块手表,兼备计时器的功能。当然,是设计精良、款式时尚的手表。七、读取短信、最近通话、语音信息  离开iPhone肯定是不能打电话了,但还是可以查看最近通话的。更振奋人心的是,你还能听到语音信息。没有连接iPhone的话,你是不会收到新信息的。
2023-08-01 11:50:122

照片的英语怎么读 照片的英语是什么

1、照片的英语:Photo,英 [u02c8fu0259u028atu0259u028a] 美 [u02c8fou028atou028a]。 2、看你能不能把我从这张照片上认出来。See if you can pick me out in this photo. 3、这张照片被刊登在各全国性报纸上。The photo was printed in all the national newspapers.
2023-08-01 11:50:181


square 英[skweu0259(r)]美[skwer]n. 平方; 广场; 正方形; 方格;adj. 平方的; 正方形的; 成直角的; (尤指在生意上) 公平的;adv. 四四方方地; 成直角地; 正直地; 坚定地;[例句]A shopping and leisure complex of one million square feet占地100万平方英尺的购物休闲中心[其他] 第三人称单数:squares 复数:squares 现在分词:squaring 过去式:squared 过去分词:squared 形近词: squark squame
2023-08-01 11:50:191


2023-08-01 11:50:221


屁 诶 吃 哦 屁 哦
2023-08-01 11:50:261


square[英][skweu0259(r)][美][skwer]n.平方; 广场; 正方形; 方格; adj.平方的; 正方形的; 成直角的; (尤指在生意上)公平的; adv.四四方方地; 成直角地; 正直地; 坚定地; vt.使成正方形; 使成直角; 检测…的角度; 调整,改正; vi.一致; 成方形; A shopping and leisure complex of one million square feet占地100万平方英尺的购物休闲中心
2023-08-01 11:50:271


十八年,它的壮美仍旧历历在目;十八年,它的心声依然四处播撒。十年后,我们没有忘记那位为自由而战的英雄,那段史诗般呐喊的自由 eighteen years, it still remember the magnificence; eighteen years, its voice still spreading around. ten years later, we have not forgotten the hero fights for freedom, that epic scream of freedom 战斗,你可能会死;逃跑,至少能苟且偷生,年复一年,直到寿终正寝。你们!愿不愿意用这么多苟活的日子去换一个机会,仅有的.一个机会!那就是回到战场,告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,但是,他们永远夺不走我们的自由 the fight, you may die; escape, can at least ignoble peace, year after year, until come to an end. you! willing to beds many days to change a chance, just a chance! that is to go back to war, tell the enemy, perhaps they can take our lives, but they never rob our freedom 你的心灵是自由的,用尽勇气去追随吧 your heart is free, and used up the courage to follow it 先学会用脑,后学会用剑 first learn to brain and learn to use the sword after 告诉你,我的孩子/在你一生中,有许多事值得争取;但,自由无疑是最重要的,永远不要带着脚镣,过奴隶的生活 tell you, my child/in your life, there are many things worth fighting for; but, freedom is undoubtedly the most important, never with shackles, slaves life 每个人都会死去,但不是每个人都曾经真正活过。 every man dies, not every man really lives ever 那里很美,但是你更美 there is very beautiful, but you are more beautiful 为什么帮我。 why did you help me? 因为你看着我的方式 because of the way you are looking at me now 和平就是这么来的 peace is made in such ways 奴隶也是这么来的! 1、Wallace: Are you ready for a war?!! 华莱士:你们准备好参战了吗?!! 2、King Longshank: The trouble with Scotland…is that it"s full of Scots! 国王:苏格兰的麻烦在于:全都是苏格兰人! 3、Stephen: The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. It"s drawn the finest people. 斯蒂芬:上帝说这必将是一场漂亮的胜仗。(我们有着)(或者他们有着)最精良的战士。 4、Wallace: Twice as long as a man. 华莱士:长度是常人的两倍 5、Hamish: That long? Some men are longer than others. 哈密士:那么长?有些人比一般人长些。 6、Wallace: You tell your king, that William Wallace will not be ruled. Nor will any Scot while I"m alive. 华莱士:你告诉你的国王,威廉姆华莱士绝不会屈服。只要我活着,苏格兰人民也绝不会屈服。 7、Local Magistrate: (To his troops) Arm yourselves! 地方官:对他的军队:备战! 8、King Longshank:Scottish rebels have routed one of my garrisons, and murdered the noble lord. 国王:叛军已经绕过了我的一个要塞,并刺杀了一位贵族。 9、Prince Edward: I"ve heard. This Wallace is a brigant, and nothing more. 爱德华王子:我听说了。华莱士只是个匪徒,其它一无是处。 10、King Longshank: And how would you deal with this "brigant"? 国王:那么你预备怎样对付这个“匪徒”? 11、Prince Edward: Like any other common thief. Have the local magistrate arrest him and deal with him accordingly. 爱德华王子:象对待一般小偷那样,让地方官逮捕并处置他。 12、King Longshank: (To court people) Leave us! (Decks Prince Edward) Wallace has already killed the magistrate, and taken control of the town. 国王:对宫廷说:你们退下!(打了爱德华王子)华莱士已经杀死了那个地方官,并且占领了那个城镇! 13、Fight,and you may die.Run,and you""ll live at least a while. 你可能会死;逃跑,至少能苟且偷生,年复一年,直到寿终正寝。 14、And dying in your beds many years from now. 年复一年,直到寿终正寝。 15、Would you be willing to trade? 你们!愿不愿意去换一个机会? 16、All the days from this day to that. 用这么多苟活的日子。 17、for one chance,just one chance. 仅有的一个机会。 18、to come back here and tell our enemies. 那就是回到战场。 19、that they may take our lives. 告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命。 20、 but they,ll never take our Freedom! 但是,他们永远夺不走我们的自由!
2023-08-01 11:50:301

雅思英语和托福是什么意思 解释具体点

雅思和托福是一种英语能力考试,有了雅思或者托福的成绩找工作 出国留学都比较方便,但是普遍大部分都是出国留学用的比较多。---大连朗阁培训中心
2023-08-01 11:50:336


否头小普 应该不太标准
2023-08-01 11:50:363

its gross area is approximately nine hundred square feet.

2023-08-01 11:50:361


2023-08-01 11:50:021


mind。mind用作名词时可表示“头脑,精神,理智”“注意力,心思”“意向,想法”,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词; 表示“智力”“记忆(力)”是不可数名词。mind也可表示“有才智的人”。mind的基本意思是“留心”“注意”“当心”,强调全心全意去注意。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、动词不定式(多为否定式)、动名词或that/wh-从句作宾语。mind作“照顾”解时,侧重于护卫和保护,使之不受伤害或发生意外,接名词或代词作宾语。mind还可作“介意”“关心”“在乎”“反对”解。主要用于疑问、否定、条件句中。可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,接名词、代词、动名词、if/that/wh-从句作宾语。如该动词的逻辑主语不是句子的主语时,该动名词前须加物主代词、人称代词或名词的所有格表示其逻辑主体。这时通常不可变为被动结构。mind作“介意”解时还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。词汇搭配:apply one"s mind to 专心于…bear in mind 记在心里bend one"s mind on 专心致志于bring to mind 想起broaden one"s mind 开阔心怀call to mind 想起
2023-08-01 11:50:011

:《勇敢的心》中William Wallace说的一句震撼人心的话,英语怎么说阿?

You can take my life ,but you can never take my free.Every one will die ,but not every one have real alive.
2023-08-01 11:49:593


2023-08-01 11:49:551


想(几种含义) 动词 1.(思索) think; ponder: 例句:think of a way; try to find a solution; 想办法 have really thought of everything; 想得真周到 2.(推测; 认为) suppose; reckon; consider; think: 例句:Do you think it will rain? 你想会下雨吗? Who could have supposed it was you who did it? 谁会想到这是你干的? 3.(希望; 打算) want to; would like to; feel like (doing sth.): 例句:Do you want to see a football match? 你想看足球赛吗? I should very much like to see it. 我非常想看看它. 4.(怀念; 想念) remember with longing; miss: 例句:After you left,we all missed you. 你走了以后,我们都很想你. I have a great longing for home. 我非常想家.
2023-08-01 11:49:541


成都专科公办学校有哪些:成都有成都纺织高等专科学校、成都航空职业技术学院、四川电力职业技术学院、成都职业技术学院、四川水利职业技术学院、四川航天职业技术学院、四川邮电职业技术学院、四川交通职业技术学院、四川工商职业技术学院、成都农业科技职业学院、四川商务职业学院、四川铁道职业学院、四川艺术职业学院、四川文化产业职业学院、四川财经职业学院扩展资料:1、成都有成都纺织高等专科学校成都纺织高等专科学校(Chengdu Textile College)是四川省人民政府举办的全日制普通高等学校,直属四川省教育厅,中国西南地区独立建制的纺织类高等学校、国家骨干高职院校、四川省示范性高等职业院校、教育部现代学徒制试点单位。2、成都航空职业技术学院成都航空职业技术学院(Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic),坐落于四川省会成都市,是四川省教育厅直属全日制普通高等学校、全国首批国家示范性高等职业院校。截至2023年3月,学校占地近1300亩(含新都航空产教园区):下设9个二级学院,开办30余个专业,有教职工800余人;教学、科研仪器设备资产总值3.58亿元,藏书逾百万册,有在校生1.4万人。3、四川电力职业技术学院四川电力职业技术学院是一所国家公办的专科层次全日制普通高等学校,隶属于国家电网有限公司,是国家示范性高等职业院校、国家级高技能人才培训基地、四川省产教融合示范项目建设单位。据2023年4月学院官网数据,学院占地面积822.72亩;有专任教师234人,有在校生3200余人;设置教学系部9个,设置9个专科专业。
2023-08-01 11:49:531


Keep your finger XX (Keep your finger crossed 祝愿一切好运) 就是fingerXX,李宇春穿过
2023-08-01 11:49:503

问英文 ”had better include”

for 816 square feet that had better include visits by Jackie Chan Kong Sang or Jay-z. "had better" is an idiom to mean: (1) "must" or "should" with an implication of "or else". (2) "cannot afford not to" For example: "You had better e" me: (1) "you must e otherwise there will be consequences". (2) "you cannot afford not to e". "had better" can also mean "cannot do without" or "will not work without" For example: "For 816 square feet that had better include visits by Jackie Chan (Kong Sang) or Jay-z" me: "For 816 square feet the price is too expensive unless it includes visits by rich and famous celebrities like Jackie Chan and Jay-z. To wer the question and to simplify it we can say "had better include" almost me "it should include". The word "visits" is part of the phrase "visits by Jackie Chan or Jay-z". Without the full sentence I would guess that the word "that" in the clause "that had better include" represents "the price of the apartment" which according to the author is too expensive and therefore requires some extra value such as visits by celebrities to justify it. 2010-02-17 13:22:19 补充: In reality the author is just using the "celebrities visits" to express his/her opinion that the place is overpriced. 参考: myself Had better = 最好 e.g. You had better stop now. 你 最好/好 马上停止 that had better include visits by jackie chan= 它最好包括埋成龙的探访 You have to give us the whole sentence. For 816 square feet that had better include visits by Jackie Chan or Jay-Z. Combine these 2 sentences For 816 square feet had better (较优胜). For 816 square feet include visits by Jackie Chan or Jay-Z. giving: For 816 square feet that had better include visits by Jackie Chan or Jay-Z. (since it was sold at a better price HK$24.5 million)
2023-08-01 11:49:491


苹果国行版iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus共有4款型号,分别为:A1586、A1589、A1524、A1593。其中“A1586与A1524”支持:TD-LTE/LTE FDD/TD-SCDMA/WCDMA/cdma2000/CDMA 1X/GSM制式;而“A1589与A1593”支持:TD-LTE/TD-SCDMA/GSM制式。A1586(公开版):全网通iPhone 6,支持TD-LTE、FDD LTE、WCDMA、TD-SCDMA、CDMA2000以及GSM。A1589:移动定制版iPhone 6,支持TD-LTE、TD-SCDMA、GSM,漫游支持WCDMA以及FDD LTE。A1524(公开版):全网通的iPhone 6 Plus,支持TD-LTE、FDD LTE、WCDMA、TD-SCDMA、CDMA2000以及GSM。A1593:移动定制版iPhone 6 Plus,支持TD-LTE、TD-SCDMA、GSM,漫游支持WCDMA以及FDD LTE。如果要买IPHONE6的话,建议就买A1586和A1524版,移动联通电信都可以使用。
2023-08-01 11:49:438


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2023-08-01 11:49:422