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2023-08-01 02:53:13
TAG: 英文 翻译

直译的话就是no failure, only success喽,或者直接only to succeed也挺好



No success,but failure.


No failure but success



  失败,指没有达到预期的目的;亦指被对方打败,输给对方。那么你知道失败用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    失败英语说法1:   fail    失败英语说法2:   lose    失败英语说法3:   failure    失败的相关短语:   失败者 Loser ; The Losers ; Loosers ; Underdog   失败率 failure rate ;Break-even failure rate ; the rate of failure   审计失败 Audit failure ; audit failures ; distortion of audit ; audit defeat   论失败 On Failure   对抗失败 Failed Confrontation   考试失败 fail the exam ; fail a test ; fail in the test ; Exam failure   关于失败 About Failure ; Failure    失败的英语例句:   1. Failure is never quite so frightening as regret do.   比失败更令人恐惧的是懊悔。   2. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.   努力过,失败过,没关系,屡战屡败,屡败屡战,每一次失败都比上一次更好。   3. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.--Winston Churchill   成功不是终点,失败也并非末日,最重要的是继续前进的勇气。   4. An attempt by anti-abortionists to tighten the rules was defeated.   反堕胎者所作的加强法规的尝试失败了。   5. After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do.   失败的痛苦过去以后,英国人应该认真反思一下。   6. The expedition was wrecked by bad planning and poor navigation.   这次探险因计划不周和导航不利而失败。   7. Spectacular changes have taken place at the top since the failed putsch.   政变失败后,高层出现了急剧的变化。   8. The first four years of government were completely disastrous.   政府前4年的执政彻底失败。   9. Initially the government was unwilling to accept the defeat.   最初政府不愿意承认失败。   10. It is the easy way out to blame others for our failure.   把我们的失败归罪到别人头上倒是省事。   11. Those who fail incline to blame the world for their failure.   那些失败者往往将他们的失败归咎于社会。   12. His six-year transition programme has by no means been a complete failure.   他的六年转型计划绝没有彻底失败。   13. She is untroubled by the fact that she didn"t win.   她并没有为失败而烦心。   14. A failure would shatter the hopes of many people.   一次失败会使很多人希望破灭。   15. His lack of experience may prove to be his undoing.   他缺乏经验可能会最终导致他的失败。
2023-08-01 01:08:441


2023-08-01 01:09:053


问题一:失败的英文怎样讲 失败:fail 动词形式 其名词形式:failure 问题二:失败用英语怎么说 5分 动词fail,名词failure 还有相近的词有:lose 问题三:我失败了,英语怎么说? 我失败了 I failed. 问题四:在英雄联盟中,最后失败了,用英语怎么说 defeat 问题五:失败的英文怎么写? 谢谢! failure 加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢! 问题六:我失败了用英语怎么说 I failed. 问题七:失败的人生英语怎么说 What a unsuccessful life!采纳我的意见吧。谢谢你哦!以后有问题还可以再问我。祝你天天开心! 问题八:失败者用英语怎么说 一般都用 loser 问题九:“因……而失败”用英语怎么说? to lose to sth. to fail to do sth. because of sth. Owing to sth, *** . failed. a failure out of sth. to result in failure, thanks to sth. 采纳哦 问题十:失败用英语怎么说 失败 be defeated;e to nothing更多释义>> [网络短语] 失败 Failure;break down;defeat 失败者 Loser;The Losers;Loosers 失败率 failure rate;mortality;Break-even failure rate
2023-08-01 01:09:391


失败是 failure.读音是:菲里尔 但是流行语的话 损人是 “loser”(露泽儿) 这句话比较严重,不要用比较好. 落伍 out of fashion 奥特 欧服 服艾神 时尚 fashion.服艾神 tight 泰特(美国俚语,很潮) 我恨你 I hate you 艾 黑特 油 纯洁 pure “piu儿” 高贵 gorgeous ,够者斯 noble no博 加油 come on 康姆昂 .
2023-08-01 01:09:471


victory/win/success/triumphlost/be defeated/failed
2023-08-01 01:09:575


fail, failure, lose
2023-08-01 01:10:347


fail, failure, lose
2023-08-01 01:10:527


王者荣耀是一款非常好玩的手游,也是当下最热玩的群众较多的一款手游,那么此款游戏中出现的一些英文大家可能还不是太了解,下面小编就带大家一起来了解一下吧~king glory(王者荣耀)第一滴血:First Blood双杀:Double Kill三杀:Triple Kill四杀:Quadra Kill五杀:Penta Kill团灭:AcedKilling Spree 大杀特杀!Rampage ***如麻!Unstoppable 势不可挡!Godlike 横扫千军!Lengendary 天下无双(超神)!An enemy has been slained. 我方击杀敌方。An ally has been slained. 敌方击杀我方。You have been slained. 你被敌方击杀。You have slain an enemy. 你击杀了一个敌人。Shut down! 终结!Executed. 被小兵或机关击杀。Your turret has been destroyed. 我方防御塔被摧毁。Your team has destroyed the turret. 摧毁敌方防御塔
2023-08-01 01:11:243


success[名词],successful[形容词],successfully[副词],succeed[动词] fail 失败的动词;failed 失败的形容词;failure 失败的名词
2023-08-01 01:11:311


问题一:失败用英语怎么说 5分 动词fail,名词failure 还有相近的词有:lose 问题二:失败用英语怎么读 失败 fail; be defeated; lose; e to nothing; a case of crabs 常用的是fail fail英 [fe?l] 美 [fel] vt.& vi.失败,不及格;倒闭,破产;缺乏;衰退 问题三:我失败了,英语怎么说? 我失败了 I failed. 问题四:失败的英文怎么读 看到你就好象看到当年17岁的我,一样的懵懂,一样的郁闷,也一样没谈过恋爱一样剪短发像个小男孩。 呵呵不要着急啊,把17岁该念的书念好,朋友交的多多的,身体练的棒棒的。等不久的将来,你会飞了,就会有自己的空间。想买件新衣服,买吧;想烫卷发,行的呀;想教男友,好的啦。呵呵这些都是我后来的经历,至于老妈,她也只能唠叨而已啦。那年我20岁,呵呵终有一天你会活的比我更出色的。听话,快快乐乐做你的17岁该做的事吧。 问题五:“因……而失败”用英语怎么说? to lose to sth. to fail to do sth. because of sth. Owing to sth, *** . failed. a failure out of sth. to result in failure, thanks to sth. 采纳哦 问题六:失败者用英语怎么说 一般都用 loser 问题七:考试失败了,用英语怎么说? I faile the exam 我考试失败了。 祝你学习愉快~ 希望能够帮到你! 满意请采纳,谢谢!
2023-08-01 01:11:401


1. registers the successful prompt to register the successful 2. registration defeat to prompt the registration to be defeated 3. increase data success prompt increase data to succeed 4. increase data defeat to prompt the increase data defeat 有个网址:在线翻译,你看对你有没有帮助吧。
2023-08-01 01:12:024


问题一:"我的英语不是很好,可能有些错误,请多指教"用英语怎么说 首先我要告诉你, 不用跟人说你英语不好, 如果你能用英文流利的说出上一句话, 英国人会很奇怪, 因为他们不知道你到底英语是不好, 还是假谦虚. 我的经验是, 你大胆的和他用英语聊天, 因为你英文是好是坏, 他一听就听出来, 同他的中文远不如你的英文. 不用逐字翻译,大致上说: My English is not so good, so there might be some mistake involved. Please do me a favor if it happens. Thanks. 问题二:你很失败的英文怎么说 You ar功 a failure. You are such a loser! 问题三:“有些人注定是失败者。比如,我”用英文怎么说 Someone is doomed to be a loser. 丁ust like, me myself. 这样翻我觉得更口语化,更有点无奈的感觉 问题四:翻译成英语“有些人会觉得失败是一件不好的事,会使他们带来诸多的烦恼,以及给 Some people think that failure is a bad thing, so they would be fraught with troubles 问题五:所有的挫折都不会让现在的我绝望 用英文怎么说 All the failures can"t make me desperate now. 问题六:能不能帮我翻译有一段话?翻译成英文,百度翻译有些错误。急求! 今天 Today, I will be introducing my favourite English song to you.The name of the song is Right here waiting. This song is a interlude from a movie that I had watched called Somewhere Only We Know. After listening it once, it was deeply carved into my mind. I once read a novel. In the story, a man silently waited there for his lover for seven years, I was deeply impressed. I think waiting is the hardest thing in this world. This song perfectly describe and fit in with this novel.
2023-08-01 01:12:101

[失败的名言英文] 失败与成功的英文名言

1、失败是坚韧的最后考验。 Strength of the failure is the final test. 2、失败于后,不如审慎于先。 After the failure in as prudent in first. 3、死的伟大的人,永远没有失败。 Die of a great man, never fail. 4、你必须成功,因为你不能失败! You must succeed, because you can"t fail! 5、理智一经运用,鄙夷就失败了。 The reason as soon as we are using disdain would have failed. 6、从胜利学得少,从失败学得多。 Learn little from victory, learn much from failure. 7、我可以接受失败,但我决不放弃。 I can accept failure, but I never give up. 8、当失败不可避免时,失败也是伟大的。 When the inevitable failure, failure is also great. 9、谁不经过失败挫折,谁就找不到真理。 Whoever without failure, can"t find the truth. 10、错误经不起失败,但是真理却不怕失败。 Wrong cannot afford defeat but right can. 11、灰心生失望,失望生动摇,动摇生失败。 Lose heart disappointed, disappointed shake, shake raw failure. 12、我可以接受任何失败,但是不能接受放弃。 I can accept any failure, but can"t accept giving up. 13、许多赛跑的人失败,都是失败在最后几步。 Many people fail, the race is failure in the last few steps. 14、一经打击就灰心泄气的人,永远是个失败者。 Once the fight will be discouraged, always a loser. 15、很多人失败的原因不是钱太少,而是钱太多。 A lot of people are the cause of the failure is not so little money, but money too much. 16、世界上最讨人厌的一种活就是失败者的理由。 One of the most annoying to live in the world is the reason why the losers. 17、过去不等于未来,没有失败,只有暂停止成功! The past doesn"t equal the future, no failure, only temporarily stop success! 18、有结果未必是成功,但是没有结果一定是失败。 The result is not necessarily successful, but no result must be a failure. 19、用时不爱惜,就要损坏;做时不慎重,就要失败。 When not sparing, will damage; Do not carefully, will fail. 20、我在女人跟前经常失败,就是由于我太爱她们了。 I often fail in front of the woman, it is because I love them too much. 21、从不获胜的人很少失败,从不攀登的人很少跌交。 Never win rarely fail, never climb of very few fell. 22、失败之前无所谓高手,在失败的面前,谁都是凡人。 Failure before doesn"t matter, in front of failures, who are human. 23、为伟大的事业而牺牲的人,从来就不能算作是失败。 Those who died for the great cause, never can"t count as a failure. 24、我的那些最重要的发现是受到失败的启发而获得的。 I am the most important discovery was inspired by failure. 25、人生求胜的秘诀,只有那些失败过的人才了若指掌。 The secret of winning in life, only those who failed the talent. 26、人生的光荣,不在永不失败,而在于能够屡败屡战。 The glory of life, is not in never falling, but in can often hurt often war. 27、我的那些最重要的发现是受到失败的启示而作出的。 I am the most important discovery was affected by the revelation of failure. 28、初恋的人大多不懂爱,所以初恋失败的多,成功的少。 The first love, more do not understand love, so the first love failure, less successful. 29、被击倒并非最糟糕的失败,放弃尝试才是真正的失败。 Down is not the worst failure, give up trying is the true failure. 30、不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。 Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. 31、人生的光荣,不在永远不失败,而在于能够屡扑屡起。 The glory of life, is not in never falling, but is the ability to repeatedly jump up. 32、不会从失败中寻求教训的人通向成功的道路是遥远的。 Not seek lesson from the failure of the path to success is far away. 33、与其早成功,不如晚成功,与其晚失败,不如早失败。 Its early success, late is better than success, failure and its late, early failure. 34、人生最大的光荣,不在于永不失败,而在于能屡仆屡起。 The greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall. 35、一个人失败的原因,在于本身性格的缺点,与环境无关。 The causes of failure of a person, lies in the character of its own shortcomings, has nothing to do with the environment. 36、一个妻子没有办法把丈夫拴在身边,那是做女人的失败。 Have no way to put her husband a wife tied to the side, that is to be a woman"s failure. 37、自信不一定能让你成功,但丧失信心却一定会让你失败。 Confidence is not necessarily can let you success, but a loss of confidence will allow you to fail. 38、人的聪明和自己的明智及道路的选择,往往在失败以后。 The wisdom of the people and his own wise and choice of the road, often after a failure. 39、懒惰受到的惩罚不仅仅是自己的失败,还有别人的成功。 Lazy punishment is more than just your failure, and the success of others. 40、被人揭下面具是一种失败,自己揭下面具却是一种胜利。 Being stripped mask is a kind of failure, their masks off is a victory. 41、人生最大的光荣,不在于从不失败,而在于能屡仆屡起。 The greatest glory in life, does not lie in never failing, but in rising every time we fall. 42、所有的创业者应该多花点时间,去学习别人是怎么失败的。 All the entrepreneurs should spend more time to learn how others failed. 43、成功的人是跟别人学习经验,失败的人只跟自己学习经验。 Successful people are learning experiences with other people, people with their own learning experience failure. 44、并非所有的人都能成功;勇于进取者往往要冒失败的风险。 Not everyone can succeed; Have the courage to motivator tend to take the risk of failure. 45、人不是为失败而生的,一个人可以被消灭,但不能被打败。 People are not born for defeat, a man can be destroyed, but not defeated. 46、我们从失败中学到的东西要比在成功中学到的东西多得多。 What we learn from the failure to learn things much more than in a successful. 47、失败对我们是有好处的, 句子大全/ 我们得祝福灾难,我们是灾难之子。 Failure is good for us, we have to bless the disaster, we are the son of the disaster. 48、青年时的失败要比壮年时的胜利,老年时的成功更令人满意。 Youth is a failure to victory than when mature, the success of the old age is more satisfactory. 49、当你失败了,就把它作为人生财富;成功了,就是财富人生。 When you fail, I put it as the wealth of life; Success is the wealth of life. 50、自信是走向成功之路的第一步;缺乏自信是失败的主要原因。 Self-confidence is the first step on the road to success; A lack of confidence is the main reason for the failure. 51、不要轻视失败者的劝告,他在不应该做什么的问题上是权威。 Don"t despise the loser"s advice, he is the authority on the question of what should not do. 52、多数人的失败,都始于怀疑他们自己在想做的事情上的能力。 Most people fail, began in doubt their own ability in want to do. 53、失败了,你可能会失望;但如果不去尝试,那么你注定要失败。 Failed, you may be disappointed; But if we don"t try, then you are doomed to failure. 54、这个时间是不等人的,它残酷得甚至不能给予失败者一点同情。 This is time and tide wait for no man, it can"t even give a cruel to losers a little sympathy. 55、若你能举出一个彻底满足的人,我可以告诉你他就是个失败的人。 If you can give a completely meet the person, I can tell you he is a failure. 56、我主要关心的,不是你是不是失败了,而是你对失败是不是甘心。 My main concern, not whether you fail, but you is willing to failure. 57、处在现今这个时代,如果说“做不到”,你将经常在失败的一边。 In this day and age, if the "to do", you will often on one side of the failure. 58、不会在失败中找出经验教训的人,他的通向成功的道路是遥远的。 Won"t find out the experience and lessons in failure, his path to success is far away. 59、经营企业,是许多环节的共同运作,差一个念头,就决定整个失败。 Business enterprise, is the common operation of many links, a thought, will decide the whole failure. 60、有一种人只做两件事:你成功了,他妒嫉你;你失败了,他笑话你。 There is a people only do two things: you are successful, his jealous of you; You have failed, he laugh at you. 61、人们常以为犯小过无伤大雅,哪知更大的失败常是有小过导引而来的。 People often think of innocuous, committed transgressions which know more guidance and failure is often have transgressions. 62、我从来不知道什么是苦闷,失败了再来,前途是自己努力创造出来的。 I never know what is depressed, I failed again, the future is to create their own. 63、大多数人是保守的,不轻易相信新事物,但能容忍对现实中的众多失败。 Most people are conservative, not easily believe in something new, but it can tolerate many failure in reality. 64、一个成功的商人是虎,一个失败的商人是狼,你和他们中间哪个打交道? A successful businessman is a tiger, a failed businessman is the Wolf, which dealing between you and them? 65、骄傲与失败挂钩,虚心与进步交友;懒惰和愚昧相亲,奋斗跟胜利握手。 Friends proud linked to failure, and progress with an open mind; Laziness and ignorance mutually close, struggle to shake hands with victory. 66、明智的人决不坐下来为失败而哀号,他们一定乐观地寻找办法来加以挽救。 A wise man will not sit down and cry for the failure, they must be looking for ways to save them with optimism. 67、想匆匆忙忙地去完成一件事以期达到加快速度的目的,结果总是要失败的。 Want to in a hurry to complete one thing in order to achieve the purpose of speed, the result is always failed. 68、如果我们过于爽快地承认失败,就可能使自己发觉不了我们非常接近于正确。 If we too readily admit defeat, it is possible to find we are very close to the right. 本文地址:失败的名言英文
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2023-08-01 01:13:041


2023-08-01 01:13:128


失败的英文:failure英文发音:["feu026alju0259]中文释义:n. 失败;故障;失败者;破产例句:The marriage was a failure and they both wanted to be free of it.这段婚姻是个失败,他们俩都想从中解放出来。扩展资料1、词源解说1200年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的falir,意为失败,不足;最初源自拉丁语的fallere,意为欺骗,失望。2、词语用法fail可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。fail在作“不能,不会,不成功”解时,其后只能搭用不定式短语或介词in。fail在作“亏损”“销蚀”解时可用于进行体,此时多指人的体质。fail用作名词时的意思是“考试不及格”,指在考试中失利,从而没能通过考试。常以单数形式出现。3、词义辨析fail, miss这两个词都可以作“不成”解。其区别在于:miss通常要搭用动名词短语; 而fail通常要搭用动词不定式。
2023-08-01 01:13:401


failure    n. 失败;失败者;不及格;疏忽;失灵;未能;悲惨的事 The play was a dead failure. 这场戏完全失败了。 扩展资料   flunk   读音:英 [flk] 美 [flk]   v. (使)失败;(使) 考试不及格   n. 失败;不及格   If you flunk finals you don"t get the chance to do them again.   若你最后考试失败,你没有再做一次的机会了。   failing   读音:英 ["fel] 美 ["fel]   n. 失败;缺点;过失   adj. 衰弱的   prep. 如果没有   动词fail的`现在分词.   His laziness results in his failing.   他的懒惰导致了他的失败。   lose   读音:英 [luz] 美 [luz]   vt. 丢失;失败;削减;丧生;看不到;亏损;迷失   vi. 失败;经受损失;走慢   Merely to maintain is to lose in the end.   止步不前,终将遭到失败。   fail   读音:英 [fel] 美 [fel]   vi. 失败;没做成某事;表现欠佳;用完;衰退   vt. 辜负;放弃;缺少;不及格   n. 不及格;没做成   We must hang together,or our plan will fail.   我们必须齐心协力,否则我们的计划就会失败。
2023-08-01 01:13:531

失败用英语怎么说 失败用英语如何说

1、失败英文是fail,英 [feu026al]、美 [feu026al]。     2、vi.失败;没做成某事;表现欠佳;用完;衰退。vt.负;放弃;缺少;不及格。n.不及格;没做成。 3、We must hang together,or our plan will fail.我们必须齐心协力,否则我们的计划就会失败。
2023-08-01 01:14:001


2023-08-01 01:14:091

失败的英文怎么写? 谢谢!

2023-08-01 01:14:182


fail to do something
2023-08-01 01:14:296


问题一:失败用英语怎么说 5分 动词fail,名词failure 还有相近的词有:lose 问题二:我失败了用英语怎么说 I failed. 问题三:在英雄联盟中,最后失败了,用英语怎么说 defeat 问题四:失败的单词用英怎么说 动词 fail 名词failure 问题五:失败者用英语怎么说 一般都用 loser 问题六:失败的英文怎么写? 谢谢! failure 加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢! 问题七:“因……而失败”用英语怎么说? to lose to sth. to fail to do sth. because of sth. Owing to sth, *** . failed. a failure out of sth. to result in failure, thanks to sth. 采纳哦 问题八:失败用英语怎么说 失败 be defeated;e to nothing更多释义>> [网络短语] 失败 Failure;break down;defeat 失败者 Loser;The Losers;Loosers 失败率 failure rate;mortality;Break-even failure rate 问题九:“我的英语考试失败了”用英语怎么说? I failed in the English exam. 问题十:失败并不可怕,可怕的是不敢面对失败用英语怎么说 40分 What is fearful is not failure itself, but not daring to face it. = Failur盯 itself is not fearful, but not daring to face it. = Rather than failure itself, what is fearful is not to dare to face it.
2023-08-01 01:14:531


1、失败英文是fail,英 [feu026al]、美 [feu026al]。     2、vi.失败;没做成某事;表现欠佳;用完;衰退。vt.负;放弃;缺少;不及格。n.不及格;没做成。 3、We must hang together,or our plan will fail.我们必须齐心协力,否则我们的计划就会失败。
2023-08-01 01:15:131


  失败,指没有达到预期的目的。下面就由我为大家带来关于失败的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于失败的相关短语   失败 be defeated   失败 e to nothing   失败率 failure rate   审计失败 the failure of audit   论失败 On Failure   对抗失败 Failed Confrontation   考试失败 fail the exam   关于失败 About Failure   关于失败的相关短句   1.被打败 be defeated; lose a war, etc.:   bring defeat upon oneself; court defeat;   招致失败   suffer defeat after defeat;   屡遭失败   suffer a crushing defeat;   遭到了毁灭性的失败   Team A lost the first game.   甲队第一局失败了。   2.没有达到预定目的 fail; e to nothing:   The plan suffered a great failure.   这项计划失败得很惨。   关于失败的相关例句   1. Failure is never quite so frightening as regret do.   比失败更令人恐惧的是懊悔。   2. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.   努力过,失败过,没关系,屡战屡败,屡败屡战,每一次失败都比上一次更好。   3. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.--Winston Churchill   成功不是终点,失败也并非末日,最重要的是继续前进的勇气。   4. An attempt by anti-abortionists to tighten the rules was defeated.   反堕胎者所作的加强法规的尝试失败了。   5. After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do.   失败的痛苦过去以后,英国人应该认真反思一下。   6. The expedition was wrecked by bad planning and poor navigation.   这次探险因计划不周和导航不利而失败。   7. Spectacular changes have taken place at the top since the failed putsch.   政变失败后,高层出现了急剧的变化。   8. The first four years of government were pletely disastrous.    *** 前4年的执政彻底失败。   9. Initially the government was unwilling to accept the defeat.   最初 *** 不愿意承认失败。   10. It is the easy way out to blame others for our failure.   把我们的失败归罪到别人头上倒是省事。   11. Those who fail incline to blame the world for their failure.   那些失败者往往将他们的失败归咎于社会。   12. His six-year transition programme has by no means been a plete failure.   他的六年转型计划绝没有彻底失败。   13. She is untroubled by the fact that she didn"t win.   她并没有为失败而烦心。   14. A failure would shatter the hopes of many people.   一次失败会使很多人希望破灭。   15. His lack of experience may prove to be his undoing.   他缺乏经验可能会最终导致他的失败。   关于失败的双语例句   她失败后感到非常痛心。   She was badly cut up when she failed.   他再试一次,竟然还是失败。   He tried a second time only to fail again.    *** 对这次 *** 的镇压失败了。   The government"s repression of the strike failed.   愚蠢的尝试多半是要失败的。   A feeble attempt is liable to fail.   我想把机器修理好,但是失败了。   I tried to fix the equipment but I failed.   即使我失败了又怎样!   What if I fail!   我从不视失败为失败,失败只不过是要赢得比赛的一种过程。   It is inevitable that some defeat will enter even the most victorious life.   两人的缺席,也是导致此次合作失败的原因之一。 而这场失败所营造的戏剧效果,甚至超越了音乐剧本身。   That absence contributed to a failure more dramatic than the show itself.   相对于入站失败,出站内容转换失败较为少见。   Outbound content conversion failures are much less mon than inbound failures.
2023-08-01 01:15:261

失败的英文 名词的

flunk n. 失败,不及格 failure n. 失败 losing n. 失败,损失
2023-08-01 01:15:341


失败英语的名词failure; failure:n.失败;失败的人(或事物);未做,未履行(应做之事) 扩展资料   It soon became clear that the programme was a failure.   没多久便可清楚地看出,这个节目不受欢迎。   The word "failure" is not in his vocabulary.   在他的词典中没有“失败”这个词。   She felt that her failure would bring shame on her family.   她觉得她的失败会使家人蒙羞。
2023-08-01 01:15:411


failure n. 失败;故障;失败者;破产; 例句:Failure can demotivate students. 失败会挫伤学生的积极性。 扩展资料   Don"t be frightened by failure, son.   不要被失败吓倒了,孩子。   He ascribed his failure to bad luck.   他认为自己的失败是运气不好。   Their plans seemed doomed to failure.   看起来,他们的计划注定要失败。   Their long struggle ended in failure.   他们的"长期努力以失败告终。   He collapsed from acute renal failure.   他的身体因严重的肾衰竭而垮掉了。   A signal failure contributed to the crash.   信号灯故障导致了这次撞车事故。
2023-08-01 01:16:151


成功或者失败英文翻译Success or failure
2023-08-01 01:16:351


王者荣耀游戏中,失败英文:Defeat,失败。除此之外,还有First Blood第一滴血、Double Kill双杀、Triple Kill三杀、Quadra Kill四杀、Penta Kill五杀、Ace团灭等
2023-08-01 01:16:422


Defeat。王者荣耀游戏中,失败英文:Defeat,失败。First Blood第一滴血、Double Kill双杀、Triple Kill三杀、Quadra Kill四杀、Penta Kill五杀、Ace团灭。例句But we ultimately defeat them.只是我们最终战胜了他们。He suffered one defeat from another.他遭受了一个又一个挫败。I was not delivered unto this world in defeat.我不是为了失败才来到这个世界的。
2023-08-01 01:16:551


I am a loser
2023-08-01 01:17:103


fail the exam美式x0dx0afail in the exam 英式x0dx0afail an exam在一次考试中失败(这是百度上别人的回答)x0dx0a我查了查字典:(例句)He failed maths but passed all his other subjects.他数学没及格,但是其他科目都通过了。(短语)pass/fail an exam考试通过/失败。failed exam的表达不对,应该是failed in the/an exam,fail an exam 或 fail in an exam应该都对,fail后直接+学科的名字。我就知道这些了,不知道对不对,你可以问问同学老师,希望对你有帮助。
2023-08-01 01:17:191


Defeat。王者荣耀游戏中,失败英文:Defeat,失败。First Blood第一滴血、Double Kill双杀、Triple Kill三杀、Quadra Kill四杀、Penta Kill五杀、Ace团灭。例句But we ultimately defeat them.只是我们最终战胜了他们。He suffered one defeat from another.他遭受了一个又一个挫败。I was not delivered unto this world in defeat.我不是为了失败才来到这个世界的。
2023-08-01 01:17:261


fail the exam美式fail in the exam 英式fail an exam在一次考试中失败(这是百度上别人的回答)我查了查字典:(例句)He failed maths but passed all his other subjects.他数学没及格,但是其他科目都通过了。(短语)pass/fail an exam考试通过/失败。failed exam的表达不对,应该是failed in the/an exam,fail an exam 或 fail in an exam应该都对,fail后直接+学科的名字。我就知道这些了,不知道对不对,你可以问问同学老师,希望对你有帮助。
2023-08-01 01:17:401


2023-08-01 01:18:184


You are epic fail
2023-08-01 01:18:435

我好失败 的英文怎么说??

You are Stupid
2023-08-01 01:19:023


2023-08-01 01:19:102


2023-08-01 01:19:184


通向成功的道路上,遇到失败是在所难免;但是面对失败,我们能做的就是重新站起来, 反思 自身,化失败为成功,再一次去尝试。以下是我为大家整理的有关于失败的英语演讲五篇,感谢您的欣赏。 有关于失败的英语演讲1 Perhaps the sky is still blue, but I can see the black sky. Perhaps the flowers are still beautiful, but I can see the ugly flowers. Perhaps the sun still shines, but there s no sun in my world. Perhaps the world doesn t change, but my world is changing. The exam has been over, but I can t wake up because I think I did very badly. But I know, even if you didn t do well this time, but you can do well next time. Time can t run backwards, you can try your best to do something well in the future. I think, there s no winning or losing in the world. Tomorrow, the sun rises again; we will have a new day! 有关于失败的英语演讲2 Everybody is afraid of failure, because it means what they do is useless and they waste their energy and time. But people get the wrong idea about failure, in fact, failure is also success. If people want to be successful, they need to take action. Failure at least means people have tried to do, what"s more, people can learn from their unsuccessful experience, so that they can improve their methods. Every failure means the closeness of success, we should take the positive attitude to failure, we can get over it soon and people finally can get the victory. So when we meet the difficulties, don"t be afraid of the bad result, just take action. 每个人都害怕失败,因为那意味着他们所做的是没有用的,浪费了时间和精力。但是人们对失败的看法是错误的,事实上,失败也是成功。如果人们想要成功,他们需要行动。失败至少意味着人们已经尝试去做,而且,人们能从他们不成功的 经验 中学习,这样他们才能改进 方法 。每个失败意味着与成功的靠近,我们应该乐观对待失败,快速克服失败,最后人们才能得到胜利。所以当我们遇到困难了,不要害怕不好的结果,要行动起来。 有关于失败的英语演讲3 failure is the mother of success. sometimes people have to cope with many mistakes and failures in order to reach the successful finals. while others might succumb to failure, they tend to retreat and give in their efforts. success often provides confidence and satisfaction, nevertheless failure companies with bitter, saddness, and suffering. it seems people have to learn through each experience, as success doesn‘t always falls from heaven. i remembered i used to fail on my vocabury test when i was in high school. i had problem to memorize new words which got lloose each day. i almost decided to give up english, but was obliged to one of my neighbour classmates who kept on sending small sheet for me. in the end of the semester, i found i had finished my vocabulary book which became a work force in reading english. i then realized that a new word came and left our brains for several times. nobody is born as genius for success. success tends to arrive after a serial of trials and failures. of course, success brings confidence and victory. but, life is not always easy and comfortable. there are more difficulties than eases in the real life. it is likely that we have to face some failures ahead. therefore, those who learn how to deal and endure failures will taste their success eventuallyfailure is the mother of success. sometimes people have to cope with many mistakes and failures in order to reach the successful finals. while others might succumb to failure, they tend to retreat and give in their efforts. success often provides confidence and satisfaction, nevertheless failure companies with bitter, saddness, and suffering. it seems people have to learn through each experience, as success doesn‘t always falls from heaven. i remembered i used to fail on my vocabury test when i was in high school. i had problem to memorize new words which got lloose each day. i almost decided to give up english, but was obliged to one of my neighbour classmates who kept on sending small sheet for me. in the end of the semester, i found i had finished my vocabulary book which became a work force in reading english. i then realized that a new word came and left our brains for several times. nobody is born as genius for success. success tends to arrive after a serial of trials and failures. of course, success brings confidence and victory. but, life is not always easy and comfortable. there are more difficulties than eases in the real life. it is likely that we have to face some failures ahead. therefore, those who learn how to deal and endure failures will taste their success eventually. 有关于失败的英语演讲4 failure is so common in our life. no one can avoid it. when we fail in doing something, we often feel so depressed that we have no interest in other things. sometimes failure can also make us lose heart. therefore, no one wants to be a failure. success is what we all hope for, because it can bring us a sense of pride and a good reputation. the moment we succeed, we always feel so proud, as if having everything in our hands. if one enjoys his continuous success in his career, he will be famous and worshiped by others. however, failure is the mother of success. one failure doesn"t mean you can never be successful. it depends on what we do to deal with failure. those who are always afraid of failure and can"t go through it will never win. but as long as we can get some lessons and experience from our failure, we"ll be sure to succeed. 有关于失败的英语演讲5 failure is a common thing in one"s life. almost everyone experiences failure in his life. when one fails in his attempt in doing something, he often feels upset. some people may yield to failure and flinch from it. but others will stick to and achieve the final success. success is what everyone expects. it may lead to fame and glory. when one suc ceeds in doing something, he gets so excited that he often neglects all the unsuccessful at tempts he has done. as the old saying goes, "failure teaches success." it is true that failure is an impor tam factor toward success. the way to success is full of various difficulties and obstacles. many important inventions or discoveries were achieved after hundreds of failure. and only those successes which have been achieved after many failures are really valuable and praiseworthy. 有关于失败的英语演讲五篇相关 文章 : ★ 面对挫折的英语演讲稿5篇 ★ 演讲稿关于失败最新五篇 ★ 关于失败英语作文初中5篇 ★ 关于成功与失败英语演讲稿 ★ 高中英语演讲稿挫折5篇 ★ 励志英语演讲:可以失败,不能畏惧 ★ 英文演讲稿优秀范文五篇 ★ 关于失败演讲稿600字作文五篇 ★ 英语演讲短文五篇 ★ 英语演讲范文精选五篇
2023-08-01 01:20:131

但是我失败了 用英文怎么说

but im fail
2023-08-01 01:20:246


fail in the test /exam
2023-08-01 01:20:433


  莎士比亚说:无数人的失败,都是失败于做事情不彻底,往往做到离成功只差一步就停下来。关于失败与成功的英文名言警句你了解多少?以下是我分享的失败与成功的英文名言警句,一起来和我看看吧。   失败与成功的英文名言警句精选   1、失败就是迈向成功应付出的代价。   Failure is success should pay a price.   2、不论成功还是失败,都是系于自己。   No matter success or failure, are in themselves.   3、当失败不可避免时,失败也是伟大的。   When the inevitable failure, failure is also great.   4、实验上的失败,可能成为发现的开端。   Experiments on the failure of the beginning of may be found.   5、向一切成功者和失败者学习思想方法。   Learn from all the winners and losers thought method.   6、用心观察成功者,别老是关注失败者。   Observe the successful, don"t always focus on the losers.   7、酸甜苦辣都是营养,成功失败都是经验。   Suantiankula are nutrition, success is failure experience.   8、灰心生失望,失望生动摇,动摇生失败。   Lose heart disappointed, disappointed shake, shake raw failure.   9、错误经不起失败,但是真理却不怕失败。   Wrong cannot afford defeat but right can.   10、失败缘于忽视细处,成功始于重视小事。   Failure due to ignore the finest point, began attaches great importance to the small success.   11、默认自己无能,无疑是给失败制造机会。   The default powerless, is undoubtedly makes opportunities to failure.   12、伟大的尝试,即使失败了,也是壮美的。   Great try, even failed, is spectacular.   13、失败可以导致胜利,死亡可以导致永生。   Failure can lead to victory, death can lead to eternal life.   14、要注意分析成功者,不要只留意失败者。   Pay attention to the analysis of successful, not only pay attention to the losers.   15、如果导致了两极分化,改革就算失败了。   Even if the lead to polarization, reform failed.   16、成功就是从失败到失败,也依然不改热情。   Success is from failure to failure, and still do not change.   17、失败就是失败,不要为自己的失败找借口!   Failure is the failure, not excuses for his failure.   18、失败固然痛苦,但更糟糕的是从未去尝试。   Failure is painful, but worse had never try.   19、很多人失败的原因不是钱太少,而是钱太多。   A lot of people are the cause of the failure is not so little money, but money too much.   20、一经打击就灰心泄气的人,永远是个失败者。   Once the fight will be discouraged, always a loser.   失败与成功的英文名言警句推荐   1、失败是坚韧的最后考验。   Strength of the failure is the final test.   2、失败于后,不如审慎于先。   After the failure in as prudent in first.   3、死的伟大的人,永远没有失败。   Die of a great man, never fail.   4、你必须成功,因为你不能失败!   You must succeed, because you can"t fail!   5、理智一经运用,鄙夷就失败了。   The reason as soon as we are using disdain would have failed.   6、从胜利学得少,从失败学得多。   Learn little from victory, learn much from failure.   7、我可以接受失败,但我决不放弃。   I can accept failure, but I never give up.   8、当失败不可避免时,失败也是伟大的。   When the inevitable failure, failure is also great.   9、谁不经过失败挫折,谁就找不到真理。   Whoever without failure, can"t find the truth.   10、错误经不起失败,但是真理却不怕失败。   Wrong cannot afford defeat but right can.   11、灰心生失望,失望生动摇,动摇生失败。   Lose heart disappointed, disappointed shake, shake raw failure.   12、我可以接受任何失败,但是不能接受放弃。   I can accept any failure, but can"t accept giving up.   13、许多赛跑的人失败,都是失败在最后几步。   Many people fail, the race is failure in the last few steps.   14、一经打击就灰心泄气的人,永远是个失败者。   Once the fight will be discouraged, always a loser.   15、很多人失败的原因不是钱太少,而是钱太多。   A lot of people are the cause of the failure is not so little money, but money too much.   16、世界上最讨人厌的一种活就是失败者的理由。   One of the most annoying to live in the world is the reason why the losers.   17、过去不等于未来,没有失败,只有暂停止成功!   The past doesn"t equal the future, no failure, only temporarily stop success!   18、有结果未必是成功,但是没有结果一定是失败。   The result is not necessarily successful, but no result must be a failure.   19、用时不爱惜,就要损坏;做时不慎重,就要失败。   When not sparing, will damage; Do not carefully, will fail.   20、我在女人跟前经常失败,就是由于我太爱她们了。   I often fail in front of the woman, it is because I love them too much.   21、从不获胜的人很少失败,从不攀登的人很少跌交。   Never win rarely fail, never climb of very few fell.   22、失败之前无所谓高手,在失败的面前,谁都是凡人。   Failure before doesn"t matter, in front of failures, who are human.   23、为伟大的事业而牺牲的人,从来就不能算作是失败。   Those who died for the great cause, never can"t count as a failure.   24、我的那些最重要的发现是受到失败的启发而获得的。   I am the most important discovery was inspired by failure.   25、人生求胜的秘诀,只有那些失败过的人才了若指掌。   The secret of winning in life, only those who failed the talent.
2023-08-01 01:20:501

“失败的事” 翻译成英文

make full use of one"s time
2023-08-01 01:20:584


不对,fail in doing sth = fail to do sth fail in sth时候,in可以省略; 但是fail in doing sth时候,in不能省略,也就是说没有fail doing sth的搭配; fail to do sth意思是“没能做到某事”,其实暗含“做了,但没做到/成功”之意.
2023-08-01 01:22:271


我不甘心失败的英语翻译是以下:I am unwilling to fail.
2023-08-01 01:22:3614


plan failed
2023-08-01 01:23:052


my interview is a total failure
2023-08-01 01:23:163