barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 18:45:52

一、呢的读音1:[ ne ]


二、呢的读音2:[ ní ]



[ ne ]的释义:




[ ní ]的释义:



一、着呢[zhe ne] 


二、呐呢[nà ne] 


三、嗯呢[ǹg ne] 


四、骑呢[qí ne] 


五、呢子[ní zi] 


六、线呢[xiàn ní] 


七、粗呢[cū ní] 



拼 音

ní ne

部 首 口

笔 画 8

五 行 木

五 笔 KNXN


基本释义 详细释义

[ ní ]


[ ne ]



花呢 着呢 呢子 线呢 呢喃 呢绒 呕呢 呢羽 线呢 毛呢呢呢 粗呢 枣呢 马裤呢





























  毛衣编织的历史非常的久远,人类在原始生活中利用树叶、兽皮来蔽体,在渔牧生活中结网捕鱼,就懂得运用编织的技法,随著文明的演进与科技的发明,人类不仅充分利用各类动植物等天然纤维,编织出生活所需的物品。那么你知道毛衣的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    毛衣的英文: woollen sweater    毛衣的英文 : sweater   词组习语:   black sweater   1.黑色毛衣   Fashion sweater   1.时尚毛衣   cashmere sweater   1.羊绒衫   2.羊绒毛衣   a sweater   1.一件毛衣   毛衣的英文例句:   1. The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side.   老人撩起开襟毛衣挠了挠身体的一侧。   2. I was wearing false eyelashes and a sweater two sizes too small.   我戴着假睫毛,穿着小了两号的毛衣。   3. She was wearing black slacks and a white sweater.   她身穿黑色便裤和白色毛衣。   4. The jumper strikes the perfect balance between comfort and smartness.   这件套头毛衣又舒服又漂亮。   5. Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.   她的衣物主要是宽大的开司米毛衣和小巧的意大利凉鞋。   6. He was wearing black combat trousers and a hooded fleece.   他穿着黑色作战裤和带风帽的羊毛衣。   7. He was garbed in sweater, tweed jacket, and flying boots.   他穿着套头毛衣和粗花呢夹克,脚蹬一双飞行靴。   8. She was wearing the obligatory sweater and pearl necklace.   她穿着那件经常穿的毛衣,戴着那串惯常戴的珍珠项链。   9. Sophia jumps up and throws down her knitting.   索菲娅跳起身来,扔下正在织的毛衣。   10. Keep handy a lightweight sweater or cardigan.   手边备一件薄的套头毛衣或开襟毛衫。   11. Ferris wore a heavy knit sweater.   费里斯身着一件织得厚厚的毛衣。   12. You must be boiling in that sweater!   你穿着那件毛衣一定很热!   13. She stood up and brushed the crumbs from her sweater.   她站起身掸掉了毛衣上的面包屑。   14. I knitted this cardigan myself.   我自己织的这件开襟毛衣。   15. My sweater shrank in the wash.   我的毛衣缩水了。
2023-01-08 08:29:551


2023-01-08 08:30:017


毛衣de 英文:sweater读音:英 ["swetə(r)] 美 ["swetər]词汇搭配:1、neck sweater 尖领毛衫2、bolero sweater 开胸毛衫3、knit sweater 毛线衫4、in sweater 穿着毛衣相关例句:1、The sweater is moth-eaten. 毛衣让蛀虫咬坏了。2、Wearing a sweater will keep us warm. 毛衣穿了能保暖。3、He bought me that beautiful sweater for my birthday. 他为我的生日买了那件美丽的毛线衫。4、It looks very nice.I want a sweater like this! 它看起来非常好看。我想要一件这样的毛衣!扩展资料:衣服的单词1、coat英 [kəʊt]美 [kot]n. 外套vt. 覆盖…的表面例句:Ferguson stood up and buttoned his coat.弗格森站起来把外套扣子系好。2、pants英 [pænts]美 [pænts]n.裤子,短裤(名词pant的复数形式)v.气喘吁吁;渴望例句:He wore brown corduroy pants and a white cotton shirt.他身着棕色灯芯绒裤子和白色棉衬衫。3、bathrobe英 ["bɑːθrəʊb]美 ["bæθroʊb]n. 水深测量器例句:a towelling bathrobe。毛巾布做的浴袍。4、tunic英 ["tjuːnɪk]美 ["tʊnɪk]n.束腰外衣;短上衣;被膜例句:Decorate the tunic with sequins or glitter.用亮片或金葱粉装饰这件束腰外衣。5、suit英 [sju:t; su:t]美 [sut]vt. 适合;使适应n. 诉讼;恳求;套装,西装;一套外衣例句:Brambles snagged his suit.荆棘钩破了他的西装。
2023-01-08 08:30:356

1. woollen还是woolen有什么区别? 2. metal应该是不可数名词,为什么melt metals加s?谢谢

woollen:英式拼写woolen:美式拼写metal 统称时为不可数名词,但表示不同种类的金属时,可数,如你的例句,熔化不同的金属希望对你有启发
2023-01-08 08:31:062


sweater [ˈswetə(r)]
2023-01-08 08:31:146


2023-01-08 08:31:432


sweater英 ["swetə]  美 ["swɛtɚ] n. 毛线衣,运动衫;大量出汗的人,发汗剂短语neck sweater 圆领运动衫 ; 高翻领运动衫 ; 尖领毛衫bolero sweater 开胸毛衫 ; 开胸短毛衫 ; 波丽洛式毛衣 ; 开胸毛衣knit sweater 毛线衫 ; 针织衫 ; 机织衫 ; 针织羊毛衫acrylic sweater 腈纶毛衫 ; 腈纶衫 ; 晴纶毛衣sweater coat 毛衣外套 ; 毛衣 ; 针织短外套 ; 针织外套扩展资料同近义词1、jersey英 ["dʒɜːzɪ]  美 ["dʒɝzi] n. 运动衫,毛线衫短语Jersey pound 泽西岛镑 ; 泽西镑cotton jersey 棉毛衫 ; 全棉单面布 ; 透气棉 ; 针织绵布tweed jersey 仿毛平纹针织物Jersey suit 运动服饰 ; 运动服2、sports shirtn. 运动衫短语sports s shirt 运动衫Sports T-Shirt 青春T恤 ; 运动T恤pcrenear theive articular sports shirt 运动背心Fashion leisure sports T-shirt 时尚休闲运动T恤
2023-01-08 08:31:526


woollen sweater; sweater;
2023-01-08 08:32:213

hang; hook; woollen; wool 这几个英语怎么读?

2023-01-08 08:32:322


呢绒的读音:ní róng呢的解释: 一种毛织物:呢子、呢绒、毛呢。 绒的解释: 柔软细小的毛:鸭绒、羽绒。驼绒。 它通常适用以制作礼服、西装、大衣等正规、高档的服装。它的优点是防皱耐磨,手感柔软,高雅挺括,富有弹性,保暖性强。它的缺点主要是洗涤较为困难,不大适用于制作夏装。造句:1、光是做工精致的皮衣和奢华的呢绒大衣就足以让浏览者怀念起墨索里尼的 统治时期。2、我们的宗旨是,以一流的技术,一流的管理,一流的装备,精心打造出中国顶级的粗纺呢绒生产制造中心。
2023-01-08 08:32:504


knitted sweater
2023-01-08 08:33:263


2023-01-08 08:33:384

毛衣用英语怎么读 毛衣的英语是什么

1、woollen sweater英[ˈwʊlən ˈswetə(r)]美[ˈwʊlən ˈswetər],n.毛衣; 绒衫。 2、[例句]It does serve the purpose to put on another woollen sweater.多穿件毛衣也还顶事。
2023-01-08 08:34:211


1.without2.Maybe stays by herself3.quiet or be5.which is woollen6.not interested in7.Nobody except8.larger that
2023-01-08 08:34:276


2023-01-08 08:34:481


C Cotton 棉 W Wool 羊毛 M Mohair 马海毛 RH、 Rabbit hair 兔毛 AL Alpaca 羊驼毛 S Silk 真丝 J Jute 黄麻 L Linen 亚麻 Ram Ramie 苎麻 Hem Hemp 大麻 T Polyester 涤纶 WS Cashmere 羊绒 WA Angora 安哥拉山羊毛 LA Lambswool 羊羔毛 TS Tussah silk 柞蚕丝 YH Yark hair 牦牛毛 MD Modal 莫代尔 CH Camel hair 驼绒 CU Cupro 铜 MS Mulberry silk 桑蚕丝 LY Lycra 莱卡 KENDER Kender 罗布麻 SILKOOL Silkool 大豆蛋白纤维 CVC CVC 涤棉倒比 N Nylon 锦纶 R Rayon 人棉 V Viscose 粘胶 SP Spendex 氨纶 PP Polypropylene 丙纶 PV Polyvinyl 维纶 A Acrylic 腈纶 Tel Tencel 天丝
2023-01-08 08:34:543


毛衣sweaterwoollywoollen sweater
2023-01-08 08:35:134


2023-01-08 08:36:497

a man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods状语顺序问题

因为男人躺在箱子里 箱子在木头上面 按语序就是in the box 放在前面
2023-01-08 08:38:103


2023-01-08 08:38:251

woollen sweater什么意思

2023-01-08 08:38:303


2023-01-08 08:38:411


您好,领学网为您解答:(1)sweater 英 [ˈswetə(r)] 美 [ˈswɛtɚ] n.毛衣,运动衫;出汗(过多)的人,发汗剂;榨取别人血汗的人(或工厂、公司等) adj.运动衫的;运动衫式的复数: sweaters例句:She wore a thick tartan skirt and a red cashmere sweater. 她穿了一条厚厚的格子呢裙和一件红色羊绒衫。(2)woollen sweater 英 [ˈwʊlən ˈswetə] 美 [ˈwʊlən ˈswɛtɚ] n.毛衣;绒衫例句:In this paper, the technology of semi-fashioned knitted panel for woollensweater is discussed. 本文主要探讨用计算机辅助羊毛衫成形衣片的工艺设计。望采纳!
2023-01-08 08:38:471


2023-01-08 08:38:529


2023-01-08 08:39:388


woollen sweater; sweater;
2023-01-08 08:40:053


woolen quilt 羊毛被,羊毛拼布。。。
2023-01-08 08:40:191


2023-01-08 08:40:251


a woollen blanket
2023-01-08 08:40:304


单词开始 W 首先,最常见的单词3727个单词。最频繁发生以W开头的单词water水watch手表works作品wood木材wine葡萄酒window窗口weapon武器wall墙wire线workshop车间whisky威士忌wool羊毛wrap包v.包;裹;覆盖;隐藏五、包;裹;覆盖隐藏;n.围巾;披肩;包装材料联合国围巾;披肩包装材料;whip鞭子warehouse仓库wardrobe衣柜woods树林wheat小麦wolf狼wreck沉船worm蜗杆whale鲸鱼wheel轮wheels车轮weed杂草well怎么样wax蜡wheelchair轮椅wallet钱包wallpaper壁纸wet潮湿的wines葡萄酒writings作品weir堰waterfall瀑布windscreen挡风玻璃walnut核桃wasp黄蜂willow柳wig假发wrench扳手wires线waistcoat背心watermelon西瓜woodwork木制品waterway航道windmill风车woollen羊毛wreath花环wand魔杖warehouses仓库walkway走道warship舰艇washer洗衣机wasps黄蜂wasteland荒地waterloo滑铁卢watershed流域wheelbarrow手推车whirlwind旋风winch绞车wreckage残骸wagons货车wallaby袋鼠wares器皿warhead弹头wrapper包装wafer薄脆饼waggon货车wardrobes衣柜washbasin洗脸盆washroom盥洗室waybill运单whey乳清whiskers晶须wicker柳条wildfowl野禽windowsill窗台wiper雨刮器woodpecker啄木鸟woodwind木管乐器workbook工作簿worsted精纺wristwatch手表walrus海象washers洗衣机wastepaper废纸waterworks自来水厂waxwork蜡像welder焊机wellies长筒靴whelks青春痘whin棘豆wipes湿巾wraith幽灵有2861个不太常见的单词:
2023-01-08 08:40:441

it,s made of woollen修改病句

we can use woodsit is made of wool
2023-01-08 08:40:493


问题一:飞机上如何用英文问空姐要毛毯 Excuse me.I need a blanket. 问题二:毛毯的英语的单词怎样写? 毛毯 [máo tǎn] [释义] carpet, woollen blanket, blanketry, carpeting [例句] 我帮你再找块毛毯。 I"ll maybe get you another blanket. 最常用的是blanket 问题三:毯子 英文怎么说 blanket 毯子,铺在身子下或当被子用的 mat 垫子,一般常用来指家门口擦鞋底的。品种质量无所谓,有钱了用高档羊毛都行阀 口语中也可以用来指席子,但那要根据语境 carpet 地毯,常用来指装饰性的地毯。比如现在流行在客厅茶几下铺一小块。 问题四:毛毯 英文怎么说 不是地上铺的? blanket 地毯是carpet 问题五:毯子用英语怎么说 blanket毛毯 rug小地毯 carpet地毯毛毯 问题六:一个毛毯是必须有的 这句话用英文怎么说 A carpet is necessary. It is necessary to have a carpet. 希望能够帮到楼主 问题七:毯子的英文怎么读 carpet [car・pet || "k?p?t] n. 地毯, 毛毯 v. 铺以地毯, 铺盖 问题八:飞机上如何用英文问空姐要毛毯 Excuse me.I need a blanket. 问题九:毯子 英文怎么说 blanket 毯子,铺在身子下或当被子用的 mat 垫子,一般常用来指家门口擦鞋底的。品种质量无所谓,有钱了用高档羊毛都行阀 口语中也可以用来指席子,但那要根据语境 carpet 地毯,常用来指装饰性的地毯。比如现在流行在客厅茶几下铺一小块。 问题十:毛毯 英文怎么说 不是地上铺的? blanket 地毯是carpet
2023-01-08 08:41:011


2023-01-08 08:41:072


2023-01-08 08:41:153


woollen sweater
2023-01-08 08:41:263


Whites with prewash 预洗涤(浸泡)Whites 主洗Economy - whites 经济标准主洗Synthetics with prewash 普通面料与预洗(浸泡)Synthetics 普通面料Delicates 高档服装Woollens 羊绒制品Rinses 漂洗Special treatments 特殊处理Spin only 旋转Drain 排水
2023-01-08 08:41:411


2023-01-08 08:41:4712


毛衣máo yīwoollen sweater; sweater; woolly:高领毛衣 highneck sweater紧身毛衣 tight woollen sweater
2023-01-08 08:42:281

His woollen cap had been worn to a shine. 翻译

His woollen cap had been worn to a shine.他的羊毛帽戴光芒。
2023-01-08 08:42:331


mao yi
2023-01-08 08:42:3914


2023-01-08 08:43:252

aipaca wool

2023-01-08 08:43:331

英语翻译 “编织呢”“人字呢”“毛布”三个词语怎么翻译啊? 呵呵

路过的进来休息一下! Passing come to rest ! 编织呢 Weave woollen cloth 人字呢 Herringbone 毛布 Coarse calico
2023-01-08 08:44:401


袜子专业用语中英文对照表[socks glossary (english)]   菱形 argyle   线圈 loop 运动袜 Athletic Socks   低针数 low gauge 腰封 Band   起口 make-up 常规袜 Basics   网眼 mesh 睡袜 Bed   半腿袜 Mid-Calf/Crew 半成品 Blanks   中针距 middle gauge 漂白 Bleaching   假罗纹 Mock Rib 翻边袜(尤指少女穿) Bobby Sox   网眼袜 Nets 袜统 boot   非往复式 Non-Reciprocated 袜套(腿与袜子之间) Boot Liner   非往复式袜头 non-reciprocated toe 靴子翻口袜子 Boot Topper   中统袜 Over-The-Calf 绳状花型 Cable   配袜 Pairing 休闲袜 Casuals   长统丝袜 panty-hose 男士半腿袜 Crew Socks   毛圈 pile/terry 翻口短袜 Cuffed   平针 plain 底毛圈加橡筋组织 Cushioned   定型跟 Pouch Heel 底毛圈加橡筋袜 Cushioning   双反面 purl 自行车袜 Cycling   往复式 Reciprocated 旦尼尔(细度单位) Denier   加固/补强 Reinforced 防臭 Deodorant   高跟 reinforced heel 装饰 Detailing   罗纹(抽条) rib 糖尿病/关节炎袜 Diabetic/Arthritic Sock   双针筒提花 rib jacquard 橡筋 Elastic   抽条袜 Ribbed 弹性 Elasticity   过桥 ring toe 加弹 Elasticized   罗纹口 Roll down, Rolled Cuff, Rolled Top 电子提花 Electronic Patterning   跑步袜 Running 男士的一种中统袜 Executive Length   透明丝袜 sheer 男士花式袜 Fancies   滑雪袜 Ski Sock 长丝孔数 Filament Count   鞋袜 Slipper Sock 鱼嘴式缝头 Fishmouth Toe   学生袜 Slouch Sock[1] 平编 Flat Knit   足球袜 Soccer Sock[2] 袜脚 foot   短统袜 sock panel 有跟袜 Footed Sock   翻口短袜 socklet 船袜 Low cut =slipper socks   短袜 socks 船袜 Footsocks=sneakers   袜底 sole 针距 Gauge   九分裤 spats 运动袜统称 General Athletic   脚踩袜 Stirrup[3] 高尔夫球袜 Golf   线圈组织 stitch 提针线 gore line   长统袜 Stocking 舒适护腿袜 Graduated Support   袜口 stocking welt/top 变化密度 Graduation   弹力袜 Stretch Socks 坯袜(布) Greige   横条 stripe 袜跟 heel   横条 striping 人字形(Y heel) herringbone   网球袜 Tennis Sock 中统袜 high socks   毛圈 Terry 细针距 highgauge   组织 Textures 徒步旅行袜 Hiking   医疗袜 Therapeutic 袜子总称 hose   发热袜 Thermal Socks 袜子总称 hosiery   紧身裤、连裤袜 tights 狩猎袜 Hunting   袜头 toe 提花 jacquard   移圈 transfer 提花袜 Jacquard   直统袜 Tube Socks 护膝 leg warmers Knee Warmers   直统、无跟 tuble 齐膝袜 Knee-Highs   集圈 tuck 线圈 Knit Loop   劳保袜 Work Socks 花边 Lace   Y跟 Y-heel 袜腿 leg       护腿 Leg Warmer                [4]                    [5] 折叠 folding   少丝、单丝 missing yarn 包装 packaging   紧稀路 needl line 定型 Boarding   针号 Needle Count 断橡筋 broken elastic thread   装饰 ornamentation 表面不平 cockling   配袜 pairing 不褪色 Colorfast   预定型 Pre-Boarding 圆盘式缝头机 dial looper   工序 process 双针筒 double-cylinder machine   挂口疵点 running-on defects 漏针 dropped stitch   皂洗 scouring 染色 dyeing   回缩 Shrinkage 舒适性 Fit   单针筒 single-cylinder machine 可燃性 Flammability   松紧不匀 slazy knitting 手摇机 hand-turned machine   加固疵点 splicing defects 定型袜板 hosiery board/hosiery form   定型机 stocking setting machine 缝袜机 hosiery seamer   翻袜设备 stocking turning device 抽丝 laddering   纹路歪斜 straying end 舌针 Latch Needles   断裂强度 Tensile Strength 修疤 mending mark   缝头疵点 toe closing defects 花针 miss tuck   导湿性 Wicking 少丝、单丝 missing yarn   唛头 shipping marks                                         尺寸表 size chart   口长 length of top 统长 boot length   尺码 size 统宽 boot width   底长 sole length 横密 coursewise density   底宽 sole width 横拉 coursewise extension   线圈密度 stitch density 卷边性 edge-rolling   纵密 walewise density 高跟高 height of reinforced heel   直拉 walewise extension 脱散性 laddering   口宽 width of top                                         兔毛 angora   莱尔线 Lisle 混纺 blended   拉毛 Loft       精梳长绒棉 long staple combded cotton 混纺纱/花式纱 Blends   莱卡 Lycra 膨体纱 Bulk Yarn   莱卡包芯纱 Lycra Spandex 普梳棉 carded cotton   主纱 main yarn 羊绒 Cashmere   人造纤维 Man-Made Fiber 精梳棉 combed cotton   段染 Marls 长丝 Continuous Filament   丝光 Mercerized 鞘形纱 Core-Spun Yarn   丝光棉 mercerized cotton 棉 cotton   美利奴羊毛 Merino 包芯纱 Covered Yarn   彩色金属丝 Metallic Yarn 美国的一种腈纶纱牌子 Creslan   细旦纤维 Microfiber 德拉纶 dralon   细旦多孔尼龙 microfiber nylon 干式腈纶 dry acrylic   莫代尔 model 尼龙拉伸变形丝 DTY nylon   单孔丝 Monofilament Yarn 面纱 facing yarn/surface yarn   股线 Multifilament Yarn 纤维 fiber   天然纤维 Natural Fibers 长丝 filament   腈纶(常规) normal acrylic 地纱 ground yarn   尼龙 nylon 高捻 High Twist   气流纺纱 Open-End Spun Yarn 高收缩纱线 High-Bulk Yarn   尼龙低拉伸丝 PFY nylon 衬垫纱 laid-in yarn   涤纶 polyester 羊仔毛 Lambs wool   涤纶 Polyester 丙纶 polypropylene   尼龙弹力丝 stretch nylon 氨纶 polyurethane/spandex/lycra   弹力纱 Stretch Yarns 色纱 pre-dyed yarn   比尔棉(长绒棉) supima(pima) cotton 麻 ramie ,flax   功能纤维 tech fiber 本白纱 Raw Yarn   天丝 tencel 粘胶(人造丝) rayon   改良纱 Textured Yarns[6] 环锭纺 Ring Spinning   变形 Texturizing 环锭纺纱 Ring-Spun Yarn   线 thread 蚕丝 Silk   羊毛 Wool 单包纱 Single Covered (Yarn)   毛纺纱 Woolen 膨体腈纶 soft acrylic,bulk acrylic   羊毛袜 woollen 氨纶 Spandex   精纺毛纱 Worsted 加固纱 splicing yarn   包覆纱 covering Yarn 单孔丝 Strand   纱 yarn           五趾袜 toe socks   拉伸 stretch 脚背 instep   强度 strength 漏针 slip stitch   耐久性 durability 缺口 gapping   加强橡筋 support 松垂 sagging   船袜 sneaker 胫骨 shin panel   半毛圈 half pile 弓部 arch   菠萝口 pineapple 乳白 cream   印花 print 浅灰兰 saxe   前毛圈 front pile 藏青 navy   圈数 course 米色 beige   链条数 chain 青紫色 lilac   高针距(细针距) high gauge 玫红 rose pink   吊线 boss 混色毛纱 melange   中针距 middle gauge 饰边 frills   手工对目缝头 hand linking 高度 height   低针数 low gauge 长度 length   搭配(配色) assort 吸收力 absorbency   内箱 in carton/inner case   closure   外箱 out carton 潮湿 moisture   条形码 JAN code/bar code 无缝内衣 seamless   覆膜 coating 持久力 stay-up power   不干胶 seal 碱液处理 mercerize   10 双 decad 过氧化处理 peroxide   包 pack 清洁剂 detergent   吊钩 hanger/hook 织造 knitting   封箱带 band 挡车工 knitter   钉枪/机缝 pistol/machine 喂纱 yarn feeding   塑针 pin 横拉拉伸 cross stretch   胶袋 polybag 校直 align   无辅料包装 maker style 多余线头 extra fabric   宣传不干胶 merit seal 耐磨性 abrasion resistance   花 motif 平罗纹线圈 cuff stitch   毛(羊毛) wool(lam wool) 不褪色 colorfast   橡筋 gom/elastic 废料 trash components   真丝 silk 折口 cuffed   皂洗 soaping 脚气 odor   纱样 beaker 弹性 resilience   花纱 melange 颜色 coloration   亮丝 lame 免烫 easy care   人造棉 rayon 低缩水 low-shrinkage   素色 straight 弓带 arch brace   象牙白 ivory 耐得住 withstand   本白 off(off white) 延长 lengthen   土黄 khaki 起球 pilling   缝袜机 hosiery seamer 拉伸性 stretchability   手摇机 hand-turned machine 挂口疵点 running-on defects   定型机 stocking setting machine 松紧不均 sleazy knitting   翻袜设备 stocking turning machine 加固疵点 splicing defects   圆盘式缝头机 dial looper 纹路歪斜 strying end   膨体纱 bulk yarn 缝头疵点 toe closing defects   散纤维 bulk fiber 粗针距短袜 bulky sock   膨体弹力纱 bulk strech yarn 缝制船袜 no show   膨松不均匀 bulk variability 优级羊毛,富弹性毛 soft wool   膨松均匀度 bulk uniformity 丝光棉纱 mercerized cotton   混色纱 ingrain yarn 丝光整理 mercerized finishing   纱样 beaker 丝光羊毛 mercerized wool   丝网纱 silk lace gauze 丝光纱线 mercerized yarn   自然纤维 natural fiber 碱化阻力 mercerized resistance   针数 needle count 平针线圈,平针组织 plain stitch   (纤维表面)环染 ring dyeing 平针袜底 plain sole   环锭捻线机 ring doubler 变化密度 graduation   焦糖色 caramel 高度 height   长度 length 添纱 plaiting   十双 decad 三角片袜跟 gore heel   青绿色 turquoise 三角片袜头 gore toe   棕色 brown 毛重 gross weight   紫色 purple 起球度 pilling degree   银色 silver 毛圈组织 pile stitch   金色 gold 毛圈针片 pile point   灰色 grey 毛圈密度 pile density   海军条子 marine stripes 扯样长度 staple length   抑痒 itch free 染色机 vat   比马棉 Pima Cotton 色纱 in-grain yarn   亮泽 luster 浮色 tints   亲水的 hydrophilic 杂质 impurities   疏水的 hydrophobic 全面质量检查 comprehensive quality review   可压缩性 compressibility 漏针 missed stitches   几何平面图形 geometry 缝头破洞 holes in seams   舒适性 fitting 疵点 flaw   参数 parameter 异纤维混入(疵点) foreign fiber   治疗的 therapeutic 强度 strength       纱线支数 yarn count   彩棉混纺纱 colored cotton blended yarn 陆地棉(短纤维) upland cotton   天丝混纺纱 tencel blended yarn 透气,通风 ventilation   粘胶混纺纱 viscose blended yarn 起球 pilling     Nylon/Polyamide 花型 pattern   绢丝 spun silk 光泽 sheen   长绒棉 long staple cotton 超细纤维 Microfiber   中长绒棉 long and medium staple cotton 抑痒 itch free   超长绒棉 extra-long staple cotton 连裤袜 pantyhose   细绒棉 fineness cotton 防静电 antistatic   中短绒棉 short and medium staple cotton (织物的)湿热透气性 moisture-heat permeability   竹纤维和棉混纺 bamboo/cotton blended yarn 湿度计 moisture meter       回潮监控器 moisture monitor   起订量 minimum order 含水率 moisture percentage   多路进线 multi-feeders 透湿度 moisture permeability       透水指数 moisture permeability index       吸湿 moisture pick-up       防潮的 moisture proof       防潮透明纸 moisture proof cellophane       回潮率 moisture regain       湿度敏感性 moisture sensibility       润湿能力 moisturing capacity  
2023-01-08 08:44:481


现在分词表示“主动和进行”,分词可以有自己的宾语、主语、逻辑壮语等。形容词解释一。只能用作定语,不能用作表语的形容词:little,wooden ,golden,many,elder 不能说The boy is little。the watch is golden/wooden二、只能用作表语,不能用作定语的形容词:well,ill,alone,content,unable,worth,afraid,alive ,asleep, ashamed,awake, ill boy ,an alone village 就是错的短语,an ill idea "坏点子"ill当定语时是转义了,不是"有病的"了。三、表示倍数常用的句型:He is as tall a boy as I. He is a head taller than I . He is two years older than IChina is four times as large as Europe.I am twice as old as youI am twice older than you.I am twice the age of you.My books are twice as many as yoursChina is four times larger than Europe.China is four times the size of Europe.I pay twice as much as it was worth.I pay twice as much for the house .五.与动词有区别,表示延续状态的形容词:open,dead, still静,一动也不动,常修饰动词sit,standThe door is open/closed.不要选opened或close.有特殊意义的形容词有:closed关,close形容词是"近",不是"关"了 near,nearly,hard,hardly,most,mostly大多数六.very修饰原级形容词副词,修饰—ing,放在名词前表示强调。much 修饰动词,修饰比较级最高级,修饰过去分词 。四、--ly结尾一般是副词,但有些—ly结尾是形容词的:lonely,friendly,They talk in a friendly way.lovely,ugly,silly,likely,deadly,五。在be,seem,及物当主语的look,taste。smell,feel,sound,appear等动词后用形容词,I looked at the flower. The flower looks beautiful. He appeared (出现)suddenly. He appeared(显得) happy.六.表示主语长期的静止状态,不强调动作的sit,stand,lie 接形容词quiet,silent,still,red,peaceful等The valley lay quiet and peacefulShe sat silent . They stood still.七.become,fall ,get,go,turn 表示"变得"时后跟形容词.The leaves fell/got/went/turned yellow.It fell/got/went/turned cold.八.present 表示"出席的,到场的"的时候常放在名词后,the members present 表示"现在的"则放在名词前 the present members 九.live有时可用做形容词: a live fish 活鱼(形容动物,不形容人 ) The broadcast comes to you live from Beijing .实况转播 That wire is live 电线是带电的 lively 生动的,活泼的。 His class is often lively. 十.the +adj表示一类人,是复数The rich should help the poor.the blind /wounded/young/old 十一.多个形容词作定语时的位置:排列顺序大致为:all/quite/such/rather限定词(包括冠词、物主代词、指示代词、数词、不定代词等) + 描绘形容词(短词在前,长词在后)+ 特征形容词(包括大小、形状、新旧、年龄等)+ 颜色形容词 + 类属形容词(包括专有形容词和材料质地形容词) + 名词性定语(包括动名词)+ 名词。It is such a charming little short old round yellow .......如..冠...抽.........大....高....老...形....色french oak writing table. ..国...材....用为方便背颂,特简化成9字诀:抽大高,老形色,国材用抽:即抽象性质如beautiful,wonderful,terrible之类较空泛的词。大:big,little,small,高:tall,high,short,low老:old,new,young,形:square,round等色:white,black,brown,red,gray,green,blue等国:出产地方,往往是国家的形容词。汉语总是把产地排前,其它置后:中国美酒材:woden,plastic,brick,silk,wool等材料,很多是名词用:物品的用途writing,fishing,walking,swimming用来写字的,钓鱼的,走路的,往往是动名词。1.She has a ___ jacket.(leather,brown,beautiful)beautiful brown leather 2.He has a ___ car. (long,red,American)3.They live in a ___ house. (old,beautiful)4.We have a ___ table. (antique,small,wooden)5.He has a ___ jumper. (, lovely, red,woollen)6.She has a ___ ring. (fabulous new diamond)7.It was a ___ song.(French,old, lovely)8.He owns a ___ dog.(black,horrible,big)9.She bought a ___ scarf.(gorgeous,pink silk,)10.I saw a ___ film. (,fantastic,new British)1.beautiful brown leather jacket.2.long red American car.3.beautiful old house.4.small antique wooden table.5.lovely red woollen jumper.6.fabulous new diamond ring.7.lovely old French song.8.horrible big black dog.9.gorgeous pink silk scarf.10.fantastic new British film. (注上述原则不是放之四海而皆准的,要把普遍真理与特殊实际结合起来.一般说来,"抽,.....色,国,材,用"的位置是较确定的,"大,高,老,形"则不太确定,它们有时归类于"抽象"的一大类,在抽象的大词类中按短词在前,长词在后的原则甚至按照读音舒服顺口原则排列.例:a tall intelligent young Chinese officer 一个聪慧的个子很高的年轻的中国军官
2023-01-08 08:44:541

毛衣用英语怎么说 怎么说毛衣用英语

1、毛衣的英语:sweater读法英[swet(r)]、美 [swetr]。n. 毛衣;出汗者 2、例句She slipped into the sweater and dashed out of the door.她匆匆穿上毛衣, 冲出门去。 3、He put on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning.早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。 4、It does serve the purpose to put on another woollen sweater.多穿件毛衣也还顶事。
2023-01-08 08:44:591


The man replied, “When someone hurt us we should write it down in the sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away.The slapped feels humiliated, speechless, and writes on the sand: "my good friend slapped me on the face today.The friend who had slapped and saved his asked, “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now you write on a stone. Why?He then picks up a dragger and carves on a stone: "my good friend saved my life today.The friend said aside curious why: after I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and to stone and now?"The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away.Friends are often careless, damage is sincerely, forget the unintentional injury, Remember those of you sincerely help, you will find in this world you have a lot of friend...Saying: you only need one minute noticed a man, An hour into a friend, Day let you love him.A but truly love...Friends! When you see here, if you have some Revelations for? In daily life, even the most good friends will also have friction, we might be because of the friction and separate。But you need to spend his life time will be forgotten, until the meng old woman drink soup...
2023-01-08 08:45:064


2023-01-08 08:45:212


答案:moon走的是高档路线。Abraham Moon & Sons 是现在为数不多还在生产 Vertical Woollen的厂家之一,这种羊毛之所以叫“Vertical”,其实是维多利亚时代的一种特殊称呼,因为当时的羊毛编织物生产是在一栋多层的工厂中,每层负责一道工序完成的。
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