barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-31 19:36:05











2023-07-31 18:13:325


2023-07-31 18:13:462


2023-07-31 18:13:551


Go ballistic 暴走英[bu0259u02c8lu026astu026ak] 美[bu0259u02c8lu026astu026ak] 中文拼是【购,波儿立思替可】 go ballistic(最初在日本诞生时,这个词表示机体失控而导致的狂暴行为,我们现在将这个词引申表示“抓狂”。“暴走”的字面意思,还有两重含义,一是指源于日本的“暴走族”,Bosozoku,就是喜欢改装汽车和摩托车,然后在大街上飙车,玩街头飙车的年轻人; trudge; tramp;
2023-07-31 18:14:173


2023-07-31 18:14:286


2023-07-31 18:14:521

The Lady Is a Tramp(Frank Sinatra)的歌词 ,翻译。tramp意思好像不是很好,深意是什么?请教英语达人~

2023-07-31 18:15:014


tramp stand for Nautical A tramp steamer, it is no fixed schedule and port to call. it sails anywhere. liner stand for vessels have fixed schedule and port to call, it sails in a stable voyage route.
2023-07-31 18:15:271


本片的故事剧情接续1955年的《小姐与流氓》,不过这一回故事的重心却是摆在小狗 Scamp 的身上,他正是 Lady 与 Tramp 所生的儿子,在《小姐与流氓》电影结尾曾经露面过,给人的感觉皮皮的…其实 Scamp 后来曾在迪士尼出版的漫画上活跃好一段时间,这回的续集作品也将以他为焦点,故事叙述他十分向往野狗的生活,不像他的三个姊妹 Annette 、Colette 、Danielle 那样安于家居,他期望能够到街头流浪,每天过着自由不羁的冒险生活,因此 Scamp 就逃家跟废弃物广场的野狗们交往,其中包括迷人的 Angel 、对 Scamp 不太友善的首领…等等,Scamp 徘徊在两种不同的生活中,必须做出他的选择。迪士尼这次帮四十年前的经典作品谱出续集,不但新增不少新的角色,很多原来的角色也都会再度出现,包括 Jock、 Trusty 这两位忠实的老朋友,还有 Sarah 姑妈和她那两只讨人厌的暹罗猫 Si 和 Am…等都再度露面。帮经典名片作续集,迪士尼一点都不敢马虎,是由《狮子王2:辛巴的荣耀》的幕后班底负责制作,大部分是在雪梨的迪士尼片场所拍制完成,迪士尼更找来许多电视影集的红星为本片的角色配音,连歌曲都找来曾得过奥斯卡最佳歌曲的 Melissa Manchester 以及 Norman Gimble 来负责创作。【关联作品】1955 - 小姐与流氓(Lady and the Tramp)《经典动画》【制作编导】本片由 Jeannine Roussel 制片,由 Darrell Rooney 执导,由 Flip Kobler 、Cindy Marcus 、Bill Motz 、Tom Rogers 、Bob Roth共同编剧。【配音演员】男主角 Scamp 由曾演过《五口之家》的 Scott Wolfe 担任配音,东尼奖得主、曾经帮《大力士》年轻 Hercules 配唱的 Roger Bart,则帮 Scamp 配唱;而曾在《小美人鱼》里帮 Ariel 配音的 在片中帮 Lady 配音;Tramp 则由 Jeff Bennett 担任;小时后曾演过《妙管家》影集的 Alyssa Milano 则是帮 Angel 配音;帮 Angel 配唱的是曾演过《美女与野兽》音乐剧 Belle、《大力士》里帮 Mag 配音的 Susan Egan 担任;流浪狗首领 Buster 是由 Chazz Palminteri 担任。本片其他配音还包括 Cathy Moriarty 、Bronson Pinchot 、Mickey Rooney 、Bill Fagerbaake …等等。【音乐制作】由 Danny Troob 担任配乐,歌曲由 Melissa Manchester 作曲,Norman Gimble 作词。至于本片流行片尾曲,则是原来电影就有的歌“Bella Notte”,这次重新诠释的流行版本则是由 Joy Enriquez和 Carios Ponce 男女对唱。【歌曲名称】1. Welcome Home2. A World Without Fences3. Junkyard Society Rag4. I Didn"t Know That I Could Feel This Way5. Always There6. Bella Notte【相关发行】本片并未发行原声带,只在美国迪士尼专卖店推出过一张附赠的单曲CD,里面只有收录两首歌,包括片尾曲“ Bella Notte”以及片中歌曲“A World Without Fences”。
2023-07-31 18:15:341


2023-07-31 18:16:181

what is the different between a tramp and a liner?

2023-07-31 18:16:283


2023-07-31 18:16:503


2023-07-31 18:17:032


题库内容:流浪汉的解释[hobo;idler;roamer;vigrant;tramp; sway man; wanderer]为寻找临时工作或为讨饭、或为进行小偷小摸而以 游荡 为生的人 在厨房门口要 东西 吃的流浪汉 词语分解 流的解释 流 ú 液体移动:流水。流汗。流血。流泪。流程。流泻。流质。流水不腐。汗流浃背。 随波逐流 ( 随着 波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。 像水那样流动不定:流转(僴 )。流通。流寇。流浪。流离 浪汉的解释 四处游荡不务正业的人。 元 杨显之 《酷寒亭》第三折:“ 郑州 浪汉委实多。”
2023-07-31 18:17:131


2023-07-31 18:17:224

性别歧视:出版界中 为什么男作家比女作家影响力更大

性别之争已经蔓延到了文学界。  最近,爱尔兰的一家出版社Tramp透露,当他们要求作者说出对自己产生影响的作家时,其中只有22%的作家是女性。这挑起了当今文学界中对于性别歧视这一问题的激烈争论。  独立出版商Tramp经常要求作者在交手稿时说明对他们有影响的人。当出版社创始人Sarah Davis-Goff看完最新的100份手稿时,她发现被提到的148名具有影响力的作家中,仅33位是女性。Davis-Goff在《爱尔兰时报》上写道:“我读了一份又一份善意而又完美、列满他们崇敬的作家名字的手稿,发现他们显然没有注意到自己所列出的作家都是一个性别的。如果一个作者列出两名对其产生影响的作家,并且都是男性——他们碰巧不是女性,这也是合理的。但是当收到5个、7个、10个或更多作家的答案都是男性时,这个有影响力作家的名单就有点令人不安了。这再次指出了该行业的一个大问题:我们习惯性地、未加抑制地排斥女性的经验、观点和杰出的作品。”  她告诉《卫报》,为了印证自己“这么多提交的手稿似乎都只提到了男性作家”的想法,她着手认真总结手稿中具有影响力的作家。“所以我花了一个小时仔细查看100个样本(40%来自于女性,60%来自于男性),并且合计出数字:它比我想象中的糟糕得多。这使我真的想关于这个问题写些东西。虽然这个现象不是恶意的,但是偶然的性别歧视仍然是性别歧视。这就是我想要谈论的问题——尽量在认真地、周密地考虑之后,做出自己在艺术、文化、政治和日常生活领域中的选择。”Davis-GoffTramp出版社披露的只是在当今文坛提出性别平衡的一系列数据中最新的一个。今年5月,小说家尼古拉·格里菲斯分析了六个重要文学奖的赢家,发现他们的作品中占主导地位的是男主人公而不是女主人公。Vida公司每年都记录这样一个事实:男性作者和男性评论员在文学相关的版面中出现得更为普遍。今年6月,作家Kamila Shamsie还提出将2018年作为“女性出版年”,使之成为纠正性别不平等的协同一致行动的一部分。  目前,Other Stories是首个表示要参加这一活动的出版商,专注于亚非文学翻译的非营利性出版社Tilted Axis也回应了Shamsie的呼吁。不过,Tilted Axis提出更早一点实施“女性出版年”,创始人Deborah Smith说:“我们致力于至少有50%的作家是女性。最初我们认为这是一个听起来很好的倡议,我们也参加吧,然后我看了我们的日程,意识到事实上我们明年就开始了,因为出版社明年计划出书的作家都是女性。”  “当然,我承认,对于绝大多数出版商来说,‘女性出版年"几乎是不可行的,甚至是不合适的,但是Tilted Axis令我非常自豪,因为它对Kamila Shamsie感人的号召表示感激并且使之可行。”Davis-Goff则说,Tramp出版社也“不小心”地加入了这一行动。她说:“这意味着,我们在首年出版的三本书中有两本是由女作家写的小说。我们2015年的出版计划也和这非常相似。在名单中我们不需要特别偏爱女性,因为我们发现如此多才华横溢的作品都是由女性完成的。关于这个情况的原因我们也讨论了很多,也许女性在其他领域被忽视,但在文学界更容易成功。”Tramp出版的图书中有一本《乌娜·佛里的飞行》(Oona Frawley"s Flight),Davis-Goff说这本书一直被其他出版商无视,但是Tramp不止一次重印,并且得到了好评,还入围了爱尔兰图书奖。该书的编辑说:“很显然,在出版界存在性别歧视的问题。我认为解决这个问题需要付诸行动。可能没有完美的方案去解决这个问题,但是Kamila Shamsie有趣的想法会使现状得到很大的改善——光吸引人们更多的关注就已经很了不起了,如果它能激发编辑和出版商去面对他们的传统模式,甚至是偶尔的偏见,那就更棒了。我们面临的问题不是‘为什么没有更多优秀的女性作家"——因为明显有很多,而是‘为什么她们经常靠边站"。任何可以促使出版商、评论家、报纸与期刊编辑去面对、处理性别歧视问题的行动都是好的。”Deborah Smith很清楚Tilted Axis出版社未来不会继续只为女性出版,她说:“虽然我们出版社规模小,足够灵活来实现一年都为女性出版的计划,但我当然不希望Tilted Axis把男性排斥在外。总之,用歧视来反抗歧视似乎是一个很糟的想法。另外,对我们来说拒绝出版男性作家的作品是毫无意义的。商业出版社固有的保守主义意味着大量炮制同样的作品,但对于我们来说提出一个出版的范围是避免懒惰与僵硬的重要方法。”
2023-07-31 18:18:051

the little tramp什么意思?

2023-07-31 18:18:153


trampvi:步行;踩;踏;漂泊vt:践踏;踏实;步行穿过…n:流浪汉;妓女;游民,流浪汉;徒步旅行,远足例句:1.They put on their coats and tramped through the falling snow他们穿上外套,拖着沉重的步子行走在飞雪中。2.He heard the slow, heavy tramp of feet on the stairs.他听到楼梯上传来缓慢沉重的脚步声。3.She spent all day yesterday tramping the streets, gathering evidence.她昨天一整天都在街上四处奔走,搜集证据。
2023-07-31 18:18:371

tramp 怎么读

劝 pe
2023-07-31 18:19:003


2023-07-31 18:19:151


  From tramp to King of Comedy, Chaplin   About the year 1900, a small, dark-haired boy was often seen waiting outside the back entrances of London theatres. He looked thin and hungry but his blue eyes were determined. Despite his painfully hard childhood, the boy knew how to make people laugh. He could sing and dance and was hoping to make a living in show business.   When he couldn"t get work the boy wandered about the city streets like a tramp. He found food and shelter wherever he could. Sometimes he was sent away to a home for children who had no parents. He was cold and miserable there and the children were scolded and punished for the slightest fault. He hated it.   Thirty years later he was accepting the hospitality of kings. Everyone wanted to meet him. Pictures show him in the company of men like Churchill, Einstein and Gandhi. He had become almost a royal figure in the bright new world of the cinema – Charlie Chaplin, the king of comedy.   Chaplin"s life was a continuous adventure. In 1889, Chaplin was born in London, England to parents who both worked in theater. His father"s death from drinking too much and mother"s illness left him in poverty for most of his childhood. However, Chaplin didn"t get lost in the poverty. In fact, he had set a goal for himself at a young age: to become the most famous person in the world.   When Chaplin was five years old his mother suddenly lost her voice during a performance and had to leave the stage. To help his mother, little Chaplin went on stage and sang a well-known song at that time, "Jack Jones". Halfway through the song a shower of money poured onto the stage. Chaplin stopped singing and told the audience he would pick up the money first and then finish the song. The audience laughed. This was only the first of millions of laughs in Chaplin"s legendary career.   Lack of education did not hold Chaplin back from developing the special talent locked inside him. He took his courage and went to see one of the top theatrical agents in London. With no experience at all, he was offered the plum part of Billy – the paperboy in a new production of "Sherlock Holmes". "Sherlock Holmes" opened on July 27, 1903 at an enormous theatre. Chaplin seemed to change overnight. It was as if he had found the thing he was meant to do: to be an actor.   Cinema was born in the same year as Chaplin. When people still believed it was a passing fad and would never replace live shows, Chaplin was determined to master this new medium, for it would offer him the chance of money and success. Chaplin"s first film, released in February 1914, was called "Making a living". The film was well received by the public but didn"t satisfy Chaplin. After some disappointments and anxieties, he created his classical character -- "the little tramp". From his very first appearance, the mild little man brought laughter to people"s faces. With the black moustache, wide-open eyes, round black hat and shoes too large for his feet, he makes all kinds of stupid mistakes. He is always in trouble. Yet he dreams of greatness. He makes audience laugh with his crazy attempts to escape his cruel fate. He finds surprising ways out of every difficulty and life never quite destroys him. The little tramp is not very different from the cold, homeless, poorly dressed child who refused to despair. Like the child he is weak and frightened, but he never gives up.   The tramp became a huge success. By the time he was thirty Chaplin was the greatest, best known, and best loved comedy actor in the world. He received thousands of dollars for each film he made and had formed his own filmmaking company. But he continued his pursuit of perfection in art. When making the film "The Immigrant", Chaplin spent four days and four nights to cut the film to the required length. He viewed each scene perhaps fifty times before he decided exactly where to cut.   Explaining his success, Chaplin once wrote, "You have to believe in yourself. That"s the secret. Even when I was in the children"s home, when I was wandering the streets trying to find enough to eat to keep alive, even then I thought of myself as the greatest actor in the world." Through hard times and glorious days he always believed in himself and never lost faith. It is through this self-confidence that Chaplin made people look at the world more positively despite his own troubles. And even though his films were in black and white, he put a lot of color into everyone"s life.
2023-07-31 18:20:241

vagrant wanderer tramp vagabond 流浪汉 有区别吗

vagrant 流浪汉,漂泊者,无赖wanderer 流浪者tramp 流浪汉,淫妇vagabond 流浪汉,无业游民
2023-07-31 18:20:321

He asked for a lift.He was a uff3fuff3f A.tramp B.hitc

B hitchhiker 搭便车的人
2023-07-31 18:20:402


2023-07-31 18:20:514


贵妇和流浪汉 Lady and The Tramp 贵妇和流浪汉 (Lady and The Tramp 1955年),本片取材自 Ward Greene 所写的故事,讲述一个淑女狗与一个流浪狗的爱情及冒险故事这是迪士尼首度以狗作为电影的主角,场景也从幻想王国里搬到现实都市。内容描述淑女狗 Lady 在成为女主人的礼物后,原本过著平凡愉快的生活,却因某次误会被迫逃离家园,巧遇流浪狗 Tramp 因而发展一段恋情,在一连串的冒险与冲突之后, 最后才顺利返回家。是迪斯尼的一部动画片
2023-07-31 18:20:581

流浪用英语怎么写 怎么说

2023-07-31 18:21:263


2023-07-31 18:21:421


2023-07-31 18:21:502


tread[tr?d]vi.踩,踏; 行走; 交尾; vt.踩成; 踏出; 步行于; 踩(烂); n.踏,踩,走; 交尾; (楼梯的)踏板; 轮胎接触地面的部分; tramp[tr?mp]vi.步行; 踩; 踏; 漂泊; vt.践踏; 踏实; 步行穿过…; n.流浪汉; 妓女; 游民,流浪汉; 徒步旅行,远足;
2023-07-31 18:21:571


很像是《小姐与流氓》 不过那只母狗不是粉色的
2023-07-31 18:22:053


<span onclick="js函数名"/> 鼠标单击事件<span ondblclick="js函数名"/> 鼠标双击事件<span onmouseover="js函数名"/> 或onmousermove,onmouseup,onmousedown,onmouseout
2023-07-31 18:22:162


因为是四川脸谱 变脸快
2023-07-31 18:22:244


<span onclick=movediv()>我的显示信息</span>或<span onclick="movediv()">我的显示信息</span>就OK了.不用写成this.movediv();
2023-07-31 18:23:354

The Lady Is A Tramp 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp歌手:Tony Bennett专辑:Sings The Rodgers & Hart SongbookFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:23:431


* Tantor-丹丹* Tarzan -泰山* Terk -托托* Tigger -跳跳虎* Titans -泰坦巨魔* Tito-狄托* Tinker Bell - 小叮当* Tramp-长云(流浪汉)* Mr. Tumnus, the Faun -人羊杜纳先生【拓展】一、Mickey Mouse米老鼠(米奇)这一形象考验着“好人难觅”的说法。米奇乐观豁达,拥有男孩子的热心天性,使他成为一个真正的赢家。他有孩子般的友好真诚,健康的价值观和敢想敢为的精神,这更是让米奇人见人爱。二、Minnie Mouse米妮是一个典型的邻家女孩,有着善良,关心他人,热心助人等的女性美。她言谈高贵大方,举止优雅动人,具有少女的迷人魅力。她为人坦率天真,保留着乡村女孩的那份单纯朴实。她对人礼貌得体,尽管腼腆,却保留了她那份独立和自尊。三、Donald Duck唐老鸭(唐纳德)总以渴望的心情开始他满怀抱负的一天,盼望着一切都按照他的计划和意图进行,可是这个世界好像并不想跟他合作。总的来说,唐老鸭为人友好,性格乐观,是个乐天派,但当事情进行得不顺心时,便常常大发脾气。四、Daisy Duck黛丝时髦而世故,像摩登妇女一样兴趣广泛。她有着坚强的毅力和极强的个性,自信而独立,这是她跟米妮的一大相同点。黛丝在优越的环境中长大,对生活中美好的事物充满激情,她打扮优雅,香气袭人,知道自己很漂亮,喜欢被美好东西簇拥的感觉。五、Goofy高飞(古飞)是一个天性善良,心地纯洁,笑口常开的朋友。他总是兴高采烈的,容易相处。可爱又带点愚昧的高飞用朴实的魅力赢得了大家的钟爱。虽然有时会犯点小错误,但过失总被他乐观,热情,积极和让人惊讶的好运气所弥补。
2023-07-31 18:23:521

The Lady Is A Tramp (20 Bit Mastering) 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp (20 Bit Mastering)歌手:Peggy Lee专辑:Mink JazzFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:24:001

The Lady Is A Tramp 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp歌手:Bobby Angel专辑:Angel Swings SinatraFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:24:081

The Lady Is A Tramp (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp (Live)歌手:LENA HORNE专辑:The Best Of Lena HorneFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:24:161

The Lady Is A Tramp 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp歌手:Yehudi Menuhin&Stéphane Grappelli&Alan Clare Trio&Max Harris专辑:Icon: Menuhin And GrappelliFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:24:381

The Lady Is A Tramp 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp歌手:Beegie Adair专辑:Centennial Composers: Richard RodgersFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:24:451


2023-07-31 18:25:031


很久以前,有一个善良的夫人。每一天,她为家人和一个额外的面包烤面包为任何饥饿的路人。她把额外breadbeside窗口。 当女人把面包,她总是给她的儿子祈祷。她的儿子坏去一个很远的地方,她没有听到他论坛形式很长一段时间。每一天,一个流浪汉来拿走面包。他当john说,“邪恶的你仍与你在一起时的感觉。好的你回来给你。”那个女人感到恼怒。“甚至连一句谢谢”,她说toherself不快。这继续,日复一日。最后,女人变得非常生气,她决定摆脱thetramp。她毒药添加到面包中提供的流浪汉!立法是将她的手握了握,“看看我所做的一切!“她immediatelythrew面包进火和另一个。 像往常一样,流浪汉来了,拿起面包。“你邪恶的doremains与你在一起时的感觉。好的你回到你,”他又说,离开了。那天晚上,有敲门声。令人惊讶的是,这个女人"sson正站在门口。他累了,虚弱。“妈妈,这是一个miraclethat我可以回家!虽然我只有一英里远的地方,我饿Ialmost放弃了。但就在那时,一位老流浪汉给我一块面包。他说每天thatthat面包是他的食物。但是今天,我shouldget面包,因为我需要面包比他多!“夫人的最爱脸色变得苍白当她听到这些话。流浪汉价格突然回到了她,“邪恶的你仍与你在一起时的感觉。goodyou回来哟你。”
2023-07-31 18:25:132

The Lady Is A Tramp 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:Ella Fitzgerald - GoldFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:25:201

The Lady Is A Tramp 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp歌手:Oscar Peterson专辑:Jazz Legends:Classic Song BookFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:25:271

The Lady Is A Tramp 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp歌手:Victor Silvester And His Silver Strings专辑:Come Dance With Me - 20 Ballroom FavouritesFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:25:351

The Lady Is A Tramp 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:Love, EllaFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:25:421

The Lady Is A Tramp 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp歌手:Menuhin& Yehudi & Grappelli& Stephane专辑:Jealousy - Hits Of The ThirtiesFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:25:491

The Lady Is A Tramp 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:Twelve Nights In HollywoodFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:25:561

The Lady Is A Tramp 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp歌手:Queen Latifah专辑:We All Love Ella: Celebrating The First Lady Of SongFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:26:151

The Lady Is A Tramp (From Babes In Arms ) 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp (From Babes In Arms )歌手:Martine McCutcheon专辑:MusicalityFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp
2023-07-31 18:26:291