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training 怎么读

2023-08-01 01:14:50

training 英[u02c8treu026anu026au014b] 美[u02c8trenu026au014b]

n. 训练;培养;(枪炮,摄影机等的)瞄准;整枝法

v. 训练,培养( train的现在分词);教育;瞄准;整枝


[例句]80 % Training , 20 % execution.





美 ["treu026anu026au014b] 英 ["treu026anu026au014b]







In addition, strength training exercises are recommended at least twice a week.



Nearly will hold the post of two year Tae Kwon Do training and a year Englishpractice teacher.




2023-07-31 20:57:491


train的发音是:英 [treu026an],美 [treu026an]。  n. 列车,火车,行列,一系列vt. 训练,培训,瞄准vi. 进行锻炼,接收训练,练习例句:I lost my train by three minutes.翻译:我迟了3分钟,没赶上火车。短语:change trains 换乘火车用法1、train的基本意思是“训练,培养”,指促使某人学得知识或技能,以便能够从事某种职业或进行某种工作。强调教育者具有明确的目标或宗旨,也暗示受教育者的绝对服从,除此便不能成为适应需要的人才。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。还可接以“(as/to be) n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。2、train还可指“使植物朝某方向生长”“整枝”,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其宾语后接表示方向的against, along , over, up等短语。
2023-07-31 20:58:511


train 英[treu026an] 美[tren].n.火车;行列;一系列相关的事情;拖裾;v.训练;培养;教育;修整;[例句]Thetrainpulledintoastation.列车驶入了一个车站。
2023-07-31 20:59:042


train,英文单词,主要用作为名词、动词,作名词时以为“火车;行列;长队;裙裾”,作动词时译为“培养;训练;瞄准”。1.train可表示“火车”,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。喻指“一系列(相关的事情、想法等)”,常跟of连用,一般用单数形式。2.train也可指“鱼贯而行的人〔动物〕”或“追随某人的人群”“随员”; 还可表示“长的衣、袍、裙等拖在地上的部分”。3.train用作动词时的基本意思是“训练,培养”,指促使某人学得知识或技能,以便能够从事某种职业或进行某种工作。强调教育者具有明确的目标或宗旨,也暗示受教育者的绝对服从,除此便不能成为适应需要的人才。4.train既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。还可接以“(as/to be) n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。
2023-07-31 20:59:241


[trein] 汉语类似“吹恩”
2023-07-31 20:59:346


train 英[treu026an] 美[tren] n. 列车;行列;后果;顺序 vt.& vi. 训练,锻炼,培养 vt. 教育;使(植物)朝某方向生长;[园艺学]修剪;把(枪口、照相机、灯... [例句]I almost missed my train.我差点错过火车了。
2023-07-31 20:59:491


2023-07-31 21:00:153


2023-07-31 21:00:241


  火车的英文单词的读法   train读法如音标所示 英 [tren] 美 [tren]   1. train with : 与...有往来;   2. by train : 乘火车;   3. train down : 从事锻炼使体重减轻;   4. train fine : 锻炼得良好;   5. train it : 坐火车去;   6. train on : 锻炼得有所改善;   7. train off : 转向;   火车的英文例句   火车倒出了阿德莱德调车场,开上了都柏林-贝尔法斯特线。   The train backed out of Adelaide Yard on to the Dublin-Belfast line   军队已控制了机场和火车站。   Troops have seized the airport and railroad terminals   他让一辆出租车等着带他到火车站去。   He had a taxi waiting to take him to the train   观光巴士已经取代了火车。   Tour buses have replaced railway cars.   火车终于到站了。   At last the train arrived in the station   我要去见安娜·朗根巴赫。啊,这像是我要乘坐的火车了。   I"m meeting Anna Langenbach. Ah, this seems to be the train now   火车到站了。   The train has arrived at the station.   火车猛地一颠,开动了。   The train jolted into motion   火车的英文双语例句   1. 他在火车上被警察认出。   He was potted by police in the train.   2. 缆车是在轨道上行走的,和火车很想像。   Cable cars run on rails, much like trains do.   3. 是的",要确定火车上有娱乐车厢和餐车。   And please make sure the train has a club car and a dinner.   4. 饭店附设商场、外币兑换、行李寄存、商务中心、机票、火车票代办、旅游观光及酒店管理咨询等各种服务项目。   Besides, the Shopping Arcade, Money Exchange Service, Luggage Deposit, Business Centre, Ticket-booking, Sight-seeing Service and Hotel Management Consultion are for the guests"convenience.   5. 饭店附设商场、外币兑换、行李寄存、商务中心、机票、火车票代办、旅游观光及酒店管理咨询等各种服务项目。   Besides, the Shopping Arcade, Money Exchange Service, Luggage Deposit, Business Centre, Ticket-booking, Sight-seeing Service and Hotel Management Consultion are for the guestsconvenience.   6. 有在北京站有到重庆的火车。   Yes you could get one at Beijing Railway Station.   7. 有,在北京站有到重庆的火车。   B:Yes. you could get one at BeiJing Railway Station.   8. 他在火车临开前一分钟才赶到车站,时间压得太紧了。   He reached the railway station just one minute before the train was due to leave.   9. 实际上,从火车站方向朝这边走过来的,除了一位孤零零的先生外,就再也没有别人了。   Indeed, from the direction of the railway station no one was coming save a single gentleman.   10. 我们还要到福州住院,就来到新火车站,买了3张去福州的票,准备去福州住院治疗。   We would also like to Fuzhou hospitalized, one arrives at the new railway station, bought three tickets to Fuzhou, ready to go to Fuzhou in hospital.   11. 我觉得还是坐火车比较好,还能看看窗外美丽的风景。   I think it is better by train. We can enjoy the good view which out of window.
2023-07-31 21:00:321

火车英文怎么读 你知道吗

1、train读音为:英 [treu026an],美 [treu026an]. 2、n.列车;火车;行列;一系列。 3、vt.训练;培训;瞄准。 4、vi.进行锻炼,接收训练;练习。 5、train可表示“火车”,用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。喻指“一系列(相关的事情、想法等)”,常跟of连用,一般用单数形式。 6、train也可指“鱼贯而行的人〔动物〕”或“追随某人的人群”“随员”; 还可表示“长的衣、袍、裙等拖在地上的部分”。 7、train的基本意思是“训练,培养”,指促使某人学得知识或技能,以便能够从事某种职业或进行某种工作。强调教育者具有明确的目标或宗旨,也暗示受教育者的绝对服从,除此便不能成为适应需要的人才。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。还可接以“(as/to be) n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 8、train还可指“使植物朝某方向生长”“整枝”,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其宾语后接表示方向的against, along , over, up等短语。 9、train常与介词for连用,表示“锻炼,为…进行锻炼”,指使人或动物通过锻炼或调理饮食达到身体健康。 10、train的过去分词trained可用作形容词,在句中作定语,意思是“受过训练的”“训练有素的”。
2023-07-31 21:00:471


KK音标里也有齿龈后部破擦音/tr/和/dr/的发音.发这两个音的时候,舌身采取发/r/的姿势,舌尖贴在上齿龈后部,气流冲破这个阻碍发出短促的/t/或/d/之后,立即发/r/./tr/是清辅音,/dr/为浊辅音.这两个音是字母组合tr和dr在单字里的发音.如: train 火车 tray 托盘 tree 树 triangle 三角形,三角铁 trunk 树干,象鼻 trolley 拖车 dream 做梦 drum 鼓 dry 干的 drop 使落下(和fall有区别,fall是不及物动词,表示落下的意思) draw 画 drive 驾驶,开车 dress 穿衣服,连衣裙 drink 喝 你给出的单字train在KK音标里应该拼读成/tren/这样的音,希望我能帮助你解疑释惑.
2023-07-31 21:00:541


2023-07-31 21:01:131


"火车" 的英文是 "train"。这个词是用来表示陆地交通工具中的一种,通常由车厢和车头组成,通过铁轨运行。火车在世界各地广泛应用于长途和城际运输,是一种重要的公共交通工具。以下是对 "train" 的更详细解释:1. Train:"Train" 是表示 "火车" 的常用英文词汇。它是一个名词,用来指代由车厢和车头组成的陆地交通工具。火车通常在铁轨上运行,通过电力、柴油或蒸汽等方式推动车辆前进。火车的车厢可以用来运送乘客或货物,它们在世界各地的铁路网上运行,连接城市和地区,提供便捷的长途和城际交通服务。2. 火车的种类:火车可以根据用途和功能分为不同的种类。主要的火车种类包括:- 客运列车:主要用来运送乘客,包括城际列车、高速列车和地铁等。- 货运列车:用来运送货物,包括货运列车和集装箱列车等。- 混合列车:既可运送乘客也可运送货物,常用于某些地区或国家的较短途径。3. 火车的历史和发展:火车是19世纪工业革命的重要产物,它的出现极大地改变了人类的交通方式和社会发展。蒸汽火车的问世开创了火车时代,后来电力火车和柴油火车的出现使火车运输更加高效和便捷。如今,高速列车和地铁等先进技术的应用,使火车成为现代化城市交通的重要组成部分。总结:"火车" 的英文是 "train",是表示陆地交通工具中一种重要的交通工具。火车由车厢和车头组成,在铁轨上运行,通过电力、柴油或蒸汽等方式推动车辆前进。火车在世界各地广泛应用于长途和城际运输,主要分为客运列车和货运列车等种类,是人们日常出行和货物运输的重要交通工具。火车的发展历程和技术革新使得火车运输更加高效和便捷,成为现代化城市交通的重要组成部分。
2023-07-31 21:01:211

a train怎么读

train英 [treɪn]美 [tren]其实遇到不会的单词,可以用有道在线字典进行查询,一般查询后旁边都会有个小喇叭的图标,点击后,就会读出声音了。另附train的解释n. 火车;行列;长队;裙裾v. 培养;训练;瞄准n. (Train)人名;(英)特雷恩;(法)特兰;(意)特拉因[网络短语] Train 火车,培训,铁路列车Express train 快速列车,特别快车,快车Through Train 直通运行,直达快车,直达车
2023-07-31 21:01:451


2023-07-31 21:01:532

Training怎么读 Training英文解释

1、training,训练。读音:美/u02c8treu026anu026au014b/;英/u02c8treu026anu026au014b/。 2、释义:n.训练;培养;瞄准;整枝。v.训练;教养(train的ing形式)。 3、例句:The new students are going to have a weeks military training.新来的学生将要进行为期一周的军训。
2023-07-31 21:02:271


2023-07-31 21:02:492


train:英 [treu026an]美 [tren]1.train可表示“火车”,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。喻指“一系列(相关的事情、想法等)”,常跟of连用,一般用单数形式。2.train也可指“鱼贯而行的人〔动物〕”或“追随某人的人群”“随员”; 还可表示“长的衣、袍、裙等拖在地上的部分”。3.train用作动词时的基本意思是“训练,培养”,指促使某人学得知识或技能,以便能够从事某种职业或进行某种工作。强调教育者具有明确的目标或宗旨,也暗示受教育者的绝对服从,除此便不能成为适应需要的人才。4.train既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。还可接以“(as/to be) n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。5.train还可指“使植物朝某方向生长”“整枝”,只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其宾语后接表示方向的against, along , over, up等短语。6.train常与介词for连用,表示“锻炼,为…进行锻炼”,指使人或动物通过锻炼或调理饮食达到身体健康。7.train的过去分词trained可用作形容词,在句中作定语,意思是“受过训练的”“训练有素的”。
2023-07-31 21:02:561


train 英[treu026an] 美[tren]
2023-07-31 21:03:272


2023-07-31 21:03:573


train的发音是:英 [treu026an],美 [treu026an]。  n. 列车,火车,行列,一系列vt. 训练,培训,瞄准vi. 进行锻炼,接收训练,练习例句:I lost my train by three minutes.翻译:我迟了3分钟,没赶上火车。短语:change trains 换乘火车用法1、train的基本意思是“训练,培养”,指促使某人学得知识或技能,以便能够从事某种职业或进行某种工作。强调教育者具有明确的目标或宗旨,也暗示受教育者的绝对服从,除此便不能成为适应需要的人才。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。还可接以“(as/to be) n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。2、train还可指“使植物朝某方向生长”“整枝”,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其宾语后接表示方向的against, along , over, up等短语。
2023-07-31 21:05:321


train [treu026an], n. 火车; 行列; 一系列相关的事情; 拖裾; v. 训练; 培养; 教育; 修整
2023-07-31 21:05:461


2023-07-31 21:07:132

train怎么读 英语train怎么读

1、train英[treu026an]美[treu026an]。 2、n.火车;列车;列队行进的人(或动物);队列;行列;一系列相关的事情(或行动)。 3、v.训练;培训;接受训练;进行…训练;(尤指)进行体育锻炼;训练(人或动物);教育;培养…的能力(或素质) 4、第三人称单数:trains复数:trains现在分词:training。
2023-07-31 21:07:511


火车train的发音,英音读[treu026an],美音读[treu026an]。一、train的中文释义如下:1、【n.】火车;列车;列队行进的人(或动物)队列;行列;一系列相关的事情(或行动);拖裾,裙裾。2、【v.】培训;接受训练;进行……训练;(尤指)进行体育锻炼;训练(人或动物);教育;培养……的能力(或素质);使(植物)朝某方向生长。3、【其他】第三人称单数:trains;复数:trains;现在分词:training;过去式:trained;过去分词:trained。4、【例句】The bus was cut in two by the train.那辆公共汽车被火车撞成两截。二、短语搭配如下:1、train of thought:一连串的思想或思路。2、by train:乘火车。3、train station:火车站。4、on the train:在火车上;在列车上。5、in train:准备就绪。
2023-07-31 21:07:581


train 锤嗯
2023-07-31 21:08:175


学英文还是要学音标,读音才能准确。train 英[treɪn] 美[treɪn] n. 火车; 列车; 列队行进的人(或动物); 队列; 行列; 一系列相关的事情(或行动); v. 训练; 培训; 接受训练; 进行…训练; (尤指)进行体育锻炼; 训练(人或动物); 教育; 培养…的能力(或素质); [例句]The bus was cut in two by the train.那辆公共汽车被火车撞成两截。[其他] 第三人称单数:trains 复数:trains 现在分词:training 过去式:trained 过去分词:trained
2023-07-31 21:08:471


2023-07-31 21:08:564


美式读音:treu026an英式读音:treu026an过去式:trained过去分词:trained现在分词:training第三人称单数:trains复数:trains例句:1、The instructor asked the soldiers to stand in train, waiting for the leader to speak.教官让士兵们站成一列,等待领导的发言。2、I"m training for next week"s competition.我正在为下周的比赛训练。3、I"ll go home by train this weekend.这个周末我将乘火车回家。4、The two ways to get around the UK are by train and by bus.在英国旅行的两种方式是坐火车和坐公共汽车。
2023-07-31 21:10:132


问题一:火车的英文名怎么读 train 问题二:火车的英语用中文怎么说 列车train 机车lootive 问题三:火车英语怎么说 train choochoo iron horse 问题四:英文(火车train)怎么读 train [tre?n], n. 火车; 行列; 一系列相关的事情; 拖裾; v. 训练; 培养; 教育; 修整 问题五:火车英文怎么读 train英 [tre?n] 美 [tren] 中文谐音:特雷恩 n. 火车;行列;长队;裙裾 v. 培养;训练;瞄准 例句:Her train huffed out of the town. 她乘坐的火车喷着气驶离了城镇。 They made the station in time to catch the train. 他们及时到达车站,赶上了那班火车。 问题六:火车英文怎么读音 lootives 英 [l??k?"m??t?vz] 美 [lo?k?"mo?t?vz] n. 火车头,机车( lootive的名词复数 ); [例句]Steam lootives pumped out clouds of white *** oke. 蒸汽机车喷出一团团白烟。 train 英 [tre?n] 美 [tren] ......>> 问题七:火车的英文怎么写 火车 choochoo iron horse train 问题八:乘火车的英文怎么读(声音) 英文原文: take train by train 英式音标: [te?k] [tre?n] [ba?] [tre?n] 美式音标: [tek] [tren] [ba?] [tren]
2023-07-31 21:10:261


train 火车
2023-07-31 21:10:475

train英语怎么读 单词train怎么读

1、train英[treu026an]美[treu026an],n.火车; 列车; 列队行进的人(或动物); 队列; 行列; 一系列相关的事情(或行动); 拖裾,裙裾;v.训练; 培训; 接受训练; 进行…训练; (尤指)进行体育锻炼; 训练(人或动物); 教育; 培养…的能力(或素质); 使(植物)朝某方向生长。 2、[例句]The bus was cut in two by the train.那辆公共汽车被火车撞成两截。
2023-07-31 21:11:081


train [treu026an]
2023-07-31 21:11:562


2023-07-31 21:12:031


2023-07-31 21:12:111


2023-07-31 21:12:192


trained读[treu026and] 以下是双语例句:1、She trained five times a week at her local swimming pool. 她每星期在当地的游泳池训练五次。2、I hadn"t trained enough for the game. 对比赛我训练得不够。3、The bus was cut in two by the train. 那辆公共汽车被火车撞成两截。4、As luck would have it, the train was late. 不巧火车晚点了。5、That telephone call set in train a whole series of events. 那个电话把一整套事项安排好了。6、The school is within easy walking distance of the train station. 学校离火车站不远,不费劲就走到了。7、It was the third day running that the train had been late. 列车已经连续三天晚点了。8、You"ll pass a bank on the way to the train station. 你在去火车站的路上会经过一家银行。9、Shall we drive or go by train? 我们开车去还是乘火车去
2023-07-31 21:13:261


2023-07-31 21:14:463


2023-07-31 21:14:542


2023-07-31 21:15:103


trainers[英][t"reu026anu0259z] [美][t"reu026anu0259z] 生词本简明释义n.教练( trainer的名词复数 );(无钉的)软运动鞋;教练机;驯兽师以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典1.N-COUNTSee also:train;(休闲)运动鞋;跑鞋Trainers are shoes that people wear, especially for running and other sports. in AM, use 美国英语用 sneakers以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句Educators are coaches, personal trainers in intellectual fitness.
2023-07-31 21:15:171

wait, rain, train, tail中ai的读音

发音都是——/ei/wait [weɪt]rain [rein]train [treɪn]tail [teɪl]英音、美音一致。有些词典中的美音标注会是如同rain [ren]这样少了[I],可看作是方言的问题。
2023-07-31 21:15:551

By train用英语怎么念我要读

八一船by train 英[bai trein] 美[bau026a tren] adv. 坐火车; [例句]After travelling by train for three days, we finally got home.坐了3天火车,总算到家了。
2023-07-31 21:16:031


2023-07-31 21:16:111


by train [bau026a][treu026an]take a train [teu026ak][u0259] [treu026an]
2023-07-31 21:16:204


原句: Where"s the train?翻译: 火车在哪里?
2023-07-31 21:16:286

train和 tree 两个发音是否相同

2023-07-31 21:16:423

OpenGL 与 Direct3D,那个较好?

「Direct3D 」is part of Microsoft"s DirectX API. Direct3D is only available for Microsoft"s various Windows operating systems (Windows 95 and above) and is the base for the graphics API on the Xbox and Xbox 360 console systems. Direct3D is used to render three dimensional graphics in applications where performance is important such as games. Direct3D also allows applications to run fullscreen instead of embedded in a window though they can still run in a window if programmed for that feature. Direct3D uses hardware acceleration if it is available on the graphic board. The entire or part of the 3D rendering pipeline can be accelerated in hardware. Direct3D exposes the advanced graphics capabilities of 3D graphics hardware including z-buffering anti-aliasing alpha blending mipmapping atmospheric effects and perspective-correct texture mapping. Integration with other DirectX technologies enables Direct3D to deliver such features as video mapping hardware 3D rendering in 2D overlay planes and even sprites providing the use of 2D and 3D graphics in interactive media titles. Direct3D is a 3D API. That is it contains many mands for 3D rendering however since version 8 Direct3D has superseded the old DirectDraw framework and also taken reponsibility for the rendering of 2D graphics.[1] Microsoft strives to continually update Direct3D to support the latest technology available on 3D graphics cards. Direct3D offers full vertex sofare emulation but no pixel sofare emulation for features not available in hardware. For example if sofare programmed using Direct3D requires pixel shaders and the video card on the user"s puter does not support that feature Direct3D will not emulate it. The API does define a Reference Rasterizer (or REF device) which emulates a generic graphics card although it"s too slow to be used in any application to emulate pixel shaders and is usually ignored. Direct3D"s main petitor is OpenGL. There are numerous features and issues that proponents for either API disagree over see parison of Direct3D and OpenGL for a summary. 「OpenGL 」(Open Graphics Library) is a standard specification defining a cross-language cross-platform API for writing applications that produce 2D and 3D puter graphics. The interface consists of over 250 different function calls which can be used to draw plex three-dimensional scenes from simple primitives. OpenGL was developed by Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) in 1992[1] and is popular in the video game industry where it petes with Direct3D on Microsoft Windows platforms (see Direct3D vs. OpenGL). OpenGL is widely used in CAD virtual reality scientific visualization information visualization flight simulation and video game development. i fell Direct3D is good di 参考: m e 唔知你问咩比较好,so答你可能唔match 如果你讲用,而家多数人会用Direct3D,因为version新,support多game同sofare
2023-07-31 21:02:221

图文工作室用英文怎么说,或者是设计工作室怎么说呢?广告图文工作室? 求高手回答!

图文工作室 ------ >>Photo studio 设计工作室 ---- >>> Design studio 告图文工作室----- >> Advertising graphics studio 满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-07-31 21:02:272


At today"s morninguff0cI wrote my homework and read as soon as got up.In this afternoon,I watched TV with my parents.some time pasted ,my father went stairs to sleep,my mother went stairs too.I went out to play.I foung my best friend ,but he didn"t at home ,so I came back home.In this evening We stayed at home ate moon cake,appreciated the moon.The moon on August 15th is really round.I have a good day! A happy day After I got up today, I finished my homework and read some books. In the afternoon, I watched TV with my parents. After a while, Dad went for a snap, and my Mum ,too. So I went out trying to hang out with my best friend.But he is not at home, so I went home.At night,our family had mooncakes and watched the moon.How round the moon was on Aug,15!I had a really wonderful day! Happy day Today, I get up after Xiezuo Ye, reading, afternoon I have my mother and father at home watching television, Guoliaoyihui, boost sleeping father, my mother was also enhanced. I Paochuquwan. I started to find my best Friends, he is not at home, I will go home to at night, we eat moon cakes in a look at the moon, the moon on August 15th round really ah. Really better off today.
2023-07-31 21:02:186