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Live的《Lighthouse》 歌词

2023-08-01 02:29:37
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
专辑:Birds Of Pray

Westlife - Lighthouse
This kind of love
Is more than a lifeline
For a man who"s weak as me
Who has no self-bellieve
This kind of love
Is more than amazing
For a man who had lost his way
Who called it was too late
How did the sea how didi the sea
How did the sea get so low
I would drown I would drown
If you hadn"t given me your love
You"re the light in the dark
You"re the seed in the park
You"re the lighthouse
You"re the lighthouse that I need
You"re the key to the door
You"re the port to the storm
And I need to find the shore
And I can"t swim anymore
You always guide me back to solid ground
You"re my lighthouse
This kind of love
Is more than a feeling
For a man who really cry
I get all choked up each time
You say you love me
You couldn"t walk away
And it give my problems back
Couldn"t let you took the chance
How did the waves how did the waves
How did the waves get so high
I would die I would die
If you hadn"t loved me just in time
You"re the light in the dark
You"re the seed in the park
You"re the lighthouse
You"re the lighthouse that I need
You"re the key to the door
You"re the port to the storm
And I need to find the shore
And I can"t swim anymore
You always guide me back to solid ground
You"re my lighthouse
Yeah I"ll owe to you
Everything I have right now
I"ll owe to you
Everything I didin"t have you found
Everytime give it back to you
You"re the light in the dark
You"re the seed in the park
You"re the lighthouse
You"re the lighthouse that I need
You"re the key to the door
You"re the port to the storm
And I need to find the shore
Cuz I can"t swim anymore
You always guide me back to solid ground
You"re my lighthouse




2023-08-01 00:19:263


lighthouse[英][u02c8lau026athau028as][美][u02c8lau026atu02cchau028as]n.灯塔; 复数:lighthouses例句:1.Guides are local people, among them former lighthouse keepers. 导游是一些当地人,其中就有那些以前守护灯塔的人。2.The land on which the lighthouse stands has been in the newman family for generations. 纽曼家族拥有包括灯塔在内的这片土地,传到现在已经有好几代了
2023-08-01 00:19:343


Lighthouse 是一个开源的自动化工具,用于改进网络应用的质量。只要为 Lighthouse 提供一个需要审查的网址,它将针对此页面运行一连串的测试,然后生成一个有关页面的性能报告。 三种安装方式 1. 安装命令:# 注意:Lighthouse需要 Node 10 LTS (10.13) 或更高的版本. 2. 运行Lighthouse: 3. 以百度为例,输入下面的命令即可: 完成后,可以查看HTML报告 这个意思就是某处文字背景色和文字颜色对比度不够,对于视障用户可能不好区分。 搜索引擎在索引网站内容时也需要知道网站适用的语言,从而更好地为用户返回搜索结果 改为: 当设置rel="noopener"时chrome会在独立的进程中打开新页面,同时会阻止window.opener,因此不存在跨窗口访问。 优化后 这是 Lighthouse 目的:它能识别和修复,影响我们网站的性能、可访问性和用户体验的常见问题。
2023-08-01 00:19:421


这篇文章主要介绍了关于如何使用NodeJS + Lighthouse + Gulp搭建自动化网站性能测试的工具,有着一定的参考价值,现在分享给大家,有需要的朋友可以参考一下假设你还不知道Lighthouse是什么Lighthouse 是Google公司旗下一个开源的、可自动化检测网站质量的工具,界面友好、操作简单、使用方式多样、视角全面,可以用它来测试任意网页,普通用户、QA、开发都可以快速上手。启动姿势难度系数 +1使用Lighthouse的方式有很多种,最简单的,可以使用 Chrome 的开发者工具,步骤如下:打开 Chrome 浏览器按F12在弹出来的窗口中打开 audits 标签点击 Perform an audit...勾选全部Run audit难度系数+2也可以使用命令行。安装Node安装Lighthouse npm install -g lighthouse在命令行中run lighthouse <url>以上两种使用方式都不是本文的重点,如果想深入了解,可参照 Run Lighthouse in DevTools难度系数+3由于最近在学习 NodeJS, 因此笔者决定使用 Node 8 + Gulp 来跑 lighthouse,为了提高结果的准确性,每次task都跑10次 lighthouse, 并且只关心结果指标中的 first-meaningful-paint 毫秒数,最终取10次的平均值,为了可视化与可读性,最终的结果以网页的形式展示,用户可在网页上看到每次执行 Lighthouse 之后 first-meaningful-paint 的毫秒数,也可以看到平均值,如果用户对某次执行的细节感兴趣,可以点击链接察看。最终的结果长这个样子:环境搭建安装 Node 8安装依赖包npm i lighthouse --save-devnpm i chrome-launcher --save-devnpm i fs-extra --save-devnpm i gulp --save-dev配置在项目根目录下创建Lighthouse的配置文件 lighthouse-config.js, 这里我们全部使用默认配置,使用默认配置需在配置文件中声明 extends: "lighthouse:default"。module.exports = { extends: "lighthouse:default"}如果读者需要了解更详细的配置选项,可参考:Lighthouse 这篇大部分内容是关于命令行的,命令行参数同样可用于Nodethrottling这篇是关于网络模拟的Default Config 具体的默认配置参数Web Page Test 模拟不同的网速Emulation 模拟不同的设备Coding在项目根目录下创建 gulpfile.js,首先引入所有依赖的工具:const gulp = require("gulp");const lighthouse = require("lighthouse");const chromeLauncher = require("chrome-launcher");const printer = require("lighthouse/lighthouse-cli/printer");const Reporter = require("lighthouse/lighthouse-core/report/report-generator");const fs = require("fs-extra");const config = require(".lighthouse-config.js");在开始使用 lighthouse 之前,首先创建一个写入文件的方法, 用于最后生成自定义的 report 文件:async function write(file, report) { try { await fs.outputFile(file, report); } catch (Error e) { console.log("error while writing report ", e); }}调用 Lighthouse 之前,我们需要首先启动一个 Chrome 的 instance ,并将端口号提供给 Lighthouse 。--headless表示不打开 browser 窗口。async function launchChrome() { let chrome; try { chrome = await chromeLauncher.launch({ chromeFlags: [ "--disable-gpu", "--no-sandbox", "--headless" ], enableExtensions: true, logLevel: "error" }); console.log(chrome.port) return { port: chrome.port, chromeFlags: [ "--headless" ], logLevel: "error" } } catch (e) { console.log("Error while launching Chrome ", e); }}Chrome 实例启动之后,我们就可以调用 Lighthouse , 调用时,须提供需要进行性能测试的网站,参数,以及前文创建好的配置,参数包含了 Chrome 启动端口,启动方式(是否 headless 等信息)。async function lighthouseRunner(opt) { try { return await lighthouse("", opt, config); } catch (e) { console.log("Error while running lighthouse"); }}Lighthouse 的返回结果是一个包含性能测试结果, 最终版的配置参数, 指标分组等信息的 json 对象,读者可以参考 Understanding Results 获得更深入的理解。由于这里我们需要使用 Lighthouse 官方的模板生成报告,因此调用官方提供的方法,注意第一个参数传入 result.lhr, 第二个参数声明生成 html 报告(还可以生成 csv 等格式的报告)。function genReport(result) { return Reporter.generateReport(result.lhr, "html");}下面我们写一个将上面几个方法串起来的函数,首先启动一个 Chrome 实例, 然后将 Chrome 实例的某些参数传递给 Lighthouse,使用 lighthouse 跑出来的结果生成报告,并写入 html 文件, html文件应带有时间戳和执行顺序作为唯一标识。start 方法返回结果中的first-meaningful-paint(这是我们最关心的指标,读者可根据自身需要替换,具体指标可参考 Lighthouse)。async function run(timestamp, num) { let chromeOpt = await launchChrome(); let result = await lighthouseRunner(chromeOpt); let report = genReport(result); await printer.write(report, "html", `./cases/lighthouse-report@${timestamp}-${num}.html`); return result.lhr.audits["first-meaningful-paint"].rawValue; await chrome.kill();}下面, 我们可以正式开始写一个 gulp task 啦,首先获得当前时间戳,用于最终生成的报告命名,然后声明一个数组,用于记录每次跑 Lighthouse 生成的 first-meaningful-paint 毫秒数,然后跑10次 Lighthouse, 使用提前创建的模板文件,根据这10的结果,生成一个汇总报告,这里,笔者使用了Lighthouse对外暴露的工具函数进行字符串的替换。gulp.task("start", async function() { let timestamp =; let spent = []; for(let i=0; i<5; i++) { spent.push(await run(timestamp, i)); } let template = await fs.readFileSync("./summary/template/template.html", "utf-8"); let summary = Reporter.replaceStrings(template, [{ search: "%%TIME_SPENT%%", replacement: JSON.stringify(spent) }, { search: "%%TIMESTAMP%%", replacement: timestamp }]); write(`./summary/report/summary@${timestamp}.html`, summary)})最后的最后, 执行:gulp start万事大吉。附上汇总界面的模板源码:<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1"> <title>Lighthouse Summary Report</title> <style> body { font-family: sans-serif; } table { margin: auto; } tr { border: 1px solid grey; } h1 { text-align: center; margin: 30px auto 50px auto } </style></head><body><table> <h1>Performance Summary Report</h1> <tr> <th> Case No. </th> <th> First Meaningful Paint </th> <th> Link To Details </th> </tr> <tbody id="tableBody"> </tbody></table><script>let timespent = %%TIME_SPENT%%;let timestamp = %%TIMESTAMP%%;let tableBody = document.getElementById("tableBody");let content = "";for(let i=0; i < timespent.length; i++) { content += `<tr style="border: 1px solid grey"> <td> ${i+1} </td> <td> ${timespent[i]} </td> <td> <a href="../../cases/lighthouse-report@${timestamp}-${i}.html">View Details</a> </td> </tr>`}let total = timespent.reduce((i, j) => { return i + j;})let count = timespent.filter(function(i) { return i}).lengthcontent += `<tr><td> AVG</td><td>${total / count}</td></tr>`tableBody.innerHTML = content;</script></body></html>
2023-08-01 00:19:501

找westlife新单曲lighthouse的中英歌词 谢谢

贴吧里有的!!!!!LighthouseThis kind of loveIs more than that lifelineFor a man who"s weak as meWho has no self believeThis kind of loveIs more than amazingFor a man who lost his wayWho called it was too lateHow did the sea,how did the sea How did the sea get so low (oh)I would drown,i would drown, If You hadn"t given me your love (oh)(You"re the light in the dark.You"re sea in the par)You"re the lighthouse (oh)You"re the lighthouse that i need (oh)(You"re the key to the doorYou"re the buoy in the storm)And i need to find the shore (oh)And i can"t swim anymore You always guide me back to solid ground (oh)You"re my lighthouseThis a kind of loveIs more than a feeling.For a man who are really cryI get all choked up each timeYou say your love meYou couldn"t wlk away And it give my problems backYou"re the love to took that chanceHow did the waves, How did the waves (oh)How did the waves get so high.I wanna die ,i wanna die (oh)If you hadn"t love me just in time(You"re the light in the dark.You"re sea in the par) (oh)You"re the lighthouse.You"re the lighthouse that i need (You"re the key to the doorYou"re the buoy in the storm) (oh)And i need to find the shore (oh)And i can"t swim anymoreYou always guide me back to solid ground (oh)Yeah You"re my lighthouseYeah...I will owe to you everything i have right nowI will owe to you eveything i didn"t have you foundEverytime,give it back to you Oh(You"re the light in the dark.You"re sea in the par) (oh)You"re the lighthouse.You"re the lighthouse that i need (oh)Oh(You"re the key to the doorYou"re the buoy in the storm) (oh) (oh yeah)And i need to find the shore (oh) And i can"t swim anymoreYou always guide me back to solid ground (oh)You"re my lighthouse
2023-08-01 00:19:583


Pointe-Venus-Lighthouse金星灯塔Lighthouse[地名] 灯塔(英语); [电影]海上监狱; 易混淆单词:lighthouse以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Guides are local people, among them former lighthouse keepers. 导游是一些当地人,其中就有那些以前守护灯塔的人
2023-08-01 00:20:061

《lighthouse 》patrick Watson 歌词

This kind of love 这种爱Is more than a lifeline不仅仅是一个生命线For a man as weak as me 一个弱的我Who has no 谁也没有self believe 自认为This kind of love 这种爱Is more than amazing 不仅仅是惊人的For a man who 一个男人lost his way 他迷路了Who thought it was too late 他认为这是太晚了How did the sea 如何在海How did the sea 如何在海How did the sea 如何在海get so rough 如此粗糙I would"ve drowned 我会淹死I would"ve 我会drowned 淹死If you hadn"t given me your love 如果你没有给我你的爱You"re the light in the dark 你是黑暗中的光You"re the seat in the park 你坐在公园You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔That I need 那就是我要的You"re the key to the door 你是那门的钥匙You"re the Port in the Storm 你是暴风雨中的港口And I need to find a shore 我需要找到一个海岸When I can"t swim anymore 当我不能游泳了You always guide me back to solid ground 你总是指引我回到地面You"re my lighthouse 你是我的灯塔This kind of love 这种爱Is more than a feeling 不仅仅是一种感觉For a man who rarely tried 一个人很少尝试I get all choked up each time 我感动得说不出话每次You say you love me 你说你爱我You could"ve walked away 你可以走了Could"ve give my problems back 可以给我的问题Could"ve left 可以离开You took the chance 你抓住了机会How did the waves 如何在波How did the waves 如何在波How did the waves 如何在波get so high 得到这么高I would"ve died 我已经死了I would"ve died 我已经死了If you hadn"t loved me just in time 如果你不爱我的时间You"re the light in the dark 你是黑暗中的光You"re the seat in the park 你坐在公园You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔That I need 那就是我要的You"re the key to the door 你是那门的钥匙You"re the Port in the Storm 你是暴风雨中的港口When I need to find a shore 当我需要找到一个海岸Cos I can"t swim anymore 因为我不能游泳了You always guide me back to solid ground 你总是指引我回到地面You"re my lighthouse 你是我的灯塔Yeah, I owe it all to you everything 是的,我的一切都归功于你的一切I have right now 我现在所拥有的I owe it all to you everything 你为我所做的一切的一切I didn"t have you found 我没有找到你Everytime take me back to you 每次我回到你身边You"re the light in the dark 你是黑暗中的光You"re the seat in the park 你坐在公园You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔I need 我需要You"re the key to the door 你是那门的钥匙You"re the Port in the Storm 你是暴风雨中的港口And I need to find the shore 我必须找到岸Cos I can"t swim anymore 因为我不能游泳了You always guide me back to solid ground 你总是指引我回到地面You"re my lighthouse你是我的灯塔
2023-08-01 00:20:201

灯塔叫light house还是light tower?

lighthouse 中间没有空格哦
2023-08-01 00:20:413


this kind of loveis more than a lifeline for a man as weak as mewho has no self belief this kind of loveis more than amazingfor a man who lost his waywho thought it was too latehow did the sea how did the seahow did the sea get so roughi would"ve drownedi would"ve drownedif you hadn"t given me your loveyou"re the light in the darkyour"re the seat in the parkyou"re the lighthouseyou"re the lighthousethat i needyou"re the key to the dooryou"re the port in the stormand i need to find a shorewhen i can"t swim anymoreyou always guide me back to solid groundyou"re my lighthousethis kind of loveis more than a feelingfor a man who rarely triedi get all choked up each timeyou say you love meyou could"ve walked awaycould"ve give my problems backcould"ve lift you took the chancehow did the waveshow did the waveshow did the waves get so highi would"ve diedi would"ve diedif you hadn"t loved me just in timeyou"re the light in the darkyour"re the seat in the parkyou"re the lighthouseyou"re the lighthousethat i needyou"re the key to the dooryou"re the port in the stormwhen i need to find a shorecos i can"t swim anymoreyou always guide me back to solid ground you"re my lighthouseyeah~i owe it all to youeverything i have right nowi owe it all to youeverything i didn"t have you foundeverytime take me back to youYOU"RE THE LIGHT IN THE DARKyour"re the seat in the parkyou"re the lighthouseyou"re the lighthousei needhoo~you"re the key to the dooryou"re the port in the stormand i need to find a shorecos i can"t swim anymoreyou always guide me back to solid ground you"re my lighthouse以上
2023-08-01 00:20:492

Anthem Lights的《Lighthouse》 歌词

歌曲名:Lighthouse歌手:Anthem Lights专辑:Anthem LightsLighthouseChariceI"m trying to navigate my wayI lay by my back but winds have changedStop for a while in the placeIt hasn"t been startedFacing the storm in every sideAfraid to go far when left alrightTossing and turning with the timeIn every directionEvery shadow has a doubtBut there"s a light they can"t put outAnd it"s shining through the cloudsIt"s calling to meIt"s calling to meYes I can see it!It must have but make itIt"s the light across the oceanIt must be a lighthouseCalling my ship onIs it there to show me where I"m going?Take me to homeTake me to home againTake me to homeIf I could get there, I would stayThe way it"d go crushin" on meBut I"ll be safeShouting my life out through the haysSo you could see meHoahhI"m trying to navigate my wayI lay by my back but winds have changedStop for a while in the placeIt hasn"t been started...
2023-08-01 00:21:031

Westlife的《Lighthouse》 歌词

歌曲名:Lighthouse歌手:Westlife专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 80Westlife - LighthouseSplendidyangThis kind of loveIs more than a lifelineFor a man who"s weak as meWho has no self-bellieveThis kind of loveIs more than amazingFor a man who had lost his wayWho called it was too lateHow did the sea how didi the seaHow did the sea get so lowI would drown I would drownIf you hadn"t given me your loveYou"re the light in the darkYou"re the seed in the parkYou"re the lighthouseYou"re the lighthouse that I needYou"re the key to the doorYou"re the port to the stormAnd I need to find the shoreAnd I can"t swim anymoreYou always guide me back to solid groundYou"re my lighthouseThis kind of loveIs more than a feelingFor a man who really cryI get all choked up each timeYou say you love meYou couldn"t walk awayAnd it give my problems backCouldn"t let you took the chanceHow did the waves how did the wavesHow did the waves get so highI would die I would dieIf you hadn"t loved me just in timeYou"re the light in the darkYou"re the seed in the parkYou"re the lighthouseYou"re the lighthouse that I needYou"re the key to the doorYou"re the port to the stormAnd I need to find the shoreAnd I can"t swim anymoreYou always guide me back to solid groundYou"re my lighthouseYeah I"ll owe to youEverything I have right nowI"ll owe to youEverything I didin"t have you foundEverytime give it back to youYou"re the light in the darkYou"re the seed in the parkYou"re the lighthouseYou"re the lighthouse that I needYou"re the key to the doorYou"re the port to the stormAnd I need to find the shoreCuz I can"t swim anymoreYou always guide me back to solid groundYou"re my lighthouse
2023-08-01 00:21:101

求mazzy star主唱Hope Sandoval 的Lighthouse的歌词

我超喜欢这首歌 名字就叫lighthouse—hope连着一起搜才能搜到
2023-08-01 00:21:183


灯塔是个高建筑物. 它的顶部有盏大灯. 它通常被建在悬崖上或者海港附近. 在埃及时代以前人们就能在船上看见灯塔了. 这座灯塔有100多米高. 由白色石头制成. 在顶部的房间窗户是打开的.晚上房间里烧着火为了给海港周围的船只取暖。 最近,在很多地方都建造了灯塔。整个家庭成员都住在里面以确保灯油一直在燃烧。 现在灯塔用的是电灯甚至还配有号角。任何人都不需要住在里面,因为无论是等还是号角都能自动控制
2023-08-01 00:21:283

HTC Vive的Lighthouse追踪系统到底是怎样工作

VIVE 的lighthouse工作原理是利用激光定位! 两个基站内部均有红外LED发射源,单个发射源的发射平率为10MS。双基站发射面呈垂直方向。当基站1发射激光,基站2不发射。 反之,基站2发射时,基站1不发射! 所以10MS+10MS=20MS 做到了只有20延迟的定位系统。 基站最后把信息传给笔记本CPU处理! 从而实现精准定位!
2023-08-01 00:21:361

Hosburgh Lighthouse是在新加坡吗?

Horsburgh Lighthouse (霍士堡灯塔)位于(Pedra Branca) 白礁,是最早的建筑物为英国殖民地政府建于1847年至1851年间。白礁位于新加坡海峡东部入口的一个小礁岛,离我国本岛以东24海里(约45公里)。长久以来,白礁的位置都对我国有着具有战略性的重要意义。因它扼守每天有近900艘船只穿行的新加坡海峡东段的咽喉。英国殖民地政府在160多年前占有白礁,以建设霍士堡灯塔等设施,当时白礁是无人居住的荒岛,不属于任何人。我国从那时开始,便持续及公开地在白礁及附近水域行使主权。1953年当时马来亚联邦柔佛州在发给我国的公函中,就表示马国不寻求白礁拥有权,马国在1962年至1975年之间出版的官方地图上,也把白礁列入我国的版图。1979年,马来西亚出版一份地图,指白礁属于它,隔年,我国作出回应,正式向马国提出抗议。白礁纠纷自1979年发生以来,过了20多年终于交由各级法院裁决。在双方无法取得解决,我国决定在1989年提议把白礁主权纠纷交国际法院仲裁。马来西亚在1994年同意这项提议,经过讨论,两国在1998年针对特别协定,即把纠纷提交国际法院之前所须签订的正式协定的内容达成共识。2003年2月6日,两国外长签署特别协定,并在同年7月24日正式通知国际法院。最终国际仲裁法院,判定白礁归属我国主权。
2023-08-01 00:21:431

Light House-Hope 歌词翻译

试着翻译了一下啊,可能不怎么优美,你看看吧。Light House-Hope灯塔-希望I wanna sing我想要歌唱While the ocean sleeps当大海入睡的时候I wanna feel我要感觉到What it"s like to be free自由的感觉是什么I wanna see我要看What you see in me在你的眼里我如何I wanna to know how it feels to believe我想知道相信的感受I feel lost somehow I"m drifting away不知怎么我渐渐的漂远,我感到迷失Was almost gone, you brought me to life again就在要消逝的时候,是你让我重生So let me be your lighthouse那么,让我做你的灯塔吧And I"ll help you find the way outOf here我要帮你找到离开这里的路I see the tide is coming我看到潮起了Don"t let it take you away from me别让它把你从我身边带走there"s no way I"m jumping over我没有办法跳跃过I know it"s your love that saved me我知道,是你的爱,拯救了我Cause I was lost因为我迷失了Somehow I"m drifting away不知怎么我渐渐的漂远Was almost goneYou brought me to life again就在要消逝的时候,是你让我重生So let me be your lighthouseAnd I"ll help you find the way out of here那么,让我做你的灯塔吧我要帮你找到离开这里的路I can see the light我可以看到那光From a far away out在遥远的地方But it"s slowly drifting away from me但它慢慢的离我而去Cause I was lostSomehow I drifted awayWas almost goneYou brought me to life again因为我迷失了不知怎么我渐渐的漂远就在要消逝的时候,是你让我重生So let me be your lighthouseAnd I"ll help you find the way out of hereLet me be your lighthouseAnd I"ll help you find the way out of here那么,让我做你的灯塔吧我要帮你找到离开这里的路让我做你的灯塔吧我要帮你找到离开这里的路
2023-08-01 00:21:561

Lighthouse Family的《High》 歌词

歌曲名:High歌手:Lighthouse Family专辑:The Piano And The SongWhen you"re close to tears remembersomeday it"ll all be overOne day we"re gonna get so highThough it"s darker than Decemberwhat"s ahead is a different colorOne day we"re gonna get so highAnd at the end of the day remember the dayswhen we were close to the endand wonder how we made it through the nightAt the end of the daywe remember the waywe stayed so close to the endwe"ll remember it was me and youCause we are gonna be forever you and meyou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveDon"t you think it"s time you starteddoing what we always wantedOne day we"re gonna get so highCause even the impossibleis easy when we got each otherOne day we"re gonna get so highAnd at the end of the day remember the dayswhen we were close to the endand wonder how we made it through the nightAt the end of the dayremember the waywe stayed so close to the endwe"ll remember it was me and youCause we are gonna be forever you and meYou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveCause we are gonna be forever you and meYou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveAnd at the end of the days remember the dayswhen we were close to the endand wonder how we made it through the nightAt the end of the day remember the waywe stayed so close to the endwe"ll remember it was me and youCause we are gonna be forever you and meYou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveCause we are gonna be forever you and meYou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveLyrics By: Tommy
2023-08-01 00:22:221


a magnificient lighthouse stand on the east part of 法罗斯 island after forty years endeavor. it locates on the stone reef which are seven meters away from the coast and its height is 135 meters. The lighthouse consists of three storeys and the whole square of it is about 930 square meters !
2023-08-01 00:22:312

The lighthouse shines through the dark helping sailors to find their way. 这句英语的成分怎么划分

the lighthouse是主语,shines是谓语动词,through the dark是介词短语做状语,helping到最后整体是伴随状语
2023-08-01 00:22:392

my wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse.

2023-08-01 00:22:512


Be What You Wanna BeO_O如何
2023-08-01 00:22:592


2023-08-01 00:23:093


2023-08-01 00:24:123


1. 到灯塔去英文介绍 Plot summary [edit] Part I: The Window The novel is set in the Ramsays" summer home in the Hebrides, on the Isle of Skye. The section begins with Mrs Ramsay assuring James that they should be able to visit the lighthouse on the next day. This prediction is denied by Mr Ramsay, who voices his certainty that the weather will not be clear, an opinion that forces a certain tension between Mr and Mrs Ramsay, and also between Mr Ramsay and James. This particular incident is referred to on various occasions throughout the chapter, especially in the context of Mr and Mrs Ramsay"s relationship.The Ramsays have been joined at the house by a number of friends and colleagues, one of them being Lily Briscoe who begins the novel as a young, uncertain painter attempting a portrayal of Mrs. Ramsay and her son James. Briscoe finds herself plagued by doubts throughout the novel, doubts largely fed by the statements of Charles Tansley, another guest, claiming that women can neither paint nor write. Tansley himself is an admirer of Mr Ramsay and his philosophical treatises.The section closes with a large dinner party. Mr Ramsay nearly snaps at Augustus Carmichael, a visiting poet, when the latter asks for a second serving of soup. Mrs Ramsay, who is striving for the perfect dinner party is herself out of sorts when Paul Rayley and Minta Doyle, two acquaintances whom she has brought together in engagement, arrive late to dinner, as Minta lost her grandmother"s brooch on the beach.[edit] Part II: Time Passes The second section is employed by the author to give a sense of time passing. Woolf explained the purpose of this section, writing that it was "an interesting experiment [that gave] the sense of ten years passing."[1]. This section"s role in linking the two dominant parts of the story was also expressed in Woolf"s notes for the novel, where above a drawing of an "H" shape she wrote "two blocks joined by a corridor."[2] During this period Britain begins and finishes fighting World War I. In addition, the reader is informed as to the fates of a number of characters introduced in the first part of the novel: Mrs Ramsay passes away, Prue dies from complications of childbirth, and Andrew is killed in the war. Mr Ramsay is left adrift without his wife to praise and comfort him during his bouts of mortal fear and his anguish over doubts regarding his self worth.[edit] Part III: The Lighthouse In the final section, “The Lighthouse,” some of the remaining Ramsays return to their summer home ten years after the events of Part I, as Mr Ramsay finally plans on taking the long-delayed trip to the lighthouse with his son James and daughter Cam(illa). The trip almost doesn"t happen, as the children hadn"t been ready, but they eventually take off. En route, the children give their father the silent treatment for forcing them to come along. James keeps the sailing boat steady, and rather than receiving the harsh words he has come to expect from his father, he hears praise, providing a rare moment of empathy between father and son; Cam"s attitude towards her father has changed as well.They are being accompanied by the sailor Macalister and his son, who catches fish during the trip. The son cuts a piece of flesh from a fish he has caught to use for bait, throwing the injured fish back into the sea.While they set sail for the lighthouse, Lily attempts to complete her long-unfinished painting. She reconsiders Mrs Ramsay"s memory, grateful for her help in pushing Lily to continue with her art, yet at the same time struggling to free herself from the tacit control Mrs Ramsay had over other aspects of her life. Upon finishing the painting and seeing that it satisfies her, she realizes that the execution of her vision is more important to her than the idea of leaving some sort of legacy in her work – a lesson Mr Ramsay has yet to learn.。 2. 各位高手谁有《到灯塔去》的读后感 《到灯塔去》描写一次大战后拉姆齐教授一家和几个亲密朋友在苏格兰某岛屿上度假的一段生活。 作者企图在这部情节非常简单的小说中探讨人生的意义和自我的本质,指出自我有可能逃脱流逝不息的时间的魔掌并不顾死亡的威胁而长存不朽。灯塔塔尖的闪光即象征拉姆齐之人的灵魂之光。 本书的意识流写作手法十分值得注意,如视角转换,两种时间,象征手法,音乐结构,借鉴绘画等。到灯塔去读后感,来自卓越网的网友:这是一部作者倾注心血的准自传体意识流小说。 《到灯塔去》的中心线索,写了拉姆齐一家人和几位客人在第一次世界大战前后的片段生活经历。拉姆齐先生的幼子詹姆斯想去灯塔,但却由于天气不好而未能如愿。 后大战爆发,拉姆齐一家历经沧桑。战后,拉姆齐先生携带一双儿女乘舟出海,终于到达灯塔。 而坐在岸边画画的莉丽布里斯科也正好在拉姆齐一家到达灯塔的时候,在瞬间的感悟中,向画幅中央落下一笔,终于画出了多年萦回心头的幻象,从而超越自己,成为一名真正的艺术家。全书并无起伏跌宕的情节,内容分三个部分,依次为:窗;时光流逝;灯塔。 最主要的人物拉姆齐夫人后来死去,其实际活动仅限于小说的前半部分。关于她的一系列描述,是以作者本人的母亲为生活原型的,而拉姆齐先生则有作者父亲的影子。 此外,作者着墨最多的是莉丽布里斯科。表面上看,莉丽语言寥寥,其主要行为主要是为拉姆齐夫人作画,但该人物的思想活动相当活跃,作者以自己为原型塑造了这个人物,并“为小说结构安排了潜在的双重线索和复合层次……莉丽这个人物既在这部小说世界之中,又在它之外;拉姆齐一家的经历是第一层次的故事,莉丽所体现的‘艺术―生命"主要是第二层次的故事,是包裹在小说外面的又一部小说。” 到灯塔去读后感,:在这本书的前言里,编者写到,读过伍尔芙的小说,再看任何文学作品都会像面对白纸一样感到枯燥和乏味。于是细细读下来,没有觉得多么深奥和抽象,日常的生活琐事以及与其一起发生的心理过程被用精妙的语言描绘出来,如果这就是意识流小说,很高兴它并不是什么高不可攀、难以理解的东西。 而对于伍尔芙,我想说的就是——没有人比她更女人。英:To the lighthouse "content : a brief introduction to the lighthouse is a war ramzy after the family and few close friends in a scottish islands for a long life. the author tried to in this story is very simple in the novel discuss the meaning of life and nature, pointed out to be passed on from time to hand it does not matter to death threats from the earth. the lighthouse flashes of which is the symbol of ramzy the souls of the light. this book write Write a note, such as the perspective of transformation, two hours, symbols, using music, painting, etc.To the lighthouse from the friends, distinguished : it is the author dedicating novel. to the lighthouse, the centre of clues ramzy the family and few visitors in the first world war and fragment of life experiences ramsay"s youngest son james want to go to the lighthouse, but owing to bad weather and unsatisfied. when war broke out, ramsey a preferred. after the war, with a pair of "three-good" and take a boat out to sea, at last The lighthouse. and sit in the occupied nevertheless ramzy arrive in a lighthouse, in momentary feeling, the central committee dropped a pen and mapped out for his vision and something beyond themselves and become a real artist. there is no 起伏跌宕 the content of the three parts, in turn for the time passes the lighthouse.The main characters later, its practical activities is limited to the novel. the first half of a series of description, in the author"s own mother for a living, and mrs three-good, the author"s shadow. in addition, the author to achieve the most beautiful breece lily family. surface, lily"s a language, the main line Novel. the first half of a series of description, in the author"s own mother for a living, and mrs three-good, the author"s shadow. in addition, the author to achieve the most beautiful breece lily family. surface, lily"s a language, its main activities is mainly for people, but the characters in a reasonably active ideological activities, the author himself a prototype of the people and the structure of the novel for the potential for a clue to be lisa and complex level, the characters in the world, and outside it ; ramsey a experience is the first level, "lisa by the art of life ". the second level is the story of the novel is out in a novel." To the lighthouse , strike at the net from : in the preface of book, the editor wrote, read novels, more any literature will like the white paper was as dull and tedious to read carefully. therefore, not to have a profound and abstract, the daily life and a there is psychological process of linguistic life, if this is novel, it is not high, it is difficult to understand.。 3. 关于伍尔芙《到灯塔去》 这是一部作者倾注心血的准自传体意识流小说。 小说以到灯塔去为贯穿全书的中心线索,写了拉姆齐一家人和几位客人在第一次世界大战前后的片段生活经历。拉姆齐先生的幼子詹姆斯想去灯塔,但却由于天气不好而未能如愿。 后大战爆发,拉姆齐一家历经沧桑。战后,拉姆齐先生携带一双儿女乘舟出海,终于到达灯塔。 而坐在岸边画画的莉丽·布里斯科也正好在拉姆齐一家到达灯塔的时候,在瞬间的感悟中,向画幅中央落下一笔,终于画出了多年萦回心头的幻象,从而超越自己,成为一名真正的艺术家。全书并无起伏跌宕的情节,内容分三个部分,依次为:窗;时光流逝;灯塔。 最主要的人物拉姆齐夫人后来死去,其实际活动仅限于小说的前半部分。关于她的一系列描述,是以作者本人的母亲为生活原型的,而拉姆齐先生则有作者父亲的影子。 此外,作者着墨最多的是莉丽·布里斯科。表面上看,莉丽语言寥寥,其主要行为主要是为拉姆齐夫人作画,但该人物的思想活动相当活跃,作者以自己为原型塑造了这个人物,并“为小说结构安排了潜在的双重线索和复合层次。 ……莉丽这个人物既在这部小说世界之中,又在它之外;拉姆齐一家的经历是第一层次的故事,莉丽所体现的‘艺术—生命"主要是第二层次的故事,是包裹在小说外面的又一部小说。” _______________________ 在弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的代表作《到灯塔去》中,作者通过莉丽·布里斯科对女性气质从抛却到认可再到超越的心路历程,揭示了女艺术家在男性占主导的社会中为实现自己的理想所经历的艰难和困惑,以及女性主义的真谛。 指出只有培养双性头脑才是妇女解放的真正出路。这是一部作者倾注心血的准自传体意识流小说。 小说以到灯塔去为贯穿全书的中心线索,写了拉姆齐一家人和几位客人在第一次世界大战前后的片段生活经历。拉姆齐先生的幼子詹姆斯想去灯塔,但却由于天气不好而未能如愿。 后大战爆发,拉姆齐一家历经沧桑。战后,拉姆齐先生携带一双儿女乘舟出海,终于到达灯塔。 而坐在岸边画画的莉丽·布里斯科也正好在拉姆齐一家到达灯塔的时候,在瞬间的感悟中,向画幅中央落下一笔,终于画出了多年萦回心头的幻象,从而超越自己,成为一名真正的艺术家。全书并无起伏跌宕的情节,内容分三个部分,依次为:窗;时光流逝;灯塔。 最主要的人物拉姆齐夫人后来死去,其实际活动仅限于小说的前半部分。关于她的一系列描述,是以作者本人的母亲为生活原型的,而拉姆齐先生则有作者父亲的影子。 此外,作者着墨最多的是莉丽·布里斯科。表面上看,莉丽语言寥寥,其主要行为主要是为拉姆齐夫人作画,但该人物的思想活动相当活跃,作者以自己为原型塑造了这个人物,并“为小说结构安排了潜在的双重线索和复合层次。 ……莉丽这个人物既在这部小说世界之中,又在它之外;拉姆齐一家的经历是第一层次的故事,莉丽所体现的‘艺术—生命"主要是第二层次的故事,是包裹在小说外面的又一部小说。”小说第一部分临近结尾处,拉姆齐夫人——到第二部她就死了——的一段内心独白,可能更其重要…… 伯·布莱克斯东在《弗吉尼亚·吴尔夫:一篇评论》中说:“阅读了《灯塔》之后再来阅读任何一本普通的小说,会使你觉得自己是离开了白天的光芒而投身到木偶和纸板做成的世界中去。” 这代表了有关《到灯塔去》的一种看法;读过此书的读者,也许还有别的乃至完全相反的看法。可能会嫌情节成分太少,人物面貌不清。 历来关于伍尔芙的批评,大多针对她的人物;人物性格通常借助情节展现,所以连带涉及情节;此外还责怪她视野太过狭隘。以上两种意见,姑且不置可否,有一点须得指出:批评者——不管是论家还是读者——所希望获得的,伍尔芙压根儿不打算供给,她另外奉献一些别的。 布莱克斯东因此否定其他作品虽未必可取,但《到灯塔去》的确不是一本普通小说。那么也就不能用读普通小说的眼光来读它。 这句话说来简单,实行并不容易。我们要 想与伍尔芙一类作家达成共鸣,却又只能这样。 就像她所说的:“不要对你的作家发号施令,要试图与他化为一体。你要做他创作活动中的伙伴与助手。” (《应该如何阅读一部作品》)每种创作方法都是独立的价值体系;不同的阅读方法,适用于不同的创作方法。画地为牢,乾脆不读算了。 对于上述批评意见,伍尔芙自己早有回答。好比讲到人物,她说:“我要弄清楚,当我们提起小说中的‘人物"时,我们是指什么而言。” (《贝内特先生与布朗夫人》)早在《到灯塔去》完成之前八年,也就是她即将转向意识流小说创作时,所说就很明白:“让我们考察一下一个普通人在普通的一天中的内心活动吧。心灵接纳了成千上万个印象——琐屑的、奇异的、倏忽即逝的或者用锋利的钢刀深深铭刻在心头的印象。 它们来自四面八方,犹如不计其数的原子在不停地簇射;当这些原子坠落下来,构成了星期一或星期二的生活,其侧重点就和往昔有所不同;重要的瞬间不在于此而在于彼。因此,如果作家是个自由人而不是奴隶,如果他能随心所欲而不是墨守成规,如果他能够以个人的感受而不是以因袭的传统作为。 4. 关于伍尔芙《到灯塔去》 这是一部作者倾注心血的准自传体意识流小说。 小说以到灯塔去为贯穿全书的中心线索,写了拉姆齐一家人和几位客人在第一次世界大战前后的片段生活经历。拉姆齐先生的幼子詹姆斯想去灯塔,但却由于天气不好而未能如愿。 后大战爆发,拉姆齐一家历经沧桑。战后,拉姆齐先生携带一双儿女乘舟出海,终于到达灯塔。 而坐在岸边画画的莉丽·布里斯科也正好在拉姆齐一家到达灯塔的时候,在瞬间的感悟中,向画幅中央落下一笔,终于画出了多年萦回心头的幻象,从而超越自己,成为一名真正的艺术家。全书并无起伏跌宕的情节,内容分三个部分,依次为:窗;时光流逝;灯塔。 最主要的人物拉姆齐夫人后来死去,其实际活动仅限于小说的前半部分。关于她的一系列描述,是以作者本人的母亲为生活原型的,而拉姆齐先生则有作者父亲的影子。 此外,作者着墨最多的是莉丽·布里斯科。表面上看,莉丽语言寥寥,其主要行为主要是为拉姆齐夫人作画,但该人物的思想活动相当活跃,作者以自己为原型塑造了这个人物,并“为小说结构安排了潜在的双重线索和复合层次。 ……莉丽这个人物既在这部小说世界之中,又在它之外;拉姆齐一家的经历是第一层次的故事,莉丽所体现的‘艺术—生命"主要是第二层次的故事,是包裹在小说外面的又一部小说。” _______________________ 在弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的代表作《到灯塔去》中,作者通过莉丽·布里斯科对女性气质从抛却到认可再到超越的心路历程,揭示了女艺术家在男性占主导的社会中为实现自己的理想所经历的艰难和困惑,以及女性主义的真谛。 指出只有培养双性头脑才是妇女解放的真正出路。这是一部作者倾注心血的准自传体意识流小说。 小说以到灯塔去为贯穿全书的中心线索,写了拉姆齐一家人和几位客人在第一次世界大战前后的片段生活经历。拉姆齐先生的幼子詹姆斯想去灯塔,但却由于天气不好而未能如愿。 后大战爆发,拉姆齐一家历经沧桑。战后,拉姆齐先生携带一双儿女乘舟出海,终于到达灯塔。 而坐在岸边画画的莉丽·布里斯科也正好在拉姆齐一家到达灯塔的时候,在瞬间的感悟中,向画幅中央落下一笔,终于画出了多年萦回心头的幻象,从而超越自己,成为一名真正的艺术家。全书并无起伏跌宕的情节,内容分三个部分,依次为:窗;时光流逝;灯塔。 最主要的人物拉姆齐夫人后来死去,其实际活动仅限于小说的前半部分。关于她的一系列描述,是以作者本人的母亲为生活原型的,而拉姆齐先生则有作者父亲的影子。 此外,作者着墨最多的是莉丽·布里斯科。表面上看,莉丽语言寥寥,其主要行为主要是为拉姆齐夫人作画,但该人物的思想活动相当活跃,作者以自己为原型塑造了这个人物,并“为小说结构安排了潜在的双重线索和复合层次。 ……莉丽这个人物既在这部小说世界之中,又在它之外;拉姆齐一家的经历是第一层次的故事,莉丽所体现的‘艺术—生命"主要是第二层次的故事,是包裹在小说外面的又一部小说。”小说第一部分临近结尾处,拉姆齐夫人——到第二部她就死了——的一段内心独白,可能更其重要…… 伯·布莱克斯东在《弗吉尼亚·吴尔夫:一篇评论》中说:“阅读了《灯塔》之后再来阅读任何一本普通的小说,会使你觉得自己是离开了白天的光芒而投身到木偶和纸板做成的世界中去。” 这代表了有关《到灯塔去》的一种看法;读过此书的读者,也许还有别的乃至完全相反的看法。可能会嫌情节成分太少,人物面貌不清。 历来关于伍尔芙的批评,大多针对她的人物;人物性格通常借助情节展现,所以连带涉及情节;此外还责怪她视野太过狭隘。以上两种意见,姑且不置可否,有一点须得指出:批评者——不管是论家还是读者——所希望获得的,伍尔芙压根儿不打算供给,她另外奉献一些别的。 布莱克斯东因此否定其他作品虽未必可取,但《到灯塔去》的确不是一本普通小说。那么也就不能用读普通小说的眼光来读它。 这句话说来简单,实行并不容易。我们要 想与伍尔芙一类作家达成共鸣,却又只能这样。 就像她所说的:“不要对你的作家发号施令,要试图与他化为一体。你要做他创作活动中的伙伴与助手。” (《应该如何阅读一部作品》)每种创作方法都是独立的价值体系;不同的阅读方法,适用于不同的创作方法。画地为牢,乾脆不读算了。 对于上述批评意见,伍尔芙自己早有回答。好比讲到人物,她说:“我要弄清楚,当我们提起小说中的‘人物"时,我们是指什么而言。” (《贝内特先生与布朗夫人》)早在《到灯塔去》完成之前八年,也就是她即将转向意识流小说创作时,所说就很明白:“让我们考察一下一个普通人在普通的一天中的内心活动吧。心灵接纳了成千上万个印象——琐屑的、奇异的、倏忽即逝的或者用锋利的钢刀深深铭刻在心头的印象。 它们来自四面八方,犹如不计其数的原子在不停地簇射;当这些原子坠落下来,构成了星期一或星期二的生活,其侧重点就和往昔有所不同;重要的瞬间不在于此而在于彼。因此,如果作家是个自由人而不是奴隶,如果他能随心所欲而不是墨守成规,如果他能够以个人的感受而不是以因袭的传统作。
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lighthouse [英][?la?tha?s][美][?la?t?ha?s] n.灯塔; 复数:lighthouses 例句: 1. Guides are local people, among them former lighthouse keepers. 导游是一些当地人,其中就有那些以前守护灯塔的人。 2. The land on which the lighthouse stands has been in the newman family for generations. 纽曼家族拥有包括灯塔在内的这片土地,传到现在已经有好几代了
2023-08-01 00:24:422


《死亡细胞》游戏中2.7版本王后与海DLC已经正式开启,其中有很多的成就需要玩家完成,那么今天小编就给大家介绍一下死亡细胞2.7版本王后与海DLC成就完成攻略,有需要的小伙伴不要错过了。《死亡细胞》2.7版本王后与海DLC成就完成攻略Iceberg right ahead!: Reach the Shipwreck for the first time! 前方冰山:第一次到达感染船骸!(从第二个BOSS进入船骸需要“王冠钥匙”,DLC开局有说,先去猛毒下水道找“渔夫”,谈话后去雾萦港湾拜访“老灯塔管理员”,在灯塔看守人的房子里打败精英怪装甲虾以获得“王冠钥匙”和抱腿兽_)8th wonder: Reach the Lighthouse for the first time! 第八奇迹:第一次到达灯塔!A sparkle in the night: Reach the Crown for the first time! 暗夜闪光:第一次到达塔顶!这个DLC的BOSS成就有点多^^Firefighter: You finished the Lighthouse! 消防员:你完成了灯塔关!Infiltration: Finish the Lighthouse while wearing a Servant outfit 潜入:身穿仆从装束完成灯塔(打败一次灯塔就给的衣服,穿上再过一次灯塔)Unwavering loyalty: You finished the Lighthouse without taking any damage! 无比忠诚:没有受到任何伤害,通过灯塔。Her Majesty: You beat the Queen! 王后陛下:打败菲奥娜!Long live the Queen: Beat the Queen by pushing her into the void 王后万岁:将王后推入虚空来打败她(斯巴达草鞋,盾反等将她打下去,我相信还有更多方法)Full house: Beat the Queen with the Killing Deck 阖家圆满:使用崔斯特的万能牌打败王后(致命牌组来自于装甲虾1.7%概率)On Her Majesty"s Secret Service: Beat the Queen with a Queen outfit 王后密令:身穿王后装束打败王后(打过一次王后就给,穿上再打赢她一次)Lilibet: You beat the Queen without taking a single hit! 莉莉贝特:一次都不被击中,打败王后。Herder: Have 2 pets active at the same time 放牧者:同时激活2只宠物(这个可以和夜歌酱的“我,会嫉妒?”一起完成)Oh how fast they grow: Get the Leghugger to evolve 长得真快!:抱腿兽进化!CARRION红怪(获得抱腿兽之后打打怪即可)You"re not my family: Get the Leghugger to kill an Armored Shrimp 这个家里没有你:让抱腿兽杀死一只装甲虾Black flag: Kill a Pirate Captain with the Scavenged Bombard 刺客信条黑旗:用破烂大炮杀死一名海盗船长(破烂大炮来自于海盗船长)Spare!: Kill five enemies with a single throw and recall of the Wrecking Ball 饶命!:用破坏球的一次投掷和召回杀死五名敌人(破坏球来自塞拉斯)Plank walk: Throw an enemy into spikes using the Hand Hook 走木板:用铁钩手将一名敌人丢到刺上(铁钩手来自于装甲虾1.7%概率掉落)Put that thing back where it came from: Help the shark get back to the water 哪儿拿来的放哪儿去不然我可不客气:帮助鲨鱼回到水中(鲨鱼武器深海巨口,第三击是远程,打到水里或者毒里即可,深海巨口来自于叛变者1.7%概率掉落)
2023-08-01 00:24:491


要采取修复。使用指南针发际线,视线上map.Read从磁罗盘转盘前面迪林一个突出的标志性建筑或显示功能。例如,假设你是瞄准在40度到灯塔上的灯塔和轴承现在把指南针的地图,使光的房子是上线行和NS map.Your位置磁北线平行虚线。
2023-08-01 00:24:575

找首歌!英文女的唱的 其中的歌词i see you pain ,tell me your pro

Katie Sky 的 《Monsters》I see your monstersI see your painTell me your problemsI"ll chase them awayI"ll be your lighthouseI"ll make it okayWhen I see your monstersI"ll stand there so braveAnd chase them all awayIn the dark we weWe stand apart we weNever see that the things that we need are staring right at usYou just want to hide hideHide never show your smile smileStandalone when you need someone it"s the hardest thing of allThat you see are the bad badBad memories take your time and you"ll find meI see your monstersI see your painTell me your problemsI"ll chase them awayI"ll be your lighthouseI"ll make it okayWhen I see your monstersI"ll stand there so braveAnd chase them all awayI could see the sky skySky beautiful tonight nightWhen you breathe why can"t you see the clouds are in your headI would stay there thereThere"s no need to fear fearAnd when you need to talk it out with someone you can trustWhat you see are the bad badBad memories take your time and you"ll find meI see your monstersI see your painTell me your problemsI"ll chase them awayI"ll be your lighthouseI"ll make it okayWhen I see your monstersI"ll stand there so braveAnd chase them all awayI"ll chase them all awayYou got the chance to see the lightEven in the darkest nightI will be here like you were for meSo just let me inCause I see your monstersI see your pain Tell me your problemsI"ll chase them awayI"ll be your lighthouseI"ll make it okayWhen I see your monstersI"ll stand there so braveI see your monstersI see your painTell me your problemsI"ll chase them awayI"ll be your lighthouseI"ll make it okayWhen I see your monstersI"ll stand there so braveAnd chase them all away
2023-08-01 00:25:152


有人说夏天的浪漫,一半是 海岛 给的,蓝天绿树,椰林碧影,水清沙白,没有海的夏日,似乎是不完整的。 世界上海岛千千万,但不是所有岛都叫 马尔代夫 ,这里是上帝遗落在印度洋上的祖母绿,照片不及实景美丽之万一,只要提及心中的梦幻海岛,相信每个人都会脱口而出马尔代夫。 虽受疫情影响,但早在2020年7月15日起,马尔代夫就已 重新开放边界 ,并恢复接待游客,据 官方发布的统计数据,马尔代夫在2021年共计 接待了超130万名游客 ,这里 一直是全世界度假爱好者们青睐的度假胜地。 不久前,湖人当家球星 勒布朗·詹姆斯 (LeBron James)带着亲友团来到马尔代夫度假,据悉,詹皇与亲友们在当地的一个私人小岛玩乐,真真实实体验了一把岛主的感觉。 詹姆斯也晒出了一段自己在马尔代夫 旅游 的视频中,詹姆斯和亲友们在海滩上玩耍,詹姆斯摆出帅气的姿势,而妻子萨瓦娜比出了剪刀手,与亲友们的合照也是温馨无比。 当然,还有唯美的日落时分,在无边泳池中躺看夕阳,看着就惬意。 第二天,他们还在岛上 骑着单车 游玩小岛,詹姆斯一身白T恤,戴着帽子悠然自得,尽情享受着假期。 一行人还玩了 水上滑翔机 的项目,在空中俯视一望无垠的海面,詹姆斯还包下了一条 豪华游艇 ,大家一起出海,晒太阳浴、看海豚跃出海面,还体验了 海钓 ,詹嫂晒出了自己的成果,满怀自豪地钓上了一条红色的海鱼。 假期结束,詹姆斯恋恋不舍地拍下自己所住的别墅海景,并感慨道:“ 想念在这里醒来 。”而詹嫂也表示:“马尔代夫群岛啥也不欠我了!”可见他们对这场旅行十分满意。 奢享私密而精彩的海岛假期 2019年9月开业的马尔代夫洲际马穆纳古度假村( InterContinental Malpes Maamunagau Resort )位于拉环礁南端的 马穆纳古岛 ,这座郁郁葱葱的热带岛屿,可享私密而奢华的海岛假期。 这是一家六星级岛屿,该岛位于马尔代夫唯一的联合国教科文组织世界生物圈保护区的附近,是 哈尼法鲁湾 的所在地,哈尼法鲁湾是世界上为数不多的游客可以在鲸鲨和大群神秘而优雅的珊瑚礁觅食的地方浮潜地之一。 这里距离马累国际机场仅35分钟的水飞航程,四周尽是如翡翠蓝般的海洋,坐拥广阔无边的日落美景与原生态的细白沙滩。套餐包含 马累往返酒店水飞 ,可在空中徜徉着无限的海景。 作为马尔代夫环境最为 优美而僻静 的岛屿之一,时间仿佛在这里都慢了下来,当你登上水上飞机到达拉环礁的宁静海岸,踏上柔软的白色沙滩,徜徉在层层峦峦的棕榈树中,令人沉醉的岛上生活便拉开了帷幕。 度假村的设计上强调岛屿无与伦比的美感、光线和自然环境,旨在为 家庭和情侣 创造出私密而奢华的度假空间。酒店建筑设计将闲适的海边居住体验和令人难忘的自然景观完美地融合在一起。 酒店拥有81间别墅和公寓,多种房型设计可满足不同人群的度假需求, 一卧泻湖泳池别墅 尤其适合全家入住,宽敞而明亮的设计中,同时加入马代本地特色元素和风情。 泻湖别墅的私人泳池,可享优美的蓝色海洋景观,别墅还设有一个带一张超大床的主卧室和景观露台。无论是从床上、浴缸里或别墅里的无边泳池里欣赏如画的美景。 水上泳池别墅 可俯瞰印度洋的美景,室内拥有一张面向海洋的大号双人床以及一间独立私人浴室,浴室与室外甲板相连通。 户外的甲板上安置了日光躺椅、桌椅、凉亭以及一个私人泳池,可以在日光躺椅上放松身心,享受海风拂面的惬意,也可以潜入温暖清澈的大海畅泳。 远离尘嚣,在 沙滩泳池别墅 ,你可以沉浸在清新静谧的氛围中,收获 时尚 与舒适感兼具的体验,在郁郁葱葱的热带草木中,这里有宽敞的室内外生活空间,茂密生机的花园和超大的私人泳池,可静享悠闲度假时光。 酒店为每间住宅都配备了专门的 私人管家 ,从入住到离开,私人管家都会提前根据客人的需求安排好相应的行程和活动,对于不知道上岛后怎么玩,又怕不会玩的人来说,完全不用担心。 The Fishmarket 餐厅 独具“从海到餐桌”和互动厨房概念,你能够自主选择新鲜的海鲜食材。 The Lighthouse 餐厅 展示了地中海小吃和正宗的西班牙风味,采用现代风格,在公共餐桌上提供从私密到社交用餐的灵活餐饮理念。 Lighthouse 餐厅是度假村的 一大特色 ,可谓全马代独有的,餐厅富有地中海风情,浪漫迷人,客人可以登上灯塔顶部来享用 美食 ,到了晚上灯塔餐厅就变成了一个很赞的观星台,无论是用餐、赏景,还是拍照打卡,都无与伦比。 The Retreat 餐厅 拥有 时尚 的马尔代夫现代设计,可享用早餐、午间的鸡尾酒以及各种小吃。 The Collective 餐厅 位于主游泳区,全天供应意大利特色食品和木火披萨, 配上特色咖啡、精酿啤酒以及其他各种饮料。 在日落酒吧 Sunset Bar ,伴随着浪漫的氛围、聆听着美妙的音乐,可享受岛上最佳的日落美景,这里还提供全球 美食 和特色的意大利、东南亚 美食 等。 度假村独具特色的 AVI 水疗中心 设有6栋水上疗养别墅,AVI 是当地语言中“阳光”的寓意,水疗中心的灵感来自于原始的大自然、水的奇思妙想、自然光的哲学、阳光的触感。 这里除了可以体验 SPA, 还提供瑜伽、健身以及中医 养生 等利于身体 健康 的活动,在无限的海景中,为你带来身心的疗愈与放松。 针对4—12岁的儿童,为小探险家而设的 Planet Trekkers 儿童俱乐部 ,提供不同的室内或者环礁内水上活动,所有场所都以环礁环绕四周,可以 探索 到海洋世界的非凡奥秘。 若你也是 深海爱好者 ,这里绝对是你来马尔代夫的不二选择,这里的浮潜环境无与伦比,你可以在地球上最令人叹为观止的海洋环境之一的拉环礁附近 探索 ,在这片独特的鲾鲼(也叫“魔鬼鱼”)栖息地,一睹它们的风采。 马尔代夫从1995年禁止出口所有蝠鲼制品,这里也是 魔鬼鱼的庇护地 ,度假村致力打造可持续的海洋生态系统,并与魔鬼鱼基金会 Manta Trust 携手合作,鼎力支持马尔代夫魔鬼鱼保护项目“Malpian Manta Ray”。 计划旨在为魔鬼鱼缔造安全的栖息地,同时让你有机会与如此优雅的动物 一同畅泳 ,并于水底下的珊瑚中享受浮潜的乐趣。
2023-08-01 00:25:281

the lighthouse of alexandria是什么

2023-08-01 00:25:372

世界上第一座灯塔-法罗斯灯塔/亚历山大灯塔(The Lighthouse of Alexandria)

公元前约270年, 托勒密二世 委派希腊建筑师、尼多斯的索斯特拉图斯在法罗斯岛东端建造了 世界上第一座灯塔。 为进入 亚历山大港 的船只指引方向, 又为了展示复兴的埃及君主显赫名声的巨大标志。设计师采用反光的原理,用镜子把灯光反射到更远的海面上。白天用一面镜子反射日光,晚上用火光引导船只,据说灯光能照射到56公里外的海道那么远,并具有防卫和侦察敌人的功用。灯塔巍然屹立在亚历山大港外1500年, 于1303年和1323年的两场地震摧毁了灯塔。 1480年,埃及国王玛姆路克苏丹为了抵抗外来侵略, 使用灯塔遗留下来的石料在灯塔的遗址上建造了 盖贝依城堡 埃及独立之后,城堡改成了 航海博物馆 (Naval Museum)盖贝依城堡 ,也叫 “玛姆路克 苏丹 城堡” ,它就建在世界第七大奇迹的原址上。现今亚历山大灯塔遗址上的盖贝依城堡 毁灭的灯塔虽然不再升起,但依然不失它的壮观。
2023-08-01 00:25:441

Light House 歌词

歌曲名:Light House歌手:Nothing"s Carved In Stone专辑:Spirit InspirationLighthouseNothing"s Carved In Stone作:Nothing"s Carved In Stone作曲:Nothing"s Carved In StoneFindThe guiding lightMy memory so greyI"m trying not to fall awayThe guiding lightBegins to shine on at nightShining on my seaI know this lighthouse will cast a light deepFallBelow the groundDrop in the frozen seaLet go of all my fear, yeahFoundIn guiding light it showedWhat do I wantI"m trying not to fall awayFallBelow the groundDrop in the frozen seaLet go of all my fearand see me know me and nowFallBelow my mindDrop in the frozen seaLet go of all my fearand see me know me and nowTell me pleaseTell me whyTell me howTell me nowTell me pleaseTell me whyTell me howTell me how towhen towhat totell meFallThe guiding lightMy memory so greyWhat do I wantI"m trying not to fall awayAll is mine
2023-08-01 00:26:461

Westlife的《Lighthouse》 歌词

歌曲名:Lighthouse歌手:Westlife专辑:Greatest HitsLighthouseWestlifeThis kind of loveIs more than a lifelineFor a man who"s weak as meWho has no self-bellieveThis kind of loveIs more than amazingFor a man who had lost his wayWho called it was too lateHow did the sea how didi the seaHow did the sea get so lowI would drown I would drownIf you hadn"t given me your loveYou"re the light in the darkYou"re the seed in the parkYou"re the lighthouseYou"re the lighthouse that I needYou"re the key to the doorYou"re the port to the stormAnd I need to find the shoreAnd I can"t swim anymoreYou always guide me back to solid groundYou"re my lighthouseThis kind of loveIs more than a feelingFor a man who really cryI get all choked up each timeYou say you love meYou couldn"t walk awayAnd it give my problems backCouldn"t let you took the chanceHow did the waves how did the wavesHow did the waves get so highI would die I would dieIf you hadn"t loved me just in timeYou"re the light in the darkYou"re the seed in the parkYou"re the lighthouseYou"re the lighthouse that I needYou"re the key to the doorYou"re the port to the stormAnd I need to find the shoreAnd I can"t swim anymoreYou always guide me back to solid groundYou"re my lighthouseYeah I"ll owe to youEverything I have right nowI"ll owe to youEverything I didin"t have you foundEverytime give it back to youYou"re the light in the darkYou"re the seed in the parkYou"re the lighthouseYou"re the lighthouse that I needYou"re the key to the doorYou"re the port to the stormAnd I need to find the shoreCuz I can"t swim anymoreYou always guide me back to solid groundWe are meet to find the shoreCuz I can"t swim anymoreYou always guide me back to solid groundYou"re my lighthouse
2023-08-01 00:26:541

James Taylor的《Lighthouse》 歌词

歌曲名:Lighthouse歌手:James Taylor专辑:GorillaErnie Halter - LighthouseLet me me be your lighthouseLet me guide your handLet me be your shelterFor you...for you I standWhen you feel the dark inside youand the wind and waves keep pushing you downFeel the whole world pulling you aroundLet me me be your lighthouseLet me guide your handLet me be your shelterFor you...for you I standWhen you feel the dark inside youand the moon and stars don"t lead you nowhereFeels like no one"s watching up thereLet me me be your lighthouseLet me guide your handLet me be your shelterFor you...for you I standLet me be the one.....standing when you comeLay your anchor downand let me wrap my arms around youLet me me be your lighthouseLet me guide your handLet me be your shelterFor you...for you I standFor you I standFor you I ... stand
2023-08-01 00:27:011

salyu的《Lighthouse》 歌词

歌曲名:Lighthouse歌手:salyu专辑:photogenicSalyu - Lighthouse作词:小林武史作曲:小林武史船はいま 水蒸気立ってる雾の奥へと 滑るあなたに 向かって吹いてた风を感じたのはいつからだった? 本当をいえばはじめて出会った时そうまるで花火が辉くみたいにそれは夜の海を照らしていた水面には ただ 燃えさかる 光花火が终わってしまった後でその烟が消えてしまう前にあなたは わたしの手を 取ったこの海は 果てしない旅に繋がっている いま小さな船が 并んでいる光に帆を张ってそう今日から新しく生まれてそう今日から新しく生きていけるよそんな日はもう来ないかもしれないって思ってたこの地球に生きている限り儚い运命はついてくるかもしれないけれど 二人で 见届ける今日から新しく生まれて今日から新しく生きていこうよ灯台の灯が照らす 海を
2023-08-01 00:27:081


2023-08-01 00:27:151

Lighthouse Family的《Raincloud》 歌词

歌曲名:Raincloud歌手:Lighthouse Family专辑:Postcards From HeavenRaincloudThere ain"t no point holding back the tideStill gonna get yerCos every little bird"s got to learn to fly, sooner or laterI don"t wanna lose youCan"t always do what you wanna do.There"s ain"t no point holding back the tideDon"t waste you"re timeCos everything is out thereAnd there"s no limits out thereWe could be reaching out for anything if we try enoughLet the daylight endOn a better dayIt"s been too long waiting, babyUnder a raincloudLet the daylight endOn a better dayIt"s been too long waiting, babyUnder a raincloudThere ain"t no point holding back desireStill gonna get yerStrangers on a train driving through the night, soon overtakes yerIf someone feels the same as you.Might as well just do what you wanna doThere ain"t no point holding back desireDon"t waste your timeCos everything is out thereAnd there"s no limits out thereWe could be reaching out for anything if we try enoughCos everything is out thereAnd there"s no limits out thereWe could be reaching out for anything if we try enoughLet the daylight end, on a better dayIt"s been too long waiting, babyUnder a raincloud
2023-08-01 00:27:221

Lighthouse Family的《High》 歌词

歌曲名:High歌手:Lighthouse Family专辑:Postcards From HeavenWhen you"re close to tears remembersomeday it"ll all be overOne day we"re gonna get so highThough it"s darker than Decemberwhat"s ahead is a different colorOne day we"re gonna get so highAnd at the end of the day remember the dayswhen we were close to the endand wonder how we made it through the nightAt the end of the daywe remember the waywe stayed so close to the endwe"ll remember it was me and youCause we are gonna be forever you and meyou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveDon"t you think it"s time you starteddoing what we always wantedOne day we"re gonna get so highCause even the impossibleis easy when we got each otherOne day we"re gonna get so highAnd at the end of the day remember the dayswhen we were close to the endand wonder how we made it through the nightAt the end of the dayremember the waywe stayed so close to the endwe"ll remember it was me and youCause we are gonna be forever you and meYou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveCause we are gonna be forever you and meYou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveAnd at the end of the days remember the dayswhen we were close to the endand wonder how we made it through the nightAt the end of the day remember the waywe stayed so close to the endwe"ll remember it was me and youCause we are gonna be forever you and meYou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveCause we are gonna be forever you and meYou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveLyrics By: Tommy
2023-08-01 00:27:291

Lighthouse Family的《High》 歌词

歌曲名:High歌手:Lighthouse Family专辑:The Very Best OfWhen you"re close to tears remembersomeday it"ll all be overOne day we"re gonna get so highThough it"s darker than Decemberwhat"s ahead is a different colorOne day we"re gonna get so highAnd at the end of the day remember the dayswhen we were close to the endand wonder how we made it through the nightAt the end of the daywe remember the waywe stayed so close to the endwe"ll remember it was me and youCause we are gonna be forever you and meyou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveDon"t you think it"s time you starteddoing what we always wantedOne day we"re gonna get so highCause even the impossibleis easy when we got each otherOne day we"re gonna get so highAnd at the end of the day remember the dayswhen we were close to the endand wonder how we made it through the nightAt the end of the dayremember the waywe stayed so close to the endwe"ll remember it was me and youCause we are gonna be forever you and meYou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveCause we are gonna be forever you and meYou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveAnd at the end of the days remember the dayswhen we were close to the endand wonder how we made it through the nightAt the end of the day remember the waywe stayed so close to the endwe"ll remember it was me and youCause we are gonna be forever you and meYou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveCause we are gonna be forever you and meYou will always keep it flying high in the skyof loveLyrics By: Tommy
2023-08-01 00:27:381

Lighthouse Family的《Lifted》 歌词

歌曲名:Lifted歌手:Lighthouse Family专辑:Ocean DriveI really love to be alone with out all theAche and pain and the April showersBut it ain"t long before I long for youLike a ray of hope coming through the blue moonWhen it all gets dark againThe whole thing falls apart I guessIt doesn"t really matter "bout the rainCoz we"ll get through it anywayWe"ll get up and start againCoz we could be lifted, lifted, liftedWe could be liftedFrom the shadow, liftedOh we could be, lifted up todayLifted all the way, you and I foreverBaby, lifted, lifted, lifted, hey ey eyIt"s undisturbable the peace we foundIn a bright new space up above the cloudsEverything is understandableYou don"t have to say anything too loudWhen all our luck runs out againWe"re brought back down to solid groundI wouldn"t say I"m mad about the rainBut we"ll get through it anywayWe"ll get back to the start againCoz we could be lifted, lifted, liftedWe could be liftedFrom the shadow, liftedOh we could be, lifted up todayLifted all the way, you and I foreverBaby, lifted, woh we could be lifted, we could be lifted, hey ey eywhoooooooooWe could be lifted, we could be lifted, we could be lifted,you and I foreverWe could be lifted, we could be lifted, yeah we could be liftedWe could be lifted up to new horizonsLifted, lifted up today, lifted all the way,yeah we could be lifted from the shadowWe could be lifted, yeahfrom the shadows, yeah, we could be lifted
2023-08-01 00:27:571

Lighthouse Family的《Lifted》 歌词

歌曲名:Lifted歌手:Lighthouse Family专辑:The Very Best OfI really love to be alone with out all theAche and pain and the April showersBut it ain"t long before I long for youLike a ray of hope coming through the blue moonWhen it all gets dark againThe whole thing falls apart I guessIt doesn"t really matter "bout the rainCoz we"ll get through it anywayWe"ll get up and start againCoz we could be lifted, lifted, liftedWe could be liftedFrom the shadow, liftedOh we could be, lifted up todayLifted all the way, you and I foreverBaby, lifted, lifted, lifted, hey ey eyIt"s undisturbable the peace we foundIn a bright new space up above the cloudsEverything is understandableYou don"t have to say anything too loudWhen all our luck runs out againWe"re brought back down to solid groundI wouldn"t say I"m mad about the rainBut we"ll get through it anywayWe"ll get back to the start againCoz we could be lifted, lifted, liftedWe could be liftedFrom the shadow, liftedOh we could be, lifted up todayLifted all the way, you and I foreverBaby, lifted, woh we could be lifted, we could be lifted, hey ey eywhoooooooooWe could be lifted, we could be lifted, we could be lifted,you and I foreverWe could be lifted, we could be lifted, yeah we could be liftedWe could be lifted up to new horizonsLifted, lifted up today, lifted all the way,yeah we could be lifted from the shadowWe could be lifted, yeahfrom the shadows, yeah, we could be lifted
2023-08-01 00:28:041


Here we go, life"s little lessonsSometimes I mess up my intentionsI get lost,the cost was losing everything I"ve knownLying here staring at the cealingSometimes still dealing with the feelingsWe"ll be what we"ve done, I was so far out there on my ownSo quick to point the finger to find the one to blameSo hard to realize I can"t get even my own wayI never thought that I was that strongTo carry on carry on tonightForgiveness in your eyesWe have nothing to hideAll I know it has shown meIt"s a beautiful worldIt"s a beautiful worldNo more fearing my reflectionHere I am with these imperfectionsYou know my flaws but you don"t care you take them allTill now I was barely breathingBut you"ve given me something to believe inWe ride in history, life"s made up of small victoriesWe could go on in circles and never get to hereIt"s so good to realize that we have nothing left to fearI never thought that I was that strong To carry on carry on tonightForgiveness in your eyes, nothing to hideOh no it has shown meIt"s a beautiful worldIt"s a beautiful worldSo quick to point the finger to find the one to blameSo hard to realize I can"t get in my own wayI never thought that I was that strongTo carry on carry on tonightForgiveness in your eyesThere"s nothing to hideAll I know it has shown meIt"s a beautiful worldThe stars alignLet"s watch them shineFor you and IOh, these open skiesCan we just lying aloneIn this beautiful worldI never thought that I was that strongTo carry onIt"s a beautiful worldIt"s a beautiful world(复制)我没给中文意思,因为我猜你应该看得懂...happy new year ~
2023-08-01 00:28:153

What Kind of Person was the Lighthouse Keeper英语作文?

自己修改A lighthouse keeper or lightkeeper is a person responsible for tending and caring for a lighthouse, particularly the light and lens in the days when oil lamps and clockwork mechanisms were used. Lighthouse keepers were sometimes referred to as "wickies" because of their job trimming the wicks.
2023-08-01 00:28:221

Katie Sky monsters的中文歌词是什么?

Katie Sky monsters~Katie Sky歌词:I see your monsters, I see your pain.我看到你心里的野兽 看到你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away.告诉我你的麻烦 我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.把它们全部赶走In the dark we, we, we,在黑暗里我们.....stand apart we, we,分开站着.....我们never see that the things we need are staring right at us.永远看不到需要的东西都在盯着我们You just want to hide, hide,你只是想逃避,逃避never show your smile, smile, smile.从不展现你的友好,友好,友好Stand alone when you need someone当你需要陪伴时我旁观its the hardest thing of all是最困难的事情that you see are the bad, bad, bad memories因为你所想都是坏的回忆take your time, you"ll find it.别着急,你会找到的I see your monsters,我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.赶跑它们I can see the sky, sky, sky,我看到天空,天空,天空beautiful tonight, night美好的夜晚when you breathe why cant you see当你呼吸时为何没看到the clouds are in your head你头顶的乌云I will stay there there, there, there,我会留在那儿,那儿,那儿no need to fear, fear,不要害怕,怕when you need to talk it out with someone you can trust.当你需要倾诉时可以向你所信任的挚友倾诉What you see are the bad, bad, bad memories你所想都是坏的回忆take your time you"ll find it.别着急,你会找到的I see your monsters,我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把它们赶跑I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.把它们全部赶走I"ll chase them all away我会把它们全部赶走You"ve got the chance to see the light,你已经有机会看到灯光even in the darkest night即使在最黑暗的夜里And I will be here like you were for me,我会像你一样为我so just let me in.所以就让我加入吧Cause... I see your monsters,因为...我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来I see your monsters,我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把他们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.把它们全部赶走好听的歌~歌词:I see your monsters, I see your pain.我看到你心里的野兽 看到你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away.告诉我你的麻烦 我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.把它们全部赶走In the dark we, we, we,在黑暗里我们.....stand apart we, we,分开站着.....我们never see that the things we need are staring right at us.永远看不到需要的东西都在盯着我们You just want to hide, hide,你只是想逃避,逃避never show your smile, smile, smile.从不展现你的微笑,微笑,微笑Stand alone when you need someone当你需要陪伴时我旁观its the hardest thing of all是最困难的事情that you see are the bad, bad, bad memories因为你所想都是坏的回忆take your time, you"ll find it.别着急,你会找到的I see your monsters,我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.赶跑它们I can see the sky, sky, sky,我看到天空,天空,天空beautiful tonight, night美好的夜晚when you breathe why cant you see当你呼吸时为何没看到the clouds are in your head你头顶的乌云I will stay there there, there, there,我会留在那儿,那儿,那儿no need to fear, fear,不要害怕,怕when you need to talk it out with someone you can trust.当你需要倾诉时可以向你所信任的挚友倾诉What you see are the bad, bad, bad memories你所想都是坏的回忆take your time you"ll find it.别着急,你会找到的I see your monsters,我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把它们赶跑I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.把它们全部赶走I"ll chase them all away我会把它们全部赶走You"ve got the chance to see the light,你已经有机会看到灯光even in the darkest night即使在最黑暗的夜里And I will be here like you were for me,我会像你一样为我so just let me in.所以就让我加入吧Cause... I see your monsters,因为...我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来I see your monsters,我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把他们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.把它们全部赶走
2023-08-01 00:28:291

What Kind of Person was the Lighthouse Keeper

What Kind of Person was the Lighthouse Keeper?英语解释:A lighthouse keeper or lightkeeper is a person responsible for tending and caring for a lighthouse, particularly the light and lens in the days when oil lamps and clockwork mechanisms were used. Lighthouse keepers were sometimes referred to as "wickies" because of their job trimming the wicks.
2023-08-01 00:28:381


死亡细胞推出了女王与海DLC,新版本加入了很多新成就,那么这些成就该怎么完成呢?下面一起来看死亡细胞女王与海成就达成攻略大全。死亡细胞女王与海成就前方冰山:第一次到达感染船骸!(从第二个BOSS进入船骸需要“王冠钥匙”,DLC开局有说,先去猛毒下水道找“渔夫”,谈话后去雾萦港湾拜访“老灯塔管理员”,在灯塔看守人的房子里打败精英怪装甲虾以获得“王冠钥匙”和抱腿兽_)8th wonder: Reach the Lighthouse for the first time!第八奇迹:第一次到达灯塔!A sparkle in the night: Reach the Crown for the first time!暗夜闪光:第一次到达塔顶!Firefighter: You finished the Lighthouse!消防员:你完成了灯塔关!(三螳螂+银之树)Infiltration: Finish the Lighthouse while wearing a Servant outfit潜入:身穿仆从装束完成灯塔(打败一次灯塔就给的衣服 穿着再过一次灯塔即可)Unwavering loyalty: You finished the Lighthouse without taking any damage!无比忠诚:没有受到任何伤害,通过灯塔。Her Majesty: You beat the Queen!王后陛下:打败菲奥娜!(利刃华尔兹_Long live the Queen: Beat the Queen by pushing her into the void王后万岁:将王后推入虚空来打败她(斯巴达草鞋,盾反把她干下去就行)Full house: Beat the Queen with the Killing Deck阖家圆满:使用崔斯特的万能牌打败王后(致命牌组来自于装甲虾(感染船骸那个蓝色的怪)1.7%概率)On Her Majesty"s Secret Service: Beat the Queen with a Queen outfit王后密令:身穿王后装束打败王后(打过一次王后就给,和别的boss一样啦)Lilibet: You beat the Queen without taking a single hit!莉莉贝特:一次都不被击中,打败王后。(劳伦特心眼刀_可爱抱腿兽_和其他成就Herder: Have 2 pets active at the same time放牧者:同时激活2只宠物(这个可以和夜歌酱的“我,会嫉妒?”一起完成)Oh how fast they grow: Get the Leghugger to evolve长得真快!:抱腿兽进化!CARRION红怪(获得抱腿兽之后打打怪即可)You"re not my family: Get the Leghugger to kill an Armored Shrimp这个家里没有你:让抱腿兽杀死一只装甲虾Black flag: Kill a Pirate Captain with the Scavenged Bombard刺客信条黑旗:用破烂大炮杀死一名海盗船长(破烂大炮来自于海盗船长)Spare!: Kill five enemies with a single throw and recall of the Wrecking Ball饶命!:用破坏球的一次投掷和召回杀死五名敌人(破坏球来自塞拉斯)Plank walk: Throw an enemy into spikes using the Hand Hook走木板:用铁钩手将一名敌人丢到刺上(铁钩手来自于装甲虾1.7%概率掉落)Put that thing back where it came from: Help the shark get back to the water哪儿拿来的放哪儿去不然我可不客气:帮助鲨鱼回到水中(鲨鱼武器深海巨口,第三击是远程,打到水里,深海巨口来自于叛变者1.7%概率掉落)
2023-08-01 00:28:451

NCE2的Lesson41课后习题It looked like a lighthouse. It ______ a lighthouse.

looked like 看起来象,like 是介词,a lighthouse 做它的宾语,appeared similar是系动词+形容词,不能直接加宾语,后面应该还有一个介词to才能代替前面的短语
2023-08-01 00:28:531


1 Seeing the forest fires in this town would be burned, and everyone is trying to escape (Forest Fire / Burn down / manage / Escape) 2. No matter where I am, can not stop him from pestering me all day. (Not matter where .... / prevemt around him from following Me All day) 3. really think Ian could even do not know how to answer a simple question! (Fancy. ..) skip 4 5 When Sally sees that the woman wearing a hat like a lighthouse, he laughed. (Was wearing a Hat that looked like a Lighthouse) 6. he was driving the vehicle on the road crowded, slow down the speed. (In heavy trafic / slowed ... down)
2023-08-01 00:29:022


The novel is set in the Ramsays" summer home in the Hebrides, on the Isle of Skye. The section begins with Mrs Ramsay assuring James that they should be able to visit the lighthouse on the next day. This prediction is denied by Mr Ramsay, who voices his certainty that the weather will not be clear, an opinion that forces a certain tension between Mr and Mrs Ramsay, and also between Mr Ramsay and James. This particular incident is referred to on various occasions throughout the chapter, especially in the context of Mr and Mrs Ramsay"s relationship.The Ramsays have been joined at the house by a number of friends and colleagues, one of them being Lily Briscoe who begins the novel as a young, uncertain painter attempting a portrayal of Mrs. Ramsay and her son James. Briscoe finds herself plagued by doubts throughout the novel, doubts largely fed by the statements of Charles Tansley, another guest, claiming that women can neither paint nor write. Tansley himself is an admirer of Mr Ramsay and his philosophical treatises.The section closes with a large dinner party. Mr Ramsay nearly snaps at Augustus Carmichael, a visiting poet, when the latter asks for a second serving of soup. Mrs Ramsay, who is striving for the perfect dinner party is herself out of sorts when Paul Rayley and Minta Doyle, two acquaintances whom she has brought together in engagement, arrive late to dinner, as Minta lost her grandmother"s brooch on the beach.In the final section, “The Lighthouse,” some of the remaining Ramsays return to their summer home ten years after the events of Part I, as Mr Ramsay finally plans on taking the long-delayed trip to the lighthouse with his son James and daughter Cam(illa). The trip almost doesn"t happen, as the children hadn"t been ready, but they eventually take off. En route, the children give their father the silent treatment for forcing them to come along. James keeps the sailing boat steady, and rather than receiving the harsh words he has come to expect from his father, he hears praise, providing a rare moment of empathy between father and son; Cam"s attitude towards her father has changed as well.They are being accompanied by the sailor Macalister and his son, who catches fish during the trip. The son cuts a piece of flesh from a fish he has caught to use for bait, throwing the injured fish back into the sea.While they set sail for the lighthouse, Lily attempts to complete her long-unfinished painting. She reconsiders Mrs Ramsay"s memory, grateful for her help in pushing Lily to continue with her art, yet at the same time struggling to free herself from the tacit control Mrs Ramsay had over other aspects of her life. Upon finishing the painting and seeing that it satisfies her, she realizes that the execution of her vision is more important to her than the idea of leaving some sort of legacy in her work – a lesson Mr Ramsay has yet to learn.
2023-08-01 00:29:273


Plot summary[edit] Part I: The WindowThe novel is set in the Ramsays" summer home in the Hebrides, on the Isle of Skye. The section begins with Mrs Ramsay assuring James that they should be able to visit the lighthouse on the next day. This prediction is denied by Mr Ramsay, who voices his certainty that the weather will not be clear, an opinion that forces a certain tension between Mr and Mrs Ramsay, and also between Mr Ramsay and James. This particular incident is referred to on various occasions throughout the chapter, especially in the context of Mr and Mrs Ramsay"s relationship.The Ramsays have been joined at the house by a number of friends and colleagues, one of them being Lily Briscoe who begins the novel as a young, uncertain painter attempting a portrayal of Mrs. Ramsay and her son James. Briscoe finds herself plagued by doubts throughout the novel, doubts largely fed by the statements of Charles Tansley, another guest, claiming that women can neither paint nor write. Tansley himself is an admirer of Mr Ramsay and his philosophical treatises.The section closes with a large dinner party. Mr Ramsay nearly snaps at Augustus Carmichael, a visiting poet, when the latter asks for a second serving of soup. Mrs Ramsay, who is striving for the perfect dinner party is herself out of sorts when Paul Rayley and Minta Doyle, two acquaintances whom she has brought together in engagement, arrive late to dinner, as Minta lost her grandmother"s brooch on the beach.[edit] Part II: Time PassesThe second section is employed by the author to give a sense of time passing. Woolf explained the purpose of this section, writing that it was "an interesting experiment [that gave] the sense of ten years passing."[1]. This section"s role in linking the two dominant parts of the story was also expressed in Woolf"s notes for the novel, where above a drawing of an "H" shape she wrote "two blocks joined by a corridor."[2] During this period Britain begins and finishes fighting World War I. In addition, the reader is informed as to the fates of a number of characters introduced in the first part of the novel: Mrs Ramsay passes away, Prue dies from complications of childbirth, and Andrew is killed in the war. Mr Ramsay is left adrift without his wife to praise and comfort him during his bouts of mortal fear and his anguish over doubts regarding his self worth.[edit] Part III: The LighthouseIn the final section, “The Lighthouse,” some of the remaining Ramsays return to their summer home ten years after the events of Part I, as Mr Ramsay finally plans on taking the long-delayed trip to the lighthouse with his son James and daughter Cam(illa). The trip almost doesn"t happen, as the children hadn"t been ready, but they eventually take off. En route, the children give their father the silent treatment for forcing them to come along. James keeps the sailing boat steady, and rather than receiving the harsh words he has come to expect from his father, he hears praise, providing a rare moment of empathy between father and son; Cam"s attitude towards her father has changed as well.They are being accompanied by the sailor Macalister and his son, who catches fish during the trip. The son cuts a piece of flesh from a fish he has caught to use for bait, throwing the injured fish back into the sea.While they set sail for the lighthouse, Lily attempts to complete her long-unfinished painting. She reconsiders Mrs Ramsay"s memory, grateful for her help in pushing Lily to continue with her art, yet at the same time struggling to free herself from the tacit control Mrs Ramsay had over other aspects of her life. Upon finishing the painting and seeing that it satisfies her, she realizes that the execution of her vision is more important to her than the idea of leaving some sort of legacy in her work – a lesson Mr Ramsay has yet to learn.
2023-08-01 00:29:351