barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-31 14:11:52
TAG: 英语












underground; metro; the



carriage; compartment; railway

carriage; coach



train); car





crowd; push


squeeze; congest; huddle; invade



拥挤的英语crowd。crowd:n.人群;群;群众;大众;听众;众多;老百姓;观众;一伙人;一帮人。crowd:v.挤满;成群地挤入;聚集在…的周围;逼近;把某人(或某物)挤在外面;涌上…的心头。crowd的用法例句crowd的用法1:crowd是可数名词,其基本意思是许多人围在一起,即“人群”,可指“听众”“观众”等。crowd的用法2:crowd还可用作量词,后接“of+复数名词”表示“一群人”“一堆事物”。crowd的用法3:crowd作主语时,其谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数。强调集体时用单数,强调个人时用复数。在现代英语特别是美式英语中,其谓语动词通常用单数。crowd的用法4:crowd与定冠词the连用,可表示“百姓,群众”。crowd的用法5:crowd的基本意思是“挤满”,可指一群人或物“挤”在一起拥向某物〔地〕而产生的巨大压力; 也可指由于数量之大而造成不便,含有人满为患的意味。还可指一个〔群〕人从人群中用力拥挤而过;crowd引申可表示“催逼”,即方言中的“挤兑”。crowd的用法6:crowd是及物动词,其主语一般为人,其宾语可以为人,也可以为表示地点的名词。crowd的用法7:crowd可用于被动结构。1. The crowd in Robinson"s Coffee-House was thinning, but only by degrees.鲁宾逊咖啡屋里的人正在变少,但也只是渐少而已。2. Three mortar shells had landed close to a crowd of people.3枚迫击炮弹落在人群旁。3. He charged into the crowd. "Break it up," he shouted.他冲进人群,大喊道:“散开。”
2023-07-31 09:04:402

拥挤的用英语怎么说 拥挤的用英语说法

1、crowd,英[krau028ad]、美[krau028ad]。  2、n. 人群;群众;大群;朋友。 3、v. 拥挤;挤满;涌入;贴近;逼迫。 4、名词: crowder 过去式: crowded 过去分词: crowded 现在分词: crowding 第三人称单数: crowds。
2023-07-31 09:05:221

拥挤用英语怎么说 拥挤用英语如何说

1、拥挤的英语:Crowded,英 [u02c8krau028adu026ad] 美 [u02c8krau028adu026ad]。 2、延误完全是因为交通拥挤。The delay is due simply to the volume of traffic. 3、沿着狭窄的街道是拥挤的带有天井的房子,环绕着一个有正方形尖塔的清真寺。Typically, houses with patios crowd along narrow streets around a mosque with a square minaret. 4、那条小路把他们带到了一片杂乱拥挤的附属建筑群。The track led them to a huddle of outbuildings.
2023-07-31 09:05:321


crowded 形容词
2023-07-31 09:05:532


crowd;push and squeeze;congest;huddle;invade[例句]随着越来越多比赛涌现,已经形成了一个拥挤的市场。As more and more begin popping up , it creates a crowded market.
2023-07-31 09:06:011


2023-07-31 09:06:082


2023-07-31 09:06:182

交通拥挤 用英语说

交通拥挤用英语表示为traffic congestion。重点单词congestion解析如下:一、读音:英式发音:[ku0259nu02c8du0292estu0283u0259n]美式发音:[ku0259nu02c8du0292estu0283u0259n]二、释义:n. 拥塞,堵塞,充血三、词形变化:复数:congestions四、常用短语:traffic congestion:交通拥堵nasal congestion:鼻塞chest congestion:胸闷五、用法:congestion 是一个名词,用来描述拥塞、堵塞或充血的情况。congestion 可以用来描述交通、鼻子、胸部等方面的拥塞、堵塞或充血情况。congestion 可以用来描述城市的交通拥堵情况,也可以用来描述人体内部的某些器官的充血情况。六、例句:The traffic congestion was so bad that I was late for my meeting.(交通拥堵太严重了,我迟到了会议。)I have chest congestion and it"s hard to breathe.(我胸闷,呼吸很困难。)The nasal congestion made it hard for me to sleep at night.(鼻塞让我晚上很难入睡。)The congestion on the highway was caused by an accident.(高速公路上的拥堵是由事故引起的。)The congestion in the city is getting worse and worse.(城市的交通拥堵越来越严重。)
2023-07-31 09:06:282


太拥挤 Too crowded; -----------------------------------------------------------
2023-07-31 09:06:432


Traffic congestion has long been a problem of great concern and complaint in big cities. It has caused a lot of inconvenience to people"s life and work. The first cause is the great increase in the number of private cars. Cars take up more space but they carry fewer people. Some private car drivers, ignoring traffic regulations, drive only for the sake of their own convenience, blocking the way of other public transportation vehicles. The second cause is the slow and inefficient construction and improvement of the roads and streets. With a large population and numbers of automobiles increasing, some roads still remain unimproved, which will surely lead to problems. Let all of us act now to solve it.长期来交通拥塞一直是大城市最关心和抱怨的问题。已造成人们生活和工作的很大不便。首要原因是私家车数量的大量增加。小汽车占用了更多空间,但他们却携带很少的人。一些私家车司机无视交通规则,开车时只图自己的方便,挡住了其他公共交通工具的道路。其次是缓慢而低效的建设及对道路和街区的完善。随着人口越来越多和汽车数量的成倍增长,而道路依旧保持原样,无疑会导致问题的产生。让我们所有的人现在就采取行动来解决它。
2023-07-31 09:06:521


2023-07-31 09:07:022

交通拥挤 用英语说

2023-07-31 09:07:139


2023-07-31 09:07:452


traffic jam; traffic congestion;traffi dely;a heavy road on traffic...以上这些答案都可以...希望可以帮到你
2023-07-31 09:09:156


可写成More and more crowded希望能帮到你 采纳是您的美德
2023-07-31 09:09:311


你好!loose 英[lu:s] 美[lus] adj. 松的,宽的; 模糊的; 散漫的; 自由的; vt. 松开; 释放; 不受约束地表达; 射出(子弹、箭等); vi. 变得松散; 发射导弹; 开火; [例句]If a tooth feels very loose, your dentist may recommend that it"s taken out如果有一颗牙齿很松,牙医可能会建议你把它拔掉。
2023-07-31 09:10:141


2023-07-31 09:10:242


"Crush" 这个词在英语中有几种不同的含义,具体意思取决于上下文。以下是常见的几个含义:1. 压碎或挤压:作为动词,"crush" 指压碎或挤压物体,使其变形或破碎。例如:- She accidentally crushed the glass with her hand.(她不小心用手把玻璃压碎了。)- The heavy truck crushed the empty cans on the road.(重型卡车压扁了路上的空罐头。)2. 迷恋或喜欢:作为动词,"crush" 也可以表示对某人或某事的迷恋、喜欢或暗恋。例如:- He has a crush on his co-worker.(他暗恋着他的同事。)- I used to have a crush on that movie star when I was younger.(我年轻的时候曾经迷恋过那个电影明星。)3. 彻底击败或压垮:作为动词,"crush" 还可以表示彻底击败或压垮对手或敌人。例如:- The team crushed their opponents in the final match.(这支队伍在决赛中彻底击败了对手。)- The rebellion was crushed by the government forces.(叛乱被政府军队镇压了。)4. 碾碎物品或拥挤:作为名词,"crush" 指拥挤的人群或碾碎物品的状态。例如:- The concert attracted a huge crush of fans.(这场音乐会吸引了大批粉丝前来。)- Be careful not to get caught in the crush at the entrance.(小心不要被挤在入口处。)总结来说,"crush" 这个词有压碎、挤压、迷恋、喜欢、彻底击败等含义,具体取决于上下文使用时所表达的意思。想了解更多关于英语学习的知识可以关注百家号:Daily英语角希望有所帮助,望采纳~
2023-07-31 09:10:332


在北京玩最少五天最多一个月吧.时间可能长了点 但确是可以的深度游.在雍和宫一代住却是挺方便的.我家离那... 这时看看时间。有空就去景山北海看看。若天空黑了。就直接去后海们也没多远。晚上看看后海夜景,吃点小吃...
2023-07-31 09:10:506


楼主要搞笑版的?peoples mountain peoples sea
2023-07-31 09:11:132


It is very crowded in the subway carriages during the rush hour.rush hour 可理解为上下班的高峰期
2023-07-31 09:11:211

每个景点游人都非常多,非常拥挤 这话用英语怎么说,速度!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+分

There are many visitors in each attractions, the scene is very crowded.
2023-07-31 09:11:403

关于城市生活的拥挤的英语作文 说一说城市生活的拥挤及其原因,并提出至少一项解决方案

Nowadays, most people own cars as their material life becomes higer and more and more colorful! Obviously, the busy traffic can not satisfy our need as before. At the same time,the pace of science development are becoming bigger,it seems that the way we facing is too narrow and we do not get ready for it. Why would this happen? From my standpoint, the main reason is that it is connected with our mental health. I believe if we broaden our mind, everything is OK or we can overcome it easy. Moreever, it is known to all that the phenomenon is the base of a country to make progresses! So we must think about it appropriately. 时间紧凑 篇幅凑合 词汇低俗 比较勉强吧 希望提问者将就下~匆忙完成,错误难免~ 尽请原谅~~
2023-07-31 09:11:501


汽车也给我们带来了许多问题,例如交通拥挤,环境污染The car also brought us many problems,such as traffic congestion and pollution of the environment
2023-07-31 09:11:571


市长先生,您好.我是一名中学生.我向您来信是想向您反应几件事情:1、我们中学生每天上学都有许许多多的车辆在马路上穿梭.而有事甚至会堵车.这样的事情在学校门口也是经常出现的.我建议:应该设置一条专门接孩子的通道.而且还要规定车辆的摆放,并且要找专门人士看管,与梳理.这是我的建议,希望您能采纳. 某市一中学生 李华 2013年x月x日 希望能采纳,谢谢.
2023-07-31 09:12:071

怎样解决交通拥挤问题 英语作文

In modern society, the problem of heavy traffic has aroused a wide concern. Concerning with this problem, different people hold different opinions. As far as I am concerned, to solve this problem, we need to begin with the following steps.First, limiting the number of private cars is a significant step to solve the problem of heavy traffic. Private car occupies a larger space and it is responsible for traffic jam to a large extent. Less private cars will accelerate the flow of traffic. Second, it is also a good means to open up the special roads for buses. By doing this, the phenomenon that the buses block the street when passengers get on or get off the buses will not occur again. At the same time, it will upgrade the efficiency of buses. Finally, reinforcing punish toward the over-speed cars and drunk driving so as to reduce the rate of traffic accident, and then decrease traffic jam.在现代社会,交通拥挤的问题已经引起了广泛的关注。关于这个问题,不同的人有不同的观点。我觉得要解决这个问题我们需要从以下步骤开始。首先,限制私家车的数量是解决交通拥挤问题的重要一步。私家车占据了较大的空间,在很大程度上它要对交通堵塞负责。私家车会加快运输量。第二,为公共汽车建立特殊道路也是一个好方法。这样的话,乘客从公共汽车上下车阻碍了马路的现象不会再发生。同时,也会提升公交车的效率。最后,加强惩罚超速和酒后驾驶的汽车来降低交通事故的发生率,并减轻交通堵塞。To put it in a nutshell, only we put the above advice into practice together can we solve the problem of heavy traffic.简而言之,我们只有把以上建议一起付诸实践我们才能解决交通拥挤的问题。
2023-07-31 09:12:142


1.足不出户 :remain within doors 节约时间 :save time 避免拥挤 :to avoid the crowd 劳累 :tiredness 2.The price is usually cheaper. 3.the range of choices provided with varieties of brands
2023-07-31 09:12:211

英语翻译 缓解交通压力 改善空气质量 节约能源 加据交通拥挤翻译成英语

缓解交通压力 alleviation of the traffic pressure. 改善空气质量 Improvement of the air quality. 节约能源 Energy Conservation 加据交通拥挤 Add accordingly to the traffic congestion(不是很清楚加据是什么意思)
2023-07-31 09:12:281


2023-07-31 09:12:481


  拥挤;人或车船等挤在一起。地方相对地小二人或车船等灯相对较多。拥挤是对导致负性情感的密度的一个主观心理反应。当人口密度达到某种标准,个人空间的需要遭到相当长一段时间的阻碍时,就出现了拥挤感。你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    1:   jam    2:   huddle    3:   crowd    4:   Congestion    拥挤英语例句:   街道十分拥挤,汽车无法通行。   The street was so crowded that cars were unable to pass.   在拥挤的街道上,光天化日之下竟发生了抢劫。   The robbery occurred in broad daylight, in a crowded street.   公车是如此拥挤,我被挤得动弹不得。   The bus is so full that I am jammed in and can not move.   东京是一座非常拥挤的城市。   Tokyo is an overcrowded city.   拥挤收费的主要原因是拥挤外部成本的存在。   The main reason for congestion pricing is the external cost of congestions.   他宁愿骑自行车,而不愿意坐拥挤的公共汽车。 、他宁愿骑自行车,而不愿意坐拥挤的公共汽车。   He prefers to ride a bicycle rather than ride on a crowded bus.   考虑到目前拥挤的运输状况,请务必提前定舱位。   It is difficult to reserve shipping space on account of heavy congestion.   拥挤的工作空间可能是压力的主要来源。   An overcrowded workplace can be a major source of stress.   医院的急诊室就像战区里拥挤的火车站。   The emergency waiting room resembles a crowded train station in a war zone.
2023-07-31 09:12:571


问题一:拥挤的英文怎么说 拥挤 n. piling, squash v. crowd, pack, cram, pile, squeeze, gather, congregate, cluster 拥挤的城市crowded city不要拥挤!Don"t push!汽船驶抵码头,船上的旅客拥挤不堪。The steamer arrived at the quay with the tourists packed like sardines.这个地方很安静,与城市的拥挤喧嚣十分不同。This place is very quiet, quite different from the hustle and bustle of the cities.拥挤的车辆阻塞了道路。Heavy traffic blocked the road.上下班时间的交通很拥挤。The rush hour traffic is very dense. 问题二:拥挤的人群用英语怎么说? 这个很简单的,就是a crowd of people 问题三:拥挤用英文怎么说? crowd n. 群众,一伙;一堆,许多,大众 v. 拥挤,挤满,挤进 vt. 挤满,将...塞进;催促,催逼 vi. 挤,拥挤,聚 问题四:拥挤用英语怎么说 crow 问题五:拥挤的翻译,怎么用英语翻译拥挤,拥挤用英语怎么说 拥挤 [词典] crowd; push and squeeze; congest; huddle; invade; [例句]不要拥挤! Don"t push! 问题六:有点太拥挤,用英文咋说? A little crowded. 问题七:更拥挤用英语怎么说 更拥挤 More crowded 注: crowded 英 [?kra?d?d] 美 [?kra?du026ad] .adj. 拥挤的; 水泄不通的; 肩摩踵接; [例句]He peered slowly around the *** all crowded room.他慢慢地环视这个拥挤的小屋。 问题八:拥挤这个词语用英语怎样表达? crowded 形容词 eg。a crowded car一辆拥挤的车 crowd不及物动词 eg students crowded into the school.学生挤进学校 问题九:拥挤这个词语用英语怎样表达 crowded,拥挤的,作形容词。 the street is crowded on weekends。一到周末这条街道就很拥挤。
2023-07-31 09:13:041


问题一:拥挤的用英语怎么说 20分 拥挤有下面几个英语翻译: crowd squeeze cram cluster pack pile 提供几个例句: People are crowding onto the sidewalk to see what was going on Too many people are squeezing into the elevator We all crammed into the bus when it pulled into the station As the郸bus arrived, everyone piled in 问题二:拥挤用英文怎么说? crowd n. 群众,一伙;一堆,许多,大众 v. 拥挤,挤满,挤进 vt. 挤满,将...塞进;催促,催逼 vi. 挤,拥挤,聚 问题三:拥挤的人群用英语怎么说? 这个很简单的,就是a crowd of people 问题四:拥挤用英语怎么说 crow 问题五:拥挤的翻译,怎么用英语翻译拥挤,拥挤用英语怎么说 拥挤 [词典] crowd; push and squeeze; congest; huddle; invade; [例句]不要拥挤! Don"t push! 问题六:更拥挤用英语怎么说 更拥挤 More crowded 注: crowded 英 [?kra?d?d] 美 [?kra?du026ad] .adj. 拥挤的; 水泄不通的; 肩摩踵接; [例句]He peered slowly around the *** all crowded room.他慢慢地环视这个拥挤的小屋。
2023-07-31 09:13:111


The pictures vividly reveal that heavy traffic is becoming increasingly serious all over the world.In the first photo,there is traffic congestion on the road with numerous cars,trucks and buses.In the second picture,hundreds of people are waiting for a train. 翻译:这些照片生动地揭示了交通拥挤正在全世界变得日益严重.图一中,道路上交通堵塞,充满无数轿车、卡车和公交车.图二中,成百上千的人正在等一辆地铁. We can deduce from the pictures that the photographer is trying to attract our attention to the issue of heavy traffic.First of all,every year men and women crowd into cities in search of employment,a decent living,and the excitement and stimulation of urban life.As people in mounting numbers flood into cities,city services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point.In additon,since in a city with booming industry,land is precious and cannot be extravagantly used by traffic,traffice flows constantly rise to fill whatever scale of roads and hithways are provided for them. 翻译:我们可以从这些图片中看出:摄影师正在努力吸引我们关注交通拥挤问题.首先,每年人们涌进城市寻求就业机会、体面的生活以及都市生活的激动与刺激.由于越来越多的人涌进城市,城市服务与设施的承受能力已经到达临界点.此外,由于在工业迅速发展的城市中土地非常珍贵,不能被交通过度利用,无论公路和高速路修建到何种规模,车流总是不断地增加,直至挤满道路. It is imperative for us to improve this situation.For one thing,the number of private cars should be limited while more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passenger.For another,more streets and roads should be constructed.Since neither of the suggestions can effectively solve the problem,there is an increasing awareness that the two solutions may be combined with other possible solutions to produce the best effect. 翻译:我们迫切需要改进这种状况.首先,由于公交可以运载更多乘客,我们应该限制私车的数量,开辟更多公交线路.其次,我们应该建设更多道路.由于这两个措施都不能单独有效地解决这个问题,人们越来越意识到为了达到最佳效果,我们可以把这两个措施和其他可能的措施结合起来.
2023-07-31 09:13:211

交通拥挤 用英语说

2023-07-31 09:14:433


问题一:拥挤是什么意思 空间不够用,装不下。 问题二:拥挤的拥是什么意思 拥挤;(人或车船)等挤在一起。地方相对地小二人或车船等灯相对较多。拥挤是对导致负性情感的密度的一个主观心理反应。当人口密度达到某种标准,个人空间的需要遭到相当长一段时间的阻碍时,就出现了拥挤感。影响人们是否产生拥挤感的最主要因素可能是密度。 词目:拥挤 英语:[crowd;push and squeeze] 基本解释: 人或车船等紧紧地挤在一起;闹市区拥挤不堪,没有较大的空隙。 问题三:拥挤是什么意思 拥挤是由高密度引起的一种消极反应。 如(人或车船)等挤在一起。 地方相对地小而人或车船等灯相对较多。 拥挤是对导致负性情感的密度的 一个主观心理反应。 当人口密度达到某种标准, 个人空间的需要遭到相当长一段 时间的阻碍时,就出现了拥挤感。 影响人们是否产生拥挤感的最主 要因素可能是密度。 希望对你有所帮助! 问题四:拥挤不堪是什么意思 不堪:承受不了 拥挤不堪:拥挤的让人受不了,形容非常拥挤 问题五:拥挤的挤是什么意思 挤释义: 1.用压力使排出:~压。~奶。 2.互相推、拥,用身体排开人或物:~塞(sè)。~开门。 3.排斥:排~。~轧。~占。 4.许多人或物紧紧挨着,许多事情集中在同一时间内:拥~。~做一团。 [拼音] [jǐ] 问题六:拥挤的拥是什么意思 拥:围着,聚到一块,簇拥。 如果您对我的回答满意,请采纳,谢谢! 问题七:拥挤的意思 人或车船等紧紧地挤在一起 问题八:拥挤不堪的意思是什么? 20分 拥挤得不堪忍受,受不了了 问题九:人撤拥挤我感觉到你是什么意思 这是梁静茹的的歌曲《勇气》里面的歌词。 原句是:人潮拥挤我能感觉你。 大概意思很直白:在拥挤人群里我都感觉到你的存在。 问题十:你身边太拥挤什么意思 举个“栗”子说明:《红楼梦》,纨绔子弟贾宝玉身边太拥挤,美女如云,粉黛成群,终日被佳丽簇拥,难怪林黛玉吃醋!
2023-07-31 09:14:501


更拥挤More crowded 注:crowded 英 [ˈkraʊdɪd] 美 [ˈkraʊdɪd] .adj. 拥挤的; 水泄不通的; 肩摩踵接; [例句]He peered slowly around the small crowded room.他慢慢地环视这个拥挤的小屋。
2023-07-31 09:15:181


The subway is very crowd.
2023-07-31 09:15:261


heavy traffic 拥挤的交通,繁忙的交通,车辆拥挤rush hour (公共车辆的)高峰时间traffic jam 塞车,交通拥塞例:There is heavy traffic during the rush hours.上下班时间交通很繁忙.交通用heavy修饰哦~~祝学习进步~~
2023-07-31 09:16:481


2023-07-31 09:16:552


问题一:拥挤是什么意思 空间不够用,装不下。 问题二:拥挤的拥是什么意思 拥挤;(人或车船)等挤在一起。地方相对地小二人或车船等灯相对较多。拥挤是对导致负性情感的密度的一个主观心理反应。当人口密度达到某种标准,个人空间的需要遭到相当长一段时间的阻碍时,就出现了拥挤感。影响人们是否产生拥挤感的最主要因素可能是密度。 词目:拥挤 英语:[crowd;push and squeeze] 基本解释: 人或车船等紧紧地挤在一起;闹市区拥挤不堪,没有较大的空隙。 问题三:拥挤不堪是什么意思 不堪:承受不了 拥挤不堪:拥挤的让人受不了,形容非常拥挤 问题四:拥挤是什么意思 拥挤是由高密度引起的一种消极反应。 如(人或车船)等挤在一起。 地方相对地小而人或车船等灯相对较多。 拥挤是对导致负性情感的密度的 一个主观心理反应。 当人口密度达到某种标准, 个人空间的需要遭到相当长一段 时间的阻碍时,就出现了拥挤感。 影响人们是否产生拥挤感的最主 要因素可能是密度。 希望对你有所帮助! 问题五:拥挤的意思 人或车船等紧紧地挤在一起 问题六:人潮拥挤,什么意思 人头攒动,人山人海, 问题七:拥挤的挤是什么意思 挤释义: 1.用压力使排出:~压。~奶。 2.互相推、拥,用身体排开人或物:~塞(sè)。~开门。 3.排斥:排~。~轧。~占。 4.许多人或物紧紧挨着,许多事情集中在同一时间内:拥~。~做一团。 [拼音] [jǐ] 问题八:congested和crowded作为“拥挤的”的意思时有什么区别? congested 既可用于交通,也可用于人群 Department stores are often congested before a festival. crowded 多用于人群的拥挤,但也用于星辰 crowded stars, 或者形容饱和、拥挤的市场 The basic idea is a valuable one -- to get attention in a crowded marketplace, you must stand out in some way. 这些只是常用的地方,实际运用中其实应该很灵活的。 问题九:拥挤的拥是什么意思 拥:围着,聚到一块,簇拥。 如果您对我的回答满意,请采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-31 09:17:021

公交车很拥挤 英语怎么写

The bus is very crowded.
2023-07-31 09:17:223


十一黄金周要来啦,“人多,拥挤”的英语翻译是Eleven the golden week is coming, "many people, crowded"
2023-07-31 09:17:501


there are a lot of people in autobus, it is crowded.crowdedadj.拥挤的, 塞满的
2023-07-31 09:18:044


翻译结果:City life consumption and high traffic交通拥挤[交] traffic jam;traffic congestion更多释义>>[网络短语]交通拥挤 traffic jam;traffic congestion;heavy traffic尽管交通拥挤 Despite crowded traffic;Although traffic congestion;Despite the traffic jam纾解交通拥挤 relieve traffic congestion
2023-07-31 09:18:111


a crowded city. a city full of people a busy city
2023-07-31 09:18:201


怎么用英文用夸张的语言描述地铁拥挤 5分 In the subway, you"d get squished the sh*t out. It"s so stuffed/crowded in the subway, you get pressed by the flesh of other people. I had an aunt with asthma once, that is, until she went in the subway. In China, we say don"t let your daughters in the subway, "cus it"s so tight in there she"d get pregnent.Never tasted a meat patty? Go have a ride on our subway. 地铁用英语怎么说 subway(美式英语), underground (英式英语),tube (英式英语) 比如London TUBE 伦敦地铁 metro也表示地铁,地铁上的播音,报站什么的一般采用这个。比如说,地铁一号线就是metro line one 地铁英语怎么说 underground,metro,subway,都可以表示“地铁”的意思 underground 英 [u02c8u028cndu0259grau028and] 美 [u02c8u028cndu0259rgrau028and] adj. 地下的; 秘密的; 先锋派的; 隐蔽的; adv. 在地下; 秘密地,偷偷地; n. 地下; 地铁; 地下组织或活动; 地道; [例句]Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground 放射性水平低的固体废料将做地下深埋处理。 在上下班的时候,地铁车厢里非常拥挤,用英语怎么说 在上下班的时候,地铁车厢里非常拥挤 In the subway, the subway is crowded 英 [u02c8su028cbwei] 美 [u02c8su028cbu02ccwe] n. 地铁; 地下通道; 坐地铁的英文怎么写? 坐地铁 [动] ride in a subway train; [例句]我深夜不坐地铁。 I don"t ride the subway late at night. 坐地铁,英语怎么说 take the subway 或by subway 坐地铁(三种) 用英语怎么说? 1、travel on the underground 2、tak订 the subway 3、by metro
2023-07-31 09:18:271


我爱你无畏人海的拥挤I love you fearless crowd of people
2023-07-31 09:18:542


it is very crowd in shanghai airport
2023-07-31 09:19:022


crowd,gather,crowd或fill或be full
2023-07-31 09:19:232


ha h s ah udo aos fhj xak nckja sdf
2023-07-31 09:19:312