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2023-05-19 18:49:31


一、survey junkie


二、google opinion rewards


三、surveys on the go








survey的名词。 形式

2023-01-08 09:48:282


  调查是为了了解情况而进行考察。那么你知道调查用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    调查英语说法1:   investigate    调查英语说法2:   examine    调查英语说法3:   survey    调查英语说法4:   expedition    调查的相关短语:   市场调查 market research ; Marketing research ; market surveys   调查报导 investigative journalism   社会调查 Recherche en sciences sociales ; Social research ;   巡天调查 Astronomical survey   调查研究 Survey research ; investigation ; survey research ; to make an investigation   调查问卷 Questionnaire ; Unit Four Questionnaires ; survey ; questionnaire survey   在线调查 Online inquiry Inquiry ; Online Survey ; on-line research ; online inquiry   员工调查 Employee surveys ; Employee Survey ; HRSurvey ; A staff survey    调查的英语例句:   1. The enquiry dug deeper into the alleged financial misdeeds of his government.   这一调查对其政府涉嫌的财政违规行为展开了进一步深究。   2. He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday.   他会为昨天公布的电话民意调查结果感到鼓舞。   3. Its own estimate of three hundred tallies with that of another survey.   其估计数目300与另一项调查的结果相吻合。   4. The allegations are serious enough to warrant an investigation.   这些指控很严重,有必要进行一番调查。   5. Police investigating a £10 million car insurance fiddle arrested 16 people yesterday.   调查涉及1,000万英镑的汽车保险诈骗案的警察昨天逮捕了16人。   6. It took internal whistle-blowing and investigative journalism to uncover the rot.   是内部检举和调查性报道揭露了这一腐败事实。   7. Investigators say nearly $100,000 was wired into the suspect"s bank accounts.   调查人员说有近10万美元汇入了嫌疑人的银行账户。   8. Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls.   作为一个公共机构,国会在公众民意调查中得分很低。   9. The investigators complained about the difficulties of squeezing information out of residents.   调查人员抱怨说很难从居民身上获取信息。   10. The government ordered an independent inquiry into the affair.   政府下令对该事件进行独立调查。   11. An investigation is underway to find out how the disaster happened.   调查已经展开,以查明灾难是如何发生的。   12. We were asked to investigate the alleged inconsistencies in his evidence.   我们被要求对他证词中的前后矛盾之处进行调查。   13. Inspectors were appointed to inquire into the affairs of the company.   督查员受委派调查该公司的事务。   14. Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one-offs.   我们的调查显示这些过敏多为一次性反应。   15. A survey of 57 hospitals by Newchurch, a consultancy, reveals striking improvements.   一家名为纽彻奇的咨询公司对57家医院所作的调查显示改善十分明显。
2023-01-08 09:48:371

Surveys,Surveys and more Surveys什么意思

2023-01-08 09:48:465

survey 复数形式

2023-01-08 09:49:063


2023-01-08 09:49:191


2023-01-08 09:49:253

latest surveys什么意思

2023-01-08 09:49:372


2023-01-08 09:50:042


2023-01-08 09:50:324


第一个是省, 你填深圳干什么。。。深圳是个市,不是省。 你要填广东第二个填你所在地的邮编。 你填个shenzhen又是干嘛。。
2023-01-08 09:50:451

英文 厉害的朋友们帮我一下!!

1、开设帐户2、Welcomed by the public3、避免浪费资源4、Have confidence in the future5、高失败率6、Social justice7、我和一个在同样的作为我飞行中男人一次发现自己在一个机场柜台中.我们飞行已经被三次呼吁,但是他坚持我们为另一回合留下.8、自1940年 ,美国商人已开发,命名,包装,并促进产品的帮助调查。9、如果我们看到一个盲人下车巴士,我们观赏,以确保他是在没有掉下来的危险。家庭成员互相帮助,并特别照顾的非常年轻人和老年人。10、在您每次见面,在一个社会的情况,给他你的全力关注,为4分钟。许多人的整个生命将会改变,如果他们这样做了。
2023-01-08 09:50:512

acm computing surveys是什么意思

acm computing surveysACM计算调查  ACM-Association for Computing Machinery , 即美国计算机协会。ICPC-International Collegiate Programming Contest , 即国际大学生程序设计竞赛·。ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛(英文全称:ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest(ACM-ICPC或ICPC)是由美国计算机协会(ACM)主办的,一项旨在展示大学生创新能力、团队精神和在压力下编写程序、分析和解决问题能力的年度竞赛。
2023-01-08 09:51:011


survey -captain wang
2023-01-08 09:51:115

你好!向你请教Ciao Surveys调查网站的有关问题!

2023-01-08 09:51:303

请问 show 的一个问题

2023-01-08 09:51:423

Google Surveys可以像问卷星一样发问卷给我的朋友填写吗?

2023-01-08 09:51:541

Surveys show that the majority of passengers are pleased

B commercial flight调查显示对于美国境内商务航班禁止吸烟的协议达成,大部分乘客都很高兴。A若理解为想表示经济航班应为economy class eonomical flight说法不成立C 中global flight跟后面winthin the continental United States相矛盾D 中internal一般不用来表示航班一般domestic flight 和 international flight表示国内航班和国际航班
2023-01-08 09:52:041


2023-01-08 09:52:092

Carefulsurveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs as directed

2023-01-08 09:52:193


2023-01-08 09:52:303

Scientific surveys show是什么意思

Scientific surveys show科学调查表明Scientific surveys show that those who live alone talk at length to themselves and their pets and the television.科学调查表明,独居的人会对着自己,对着宠物,对着电视唠叨不休。Surveys show that 75% of people approve of the new law.民意测验表明The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant ork.最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。
2023-01-08 09:52:421


2023-01-08 09:52:572

surveys show为什么要加s

因为不止一项调查. 75%的人承认法律.调查了很多人,不止一项调查,故用复数
2023-01-08 09:53:091


2023-01-08 09:53:161

回收问卷 翻译英语怎么说

collect the surveys gey back the surveys
2023-01-08 09:53:223


最赚的调查问卷app排行:一、survey junkie你可以在这个app上找到你喜欢的问卷类型,然后按照提示填写。完成问卷后,您将获得回报。二、google opinion rewards这是谷歌拥有的一个收集公众意见的应用程序。它主要收集人们对酒店或产品的反馈。你登录后,谷歌会根据你的情况给你发一份相应的问卷,你完成后会得到相应的现金奖励。三、surveys on the go这个平台会发布一些关于大公司产品或服务的问卷。你只需要在平台上找到适合你的问卷,按要求填写,填完后会得到相应的报酬。每份问卷可以获得现金奖励,而有些问卷可以获得回报。四、Swagbucks我们可以在这个app上做一些任务,比如看视频,参与问卷调查,分享一些产品的体验等等,从而获得积分。当积分达到一定金额后,我们可以从购物网站等兑换礼品卡或现金。现在注册新用户有奖励。五、inboxdollars首先,这个应用的新用户注册将获得5美元的奖励。在这个平台上,你可以通过看视频、网上问卷、玩小游戏等方式获得一定的现金回报。操作简单,有很多简单的任务可以选择。
2023-01-08 09:53:341

surveys show ...

2023-01-08 09:53:452

topographical and geotechnical surveys是什么意思

topographical and geotechnical surveys 地形和岩土工程勘察
2023-01-08 09:53:533

Location surveys in rural areas 跪求翻译啊

传统上,农村公路的地点的做法是面向外地,即位置放进了党的大部分时间和精力去测量和观察“在地面上。”该地区的侦察是我们的第一步,定位器,利用现有的地形图andsometimes飞机探索的领域。其目的是为了寻找可行的路线和determinesuch作为山口或适当的河流通道和定位,如陡坡majorobstacles主要控制点。可行的路线侦察名列第二;其中每个脚,相对长度,粗措施wascovered困难,并采取了成本。凡率ofclimb是至关重要的,斜坡和衡量与阿布尼手水平或某些类似instrument.Often定位器“标记的路线”教育作为他去建立更多detailedsurveys后续的可能控制点。第三步是为党的调查,在初步运行或P线,或在必要时,两个或更多的备用线路。距离和角度测量bytransit普遍和胶带方法;配置文件是由不同水准。地形特点andcontours往往是“到”挂在P线。在办公室,在P线数据绘制的engineerlaid了最后的位置或其他地点,研究地图和剖面图。最后,这一L linewas赌注压在地上,型材,截面,排水采取它。
2023-01-08 09:54:063

recent surveys show什么意思

recent surveys show最近的调查显示例句筛选1.Public-opinion polls give Clinton the edge in Pennsylvania, though recentsurveys show Obama cutting into her advantage.民调显示,克林顿在宾州领先,但奥巴马正赶上来。2.Recent surveys show that businesses in the 13-nation euro currency area arebecoming sharply more downbeat .近期所做的调查显示,欧元区13国的商业企业突然变得愈发悲观起来。
2023-01-08 09:54:171

the surveys luts怎么读

英文原文:the surveys luts英式音标:[ðə] [ˈsɜːveɪ] luts 美式音标:[ðə] [ˈsɜːrveɪ] luts
2023-01-08 09:54:351


2023-01-08 09:54:412

The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.

associations 就是名词呀
2023-01-08 09:54:543

Surveys 4 Checks是什么

2023-01-08 09:55:052

The latest surveys show that quite a few

2023-01-08 09:55:132

an international journal of research and surveys,issn 2185-2766什么意思

  an international journal of research and surveys,issn 2185-2766  一个国际研究和调查期刊,刊号2185-2766  international journal 国际期刊;国际期刊论文;国际刊物  例句:  1.IOS International Journal of Knowledge- Based and Intelligent EngineeringSystems .  国际知识基础和智能工程系统杂志。  2.International Journal of E-Business Research.  国际电子商务研究杂志。  3.International Journal of Conflict Management .  国际冲突管理杂志。  4.International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence .  国际认知信息和自然智力杂志。
2023-01-08 09:55:213


恩 查字典
2023-01-08 09:55:423


Distinguished leadership of the company: Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule in view of my cover letter for an enthusiastic young man opened a door to hope. I am a 05 session of the Department of Computer Science and Information Management Information System students will graduate in June 2009. Since entering the university, by virtue of its solid foundation of hard work and the spirit of enterprise, after more than three years of professional study, in every respect, I have made great progress. Have a wealth of management and computer theory, and enhance their own ability. In efforts to improve the professional at the same time, I have always pay attention to the cultivation of good character, positive progress requirements, the pursuit of the distillation of personality. I have great respect for teachers and students of unity, concerned about the management of state affairs and social development, as a volunteer to take part in various social activities, with a good spirit of teamwork and organizational ability. However, the lack of enthusiasm is not stable, self-confident but not conceited, but also forge ahead with the people live in harmony, my youngest is a true portrayal. I sincerely hopes that you read the cover letter and curriculum vitae, to give me a chance, let me in their own wisdom, to spare no effort to your company"s rapid development and make due contributions. Sincerely hope that your company has become a Sincerely! Contact: E-mail: origin: Education: Undergraduate Professional direction: Information Management and Information System 2005.09-2009.07 Majors: School-based management, statistical theory, corporate accounting, Western economics, business management, operations research-based, financial management, management information systems, database systems, computer networks, computer and application of the principle, data structure, information management, ERP The principle and application of information systems engineering, database design and application, management, decision-making model, C + + programming, JAVA programming, C programming, software project management, and has also set up experiments on the machine, social surveys, training courses Training Practice课程. Practice experience: Air Management System Training topics 2007.04-2007.07 Analysis of airline management process set up after the ticketing management, service management, information management of accommodation for the three modules. Use of the SQL database, and the airlines had VB.NET management system model of development. Fujian"s Min-feng shipping practice social practice 2007.7-2007.08 In the company"s practice in the maritime sector as a clerk in charge to send and receive fax, receive and marine weather forecasts record, collate documents the company files, customer reception. Through the practice of communication skills training, management and operation of the company a certain process. Web site planning and building of social practice since 2008.9 As the site planning, responsible for pre-planning and site preparation work. Web site development and set realistic targets. Experience activities: 1,2006-2007 school year as Chairman of the Department of Computer Science students. 2,2005-2008 school year as a member of the sports information management group. 3, 2006 and 2007 school year was "advanced workers" honorary title. 4,2005-2006 school year was the "third" scholarship. 5,2005-2007 joined the school basketball team and university students to participate in the National Basketball League, CUBA League. 6, joined the University during the school volleyball team in the 2006 school volleyball league title was men"s volleyball tournament. Skills: 1, familiar with the principles of computer hardware and software, computer technology research to a certain extent. 2, proficiency in the use of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and other office software 3, has a Web site building, site optimization and site promotion and operation of the SEO process. 4, skilled in management and economic theory of the basic types of disciplines. 5, familiar with the development process, familiar with VB, C + +, JAVA, and other development tools. Self-evaluation: I have an ideal pursuit of the people, know how to learn from failure, and their ability to fall in place begins to pick up. University experience has made me more self-learning ability, teamwork, positive attitude toward life, his generous enthusiasm, good at self-regulation, determination, good physique, a strong adaptability. Through the University Student Union and the team"s training, let me in communication skills and sense of teamwork has greatly improved. With the hope that their ability to become a member of your company. Distinguished leadership of the company: Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule in view of my cover letter for an enthusiastic young man opened a door to hope. I am a 05 session of the Department of Computer Science and Information Management Information System students will graduate in June 2009. Since entering the university, by virtue of its solid foundation of hard work and the spirit of enterprise, after more than three years of professional study, in every respect, I have made great progress. Have a wealth of management and computer theory, and enhance their own ability. In efforts to improve the professional at the same time, I have always pay attention to the cultivation of good character, positive progress requirements, the pursuit of the distillation of personality. I have great respect for teachers and students of unity, concerned about the management of state affairs and social development, as a volunteer to take part in various social activities, with a good spirit of teamwork and organizational ability. However, the lack of enthusiasm is not stable, self-confident but not conceited, but also forge ahead with the people live in harmony, my youngest is a true portrayal. I sincerely hopes that you read the cover letter and curriculum vitae, to give me a chance, let me in their own wisdom, to spare no effort to your company"s rapid development and make due contributions. Sincerely hope that your company has become a Sincerely! Contact: E-mail: origin: Education: Undergraduate Professional direction: Information Management and Information System 2005.09-2009.07 Majors: School-based management, statistical theory, corporate accounting, Western economics, business management, operations research-based, financial management, management information systems, database systems, computer networks, computer and application of the principle, data structure, information management, ERP The principle and application of information systems engineering, database design and application, management, decision-making model, C + + programming, JAVA programming, C programming, software project management, and has also set up experiments on the machine, social surveys, training courses Training Practice课程. Practice experience: Air Management System Training topics 2007.04-2007.07 Analysis of airline management process set up after the ticketing management, service management, information management of accommodation for the three modules. Use of the SQL database, and the airlines had VB.NET management system model of development. Fujian"s Min-feng shipping practice social practice 2007.7-2007.08 In the company"s practice in the maritime sector as a clerk in charge to send and receive fax, receive and marine weather forecasts record, collate documents the company files, customer reception. Through the practice of communication skills training, management and operation of the company a certain process. Web site planning and building of social practice since 2008.9 As the site planning, responsible for pre-planning and site preparation work. Web site development and set realistic targets. Experience activities: 1,2006-2007 school year as Chairman of the Department of Computer Science students. 2,2005-2008 school year as a member of the sports information management group. 3, 2006 and 2007 school year was "advanced workers" honorary title. 4,2005-2006 school year was the "third" scholarship. 5,2005-2007 joined the school basketball team and university students to participate in the National Basketball League, CUBA League. 6, joined the University during the school volleyball team in the 2006 school volleyball league title was men"s volleyball tournament. Skills: 1, familiar with the principles of computer hardware and software, computer technology research to a certain extent. 2, proficiency in the use of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and other office software 3, has a Web site building, site optimization and site promotion and operation of the SEO process. 4, skilled in management and economic theory of the basic types of disciplines. 5, familiar with the development process, familiar with VB, C + +, JAVA, and other development tools. Self-evaluation: I have an ideal pursuit of the people, know how to learn from failure, and their ability to fall in place begins to pick up. University experience has made me more self-learning ability, teamwork, positive attitude toward life, his generous enthusiasm, good at self-regulation, determination, good physique, a strong adaptability. Through the University Student Union and the team"s training, let me in communication skills and sense of teamwork has greatly improved. With the hope that their ability to become a member of your company. These are some of my curriculum vitae, seek help from experts to help the English translation. (Do not use Google"s the kind of direct translation). Thank! ! ! Distinguished leadership of the company: Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule in view of my cover letter for an enthusiastic young man opened a door to hope. I am a 05 session of the Department of Computer Science and Information Management Information System students will graduate in June 2009. Since entering the university, by virtue of its solid foundation of hard work and the spirit of enterprise, after more than three years of professional study, in every respect, I have made great progress. Have a wealth of management and computer theory, and enhance their own ability. In efforts to improve the professional at the same time, I have always pay attention to the cultivation of good character, positive progress requirements, the pursuit of the distillation of personality. I have great respect for teachers and students of unity, concerned about the management of state affairs and social development, as a volunteer to take part in various social activities, with a good spirit of teamwork and organizational ability. However, the lack of enthusiasm is not stable, self-confident but not conceited, but also forge ahead with the people live in harmony, my youngest is a true portrayal. I sincerely hopes that you read the cover letter and curriculum vitae, to give me a chance, let me in their own wisdom, to spare no effort to your company"s rapid development and make due contributions. Sincerely hope that your company has become a Sincerely! Contact: E-mail: Native Place: Education: Undergraduate professional orientation: Information Management and Information System 2005.09-2009.07 majors: school-based management, statistical theory, corporate accounting, Western economics, business management, operations research Basis, financial management, management information systems, database systems, computer networks, computer and application of the principle, data structure, information management, ERP and application of principles, information systems engineering, database design and application, management, decision-making model, C + + programming, JAVA Programming, C programming, software project management, and has also set up experiments on the machine, social surveys, training courses, such as the practice of practical training coursePractice experience: Air Management System Training 2007.04-2007.07 subject to the airline management process analysis, the establishment of a ticketing management, services management, information management space of the three modules. Use of the SQL database, and the airlines had VB.NET management system model of development. Fujian"s Min-feng shipping internship 2007.7-2007.08 social practice in the company"s s.practice in the maritime sector as a clerk in charge to send and receive fax, receive and marine weather forecasts record, collate documents the company files, customer reception. Through the practice of communication skills training, management and operation of the company a certain process. Web site planning and building of social practice 2008.9 so far as the planning site, the site is responsible for pre-planning and preparatory work. Web site development and set realistic targets. Experience activities: 1,2006-2007 school year as Chairman of the Department of Computer Science students. 2,2005-2008 school year as a member of the sports information management group. 3, 2006 and 2007 school year was "advanced workers" honorary title. 4,2005-2006 school year was the "third" scholarship. 5,2005-2007 joined the school basketball team and university students to participate in the National Basketball League, CUBA League. 6, University during the school join the volleyball team, in 2006 the school was in Men"s Volleyball League volleyball championship. Skills: 1, familiar with the principles of computer hardware and software, computer technology research to a certain extent. 2, proficiency in the use of Word,
2023-01-08 09:55:536

您的家庭成员已经有 帐户存在??不能注册?闷

2023-01-08 09:56:191

求 翻译 一段话

Satisfaction reform plan Specific details of the reform plan: 1, regular satisfaction surveys: TOOL use satisfaction surveys conducted by the C before the 1st of each year to adjust for a quarterly meeting, that is, 1 for 4-year satisfaction surveys. For an initial period of a year in February, May, August and November to carry out. According to the actual situation in a specific time to adjust. 2, for each item satisfaction surveys: For each client project, the project combines the company"s satisfaction survey system, after the end of the project for C service satisfaction survey, satisfaction surveys to ensure that the accuracy of the data. 3, C P TOOL statistical analysis: CP to make full use of statistical tools to function on the CP statistical data analysis, and so on improvement measures. 4 ,C P results to preserve And the company"s satisfaction questionnaire together to preserve in order to understand the customer satisfaction and loyalty, and other historical data.
2023-01-08 09:56:244


Abstract The earth resistance regarding enhances the line to bear the thunder level, reduces is struck by lightning tripping rate to have the vital significance. Accurate, fast, conveniently surveys the earth resistance value is the examination meets the terrain to be qualified or not and proposed correspondingly reorganizes the plan the important way and the method. Therefore, studies one kind of convenience accurate pole earth resistance the measuring technique and the instrument appears especially essential . This article first has given the detailed introduction to the present domestic and foreign commonly used earth resistances measuring technique and the instrument, and has carried on the detailed analysis on their respective existence good and bad points . In the paper second chapter, according to the pole terrain characteristic, after has analyzed meets the terrain the electric circuit nature, proposed one kind of new earth resistance survey model and its the measuring technique, and has produced the earth resistance value concrete algorithm. This method does not need to untie the pole downlead then to carry on the earth resistance survey, has solved the biggest malpractice which in the existing measuring technique exists . In the paper third chapter, (PSCAD) has carried on the analysis using electric power simulation software to the survey model, after change model related parameter, obtained the massive surveys data. Finally, through logarithm according to the analysis, has produced the influence survey accurate several important attributes. Proposed the error correction method, after the revision result indicated the method had the rational article finally partially to give the introduction to the instrument hardware constitution, regarding provided surveys the electric current pliers table which the power source the signal poured into pokes head in and surveys uses to carry on the analysis with emphasis .
2023-01-08 09:56:393


最赚的调查问卷app排行:一、survey junkie你可以在这个app上找到你喜欢的问卷类型,然后按照提示填写。完成问卷后,您将获得回报。二、google opinion rewards这是谷歌拥有的一个收集公众意见的应用程序。它主要收集人们对酒店或产品的反馈。你登录后,谷歌会根据你的情况给你发一份相应的问卷,你完成后会得到相应的现金奖励。三、surveys on the go这个平台会发布一些关于大公司产品或服务的问卷。你只需要在平台上找到适合你的问卷,按要求填写,填完后会得到相应的报酬。每份问卷可以获得现金奖励,而有些问卷可以获得回报。四、Swagbucks我们可以在这个app上做一些任务,比如看视频,参与问卷调查,分享一些产品的体验等等,从而获得积分。当积分达到一定金额后,我们可以从购物网站等兑换礼品卡或现金。现在注册新用户有奖励。五、inboxdollars首先,这个应用的新用户注册将获得5美元的奖励。在这个平台上,你可以通过看视频、网上问卷、玩小游戏等方式获得一定的现金回报。操作简单,有很多简单的任务可以选择。
2023-01-08 09:56:501


2023-01-08 09:57:014

your surveys怎么解封

2023-01-08 09:57:153


My HomeworkI spend about half an hour doing my homework every day. My homework includes some main subjects . Sometimes I don"t finish doing homework on books,I did some surveys about the new lessons. Much of homework is helpful for our study,in order to restudy the lessons. I think homework is very helpful for me . It"s the one of study in daily study.
2023-01-08 09:57:342


First, Chiji methods (Note matters): The method of ① Cross with a screwdriver on the Dike will be removed four screws; ② Dike will open with iron battery is, a negative electrode wire bonding, and then Deke will be removed, Deke camera decorative circle posted a protective film to prevent dust into the camera lens, and then tape battery cathode paste living to prevent and repair damage to short-circuit when the battery cell; ③ PCB board will be the speaker wire bonding, with a screwdriver will cross the PCB board removed four screws, and then remove PCB motherboard, LCD display and a crust removed from the board; (Note: when the demolition of PCB board pay attention to the LCD cable not force, to prevent LCD monitor cable breakage) Second, the maintenance of 1 Dead: ① at both ends of the battery positive and negative electrodes leads positive and negative two fuses, will be raised to 3.7 V power supply around long boot by POWER button boot and at the same time observe whether ammeter starting current, without the current inspection POWER patch is a switch No false welding or damage to measurement POWER switch linked to the "VIN"-about whether the voltage of 3.7 V, in the absence of voltage or low voltage detection Q4 there is damage, R102, R103 whether damage to pave the way; carefully to identify the reasons for the replacement of undesirable components; ② P0WER long boot by boot button, and instantly the current 80 mA-140mA, but to return to the initial state after release, this is the first test for the driver MP4 components are lost. If conditions permit can be good from the same type of plane removed FLASH memory IC to be replaced or re-confirmed the escalation trial. Upgrade upgrade method reference manuals. ③ such as FLASH memory IC replaced or updated procedures did not improve, he was appointed by 10,000 by measuring U6, U17 and U1 IC pin is the pathway, with a multimeter testing of the IC pins whether it is normal for the resistance, whether electricity feet Open, measuring whether there is a short circuit or open the undesirable phenomena; ④ long boot by POWER switches, ammeter shows that current (150 mA-300mA), the reasons for this phenomenon of multiple failures for the mainframe level after the power supply circuit and short circuit or power regulator output circuit abnormal result of this first mainframe If power at all levels: 1.8 V, 3.0V and availability of short-circuit or smaller resistance, such as resistance found smaller or short-circuit should be step by step and disconnect the power supply inductance voltage regulator IC, and the measurement circuit on the resistance to change there, when in a certain disconnect circuit back to normal after the resistance, should focus on the detection circuit components related to whether the breakdown, leakage, damage, etc. If detected on the 1.8 V power supply circuit and Resistance smaller or not normal, first disconnect L14 2.2UH inductance, check whether the short circuit level, and measure whether it is normal load-resistance, such as abnormal load resistance, check C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C68, C78, C84, C90, BC6, U16 TVP5150 and U1 SPMP3052A whether poor or leakage; such as 1.8 V power supply normal again detection U12 regulator IC output of 3.0 V power supply 5 feet on the ground resistivity whether short or resistance Small changes, such as the resistance change is small or short-circuit voltage regulator IC removed measurement of the end-load resistance; such as resistivity anomalies were detected C1, C10, C12, C14, C28, C29, C33, C71, BC4, BC8 , BC10, BC11, BC12, BC13, BC14, U1, U2, U3 (screen), U6, U17 circuit components, and other related damage, or whether the short circuit; carefully to identify the reasons for the replacement of undesirable components; (Note: Due some users in the SD card inserted malpractices led to the SD card inserted deformation caused by shrapnel VDD, VCC, and GND short supply, maintenance, failure to pay special attention here) should be removed to L4 inductance measurement; such as 3.0 V power supply normal again Cece U13 regulator IC output of 3.0 V power supply 5 feet on the resistance there is to short-circuit or smaller resistance, such as resistance change is small or short-circuit measurement removed regulator IC Load end of the resistance if the resistivity anomalies were detected C7, C8, C9, C74, C75, C93, U1, U13, U16 circuit components, and other related damage, or whether the short circuit; carefully to identify the reasons for the replacement of undesirable components; ⑤ such as 1.8 V and 3.0 V with short or smaller resistance phenomenon, be detected "VBAT" positive change of the resistance is small or short-circuit, the normal resistance should be positive in about 50 K-70K, such as BAT +-no signs of short-circuit , the resistance of normal power supply circuit to detect C60, C61, U15, Q3, and other related circuit there are abnormal, identifying the reasons for the replacement of undesirable components;
2023-01-08 09:57:486

英文翻译成中文 写论文要用 着急!!!

纵向数据例如在每一采取的重覆的测量数字服从频繁地随着时间的过去出现从许多生物医学和临床研究以及从其他科学区域。在纵向数据分析的更新勘测在Demidenko (2004)和Diggle等可以被发现(2002),在其他中。 参数混杂作用模型是为塑造关系的一个强有力的工具反应可变物之间和covariates在纵向研究中。 线性混杂作用(LME)模型和非线性混杂作用(NLME)模型是二个最普遍的例子。几本书在这个区域(琼斯被出版总结成就(1993年, Davidian和Giltinan 1995年, Vonesh和Chinchillo 1996年, Pinheiroand软化剂2000年, Verbeke和Molenberghs 2000年, Diggle和al.2002和Demidenko2004在其他中)。然而,为许多应用,参数模型也许是太限制性或有限和有时无法获得的至少为初步数据分析。 要克服这个困难,非参数退化技术近年来被开发的纵向数据分析,这本书意欲勘测现有的方法,并且介绍结合塑造想法和纵向数据分析刺激纵向数据例子的混杂作用非参数 退化技术在 纵向研究中的新开发的技术,数据从个体随着时间的过去一再收集,而代表性研究只获得一个数据点从每个个体主题(即。 所以时间点每个主题),纵向和横截数据之间的关键区别是纵向数据在asubject和indepengent主题之内通常被关联,当横截数据经常是独立的时
2023-01-08 09:58:101


一、供应商管理与品质异常改善,推动方式如下: 1、制定来料检验标准 2、制定供应商评审程序和筛选标准,发放调查表,并对供应商进行现场审核 3、日常来料检验管理 4、供应商质量交期等表现考核评分和统计汇总。 supplier management and improvement of abnormal quality, generalization methods as follows:1.establish inspection standards for material2.establish eveluation standards and screening criterias of suppliers, disperse survey form, audit suppliers on site3.routine material inspection management 4.marking and statistics collection of suppliers" performance二、客户服务,客诉和各类客户调查,客户审厂的处理 1、负责客户抱怨的及时处理,共同探讨有效的改善措施并保证其得到有效的落实; 2、回复客户各种技术调查或报告,处理客户审核的各类问题,并采取相应改善措施; 3、协助出货检查分析,审核出货检验 customer service,complaint,investigation,?1.duly resolve customer complaint,negotiate efficient improvement and make sure it will be finalized2. respond to various customer technical investigation and report, manage problems with respect to customer audition, adopt corresponding improvement pratice 3.assist shipment analysis, review shipment inspection三、ISO9001,ISO14001,ROHS,UL,ESD等各个体系维护和更新 1、制定年度内审和管理评审计划,并组织实施 2、修订和更新维护体系文件,包括作业指引 3、负责客户审查和第三方审核等相关事宜 4、培训工作(包括环保要求和检验标准的培训) ISO9001,ISO14001,ROHS,UL,ESD maintance and updating1.making annual audition and management projects, commence them2.edit and update system documents, including index ??3.take charge of customer audition, third-party audition environmental requirement and inspection training )四、内部制程质量改善 1、对重要制程控制项目进行定期跟踪、总结,判定制程能力状况CPK、制订出制程控制的具体方法,并在持续观测中改进控制方法 2、SPC数据分析处理,绘制X-R管制图,设备GR&R分析,确保关键测试设备准确性与精确性,负责质量统计 3、制定各种检验标准,抽样计划和限度样品 4、协助工程资料审核”internal ?? quality control1. trace,summerize key interal ?? projects periodically, determine ??? capacity CPK, establish concrete measure, improve during constant observation2.SPC data analyzing and processing, X-R drawing,GR&R analyzing, insure precise and accuracy of key test equipment,reponsible for quality statistics3.establish various inspection standards,sample project and limited sample4.assist project examination
2023-01-08 09:58:206


给满分奖励 我帮你翻译
2023-01-08 09:58:422

with the capacity needed for modem 3d surveys什么意思

  with the capacity needed for modem 3d surveys随着现代三维调查所需要的能力例句:1.She needed it for protection. 她需要它来护身。2.I needed you for me! 我需要你在我身边!3.How intelligent are they? Their capacity for learning is very high. 他们有多聪明呢?他们的学习能力非常的高。4.Lt is a struggle to procure the symbiotes needed for our young to survive. 仅是努力获得我们的年轻人生存所需的共生体.
2023-01-08 09:58:511