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求 美术专业类英文说明性介绍文章!

2023-05-19 18:48:16

呃… 美术专业方面的英语文章
例如 介绍品牌策略 介绍logo方面的英文资料等等……
谢谢 你可以多补充一些 如果很多 你可以给我个地址吗 顺问:这个有中文的翻译吗?

TAG: 英文 专业

A logo is a graphical element (ideogram, symbol, emblem, icon, sign) that, together with its logotype (a uniquely set and arranged typeface) form a trademark or commercial brand. Typically, a logo"s design is for immediate recognition. The logo is one aspect of a company"s commercial brand, or economic or academic entity, and its shapes, colors, fonts, and images usually are different from others in a similar market. Logos are also used to identify organizations and other non-commercial entities.

Logos today
Today there are many corporations, products, brands, services, agencies and other entities using an ideogram (sign, icon) or an emblem (symbol) or a combination of sign and emblem as a logo. As a result, only a few of the thousands of ideograms people see are recognized without a name. It is sensible to use an ideogram as a logo, even with the name, if people will not duly identify it. Currently, the usage of both images (ideograms) and the company name (logotype) to emphasize the name instead of the supporting graphic portion and making it unique, by it non-formulaic construction via the desiginal use of its letters, colors and any additional graphic elements.

Ideograms (icons, signs, emblems) may be more effective than a written name (logotype), especially for logos being translated into many alphabets; for instance, a name in the Arabic language would be of little help in most European markets. An ideogram would keep the general proprietary nature of the product in both markets. In non-profit areas, the Red Cross (which goes by Red Crescent in Muslim countries) is an example of an extremely well known emblem which does not need an accompanying name. Branding aims to facilitate cross-language marketing. The Coca-Cola logo can be identified in any language because of the standard color and the well known "ribbon wave" design.

Some countries have logos, e.g. Spain, Italy, Turkey and The Islands of The Bahamas, that identify them in marketing their country solely for tourism purposes. Such logos often are used by countries whose tourism sector makes up a large portion of their economy.

Color is considered important to brand recognition, but it should not be an integral component to the logo design, which could conflict with its functionality. Some colors are formed/associated with certain emotions that the designer wants to convey. For instance loud primary colors, such as red, are meant to attract the attention of drivers on highways are appropriate for companies that require such attention. In the United States red, white, and blue are often used in logos for companies that want to project patriotic feelings. Green is often associated with the health and hygiene sector, and light blue or silver is often used to reflect diet foods. For other brands, more subdued tones and lower saturation can communicate reliability, quality, relaxation, or other traits.

Dynamic logos

In 1898, French motor tyre manufacturer, Michelin, introduced the Michelin Man, a cartoon figure who was presented in many different ways, such as eating, drinking, and playing sports. By the early 21st century, other large corporations such as MTV, Google, Morton Salt and Saks Fifth Avenue had also adopted dynamic logos, that change over time and from setting to setting

Logo design

A logotype for a fictitious entity: Narrow color range and recognizable design.Logo design is an important area of graphic design, and one of the most difficult to perfect. The logo (ideogram), is the image embodying an organization. Because logos are meant to represent companies" brands or corporate identities and foster their immediate customer recognition, it is counterproductive to frequently redesign logos.

Due to the design, the color, the shape, and eventually additional elements of the logotype, each one can easily be differentiated from other logotypes. For example, a box of Kellogg"s cereals will be easily recognized in a supermarket"s shelf from a certain distance, due to its unique typography and distinctive red coloring. The same will be true when one is at the airport looking for the booth of the Hertz Rent-A-Car company. The logotype will be recognized from afar because of its shape and its yellow color.

Some well-known logos include Apple Inc."s apple with a bite missing, which started out as a rainbow of color, and has been reduced to a single color without any loss of recognition. Coca Cola"s script is known worldwide, but is best associated with the color red; its main competitor, Pepsi has taken the color blue, although they have abandoned their script logo. IBM, also known as "Big Blue" has simplified their logo over the years, and their name. What started as International Business Machines is now just "IBM" and the color blue has been a signature in their unifying campaign as they have moved to become an IT services company.

There are some other logos that must be mentioned when evaluating what the mark means to the consumer. Automotive brands can be summed up simply with their corporate logo- from the Chevrolet "Bow Tie" mark to the circle marks of Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and BMW, to the interlocking "RR" of Rolls-Royce each has stood for a brand, and clearly differentiated the product line.

Other logos that are recognized globally: the Nike "Swoosh" and the Adidas "Three stripes" are two well-known brands that are defined by their corporate logo. When Phil Knight started Nike, he was hoping to find a mark as recognizable as the Adidas stripes, which also provided reinforcement to the shoe. He hired a young student (Carolyn Davidson) to design his logo, paying her $35 for what has become one of the best known marks in the world (she was later compensated again by the company). [3]

Another logo of global renown is that of Playboy Enterprises. Playboy magazine claims it once received a letter at its Chicago, Illinois offices with its distinctive "bunny" logo as the only identifying mark, appearing where the mailing address normally appears.

Corporate identities are often developed by large firms who specialize in this type of work. However, Paul Rand is considered the father of corporate identity and his work has been seminal in launching this field. Some famous examples of his work were the UPS package with a string (replaced in March 2003) IBM, and NeXT Computer.

An interesting case is the refinement of the FedEx logo, where the brand consultants convinced the company to shorten their corporate name and logo from "Federal Express" to the popular abbreviation "Fed Ex". Besides creating a shorter brand name, they reduced the amount of color used on vehicles (planes, trucks) and saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in paint costs. Also, the right-pointing arrow in the new logo is a subliminal hint of motion.

[edit] Logos in subvertising
See also: Culture jamming and Guerrilla communication
The wide recognition received by the most famous logos provides the brand"s critics with the possibility of meme-hacking, a process also known as subvertising, turning the marketing message carried by the logo (either in its pristine form, or subtly altered) into a vehicle for an alternative message, frequently highly critical to the brand in question. An example is the AdBusters" corporate flag, a U.S. flag with the stars replaced by major corporate logos.

Virtually all distinctive design elements related to brands or logos can become subjects to subvertising. The best-known organizations subverting established logos and brands are ®™ark and AdBusters.

Brand extension

Brand extension or brand stretching is a marketing strategy in which a firm marketing a product with a well-developed image uses the same brand name in a different product category. Organizations use this strategy to increase and leverage brand equity (definition: the net worth and long-term sustainability just from the renowned name). An example of a brand extension is Jello-gelatin creating Jello pudding pops. It increases awareness of the brand name and increases profitability from offerings in more than one product category.

A brand"s "extendibility" depends on how strong consumer"s associations are to the brand"s values and goals. Ralph Lauren"s Polo brand successfully extended from clothing to home furnishings such as bedding and towels. Both clothing and bedding are made of linen and fulfill a similar consumer function of comfort and hominess. Arm & Hammer leveraged its brand equity from basic baking soda into the oral care and laundry care categories. By emphasizing its key attributes, the cleaning and deodorizing properties of its core product, Arm & Hammer was able to leverage those attributes into new categories with success. Another example is Virgin Group, which was initially a record label that has extended its brand successfully many times; from transportation (aeroplanes, trains) to games stores and video stores such a Virgin Megastores.

In 1990s, 81% of new products used brand extension to introduce new brands and to create sales.[1] Launching a new product, is not only time consuming but also needs a big budget to create awareness and to promote a product"s benefits.[2] Brand extension is one of the new product development strategies which can reduce financial risk by using the parent brand name to enhance consumers" perception due to the core brand equity.[3][4]

While there can be significant benefits in brand extension strategies, there can also be significant risks, resulting in a diluted or severely damaged brand image. Poor choices for brand extension may dilute and deteriorate the core brand and damage the brand equity.[5][6] Most of the literature focuses on the consumer evaluation and positive impact on parent brand. In practical cases, the failures of brand extension are at higher rate than the successes. Some studies show that negative impact may dilute brand image and equity.[7][8] In spite of the positive impact of brand extension, negative association and wrong communication strategy do harm to the parent brand even brand family.[9]

Product extensions are versions of the same parent product that serve a segment of the target market and increase the variety of an offering. An example of a product extension is Coke vs. Diet Coke in same product category of soft drinks. This tactic is undertaken due to the brand loyalty and brand awareness they enjoy consumers are more likely to buy a new product that has a tried and trusted brand name on it. This means the market is catered for as they are receiving a product from a brand they trust and Coca Cola is catered for as they can increase their product portfolio and they have a larger hold over the market in which they are performing in.

Types of product extension
Brand extension research mainly focuses on the consumer evaluation of extension and attitude of the parent brand. Following the Aaker and Keller"s (1990) model, they provide a sufficient depth and breadth proposition to examine consumer behaviour and conceptual framework. They use three dimensions to measure the fit of extension. First of all, the “Complement” is that consumer takes two product (extension and parent brand product) classes as complement to satisfy their specific needs.[10] Secondly, the “Substitute” indicates two products have same user situation and satisfy their same needs which means the products class is very similar so that can replace each other. At last, the “Transfer” is the relationship between extension product and manufacturer which “reflects the perceived ability of any firm operating in the first product class to make a product in the second class”.[11] The first two measures focus on the consumer"s demand and the last one focuses on firm"s ability.

From the line extension to brand extension, however, there are many different way of extension such as "brand alliance",[12] co-branding[13] or “brand franchise extension”.[14]Tauber (1988) suggests seven strategies to identify extension cases such as product with parent brand"s benefit, same product with different price or quality, etc. In his suggestion, it can be classified into two category of extension; extension of product-related association and non-product related association.[15] Another form of brand extension, is a licensed brand extension. Where the brand-owner partners (sometimes with a competitor) who takes on the responsibility of manufacturer and sales of the new products, paying a royalty every time a product is sold.

[edit] Categorisation theory
Researchers tend to use “categorisation theory” as their fundamental theory to explore the links about the brand extension.[16][17] When consumers face thousands of products, they not only are initially confused and disorderly in mind, but also try to categorise the brand association or image with their existing memory. When two or more products exit in front of consumers, they might reposition memories to frame a brand image and concept toward new introduction. A consumer can judge or evaluate the extension by their category memory. They categorise new information into specific brand or product class label and store it.[18][19] This process is not only related to consumer"s experience and knowledge, but also involvement and choice of brand.[20] If the brand association is highly related to extension, consumer can perceive the fit among brand extension. Some studies suggest that consumer may ignore or overcome the dissonance from extension especially flagship product which means the low perceived of fit does not dilute the flagship"s equity.[21][22]

[edit] Brand extension failure
Literature rel


aeroplanes 与planes的区别

aeroplane指普通飞机,不包括helicopter(直升飞机)。aeroplane为英国英语的拼法。在航空专业里通常用aeroplane,是一种书面语。plane 本义为“平面”,plane是较口语话的用法,在日常生活中所用。求采纳
2023-01-08 09:22:511


2023-01-08 09:22:581

aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad

2023-01-08 09:23:041

aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad中的副词slowly

2023-01-08 09:23:092

Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad.

其实句子本来应该是 aeroplanes are driving me mad slowly。谓语是:are driving me是宾语 mad是宾补 slowly则修饰动词driving考研英语中常将副词提到前面去以增加句子结构的难度。还有就是英语口语,你应当多看英美电影,首先口语它会有一个不同我们这里的风格。其次口语本来就要随意一些,就像我们平时和朋友用中文也会搞一些缩略语没那么注重结构
2023-01-08 09:23:191


1-5. C C B C A
2023-01-08 09:23:251


介词后面可以跟很多,如:介词+名词(指方位的,地点的,物品):at school,at home,on the desk介词+动名词:He is good at playing football. 介词+表示时间的词:in the morning ; at noon 介词+人名:Except Mr.Wang,we went to see the film. 介词+名词性短语:The composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.在你这道题目中是要加动名词的所以只能填being,我们老师跟我们讲的是介词后加动词的ing形式希望能被采纳~ 谢谢
2023-01-08 09:23:313

Mad or not? Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I lice near an airport and passing planes can be

飞机正在逐渐把我逼疯. 我住在一个机场四周, 过往飞机日夜不绝于耳. 机场是许多年前建的, 但由于某种原因当时未能启用. 然而去年机场开始使用了. 有100多人肯定是被噪音逼得已经弃家远去, 我是少数留下来的人中的一个. 有时我觉得这房子就要被一架飞过的飞机撞倒. 他们曾向我提供一大笔钱让我搬走, 但我决定留在这儿. 大家都说我肯定是疯了, 也许他们说的是对的.
2023-01-08 09:23:526

aeroplaneof ldlots是什么意思

aeroplanes pilots飞机的飞行员双语对照例句:1.The sharp young pilots will be working in today"s ultra-reliable, highly automatedaeroplanes, operating the same uneventful flight cycles every day-even if on differentroutes. 敏捷的年轻飞行员在今天的高度可靠,高度自动化的飞机中,顺利操纵航班,循环往复-即或在不同的路线。如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-01-08 09:24:181

Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad.

Slowly修饰动词drive ,be doing drive用ing形式
2023-01-08 09:24:242

in a huge quantities by aeroplanes

它这里所说的是 “这一种、类种子”,所以用单一、单种来表达,而 不是说 “那些种子”.如果说“用飞机把大量的种子撒到地面上”,便要用多数了.但是它说的是:用飞机把这一种种子大量的喷撒到土地上. 意思接近,但是用语上有细微的区别.
2023-01-08 09:24:331

求被动语态,aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad,飞机正逐渐把

I am mad by the aerplanes slowly driving.
2023-01-08 09:24:393


2023-01-08 09:25:074

aeroplan number是什么意思

aeroplanes number飞机数量双语例句1China is almost doubling the number of civilian aeroplanes that are allowed tofly in its airspace at any one time, in an overhaul to reduce flight delays causedby the military "s tight control over airspace.中国将把可以同时在领空飞行的民用飞机数量增加近一倍,此次全面调整旨在减少因军方对领空施行严格管制而造成的航班延误。
2023-01-08 09:25:221


飞机模型可以翻译为:airplane model
2023-01-08 09:25:2810

Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes句中for是什么意思

弗兰克用于生产飞机为零配件 for是‘为了"意思
2023-01-08 09:26:252

make the spare parts fpr areoplanes

spare parts :备用零件 Spare part ( for ) aeroplanes (为飞机而制造的备用零件) 如果用 spare parts of the areoplanes 便是指(存在飞机内的备用零件)
2023-01-08 09:26:341

请问:Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes.这句话的谓语是used还是used to make?

used to make
2023-01-08 09:26:394


not onlyalsoas welltolddobut
2023-01-08 09:26:544


2023-01-08 09:27:282


飞机 aeroplane D.J.[ˈɛərəplein] K.K.[ˌɛrəˌplen] n. 飞机 An aeroplane started for Tokyo yesterday. 昨天有一架飞机飞往东京。 满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】
2023-01-08 09:27:561

there were no cars or aeroplanes是什么意思

2023-01-08 09:28:051


Aircraft model
2023-01-08 09:28:176


2023-01-08 09:28:433

ben is make an aeropiane in his b?

正确写法:Ben is make an aeroplane in his b?中文意思是:本在他的B里制造一架飞机吗?也可以读作:Does this make an airplane in his B?make英 [meɪk] 美 [mek] vt.做,制造;生产,制定;使成为;使产生vi.开始;尝试;行进;增大n.制造;生产量;性格;形状,样式第三人称单数: makes 现在分词: making 过去式: made 过去分词: madeaeroplane英 [ˈeərəpleɪn] 美 [ˈerəpleɪn] n.飞机复数: aeroplaneshis英 [hɪz] 美 [hɪz] pron.(he的所有格)他的;(he的物主代词)他的东西det.自己的;属于他的,用于名词前;指某人的;上帝的
2023-01-08 09:28:541

Stones Inside Your Shoes Paper Aeroplanes 的 歌词 最好有lrc格式的

Stones Inside Your Shoes 歌词:Here"s one for the cityFor the sparkle in your liesThe days and the distanceFrom the oceans you have criedAnd here"s to the peopleTo the family that we chooseThe angels and omensThe loved ones that we will loseAnd here"s to rise and falling againThe Whys , the Wheres and the whens"Cause wherever you runThe rain will run with youAnd wherever there"s skyThere will be blueWherever you sleepThere"s a sleep walker in youBut play on "till you loseThe stones inside your shoesHere"s one for the momentsWhen you believed she was the oneThe truth and the trialsWhen the moments came undoneAnd here"s to the darkness To the fear that fills our eyesThe time before the day breakWhen the sleeping dogs will die"Cause wherever you runThe rain will run with youAnd wherever there"s skyThere will be blueWherever you sleepThere"s a sleep walker in youBut play on "till you loseThe stones inside your shoesThe stones inside your shoes"Cause wherever you runThe rain will run with youAnd wherever there"s skyThere will be blueWherever you sleepThere"s a sleep walker in youBut play on "till you loseThe stones inside your shoesThe stones inside your shoes
2023-01-08 09:29:001

The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes

指的种子,主语是种子,over the ground只不过是一个状语,去掉以后这句话依然通顺; 另外quantity指的是数量,所以是种子,如果是土地,就应该用面积表示了
2023-01-08 09:29:061

英语作文 环境污染

2023-01-08 09:29:116


为什么不用翻译机翻译,虽然很多语法问题但是大意作为一个有想象力的中国人还是看的懂的嘛。。,。我决定翻译这个长长长的东西了。。。哇吐血。。Speed and comfort 速度和舒适People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air.当人们想要到很远的地方去旅游的时候人们就要思考是走水路,陆地还是天上Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours.(几乎没有人真正的享受坐在火车上的旅途长达好几个或好几十个小时) Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. (火车上的单间顿时让人们感觉到很狭窄一点都不通风)It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey.(而且你在火车上也不可能不想你的旅行) Reading is only a partial solution, for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. (阅读是让你在轰隆隆的火车声中渐渐平静的睡去最好的方法)During the day, sleep comes in snatches. At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. (在早上的时候你可以断断续续的睡着,但是到了晚上无论你多想睡着可是你做不到)If you are lucky enough to get a couchette, you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling, or fumbling to find your passport when you cross a frontier.(如果你很幸运的买到了卧铺,你会花半个晚上盯着那个天花板,或者在黑暗中摸索捏的护照) Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted. Long car journeys are even less pleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read. (当然了当你到达目的地之后你会发现长时间的火车居然没有带给你任何的愉悦,无聊到甚至连阅读都不可能)On motor-ways you can, at least, travel fairly safely at high speeds, but more often than not, the greater part of the journey is spent on narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded with traffic. (如果你坐车的话至少是非常安全并且速度很快的,但是有时看起来好的东西其实很糟,因为你也许会把你的旅行花在拥挤并且颠簸的堵车上)By comparison, trips by sea offer a great variety of civilized comforts. (相比之下坐船倒是非常的舒适)You can stretch your legs on the spacious decks, play games, swim, meet interesting people and enjoy good food--always assuming, of course, that the sea is calm.(在船上,你可以尽情的伸展你的四肢,也可以玩游戏,游泳,认识好玩的人还有吃东西,当然了这一切都要建立在没有暴风雨的情况下。) If it is not, and you are likely to get sea-sick, no form of transport could be worse. (当然如果船很颠簸,你开始晕船,那就没有什么比这个可以让你感觉更糟糕了)Even if you travel in ideal weather, sea journeys take a long time. Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice up to a third of their holidays for the pleasure of travelling on a ship. (哪怕你找了一个天气不错的时候出去玩,也有很少很少的人在旅游的时候,在海里遇难)Aeroplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and even hardened travellers are intimidated by them.(飞机是出了名的比较危险让人们有畏惧感的交通工具。) They also have the grave disadvantage of being the most expensive form of transport.(不但危险,奇怪的是还最贵) But nothing can match them for speed and comfort. (但是没有什么交通工具会比飞机还舒服而且快捷)Travelling at a height of 30,000 feet, far above the clouds, and at over 500 miles an hour is an exhilarating experience. You do not have to devise ways of taking your mind off the journey, for an aeroplane gets you to your destination rapidly(在3万英尺的天空中飞行,飞在云朵上。享受着500公里每小时的速度极限。你不用想着用什么方法来休闲,因为飞机能快速的把你送到目的地) For a few hours, you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the flight.(在短短的几个小时中,你可以斜躺着享受你的路程) The real escapist can watch a free film show and sip champagne on some services.(你甚至可以看几部电影拿一些香槟来喝) But even when such refinements are not available, there is plenty to keep you occupied.(哪怕一些东西不能使用,但是飞机上已经有足够的东西让你坐下去了) An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world. You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys.(飞机给了你和平时不一样的视角给你看山川河流) You really see the shape of the land. If the landscape is hidden from view, you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains that stretch out for miles before you, while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky. (你可以真实的看到土地的形状。如果你不能看到土地了,你可以用一个很特别的视角去看着一片片完整的云朵在离你很近的距离排列开来,也可以看到阳光灿烂的洒在云朵上。)The journey is so smooth that there is nothing to prevent you from reading or sleeping. (这段路程十分平滑所以没有什么会让你想看书或睡觉。)However you decide to spend your time, one thing is certain: you will arrive at your destination fresh and uncrumpled. You will not have to spend the next few days recovering from a long and arduous journey.(当你决定你要花你的世界的时候,一件事情是肯定的:你会用一个不疲惫的心情到达目的地,你也不用花几天的时间从长长的路程中恢复。)我做到了。。虽然中间有些(其实是很多地方)我都是按我的理解翻译的。。但是。。我居然翻完了。。。囧。。
2023-01-08 09:29:501


飞机模型在桌子上用英语说是The model airplane is on the table。例句:1、这孩子做飞机模型都入了迷了。The boy has become fascinated with making model aeroplanes.  《汉英大词典》2、他一块一块地装配飞机模型。He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.  百度翻译例句库3、戴夫那时在哪里做飞机模型?Where was Dave making a model plane at that time?  中考真题- 2016 重庆 完成句子4、有一次,我做了一架飞机模型,让我爸爸很惊讶。Once, I surprised my dad with a model plane I made.  中考真题- 2019 河北 完形填空5、Gurney襟翼增升技术在三翼面布局飞机模型上应用的实验研究Investigation on application of Gurney flap to triplane configuration aircraft lift-enhancement  dict.cnki.net6、介绍了通过loft建模方法创建飞机模型、如何由max文件转换成3ds文件、X文件以及X文件加载的全过程。How to create plane model with loft-method, convert max-files to 3ds-file, X-file and the whole process of X-file loading are introduced.  dict.cnki.net7、无锡红鹰模型是一家专业模型制造商,主营各类EPP飞机模型,同时各类飞机模型及附件。Wuxi Red Eagle Model Co.; Ltd is a professional Model manufacturer which sells kinds of EPP model planes and its accessories. 
2023-01-08 09:29:561


The socks are nice and dear.These sweets are not soft.What does Alice need?Are those shoes old?Please make some aeroplanes.He needs some juice.
2023-01-08 09:30:172


1 We ave a P.E lesson on Monday.2 Peter is playing football with his friends.3 Jane can make paper aeroplanes.
2023-01-08 09:30:252


For my own perspective, taking areoplanes has its proside and also drawbacks. Aeroplanes are convinient for its speed, and air services are good. Many people would like to try this kind of transportation. But Aeroplane industries are not well developed nowadays in China. Tickets are money-consuming, airspace is congested and a little bit dangerous for some reasons. The expandation of the Industry was limited by Chinese Airforce- there"re simply few airports for General Aviation! The best mean of transportation in China is railway service. Railways means less pollution, comfortable beds and seats. The railway department is trying to create quick railways, which was called "CRH"- the Chinese Railway Highspeed. I think this kind of techonology will bring us greater enjoyment ,more exitement and more anticipation to the journey.
2023-01-08 09:30:373

fly aeroplanes 还是drive aeroplane

形容词作宾补:似 make me crazy
2023-01-08 09:30:531


2023-01-08 09:30:591


many aircraftbulk aircraft
2023-01-08 09:31:043


Frank (not only) (repaired) his grandson"s bicycle,(but) (also)went for a ride on it . He (told) me later : " I (make) aeroplanes. (but) I prefer bicycles 答案补充 修正Frank (not only) (repaired) his grandson"s bicycle,(but) went for a ride on it (as well) . He (told) me later : " I (make) aeroplanes. (but) I prefer bicycles
2023-01-08 09:31:161


2023-01-08 09:31:221


2023-01-08 09:31:331


2023-01-08 09:31:382


2023-01-08 09:32:163

flight 是否是可数名词

2023-01-08 09:32:276


30The Wayle is a small river that cutsacross the park near my home. I likesitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons.It was warm last Sunday, so I went andsat on the river bank as usual. Some child-ren were playing games on the bank andthere were some people rowing on theriver. Suddenly, one of the childrenkicked a ball very hard and it went to-wards a passing boat. Some people on thebank called out to the man in the boat,but he did not hear them. The ball struckhim so hard that he nearly fell into thewater. I turned to look at the children,but there weren"t any in sight:they hadall run away! The man laughed when herealized what had happened. He called out to the children and threw the ballback to the bank.31Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins wastelling me about his expcriences as ayoung man. Frank is now the head of avery large business company, but as aboy he used to work in a small shop. Itwas his job to repair bicycles and at thattime he used to work fourteen hours aday. He saved money for years and in1938 he bought a small work-shop of hisown. During the war Frank used to makespare parts for aeroplanes. At that timehe had two helpers. By the end of thewar, the small work-shop had become alarge factory which employed seven hun-dred and twenty-eight people. Franksmiled when he remembered his hardearly years and the long road to success. He was still smiling when the dooropened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their son"s bicycle!32People are not so honest as they oncewere. The temptation to steal is greaterthan ever before--especially in largeshops. A detective recently watched awell-dressed woman who always wentinto a large store on Monday mornings.One Monday, there were fewer people inthe shop than usual when the womancame in, so it was easier for the detectiveto watch her. The woman first bought afew small articles. After a little time, shechose one of the most expensive dressesin the shop and handed it to an assistantwho wrapped it up for her as quickly aspossible. Then the woman simply tookthe parcel and walked out of the shopwithout paying. When she was arrested, the detective found out that the shop-assistant was her daughter. The girl" gave" her mother a free dress once a week !33Nearly a week passed before the girl wasable to explain what had happened to her.One afternoon she set out from the coastin a small boat and was caught in a storm.Towards evening, the boat struck a rockand the girl jumped into the sea. Thenshe swam to the shore after spending thewhole night in the water.During thattime she covered a distance of eight miles.Early next morning, she saw a light ahead.She knew she was near the shore becausethe light was high up on the cliffs. Onarriving at the shore, the girl struggled upthe cliff towards the light she had seen.That was all she remembered. When shewoke up a day later, she found herself inhospital.
2023-01-08 09:32:492


奥登《葬礼蓝调》停止所有的时钟,切断电话给狗一块浓汁的骨头,让他别叫黯哑了钢琴,随着低沉的鼓抬出灵怄,让哀悼者前来。让直升机在头顶悲旋在天空狂草着信息他已逝去,把黑纱系在信鸽的白颈,让交通员戴上黑色的手套。他曾经是我的东,我的西,我的南,我的北,我的工作天,我的休息日,我的正午,我的夜半,我的话语,我的歌吟,我以为爱可以不朽:我错了。不再需要星星,把每一颗都摘掉,把月亮包起,拆除太阳,倾泻大海,扫除森林;因为什么也不会,再有意味。葬礼蓝调Funeral BlueStop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bones.Slience the pianos and with muffled drum.Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead.Scribbling on the sky the message: He Is Dead.Put crepe bows around the white necks of the public doves.Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.He was my Nourth, my South, my East and West.My working week and my Sunday rest.My moon, my midnight, my talk, my song.I thought that love would last for ever, I was wrong.The stars are not wanted now, put out everyone.Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun.Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.For nothing now are evercome to any good.
2023-01-08 09:32:581


2023-01-08 09:33:042


The.Cardigans 羊毛衫乐队The Cranberries 卡百利乐队
2023-01-08 09:33:122

噪音污染引起的原因 !用英语

the noside pollution comes from many ways ,such as the ring of the car and the noise from the factory ,and the nosie from cars seems take an important part in the pollution.
2023-01-08 09:33:213


夏威夷以它美丽的海滩而闻名。 每年水运动,特别是冲浪和滑水吸引许多观光客到岛上去。 夏威夷是神奇的名字给那些喜欢旅游多年。 人们太平洋两岸的海洋(太平洋),居住在日本和美国,梦想看到这些美丽的岛屿在大海中间。 在热带(热带的)的土地上,太阳像球下降金色的火进入大海,它掉在非常快,你几乎可以看到它移动。 太阳在身后留下了一个发光(落日余辉),灯火天空,在平静的水面。 人们经常有一间安静、愉快的时光走在水。 此景色 不是很不同于令人兴奋的美丽,迎来了第游客几个世纪以前,这些岛屿。 他们来划独木舟不比小船。 他们发现美丽的白色的沙滩和挥动的棕榈树(棕榈树),但没有豪华的宾馆像那些我们今天看到的。 第一个人来到夏威夷近2000年前,但摩天大楼(摩天大楼)酒店只有建在过去的25年里。 现在飞机可能飞到夏威夷度周末,从东京或旧金山。 只要有人从何而来,他们最想看的最早的美丽的夏威夷。 他们想看那些沙滩和群山,一直被高大的旅馆。
2023-01-08 09:33:324

driving me mad 是固定搭配吗

不是 drive此处是驱使的意思
2023-01-08 09:33:464

frank not only repaired

Frank (not only) (repaired) his grandson"s bicycle,(but) (also)went for a ride on it . He (told) me later : " I (make) aeroplanes. (but) I prefer bicycles 答案补充 修正 Frank (not only) (repaired) his grandson"s bicycle,(but) went for a ride on it (as well) . He (told) me later : " I (make) aeroplanes. (but) I prefer bicycles
2023-01-08 09:34:161