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decide有及物和不及物用法,decide to do是及物还是不及物?

2023-08-01 17:26:17

















它的名词形式是decision 是不可数名词,谢谢你的提问,
2023-08-01 10:58:242


  decide的中文意思有决定、决心的意思,它的用法有?以下是我为大家归纳的decide用法,希望能帮助大家更好地认识decide这个单词,提高英语水平。   decide的中文意思   决定, 决心   使下决心, 使决断   对...起了决定作用   解决, 裁决, 判决   decide的词汇搭配   decide against... 决心不..., 决定不采取; 决定反对; 判决(某人)败诉   decide between 于两者中选择其一   decide for 作出有利于...的决定; 赞成做某事; 判决(某人)胜诉   decide in favour of 作出有利于...的决定; 赞成做某事; 判决(某人)胜诉   decide on 对...作出决定[决议]   decide upon 对...作出决定[决议]   decide的英语例句   1. A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble.   牙医可能会决定拔掉那颗牙,以免反复发作。   2. He might decide that it is best to induce labour.   他也许决定最好引产。   3. If the clubs cannot conclude a deal, an independent tribunal will decide.   如果俱乐部之间无法达成协议,将由一个独立的仲裁委员会来裁定。   4. The judges could not decide which category it belonged in.   评委们无法判定它属于哪一类。   5. I couldn"t decide whether he was incredibly brave or just insane.   我不能判定他到底是英勇无畏还是精神失常。   6. The judge should not have left it to the jury to decide.   法官本不该把案子交给陪审团来裁定。   7. Little boys, being what they are, might decide to play on it.   出于天性,小男孩们可能会决定利用这一点。   8. West had to decide whether to play a heart.   韦斯特必须决定是否要出一张红桃。   9. If the Conservatives got in they might decide to change it.   如果保守党赢得选举,他们可能会决定改变这一现状。   10. They now have two weeks to decide whether or not to buy.   现在他们有两周时间决定到底买还是不买。   11. They"re keenly aware that whatever they decide will set a precedent.   他们深知无论他们的决定是什么,都将开创先例。   12. The Council will meet to decide if it should accept his resignation.   委员会将召开会议决定是否接受他的辞呈。   13. I have to decide my plan way in advance.   我得趁早制订计划。   14. They wait for the group to decide rather than making individual decisions.   他们等待团体作决定而不是各自作出决定。   15. Vietnam is trying to decide on its course for the future.   越南正在努力确定其未来发展的方向。   decide的双语例句   1、The public must decide.   必须由公众来决定。   2、I must confer with my lawyer before I decide.   我必须先同我的律师商量一下才能做出决定。   3、The two boys agreed to decide the matter by tossing a coin.   这两个孩子同意用掷硬币的 方法 来决定这件事。   4、They agreed to decide the matter by tossing a coin.   他们同意掷硬币来决定此事。   5、Then decide not to.   然后决定不这么做。   6、So how do you decide?   你要怎么决定呢?   7、But in order to do this, we have to decide what our priorities are.   但是为了能够做这些,我们必须决定我们的优先次序。   8、What if I decide to have sex?   如果我决定要开始性生活呢?   9、You need to decide for yourself when, with whom, and how you will have your first sex.   你需要自己决定你要在什么时候,和谁,怎样进行你的第一次性行为。   10、How do you decide when to listen to your advisors and when to not?   你怎么决定什么时候听从,顾问的建议,什么时候不听从?   11、She should decide what to do with it.   她该决定怎样用这笔钱。   12、Have lunch together if you like, but don"t decide for sure until next month.   如果你愿意的话,一起吃顿午餐,但是在下个月之前不要做决定。   13、But if you do decide to use it, what would you do with it?   可是,如果你真的决定使用它,你会用来做什么呢?   14、It all depends on what you decide to believe.   这一切都取决于你决定要相信什么。   15、So how do we decide which questions to tackle?
2023-08-01 10:58:441


您好:decide决定。decide to do sth.决定做某事 enough充足的we have enough food.我们有充足的食物。
2023-08-01 10:59:092

decide doing sth是什么意思

2023-08-01 10:59:192


这三个常用词记住几种常用用法就行。1 give: give sb. sth. 给某人某物 词组 give up 放弃 give in 屈服2 put. 词组 put off 推迟 put on 穿上3.decide. decide to do sth. 决定做某事。
2023-08-01 10:59:271

decided on doing 和 decided to do的区别?

Decide on doing sth 表示对……做出决定For example: Don"t decide on important matters too quickly.不要过于匆忙地对重要的事情作决定。而decide to do sth表示决定做某事For example: He decided to get married. 他决定结婚。
2023-08-01 10:59:486

英语固定用法:decide to do sth

Decide vt. 决定;解决;判决 vi. 决定,下决心 decide on 决定;选定 decide for 作对…有利的决定;赞成做某事 decide to do 决定做某事 decide upon vt. 考虑后决定;对…作出决定 decide against 决定不;作出不利于…的判决 decide to do sth. 决定做某事,例如: decides to go to Hong Kang on vacation. 他决定去香港度假 decided not to call his mum. 他决定不打电话给他的妈妈 3.I decide not to go swimming this weekend because I have a lot of homework to do. 我有许多作业要做所以我决定这周末不去游泳了。 the weather began not to rain, I decided to go home. 当天没有下雨时 我决定回家。 5. I decided to go home this weekend. 这个周末我打算回家 sure that you decide on your colors well in advance. 确保实现选定你拍照要用的颜色。 you decide to do some things, stick to it. 当你决定做某事时,要坚持到底。 8. If you decide to do you own make-up, here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best. 如果你决定自己化妆,这里有一些有用的小窍门,可以帮助你呈现最美的一面。 9. I have decided to work hard for our pany. 为了我们公司,我已经决定努力工作。 10. I have decided on working hard for our pany. 我已经决定为了我们公司努力工作。 11. They decide to have a trip. 他们决定去旅游。 12. She was still young, he said, and that would be taken into account when deciding her sentence. 她还年轻,他说,这一点对裁定关于她的判决时要考虑进去。 13. What happens next could decide their destiny. 接下来发生的事可能会决定他们的命运。 14. The election will decide if either party controls both houses of Congress. 这次选举将决定是否由任一党控制国会两院。 15. He decided Franklin must be suffering from a bad cold. 他断定富兰克林肯定是得了重感冒。
2023-08-01 11:00:121

decide on doing和decide in doing的区别

两者几乎没有什么区别,可以换用. 如果非要说区别,只能说decide on doing sth更多强调已经决定好的结果,而decide to do sth更多强调当时的动作本身.
2023-08-01 11:00:211

decide to do 与 decide on 用法区别?

2023-08-01 11:00:4910


都是动词,意思不同,用法不同 start 开始 后跟动词时可以用 to do 或 doing enjoy 喜欢 ,后跟动词时必须用动词ing形式 decide 决定,后跟动词时用不定式 to do want 想 ,后跟动词时用不定式 to do
2023-08-01 11:01:133


decide具有及物动词和不及物动词的用法,其后常接两种形式,具体如下: 表示“决定做某事”,其后要接不定式,不能接动名词。 表示“决定不做某事”,可用 decide not to do 或 decide against doing。 扩展资料   We"ve decided not to go away after all.   我们到底还是决定不离开。   We thought long and hard before deciding to move house.   我们经过长久慎重的考虑之后才决定搬家。   They had to draw lots to decide who would go.   他们只得抽签决定谁去。   The government has decided to give the green light to the plan.   政府已决定为这项计划开绿灯。   I decided to make a run for it.   我决定逃跑。
2023-08-01 11:01:541


decide的用法及固定搭配如下:1、decide to do sth,意思为决定做某事,例如He decides to go to school bu bus他决定坐公交去上学。2、decide on or upon doing sth,意思是就重大事情作出决定,例如We decide on leaving我们决定离开。3、decide+宾语从句。4、decide+as+形容词,充当补足语的复合宾语。例句:1、The company has decided it must present a more modern image.公司已决定,必须展现出更加现代的形象。2、It was decided the school should purchase new software.已经决定学校要购买新软件。3、It was decided to bring the meeting forward two weeks.已决定把会议提前两周。4、They decided to sound out her interest in the project.他们决定试探一下她对那个项目的兴趣。5、We thought long and hard before deciding to move house.我们经过长久慎重的考虑之后才决定搬家。
2023-08-01 11:02:131

decide to do 和 doing的区别

decide to do 和 doing的区别:没有decide doing sth这种用法,通常使用decide to do sth,决定去做某事。 decide 英:[du026au02c8sau026ad];美:[du026au02c8sau026ad] v.对…作出抉择;决定;选定;裁决;判决;影响(或决定)…的结果 第三人称单数:decides;现在分词:deciding;过去式:decided;过去分词:decided 记忆技巧:de加强+cid切;杀+e→切下去→下)决心 Decide用法 1.表示“决定做某事”,其后要接不定式,不能接动名词。如: They decided to delay the meeting.他们决定把会议推迟。 若要接动名词,应先接介词on(但不如用不定式结构常见)。如: We decided on leaving.我们决定离开。 另外,decide on之后还可接名词或代词,表示“对……作出决定”或“选定……”。如: We haven"t decided on a price but we"re open to offers.价钱未定,欢迎顾主开价。 2.表示“决定不做某事”,可用decide not to do或decide against doing。如: He decide not to change [against changing] his job.他决定不换工作。 另外,decide against之后也可接名词或代词。
2023-08-01 11:02:551


decide de.cide[dI`saId; diˋsaid]《源自拉丁文“切开”的意思》及物动词1 决心【同义字】decide 仔细考虑后的决定resolve 决意做到底determine 坚决地决定a. <人>决心<做…>,决意He ~d to postpone his departure.他决心延后出发b. <人>决定<做…>,决意He ~d that he"d postpone his departure.他决心要延后出发2 决定a. 决定<…事>It has been ~d that the conference shall be held next month.该会议决定于下个月举行b. 决定He has ~d when he will go [what he will do].他已决定什么时候去 [要做什么]She could not ~ which way to go.她无法决定该走哪一条路3 解决a. <人>解决 <争论、问题等> ; <推事> 判决<案件>It is for you to ~ the question. = The question is for you to ~.这个问题应由你来解决The judge ~d the case.法官对该案件作出了判决b. [对…有利地] 解决,判决 [for,in favor of] ; [对…不利地] 解决,判决[against]The judge ~d the case in favor of [against] the plaintiff.法官作了有利[不利]于原告的判决c. <事情>决定,使…终结[结束]The battle ~d the war.那一场战斗决定了战争 (的胜败)His home run ~d the game.他的央刨打使比赛结束 [决定了这场比赛的胜负]4 a. <事情> (终于) 使<人>决心<去做…>What finally ~d him to resign?.什么事终于使他决心辞职?b. <事情> (终于) 使<人>决心That has ~d me.那使我下了决心c. <事情> (终于) 使<人>决心 [不做…] [against]What ~d him against supporting you?.什么事使他决心不支持你?不及物动词1 a. 决心,决定I haven"t ~d yet.我还没有决定b. 决定[…事][on]; 决定[between]; 决定[关于…][about]Finally she ~d on the yellow dress instead of the green one.最后她决定穿黄色衣服而不穿绿色衣服I"ve ~d on buying a new car.我已决定要买一部新车We ~d against a holiday in Hawaii.我们决定不去夏威夷度假He ~d against helping her.他决定不帮助她It is difficult to ~ between the two opinions.在这两种意见之间抉择是困难的He hasn"t ~d about the date of the wedding.他还没有决定婚期2 [作有利于…的] 判决 [for,in favor of] ; [作不利于…的] 判决[against]The judge ~d against [for, in favor of] the defendant.法官作了不利[有利]于被告的判决【同学你好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦】
2023-08-01 11:03:041


"decide"是动词,表示做出决定或做出选择。例如:I can"t decide which movie to watch tonight.We need to decide who will be in charge of the project."enough"是形容词或副词,表示足够的数量或程度。例如:There is enough food for everyone.I"ve had enough of this nonsense.需要注意的是,"enough"通常用在名词或形容词后面,表示数量或程度足够。例如:She has enough money to buy a new car.The water is hot enough to make tea.而"decide"则通常用在动词后面,表示做出决定或选择
2023-08-01 11:03:121


decide: [ di"said ] v. 决定,判决例句与用法: 1. Don"t decide on important matters too quickly. 不要过于匆忙地对重要的事情作决定。 2. He decided to get married. 他决定结婚。 3. A chance meeting decided my career. 偶然的会面决定了我的事业。 4. That decided me to leave my job. 那件事使我决定离职。 5. It"s difficult to decide between the two. 对这两者,不易做出抉择。 6. With so many choices, it"s hard to decide (what to buy). 有这麽多可选择的, 真难决定(买什麽). 7. The judge decided for/against the plaintiff. 法官判决原告胜诉[败诉].
2023-08-01 11:03:311

decide的用法 decide to do与 decide doing的区别

decide de.cide [dI`saId; diˋsaid] 《源自拉丁文“切开”的意思》 及物动词 1 决心 【同义字】 decide 仔细考虑后的决定 resolve 决意做到底 determine 坚决地决定 a.决心,决意 He d to postpone his departure. 他决心延后出发 b.决定,决意 He d that he"d postpone his departure. 他决心要延后出发 2 决定 a.决定 It has been d that the conference shall be held next month. 该会议决定于下个月举行 b.决定 He has d when he will go [what he will do]. 他已决定什么时候去 [要做什么] She could not which way to go. 她无法决定该走哪一条路 3 解决 a.解决 ; 判决 It is for you to the question.= The question is for you to . 这个问题应由你来解决 The judge d the case. 法官对该案件作出了判决 b.[对…有利地] 解决,判决 [for,in favor of] ; [对…不利地] 解决,判决[against] The judge d the case in favor of [against] the plaintiff. 法官作了有利[不利]于原告的判决 c.决定,使…终结[结束] The battle d the war. 那一场战斗决定了战争 (的胜败) His home run d the game. 他的央刨打使比赛结束 [决定了这场比赛的胜负] 4 a.(终于) 使决心 What finally d him to resign?. 什么事终于使他决心辞职? b.(终于) 使决心 That has d me. 那使我下了决心 c.(终于) 使决心 [不做…] [against] What d him against supporting you?. 什么事使他决心不支持你? 不及物动词 1 a.决心,决定 I haven"t d yet. 我还没有决定 b.决定[…事][on]; 决定[between]; 决定[关于…][about] Finally she d on the yellow dress instead of the green one. 最后她决定穿黄色衣服而不穿绿色衣服 I"ve d on buying a new car. 我已决定要买一部新车 We d against a holiday in Hawaii. 我们决定不去夏威夷度假 He d against helping her. 他决定不帮助她 It is difficult to between the two opinions. 在这两种意见之间抉择是困难的 He hasn"t d about the date of the wedding. 他还没有决定婚期 2 [作有利于…的] 判决 [for,in favor of] ; [作不利于…的] 判决[against] The judge d against [for,in favor of] the defendant. 法官作了不利[有利]于被告的判决
2023-08-01 11:03:391


decide   decidev。作出决定;下决心(做某事)。后面多跟动词不定式作宾语。如:   She decided not to go alone。她决定不单独去。   decide的名词形式是decision,固定搭配make a decision意为“作出决定”。如:   She could not make a decision about the dress。   她对(买不买)这件连衣裙下不了决心。   run   [短语搭配]   run after追逐、追求 runa way逃跑、跑掉   run into遇到、撞上 run off跑掉、迅速离开   run out of用完、用尽   [考题回放]   ()We____coaland had to burn wood。   A.ran out of B.rana way   C.ran off D.ran in to
2023-08-01 11:04:021

decide todo和decide doing有什么区别?

decide to do 和 doing的区别:没有decide doing sth这种用法,通常使用decide to do sth,决定去做某事。扩展:Decide用法1.表示“决定做某事”,其后要接不定式,不能接动名词。如:They decided to delay the meeting.他们决定把会议推迟。若要接动名词,应先接介词on(但不如用不定式结构常见)。如:We decided on leaving.我们决定离开。另外,decide on之后还可接名词或代词,表示“对……作出决定”或“选定……”。如:We haven"t decided on a price but we"re open to offers.价钱未定,欢迎顾主开价。2.表示“决定不做某事”,可用decide not to do或decide against doing。如:He decide not to change [against changing] his job.他决定不换工作。另外,decide against之后也可接名词或代词。
2023-08-01 11:04:201

decide to do sth.和decide doing sth.有何区别

英语中只有decide to do sth.,不存在decide doing sth这个结构,不过有这个结构:decide against doing sth.== decide not to do sth.
2023-08-01 11:04:283

decide doing和decide to do有什么区别呢?

decide to do 和 doing的区别:没有decide doing sth这种用法,通常使用decide to do sth,决定去做某事。扩展:Decide用法1.表示“决定做某事”,其后要接不定式,不能接动名词。如:They decided to delay the meeting.他们决定把会议推迟。若要接动名词,应先接介词on(但不如用不定式结构常见)。如:We decided on leaving.我们决定离开。另外,decide on之后还可接名词或代词,表示“对……作出决定”或“选定……”。如:We haven"t decided on a price but we"re open to offers.价钱未定,欢迎顾主开价。2.表示“决定不做某事”,可用decide not to do或decide against doing。如:He decide not to change [against changing] his job.他决定不换工作。另外,decide against之后也可接名词或代词。
2023-08-01 11:04:361


2023-08-01 11:04:561

decide on sth 和decide sth有什么区别

decide on 后面接名词或动名词之类的decide sth是个动词短语可以接许多
2023-08-01 11:05:072

decide todo与decide doing的区别是什么?

decide to do 和 doing的区别:没有decide doing sth这种用法,通常使用decide to do sth,决定去做某事。1decide英:[du026au02c8sau026ad];美:[du026au02c8sau026ad]v.对…作出抉择;决定;选定;裁决;判决;影响(或决定)…的结果第三人称单数:decides;现在分词:deciding;过去式:decided;过去分词:decided记忆技巧:de加强+cid切;杀+e切下去下)决心2Decide用法1.表示“决定做某事”,其后要接不定式,不能接动名词。如:They decided to delay the meeting.他们决定把会议推迟。若要接动名词,应先接介词on(但不如用不定式结构常见)。如:We decided on leaving.我们决定离开。另外,decide on之后还可接名词或代词,表示“对……作出决定”或“选定……”。如:We haven"t decided on a price but we"re open to offers.价钱未定,欢迎顾主开价。2.表示“决定不做某事”,可用decide not to do或decide against doing。如:He decide not to change [against changing] his job.他决定不换工作。另外,decide against之后也可接名词或代词。
2023-08-01 11:05:321

decide todo和decide doing有什么区别?

decide to do 和 doing的区别:没有decide doing sth这种用法,通常使用decide to do sth,决定去做某事。扩展:Decide用法1.表示“决定做某事”,其后要接不定式,不能接动名词。如:They decided to delay the meeting.他们决定把会议推迟。若要接动名词,应先接介词on(但不如用不定式结构常见)。如:We decided on leaving.我们决定离开。另外,decide on之后还可接名词或代词,表示“对……作出决定”或“选定……”。如:We haven"t decided on a price but we"re open to offers.价钱未定,欢迎顾主开价。2.表示“决定不做某事”,可用decide not to do或decide against doing。如:He decide not to change [against changing] his job.他决定不换工作。另外,decide against之后也可接名词或代词。
2023-08-01 11:05:401


2023-08-01 11:05:471

deside doing和decide to do的区别

decide [uf064uf049uf035uf073uf061uf049uf064] vi., vt. 决定;断定;判定 [教用法]1. decide to do:Last week, a group of Class 3 students decided to go to the museum in the centre of the town. 上星期,三班的一些学生决定到位于镇中心的博物馆去。 2. decide that...:When the winds started to get strong, the family decided that it was not safe to remain in the house. 当风势开始加强的时候,这家人认定,继续呆在房子里是不安全的。 3. decide + 疑问词 + to do:We must decide which one to buy. 我们一定要定下来究竟买哪一个。 4. It is decided that...:It is decided that we should start tomorrow. 已经决定我们明日出发。(注:这种从句要用虚拟语气。)参考资料:摘自拙作《初中英语词汇大全》清华大学出版社
2023-08-01 11:06:031


decision n. 决定,决议; 决策 决心; 决断
2023-08-01 11:06:102


2023-08-01 11:00:045

one love arashi、岚 歌词汉字音译日语

2023-08-01 11:00:042


2023-08-01 11:00:072

iphone6 plus怎么读音

2023-08-01 11:00:142


呵呵是一个叫cucn201的最近在网络上火起来的网络配音组合,由中国传媒大学南广学院2006级语言传播系的201宿舍的四个男生组成。不同于其他网络配音组合的是,他们并不完全按照原作品的台词来配音,台词由他们自己改编,语言极富感染力和幽默感。他们创作了诸如:“我勒个去”,“我勒个擦”,“加勒个油”,“我去”,“不给力啊”,“这货不是……这货不是……”,“你终于可以1V5了”,“阿西吧”,“湿父”等令人捧腹的口头禅式短语,许多现已成为流行用语。 现在追他们的作品呢~~
2023-08-01 11:00:142


中文:青海湖 作词:巴音 作曲:全胜 代青塔娜 我驻足在你的身边 不曾想触碰你一下 你圣洁的让我心碎 却用阳光和风将我拥抱 安抚着这颗温柔的心 他们也来了 却饥渴的进入你的身体 任凭恶臭的汗水浸透着你的皮肤 用车轮碾过你轻靠岸边的臂膀 他们失去了信仰 而或他们从来就没有信仰 不懂得沉寂和静穆的美 你让我心碎了 你是天的眼神 在凝望着正在消逝的世界 有一天你也将归还于天空 此刻我正这样和你相对 和每一秒说再见 这无法定格的一切 我用额头触碰你脚下的泥土 只愿当我再一次远行 心中有你赐予的一片蔚蓝望采纳
2023-08-01 11:00:143

翻译下面几个词 英文

Code Name Price Latest Price Change the amount of this open buying and selling the highest and lowest turnover Zuoshou / hand turnover / million Optional Share
2023-08-01 11:00:154


2023-08-01 11:00:151

沧浪之水清兮可以濯我缨的意思 沧浪之水清兮可以濯我缨的解释

1、意思是:沧浪江的水清澈啊,可以洗我的冠缨。 2、原文为“沧浪之水清兮,可以濯我缨。沧浪之水浊兮,可以濯我足。”作者已不可考。 3、译文:沧浪江的水清澈啊,可以洗我的冠缨。沧浪江的水浑浊啊,可以洗我的脚。 4、水清意指太平盛世,水浊意指世道浑浊,根据世道决定进退,表明一种超脱世俗名利的潇洒的人生态度。 5、《沧浪歌》并不单单是“劝人出世避祸,独善其身”的,而是强调人不仅要刚直进取,也要有豁达的心胸。 6、屈原认为“安能以皓皓之白, 而蒙世俗之尘埃乎?”而沧浪歌却说:“沧浪之水浊兮,可以濯我足”,这是“莲出污泥而不染”的另一种说法,就是说白者自白是不会被玷污的,(屈原)你没必要以死来表示自己的清白高洁,(既然你无力改变“举世皆浊”的世态)你应该豁然地面对这种世态。
2023-08-01 11:00:161


2023-08-01 11:00:201


truth的音标为[truu02d0θ]。truth作为名词,有真相、真理、事实、真实、真实性、实情、真实情况的意思。用truth造句如下:1、He deserves to know the truth. His mother lies to him.他应该知道真相,他的母亲骗了他。2、But everybody else could tell that I confused my feelings with the truth.但其他人都看得出我错把自己的感觉当成了真实情况。3、The truth of the matter is, is that it was not Mr. Dunbar who wrote the article.事情的真相是这文章不是邓巴先生写得。4、A hundred dollar bill for anyone who will give me the truth behind this so-called miracle tree.谁能告诉我那棵所谓的"奇迹树"的真相,这张百元大钞就归谁。5、"Can there possibly be some truth in the story?" said Sir Henry.“难道那个故事中真有几分真实的成分吗?” 亨利爵士说道。6、But if anything I"m saying even has a grain of truth, I wouldn"t want to be you.如果我说的有一点是真的,那就是我可不想成为你。
2023-08-01 11:00:221


VOLUME是指成交量,当日成交量,是 金额. mavol 是某几天的成交量的平均值 ,某几天就取决于参数设置,这里看vol括号后面的数字,前面的VOL(5.10)括号里是5和10,这里说明参数设置为5日和10日,也就是mavol1和mavol2分别表示成交量的5日、10日平均量 专业说法是mavol代表5日均量线或者均线,mavol2代表10日均(量)线.均线,就是平均股价,例如,mavol1----5日均线就是最近5天收盘价总和的平均值.mavol2 就是近10天来收盘价总和的平均值. 左边的竖排的万 后面单位是手.不是元.所以就是多少万手,一手=100股.
2023-08-01 11:00:041


2023-08-01 10:59:5713


2023-08-01 10:59:561


true:指信息等与事实相符的,而非妄言或虚假的;也指友谊、爱情等是真正意义上的或名副其实的,此时通常作定语。true是形容词,真实的。它可以作定语或表语。 truth:指某事的真实情况。truth是名词,真相。它可以做主语或宾语。 扩展资料   Nothing seemed to satisfy their hunger for truth.   似乎没有什么能满足他们对真理的渴求。   She persisted in her search for the truth.   她执著地追求真理。   That may or may not be true.   这可能是真的,也可能不是。   The novel is based on a true story.   这部小说是根据真实的.故事写成的。
2023-08-01 10:59:552


2023-08-01 10:59:5411


这里是我的心中桃源.梦里沧浪 我认为并不单单是[劝人出世避祸.独善其身"的.而是强调人不仅要刚直进取.也要有豁达的心胸. 屈原认为[安能以皓皓之白.而蒙世俗之尘埃乎?"而沧浪歌却说:[沧浪之水浊兮.可以濯我足".这是[莲出污泥而不染"的另一种说法.就是说白者自白是不会被玷污的.(屈原)你没必要以死来表示自己的清白高洁.(既然你无力改变[举世皆浊"的世态)你应该豁然地面对这种世态. 而沧浪歌的前一句[沧浪之水清兮.可以濯我缨".则很明显是劝人积极进取的.[水清"是喻治世.而[濯我缨".缨指代帽子.古代男子的帽子是地位的象征.所以[濯我缨"当然就是比喻做官了.[沧浪歌"正确解读应该是[君子处世.遇治则仕.遇乱则隐.(语出)"这也就是[达则兼济天下.穷则独善其身"的另一种说法.
2023-08-01 10:59:491

求一首英文歌曲one love的百度地址!

在这几个地方都有下载, 不过大小不一样:
2023-08-01 10:59:491


amo是amount(成交金额) 的缩写
2023-08-01 10:59:451


1、truth英[tru?θ]美[tru?θ],n.真相; 实情; 事实; 真实情况; 真实; 真实性; 真理。2、[例句]We are determined to get at the truth.我们决心查出真相。
2023-08-01 10:59:451


2023-08-01 10:59:453

岚one love 汉字音译日文歌词 不要拼音的

《ONE LOVE》 BY花花粗太爱他哭太 粗他哇啦那哭太套ki你哈素那你来阻尼哪一打ki赛粗哦 摸哎他宝库啦娃一马套胎毛卡噶压抑太录要扫来早来哎噶哭 系啊哇塞闹卡塔器哈卡萨哪里一马奥ki那阿姨你那路组到户塔里带 一ki太有靠奥hia哭难 撒ki毛 阿姨哦其噶无要ki米哈宝库闹素白带撒新恩级带一路 他打新恩级带路奥那几套ki奥ki咋木哎~~到恩那ki米毛 到恩那宝库带帽黑套粗黑桃粗噶一套系ki米噶依赖吧 那你毛一啦哪一ki到系啊哇塞你速录卡拉爱买闹拿卡带 ki奥骂啊太他呀撒系闹一米撒哎希腊族素来起噶一你ki组粗一他窑炉扫来带毛考考骂带ki他恩大卡开噶哎闹哪一带阿姨娃ki塞ki奥粗那一带哭奥贸易带 卡萨哪里啊唔哈级玛丽闹无他 哪里黑比一太到恩那套ki毛 飒飒哎太库赖他哇啦一哪一打拿卡吗哎考考老考卖呆 他打黑套粗打开奥库路考逃吧娃阿里嘎多唔hia哭难 撒ki毛 阿姨哦其噶无要ki米哈宝库闹素白带撒阿姨系带一路 他打阿姨系带路奥那几压库扫哭系要唔~~塞开一就你 他打黑套里打开宝库娃ki米奥哎啦恩大ki米套一来吧 到恩那米拉一毛组到卡噶呀一太一录卡拉啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦~~~~~
2023-08-01 10:59:421