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2023-08-01 01:18:31
TAG: 翻译

one tablet药片(/pill/capsule胶囊)

three times daily/Three Times A Day


one 500 mg tablet, three times a day, for 7 days.




一日三次是 TID

Ter In Die (Latin: Three Times A Day)

“口服”简写为 PO

Per Os (Latin: by mouth, orally)

XXX(药名字)500mg Tab TID, PO





"takes three times every day,Each time piece of "


汉: 日服三次,每次一片

英: Take the medicine three times a day, and one for each time.


once a pill,three times a day.


Three times a day. One pill each time


3 times a day, each time 1 piece


Take one pill a time, three times a day.


3 times a day and 1 piece per time


One tablet three times daily



2023-07-31 21:12:021


medicine for internal usage
2023-07-31 21:12:147


2023-07-31 21:13:254


The Spring Festival, the Chinese Lunar New Year, is commonly known as the new year, the new year, the new year"s day, etc. orally, it is also known as the new year and the new year.春节,即中国农历新年,俗称新春、新岁、岁旦等,口头上又称过年、过大年。The Spring Festival has a long history, which evolved from the worship of praying at the beginning of the year in ancient times. Everything is based on heaven and people are based on their ancestors. Praying for the new year, offering sacrifices to heaven and ancestors, and returning the beginning to the beginning.春节历史悠久,由上古时代岁首祈岁祭祀演变而来。万物本乎天、人本乎祖,祈岁祭祀、敬天法祖,报本反始也。The origin of the Spring Festival contains profound cultural connotation and carries rich historical and cultural heritage in the inheritance and development.春节的起源蕴含着深邃的文化内涵,在传承发展中承载了丰厚的历史文化底蕴。During the Spring Festival, all parts of the country hold various activities to celebrate the Spring Festival, with strong local characteristics.在春节期间,全国各地均有举行各种庆贺新春活动,带有浓郁的各地地方特色。Beginning with the Centennial Festival, the Spring Festival is the most solemn traditional festival of the Chinese nation.百节年为首,春节是中华民族最隆重的传统佳节。
2023-07-31 21:13:451


  下面是我整理的英文药品 说明书 关于用量与用法的写法,欢迎大家阅读!   本项最常用的英语表示法有:   Dosage and Administration 用(剂)量与用法   Route of Administration 给药途径(用法)   Administration 用法   Direction for Use 用法   Method of (for) Administration 用法   Application and Dosage 用法与用(剂)量   Mode of Application 用法   Dosage 用(剂)量   How to Use 用法   Posology 剂量学   还可能有其他的表示 方法 。   本项也是阅读的重点,读者必须正确理解本项内容中的给药对象、给药方式、剂量及剂量单位、给药时间等。   1、每次给药次数的表示方法   daily (per day, a day, every day ) 每日   every u2026hours 每隔u2026小时   intervats of u2026 每隔u2026   once (twice) daily (a day) 每日一(二)次   every other day 每隔一日   three times a day (daily) 每日三次   three times a week 每周三次   once (twice) a week (weekly) 每周一(二)次   Divided into u2026 doses 分u2026次   in two or three divided doses 分为二或三次(个剂量)   例1 Unless other wise prescribed by the physician, the average daily dose is 1 capsule 3 times daily.   如果医生不另开处方,平均日剂量为每日3次、每次1个胶襄。   例2 The suggested dose is 10 to 15 mg per kg dody weight daily in 3-4 divided doses orally, taken with meets.   日剂量最好每公斤体重10-15mg,分3-4次口服,与食物共服。   例3 The initial dosage recommended is 1/2 tablet of Madopa 250 three times daily.   开始剂量最好为每日3次,每次半片美多巴250。   例4 Children: The usual dose is 50 to 100 mg/kg/day total, given in four equally divided and spaced doses.    儿童 :常用总剂量为每日50-100mg/kg体重,均分为四等份,等间隔给药。   例5 The recommended starting dose is 20mg given as a single daily dose.   推荐的首剂量为每20mg,一次服用。   2、常用表示剂量的术语   average dose 平均剂量 minimal (minimum) dose 最小有效量   daily dose 日剂量(一日量) multiple dose 多剂量   divided dose 分次剂量 overdose (overdose) 过量   fatal (lethal) dose 致死量 single dose 一次剂量   indicated dose 有效蛴量 standard dose 标准(合适)剂量   initial (beginning, starting) dose 首次量 suggested (recommended) dose 推荐剂量   maintenance dose 维持量 therapeutic dose 治疗剂量   maximum dose 最大剂量(极量) usual (normal) dose 常用剂量   3、常用的剂量单位表示法   g=gram 克 l=liter (litre) 升   mg=milligram 毫克 ml=milliliter 毫升   kg=kilogram 千克 c.c. 毫升   mcg=microgram 微克 I.U.=international unit 国际单位   ug 微克 body weight 体重   per square meter of body surface 每平方米体表面积   4、给药对象:最常见的用词有   adolescents 青少年 intant(s) 幼儿   adult(s) 成年人 male 男性   baby (babies) 婴儿 newborn baby (babies) 新生儿   children (child) 儿童 patient(s) 患者,病人   debilitated patients 体弱患者 pediatric 儿科的   elderly patient(s) 老年患者 pregnant women 孕妇   female 女性 senile patient(s) 老年患者(病人)   5、给药方式的表示法:多用副词成或介词 短语 表示,例如:   intra-arterially 静脉内给药 by mouth (OS) 口服   intragluteally 臀肌内给药 by phleboclysis 静脉输液   intramuscularly 肌内给药 by intramuscular (IM) injection 肌肉注射   intraperitoneally 腹(膜)腔内给药 by intravenous (IV) injection 静脉注射   intrapleurally 胸(膜)腔内给药 by the intra-articatar administration 关节内给药   intrathecally 鞘内给药 by the intramuscular administration (route) 肌内给药   intravenously 静脉内给药 by the intranasal route 鼻内给药   locally 局部给药 orally 口服给药   parenterally 肠道外给药 by the intraperitoneal administration 腹(膜)腔内给药   subconjuntivally 结膜下给药 by the intravenous infusion (perfusion) 静脉输注   subcutaneously 皮下给药 sublingually 舌下给药   submucously 粘膜下给药 by the intrathecal administration 鞘内给药   by aerosol 喷雾给药 by the subligual administration 舌下给药   by drip phleboclysis 点滴静脉输液 per rectum 直肠给药   by enema 灌肠 per vaginum 阴道给药   by lumbar 腰椎给药 pro recto 直肠给药   此外还有许多其他的表示法,不一一列举。   6、表示“投药”的常用动词   administer (或be administered、give、be given、indicate、be indicated) 给药、投药   use (或be used 、employ、be employed) 用药   recommend (be recommended、suggest、be suggested) 推荐给药   7、表示不同的用药方式的动词:   take 服用 inhale 吸入 apply to 用于、涂于、敷于   spray 喷雾 inject 注射 swallow 吞服   例6 u2026the recommended single dose is 1 ampoule, given subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously.   建议一次剂量为1安瓶,皮下、肌肉或静脉注射给药。   例7 I.M injections should be administered in the amount of 25-50mg daily per kilo of body weight, subdivided into injections every 6-8-12 hours.   肌肉注射:每日每公斤体重给药25-50mg,每6-8-12小时一次。   例8 For adults give intramuscular injection of 400 to 600 mg per day in 2-3 divided doses. For intants give intramuscular injection of 10-20mg/kg per day in two divided doses.   成年人:肌肉注射,每日400-600mg,分2-3次注射;婴儿:肌肉注射,每日10-20mg/kg体重,分2次注射。   例9 The tablets (or the syrup) are to be taken during or after a meal with a little liquid.   片剂(或糖浆)应于食间或饭后用少量液体送服。   例10 Apply the Nitro-Dur system firmly to the skin surface. The Nitro-Dur system may beapplied to any convenient skin area, a recommended side of application is the arm or chest.   把护心贴片紧贴在皮肤表面,护心贴片可贴在任何方便的皮肤区域,最好是贴在手臂或胸部。   例11 In general 1 to 3 metered doses should should be inhaled or sprayed onto or under the tongue at the every oneset of anginal pain.   一般应在心绞痛开始发作时就吸入,或向舌上或舌下喷入1-3个规定的剂量。   8、 其它 的短语或句型,例如:   according to 根据 be adjusted 调整 depend on 依据 adapt to 适合,修改   on the basis of 在u2026基础上 vary fromu2026tou2026 变化范围由u2026至u2026,因u2026而异   range from u2026 to u2026 变化范围由u2026至u2026   it is advisable to (it is recommended to、it is suggested to ) 建议u2026   例子很多,不一一列举。   例12 Dosage should be adapted to patients individually, on the basis of periodic tests of glycosuria and blood sugar.   在周期性检验尿糖和血糖的基础上,调整剂量,使之适用于不同的患者。   例13 It si advisable to initiate therapy with massive doses: 3x2 tablets daily after meals over 2-4 days.   建议开始治疗时采用大剂量,每日剂量为3x2片,饭后服用,持续2-4日。   例14 In severs chronic cases, treatment is started with daily 1 to 2 ampoules of Bilocid and continused with one ampoule every other day, injected slowly by the intravenous route.   治疗严重的慢性疾病时,治疗从每日1-2支利胆素注射剂开始,继续治疗时每隔一日1安瓶缓慢静脉注射。   例15 The number of injections required may vary from from patient to patient.   所需注射次数因患者而异。   例16 The dosage of Glutril must be adjusted by the doctor according to the individualmetabolic state.   格路特利的剂量需由医生根据每个患者的代谢状况调整。   例17 In such instance, it is recommended that the dose be reduced.   在这种情况下,建议减少剂量。   例18 The maintenance dosage is determined by response of the patient.   维持剂量视患者对药物的反应而定。   从上述例句可见,本项中英语的普通词汇较多,只要有一定的英语基础均可读懂,专业词汇多为医学词汇,可从英汉医学词典中查出。
2023-07-31 21:14:041


The Spring Festival, the Chinese Lunar New Year, is commonly known as the new year, the new year, the new year"s day, etc. orally, it is also known as the new year and the new year.春节,即中国农历新年,俗称新春、新岁、岁旦等,口头上又称过年、过大年。The Spring Festival has a long history, which evolved from the worship of praying at the beginning of the year in ancient times.春节历史悠久,由上古时代岁首祈岁祭祀演变而来。Beginning with the Centennial Festival, the Spring Festival is the most solemn traditional festival of the Chinese nation. Influenced by Chinese culture, some countries and regions in the world also have the custom of celebrating the new year.百节年为首,春节是中华民族最隆重的传统佳节。受到中华文化的影响,世界上一些国家和地区也有庆贺新春的习俗。The Spring Festival is a folk festival integrating worship, blessing and Exorcism, family and friends reunion, celebration, entertainment and diet.春节是集拜神祭祖、祈福辟邪、亲朋团圆、欢庆娱乐和饮食为一体的民俗大节。
2023-07-31 21:14:121


2023-07-31 21:14:376

求笔译与口译的区别 英文简略回答~~~

Interpreters and translators perform similar tasks, but in different settings. While an interpreter converts any spoken material from one language (the source language) into a different language (the target language), a translator converts written material in the same manner.Interpreting can occur in a variety of settings, such as conferences, meetings and over the telephone, and can take the form of either simultaneous (performed as the speaker delivers a speech act with the help of interpreting equipment) or consecutive (the interpreter listens to portions of a speech at a time, then interprets the segments as the original speaker is silent).Translation can also occur in various settings. Translation can occur on any form of written work, including literature, newspapers, contracts, software interfaces, and web sites (which is known as localization).On the surface, the difference between interpreting and translation is only the difference in the medium: the interpreter translates orally, while a translator interprets written text. Both interpreting and translation presuppose a certain love of language and deep knowledge of more than one language.
2023-07-31 21:14:541


  好学生的标准是什么英语作文 篇1   What is a good student?   In my a pinion, a good student should be hard-working first. If we don"t study hard, what can we do in the future? Whats more, I think a good student should be helpful and friendly to others. If he doesn"t get on well with his classmates or teachers, he won"t do all the work well by himself. Last but not the least, I think a good student should not only be good at study, but also do other things well,or he can"t enjoy colorful life.   I believe that if we try hard, we won"t have a hard time becoming a good student.   好学生的标准是什么英语作文 篇2   Three attributes can help people in their studies. First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren"t responsible, you"ll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork.   Second, in school life, relationships between people are valuable. Friends can bring you happiness and laughter. In addition, you can discuss problems and pursue knowledge with them.   Last, it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life. If you are defeated, don"t be disappointed. Try to face your life and your studies with courage and determination.   If you can work toward these goals, you"ll become a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm.   三个属性可以帮助人们在他们的学习上。第一,责任感,为建设一个健全的人格是很重要的。如果你不负责,你会推迟你的作业或你的功课投入的时间太少了。   其次,在学校生活中,人与人之间的"关系是有价值的。朋友可以为你带来快乐和笑声。此外,你可以和他们一起讨论问题及追求知识。   最后,它是有建设性的人生哲学的重要。如果你失败了,不要失望。试着去面对你的生活和学业的勇气和决心。   如果你能朝着这些目标努力,你会成为一个全面发展的学生而不是一个书虫。   好学生的标准是什么英语作文 篇3   There are three important things if you want to be successful in your field. First of all, you must have passion to do all of your work. You will face such boring situation in your daily routine such as; lecturing, assignments and so on. Don"t let the laziness breakout all of your plans! It is hard to maintain the spirit, but don"t give up. Keep fighting and struggling.   Second, people who have talent are able to do things well than people who don"t have it. That"s should be matched between talent and interest in order to maximize your study. How wise if you consider that before choosing a certain department.   At last but not least, you have to discipline yourself to reach your goals. You must obey the rules, order in the class and control your behavior, especially the relationship with your friend. Respect your lecturer and try to attend all of the class! Don"t miss the subject because of an important reason!   好学生的标准是什么英语作文 篇4   What are the qualities of a good student? I think he or she should have the following qualities.   First, a good student should have good behavior. He would like to help others. His behavior shows the good quality. People like to make friends with him because he is friendly. It"s more important than knowledge.   Second, a good student should work hard and use the knowledge acquired to solve problems. Because our knowledge is to be used to bring benefit tothe mankind.   Third, a good student should be in good health. If we aren"t healthy, we can do nothing.   Whoever has these qualities will be a good student.   好学生的标准是什么英语作文 篇5   Three attributes can help people in their studies. First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren"t responsible, you"ll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork. Second, in school life, relationships between people are valuable. Friends can bring you happiness and laughter. In addition, you can discuss problems and pursue knowledge with them. Last, it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life. If you are defeated, don"t be disappointed. Try to face your life and your studies with courage and determination.   If you can work toward these goals, you"ll become a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm.   好学生的标准是什么英语作文 篇6   How to be a Model Student   I want to be a model student. What shall I do?   I should be polite. I should study hard. I should capful and helpful. I should walk in the corridors. I should throw rubbish in the bin. I should be quiet in the library. I shouldn"t walk and run on the grass. I shouldn"t throw rubbish on the floor. I shouldn"t run in the corridors. I shouldn"t fight. I shouldn"t be noisy in the library.   Birthday   My birthday is on Sunday. My parents are going to have a birthday party at home. I invite my friends to come to the party. At the party. They give me many small presents. Such as cards, picture books, pens. They sing Happy Birthday to me. My mother makes a big cake for me. I cut the cake into small pieces and give them out. we sing and dance. We have a good time at the party.   好学生的标准是什么英语作文 篇7   My name is Zhang Taijia. I am an 8-year-old tiger from Chengdong primary school, Xingcheng City, 2005 (Class 2, year 1). I remember when I was in a kindergarten in a big factory, a teacher surnamed Liu saw that I couldnt add or subtract within 10, and suggested that I check my IQ. My grandfather didnt listen to her, so he transferred to a kindergarten. Its still not good to learn. Before going to school, Grandpa strengthened my study guidance, but the effect was not great.   After I went to school, I met a teacher who changed me completely, that is our head teacher, Mr. Li Shiping. She didnt say that I had a low IQ and didnt think I was naughty. Instead, she loved me like a mother and guided me like an enlightening father. She taught me patiently and helped me over and over again. She taught people, laws and methods, and often came to visit home at home. He sacrificed a lot of his precious time. The teachers efforts paid off.   Under the care and instruction of Mr. Li, I have found self-confidence, and I have changed from a child with low IQ to a primary school student with great progress. At the mid-term parents meeting, he was praised orally by the teacher. Under the guidance of all teachers, I know how to be a good student, that is, to know honor and disgrace, to study hard, to strive for progress, to practice, and to be a useful person for the society in the future.   Because of my confidence, I began to learn calligraphy, painting, swimming and so on. I have made great progress in all aspects, which is to lay a solid foundation for being a good student.
2023-07-31 21:15:231


2023-07-31 21:15:332

求专业英语翻译 在线等

2023-07-31 21:15:562

Should the nature of the emergency make it necessary for these instructions to be given orally

2023-07-31 21:16:045


"合同" 在工具书中的解释 1、保险常用名词;又称契约,指当事人之间确定、变更、终止民事法律关系的协议。合同一经订立,当事人双方必须受其约束,任何一方不得擅自变更或解除。 2、亦称“契约”。当事人双方(或数方)关于设定、变更、消灭民事权利义务关系的协议。合同是双方的法律行为,它的成立须双方意思表示的一致,意思表示在先的为要约,意思表示在后的为承诺。合同的订立可以是口头或书面的。有买卖、委托、承揽、租赁等合同。一般只要双方就主要条款(标的、价金、期限以及双方约定必须遵守的其他条款。 3、又称“契约”。法人之间为实现一定的经济目的,明确各方义务和权利等关系的协议性文件。这种协议书一般使用于经济领域,所以也称“经济合同”。它是人们在经济交往中,为了保证信守协定事项而制定的对双方都具有约束力的文件,它是受法律保护的。经当事人协商同意的有关修改“合同”的信件和电报,也属于“合同”的组成部分。4、当事人之间设立、变更、消灭民事法律关系的协议。它具有三个法律特征:第一,合同是当事人之间自愿协商所达成的协议,是双方法律行为;第二,订立合同的当事人双方在法律上的地位是平等的;第三,合同所确立的关系是民事法律关系。合同本质上是商品经济的产物,是商品交换关系在法律上的表现形式。5、合同是单位与单位、单位与个人、个人与个人之间,为实现各自的目的,按照法律规定,彼此确定一定权利与义务的协议。合同种类繁多,按照其内容和作用,可以分为购销合同、基本建设合同、加工承揽合同、货物运输合同、供电合同、仓储保管合同、租赁合同、借贷合同、保险合同、科技协作合同、生产责任制合同等数种。
2023-07-31 21:16:211


2023-07-31 21:16:292

take the final exam是什么意思

take the final exam是什么意思意思就是:进行期末考试
2023-07-31 21:16:382

求:托福 TPO口语第15套Question4参考答案 Question: Explain how the example from the professor’

1、题目关键词:explain how, 2、答题要领: (1)Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage. (2)Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor. When orally summarizing the lecture, test takers are supposed to include the main points and some key examples as well. 3、阅读材料要点: (1)experiments are made to achieve some accurate results but something may render the result inaccurate. One such factor is experiment effect.(2)experiment effect happens when an experimenter who wants some specific results will influence the behavior of the experiment participants. Therefore, the results get inaccurate. 4、听力材料要点: (1)a researcher was given 2 groups of monkeys to be trained to perform some action.The researcher said that one group of monkeys were highly intelligent. But the truth is there is no difference between them.(2)the researcher assumed that it would take him less time to train the smarter group of monkeys.The result is that it did take him less time.And the reason is that the researcher smiled to that supposedly smarter group of monkeys and talked to them a lot. 5、模板: (1) In this set of materials, the reading passage is (the title of the reading passage) and the listening material is a lecture by a professor on the same topic. 当然,如果你觉得你的听力材料的理解率很高也不用谈及阅读材料中的内容。只是第一段说起来实在太easy了。 (2) In the reading passage, the university made an announcement that...本段可以省略,但是前提是你对于听力材料理解率很高,不会时间未到却无话可说了。 (3) In the lecture, the professor...不但要包括主要的观点而且最重要的是要包括教授举出的例子。
2023-07-31 21:16:471


No Photos!
2023-07-31 21:16:587

让我们看一看,可以用"let us look it”吗?

let/s have look at it.
2023-07-31 21:17:4010


问题一:口服液用英语怎么说? oral liquid 或者oral solution 问题二:"口服药"用英文怎么说? Oral medication 问题三:急!急!口服片用英语怎么说? tablet per os per os是医药专用词,“口服,经口” 问题四:服用的英文怎么说 take 问题五:“口服中成药”用英语怎么表达? take orally Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine 或Chinese patent drug 问题六:专业口服液用英语怎么说 专业口服液 Professional oral liquid 重点词汇释义 口服液oral liquid 问题七:口服干混悬剂的英文怎么说 翻译结果 口服干混悬剂的英文怎么说 Oral suspension agent English how to say 问题八:医嘱里口服,英文po怎么念 拉丁文缩写 和中文意义希望能帮到你 Rp. 取 aa.aad. 各、各等分 Ad.add 到、加至 a.c. 饭前 p.c. 饭后 p.o 口服 h.s. 睡前 a.m.(A.M.) 上午、午前 p.m.(P.M.) 下午、午后 q.d. 每日一次 b.i.d. 每日二次 t.i.d. 每日三次 q.i.d. 每日四次 q.o.d.。
2023-07-31 21:19:001


This medicine is taken orally, three times a day, two times a day
2023-07-31 21:19:093


2023-07-31 21:19:221


问题一:“书面的”用英文怎么说 in writing .literary .written ~~ 问题二:书面声明用英语怎么说? statutory declaration; written statement 问题三:书面形式的英语翻译 书面形式用英语怎么说 in writing English 英语的书面语形式 in speaking English 英语的口语形式 问题四:更书面化的英文怎么说 您好, 「更书面化」的英文翻译可参考以下: more in written form more in written more in written format more documented more in documentation form more in documentation format 双语例句: A trust may be created orally, but usually is set up more in a written form. 信托关系可以以口头方式建立,但一般多是以更书面化的形式来建立。 问题五:“书面申请”用英语怎么说? 书面申请 1. written application 2. apply by letter 3. writtenapplication 4. w绩itten a lication 第一种最常用 强调书面非机动化 问题六:没有正式的书面文件的英语怎么说 没有正式的书面文件 There is no formal written document. There is no formal paperwork.
2023-07-31 21:19:281

《The Art of War》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Art Of War》(Sun Tzu)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: ivmu书名:The Art Of War作者:Sun Tzu译者:Thomas Cleary豆瓣评分:8.5出版社:Shambhala出版年份:2005-1-11页数:224内容简介:ReviewA "Washington Post" best-seller " Absorb this book, and you can throw out all those contemporary books about management leadership." — "Newsweek" " A breast-pocket favorite of many commanders and U.S. Marines." — "Christian Science Monitor" " "The Art of War" soon could join Machiavelli"s "The Prince" as required reading in the executive suite." — "USA Today"作者简介:The warrior-philosopher and master strategist Sun Tzu, about whom little is known, compiled The Art of War more than two thousand years ago. Legend has it that he was known for the brilliant campaigns he led around the time of Confucius. His work was memorized and passed down orally, before eventually being copied onto bamboo strips and passed around.
2023-07-31 21:19:461


2023-07-31 21:20:135

give by是什么意思

2023-07-31 21:20:283


transmit的名词有传送;传递;传达。词语解释:物动词和不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“传染;代代相传”,物动词时意为“(以无线电或有线电的方式)发送信号”。详细释义:1、n.名词播送,发射;传染。2、v.动词传染,传播遗传,传动播送信号,发射信号寄,送,传送,传达传导,传递,传输,输送,发射,使通过。词汇搭配:transmit a letter递送信件。transmit news.传播消息。transmit a report.传达报告。transmit the revolutionary tradition.发扬革命传统。transmit a secret process.传授秘诀。transmit a telegram.发送电报。双语例句:1、Gypsies frequentlytransmitrecipes orally within the family.吉普赛人经常以口头形式把秘方世代相传。2、Pleasetransmitmy best regards to your lovely wife.请转达我向您娇妻的致意。3、This infection istransmittedby mosquitoes.这种传染病是由蚊子传染的。4、The tension soontransmitteditself to all the members of the crowd.这种紧张行信告情绪很快感染了人群中所有的人。5、I willtransmitthe money by special messenger.我将专门派人送这笔钱。
2023-07-31 21:20:351


How to improve oral English Nowadays there are more and more people who learn English. And how to improve oral English is a question raised in many English learners. Different people have different opinions on this matter. In my mind, there are three steps to figure it out. First and foremost, you should have the determination to study oral English and the confidence to master it, which can make you practice oral English with zeal and pride. Secondly, you ought to find a oral English test with tapes, so you can correct your pronunciation. Besides you are able to pratice oral English whenever you want. Last but not least, you have to blurt out whatever you can speak to practice your Enlish, no matter whether you are in English corner or come across a foreigner on ther road. You can use every possible means to use Enlish orally.If you can do all the things as I just mentioned, I believe you can make it in the end.
2023-07-31 21:21:121


每天用药(Colloidal Silver)前喝几杯水。避免阳光直射。至于小孩触及范围之外。孕中或被护理期间用药前,需咨询专业人士的意见。室温下保存。本说明未经食品药品监督局评估。本产品不用于诊断、治疗、治愈或防止任何疾病。成分表每份含量:1/4匙每瓶含量:47每次用量: % 日用量银 5毫克日用量不确定其他成分:蒸馏水用法:每日1/4茶匙,用水口服
2023-07-31 21:21:271


姓 Family name名 Given Name生日Date of Birth出生地 Birth Place性别 Sex(Male or Female)身高 Height 体重 Weight 民族 Nationality政治面貌 Political Status工作经历 Work experience 获奖情况 Awards目标 Objective毕业学校 Education(注:是从最近的开始写,比如,如果是硕士的话,要先写研究生的,再写本科的。)自我评价 Self-Evaluation英文简历常用句型:◆ During the past then years,my experience has been concentrated in ◆I have a strong aptitude for working with numbers and extensive experience with computer software applications.◆In applying for the position of ... I offer my qualifications, which I believe will meet your exacting requirements.◆My work experience and my scholastic endeavors have thoroughly prepared me for employment in ◆I offer extensive knowledge of ◆In addition,I have excellent problem-solving skills and feel that, if given the opportunity, I would be an immediate as well as a long-term asset to your firm. ◆I am presently working as a ... for ...◆I am capable of working independently or as a member of a team and feel confident of my ability to provide quality performance in any assignment that I undertake. ◆I believe that my expertise and entrepreneurial insight can be utilized to the advantage of a growing enterprise with a need for effective and efficient financial management and cost control. ◆I am proficient in the operation of a ....国外要求简历内容:(1)Scholastic aptitude(学习方面的才能) a. Native intellectual ability(天赋) b. Imagination(想象力) c. Creativity(创造力) d. Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力) e. Intellectual curiosity; spirit of inquiry(好奇心) f. Ability to work independently(独立学习工作的能力)g. Memory(记忆力) h. Accuracy(准确性) i. Methodology(研究方法) j. Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)k. Potential as a researcher(研究的潜力) 1. Potential as a teacher(教学的潜力) m. Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力) n. Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心) o. Probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性) (2)Academic performance(学业上的表现) a. Breadth of general knowledge(知识丰富) b. Knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识) c. Grade or achievement(成绩或成就) d. Industry, diligence(勤勉) e. Participation in discussion(讨论积极) f. Academic maturity(学业上的成熟) (3)Languages(语言能力) a. Ability to speak, understand, read and write the English language(听、说、读、写英文的能力) b. Ability to read significant literature in other languages than English(英语以外语言阅读能力) (4)Character(品行) a. Honesty; integrity(诚实) b. Sincerity(诚恳) c. Sense of responsibility(责任感) d. Cooperation (合作) e. Enthusiasm(热诚) f. Conscientiousness(自觉性) g. Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准) h. Reliability; dependability(可靠性)
2023-07-31 21:21:492


高中英语语法教学反思范文   一、 语法教学的重要性   语法教学是英语教学的一个重要组成部分,肩负着培养语言技能和提高交际能力的任务。英语技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面,四者与语法都有密切的关系,语法具备生成力,学会一种语法规则可产生出无穷无尽的句子。那么,掌握语法是提高英语语言能力的重要途径。因此,在英语教学中必须重视语法教学,不断探索教学方法,提高语法教学质量,为提高英语教学的总体水平打下牢固的基础。   二、 任务型教学与语法教学   任务型教学强调在“做中学,用中学”,即倡导教师根据教学内容,创造性地设计各种任务活动,让学生学会用英语做事,并在做事的过程中学习语言,形成综合运用语言的能力。   《普通高中英语课程标准》明确提到:“教师要引导学生主动学习,帮助他们形成以能力发展为目的的学习方式,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能。”“要为学生独立学习留有空间和时间,使学生有机会通过联想、推理和归纳等思维活动用英语分析问题和解决问题,获得经验,增强自信,提高能力。”“要通过设计丰富多彩的课内外学习活动,使学生在参与交际活动的过程中形成交际策略。”   然而,至今仍有部分教师固守传统的语法教学理念,将大量课堂时间用来讲解语法知识,忽视学生的主观能动性。上述做法与新课程的要求是背道而驰的。   因此,正确领会新课程精神,优化语法教学的方法,避免语法教学走极端,是英语语法教学改革的一个重要方面。下面我将结合一堂英语语法随堂课谈一点感悟。   三、 两次语法教学实例的设计与反思   1.教学背景   (1)学情分析:   上课课型:高中英语随堂课—“倒装句”语法课   (2)教学内容分析:   人教版NSEFC M5U4的主题是“Making the News”,阅读课My First Work Assignment讲述了Zhou Yang在一家英语报社第一天上班时,和上司Hu Xin的谈话,引导学生了解新闻工作者应该具备的素质,新闻采访的基本程序以及采访时要注意的要点等等。文章里出现了四句倒装句:   “Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.”   “Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.”   “Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.”   “Here comes my list of dos and donu2019ts.”   (3)教学目标设计:   ①教学内容: NSEFC M5U4 Making the News, Grammar: inversion   ②教学目标:   learn the two forms of “inversion”— “full inversion” and “partial inversion”;   grasp inversion and learn to use it in various real life situations.   (4)学生基本情况:这是高二的第一个学期,文理平行班刚分不久。高二(16)班是文科班,英语基础较好,高二(8)班是理科班,英语基础比较差,能开口讲英语的同学寥寥无几,但两个班的学生学英语的积极性都是比较高的。而且大部分学生都能主动复习课文My First Work Assignment,记住成长为一名好记者需要的基本素质。同时,根据教师的要求,背诵并默写文中提到的四句倒装句(见教学实践,只让他们背诵,并未告诉他们这是倒装句)。   2.第一次语法教学实例   在高二(16)班,我采用了PPP教学法,就是:(Presentation)展示语言材料,(Practice)对语言进行实践,(Production) 自由运用、产出。   Step one: Lead in and Presentation;   Lead into the topic—“inversion” by going over the text “My First Work Assignment”, especially by asking and answering some basic skills on how to become a professional journalist.   While reviewing the major information, present the inverse sentences on the screen.   “Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.”   “Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.”   “Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.”   “Here comes my list of dos and donu2019ts.”   Present the related sentences in normal order, ask students to compare and discover the differences. Then conclude and lead into “inversion”.   其次,运用演绎法讲授倒装的诸多情况,即罗列大量倒装句的语法规则,通过多媒体向学生展现,然后再辅以各种练习巩固,也就是练习阶段(Practice)。   最后,我设计相应的学习任务,进而引导学生如何运用该语法知识解决生活中的实际问题,也就是所谓的输出(production)。   First, work in pairs and do exercise2 and 3 on page29   Second, now write down some sentences beginning with the adverbs below. Make them into a story. Then finish that story and write one of your own.   There, here, out, in, away, up   There came a loud series of knocks on the door. So I opened it. In the doorway stood a small boy and his father. In front of them was a broken bicycle lying on the ground. “Hereu2019s my sonu2019s bike,” explained the man.   最后,布置回家作业,要求各个小组完成自编的故事内容,并再次复习倒装的句型以及语法规则。   我原以为以上的课堂设计改变了传统的教学模式,不仅把学生的注意力引导到掌握语言知识上,而且更加关注学生的语言运用能力,能够让学生在特定的场合和情景中运用语言形式来实现交际的目的;既不脱离教材,又不局限于教材。但是,在教学实践中却出现了一些低效现象,值得反思。   第一:学生主体地位不到位   在呈现大量的倒装句的语法规则时候,几乎所有的学生都忙着抄写倒装的句型、看着呈现的例句,做着重复的习题,没有时间思考,没有机会发言,感到十分的枯燥乏味,而且有一小部分基础差的学生甚至趴在桌上,昏昏欲睡。   反思:出现上述现象的主要原因在于教师忽略了“以生为本”的教学中心。在教学中,由于我采用了演绎法,即罗列了大量的倒装句的语法规则向学生展现,然后又辅以各种练习巩固,学生基本处于一种被动的学习状态中。因此,教师应把语法规律的发现、讨论、学习和吸收交于学生自己去进行,语法规则是自己“发现”的,学生才感觉到学习语法的乐趣。所以,教师一定要以学生为中心,要善于引导学生用脑子想,用眼睛看,用耳朵听,用嘴说,用手做,用自己的心灵去感悟,享受学习的乐趣,从而使课堂焕发无限的生命力。   第二:缺乏趣味性   在课堂中,大部分学生都一直在机械地背诵、记忆,然后强化练习,一堂课下来,既没有高潮也没有低谷,枯燥无味,老师和学生都累得够呛,实际效用无从得知。   反思:出现上述这个现象关键在于教师的教学内容设计。教师罗列了大量的语法规则,为了教语法而教语法,拼命向学生灌输语法规则,学生很快就因枯燥乏味而失去学习英语的兴趣。因此,教师在教语法的时候,要重视学生的参与,教学形式丰富多彩,才能极大地激发学生的兴趣。   第三:教学任务设计难度偏大   在输出阶段,我提供了文章的开头和放在句首的几个副词,而接下来的都需要学生自己发挥想象空间,自己编写故事。本以为这样的开放性作文可以提高学生的想象力和创造力,并最终达到学以致用的目的。但在实践中,却发现大多数小组的作文了了几笔,内容贫乏,句式单一,而有一个小组甚至没有按照倒装句的要求进行写作。   反思:这个现象,关键在于教师的任务实施设计环节。在任务实施环节,教师所设计的任务应由简到繁,由易到难,前后贯通,层层深入,构建阶梯性任务链。只有这样,才能使任务具有可操作性。在此,要特别注意的是,防止把任务设计得过于简单,而使学生索然无味,或把任务设计得太难,而使学生产生畏惧感,失去对学习的信心。   第四:学生的互动性相对缺乏   二人活动和小组讨论的合作学习的确增强了学生参与学习活动的机会,但是多半是语言表达能力强的学生在发言,在代表小组汇报;而一些学生却习惯于作为听众,很少甚至不发表个人意见,渐渐地他们对一切语言学习活动都漠不关心。   反思:出现上述现象与教师的教学方式不无关系。不少教师喜欢叫成绩好的学生回答问题,而且对他们肯定和表扬,渐渐的,基础较差的学生都习惯做“看客”。 日本心理学家多湖辉曾说过:“在每个孩子身上都蕴藏着巨大的、不可估量的潜力。教师只有尊重学生的兴趣、爱好、个性、人格和差异,以适合学生特点的形式多样的教学方法来对待每个学生,才能使学生的身心自由地发展,创造性的成长”。所以,小组分工必须明确,力争使每个学生在活动中都有话可说,有活可干,任务的结果能使学生获得成就感,树立自信心,并产生继续学习的动力。   3.第二次语法教学实践   通过对第一次教学实践的反思,我对第二次语法教学实践作了适当的调整。虽然高二(8)班英语基础比较差,但是大多数学生都积极主动地参与学习讨论,取得了良好的教学效果,达到预期的教学目的。第二次语法教学设计主要是对第二阶段(practice)和第三阶段(production)进行了修改:   Step 2: practice and summing up (1)   Rewrite the following sentences.   (1) Only then did I realize I was wrong.   (Key: I realized I was wrong then.)   (2) Only in this way can we make progress.   (Key: We can make progress in this way.)   (3)Only when we help others do we become happy.   (Key: We become happy when we help others.)   Q: Work in pairs. Compare the three pairs of sentences and discover what usually makes a sentence with “only” at the beginning inverse.   Summary:   “only+ 词/ 短语/ 从句”位于句首,句子常部分倒装。   谓语部分结构为:   1. 动词   动词 2. +主语+谓语其余部分   3. 动词   4.   Practice:   Describe the pictures with “only + adverbial” at the beginning of your sentence. Next, lead into the second form of inversion— “negative words”.   (设计意图:学生合作,比较正常语序和倒装语序的三组句子,归纳出only引起倒装的三种情况,进而推论出部分倒装句的谓语部分的特点。然后,我选了本班学生的图片(王旭霞和史陈昌:她们两位同学上学期成绩进步很大,此话题贴近学生的生活),让学生用“Onlyu2026can youu2026”的结构面对面去祝贺。通过虚拟情景的`练习,学生能够“现学现卖”,掌握only引起的倒装句。 )   Step 3: practice and summing up (2)   Without hard work, Wang Xuxia couldnu2019t succeed.   Without hard work, Shi Chenchang couldnu2019t succeed.   u2192Without hard work, Wang Xuxia couldnu2019t succeed.   (key: Shi Chenchang couldnu2019t succeed, either.)   u2192Without hard work, Wang Xuxia couldnu2019t succeed.   (key: Neither/ Nor could Shi Chenchang.)   (设计意图:继续运用王旭霞和史陈昌为话题,由“Onlyu2026can youu2026”的结构顺利引入新知识—“否定词位于句首引起倒装”。同时,以旧引新,印象深刻。)   Summary:   当前面的情况也适用于另一人或事物时,可用结构:   So + 助动词+主语(肯定句中) Neither/ Nor+助动词+主语(否定句中)   Exercises:   (1)My cousin is not 19. .   A. So am I. B. Neither am I. C. Neither is I.   (2)I havenu2019t been to New York. .   A. So havenu2019t we. B. Nor have we.   (3)Mary can speak English. .   A. So can we. B. So do we.   (4)Bonnie enjoys classical music. .   A. So can I. B. So do we.   (5)Lily went shopping yesterday. .   A. So went Tony. B. So did Tony.   (设计意图:让学生做到“在做中学”,快速掌握新知识。)   Well, in fact, Wang Xuxia and Shi Chenchang will not only work hard at present, but they will make a greater contribution in the future.   u2192Not only (key: will Wang Xuxia and Shi Chenchang work hard at present), but they will make a greater contribution in the future.   (设计意图:再次回到王旭霞和史陈昌,道出他们的内心想法:今日多努力,明日多贡献。同时,通过观察法让学生主动去发现并列连词not onlyu2026but alsou2026的倒装特点。)   Summary:   not onlyu2026but alsou2026并列两个句子时,(not only)分句部分倒装,(but also)分句不变。   u2192(Not only)Wang Xuxia(but also) Shi Chenchang will work hard at present, and they will make a greater contribution in the future.   注意:not onlyu2026but alsou2026并列(主语)时,句子顺序不变。   拓展:   否定词位于句首,使用部分倒装。常见的否定词有: never, not, not only, little, seldom, hardly, in no time, by no meansu2026   (设计意图:在拓展前,我展示了三位奥运冠军──郭晶晶、张怡宁和杨威的照片,并在他们的照片上打出他们的“口号” ──“I will never give up!”改写为“Never will I give up!”运用演绎法,引导学生运用从“特殊”到“一般”概括理论。)   Game:   Work in pairs, rewrite the sentence in inversion. Do it orally. One reads out the original sentence, the other rewrites it. The pair which rewrites the sentence correctly wins a star for the group. And the group with the most stars will win.   (设计意图: 课间分发纸条任务时,结合学生的英语水平:52位学生俩俩合作,26个小题各不相同。故这个活动从合作教学和交际教学的原则出发,不仅提供情景教学的多样性,而且让学生整堂课都处于新鲜感不断的亢奋状态中,促进有效学习。)   Step 4: practice and summing up (3)   Here comes the result. (一语道出本节课的最后一个语法——完全倒装)   Open your mind and find one more example in this unit.   (key: Here comes my list of dos and donu2019ts.)   Rewrite the sentence above in normal order.   (key : My list of dos and donu2019ts comes here.)   Group work── Compare the following pairs and find the rule:   (1)①Today many teachers come here. ② Here come many teachers today.   (2)①Mr. Black went there. ② There went Mr. Black   (3)①There is a book on the table. ② On the table is a book.   (4)①He went away. ② Away she went.   (设计意图:提供四组句子,让学生小组讨论,通过探究法、观察法、发现法等找出每组句子的不同点。从而归纳出下面的结论。)   Summary:   句子中表方向和地点的 (副)词、(介词)短语可置于句首,以示强调。主语是(名词)时,完全倒装;主语是 (人称代词) 时,主语和谓语的语序不变。   Practice: Translate the following sentence,first normal then inversion.   (1)她已经来了。   (2)我的建议如下。   (3)我们教室前面有一排高高的树。   (4)前面做着一个老妇人。   (设计意图:先让学生用正常语序翻译,再结合刚才summary中完全倒装句的特点改写为倒装句。符合中学生的认知特点和超强的模仿力的特点。)   Step5: consolidation:   Work in group of 4 and do use inversion!   Make up a short story (about 5-8 sentences) according to the pictures.   Fairy tale DIY(自编童话版)   Title: Snow White and the seven dwarfs(白雪公主和七个小矮人)   Help: a small wooden house小木屋   (1) In no time Snow White .   (2)In front of her .   (3) Nearby a river .   (4)Not only Snow White , but also .   (5) (否定词) (助动词)Snow White forget this unforgettable   experience. the seven dwarfs(小矮人也不会忘记。)   Here is the beginning of your story :   One day outside was Snow White swinging. Suddenlyu2026   Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs   One day outside was Snow White swinging. Suddenly   (设计意图:选择学生熟悉的“白雪公主和七个小矮人”的故事,贴近学生的阅历,能迅速调动他们的创作热情。而且我采用了造句和连句成文的半开放式作文,最后才过渡到作文,使任务具有可操作性。)   Step6: homework   Finish DIY your story and write it down in your exercise book.   (设计意图: 家庭作业是课堂教学活动的延伸,旨在巩固学生所建构的知识。根据学生的认知能力和接受程度,设计了造句、连句成文的半开放式作文,使任务具有可操作性。而且任务的结果能使学生获得成就感,树立自信,并产生继续学习的动力)。   四、 实践反思   第二次案例遵循任务型教学在“做中学”的原则,把课堂时间更多地交给学生,充分地发挥学生的主动性和创造性,使他们通过体验、实践、合作和探究等方式,全面发展学生的听、说、读、写等语言技能;课堂内容取材于学生的学习与生活,能够极大地提高学生的积极性和表现欲;课堂设计的每项任务都有明确目的,层层推进;课堂活动形式多种多样,包括“表演型任务”,“展示型任务”和“小组讨论观察法”等;从课堂效果来看,学生能够提高语言实际的运用能力,达到教学的最终目的。   两次语法教学实践使我深刻的认识到语法教学的重要位置。作为教师,一定要辨证地处理好语言设计基础知识和语言运用能力之间的关系,精心设计每一个教学活动,注意语法教学与其他方面知识的整合,特别是,要给学生创设一个“做中学”的学习环境。只有这样,才能使学生更好地掌握语法基础知识,有效地提高其语言交际能力。 ;
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The Spring Festival, that is, the Chinese Lunar New Year, commonly known as the Spring Festival, New Year, age Dan, etc., also known orally as the Chinese New Year, Danian.The Spring Festival has a long history, evolved from ancient times.In modern times, the Spring Festival is celebrated on the first day of the first lunar month, but it usually doesn"t end until at least the 15th day of the first lunar month.The Spring Festival is a folk festival of worshiping gods and ancestors, praying for good fortune and warding off evil spirits, family reunion, celebrating entertainment and eating.The Spring Festival is the most solemn traditional festival of the Chinese nation.春节,即中国农历新年,俗称新春、新岁、岁旦等,口头上又称过年、过大年。春节历史悠久,由上古时代岁首祈岁祭祀演变而来。在现代,人们把春节定于农历正月初一,但一般至少要到正月十五新年才算结束。春节是集拜神祭祖、祈福辟邪、亲朋团圆、欢庆娱乐和饮食为一体的民俗大节。百节年为首,春节是中华民族最隆重的传统佳节。春节习俗在春节期间,全国各地均有举行各种贺岁活动,各地因地域文化不同而又存在着习俗内容或细节上的差异,带有浓郁的各地域特色。春节期间的庆祝活动极为丰富多样。有舞狮、飘色、舞龙、游神、庙会、逛花街、赏花灯、游锣鼓、游标旗、烧烟花、祈福、掼春,也有踩高跷、跑旱船、扭秧歌等等。春节期间贴年红、守岁、吃团年饭、拜年等各地皆有之,但因风土人情的不同,细微处又各有其特色。
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The Spring Festival is the Chinese Lunar New Year, commonly known as The Spring Festival, New Year, age Dan, etc., also known orally as the Chinese New Year, Danian. The origin of the Spring Festival contains profound cultural connotations and carries rich historical and cultural deposits in the process of inheritance and development.The Celebration activities during the Spring Festival are very rich and varied, including lion dance, floating color dance, dragon dance, god tour, temple fair, flower street, lantern appreciation, gongs and drums, flag, fireworks burning, blessing, guspring, also walking on stilts, land boat running, yangko dance and so on.春节是中国农历新年,俗称新春、新岁、岁旦等,口头上又称过年、过大年。春节的起源蕴含着深邃的文化内涵,在传承发展中承载了丰厚的历史文化底蕴。春节期间的庆祝活动极为丰富多样,有舞狮、飘色、舞龙、游神、庙会、逛花街、赏花灯、游锣鼓、游标旗、烧烟花、祈福、掼春,也有踩高跷、跑旱船、扭秧歌等等。春节习俗1、祭祖,传统习俗,全称是祭祀先祖,是一项隆重的民俗活动。除夕、清明节、重阳节、中元节(除、清、九、盂),是汉族传统节日里祭祖的四大节日。2、烧炮,即烧爆竹,简称烧炮,是岭南历史悠久的民间风俗之一,在岭南地区一直沿袭,场景热闹非凡。是当地祭祝祈年,期望新年丰调雨顺的一项传统的民间活动。
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[1] Zhi-Xing Cao, Jing-Jing Liu, Ren-Lin Zheng, Jiao Yang, Lei Zhong, Yong Xu, Li-Jiao Wang, Chun-Hun Zhang, Bing-Lin Wang, Shuang Ma, Huan-Zhang Xie, Yu-Quan Wei, and Sheng-Yong Yang*. SKLB1028, a novel oral multikinase inhibitor of EGFR, FLT3 and Abl, displays exceptional activity in models of FLT3-driven AML and considerable potency in that of CML harboring Abl mutants. Leukemia, 2012. In press.[2] Li WW, Wang XY, Zheng RL, Yan HX, Cao ZX, Zhong L, Wang ZR, Ji P, Yang LL, Wang LJ, Xu Y, Liu JJ, Yang J, Zhang CH, Ma S, Feng S, Sun QZ, Wei YQ, Yang SY*. Discovery of the Novel Potent and Selective FLT3 Inhibitor 1-{5-[7-(3- Morpholinopropoxy) quinazolin-4-ylthio]-[1,3,4] thiadiazol-2-yl} -3-p-tolylurea and Its Anti-Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Activities in Vitro and in Vivo. 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Discovery of novel mGluR1 antagonists: A multistep virtual screening approach based on an SVM model and a pharmacophore hypothesis significantly increases the hit rate and enrichment factor. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2011 Jan 25. [Epub ahead of print][17]Jun Zou,Shi-Dong Luo,Yu-Quan Wei and Sheng-Yong Yang*, Integrated computational model of cell cycle and checkpoint reveals different essential roles of Aurora-A and Plk1 in mitotic entry. Mol. BioSyst., 2011, 7, 169–179[18]Qi Huang, Lin-Li Li, Sheng-Yong Yang*. PhDD: A new pharmacophore-based de novo design method of drug-like molecules combined with assessment of synthetic accessibility. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 2010, 28, 775-787.[19]Wei-Wei Li, Jin-Juan Chen, Ren-Lin Zheng, Wen-Qin Zhang, Zhi-Xing Cao, Ling-Ling Yang, Xiao-Yu Qing, Liang-Xue Zhou, Li Yang, Luo-Ding Yu, Li-Juan Chen, Yu-Quan Wei, and Sheng-Yong Yang*. 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Exploring the feasibility of application of reverse docking method to the selectivity studies of protein kinase inhibitors.Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica. 2009, 44(7), 758-763.[31]Qing-Qing Xie, Huan-Zhang Xie, Jie-Xia Ren, Lin-Li Li, and Sheng-Yong Yang*. Pharmacophore modeling studies of type I and type II kinase inhibitors of Tie2. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 2009, 27, 751–758.[32]Hui Zhang, Ming-Li Xiang, Ying-Lan Zhao, Yu-Quan Wei and Sheng-Yong Yang*. Support vector machine and pharmacophore-based prediction models of multidrug-resistance protein 2 (MRP2) inhibitors. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2009, 36, 451–457.
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说明,按电话留言的格式和要求,以秘书Jame的名义给Mr.Green写一份电话留言,内容以下: 1,日期:2011年1月10日,2、来电时间:当日上午九时,3、来电人:...
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求:托福 TPO口语第17套Question4参考答案 Question: Explain the concept of ritualization, using

1、题目关键词: ritualization, the example of dogs 2、答题要领: (1)Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage. (2)Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor. When orally summarizing the lecture, test takers are supposed to include the main points and some key examples as well. 3、阅读材料要点: (1) ritualization is a process where behaviors displayed by some animals will be developed into one able to convey some specific message. (2) Once ritualized, a behavior will be understood by other animals that will respond to this behavior. 4、听力材料要点: (1)a dog will show its teeth before an attack. How this teeth-bearing can be interpreted as a signal of an attack can be traced back to long time ago. (2)long long ago, when dogs were threatened, they would bite whatever animals attacking them with the initial action as showing their teeth. Later on, other animals knew dogs would attack them after dogs teeth were shown.Over time, dogs found that they didn"t really have to attack other animals and just a simple teeth-showing was enough to send out a warning signal and could serve as a form of defense mechanism. 5、模板: (1) In this set of materials, the reading passage is (the title of the reading passage) and the listening material is a lecture by a professor on the same topic. 当然,如果你觉得你的听力材料的理解率很高也不用谈及阅读材料中的内容。只是第一段说起来实在太easy了。 (2) In the reading passage, the university made an announcement that...本段可以省略,但是前提是你对于听力材料理解率很高,不会时间未到却无话可说了。 (3) In the lecture, the professor...不但要包括主要的观点而且最重要的是要包括教授举出的例子。
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谁想要试一试? Who wants to have a try?/who want to try.who want to catch this chance?我们开始吧! Let"s begin.Here we go.Let"s get down our business.Let"s mind our business.
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quality of the British, and in particular of the English, is “reserved.” A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion, and seldom gets excited. It is difficult to get to know a reserved person: he never tells you anything about himself, and you may work with him for years without ever knowing where he lives, how many children he has, and what his interests are. English people tend to be like that.在其他的欧洲人看来,英国人,尤其是英格兰人的最明显的特点是“沉默寡言”.一个沉默寡言的人不大同陌生人说话,情感不大外露,也很少激动.要想了解一个沉默寡言的人很困难:他从不谈及他的身世,即使你与他工作数年,也许你不知道他家住在哪里,有几个子女,有些什么兴趣爱好.英国人往往就是这样.If they are making a journey by bus they will do their best to find an empty seat; if by train, an empty compartment. If they have to share the compartment with a stranger, they may travel many miles without starting a conversation. If a conversation does start, personal questions like “How old are you?” or even “What is your name?” are not easily asked.乘公共汽车旅行时,他们会尽量找到一个空座位;乘火车旅行时,他们会尽量找到一个空隔间.如果他们不得不与他人共坐一个隔间,火车开了数英里也许还不见他们开口说话.即使打开了话匣子,他们也不轻易问起“你多大了?”或者“你贵姓?”之类的个人问题.This reluctance to communicate with others is an unfortunate quality in some ways since it tends to give the impression of coldness, and it is true that the English (except perhaps in the North) are not noted for their generosity and hospitality. On the other hands, they are perfectly human behind their barrier of reserve, and may be quite pleased when a friendly strange or foreigner succeeds for a time in breaking the barrier down. We may also mention at this point that the people of the North and West, especially the Welsh, are much less reserved than those of the South and East.从某些方面来说,这种不愿与人交往的特点是件令人遗憾的事情,因为这往往给人以冷漠的印象.除了北方人以外,英国人从不以他们的慷慨大方和热情好客而著称.另一方面,虽然他们表面上沉默寡言,但内心还是很有人情味.当友善的陌生人或外国人打破沉默时,他们也许会感到很高兴.说到这里,也许我们应该提一句,英国的北部和西部的人,特别是威尔士人,远不象南部和东部的人那样缄默.Closely related to English reserve is English modesty. Within their hearts, the English are perhaps no less conceited than anybody else, but in their relations with others they value at least a show of modesty. Self-praise is felt to be impolite. If a person is, let us say, very good at tennis and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will seldom reply “Yes,” because people will think him conceited. He will probably give an answer like, “I"m not bad,” or “I think I"m very good,” or “Well, I"m very keen on tennis.” (i.e. I"m very fond of it.) even if he had managed to reach the finals in last year"s local championships, he would say it in such a way as to suggest that it was only due to a piece of good luck.与英国人的缄默密切相关的是英国人的谦虚.在英国人的内心,他们的自负不亚于任何其他的民族.但在与别人交往时,他们注重谦虚,起码要表现出一种谦虚的姿态.自夸被认为是不礼貌的.比如说,一个人网球打得很好,当有人问他是不是一个网球好手时,他很少会回答说“是”,因为如果他回答“是”,人们会认为他很自负.他很可能会这样回答:“还不错.”或者“我觉得我还行.”或者“嗯,我挺喜欢打网球.” 即使他在去年当地的网球锦标赛上打入了决赛,他也许会说只是碰上了好运气.The famous English sense of humor is similar. Its starting-point is self-dispraise, and its great enemy is conceit. Its object is the ability to laugh at oneself---at one"s own faults, one"s own failure, even at one"s own ideals. The criticism, “He has no sense of humor” is very commonly heard in Britain, where humor is highly prized. A sense of humor is an attitude to life rather than the mere ability to laugh at jokes. This attitude is never cruel or disrespectful or malicious. The English do not laugh at a cripple of a madman, or a tragedy or an honorable failure. 著名的英国式幽默感也与此相似.其出发点是自贬,其大敌是自负.其目的是能够自嘲——嘲笑自己的错误,自己的失败,甚至自己的理想.在英国,幽默感受到高度重视,经常听到“他没有幽默感”这样的评论.幽默感是对生活的一种态度,而不仅仅是一听到笑话就能够开怀大笑.这种态度决不是冷酷,决不是无礼,决不是恶毒.英国人从不嘲笑残疾人或精神病人,也从不会对一件悲惨的或虽败犹荣的事情幸灾乐祸.Since reserve, a show of modesty and a sense of humor are part of his own nature, the typical Englishman tends to expect them in others. He secretly looks down on more excitable nations, and likes to think of himself as more reliable than they. He doesn"t trust big promises and open shows of feelings, especially if they are expressed in flowery language. He doesn"t trust self-praise of any kind. This applies not only to what other people may tell him about themselves orally, but to the letters they may write to him. To those who are fond of flowery expressions, the Englishman may appear uncomfortably cold.因为沉默寡言、谦虚的表现和幽默感是英国人天生性格的组成部分,典型的英国人总是期望别人也具有这种品质.他从心里看不起那些容易激动的民族,总是认为他们没有自己可靠.他不相信信誓旦旦的诺言,也不相信感情的直接外露,尤其不相信用华丽的语言做出的承诺和表达的感情.他对任何的自夸之词都不相信,不管是人们口头告诉的,还是写信书面表达的.在那些喜欢用华丽辞藻的人看来,英国人可能显得冷漠,让人感到很不舒服.Finally, sportsmanship. Like a sense of humor, this is an English ideal which not all Englishmen live up to. It must be realized that sport in this modern form is almost entirely a British invention. Boxing, rugby, football, hockey, tennis and cricket were all first organized and given rules in Britain. Rules are the essence of sport, and sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one"s opponent and good temper in defeat. The high pressure of modern international sport makes these ideals difficult to keep, but they are at least highly valued in Britain and are certainly achieved there more commonly than among more excitable peoples. Moreover, sportsmanship as an ideal is applied to life in general this is proved by the number of sporting terms used in ordinary speech. Everybody talks of “fair play” and “playing the game” or “playing fair.” Borrowed from boxing, “straight from the shoulder” is used to describe a well-aimed, strong criticism and “below the belt” is used to describe an unfair one. One of the most elementary rules of life is “never hit a man when he"s down”---in other words, never take advantage of a person"s misfortune. English schoolboys often show this sense of sportsmanship to a surprisingly high degree in their relations with each other.最后再说说体育运动风范.就象幽默感一样,这也是英国人的理想,尽管不是每个英国人都能做到这一点.我们应该认识到,现代形式的体育运动几乎都是英国人的发明.拳击、橄榄球、足球、曲棍球、网球和板球都是源于英国,并且首先在英国制订出比赛规则.比赛规则反映了体育运动的本质,具有体育运动风范就是能够按照体育运动规则进行比赛,同时又能对对手宽大为怀,失败时也能心平气和.现代国际体育运动的巨大压力使得这些理想目标很难保持,但在英国这些理想目标至少还能得到高度的重视,而且与那些容易激动的民族相比,英国人在达到这些理想目标方面做得更好.此外,体育运动风范作为理想准则也适用于日常生活.这一点可以通过日常会话中用到的许多体育用语得到证实.每个人都会谈到“公平比赛”、“遵守规则”或者“公平竞争”.成语“直接出击”起源于拳击运动,用来表示一针见血而又措辞严厉的批评.“击打对方腰带以下的部分”则用来表示不公正的批评.生活的基本规则之一是“决不打已经倒在地上的人”,也就是说,决不乘人之危.在英国,这种体育运动风范常常在中小学的男生相处时高度地表现出来.
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  飞越疯人院经典台词:   1.I"m awfully proud of that picture,That"s the first Chinooker I ever caught.   我对这照片引以为傲 那是我第一次钓到那种鱼。   2.And every time he put the bottle to his mouth,he don"t suck out of it.It sucks out of him until he"d shrunk so...   每一次他把酒瓶放进嘴里 不是他喝酒而是酒喝他,直到他萎缩变成有很多皱纹 皮肤也变黄,连狗都不认识他。   3.You let me go on hassling Nurse Ratched here,knowing how much I had to lose and you never told me nothing!   你让我去骚扰瑞秋护士 而却不告诉我该如何被释放。   4.Jesus, I mean, you guys do nothing but complain about how you can"t,stand it in this place here, and then you haven"t got the guts to walk out?What do you think you are, for Christ"s sake? Crazy or something?Well, you"re not. You"re not!You"re no crazier than the average asshole out walking around on the streets.   我是说你们一直抱怨这个地方 但是你们没有勇气走出这里,你们以为你们是疯子吗?你们不是…你们跟街上的混 蛋 没有什么两样。   5.If that"s what being crazy is,then I"m senseless, out of it, gone down the road, whacko.   如果这就是疯狂的话,那我跟街上那些疯子 的确没有什么两样。 terms of the human relationships, the juxtaposition of,one person to another, the form, the content.   在人类的关系中 人与人之间外表与内涵的并容。   7.Nurse Ratched: If Mr. McMurphy doesn"t want to take his medication orally, I"m sure we can arrangethat he can have it some other way. But I don"t think that he would like it.   护士长拉契特:如果麦克默菲先生不想吃他的药,我确信我们能以其他方式让他吃下去。但我想他不会喜欢那种方式的。   8.I want you to know something right here and now, Miss Ratched!I ain"t no little kid! I ain"t no little kid! - You sit down!When you"re gonna have cigarettes kept from me like cookies...   我要慎重的"告诉你一件事 瑞秋小姐,不要把我当小孩子,你坐下 我不是个小孩子,你一直控制我的烟 像是控制小孩的饼干。   9.I"m talking about form! I"m talking about content!I"m talking about interrelationships!I"m talking about God, the Devil, Hell, Heaven!   我是在谈跟每个人有关的 我是在谈外表,我是在谈内涵,我是在谈人际关系,我是在谈神,恶魔 地狱,天堂。   10.Have you ever heard the old saying, "A rolling stone gathers no moss"?Yeah.Does that mean something to you?It"s the same as "Don"t wash your dirty underwear in public."   飞越疯人院经典对白:   Nurse Ratched: Aren"t you ashamed?   护士长拉契特:你不感到羞耻吗?   Billy: No, I"m not.   比利:不,我不感到羞耻。   [Applause from friends]   [朋友们鼓起了掌]   Nurse Ratched: You know Billy, what worries me is how your mother is going to take this.   护士长拉契特:你知道,比利,让我担心的是你的母亲会怎么处理这件事。   Billy: Um, um, well, y-y-y-you d-d-d-don"t have to t-t-t-tell her, Miss Ratched.   比利:呜,呜,好的,你-你--你-你不-不-不-不会告-告-告-告诉她的,拉契特小姐。   Nurse Ratched: I don"t have to tell her? Your mother and I are old friends. You know that.   护士长拉契特:我不会告诉她?你知道的,你母亲和我是老朋友了。   Billy: P-p-p-please d-d-don"t tell my m-m-m-mother.   比利:请-请-请不-不-不要告诉我的妈-妈-妈-妈妈。   Nurse Ratched: Aren"t you ashamed?   护士长拉契特:你不感到羞耻吗?   Billy: No, I"m not.   比利:不,我不感到羞耻。   [Applause from friends]   [朋友们鼓起了掌]   Nurse Ratched: You know Billy, what worries me is how your mother is going to take this.   护士长拉契特:你知道,比利,让我担心的是你的母亲会怎么处理这件事。   Billy: Um, um, well, y-y-y-you d-d-d-don"t have to t-t-t-tell her, Miss Ratched.   比利:呜,呜,好的,你-你--你-你不-不-不-不会告-告-告-告诉她的,拉契特小姐。   Nurse Ratched: I don"t have to tell her? Your mother and I are old friends. You know that.   护士长拉契特:我不会告诉她?你知道的,你母亲和我是老朋友了。   Billy: P-p-p-please d-d-don"t tell my m-m-m-mother.   比利:请-请-请不-不-不要告诉我的妈-妈-妈-妈妈。   McMurphy: Nurse Ratched, Nurse Ratched! The Chief voted! Now will you please turn on the television set?   麦克默菲:拉契特护士,拉契特护士!酋长投票了!现在你能把电视机打开吗?   Nurse Ratched: [she opens the glass window] Mr. McMurphy, the meeting was adjourned and the vote was closed.   护士长拉契特:[打开了玻璃窗] 麦克默菲先生,会议已经结束了,投票也中止了。   McMurphy: But the vote was 10 to 8. The Chief, he"s got his hand up! Look!   麦克默菲:但投票的结果是10比8。酋长把他的手举了起来!看!   Nurse Ratched: No, Mr. McMurphy. When the meeting was adjourned, the vote was 9 to 9.   护士长拉契特:不,麦克默菲先生,当会议结束的时候,投票是9比9。   McMurphy: [exasperated] Aw come on, you"re not gonna say that now! You"re not gonna say that now! You"re gonna pull that hen house shit? Now when the vote... the Chief just voted - it was 10 to 9. Now I want that television set turned on *right now*!   麦克默菲:[激怒了]噢别这样,你别这样说!你现在别这样说!你准备把这破鸡笼的门拉上吗?当投票……酋长刚刚投了票--结果是10比9。现在我要把电视机打开,现在!   [Nurse Ratched closes the glass window]   [护士长拉契特关上了玻璃窗]
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speech: [ spi:tʃ ] n. 演讲例句与用法: 1. Only human beings are capable of speech. 只有人类才具有说话的能力。 2. I had to give a speech to the press club. 我得向记者俱乐部发表演说。 3. Do you know the part of speech of this word? 你知道这个单词的词性吗? 4. We can express our thoughts by speech. 我们能以说话的方式表达思想. 5. She"s doing a study of children"s speech. 她正在研究儿童说话现象. 6. I"ve got some very long speeches to learn in Act 2. 第2幕中我有些大段台词要记. 7. His illness left him without the power of speech. 他病后丧失了说话能力. 8. His indistinct speech made it impossible to understand him. 他口齿不清, 无法听懂他的意思. 英英解释: 名词speech:1. the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience同义词:address2. (language) communication by word of mouth同义词:speech communication, spoken communication, spoken language, language, voice communication, oral communication3. something spoken4. the exchange of spoken words5. your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally同义词:manner of speaking, delivery6. a lengthy rebuke同义词:lecture, talking to7. words making up the dialogue of a play同义词:actor"s line, words8. the mental faculty or power of vocal communication同义词:language
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幼儿中班英语学教案5篇 英语课后任务作为课堂教学的辅助形式,应和课堂教学实际紧密联系。英语教学离不开英语教案,作为英语老师你不妨写一篇英语教案。你是否在找正准备撰写“幼儿中班英语学教案”,下面我收集了相关的素材,供大家写文参考! 幼儿中班英语学教案篇1 教学目标:知识目标: 1. player and team, game and lost 能力目标:1. Demonstrate “win” and “lose” after the game is done a game of “spelling Bee” 情感目标:When you get lose, you don"t lose your heart. Try it again and again. You will win at last. 教学重点、难点:1. words about the game and lose 教具、学具:A big picture of this lesson and a tape 教学过程: Class opening and review Play “Charades” to review occupations the students mastered in Levels 1, 2 and 7: teacher, clerk, cashier, waitress and bus driver. After the students have guessed these occupations, add “doctor” and “police officer”. The students mastered these words orally in Level 1, but they haven"t seen them for a long time. Whisper the translation for these occupations to the students acting them out, and help the class guess the occupations with lots of prompts and encouragement. You can, for example, draw blanks on the blackboard and slowly write in the letters as you sound out more and more of each occupation. Introduce Demonstrate “player” “team” “game” with six volunteers and a game of “spelling bee” divide the volunteers into two teams of three. Give player a sheet of coloured paper to hold, the same colour for each team. Demonstrate “win” and “lose” after the game is done. Point to the teams and as you say “You win/lose” Use the student book Pause after Number 1 in the student book. Review the story so far. Li Ming and Jenny have been learning about sports. Look at the pictures in the student book. What are they doing now? Note some of the idiom in this lesson: Bob plays basketball “for fun” Jenny and Li Ming “jump up and down” Li Ming asks Jenny “What"s the score?” What do the students think these phrases mean? Practice Divide the class into small groups. In each group. Some students pretend that they want to learn a game that the other students know how to learn a game that you play in class. Do the activity book Class closing 幼儿中班英语学教案篇2 Teaching objectives: 1. Words: arrive taxi flat building made again 2. Sentences: Grandma made Chinese food for me. I want to try American food. I will write again soon. 3. Practise to pronounce ‘wh" ‘wr". 4. Learn the song: It"s a big exciting world. Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder pictures Teaching procedures Warmer: 1. Stick the pictures of unit 1 on the board. Have the students come to the front and mime the text of unit 1. 2. Say a sentence in the present tense and get the students say it in the past tense. Examples: T: Daming goes to New York. Ss: Daming went to New York. T: Grandma meets Daming. Ss: Gradma met Daming. Teach the text: 1. Raise the picture of the Statue of Liberty and ask: What is it ? Where is it?” Guide the students say: It"s the statue of Liberty. It"s in New York”. T: Daming is in New York now. Let"s see who met him at the airport. What he saw in New York and What food he wanted to eat. 2. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the new words in books. 3. Teach the new words. 4. Play the tape again. Have the students listen and say. After this, get the students to answer the following questions: ⑴Who met Daming at the airport? (Grandma and Simon) ⑵What did Daming see in New York? (Buildings, cards and people) ⑶What food did he want to try? (American food) 5. Complete activity 2 in SB. (Get the students to ask and answer in pairs) 6. Practise to pronounce "wh" "wr". 7. Learn the song: It"s a big exciting world. 8. Complete exercise 1 in AB. Homework: Practise the following sentences in pairs: Where are you from? Where are you going to go? Where are you going to go there? Where are you going to do there? Designs: Module 10 Unit 2 I"m in New York now Arrive Grandma mad Chinese food for me. Taxi Flat I want to try American food. building made I will write again soon 幼儿中班英语学教案篇3 教材分析: 本课是新标准英语三年级起点第五册第四模块第一单元《It"s mine》。本单元主要学习物品所属和名词物主代词的表达方法。学生通过学习掌握mine、yours、argue、matter等单词。掌握并灵活运用句型It"s mine./It"s his/It"s lingling"s./It isn"t his 来达到学习目的。 教学目标: 基于学生的实际学习水平,新课标的具体要求和本册教材的特点,我将教学目标设计如下。 1.知识目标:学生理解并掌握单词mine、yours、argue、matter、wear等。 2.能力目标:学生能够运用所学句型对自己或他人的所属物品进行描述。 3.情感目标:学生在活动中学会运用所学知识进行交流,并在交流中学会与他人合作,敢于开口说英语的能力。 教法学法: 1.从儿童的年龄特点、学习兴趣和好奇心求知欲考虑,根据小学生的心理特征。我借助“任务型”教学模式,以听说、游戏活动为主线组织教学,并通过小组合作,角色扮演等来加深对学习内容的理解,培养综合运用英语的能力。 2.学生通过游戏和小组活动,使他们在交际中理解和运用语言,促进学生听、说、读的练习,是学生在快乐的学习氛围中学到更多知识。 教学过程: 一、Warming-up 热身环节 在这一环节中我设计了一个chant,由学生共同拍手来完成。 I I I ,my my my He He He, his his his 热身环节是英语教学过程的首要环节。采用节奏感很强的chant不仅能够凝聚学生的注意力,还能提高兴趣,将学生很快的带入到学习氛围中。同时复习了以前学过的主格代词和形容词性物主代词,引出了新知识名词性物主代词,为下面的学习做好了铺垫。 二、presentation 新知呈现 首先,我拿起自己的书,问学生Whose book is it? It"s my book.可用It"s mine.来代替,然后带领学生多读几遍,练习这个句型。再拿起Mingming的铅笔盒,询问LingHang(学生)Whose pencil-box is it?引导学生回答:It"s Mingming"s pencil-box.告诉学生It"s Mingming"s pencil-box 可用It"s Mingming"s 来代替,用同样的方式教授his、hers。 接下来是课文教学 首先,让学生听一遍录音,理解课文大意,并让学生初步感知语音、语调。让学生再次听录音,跟读课文,回答我提问的问题。 It"s Amy"s T-shirt? No,it isn"t. What colour is Sam"s T-shirt? It"s red. 让学生听第三遍录音,并且跟读,录音播放完毕后,请2~3名学生分角色朗读课文。 本环节是新知识的呈现和练习,充分利用课堂中有限的资源,给学生创设了一种真实的教学环境,培养了他们的兴趣。这样,让学生在快乐的过程中不知不觉地掌握了本课的重点句型。反复的听读课文,加强了学生对课文的理解和记忆。 三、Practice 趣味操练、巩固新知 用多媒体课件呈现Prat 3 的四幅图片,图下面分别注明Ms Smart"s sweater Lingling"s skirt Amy"s skirt Sam"s trousers分别显示。老师问学生答或者学生问学生答,来练习句型Is this Ms Smart"s sweater? Yes,it"s hers./No,isn"t hers. 这一句型也是本课的重点,是一种否定表达方法。这样师生合作完成教学曾今了师生之间的感情达到了师生互动、生生互动的效果。 本环节通过反复练习巩固并掌握了所学知识,小组合作联系培养了学生的合作交流能力。 四、Consoludation 拓展延伸 把学生分成四个小组,各组学生把在家带来的书包、外套、裙子等物品放在一起,利用今天所学的句型进行对话,找出物品的主人。如果找对了物品的主人就给小组加分,进行奖励,还可以去别组给物品找主人。 拓展延伸对于学生更好地理解和御用所学知识具有重要作用,它有利于开发学生思维,提高英语的交际运用能力,培养了学生的学习兴趣。 五、Summary and Homework 带领学生一起回顾本节课所学的重点单词和句型。 让学生将各种熟悉的物品画在一张纸上,并且用英语标明这个物品是谁的。让学生自己动手画,培养了学生的动手能力,也进一步巩固了所学知识。 幼儿中班英语学教案篇4 教学目标: 1. 知识目标:能四会单词sport,ping-pong,badminton,basketball,soccer,T-shirt,shorts,runners;能灵活使用句子What"s your favourite sport? My favoutite sport is ____./ I like ____ best. What do you wear? I wear ____ ,____ and____ to play ____. 2. 能力目标:能运用所学的英语词汇和句式解决体育运动中所遇到的问题。 3. 情感目标:培养学生热爱运动的思想品质,提高对运动项目的认识。 教学重、难点: 要求四会的单词和要求掌握的句式。 教具、学具准备: 1. 单词卡片,要求四会单词的实物,课后习题卡(每人一份)。 2. 录音机或课件。 教学过程: Class Opening and Review 1. Let"s guess. If you want to make supper/take a bath/watch TV/read books/buy things/play ping-pong. Where do you go? I go to the kitchen/the bathroom/the livingroom/the library/the store/the gym. 有必要的话,拿出这些词的卡片,进行复习一下。 (设计意图:这个环节的设置既复习了一些动词性词组,又引出了今天课文中提到的地点体育馆和商店。) 2. 利用单词卡片What"s your favourite clothes? My favourite clothes is ____. 也可以直接提问学生:Today is warm/cool,what are you wearing? What"s your favourite clothes? (设计意图:这个环节的设置用来复习服装的词汇,同时复习What"s your favourite ____?这个句式,用这些词汇和句式引出新的服装词汇和新句式。) New Concepts 1. 利用复习二中的句式引出What"s your favourite sport?学习单词sport, 出示单词卡片,联系朗读,拼读。 并让学生模仿回答My favourite sport is ping-pong/badminton. 2. 学生熟悉句式后,再利用实物和单词卡片学习单词 basketball,soccer. 3. 带入句式进行练习。可以是连接式练习,也可以小组练习。 4. 告诉学生回答这个问题还可以使用一个更简单的句式I like ____ best. 5. 两人一组做问答练习。 6. 让学生根据已有知识说出踢足球,打篮球都用play. (设计意图:利用已有知识引出新知识,减小教学的难度,同时可以放手让学生自己说出新句式,教师加以指导就可以了,通过练习巩固新知。) 7. If you want to play basketball, what do you wear?学习服装词汇I wear shorts,T-shirt.并引出runners,出示单词卡片,拼读单词,并让学生练习用这些词说一个句子。 8. 两人一组练习这组句式。 9. 听录音两遍,注意any和some,either 和too的读音和用法。 10.完成课后习题并两人一组自编对话。 11.利用实物汇报演出。 (设计意图:学习第二部分内容时,要把either 和too的用法提一下, any和some的用法留到第二课去解决。编对话的内容可根据完成习题的内容进行,并利用实物表演出来,运用于实际生活中。) Class Clossing Activity book Homework Draw your favourite sport and write your favourite sport. 板书设计: Lesson 1. Ping-pong and Basketball What"s your favourite sport? My favoutite sport is ____. I like ____ best. What do you wear? I wear ____ ,____ and____ to play ____. 课后习题: 一. 填单词并连线: b__dm__nt__n 篮球 T-sh__ __t 运动鞋 p__ng-p__ng 羽毛球 sh__ __ts T恤衫 s__cc__ __ 乒乓球 r__nn__ __s 短裤 b__sk__tb__ll 足球 二. 填空: 1.What"s your favourite sport? My favoutite sport is ____. I like ____ best. 2.What do you wear? I wear ____ ,____ and____ to play ____. 幼儿中班英语学教案篇5 教学目标: 1,知识与能力目标 熟练掌握单词与短语:blind, show,special,clever 熟练掌握重点语句:This dog can help him. Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he can"t .He only wants to play. 使学生能够灵活运用can ,can"t 描述动物具有的能力,并且能用can对动物是否具有某种能力进行提问。 2,情感态度目标 培养学生热爱动物,热爱大自然,热爱我们周围环境的意识。 教学策略: 简笔画,小组讨论, 教学过程:(请写清每一教学环节的设计意图) Step 1 Warming up Draw an animal on the blackboard. Let the students guess what animal it is . It"s a dog. (通过逐步画出的小狗既引起学生的兴趣,又引出本课关于导盲犬的话题) Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. Draw a man beside a dog. Then draw the man to blind. Talk about it then teach the word“blind”.Watch a TV show and answer a question“Who can help the blind man ?” 2. Listen to the passage and repeat it. Try to be the TV presenter. 1)跟读一遍刚刚观看过的盲人与导盲犬的电视节目的文章。 2)请学生试读缺少个别词语的文章。 3)小组练习,根据每句提示词试复述文章。 3.Listen to CDROM and answer the question “Can Fifi help the blind people? ” Write down the sentence on the blackboard and repeat it. 4.Listen again and answer the question “What does he want to do?” 5. Listen and circle the sentences with “can or can"t”. 6. Memorizing game. Guess what the special animals can do . 7. Listen the passage and repeat it. 8. Do some exercises on AB p26 1: Read the text and circle. (通过听读和练习使学生对课文有基本的掌握,并能基本流利朗读、初步记忆) Step 4 Consolidation and extension 1. Talk about pictures about some special animals. Then the students talk about them in group using "This…can … . This …can"t … . " 3. Give each group a picture of an animal, let each group watch and discuss. For example, “It"s white. It"s fat. It can catch the mouse. It can"t swim.” Then show it. (通过练习使学生既掌握住can和can"t的用法并复习形容词的用法,又学会对动物能力的描述) Step 5 Summary 1, 引导学生自主回顾本节课所学知识,引导学生发现生活中动物对人类的帮助,培养学生热爱动物,热爱大自然的意识。 2, 用课件展示搜救犬、缉毒犬、警犬等多种犬类,并显示英文。让学生在知晓狗是人类的朋友的基础上展示“The dogs are our friends. We love dogs. We love animals.” Step 6 Homework 1. Listen to the tape for 5 times . 2. Try to find other helpful animals and try to describe them. (让学生通过练习进一步巩固对课文的掌握并学以致用,学会描述动物是人类的朋友)
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What"s the differences between studying English in the Senior high school and university? That"s a good question. Firstly,in the Senior high school,English teachers teach us grammas which is the most important.However in the university,they will teach us some more intersting things.Secondly,when we were in senior high school we have to do a lot of paper work or exams while in the university,the most important thing for us to learn is the English culture and spoken English.Finally,in the university we study English from our hobbies and our self-driven.But how can we study English efficiently? Study more vocabularies,and recite more good english essaies,also dont be shy to speak english.more practise,better english.
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基本属性理化性质硅烷偶联剂KH-550应用MSDS用途与合成方法3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷 价格(试剂级)上下游产品信息供应商新闻专题供应信息相关产品网站主页 化工产品目录 化学试剂 有机试剂 硅烷 3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷中文名称:3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷英文名称:3-AminopropyltriethoxysilaneCAS号:919-30-2分子式:C9H23NO3Si分子量:221.37EINECS号:213-048-4Mol文件:919-30-2.mol3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷 性质熔点 -70 °C沸点 217 °C(lit.)密度 0.946 g/mL at 25 °C(lit.)蒸气压0-7910Pa at 25℃折射率 n20/D 1.422闪点 205 °F储存条件 room temp溶解度 Miscible with toluene, acetone, chloroform and ethanol.酸度系数(pKa)10.37±0.10(Predicted)形态Liquid颜色APHA: ≤25比重0.942PH值11 (20g/l, H2O, 20℃)爆炸极限值(explosive limit)0.8-4.5%(V)水溶解性 REACTS敏感性 Moisture Sensitive水解敏感性7: reacts slowly with moisture/waterBRN 1754988稳定性Stable. Incompatible with acids, strong oxidizing agents. May decompose on exposure to moisture.InChIKeyWYTZZXDRDKSJID-UHFFFAOYSA-NLogP-4--0.3 at 20℃CAS 数据库919-30-2(CAS DataBase Reference)NIST化学物质信息1-Propanamine, 3-(triethoxysilyl)-(919-30-2)EPA化学物质信息3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (919-30-2)3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷 用途与合成方法理化性质3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷是一种带有活性胺基团和可水解的无机乙氧基硅基双官能团的有机硅烷,它是无色,具有特殊氨味的液体,可溶于醇,链烃以及芳香烃等溶剂。硅烷偶联剂KH-550硅烷偶联剂KH-550是最早被广泛应用的偶联剂,到目前为止已有40多年的历史。其结构的一端有能与环氧、酚醛、聚酯等类合成树脂分子反应的活性基团,如氨基、乙烯基等。另一端是与硅相连的烷氧基(如甲氧基、乙氧基等)或氯原子,这些基团在水溶液或空气中水分的存在下,水解生成可与玻璃、矿物质、无机填充剂表面的羟基反应,生成反应性硅醇。因此,硅烷类偶联剂常用于硅酸盐类填充的环氧、酚醛、聚酯树脂等体系。另外,还可用于玻璃钢生产,以提高其机械强度及对潮湿环境的抵抗能力。应用3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷中文别名γ-氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷,CAS号919-30-2,无色液体。3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷可用作玻璃纤维处理剂及牙科粘结剂,硅烷偶联剂,应用于矿物填充的酚醛、聚酯、环氧、PBT、聚酰胺、碳酸酯等热塑性和热固性树脂,能大幅度提高、增强塑料的干湿态抗弯强度、抗压强度、剪切强度等物理力学性能和湿态电气性能,并改善填料在聚合物中的润湿性和分散性。用途 适用的聚合物有环氧、酚醛、三聚氰胺、尼龙、聚氯乙烯、聚丙烯酸、聚氨酯、多硫橡胶、丁腈橡胶等用途 用作玻璃纤维处理剂及牙科粘结剂用途 硅烷偶联剂,应用于矿物填充的酚醛、聚酯、环氧、PBT、聚酰胺、碳酸酯等热塑性和热固性树脂,能大幅度提高、增强塑料的干湿态抗弯强度、抗压强度、剪切强度等物理力学性能和湿态电气性能,并改善填料在聚合物中的润湿性和分散性。是优异的粘结促进剂,可用于聚氨酯、环氧、腈类、酚醛胶粘剂和密封材料,可改善颜料的分散性并提高对玻璃、铝、铁金属的粘合性,也适用于聚氨酯、环氧和丙烯酸乳胶涂料.在树脂砂铸造中,能增强树脂硅砂的粘合性,提高型砂强度及抗湿性。在玻纤棉和矿物棉生产中,将其加入到酚醛树脂粘结剂中,可提高防潮性及增加压缩回弹性。在砂轮制造中,有助于改进耐磨自硬砂的酚醛树脂粘合剂的粘结性及耐水性。用途 本品应用于矿物填充的酚醛、聚酯、环氧、PBT、聚酰胺、碳酸酯等热塑性和热固性树脂,能大幅度提高增强塑料的干湿态抗弯强度,抗压强度,剪切强度等物理力学性能和湿态电气性能,并改善填料在聚合物中润湿性和分散性。 本品是优异的粘结促进剂,应用于丙烯酸涂料、粘接剂和密封剂。对于硫化物、聚氨酯、RTV、环氧、腈类、酚醛树脂粘接剂和密封剂,氨基硅烷可改善颜料的分散性并提高与玻璃、铝和钢铁的粘接力。 在玻纤棉和矿物棉生产中,将其加入到酚醛粘结剂中,可提高防潮性及增加压缩弹性。 在砂轮制造中它有助于提高耐磨自硬砂和酚安全信息危险品标志 C,Xn危险类别码 22-34-43安全说明 26-36/37/39-45危险品运输编号 UN 2735 8/PG 2WGK Germany 1RTECS号TX2100000F 10-34自燃温度300 °CTSCA Yes危险等级8包装类别III海关编码 29310095毒害物质数据919-30-2(Hazardous Substances Data)毒性LD50 orally in Rabbit: 1780 mg/kg LD50 dermal Rabbit 3800 mg/kgMSDS信息语言:English提供商:3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane语言:English提供商:SigmaAldrich语言:English提供商:ACROS语言:Chinese提供商:ALFA语言:English提供商:ALFA3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷 价格(试剂级)更新日期2022-11-07产品编号A10668产品名称(3-氨丙基)三乙氧基硅烷, 98%CAS编号919-30-2包装100g价格495更新日期2022-11-07产品编号A10668产品名称(3-氨丙基)三乙氧基硅烷, 98%CAS编号919-30-2包装500g价格21233-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷 上下游产品信息上游原料三氯硅烷3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷供应商更多公司名称:阿法埃莎(中国)化学有限公司 黄金产品联系电话:400-6106006产品介绍: 中文名称:(3-氨丙基)三乙氧基硅烷, 98%英文名称:(3-AMinopropyl)triethoxysilane, 98%CAS:919-30-2包装信息:100g 备注:A10668公司名称:上海阿拉丁生化科技股份有限公司 黄金产品联系电话:400-62063333-1 15601730970产品介绍: 中文名称:3-氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷英文名称:(3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilaneCAS:919-30-2纯度:99% 包装信息:459.2RMB/500ML 备注:试剂级公司名称:南京全希化工有限公司 黄金产品联系电话:025-025-58183162-0 18021540488产品介绍: 中文名称:3-氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷英文名称:(3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilaneCAS:919-30-2纯度:99% 备注:可定制 20千克;25千克;200千克公司名称:武汉欣扬瑞和化学科技有限公司联系电话:027-83855383 15926260361产品介绍: 中文名称:3-氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷CAS:919-30-2备注:25公斤公司名称:上海波以尔化工有限公司联系电话:Mr Qiu:021-50182298(Demestic market) Miss Xu:021-50180596(Abroad market)产品介绍: 英文名称:3-AMinopropyltriethoxysilane(KH-550)CAS:919-30-23-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷新闻专题更多2022-11-093-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷的理化性质和应用2020-11-193-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷的应用举例2020-11-133-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷(γ-氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷)简介2020-10-24硅烷偶联剂KH550(APTES)化学名为γ-氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷2019-11-02硅烷偶联剂KH550适用于哪些厂家?3-氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷生产厂家及价格列表2022-12-11 3-氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷 湖北弘景化工有限公司2022-12-11 (3-氨丙基)三乙氧基硅烷 河北茹麒科技有限公司"3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷"相关产品信息N-氨乙基-3-氨丙基甲基二甲氧基硅烷 乙烯基三甲氧基硅烷 3-(2,3-环氧丙氧)丙基三甲氧基硅烷 硅烷偶联剂 Γ-氯丙基三氯硅烷 γ-脲丙基三乙氧基硅烷 (3-氯丙基)二乙氧基(甲基)硅烷 3-脲丙基三甲氧基硅烷 巯丙基三甲氧基硅烷 Γ-哌嗪基丙基甲基二甲氧基硅烷 N-苯基-3-氨基丙基三甲氧基硅烷 3-氯丙基三甲氧基硅烷 3-三乙氧基硅基丙基三甲基氯化铵 正酚乙基三乙氧矽丙基尿素 N-(3-丙烯酰氧基-2-羟丙基)-3-氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷 [3-(三乙氧基硅基)丙基]氨基甲酸乙酯 4-硝基-N-(3-三乙氧硅丙基)苯甲酰胺 双[3-(三乙氧基硅)丙基]胺进入官方账号MSDS|CAS|常用CAS|化工产品目录|新产品联系我们|电脑版Chemical Book
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