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jumping rope怎么读

2023-08-01 16:03:42

jumping rope的音标是[u02c8du0292u028cmpiu014bru0259jumping rope]。

jumping rope的意思是跳绳。





jumping rope怎么读

2023-08-01 07:14:364


2023-08-01 07:15:062


绳的读音有shéng、mǐn、yùn。绳字的本义是“可以无限接续延长的索带”。绳是日常生活用品。绳一般有塑料绳、麻绳、尼龙绳、棉绳等种类,以实心塑料绳为佳。(1) 形声。从糸( mì),从黾(měng),黾亦声。“糸”指“纤维”。“黾”本指“吃食少而繁殖多”,转义为“可以无限制低成本繁衍”。“糸”与“黾”联合起来表示“可以无限制低成本接续延长的纤维索带”。本义:可以无限制低成本接续延长的纤维索带。说明:古代绳子多用草、麻等植物纤维用手工搓成。必须延长时,把另一股草、麻纤维用搓的办法接续上去,手续简便,成本低廉。(2) 同本义 [rope;cord;string]绳,索也。——《说文》大者谓之索,小者谓之绳。——《小尔雅》(3) 又如:绳床(交床;交椅);绳缢跌扑(用绳子吊死,跌倒摔死);绳文(文字未创造以前,结绳代替文字,称为绳文);绳桥(用绳索连结两岸的桥);绳头(绳的一端);绳戏(即绳伎。走绳之杂戏);绳络(绳编的网状饰物);绳床瓦灶(以绳为床,以瓦为灶。比喻生活贫困)
2023-08-01 07:15:321

左“纟” 右“追”,这个字怎么读?怎么打?

2023-08-01 07:16:197


缚:fù缚是一个形声汉字,左右结构,读作fù,本意是捆绑。"缚"在《左传·文公二年》有记载:战之明日,晋襄公缚秦囚。(1)〈动〉捆绑说明:捆绑有两种形式,一种是简单捆绑,例如让犯人伸出双手,将其缠绕住;另一种是"花式捆绑",即俗称的"五花大绑",绳子从胳膊和头颈处绕来绕去,捆绑出花样来。捆绑的复杂程度不同就决定了犯人自行解脱的可能性不同。示例:缚,束也。――《说文》战之明日,晋襄公缚秦囚。――《左传·文公二年》主缚者亦然,不如所欲,缚时即先折筋骨。――清·方苞《狱中杂记》又如:缚人(捆绑人),缚绑(捆绑),缚住(捆住),缚虎(捆住猛虎。比喻征服极难征服之人),缚送(捆住押送),缚扎(捆扎)(2)〈动〉约束;限制 [tie up]。如:缚束(裹扎);缚裤(扎紧套裤脚管,以便骑乘。泛指戎装)(3)〈名〉绳索 [string;rope]示例:夜半,童自转,以缚即炉火烧绝之。――唐·柳宗元《童区寄传》又如:释缚(解缚。解绳)(4)〈量〉用于捆起来的东西。如:一缚书(一捆书)
2023-08-01 07:16:391


在英语中,跳绳可以被称为 "skipping rope" 或者简称为 "jump rope"。两者都是指用绳子跳跃的活动。"Skipping rope" 这个短语中,"skip" 意为 "跳跃","rope" 则是指 "绳子"。这个短语通常用于形容使用绳子进行跳跃运动的活动,例如儿童在操场上玩耍时使用的那种绳子。所以,当你想表达跳绳时,你可以说 "I"m skipping rope" 或者 "Let"s go outside and skip rope"。另一种常见的用法是 "jump rope",其中 "jump" 意为 "跳跃","rope" 仍然是指 "绳子"。这个短语同样可以用来描述跳绳的活动。当你想要说 "我正在跳绳",你可以说 "I"m jumping rope"。如果你想要鼓励别人和你一起跳绳,你可以说 "Let"s jump rope together"。无论你选择使用 "skipping rope" 还是 "jump rope",它们都是描述跳绳这一活动的常见方式。因此,在英语中,你可以使用这些短语来表达你正在跳绳或鼓励他人参与跳绳的活动。
2023-08-01 07:17:041


2023-08-01 07:17:583


zhuì shéng
2023-08-01 07:18:245


heavy knotted rope coiled neatly on the
2023-08-01 07:18:533


1不完全爆破 (一)什么是不完全爆破。 爆破音是指发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。这些音有6个,即/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/和/g/。但在某些情况下,发爆破音时,气流不必冲破阻碍,而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,并稍做停顿,(也就是说,做好要发出这个爆破音的准备,但不要发出音来),这样的发音过程叫作"不完全爆破"。 (二)不完全爆破的详细情况 1. /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/这6个爆破音中的任何两个音素相邻时,前者发不完全爆破音,后者则要完全地。彻底地进行爆破。如: 1) He has a ba(d) col(d) today. 2) You shoul(d) ta(k)e care of the children. Gla(d) to meet you. 2.爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/在/tF/, /dV/, /W/, /T/的前面时不完全爆破。如: 1) Have you rea(d) the book abou(t) tha(t) child。 2) The thir(d) chair is broken. 3.爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/在/m/, /n/, /l/, /s/的前面时不完全爆破。如: 1) Goo(d) morning, sir. 2) Goo(d) night. 3) They are very frien(d)ly to us. 注意:不完全爆破可以发生在单词。短语或句子中。发爆破音时气流在通路上开始完全阻塞(成阻),随后气流有力、急促地冲开这种阻碍而发出爆破声(除阻)。单独发爆破音必须经过成阻、持阻和除阻三个阶段。发爆破音时,时间不可延长,一发即逝。爆破音有清浊三对,每对的发音部位相同,它们是:2 1.通常读/p/和/b/的字母和字母组合有: /p/和/b/的读音练习: pack——back park——bark pull——bull rope——robe a blank sheet of paper a beautiful picture put a big book on the table 2.通常读/t/和/d/的字母和字母组合有: /t/和/d/的读音练习: bat——bad town——down mate——made latter——ladder twice a day in two days the day after tomorrow 3.通常读/k/和/g/的字母和字母组合有: /k/和/g/的读音练习: back——bag cap——gap coast——ghost cold——gold card——guard a big school look big go to a clinic 3/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/是6个爆破音 1. /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/这6个爆破音中的任何两个音素相邻时,前者发不完全爆破音,后者则要完全地。彻底地进行爆破。如: 1) He has a ba(d) col(d) today. 2) You shoul(d) ta(k)e care of the children. Gla(d) to meet you. 2.爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/在/tF/, /dV/, /W/, /T/的前面时不完全爆破。如: 1) Have you rea(d) the book abou(t) tha(t) child。 2) The thir(d) chair is broken. 3.爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/在/m/, /n/, /l/, /s/的前面时不完全爆破。如: 1) Goo(d) morning, sir. 2) Goo(d) night. 3) They are very frien(d)ly to us.注意:s后面都是爆破音 不仅p是读成b,如果有c的话也要读成g,k也要读成g 如:scare school script sky
2023-08-01 07:19:031


2023-08-01 07:19:124


draw a picture. 单数draw pictures 复数
2023-08-01 07:19:471


rope单词发音:英[ru0259u028ap];美[rou028ap]。rope,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“绳,绳索,人名;(英)罗普;(芬)罗佩”,作及物动词时意为“捆,绑”,作不及物动词时意为“拧成绳状”。短语搭配:rope drive[机]绳索传动 ; 钢丝绳传动 ; 绳双动Rope Marks条痕Tight rope收紧绳索 ; 钢索危情 ; 夏目维朔 ; 古灵精怪lane rope分道线tow rope拖索 ; 拖绳 ; 牵引绳 ; 拖车绳coir rope棕绳 ; 棕缆 ; 棕索 ; 以棕毛搓制的绳索aramid rope芳纶绳 ; 聚芳基酰胺绳 ; 杜邦凯芙拉绳 ; 聚烯烃绳rope socket索接头例句:I attempted walking along the rope.我尝试沿著这绳索走。Sits on his back and chokes him with the rope.小拉尔夫坐在他背上,用绳子勒着他。I have rope.我有绳子。
2023-08-01 07:20:201

rope怎么读 英文rope应该怎么念

1、rope读音:英[ru0259u028ap],美[rou028ap]; 2、释义: n.粗绳;线缆;绳索;(拳击或摔跤场四周的)围绳,圈绳;串在一起的相似的东西。 v.用绳子捆(或绑、系);用绳子系牢;捆紧;用套索抓捕(动物);绳套。
2023-08-01 07:20:391


Jump rope.
2023-08-01 07:21:132

ropeway 怎么读

ropeway 英["ru0259u028apweu026a]美["rou028apu02ccweu026a]n. 索道,空中缆索[例句]The director may exempt any aerial ropeway from all or any provision of this ordinance or the code subject to such conditions as he thinks fit.
2023-08-01 07:21:431

跳绳的英语怎么读 跳绳的英语解释

1、跳绳,Rope skipping,读音:美/ru0259up u02c8skipiu014b/;英/ru0259up u02c8skipiu014b/。 2、释义:rope skipping n.跳绳。 3、例句:The girls were skipping in the playground.姑娘们在操场上跳绳。
2023-08-01 07:22:221


Ride on a bicycle骑自行车、Rope skipping跳绳、Play football踢足球、Fly a kite放风筝
2023-08-01 07:23:341


ropeway英 ["ru0259u028apweu026a]   美 ["rou028apu02ccweu026a]  n.索道;空中缆索用作名词 (n.)In a word, this is a perfect managed system on ropeway.总之,这是一个较完善的索道运行管理系统。Reliable traveling of rope as the load carrying and towing equipment is necessary to ropeway safe operation.摘要作为索道的承重牵引设备钢丝绳的运行可靠性是索道安全运行的基本保证。
2023-08-01 07:23:441


2023-08-01 07:23:523


ispeak English Chinese。
2023-08-01 07:24:003


2023-08-01 07:24:071


2023-08-01 07:25:481


climb [klaim]vi.攀登, 爬, 上坡逐渐上升; (飞机)爬升; (植物)攀缘向上; (物价等)逐渐上涨; (道路、楼梯等)倾斜向上(在社会地位方面)钻营; 向上爬迅速或费力地穿[脱]衣服climb to a height of ten thousand feet升到一万英尺的高度climb over a fence翻过围墙climb to power上台, 捞到大权Monkeys climb well.猴子善于攀爬。The firemen climbed into their clothes.救火员们迅速地穿上他们的衣服。 词性变化climb [klaim]vt.爬, 攀登; 登上, 爬上使(飞机)爬升; (植物)在...上攀缘而上仰起炮身climb a mountain登山climb [klaim]n.攀登;【航空】爬升(可)攀登之地, 山坡 继承用法climb-downn.向下爬[口]退让, 让步, 屈服; 认错; (声明的)撤回climbout["klau026amau028at]n.(飞机)爬升; 经济复苏climbable["klau026amu0259bl]adj.可攀登的, 爬得上去的 习惯用语at the climb (黑话)当飞贼; 专干从屋顶侵入盗窃的勾当on the climb 有迁升的希望climb aboard [美]上车 特殊用法chimney climb 攀登狭窄岩缝diffusive climb 扩散攀移dislocation climb 位错上升[攀移]rate climb 等速上升rope climb 爬绳solo climb 单人登山及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.爬, 攀登 The plane climbed steeply.飞机陡直地爬升。2.(尤指吃力地向某处)爬 3.登山,攀岩(作为业余爱好或运动)名词 n.1.攀登2.要攀登到的地方或距离 There was a steep climb on the road out of town.市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。3.上升, 增长 The minister"s climb to power had taken 8 years.这位部长花了八年的工夫攀升到权贵之尊。4. 增值;升值;增加 5. (进行登山或攀缘运动的)山,岩 不及物动词 vi.1. 爬升;上升2. 倾斜上升 3. (沿墙或构架)攀缘生长 4. (靠自己的努力)晋升,提高社会地位 5.(温度、国家的货币等 )上升;增值;升值
2023-08-01 07:26:043


2023-08-01 07:26:153


money的读音是:英["m?ni]。money的读音是:英["m?ni]。money的详尽释义是n.(名词)财产财富钱货币款项收入通货薪水。money的意思是n.财产;钱;货币。一、详尽释义点此查看money的详细内容n.(名词)财产财富钱货币款项收入通货薪水二、英英释义Noun:the most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender;"we tried to collect the money he owed us"wealth reckoned in terms of money;"all his money is in real estate"the official currency issued by a government or national bank;"he changed his money into francs"三、词典解释1.钱;金钱Money is the coins or bank notes that you use to buy things, or the sum that you have in a bank account.e.g. A lot of themoney that you pay at the cinema goes back to the film distributors...你在电影院消费的一大部分钱都会回到电影发行商手里。e.g. Players should be allowed to earnmoney from advertising...应该允许运动员拍广告挣钱。2.款项;钱款Monies is used to refer to several separate sums of money that form part of a larger amount that is received or spent.e.g. We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed.我们起草了一份剩余欠款的还款计划。e.g. ...the investment and management of monies by pension funds.养老基金对资金的投资与管理3. see also: blood money;pocket money4.有花不完的钱;钱多得烫手;钱多得烧包If you say that someonehasmoney to burn, you mean that they have more money than they need or that they spend their money on things that you think are unnecessary.e.g. He was a high-earning broker withmoney to burn.他是高收入的经纪人,有花不完的钱。5.非常有钱的;手头宽裕的If you arein the money, you have a lot of money to spend.e.g. If you are one of the lucky callers chosen to play, you could be in themoney.如果你有幸成为其中一个被选中参加表演的来电者,就可能会赚大钱。6.挣钱;赚钱If youmake money, you obtain money by earning it or by making a profit.e.g. They couldn"t find work or makemoney in the cities.他们在城市找不到工作,也赚不到钱。e.g. ...the only bit of the firm that consistently mademoney.公司唯一一直赚钱的一小块业务7.用行动证明自己的话;说到做到;说给钱就给钱If you say that you want someone toput theirmoney where their mouth is, you want them to spend money to improve a bad situation, instead of just talking about improving it.e.g. The government might be obliged to put itsmoney where its mouth is to prove its commitment.政府也许会被迫付出行动,以兑现承诺。8.(因掌握内情而下的)高明赌注If you say thatthe smart money is on a particular person or thing, you mean that people who know a lot about it think that this person will be successful, or this thing will happen.e.g. With England not playing, the smartmoney was on the Germans...英格兰队没有参赛,所以人们看好德国队应该会赢。9.金钱万能;有钱能使鬼推磨If you say thatmoney talks, you mean that if someone has a lot of money, they also have a lot of power.e.g. The formula in Hollywood is simple—money talks.好莱坞的生存规则很简单,就是金钱万能。10.白白扔钱;花冤枉钱If you say that someone isthrowing money at a problem, you are critical of them for trying to improve it by spending money on it, instead of doing more thoughtful and practical things toimprove it.money的近义词e.g. The Australian government"s answer to the problem has been to throwmoney at it.澳大利亚政府对这个问题的解决方案一直就是大把往里扔钱。11.花钱填无底洞;继续砸钱If you say that someone isthrowing good money after bad, you are critical of them for trying to improve a bad situation by spending more money on it, instead of doing more thoughtful or practical things to improve it.money在线翻译e.g. Further heavy intervention would be throwing goodmoney after bad.进一步加大干预的力度只会是继续白扔钱。12.钱花得值;物有所值;没白忙活If youget yourmoney"s worth, you get something which is worth the money that it costs or the effort you have put in.e.g. The fans get theirmoney"s worth.粉丝们的钱没白花。13. to see the colour of someone"smoney -> see coloura licence to printmoney -> see licenceto be rolling inmoney -> see rollingmoney for old rope -> see ropeto give someone a run for theirmoney -> see run四、例句He robs her of money.他抢夺她的财产。Time is money.时间就是金钱。Money doesn"t always bring happiness.金钱并不一定带来快乐。She accepted the money with mingled feelings.她悲喜交集地收下了这笔钱。It is a crime to counterfeit money.伪造货币是犯罪行为。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)Money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨。Time is money.时间就是金钱。How much money is there in my account?我的银行户头里有多少钱?His father makes a lot of money as a pilot.他父亲当飞机驾驶员挣钱很多。The repairs will cost a lot of money.进行修理要花不少钱。If it doesn"t work, the shop should give you your money back.如果那东西不好使,商店应该退钱给你。We don"t have much money left.我们没有多少钱了。It must cost a lot of money to study abroad .到国外学习一定要花很多钱。The teacher told us something about the moneys of Europe in the Middle Ages.老师给我们讲了一些有关中世纪欧洲货币的情况。He made his money in property speculation.他靠房地产投机发了财。His business collapsed, and he lost all his money.他的企业倒闭了,全部财产付诸东流了。六、常用短语用作名词(n.)be in the money富裕的,有钱的 have a lot of money to spend; be richbe made of money很有钱,富有 very wealthyfor sb"s money依某人看来 in sb"s opinionget one"s money"s worth花得上算 get the full value in goods or services for the money one has spenthave money to burn有的是钱 have so much money that is hard-earned and not to be wastedput one"s money where one"s month is以实际行动支持某人的观点 support one"s views with practical proof七、词源解说☆ 13世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的moneie,意为钱,制币厂。money的相关近义词cash、currency、greenbacksmoney的相关临近词Mongol、monetary、moneyer、moneyed、money in、moneybag、moneyman、moneybox、Moneyhun、Moneyron、moneywise、moneybags点此查看更多关于money的详细信息
2023-08-01 07:27:101


2023-08-01 07:27:271

三的英语单词怎么读 三的英语单词的读音

1、三的英文是three,读音:英[θri:],美[θri]。 2、例句:Weve got enough food to last us (for) three days.我们的食物足够维持三天。I studied in the same school with them for three years.我和他们同过3年学。
2023-08-01 07:15:151

Waiting In Vain 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting In Vain歌手:Doky Brothers专辑:Doky Brothers 2Serendipity Soundtrack LyricsArtist: Annie Lennox LyricsSong: Waiting In Vain LyricsFrom the very first time I rest my eyes on you, boyMy heart said follow throughBut I know now that I"m way down on your lineBut the waiting feeling"s fineSo don"t treat me like a puppet on a string"Cause I know how to do my thingDon"t talk to me as if you think I"m dumbI wanna know when you"re gonna comeSee, I don"t wanna wait in vain for your loveI don"t wanna wait in vain for your loveI don"t wanna wait in vain for your love"Cause summer is here, I"m still waiting thereWinter is here and I"m still waiting thereLike I said, it"s been three years since I"m knocking on your doorAnd I still can knock some moreOoh boy, ooh boy, is it crazy love ? I wanna know nowFor I to knock some more. You see...In life I know there is lots of griefBut your love is my reliefTears in my eyes burn, tears in my eyes burnWhile I"m waiting, while I"m waiting for my turn.See, I don"t wanna wait in vain for your love,I don"t wanna wait in vain for your loveI don"t wanna wait in vain for your loveI don"t wanna wait in vain for your loveI don"t wanna wait in vain for your loveI don"t wanna wait in vain for your loveI don"t wanna wait in vain for your love"Cause summer is here, I"m still waiting thereWinter is here and I"m still waiting thereLike I saidIt"s been three years since I"m knocking on your doorAnd I still can knock some moreOoh boy, ooh boy, is it crazy love ? I wanna know nowLike I said, tears in my eyes burn, tears in my eyes burnWhile I"m waiting, while I"m waiting for my turn, seeOoh boy, ooh boy, is it crazy love ? I wanna know nowFor I to knock some moreIn love I know there is lots of griefBut your love is my calvin@泉韵心声
2023-08-01 07:15:151


2023-08-01 07:15:171


北欧名城——丹麦首都哥本哈根 丹麦王国首都哥本哈根(Copenhagen)位于丹麦西兰岛东部,隔着厄勒海峡和瑞典重要海港马尔默遥遥相对。它是丹麦政治、经济、文化的中心,全国最大和最重要的城市,是北欧最大的城市,也是著名的古城。哥市虽地理纬度较高,但由于受墨西哥湾暖流影响,气候温和。1—2月气温在0℃左右,7—8月平均气温16℃。年平均降水量700毫米。 根据丹麦的历史记载,哥本哈根在十一世纪初还是一个小小的渔村和进行贸易的场所。随着贸易的日益繁盛,到十二世纪初发展成为一个商业城镇。十五世纪初,成为丹麦王国的首都。哥本哈根在丹麦文中就是“商人的港口”或“贸易港”的意思。 哥本哈根人口49.9万(2001年)。全国重要的食品、造船、机械、电子等工业大多集中在这里。哥本哈根的海港,水深港阔,设备优良,是丹麦最大的商港。每年出入港口的船只达三万五千艘以上,丹麦一半以上的对外贸易都经由这里进出口。哥本哈根有铁路通过火车轮渡与日德兰半岛及斯堪的纳维亚半岛各国相连接。有许多国际航空线经过这里,是西欧和北欧间铁路、航空的枢纽。 哥本哈根既是传统的贸易和船运中心,又是新兴制造业城市。全国1/3工厂建在大哥本哈根区。主要工业项目有造船、机械、罐头、酿造等。当地东亚公司、布米斯特—怀恩机械和船业公司等厂家世界闻名。1950年后工业和人口迁往市郊,市区人口逐渐减少。城市交通工具以小汽车、电气铁路和公共汽车为主。市东南8公里处有机场。高等学府有哥本哈根大学(1479)、丹麦理工大学、丹麦工程学院、皇家音乐学院和美术学院(1754)等。 哥本哈根市容美观整洁,市内新兴的大工业企业和中世纪古老的建筑物交相辉映,使它既是现代化的都市,又具有古色古香的特色。在许多古建筑物中,最有代表性的是一些古老的宫堡。座落在市中心的克里斯蒂安堡年代最为久远。现在的克里斯蒂安堡是一七九四年被火焚以后重建的。过去,它曾是丹麦国王的宫殿,现在成为议会和政府大厦所在地。建筑在厄勒海峡出口处岩石上的克伦堡宫,是昔日守卫这座古城的一个军事要塞,至今还保存着当时修建的炮台和兵器。此外,现在丹麦国王居住的王宫——阿马林堡,也颇负盛名。哥本哈根市政厅的钟楼,也常常挤满了好奇的来访者。因为那里有一座机件复杂、制作精巧的天文钟。据说,这座天文钟不仅走得极其准确,还能计算出太空星球的位置,能告诉人们:一星期各天的名称、日子和公历的年月、星座的运行、太阳时、中欧时和恒星时等。这座天文钟是一个名叫奥尔森的锁匠花费了四十年心血、耗费了巨资才造成的。>> 哥本哈根和宫堡群 哥本哈根共有二十多个可供人们参观的博物馆和十多个大大小小的公园。其中最美丽的要算是哥本哈根朗厄里尼港湾畔的海滨公园。在那里的一块巨大的岩石上,有一尊世界闻名的“美人鱼”铜像。这是丹麦雕塑家艾里克森于一九一三年根据安徒生的童话故事《海的女儿》塑造的。它就象伦敦的大桥,巴黎的铁塔,成为哥本哈根的标志。此外,市中心的趣伏里公园,是世界著名的娱乐场所,在这个公园内还有中国式的建筑。在朗厄里尼一行幽静的林荫路上,还有一座非常壮观的“杰芬喷泉”。在一个花环形的水池中央,竖立起一座巨大的圆石墩,石墩底部的四周喷射出瀑布似的泉水。石墩上面,一位半身袒露的女神,右手挥舞着长鞭,发辫在疾风中扬起,面部表情显得十分刚毅果敢。她驾驭着的四头强壮的牛正垂头猛力拉引。相传古代丹麦曾一度遭到“魔劫”,女神吉菲昂下凡拯救。她把自己的四个儿子变成了四头牛,才竭尽全力把丹麦从海里拉了上来。丹麦著名雕塑家彭高根据这一神话传说塑造了这座引人注目的青铜雕塑。哥本哈根市内众多的这类青铜雕塑,使这一古城充满了诗情画意。北欧规模最大的动物园和水产博物馆也在哥本哈根。创办于一四七九年的哥本哈根大学是北欧最早的高等学府。人们为了一睹哥本哈根市的美丽景色和名胜古迹,每年约有一千万人从世界各地来哥本哈根旅游。
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2023-08-01 07:15:221

vain attempt

in vain attempt to do尝试做某事失败 in vain effort to do 努力做某事但还是失败 in the vain hope that 空想 in vain就是“徒然”“没有用”的意思
2023-08-01 07:15:231


2023-08-01 07:15:251

by2 SUGAR 主题曲 hey sweety 歌词

Sugus E…Honey Honey Wu 甜蜜不会过期 温暖你的心 Yeah sugus Er…Honey Honey wo o 小小的瑞士糖 快乐齐分享 传个大大的笑容在你脸上挂 用心电感应传达 传颗甜甜的糖果 让你的心融化 快乐不需要复杂 Hey sugus 可爱的小玩意 Er…Honey Honey 你我乐在心里甜甜的小心意 开心在传递 oh oh oh sugus代表我的心意 E…Honey Honey 送给亲爱的你 小小的瑞士糖 快乐齐分享
2023-08-01 07:15:251


2023-08-01 07:15:291

过了春节,就象征着我又长了一岁。 用英语怎么说

过了春节,就象征着我又长了一岁。 After the Spring Festival, is a symbol of the I again long one year old.
2023-08-01 07:15:291

Is Your Love In Vain 歌词

歌曲名:Is Your Love In Vain歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Street LegalDo you love me, or are you just extending goodwill?Do you need me half as bad as you say, or are you just feeling guilt?I"ve been burned before and i know the scoreSo you won"t hear me complain.Will i be able to count on youBob DylanOr is your love in vain?Are you so fast that you cannot see that i must have solitude?When i am in the darkness, why do you intrude?Do you know my world, do you know my kindOr must i explain?Will you let me be myselfOr is your love in vain?Well i"ve been to the mountain and i"ve been in the wind,I"ve been in and out of happiness.I have dined with kings, i"ve been offered wingsAnd i"ve never been too impressed.All right, i"ll take a chance, i will fall in love with youIf i"m a fool you can have the night, you can have the morning too.Can you cook and sew, make flowers grow,Do you understand my pain?Are you willing to risk it allOr is your love in vain?
2023-08-01 07:15:301


气质女人味的微信名英文400个 1、Exileつ(流放fan)* 2、Indulge(迁就) 3、firstlove初恋 4、qouAnjs傻 5、Primrose 6、imprinting°(印记) 7、pamper娇纵 8、viewer9、三年约sxer 10、tryst 11、Cello琴弦之间 12、sohot 13、solong 14、Amour″暮想 15、feelme 16、救赎(redemption) 17、oldflame 18、hatsukoi 19、DarkSky(天黑黑) 20、childheart。虐心 21、air空气 22、Far-fetched牵强 23、Mercurial善变 24、深拥你Embraceyou 25、Smalldimple 26、Drunk(醉) 27、伪情PsEuDO- 28、Rampant(猖狂) 29、orvR-音符。 30、Return。归来。 31、Devour(噬 32、Tsundere 33、ゆ素颜Queen。 34、异魂梦Heretic 35、忘了爱°Toro 36、lonelyperson 37、Noforever没有永远 38、Sensational煽情 39、惹人爱Triste 40、golven[流浪] 41、uperficial°浮浅 42、Youngappearance青涩模样 43、husky沙哑 44、hollow(空心) 45、eyessmile 46、经年°reminis 47、怀念°ispief 48、流泪Tearsゆ 49、傀儡Puppet▼ 50、suunto┐ 51、Final°Analysis致命爱人 52、余存°dstiny 53、Habit(习惯) 54、rining爱恋 55、hyacinth 56、Thereason理由 57、Getridof挣脱 58、relinquish(放手) 59、1s”_似锦 60、couple 61、tryst 62、hecate 63、One-sidedlove^单恋 64、Aboutme(关于我) 65、fickle薄情 66、Empress女皇 67、outlawsoflove爱的囚徒 68、slang 69、各自安好゛Elope 70、meditation(冥想) 71、devoted 72、perpetuity永恒 73、Judicious 74、Breakup分手 75、SoInLove 76、Runaway逃走 77、slang 78、独年荒岛-ALONG 79、冷淡desolate 80、shipman 81、Full丶House 82、Foldthelove藏匿爱情 83、Serenity宁静 84、hyacinth 85、Lemon(柠檬) 86、想爱就爱yesorno 87、furlong 88、SunLife缘噬 89、魅绪-mAnda 90、Onlycare(只是在乎) 91、liketheblue 92、执着Paranoid 93、waitfor 94、emptyheart 95、error 96、空心Vicious 97、livethrough。淡看 98、Coreplug心塞 99、Bubble泡沫 100、玩腻`ceiling 101、pandoraルo潘朵拉 102、oldflame 103、Humble(卑微) 104、经年°reminis 105、sorrow°痕迹 106、pained 107、温唇°sunshine 108、deephug深拥 109、Thewound伤口 110、Wrysmile苦笑 111、Fantasyo老时光 112、Liberation解脱。 113、neinei给你糖 114、Reve旧爱) 115、紫玫瑰らRose° 116、coquettish 117、Tdliche(致命) 118、念旧cunese 119、hatsukoi 120、shoulder(依靠) 121、thethird。第三者 122、traveler旅行者 123、进击的Ladies 124、Alleys 125、Badyoung 126、Sweet`ly惜╮ 127、WCCEO 128、Dummer浅时光 129、独年荒岛-ALONG 130、°Destiny 131、格调Moment° 132、样儿Cpomlも 133、gorgeous丶倾国倾城 134、Dounp||回忆。 135、Guardianship相守 136、魅绪-mAnda 137、notahero。配角 138、dialog(对白) 139、EmptyHeart°心空 140、Tlaunrates丶 141、materialgir 142、Delusion(妄想) 143、Catherine优雅 144、caster 145、lonelyperson 146、justakiss只是一个吻 147、Afflictive难受 148、Itisjustfine(刚刚好) 149、energy 150、Koreyoshi°唯美 151、-领悟Lifetruth‖ 152、Femaleflowers(采花女) 153、teardrop 154、Senseofdirection方向感 155、dialog(对白) 156、霸道Tender 157、devoted 158、Frustrated失落 159、Though割舍。 160、|`ΡLΑУ 161、轮回劫Noslepum 162、eyessmile 163、Temptatn゜夜 164、qouAnjs傻 165、淡定Composure゜ 166、carewho 167、伪情PsEuDO- 168、肤浅っ゛shallow 169、Traces(浪迹) 170、温流warmsunshine 171、ゆBlUeS九 172、Re-Animator重新认识 173、Theseaoftears(海泪) 174、arrogant(高傲) 175、betrayal 176、微信网名英文 177、clavicle 178、﹌slovenly 179、temperature°浅陌 180、初雪Surname 181、Edinburgh°南空 182、Careandmiss顾与念 183、Teartear(伤泪) 184、雨食Infanteゅ 185、落幕丶sunshine 186、nottoawake。不愿清醒 187、Begone 188、release释怀 189、furlong 190、Forgotyou 191、rangers 192、iwillshine[我会发光] 193、BESTie 194、submarine 195、EasonChan浮夸 196、nothingleft 197、smallgreedy小贪心 198、Purecaprice纯粹的任性 199、shielding-屏蔽 200、旧情歌-TRISTE 201、Morbid病态 202、Demons 203、thedebtsituation情债 204、Estrus(动情) 205、rebirth重生 206、Sorrow悲哀 207、meぱびlove 208、angle微眸 209、Dirge 210、Perfunctory敷衍 211、Cold-blooded凉薄 212、rims 213、coquettish 214、Goaway﹀(远离我) 215、深渊Nefertari 216、相守sunset 217、Waitingforyouto等你归 218、冷忆°Conquer 219、warmasever 220、vaidurya琉璃 221、expect°奢望 222、sugus 223、Elegant 224、Twilight暮光 225、iloveyousodeep我爱你爱得那么深 226、Evildoer妖孽 227、Drinktowind(对风饮) 228、永远▍Forever° 229、Floatingdream浮梦 230、caster 231、Tao呀! 232、cappuccino 233、justdoit 234、Indifference淡漠 235、Ronin 236、change 237、Aiopr·皇者 238、Sily°(小晴天) 239、空白Koreyoshi 240、Socialman(社会人) 241、Relieved释怀 242、Lolita(萝莉) 243、cagedbird笼中鸟 244、AIlianˊ单人行 245、YouthShouting°青春呐喊 246、初雪surname 247、betrayal 248、aholic(沉迷者) 249、Gorgeous绚丽 250、solong 251、belief 252、Esaiぁ精神质男孩o 253、失梦人°Triste 254、over-私念° 255、Aiopr·皇者 256、Distance疏远 257、Obligation职责 258、经年°reminis 259、如此动人Corina 260、Afool 261、awesome 262、OrdinAry 263、Bohe浪荡不羁 264、showy浮华 265、Bohelife 266、SoleMemory独家记忆 267、曳止Sigh- 268、坟地的黑猫Romantic 269、Confuse*迷惑 270、Impasse僵局 271、醉眼whitein゜ 272、符咒Thedevil◢ 273、youleftme 274、Emotional昔年 275、冷淡丨desolate。 276、Hypocritical虚伪 277、carewho 278、showy 279、andrealucy 280、Ambition(野心) 281、Feelsad心酸 282、reserved(矜持) 283、永远的Badboy 284、seethrough 285、情绪控Design- 286、Elegy悲歌 287、Distant遥远 288、notguess。猜不透 289、sincere(真心) 290、don"tforgetme别忘记我 291、Feastaw离愁 292、Distractions分心 293、stranger。陌生人 294、Fiee(追寻) 295、旧约testa 296、guide 297、隐忍[Grieved] 298、Mockingjay 299、Obedience顺从 300、Destiny宿命 301、Selfpity自怜 302、Loikstlye 303、°Destiny 304、sincere真心 305、chihiro千寻 306、stillmyheart(还我心) 307、Nostalgia留恋 308、Toxic茴忆 309、Forbidden°禁忌 310、uperficial°浮浅 311、spongebob 312、hebyazure海比天蓝 313、disappear。消失后 314、hecate 315、givemesomelove给我一些爱 316、猫性Tenderne° 317、Getridof挣脱 318、Cinderella*灰姑娘 319、teardrop 320、Lonesome孤寂 321、一个人Always° 322、灯火再阑珊Fire 323、Rebecca迷人的美 324、各自安好゛Elope 325、Rememberゝ爱 326、clavicle 327、Seeyouagain丶再见 328、belief 329、移花宫丨灬Reiver 330、Estrus动情 331、China特种部队 332、bohelife 333、desire(欲望) 334、ineverleft 335、rangers 336、autistic孤独患者 337、泯灭cucumber 338、Sensational煽情 339、Emptycity拾心 340、feelforothers将心比心 341、倾城°AllureLove 342、grave 343、Neverpart永远 344、Liberation解脱。 345、evildoer° 346、Winda放肆青春 347、灯火再阑珊Fire 348、Pitiless(无情) 349、Dark(黑暗) 350、Tired累了 351、zany 352、安分°Moon 353、Israel空城 354、AntiWaR 355、惹人爱Triste 356、Barefaced(露骨) 357、-逃荒Apersonゞ 358、justdoit 359、Instinct初衷 360、archer久遇 361、|放生∮Melody 362、Sensible 363、Soledad寂寞 364、EXO,久伴 365、relieved释然 366、primadonna女主角 367、Blockhead(笨蛋) 368、局外人(Far)° 369、trappedbeat困兽 370、Sinner 371、perpetual(天长地久) 372、Saraphines(炽天使) 373、Soonfollowed骤变 374、Extreme°极致° 375、Confuse*迷惑 376、Meweak我懦弱 377、Bornalone天生孤独 378、NightDrunk(夜醉) 379、Irony"[讽刺] 380、Cartoon木棉花 381、乄Sweet灬惟沵丶 382、Weirdo(怪人) 383、Runaway逃离 384、waitfor 385、Tempted 386、nothingleft 387、Backlight逆光。 388、relief 389、apipedream。白日梦 390、Contentious(矫情) 391、ineverleft 392、inheaven 393、instant。第一眼 394、maroon栗色 395、zany 396、1s”_似锦 397、流年碎jonathan 398、puberty 399、awesome 400、Memorial纪念
2023-08-01 07:15:321


广告地址:,sugus,sugus 小小的甜蜜,真心喜欢你sugus,sugus,sugus 小小的甜蜜,连接我和你电影<蜜蜂总动员>插曲Sugar Sugar - The ArchiesMP3下载地址1下载地址2 Archies - 《Sugar Sugar》原唱出自专辑《Rupert Gregson-Williams》,是电影《蜜蜂总动员 Bee Movie》原声大碟,这是美国梦工厂版bee的原声碟整张专辑共15首曲目,其中06曲为《Sugar Sugar》英文版歌词Sugar, SugarBy: The Archies(Jeff Barry/Andy Kim)1969Chorus:Sugar, ah honey honeyYou are my candy girlAnd you"ve got me wanting youHoney, ah sugar sugarYou are my candy girlAnd you"ve got me wanting youI just can"t believe the loveliness of loving you(I just can"t believe it"s true)I just can"t believe the wonder of this feeling too(I just can"t believe it"s true)ChorusWhen I kissed you girl I knew how sweet a kiss could be(I know how sweet a kiss could be)Like a summer sunshine pour your sweetness over me(Pour your sweetness over me)Oh, sugarPour a little sugar on it, honeyPour a little sugar on it, BabyI"m gonna make your life so sweetYeah, yeah, yeahPour a little sugar on it, oh yeahPour a little sugar on it, honeyPour a little sugar on it, BabyI"m gonna make your life so sweetHey, hey, heyPour a little sugar on me, honeySugar, ah honey honeyYou are my candy girlAnd you"ve got me wanting youOh . . .Honey, ah sugar sugarYou are my candy girl . . .
2023-08-01 07:15:101


2023-08-01 07:15:096


2023-08-01 07:15:081


2023-08-01 07:15:051


2023-08-01 07:15:022

Waiting In Vain 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting In Vain歌手:Bob Marley & The Wailers专辑:ExodusBob MarleyWaiting In VainI don"t wanna wait in a vain for your LoveI don"t wanna wait in a vain for your LoveFrom the very first time I blessed my eyes on you,girlMy heart said swallow throughBut I know now that I"m way down on your lineBut the waiting feeling"s fineSo don"t treat me like a puppet on a string"cause I know how to do my thingDon"t talk to me as if you think I"m dumbI wanna know when you"re gonna come, "seeI don"t wanna wait in a vain for your LoveI don"t wanna wait in a vain for your LoveI don"t wanna wait in a vain for your Love"Cause summer is hereI"m still waiting thereWinter is hereAnd I"m still waiting thereLike I saidIt"s been three years since I"m knocking on your doorAnd I still can knock some moreOoh girl, ooh girl, easy tease you do,I wanna know nowFor I to knock some more, you seeIn life I knowThere"s lots of griefBut your Love is my reliefTears in my eyes burnTears in my eyes burnWhile I"m waitingWhile I"m waiting for my turn, "seeI don"t wanna wait in a vain for your LoveI don"t wanna wait in a vain for your LoveI don"t wanna wait in a vain for your LoveI don"t wanna wait in a vain for your LoveI don"t wanna wait in a vain for your LoveI don"t wanna, I don"t wanna, I don"t wanna,I don"t wanna, I don"t wanna wait in vain, ohI don"t wanna, I don"t wanna, I don"t wanna,I don"t wanna, I don"t wanna wait in vainI don"t wanna, I don"t wanna, I don"t wanna,I don"t wanna, I don"t wanna wait in vain, ohI don"t wanna, I don"t wanna, I don"t wanna,I don"t wanna, I don"t wanna wait in vainIt"s your Love that I"m waiting onIt"s your Love that you"re running fromIt"s your Love that I"m waiting onIt"s your Love that you"re running from
2023-08-01 07:14:581


2023-08-01 07:14:581


2023-08-01 07:14:556


vai n. 下个有道吧。语音库是真人发音的。个人感觉很给力。
2023-08-01 07:14:512


2023-08-01 07:14:444

all efforts are in can i save myself.是什么意思

2023-08-01 07:14:433