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2023-07-31 18:54:33
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did they do?一般性疑问:Did they go on trip?问地点:Where did they go on




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2023-07-31 16:15:231


某日,一位名闻全国的补教界英语名师在课堂上夸下海口:"凭我的造诣,没有 什么成语不知道的,就连中国成语也难不倒我!!" " 于是同学纷纷发问.
2023-07-31 16:15:332


1、Wife:u2002"Howu2002wouldu2002youu2002describeu2002me?"妻子:你会怎么形容我呢?Husband:u2002"ABCDEFGHIJK."丈夫:ABCDEFGHIJK.Wife:u2002"Whatu2002doesu2002thatu2002mean?"妻子:那是什么意思?Husband:u2002"Adorable,u2002beautiful,u2002cute,u2002delightful,u2002elegant,u2002fashionable,u2002gorgeous,u2002andu2002hot."丈夫:迷人的、魅力的、可爱的、令人愉悦的、优雅的、时髦的、漂亮的和火辣的。Wife:u2002"Aw,u2002thanku2002you,u2002butu2002whatu2002aboutu2002IJK?"妻子:哇,谢谢,但是“IJK”是什么意思呢?Husband:u2002"I"m justu2002kidding!"丈夫:开个玩笑!2、Whatu2002hasu2002oneu2002eyeu2002butu2002cannotu2002see?什么有一只眼睛,却看不见?Au2002needle.u2002针。3、Whatu2002dogu2002canu2002jumpu2002higheru2002thanu2002au2002building?什么狗比大楼跳的还高?Anydog,u2002buildingsu2002can"tu2002jump!任何一只狗,大楼又跳不起来。4、Whatu2002hasu2002au2002head,u2002au2002tail,u2002andu2002nou2002body?什么有头、有尾,但是没有身体?Au2002coin!硬币。5、Teacher:u2002whoeveru2002answersu2002myu2002nextu2002question,u2002canu2002gou2002home.老师:谁能回到我下一个问题,谁就可以回家了。Oneu2002boyu2002throwsu2002hisu2002bagu2002outu2002theu2002window.一个小男孩把书包扔到窗外。Teacher:u2002whou2002justu2002threwu2002that?!老师:谁刚刚把书包扔出去了?Boy:u2002Me!u2002I"mu2002goingu2002homeu2002now.u2002男孩:我!我现在要回家了。
2023-07-31 16:15:491


1.My wife complains that her clothes are so old, they were all made in Australia.我妻子对我抱怨说自己没有新衣服,她的衣服都还是澳洲造的。(澳大利亚市面上的衣服基本都是Made in China的,要不也是别国生产的。大概10年前有澳洲产的,渐渐越来越少,现在很少看到了。)2.The pastor(牧师) decides to use one rich parishioner(教区居民) to set an example. "John," he says, " you"re a successful businessman, surely you could contribute more to the building fund."(礼拜以后是教堂募捐的时间)牧师打算用教区里的一个富人做榜样。“约翰”,他说,“你是一个成功的商人,你一定能够比别人为筹建教堂贡献更多。”John replies, " But my mother is in a nursing home, my daughter just lost her job, and my son is starting university...If I can say no to them, I can say no to you too."约翰回答说,“但是我的母亲住在养老院(政府为没有收入的老年人办的,不需要费用),我女儿刚失业(在澳大利亚,失业政府给失业补助,足够生活),我儿子刚开始上大学(在澳大利亚,大学费用可以贷款,在你将来收入达到一定水平以后才需要还)...如果我可以不给他们一分钱,我也同样可以一分钱不给你。”
2023-07-31 16:16:031


A Difficult Question Four girls go to school every day by taxi. One day one of the girls says, "There is a test in the morning. Let"s get to school late. Then we will not have to take the test." "What can we tell the teacher?" one of the girls asks. "He will be angry. We need a good excuse." The girls think for a few minutes, then one of them says, "Let"s tell him that our taxi has a flat tyre." "That"s a good idea," the other girls say. "We will tell him that." They arrive at school an hour later. The test is finished. "Why are you late?" the teacher asks. "You missed the test." "Our taxi has a flat tyre," one of the girls says. The teacher thinks for a moment, then he says, "Sit down." The girls do this . Then the teacher says, "Write on a piece of paper the answer to this question: Which tyre is flat?" what a difficult question ! The girls look at each other sadly. At last they give the different answers.一个困难的问题 四个女孩每天都乘出租汽车上学。 一天,其中一个女孩说,“今天早晨有一个测验,让我们晚点去学校。 那么,我们将可以不用测验了”。 “那我们怎样告诉教师呢?” 其中一个女孩问。 “他一定会很生气的。 我们需要一个借口。” 女孩想了几分钟,然后说,“我们就告诉他,我们的出租汽车的一个轮胎瘪了”。 “真是一个好主意”,其它女孩高兴地说。 一个小时以后,他们到达了学校。 测验已经结束了。 “为什么你们迟到了?” 教师问。 “你们错过了测验”。 “我们的出租汽车的一个轮胎瘪了”,其中一个女孩说。 教师想想了一会儿,然后说,“坐下”。 女孩照着做了。 然后,教师说,“请你们回答这个问题,并把答案写在纸上,那就是哪一个轮胎是瘪的?” 这是一个多么困难的问题啊! 女孩悲伤地互相看着。当然啦,结果不说大家也知道,同一个问题,他们竟给了四个不同的答案。
2023-07-31 16:16:101

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2023-07-31 16:16:283


下面是两个英语小笑话,希望对你做海报有帮助!The New Teacher George comes from school on the first of September. "George, how did you like your new teacher?" asked his mother. "I didn"t like her, Mother, because she said that three and three were six and then she said that two and four were six too....." 新老师 9月1日, 乔治放学回到家里。 "乔治,你喜欢你们的新老师吗?" 妈妈问。 "妈妈,我不喜欢,因为她说3加3得6, 可后来又说2加4也得6。" The Fish Net "Can you tell me what fish net is made, Ann?" "A lot of little holes tied together with strings." replied the little girl. 鱼网 "你能告诉我鱼网是什么做的吗,安?" 老师发问道。 "把许多小孔用绳子栓在一起就成了鱼网了。" 小女孩回答道。
2023-07-31 16:16:382


寒 假 趣 事 Cold false interest 今天是大年三十,城里处处洋溢着过年的喜气,我们家也不例外。 Today is 30, and the city, be permeated with the new beaming, our house is no exception. 妈妈在厨房里包饺子,我在一旁剥蒜,剥完了蒜后,我起身往客厅走。 Mom is in the kitchen making dumpling, I at a side strip garlic, finished peeling garlic, I got up and went to the sitting room go. 不经意地瞄了一眼正在包饺子的妈妈。 Casual DeMiao took one look at pack dumpling of mom. 一个念头在我心中产生了。 A thought in my heart is produced. 我快步走到妈妈面前,对她说:“妈妈,教我包饺子吧!” I went quickly to the front of mom, say to her: "mom, teach me pack dumpling!" 妈妈望了我一眼,对我说:“好吧!” Mother looked at me in the eye and said to me: "good!" 妈妈拿着擀面杖擀出了一个皮,把馅子舀到皮上,将面皮两边一合,将重合的部分用手指捏在一起,一个饺子就包好了。 Mom took a rolling-pin roll out a skin, the XianZi removed until the skin on both sides, will face a close, will coincide with fingers part in together, a dumpling is packed. 我心里想着:这么简单,真是小菜一碟! My in the mind think: so simple, really is a piece of cake! 还是让我来试试看吧。 Let me have a try. 我接过擀面杖,开始牛刀小试,妈妈那么轻松搞定的面皮,在我的手中却一点也不听话,左一下,右一下,我的饺子皮倒象一个八爪螃蟹。 I received a rolling-pin, start NiuDao bench, mother so easily calm face, in my hand not obedient, left once, right once, my JiaoZiPi seem an eight claw crabs. 再难看也是我创造的,本想揉掉重来,可我舍不得,我把馅子包进去,迫不及待的丢进锅里。 Again I also created, ugly this want to rub off again, but I loathe to give up, I put my bag in XianZi, eager into the pot. 这饺子不给我面子,居然没等到煮熟,就“开膛破肚”了。 This dumpling don"t do me the honor, didn"t wait until cooked, "gut break belly". 可恶,我居然连个饺子也包不好,我没这么笨吧,我一定要把你包好! Damn, I even a dumpling also bag is bad, I have no so stupid! I must put your bag! 我吸取了教训,学着妈妈的样子,一下一下转着擀,面皮不圆,但比“八爪螃蟹”好多了。 I learned a lesson, learn the mother of appearance, once it turn out, face a circle, but than "eight claw crab" much better. 我把馅子舀上,学着妈妈的样子,给饺子捏上“花边”。 I put on XianZi ladle, to learn the mother of appearance, give dumplings knead on "lacy". 成败在此一举,我把这只经过我精雕细琢,是饺子却又不象饺子的饺子小心翼翼地放进锅里。 Success or failure, I put this only after I meticulosity is dumplings yet unlike dumpling jiaozi carefully into the pot. 五分钟后,我揭开了锅盖,啊! Five minutes later, I opened a pot, ah! 我的那只饺子安然无恙,正在逍遥的独自“漂游”呢! My that only dumplings safe, is free and unfettered alone "piaoyou"! 饺子煮好以后,妈妈把饺子捞出来。 Dumpling boiled dumplings, after mother put out. 开饭了,我寻找着那只我包的饺子,细细的品味着。 It"s time for supper, I find that only jiaozi I made, thin savor. 这顿饺子格外的香。 It"s exceptionally fragrance. Dumplings 这次经历,我永远都不会忘记。 This experience, I will never forget. 她让我明白了一个道理:任何事,只要你肯下功夫,就会获得成功。 She makes me understand a truth: anything, as long as you are willing to hard, will achieve success.
2023-07-31 16:17:003


Winston · Churchill (Winston Churchill,1874-1965) English biography writer, historian, statesman. Had been born in the Oxford nearby Blenheim palace. Grandfather horse General Borrow has the illustrious military exploits in the war neutrality. The father pulled the Dower husband Lord once to be appointed English finance minister. He then is sent since childhood by messenger into lodges the school study, once went study in the famous harrow school, but the natural disposition was obstinate, the academic record was not good, only liked the history, the literature and the military game. After in 1893 was admitted reluctantly the Saunders special military academy, because is congenial to, the graduation result is among the best, attains the military officer qualifications. In 1895, the military rank enrolled the imperial fourth cavalry regiments by second lieutenant. Latter because of the hope risk life of struggle, has joined Spain successively by the volunteer soldier and war correspondent"s status to Cuba"s colony war and the English army in Indian, Sudanese, South Africa"s war, battles heroically, dares the shoe danger to worry is well-known. During, in two years which guards in India, he also widely read historical, the philosophy, religious and the economical aspect work, makes up oneself in education being short of. At the same time, published the documentary literature "Ma Lakan the Germany Expedition To record" (1898), "River bank War" (1899), "South Africa Joins the army Records" (1908) and the novel "Schaap Roller" (1899) and so on, Guang Shou welcome.In 1899, Churchill retired from the armed services participates in government, in 1900 was elected as lower house of legislature congressmen. In 1906 became a cabinet minister by the Liberal Party status the assumption to colonize vice-minister for the first time, latter took the post of commercial minister, internal affairs minister, the first yi world war eve held the post of ministers of the navy, war period has held the post of military supplies minister. After the October Revolution victory, he once was positive plans counter-Soviet. In 1924, also by conservative party status taking the post of finance minister, until in 1929 the conservative party the disastrous defeat left the government in the election, unemployed ten year long time. This period he has published five volume this memoirs "World Crisis" (1923-1931), the biography work "I Long ago Life" (1930), four volumes this "the Horse Borrow Biography" (1933-1938).30"s, because Fascist influence rising, the European situation is day by day intense, Churchill opposed firmly country"s and so on England and France appeasement policies, become the hardliner leader. He everywhere makes the speech, the exposition war danger. His speech torrential convincing argument, the aphorism repeat leaves, is recognized as the big orator who stands out. In 1939, the Second World War erupted, Churchill appointed minister of the navy Chamberlain the cabinet. In 1940, he was ordered to, to take the post of prime minister on the point of death, led the English people to defend British Isles, and all levels of launched the diplomatic activity positively, formed an alliance with America and Soviet, forms the international antifascist united front, made the significant contribution for the antifascist war final victory.In 1945, in antifascist victory eve, because the conservative party is defeated in the election, Churchill loses prime minister the position. After that, he used six years time to complete six volumes this "Second World War Memoirs" (1948-1954). In 1951, the conservative party in won in the election, Churchill took the post of prime minister once more by 77 year old of. Because in 1955 the age high resignation retired, composed four volumes devotionally this "English Nationality History" (1956-1958). In January, because 1965 encephalorrhagia died.Although Churchill"s life mainly is engaged in the political activity, but his historical writings and the biographical literature writing achievement is also outstanding. In 1946 started, he is then nominated for the Nobel prize in literature candidate, and finally in 1953, “as a result of him in description history and the biography aspect attainments of, because simultaneously his that guarded the lofty person"s value glory to speak in public”, won the Nobel prize in literature. Sweden Institute compares with him " to have Cicero literary talent Caesar big emperor " ("Promulgation Refined language").温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill,1874-1965)英国传记作家、历史学家、政治家。生于牛津附近的布莱尼姆宫。祖父马博罗将军在战争中立有赫赫战功。父亲拉道尔夫勋爵曾任英财政大臣。他从小便被差送入寄宿学校学习,曾就读于著名的哈罗学校,但生性执拗,学习成绩不佳,只喜欢历史、文学和军事游戏。1893年勉强考入桑德斯特陆军军官学校后,由于志趣相投,毕业成绩名列前茅,获军官资格。1895年,以少尉军衔编入皇家第四骑兵团。后因渴望冒险的战斗生活,以志愿兵和随军记者的身份先后参加过西班牙对古巴的殖民地战争和英国军队在印度、苏丹、南非的战争,以作战英勇,敢于履险犯难闻名。其间,在印度驻守的两年中,他还广泛阅读了历史、哲学、宗教和经济方面的著作,以弥补自己在教育上的欠缺。同时,发表了报告文学《马拉坎德远征记》(1898)、《河上的战争》(1899)、《南非从军记》(1908)和小说《沙普罗拉》(1899)等,广受欢迎。1899年,丘吉尔退伍参政,1900年当选为下议院议员。1906年以自由党身份首次入阁担任殖民副大臣,后出任商务大臣、内政大臣,第一镒世界大战前夕担任海军大臣,战争期间担任过军需大臣。十月革命胜利后,他曾积极策划反苏。1924年,又以保守党身份出任财政大臣,直至1929年保守党在选举中惨败而离开政府,赋闲十年之久。这期间他出版了五卷本回忆录《世界危机》(1923-1931)、传记著作《我的早年生活》(1930)、四卷本《马博罗传》(1933-1938)。30年代,由于法西斯势力的崛起,欧洲形势日益紧张,丘吉尔坚决反对英法等国的绥靖政策,成为强硬派领袖。他到处发表演说,揭露战争的危险。他的演说滔滔雄辩,警句迭出,被公认为出类拔萃的大演说家。1939年,第二次世界大战爆发,丘吉尔聘任张伯伦内阁的海军大臣。1940年,他临危受命,出任首相,领导英国人民保卫英伦三岛,并各级积极展开外交活动,与美苏结盟,形成国际反法西斯统一战线,为反法西斯战争的最后胜利做出重大贡献。1945年,在反法西斯胜利前夕,因保守党在大选中失败,丘吉尔失去首相职位。其后,他用六年时间完成了六卷本《第二次世界大战回忆录》(1948-1954)。1951年,保守党在在选举中获胜,丘吉尔以77岁高龄再次出任首相。1955年因年事高辞职退休,专心撰写四卷本《英语民族史》(1956-1958)。1965年1月因脑溢血辞世。丘吉尔的一生虽主要从事政治活动,但他的历史著述和传记文学写作也成就卓著。1946年开始,他便被提名为诺贝尔文学奖的候选人,并终于在1953年,"由于他在描述历史与传记方面之造诣,同时由于他那捍卫崇高的人的价值的光辉演说",获得诺贝尔文学奖。瑞典学院把他比作"具有西塞罗文才的凯撒大帝"(《颁奖辞》)。
2023-07-31 16:17:111

求3个高中英语PPT 随便有关什么的 小故事 笑话 趣闻 都可以

2023-07-31 16:17:207


英语名言:◆Where there is life,there is hope. ——生命不息,希望常在。◆Where there is a will,there is a way. ——有志者事竟成。◆Time is money. ——时间就是金钱。◆Eat to live,but not live to eat. ——人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。
2023-07-31 16:17:384


2023-07-31 16:17:463


2023-07-31 16:18:086

假日趣闻 英语怎么说

Holiday anecdotes
2023-07-31 16:18:221


太多了,你从网上搜啊。 IMO IMHO LOL FLMAO .......
2023-07-31 16:18:412


作文标题: 超市趣闻(English) 关键词: 趣闻 超市 小学一年级 本文适合: 小学一年级 作文来源: 本作文是关于小学一年级的作文,题目为:《超市趣闻(English)》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。Hello everyone we met again. I am very happy. Mey days ago my mother and I went to the supermarket have been some funny something.A few days ago, my mother and I went to the supermarket. This is in English, I suddenly want to test mother. So I told her: "Mom, I want to buy a some pens. " So my mother took me to the pen area. I am happy because my mother is not bad English.Who knew that she did not have to stop in front of the pen. They went to the pencil in front of hand picked a few pieces of pencil. Asked: "Wu Yong Xiang, so much enough for you? " I am dizzy.I told his mother: "Mom, not a pencil a pen! " mother listened, and quickly say I"m sorry I"m sorry. Hey, did not think mother in English.After I buy a pen I tell mother said: "hey, you"re not good at English. " suddenly my mother very happy .She say"thank you" so I asked my mother why you laugh "Mother said: "You said I am good at English! "I dizzy again.Oh my god,my mother not good at English!Who can teach her!英语翻译:大家好,我们又见面了,我很高兴。许多天前,我和妈妈去超市了发生了一些有趣的事情。 前几天,我和妈妈去超市。这时,我突然想测试妈妈的英语水平。所以我告诉她:“妈妈,我想买一些钢笔。”所以妈妈带我到钢笔区。我很高兴,因为我的妈妈挺擅长英语的。谁知道,她没有停在钢笔前面。妈妈到了铅笔前,手拿起几支铅笔,问:“吴泳翔,你这么多够了吗?”我头晕。 我告诉妈妈:“妈妈,不是铅笔是钢笔!”妈妈听了,赶紧说:“对不起,对不起。”没想到妈妈的英语这么烂。在我买完笔后,我告诉妈妈说:“哎,你不擅长英语。”突然我的妈妈非常高兴,她说:“谢谢你。”我问妈妈:“为什么你笑呢?”妈妈说:“你说我的英语很好! “我又一次晕了。 噢,我的上帝,我的妈妈不擅长英语啊,谁能教教她!
2023-07-31 16:19:541


Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, KG, OM, CH, TD, FRS, PC (Can) (30 November 1874[1] – 24 January 1965) was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II. He served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. A noted statesman and orator, Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, a historian, a Nobel Prize-winning writer, and an artist.During his army career, Churchill saw combat in India, in the Sudan and the Second Boer War. He gained fame and notoriety as a war correspondent and through contemporary books he wrote describing the campaigns. He also served briefly in the British Army on the Western Front in World War I, commanding the 6th Battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers.At the forefront of the political scene for almost fifty years, he held many political and cabinet positions. Before the First World War, he served as President of the Board of Trade, Home Secretary and First Lord of the Admiralty as part of the Asquith Liberal government. During the war he continued as First Lord of the Admiralty until the disastrous Battle of Gallipoli caused his departure from government. He returned as Minister of Munitions, Secretary of State for War and Secretary of State for Air. In the interwar years, he served as Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Conservative government.After the outbreak of the Second World War, Churchill was again appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. Following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain on 10 May 1940, he became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and led Britain to victory against the Axis powers.[2] Churchill was always noted for his speeches, which became a great inspiration to the British people and embattled Allied forces.After losing the 1945 election, he became Leader of the Opposition. In 1951, he again became Prime Minister before finally retiring in 1955. Elizabeth II offered to create him Duke of London, but this was declined due to the objections of his son Randolph, who would have inherited the title on his father"s death.[3] Upon his death the Queen granted him the honour of a state funeral, which saw one of the largest assemblies of statesmen in the world.
2023-07-31 16:20:052


Q: What"s the difference between a monkey and a flea? A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can"t have monkeys. 猴子会和跳蚤有什么不同呢?你可能会直接的想到它们俩是一大一小。但除此之外呢,那就是猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。这个答案很有意思吧?
2023-07-31 16:20:121


.The World Population世界人口2.Bees and Colour蜜蜂和颜色3.Fires Long AgO很久以前的火4.Flying飞行5.Solids,Liquids and Gases固体、液体和气体6.RocketS in the Sky空中火箭7.Deean Living海洋生活8.We Pollute the Air我们污染了空气9.Beautiful,but Dangerous美丽,但危险10.Overcoming the Problem of Waste解决废物问题11.The Sun太阳12.Tea茶13.Are SOunds Useful or Harmful?声音有益还是有害?14.Animal Mimics动物的保护色15.Oil in the Earth地下石油16.Robot机器人17.Atoms,Plants and the Sea原子、植物和海洋18.Quakes to Come即将到来的地震19.Electric Wire电线20. Lignt光21.Gravitation引力22. The Soil土壤23. Irrigstion灌溉24.Pendulums摆25.Journey to the Moon月球旅行26. Electricity电27.Cells细胞28.The Purifichtion of Water水的净化29.Photosynthesis光合作用30.Expansion and Contraction膨胀和收缩31.Something about Atoms谈谈原子32. Inertia惯性33.Life in the Universe宇宙中的生命34. The First Men to Fly第一批飞行者35. Moonlight月光36.The DeVelopment of Rubber橡胶的发展37. Electric Trains电气火车38. The Spe of Sound音速39. Discovery by“Accident”偶然的发现40.The Beginning of the Air Mail空邮的开端41.Color颜色42.The Sun"s Family太阳系43.The Story of Salt盐的故事44.Behind the Looking Glass镜子背后的故事45.Floating Bodies浮体46.Using Weather Information利用天气信息47.Seeing Things看见物体48.Stars星星49.Bath and Bathing洗澡和沐浴50.Cosmetics化妆品51.Dislexia读写困难症52. What is Heat?什么是热?53.Heat Conduction热传导54. Colour Television彩色电视55. Sources of Energy能源56.HOW Nature Breaks Rocks?大自然是怎样破坏岩石的?57.Expansion of Liquids and Gases液体和气体的膨胀58. What is Chemistry?什么是化学?59.The Migution of Birds候鸟的迁移60.The Pole Star北极星61.Sir Isaac Newton艾萨克·牛顿爵士62. Volcanoes火山63.Earthquake Control控制地震64. Water水65.Dust灰尘66.How old is the Earth?地球有多大年龄?67.The Discoverer of X-raysX射线的发现者68. The Desert沙漠69.Cotton棉花70. What People don"t Know about Air空气趣闻71.The Camel骆驼72. Exploring the Planets探索行星73.Halley"s COmet哈雷彗星74. MysteFy of Time时间之谜75.Natural Medicines天然药物76.Pain疼痛77.Today"S RobotS今天的机器人78. Trees树79. Vitamins维生素80.Functinns of Roots and Leaves根和叶的功用81.Electricity:the FOrce that Transformed the World电:改造世界之动力82.Mystenes of the Sea
2023-07-31 16:20:211

26英文字母 26个是什么?

2023-07-31 16:20:281


2023-07-31 16:20:4511

还是一些英语问题很简单,多帮帮忙动词过去分词+to do如:he was killed last night.2.other 和others前面一般都要加定冠词the the other 两个中的另外一个 如:there are two apples, one is big, the other one is small. another 多个中 除开一个的另外任意一个 如:let"s go to another shop the others 多个中除开一个的其他全部 He is taller than all the others in his allowed to 表示被允许干什么 allowed doing sth 表示允许其他人做某事的过去式4.success , successful, succeed5.death,dead, die, died6.多看英文电影 听英语广播7.achievement, volunteering 表示志愿的(做某事)与want to do sth 无关希望回答对您有所帮助!!!!
2023-07-31 16:23:064


主题:Olympic around me(us)栏目可以是:绿色奥运: Green Olympics人文奥运: Humanity Olympics科技奥运: Scientific Olympics数字奥运: Digital Olympics(楼上所说的不是正规的奥运名词)也可以加一些 我与奥运(I join the Olympics)、奥运新闻(Olympics news)等等。
2023-07-31 16:23:273


2023-07-31 16:23:342


  乌龟是现存古老的爬行动物,也经常被誉为长寿的象征,那么你知道乌龟用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习一下乌龟的英语知识吧。    乌龟英语说法   tortoise   turtle   乌龟的相关 短语   小乌龟 Little Turtle   缩头乌龟 Tortoise ; a turtle retracting its head into its shell   乌龟坐骑 Riding Turtle   巴西乌龟 Red-eared Turtle   乌龟 短跑 Turtle Dash    乌龟的英语例句   1. The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping.   兔子正睡觉时,乌龟赢得了比赛.   2. The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.   乌龟以极其缓慢的速度爬行着.   3. The elephant dwarfed the tortoise.   那只乌龟跟那头象相比就显得很小.   4. The tortoise spends the winter months in hibernation.   乌龟在冬眠中度过寒冬季节.   5. Sometimes they would take fifty or sixty eggs out of one hole.   有时候,他们一窝就能弄出五六十只乌龟蛋来.   6. The tortoise pulled its head into his carapace.   乌龟把头缩进它的壳里。   7. He had slept, and the tortoise had won the race.   乌龟跑到了终点, 而他却在那里睡大觉.   8. It looked like a flat stone but it was a turtle.   它看来像一块扁扁的石头,但却是一只乌龟.   9. These turtles kill fish -- especially trout.   这些乌龟专会吃鱼 -- 尤其是“鳟鱼. ”   10. Julia scowled at her jewelled tortoise.   这时朱莉娅怒视着那只嵌着钻石的乌龟.   11. Who runs fast, the hare or the tortoise?   野兔和乌龟谁跑得快?   12. AFTER dinner all the gang turned out to hunt for turtle eggs on the bar.   午饭以后,海盗帮全体出动到沙洲上去找乌龟蛋.   13. The rabbit runs so fast that Mr. Turtle soon falls behind.   兔子跑的太快了,以至于乌龟很快就落在后面了.   14. Mr. Turtle almost arrives at the finishing line.   乌龟先生几乎要跑到终点线了.   15. Mr. Turtle is first! Mr. Turtle won!   乌龟先生第一! 乌龟赢了!   乌龟英语相关趣闻:恩爱115年乌龟夫妇终"离婚"   No one could accuse them of not trying to make it work.   这下谁都没辙:百年乌龟夫妇闹离婚了。   After an incredible 115 years together two giant turtles at an Austrian zoo have gone their separate ways refusing to share a cage any longer.   这两只来自奥地利动物园大乌龟已携手走过115个春秋,现在却要分道扬镳了——他俩再也不愿共守爱巢。   The falling out, which has baffled the zoo officials, marks the end of the world"s oldest animal "marriage".   此次“分手”让动物园工作人员大为郁闷:世界最古老动物的“恩爱婚姻”竟然就这么结束了。   "We get the feeling they can"t stand the sight of each other anymore," said Zoo boss Helga Happ told The Austrian Times.   “我们发现这两只乌龟连看都不想看对方一眼。” 动物园园长海尔格-哈普告诉奥地利时报。   Bibi and Poldi have happily rubbed along at the Austrian zoo in Klagenfurt for 36 years, having moved together from Basel zoo in Switzerland. Both 115 years old, the pair grew up together and eventually became an item.   乌龟Bibi和Poldi 来自瑞士的巴塞尔动物园,到了位于克拉根福市的奥地利动物园后,他俩已厮守36个年头。他俩同年同岁,一起成长,彼此相爱,现已115岁。   "But for no reason that anyone can discover they seem to have fallen out, they just can"t stand each other," added Happ.   “但谁都看得出来,现在他俩已经劳燕分飞、互不对眼了。真不知道咋回事儿。” 哈普说道。   It seems that it was Bibi, the female, who initiated the break-up.According to the paper, staff at the zoo realized all was not well when Bibi attacked Poldi biting off a chunk of his shell.   貌似是“妻子”Bibi主动闹起了分手。 据报道,动物管理员发现情况不妙,是因为Bibi攻击Poldi,咬掉了他一大块甲壳。   She launched further attacks on her partner until he was moved to a different location.   然后她又步步紧逼,直到Poldi远远躲到另一角落才罢休。   The zoo even called in animal experts to try and reunite the couple with counselling but, so far, to no avail.   动物园甚至为此请来动物专家,试着调解矛盾,希望他俩能破镜重圆。可惜,事到如今毫无进展。   Trying to get them in a more loving mood the experts fed the turtles aphrodisiacs and attempted to inject some fun back into the relationship by getting them to play games together. Neither method has worked.   为重燃他俩的爱情火花,专家还特意打催情针剂,撮合他俩一起嬉戏,期待关系好转,可仍旧毫无效果。   Happ told the paper that it is "very rare" for animals who are a pair to fall apart after so long. "We hope though we can bring round a reconciliation,"she added.   哈普说:“两个厮守多年的动物夫妇闹分手,情况很罕见。我们希望他俩能和好如初。”她说道。   Keeping the animals apart is crucial as weighing in at 100 kilos each if they wanted they could kill the other.   可当下必须让他俩分开。这两个家伙都有一百多公斤,撕咬起来非要命不可。   Giant turtles have no teeth but instead have a horn rimmed mouth and a powerful jaw which can cause serious damage.   大乌龟虽然没牙齿,但角质型嘴巴和坚硬的下颚绝对很有杀伤力。 猜你喜欢: 1. 谜底是乌龟的经典谜语集锦 2. 有关乌龟的英语谜语 3. 关于乌龟的谚语 4. 乌龟的功效与作用 5. 乌龟的英文怎么读
2023-07-31 16:23:541


英语学习公众号有:阿卡索APP、亲子英语速成、深圳英语社、萌小猪学英语、谷哥说英语、Kethrine的教学笔记、凌哥英语、李陆桂Englishlearner、涛声英语等。1、谷哥说英语谷哥说英语,致力于传播中小学英语教学理念,探究英语教学实践,践行理念+行动研究模式,介绍英语国家趣闻,了解英美文化生活,趣说英语文化故事,探讨中英文化差异,洞悉英语学习规律,提供英语学习指导,服务全方位英语社区平台,构建立体英语学习资源库。2、Kethrine的教学笔记Kethrine 的教学笔记是由一线高中英语教师Kethrine 创办,旨在分享一线教学经验、神仙备课资源、干货备课技巧、线上教研总结及教学类书籍读书笔记。创办初心是站在一线教师的角度分享大家都需要的东西,推文广受一线教师好评。3、凌哥英语传播思想,共享方法,解决问题。“凌哥英语”是一位极具专业精神的英语研训师的公众号,创建于2015年11月。面向英语教师、学生和家长,用深入浅出、生动有趣的图文解释英语学习原理,分析教材教法,解答语言学习问题,提供教学资料,广受全国粉丝好评。4、李陆桂Englishlearner“李陆桂Englishlearner”正如它的名字所寓意的一样,创建者李陆桂老师认为自己首先是一个英语学习者,然后才是英语教师和英语教研员。既然定位是英语学习者,那么英语学习就是一辈子的事情。活到老学到老。5、涛声英语“涛声英语”全方位为你推送英语学习最实用、最新鲜的学习资料。带给你英语学习的新理念,新模式,为你打造高效生动课堂。这里有海量英语学习的资源与经验,帮助你迎战高考,pass四六级!英语学习和教学的路上,涛声英语与你并肩前行!
2023-07-31 16:24:141


  水龙头是水阀的通俗称谓,用来控制水流的大小开关,有节水的功效。那么你知道吗?下面跟我一起来学习关于水龙头的英语知识吧。    水龙头英语说法   stopcock   hydrovalve   water tap    水龙头的相关短语   弯嘴水龙头 bib tap ; bib-cock   水龙头插口 faucet hole   水龙头漏水 Dripping Faucet   换水龙头垫圈 Replace a faucet washer   铸铁水龙头 cast iron bibcock   浴室水龙头 Bathroom faucet ; bath-room ; Bathroom taps   关掉水龙头 turn the tap off ; Turn off the water ; turn off the tap    水龙头的英语例句   1. The taps appeared to be made of solid gold.   水龙头似乎是用纯金制成的。   2. They heard him running the kitchen tap.   他们听见他打开了厨房里的水龙头。   3. I replaced the taps and reconnected the water supply.   我更换了水龙头再次接通了自来水。   4. Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the tap.   把水管接在龙头上,开启水龙头.   5. Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the water.   把软管接在龙头上,开启水龙头.   6. Have you left the bath running?   你忘了关浴缸的水龙头了 吗 ?   7. The faucet has developed a drip.   那个水龙头已经开始滴水了.   8. The tap was dripping.   水龙头在滴水.   9. He turned off the water.   他关上了水龙头.   10. This tap turns easily.   这个水龙头容易转动.   11. That faucet dribbles badly.   那个水龙头漏水严重.   12. The tap is leaking. We must fix it.   水龙头在漏水, 我们得把它修一修.   13. You"d turn on the water, and it would shoot straight up in the air.   你若开启水龙头,水会直往上喷。   14. The village water supply was two streets down the road.   村里的水龙头在大路上第二条横路的转角上.   15. She turned off the faucet and dried her hands.   她关掉水龙头,把手擦干。   水龙头英语趣闻:小镇水龙头中惊现石油   Villagers in Russia"s far east had a shock recently when they turned on their hot water taps to find oil flowing from them.   近日,俄罗斯远东地区的居民吃惊的发现,当他们开启家中的热水龙头流时,流出来的竟然是石油。   The local Yakutia Media website says a central heating system accident in the village of Chersky resulted in three tonnes of oil leaking into the water supply.   雅库特当地媒体报道,切尔斯基镇的中央供热系统出现了故障,导致三吨石油排入了供水系统。   The oil also made its way into a nearby river and contaminated the soil.   石油还流入到了附近的河流当中,污染了土壤。   A video on the Life news portal shows one villager filling a bucket from an indoor tap. What flows out is thick, black and viscous - unmistakably oil.   新闻入口网站Life的一则视讯显示,一位村民正在室内的水龙头上接了一桶看起来浓稠、黝黑、黏黏的东东——显然是石油。   "People can"t even wash, because a mixture of fuel oil and water with the characteristic *** ell of petrol is flowing from the taps. It is pletely insanitary," Chersky resident Ivan tells Life.   切尔斯基镇居民伊凡告知Life:“因为水管里流出的是水和石油的混合物,它还有刺鼻的汽油味,我们甚至无法洗漱。”   Officials are now working to expunge all traces of oil from the water supply. They say the cold water taps are still working fine, and advise villagers to boil that water for both washing and drinking.    *** 官员们正在努力将石油从供水系统中清除。他们表示,冷水供应仍然正常,建议居民们将冷水烧开,以用作洗漱和饮用。   Regional prosecutors and environmental protection officers have launched an official inquiry into the incident.   该地区的检察官和环境保护官员正在对此事件进行调查。   Most social media users sympathise with the villagers" plight, with some even suggesting that the oil leak may have been deliberate.   社交媒体上大多数的网友们都对这儿的居民表示同情。一些人甚至认为,石油是故意泄露的。   "Someone should go to prison for this, it looks like sabotage," one ment on the Life article reads.   一网友在生活杂志上说,“这些不法分子应该去坐牢,这看起来是一场阴谋。”   Others are less bothered, and say the villagers should be grateful that their water has been replaced with valuable oil. As one incredulous blogger puts it: "Seriously? They are plaining?"   另一些人倒没有这么烦恼,他们表示,自来水被换成了昂贵的石油,应当心存感激才是。正如一位博友所说的:“真的吗?他们居然还抱怨?” 1.自来水用英语怎么说 2.关于水龙头的警示语 3.书房用英语怎么说 4.认证用英语怎么说
2023-07-31 16:25:091


2023-07-31 16:25:203

英语一共有多少单词啊 我是说所有的

以下是一组与英语单词有关的趣闻,说明一下:下面提到的“英语单词”,通常是指固有单词,比如ice或cream,而不是指ice-cream这样的派生单词. (1)英语单词的准确数量,没有正式的统计,语言学家一般认为,英语单词(不包括专用词汇、人名、地名等),大约有17万个,其中约7万个是已经或者即将废弃的,因此英语单词的大致数量是10万个. (2)英语单词中,不会连续出现三个相同的字母,但如果我们给单词添加后缀,则可能出现这种情况,比如governess(女总督)变成governessship(女总督职务). (3)英语单词中,按照字母顺序,同时出现五个元音字母(aeiou)的单词是:abstemious(有节制的). (4)英语单词中,不按照字母顺序,连续出现五个元音字母(aeiou)的单词是:Rousseauian([法国思想家]卢梭的). (5)有些专业方面的英语单词,比如化工方面的英语单词,长达几十个、甚至几百个字母,但只有专家们才能看懂它们.在英语中,一般人即能看懂的最长单词是antidisestablishmentarianism(赞同国家对教会的支持),由28个字母组成. (6)英语单词中,字母不重复的最长单词是uncopyrightable(不能获得版权保护的),由15个不重复的字母组成. (7)许多人都知道下面第一句话,它包含了英语的26个字母,其实还有更短的一句话,请看下面第二句话: ①The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.(一只敏捷、灰色的狐狸跳过一只懒惰的狗) ②Brick quiz whangs jumpy veldt fox.(关于砖头的测验把一只跳跃的草原狐狸给难住了) (8)英语中最著名的一个回文,是拿破仑被流放到Elba岛时说的一句话:Able was I ere I saw Elba(在我看到Elba岛之前,我曾所向无敌),这句话不论是从左向右看,还是从右向左看,内容都一样.
2023-07-31 16:26:351


2023-07-31 16:26:469


大一英语必备单词如下:accomplish vt.完成(某事)accomplishment n.本领,技艺;完 成,成就achievement n.成就;成绩action n.动作;行为activity n.活动,行为anecdote n.趣闻,轶事apply vi.适用;申请artistic a.艺术的assist v.帮助attach vt.系,贴,连接attendant n.服务员;侍者,随从await vt..等待,等候bang v.猛敲,猛击bold a.勇敢的,无畏的breakthrough n.突破bustling a.繁忙的,熙攘的calligrapher n.书法家clumsily ad.笨拙地colleague n.同事comparable a.比得上的;可比的continual a.不断的,一再重复的contrast n.对比craft n.手艺;工艺creative a.独创的creativity n.创造力critical a.至关重要的;危急的culture n.文化departure n.背离;出发,离开desirable a.值得向往的;称心的effectively ad.有效地elementary a.基本的,初级的,基 础的emerge vi.出现enormous a.巨大的;极大的evolve v.使逐步发展exaggerate v.夸大,夸张exception n.例外expectantly ad.期待地exploratory a.探索的extreme a.极度的,极端的 n.极端, 过分facility n.熟练,灵巧;设备,设施fearful a.害怕的,担心的find one"s way 到达;进入,流入foster vt.培养frown v.,n.皱眉harbor vt.怀有in due course 在适当时机in retrospect 回顾independence n.独立,自主initial a.开始的,最初的innovation n.革新;新事物inseparable a.不可分离的insert vt.插入,嵌入intention n.意图investigate v.调查;探究kindergarten n.幼儿园
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re that day as far in the future. When w
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Good morning everybody!Attention,please!Now I"m very glad to tell you the arrangement of our activities during your stay in our school.On the morning,the headmaster will meet you and introduce you something about our school.And then in the afternoon,we will lead you to visit our labs and library.In the daytime of Tusday,you and the students in our school wil go to visit the East Lake.Mr.Zhang will tell you something interesting about the lake.At night,we will hold a party in Room 402.We will hold a meeting on Wednesday.And on Thursday,you are going back to America by plane CA981.I hope you will all enjoy your stay here.
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  一、把握良机,渲染英语课堂气氛,引发学生的兴趣和求知欲  小学生有着爱说爱闹的孩子气,他们无所顾忌、敢想敢说、好动,求新求异的愿望强烈。因此,我们必须因势利导,不要为了盲目追求课堂纪律打击他们的好奇心和求知欲。上课时,教师尽可能多地用抑扬顿挫、语调丰富、风趣幽默、充满诱因或悬念的语言,并配以丰富的表情和手势来组织课堂教学,能给学生创造一个开放宽松的教学环境。在和谐宽松的课堂气氛,可以使学生们怀着轻松愉快的心情投入学习,自然就敢用英语大胆发言,积极思维,不断产生学习英语和施展能力的兴趣。新教材中有很多内容都涉及到学生熟悉的生活,因此我们应适当地把教室变成他们的活动场所,让他们自由地施展个性,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,学习内驱力自然逐步增强。  二、充分研究教材,认真备课,在各教学环节中增加趣味性  教师对学习材料和内容的处理,一般是由易到难,逐步深入,同时要考虑到对学生学习兴趣的一定刺激程度,使学生的思想始终处于积极状态,使他们的兴趣逐步升级。其次增加教学环节中的趣味性,教学手段的多样化也有助于使学生的兴趣得以保持。呈现语言材料前,教师要想办法为学生创设新颖可信的情景,由此吸引学生注意力,再由该情景过渡到课本所展现的情景中,同时,合理地运用实物、图片、挂图、简笔画、现场录音、多媒体课件等,让所要呈现的情景更加直观而富有情趣。比如在进行课文教授时,教师可用从网上下载的听说读写的英语材料、采用自制课件来进行教学,通过声、光、电的完美结合,用生动的形象、真实的画面、优美动人的语言和音乐,来丰富学生的想象力,刺激学生的兴趣和求知欲,增强学生的记忆效果,从而实现教学目标,达到教学目的。  新时期,我们进入了数字化信息时代。多媒体辅助教学已由开始时的在优质课、示范课上的“表演”,正式向课堂教学迈进,尤其是向英语课堂教学注入了新鲜的血液。英语课堂上和谐高效的教学氛围的创设,学生主体性的更大发挥,使学生在积极参与、口脑并用中学习兴趣增强。学生学习英语的终极目标---学生英语交际能力的培养在现代英语课堂上得以体现,文化背景知识得到更深层次的渗透。新课程标准提倡的任务型教学法,更能增强小学生学习英语的积极性。教师要充分研究教材,认真备课,在各教学环节中增加英语课的趣味性。  三、注重“以人为本”,发挥学生主体作用  过去的教学常常强调教师的主导性而把学生单纯地视为教育对象,忽视学生的主体地位;把学生的头脑看作是可以填充知识的容器,忽视教学特点,无视学生的主观能动性。教师应把小学生看作是具有成长潜能的生命体,其内部蕴藏着主体发展的机制,认识到教学的目的在于开发学生的潜力,驱动其主体的发展机制,使之成长、成熟。“以人为本”的理念在教育界越来越深入人心。在教育过程中,以学生为中心,充分发挥学生的主体性已成为广大教师所热衷的教学方法。母语习得研究及外语学习研究均证实:外语教学中的重点不再应该是 “我们该教些什么”,而应是“我们如何在课堂教学中创造这些条件” 。新课程标准强调的是学生“能干什么”,因此,我们在教学过程中应充分体现学生的主动性和创造性,增强学生使用英语的能力。期刊文章分类查询,尽在期刊图书馆  四、建立新型师生关系,重视师生情感交流,培养兴趣  师生关系是以基本的人性观为前提的。如果教育者认为,人的天性是懒惰的,不思进取的,需要严格教诲才能启迪良知,那么权威型的师生关系应该是最为有效的。传统的师道尊严,便是权威型的师生关系的体现。现代教育观则认为人的本性是积极的、向上的,具有生长与进取的潜力,教育的目的是开发人的潜能、促进人的健全发展,而权威型的师生关系无疑会扼杀儿童的创造力与禀赋。因此,我们必须建立新型的师生关系:  1.合作的师生关系。  合作要求教师不以教育者自居,不以强制的手段——训斥、羞辱、向家长告状等来强迫学生服从教师的意志。强制性的教育,很容易伤害儿童的自信心、自尊心,引起儿童对教师的反感甚至恐惧,也容易扼杀儿童学习的兴趣。合作就意味着教师和学生在人格上是完全平等的。过去的观念是:“你不会学习,我来教你学习;你不愿意学习,我来强制你学习。”现在的观念是:“你不会学习,我来教你学习;你不愿意学习,我来吸引你学习。”“吸引”,就是“使儿童乐于学习,使他们乐意参加到教师和儿童共同进行的教学活动中来。”  2.和谐的师生关系。  和谐是指师生之间的情感联系,爱是其中的核心要素。爱需要教师对学生倾注相当的热情,对其各方面给予关注,对于学习有困难的学生尤为如此。爱是将教学中存在的师生的“我”与“你”的关系,变成了“我们”的关系。爱使教师与学生相互依存中取得心灵的沟通,共同分享成功的欢乐,分担挫折的烦恼。和谐的师生关系,是促进学生学习的强劲动力。  3.融洽的师生关系。  朱小蔓曾说:“离开感情层面,不能铸造人的精神世界。”教育是充满情感和爱的事业,教师应多与学生进行情感方面的交流,做学生的知心朋友,甚至与学生建立起母女般、父子般或姐妹兄弟般的融洽的师生关系,让学生觉得老师是最值得信任的人,跟老师无话不说、无事不谈,达到师生关系的最佳状态。  教学不仅是教与学的关系,同时也是师生双方思想和感情的交流过程。师生关系直接影响和制约着学生的情感和意志,影响学生的认知活动。一般说来,学生对某位教师喜欢,其课堂气氛就会显得活跃,学生的学习兴趣就会油然而生。因此,教师要重视感情的投入,以自己真诚的爱唤起学生的情感共鸣。教师要通过自己的言行、表情传递给学生亲切、鼓励、信任、尊重的情感信息,使得学生不怕出错误,敢于开口说英语。重视学生情感因素对学生的影响,想方设法让学生保持良好的心境,保护学生的自信心,这对培养和保持学生的学习兴趣有很大的作用。学生初学英语时都兴趣盎然,但随着时间的推移、知识容量的增多、学习难度的加大,兴趣的保持程度则会因人而异,出现差异,有的学生甚至会完全丧失兴趣。针对这一自然现象,我们不能抱“天要下雨,娘要嫁人”的态度,而应该多关心鼓励、多给予实际行动上的帮助,从众多方面着手,要防微杜渐,更要亡羊补牢。  五、开展内容广泛、形式多样的英语课外活动  苏霍姆林斯基说过:“兴趣的源泉在于运用。”为了增强学生学习英语的兴趣,给学生更多的运用英语进行交际的机会,教师可以设计和组织多种难易适度的课外活动。通过活动可以让学生把所学知识运用于实际,使学生认识了自我,取得了不同程度的成就感,增强其自信心,增添了学习英语的兴趣和乐趣,变“要我学”为“我要学”,进而长久保持其对英语学习的兴趣。  教师可以经常性地编辑英语学习园地或办英语壁报,解决疑难问题、分析常见错误、辨析词语用法、英美风情知识讲座等,还可适当刊登一些游戏方法、英语小诗歌、谜语、典故、趣闻、学生日记等;可以成立英语课外活动小组,开展学习课外材料、演唱英语歌曲、表演英语会话或短剧等小组活动;结合实际地组织英语竞赛,如:英文书写竞赛、朗诵比赛、单词听写竞赛、单词接龙比赛、智力比赛等。让学生在这些活动中互相帮助,互相感染,进而共同提高水平,长久保持学习英语的兴趣。
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The Coca-Cola Company (Coca-Cola, The specific NYSE: KO) is a Company headquarters is located in The United States in Atlanta, Georgia multinational drinks manufacturers. Independent production of the products have coke, Sprite, fanta, marked, Glaceau vitaminwater, beauty of fruit series, QOO queer juice series, fly snow mineral water, pure water ice dew series series, the earth and heaven, and the valley of haze of tea series, etc. And nestle cooperative production of refreshing tea, a nestle canned nestle coffee etc. Although many different about "Coca-Cola" the legend of the name, in fact, "Coca-Cola" English name is by pemberton was assistant accountant named Robinson and partner. He is a classical calligrapher, he thinks "two capital C word will look nice", so the Coca-Cola "with", "Coca" Coca leaves promotes practice is the spices, "Cola" is coke out of the fruit components. "Coca-Cola" trademark DuoNian to have been no change. "Coca-Cola" the origin of the Chinese name "Coca-Cola" this name, already "delicious" also "coke", not only keep English sound, still more interesting than English. The Chinese name is by scholars JiangYi translation to come out. "Coca-Cola" in "1920 s production but not in Shanghai has officially Chinese name. At first use" Ke Ke chew wax ", result because of improper literally in the Chinese market and failed to success. [1] so, when "Coca-Cola" dedicated to the overseas business "Coca-Cola" export company in Britain, was for translation. Was study in Britain, and the JiangYi with "Coca-Cola" four word beat the other competitors took 350 pounds. [1]. Advertising slogan 2000 heart jump in! We work hard to live out the brilliant! 2000 Koka-kola. Or Tastes good act 2001 2003 in this burning passion 2010 and who you want to share the New Year the first a bottle of Coca-Cola 2011 positive and optimistic a better life Coke history Coca-Cola was a doctor of invention, also can saying is he manufactured the coke. Once, he gave a patient a doctor, opened a bottle of potions, let patients after coming home taking, results, when he ready to rest, suddenly night the man again come, and are glad to, will own the VAT handed to the doctor, filled with full requirements before a barrel, and a potion last time, just as the doctor muddleheaded ground did. The next day, he took a stronger player to come here, they pass their cups and bucket, rob to buy potions. The doctor was very strange, then ask why they every day to buy medicine, is it every family ill? People holding thumb praised the potion is very nice. Here The doctor confused: "no ill, why buy medicine every day? Is this the potions can cure, or delicious drink?" And so, he bold opened a "potions" factory, because this potion is very nice, people drink are extremely happy, he decided to call it "Coca-Cola", the unknown doctor, just because a bottle of potions, and then let his potions around the world. 1885, Georgia, USA "Dr. John Stith Pemberton. >. And invented the brunet syrup called pan burton French Wine coke (Pemberton "s Flench Wine Koka) in the same year the government issued a commissioner, so pan burton invention non-alcoholic Pemberton" s Flench Koka Wine. On May 8, 1886, pan burton doctor wanted to invent a drink, a kind of let many need compensatory nutrition people like to drink beverages. That day, he is prepared to stir the s Coca-Cola beverages, found it has a calming influence, refreshing, and ease headache, he will join the syrup and the liquid water, and then add ice, he tasted it, it"s very delicious, but in the second cup, the assistant carelessly joined the carbonated water (soda water) (carbon dioxide + water) tastes better this time, partners (Flank M.L obinson) Robinson from two ingredients of syrup, stimulate the naming of inspiration, these two elements are Coca (Coca leaves and korah) (Kola) fruit, Robinson to neat and tidy, will the Kola change, and then in C K two words with a horizontal, and among Coca-Cola was born, and the first Coca-Cola sells for five cents.
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英国在每年3月最后一个星期天到10月最后一个星期天采用British Summer Time (BST),又称London Time或者"Big Ben"Time,这就是所谓的夏令时,它相当于是GMT+1:00。从每年10月的最后一个星期天到第二年3月的最后一个星期天,英国采用格林威治标准时间,也就是GMT+0:00。中国采用的北京时间是GMT+8:00,无夏令时;所以,当英国使用夏令时的时候,英国比中国晚7小时。当英国使用格林威治标准时间的时候,就比中国晚8小时。举个例子,我回答您问题的时候是北京时间16点17分,英国现在是处于夏令时阶段,就是9点17分;如果不是处于夏令时阶段,就是8点17分。
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1. 雨的的英文怎么写 pluvial 读音:英 [u02c8plu:viu0259l] 美 [u02c8pluviu0259l] adj.雨的;洪水的;多雨的;有雨的 例句: 1、With the change of precipitation, it divided three pluvial periods and three dry periods. 根据降水变化可分为三个多雨期和三个少雨期。 2、Concerning the autumn type, because Ural trough meets Aleutian trough over northeast China in summer there is a high possibility for low temperature and pluvial damages. 秋季型由于乌拉尔低槽和阿留申低槽于夏季在东北汇合加强,易造成低温多雨。 3、Kinds of alluvial and pluvial placers were formed in Quaternary as No. 13 series. 进入第四纪以来,形成了各种类型的冲积、洪积砂矿床,构成了第13成矿系列。 4、Especially in pluvial regions of the south, nearly all highways have had varying-degree water damage phenomenon in less than one year. 特别是在南方的多雨地区,几乎所有的高速公路不到一年就产生了不同程度的水损坏现象。 5、The pluvial geological records of Jiangling area in Jianghan Plain, show that the area revealed 18 flood events during the last 3000 years. 江汉平原江陵地区的洪水地质记录表明,近3000年来,该区共发生了18次特大洪水漫滩事件。 扩展资料: rain 读音:英 [reu026an] 美 [ren] n.雨;(热带地区的)雨季,雨天;雨点般降落的东西;<;俚>;电子流 vt.& vi.(雨)降下,(使)降落;大量地给,(使)大量落下 第三人称单数: rains 复数: rains 现在分词: raining 过去式: rained 过去分词: rained 例句: 1、I hope you didn"t get soaked standing out in the rain 我希望你站在外面没有被雨淋透。 2、The rains have failed again in the Horn of Africa. 雨季又没有光顾非洲之角。 3、It rained the whole weekend 整个周末都在下雨。 4、The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park 警察不分闹事者与观众统统一顿猛击,把人们清除出了足球场。 5、A rain of stones descended on the police. 一阵乱石砸向警察。 2. 雨的英文怎么写啊 rain1 / re??n; ren/ n [U] condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling as separate drops; fall of these drops 雨; 下雨: heavy/light rain 大[小]雨 * Don"t go out in the rain. 不要冒着雨出去. * Come in out of the rain. 快进来, 别让雨淋着. * It looks like (ie as if there will be a fall of) rain. 像是要下雨了. the rains [pl] season of heavy continuous rain in tropical countries (热带地区 的)雨季: The rains e in September. 雨季於九月到来. [sing] (preceded by an adj 用於形容词之后) shower of rain of the specified type 某种类型的雨: There was a heavy rain during the night. 夜间下了一场大雨. [sing] ~ of sth (esp fig 尤作比喻) great number of things falling like rain 像雨点般降落的东西: a rain of arrows, bullets, etc 箭﹑ 子弹等如雨点一般 * a rain of ashes, eg from a volcano 如雨点般落下的灰尘(如从火山口中喷出者). (idm 习语) e ,rain, e `shine; (e) ,rain or `shine whether there is rain or sunshine; whatever happens 不论晴雨; 不管发生什麽事情: The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine. 游园义卖会定於星期日举行, 风雨无阻. right as rain => right. > rainless adj: a rainless day 无雨天. # rainbow / ??re??nb??u; ˋren??bo/ n arch containing the colours of the spectrum, formed in the sky when the sun shines through rain or spray 虹; 彩虹: silks dyed in all (the) colours of the rainbow 染成彩虹那样七种颜色的丝绸服装. `rainbow trout black-spotted trout with o reddish bands from nose to tail 虹鳟鱼(身上有黑点, 从鼻到尾有两条红线). `rain-check n (US) 1 ticket for later use when a match, show, etc is cancelled because of rain (比赛﹑ 表演等)因雨延期有效票. 2 (idm 习语) take a rain-check (on sth) (infml 口) decline an offer, etc but promise to accept it later 谢绝一项好意, 但答应日后接受: Thanks for the invitation, but I"ll have to take a rain-check on it. 你的邀请我心领了, 感谢盛意改日一定践约. `raincoat n light waterproof or water-resistant coat 雨衣. `raindrop n single drop of rain 雨点. `rainfall n [U] total amount of rain falling within a given area in a given time 降雨量: an annual rainfall of 10 cm 年降雨量10厘米. =>App 4 见附录4. `rain forest thick evergreen forest in tropical regions with heavy rainfall 雨林(热带地区多雨的茂密常绿森林). `rain-gauge n instrument for measuring rainfall 雨量计. `rainproof adj that can keep rain out 防雨的: a rainproof jacket 防雨短上衣. `rain-water n soft water that has fallen as rain, eg not taken from wells, etc 雨水(软水, 如并非井水等). rain2 / re??n; ren/ v [I] (used with it 与it连用) fall as rain 下雨; 降雨: It is raining, ie Rain is falling. 下着雨呢. * It rained hard all day. 下了一整天的大雨. [Ipr] ~ on *** /sth (fig 比喻) fall like rain on *** /sth 像雨点般落在某人[某物]上: Blows rained on the door. 敲门声像雨点一样. * The suitcase burst open and its contents rained on the floor. 手提箱裂开了, 里面的东西纷纷落在地板上. (idm 习语) it ,never ,rains but it `pours (saying 谚) misfortunes, etc usually e in large numbers 不雨则已, 一雨倾盆; 灾祸等不发生则已, 一发生便接踵而至: First my car broke down, then I lost my key: it never rains but it pours! 先是我的汽车出了故障, 接着又丢了钥匙, 真是祸不单行! rain `buckets; rain cats and `dogs (esp in the continuous tenses 尤用於进行时态) rain very heavily 下倾盆大雨. (phr v) rain down (sth) flow or e down in large quantities 大量流下; 大量落下: Tears rained down her cheeks. 她泪流满面. * Loose rocks rained down (the hillside). 松动的岩石大量滚下(山坡). rain down (on *** /sth) e down on *** /sth 传给某人[某事物]: Abuse rained down on the noisy students from the open windows. 穿过敞开的窗户传来对那些喧闹学生的责骂声. * Invitations rained down on the visiting writer. 来访的这位作家收到了许多邀请信. rain in (used with it 与it连用): It is raining in, ie Rain is ing through the roof, tent, etc. 漏雨了. rain sth off; US rain sth out (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) (infml 口) prevent (eg an event) from taking place because of rain 因雨而使(事情等)受阻: The match was rained off ice. 比赛因雨而被迫两次改期.。 3. 下雨天的英文单词怎么写 wet 英 [wet] 美 [wet] adj. 湿的;雨天的;懦弱的 比较级: wetter 最高级: wettest 过去式: wet/wetted 过去分词: wet/wetted 现在分词: wetting 第三人称单数: wets 词语用法 adj. (形容词) 1、wet的基本意思是“湿的,潮的”,指某物体表面有液体或处于液体状态。 2、wet也可作“下雨的,多雨的”解。 n. (名词) 3、wet用作名词的意思是“雨天,湿地”,通常用作单数形式,其前须加定冠词the。 4、wet也可作“迟钝或软弱的人”“稳健而不激进的政治家”解,是可数名词。 例句 用作形容词 (adj.) The paper has wrinkled where it got wet. 这张纸湿的地方起皱褶了。 You will get wet if you go out without an umbrella. 你出门不带伞会被淋湿的。 扩展资料: 近义词的用法 rain 英 [reu026an] 美 [reu026an] n. 雨;雨水 ;v. 下雨;(雨点般)落下 形容词: rainless 过去式: rained 过去分词: rained 现在分词: raining 第三人称单数: rains 词语用法 n. (名词) 1、rain的意思是“雨”,通常用作不可数名词, a rain指“一次雨、一阵雨、一场…样的雨”, rains指“几场雨,大阵雨”。 v. (动词) 2、rain用作动词时作“下雨”解,多用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,通常表示雨下得很大,可接drops等名词作宾语。 3、rain表示“下雨”时,主语一般用代词it。当主语不是it时,常表示“…雨点般地落下”。 4. 关于雨的作文{英文} Rain, like 10 million silver. Drizzle quietly quietly float in, like countless Silkworm mother out of silver. 10 million wire, rippling in the air, the long Mimi Qingmiao, throwing Heiyouyou field. Such as silk from the air, landing light rain and no rain is so *** all, Yulian is so dense, to the mountains covered Chanyi as white. Quick and very *** all, very sponge, like floating in the spring time Xu. Like fog like rain, like the rain like fog, fishes Lu:lu: Touching constantly. I like the rain 雨,像千万条银丝。 细雨,悄悄无声地飘落着,像是无数蚕娘吐出的银丝。千万条细丝,荡漾在半空中,迷迷漫漫的轻纱,披上了黑油油田野。 如丝的小雨从空中降落,雨点是那样小,雨帘是那样密,给群山披上蝉翼般的白纱。 雨丝很细,很绵,像春天时空飘浮的柳絮。 像雾似的雨,像雨似的雾,丝丝缕缕缠绵不断。 我喜欢雨。
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is,后面的名词是不可数的,不可数的名词是要用谓语动词用单数形式. 就近原则,谓语应与最邻近的主语保持一致的 there is a pen and two boxes on the table. there are two boxes and a pen on the table.
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用户自定义完整性是针对某一具体关系数据库的约束条件,它反映某一具体应用所涉及的数据必须满足的语义要求。主要包括非空约束、唯一约束、检查约束、主键约束、外键约束1、非空约束(Not Null Constraint) 这个可能大家都了解,就是我们在添加那个表 userinfo,在id、name后面都添加了not null,就是有些列不能把它设为空,相信大家都理解,我就说下我在一个英文资料看到的一段英文:The not null specification prohibits the insertion of a null value for this attribute.Any database modifucation that would cause a null to be inserted in an attribute declared to be not null generates an error diagnostic.(大家就得自己翻译了) 2、唯一约束(Unique Constraint) 一个唯一约束并不包括一个NULL值。直接在字段定义后加入UNIQUE即可定义该唯一约束。 1) 一个表只能创建一个主键约束,但一个表可以根据需要对不同的列创建若干unique约束 2)主键字段不允许为null ,unique允许为空 3)一般创建主键约束时,系统自动产生簇索引,unique约束自动产非簇索引 3、检查约束(The Check Clause) 通过在定义数据库表里,在字段级或者是在表级加入的检查约束,使其满足特定的要求。 我来举一个例子 create table student ( name varchar(15) not null, student_id varchar(15), degree_level varchar(15), primary key(student_id), check(degree_level in("Bachelors","Masters","Doctorate"))); Here ,we use the check clause to simulate an enumerated type by specifying that degree_level must to be one of "Bachelors","Masters","Doctorate"; 4、主键约束(Primary Key Constraint) 其实主键约束就是一张表只能建立一个主键约束,其实就是唯一约束+非空约束。大家通过上课讨论那么多关于“依赖”的事情,估计大家都能理解了 5、外健约束( Foreign Key Constraint) Foreign Key Constraint主要是确保同一个表或者不同表之间的引用完整性,所以必须引用一个PRIMARY KEY或者UNIQUE约束,用户必须在应用表上具有REFERENCES权限;一个表中最多可以有31个外部键约束; 在临时表中,不能使用外部键约束; 主键和外部键的数据类型必须严格匹配 。
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