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2023-07-31 13:39:46




village 英["vu026alu026adu0292] 美[u02c8vu026alu026adu0292] n. 村民;乡村,村庄;群落 名词复数:villages [例句]There is no typical indian village.再没有什么典型的印度村庄。
2023-07-31 07:56:321


country : a district outside of cities and towns; a rural area. village: a small group of dwellings in a rural area, usually ranking in size between a hamlet and a town. countryside: a rural region. s...
2023-07-31 07:56:522


countryside指与城市相对而言的农村,不指具体某个村庄,village指具体的村庄,countryside要带定冠词如 the American countryside in the countrysidevillage这样用in neighbouring villages在相邻的两个村子里它们都有表示农村之意但都有区别countryside常用来泛指一切乡村地域或居民如The countryside is the most beautiful at this time.此时农村景色最美。 I bought many pictures of the Chinese countryside.我买了许多有关中国农村的图片。country作农村讲时,侧重指区别于城市的乡下如They are leaving the country and moving into the towncountry 还可指国家,此时表示“国家”的country可与不定冠词连用;而表示“乡村”之义的country则总是同定冠词一同出现。 village一般指乡下的村子或村落,也可表示乡下的village people村民 ~industry 农村工业
2023-07-31 07:57:251


countryside, country这两个词都可指“农村”,其区别在于前者常用于泛指一切乡村地域或居民,后者则指区别于city和town的乡下、乡间。例如:They lived a happy life in the countryside.他们在乡下过着幸福的生活。She prefers living in the country to being in the town.她宁愿住在乡下而不愿住在城市。 特别注意的是,country的另一个意思是“国家”,在这一点上,两者在使用中稍不注意就会出错。一般说来,表示“国家”的country可与不定冠词连用;而表示“乡村”之义的country则总是同定冠词一同出现。  village 一般指乡下的“村子”或“村落”。也可作形容词,表示“村庄的”、“乡下的”。例如: go out to the villages下乡 village people村民,乡下人 village industry农村工业country是指“与城市相对而言的农村”,不是指某个具体的村庄;而village则是指具体的村庄。
2023-07-31 07:57:331


village的意思是村庄。village的基本意思:1.村庄;村镇a very small town located in a country area.2.乡村居民;村民the people who live in a village.village的变化形式:复数:villages易混淆的单词:Village近义词:community-[建]村庄thorpe-村民相关例句:1、The Village became a home for many writers and artists in the 20th century.格林威治村诞生过很多作家和艺术家。2、There was no illness in the village this winter.今年冬天这村里没什么疾病。3、We stayed at a small village outside Saigon.我们住在一个小村庄在西贡。4、The scene of the novel is laid in a village in Shanxi.这小说的故事发生在山西一个农村里。5、Men in fezzes and prayer caps take a coffee break in a village near Xanthi.在萨丁附近的村落里,戴着土耳其毡帽和祈祷帽的男人们正在喝着咖啡休息。
2023-07-31 07:57:401


"Village"是一个英语单词,表示"村庄"、"乡村"的意思。它的用法包括以下几个方面:名词用法"Village"作为名词时,通常表示一个小规模的聚居地区,人口数量较少,生活比较简单。例如:This is a beautiful village.(这是一个美丽的村庄。)They live in a small village near the forest.(他们住在森林附近的一个小村庄里。)The village has a population of less than 500 people.(这个村庄的人口不到500人。)形容词用法"Village"作为形容词时,通常表示"村庄的"、"乡村的"。例如:We went on a village tour to explore the rural life.(我们去乡村游览,探索乡村生活。)The village school is small but well-equipped.(这个村庄的学校虽小,但设备齐全。)动词用法"Village"也可以作为动词使用,表示"使某人过上乡村生活"的意思。例如:After retiring, they decided to village in the countryside.(退休后,他们决定去乡村过生活。)总之,"village"这个单词是一个比较基础的英语单词,表达的意思比较简单,用法也较为灵活。
2023-07-31 07:59:001


译文:Village英['v_l_d_]释义:n 村庄;村民;(动物的)群落。复数 villages易混淆的单词 Village,village=vill(a)构词的原因省略+age表名词;villa单词意思“别墅”,作词根时表“村,住处”。Furnish a village with supplies/furnish supplies to a village.供应某村庄生活用品.an obscure village in the country.在乡下的一个不出名的村子.The scene was shooting and they left the village.该景正在拍摄时,他们离开了村子。The enemy troops harried the village.敌人部队洗劫了村庄。
2023-07-31 07:59:261


village,英语单词。意为“农村、村庄”。这是个名词,名词没有过去式,动词才有过去式,过去式(past tense)是英语语法的一种,表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。一般过去式的动词通常用动词的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的。动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词,
2023-07-31 07:59:531


乡村的英语是village。读音:英[u02c8vu026alu026adu0292],美[u02c8vu026alu026adu0292]。释义:n.村民;乡村,村庄;群落。短语:small village小村。village idiot呆头呆脑的乡巴佬。village resort度假村,农庄。village colleges乡村学院。forest village森林村。village的例句1、This village is as beautiful as the fairyland.这个小村庄美如仙境。2、There are two main nationalities in our village.我们村子有两大民族。3、The village was swept away when the dam burst.村庄在水坝决堤时被冲走了。4、He lived in a picturesque village.他住在一个风景如画的村庄里。5、There are two main nationalities in our village.我们村子有两大民族。
2023-07-31 08:00:001


语法标注解释 village英音:["vilidu0292]美音:["vu026alu026adu0292]
2023-07-31 08:00:301


你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:...village 英 ["vɪlɪdʒ] 美 ["vɪlɪdʒ] n. 村庄;村民;(动物的)群落
2023-07-31 08:00:391


2023-07-31 08:01:004


  村庄是人类聚落发展中的一种低阶形式,人们主要以农业为主,又称农村或城乡结合地区。包括所有的村庄和拥有少量工业企业及商业服务设施,但未达到建制镇标准的乡村集镇。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    村庄英语说法1:   village    村庄英语说法2:   thorpe    村庄英语说法3:   thorp    村庄的英语例句:   邮车每周只到这个偏僻的村庄一次。   Mail es to this remote village only once a week.   他们旅游到了一个被山影笼罩的村庄。   They traveled to a village overshadowed by mountains.   村庄在水坝决堤时被冲走了。   The village was swept away when the dam burst.   这个村庄正流行霍乱。   The village is suffering from a cholera epidemic.   我们经过坐落在水稻田边的村庄群。   We pass villages clustered around wet rice fields.   位于朴次茅斯以北几英里处的小村庄   A little village a few miles north of Port *** outh   他下令将他们的村庄烧成灰烬。   He ordered their villages burned to ashes.   成群的士兵洗劫了村庄。   Bands of soldiers ravaged the village.   这个小村庄美如仙境。   This village is as beautiful as the fairyland.   敌人抢劫村庄。   The enemy plundered the village.   他想起了家乡,想起那沐浴在阳光下的静静的田野和村庄。   He thought of home, of drowsy fields and villages bathed by the sun.   他们从那个村庄抢去了他们能拿走的一切东西。   They plundered the village of everything they could lay hands on.   那位老人越走离村庄越远。   The old man went farther and farther away from the village.   阿尔弗顿是一个虚构的地处西撒克斯丘陵的村庄。   Ulverton is a fictional village on the Wessex Downs.   大家开始成群结队地返回村庄。   Everybody was beginning to parade back to the village.   滑坡使边远地区的许多村庄与外界隔绝。   Landslides have cut off many villages in remote areas.   这个国家东部的一个村庄   A village in the east of the country   堤坝决口,淹没了他们的村庄。   A dam burst and flooded their villages.   生活在周围村庄的当地信德人   Native Sindhis, who populate the surrounding villages   每座村庄都有自己的战争纪念碑。   Every village had its war memorial.   在成田国际机场的到达大厅,我在等候购买机场班车车票时,留意到一台巨大的平板高清电视上,正在播出沿海城镇和村庄遭受巨大破坏后的残败景象。   In the arrivals hall of Narita Airport, on a huge flat screen high definition television, I watched scenes of the extraordinary devastation from coastal towns and villages as I waited for my bus ticket.
2023-07-31 08:01:411


village指村庄,村子campagne指农村,乡下就是说campagne 包括village.。campagne 是一个更广的概念,两者不能混淆。另外village 还可指人,农村的人,就是村民village de campagne也指村民(农村的人),掌握了这个词组,这两个单词的区别就容易区分了。
2023-07-31 08:01:491


它的同义词: community村庄,村民,社区;thorpe(动物的)群落,部落 village村庄还可加上r变成villeger,是村民的意思
2023-07-31 08:01:561


village 是村庄,city可以与country (side)(乡下)相对应,Country可以有很多 villages.
2023-07-31 08:02:042


同义:small town,settlement 对应 2.cities and towns
2023-07-31 08:02:111


2023-07-31 08:02:2012


村子 village
2023-07-31 08:04:011


village可以与以下词性连用: 动词,如:build a village 建设村庄;live at a village 住在村子里、形容词,如:big village 大村庄/little village 小村子;the whole village 全村的人,整个村庄 扩展资料   名词,如:farming village 农村;fishing village 渔村   介词,如:from the same village 同村;in the village 在村里   village例句分享   They found quarters in a village.   他们在村子里找到了住处。   We ran across some old friends in the village.   我们在村里偶然碰见了一些老朋友。
2023-07-31 08:05:431


表乡村时country=countryside是指“与城市相对而言的农村”,不是指某个具体的村庄,但country还有以下意思n. 国家,国土;国民;乡下,农村;乡村;故乡adj. 祖国的,故乡的;地方的,乡村的;国家的;粗鲁的;乡村音乐的;而village则是指具体的村庄.还有一点要注意,就是countryside要带定冠词.看例如: The American countryside looks beautiful in autumn. 美国的乡村秋天景色很美. What are the advantages of living in the countryside? 住在农村有什么优点呢? My sister and I live in neighbouring villages. 我的妹妹和我住在相邻的两个村子里.
2023-07-31 08:05:513


village,英语单词,主要用作为名词,意为“村庄;村民;(动物的)群落”。East Village 东村 ; 纽约东村 ; 曼哈顿东村 ; 所在地区东村Huaxi Village 华西新市村 ; 华西村 ; 花溪民居 ; 上一篇Zhuge Village 诸葛村West Village 西村 ; 纽约西村 ; 西村区 ; 西一村Market Village 城市广场 ; 市场村 ; 多伦多Mountain Village 山村 ; 芒廷瓦利基 ; 山村里 ; 山寨城Grant Village 格兰特村 ; 到格兰特 ; 格兰特山庄 ; 巨型山庄Village Voice 村声 ; 乡村之声 ; 村声周报village head 村长 ; 一村之长Her books are about village life. 她的书是关于乡村生活的。The village is further up the valley. 村庄在山谷的更深处。We camped in a field near the village. 我们在靠近村庄的地里露营。
2023-07-31 08:06:091


countryside是指“与城市相对而言的农村”,不是指某个具体的村庄;而village则是指具体的村庄.还有一点要注意,就是countryside要带定冠词,现在我们一起来看看例句,如: The American countryside looks beautiful in autumn. 美国的乡村秋天景色很美. What are the advantages of living in the countryside? 住在农村有什么优点呢? My sister and I live in neighbouring villages. 我的妹妹和我住在相邻的两个村子里. 另外 这三个词均表示“农村”之义,但有所区别.   countryside 常用来泛指一切乡村地域或居民.例如: The countryside is the most beautiful at this time.此时农村景色最美. I bought many pictures of the Chinese countryside.我买了许多有关中国农村的图片.   country 作“乡村”讲时,侧重指区别于城市的乡间、乡下.例如: They are leaving the country and moving into the town.他们离开乡下搬到城里去了. I am going to spend this summer vacation with my grandmother in the country. 我准备今天和祖母在乡下过暑假.   特别注意的是,country的另一个意思是“国家”,在这一点上,两者在使用中稍不注意就会出错.一般说来,表示“国家”的country可与不定冠词连用;而表示“乡村”之义的country则总是同定冠词一同出现.   village 一般指乡下的“村子”或“村落”.也可作形容词,表示“村庄的”、“乡下的”.例如: go out to the villages下乡 village people村民,乡下人 village industry农村工业
2023-07-31 08:06:421


2023-07-31 08:06:522

乡村用countryside 和 village有区别吗?

countryside是指“与城市相对而言的农村”,不是指某个具体的村庄;而village则是指具体的村庄。还有一点要注意,就是countryside要带定冠词,现在我们一起来看看例句,如: The American countryside looks beautiful in autumn. 美国的乡村秋天景色很美。 What are the advantages of living in the countryside? 住在农村有什么优点呢? My sister and I live in neighbouring villages. 我的妹妹和我住在相邻的两个村子里。 另外 这三个词均表示“农村”之义,但有所区别。   countryside 常用来泛指一切乡村地域或居民。例如: The countryside is the most beautiful at this time.此时农村景色最美。 I bought many pictures of the Chinese countryside.我买了许多有关中国农村的图片。   country 作“乡村”讲时,侧重指区别于城市的乡间、乡下。例如: They are leaving the country and moving into the town.他们离开乡下搬到城里去了。 I am going to spend this summer vacation with my grandmother in the country. 我准备今天和祖母在乡下过暑假。   特别注意的是,country的另一个意思是“国家”,在这一点上,两者在使用中稍不注意就会出错。一般说来,表示“国家”的country可与不定冠词连用;而表示“乡村”之义的country则总是同定冠词一同出现。   village 一般指乡下的“村子”或“村落”。也可作形容词,表示“村庄的”、“乡下的”。例如: go out to the villages下乡 village people村民,乡下人 village industry农村工业
2023-07-31 08:08:071


town相当于镇,village 是村庄,city 是城市,island是岛屿.
2023-07-31 08:08:162


country [coun·try || "ku028cntru026a]n. 国家; 祖国; 国土; 故乡; 乡村adj. 乡下的; 祖国的;乡村的countryside n. 乡下地方; 乡下居民village [vil·lage || "vu026alu026adu0292]n. 乡村, 村庄
2023-07-31 08:08:302


countryside是指“与城市相对而言的农村”,不是指某个具体的村庄;而village则是指具体的村庄.还有一点要注意,就是countryside要带定冠词,现在我们一起来看看例句,如: The American countryside looks beautiful in autumn. 美国的乡村秋天景色很美. What are the advantages of living in the countryside? 住在农村有什么优点呢? My sister and I live in neighbouring villages. 我的妹妹和我住在相邻的两个村子里. 另外 这三个词均表示“农村”之义,但有所区别.   countryside 常用来泛指一切乡村地域或居民.例如: The countryside is the most beautiful at this time.此时农村景色最美. I bought many pictures of the Chinese countryside.我买了许多有关中国农村的图片.   country 作“乡村”讲时,侧重指区别于城市的乡间、乡下.例如: They are leaving the country and moving into the town.他们离开乡下搬到城里去了. I am going to spend this summer vacation with my grandmother in the country. 我准备今天和祖母在乡下过暑假.   特别注意的是,country的另一个意思是“国家”,在这一点上,两者在使用中稍不注意就会出错.一般说来,表示“国家”的country可与不定冠词连用;而表示“乡村”之义的country则总是同定冠词一同出现.   village 一般指乡下的“村子”或“村落”.也可作形容词,表示“村庄的”、“乡下的”.例如: go out to the villages下乡 village people村民,乡下人 village industry农村工业
2023-07-31 08:08:371


2023-07-31 08:09:351


2023-07-31 08:09:422


2023-07-31 08:09:491


问题一:村庄英语怎么写 village 问题二:请问“村庄”的英文怎么写? village 问题三:村庄的英语怎么写? village 问题四:请问地址中的XX镇XX村怎样说?用英文 英语中说地址是按照由小到大的原则,比如朋友所说的:XX镇XX村就应该是XX village, XX town,如果之前再有中国,XX省,XX市XX县,那就应该是: XX village, XX town, XX xian, XX city , XX province,China(英语中没有和中国县对应的表达,所以用xian来表示 比如番禺县就是Panyu Xian) 问题五:村庄的英文 village country hamlet(通常没有教堂的小村子) 我知道的就这3个了,希望对你有帮助
2023-07-31 08:09:571


2023-07-31 08:10:041


2023-07-31 08:10:121


village There is a beautiful village at the foot of the mountain.在山脚下有一个美丽的村庄。
2023-07-31 08:10:201

在村庄里为什么是in a village,而不是in village?a 的用法?

2023-07-31 08:10:394


houses不是village。houses是house的复数,表示许多房子。village指的是村庄的意思。详细释义:1、housesn.住宅;家园;洋房(house的复数);房子的总称2、villagen.乡村,村庄;在乡村的,乡村的;村民;(城市中带有村庄特点的)生活小区,居民区短语:1、housesterraced houses连栋房屋houses of parliament英国的国会大厦2、villagevillage official村官urban village都市村庄词语辨析:country、countryside、village它们都与乡村有关,容易混淆,区别详解如下:1、country指的是乡下、乡村,通常是相对城市而言。They left the country and moved to a city.他们离开农村,搬到一座城市。2、countryside指的是乡村、郊野,通常用于谈论乡村之美和宁静。They enjoy the beautiful countryside.他们喜欢美丽的乡村。3、village也指村庄,但是表示乡村里的具体的某个村庄。Many people live in this village.许多人住在这个村子里。
2023-07-31 08:10:531


2023-07-31 08:11:111


2023-07-31 08:11:462


2023-07-31 08:11:541


country : a district outside of cities and towns; a rural area.village: a small group of dwellings in a rural area, usually ranking in size between a hamlet and a town. countryside: a rural region. so you can say: a village in countryside 我住在农村是不是必须用countryside呀? Using countryside is correct but you do not have to use countryside. You can also say I live in a village, or you can say I am from countryside. 至于说边远山区,我们用rural
2023-07-31 08:12:033


2023-07-31 07:59:501


德国krups不是贴牌的。KRUPS克鲁伯品牌创始于1846年的德国索林根,迄今已有175年历史。作为专业的咖啡机生产商KRUPS克鲁伯引领整个国际市场,主营食物料理、咖啡机等厨房家电,以制造精确、可靠和坚固的精密测量仪器而出名,隶属于世界五百强厨具小家电集团法国SEB 。产品线覆盖咖啡机、磨豆机、搅拌机、多士炉、啤酒机、电水壶、榨汁机、冰淇淋机等多个领域。品牌历史1846年始于德国索林根,品牌创始人Robert Krups 创立了家族工厂,以精密可靠的高品质计量秤产品出名,追求技术工艺的完美,严谨的技术传承百年。1900年由于产品的精工细作及优异技术,KRUPS克鲁伯成为德国制造业的知名品牌。1950年在演滚音乐盛行的年代,电器产品刚刚开始进入人们的厨房。KRUPS克鲁伯推出了第一台电动咖啡豆研磨机,为人们带来了真正的咖啡享受,迈向了新市场的第一步。1960年KRUPS克鲁伯发明并生产了著名的“3-Mix”搅拌机,此款万能搅拌机解放了繁复的手工搅拌传统,席卷了德国市场并被公认为现代厨房的标志性产品。KRUPS克鲁伯品牌得以迅速发展。
2023-07-31 07:59:571


2023-07-31 08:00:0715


  能用纯正流利的英语作 自我介绍 ,是一个人的自我介绍亮点。下面是我为大家整理的英语自我介绍100字 范文 ,仅供参考。  英语自我介绍100字范文篇一   Good morning/afternoon, teachers and classmates.   I"m XXX from class 1. I am a girl/boy of 13. My family including my father, mother and me. I like basketball best. In addition, I also like table tennis. My favorite food is carrots. I"m also very interested in snacks.   What, I"m good at computer. Using the computer E-mail, shopping and even solve my problems in the study and the life is so convenient. So I put my computer as my good helper. As for reading, I"ve read about magic novel.   Are these. Nice to meet you! I sincerely hope to make friends with you.   英语自我介绍100字范文篇二   Hello everyone. My name is .... I am a student of Grade eight . I am an outgoing , lovely girl and I am so welcomed by my friends and my   t friend, xiao hai. She is very interesting and lovely too. She often tells funny stories and always make me laugh. We often play together. I like action movies. I think they are exciting and interesting.   I often go to the movies with my friends on weekends. I can aslo play the violin and have won many prizes in the competitions. I take violin lessons twice a week.   It is a little hard for me but I am very happy , because I have a dream. I want to be a great violinist one day.   Thank you.   英语自我介绍100字范文篇三   Hello, My mame is Ada. I am 11 years old. I am a quiet girl. I study in Lin Pu No.1 Primary School. My favourite food is ice cream. Itu2019s sour. My favourite teacher is art teacher.   My favourite class is art class. My favourite animal is squirrels. My favourite drink is juice. My favourite fruit is strawberries, because itu2019s sour.   I am helpful at home. I can sweep the floor, cook the meals, clean the bedroom, water the flowers, empty the trash, set the table, make the bed, do the dishes, wash the clothes and put away the   Can you be my friend ?   英语自我介绍100字范文篇四   My name is xxx, from Class 2, Grade six,xxxx Primary School. I"m doing well in my study, besides I"m the monitor of my class and I get on well with my classmates.   I"m a happy and talented girl. I"m good at drawing and many of my drawings have won prizes. At the same time, I like telling stories.   I"m interested in learning English very much, and I believe that I will do well in future. I won"t let you down!   英语自我介绍100字范文篇五   Good morning teachers and classmates,i"m glad to be here for self-introdution.My name is ** and i come from grade seven class ** .I have a family of four,my mother ,farther ,brother and me.we are getting along with each other ,i usually help my mother do house work when my farther is out of home and i am a deligted person and willing to help others while in trouble.I like watching TV and playing basketball with my partners in part time .   I also need others encuragement while i don"t pass eaxminaion .so i fee that we should help each other.   Thank for giving me a chance of makng a speech.   英语自我介绍100字范文篇六   Good afternoon,everyone.   i am very glad to be here for your interview. I hope i can make a good performance today. I"m confident that I can succeed.   Now i will introduce myself briefly. I am 22 years old, born in ChongQing proveince and I am a senior(大四学生) student in XXX(某学校). My major is XXX(专业名称), In the past 3 years, I spend most of my time on study. I have passed CET/3/4 /6.   I am open—minded , quickly thoughs and skillful in searching for information on internet . I can operate computer well . In my spare time, I have broad interests .Such as reading ,surfing the internet ,enjoying music ,writing some articles on my blog and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible .   I ways believe working hard can bring us more opportunities . I am a hard working person especially do the thing which i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.   ok, that is all,thank you for your attention.   英语自我介绍100字范文篇七   I am a 21-year-old female from Guangxi Province. I was enrolled into ... University in 2005 and my major is Chinese language and literature. I study hard and often get good grades in all my courses. I love reading Chinese novels, short stories, poems and proses. I like writing too. I keep a diary. It is my closest companion.   Not like others, I sometimes would read out what I write in my diary to my best friends to share my joy and sorrow with them. I am an outgoing person and get along with others very well   英语自我介绍100字范文篇八   It is really my great honour to stand here and give you a beauty song named`````` i really want to give u a short introduction about myself befor my perform and you will know me more. well, first of all, my name is ````` i come from class ````grade ````` acctually, i really like make friends with others, so contact with me if you also do like music,all right, let"s begin. 猜你喜欢: 1. 100字英文自我评价范文 2. 30秒英文简短自我介绍 3. 大一英文自我介绍范文 4. 简单一分钟自我介绍英文 5. 简单英文自我介绍范例
2023-07-31 08:00:111


2023-07-31 08:00:131

Did you mind me borrowing your umbrella?是正确的吗?

First, me borrowing or my borrowing. Strictly in grammatical sense, my borrowing is right since borrowing is noun so we need a possessive adjective my. However, in everyday language in the western world, me borrowing is more commonly used. Now if you say my borrowing, others will say you are wrong.Second, how come nobody detects the biggest mistake? We don"t say did you mind or do you mind or can you mind or whatever. There is only one correct expression: would you mind.The correct sentence should be "Would you mind me borrowing your umbrella?"
2023-07-31 07:59:427


自我介绍的英语标题:1、To introduce myself:介绍我自己2、My personal information:我的个人信息3、My introduction:我的简介4、My personal life:我的个人生活5、My self-introduction:我的自我介绍
2023-07-31 07:59:411

网络ex是什么意思呢 关于网络ex的介绍

1、ex网络用语的意思是前任,也就是日常生活中所听过的前妻、前夫、前男友、前女友这样的称谓,用ex来代表对这些身份人员的称呼既方便快捷,又不会令说话者尴尬。 2、ex是一个网络用语,它作为一类人员的称谓代表,简短方便,又避免谈话者之间因此而尴尬,因为ex所代表的那类人其实就是前任,包括了前妻、前夫,以及以前的男朋友、女朋友,前任这个词对于现任来说还是比较敏感的,毕竟两人在分手以前也曾经彼此相爱过,要是谈话的用词太直接的去称呼,很容易勾起过去的回忆,稍微不注意还可能引起情侣之间吵架。 ex这个网络用语也因其含蓄简短避免尴尬的优点而受到人们的喜爱,逐渐在日常生活交流用语中变的频繁起来。 3、ex其实是一个英文单词的缩写,ex这个网络用语代表前任也与它的英文意思分不开,虽然能产生ex缩写的英文单词有很多,但是在英文单词中ex属于前缀,它是指从前、过去的意思。
2023-07-31 07:59:411


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